> Don't need to see... > by Swift Swap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreaming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was, at that time, in a strange, chaotic and multicolored world. Her entire visual range was invaded by colors, by hundreds and hundreds of amorphous colored spots, that bounced from side to side in her blurred world. But she couldn't grasp the movements of each color. They were too fast. And so, it seemed that almost every one of them was leaving behind a strange colored trail. And those trails remained imprinted on the world around her, constantly changing its shape and appearance. She seemed to be inside a crazy kaleidoscope. But for her, Anthea, it was all perfectly normal. Since she was small, all of her dreams had that absurd aspect. A confused heap of unrecognizable shapes and dull colors. And she knew that it couldn't be otherwise, because even when she was awake, the world looked like this to her. The difference, however, between the dream world and the real world, was that all of her nightmares were totally silent. In an absurd contrast to the restlessness and the mobility of the colored spots around her, none of them uttered a single sound. And it was that silence that disturbed her, and made her feel bad. Frustrated and scared, she tried to scream, to impose her cry upon the devastating silence around her. But it was useless. From her mouth not even a whisper came out. Or were her ears not working anymore? Probably the ears, because the spots seemed to respond to her scream, and surrounded her in a few seconds. Anthea, terrified, crouched down, and tried to escape the crowd of spots, but she couldn't. The stains had not only completely surrounded her, but they were further approaching, crushing her in a slow and dreadful death grip. She was more and more desperate. She felt crushed from all sides, and she couldn't breathe anymore. She began to cry, begging the spots to leave her alone. But those who were silent entreaties for her, for they were an incitement to persecute the helpless mare at their feet. But then, suddenly, she heard a voice. She couldn't make out the words it said, but she heard it, clear and distinct, opposing the oppressive silence that until then had reigned around her. And immediately, the spots turned away from her and dissolved, and with them, the colors of the world around her. She remained alone, in a vacuum that looked black, but it wasn't. It was the complete absence of colors. It was the blindness. But then she saw, standing out in the darkness, three figures. They were also stains, such as those before, but instead of moving chaotically, or advancing threateningly toward her, they, after having approached a little, stopped, expectant, a few feet away from her. She paused to look at the three spots. There were two, one white and the other green, who were a little further back, and another one, smaller and yellow, who stood in front of them. They were smiling. She couldn't say how she knew, since, like those before, these spots were completely amorphous. And also, since she had never been able to see one, she didn't even know how a smile looked like. But, somehow, she knew that they were smiling. And she heard it. Again she heard that voice. A soft, gentle and kind voice. For some reason, she still didn't manage to distinguish the words, but she felt that, whoever was talking, was comforting her. It was saying that everything was fine, and now they were here for her. But more than the meaning of the speech, it was the voice that struck her, because she felt that it was coming from the yellow spot, but mostly because, finally, she managed to recognize that voice. “MOM!” Anthea screamed, and finally, she managed to hear her own voice. But she didn't pay too much attention to the fact that she had regained her hearing, and ran to embrace the stain that, now she knew, was none other than Fluttershy, her adoptive mother. As she hugged the figure, she could see it a little better. She saw the flickering and fuzzy pink wave that was actually her mane, and the two blue spots of her eyes. Of course, she would have preferred to have, at least in her dreams, a clearer vision of her, a picture that she could carry in her heart when she saw her in the real life. But unfortunately, that would forever be the image of her mother in her eyes, and now she had accepted it. It was enough that she could hear her voice, and could touch her, and the way she saw her no longer mattered. Fluttershy spoke to her again, and although she had recovered hearing, she still couldn't understand the exact words, but also this time she understood the meaning of what she was saying. She was saying that she loved her, and she was happy to have her as a daughter. “I love you too, mom!” Anthea said, burying her face in the soft mane of her adoptive mother, and sniffing the sweet scent that Fluttershy was emanating. A scent of musk, flowers, honey and berries. Her mother smelled like a forest. And she, who already loved the forest, learned to associate that smell with a feeling of safety, protection and affection, that only she could give her. But then, she heard another voice. A powerful and masculine voice, who was complaining because he also had the right to embrace her. This time, she recognized the voice immediately. And how could she not? Throughout her life, she had met only one pony who spoke with such vehemence and energy. “Dad, is that you?” she asked, approaching the white spot, from which the voice came. Immediately, the white spot leaned toward her, and wrapped her in one of his typical bones-mincing hugs. Yes, it was definitely him: Bulk Biceps, her dad. She was only three years old when he and Fluttershy got married. At first, she was simply thrilled just to have a dad, and what's more, someone so nice, that knew how to encourage her when she was feeling down, and who was always willing to help. Also, since she knew him, he had always been able to add a touch of excitement and adrenaline to her life that, having a mother like Fluttershy, she was often missing. But, when she was a little older, she began to wonder why, two very different ponies, had fallen in love with each other. And she certainly wasn't referring to their appearance, also because, as regards to the differences in their appearance, she knew just the color, the size, and what others told her about them. She was referring to their character. Fluttershy was quiet, gentle, sensitive and shy, while Bulk Biceps was hyperactive, impulsive, noisy and not at all afraid of being in the spotlight. They seemed so different from one another that it seemed impossible that they could like each other. So, one day, she tried to ask Fluttershy why she was in love with him. She asked her why, even long after the wedding, she had always been more attached to her mother. Not that she didn't love Bulk too, but Fluttershy was still her favorite. And she chuckled, and answered, “Don't you know the saying 'Opposites attract'? For me and your father this has been so. And anyway, you know, since I'm with him, I must admit that I've become much more confident in myself, while he's become more sensitive. You could say that we are mutually improving, together!” “However,” Anthea had said “it isn't always true that opposites attract! For example, you told me that your friend Pinkie Pie is married with Pokey Pierce, and they, instead, have a similar nature, at least from what you tell me about them. The same applies to Applejack and Caramel! Oh, mom, it's so complicated. Why does everypony choose their love in a different way?” At that point, Fluttershy had hugged her gently, and told her, “You're wrong, dear. We can't control love. Nor can love control us. Because love isn't a bad creature who controls the ponies as if they are puppets, to make them do what it wants. Love is something that unites two ponies, a bond that two ponies build without even realizing it, but little by little it unites them forever. Because, without that bond, life would sweep them away. But together, they are stronger, and can withstand any adversity. Love doesn't choose you. And you don't choose love. Love comes, and you welcome it!” Anthea had looked at her mother, straining her eyes to the maximum, in an attempt to catch her expression. But it was all in vain! “Oh, mom!” she had complained, “It's all so complicated. Why is love so hard to understand?” “You're wrong again.” Fluttershy had softly answered, “Love is simple, but for each of us it works differently. You'll see that, one day, you'll find it yourself, and then you will understand...” And in fact, not long after, she understood perfectly the meaning of that statement. And she had done it in the only way possible; Falling in love. For this reason, even before he uttered a breath, she knew it was him. The third spot of her vision, the green one. With that color, that size, and in that context, it could only be him. “T...” she whispered, leaving the embrace of her father, and heading towards the third spot. And she felt that he was smiling. And she heard his voice, whispering words of love. Turquoise Blitz. Or, as he liked to be called, just T. In a certain sense, they were similar, even though they were very different from each other, both in character and appearance. They didn't even belong to the same species, since he was a pony-dragon hybrid. But still, they were similar because they were different from everyone else. She still remembers their first meeting, at school. He was sidelined because he was unlike any other pony at school, and she was too, because she was almost blind. It seemed as if they were destined to meet. He had asked her if she found his appearance strange, and she had replied that she couldn't tell, because she couldn't see him. And so, in that way, so strange and unusual, their friendship was born. And, with the passing of years, she, one day, realized that the strong friendship that bound her to him was no longer such. Fluttershy was right. It all happened without her noticing. What previously was just friendship had turned into something much more profound and wonderful. She had fallen in love. And it had been everything except complicated. The most complicated part, rather, was to wait until he realized it as well. But since then, several years had passed, and they were the happiest of her life. It seemed impossible that she, who was once a daughter of none, now had a real family, and someone who loved her. Despite all of her problems, although she was different, she was like all the others, at least in that. She had a mom. She had a dad. She had a coltfriend.... Suddenly, she felt that something was changing. The void in which she stood was