> Among The Pegasi > by KillerChainsaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Our New Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle hadn't been a Princess for very long, but already Princess Celestia had given her a place to rule over. She was standing outside her mentor's quarters, sighing as she was trying to pluck up the courage in order to knock on the big double doors. She had lived at this castle ever since she was a young infant (her parents having to be nowhere in sight), since than the almighty Princess Celestia and her younger sister have been raising the young unicorn. She is now an adult, who after her long years in magic training and studying, became an alicorn and was announced as a new Princess of Equestria. Only now she fears of just how ruling over someplace will be like, and if she will do it justice or not. Finally Twilight decided to just go back to her room and forget about talking to her mentor, when the doors suddenly opened and made her jump in surprise, as before her now stood Celestia. "Twilight? What are you doing here so early in the morning?" The pure white mare asked as she seemed quite surprised to see her student at her door. "Well.......I ummm......" Twilight paused as she nervously looked to the older Princess and took a deep breath, "Princess, I need to speak with you," Twilight stated with a now more serious look on her face. Celestia was silent for a moment as she just stared blankly at her student, before she smiled to her slightly, "What is it Twilight?" Celestia asked, that smile never leaving her lips. "You told me that I would be the new Princess of some place right?" Twilight asked. "Yes that is correct," Celestia simply answered with a nod. "But you didn't tell me what that place is like, and I was just wondering if I'd be a good enough Princess for them as all," Twilight explained. "Ahh so that's what this is all about, there's nothing to worry about Twilight, the town that you will be ruling over is called, 'Ponyvile' and is only small. The ponies in it are very humble and welcoming, I'm sure you'll fit right in," Celestia reassured her worried student. "That's good to hear then," Twilight sighed in relief as she smiled back to her mentor, What was I thinking? Of course Princess Celestia would give me a very welcoming place to rule over, I'm not sure why I was even worrying so much about it all,' Twilight thought as she was now much more relaxed and open-minded about this town that she would soon be ruling over. "Yes the one above it may seem much more less-accepting, but they should come around after a while," Celestia interrupted Twilight from her happy and relieved thoughts, while she talked about the bigger town that was just above Ponyvile. "Wait...are you saying that I'm going to be ruling over two towns now?" Twilight asked as her feelings of worry all came rushing back into her mind. "Well technically yes. There's a bigger town in the skies just above Ponyvile called, 'Cloudsdale', it's inhabited by only pegasi, while Ponyvile is home to all kinds of different ponies and other animals," Celestia explained. "How in Equestria am I going to rule over two towns at once? Plus I've only just gotten used to flying and all, so how will I be a good ruler if I can't even be up there very much?" Twilight asked now in a panicking state. "Calm down Twilight," Celestia smiled to her student as she chuckled slightly. Twilight took a deep breath as she calmed herself and looked back to her mentor with a smile. "Now listen I know it sounds tough and all, but you'll be fine, the ponies on the ground will be sure to welcome you nicely, and the pegasi will soon warm up to you as well in time, okay?" Celestia explained to Twilight as she rested a hoof on the younger mare's shoulder. Twilight just nodded before she sighed again as she looked up to her mentor with a small smile, knowing to trust in the older Princess, after all she had never been wrong yet. "However before you think about packing to head off, I have someone that I would like you to meet," Celestia explained as she started to lead her young student along the long hallway and soon stopped at two big closed double doors. Twilight looked up at the doors, then back to her mentor wondering who it was that she was going to introduce her to, 'Maybe it would be some strong stallions from the royal guard being sent to come along and make sure nothing happenes to me, or maybe it's a powerful unicorn of some sort, who's going to teach me all the ways of being a good ruler, or....or....or....' Twilight happily thought to herself as millons of possibilities ran through her mind, feeling over-excited as she wondered just who could be waiting behind the doors. Celestia happily knocked on the big double doors then stepped back slightly, patiently awaiting an answer. Unfortunately it would seem that she did not get one. She tried once more, knocking louder this time and frowning a little, while Twilight looked upto her questionably. Again there was no answer. 'It's not normal for anypony to ignore the Princess like this, I wonder what kind of pony this is, I mean it's true that they may be busy with something at the moment, but that's no reason to be this impolite as to not even open the door and come and greet us,' Twilight thought as she didn't know if she was so sure about this 'great' pony anymore, true she had yet to meet them, but from where she was standing they weren't making that much of a good first immpression right now. "Excuse me, Young Dragon are you awake?" Celestia called out as she knocked again, and hoped she would get an answer this time. 'Did she just say 'Dragon'? are they meant to be coming with me?' Twilight questioned in her mind as she suddenly felt very nervous about meeting this new face now, after all she had never met a dragon before, and she had no idea what they were like since they weren't that many that lived near to the ponies of Equestria, plus there were hardly any books on them considering the fact that they haven't been known to partially like ponies all that much, and so there really wasn't anything about them for Twilight to have studied unfortunately for her. "Coming," Twilight froze as she heard a voice come from inside of the room, which was soon accompanied by faint footsteps slowly becoming louder as within a few more moments the doors were opened to reveal the young dragon. Twilight looked up, expecting to see a very tall and fierce looking dragon, only to see nothing when she looked. She was slightly confused as to why there was no one there until she heard them speak up again. "Sorry I didn't answer right away Princess Celestia, I heard the knocking but I was....busy, and I didn't know if it was you or just the guards coming to check on me or something," Twilight's eyes cast down as she heard the voice come from a lower level, her eyes widened as there in front of her stood a baby dragon, with purple skin and bright green spikes going down its back, of all the dragons she could've met, she never imagined that this little one was the one she was meant to meet. "So in other words you were sleeping right?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk to the young dragon. The dragon just smiled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck with a single claw and avoided the mighty Princess's gaze. "Right then onto the topic at hoof, Twilight this is 'Young Dragon', and he will be accompanying you on your travels to Ponyvile," Celestia stated as she gestured to the little dragon with a hoof. "Oh so this is the new Princess I've been hearing about then?" the young dragon questioned, looking to Twilight. "Yes this is Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have the up-most certainty that you'll be of great help to her," Celestia answered with a small nod to the dragon, while he looked to Twilight and smiled to her kindly. "Well Princess Twilight it is an honor to meet you, Princess Celestia has informed me about your new role as the ruler of Ponyvile, and Cloudsdale, today is your moving day, correct?" the young dragon asked as he politly greeted the younger Princess with a small bow, while Twilight smiled nervously back to him. "Yes that's correct, and it's nice to meet you too umm...Dragon," Twilight nervously replied as she looked up to her mentor for a moment, 'What was I getting myself all worked up over? Of course the Princess wouldn't have a fully-grown dragon go with me, plus besides the fact that he didn't answer the door at first, he seems to be well-mannered enough, maybe I was wrong about him,' the mare thought as she looked back to the dragon and smiled to him. "He was found abonded near to the castle as an egg, a few years back, and has been one my most trusted assistance's since," Celestia added as she was gald to see the two greeting each other nicely, having no doubt that they would get along well. "Hey I thought I was working as a body-guard," the dragon stated in a whining tone, while his smile formed into a frown as he looked up to Celestia. "Yes that too of course," Celestia smiled as she rolled her eyes to the small dragon, before turning to her student. "But wait, if he's been here for that long then why have I never met him before now?" Twilight asked. "Well I wasn't too sure how you would act towards meeting each other back then, plus all you used to be interested in was studying, if it wasn't something about magic or a new test for you of some sort, you would never go for it," Celestia explained happy to admit that she always did like that side of her student, but there were times when she would've liked her to be a bit more out-going, she never did like meetting new ponies no matter dragons. "Oh, right," Twilight nervously smiled to her mentor, kind of regretting asking her that question now. "So why is he just called 'Young Dragon'? Doesn't he have a real name?" she asked, changing the subject and shaking off her nervous feeling. "Well if you like Twilight, you could give him one," Celestia stated with a smile. "Really?" Twilight looked to her mentor, not sure she could think of a good name for the young dragon. Celestia just nodded to her student, believing that this may be the perfect way for the two to create some sort of bond between them. Twilight swallowed slowly as she looked back to the young dragon. "Are you okay with this?" the young Princess asked. "Please anything would be better than being called, 'Young Dragon' all the time," the dragon joked, causing Twilight to smile to him again. Twilight looked over the small dragon, wondering what kind of name she should give him, trying to put lots of thought into the young dragon's name, 'Hmmm...what could I call him, it's got to be something that fits him well, and has to be something that other ponies can remember easily, but I also don't want it to be too common of a name, and it needs to be a name that shows he's unique, hmm...' Twilight thought for a while before a name suddenly popped into her head. "How about 'Spike'?" she asked, going with the first name she could think of. "Spike'? Wow I wonder how you came up with that," the dragon stated in a low tone before he caught Celestia giving him a stern glare, and made a cold shiver go down his spine, "Err...I mean that's a great name, thank you ever so much Princess Twilight, I'll be sure to bring it great justice," he bowed nervously as he smiled, and glanced to Celestia, sighing with relief as she smiled back to him and nodded, her death glare disappearing from her eyes. "Are you sure you don't mind? Because I can think of a better one if you like," Twilight suggested worried that the dragon didn't like his new name, and felt like slapping herself in the head for coming up with such a boring name that sounded like it would fit a dog more than a dragon. "Nonsense Twilight, Spike is a lovely name, wouldn't you agree Spike?" Celestia asked as she looked to the newly named Spike with a warning look in her eyes. "Why yes Princess it is a great name, and I no doubt live up to it," Spike now smiled as he nodded to Celestia, before he gave Twilight a kind smile, and she smiled back to him with slight relief in her expression, glad that the dragon was not disappointed in the name she had chosen for him. "Right then you two don't have much time so you better get packing, the ponies in Ponyvile will be expecting you there soon," Celestia stated as she turned away from the two, and started to head back to her quarters, before Twilight quickly stopped her. "Wait, so will I be living on the ground in Ponyvile, or in the sky in Couldsdale?" the mare asked worring that she may have to jump between the two in order to try and be a good ruler to both places. "Well I did talk to the ponies in Ponyvile about you living there with Spike, consindering the fact that he doesn't have wings, and flying really isn't your strong suit either," Celestia explained as she turned back to her student with a smile, "But really it's up to you where you want to live from here on out, I won't be there to make your decisions for you okay?" "Okay I understand, thank you for everything Princess Celestia," Twilight smiled to her mentor while the elder Princess just smiled back to her, "You'll tell Princess Luna that I said 'Thank you' as well right?" "Of course," Celestia nodded before Twilight ran up to her and nuzzled her softly, looking close to tears as she looked up to her mentor who had been like a Mother to her ever since she was a young filly. "I have the up-most certianty that you'll bring great joy to these two towns, you've never let me down before after all, and I'll be right here if ever you need me for anything," Celestia nuzzled the younger Princess back, before Twilight nodded to her holding back her tears, and looking to her mentor with a confident expression. "You'll be fine Twilight," those were the Princess's parting words as she left her student with her new companion Spike, as the two packed up all their belongings into saddlebags, and were soon off together to start their new life in Ponyvile where Twilight's true role as a Princess of Equestria would begin. ... ... After the two had all packed up and headed off together using a map that Celestia had provided for them, with Spike ridding along on Twilight's back as she flew to their destination, Ponyvile was near in their sights and as Twilight started to slow down, she looked up into the sky, gazing up to see clouds-upon-clouds already guessing what was up there waiting for her. 'That must be 'Cloudsdale', she thought before she thought she saw a small figure in the sky, upon squinting her eyes and looking closer, she was almost sure that it was a flying figure, and it definitely didn't look like a bird. The figure seemed to be watching her, but she couldn't quite make out what the figure looked like, after all they were quite far away from her at the moment, 'Is that one of the pegasi from Cloudsdale?' she wondered before Spike tugged on her mane a little and caught her attention. "Hey Princess Twilight, land here, we've come to entrance of the town," the young dragon stated as he pointed down to the ground while he checked the map that was in his claws right now. "Huh, oh right, okay," Twilight snapped back to look at Spike, before slowly droping down and landing on the ground, just outside of Ponyvile. She looked to the small town for a moment, before she looked back to Spike, while he jumped off her back and checeked the map again, just to make sure they were in the right place. Twilight glanced back to where she had seen the flying figure before, but either they had now gone or she was too low down to see them, as she sighed slightly and turned to look to Spike again, deciding not to let seeing that figure bother her, as she pushed all thoughts about what the pegasi that lived up in Cloudsdale were like to the back of her mind. "You know you can just call me Twilight if you like, in fact I would kind of prefer it," Twilight stated as Spike looked to her, taking his attention away from the map for a moment. "You sure?" he asked as he folded the map up and slipped it into his bagpack, unsure if he should go along with what Twilight said or not after all he had been calling Celestia and Luna 'Princess' for so long now, it would seem disrespectful to call Twilight any different. Twilight just nodded to Spike with a smile knowing that she would be more comfortable with Spike if he was calling her by just her name and not adding 'Princess' to it all the time. "Very well, after you Twilight," Spike smiled as he nodded to Twilight, still feeling a little un-sure but decided to respect the young Princess's wishes and prove to be someone that she could learn to trust in time. Twilight nodded happily to Spike as she then looked to the entrance to the small town again, and took a slow deep breath, before her expression formed into a confident one as she remembered Celestia's reassuring words, and nodded to herself as she walked into the small town with Spike following close behind her. And upon entering the town, it was no surprise that the Princess was turning a lot of heads, as she nervously looked around the town, ducking her head down, while Spike just smiled to her slightly. "What are you getting so worried about Twilight, you're their princess now, you shouldn't be trying to avoid looking at them like this," Spike stated feeling a little sorry for the clearly nervous Princess. "I'm not avoiding them, I'm just sacred that they won't like me as their new ruler as all," Twilight confessed as she looked around at all the staring ponies, as some now started to slowly apporach her, making her feel like she was some sort of caged animal. "Remember what Princess Celestia said you have nothing to worry about, why don't you just start by introducing youself to them all?" Spike suggested with a smile as he gestured to a few of the ponies that were walking up to greet their new Princess. Twilight took a deep breath and counted to ten slowly in her head as she nodded to Spike with a smile, before she looked to the ponies that were all looking to her, "Hello ponies of Ponyvile, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I have been sent here by Princess Celestia to tell you all that I will be your new ruler from today on, I hope we can all get along," she spoke in a clear and confident tone, feeling butterfiles fluttering around in her stomach as she swallowed slowly. And as expected as soon as the ponies had heard the word 'Princess' they immeditaly crowded around their new ruler, welcoming her into the town and bombarding her with countless questions, which she couldn't answer of course. Twilight's worry making itself know again as she nervously smiled while looking around at all of the ponies that were surrounding her now. 'Maybe we should have waited till we were in a more secluded part of the town,' Spike thought as he looked to the over-whelmed Princess and felt sorry for her again. "Alright, alright, back up ya'll, give the Princess some space, she can barely get a word out with you talking to her all at once like that," a voice rung louder than the others as the ponies now all looked to who the voice had come from, and quieted down in the process. Twilight's eyes widened as she saw an orange farm pony walk up to the crowd, gesturing for them all to back up a little, while the ponies all did as they were told without any protests, agreeing to let their new Princess have some space as they all stayed slient for a minute, making it possible for Twilight and Spike to now hear themselves think again. "Umm...t-thank you," Twilight said in low tone nervously, to the farm pony feeling like she should've been the one to quieten them all down, and felt a little ashamed that she wasn't. "It's no probelm really Princess," the farm pony stated as she turned to Twilight with a kind smile, before she turned back to the other ponies again, "Now I'm sure the Princess will get to meeting you all, and answering all your questions soon enough, but for now let's give her a bit of time to settle in alright, so all of you go back to what you were doing," The ponies, listening to the farm pony all nodded as they walked off and went back to what they were doing before Twilight and Spike came into the town, while a few stayed a little while longer, only turning to leave when the farm pony gave them a stern stare. Twilight sighed slightly as she looked to the farm pony and smiled slightly to her, while she had now turned back to her. The farm pony was an Earth pony who had an orange coat, along with a long blond mane that was tied up loosely in a small red band (tail to match), bright green eyes, an old looking stetson hat sitting atop of her head, three red apples as her cuite-mark, and a southern sounding accent to top it all off. "So you're our new Princess right?" the farm pony asked. Twilight just nodded nervously with a smile, berfore she introduced herself, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you," "Well howdy Princess Twilight, my name's Applejack, I live on the farm here in Ponyvile called, 'Sweet Apple Acres'," the farm pony introduced herself in return as she gave the Princess a small bow. "I've heard of that place, you make the best apples in all of Equestria right?" Spike spoke up, recongising the name of the farm Applejack had mentioned. "You bet ya, best darn apples ya ever did see, and they taste even better then that," the mare stated as she looked down to Spike with a smile. "I'm Spike by the way, Princess Twilight's trusty assistant, and bodyguard," Spike stated proudly to Appjack with a smile, while Twilight just smiled slightly and rolled her eyes. "Nice to meet ya Spike," Applejack replied with a nod to the baby dragon, before she looked back to Twilight, "So how was your trip over here, I hope it wasn't too hard to find, we are quite the small town," "Oh no, it really wasn't any trouble," Twilight stated with a smile back to Applejack, now feeling much more calmer, yes she did see the odd pony stare at her as they walked past, but she decided to not pay much attention to them, and just focused on the pony that she was talking to right now. However that was soon changed as a white pony came running over to them at full speed, "Applejack, darling, I heard that the Princess is here already, we weren't expecting her till later, and the place that she will be living at isn't ready yet. Oh everything is ruined, what are we going to do?" the other pony asked in a worried voice, while she looked to be in quite the panicked state (maybe even more so then Twilight was right now). Unlike Applejack this pony looked quite high-class, plus she was a unicorn, seeming like she should be living in a place like Canterlot, rather than Ponyvile. Her coat was pure white, her mane was dark purple and was styled in a fancy way, with a cutie-mark made up of three blue diamonds, and sapphire eyes with long eyelashes, not to mention how prim and proper her voice sounded, putting Twilight's tone to shame. Despite living in a small town like Ponyvile, there was quite the high chance that anypony could mistake this regal looking pony for being from somewhere like Canterlot, or even Manehatten. "Now calm down Rarity, I think you may be scaring the Princess a little," Applejack stated as she calmed the white unicorn down, and gestured to Twilight for a minute with a smile. The unicorn looked to Applejack, confused before she looked to Twilight and went speechless and wide-eyed gasping slightly, looking back to Applejack again in surprise, while Twilight smiled nervously to her. "Hello, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, it's nice to meet you," Twilight introduced herself, while the unicorn was still too stunnded to say anything, just standing there like some statue while she tried her best to form words with her lips, but to no avial. Applejack elbowed the unicorn as she tried to get her to come back to her senses, luckily it worked as the unicorn shook her head and composed herself, clearing her throat slightly as she looked to Twilight and smiled politly. "Please the pleasure is all mine Princess," she bowed her head and felt kind of embarrassed as she let royalty see her in such a unladylike state. "We're sorry about coming here so early, we ended up finding this place faster than we first thought," Twilight apologized as she felt a little ashamed for not telling the ponies they would be coming earlier than expected. "Oh no, not at all we're glad that you found our little town without any problems," the unicorn smiled as she lifted her head and reassured the young Princess. "This here is Rarity, she owns the dress-makers shop here in Ponyvile," Applejack stated with smile. "Oh Applejack it is more than just a 'Dress-makers shop' it's a beautiful boutique that ponies come from near and far to see," "Ah so it's a lot like ma farm then?" Applejack smirked knowing that she was winding Rarity up by saying this. "It is nothing like your farm, how could you even compare the two like that?" "Quite easily actually," Applejack just smiled as Rarity galred to her for so much as thinking to compare her wonderful boutique with the Earth pony's farm. Twilight and Spike just smiled as they chuckled slightly at the two poines, guessing that they were friends. Twilight sighed slightly, feeling relaxed and comfortable about how 'normal' the two ponies were acting around her right now, she felt at ease as she wondered if all the ponies in Ponyvile were as kind and welcoming as these two. ... ... Later into the day Twilight and Spike had met a VERY energetic and excitable bright pink Earth pony named Pinkie Pie, who co-onws the bakery in Ponyvile, a timid and very shy pegasus pony named Fluttershy, who helps to take care of most of the animals in Ponyvile, the Mayor of the town, Mayor Mare, and many other ponies that both Twilight and Spike had forgotten the names of by now. And now as it was coming around to mid-afternoon, Applejack and Rarity showed Twilight and Spike where they would be living while they stayed here in Ponyvile. "It's a library?" Spike questioned as him and Twilight looked at a big oak tree, which had a sign on it that read, 'Golden Oak's Library'. "Well it's not exctaly finished just yet, we wanted to convert it to look more like a castle, but that was before we knew you were coming so early," Rarity stated with a slight sigh, disappointed that they didn't get around to finishing it before Twilight came. "If it's not to your liking, we can find a new place for and Spike if you like?" Applejack asked hoping that their small town could accommodate to their Princess's needs. "Well- "No thank you, this will do fine," Twilight cut Spike off as she smiled and covered Spike's mouth with a hoof. "Really, are ya sure Princess?" Applejack asked with a slightly confused expression, as Rarity copied the farm pony. "Yes, this is just perfect, thank you," Twilight smiled, honestly feeling like she couldn't be happier at getting to live in an actual library, even if it was much smaller than the ones in the castle in her old home. Spike just glared slightly as he removed Twilight's hoof from his mouth and looked up at the Library for a minute, "I guess if the Princess likes it, then so do I," Twilight just smiled to the young dragon as Rarity and Applejack were still a bit surprised, but smiled as well. "Also can you guys do something for me?" Twilight asked as she turned to look to the two ponies that she had been getting along with well. "Of course," Rairty smiled. "What do you need Princess?" Applejack asked. "Well it's exactly that," Twilight stated. Applejack and Rarity looked at each other with confused expressions as they weren't too sure what Twilight meant. Applejack looked to Twilight again as Rarity copied her, "Umm.....It's exactly what?" the farm pony asked. "Can you two be so kind and stop calling me, 'Princess'?" Twilight asked kindly. Rarity gasped as Applejack just looked surprised, after all they had always called Celestia and Luna, 'Princess' so now that Twilight, their new Princess was here telling them not to call her that, neither of them were really sure how to answer her at first. "But Twilight dear, a Princess is what you are, don't you want ponies to know of your title?" Rarity asked being the first to speak up and question this matter. "Well yes, while it may be true that I'm a Princess, I'd rather that you didn't call me as such, after all I'm just another pony like the both of you when it comes down to it," Twilight explained with a smile as she really didn't like being called, 'Princess' all the time and thought this was a good way to make things a little less formal, and a lot less nerve-wracking for her. "Fair enough, as you wish Prince....I mean Twilight," Applejack shrugged as she nodded and smiled to Twilight, while Twilight smiled back to her. Rarity agreed to just call her Twilight as well after some convincing from Applejack, making Twilight feeling like a little bit of the pressure that was on her had been lifted now. "Well would you like us to show you the inside of your 'New home'?" Rarity asked with a smile to Twilight. "Would I?" Twilight asked excitely as her eyes lit up and a bright smile formed on her lips, before she blushed nervously and composed herself, while Spike just chuckled slightly at the book-loving Princess. "I mean yes, That would be great, thank you," Twilight stated with a nod and cleared her throat slightly, while Applejack and Rarity just smiled to her kindly. At that moment the group of four all heard a laugh come from somewhere as they all looked around, before Rairty elbowed Applejack. "Oww, what was that for?" the farm pony asked as she rubbed her wounded side with a hoof, glaring to Rairty slightly. "It is impolite to laugh at somepony's interests like that Applejack," Rairty stated. "It wasn't me who laughed though," "Oh, I apologise then," Rairty smiled nervously as Applejack just glared to her again. The four hearing another laugh all looked around again, before Twilight looked down to spike, and raised an eyebrow to him, "You know it wasn't that funny Spike," "Hey it's not me either," Spike stated as he folded his arms across his chest and looked back to Twilight with a stern stare. "Then who is it?" Twilight asked as she looked around again, all of them scanning the area, but unfortunately none of them finding the culprit, however as the laughs were slowly getting louder and more clear, Applejack started to solwly recognise the sound of the voice as she knew right from the start that it sounded somewhat familiar to her. "Come out already!" the farm pony called out as she looked around the rooftops of the houses now, knowing that the culprit would likely be up there. "AJ, Rares, long time no see ay?" the four heard a voice call out to them, as they all quickly looked over to the rooftop of a nearby house and saw a dark figure standing there, before the figure came into sight as she flew into closer view. "Who's your nerdy alicorn friend with the pet baby dragon?" the pony asked as she revealed herself to the four, and instandly caused Applejack and Rairty to glare to her. Twilight looked to the flying pony as she was slowly flapping her wings, keeping herself just above the ground as she smiled to Applejack and Rarity. She was a pegasus, with a bright blue coat, and an un-tidy rainbow mane of all different colours, along with a cutie-mark which was a white cloud with a rainbow coloured lightning strike, and dark magenta eyes, as well as a tom-boyish voice that might just confuse a few ponies. Twilight was sure she had never met this Pegasus before, but somehow in that moment, she felt like she had seen her somewhere before. "Hey I'm not her pet, I'm her assistant, and just who are you anyway?" Spike asked as he galred to the pegasus already feeling like his wasn't going to get along with this particular pony. "Leave it Spike, the likes of her ain't worth wasting your breath on," Applejack stated. "AJ I'm crushed, and I thought we were friends," the rainbow pegasus faked a gasp and smirked to the farm pony, knowing that she was only winding her up more by saying that. Twilight hadn't even spent a whole day with Applejack and Rarity in order to know them all that well yet, but as she looked to the two of them, they both just seemed so full of hate all of a sudden. Their welcoming and humble expressions had gone as they looked to the rainbow pegasus with clear distaste in they're eyes,'I don't get it, for whatever reason the atmosphere has completely changed, just who is this Pony?' the young Princess wondered as she looked to Applejack and Rarity, beforee looking to the pegasus again. "If you don't mind me asking, but what is a ruffian like you doing down here? You always say you hate being in our town," Rarity asked looking to the pegasus with the same glaring expression that Applejack had on. "Actually I do mind, since my reason for being here is none of your business," Rairty growled under her breath at the pegasus's reply, while the rainbow pony just smirked back to her. "But if you must know, I heard from a few of the pegasi that our new 'Princess' is meant to be coming here today," the pegasus pony explained as she looked bored now and just sighed slightly, "So where is this Princess anyway?" "She's right in front of you Rainbow," Applejack stated, gesturing to Twilight while Rarity just rolled her eyes. "Wait you mean this is the so-called 'Great Princess' that is going to rule over our town and yours?" the rainbow pony asked as she looked to Twilight, looking her up and down, before she turned back to the other two ponies. "Yep that's her, Princess Twilight Sparkle," Spike stated proudly as he gestured to Twilight, causing the young Princess to smile and blush nervoulsy, while the pegasus raised an eyebrow to her. "Huh, no offence and all, but I thought you'd be a little...taller I guess," "Rainbow Dash! What is wrong with you? You can't just say something like that to our new princess, we're so sorry Twilight, just ignore her," Rairty scolded the pegasus, while the flying pony just looked back to her with a blank stare. "What? It's not like I was being mean to her by saying that," "That's not the point," "Alright you two that's enough," Applejack silenced the two as she stood between them, before Twilight nervously spoke up, feeling like she should be the one to take control of this now heated situation since she was supposed to be their new ruler after all. "Excuse me I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" the Princess asked nervously while the other ponies now all looked to her. "Oh right, name's Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer throughout all of Equestria, and born and raised in Cloudsdale," the pegasus proudly stated, sounding like Spike with that ego of her's shining through as Twilight's eyes widened a little. 