> Two for the Price of one; The Scorpion and Peddler Bob > by Freewing Alchemist P > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Look'e How's back > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own the right to My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic, it is the property of Hasbro. The stories were also inspired by a Chinese fable and Scandinavian folk tale respectively.             Two For the Price Of One; The Scorpion and Peddler Bob                                     MLPFIM             It was  another beautiful day in Ponyville. I was making another trip to the marketplace when I heard something I never thought I’ve hear in Equestria let alone in Ponyville. An angry mob ready to lichen some one. Correction somepony.. Not that I’m against that sort of thing, when the moment calls for.  I’ve know some criminals in my day that deserved it, but here?             I picked up the pace and got to the market as fast as I could. There was a mob of ponies, they were surrounding twin unicorns with red and white striped mane and tale. Both where dressed in porkpie hats, blue and white striped shirts and black bow ties. The only two thing separated them. One of the twins had an apple slice for a cute mark, the other had a handlebar mustache with an apple with a only a single slice taken out of it.             It didn’t look good as the crowd was closing in on them they were soon encircle the twins. The crowd looked furious and the twins looked nervous.             "What's going on!" I called out hoping to divert some of them form their task.            "It's Flim and Flam, they're shifty sales ponies that tried to take my home away." A familiar voice with a southern twang to it.             "Applebloom, mind running that by me again?" I turned around and there was the Cutie Mark Crusaders.             "Those two," Sweetie Belle pointed at the center of the crowed. "They tricked the Apple Family into a competition so that they could get their farm. Luckily they were run out of town when it everyone in town hated their cider. But they've been back a caused a lot of trouble for every pony."             "Cider is that all?"             Scootaloo shook her head. "Hardly they kept coming back, peddling all sorts of stuff that turned out be some sort of rip-off. When they are found out they run away with any money they have."            "Mommy's tried keep them away, or at least try and get them to stop being so sneaky. But they won't listen." Nyx told me.     "They won't change, they keep coming back and causing trouble. Hence the angry mob," I said flatly. I patted each of the girls on there heads. "I'm going to take care of this."             I pushed my way through the angry mob and made it to the twins. I put myself in-between the twins and the mob. "Hay, what is with you guys." I Shouted. The mob seemed surprised at and they seemed to stall for a moment.             "Why are you helping them!" Some pony shouted at me.             "I'm not trying to help them, I don't want you guys to do something crazy. Just leave them to me. That mean leave the pitch forks and torches!" I scanned the mob, the few that did have pitch forks and torches start to slow put them away and the the crowd dispersed.             Quickly  I turned around on my heels to face the twins. "I believed that I just save you from being traded an feathered so I think I just earned your ears."             "I don't." Flim said.             "Correct." Flam added.             "Oh really," I pointed at a small group of ponies that were still in the market place. A big vat of bubbling tar was being stirred by a stallion that I've seen lounging in gigantic jelly jars, most of the times. Then there were two other stacking bags of feathers, I think they were from; Quills and Sofas, The Shop For Secretaries and Sofa and Quill the Secretary Supply Shop. I often wondered  how could we have two shops like that in this town let alone five. "I don't think that those good fellows are making blackberry jam!"             They  both gulped and looked at me. "We're listening." They both said in unison.             "I know that lecturing you would not help but you should at least list to my story and keep it in mind."             Long ago on a   rainy day a scorpion sat on the banks of the river. He needed to cross the river to get to his family. The rain had caused the river to become raging and deep, there was no way he could cross it safely.             Before he could give up he spied a frog preparing to cross.            "Wait," He called. "Wait, I need to cross the river to my family."             The frog looked at the Scorpion. "I have to cross to see my family."             "Then you can carry me across."             "No!"             "Why not?"             "Because you will sting me and I'll die."             "I will not sting you. Not while we cross the river and not now or after." The Scorpion said.             "I do not believe you." Said flatly.             "Pleas, I need to get to the other end to see my family just like you." The Scorpion pleaded.             The Frog thought about it. "All right," He motioned to the Scorpion. "Get on."             The frog set out onto the river with the Scorpion on his back. When the two were in the middle of the river too far from either side to make it safely something happened.             The Scorpion raised it's tail and sank it into the frog's neck. Bother Frog and Scorpion gasped. "Fool, now we will both die!"             "I know." The Scorpion said flatly.             "You promised that you would not sting me!"            "I know." The Scorpion answered flatly.             "Then why now we will both die and never see our families again, Why did you do it?"             The Scorpion sighed. "Simple it is in my nature."             And so the Scorpion and Frog died from poisoning and drowning respectively.             My stopped my story and looked at my audience. The Crusader looked some what confused.             "That story can be taken many ways." Nyx said to me.             "Yah, once a jerk always a jerk?" Scootaloo shrugged.             "Well I think that there is something more to it," Sweetie Belle said aloud. "I think it can be subjective." She started to rub her chin.             "Either way it doesn't mean much if they don't listen." Apple bloom pointed a hoof towards the brothers.             I looked over at the twins... They looked as if they hadn't heard me at all. "Did listen did you?" I snarled at them.             That didn't work well, Well it was a long shot anyways. I thought to myself  thinking quick I know there was one story I knew they listen to. I looked at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Why don't you girls take a seat and enjoy. I've got another story." Then I pushed the two sales pony down to the ground. "Since you didn't listen to my first story, lets make this story a little more relevant shall we. How about a story about a peddler and much like you he was just trying to sell his wares." The brother looked at me strangely.             Once there was a peddler called Bob who wasn’t very good at selling his wars. He’d travel all around with his bag on his back, but he’d barely be able to get through one bagful  when his fellow peddlers could get through three or more.             The other peddlers would laugh. “Hey Bob, I see business is booming - as usual!” When ever he was snubbed by another would be customers.             Poor Bob.             "That's what we'd call poor marketing." Flim broke in on my story. "That's right brother, we could have done better." Flam added. "It's so simple!" They said in unison.             I shook my head. It was the first time they were getting involved in my story so maybe I could reach them this time.             "There is more to this story then you're telling us." Nyx said observed.             "There is but it a little hard to explain just yet..." I trailed off, and restarted my story.                 Each evening he’d leave town to find a tree to lie under, his bag always full as ever... That was until he met someone at the Crossroad one midsummer evening.             “Hey, Bob you look like you could use some help.” Side man with a curly mustache and little beard. He was a finely dressed and ghastly white, almost unnatural.             “How... How did you know  my name mister?” Bob asked.             “Old Nick, call me Nick, I know Everybody's name. I know everybody’s Troubles too.” The man pull out a piece of parchment from the top hat on his head.             “What’s that?” Bob asked Nick.             “An Ironclad Guarantee that you’ll be able to sell everything you buy from now on... All your troubles could be gone if you sign here.” Nick pointed to the paper. “Though I must warn you that you must never allow your bag to become completely Empty. Otherwise I’ll be forced to invoke Paragraph 66 Clause 6  But I’m sure a man of your intelligence...” He didn’t finish the scenting             You see what Nick meant was that if his bag ever became completely empty he would belong to Old Nick.             "Who's this Old Nick that he could make a promise like that? Sweetie Belle asked.             How to explain? This isn't foreign concept for the ponies but still these were foals. "It's kind of hard to explain, Old Nick is one of many names given to a supernatural being that is said to exists in our world. We also call him the Devil, he has many other names but basically he is a being that  brings destruction, chaos, sorrow and pain to the world wherever he goes. He corrupts the innocent and emboldens the wicked. He was once a beautiful and powerful spirit that was meant to do good things but became jealous and envious of us humans. It turned him into a monster, from that point forward he spent his existence trying to hurt humans and overthrow his father's kingdom. There was a great battle and one day his brother banished him." Not exactly how it goes but it was hard to explain the cannon of a religion easily.             "That's kind of like Princess Luna and Celestia." Nyxs said.             "If only, it ended the same way. Then maybe thing in my world might have been different." I told her.             "Enough with the chatter on with the story!" Scootaloo said impatiently.             "Alright as long as you get..." I looked at the twins. "So what would you two do? Would you sell yourselves to evil for wealth?"             "We get it, Old Nick is a very bad spirit that does bad things." Scootaloo urged             "Don't mind her," Apple Bloom said. "But I think we understand. He's sort of like, Nightmare Moon," Looking over at Nyx. "I mean the evil one, King Sober, Queen Chrysalis all rolled up together with the powers of Discord ta'boot. So can you continue?"             I nodded and started again.               Just like Old Nick said from that day forth, Bob fortunes changed. Before long Bob able to buy new cloths, a cart, a horse and even an assistant. Bob was always careful to ensure he had a little something left in his bag at the end of the day. Then, one day Bob found a notice. “Look at this boy -- Hinnermes Fair! The biggest, busiest fair of the year -- with the wealthiest customers, and it’s tomorrow!”             “So?” His assistant asked.              “We can make our fortunes there boy!”             So they went to the fair and sure enough, sales were brisk. The other peddlers were left out in the cold... But there was nothing they could do about it.             Bob had to leave the stall once and a while, that was when a fancy looking gentleman man walked up to Bob’s assistant.             “Alone sunny?”             “Hum?” He replied             “Tell you what-- I’ll buy the lot. Horse, Cart, and all... Plus whatever your master has in his bag. What do you say?”             “Eight hundred crowns!” The boy only said Eight hundred to start his bargaining form a position of strength but he was surprised he heard.             “Done. Tell your master I’ll meet him at the Hinnersmess Tavern this evening... Tell him Old Nick is going to collect what is his.” With a evil laugh and a swirl of sulfurous smoke he was gone.             “I sold everything-- Horse, cart and all! And he gave me four hundred crowns on the spot!” Bob’s assistant told him what the man had said. “Crowns?” Flim asked puzzled.         I took a deep breath. “It was an old form of currency that belonged to the country where this story came from.”         Both brothers nodded. “That boy has good sense.” Flam remarked. “Yes he does brother.” Flim agreed. “He cheated his employer and you think that’s good?” Sweetie Belle  questioned with a squeak in her voice. I just started the story again.                      Bob collapsed on the spot and yelled to the heavens. “Oh, woe! On. Woe! All is lost! Old Nick has come to collect his due. Now he will take me!”             “Then I should have held out for more?” Bob's assistant said asked aloud.             That was when an old woman in a worn cloak came up to him. “What the Devil is the matter with you? You're making a spectacle of yourself!”             As Bob rolled around on the ground moaning. “My twerp of an assistant has just sold my soul to Old Nick! I am doomed, doomed!”             The woman smiled. “Pull yourself together, man! I’ve dealt wit old nick on many occasions and he’s never bested me yet.” The old woman removed her cloak to show a burning red mane of hair missing teeth and a wrinkle face.             Bob’s former assistant noticed her. “(Gasp) it’s Katie Grey the Devil Smasher!”             “Too right it is. Now listen I can put Old Nick in his place for you... But you must do Exactly as I say.”             “Okay.” Bob said as he got up.             “And it’ll cost you.” She added with a smile.             “Fine. I guess I’ve got nothing to lose.”             “Excellent, I believe we can do business. Now here’s what we’ll do...”             "She sound like she'd be a good Crusader." Scootaloo said aloud.             "Yeah I guess she would," I shrugged at them. "Or maybe you'd make good Devil Smasher?" The Girls seemed to light up when I said that. "But I wouldn't suggest it."             "What can she do?" The Twins asked in unison, they both adopted a look of sneaky interest.             "I'm sensing a way out?" Flim asked.             "Agreed brother." Flam added.             While now they seem more intrusted, I thought. I hoped that I could make an impact. I wondered if they would get the lesson?             And so, that evening. Bob the paddler waited for Old Nick as arranged. With a plume of sulfurous smoke Old Nick appeared. Causing people shout. “It’s Old Nick Run!!” And many did.  “Good evening. I've come to collect what’s mine.” Nick said with a smile.             “Fair enough you’ll find my horse and cart outside” Bob answered straight faced.             “Fine, fine. Your Bag?”           “Help yourself.” Bob said passing him the bag.             “Thank you. I...” Old Nick looked in it and paused. “NO! NO! What... What fiendish trickery is this!”             Katie Grey emerged from the bag. “Surprise! If you want to take the contents of this bag, you’ll have to take me too!”             “No, not her!! Not her!! Not Katie Grey, Devil Smasher!!” Old Nick spun around to face Bob with a manic face. “Do you have any idea what this ghastly harridan has put me through? She Constantly robs me of souls... Torments me in every way imaginable... Why, she once kept me imprisoned in a kettle for three years! If you think I’m taking her, you're crazy!!”             “That’s fine,” Bob said with a smile. “But you can hardly say that you have everything in my bag can you?”             “Pah! Fine you win!” Old Nick Roared showing off his true nature. “I can always find more peddlers! I would rather have no peddler then one Katie Grey! But from now on watch your back!” Old nick became demon faced a cloud of smoke a smashed through the roof of the inn.             He was gone and now Katie Grey came up to him. “Now for your my payment, I want that wedding ring, Now.”             “So he got off.” Flim said aloud.             “That’s the kind of story that I could like.” Flam added             I looked over at the Cutie Mark Crusader and smiled before turning back to the twin brothers. “Oh I wouldn’t say that exactly. That’s the end but ponder this... If Old Nick couldn’t get along with Katie Grey, I doubt poor old Bob would do much better.”             They paused for a moment and thought about what I just told them. Thought their faces did not change their ears drooped.             "Exactly," I pointed to the ponies still preparing the tar and feathers. "And I'm not going to be around to help you and I don't think everyone will listen to me again. So take what I said and do something about it!"             They were speechless, definitely worth the price.