lighting up, while the three stains were dissolving. And she didn't want that to happen. She wanted to keep on dreaming. But, while the spots were fading, she saw something that caught her by surprise. There was a fourth spot. A spot with the color of butter, smaller than all the others, that until that moment she hadn't noticed because it was behind the others. She couldn't tell who it was. The light was too intense, and also the last spot was fading. But before that happened, she heard it speak. And this time, unlike before, she was able to understand the exact words it used. “Catch ya in a few, sis!” > Remembering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anthea opened her eyes, and went into the real, sadly blurry world. For her, since she could remember, the reality had that aspect: a confused jumble of shapes and colors, through which she could extricate herself only by the other senses. And that shapeless world reflected also in her dreams. Honestly, she was glad that, even in dreams, she didn't have a different, more limpid, vision of things. If that was the case, it would be too painful, for her, to have to leave that world for the real one every time. And anyway, she didn't like dreaming. Very often her dreams were chaotic and incomprehensible nightmares, like the one that had preceded the vision of her loved ones. Those dreams, instead, were very rare. It's been so long since she made that dream. And also, for the first time, in that dream there was a new element. Butter Belting. Her sister. The true daughter of Fluttershy. Months had passed since Anthea had thought about her the last time, and now, she was back, when she least expected it, in her dreams. And still, she had done everything to avoid thinking about her. It was too painful. But now, just the memory of her voice in her dream was slowly dragging with it all the memories of her once beloved sister. And she didn't resist. Because, before the thought of her became so painful, there was one of the best times of her life. And for that, even if only for that, it was worth remembering. She had never considered, at that time, that Fluttershy marriage with Bulk Biceps would also lead to have a sister. She was already very happy to have a mom and a dad, but one day, a few months after the wedding, Fluttershy told her that soon she would have a sibling as well. At first, she was thrilled by the news. For all the while of the pregnancy, she stayed close to her mother, and sometimes she enjoyed stroking her belly and talking to it. “Hurry up!” she said to the belly, “I'm tired of waiting! I want to play with you!” And at that point she leaned her ear to the baby bump, waiting for the answer, which sometimes came in the form of a kick. And her mother took her in her forelegs, gently, also wrapping her with her soft wings, and whispering, “Calm down, dear! You'll see that your little brother or sister will be born soon, and then you'll be friends for life!” Friends for life. A concept that she, at that time, applied only to her adoptive parents, and no one else. At that time, except for her parents, she was alone. Completely alone. None of the foals of her age wanted to play with her. They barely addressed to her with words. Sometimes, Fluttershy's friends came to visit her, but their attention was focused on her. And, even if they turned to Anthea, all they could say were words of compassion and comfort. The kind of words she had heard since she could remember, except from Fluttershy, who didn't pity her at all, but instead pointed out her strengths, such as her highly developed hearing and touch, and from Bulk Biceps, who instead urged her to be strong, to ignore those who said malicious things about her, and to always be fair and proud. “But,” she asked at that point to her mother, “what if he won't like me, as all the other foals don't like me?” “Don't be silly.” was the reply, “ He is your sibling, and between siblings, there's always a strong bond, stronger than blood, stronger than everything. It's the love, the love which unites one family. The same goes also for you and me. Even though I'm not your real mother, I've always loved you as if I was, and that makes you my true daughter! Blood ties don't matter, nor the diversity, and not even disabilities. Whatever happens, we'll be a true family, forever....” And finally, one day, the long-awaited day came. Moreover, by a strange twist of fate, it came exactly the same day she had been adopted. She was in the waiting room. His father had come into the delivery room to give strength to his wife, and she was left with a bunch of ponies she barely knew. They were all friends of her mother, who, together, were excitedly discussing how their friend was finally going to experience the joy of motherhood. Of course, she knew them a little, as well as many ponies around Equestria knew them as the Elements of Harmony. Sometimes she had even talked with some of them. But the truth was that, except for Fluttershy, she didn't really know the Elements. She never had the opportunity to bond with one of them, because they didn't visit her home too often, and, even when they did, they focused almost exclusively on Fluttershy. And so, she never had a real opportunity to make friends with them. “Can you imagine it?” said one of them, a pink spot that, from the voice, she recognized under the name of Pinkie Pie, “Our Fluttershy will shortly become a mom in all respects! Oh, I'm so nervicited! I think I could scream at any moment!” “Well, try to contain yourself, Pinkie!” said another one of them, a purple stain that she knew was called Twilight Sparkle, in a tone that was gentle but that brooked no argument, “After all, we are in a maternity ward! Didn't you learn anything when the Cake's children were born, or when Applejack's son was born, or even when my daughter came into the world? For Celestia's sake, even when your daughter was born you weren't silent for a moment!” “Oh, come on, Twi!” said another one of them, an orange one, that if she remembered correctly was named Applejack “After all, if she didn't do so, she wouldn't be our Pinkie Pie anymore! Anyway, what do you think is goin' on inside there! By now she’s been in there for quite a while!” “I don't know what to say.” answered the same than before, Twilight Sparkle, “I just hope that everything goes well. Among other things, I'm sorry that Rarity and Rainbow Dash weren't able to come! I know that they would have liked to be here today!” “Well, you know, today they were overwhelmed with commitments. But, in the end, how can you ask that the greatest stylist of Canterlot and the vice-captain of the Wonderbolts have all the free time they want? It's already a miracle that you were able to come, despite all of your royal duties!” “It was only a matter of organization. I knew that the day of birth would have been this week, and so I arranged my schedule in order to be ready to come. And in any case, for such an important event, I think I could postpone something!” Suddenly, and without any warning, she felt herself being lifted from behind, and then she was turned over, and came face to face with the fuzzy blue spots that were Pinkie Pie's eyes. “And you, little one,” Pinkie said to her, “aren't you nervicited that soon you'll have a little brother or sister?” Anthea, not really knowing what to say, smiled. Yes, she was quite thrilled about that. Her family, which had always been the only world where she could feel safe, was just about to widen again. But she was also very nervous. This time it wasn't an adult, that would take care of her. This time it was a baby that would come into her life. Someone she was supposed to care for, someone she was supposed to help and guide. And she was afraid, because of her disability, of not being up to the task. Of course, it would have especially been her parents to take care of the newcomer, but she also wanted to do her part. She wanted to have an active part of the growth of little one, because, only in this way, she would feel that they would really become siblings. And then it happened. The door swung open, banging loudly, and she heard the loud and powerful voice of her father shouting “IT'S A FILLY!” In addition to her father's voice, she also heard the unmistakable sound of a baby crying, and crying very loudly. Anthea couldn't believe it. She now had a sister. She now was a sister! “Can I come in? Please? I want to meet her!” she asked, running into the forelegs of her father, while all of Fluttershy's friends cheered happily. He didn't answer, and looked toward another figure, which had just come out of the delivery room, and she didn't know. “The patient is very tired, and needs a bit of peace. The same applies to the baby.” the figure said in an authoritarian manner. Evidently, it was the doctor. “Please!” she insisted, “Pretty please! I promise I won't bother anypony, not my mom, or the filly!” And she looked at the doctor with intensity. Not that she could see him better, but she knew that, when she was looking at someone with a lot of attention, her eyes took on a pearly glare, and shone in such a way that no one was able to resist. And once again it worked. The doctor let out a loud sigh and said, “Fine, you can come in, but just for a minute. And, as for you, Mr. Biceps, I beg you to not scream out loud, as you have done for the whole time!” Anthea, although she couldn't see him well, clearly saw the red hue that her father had taken from embarrassment. Evidently, what the doctor had said was true. And then, the two of them went into the delivery room with the doctor. From inside she no longer heard the crying of the filly, but, in return, she was able to hear the sweet voice of her mother singing a lullaby. The same lullaby that she usually sang to her every night. And they found her lying on a large bed, singing, her voice a little tired but still very sweet. She was surrounded by a series of figures that she thought were other doctors and nurses, who were busy putting in place the various tools. But the thing that interested her the most was the little light yellow dot that Fluttershy was holding in her lap. “Oh, hello dear!” she said as soon as she became aware of their presence, “I bet you can't wait to get acquainted with your sister, can you?” She nodded, approaching the bed, in order to better see the baby, as her eyes would allow her. In front of her enthusiasm, Fluttershy let out a soft giggle, and moved the blanket that covered the filly so that Anthea could see her. The shade of her coat resembled that of the mother, but it was slightly lighter, a color similar to that which she attributed to butter. The mane was bicolour, in part pink, in part ocher, divided into four strips. She