'She's from Cloudsdale? I knew that the ponies from Ponyvile and the pegasi from Cloudsdale didn't get along all that well, but just a minute ago Applejack and Rarity looked like they had some sort of terrible grudge over her,' Twilight thought as she looked to Rainbow Dash and smiled for a minute, 'She doesn't seem all that bad though,' "Wait if you're our new Princess, then why are you just standing around here?" Rainbow asked as she tilted her head to the side and slowly droped down onto the ground. "Well we were going to show her and Spike the inside of their new home before you showed up," Rarity explained as she was turned away from the pegasus slightly now, but was still glaring to her. "That sounds boring," Rainbow commented as she chuckled slightly, smirking to Rarity, before she looked back to Twilight, "Hey I've got an idea, you wanna come to Cloudsdale Princess? I can show you around if you like, I'll give you the grand tour," Upon hearing that Twilight looked up, and could only just about see the outline of the clouds that made up the town known as Cloudsdale high up in the sky, before she looked back to Rainbow Dash and smiled slightly to her. "That sounds like fun," she nodded to Rainbow, while the pegasus just smiled back to her. "Twilight, what are you doing? You don't know this pony as well as the one's here in Ponyvile," Spike whispered to Twilight as he seemed concerned for the young Princess. "Relax Spike, she doesn't seem all that bad," Twilight whispered back leaning down to Spike. "All she's been doing since she showed up is teasing us all, plus Princess Celestia warned you of how the pegasi in Cloudsdale aren't as welcoming as the ponies here in Ponyvile," "True, but I'm going to need to go up there some time or other, after all I am going to be the ruler of both down here and up there right?" Twilight smiled as it was obvious to Spike that her mind was clearly already made up, "Listen you stay down here with Applejack and Rarity, and meanwhile Rainbow Dash can show me around up there, I'll be back before you know it, alright?" "But...But I..." Spike just sighed as he guessed there wasn't any point to trying to talk Twilight out of this, and the young Princess most certainly didn't look like she was going to change her mind anytime soon. "Fine but, don't be too long okay, Princess Celestia said we should stick together," Spike replied as he gave in reluctantly. Twilight just nodded with a wink to Spike as she looked back to Rainbow Dash again, and smiled to her, "Rainbow Dash, I've decided to take you up on your offer," "Really?" Rainbow asked seemed excited now. "Twilight are you sure about this?" Rarity asked, while her and Applejack looked to the Princess with worried expressions, them both knowing what the pegasi who live up in Cloudsdale can be like when meeting other ponies for the first time. "Yeah, I'd loved to come with you Rainbow," Twilight nodded with a bright smile. "Now hold on a minute Twi, are ya sure you don't want one of us to come with you?" Applejack asked while Rarity nodded in agreement. "That would be nice I guess, but none of you can fly, and my back still hurts from carrying Spike all the way here," Twilight wasn't exactly telling the truth by saying that, but she believed this was something she could only do on her own, so having somepony else there to help her along the way, wouldn't really count for anything. "Alright then, come on Princess, let's see if you can keep up," Rainbow stated as she spread out her wings, and smiled to Twilight, before taking off into the sky. "Just be careful Twilight, I'm not sure what I'd do if anything happened to you up there," Spike stated still looked awfully concerned for the young Princess, not really sure if he should trust that rainbow pegasus with her. "Don't worry Spike, it's like Princess Celestia said, I'll be fine," Twilight replied with a smile to the young dragon, before she patted him on the head, and nodded to Applejack and Rarity, taking off a minute later and flying after Rainbow Dash. 'Not even one full day with us, and the Princess is already been whisked away by the 'Enemy',' Applejack thought as her, Rarity and Spike all watched the Princess quickly try and catch up to Rainbow Dash not wanting to be left behind and not knowing where to go from there, the three hoping that she would be okay up there on her own. > To The Heaven Above > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come on Princess, keep up!" Rainbow Dash called back to the alicorn, soaring way ahead of her at an unbelievable speed, Twilight just barely able to hear her as the Princess sighed heavily. "I'm...trying..." Twilight breathed out between heavy pants as she was practically miles away from the rainbow pegasus now, coming to a stop as she slowly flapped both of her wings and kept herself high above the ground and wheezed out, coughing slightly while she caught her breath and looked to where Dash had flew off to, she was no longer in sight. "Geez she sure is fast," the Princess whispered to herself as she wondered about the rambunctions pegasus that was supposed to be her guide for this, while hovering there in the sky, looking back to Ponyvile in the near distance, before sighing again slightly and hanging her head low, 'Maybe Spike was right, I don't know this pony well enough yet to have her guiding me, after all for I know she could just be leading me out of town, or maybe she's trying to get me lost so I can never find my way back. It was true that she didn't seem all that bad back when I first met her a few minutes ago, but now I'm starting to understand why Rarity and Applejack started to act so different when she showed up,' "Hey!" "GAAHH!" Twilight let out a loud scream of surprise as said pegasus suddenly startled her and was now flying right in front of her, giving the Princess quite the scare. Twilight jumped back, losing her balance as she let herself drop down out of the sky and soon landed down onto the hard ground below her. "Ow, ow, ow, ow," Twilight repeated over and over again, clenching her teeth together tightly as she could feel tears welling up in her eyes, while she hurt all over. "Whoops, sorry did I scare you?" Rainbow flew down to the Princess, smiling to her nervously as she looked down to her and crouched down in front of her, "Hey you alright? That was quite the fall huh?" "It's fine Rainbow Dash...just a few broken bones as all," the Princess stated with a small smile as she stood back up and shook the dust off of herself, whincing at the slight ache that was now in both her wings and all four legs. She stretched slightly as she bit her bottom lip and tried to get herself up in the air again. "Oh no, can you still fly?" Rainbow asked, obviously worried that she would be the one blamed for 'breaking' the Princess. "Yeah, just give me a minute," Twilight nodded as she slowly spread out her wings and took a deep breath, narrowing her eyes as she took off into the sky a second later, twirling around in a few circles before stopping to hover in one spot again, looking back down to Rainbow Dash and waiting for her to come and join her. "Phew, close one" Rainbow smiled as she flew back up to Twilight and checked her body for any injuries she might have gotten from the fall, but luckily she seemed to have come out of it unscathed. "Sorry, I'm not all that good at flying just yet," Twilight nervously apologized as she smiled shyly. "It's alright we can just go slow for now I guess," Rainbow shrugged as Twilight happily nodded to her, watching the pegasus fly off in front of her while she followed suit, being sure to try and stay close behind this time. 'She sure is a weird one,' Twilight thought to herself as she kept her eyes on the rainbow pegasus flying in front of her, while she flew in and out of small clouds, whizzed past tall trees and flew high above the houses of Ponyvile below, raising her eyebrow a little when she noticed that the pegasus pony in front of her was getting a little too far ahead again. The Princess, not expecting the flying pony to stop, was a little surprised when she saw that Rainbow Dash actaully did stop and wait for her, once she had turned and noticed that Twilight was falling behind again. Twilight smiled as she picked up speed to catch up to the fast flyer, Rainbow happily flying off again once Twilight was close enough to her so she wouldn't get lost. 'It's like one minute she's showing off, that big ego of her's making itself known, and the next she is being considerate and kind enough to wait for me while I catch up to her. I honestly have no idea what to expect of her,' Twilight thought with a slight sigh as she now was able to catch up to Rainbow and fly alongside her. "So how far is Cloudsdale now?" Twilight asked, trying to make conversation with the pegasus. "Not far now, just a few more miles and we'll be there," Rainbow answered as she glanced to the Princess with a smile, getting a kind smile back in return. "Hey Rainbow," "Yeah?" "Do you think they'll like me up there?" Twilight asked nervously as she wasn't so sure how the pegasi up in Cloudsdale would take to meeting their new Princess, she knew that Dash seemed to be comfortable enough around her, but that's just one pegasus from Cloudsdale, she had no idea what the other ones were like. "Are you kidding me? Come on Princess they're going to love you," Rainbow happily exclaimed, before she took off into the sky, flying much faster that Twilight and disappearing through a fairly big white cloud. "Hey what happened to 'I guess we can go slow for now'?" Twilight quoted Dash's words from before as she desperately tried to catch up with her, flying up through the same cloud Rainbow had gone through, hoping to find the pegasus on the other side, and luckily she did, "And for future reference could you by any chance not call me 'Prin.." Twilight paused as she gasped a little, while Rainbow had cupped her chin and brought her head to look to what was in front of her instead of her looking to the pegasus beside her. Twilight's eyes widened as she stared in awe of what was in front of her right now. The word 'Beautiful' was an understandment, heck even words like, 'Wonderous' and 'Breathtaking' were clear understatements, as what the Princess saw in front of her right now was something that she just simply couldn't describe, she shook her head everytime she came up with a word, knowing that each and every word she thought of just didn't match up to what her eyes were seeing. "I know, pretty awesome right?" Rainbow Dash smiled as she looked to Twilight's speechless expression, while the Princess tried to take it all in, turing to the pegasus beside her. "Awesome', simply doesn't begin to cover it," Twilight stated as she looked back to what lay in front of her, while Dash just chuckled at the starstuck look the Princess had on her face right now. Millons and millons of big, fluffly white clouds all bunched up together to make a floating city, with thouands of different pegasi flying in and out of the clouds, tall buildings made out of clouds, and huge waterfalls made out of rainbows. While it was true that places like Canterlot and Manehatten could be augured as more ravishing, this really was someplace to behold, whether you were a pegasus or not. "This is Cloudsdale?" Twilight asked, slowly coming back to her senses now as she looked back to Rainbow Dash. "Yep, home sweet home," Rainbow nodded with a smile, "Want me to show you around?" Twilight just nodded excitedly in reply, Rainbow chuckling again, before she nodded back to her and the two set off on their tour around the heavenly place know as 'Cloudsdale'. 'Heavenly that's it, that's what this place is,' Twilight thought with a bright smile, glad that she had thought of a word that described the town perfectly, looking over at all she could see from where she was still hovering, still amazed by all its beauty. "Come on Princess, I gotta show you around quickly before it starts going dark, the poines in Ponyvile will probably be expecting you back by then," Rainbow reminded Twilight as she pulled the Princess out of her thoughts. "Right, coming!" Twilight replied as she followed Dash. ... ... It was now late in the evening as Rainbow Dash and Twilight were ending there little journey around Cloudsdale, having visited the hustle, and bustle of 'The Weather Factory' first, meeting a few of the workers there, then moving onto much smallers sites like shops, nearby streets and 'Flight Camp' for all the young flyers that lived up in the floating city. And although Cloudsdale might look like some big city that's always busy from the outside, Twilight soon realized that the town was very different from the big cities in Equestria, such as 'Canterlot' and 'Manehattan', and it mostly resembles Ponyvile with how peaceful it was, and the fact that although the pegsai did seem a little on edge when meeting their new Princess at first, they soon were found to be just as welcoming and humble as the ponies who lived down in Ponyvile were. After a long afternoon of seeing only some parts of the town did Dash deicide to cut the tour short, with lots of sites left unseen (although she was sure that Twilight would get round to seeing everything that there was to see soon enough), showing Twilight to where the entrance to the town was to end it for now. "So then all you need to do is, go through that big cloud that we came through to get up here, and as long as you keeping flying straight you should find your way back to Ponyvile in no time," Rainbow explianed as she pointed down to the cloud that Twilight and her had flew up through in order to get to Cloudsdale. "Thanks for this Rainbow Dash," Twilight smiled to the pegasus as she nodded to her, and was now reallly glad she had choosen to take the rainbow pegsaus up on her offer, and didn't regret it one bit. "It's no problem really, happy to be of help to you Princess," Dash smiled back as she bowed to Twilight a little, before she flew to go and land on the big cloud that would lead them out of Cloudsdale once they went through it, "So you ready to make your way back now? I'll take you back if you want," "No wait!" Twilight called to Rainbow Dash as she flew over to her. "But don't you want to want to go back down there? You were meant to be staying with them after all," Rainbow looked a little confused as she was puzzled as to why Twilight wanted to stay up in Cloudsdale longer. "No...I mean yes, yes of course...it's just..." Twilight paused as she nervously looked away from Dash. "Just what?" "Well it's just you've shown me a lot of Cloudsdale, but there's one place that you have yet to show me," Twilight explained as she wanted to stay up in Cloudsdale for a little longer, not only that but she also did want to ask Dash something that had been bugging her. "And that place is...?" "Where you live of course," "Oh right, why didn't you just say so," Rainbow sighed as she now finally seemed to understand where it was that Twilight wanted to go, "Come on then Princess, it's not too far from here," she stated as she flew to the direction to where she lived, and looked back to Twilight, waiting for her to follow her. 'And just maybe while we're on our way there, I can get her to stop calling me 'Princess',' Twilight thought wth a smile, before she caught up to Dash and they started to fly towards the pegasus's home together. "So how do you like the place so far, is it everything you ever dreamed off?" Rainbow smirked as she had loved seeing all of Twilight's starstuck looks while she had been showing her around the floating city of Cloudsdale. "Well to be honest I never imagined it would be anything like this, plus everypony was very different to how I first thought they would be," Twilight wasn't really taking anytime to think before she said that, immediately regretting what she had said and covered her mouth with a hoof. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" Dash asked with a raised eyebrow to Twilight. "Oh no I didn't mean that I thought the pegasi up here were going to be mean or anything, I just figured after seeing how you were with Applejack and Rarity eariler, and hearing from Princess Celesetia that you all weren't as welcoming as the the ponies down in Ponyvile , I just assumed that you all may not like me as your new Princess, of course I don't mean to sound rude or anything but- "Wow, wow Twilight calm down a minute, I was only kidding," Rainbow stopped Twilight's worried rambling as she covered her mouth with a hoof and chuckled slightly at her panicking expression. 'Sh-she just said my name...that's the first time she hasn't just called me 'Princess',' Twilight thought as she looked to Rainbow Dash and could feel her face heating up a little, while her heart skipped as beat once Dash rested a hoof over her lips. "Listen I know us pegasi from Cloudsdale haven't really got the best rep with other ponies, but you don't think we're that bad right?" Rainbow asked as she looked to Twilight, an expression of anxiety covering her face as she was hoping for her say 'No, you're not that bad at all'. Twilight's eyes widened a little as she hadn't yet seen this anxious side to the big-headed pegasus, before she slowly smiled and and uncovered her mouth, moving Dash's hoof away from her lips, "That's not it at all Dash, in fact I believe you pegasi are all a lot like the ponies who live down in Ponyvile," "Really?" Twilight just nodded in reply, "I'll admit some of the working pegasi seemed a little cautions of me at first, but really you are all just as welcoming as the ponies in Ponyvile are, plus none of you crowed around me, wanting to ask me questions like the ponies from Ponyvile did." "Well I don't know, the ponies that we met at 'Flight Camp' asked quite a few questions," Rainbow pointed out, her expression back to a smile now. "Dash, they were all just children so of course they would like to ask me lots of questions. After all I am going to be their new Princess, and I'm probably the only alicorn they've ever met before," Twilight smiled back to Dash, happy to see that anxious expression disappear from her face. "That's not ture they've met Princess Celestia once or twice before, although many of them were scared to go and talk to her," "I can't say I'm surprised the Princess is known to be quite the beast sometimes," Twilight joked with a slight chuckle. "What really?" "Only when she's mad though," Twilight replied with a nod as the two chuckled together happily. Twilight smiled as she sighed and looked to Rainbow, glad that she had already seemed to have found a friend (or at least a pony she got on really well with) among the pegasi of Cloudsdale. The two then slowly fell into a slience, as they carried on their way to Rainbow's home. However Twilight soon broke that slience as she wanted to ask Dash about something that had been bothering her since she first met the pegasus. "Hey Dash, can I ask you something?" "Sure, what's up Princess?" Dash asked, keeping her eye on the setting sun, and making sure they would have enough time in order to get Twilight back to Ponyvile before the night set in. 'I see she's back to calling me, 'Princess',' Twilight sighed a little disappointed that the pegasus didn't call her by her name, "Why don't the pegasi from Cloudsdale and the ponies from Ponyvile get along?" Rainbow Dash looked to Twilight a little taken back by her question, taking a short pause as she wondered why the alicorn would ask something like that right now, "What do you mean?" Rainbow asked, obviously seeming to be on-edge now as she turned away from Twilight. "Well I mean you all seem to act a lot alike and are very accepting as I see it, but you both seem to change once you're together. Rarity and Applejack seemed to hold sort of grudge against you, and seemed completely different from when I first met them this morning, and you I know are nothing like the pegasus I saw eariler who just seemed like she wanted to cause trouble," Twilight explained as she thought about how different Rainbow Dash was to how she had acted towards Applejack and Rarity eariler in the afternoon. Rainbow Dash had now gone slient as she obviously didn't want to answer this question, not even glancing to Twilight now as she had an unreadable expression on her face. "Did something happen between the two towns that caused you to be so separated?" Twilight got the feeling that Rainbow wasn't going to answer no matter what she tried, it was clear to see that she didn't exactly like this question, avoiding the Princess as much as she could it would seem. "Dash- "We just don't get along alright?" Rainbow Dash answered surprisingly, before she flew a little bit faster and dropped down a little, landing on a cloud and sighed slightly. "Hey, wait up!" Twilight called to Rainbow Dash as she picked up speed and followed Dash, droping down and joining the pegasus on the cloud she had landed on, "Sorry, I guess it's not really my place to ask something like that right now," she nervously apologized and looked to Rainbow, hoping she would be forgiving. Dash just turned away from Twilight as she sighed again, and seemed to now have quite the annoyed look on her face, while Twilight nervously looked to her, trying to think of something to say in order to hopefully ease the tension that was now in the atmosphere, looking all around to try and find something to lighten the mood a little, when something caught her eye. "Hey, who's house is that?" Twilight asked as she spotted a cloud-house that looked very much like the other ones she had seen around Cloudsdale eariler, while she pointed down to with a hoof. Dash looked to where Twilight was pointed and looked back to her again, "It's mine," she stated. Upon looking back to Twilight she saw that the princess looked excited again, "You want to come in for a bit?" she asked already easily guessing the answer as she smiled to Twilight. "Oh I wouldn't want to intrude on you or anything," Twilight stated nervously. "Nah it's fine, I don't mind, and nopony else lives there but me," "Okay then, I guess I could come in for a couple of minutes," Twilight replied nervously, as Dash just nodded to her before taking off and flying over to her cloud-home. Twilight followed suit with a smile on her face, glad that the previous conversation had now seemed to have been forgotten about. ... ... After spending a good few minutes at Rainbow Dash's home, given the grand tour of the cloud-house, with Dash chuckling more of the excited and amazed expressions Twilight would have on her face, and then sitting down at the kitchen table to have a small chat over some warm apple cider (non-alcoholic of course ;) ), Dash soon looked to the window of her home and jumped a little when noticing just how dark it had gotten outside, clearly it was well past the evening. "Darn, I didn't know it had gotten so late," the pegasus said as she quickly got out of her seat. "You're right," Twilight looked worried as she realized how late it had gotten and seemed to look awfully anxious all of a sudden. Twilight looked down to the cloud floor of Rainbow's home, sighing a little. She knew she needed to go back to Ponyvile right now, but she also kinda wanted to stay with Dash for longer, she liked spending time with her, talking and laughing with her, and she felt like she had made a great friend, she didn't want to just leave her just yet. "Hey you know, you could stay over if you wanted to, I don't know if there is any cloud-homes open for you right now, but you could stay round here with me, I wouldn't mind crashing on couch and lending you my bed for the night," Rainbow suggested, hoping to cheer the Princess up a little, since she now looked awfully downhearted. Twilight's eyes lit up for a moment at that idea, but then that light disappeared as she remembered about who she had left in Ponyvile all on his own when they were supposed to stay together, "No I need to get back to Spike, he'll probably be wondering where I am," "Shall we start making our way back then Princess?" Rainbow asked gesturing to the door. "Yeah I guess," Twilight sighed with a nod, not even caring that Dash called her 'Princess' again, as she and Dash walked to the door of Rainbow's cloud-house. "Hey you do know that this isn't the last time we'll see each other, you are going to be our Princess now don't forget," Rainbow smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right Rainbow," Twilight smiled in return as the two left the pegasus's home and set off back to the library in Ponyvile. ... ... It didn't take that long for the two to make it back to Twilight's new home in Ponyvile, the Princess sighing heavily once they had made it there, while Rainbow just looked to her with a smile. "I guess this where I leave you then," "Thanks for today Dash, I had a lot of fun," Twilight smiled as Rainbow just smiled back to her with a nod, before she turned to leave. "See you around Princess," "See you around Rainbow," Twilight replied as she watched Rainbow Dash fly off into the distance in a flash, waving to her with a smile until she was out of sight. The Princess sighed deeply as she turned back to the library and quickly flew around the back to where the balcony was located. Sneaking in through the open window, hoping that Spike had already gone to bed, and she wouldn't be found out. She quietly landed on the wodden floor, going as slowly as possible in order to not make a single sound. All the lights were off right now so Twilight guessed Spike had gone to bed and she had nothing to worry about, as she made her way to the bedroom thinking about how she would probably need to have more of a look around this place tomorrow. Thankfully she had found where the bedroom was without much trouble, and smiled to herself as she walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She thought she was save and wouldn't have to deal with Spike until the morning, however she was clearly very wrong as a light switched on and there was said dragon looking up at her as he was standing in the middle of the room. "And just what time do you call this?" the dragon asked, his arms folded, while he tapped his foot on the woodden floor. "Oh Spike I thought you would have been in bed by now," Twilight stated nervously as she smiled shyly to Spike. Spike just raised an eyebrow to Twilight as he obviously wanted her to explain why she had been out so late, when he had specifically told her not to. Twilight smiled nervously, her eyes shifting from left to right. "Looks like you got everything moved in alright," "Yeah, no help from you," "I'm sorry Spike, I guess time got away from me," the Princess confessed as she apologized to her assistant. Spike stood with that same suspicious looking expression on his face for a couple of minutes more, before he just smiled to Twilight, "It's alright, so how was it?" he asked happily. Twilight sighed with relief as she smiled to Spike, before she walked over to her bed and slumped down on to it, "It was amazing," she simply stated as she closed her eyes for a minute and nuzzled the warm and cozy bedsheets, "Rainbow Dash showed me all around Cloudsdale, I met a whole bunch of different ponies, and she even invited me into her home for a drink of cider afterwards," "Wow, wow, wow, you stayed round at her house for a drink?" Spike questioned, confused as he wondered if this was indeed the same pegasus that the two had met this afternoon. "Relax Spike, she's actually not as bad as you may think, she's somepony I would consider as a friend in fact," Twilight stated as she lifted her head up and looked back to Spike. "Really? And are the other pegasi like her?" Spike asked, seeming quite surprised for a moment. "Well some of the wokring ones were a little cautions of me at first, but I found out that they very welcoming just like all the ponies here in Ponyvile, plus they didn't ask countless questions that I didn't know the answers to," Twilight explained with a smile to Spike, her voice taking a relaxed tone to it. "Well that's good then," Spike smiled with a nod as he was surprised, but also very glad that Twilight didn't run into any trouble while she was up there, and had gotten along with all the pegasi that lived there. "Yeah I guess," Twilight sighed as she sat up on the bed, looking at the bedsheets for a moment. "What's wrong Twilight?" Spike asked as he was wondering why the mare's expression and mood had suddenly changed. "Nothing really, I'm just wondering what happened in order for these two towns to act so differently around each other, I mean really all the ponies from Ponyvile are kind and humble, and the pegasi from Cloudsdale are the same, but...well you saw how Rainbow Dash acted when she was around Applejack and Rarity eariler," Twilight explained with another sigh. "Did you ask Rainbow Dash about it?" "Yeah, but she got all quiet on me, and it was obvious to me that she didn't want to talk about it," "Well maybe you can talk to Applejack about it in the morning," Spike suggested, wanting to cheer the mare up a little. "Yeah I guess," Twilight just nodded back to Spike with a slight smile, before she seemed to be feeling down again. "Or you could perhaps, ask Princess Celestia about it," "Huh? How would that work? I can't just leave here and go to Canterlot, and it's not like she could come here," Twilight wondered as she looked to Spike with a puzzled expression. "No, no, not like that, you can send her a letter through me," Spike stated as she pointed his thumb to himself proudly. "You can send letters to the Princess?" Twilight asked, seeming interested now. "Yep I or some other pony writes a letter, and I can send it straight to Princess Celestia through my amazing dragon breath, and I will soon get a reply back from Princess Celestia by belching," Spike explained proudly as that ego of his was shining through to Twilight. Meanwhile Twilight wasn't sure if she should be impressed, or disgusted by that strange power, but decided to just shrug it off and she lay back down on the bed, feeling exhausted after the busy day she had had. "So you wanna send one?" Spike asked. "Not right now Spike, maybe tomorrow, all I want to do right now is sleep," Twilight stated as she rolled over in the bed and nuzzled into the warm bedsheets again, "This bed sure is comfy, was it provided by the ponies here in Ponyvile?" "Yeah they said they could get a bigger one if you would prefer, I don't mind having a small bed since I used to only have a small room back at the castle, but you've had a huge bed all your life right?" Spike asked. "No this is fine, I never did feel comfortable in that big bed that I had all to myself, and in truth I would have prefered a small bedroom like this one back at the castle," Twilight explained as she never did like her big room in the castle all that much, and this fairly small one most certainly seemed to fit her better than that one ever did. "Well I'm glad that you like it, I'm right across the hall if you need me," Spike stated as he smiled to Twilight, before he headed for the bedroom door, understanding that the mare would no doubt need a good nights sleep after today. "Goodnight Spike," Twilight smiled as she waved to him, before he left her bedroom, and went across the hall to his, leaving the Princess to get some much needed rest. Twilight sighed with a smile as she sat up in her new bed, taking one quick look around her new room, before she switched the light off and lay back down on her bed, snuggling under the covers and smiling happily while thinking that maybe this, 'being the princess of two places at once thing' wasn't going to be that hard after all, as she was soon difting off into a peaceful sleep. > Holding on and Letting go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, as Spike awoke to the loud sounds of somepony rushing around and banging about downstairs, he sighed deeply as at first he thought it was somepony trying to break in, only to realise that it was the Princess as he heard her panicked voice while she talked to herself. Finding the Princess walking around in circles as he came walking down the stairs, wondering what had gotten the mare so worked up this early in the morning. "Twilight what's wrong with you, what's with all the noise?" the young dragon asked, rubbing his eyes and he watched the young Princess run from one side of the room to the other, all while mumbling about something he couldn't exactly make out, as many books were scattered all over the library floor. "Oh morning Spike, want some breakfast? Hey have you seen the second volume on 'The history of Ponyvile' I can't find it anywhere, then again number four on 'The history of Cloudsdale' is also missing, I wonder where they are, by the way how did you sleep? Good? Great, now that that's out of the way could you possibly go down the road and find me some more quills? I was up all night studing on few things and- "Twilight just stop for a second," Spike said as he walked up to the worrying Princess and tried to get her to calm herself down a bit. "But Spike I can't stop, I have to find out what happened here in order for all the ponies and pegasi to hate each other so much, Princess Celestia trusted me to be good ruler to both towns, and I plan to do just that, but how can I do that when they never get along- Spike sighed again heavily as he covered Twilight's mouth with both of his hands and silenced the panicking Princess, "Slow down Twilight, why did you stay up all night?" he slowly and calmy spoke to the worried Princess, only taking his hands away from her lips when her breathing had returned to normal and she seemed to have calmed down a little. "I did sleep for a few hours I guess, but when I woke up I thought of trying to find what had happened to cause the ponies in Ponyvile and the pegasi in Couldsdale to become such sworn enemies. I've been looking through the history of both towns, but there's nothing in them about why the two are like rivals now," Twilight explained as she sighed slightly and looked to Spike with an ashamed look in her eyes, disappointed that she hadn't found anything yet. "I thought you said you were going to send a letter to the Princess about it?" "I don't want to bother her with any problems I may be having, plus she trusted me to be the ruler of both towns, so I shouldn't just be sending her letters and asking for her help if ever there's a issue, I should at least try and work it out for myself at first," Twilight stated as she thought for a minute on what she should do. "Maybe you should just go and talk to Applejack or some other pony here in Ponyvile, I'm sure they'll be able to tell you what happened," Spike suggested as he tried to cheer the Princess up, hoping she hadn't lost hope just yet. "Yeah I guess you're right, and maybe they will be more willing to tell me then Rainbow Dash was yesterday," Twilight replied with a nod as she remembered how Rainbow had acted when she had asked about this subject yesterday, before she soon left Spike to have his breakfast (and clean up the library a little) while she went to go and make her way to Sweet Apple Acres, hoping that Applejack would have the answers she had been looking for. Twilight sighed deeply as she stood outside of her new home, looking around at the small town she was now the new Princess of, taking a minute to look up at the cloud city high in the sky above it, before she wished that there was a way that she could just magically fix all of this, after all she knew being a Princess of two places at once wasn't going to be all that easy, but if those two places never got along then it would never work out, and she really didn't want to end up choosing one over the other at any point. "Hey Princess, you're up early," Twilight's ears pricked up as she heard the southern accect of a familiar pony from yesterday, she turned and smiled as she saw the orange farm pony walking up to her. "Hey Applejack, what are you doing here, and didn't I tell you and Rarity to just call me 'Twilight?" the Princess asked as she greeted the Earth pony, while Applejack bowed to her in return. "Sorry Twilight," Applejack smiled nervously, "I was dropping off ma apples down at the market, and thought I would drop by to see how yesterday went with Rainbow Dash, she wasn't too rude to you right?" "Oh no she was very welcoming, all of the pegasi were really," "Well I'm glad to hear that, normally they don't take too well to strangers," Applejack stated as she was glad that the pegasi had at least treated the Princess with respect while she was up there and not just try to run her out of the town, "Is there anything that ya need?" "Actuallly that's what I was wondering about, why don't you and Rarity like Rainbow Dash? She didn't seem so bad when she was showing me around Cloudsdale yesterday," Twilight asked, hoping that Applejack wouldn't just shut down on her like Rainbow did yesterday. "Well to be honest it's not that we don't like her, it's just that we can never seem to get along, she always finds something to agure with us about and it just seems like all she wants to do is cause trouble for us all," Applejack explained with a slight sigh, "We have tried to be friends with her but it always seems that she would much rather live in the past," "Why, what happened?" "I think it would be best to ask her about that," Applejack smiled as she pointed up to Cloudsdale with a hoof and caused Twilight to look up at the floating city again. 