> You And Rainbow Dash Save Humanity > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbows Save Humanity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a long day, another pointless day where you achieved nothing. None the less you spent your pointless day playing video games, watching TV and masturbating to boring normal human porn, unlike your Brony Clopper Internet friends, that masturbated to superior My Little Pony porn. You also had no waifu nor hubando. You were a Brony, but not one of the glorious master fans known as Cloppers. And now you were asleep in bed. "Wake up!" shouted a sexy tomboy girl's voice. You opened your eyes and saw the sexy rainbow pony known as Rainbow Dash. However, since you were not a Clopper, you did not find the rainbow horse sexy. "Rainbow, what are you doing here?" you said with your mouth agape in shock. "Duh, I'm here for human and Pony sex!" she said sexfully while looking at you with bedroom eyes. "What?!" you shouted. Rainbow sighed, turned around and showed you her sexy cunt. However, since you were not a Clopper in this parallel universe you did not find Pony pussy sexy. "Anon, you must cum inside me to save humanity! You are the chosen one to cum inside me and save humanity!" she shouted. "But.... but I'm not a Clopper. I don't like Pony pussy!" "Heresy!" she shouted as she slapped you across the face. She glared angrily at you for not wanting to cum inside her. However, when she saw the tears in your eyes, her look of anger faded away, to be replaced with a look of regret. "I'm sorry Anon!" she shouted, followed by wrapping her hooves around you, bringing you into a tender embrace. "Please forgive me!" she cried, now with tears in her eyes. Despite not being a Clopper, you hugged the rainbow pony back. "Don't cry Dashie. Please don't cry." you said in a low voice. Tears rolled down her face as she looked at you with pleading doggy eyes. "Anon, please." she began softly. "You must cum inside me, Rainbow Dash. For it is the only way to save humanity." "Why?" "Because if you don't cum inside me, my magical Pony pussy will not be strong enough to protect humanity!" "I mean why? Why should I cum inside you to save humanity?" "What?" she said as she looked at you in confusion. "You see, I hate humanity!" Dash flew off you and glared angrily at you as she looked down at you from above. "How could you hate your own species?!" "Because all humans are evil and you Ponies should commit genocide on all evil humans, by turning all humans into Ponies!" "Fuck that! How would I get human penis to fuck me then?!" "But Ponies have bigger penises than humans!" "Nu-uh! I had sex with Nicolas Cage! And besides, I love a human woman's boobies!" "At any rate, you Ponies should kill all humans! Because human are all evil and-- she stuffed her right hoof into your mouth. "Shut up! Ponies are just as evil!" she shouted, glaring daggers at you. "Now... " she pulled her hoof out of your mouth. "Are you going to cum inside me or not?" "No! I don't want to cum inside Rainbow Dash!" you shouted. "Is it because I'm a Pony?!" she shouted while gritting her teeth. "Yes! Ponies should only cum inside other Ponies and humans should only cum inside other humans!" "But that's boring! You mean to tell me, you never had sex with Zoidberg?" "No, I never had sex with an alien lobster man. And I'm not going to have sex with a rainbow horse!" you shouted. You sighed in relief that Rainbow Dash appeared to be gone above you. However, when you heard a quiet sniffling sound, your heart skipped a beat. There in the corner of the room, you saw the shaking rainbow mare crying silently to herself in grief. "Dashie?" you said softly. You got out of bed and ran over to the mare and picked her up. You did not notice the sly grin on her face. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." "You don't love me! You don't want to cum inside me!" she wailed. A sudden spark of passion overwhelmed you, which resulted in you giving her a soft kiss on the lips in a tender display of human and pony love. Rainbow Dash moaned sexfully, followed by grinning in delight, knowing she has you now, it was now inevitable that you would cum inside her. You carried the Pony over to the bed. However, once near the bed Rainbow Dash pushed you onto the bed, flew on top of you and straddled her hind legs around you. "We don't have much time! You must cum inside me before it's too late!" You nodded your head and pulled down your pants, to reveal your massive mighty monster cock. You did not know how your cock got so big, but you guessed it was due to Rainbow Dash's magical pony pussy. She stuffed her mighty pony pussy down your fearsome mighty cock. She bounced her fine cum insideable booty on your giant towering spire. You squeezed her buttcheeks as both of you moaned sexfully. But alas, it may be already too late, for if you don't cum inside Rainbow Dash soon, Rainbow Dash will not have the power to save humanity with her magical pony pussy. Horrible music began to play outside as an evil army of evil Justin Biebers walked towards your home. With no time to lose and the fate of humanity at stake you began fucking harder than Nicolas Cage when he fucks chocolate cake. A look of fear came across yours and Dashie's face as the singing of the Justin Biebers became louder as they came nearer and nearer to your room. "Oh, Rainbow Dash!" you shouted as you came inside. There was a blinding flash of light and Rainbow Dash became an overpowered Alicorn. She was now Princess Rainbow Dash. And thus she used her magical pony pussy to banish all the evil Justin Biebers to the worst possible place in the multiverse. And then you became a Clopper, were no longer a misanthrope and had sex with an overpowered Alicorn. The End