couldn't say anything else of her appearance, since the only thing she could distinguish quite clearly were the colors. But, all in all, she gave her the impression of a frail and vulnerable creature. And she thought that she too, a few years before, was like her. When she was just born, and when her real parents had abandoned her in an orphanage, because they couldn't tolerate the idea of a flawed daughter. But the thread of her sad thoughts was suddenly interrupted by a powerful scream. The filly had started crying again. And she was crying really loud, so much that Anthea couldn't help but to plug her ears. But then, she felt that the little one had calmed down again. She opened her ears, and heard that her mother had resumed singing. “Oh, sweet Celestia!” exclaimed one of the doctors, “Is it possible that this little filly has so much voice as a newborn? That cry nearly deafened me!” “I bet I know from whom she had inherited this booming voice!” said the doctor who had accompanied them in, and, by the nervous laughter that Bulk Biceps did soon after, she realized that he was talking about him. “Well, certainly she has a powerful voice,” Fluttershy interjected, “but, apparently, she also likes my singing. Look, every time I sing, she calms down instantly.” And she returned to sing softly, while Anthea, at that point, climbed on the bed, lay down next to her mother and, with infinite delicacy, reached out to caress the mane of the filly. “So, what's her name?” she asked. “To tell the truth, we haven't decided yet,” Fluttershy answered, “but nevertheless, I thought we could give her a name that has something to do with singing, as it seems she likes it!” “Yeah!” Bulk Biceps said, in an exceptionally quiet tone, so as not to disturb the repose of his daughter, but in any case with determination and energy, “But I think her name should also make reference to her powerful voice, which she took from me!” “Oh I think you're right. And what do you say, Anthea?” Fluttershy asked, “What do you think should represent her name?” She was taken aback by the question. Help to choose the name for her sister was a huge responsibility. And she didn't know what to say. Her parents had taken the only things she could tell, that had to do with hearing. Of course, she could also say that her mane was soft, but that seemed to her an insignificant detail, since virtually everypony had a soft mane. However, determined to say something, she shyly said, “Well......the color of her coat reminds me the color of butter...” “Butter, you said?” her mother said with a chuckle. She, by that laugh, believed that her idea was bad, and that it would have been discarded immediately. Therefore he was very surprised when her mother exclaimed, “Then it's settled! You, little filly by your powerful voice and the color of butter, and who loves my singing, your name will be Butter Belting!” For a moment, she thought she had misheard. But then, she realized that it was all true. Her mother had chosen the name of her daughter, her true daughter, based on her idea, and giving it even more importance to the her idea and of her father, because, while their ideas were grouped into a single word, her one was expressed as it was. Butter Belting. She liked it. She felt it was a good name for her sister. “Yes, I like it. I think it's a good name for her.” she said, stroking the little Butter Belting with even more sweetness. “YEAH!” shouted her father, without any notice, “I LIKE IT TOO!” At that scream everyone froze for a second, hoping that what they feared it would come after that scream wouldn't happen. But of course, all their hopes were rejected, when the baby began to fuss and resumed her deafening cry. Many years had passed since that day, when she brought her young sister in the forest for the first time. Of course, she didn't intend to delve too much far into its depths. She knew perfectly well that the Everfree Forest was very dangerous, because she had already been there several times, and sometimes she even risked her life. But, fortunately, thanks to her magic ability to soothe the savage beasts, she had always managed to get away from every dangerous situation. But that day, there was also her sister, and she had no intention of risking her safety. However, there wasn't only Butter Belting with her. Turquoise Blitz had accompanied her too, as he had done several times since they met, more or less one year before. Since then, they were almost inseparable, and she couldn't ask for a better best friend. He was able to help her without making her feel useless. Simply, when she stumbled on a root or a rock that she hadn't seen, he was there, ready to support her. And, instead of showing pity for her, he joked about it, canceling all of her embarrassment. He was able to make her feel almost normal, thanks to the support he gave her without the need for her to ask for it. It was as if he could read her thoughts. But nevertheless, in the Everfree Forest, she didn't need her eyes to navigate. Her ears were all that she needed. She had explored that forest dozens of times, and had learned that, in the safe areas on its borders, lived different animals for each zone. And thanks to the verses of those animals, she could find her way, as if she could see. And so, when she heard a chirping a little different from the others, she realized that she had arrived in the right area, and stopped. “So, are we there or not?” Butter Belting said at that point, aloud and with a hint of impatience, “I'm tired of walking! Is this the place you were so excited about?” Anthea turned around and smiled at the yellow dot that was her sister. Even though she was only three years old, she had quite a temper. Apparently, she hadn't taken any of the sweet character of the mother. She was always impetuous, hyperactive and frenetic. She never stayed still for a second, and loved to scream out loud and make noise for the simple fun of it. And she, unfortunately, didn't particularly like the fuss, and felt she didn't have too much in common with her. She couldn't even try to teach her the magic tricks she knew, because Butter Belting was a pegasus, and she couldn't learn them. However, maybe they had something in common, and that was why they were there. In fact, as far as she understood, she liked a lot to listen. Every time she heard a new sound, she immediately asked whoever was around her where the sound was coming from and what was producing it. She was literally conquered by the sounds, and also from their pace, that others hardly felt. Even sounds like the rain falling or the sound of hooves on the road, to her ears had its own unique musicality. That was why they were there that day. She wanted to make her sister listen to her favorite music: the music of nature. Until then her mom hadn't allowed her to go into the forest with her sister because she thought it was too dangerous. But, finally, that day she was able to convince her, also for the fact that with them there would be also Turquoise Blitz, who, although was only eight years old, was already rather sturdy, and had already learned to spit fire. However, like her sister, he didn't seem too enthusiastic about that outing. T wasn't a great lover of nature. Grown in the elegant town of Canterlot during his childhood, he greatly preferred the comforts of the city. In any case, he didn't complain at all. Indeed, he was doing great efforts to make himself like the twisted trees and the thorny bushes of the most inhospitable forest known by ponies. And all this because he knew how much Anthea loved that forest, and all the creatures it contained. Anyway, after Butter Belting had spoken, he added, “Indeed, I don't think this point of the forest is different from the others. What does it have that makes it so special compared to the others?” “Oh, you're so impatient, guys!” Anthea replied, very softly, and giggling, “Listen, and you'll understand!” And, having said that, she let out a whistle, a whistle strangely modulated, which seemed almost the singing of a cicada. For a few seconds, after she stopped whistling, the forest reigned in absolute silence. But then, slowly, from the leaves, the holes in the trunks and the grass, began to emerge, first a few, and shyly, but then more and more, so as to form a real swarm, some rather large insects, more or less like a berry, and colored like copper. Both her companions were quite surprised by that sight, but Anthea, in front of their reaction, chuckled and said, “Come on! T, BB-Two, don't tell me that you're frightened by these insects? Don't worry. Those are Choristers Cicadas, and they are innocuous.” The two calmed down a bit, while the swarm of insects had settled all around them, forming what looked like a copper carpet at their hooves. “These insects,” she resumed to explain, “as well as the pest-busters spiders, live only here, in the Everfree Forest. They are insects that love to sing, and they also love to do it as a group. Also, unlike the normal cicadas, which are found only during the summer, they have a very long life cycle, and they are found throughout the year. Furthermore, depending on the season, they sing in a different way. Their song that I prefer is the one they perform during the fall, and that's why I brought you here today! Today is the first day of autumn, and I wanted you two to hear their singing!” At that point, she whistled again, and immediately after the cicadas began to emit their call. However, in contrast to the normal cicadas, which emit the same call always at the same pace, which in the long run becomes boring, instead they gave off a true melody. Each of the cicadas emitted a slightly different sound, and there were several variations on the rhythm that made the entire performance smooth and harmonious, and never repetitive. It seemed, indeed, like a chorus of ponies, rather than a chorus of bugs. The melody they sang was slightly sad. It seemed to convey the feeling of the nature that withers, fades and falls asleep. It conveyed an idea of decline, sadness, and waiting. Waiting for the earth to rest beneath the snow and ice, in order to rise again in the flowers, the colors and the explosion of life that was the spring. That was the song of the fall, and, although sad, it was heartbreakingly beautiful, and every time it filled Anthea's heart with emotion. And also, from what she could hear of the reactions of her companions, they also seemed pretty impressed by that spectacle. But nothing could have prepared her for what happened a moment later. Indeed, suddenly, Butter Belting began to sing. And she didn't do so with the voice with which she usually screamed or made noise. The voice she had in that moment was sweet and gentle, and