'But last time I asked her, all she did was shut down on me, I don't want that happening again,' Twilight thought before she looked back to Applejack only to find that she had gone, leaving the Princess to work this out for herself. Twilight shook her head as she looked up at Cloudsdale again, before she decided to go with what the farm pony had told her, the only problem was once she flew up to the heavenly town above Ponyvile, she wasn't exactly sure if she could remember where Rainbow's cloudhouse was. She knew it was near to the outskirts of the town, but that's about it, plus there was also the fact that she may not be at her house right now, which meant that Twilight would have to look all over the town for her. Twilight sighed again, as she just decided to push on and try to find the rainbow pegasus. ... ... "Rainbow Dash!" Twilight called out as she looked all around her, she had been searching for the pegasus for what seemed like hours now, and so far had had no luck in finding her, or her cloudhome. It was now early in the afternoon and not only was Twilight getting tired from all the flying, but her stomach was also rumbling loudly since she hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. She felt like calling out again for the pegasus, but her throat was starting to feel sore, and since Rainbow hadn't answered yet she guessed that she probably wasn't going to. The Princess sighed deeply as she slowly flew down to land on a cloud and lay down on it, resting her head on the soft white, fluffy pillow and smiled slightly, feeling relaxed as she nuzzled into the comfy cloud more, closing her eyes for just a second, enjoying the cold breeze flowing through her hair and causing her to shiver slightly, while she cuddling up into a small ball and wrapped her wings around herself trying to keep warm as she decided to just take few minutes to rest here, before she would carry on looking for Rainbow Dash. "You comfy?" Twilight heard a voice ask. "Yeah," she smiled, nuzzling into the cloud again, before her eyes snapped open and she looked to where the voice had come from, jumping a little as she saw the pegasus that she had been looking for all morning, now smirking to her slightly as she lay in front of the Princess on the cloud. Rainbow just chuckled slightly at her surprised expression, "Why are you sleepng on a cloud?" "Umm...I...never mind that, how long were you there for?" Twilight asked as she stretched and stood up, turning away from Dash a little, feeling embarassed as she nervously looked to her hoofs. "Only a couple of seconds. You looked like a cute little filly snuggling into the cloud like that," Twilight could feel her cheeks turning a deep shade of red as she bit her bottom lip slightly, wanting to fly away at that moment, only to remember what she had come up here for in the first place. "So what do you need?" Rainbow asked as her teasing smirk now formed into a polite smile while she greeted the Princess kindly. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked a little taken aback for a moment as she thought that the pegasus could read minds or something,since she somehow knew that she wanted to talk to her. "Well a few of the pegasi told me that you were flying around the town asking for me, so what's up?" "Oh right, sorry...well I wanted to talk to you about something, but I wasn't sure where you were, and I kinda forgot the way to your cloudhouse," Twilight explained nervously as she now looked back to the pegasus, but was still turned away from her slightly. "It's cool, so what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Rainbow asked as she patted the space beside her for the Princess to lay down on. Twilight shifted her eyes a little as she looked to Dash nervously, feeling her heart beating a little fast in her chest, while she sighed deeply and lay down beside the pegasus, "Listen Dash I know this isn't your most favourite topic to talk about, but in order for me to be a good Princess for both Cloudsdale and Ponyvile I need to get this fall out sorted, so can't you tell me what happened?" the Princess asked, hoping that Dash wouldn't just shut down on her like she did yesterday when she asked her about this subject. "This again, you really are quite persistent aren't you Princess?" Dash sighed as she smiled to Twilight a little, causing her to smile back at her in return. "Come on Dash, just tell me," Twilight kindly rested her hoof over Dash's as she smiled to her, encouraging her to come clean about what the great rivalry between the two towns was all about. "Alright, so I'm guessing you knew that Cloudsdale used to be a traveling city that would go around all of equestria right?" Rainbow asked as she started to explain to Twilight about what the falling out had all been about. Twilight just nodded in response as she was glad that the pegasus had actually agreed to tell her and not just shut down on her again. "Well many of the pegasi wanted somewhere for Cloudsdale to always return to once the town was done bringing certain seasons to different places, be really we just wanted a base of some sort where we could always go back to, so we thought a small, welcoming town like Ponyvile would do nicely, but it would seem that we were wrong," "Why? What happened?" Twilight sounded interested as she made sure to listen carefully to Rainbow's story, and to not forget a single word of it. "They were all nice and humble when we first met, however as time went on they began to accuse a lot of the pegasi, saying that we would steal their food without paying for it, and that we would always be causing trouble around the town. We did apologise but the ponies said the only way they would forgive us was if we left the town. However many of the pegasi really liked it here, and we didn't want to leave, so we refused to go, which only led the ponies to then run us out of their town," Rainbow sighed a little as she brushed Twilight's hoof off of her own and stood up for a moment, poking at the fluffy cloud with her hoof. "Rainbow?" Twilight looked to the pegasus with a concerned expression as she wondered if the other mare was alright, she seemed to be so different when talking about this topic, the proud tone in her voice was gone and the big headed attitude was no where in sight, she really did seem like a different pony when it came to talking about Ponyvile. "And from there the pegasi that wanted to stay in Cloudsdale, and the ones that wanted to go and live in Ponyvile separated, we decided it would be best to stick to our own towns as to not cause anymore trouble, so that's why there's a big bunch of clouds between us, it's kind of like our border really," Rainbow finished her story as she turned away from Twilight and walked to the edge of the cloud, looking down to the group of clouds that kept the two towns separated. Twilight took a moment to think over all of the things that Rainbow had told her, as she tried to find a way for the ponies of Ponyvile and the pegasi of Cloudsdale to make up, in order for things to run more smoothly for both towns, and she wouldn't have to worry about them being so cold towards each other all the time. Twilight looked to Dash for a moment, and sighed slightly, feeling a little sorry for the pegasus, "It seems like you're really disappointed that this all happened," she said, thinking that there was something more to all this, something that she wasn't telling her. "Well yeah...I guess I just didn't like the fact that we could never get along, I always say I don't like the ponies of Ponyvile very much, but that's only because we lost a lot of pegasi to them, one of them being somepony who I thought was my friend," Rainbow's tone now had turned into one that sounded angry and hurt. "Hey you know, you could make up with that friend, I'm sure they would be happy to see you again," Twilight stated as she stood up and walked up to Dash, hoping to cheer her up and get her to hopfully move on from what happened before. "Yeah right, she probably still hates me," "Rainbow Dash, none of the ponies down there hate you pegasi, they just don't understand why you just can't let go of the past and move on, I bet if you all tried they would be more then happy to give you all a sceond chance," Twilight suggested with a smile to Dash, hoping that she would take what she was saying into consideration, instead of just answering her with a, 'no'. "I don't know Princess, I mean most of the pegasi still hold a grudge against the ponies for running us out of their town, plus the ponies aren't exactly all that trusting of us," "Then why don't you try it? After all I can tell that you would like to make amends with them right?" Twilight asked, getting the feeling that she was wearing the pegasus down a little now, and slowly convincing her to agree to making up with the ponies of Ponyvile. Rainbow hesitated for a moment, looking to Twilight nervously, before she thought about the friend she had lost because of the falling out, shaking her head a little as she wanted the thoughts of all that had happened to leave her mind, so that she could maybe try and think about starting a new. "But what if the same thing happens again, we already don't get along, I don't really what to think about what could happen if it got any worse between us, and there's no way either one of the towns would think about moving from here, it's our home after all," "I understand, but making up is easy, I can teach you if you like, we could even get you reunited with your old friend again," Twilight smiled happily to Dash, hoping that she would take her up on her offer. "I don't know, we've been separated for so long now, it almost seems like there's no way of us all getting along again, I wouldn't even know how to start," Dash sighed, as she really didn't see how Twilight's plan would work, after all the two towns had been broken up for years now, was it really possible for them to start over and try again? "How about you start off by being the polite and kind Rainbow Dash that I know, instead of being the obnoxious and hotheaded Rainbow Dash that they know?" Twilight smiled as she raised an eyebrow to Rainbow, knowing that the rainbow pegasus she had met yesterday in Ponyvile was in fact very different from the real Rainbow Dash she had caught glimpses of. Rainbow smiled at that a little, before she thought about all that Twilight had said, and sighed deeply again. "Come on Dash, you'll never know if you don't try," Twilight smiled kindly to Rainbow and rested a caring hoof on the other mare's shoulder. It took the pegasus a few more minutes of thinking, before she smiled back to Twilight and nodded slightly, "Okay, I'll give it a shot I guess," "That's the spirit!" Twilight smiled as she couldn't be more happy that she had convinced Rainbow to try again with the ponies down in Ponyvile. "But could we not make a big deal out of it? After all there's always the chance that it won't work out the way we want it to," Rainbow pointed out nervously, not wanting to get her hopes up too high just yet. "Don't worry Dash, we can just take it one small step at a time," Twilight smiled to Rainbow with a nod, understanding the pegasus's fear of things growing even worse between the two towns because of this, if ever it did end up going wrong somewhere, "Why don't we meet up tomorrow moring and we can talk more about it?" "Yeah okay...that sounds good I guess," Dash nodded. Twilight smiled as she lifted herself into the sky and turned away from Rainbow slightly, flying away from the cloud, before Rainbow shook her head again and called out to the Princess, stopping her and making her turn back in the process. "Wait Twilight!" Twilight turned back to Rainbow at the sound of her calling her by her name, as she looked to the pegasus with a wondering look, expecting her to say something, while Dash nervoulsy looked down to her hoofs and hid her eyes behind her long hair for a moment, before she cleared her throat and looked back to the Princess. "Thank you," she smiled while she bowed to Twilight kindly. Twilight could feel her cheeks heating up slightly, and her chest starting to feel a little tight, while she looked to Dash with wide eyes for a moment, before she smiled in reply and nodded to her. "You're welcome Dash," Getting one pegasus to make amends wasn't a big step, but it was a start at least. > Amending Fences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late night was now just starting to set in, as Luna's moon had not long replaced her older sister's bright sun, while a dim light was being shone down over Ponyvile, along with Cloudsdale being the same. All ponies of all kinds were cooped up in their warm houses, most of them sleeping peacefully in their cosy beds, with only a small amount that were still awake. Amongest them was a certain brightly coloured, rainbow pegasus, as she lay relaxed on a tall hillside, which was overlooking the small town that she lived above. She sighed deeply as she looked out over the town, thinking about what their new Princess had talked to her about eariler today, 'Does she really think that us two towns can get along? Or is tomorrow going to just be a big waste?' the pegasus wondered as she poked at the ground with her hoof and looked up to the dark sky above her, watching the clouds slowly float by to reveal bright, twlinking stars, while the weather pegasi were working hard to keep tonight a fairly cool one for everypony. 'She's got to be crazy to believe that this plan of her's will actually work,' Rainbow closed her eyes as she felt the cool breeze flowing through her long mane, causing her to smile as slight chills kissed her fur every so often. She let out another small sigh as her magenta eyes opened again, and she looked down to the sleeping town, think about its inhabitants who she disliked, before shaking her head and trying to keep those unpleasant thoughts off her mind as to not ruin this quiet night she was being gifted with at the moment. However as she tried to focus her mind on other things, her ears twitched a little at the sound of a small cry, she turned her head to the sound, listening carefully to see if she would hear a second cry. But complete silence fell again, as the only thing the pegasus could hear was the calming sound of the wind making the trees and bushes around her rustle ever so slightly. Rainbow shrugged her shoulders as she guessed it must of have been her imagination, and there was nothing for her to worry about as she looked back to Ponyvile, thinking about how tomorrow might turn out for her and the Princess. But within a couple of seconds another cry could be heard, and this time Rainbow was certain that she had heard it. The pegasus slowly stood up and turned her head to where she heard the small cry come from, wondering if she would hear anymore. She waited for a while, listening carefully while no cries could be heard. She raised her eyebrow, questioning herself for a minute thinking that maybe it was just her mind playing tricks on her. However as she thought about laying down again, and choosing to ignore the curious and suspicious thoughts in her head, telling her to go and investigate the small cries, another whimper could be heard, and another, and another, and another. Dash couldn't deny it any longer, somepony was making those sounds, as she looked all around her, listening while focusing all her hearing on the small sobs, while she followed the sound. She walked around to the other side of the hillside, and slowly started to wonder how she had heard this small cry if the pony making it was so far away from her, as with every step she took the sobs would grow louder and much clearer, stopping suddenly as there in front of her sat a crying pony. Choosing to hide for now and not frighten or surprise the whimpering pony, dunking down behind a small bush, and peeking over the top of it to look to the upset pony, wondering if she should go and comfort her. The young mare didn't look familiar in any sort of way to Rainbow as her darkly coloured mane and fur blened in with the night sky. Who was this pony, and why was she all the way out here crying by herself? Rainbow could just about make out the pony's folded up wings held close to her sides, guessing that the mare was a pegasus, but still not recognising her in the least. She felt like she should go over to her and ask if she was alright, but she didn't want to seem rude, the crying pony might just want to be alone after all. But as the minutes dragged on, Rainbow decided to at least get a little closer at her to make sure she wasn't hurt or anything, taking only about two small steps foward, before she froze at seeing the sobbing pony turn her head a little. She wasn't looking in Rainbow's direction but instead was now gazing up at the moon, sniffling a little as tears streamed down her face. Rainbow's eyes widened a little as she looked at how the moonlight was now shining down on the mare, illuminating the colour of her dark irises inside her watery eyes, which seemed to sparkle in the dim glow of the moon, while her tears glistened as they fell and her sobs were slowly growing louder in volume. Rainbow wasn't sure what to do as a cause of action, should she just leave the crying pony alone and go home? Or should she go up to her and offer her a bit of company? Rainbow grew nervous as she moved a little bit closer and tried to get a better look at the pegasus, feeling her heart beating a little faster as the closer she got to the crying pony, the more breathtaking she looked. Biting her bottom lip a little, while her chest felt alwfully tight all of a sudden, Rainbow finally shook off all of her nervous feelings and walked up behind the crying beauty, stopping to sit down beside her, taking a small breath and smiled slightly up at the night sky, "Nice night isn't it?" she asked before she glanced to the pony beside her, her eyes suddenly growing wide as she finally caught sight of the mare's face, a purple unicorn horn coming into view as the pony lifted her head and made Rainbow realise something. This pony wasn't a pegasus as she had first thought, she was an alicorn, not only that but she was one that she recogized almost instandly once the mare had looked back to her. "R-R-Rainbow Dash?" The mare questioned as she stuttered a little, and gazed into the pegasus's eyes. 'Princess Twilight?' The rainbow pegasus gasped as she sat up in her bed, panting heavily, while looking around her room, taking a few minutes to calm down as her heart raced in her chest, and her whole body trembled a little. She sighed slightly as she realized she was in her bedroom in her cloudhome, and not on some hillside just ouside of Ponyvile, 'Huh, a dream?' she questioned as she threw the covers off of her and looked to her window, seeing that it was in fact early morning, as bright sunlight was flowing in from outside, peeking through the slightly open curtains. She shook her head as she winched in pain a little and bit her bottom lip, resting a hoof over her chest, 'Why does my chest hurt so much?' "RAINBOW DASH!" Her head turned to a familiar voice calling to her, along with the sound of a few loud knocks, she sighed again as she got up from her bed and made her way down to her front door, answering the visitor, as she opened the door and was greeted by a smiling and upbeat alicorn she recognized as the Princess. "Hey Princess, so you remembered the way to my house this time then?" Rainbow smiled to the Princess and greeted her with a small, polite bow. "Well I did have to ask one or two pegasi to help me," Twilight stated nerously as she smiled slightly to Rainbow. Rainbow chuckled slightly to the Princess, "So what's up?" Twilight's smiled formed into a slight frown, as she looked to the pegasus a little confused, "Don't you remember what we were talking about yesterday Rainbow?" she asked wondering if maybe the pegasus had forgotten what they had planned for today. "What? Wait you want to get started at that right now?" "Don't you want to Dash?" "No, I mean yes...it's just, I haven't had breakfast just yet," Rainbow confessed nervously as she guessed it was probably later than she first thought it was. "Oh okay, should I come back later?" Twilight asked only now realizing that she may have just rudely woken the pegasus up. Rainbow's eyes widened as that nervous look on Twilight's face reminded her of how the Princess looked in her dream, that tear stained face gazing back to her, while those breathtaking eyes sparkled in the moonlight. "Err...yeah, just give me about half an hour, alright?" Dash nervously looked away from Twilight now as she felt her heart starting to beat faster, while her chest began to hurt a little. "Sure Dash," Twilight nodded with a smile, feeling a little guilty for just showing up on the pegasus's door like this, before she turned and left Rainbow Dash to have her breakfast a minute later. Rainbow shut her front door once Twilight had left, sighing deeply as she thought about that dream again, biting her bottom lip again as the slight pain in her chest worsened slightly, before she shook her head and pushed all those thoughts to the back of her mind, focusing on getting some breakfast, and then going to meet up with Princess Twilight, ready for what she had planned for them today, choosing to not let that weird dream bother her. ... ... The morning soon turned into early afternoon as Rainbow Dash had met up with Princess Twilight, while the two were flying through the sky together, Rainbow feeling a little anxious about how toady would go for her. The Princess had planned for her to reunite with her old friend from Cloudsdale who had chosen to move to Ponyvile not long after the big fall out had happened between the two towns. "Now I know you haven't seen this pony in years, let alone talked to her, but I believe that if you can make a good impression on her, and show her the Rainbow Dash she used to know, instead of the one that you've become, we can make this work, besides..." Twilight was rambling a little as she was basically just thinking out loud now, as she read certain steps from a checklist she had brought along and was now carrying with her magic, looking to it as she inspected all the steps she would make sure her and Rainbow would follow in order for this plan of her's to go smoothly. However Rainbow wasn't really listening to her, as she just looked off into the distance, seeming like she had other things on her mind at the moment. This 'friend' she used to know was never really a friend that Rainbow would spend a lot of time with, but she was somepony that she trusted a lot, and since the troubles between the two towns happened, she had missed talking with her. The two never did have much in common since they had always been complete opposites, with one being outgoing and reckless (as well as a bit of a hothead) and the other being shy and a little bit more of a 'grounded pegasus' who never really spent a lot of her time up in the sky where her kind were always supposed to belong. Rainbow and her friend, hadn't really fallen out as such, they had just stopped seeing each other once one of them had deicided to leave her home in Cloudsdale and switch towns. Since then Rainbow had always thought her friend was on Ponyvile's side, feeling betrayed she had vowed not to go and talk to her ever again, but if she was really going to help the Princess out with fixing the two towns' broken relationship, then it was one vow she was willing to go back on, she only wished that she had maybe suggested to talk to some of the other ponies about changing their perspective of the pegasi who lived up in Cloudsdale before Twilight had decided on this plan of action. Rainbow Dash sighed deeply, glancing to Twilight slightly and smiled slightly as she was still rambling on and on about how she would make this plan of her's work out, sounding so sure of herself as she smiled brightly and looked so exitced all the while, 'She sure is a weird one' Rainbow chuckled as she let the Princess talk to herself for a little bit longer, before she looked around at her surroundings and realized just where they were right now. "Hey Princess, stop for a minute," Rainbow flew in front of the Princess as she halted her from flying. "What is it Dash?" Twilight asked happily, stopping her rambling but that expression of sheer joy never leaving her face, as she was certain that today would prove to be a step in the right direction that would soon lead to the two towns putting the past behind them, moving on from here and getting along like all neighbours were meant to. "Listen I know you think that reuniting me and my old friend is a good way for our two towns to start getting along again, but don't you think there's something more important that a Princess such as yourself should be doing right now?" Rainbow nervously spoke as she suddenly felt like this wasn't a good idea anymore, "Besides you do know that just getting my friend and I to forgive and forget, won't slove all of the problems that the two towns have with each other, right?" "Dash, there is nothing more important than making a change between Ponyvile and Cloudsdale in order for all of you to get along better, after all if the two towns can come together without constandly arguing and fighting with each other than it'll mean there will be a lot less problems around here. And I know it'll take much more than just getting you and your old friend to make up, but it's a start at least, right?" Twilight explained with a kind smile to the pegasus, understanding the anxiety and fear she was probably feeling right now, while she looked away from her checklist and slipped it back into her saddlebag she had strapped to her back, being sure to focus all her attention on the worried pegasus now. "I guess," Rainbow mumbled out nervously as she turned away from Twilight a little, while she tried to think of another excuse, hoping to stall the Princess for longer. "Where is this all coming from anyway, you seemed all for it yesterday?" Twilight asked wondering why the pegasus was suddenly acting all nervous about this when she seemed very willing to go through with it all yesterday. "I know, it's just..." Rainbow sighed as she paused, before she nervously looked to Twilight, "We're here," "We are?" Twilight questioned as she she looked around, before Rainbow pointed down to the ground below, Twilight looking to where the pegasus's hoof was pointing, to see a small house that was just on the outskirts of Ponyvile, which was pretty much right next door to the mysterious Everfree forest. The two ponies slowly flew down to the house together. Twilight looked all around as she suddenly felt like she knew this place, she wasn't sure if she had been here before, but it certainly did look familiar to her. Meanwhile Rainbow just looked down to her hoofs, feeling alwfully out of place not just from being down in Ponyvile, but also from the fact that she hadn't been to this house in years, and was a litte surprised that she could remember how it looked after all this time. Although this place did look quite familiar to Twilight, she couldn't really think of why it did seem like she had seen it before, as she wondred just who lived here, while her and Dash walked up to the front door, looking around as all kinds of different woodland animals looked at them curiously, some seeming more scared than others as they decided to just stay hidden in the woods. The place looked like a small petting zoo, what with all the small animals running around, with fences built all around the front of the house, cutting off the garden from the house, the two seeming separate. Twilight decided to not let the odd appearance and also strangly familiar look that the house had bother her, as she just took a deep breath and looked to Rainbow dash, smiling to her as she saw that the pegasus's gaze was stuck on the ground, looking even more nervous and worried now then she did a few minutes ago. Guessing that Rainbow probably wasn't going to knock on the door, Twilight decided to instead as she rapped on the wodden door, before she stepped back a little and waited for an answer, along with the oddly quiet pegasus, who was acting very unlike herself right now. Faint hoofsteps could be heard becoming clearer, as within a few more moments of waiting the door opened slowly to reavel a yellow pegasus, who Twilight recognised almost immeditaly, "Fluttershy?" Twilight qustioned looking confused, as she remembered meeting this certain pegasus only a couple of days ago, being thankful that she had remembered her name correctly. "Oh hello Princess Twilight," the pegasus greeted the Princess with a slight bow, smiling politing to her, before she noticed the familiar rainbow pegasus that was standing beside Twilight, nervously looking to the ground, and seeming to be doing her best to avoid looking up at the other pegasus. Fluttershy seemed a little taken aback for a minute, before she just smiled to Rainbow and greeted her kindly, "Rainbow Dash, it's been a while hasn't it?" ... ... Silence had fallen on Twilight and Rainbow as Fluttershy had now invited them inside in her home, having offered for them to sit together on her sofa, while she went to go and make some refreshing tea for them all. Twilight looked to Rainbow with a slightly confused expression, while the pegasus nervously looked around the house, seeming tense and uneasy, 'No wonder this place looked familiar to me, I came here with Applejack and Rarity on the first day I arrived in Ponyvile. So Fluttershy was the friend that Rainbow fell out with after she had decided to live in Ponyvile instead of Cloudsdale?' the Princess wondred as she didn't think that a shy pegasus like Fluttershy could have ever been friends with a boisterous pegasus like Rainbow Dash. "You didn't tell me your friend was Fluttershy," Twilight brought Rainbow's attention on to her as she hadn't really planned for this old friend of the pegasus's to be a pony that she had already met before. "You didn't ask," Rainbow answered buntly as she glanced to Twilight, but still looked like she felt out of place, as she kept fidgeting in her seat every so often. Rainbow really had no idea what she could say in order to try and apologize for what had happened between her and Fluttershy, she had thought of a few things that she thought would be good, but as soon as she had seen this house again and was remnided of the last time she saw the pegasus, she was starting to have second thoughts, remembering all of the thoughts that were going through her head that fateful day when she vowed to never come here ever again, and yet here she was sitting on the pegasus's sofa, feeling like she should leave, and that coming here was just going to be a big mistake. Fluttershy soon came back out of her kitchen and walked into the lounge, setting three drinks of steaming hot tea and a plate of cookies down on the small coffee table, offering for her two guests to have some, which both of them politely declined to for now. Silence fell on the room again as Fluttershy sat down on the chair that was opposite the sofa that the other two ponies were sitting on, smiling to them both kindly, while Twilight smiled back to her politely, and Rainbow was back to looking at her hoofs again, avoiding all eye-contact with the other pegasus. Twilight nervously looked to Fluttershy and then to Rainbow, as she kind of wanted to speak up and maybe help ease the heavy tension that was in the room right now, but she also wanted to let the other two do the talking, after all they would never make up if she didn't let them talk about it and work everything out in their own time. But right now as the time dragged on, and the only sound that could be heard was the slight ticking of the cloak on the wall, Twilight sighed as it seemed like neither of the two pegasi wanted to speak up, and so she opened her mouth as she felt like she should get things started off, luckily she had planned if a situation like this were to happen. But just before she said a word, Rainbow surprised her as the Princess and Fluttershy heard the nervous pegasus whisper out the words, 'I'm sorry,' biting her bottom lip tightly as she glanced to Twilight, pleading for her to help her in some sort of way. Twilight just smiled as she shook her head, and moved closer to Dash, resting her hoof over the pegasus's, ressuring her and pushing her to carry on, understanding that she really wasn't comfortable with this, but knowing that she could do it. She knew that Rainbow did want to make amends with the ponies here in Ponyvile, and her apologizing to her old friend was a big step to all of this, not to mention probably one of the hardest things she would have to do from here on out. Rainbow looked to Twilight, wanting her to help her, but sighing as she knew the Princess wasn't going to talk for her. She had been this way fot much too long now, the constant arguing and rivalry between the two towns had been going on for long enough, and it was time for it all to stop, and here is where it all would start. Twilight smiled to Rainbow as she tilted her head in Fluttershy's direction, gesturing for her to repeat what she had just whispered out. Rainbow lifted her head slowly as she looked to Fluttershy, while the pegasus just sat there smiling to her politly, being sure to give her all the time she needed in order for her to be ready to say what she wanted to. Rainbow looked back to Twilight now as she took a deep breath, and nodded to the Princess, smiling to her slightly, brefore she looked back to her old friend, knowing that she wasn't doing this alone, and finally felt like it was time to let go of everything that had happened in the past, and face her demons here and now. "I'm sorry Fluttershy...when you left and decided to move here I...I wasn't sure how to feel, I felt betrayed and told you that I never wanted to see you again, and that was wrong of me, I never should have said anything like that. I was mad and confused, but I know that's no excuse, we were friends and friends should never say things like that to each other. When you left it changed me, and I didn't realise that until recently. I just got so mad...I was so mean to you, telling you that I hated you and didn't want to see you anymore..." Rainbow trailed off slightly as she choked back sobs and could feel tears welling up in her eyes, threatening to slip over her eyelinds and stream down her cheeks. She didn't want to cry right now, but she was finding it impossible to not break down, her breath hitching in her throat as she clenched her teeth together tightly, and looked down to her hoofs again. Twilight sighed slightly as she saw how much Dash was struggling right now, watching as she could see that stubborn and tough guard of her's quickly crumbling down to show the secrect sensitive side to the headstrong pegasus that lay hidden beneath everything else. Leaning down slightly Twilight nudged the shaking pegasus, causing for her to collapse against the Princess as she finally let a few slight sobs escape, while her bottom lip quivered and tears slowly started to run down her cheeks, resting her head on Twilight's shoulder, as she nuzzled against the pegsus comforting her as best she could. Flutteshy smiled as she just let Rainbow let out all of those pent up feelings of anger and grief she must of been hiding all this time, "It's okay Rainbow Dash, I don't blame you for anything that happened, I'll admit it was hard for me to hear you say those kinds of things to me, but I understood that you were upset, and everypony says things they don't mean when they are scared or angry. You have nothing to be sorry for, we're still friends after all," the pegasus explained, as she now came to sit beside Rainbow Dash on the sofa, and rested a hoof over her's. "R-really?" Rainbow questioned as she pulled away from Twilight slightly, and looked to Fluttershy, seeming surprised and full of hope, as the other pegaus just nodded to her with a smile. "And friends always forgive each other," Fluttershy replied as she could feel some tears of her own welling up in her eyes, while Dash sniffled slightly, as she moved away from Twilight and allowed her old friend to pull her into a warm embrace, resting her head over Fluttershy's shoulder, holding on to her tightly as she broke down into loud cries and heavy sobs. Slight tears were soon falling from Fluttershy's eyes as she held Rainbow close to her, while Twilight smiled to the two, wiping her eyes a little as she herself was getting a little choked up over watching the heartfelt moment between the two old friends, now finally reunited and happy again. 