almost sounded like the voice of her mother. And also she managed, with an extraordinary talent for someone who had never sung before, to follow perfectly the pace of the cicadas singing. Stunned, but also pleasantly surprised, Anthea stood there, listening to the beautiful improvisation of her young sister. Sleep well, oh my sweet mother, Rests gently and with no fears Because cold days are coming As they always do all the years That what was your glorious outfit Now is the blanket of the earth So she won't feel cold and frost And will be ready for life rebirth And then, suddenly, it happened. She saw the stain that was her sister rise in the air, while the fuzzy nubs that were her small wings, slightly smaller than the norm, from what she had been told, flapped wildly, but in any case, following the rhythm of her singing. She couldn't believe to her eyes. At first, she thought it was a joke of her already bad eyesight. But then, she convinced herself that it was all true. Her sister was flying at half a yard from the ground. Butter Belting had already tried many times to fly, always without success. The best that she was able to do was lift herself a hair from the floor for half a second. Her wings were slightly smaller than the other pegasi of her age. No one was much surprised by it, since her father had very small wings, and her mother had learned to fly very late. As for her, she wasn't particularly interested in flying, but she still wanted to learn how to do it. After all, she was only three years old, and she still had plenty of time to learn to properly fly. But now, she was flying as if she had never done anything else. She was very good at it, and she seemed to have not even noticed to be suspended in the air. She simply continued to sing, under the astonished gaze of Anthea and Turquoise Blitz. During the long sleep of the nature We will sing our humble lullaby And one day, of light and heat All the life will awaken joyfully Eventually, Turquoise Blitz could no longer restrain himself, and shouted, “BB-Two! Look at you! You're flying!” And she, caught by surprise by that call, stopped singing and looked around her. And finally she realized that she was actually in flight. “What! No Way! Look, sis! I'm flying! I'm.....I....Woah!” While she was talking, her flapping wings lost strength and coordination, and she began to stagger, until she fell on the ground. Immediately, Turquoise Blitz rushed to help her up, and Anthea did so as well, while all the cicadas stopped singing and returned quietly to their dens. “That was amazing!” Anthea said, still impressed, “When did you learn to sing, and especially to fly, so well? You've never done this before, at least as far as I know!” “I have no idea!” Butter Belting replied, “I just know that, as soon as I heard the beautiful melody of the cicadas, I felt light, and I had a great desire to sing. And so I started to sing, and, I don't know why, but while I was singing I also started to beat my wings to the rhythm, and poof! I flew!” “But, the words?” Turquoise Blitz asked, “Where did you hear that song. It didn't seem pure improvisation!” “Well, the words....They just came to me. It was as if I could understand what the cicadas were saying with their singing....” “Do you mean that you've inherited the talent of our mom?” Anthea asked, “That you too, like her, can talk to the animals?” “No, I don't think so!” Butter Belting replied, “After all, since our house is always full of animals, I think I would have noticed it much earlier! “And so, what do you think it was?” Turquoise Blitz asked. “I don't know exactly, but you can bet that I'll find it out, and I'll fly again!” Anthea smiled, in front of the enthusiasm of her sister. She was a worthy daughter of Bulk Biceps, always ready to get caught up in excitement and enthusiasm, which didn't often happen to Fluttershy. It was nice that those two were there, to bring a bit of arousal in their family. BB and BB-Two, so nicknamed because she had the same initials of her father, although she was smaller and wanted to stand out from him. Those two kept her excited and entertained, while her mother treated her with infinite tenderness and affection. If she thought back to when she was still at the orphanage, she felt, now, like she was in a dream. She had the family she had always dreamed of. And it was true. “Oh, my goodness!” Turquoise Blitz unexpectedly exclaimed, “It's almost sunset! If I don't go home immediately, my mom will ground me! We'd better go back!” “It's really so late?” Butter Belting said, “So it's true that time flies when you're having fun! And to think that, when I came here with you guys, I thought I would be bored to death!” And then she ran to hug her sister, saying, “Thank you, sis! Thank you for bringing me here. I love this place! And I love the cicadas! Can we come back here again? Please?” Anthea looked at the blurry blue spots which were the eyes of her sister. They were almost identical to those of her mother, at least as she saw them. She couldn't see her expression, also because she didn't know how the various facial expressions appeared. But, from the sound of her voice and the intensity of the embrace, she realized that she was successful. What was one of her passions, now belonged also to her sister. Now they were really sisters. “Sure thing, sis!” It was only a couple of years later that Butter Belting finally discovered what had happened that day. She couldn't understand the language of animals. She, instead, could understand the hidden language of the music and of every sound around her. She was able to feel all the emotions and hidden meanings in any sound and express all that through the words of a song. And, when she was singing, for some mysterious reason she could also fly a lot better than she normally could. When she realized all this, she also obtained her cutie mark, which represented her love for music and her ability to find it everywhere. Anthea couldn't be happier, or prouder, of her young sister. She felt that she had fulfilled her duty as sister, helping her to understand what her special talent and her fate were. But, unfortunately, she couldn't predict what would happen next. Over the years, she and her sister began to move away from each other. She began to show a tough and rebellious side that she had never shown before. Not that she was a good-for-nothing, but she had shown a tendency to a much more unruly and dissolute life that Anthea had ever devised. She went out late at night, and came back after midnight. She associated with ponies that were not very recommendable. At home she did nothing else but listen to rock music at full volume, singing loudly, without worrying about the animals who were frightened by that noise. The time in which her favorite music was the singing of the Choristers Cicadas seemed far away. After that first day in the forest, Anthea had often brought her sister to listen to the cicadas, and many other animals by the wonderful verses. And every time she was ecstatic. But, at some point, it wasn't enough anymore, for her. She began to go to other places, to listen to music. At every single country fair or festival, she was there, doing nothing other than filling her ears with music, no matter what kind. But not only that. For her, even places like the dam on the river, the train station, or even a construction site were inexhaustible sources of new sounds and new music. At that point, it was Anthea who gave the idea to her parents. The idea for a gift for Butter Belting's sixth birthday. A radio. At Ponyville, there weren't many ponies that had one of them. For the most part, they still used the gramophones. Butter Belting couldn't be happier. After her sixth birthday, she spent hours turning from one frequency to another, listening to one song after another, learning all the styles and genres possible. And it was thanks to, or rather because of that radio, that she discovered the rock genre. And it was precisely from that moment that everything began to change. Her character, which already had a touch of rebellion, became even tougher, and sometimes even surly. At home she no longer spoke, and when she did, she was always grumpy and aggressive, even with Fluttershy. For her, rock became an obsession. She began to look at all the major singers of the genre, and to imitate them. She tore all the clothes she had just to make them look similar to their own. She destroyed some of the furniture in her room, to imitate their excesses. One day, at age fourteen, she even went back home drunk, and with a pair of earrings in her left ear as a souvenir. All because she had followed the example of some bad boys she frequented. Everyone in her family was worried about her. And, more than anyone else, Anthea was. She had tried several times to talk to her sister, to get her to return to the more mild and sweet habits of the past. And every time she tried, Butter Belting said nothing, but looked into her eyes and then went away. She would desperately want to know in which way she looked at her. Maybe that was the key of everything. She felt that she had failed. She had deceived herself to be able to be a good guide for her sister. She thought she could help her to become a good and kind pony, respectful and supportive. And instead, she saw that Butter Belting was getting worse. As if she had rejected all the teachings of their parents. And hers. But the culmination of everything, the moment when she felt stronger and more evident of her failure, it was the eve of Butter Belting's fifteenth birthday, as well as the nineteenth anniversary of her adoption. That day, she had come back home surprisingly early, and she had a very strange attitude, as if she was holding herself from saying something. However, she didn't say a word to anyone, at least until dinner time. It was then that, without any warning, and as if it wasn't a big deal, she said, “I'm gonna leave Ponyville!” Immediately she heard the high-pitched noise of the glass Flutteshy was holding that fell on the floor and shattered, immediately followed by the powerful, “WHAAAT?” shouted by her father. Anthea was also shocked by the news, but she said nothing, at least at that time. Instead, it was her mother to speak, saying, “Ehm, what do you mean, dear?” “I meant that I'm gonna hit the road!” she replied, “I've heard that the 'Rampant Rhythm' are looking for a singer, and that was the opportunity I've been waiting for a lifetime! They are a real kick! When I realized that such an awesome band was looking for a singer, I couldn't resist, and I went to their audition held by their agent. And guess what? I'm in! Now I'm a Rampant Rhythm member! So, now I have to join the rest of the band at Fillydelphia, and then go on tour with them! Isn't it cool?” Her parents initially stood in silence. Then, slowly, they began to congratulate with their daughter, but they did so with great embarrassment, as Anthea could tell by the extraordinarily low volume at which Bulk Biceps was speaking. Regarding her, she remained silent, trying to contain her emotions. “It's great, dear!” said Fluttershy at some point, “But anyway, how long will you be away from home? You know, for the school, and-” “Who knows?” replied Butter Belting, “But anyway, I don't care when I'll get back! I'm gonna live the high life, like a real rock star! And finally, I have the chance! It will be amazing! We'll do concerts in the biggest cities of Equestria, we'll have tons of fans, we'll-” “Do you realize what you're saying?” The one who had intervened was Anthea, that now, though she couldn't see her clearly, was looking at her sister with a fierce expression that no one had ever seen in her face. She seemed on the verge of screaming and crying at the same time. “What again?” asked Butter Belting, surprised by the sudden show of grit of her sister, but also annoyed by her insinuation. “And so you would like to become a rock star,” Anthea said, with a combative tone, “or rather a pony who does nothing else but scream out loud in front of a lot of fans, screaming rude or meaningless words, and that spends the rest of the time making troubles and being a slacker? Well, I'm sorry if I was hoping that my sister had a better future!” “Hey, get a grip!” was the rude reply, “It's a job like any other, and it's my dream. Nopony gives you the right to criticize it!” “A job like any other?” Anthea said, sarcastically, “Do you think I'm stupid? I know exactly what almost all the singers of that stupid music genre do! I hear it every day on the radio! And anyway, I know what effect that stuff has on you! Just look at you! Where is my sweet, young sister? And who is this insensible rocker that has taken her place?” “First of all, I'm not a filly anymore!” Butter Belting replied, violently slamming her hooves on the table, “And second, who gives you the right to tell me how to live my life? Do you think you’re my mom! Well, breaking news! My mom doesn’t have anything against all this!” “But I'm your older sister, and I have something to say!” Anthea retorted, slamming her hooves in turn, “And I'm not ordering you not to go. I just don't want you to do something you may regret! Believe me! I know you, and I know that's not the kind of life that-” “You're lying!” Butter Belting shouted, “You're not my sister, and you never have been. And it's not true that you worry about me! You just want me to stay stuck here forever, just like you! Well, get this! I don't wanna be like you, 'cause I don't have a pair of faulty eyes that prevents me from living the way I want! Now back off!” That said, she got up from her chair, opened the door, and disappeared into the night. In regard to the rest of the story, she didn't remember it very well. She remembered that her parents had left soon after, and had looked for her up to dawn, but in vain. As for her, she just couldn't remember what she had done. Perhaps she had gone with them, or maybe she had gone to bed in tears. Or maybe, and who knows why that was the thing that seemed the closest to the truth to her, she had remained on that chair, motionless, without a sigh or a groan, without a word of anger or regret. As if, with Butter Belting, a part of her life had gone out of that door. A few days later the radio, that dumb radio which had led to all those changes, announced the news: The 'Rampant Rhythm' now had a new member, a young singer named Butter Belting. The news came even with a brief interview with the young artist, that Anthea never heard. She turned off the radio as soon as she heard the voice of her sister, and almost threw it out the window in a burst of rage. She spent the next week locked in her room. It was all her fault. It was her own fault if Butter Belting was gone. How wasn't she able to understand that, when she addressed to her those strange glances, she was looking at her pale pupils, unable to return the gaze, and in them she saw a prison? It was obvious that, having a sister with a disability like hers, she felt limited, restricted, chained. She had placed a limit to her world simply by being her sister. So maybe it was true that ponies like her shouldn't have a family. They all tried to get her out of her room, with the kind words, flatteries and entreaties. But no one, not even Fluttershy or Turquoise Blitz succeeded in the undertaking. At the end of the seventh day, it was her father to get her out. And he did it the hard way. Not even the barricade of furniture that she had made to block the door could contain his strength, when he broke down the door of her room. Then, he took her with him by force, and dragged her to the edge of the Everfree Forest. Once they had arrived there, he let her go, and immediately after he shouted, “SORRY FOR MY RUDENESS, BUT YOU HAD TO COME OUT, AND, AS YOUR FATHER, I WAS FORCED TO DO SO!” “You're not really my father.” she replied, crying, “I don't have a real family, and I don't even have the right to have one. Somepony like me doesn't deserve it!” “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT I DESERVE TO HAVE A FAMILY?” Bulk Biceps yelled back, but without his usual cocky tone, “I'M JUST AN ALL BRAWL AND NO BRAIN GUY, ONLY ABLE TO SCREAM AND DO PUSH-UPS! DO YOU THINK I WAS READY TO BE A HUSBAND, OR A DAD?” Those words hit her. She hadn't ever thought about it. He, who always seemed so instinctive, ready to embark on any challenge or adventure without hesitation, didn't feel ready to have a family. Just like her. “But then,” she asked, “in all these years, why have you always been so confident, while you were hiding inside you all those doubts?” “YOU KNOW ME!” he replied, “MY ONLY MERIT IS TO ALWAYS BE POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING. AND SO, WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO FACE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE OF MY LIFE, I COULDN'T DRAW BACK. I OWED IT TO YOU, AND YOUR SISTER. BUT, ABOVE ALL, I OWED IT TO FLUTTERSHY, WHO IS THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN MY LIFE!” That said, he sat down and remained silent. At first, she didn't understand the reason of the interruption, but then, listening to the sounds of nature, she knew where they were. They were near to the den of the Choristers Cicadas. Anthea smiled, touched. Her father had never accompanied her in one of her outdoors trips, and yet he knew her favorite place of the entire forest. And if there was a place where she could appease her sorrow, it was just that. Happy, she whistled, like that time, many years ago, when everything was much simpler. When all she wanted was to stay together with her sister. When she believed that they would always be together... And immediately the cicadas came out of their dens, and this time, they began to sing right away, filling with their harmonious melody all the clearing, and filling her heart with deep emotion. An emotion that, little by little, swept away her sorrow. And finally, she found the strength to embrace her father, and to feel, in his warm and strong chest, the strength to keep smiling. A year. Since her sister had run away from home, a year had passed, and now Anthea was there, on the bed, thinking about her, after having dreamed about her. It was all so strange. She wondered why, of all the days that followed her disappearance, that very day she had dreamed her. Confused more than ever, she got up from the bed. She couldn't distinguish the watch hands, but, judging from the color of the light in her room, it was more or less the ten in the morning. That day she had overslept. Her room, even though she knew it for years, was always an indecipherable riddle to her view. Every time she saw it, her room was slightly different, because in her view the forms were never the same, but they were constantly changing. But it didn't matter. It was from when she was little that she had learned to trust more her ears and her hooves than her eyes. And so, without much difficulty, she walked out of her room and descended the stairs to enter the main room. Immediately she heard the sound of a broom that was rubbing against the floor, and she knew that Fluttershy was at home. “Morning, mom!” she said aloud, in no direction in particular, since she couldn't see her. “Oh, good morning, dear!” she heard her mother's voice answering, coming from another room, “I made a nice cup of tea for you, and there's also a bit of fruit and oats. Everything is on the table!” Anthea, without letting her repeat, walked to the table and sat down. Then, by touch, she found the cup, and began to drink, as she heard her mother say, “Now, make a leisurely breakfast, dear, because today we'll be very busy. First of all, later we'll go to help with the census of the squirrels, and then we'll go to that nice meeting organized by Golden Delicious, for the arrival of his cousins. Then we'll have to go and help with the cleanup of the river bed, because now it's full of debris from when the beaver dam collapsed. Poor things, they had worked on that dam for weeks, and then a downpour outside program ruined all their work. We really have to give them a hoof, but we should be careful to not tire up too much. We mustn't forget that tonight is an important night!” “Of course it is!” Anthea replied, “It's my eighteenth anniversary of adoption, after all!” “It's true, dear,” Fluttershy answered, “but there's also another special occasion that we must celebrate, and today we'll have the chance!” “What specia-” But suddenly she stopped. Her interruption was caused by a memory that had abruptly struck her. It was true. That day was special also for another reason. And it was true that on that day they would have had the opportunity to celebrate it, as she was about to return. “Tonight there will be the concert of the 'Rampant Rhythm' at Ponyville!” she resumed, “Tonight we'll see Butter Belting again, on the very day of her birthday!” > Listening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The concert. Of course. It seemed impossible to her that it slipped her mind. And yet, since the stage of the tour in Ponyville was announced, more or less three months before, in her house there was no other topic. Everyone was extremely excited at the thought of seeing Butter Belting again. Everyone, except Anthea. Since they begun to talk about the concert, she said loud and clear that she didn't intend to go. Both Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps tried to make her change