'I knew you could do it Dash,' the Princess thought as she could see how this one pegasus willing to change would soon turn into many, and a bright future where the great hatred that Ponyvile and Cloudsdale had for each other would no doubt be a thing of the past, with everypony ready to move on together in harmony. ... ... Twilight sighed happily as her and Fluttershy had been talking to each other cheerfully, while Rainbow had just gone outside to have a calming fly alone, in order to get back to herself and was told to come back once she felt ready to talk some more. Really the Princess couldn't be more happy with how things went today, yes they started off a little rocky with all the heavy tension, but once Rainbow was able to swallow her pride and look deep inside herself in order to finally let her guard down everything else seemed to go rather smoothly, and Twilight was happy to see that sensitive side to Dash being brought out, only seeing glimses of it so far, and now knowing there was so much more to the pegasus, which all lay hidden under the surface. The two ponies smiled to each other sipping their warm tea (which had cooled down a little now), while they chatted and laughed, relaxing on the sofa together, just passing the time, and waited for Rainbow Dash to return, "I'm so glad you two made up," Twilight stated happily, picking up a cookie with her magic and dunking into her warm tea, before she took a small bite out of it. "Metoo, I really have missed seeing her, and although it may be a little awkward between us for some time, I think we'll get through it and soon be back to how we used to be, while what had happened is all in the past now," Fluttershy smiled as she nodded to Twilight and also felt so glad that toady had worked out so well, since she had been missing her old friend terribly, and was happy to finally start building their close companionship back up again. "Well that's one pegasus down, I just hope all the others aren't going to be much harder," Twilight thought out loud, with a small sigh, knowing that there would be plenty of troubles ahead with getting the two towns to forgive and forget the way Rainbow and Fluttershy had now done, but was feeling optimistic about it all the same. "I reckon there will be a lot of hard cases to come, but I'm sure everything will go well, after all it's not like the ponies here in Ponyvile did anything in order to anger the pegasi of Cloudsdale too much," Fluttershy stated, causing Twilight to go wide eyed, as she looked a little taken aback now. "What do you mean? Didn't the ponies in Ponyvile wrongly accuse a lot of the pagsi about certain things, plus they ran them out of town when they refused to follow their rules, which does seem a little harsh when you think about it," Twilight asked, thinking that the ponies were just as much at fault as the pegasi were, at least that what she got from the story that Rainbow Dash had told her. "Well in truth nopony could really prove that the pegasi did the things that the ponies accused them of, but a lot of the pegasi, such as Rainbow Dash, weren't exactly known for their 'good behaviour' around the town, which is why most of the ponies would avoid them," Fluttershy explained, thinking that Twilight had probably gotten the story a little bit mixed up or something, "Plus the ponies didn't run us out of their town, we left," "What?" > Truth and Lies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What do you mean, 'you left?" Twilight asked looking all too surprised by what Fluttershy had suddenly told her, after all from Rainbow Dash's story it made everything seem like the fall out was caused by certain misunderstandings, and the ponies of Ponyvile maybe being a bit too harsh with their consequences for the troubles caused by said misunderstandings , but now what Fluttershy had said was causing Twilight to maybe have some second thoughts about what really happened back when the two towns separated. "Well we didn't all leave, the ones that wanted to stay did, but there weren't many of them," Fluttershy explained, confusing the Princess even more, as she tried to understand how this all tied in with Rainbow's story in order for everything to make sense to her. "Okay...wait I'm really not understanding any of this," Twilight was smart beyond all belief, but this story of what had happened, was already sounding so different from the one that Rainbow Dash had told her yesterday, so much so that she felt completely stumped right now. "Well years back when Cloudsdale first decided to come here to Ponyvile, in order to have some sort of base for us to always come back to, since Cloudsdale is still a traveling city, there were a lot of things that didn't go too well. For instance many of the pegasi from Cloudsdale would talk down to the ponies from Ponyvile and would discriminate them in front of their faces many times. Some of the pegasi were nice and respected the ponies, myself being one, but it would seem, that the bad did outweigh the good quite a bit unfortunately," Fluttershy put a hoof up to her chin as she went back in her mind to think about how things were between the two towns before they were separated, remembering that many of the pegasi were already making enemies out of the ponies. "So was it true that some of the pegasi would steal food and cause trouble for the ponies here in Ponyvile?" Twilight asked, now beginning to get the idea that there were two different stories to what had happened between the two towns. "There were an awful lot of times that many of the pegasi, one of them being Rainbow Dash, were accused of things like that, but there was never any proof of it, it's just that those so called 'misunderstandings' happened way too many times to simply just look past them, plus most of the stories that were apperantly all just lies in the pegasi's eyes did make a lot of sense, and sounded true enough. But things like stealing food and all that wasn't the biggest problem that the ponies were worried about," by now Fluttershy had gotten the idea that Twilight had heard the story of what had happened between the two towns, but either she had gotten it a little mixed up, or the pony that had told her had gotten the story wrong in some ways. "What do you mean, what other problems were there?" Twilight asked. "Well simply it was that most of the pegasi weren't all that nice and kind to any of the ponies, no matter what it just seemed like they were never happy or willing to try and get along with the ponies of Ponyvile, even the little fillies and colts would always be known as the bullies of the school, who would do nothing but pick on all the other ponies, and the older pegasi were no better, constandly starting fights and always finding something to argue about, it just seemed like many of the pegasi simply didn't want anything to do with the ponies," Fluttershy sighed deeply as she looked down to her mug of warm tea, moving to rest it back on the coffee table, as she didn't really feel like she wanted the rest of it. "And that's what separated the two towns?" Twilight asked, now seeing how things had been like from Fluttershy's point of view, which souded very different from what Rainbow Dash had told her, not only that but it seemed like the pegasi were the ones at fault for the falling out, instead if it being the ponies who were the ones being unreasonable according to Dash, and it seemed like the separation hadn't changed much between the two towns, judging by how Rainbow acted around Rarity and Applejack the other day. Fluttershy answered with a nod, looking like this topic had brought her mood down a little, "The ponies tried countless times to give the pegasi second chances, but nothing ever changed, it just got worse. So eventually the ponies told the pegasi 'if they wanted to stay living above their town, sharing their food and all that, they would have to respect them and stop causing trouble', and while some of the pegasi agreed to this, many of them didn't, saying that they would leave if the ponies didn't let them live the way they wanted to. Everypony in Cloudsdale wanted to stay together, but it didn't look like that was going to happen, so in the end they came to a decision that all the pegasi that thought the ponies were right would move to Ponyvile, never to return to Cloudsdale again, and the ones that were certain of the pegasi not being at fault stayed up in Cloudsdale, and avoided ever coming back into Ponyvile," Fluttershy turned away from the Princess a little as she had now explained what had really happened, making Twilight see how different her story was from Rainbow Dash's (whether it was true or not was another matter). Twilight had noticed that while Fluttershy had been explaining all of this to her, she had been looking awfully down on herself, and from seeing that she guessed that it wasn't only Rainbow Dash who didn't like talking about this particular topic, plus it definitely seemed like Fluttershy wanted things to change between the two towns, just like Rainbow Dash did. "Was one of those pegasi that threatened to leave, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked nervously, already guessing what Fluttershy's answer would be. Fluttershy just nodded in reply, as she sighed again and looked to her front door, starting to wonder when the colourful pegasus would be coming back from her calming fly. Twilight wasn't sure how to react to all of this, Fluttershy's story sounded more detailed and made more sense than Rainbow's did, but she still wanted to believe what Dash told her was true, how was she supposed to know which story was the right one, after all she hadn't been here for the falling out and basically had next to no idea what had happened between the two towns. "But wait...so why did you decide to move to Ponyvile, did you believe that the pegasi were the ones at fault?" Twilight asked, wondering why Fluttershy would go back on her own town like that, she really didn't seem like the kind of pony who would do something like that. "Because I saw how a lot of the pegasi treated the ponies here in Ponyvile, and I knew many of them were capable of the things they were accused of, and although Rainbow Dash was my friend back then as well, she never really did listen to me when I tried to talk to her about changing her ways and trying to be nice to the ponies that let us share their home. Plus I decided to move here because I felt like I didn't fit in very well up in Cloudsdale anyway, I've never been all that great at flying, and the only friend I ever made up there was Rainbow Dash. But now after moving here, I have more friends and have much more confidence to do the things I want to, all I used to do in Cloudsdale was hide away from all the other pegasi that would pick on me, hoping to blend into the background, and wait for Rainbow Dash to come to my rescue whenever hiding failed to work," Fluttershy seemed a little cheered up now as she talked about her life in Ponyvile, and how it had proven to have turned out so much better than her life up in Cloudsdale had, "I guess deciding to move here was a good choice, after all I never did feel like I belonged up there with all the other pegasi," the yellow pegasus smiled slightly as she looked back to Twilight now, wondering if all this talk about the past had caused the Princess to feel a little depressed, like it had her, "None the less I'm glad to see that Rainbow is having a change of heart now, you must have really talked some magic in order for her to agree to something like getting our two towns to try and make peace," Fluttershy stated happily. "Yeah...I guess," Twilight smiled nervously after a short pause, questioning in her head if Rainbow Dash had really changed from the pony she used to be, it seemed like that, but how well did she really know the pegasus in order to know that she was willing to let go of what had happened and change her ways for the better? And who was to say that she wouldn't go back on her word? "And while we're on the subject, who exactly did you hear that story of what happened from?" Fluttershy asked as she wondered who had told the Princess that mixed up story of what had happened between the two towns. "Oh it was...ummm..." Twilight paused as she looked nervously to the yellow pegasus as she instandly felt like she should just stay quiet for now, 'I can't tell her it was Rainbow Dash who told me that story, I just got the two to start talking again,' the Princess sighed as she turned away from Fluttershy, and wished for something to happen in order for the subject to be changed so that she wouldn't have to answer her. Luckily it seemed like fate was on her side at that moment, as a certain colourful pegasus came flying through the front door of Fluttershy's small house, almost causing it to come off of its hinges, as Rainbow came skidding to a halt while she stood in the lounge and flicked her long mane back, clearly feeling much better after that fly. "Hey did I miss anything?" Dash asked as she looked to the other two ponies and smiled to them both. "Not at all," Fluttershy smiled as she looked back to Dash, while she wondered if the reckless pegasus was okay after flying through her wooden door while it had been closed. Meanwhile Twilight still seemed to be worrying over how she was going to answer Fluttershy, not yet noticing that Rainbow Dash had come back. Rainbow soon noticed the Princess being awfully quiet which wasn't like her, as she looked a little confused, before she called to Twilight. "Hey Princess, you alright?" Twilight's eyes widened a little as she heard the familiar raspy voice of a certain brightly coloured pegasus, as she looked to the voice, and sighed slightly with a smile when she saw Dash standing in front of her and Fluttershy now. "Yeah I'm fine, you feeling better now Dash?" Twilight asked as she shook her head and pushed all her thoughts and worries to the back of her mind while she greeted the pegasus kindly. "Yeah, nothing like a refreshing fly to get you back to yourself right?" Rainbow smiled confidently. Twilight and Fluttershy just nodded in reply as they both smiled to the rainbow pegasus, both of them glad to see Dash back to acting like her regular self again. "By the way Princess," "What is it Dash?" Rainbow took a deep breath as she smiled to Twilight, feeling butterflies fluttering around in the pit of her stomach, "Thanks for this, I could have never done it without you here to help me," Twilight's eyes widened again as she could feel her heart beating a little faster and heat raising into her cheeks, while she looked to that greatful smile Dash had on her lips right now. She nervously swallowed as she smiled back to Rainbow and nooded to her, "Oh no, there's nothing for you to thank me for Dash," Twilight looked down to her hooves a second later, bashfully smiling while her long mane hid her face away from the rainbow coloured pegasus. Fluttershy smiled to the Princess and Dash as she thanked Twilight as well, after all if the Princess hadn't talked Rainbow into doing this, she would have never been able to make amends with her old friend, who she had been missing terribly since the big separation happened. ... ... Morning soon turned into early afternoon as the sun was slowly starting to lower in the sky, while Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash were flying back to the pegasus's cloud home, Rainbow was glad to be going back home after the eventful morning she had just had. Rainbow smiled brightly as she twirled round in one or two circles, before she dived straight down and looked back to make sure that the Princess was still following her and hadn't fallen behind. Rainbow tilted her head a little as she noticed that even though Twilight looked fine, she was flying a lot slower than she was this morning while they were on their way to Fluttershy's house, it could just be that she was tired or hungry, or maybe the heat was just getting to her. "Hey you know I really can't thank you enough for what you did toady Princess," Rainbow stated as she flew closer to Twilight and waved a hoof in front of her, smiling to her slightly as she was able to catch the other mare's attention. "Oh sure, no problem Dash," Twilight replied half heartedly as she glanced to the pegasus before she looked away again, and sighed deeply. "Are you alright? You've been quiet since we came back from Fluttershy's," Rainbow still wasn't sure that Twilight was herself as she seemed quite distant, while she talked to her, not to mention that the Princess was avoiding looking at her right now. "Yeah I'm fine Dash," Twilight smiled as she shook her head and looked back to Rainbow, pushing all her thoughts to the back of her mind. "You sure?" Twilight just nodded in reply as she smiled and watched as the bright rays of the sun caught Rainbow's colourful mane, as it seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. Her eyes widened a little as the slight cool breeze flowed through her mane, while Rainbow smiled back to her, and caused her heart to beat a little faster, noticing how the pegasus's magenta eyes would slightly sparkle in the sunshine. "Hey Dash, can I ask you something?" "Sure, what's up?" Rainbow asked as she now flew beside the Princess, and made sure to keep a fairly slow pace, in order for her and Twilight to be able to talk to each other while they flew together. Twilight nervously looked to Dash, as she wasn't sure how she would respond to the question she was about to ask her, hesitating for a moment as she bit her bottom lip and took a deep breath, "You know that story of how the two towns fell out you told me about yesterday?" "Yeah?" "A-are you sure that it was the real story?" Twilight spoke in a low tone as she was a little scared that Dash may get angry. "Of course I am, why did somepony tell you it differently?" Dash asked, wondering where this kinda question was suddenly coming from, thinking that maybe Applejack or Rarity had told her a different story. "No, no, it's nothing like that... I was just making sure that you didn't tell it wrong or get it mixed up in any way," Twilight lied as she smiled nervously to Dash. "Don't you believe me Twilight?" Rainbow asked looking a little disappointed now, while her voice had an odd tone to it. Twilight looked a little taken aback at Rainbow calling her by her name, knowing that she hardly ever did that and most of time just called her, 'Princess'. Twilight sighed as she looked to that disappointed expression on the pegasus's face, guessing if she said anything else on the subject it would form into a look of annoyance no doubt, ruining the comfortable atmosphere that the two were sharing at the moment. "I believe you Dash," Twilight smiled as she sighed, while Rainbow's disappointed expression formed back into a smile as the pegasus nodded to the Princess. Twilight felt like she should have maybe tried a little harder in order to talk to Rainbow about the difference between the story that Dash had told her yesterday, and the story that Fluttershy had told her today. But considering the fact that the pegasus had looked so disappointed when she thought she didn't believe her, there was probably the very high chance of the two getting into an argument, which Twilight really didn't want, feeling like she had gotten to know Dash quite well over such a short time, and not wanting to end up fighting with her so soon. She wanted to believe Dash was right, but what if she wasn't? What if the story that Fluttershy had told her was true, and Rainbow had just been lying to her yesterday. Although if that were the case than what would Rainbow gain from making her believe her story instead of Fluttershy's? Maybe the fact that it might mean that the Princess was now on Cloudsdale's side and not Ponyvile's? Twilight wasn't sure, and all the worries on her mind right now weren't making it any easier for her, while she sighed deeply and felt a little dizzy. Twilight raised a hoof up to her forehead as she shook her head, and tried to focus on a single thought, her head aching a little, while she wasn't even flying anymore, feeling even more dizzy as she just hovered slowly and could feel her eyelids beginning to feel heavy. Rainbow looked back to the Princess as she noticed that she had gone quiet again, not only that but could now see that she had stopped flying to just hover instead, as she tilted her head to the side a little, while she slowly flew closer to Twilight, wondering if she was alright. "Hey you alright Princess?" Twilight didn't answer as she could feel the ache in her head getting worse, guessing that she was probably tired from not getting enough sleep last night, or maybe she was hungry since she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast early this morning, or maybe her mind was too overwhelmed with all the confusing worries and thoughts that were running through it right now. "Princess?" Rainbow called to Twilight, trying to get her attention, looking a little concerned for her now. Rainbow called to the Princess once or twice more, before she noticed something about Twilight's wings, they were beginning to slow down, looking like they would stop flapping at any moment, which would cause the Princess to fall right out of the sky, if she didn't get her balance back fast enough. 'My head...really hurts...Dash' Twilight's vision went blurry as her eyes closed and she suddenly felt faint, her wings slowing down to a stop, as her head dropped and she let herself fall. "Whoa, PRINCESS!" Rainbow called out to Twilight as she quickly dived down and flew to the falling Princess, catching her before she came close to the ground below, as Twilight landed on Rainbow's back and panted slightly, blinking a couple of times as she tried to keep her eyes open. Rainbow looked back to Twilight, feeling worried as she watched the Princess's eyes close again, as she seemed out of breath suddenly. Dash quickly flew to a nearby cloud, carrying Twilight on her back as she wondered what had suddenly caused the Princess to pass out like that. Rainbow carefully let Twilight slide off her back, rolling on to the fluffy cloud, while the soft pillow cushioned the Princess. "D-Dash..." Twilight coughed as she slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head up, feeling a little dizzy still, but the intense ache in her head had gone now, as she sighed and looked up to Rainbow Dash's worried expression, her vision still a little blurry. "Are you okay?" Dash asked as she crouched down to Twilight's eye level and slightly nudged her, hoping that the Princess was just tired or something and not sick. "Huh? Yeah, I think so," Twilight shook her head as she was now able to focus her vision a little, blinking slowly as she could feel slight pain in her stomach, sighing a little when she heard it growl loudly a second later. "Looks like you're just hungry," Dash smiled as she chuckled slightly, while she sighed in relief that the Princess just needed to eat something in order for her to feel fine again. "Yeah I guess. I didn't really have a big breakfast this morning after all," Twilight smiled back to Rainbow as she could slowly feel her mind clearing of all worries while she was now finding it a little easier to focus on just one thought. The slight dizzy feeling still lingered as she slowly tried to stand up, before she just fell back down to lie on her stomach again. "Hey don't push yourself," Rainbow sounded concerned as she nudged Twilight again and nuzzled her slightly, causing Twilight to smile as she nuzzled the pegasus back and felt completely relaxed and safe while she was with Dash like this. "You okay?" Dash whispered as she pulled away from the Princess slightly, while she looked to her a little worried that she wouldn't be able to get back up, fearing that she just might have to carry Twilight back to her home on her back. Twilight just nodded to Dash with a smile, bracing herself to try and stand up again, before she felt something as she looked back up to Rainbow Dash. Her eyes widening as the sun's bright beams caught Rainbow's fur coat and mane again, causing them to shimmer in the bright light, her magenta eyes sparkling again as Twilight was slowly staring to get lost in them. Twilight's heart raced in her chest as she could feel a spark, while a small fire began to ignite deep inside her, "Dash..." she whispered, feeling paralysed at she looked to the breathtaking pegasus who stood in front of her. Rainbow moved closer to the Princess so she could hear her better, leaning in ever so slightly, while Twilight trembled a little at the feel of the pegasus's warm breath on her lips. Twilight wasn't thinking at the moment, her mind was in a comletely different place as she leaned into the pegasus, their muzzles just inches apart, while their lips brushed against each other. Twilight's eyes slowly closed as she heard Rainbow give out a small gasp, before she closed the small gap between them and pressed her lips to Dash's. Rainbow's eyes went wide in suprise as she felt Twilight's soft lips press aganist her own, while she was awfully taken aback by the sudden kiss. The pegasus felt like pulling away as she really wasn't expecting Twilight to suddenly do something like this, but allowed the kiss to last a few moments more, before their lips parted and Twilight opened her eyes again, coming back to her senses as she realized what she had just done. "T-Twilight?" Rainbow questioned as she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, while she looked to Twilight, expecting an explanation of some kind. Unfortunately it didn't seem like she was going to get one as Twilight quickly jumped up and instandly took off into the sky, her dizzyness completely gone now as a hundred other emotions overwhelmed her, quickly stopping as she looked back to Dash again "Well I better be heading back home now," the Princess stated as she couldn't bear to look the pegasus in the eyes, turning away from her nervously while she felt a deep blush cover her cheeks. "Wait!" Rainbow quickly shook her head, coming out of her surprised state, as she lifted herself up into the sky, in order to fly after the Princess if she started to try and make a quick getaway, "Don't you want me to come with you, what if you pass out again?" "I'm fine now thanks," Twilight replied before she quickly turned and left Dash behind, heading for her home in Ponyvile, feeling embarrassed and ashamed of herself. "WAIT TWILIGHT!" Rainbow called after the fleeing Princess, attempting to go after her, before she decided against it, feeling like she should let Twilight have some time to herself, while she sighed deeply and just watched the Princess disappear out of sight, clenching her teeth together as she cursed under her breath, and turned to just head home herself, so that she could try and figure out what exactly had just happened between her and the Princess just now. 'Why in all of Equestria did I do that?' Twilight questioned as she flew faster than she ever had before, feeling her heart still racing in her chest, while that kiss had caused all kinds of emotions to run through her body, while her face felt flushed, and she immediately felt like hiding somewhere instead of going back to the Library. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid, I'm such an idiot,' Twilight cursed herself under her breath as she couldn't stop seeing that shocked look that Rainbow had had on her face after she had kissed her, feeling guilt overcome her as she sighed, before she picked up more speed and raced to her home, 'Why couldn't I control what I was doing? I should have caught myself before I even tried to do something like that, I just got so lost in those breathtaking eyes of her's, and the way the sun was shinning down on her fur, causing for her cyan fur and rainbow mane to shimmer brightly...no I shouldn't be thinking about her like that. Oh why, why did I kiss her? I haven't known her for that long, and I just left her without any kind of explanation or apology for what I did to her. What's wrong with me?' ... ... A long silence fell on Golden Oak Library as Sipke and Twilight now sat together at the small table they had in the middle of the library (which they used as a dining table for now). They had been eating a late lunch together for a while now, but Twilight hadn't really eaten anything, yes she was starving since she hadn't eaten anything since this morning, but her appetite was completely gone right now, as she just used her hoof to push her food around her plate, while she sighed deeply and rested her head on the table, feeling absolutely defeated by everything that had happened today, and the day wasn't even over yet. Spike looked over to the Princess as he could clearly see that something was on her mind right now, wondering if maybe toady hadn't gone to plan, maybe Rainbow Dash and her old friend weren't able to make up after all, and now she's probably feeling down, thinking that she may never get the two towns to put the past behind them and try to get along. "What's wrong Twilight? You haven't said much since you got home eariler," Spike asked, wanting to know what was causing Twilight to act so unlike herself, as he had never really seen this depressed side to the Princess before. "It's nothing Spike, I'm just tired I guess," Twilight stated with a sigh as she slightly glanced to the young dragon, and wished that he hadn't broken the silence they were in a minute ago. "Oh okay, how did toady go? Was Rainbow able to make up with her old friend?" Spike asked knowing that that was what Twilight had planned for today, and guessing that it hadn't worked out the way she would have like it to, judging by how the Princess was acting right now. "It went really well actually, Rainbow and Fluutershy were able to make amends," Twilight sat up straight now as she lifted her head up off of the table and tried to seem less depressed in order to not worry Spike. "Wait Rainbow Dash's old friend is Fluttershy, you mean that shy pegasus that we met the fisrt day we came here?" Spike looked a little puzzled as he seemed to be a little confused over how those two polar opposites could have been good friends at one time. "It seems like Fluttershy had decided to move Ponyvile when the two towns fell out, she said that she never really felt like she belonged up in Cloudsdale, and she had a hard time making friends, apparently Dash was the only one she ever made while she lived up there. And although I know it's hard to think that those two could be friends, I saw how close they must have been, things did start off a little rocky, but Dash was soon able to apologize after a little encouragement from me, and they shared a long awaited embrace, I was really surprised to see that sensitive side to Dash, she practically broke down in front of me and Fluttershy, and even I got a little choked up over the heartwarming moment that they shared," Twilight explained, smiling for a moment as she remembered how well her plan had actually worked out today. "Well it's good that they made up then right?" Spike smiled as he was just glad that everything had turned out well in the end. "Yeah I guess," Twilight sighed as she thought about all that had gone on today, still not sure who's story she should believe, or how she should feel about what had happened while she was taking Rainbow Dash home eariler. "So if it all went well, what's gotten you looking so down in the dumps?" Spiked asked noticing that the Princess was stil obviously bothered by something. "Well Fluttershy told me something while Rainbow went for a little fly by herself," Twilight confessed after a short pause and she remembered the confusion she felt after hearing Fluttershy's story, and seeing how different it was from Rainbow's, "She told me what the big fall out between the two towns was all about," "Okay, so now you know about what happened and there's no more mystery right?" Spike asked, not understanding how this was something for Twilight to worry about. "Yeah except the way she told it made it sound like the pegasi were the ones to blame for what happened, but Rainbow Dash told me yesterday her version of what had happened, which was very different from the story that Fluttershy had told me today, since Dash made it sound like it was the ponies that were the ones who were being a bit too harsh to the pegasi, what with running them out of the town and everything. And even though I've had a while to think about it all, I'm still not sure who to believe," Twilight explained, feeling down again as she thought about how different the two stories really were. "Did you talk to Rainbow about this?" "Yes, but when I asked if she maybe got the story wrong or mixed up, she looked disappointed in me, thinking that I didn't believe what she had told me, I didn't want to get into a fight with her since we don't know each other very well, and arguing already wouldn't be good for the friendship we're slowly building right now, so I just left it and changed the subject," Twilight rested her head back onto the table as she finished all that she needed to say, in order for Spike to understand what had gone toady, which had caused her to seem so distracted since she came back home. "I mean if it was a pony from Ponyvile who told me it the way Fluttershy had, I would have understood that the pony was just staying on the side of their town, and Rainbow was doing the same for her town, but Fluttershy used to live in Cloudsdale, so it's a little hard to think that she would rat her own town out like that, then again I don't know Rainbow all that well yet, so she could have lied to me when she told me what had happened, I'm not even sure if it matters anymore, after all knowing the truth of the past won't exactly help me in getting the two towns to try getting along again" Twilight added as she felt a little sad when she thought that Rainbow might just have lied to her, seeing the pegasus's disappointed look in her mind, and hid her face in shame when she remembered the shocked look Dash had when she had suddenly surprised her with that light kiss eariler. "Sounds rough, maybe you should ask Applejack, or another pony from Ponyvile about it later," Spike suggested, hoping that he could ease some of the stress that the Princess was clearly feeling right now. "Yeah maybe," Twilight replied, before she lifted her head up off of the table and nervously turned away from Spike now, wondering if she should tell him about what else had happened eariler toady, which had caused her to feel so down since she got home. "Is that all that's bothering you?" Spike asked as he noitced the nervous look that Twilight now had, guessing that she had left something out, or that there was something else on her mind right now, which was causing her distress still. "Well there is one other thing that's kinda on my mind at the moment," Twilight started nervously, feeling like it was better telling Spike now, then letting him find it out later by himself. "I'm all ears," Spike smiled to the Princess, letting her know that he was willing to listen to whatever she was about to tell him. Twilight smiled back to her assistant, thanking him for his kindness, before she took a deep breath, and built up all her courage in order to tell Spike what had happened between her and Rainbow eariler in the afternoon today, "Well I was flying Rainbow Dash home after we had spent pretty much the whole morning at Fluttershy's..." "Yeah," Spike nodded to show that he was following the story so far. "And well...I kinda...sort of...ended up kissing her," Twilight nervously confessed as she turned away from Spike, a little afraid of what his response might be. "Y-YOU WHAT?!" Spike exclaimed in a surprised tone. > Confusing Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But...how...I... Just give me a minute to think about this okay?" Spike shook his head as he turned away from Twilight a little, while he tried to figure out how to make what he had just heard make sense in his head. "I know, I know, it was so, so stupid of me to go and do something like that, we haven't known each other for very long at all, and I don't know who she really is, but I...but...she looked so... I guess I wasn't thinking, and I just..." Twilight trailed off into silence, as she sighed heavily and hung her head low, feeling ashamed of herself, wondering if she had just ruined the good friendship she was trying to build with the cyan pegasus. "Wait, how did something like that even happen?" Spike asked, guessing the only way he was going to understand what had led up to the two ponies kissing, is if Twilight started from the beginning. "Well it was after I had decided to change the subject from talking about the two stories of the big fall out, and which one of them was true, so as to not start an argument. I felt sort of dizzy from thinking about all that I had been told today and yesterday, trying to work it all out in my head, and as the seconds went on I felt more and more overwhelmed with everything that was going on in my head, I think I heard Rainbow Dash calling to me at some point, but I'm not sure as all I remember was that my head was killing me," Twilight explained trying her best to remember what had happened before she had passed out, which was pretty much all just a blur to her now. "Okay...so what does that have to do with you and Rainbow kissing?" Spike asked as his half eaten late lunch was soon forgotten about, since he seemed to be much more intersted in how the Princess had ended up kissing Rainbow Dash, when all she was supposed to be doing was taking her back to her cloud home. "I'm getting there...err from there I'm guessing I must have stopped flying and passed out for a minute, since I do remember Dash carrying me on her back and laying me down on a soft cloud, before she nudged me to see if I was okay. I guess I must have just been hungry as my stomach rumbled loudly after I had come out of my dizzy state, and the pain in my head had subsidized somewhat. I did try to stand, but all I did was fall back down again. I can't say I'm surprised that something like that happened, after all I hadn't eaten anything since this morning, and my breakfast wasn't all that filling" Twilight sighed as she felt foolish for letting Rainbow Dash see her like that, and her not guessing what the reason for he suddenly fainting was right away. "Okay, still not getting how the kiss came into this," Spike looked to Twilight, confused as to how all this that the Princess was telling him fitted into the story of her kissing the rainbow pegasus. "That's what happens next," "What...how?" Spike's voice raised a little as he wondered how Twilight went from feeling a little dizzy and passing out from hunger, to her kissing Rainbow Dash. "Well...I can't describe what really happened at that point, I was looking at her and I...I'm guessing I wasn't really thinking...I just couldn't hold myself back...while she was looking down to me with that concerned expression on her face, she just looked so...ARGH! What's wrong with me?" Twilight tripped over her words, trying to explain how excatly the kiss had happened, but finding no such words in order to do so, as she just gave up and slammed her head down on to the table in frustration. Spike sat back on the cushion he was sitting on (which Twilight and him are using as chairs for now), thinking over everything that Twilight had told him, working it all out piece by piece, until he widened his eyes a little and looked to Twilight, putting two and two together, and now understanding the reason as to why the Princess was having so much trouble with telling him how she had kissed the cyan pegasus that she hardly knows. "Twilight," Spike called to the depressed Princess. Twilight looked to her assistant, lifting her head off of the table to show she was listening to him, but still seeming awfully down on herself for what she had done. "Do you think it's possible that you could be having certain...'feelings' for Rainbow Dash?" Spike asked realizing what the reason for Twilight acting the way she was right now just might be, as well as the reason to why the Princess's story didn't really make a lot of sense. "What do you mean by...'feelings'?" Twilight asked feeling a little nervous now, as she got the idea of where this conversation might just be heading. "Well I could be wrong...but the way you're acting right now, and the fact that you're struggling so much to tell me what exactly happened, it certainly sounds a lot like somepony who's in...well in love," Spike explained, while that simple statement started to bring even more questions with it. Twilight's eyes widened as she heard that four letter word leave the young dragon's lips, "What do you mean? I mean...of- of course not...I hardly know her...there's no way that I could possibly be..." the Princess paused as she could feel her heart racing at a million miles a minute, while her breathing became rapid, and a warm heat rose up and into her cheeks, her entire face turning to a bright shade of red. "No...there's just no way...I can't be...in love with her...there's just no way...I mean honestly she's just...just so...so...not right for me," Twillight finished with a deep sigh, feeling confused as images of Rainbow's concerned expression ran through her mind, remembering how breathtaking she looked while she was standing in the sunlight in front of her, with the beams of Celestia's sun shining down on her, causing her fur and mane to shimmer, and her eyes to sparkle. Twilight shut her eyes tight and shook her head frantically, hoping to rid her mind of all those thoughts, only to stop and gasp a little when she was reminded of the shocked look Rainbow Dash had given her after she had suddenly kissed the pegasus. "Hey I said I could be wrong, maybe it's just some little crush that you'll get over," Spike suggested seeing the Princess slowly going into somewhat of a panicked state and not wanting to worsen it. "Yeah...you're right, I'll get over it in no time, after all Rainbow Dash is still my friend right? Although I might have just ruined that friendship we were building, since I did kiss her and then leave without any explanation or apology for what I had just done," Twilight took a deep breath as she calmed herself down a little and wondered if maybe she should have stayed with Dash and talked to her about what had just happened, instead of flying off like a coward. "Wait you just left her there, with no explanation for why you kissed her. Twilight you can't do something like that, you've got to tell her how you really feel," Spike stated not knowing much about love himself, but knowing that you can never hide your feelings for very long. "But...I don't know how I feel, I kissed her without thinking...how am I supposed to know what that means in order to figure out how I feel about her?" Twilight asked as she leaned forward, feeling like slamming her head on to the table again. "Well what did the kiss feel like, did you like it?" Spike asked. Twilight sat in silence for a few moments as she thought over how the kiss had felt, realizing that she hadn't yet thought about how the kiss was, and had just been more bothered over how it had happened. "It was...okay I guess, it gave me a bit of a rush I guess," Twilight spoke in a low tone as she tried to think of a good way to descride how the kiss felt to her, but it seemed like she was mostly at a loss for words, feeling her heart racing in chest again, while she could feel heat rising up into her cheeks as she thought back on to the memory of the kiss. "Have you ever felt the same when you kissed a pony before?" Spike asked thinking that he could maybe work out if Twilight really was in love with Rainbow Dash. "Well to be honest I've never been one for relationships, so I've never really kissed anypony, no matter a mare of a different kind," Twilight went back in her mind as most of her years growing up were just filled with studying magic and reading, not much else ever really happened back when she was young, she was always a social outcast who didn't have any friends, and much preferred to hide out in her bedroom, reading books and practicing her magic until the sun went down, then doing anything else. "Wait...so you're saying that it could be possible that Rainbow was your fist kiss ever?" Spike asked, thinking that he really shouldn't be surprised by this, after all from what Princess Celestia had told him, Twilight would hardly ever leave her room, only ever coming out to get food or to talk to the Princess, and that was it. "I guess so, I've never made a move on a pony like I did with Dash before now...at least as far as I know I haven't," Twilight searched in her mind from something even remotely close to what had happened with Dash eariler today, but could find nothing, except for all the years she spent on studying and improving her magical abilities back when she was younger. "I didn't even know I had any kind of interest in other mares before now," Twilight added with a deep sigh. "Maybe you don't, maybe you just have an interest in this one mare," Spike thought out loud, guessing that if Twilight had never had her first kiss until now, then it was most likely mean that she hadn't had a crush on a pony before now. "What's that meant to mean?" "Listen Twilight, I know this may be hard for you, as it seems like you've never had to deal with this kinda stuff in the past, but you need to spend some time thinking and figure out how you really feel about Rainbow Dash, because if you don't go and tell her about what your feelings are, they'll only eat away at you," Spike stated as he knew it may take a while for Twilight to really know why she had suddenly kissed Rainbow like she did, and it would take some good long thinking to find out how she really felt about the pegasus and where they would go from here. Twilight just nodded in reply as she sighed deeply and went to her bedroom to think things over in peace, while Spike put her untouched lunch in the fridge for now, hoping that maybe she would eat some of it later. ... ... Later that night after Twilight had finally had something to shut up her noisey stomach, deciding to eat some supper in order to not feel so starved, but still had little to no appetite left by then. She headed to bed early, thinking that all would be fine if she got a good night's sleep, and she just might be able to work this all out if she slept on it a little. However it seemed no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't fall to sleep, spending half the night tossing and turning over and over again, until she finally gave up and just looked up at the ceiling, sighing deeply while all she could think about was a certain rainbow pegasus. 'What are you doing to me Dash?' Twilight questioned in her mind as she could feel her heart pounding in her chest, while her cheeks were stained with a deep blush. Twilight thought of getting up and going downstairs to maybe read for a bit, after all it definitely didn't seem like she was going to get any sleep tonight. She kicked the covers off of her as she sat up in her bed and looked around her room, shaking her head a little, hoping that those thoughts of the cyan pegasus would leave her alone for just a few minutes. However as she slowly got up and out of her bed, and stretched a little, she heard a very faint noise from her bedroom window, which was slightly open, letting some of the cold night air in. She turned to the window, as she tilted her head to the side in confusion, slowly walking to the window, following the faint noise, thinking it was probably just the sound of the window slightly swinging back and froth in the wind. She looked out of the window as she looked over the quiet town of Ponyvile, seeing that only a few houses still had lights on, while many of them didn't. Sighing as she was just about to close the window, only to hear a certain familiar voice call out to her. "Twilight," Twilight's eyes widened as the pegasus that she had been thinking about non-stop since this afternoon, was now hovering outside her bedroom window, looking to her with a wondering expression, while the Princess was quite surprised to see the pegasus suddenly turn up like this, before she shook her head and came back to her senses. "Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?" the Princess asked as she may have been a little too loud. "Shh..." Rainbow whispered as she looked around the town, just to make sure Twilight hadn't alerted anypony, and sighing slightly when it seemed like none of the few ponies that were still out in the town (instead of in their warm homes) hadn't heard the Princess. "What do you want?" Twilight whispered, feeling a little embarressed for not being more quiet a second ago, while she avoided Rainbow's eyes, as they seemed to glisten in the glow of the moonlight. "You wanna go for a fly?" Rainbow smiled. Twilight looked to Dash for a moment, still avoiding her eyes, but smiled a second later as she was happy to see that kind and considerate smile on the pegasus's lips again, nodding to Rainbow in reply before she went to go check to see if Spike was still asleep. Twilight returned not long after as she reported to Dash that Spike was out cold pretty much, before she slowly sneaked out of her open bedroom window, as her and Dash started to fly off together into the late night. ... ... As the time passed by slowly, the hours dragged on, while Rainbow and Twilight were on their relaxing fly together, talking to each other about random things, feeling a little awkward as they both knew that they were avoiding talking about a certain subject that had happened eariler toady. "Did you finally have something to eat then? Because I really don't want you passing out again," Rainbow asked, smiling and noticing that although the Princess did seem back to her normal self now, she still wouldn't look at her in the eyes for some reason. The pegasus didn't think that the two could act like nothing had happened between them of course, but she thought Twilight would at least look at her when they were talking, even if it was a little awkward between them now. "Don't worry I had some supper before I went to bed, and although I am feeling a little peckish right now, I'm nowhere near straving or anything," Twilight smiled as she nodded to Dash, happy that they could still talk and laugh like this, even after what had happened eariler. "Good, because when I saw your wings slowing down to a stop, and then seeing you fall...let's just say it was scary, and I don't get scared," Rainbow said with a sigh as she chuckled slightly, causing Twilight to do the same, while they both smiled to each other for a moment. But as soon as Twilight realised that she was looking into Rainbow's magenta eyes, she immediately turned away and nervously went silent, feeling like she just might lose herself again if she gazed into the pegasus's bewitching eyes for too long, after all that was one of the things that led up to her surprising Dash with a kiss. "I'm really sorry Dash...I didn't mean to..." Twilight paused as she spoke in a whispered voice, scared to talk about the topic that both of them had obviously been avoiding up until this point. "You don't need to apologize for it Twilight," Rainbow stated as she smiled to Twilight slightly, while she looked back to her, a little taken aback. 'I guess she's not calling me, 'Princess' anymore,' Twilight thought as she had really only noticed now that Rainbow had been calling her by her name all this time, "You're not mad?" "I was surprised, and maybe a little confused, but I'm not mad," Rainbow stated ressuring the Princess that she wasn't mad at her for suddenly kissing her, and then leaving her with no explanation whatsoever. Twilight sighed with relief as she smiled slightly, glad that Rainbow wasn't angry with her for what she had done, and thinking that maybe she hadn't totally ruined their growing friendship. "But...I just want to know why you did something like so suddenly, why'd you kiss me Twilight?" Rainbow asked, causing the relaxing atmosphere to quickly turn into one that was much more serious now. "I...umm..." Twilight struggled to find words as Rainbow had asked her the one question she was really hoping she wouldn't ask her, "Well...I...I don't know, I guess," "Do you have feelings for me?" "I don't know...maybe..." Twilight sighed deeply, now finding that she still hadn't figured how she felt about Dash, did she have feelings for Rainbow? Or was it all just a 'heat of the moment' kind of thing? "Well I guess I don't expect you to know right away, so I'll let you have a little longer to think about it okay?" Rainbow smiled as she seemed disappointed, but tried to keep a straight face all the same, and not show Twilight how she really felt. Twilight was going to thank Dash for being so understanding, even though she did deserve an answer for why the Princess did what she did, but instead she just sighed slightly, while she now looked to Rainbow, avoiding her eyes again as she was a little scared that she just might kiss her again. And at that moment she wondered something, "Dash, how do you feel about me?" she asked, thinking that her attraction towards the pegasus could just be all desire with no real feelings behind it, but how did Dash feel about it all? Rainbow smiled to Twilight for a minute while the Princess waited for a answer, but kinda doubted that the pegasus would even give her one, after all it's not like she had answered Dash's question about how she felt about her. But surprisingly enough she did answer, just not in a way that Twilight was expecting her to. Dash slowly slowed down as she just hovered in place, looking to Twilight, while the Princess had her head tilted to the side in confusion, wondering if the pegasus was planning to answer her anytime soon. Dash slowly moved closer to Twilight and leaned in slightly, causing Twilight to shiver slightly when she felt the pegasus's breath on her lips, before the Princess gasped while Rainbow closed the small gap between them and closed her eyes, sighing pleasantly as she pressed her lips to Twilight's ever so softly. Twilight's eyes went wide as she almost stopped flapping her wings as her whole body froze, managing to just about get her balance back before she started to fall. Feeling confused and helpless while all kinds of different emotions were rushing through her head, overwhelming her in the matter of a single second. 'Dash is...kissing me? What does this mean, does she have feelings for me? Or am I just being played for a fool by her?' hundreds of questions ran through the Princess's mind as she couldn't focus on anything anymore, slowly melting into the kiss as it sent a wild rush through her entire body, causing that small fire hidden deep inside her to ignite brightly and grow quickly, 'It's happening again, I can't control my own actions...I'm losing myself...Dash...' Twilight soon felt her heart racing and her chest feeling tight, while her throat went dry and her eyes began to slowly close. She looked to Dash through half open eyes, sighing as she saw those beautiful magnenta eyes open slightly, before she closed her own and kissed Rainbow back, causing the pegasus to smile, while she too closed her eyes. Twilight's head had already gone completely blank, as she trembled slightly, feeling herself losing her balance again, trying to stay up in the air and not fall, she knew she shouldn't be doing this right now, Rainbow Dash was a pegasus that she hardly knew, was she really somepony that she could trust? A small gasp was heard from the Princess as she could feel the slight sensation of Rainbow's hot toungue licking her bottom lip lightly, asking for an entrance. Her eyes opened for a moment as she parted her lips slightly, allowing the pegasus's tongue to dart straight into her mouth, feeling the warm appendage immediately exploring every inch of her walls, their saliva mixing together, while Rainbow encouraged Twilight's tongue to join her's. Twilight's eyes slowly closed again as she let a small moan of plesaure escape her lips, while she fought back, deepening the kiss as it became much more heated and fierce with every second. The two mares fought for dominance, while the pegasus wrapped her front hooves around the Princess, pulling her close to her chest, as Twilight's wings finally gave up and she stopped flapping them, knowing that she was safe with Dash like this, smiling into the kiss as she felt Rainbow's surprisingly soft cyan fur rub against and mix with her own lavender coloured coat. Small moans and gasps were heard from the two ponies as the pegasus soon won the intense battle, while the Princess gladly accepted her defeat, leaning into Dash more as their deep kiss grew more and more filled with lust, passion and desire. Twilight feeling all that Rainbow was feeling right now, as all the pegasus's emotions came rushing through her, mixing with her own. And for some reason she could feel tears of overwhelming happiness welling up in her eyes once she had learnt the pegasus's true feelings for her. Rainbow's eyes opened slightly as she heard Twilight making an odd gasping sound with her throat, getting the message that her breath was quickly running short (clearly she wasn't very experienced with making out for long periods of time), as her breath hitched in her throat, while she tried desperately to breathe through the heated kiss. Dash wanted this kiss to last forever, not knowing if she would ever get the chance to do something like this again with the Princess, but she couldn't bare to see Twilight struggle to breathe right in front of her like this. She sighed into the kiss as she bit down on the Princess's bottom lip lightly, before she broke the kiss and their lips parted, with a single strand of their mixed saliva still connecting them. Both mares panted heavily, trying to get their breath back, while they gazed into each other's eyes. Dash sighed with a slight smile catching her breath first (being the more experienced one between the two), as she flew over to a nearby cloud and softly lay Twilight down on to the pillow, standing over her protectively, while she pecked her forhead lightly, causing the Princess to close her eyes for a moment, still panting heavily, as her eyes opened again a second later and she looked up to Dash, sighing deeply. "Did that answer your question by any chance?" Rainbow asked with a smile as she slowly licked her lips, still tasting the Princess on them. Twilight just nodded as she cleared her throat, and swallowed slowly, breathing deeply as her heart just wouldn't seem to calm down, pounding loudly in her chest, causing her entire upper body to feel incredibly tight. She gazed up to the pegasus as her front hooves were now wrapped around her neck, watching as the dim glow of the moonlight made this beauty before her glisten and shine in the late night. 'I may not know how I feel about her just yet, but...oh Celestia...did that feel good...' Twilight thought as she was finally able to get her breath back, while her heart was still going crazy, her mind was slowly becoming more focused now, and the heat rising into her cheeks had began to spread all over her body. "You okay?" Rainbow asked looking a little concerned that that kiss may have been a little too much too soon for the Princess. Dash leaned down as she nudged Twilight, and smiled as Twilight just nuzzled into her neck in reply, before she pulled the Princess close again, and brought her onto another deep kiss, Twilight happily closed her eyes and returned the kiss a second later. 'Well I now know what Dash's feelings are for me...but I still have no idea what mine are for her...' Twilight thought with a sigh, before she felt Dash beginning to deepen their kiss again, and moaning slightly in reply, while she allowed the pegasus to take complete control of her, feeling totally helpless against this skilled (and possibly dangerous) pony that she just might have fallen for. > Don't Keep Me Waiting Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now early morning of the next day as Princess Twilight had not long woken up, and was now sitting up in Rainbow Dash's bed, having spent the night at the pegasus's cloud home. Twilight had said that she would just go back home, but after some persistent perdsuading from Dash the Princess decided to stay the night, with her sleeping in Rainbow's comfy bed, and Dash sleeping downstairs on her couch for the night. Twilight sighed deeply as she looked around the unfamiliar bedroom she had spent the night in. It wasn't very big, but it was bigger than her own bedroom back in the library, however it was nowhere near the size of her old room at Canterlot Castle. Although the room was somewhat bigger then the Princess's was, it didn't have much more furniture (or anything really) in it than Twilight's did. There was a round shaped bed (which Twilight was currently in right now), with fluffly white clouds in a bright blue sky as the quilt cover, a beside table with a small lamp placed on it, a coat rack with a couple of old wolly hats, as well as a few warm jackets and scarves hung up ready for winter, a couple of pairs of wram silppers just below the coat rack on the could floor, some saddle bags seemed to have been thrown beside the coat rack as the lay forgotten on the floor, and a small book shelf in the corner of the room, looking like none of the books had been touched in years, along with one or two awards that could most certainly do with a nice dusting. Twilight's dark purple eyes gazed up to the ceiling, now seeing a few old posters of famous flyers, as well as a dozen advertisements of an well know aerial team, who Twilight recognized as, 'The Wonderbolts'. The Princess smiled when she saw that one or two of the posters had certain autographs written on them, guessing that the members or maybe even the Captain had signed them. It was a nice room and all, definitely looked like it belonged to the colourful pegasus, and if Twilight didn't still feel so confused on how she felt about Dash, then she would have spent more time admiring it all, indstead she just slouched and looked to her front hooves, still having no idea what her feelings towards the pegasus just might be. 'What's wrong with me? I can't just sit here and expect nothing to happen between me and Dash now. I guess it's ture that not a lot happened last night, I did agree to stay round till morning, but that long kiss we shared in the sky was all that we did. Right now all I can think about is how unbelievably good the whole experience felt to me, having her forlegs wrapped around me, holding our bodies close together, while her lips connected to mine perfectly, along with our tongues dancing passionatly with each other, as our hot saliva mixed together...I don't think I've ever felt like that before in myentire life,' Twilight sawllowed loudly, as she remembered that deep kiss with the pegasus, while she could feel heat rising up into her cheeks. 'Dash obviously has deep feelings for me, but I still don't know if I like her, or if desire is the only thing that's between us for me,' Twilight clenched her teeth together, as she just wished she knew how she felt about Rainbow Dash, was it love, or nothing more then a simple heat of the moment situation? The Princesss didn't seem to have much more time to think to herself, as she soon heard a small knock on the closed door. Twilight's ears twitched slightly as she turned her head to the door, looking to it with a wondering expression. The door opened slightly as the owner of the bedroom came walking into the room with a greeting smile on her face, while she looked to the Princess, "Morning Twilight, you sleep well?" the cyan pegasus asked as she walked over to the bed, smiling politely to the Princess, gald to see that she hadn't woken her up, guessing that she had already been awake for a bit, before she had come to greet her. Twilight smiled back to Rainbow as she nodded to her, "You didn't have to lend me your bed last night you know, I would have been fine with sleeping on the couch, or going back home," "Twilight you're a guest, and a Princess above all else. Besides I didn't mind sleeping on the couch, it was actually quite comfortable...and I really didn't want to just let you go back to your home like nothing had happened between us last night," Rainbow stated smiling slightly, her face stained with a light shade of pink as she thought back on all that had happened between her and the Princess last night. "I guess you have a point there," Twilight nervously nodded as she slightly turned away from Rainbow, feeling a little uneasy, while the two ponies went into a uncomfortable silence for a moment. "You've got a nice room, I didn't really get a good look of it last night, but...it sure does suit you well," the Princess sighed slightly as she changed the subject, not really wanting to be talking about last night just yet. "You think so?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow to the other mare. Twilight nodded in reply, "I can see that you like the Wonderbolts," she smiled as she looked to the many posters of the famous aerial team again. "Are you kidding, I'm practically one of their biggest fans, and I'm pretty sure I've even got one of their rare signed uniforms hidden somewhere safe," Dash sounded excited now as Twilight was glad to see that she was able to successfully change the subject, getting rid of that tension that was between them a minute ago, while Rainbow went on to further express her interest in the famous group of pegasi known as the, 'Wonderbolts', with a bright smile on her lips. "I bet you could be a member Dash," Twilight stated, causing the pegasus to look back to her, a little taken aback. Dash just shook her head at what Twilight had said, chuckling slightly, "Yeah right, in my dreams," "I'm serious, I've seen how you fly before, and there's no doubt in my mind that you'd make a great Wonderbolt someday," Twilight explained, trying her best to keep Rainbow distracted, so that they wouldn't have to talk about the matter that they would have to eventually deal with, "After all I can see that you have a fair amout of awards because of your flying over there," Twilight pointed to the dusty awards that sat on the old bookshelf with a hoof. "What those? They're all from flight school, everypony got them, even weaker flyers like Fluttershy," Rainbow looked over at the bookshelf, and sighed at the fact that she hadn't even looked at those old awards for years now. "Oh," Twilight's smile formed into a frown as her mood seemed to have dropped slightly, but shook her head as she tried to stay postive, "I still believe you'd make a great member to the group, I mean come on you're 'Rainbow Dash', ' The fastest flyer in all of Equestria', right?" Dash chuckled in reply with a nod, "The one and only, after all I can perform a load of awesome stunds, not to mention that I have been known to pull off a 'Sonic Rainboom' from time to time," "That's the spirit, not many pegasi can say that, can they? In fact I think I've only seen it done once or twice," Twilight smiled as she was happy to see that ego that the pegasus has shine through, actually feeling thankful that Rainbow was the kind who thrives on attention. "Oh really, well I'd be happy to show you sometime. I will admit it is quite a sight to see, I surprise even myself with how well I can pull it off," Rainbow bragged on, smiling proudly while Twilight nodded to her, just wanting to keep her talking really and not let the other subject be brought up again, even if that did mean having to listen to the arrogant pegasus boast about how great she was. "I loved to see it sometime, after all it doesn't matter what other ponies may think, to me you're already the greatest flyer in all of Equestria, Dash," Twilight smiled, hoping to fuel the pegasus's ego more, and keep her on the subject for a good while. Dash's magenta eyes went wide as what Twilight had just said caused her heart to skip a couple of beats, while her expression changed into one of more surprise, as she looked to that adorable smile that the Princess had on her lips right now. Getting a little caught up in the moment Rainbow leaned into Twilight more as she surprised the Princess with how close she had suddenly gotten to her. Twilight's smile formed into a look of surprise as she saw Dash lean into her, feeling the pegasus's warm breath on her lips while heat rose up into her cheeks again, causing them to turn to a deep red, as her heart started to beat a little faster, "Dash..." Twilight whispered as she rested a hoof on Rainbow's chest, and pushed the pegasus away from her slightly, turning away from her quickly, as not to get drawn into those bewitching eyes of her's. Twilight only now just relalized that she may have gone a little too far just then, as it seemed like what she had just said had caused Dash to act differently to what she had hoped. Rainbow ignored the Princess's hoof pressing against her chest, as she just leaned in more to the point where her's and Twilight's muzzles were almost touching, as they were just inches apart from each other. Twilight pulled away from Dash slightly, turning away from her, and looking down to the bedsheets nervously. The Princess bit her bottom lip as she felt Rainbow get closer again, leaning into her even more, causing Twilight to shiver all over as she felt the pegasus's breath on her fur, while Dash whispered into her ear, "Can't I kiss you?" Twilight really didn't mind kissing Dash, she really liked it in fact, but she knew that if she allowed herself to be lost to this pegasus again, it would take her a while for her to come back to her senses. Not only that, but letting Dash kiss her here could no doubt easily cause the topic of last night to be brought back up again, which is something she really didn't want to happen right now. However it didn't seem like Twilight had much of a choice here, as she felt Rainbow's hot tongue against her fur, while the pegasus slowly gave her ear a long slow lick, starting from the bottom, and ending right at the very tip, causing Twilight to tremble slightly in return, "Dash...don't...your tongue feels rough..." Twilight whispered as she moaned slightly under her breath, trying her best to not get caught up in the moment, and allow herself to play into the pegasus's hooves, but unfortunately it was a battle that she was quickly losing. Rainbow caused Twilight's eyes to widen again, as she slowly used her hoof to make the Princess look back to her, causing their lips to brush against each other ever so slightly. Twilight tried to avoid looking into the pegasus's eyes, knowing that she would only get lost in them. "Don't you want me to kiss you?" the pegasus asked in a whispered tone. "That's not it, Dash I- Twilight was cut off as Dash slowly closed the tiny gap between them, pressing her lips to the Princess's, and smiled into the kiss, while she looked to the other mare's surprised expression. Twilight wanted to pull away and push Dash off of her at that moment, but just like last night, she couldn't help but fall helpless to this pegasus, as her expression softened and her eyes began to slowly close. She was a powerful alicorn, and even a Princess, but when it came to this particular pegasus, it seemed like all that didn't matter anymore, as whenever they so much as kissed Twilight couldn't do anything to fight back or refuse, all she could do was accept her defeat and allow Rainbow Dash to take her breath away, overwhelming her in a matter of a single second. 'No...I can't let this happen again...' Twilight thought as she was determined to stay focused, and not let Rainbow take complete control of her, however that wasn't an easy task, as she was already feeling like she was losing herself, looking to the pegasus through half open, watery eyes, desprately trying to keep them open, while her eyelids grew heavier with every breath that she took. '...but...this feels...so good...oh Dash...how do you keep doing this to me?' Twilight questioned, before she finally gave into her desire and tempation, letting her eyes slowly close as she melted into the kiss, while Dash watched and slowly pushed her tongue into the other mare's mouth, not bothering to ask for an entrance, her magenta eyes still open, as she smirked at Twilight's ashamed expression at the fact that she had let herself fall vitcim to the pegasus's skillful advances once again. The slight moans and gasps escaping from Twilight's lips were like music to Rainbow's ears, as she deepened their kiss after she heard each one, causing the moment to become more heated and ferice as Dash explored each and every inch of Twilight's mouth, playing with her tongue every so often, encouraging it to join her's. Twilight had lost herself completely now as she soon started to fight back and let her tongue begin to twist and turn along with Dash's, the two starting a instense battle for domiance that Twilight soon let Rainbow win, backing down and sighing into the kiss, knowing that the pegasus was going to be the victor no doubt anyway. The Princess's small moans began to slowly grow louder, as her breath was now running short, and she could feel Rainbow sucking on her tongue. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest causing her entire upper body to feel tight, now stuggling to breath through the kiss a little while her mind had long gone completely blank. Rainbow climbed on to her bed as she stood over the Princess, pinning her down on her back, while Twilight linked her forlegs around the pegasus's neck, holding the mare close to her while their kiss seemed to be going on forever 'She's...she's biting...my tongue...I can't breath...anymore,' Twilight soon found herself making that strange gasping sound again, as she tried to breathe through the heated kiss, her lungs begging for air. Rainbow noticed this rather quickly as she looked to the Princess with her eyes still wide open, making the kiss last a little bit longer, before she bit down on Twilight's bottom lip lightly, and their lips parted, Dash smiling as she looked to the panting mare, who now lay beneath her. "That...wasn't fair, Dash," Twilight managed between heavy and spaced out pants, her eyes now open and welling up with slight tears, as she tried to catch her breath, while she gazed up at this wonderous pegasus that made her feel something she had never felt for any kind of pony before. "Sorry," Rainbow smiled slightly down to Twilight, leaning down to the Princess, nuzzling into the lavender mare's neck, "I couldn't help it," "I know," Twilight sighed slightly as she hugged the pegasus close to her, feeling ashamed of herself, thinking that she maybe could have tried harder there, instead of just allowing herself to be caught up in the heat of the moment again. "I love you Twilight," Rainbow whispered into Twilight's neck, laying a couple of light kisses on her fur. The Princess's eyes widened a little when she heard that, she already knew how Dash felt about her, but to hear her say it out loud like that, when she herself couldn't even work out what her feelings were, it made her wonder, when did Rainbow relalise how she felt about her, and how? "How do you know," Twilight asked in a low tone, thinking that she might be able to work out how she felt, if she heard how Dash had come to the conclusion that she was in love with her. "Know what?" Rainbow asked as she pulled away from Twilight slightly, raising her eyebrow to her, while she smiled at the feeling of the other mare's tail softly brushing against her flank. "How do you know you really love me? I mean I kissed you so suddenly yesterday, not to mention the fact that I myself don't know exactly why I did it. And yet you can just come and say that you love me the next morning like you didn't even have to think twice about it," Twilight explained as she was a little confused over how Rainbow had suddenly worked out what her ture feelings were towards the Princess, while she herself was still puzzled by the whole thing. "Well..." Dash paused for a minute as she thought about Twilight's question, before she sighed slightly with a smile, and lied down on her stomach beside the Princess on her bed, the other mare now having let go of her, while she looked to the pegasus with a wondering expression, waiting for her answer. "To be honest I didn't how to feel at first, after you kissed me I went home feeling angry, confused and maybe even a little upset. From there I just couldn't seem to relax, I was constandly thinking of you, I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, the only thing I could do was think about you and that kiss. But everytime that I did allow myself to go back to that kiss, my heart would instandly start racing, and I would feel intense heat rise up into my face, before it would then spread to the rest of my body." Rainbow started to explain all that happened to her after Twilight had kissed her yesteday afternoon, and how she had felt about it all. Twilight nodded slowly, feeling a little uneasy, as these feelings that Rainbow was telling her about were starting to sound an awful lot like how she had felt after the kiss, wanting to hear more from Dash as she snuggled up closer to her. "I've had one or two crushes in the past, on both mares and colts, but this was nothing like any of them, it all felt so different when I thought about you. I had always thought there was something that I kinda liked about you, and I couldn't really figure out what it was until you kissed me. It all made sense to me then, why I could relax around you so much, without having to keep my guard up all the time. Why I found it so much easier to find comfort in you then anypony else, why it made me happy just to see you smile, why I trusted you and agreed to let go of the past, and try again with the ponies of Ponyvile. Why I liked spending time with you so much, and why I couldn't bring myself to pull away when you kissed me." Rainbow now turned away slightly from Twilight, as her cheeks were stained with a light shade of pink, "You made me feel something that no other pony has made me feel before, and that kiss...that kiss helped me realise that, it made me realise what my real feelings for you were. And it didn't take me long to understand that those feelings, were in fact love," Dash ended with a low toned voice, feeling nervous now as she glanced back to Twilight slightly, and finished her explanation of how she had come to find that she was in love with the Princess that she had only met a few days ago. Meanwhile all through that explanation Twilight had been thinking over everything that Dash was telling her, realizing that it all sounded so much like how she had felt from when she had come home after the kiss had happened, to waking up this morning after spending the night in the pegasus's bed. 'Unlike Dash I don't think I've been in love before, in fact I'm not sure if I've ever had any sort of crush like she has. And because of that I don't know if this is just a simple crush, or if it could be something like love. Maybe if I had had feelings like this for somepony else before this happened, then I might know how I feel about Dash, but I haven't. Nopony has ever made me feel how Dash makes me feel, so is that love? Or is it all just desire that I'm feeling for her?' Twilight wondered as Rainbow telling her how she had found out her feelings hadn't seemed to help her in figuring out what her own feelings were whatsoever. "You okay Twilight?" Rainbow asked as she now looked to Twilight, wondering why the Princess looked so lost in her thoughts right now. Twilight shook her head as she looked back to Dash now, bringing her attention back on to the pegasus laying beside her, while she rolled over on to her stomach, and rested her head on Dash's pillow. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine, thank you for telling me Dash," Twilight smiled to Rainbow slightly, pushing all her thoughts to the back of her mind for the moment. "No problem, so what about you? Have you figured out how you feel about me yet?" Rainbow asked the exact question that Twilight was really hoping she wouldn't ask her, as the Princess nervously sighed while she shook her head slowly. "I have been trying, but the only thing I know for now is the fact that I'm attracted to you, in a way that I've never been to any other pony before. I really like kissing you and all, but whenever that happens I can't help but become helpless, and just end up losing myself all the time. I mean a lot of what you were saying did sound an awful lot like how I was feeling after the kiss happened, but I'm still not sure if that means I have the same feelings for you, as you do for me," Twilight explained as it still didn't seem like she knew how she felt about Dash, she knew that she liked spending time with her, and she knew that there were a couple of times she had felt like there was maybe something more between them then 'just friends' before, but none of that really helped with finding out if it really was love that she felt for the Pegasus. "Well that's okay I guess, I'll let you think about what your real feelings are for me a little more, before I start asking for a answer alright?" Dash smiled as she got the hint that it didn't seem like Twilight had fallen for anypony before, also guessing that she hadn't kissed any but her in probably her whole life. All this may have surprised her if it was any other pony, but over the short time that she had known Twilight for, she had learned quite a lot about her, so it didn't come as much as a surprise that this was probably the first time she had gone through this kinda thing, making it understandable as to why she was having so much trouble with it all. "Thanks Dash," Twilight smiled to Rainbow, feeling greatful that the pegasus was being so undertsanding right now about all of this. "Just don't keep me waiting for too long okay?" Dash smiled as she leaned into the Princess more, and pecked her on her cheek lightly. "I'll try not to," Twilight replied as she chuckled, and blushed slightly at the light peck to her cheek. "So you wanna stay round for a bit longer? I can make you breakfast if you like," Rainbow asked as she not-so-subtly lay her wing over Twilight's back, causing the Princess to smile in reply and cuddle up beside the pegasus. "I would love to Dash, but I've got to get back home before Spike wakes up, he'll only worry and question me about later if he wakes up to find me gone," Twilight explained as she would have liked to have stayed round for some breakfast, but knew that she'd only regret it later when Spike would wake to find her gone. "Fair enough, want me to fly you home then indstead?" Rainbow asked, not really wanting things to end here, and wanting to spend a little more time with the Princess if she could. "Sure," Twilight nodded in reply with a smile to the pegasus, seeming to also be happy that their time together wasn't just ending here, as the two ponies cuddled for a little longer, before they headed off to the library in Ponyvile. Luckily the two had made it back in time, and Twilight was able to sneak back in through her bedroom window before Spike had woken up, Dash leaving her with a quick kiss goodbye, and a whole lot to think about. ... ... From there many days, and even a couple of weeks started to pass by, with Twilight still not coming any closer to figuring out how she felt for Rainbow Dash. She had tried over and over to sit down and really think about how she felt, and where she and the pegasus should go from where they were right now, but everytime that she did try to work it out, it would all just confuse her even more than when that first kiss had happened. She hadn't seen Dash since that morning where she learnt of Rainbow's feeling towards her. She had gone over all that Dash had told her, and although her story would no doubt sound an awful like how the pegasus's was, she still wasn't sure if she really felt the same way that Dash felt about her, after all she had never been in love before, so how was she supposed to know how it would feel? Because of the all the confusion she was going through, Twilight had tried to distract herself by making herself busy, taking on any task whenever they came up, which wasn't something she could keep doing for very long it would seem, since there wasn't much trouble that ever really went on in Ponyvile or Cloudsdale, the two towns had been apart for years now and had learnt to stay to themsevles, neither one of them wanting to cross the border. And by the looks of things Rainbow Dash may have been one of the only pegasi that was willing to make a change and try again, however Twilight couldn't bear talking to the rainbow pegasus right now. The Princess knew that Dash would probably be expecting an answer by now, but it was just answer that she didn't have just yet. If she saw Rainbow now, not only would it be almost painfully awkward between them, but she just wouldn't have any kind of way to tell the pegasus how she felt if the subject ever came up, which no doubt it would. Twilight wondered why she was finding it so hard to figure out how she felt, she was no doubt a very smart pony, who had devoted pretty much all of her childhood to endless studying, and completing everything up to a more than impressive standard, but even so when it came to this certain pegasus she was well and truly stumped it would seem. The stressed Princess sighed, as she lay her head on the small table that Spike and her used as a dining table, not feeling like eating her breakfast this morning, the same with most mornings as she hadn't been eating or sleeping all that well with all this weight that was always on her mind. Spike looked to Twilight with a concerned expression, he had been worrying about her for weeks now, he knew she wasn't sleeping well, and he hardly ever saw her eat anything. He had tried countless time to ask what was wrong with the Princess, but all she would ever say was that she have a few things on her mind, and that was it. He wasn't sure why Twilight had been so distant so suddenly , which meant that he wasn't sure how exactly to help her out, all he knew was that this all started on that night that Twilight had come home, and told him about how she had kissed Rainbow Dash. He had asked the Princess a hundred times about if she had talked to Rainbow about it yet, and all she would do was go slient, walking away and refusing to answer her assistant, and although Spike did believe that talking to Rainbow would be the best way to help her in this situation, it was very obvious that that wasn't an option that Twilight was willing to try out. Spike felt like making conversation with the Princess, but just wasn't sure if he should even try or not, since almost evey time he had tried it before, he wouldn't really get much of a reponse from Twilight. "Hey Spike?" Twilight spoke in a low tone, surprising Spike, as she hadn't been willing to start, or even hold a conversation for weeks now. "Yeah?" Spike asked, hope that maybe Twilight would finally open up to him about all that she was feeling, and maybe he could start to help her out in return, as he had been wanting to do all along. "What does love feel like?" Twilight asked as she glanced to her assistant slightly, her mind still clearly somewhere else right now. "This about Rainbow Dash again?" Spike smiled, already guessing the answer. Twilight just nodded in reply as she slowly sat up straight in her seat, she had asked Spike this same question over and over again, and everytime his answer was the same. "I've told you this before Twilight, what you say sounds like love to me, but it's something that you need to figure out for yourself, and the only way you'll be able to do that, is by talking to Rainbow Dash about it all," Spike explained, having heard this questions a lot over the past few weeks. Like every other time, Twilight just went back to staying slient again, not wanting to talk to Spike about what had happened on that night when she snuck out and spent the night at Dash's. Maybe telling him what had happened would make this all so much easier, but she didn't really want to tell him that until she found for herself if she really did love Rainbow back, after all Dash told her how she felt, so in return she wanted the pegasus to be the first to know what her feelings were, when she did eventually find out what they were. After a few moments of slience between the two, there was slight knock at the door, which caused Spike to smile brightly, as he jumped up from his seat and picked up his empty plate from the table. "Twilight can you get that for me while I put our plates in the kitchen, please?" Spike asked as he smiled to the Princess, hoping she would agree to do as he had said. "...okay..." Twilight replied in a whispered tone as she nodded slowly to Spike. "Thank you, I'm put your breakfast in the fridge for you, just in case you want it later okay?" Spike smiled to Twilight as he was happy that she seemed willing enough to at least answer the door, maybe that meant that she might just be willing to also leave the library, and go spend some time with her friends from Ponyvile, after all it had been a good while since she had done something like that. Twilight just nodded as Spiked picked up her untouched breakfast, and went to go and put both of their plates in the kitchen, being sure to give his a quick wash, while he put Twilight's in the fridge for now, guessing that he would probably just end up throwing it into the bin, since that's what happened to most of the meals that the Princess didn't eat or finish. Twilight sighed a little as she watched Spike go into the kitchen, before she stood up from her seat, and slowly walked to the front door, wondering who it could be, waiting for a second as she heard a few more slight knocks and took a deep breath, opening the wooden door. "Hey there Twilight," It was Applejack, as Twilight recognised the farm pony stood at the door smiling kindly to her, greeting her kindly. "Oh hey Applejack, do you need something?" Twilight asked, feeling glad to see one of the ponies that she hadn't seen in a while, but still didn't feel like she could even fake a smile right now, with everything that was going on inside her head at the moment. "No, I was wondering if ya would like to get out of the house for a bit, we can go see Rairty and the others while we're at it?" Applejack suggested, hoping that the Princess would agree, as she knew how unlike herself she was right now, and no doubt getting her outside would do her some good. "That's sounds nice and all Applejack, but right now I..." Twilight paused as she took a moment to think, remembering the smile that had been on Spike's face whlie he had gone walking off into the kitchen, not to mention the fact that he jumped up from his seat at the table, almost straight after he and the Princess had heard knocking at the door. "Wait, did Spike put you up to this?" Twilight asked, as she guessed that this was all some plan of his to help cheer her up or something. "Well Spike did say to us that ya weren't yourself right now, he also said that something had happend between you and Rainbow Dash. I did notice that we hadn't seen her around here lately, did ya two have a fight?" the farm pony asked as she was a little concerned that the troublesome pegasus had done something to the Princess, to make her so unlike herself. "Yeah...something like that," Twilight spoke in a low tone as she looked to the side a little, thinking of that breathtaking pegasus that had had her so confused for quite a while now. "She's didn't hurt ya did she?" "No...she hasn't done anything to me," Twilight shook her head, thinking that she was probably the one hurting the pegasus right now, by making her wait this long for an answer. "Are ya sure?" Applejack didn't seem all that convinced by the Princess's words, causing her to think that Rainbow really had done, or had said something to hurt her, but maybe she was told to keep it as a secret. Twilight just nodded with a small forced smile on her lips, slightly avoiding the farm pony's eyes now, while she turned away from her, wanting to cut this friendly talk short and leave. "Listen I know what you and Spike are trying to do, and I appreciate it, I really do...but right now..." Twilight paused as she sighed slightly, "I think I need to be alone for a little while. Maybe some other time," she stated with a slightly more genunie looking smile on her lips now, before she turned around and started to make her way to the staircase on the other side of the room. "Wait, Twilight!" Applejack called after the Princess, but it seems her efforts were all in vain, as Twilight had already picked up speed, and soon disappeared upstairs, while Applejack watched her go, sighing slightly. "Sorry Spike," the farm pony apologized as she looked to the young dragon, who had secretly been peeking around the kitchen door, watching to see if his plan would actually go as he had hoped or not. "It's alright, I should've known she wouldn't agree to it, thanks for trying to help anyway Applejack," Spike walked over to the farm pony, feeling disappointed that the Princess ended up just running off to her room, causing him to think that maybe he could of thought of a better idea to get Twilight acting like herself again, and not looking so depressed all the time. "Should I go up after her?" Applejack asked, hoping that she could still help the Princess, even if it was just a little. "No it's fine, it would probably make her worse anyway, I think we should just leave her alone for a while," Spike explained knowing that there was probably no way that Twilight would be willing to see, let alone talk to anypony right now. "Hey ya never know, having some time to herself just might do her some good," Applejack tried to stay postive, wanting to believe that the Princess would be back to her normalself in no time. "Yeah I guess," Spike replied with a nod, as he sighed slightly, and smiled to Applejack, greatful to her for coming here to trying and talk to Twilight, she might not have got her to agree to leave the library, but at least she had got her talking for a little bit there. 'The only thing is, she's been have a lot of time to her herself lately,' Spike thought as he looked to the stairs that Twilight had disappeared up a few moments ago, wondering if there was possibly another way to get the stubborn Princess to open up about what exactly she was going through right now, so that he could work out a way to try and help her with it. Meanwhile Twilight was up in her bedroom, lying on her bed with her chin resting on her hooves, feeling completely exhausted right now, almost like she wanted to crawl up into a little ball, and hide away from the rest of the world just for a little while. She sighed deeply as she buried her head into the quilt cover on her bed, pushing all of her thoughts to the back of her mind, and desperately trying to not let them, bother her. However as she lay there for a few moments, her ears twiched slightly to the sound of a slight tapping sound. She lifted her head up, looking around her room, before she started to hear the tapping sound a little clearer as it became slightly louder. The Princess turned her head to where she heard the sound coming from, realizing that it had been coming from her bedroom window, as she shrugged her shoulders a little and figured it was just a branch hitting against the glass or something. She slowly got off of her bed and walked over to her closed window, using her magic to open the curtians, only to almost immediately close them again as she saw just what (or better who), was making that slight tapping sound on the window. Twilight stood in surprise as she looked to the culprit of the tapping sound with wide eyes, while the culprit themsevles just smiled to her slightly, gesturing for her to open the window with their hooves. "Rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked as she had regonized the pegasus hovering ouside her window straight away, opening the window quickly, before she lowered her voice a little, remembering that Spike and Applejack were still downstairs, and might be able to hear her if her voice was too loud. "Well I wanted to wait until you came to me, that way I would know that you were ready to tell me if you had found how you felt about me or not, but it's been weeks since I told you my feelings Twilight, and I haven't seen you since that morning, so I guess I decided to come by. It was sheer luck that you actually answered my tapping, I was kinda getting the idea that you were avoiding me or something," Rainbow explained as she smiled to Twilight, more than glad to see the beautiful Princess again, even though she did look a little worse for wear right now, with the lack of sleep and food she had been dealing with lately. "True it may have seemed like I was avoiding you, but I assure that I wasn't intending to take this long to tell you my feelings...to be honest I really thought I would have it all figured it out by now, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case. I still have next to no idea how I really feel about you Dash, sorry," Twilight explained with a deep sigh, now looking less surprised, and more depressed again. Rainbow did look somewhat disappointed about hearing that, but she seemed to be smiling still, as she leaned closer to the Princess, who was avoiding looking at her directly in the eyes it would seem, "That's okay I guess, I mean I did kinda assume that something like that was what was keeping you from telling me, but I just thought you were taking an awfully long time to come to a decision as all," Rainbow nodded to Twilight, guessing that things might have worked out this way from when she had left her with that quick kiss goodbye a couple of weeks back. "I really am sorry Dash, I know I shouldn't keep you waiting this long, I just..." Twilight paused as she sighed heavily again, feeling like she was just making excuses now, "I just wish I knew the answer to how I feel," "Well maybe there's a way that you still can," Rainbow suggested with a smile, sounding like she had thought of some idea before coming here. "What do you mean?" Twilight looked a little puzzled as right now she could see no way of finding out if she really did love Dash or not. "Considering you seem to be having so much trouble with telling me how you really feel, how about you try doing something that you're really good at instead?" "Which would be?" Twilight asked, still seeming confused. "How about instead of struggling telling me how you feel, you can simply show me instead?" Rainbow stated with a wink to the Princess, causing what it was that she was trying to explain to Twilight to finally click inside her head, as the other mare now seemed to understand what she had be trying to say to her, wondering why she didn't just come right out and say it in first place, instead of confusing her by giving her a little of the runaround. "Wait...so let me get this straight, you're going to let me show my feelings to, by letting me do whatever I want to you?" Twilight asked, just to make sure she was getting what Dash's idea was correct. "Well yes, that was my plan," Rainbow nodded to Twilight, glad that she had now caught on to what she was trying to purpose to her. "And do you really think that would work?" "We'll never know until we try right?" Rainbow asked with a smile, before she leaned into Twilight more, causing the other mare to freeze and and blush slightly, "Besides...I really missed you, Twilight," the pegasus whispered into Twilight's ear, making her shiver slightly in return, "I missed you too Dash, and I guess your idea could be worth a try, but...we can't do something like that here," Twilight stated, thinking that although Dash's idea did sound really simple, and not completely full prove, it still sounded better then trying the way she had previously been doing, knowing that she was getting nowhere with that tactic. "Why?" Dash asked, pulling away from the Princess slightly. "Well it's just that Spike's downstairs right now, and could come up to check on at any moment, especially if he happens to hear certain ...'noises' coming from my bedroom," Twilight's blush deepened showing that she clearly knew that she wasn't all that good at staying quite, during things like kissing and such. "You could just try and stay quite you know?" Rainbow couldn't help but smirk, as seeing that adorable embarrassed expression on Twilight's face caused her to chuckle slightly. "I think you and I both know by now, that I've got a better chance at actually working out, and then telling you my feelings, then I have of not constandly moaning and gasping whenever we kiss," Twilight stated as she galred slightly to Rainbow for finding amusement in her embarrassment. "So then that only leaves you with one option, the question is, are you willing to sneak out and spend some alone time with me again?" Dash asked, her smirk growing a little wider, already easily guessing what Twilight's answer would be. Twilight looked to the cyan pegasus for a moment or two, hesitanting a little, as she wondered if she should really sneak out again. She had done the same thing a while ago, but Spike was asleep then, and it was late in the night, he would no doubt worry if he came upstairs to find her gone suddenly. The Princess looked back to her closed bedroom door, thinking about if she really should leave without telling Spike about it. However she wanted to go with Dash and not only see if this plan of her's would work, but also she would get the chance to be with the pegasus that she had been thinking about non-stop since that first kiss had happened between them. She knew she had to make a decision and fast, otherwise she might just lose the one chance she was getting here, taking all things into consideration as she thought for a minute, while Dash hovered outside the window, flapping her wings slowly to keep herself in the air, as she waited patiently for an answer from the Princess, hoping she wouldn't keep her waiting as long as she had with telling her what her real feelings were. 