her mind, but it was useless. Indeed, they just got her to shut herself up in her room once again. However, her stay in her room, this time, lasted only a couple of hours. She herself opened the door, when she heard, coming from the other side, the voice of Turquoise Blitz calling her. “Hey, Annie!” he called through the door, “It's me, T! Can I come in?” She opened the door, immediately. This time, she felt that it was useless to shut herself in there and refuse to face the facts, namely, that her sister was coming back, but as a rock star. A rude, dissolute, and tough rock star. Exactly what she didn't want to happen. “What do you think I should do, T?” she asked to her coltfriend, “Should I go there? To meet my sister again, after what she told me, and after she's been away for a year ruining her life?” He, before she could say anything else, wrapped her into his strong forelegs and said, “Listen, I know you don't like to think about your sister, and the thought of seeing her again doesn't excite you, but maybe you're forgetting something. She's still your sister, and, as such, you should at least give her the chance to be forgiven, for what she said you that night, and for being gone for such a long time!” “She's not my true sister!” Anthea answered, “And still, she's not coming back to say sorry! On the contrary, you'll see that she will return all smug and proud, and, if she sees me, she will slam her success in my face, and she will humiliate me again, but this time in front of everypony! I can't go! I prefer to never see her again!” At those words, Turquoise Blitz released her from his embrace, and put his face very close to her eyes, so close that her entire visual field was invaded by two bright and huge turquoise points, that were his eyes. “Annie,” he said, “I understand that you don't want to see Butter Belting, the rock star who had blamed you for your blindness and abandoned you, again , but don't you think that maybe you'd like to see Butter Belting, your sweet sister, who once sang flying in the midst of the cicadas, again? Don't you think that, for her, it would be worth it to make a little effort, and go to that concert?” She was tempted to tell him that the pony of whom he was talking no longer existed. She was tempted to tell him that now her sister was a completely different pony, a pony who didn't care about anyone's feelings, and who only cared about having a good time. But then, without meaning to, she heard it, in her head. She heard again that song, the song that Butter Belting had improvised that day, in the midst of the Choristers Cicadas. And she remembered that, subsequently, she had taught it to her, and that sometimes they sang that song together, and many others. But they not only sang. Sometimes they went in search of adventures in the Everfree Forest, or they went at Sugarcube Corner to get a smoothie. And then they had played, laughed, had fun together. At that time, they were really bound together. At that time, they were really sisters. And she understood. She understood that despite all that Butter Belting had done, nothing could erase those moments, those moments in which they were sisters for real. They were etched forever in her memory, and nothing could take them away. And, as for her, maybe it was true. Maybe she deserved a second chance. “Okay!” she said at last, “I'll go to her concert, but only if you come too!” “But of course, I'm coming!” Turquoise Blitz replied, “I wouldn't miss, for anything in the world, the night then the little BB-Two sings in front of the whole city!” And so, that day, the day of the concert finally arrived, catching her by surprise, like a guard takes aback the thief. Although she had promised to Turquoise Blitz to go there, after their discussion, she had preferred to not dwell too much on that thought, because, although at first she was determined to give Butter Belting a second chance, later her decision was superimposed to the painful memories related to her, and she preferred to not think about it. But anyway, she had promised him, and she didn't want to stand back from a promise made to him. Needless to say, however, that she had a sense of discomfort, there, in her room that afternoon, while she was preparing to go to the concert. The day had been quite tiring, even though she was able to do the chores quickly thanks to some magic tricks Twilight had taught her. At that moment, however, she felt really tired, but not at a physical level. Throughout the day, as she helped her mother, she had done nothing but think about her. She was extremely tense, about that evening. What would have happened? What she would do, when face to face with Butter Belting? Would she spit on her all the resentment she had felt for that year, or would she find the strength to forgive her? She didn't know. She was still angry at her, for her cruel words and for her escape, but, deep in her heart, she felt that she still loved her. It was all so difficult, and, for a moment, she was tempted to refuse to go. But she knew she couldn't. She owed it to Turquoise Blitz. And anyway, she knew that, sooner or later, she would still have to deal with her sister, and the sooner she did it, the better it would be. Looking for consolation, she took one of the few objects on her bedside table. It was a framed photograph of her, Fluttershy, Bulk Biceps and Butter Belting. They were all gathered in front of their house, and they were smiling, cheerful. She knew all this just because the picture had been described to her, otherwise the photo would have been for her only a confused mass of colors, like her whole world. The photo was taken when she was ten years old, and Butter Belting six, the day of her adoption anniversary and BB-Two birthday. The day on which they had given her the radio. The day when things had started to change, for her. She didn't even know why, next to her bed, she wanted that photograph. It made no sense, since she couldn't see it. But perhaps, that was the point. Maybe it wasn't there to be looked at. It was there because, even though she couldn't see it, it reminded her that she had a family. It wasn't necessary for her to distinguish her image within the picture. It was enough to see her pink spot, surrounded by the yellow blobs and the white stain that represented her family, to know she had one. She lifted that picture with magic, and brought it close to her face, trying, as she had done for the last year, to distinguish the face of her sister in the midst of that confusion of colors. She wanted to see her again as she had learned to love her: Innocent, carefree, enthusiastic and dynamic. But again, like every other time, she was unsuccessful. Frustrated, she put the photo back on the nightstand, and walked out of her room. She had hoped to be able to go deal with the current, true Butter Belting, bringing into her heart the power of her memories, in the form of the face of her sister as a young filly, in the period when they were happy together. But, once again, her stupid eyes had prevented her from doing so. But it did not matter. She had the power of her memory. And she was ready to face her sister. That evening, in the usually quiet Windy Plains, there was a crazy hubbub. A huge and chaotic group of ponies was massed there, that night, in front of a simple steel stage, mounted in a few hours for the occasion. In fact, it seemed a rather modest location for one of the bands of the moment. But anyway, the stage at Ponyville was one of the last of the Rampant Rhythm's tour, so there was a huge, screaming crowd, waiting to get to see their idols. Fluttershy, who didn't like too much confusion, the noise and the spotlight, was in the rear of the audience, where there was a little more quiet, and Bulk Biceps, to keep her company, had remained with her, even if staying ahead for him wouldn't be a problem. Anthea instead found herself, somehow, almost at the foot of the stage. She didn't even know how she managed to get so far forward in the midst of that crowd. Probably because she had let herself be led by Turquoise Blitz, who had made his way through the crowd without much effort. But there wasn't just him, with her. Even some of her friends had come, and now stood near her. For example, Prism Bolt was talking with Whirlwind about the leader of the band, Powerchord, and as he was skillful in using the feathers of his wings to play the guitar without the need of a plectrum. A little farther on, there were Golden Delicious and her cousin Red June, which actually seemed a little lost, in that place so noisy, but still looking forward to seeing the show begin. Instead, seeming perfectly at ease, the little Pixel Bit, which, perched on the top of her father Button Mash's head, screamed like a banshee, prompting the band to come out. Sweetie Belle, her mom, was also there, but unlike her daughter or her husband she wasn't shouting, even though, at the sight of their enthusiasm, she giggled, amused. But above all, to her left, there was one of her best friends, Cotton Candy. And she was almost about to explode with excitement, also because she had helped to organize that concert. “YES! BEST NIGHT EVER!” she shouted, “Not only is our little town going to host a concert of one of the best bands of all time, but among them there's also one of our friends. And can say that I still remember when the little BB-Two came to all the parties that I organized, and sang and danced until sunset! And now, she's a world famous rock star!” Then, suddenly, she grabbed Anthea by the shoulders, and said, “Hey, Annie! Aren't you nervilled about the return of your sister?” Nervilled. Nervous and thrilled. Actually, she was nervous, a lot, about meeting Butter Belting again. Thrilled? Not really. Perhaps, the most appropriate word to define her state of mind at that moment, was torn. Torn between the resentment towards her sister and the willingness to make peace with her. She was beginning to seriously regret coming, and she was about to tell him that she wanted go away, when the spotlights on the stage lit up, and on it appeared a dark blue stain, which was greeted by a mighty ovation. “HOW GOES IT, PONYVILLE!” he shouted, and received in reply a shout even louder, by the entire audience. He had to be Powerchord, the leader of the Rampant Rhythm. “I hope you feel like screaming, tonight, 'cause we're gonna keep the city up all night!” he continued, receiving more and more screaming and shouting from his fans. It was just what Anthea didn't like about the rock stars. They didn't care about the consequences of their unscrupulous actions, but not only on stage. She had heard that even in everyday life, some rock stars succumbed to every kind of excess. And sometimes