'I'm sorry, Spike,' Twilight thought with a sigh, before she made her decision. Luckily for the pegasus Twilight didn't take that long to decide what she really wanted, as she soon turned back to Dash and nodded to her with a slight smile, before she used her magic to leave a locking spell on her bedroom door, which would make it near to impossible to unlock and open the door, without some sort of counterspell to undo the one that she had just cast upon it (which is something only another alicorn could do). Rainbow smiled as she happily led Twilight by her hoof, out of her bedroom window, and away from the library, sneaking the Princess away from her home, and headed for the pegasus's house instead, as the two quickly flew off into the distance together. > The Princess's Decision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late morning slowly started to turn into early afternoon, as Rainbow and Twilight had now made it to the pegasus's cloudhome, now lying down on Rainbow's bed together, having talked for a little bit, while cuddling close to each other, not wanting to suddenly rush into this idea that the pegasus had thought up. But within a few more minutes of the two making small friendly conversation, while they gazed into each other's eyes, the subject did come back around. Rainbow seemed to be the one to bring it up as she lay down on her back on the bed, looking to the mare that was still laying beside her. "Well shall we get started on this then?" the pegasus asked as she smiled to the Princess, while Twilight just looked back to her, rolling her eyes with a slight smile. Twilight turned away from Dash a little as it seemed like she was having second thoughts for a moment, nervously thinking that maybe they shouldn't be doing something like this just yet, after all they hadn't known each other for long, and the fact that this had all started from the Princess simply kissing the pegasus, when she was a little caught up in the moment, didn't really help in justifying the strange and maybe a little rushed turn their relationship had suddenly taken. "Are you sure about this plan of yours, Dash?" Twilight asked, feeling a little unsure if something like this would really work, true she could just kiss the pegasus, but would she stop there, would that be enough? After all being with Dash wasn't the only thing she had been missing lately. "You got any better ideas?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow to the other mare. "Fair point," Twilight smiled, knowing that doing this was probably her best bet at finding out what her true feelings for the pegasus just might be, for now anyway. "What are you waiting for then? I am yours to do whatever you may please, you can try out anything you like, I won't object to it, I promise," Dash smiled as she spoke in a mocking tone, and gestured for Twilight to come closer to her. "You sure you're not going to regret saying that?" Twilight asked with a smirk as she playfully pressed her hoof against Dash's face, causing her to turn her head away from the Princess slightly, before Twilight moved to lay on top of Rainbow, leaning down to the pegasus, nuzzling into her neck, while Dash just chuckled in reply at the tickling feeling the other mare's mane made against her cyan fur. "Positive," Dash smiled as she nodded to Twilight, while the alicorn slowly lifted her head a little, and blushed deeply when she felt the pegasus peck her forhead lightly. 'Should I really be doing something like this with her?' Twilight questioned to herself, before she rested her forehead against Dash's, watching as those breathtaking magenta eyes slowly closed, waiting for her to advance, while their lips softly brushed against each other, feeling the pregasus's warm breath, as she sighed slightly, 'Does it even really matter anymore?' Rainbow bit her bottom lip slightly, as she could feel Twilight's breath on her lips, hearing her sigh deeply, before she lightly pressed their muzzles together, their lips just barely caressing each other, while the alicorn's dark purple eyes remained half open. The Princess stopped thinking at that moment, she stopped caring what she was doing, or why she was doing it, all that mattered to her right now was claiming this stunning, yet frustrating cyan pegasus as her's. Upon closing her eyes, something came over Twilight, something possessive and dominate, as within a single second, the Princess harshly pinned the pegasus to her bed, deepening their light kiss, causing it to quickly turn into something heated and much more passionate. Not bothering to ask for any kind of entrance from the other mare, she simply forced her lips apart with her tongue, breaking through her clenched teeth with ease, proceeding to shove her tougne all the way down Rainbow's throat, causing the pegasus to gasp in surprise. Twilight however didn't let up, spreading her feathered wings out wide, while she bit down on Dash's bottom lip, almost causing it to bleed, her ears twiching to the sound of the other mare's slight moans, whether they were because of pleasure or pain, the Princess didn't seem to care in the least. With her heart pouding in her chest, and her mind already gone completely blank, this felt so different from the other times she had kissed the pegasus, this time she didn't feel helpess, she was the one in control right now. The Princess wasn't sure what it was, but something had sparked deep inside her, and she didn't know if she should really stop it or not, it was exhilarating to be the one taking the lead this time. But allowing her desire to get the best of her didn't feel right to her, in fact it was begining to scare her a little. Their lips broke apart as Dash panted heavily, gazing up to the powerful alicorn, while Twilight looked back down to her, hungrily staring into the pegasus's wide eyes, as she seemed to have been caught off guard by all this. Twilight smiled at seeing that shocked and confused expression, it was something she didn't see a lot from the other mare, and for that reason alone, she wanted to see more of it. Her own darkly coloured eyes having a lustful look to them, as they were filled with desire for the pony laying beneath her. "T-T-Twilight...wait..." Rainbow's speech stuttered a little, as her bottom lip quivered, and her whole body trembled, while Twilight licked her lips, chuckling slightly, before she leaned down again, and gave Dash's ear a long, slow lick, whispering the pegasus's name over and over all the while. Rainbow shut her eyes tight, biting her bottom lip as she moaned, and trembled at the feel of the alicorn's husky breath against her fur. "S-stop..." Rainbow whispered through clenched teeth, while she never expected the Princess to turn like this, she certainly didn't seem like the alicorn that she knew and loved right now. She never even knew the Princess could get like this, she seemed like a totally different pony at that moment, as she proceeded to further violate the pegasus's body, despite hearing all of her protests loud and clearly. 'What am I doing? Why am I doing this? What's wrong with me?' Twilight felt lost as she bit down on Rainbow's ear, ignoring all that the pegasus was saying, it didn't matter how loud she got, all her words would fall on deaf ears it would seem. Pushing forward Twilight sucked on where she had bit, while her hoof slowly began traveling down Rainbow's body, causing the cyan pegasus to tremble at the light touches, and spoke more protests as she felt the alicorn's teeth digging into her ear, threatening to puncture the skin. The Princess seemed to have no control over her actions, she could clearly hear that Rainbow wanted her to stop, but all her protests just urged her on more, slipping deeper and deeper into the moment, not seeming to care about the fact that she just might actually be hurting the pegasus. That was all until Twilight bit down a little harder on Rainbow's ear, resulting in the pegasus suddenly letting out a fairly loud cry, as pain shot through her nerves, it wasn't enough to break the skin, but it would no doubt leave a bruise there, leaving the cyan pegasus maked for a good amount of time. Once she heard that cry, Twilight instandly backed off, her eyes going wide, as she came to her senses and pulled away from the pegasus, watching in horror as Rainbow flicked her wounded ear back and flinched, whimpering quietly, while her body shook a little. Suddenly realizing what she had just done Twilight moved her lips to apologize, but no words came out, as her throat ran completely dry and felt incredibly sore, she had hurt the pegasus. "Got a little aggressive there huh?" Rainbow smiled as she rubbed her wounded ear with a hoof, while Twilight still looked on at her horrified by what she had done. The pegasus looked to Twilight with a wondering expression, as she tlited her head to the side a little, taking notice to the fact that she hd now started acting more like herself again, while she watched the alicorn back away from her. "D-Dash...I...I'm sorry...I don't know what happened...I couldn't control myself...something came over me...I didn't mean to...I..." Twilight now spoke in a panicked tone as she quickly climbed off of the bed, letting Dash sit back up, stepping further back until she could feel the cloud wall against her rump. She folded her wings up close to her sides, and stood frozen, instantly regretting her actions, and wanting to teleaport away at that moment, but not finding the strength in order to do so, since she couldn't focus her magic at all right now. "Hey it's okay, I'm alright- "NO! IT'S NOT OKAY! I...I hurt you..." Twilight raised her voice as she could feel tears welling up in her eyes, while she hung her head low, not understanding what had come over her, in order for her to hurt the pegasus like that. The Princess could hear herself panting heavily as her heart raced in her chest, clenching her teeth together thightly, while she cursed herself under her breath, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I...I..." a few slight sobs left Twilight's lips as she turned away from Dash, her lip trembling, while her mind was filled with all kinds of different questions and emotions, all mixing together inside her head "Twilight," Rainbow called to the alicorn, smiling to her slightly, knowing that she didn't mean to hurt her, and guessing that she probably just got carried away for a minute there. Glad to see Twilight back to herself now, but looking a little concerned at how petrified the Princess looked right now, shaking all over, and constandly repeating the word, 'sorry' over and over again. Twilight slowly lifted her head up, as she glanced to Dash slightly, tears now threatening to stream down her face. She tried to back further away, only to realize that she couldn't, not wanting to go anywhere near Dash, afraid that she would hurt her again. "It's okay, I don't blame you, come here" Rainbow stated as she reached a hoof out to the Princess, hoping that she would come back over to her, and not just go flying back to her home like she did when shehad first kissed the pegasus. Understanding that the other mare was in a panicked state right now, Rainbow spoke calmly, as she tried to comfort the panic-stricken alicorn. "No Dash...I...I..." In that moment Twilight struggled to find the words, as she saw that shocked look on the pegasus face, and heard that loud cry of pain echoing in her mind over and over again, knowing that she never wanted to hear it ever again, and as she took a minute to reflect on what she had just done, she realized something as her eyes widened, and a light turned on in her mind, a light that had been switched off for a quite some time now. Twilight's tears finally fell as she let a few slight sobs escape her lips, before she ran back over to Rainbow, climbing back on to the bed, and sitting beside the pegasus, allowing her to embrace her, flinching a little when she did so. Twilight nuzzled into Rainbow's neck, crying into her cyan fur, while the pegasus just smiled slightly, hugging the crying Princess close to her chest. "I'm sorry Dash...I would never want to hurt you...not ever! I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Twilight spoke inbetween cries and small sobs, cuddling close to Dash, as she wrapped her forelegs around the pegasus's neck, not wanting to ever let her go, but at the same time wanting to back away again, at the fear of hurting her. "Shh...It's okay Twilight," Rainbow comforted the crying alicorn, holding her close, and smiling when she felt the Princess nuzzling into her neck again, tickling her fur a little. She sighed a little as she rubbed Twilight's back with a hoof, calmly tracing small circles along her lavender fur. "I'm sorry Dash..." Twilight whispered as she sniffled, buring her head in the cyan pegasus's fur, her cries now muffled a little, while tears streamed down her face, and her breathing quickened, letting herself completely break down in Dash's caring embrace. The two stayed sitting like that together on Rainbow's bed for a good while, as they cuddled close and held one another tightly, Rainbow rocking slightly as she waited for the crying Princess to calm down. Twilight's sobs soon were just small whimpers as she took a deep breath and gazed up to Dash, looking into those bright, megnta eyes of her's, getting lost in them quickly, before she leaned in and let the pegasus kiss her lightly, their lips locking for a few seconds, while the alicorn moaned pleasantly. Closing her eyes slowly, Twilight let herself melt into the kiss, feeling all that desire and heat from before disappear now, while bliss and love was all that was left. The Princess sighed into the kiss, before their lips parted slightly, and Dash just smiled to her, happy to see that she was slowly calming down now, and had come out of that panicked state she was in a few minutes ago. "I love you Dash..." Twilight whispered, breathing normally again now, feeling like this is where she truly belonged, here with Rainbow Dash, held in her loving embrace, while listening to the steady rhythm of the pegasus's heartbeat, with her head rested on Dash's chest, "I love you Dash, I love you so much," "And it took almost taking a chunk out of my ear for you to finally figure that out?" Dash asked in a joking manner, smirking to the alicorn, as she kissed away her tears, while Twilight smiled slightly at her question, knowing that no matter what, she never wanted to see Dash hurt like that ever again. "I should've realized it sooner...I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you," Twilight apologized as she looked up to Dash, as the pegasus pulled away from her slightly, and lay back on her stomach, raising an eyebrow to the Princess, when she heard her whimper at the loss of warmth she felt now that the pegasus had moved. "It's alright, I kinda understand why you did I guess," Dash smiled as she patted the spot beside her, signaling for Twilight to lay beside her on the bed, Twilight happily nodding, as she lay down beside the pegasus on her stomach, sighing slightly as she cuddled up close to Dash, while she smiled at the feeling of the other mare's wing laying over her back, and brushing against her lavender fur lightly. "How? Even I'm not sure where that all came from, I just felt like I wanted to...to..." Twilight paused as she blushed deeply and slightly turned away from Rainbow, feeling embarrassed to say how she had felt when she was taking full advantage of the pegasus's body. "To...what?" Rainbow questioned. "To...to...don't make me say it Dash," Twilight begged as she looked back to the pegasus with pleading eyes. "My best guess is that you haven't been in love before, so you've never had to deal with these kind of situations until now. You seemed like you were just letting your desire guide you, since that was probably the only way you knew how to express your feelings to me, and then you got turned on and decided to go further, only stopping when you realized that you had actually ended up hurting me. That all sound about right?" Rainbow asked as she had somehow just explained why Twilight had suddenly lost herself, making it all make sense as Twilight just sighed slightly, shaking her head a little in shame, feeling gulit begining to overcome her. "How do you do that Dash, you're not a mind reader right?" Twilight asked, really not understanding how the pegasus seemed to know her more than she knew herself right now, everything that she was saying made sense, causing it all to finally become clear to her. She wanted to be with Dash, she had just been scared of hurting her, or getting hurt herself, and not realizing it until now. "No, I've just been through the same kinda thing before, so I know how it feels," Rainbow stated with a slight chuckle in reply to Twilight's question. Twilight sighed deeply as she rested her head on to Dash's pillow, "Honestly the more time I spend with you, the more I end up just learning about myself, rather than you Dash," she stated, before she buried her head into the pillow, causing Dash to just chuckle slightly, while she nudged the Princess, and made her lift her head back up off the pillow. "Come on Twilight, you're saying that like it's a bad thing," "Well it kind off is Dash. I mean I'm meant to be the Princess for both Cloudsdale and Ponyville, I should be focusing on trying to get the two towns to get along again, not falling for a pegasus who I barely know," Twilight turned away from Dash at that moment, knowing that she should be working on fixing the feud between the two towns, rather than just spending all her time figuring out how she felt for this certain pegasus, who really seemed to always have her baffled. "Okay, I'll try and not take that as an insult," Rainbow nodded, playing with the Princess, as she really didn't like it when she got all serious like this. She herself knew that falling for a Princess isn't something a lot of pegasi normally do, especially one she hadn't long met, but she had come to terms with the fact that there was definitely something between them, and she shouldn't try and hide and/or deny her feelings. After all this particular Princess had made her feel something she never thought she would feel for another pony, not to mention another mare. "Dash," Twilight sent a warning glare to the pegasus, causing her to just smile slightly back at her. "Okay, so where do we go from here then?" Dash asked, avoiding looking to the alicorn's gaze for a moment, waiting until that glare slowly softened back into a casual look again. "Hmm..." Twilight's gaze slowly left Dash's slightly shifting eyes, thinking for a minute on what exactly should happen now. The two had both realized their true feelings, and had confessed their love for each other, and there was no way to deny that there had always been something deeper between to two then just friends, right from the start. But there was still the fact that the two didn't know each other all that well just yet, and rushing into something like a romantic relationship, would no doubt end badly for the both of them. However things most certainly couldn't stay as they were now, that would just drive both of the two ponies crazy. So Twilight lay thinking for a few minutes, wondering what would be the best cause of action for them to take here, while Rainbow simply looked to her, quietly waiting for her to come out with an answer, and by now she was begining to get used to this 'waiting around for an answer from the Princess gig'. Not that it bothered her very much. Although Twilight figured that something like this would need a lot of thought, she was determined to not leave Dash waiting again, and knew that she would have to come to a decision soon. Rainbow didn't mind the waiting around that much, but just laying here waiting for an answer was begining to become boring, not to mention the fact that time was slowly starting to slip away, and although Dash wanted nothing more than to spend as much time as she could with the Princess, she knew that keeping her up here for too long wasn't a good idea. After all the Princess would have to go back to her own home eventually. Truthfully Rainbow wasn't too bothered about what Twilight would choose, as long as she got to be with the Princess, she didn't really care if all the two were going to be from now on was close friends. But she really didn't like the sound of that idea, and was gald that Twilight soon nuzzled against her neck to get her attention, causing all of her thoughts about how them just staying friends would turn out to be pushed to the back of her mind, for the moment. Dash now looked to Twilight, giving the alicorn her full attention as she hoped that she had come up with a solution to all of this, and one that would hopefully work for the both of them. Twilight took a deep breath, as she cleared her throat, noticing that it still felt awfully dry, before she looked to Dash, a slight nervous blush covering her cheeks as she went over what she was going to say about three or four times in her head, and then nodded to herself, making sure that what she had planned to say all made sense. "Listen Dash...I know things have been rushed between us, and we never really have gone 'slow' with anything, but..." Twilight paused as even though saying it all in her mind was fine, saying it out loud, while Rainbow Dash was listening to her, was a completely different story it would seem. Twilight shook her head viciously, building up all of the courage she had inside of her, not letting her voice drop, as she continued to speak loud and clear for the pegasus to hear, "But I would like to have the chance to get to know you a little better, before we actually agree to take this...'relationship' any further. Plus I would really like to get back to what I had orginally planned, which was working on you getting along better with the ponies of Ponyville. So what I'm proposing here is, you and me keep working towards that goal, and hopefully we can start doing the same with some of the other pegasi overtime. And on the subject of where we stand right now, well...we can still spend time together, but for the time being we'll just take things one filly step at a time, okay?" Twilight finished, looking to Dash with a nervous smile, as she wasn't sure how the pegasus would react to this decision that she had made, yes it was better then what was going on between them right now, but things between them wouldn't really change a whole lot. So there was just the question if Rainbow would agree to it or not. Dash seemed to take a minute or two to think over the decision that Twilight had come to, it didn't sound like a lot of things would change from how they were now, but at least the two would now know where they were heading, and they wouldn't be left wondering and waiting to know how the other felt. Taking all this, 'one filly step at a time' as Twilight had said sounded like it just might work out well for the both of them, they would be able to get to know each other better this way, plus they would know to not cross certain lines until both of them were ready for it, with both of them moving along at their own pace together. But in all honesty, Rainbow was just happy that she was able to stay by Twilight's side. "Okay, I think this idea of yours could work quite well, for both of us" Rainbow stated as she smiled to Twilight, glad that she had come up with a way for the two to stay together, and not cause anything to be awkward between them, or to be moving too fast. "Really?" Twilight asked with hope filled eyes, relieved that Rainbow was willing to agree to her proposal. "Under one condition," "What would that be?" Twilight asked as she felt that nervous smile creep back on to her lips, as she wondered what this 'condition' of Dash's would be. "Both you and me keep all of this a secret, including all the things that have already happened, it all stays between us," Rainbow explained, having the strong feeling of knowing the wrong turn things could easily take if something like this ever got out, whether if the pegasi of Cloudsdale found out, or if the ponies of Ponyville ever caught wind of it, it would no doubt come with some unwanted trouble for both of them. "Of course Dash, this can stay just between us," Twilight nodded with a smile, glad that the condition was something she could easily oblige to, even though she had told Spike about their first kiss, she vowed to keep everything else under lock and key. And although she didn't feel all that comfortable with keeping secrets from Spike and her other friends in Ponyville, she also knew that there would be a lot more to deal with if word ever got out to either towns. The two towns already didn't get along, the last thing they needed was a scandal like this one, that would no doubt just cause more problems for them all. "Good," Dash sighed with a smile, before her eyes widened a little at the action of Twilight nuzzling against her neck again, hearing her make a pleasant sound and she cuddled up close to the pegasus, while Dash allowed her to rest her head on her outstretched forelegs, moving her wing slightly so it was now resting over Twilight's lower back, brushing against her fur again softly. "Also you need to promise me that you won't let yourself get carried away like you did eariler. I didn't mind you having your way, but I'd rather not end up bruised and bloody from it," Rainbow joked as she looked to Twilight with a smile (although she was being half serious). "I promise Dash, there's no way that I'll ever do that again," Twilight answered as she herself was even a little scared of how aggressive she had gotten eariler, she never wanted to hear the pegasus cry out in pain like she had ever again. The Princess never did want to hurt Rainbow, she just wasn't herself at the time, she let herself give in to her desire, and came dangerously close to crossing a line she shouldn't have. She was glad that Dash's cry had snapped her out of it in time, but she was determined to never let that happen again. "I really am sorry, Dash," Twilight whispered as she lifted her head up slightly, and reached round to Rainbow's wounded ear, licking it gently, nursing the sore area, while Dash smiled slightly, sighing at the soothing sensation it sent through her nerves, not minding that it did sting a little. Twilight kissed the wounded area lightly once or twice, before she pulled away slightly. "I would never want to hurt you Dash, I love you," Twilight stated as she gazed into Dash's eyes, letting her know that she would never let things get that far ever again. Dash looked to Twilight, a little taken aback by the way she had said that loud and clear to her, with the most confidant expression on her face, since she had struggled to tell Dash how she really felt until now. The pegasus could tell she had regretted her actions, and knew she was telling the truth, in saying that she would never let it happen again. "In that case..." Rainbow leaned in close to Twilight, their muzzles just barely tounching, as she gazed back into her darkly coloured eyes, "...can I kiss you?" she asked in a whispered tone, causing the other mare to shiver when she felt the pegasus's breath on her lips. Twilight looked surprised, taking a moment to come to her senses, before she smlied and lightly pecked the pegasus's lips, pulling away before she had the chance to kiss the Princess back, "You can kiss me as much as you like," Twilight replied in a whisper, before Dash smiled back to her, slowly closing her eyes and sighing, as she felt the pegasus's lips connect with her's, letting out a small plesant moan, while she melted into the sweet kiss, feeling completely at peace, as she let Rainbow guide her further into a truly bilssful moment that she wouldn't soon forget. > Planning A Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As early morning arose in Ponyville, Spike the dragon was awoken by birds singing in his window, and also a strange, but joyful sound of a voice humming a soft tune. The young dragon quickly stumbled out of his bed, and left his bedroom, making his way slowly down the staircase of the Golden Oak library, hearing the fairly loud sound of the soft humming growning clearer as he came to walk into the living area of the tree, surprised to see the pony Princess that he shared this home with, laying in the center on the floor, while she happily hummed to herself, glancing to a book that lay open in front of her, looking like she was more or less just skimming through the pages, then actually reading it. "Twilight?" Spike questioned as he walked closer to the alicorn, surprised to see her not only up and bright looking this morning, but also seeming like she had now gotten her smile back. Twilight's soft tune stopped as she raised her head from looking at her book, and turned to Spike, smiling to him as she greeted him 'Good morning', "Spike, what are you doing up so early?" the Princess asked as she closed the book she had been glancing to with her magic, obviously seeming that she had other things on her mind right now that were more interesting to focus on. "I could ask you the same question," Spike stated as he raised an eyebrow to Twilight, wondering why she seemed so happy, when the last few days all she had done was mope around, because of what had happened between her and a certain cyan pegasus. "What do you mean, I'm always up early," Twilight said as she stood up from the floor, and placed the book she had been looking through, back into its orginal place where it belonged, smiling to Spike again, as for some reason she seemed to have a strange perky aura to her, that seemed a little out of place for what had been going on in her life lately. "You haven't been recently, so what's with the sudden change, is this about Rainbow Dash?" Spike asked, guessing that the two had made up, but still not understanding why the Princess seemed to happy about that. "I already told you last night Spike," "No you came out of your room in the evening, telling me that you had gone to Rainbow's and talked to her. You didn't actually tell me what had happened," Spike pointed out, remembering that Twilight had come down for some dinner last night, and seemed much more like herself, but there was none of this awfully cheerful attitude then. "Well, let's just say we worked it all out," Twilight explained with a bright smile, sighing happily. "And...what about the kiss?" Spike asked, clearly wanting to hear more of the story. "I just got a little swept up in the moment, Dash said she understood, and that was all there was to it," Twilight nodded as she turned and went to head for the front door of the library, "Anyway, I need to go out for a bit alright?" "Why, where are you going?" Spike still wasn't satisfied with the answer that Twilight had given him for his eariler question, but it seemed like it was the only answer he was actually going to get from the Princess. "Just into town, I have an idea that I want to explain to Applejack," Twilight stated as she was ready to leave, turning her back to her assistant with a wave of her hoof, before she opened the wooden door with her magic. "But wait Twilight, don't you want some breakfast first?" Spike quickly asked, wanting to hear more about what had really gone on between the Princess and Rainbow Dash yesterday. "I already ate, I'll be back later okay," Twilight replied before she left out the door, closing it behind her with her magic, and leaving Spike standing there, wondering just what was going on with the alicorn right now. ... ... Twilight happily walked through the market in town, hoping to find the pony that she had been wanting to talk to all morning, looking all around for the pony in question, while she greeted every mare, stallion and foal that came walking past her, giving them all a bright smile, looking like she was well and truly happy to see all of them. The Princess hadn't been