they ended up in the hospital, or even in prison. And now, she had to see her sister, who she had once loved very much, and for which even now she was concerned about, in spite of everything, make that end. She didn't resist anymore, and started to leave, but Turquoise Blitz stopped her, gently, but firmly at the same time. “Let me go, T!” she begged him, “I can't take it! I won't have the strength to deal with her. Who knows in what state she's been reduced!” “NO!” he said, with decision, but still gently, “There's one thing you have to hear. It's three months that I've waited for this moment, that we all waited, and I won't let your doubts ruin our plan!” “What are you saying?” she asked, confused, “Your plan? What are you talking about!” But immediately her words were lost in a roar of the crowd, stronger than all the previous ones, when the rest of the band made their entrance on the stage. She had heard of them, and now she was hearing the crowd screaming their names, strong enough to shake the ground beneath her hooves. There was Grey Cadency, the bass player, that up to a year before was the only female member of the group, and then Ivory, who played the electronic keyboard, and with Powerchord and Mighty Din, the drummer, had given rise to the band. And then, of course, there was that yellow dot, a little smaller than the others, by the name of....... “BUTTER BELTING!” Cotton Candy shouted, as soon as she saw her appear on the stage, “IT'S HER! IT'S HER! HEY, BB-TWO! WE'RE HERE! CAN YOU HEAR ME!” But, even though she had shouted very loudly, not even her voice managed to overpower the screaming crowd that surrounded them. Thus, each of the musicians took his instrument, and took his position. All except Butter Belting, who, initially, remained a little aloof, leaving Powerchord at the microphone. Anthea knew why. He was going to sing their usual opening song, "Black Hoof”, and, in that song, Butter Belting was only a chorister, as, indeed, in many of their songs. At the thought that she had thrown away her life just to have a small corner on the stage, she became even more angry. But she was left stunned when he said, “Okay, I know you're expecting "Black Hoof”, for starters, but today it's a special day, and we decided to make an outside program! Yeah! So, Ladies and Badcolts, please welcome our youngest recruit, with a song that she herself wrote for the occasion, Butter Belting!” At that point, he stepped aside, and made some gestures that she couldn't understand, but which evidently were an invitation to Butter Belting to come forward. In fact, she came forward, greeted by a shout of encouragement of the public. Then, she approached the microphone and spoke. Anthea was surprised of how sweet her voice was. For some reason, when she recalled the voice of her sister, to her mind mainly came the sadistic and angry tone that she had that night, a year ago, when she had shouted at her. She hardly looked back at the sweet voice she had when they were young, and they were happy together. And, in that moment, her voice reminded her the old days. “Wow, guys!” she said, “Thank you, thank you all for your support. I’ve been doing this for barely a year, but with you, and with your cheering, I managed to get so far! Thanks, everypony! You rock!” There was another standing ovation, but this time it lasted much less, because she immediately asked for a bit of silence. “But of course, I would never have made it if it weren't for these wonderful artists that you see behind me. Thanks to them, and the trust they gave me, I'm here today, ready to sing for you all! And above all, if I'm here, I owe it, more than anypony else, to another pony, of which, on the contrary to my friends back here, just a few of you might know by name. And yet, if it wasn't for her, I would never found have my calling. And I, instead of thanking her, insulted and humiliated her!” Those words hit Anthea like a thunderbolt. She was talking about her. And she was apologizing. She was publicly apologizing to her. But she didn't even have time to be moved that Butter Belting continued, “Tonight, I'm gonna say what I think and what I feel. And I'm gonna do it in the only way I know. This, is my first rock song, 'Don't need to see...'! Ivory, give me the beat!” At her request, all the spotlights on the stage went dark, except for two. One was illuminating her, and the other illuminated the silver stain that Anthea knew was Ivory. And, immediately, she heard a gentle piano melody come out from the speakers, a sign that he had started playing. It was a slow and melancholic melody, which didn't seem at all part of a rock song. She was beginning to wonder what was going on, when Butter Belting began to sing. And her voice, on that occasion, it was more beautiful and sweet as ever. It was even more beautiful than her mom's voice. Everything around the world Speaks to your eye From the depths of the ocean Up to the sky But sight can't see the true beauty Of what's around you Try to listen and you will find A new world which until now Was hidden from your view And then, suddenly, all the stage lights lit up, and Powerchord began to play the guitar in a rough solo that, still, mated well with the sweet sounds of the keyboard. Grey Cadency soon added the rhythm of her bass to the music, as Mighty Din began to play his drums, creating an explosive sound that seemed to accentuate even more the rhythm of the song. What a moment before seemed like a classical song, now had become a rock piece worthy of that name. But, anyway, despite the violence of the sounds, the apparent frenzy of the rhythm and the high volume of music, the song, as a whole, was still something of a melodic, harmonious. It was as if, through the noise of a jackhammer, someone had composed a symphony. It seemed absurd, impossible, but true. Her sister was successful in an unthinkable undertaking: create a rock song that had also grace and sweetness in it. It was something unique, something that Anthea had never heard before, in spite of all the songs she had heard on the radio, when her sister used it to listen to the rock bands. The crowd, which at the beginning of the song was left a little confused, now was ecstatic, and urged the musicians with shouting and cheering. All of her friends were cheering too, including Turquoise Blitz and Cotton Candy. Anthea, however, remained quiet, in the middle of those two that were unleashing. But then, something totally unexpected happened. Anthea, suddenly, and without any warning, was blinded by a light, an extremely bright light, that came from the stage. Shocked and terrified, she tightly clung to Turquoise Blitz's strong chest, while the light intensity decreased a little, and everyone around her turned to her, curious, wondering who she was and why they had illuminated her. It was then that she realized that, apparently, someone had aimed a spotlight at maximum intensity upon her by mistake. However, despite the light now was less intense and no longer dazzling, it was still pointed at her, and she was already beginning to wonder why, when her sister went back to sing. Somepony say that you're unlucky That you're missing something They keep say that you are disabled And you keep blushing They are the ones who don't understand That you have another gift 'Cause no one else know just like you how to listen to world's music that your spirit will lift Those words hit Anthea even more than the previous confession, and the spotlight. It was for her. The song was dedicated to her. And her astonishment increased even further when she went on to sing the refrain. Now jump on stage Don't need to see Just take my hoof Have trust on me Open your mouth Unleash your voice The fears will fade You will rejoice So jump on stage Don't need to see Show that you've guts And you'll be free The sight can't find The soul of things But if you listen you can Find the music inside everything She didn't know what to think anymore. A song. Her sister had wanted to make amends by writing a song for her. And what a song! Although she had never liked rock songs, this one, this one was just beautiful. Maybe because there was a touch of sweetness and innocence that her sister had when she was little. Touched to the soul, Anthea was about to join the cheering, when Turquoise Blitz, to whom she was still holding on, lifted her up, laid her on his rump, and went flying toward the stage. “Wait, T!” she shouted, “What are you doing!” “Didn't you hear her?” he replied, with a mischievous tone, a tone that he often had when he was about to give her a big surprise that she wasn't expecting, “Jump on stage! Your sister is dying to see you again!” And before she could react in any way, she was on the stage, in front of her. Butter Belting. For her, she was always the same, faded stain of the color of butter. It seemed that she wasn't even grown up. For what she could see, she was identical to the day when she was gone. But still, she felt that something had changed. She felt that her sister was now more mature, more responsible. What was saying this to her, she didn't know. It was as if, although she couldn't see her face, she could still see her expression. Or maybe it wasn't so much the fact of seeing her, but of hearing her. Her voice, though sweet and melodious, had a bitter taste, which called endless depths of sorrow, regrets and fears. The same abyss into which she had sunk after her departure. That suffering, that accompanied Anthea for a year, had also accompanied Butter Belting. All these reflections that she was doing had lasted just a blink of an eye, and she didn't have time to think about anything else. Then immediately something else happened. Once again, almost all of the lights on the stage went out, except for three. One illuminating Butter Belting, one that illuminated Ivory, and a last light pointed on Anthea. All the instruments fell silent, except for Ivory's keyboard, which resumed the sweet melody that had started the song. And, to the sweet melody that replicated a piano, she quickly added her voice, sweeter than ever, as she approached Anthea and looked into her eyes. Right from the day I was born You were always beside me You taught me everything you know And you helped me see A world of melodies and music That thanks to you is mine You helped me find my destiny It's time for me to help you to come out and shine And then the lights came on, the others resumed to play with vigor, and she, very fast, positioned herself alongside her sister, turned her toward the audience and shouted, “With me, now, sis!” “What?” Anthea replied, terrified, “I-I-I can't-” Now jump on stage Don't need to see Just take my hoof Have trust on me In two we're strong With you nearby I can do tricks And you can fly So jump on stage Don't need to see Show what's inside Of your esprit The sight can't find The soul of things But if you listen you can Find the music Inside everything Without even realizing it, Anthea found herself out of breath. She had sung. He had sung the second part of the refrain along with her sister. She didn't know how it happened. At first, she was paralyzed by fear. There, in front of all those ponies, some of them known, but for the most part completely unknown, with thousands and thousands of eyes upon herself, that she couldn't see, but which nevertheless conveyed on her a feeling of extreme unease. Anthea, at that moment, had felt crushed, completely annihilated by the pressure, and she ardently desired to disappear. But then, listening to the voice of her sister, so sure, so determined, and feeling the reassuring warmth of her foreleg around her shoulders, she felt invaded by a strength and determination that she had never felt before. That evening, in front of hundreds of ponies, she had felt stronger than ever before. All thanks to Butter Belting. She, that evening, with her words, her presence, and her boldness, had given her all her courage, and had wiped out all of hers anxieties. She had helped her to forget her pain, and to shine. Just like her song said. And then, finally, someone turned up the volume to the public, and she heard their thunderous cheering. They were all ecstatic, and screamed and cheered relentlessly. “Anthea, Ladies and Badcolts!” cried her sister, moving a little to the side and pointing at her. And the cheering became even more powerful, and, among the many things she heard, she managed to hear many who were calling her name. Her friends were among those who invoked her name, urging and encouraging her. Anthea, not knowing what else to do, smiled. And that wasn't just a forced smile. In that she smile poured all the emotions she was feeling at that moment. And among these, the joy was the main feeling. Butter Belting, at that point, turned to her and embraced her, while whispering in her ear, “I'm sorry for what I said that night! I thought you were scolding me because you were jealous of me! I thought you wanted me to give up on my dream because you couldn't do what you wanted! But I was the blind one! You just wanted to protect me from myself...” Anthea, touched by those words, returned the hug of her sister, whispering, “It's okay. I was also wrong. I didn't have to come between you and your dream. Nopony has the right to deprive somepony else of his secret dream! But the fact is that I was afraid. Afraid that you, making the wrong choices, could be scarred for life, and that you would never again be as you once were. I was afraid of losing my only, sweet sister!” “But you were right!” she replied, “You were totally right! It's just that-” “Ehm, Butter!” they heard suddenly calling, “Sorry to interrupt your heart to heart, but this is a rock concert! I think our crowd is kinda sick of these sloppy scenes!” They turned together, and they saw Powerchord. He had been the one who had spoken. “Yeah,” she said, in a slightly embarrassed voice, “You're right! Sorry, Power!” That said, she accompanied Anthea to the backstage, and once there, she told her, “Wait for me here! I promise I'll explain everything as soon as the concert ends, okay?” Anthea, without hesitation, nodded. After all, she had waited a year to know what her sister was feeling. She could easily wait for a couple of hours. “Cool! So wait for me. And above all, enjoy the show!” she said, before returning to the stage, where he was greeted by the usual ovation. The rest of the concert was amazing. She hated to admit it, but the “Rampant Rhythm” was really good. They had a style that combined the harshness and violence of sounds with a harmonic rhythm, which gave a really nice effect. And then, they were really good at playing their instruments. No one was ever out of time, and the execution was nothing short of masterful. Powerchord, also, had an amazing voice, powerful but never out of tune. Now she understood why they were, since she knew rock, the favorite band of her sister. She wondered why, until that moment, she hated that kind of music so much. Maybe because, along with the music, she automatically associated the misdeeds that the musicians were making. Or maybe because for her it was a source of painful memories, for her sister had slowly been consumed, up to escape. But now it was no longer important. It was enough to hear her voice, so happy, so strong, to understand that, regardless of all, that was her true destiny. At the end of the concert, she was joined in the backstage by the whole band. But not only them. With them there were also her parents and Turquoise Blitz. As soon as she saw him, she stood at an inch from his nose and said, “You have to give me some explanations!” In spite of her eyes, she distinctly saw the red hue that his face took. And, even more telling was the nervous laugh that he did before saying, “Wha-what do you mean, Annie?” “Before, when the concert was about to begin, you said that you had a plan! What you were talking about, and who was involved in it? Was it perhaps a plan to make us meet again? For a moment, it seemed that everyone present was uncomfortable, but then, suddenly, Butter Belting began to giggle and then said, “Guys, I think we are all busted! By now we can explain everything!” “Everything what?” asked Anthea. “You see, the fact is that this stage of our tour, the stage here in Ponyville.... It was me, along with our family and the rest of the band, that convinced our agent to organize it! And everything just to see you and to give you my apologies!” “Really?” she said, incredulously, looking around, trying to focus on the faces of all those around her, “You did all this...Just for me?” “Yup!” said the silver stain that was Ivory, “You know, your sister can be quite convincing. But anyway, she didn't need to insist too much. As soon as we heard your story, we felt compelled to do something!” “You bet!” said a gray spot, that was Grey Cadency, “After all, we are way more than friends. We're almost a family. And of course, helping each other is the least we can do!” “And you too,” Anthea resumed, looking at her family, “you too knew everything, and you have kept it hidden all this time!” “I'm sorry that you had felt deceived, dear,” Fluttershy answered, “But the fact is that you weren't listening! You were refusing to listen! Every time your sister was on the radio, you turned it off, and every time a letter from her arrived, you tore it apart before we could read it. You were even refusing to think about her.” “So,” Butter Belting interjected “one day, I sent a letter directly to Turquoise Blitz, where I explained my intentions: apologize in a big way, in front of the whole city, in the best way I knew. With a song!” “It wasn't easy to convince our agent to do this stage,” Powerchord said, “but in the end, we succeeded. The easiest part of all was to create a song dedicated to you! Your sister really has a special talent for writing songs!” Anthea turned to him, and looked at the confused, multicolored mass who were the “Rampant Rhythm”. They had done all this, they had been working on it for months. For her. And also for herself, who refused to listen to her sister who was trying to ask for forgiveness. And just because she wanted to continue to wallow in her sorrow. But they had helped her. They, the rock stars, who she believed were only troublemakers or even worse. “Thank you!” she said, “Thank you for helping my sister, and for helping me to understand how limited my vision was about you. I think I was wrong about you, guys!” “Yeah, on the stage we pretend to be 'bad boys',” replied Powerchord, “but, deep down, we are 'nice guys'! But please, don't go and say that around! We have a reputation to uphold!” On that line, all those present burst into laughter. The atmosphere, that was so tense at first, was now relaxed and happy. But then, when everyone had stopped laughing, Butter Belting said, “Anyway, jokes aside, you were right! During our tour, I got to know several rock stars. And there was hardly anypony who wasn't exactly as you described the rock stars to me! Almost all of them are addicted to various vices, or make reckless actions, even risking jail! And say that I was becoming loose as some of them! I was lucky that my idols were unrelated to all that!” “It's okay, BB-Two!” Anthea said, “The important thing is that everything went well. Now is your chance to live your dream, and I'll be at peace, because I know that you will be in good hooves.” At that point, she felt that her sister was smiling. That everyone was smiling. She had no idea how she knew it, but, as it had happened in her dream, she felt that their faces were smiling. And so, she smiled back. “So,” she started to say, “what will you do now?” “Well, for the first thing, we'll end the tour. By now, there are only a few stages left. And then, I think I'll continue to sing. Here, with these guys, I feel I've finally found what I should do. I feel this is the place for me!” But then, raising her eyes, she saw that her sister was getting sad, and immediately added, “Hey, don't worry, sis! I'll come back to you whenever I get the chance! And I'll write you letters every week. Just try to not rip them, okay! And you,” she said, turning to Turquoise Blitz, “stay close to her, and try to make her happy. When I'll come back, I want to see her in a good mood, got it?” “But certainly, BB-Two!” he replied, “After all, how could I leave her alone? Otherwise, who could read to her your letters? And, most importantly, how would I do anything without my better half?” She, at those words, smiled sweetly, came up to him, found to the touch his face and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek. After which, she giggled, followed by all the others. “GROUP HUG!” Bulk Biceps shouted suddenly, enveloping Anthea, Butter Belting, Turquoise Blitz and Fluttershy, all together in a powerful embrace, which nearly broke the bones of someone, while the band still chuckled at the scene. And while they were there, all crushed together in the strong grip of her father's forelegs, Anthea finally felt complete. It was true. That night, a year ago, something had really come out of her life. The serenity of having a family. This because she believed, for her birth defect, that she had broken her family forever. But now they were all together again. Her mom. Her dad. Her coltfriend. Her sister. Gently, while they were still wrapped in Bulk Biceps embrace, she whispered, “Happy birthday, sis!” And, just as gently, came the reply, “Happy anniversary, sis!”