into the town in a while, and she hadn't left her home for a good few days, feeling the slight breeze flowing through her mane, and hearing the hustle and bustle of the crowds in the market, enjoying the humbling air that was all around her right now, she hadn't realized it before, but she really had missed seeing how well these poines got along with each other, now if only they could do the same with the pegasi up in Cloudsdale then all her problems would be solved. "Twilight!" Twilight's ears pricked up and twitched to the sound of a familiar voice calling out her name, turning to the voice as she scanned the area around her, smiling happily when she saw the farm pony that she had been looking for. Twilight quickly walked over to her friend, making her way over to the farm pony's stand where she was selling apples from her family's farm to the ponies of the town. "Good morning Applejack," Twilight greeted the earth pony happily, while Applejack looked a little confused, not only surprised to see the Princess out and about like this, but also to see that bright smile on her face, looking like something great had happened to her, when only yesterday, she seemed all too depressed with something that had gone on with her and Rainbow Dash. "So I'm guessing that ya and Rainbow made up then?" the farm pony asked with a slight smile, guessing that that was the reason behind the Princess seeming more like her normal-self now. "Ah yeah, everything's fine now," Twilight smiled nervously as she was beginning to get the feeling that she was maybe a bit too chipper about what had happened between her and her secret marefriend. "That's good, so what was it that ya two were fighting about anyway?" Applejack asked, happy to see Twilight smiling again, although she was still wondering what had caused the Princess to be so down in the dumps in the first place. "We weren't really fighting to be honest, it was just something that we needed to talk about, there's nothing to worry about really," Twilight explained, shifting her eyes a little. She had never been that much of a good liar, but she was fairly certain that she could keep her relationship with Dash a secret for the most part. "Well it's good to hear that ya were able to work things out with her," the farm pony replied with a nod, getting the feeling that the subject of what had gone on between her and Rainbow probably wasn't something the Princess wanted to talk about, and plus it wasn't really any of her business to try and get involved in something that didn't really concern her that much. Twilight just nodded in return, glad that the earth pony seemed satisfied with her answer, and didn't push her for more detail on the subject. "So was there something that ya needed?" Applejack changed the subject, wondering if there was a reason as to why Twilight had come up to her, she certainly did seem like she was looking for somepony when she first saw her walking through the market. "Well yes actually, could you possibly help me think of something to plan for Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked with a slight smile, hoping that Applejack was willing to help her out with getting Dash to start fresh with the ponies of Ponyville. "Why?" Applejack wondered why the Princess had worded her question the way she had, not understanding what Twilight was excatly asking her to help her with at first. "Well I was thinking that I could get Dash and you all to meet and talk to each other for a little bit, but the last time I saw you and Rarity talking with her it didn't go that well," Twilight explained, remembering how that first time seeing how Dash was around the ponies of Ponyville was when she first came to live here. She guessed it wouldn't be easy to get Dash to see that Ponyville was filled with humble and kindhearted citizens, but she was hopeful that the pegasus would agree to at least try and get along with Applejack and the others a little better then she had done previously. "Well if ya want to arrange a little get together, ya know who the best pony to talk to is right?" the farm pony smiled as she understood what Twilight needed help with, and had a good idea of just who could also help them out in a big way. "Who?" Twilight looked a little confused as she thought of all the ponies that she knew of, wondering which one could be the most helpful in this partical situation. "Well Pinkie Pie of course," Applejack replied as she was a little surprised that Twilight hadn't thought of talking to Pinkie about all this rather then her, but considering the fact that she had had a lot of things on her mind lately, and she was a little closer to Applejack then she was to Pinkie, it did make sense that she thought to go to the farm pony first. "You're right, do you really think she will want to help out?" Twilight asked, remembering that Pinkie Pie was a pony who often planned parties, and although she hadn't really talked to her in a while, she was hopeful that she would be happy to help. "If it's Pinike Pie we're talking about, I reckon she'll be more then happy to lend us a hoof," Applejack smiled and she was certain that Pinkie would definitely want to be a part of this, once she knew that there may be a party involved. ... ... Twilight and Applejack quickly made their way to the Ponyville bakery, 'Sugarcube Corner' where the energetic, party pony known as Pinkie Pie lived. The two mares walked into the bakery to find the pink earth pony happily mixing ingredients together in a bowl while she looked to a recipe book that stood open in front of her. She was standing in the kitchen behind the counter, as she took her wooden spoon out of the mixture and licked the cake batter she was making, tasting it carefully, and them smiling to herself with a nod approving of the delightful taste it left on her tongue. Twilight looked to the pink pony, seeming a little uneasy, as she looked back to Applejack for a moment, thinking that the baker obviously seemed busy right now, so maybe it wasn't a good idea to come here at this time, maybe they should just come back later. But before Twilight could think about turning to leave, Applejack walked up to the pink earth pony and smiled to her, getting her attention and greeting her kindly. "Hey Pinkie Pie, ya got a minute?" "Sure, what's up Applejack?" Pinkie asked as she stopped what she was doing and greeted Applejack and Twilight with a big, cheerful smile, "Princess Twilight, so good to see you," the pink pony happily walked up to the Princess and gave her a quick tight hug, Twilight just smiled as she hugged Pinkie back and still felt a little uncomfortable, but was less nervous now, she had forgotten how easy it was to get along with pretty much all the ponies in Ponyville and although she had met this one before she wasn't as close to her as she was to Applejack and Rarity. Once Pinkie had pulled away from Twilight, letting her go, and standing back, she waited to see what the two ponies wanted to talk to her about with a smile on her lips. Twilight was still feeling a little uneasy as she nervously looked to Applejack for a moment, before the farm pony nodded to her with a kind smile, encouraging her to tell Pinkie about what they had planned, and see if she could be of help to them. Twilight took a deep breath as she looked to Pinkie's smiling expression, feeling that these ponies were a lot easier to talk to then the pegasi up in Cloudsdale were, she had only really talked to Rainbow Dash, but then that's because she felt a little intimidated by most of the pegasi who lived up there. "Listen Pinkie Pie, I've been thinking that there may be a good way to try and get Rainbow Dash to get along with all of you again, she may even start to...tolerate being in your company, so I was wondering do you know of any way she could meet up with you, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity, and hopefully try and start a fresh?" Twilight asked, not too sure how well Pinkie was going to take this, she didn't know what Pinkie thought of Dash or any of the pegasi living up in Cloudsdale, and she didn't know if Pinkie's relationship with Dash was any better than it was with Applejack and Rarity's, after all she had never seen them two talk or even meet each other before. This pony was the only one she hadn't seen Rainbow interact with and so it did scare a little to see what her reaction would be. "Well nothing brings ponies closer together then celebrations right, so how about we throw a 'Welcome to the group' party, or maybe it should be a 'Settling our differences' party..." Pinkie paused as she thought of different names for this party, constantly saying them out loud happily, while Twilight looked back to Applejack, wondering if Pinkie's answer was a yes or not. "They all sound great sugarcube, so are ya able to help us then?" Applejack asked, seeing that the Princess needed a little help at this point, as Twilight sighed with relief and thanked Applejack mentally, as she wasn't too sure how to react to Pinkie suddenly seeming very interested in this topic now. "Well duh! Of course I'll help out, it's not a party without Pinkie after all," Pinkie stated proudly as she smiled happily and agreed to help the two out with getting this little 'party' organized and all worked out. And with that it was all coming together as Applejack smiled to Twilight, causing the Princess to smile back in return, while Pinkie went off on a long excited ramble about what colour streamers to use, what juicy flavour of punch to make, what party snacks they would have, and so on, constantly sprouting out new ideas for this party loudly while she walked around the kitchen with a spring in her step. This was good, things were all starting to fall into place, a small party was in the works for Dash to meet up with Applejack and the others, this would give her the chance to start a new and try and get to know them all a little better. Things were now beginning to look up, and Twilight was sure that it wouldn't be long before she could find more then just one pegasus from Cloudsdale included in events like this. All she needed to do was pluck up her courage and find more pegasi like Rainbow Dash who were more than willing to make a change. "This means I get to see Dashie again, it's been ages since I saw her last," Pinkie thought out loud as it seemed like she hadn't seen the cyan pegasus in forever, and was more than happy to meet up with her again. "Wait Pinkie Pie, do you know Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked, wondering where that little nickname came from all of a sudden, Pinkie didn't seem like the kind of pony that Dash would like to hang around with, so Twilight really doubted that they would ever get along very well. Pinkie just nodded happily as she smiled to Twilight, while Applejack caught the Princess's attention, "She used to always call Rainbow by that name, and always tried to make friends with her, but I don't think Rainbow cared much for her at the time. They did meet once or twice I think before the big separation of the two towns, but sadly it seemed like Rainbow was one pony who Pinkie wasn't able to find a friend in," Applejack explained, knowing that Pinkie and Rainbow had met before, but also knowing that they never really got along all that well, they didn't agure like Dash and Rarity did, Rainbow just didn't seem like she wanted to be near to the pink pony, and she never would talk to her for that long, "Rainbow just never showed any interest in Pinkie, much like she did with most of the ponies she met in Ponyville, she either made an enemy out of them, or just acted like she didn't want anything to do with them, she always was kinda distant," Applejack explained while Twilight looked a little taken aback, Dash never seemed like the distant type, and yet that's what she used to be like around a lot of the town? It definitely didn't sound like her at all. "You say that now Applejack, but mark my words once this party is over, Dashie and I will be the best of friends, and she will no doubt be open to talking with the other ponies here in Ponyville, I can guarantee it," Pinkie announced as she sounded so sure of herself, causing Twilight to become a little anxious, after all although the party was all being worked out now, she still had to get Dash to agree to come to it, and she had no idea just how she was going to do that as she sighed deeply. 'Would Dash even come if I asked her?' ... ... Twilight left Applejack and Pinkie to talk about the party more, having said all of her ideas already, now she had to go and see if the 'Guest of honour' was actually going to agree to come or not, she wasn't sure it would go well, but she was staying optimistic that she would be able to convince the pegasus to come along. The Princess flew up to Cloudsdale, quickly making her way over to Rainbow Dash's cloudhome, landing at her front door and taking a deep breath, before she knocked and waited for an answer, hoping that the pegasus was home, so that she wouldn't have to go looking for her. Luckily the door was soon opened, and Twilight was greeted by Dash, smiling slightly when the pegasus looked a little surprised to see her, before Rainbow just smiled back to her kindly. "Oh hey Twilight, what are you here for?" Rainbow asked, she knew that Twilight and her were probably going to be seeing a lot of each other now that they were working on getting the towns to make up togther, but she hadn't said anything about them meeting up today. "What, do I really need a reason to come and see my own marefriend?" Twilight's smile formed into more of a smirk as she didn't want to just ask Dash out right if she would come to this party she was planning or not. Rainbow didn't reply, as she just raised an eyebrow to Twilight, she could tell that she was definitely up to something, they had only been dating in secret for a couple of days now, but Dash could easily see through the Princess's act that she just came here to see her, something that she didn't believe for a single second. "What do you want?" Dash asked as she stepped aside to invite Twilight into her home, as she felt like whatever the Princess had come here to talk to her about, it probably wouldn't be something she would like to hear about. "Well it's nothing big, or anything you need to worry about really, I mean you may not want to go through with it, I understand, but if you can just listen to me for a little while and- "Just get to the point will you," Rainbow rolled her eyes as she cut Twilight's nervous rambling off, while the alicorn followed her inside and the pegsus closed the door behind her. "Right, listen Dash, you know how we talked about how we would go back to trying to find ways for you to be more included with the ponies of Ponyville, so that we could start working towards ending this feud between the two towns?" Twilight souded a little uneasy as she really wasn't sure how well the pegasus was going to take this and if she would agree to it or not. "Yeah," Rainbow nodded wanting Twilight to continue. "Well I talked to Applejack and Pinkie Pie about maybe getting a little meeting oragnized so that you can maybe get to know them all a little better, and both of them thought the best idea would be to throw a small party just with us six going, it'll be you, me, Applejack, Rairty, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy," Twilight explained what she and the others had planned to Rainbow, while Dash just stood there, listening to her, and looking to her with a blank stare. "So would you be alright with coming along and meeting up them all again?" Twilight asked with a nervous smile on her face, hoping that the pegasus would at least think about her answer before saying anything, but unfortunately that didn't seem like it was likely to happen. "No," Dash answered simply, as she just stood looking to Twilight with a bored expression. Twilight was a little surprised to hear Rainbow just turn down the offer so quickly, although she shouldn't have been really since she was kind of expecting for things to go this way. "Why not, it would be a great opportunity for them all to see just how willing you are to patch things up between the two towns, plus it will give you the chance to make a better impression on them then you have previously. Come on Dash why can't you come?" Twilight seemed a little disappointed as she really wanted to see this work out, but if Dash wasn't going to agree to come... well she wasn't sure what they're next step would be. "Because I don't want to," Rainbow replied with another simple answer, cleary making it seem like she would never agree to this little 'party' no matter how much Twilight tried to talk her into going to it, "Besides parties aren't really my thing," "Really, I thought you wouldn't mind going to a party every once in a while?" Twilight got the feeling that Rainbow was now just making excuses, when the real reason was that she simply just didn't want to be around any of those ponies from the sickening town she knew as 'Ponyville'. "I don't mind them, it's just..." Rainbow pasued as she sighed a little and glanced away from Twilight for a moment. "You just don't want to go to a party if ponies from Ponyville are there right?" Twilight asked, finishing off Rainbow's sentence for her, and having the feeling that what she said was very true. "No, it's just those certain ponies that I don't really feel like meeting with," Rainbow mumbled out, as she was now turned slightly away from Twilight, kinda wishing that she hadn't had let the Princess in now, wondering if she should have just ignored the knocks at her door, causing the mare to think that she wasn't at home. "You like Fluttershy don't you?" "Yeah I guess," "Dash..." Twilight paused for a moment as she sighed deeply, "If you really want to try and make amends with Ponyville and have the towns getting along again, then you have to at least try and interact with them, otherwise this will never work out," she explained hoping that there was some way she could possibly get the pegasus to simply just tag along to this little party, even if it was for only a little while. "Well then maybe that's just the way things are going to be, listen I'm sorry Twilight but we're just going to have to find another way. I'm not going to this 'party' or whatever it is," Rainbow stated, while Twilight wasn't understanding why the pegasus was being so stubborn about this. "I know you don't want to meet with the ponies in the town, especially ponies like Applejack and Rarity, since your relationship with them isn't the best, but can't you at least try and just come along, I'm not asking you to make friends with them, all I'm saying is for you to meet up with them for a little while, you don't even have to talk with them if you don't want to, and who knows you might actually like spending time with them," Twilight tried to think of different ways that she could try and get Dash to agree, but it didn't seem like any of those were going to work, as Rainbow just stood with her head turned away, and her gaze focused on the cloud floor. "I really doubt that," Rainbow remarked in a low tone, still intent on disagreeing with Twilight, believing that if she just kept refusing, the persistent Princess would eventually just give up trying. "You don't even have to stay for that long, if you want to leave you can, all I ask is that you stay for a few minutes and that's all," Twilight said trying to reason with her stubborn marefriend, only to get complete slience in return. "Come on Dash, can't you at least just try this, for me?" Twilight moved closer to Dash, as she gave the pegasus a serious look, causing Rainbow to look back to her for a minute, she didn't say anything in reply, but at least she was actually looking at her now. "I'll talk Spike into letting me stay over at yours for the night," Twilight suggested, thinking that bribing the pegasus just might work, after all she was quickly running out of ideas right now. "Can you really do that?" Rainbow asked, seemed slightly interested now. Twilight just nodded with a smile, certain that she could no doubt talk the young dragon into letting her spend the night at Dash's, the Princess had been to Rainbow house enough already, so she didn't think Spike would mind much with her just going there for one night. Rainbow stood thinking for a good while, as Twilight waited for her answer, she reckoned it would probably still be a 'No', but she had to stay positive about this, plus Dash might just end up surprising her. "Fine, I'll come along," Dash finally answered, not seeing a way out of this, she knew that Twilight would keep pestering her until she agreed, so she decided to just give in already, she really didn't want to go to this 'party', and meet up with all those ponies she would much rather forget about (well expect for Fluttershy that is), but she figured she could just leave if she really wanted to, that is what Twilight said after all, and she didn't mind having the Princess round at her's for the night, that sounded like an added bonus to her, and may have been one of the things that won her over, and got her to agree finally in the end. "Really?" Twilight looked a little surprised at first, she wasn't expecting Rainbow to agree to come, maybe she should've just bribed the pegasus into it from the start, looking hopeful as a bright smile was now starting to form on to her lips. "Yeah, but I'm not going to enjoy it alright?" Rainbow stated, certain that she probably wouldn't stay long at this party, she might come and stay for a few minutes, maybe talk to Fluttershy for a bit, but that would be it. Rainbow was going to say something more about Twilight not getting her hopes up too high, that this meant that everything was going to turn out great because of this, but before she got the chance to open her mouth and start talking again, Twilight tackled the pegasus to the floor, pinning her down on her back, while she smiled to her. "Umm...Twilight?" Rainbow looked a little caught off guard as she really wasn't expecting Twilight to suddenly tackle her like that, looking up to her, wondering what she would do next, as the Princess leaned in a little, there muzzles now ony inches apart, "Hey Twi- Rainbow's eyes widened as she was surprised to suddely have Twilight lean down and lock their lips together in a kiss. Dash was taken aback at first, not really sure how to react to this, but as she looked to her marefriend she soon closed her eyes and kissed the Princess back, smiling when she heard a slight plesant moan leave Twilight's lips, allowing her to deepen their sweet kiss a little. It didn't last all that long, as their lips parted a few minutes later, while they both looked into each others' eyes with smiles on their faces, "Thank you Dash, thank you so much," Twilight happily cried as she nuzzled into Dash's neck lovingly, causing Rainbow to chuckle slightly at the tickling feeling Twilight's mane made against her fur, sighing slightly as she smiled to the Princess now feeling kind of glad that she had agreed to come along to the party, it may turn out to be something that she might just actually end up enjoying after all. The party was being orgainzed, Rainbow Dash was now coming, all the pieces were falling into place, the only thing was whether it would all turn out okay, Twilight was determined to make things right between the two towns, however she always knew it was going to be a challenge for her. > A Changed Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night of the party soon rolled around, with Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy all helping to get everything set up and ready throughout the day, everything was in place for the evening, and although tonight may not have seemed all that promising at first, Twilight believed that even if this party did end badly, it would show her new ways of hopefully finding options for her to get Rainbow Dash to connect, and at least try and get along with the ponies that she seemed to dislike so much. It was now fairly late in the evening, while Luna's moon was high in the sky, and stars were just starting to appear, the town of Ponyville was mostly quiet, and not many residents were still seen walking around in the open, as the majority of them were all cooped up in their nice warm houses for the night. Twilight and Rainbow stood outside Sugarcube corner together, while the Princess knocked on the door and waited for an answer, Rainbow Dash started to fidget a little, looking a little uneasy as she looked at the bakery, she had never really stayed in the town for very long, so she had never really seen what any of the shops or anything looked like, and right now they seemed strange, but well built, and although some of the houses around did look a little run-down, she thought they looked nice enough. Still as she stood there she felt like she was some outsider who had just walked into forbidden territory, everything felt so alien to her. She glanced over to Twilight for a moment, sighing slightly when she saw the alicorn smiling happily, while she waited for them both to be invited inside, Rainbow was starting to get the feeling that this was indeed a very bad idea, and although Twilight may have wanted things to turn out wonderfully, that probably won't be the outcome. No matter what she tried, Rainbow just couldn't see how she could ever really try and get along with these ponies, Fluttershy would no doubt be the only one she actually wouldn't hate seeing tonight. After waiting for a few moments more, Rainbow looked to Twilight with a wondering expression, 'She looks so confident, as if she's sure that tonight will go well, but what if she's wrong? To be honest she can say whatever she likes, I really don't think I can ever see me getting along with any of these ponies,' she thought before she turned away from Twilight and called back to her. "Hey, you know maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all," Rainbow stated in a low tone as she slowly started to walk away from the bakery, causing for Twilight to turn to her, looking a little concerned as she followed the pegasus. "Dash, don't go quiting on me now, what about getting the two towns to get along again, isn't that what you want?" Twilight asked as she rested a comforting hoof on Dash's shoulder, causing her to stop in her tracks while the pegasus looked back to her for a moment, before she gritted her teeth, and hung her head low. "I don't know anymore, I mean yeah it would be nice if the towns could find a way to make up, and finally end this stupid feud between us, but...it's just not something I can see happening right now, maybe it was too good to be true. Just face it Twilight, we aren't meant to get along," Rainbow sighed deeply, as she hid her expression behind her long rainbow mane, feeling that it might just be better to leave things as they are for now, rather then trying to fight an already losing battle. Twilight smiled slightly as she lifted Dash's head up, and nuzzled her lovingly, looking deep into her saddened eyes, as she spoke in a soft, reassuring tone, "I know you're scared Dash, it's okay. But you can't just give up like this, you're a strong pony, and I know you can do this," the Princess gave Rainbow a encouraging smile, while Dash looked to her for a moment before she nodded reluctantly. Twilight pecked her marefriend lightly on her cheek, as she walked her back over to the bakery again, knocking on the door for a second time, while she lay a wing over Rainbow's back, nuzzling into her neck and tried to get her to chuckle like she always did. However Rainbow only sighed in return this time, giving Twilight a very weak smile, before she let out a deep breath and straightened up, shaking off all her anxiety and nodded to herself, turning to the Princess with a serious expression. Twilight looked to Rainbow, wondering why she had gotten so serious all of sudden, waiting to see what she would say, and feeling a little concerned for the pegasus still. "You really can be a pain you know," Rainbow's expression softened as she chuckled slightly and stepped closer to the Princess, nuzzling her back, and getting a delighted 'hmm' in reply from Twilight. "You're a fine one to talk," Twilight smirked to Dash as she now just stood beside her, returning her wing to rest back at her side, while she and Rainbow waited for the door to open, "And remember, I'm only staying over at your's tonight if you agree to be nice to everypony, got it?" "Got it," Rainbow replied with a nod, although she didn't really sound like she was very certain of her answer, glancing away from Twilight slightly, before her ears twitched to the slight click of the door being opened, as a smiling bright pink earth pony happily greeted them both. "Princess Twilight, I'm so happy you and Dashie could make it, sorry I didn't answer the door right away, I had the music playing a little too loud I guess and didn't hear you knocking," Pinkie Pie greeted the two gleefully, as she quickly invited them both inside and closed the door behind them. "It's fine really, we didn't mind waiting all that much," Twilight smiled as she nodded to Pinkie, while Rainbow just slowly walked into the bakery, staying close to Twilight like she was a scared foal clinging close to her mother. The pegasus looked around the hallways, cringing slightly at all the colourful party banners and balloons, which the inside of the bakery was decorated with, her attention being brought back to their hostess as Twilight nudged her with a hoof slightly. Rainbow looked to Twilight, feeling a little axnious, as the Princess made a gesture for Dash to greet the pink earth pony that had just invited them inside. Rainbow sighed slightly, before she greeted Pinkie Pie, "Thanks for having us, I guess," Dash stated nervously, while she still had her head turned away from the earth pony, causing Twilight to look a little annoyed that Rainbow didn't even look to Pinkie, but nonetheless Pinkie beamed with delight at just the fact that the pegasus had actually talked to her, as she happily led the two ponies into the room where the others were all talking to one another, waiting for the last two guests to arrive. "Ah so ya finally both here," Applejack said as she and Rarity greeted Twilight, while Rainbow looked away from the group, thinking to herself, while she really didn't want to talk with any of the others right now, to be honest she kinda wanted to just go back to her cloudhome for the night, parties weren't really things she had had a big part in before, and staying down on the ground in this dreaded town for too long was causing her stomach to turn a little. "Rainbow Dash, how nice of you to come, I must say it is quite...pleasant to see you again," Rarity greeted Rainbow with a very obvious fake smile that she was failing to hide. Dash could easily tell how much the unicorn was trying to be polite, but behind that act her blood was clearly already starting to boil. This made Dash smile slightly, she didn't like this particular pony at all, but she sure did enjoy poking fun at her, "Well sadly I can't say the same for you," Rainbow smirked as she slightly glanced to Rairty, not hiding her smug expression when she saw the high class pony trying her best to surpass a glare in return to the pegasus's comment. "Dash you said you would be nice," Twilight scolded the smug looking pegasus, causing Rainbow to look to her, seeming a little nervous at first, before she just shurgged her shoulders to the Princess. "Hey I was just being honest," Rainbow stated, before she walked off to go and get a drink from the snack table, feeling Twilight's warning glare following her a little as she left the alicorn's side. "Sorry about that Rarity, I did try and tell her to be polite to you all, but it doesn't seem like I got through to her," Twilight sighed slightly as she apologized on the pegasus's behalf, rolling her eyes at the fact that she shouldn't have expected anything else really. "That's alright Twilight darling, I wouldn't have expected any less from her after all," Rarity smiled to Twilight, knowing that it would take much more than a miracle for her and the cyan pegasus to actually get along and greet each other properly. "I still don't get why she seems to dislike you all so much, I mean she couldn't even look at Pinkie when she invited us inside," Twilight felt a little disppointed at the fact that although she knew how kind and caring the pegasus could be, she clearly wasn't going to be showing that side of her tonight. "It's how she's always been, how most of the pegasi are actually, when they first came here, many of them wanted to keep to themselves, and hated engaging in any kind of interaction with us Ponyville folk. And since she thinks that our town is the one at fault for the big fall out, it's no wonder really, after all ya not meant to like ya enemies right?" Applejack explained smiling slightly, while she glanced over to Rainbow Dash, as the pegasus stood off to the side, obviously not wanting to be a part of this little party anymore. "I guess you're right Applejack, I just wish there was some way, she could forget about everything that happened in the past, and try to get to know you all a little better, maybe that way she could actually start getting along with the ponies in this town," Twilight thought out loud as she looked a little downhearted, she knew Rainbow wanted to make a change, but in truth that was easier said then done. "I'm actually surprised that you got her to come here in the first place. When Applejack told me about this party and that Rainbow Dash was actually going to be coming along, I really wasn't expecting to see her here. How in Equestria did you convince her in the end?" Rarity asked, as her and the others had all been taken aback a little when they first heard that Rainbow had agreed to come along to this party. "Umm...well it wasn't easy, but I didn't say anything special really," Twilight answered nervously, smiling to the two ponies as to not make them suspect anything. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash stood at the snack table, thinking to herself while she looked around the bakery, still feeling like she didn't belong here, and would have much rather pefered to be in her nice warm bed right now. She glanced over to Twilight slightly, sighing when she saw her talking to Rarity and Applejack, the Princess seemed to get along with these ponies so well, however when it came to the pegasus, she couldn't even be around them half of the time. "Hey Rainbow Dash," Dash was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard somepony calling out her name, turning to the familiar sounding voice, and smiling slightly when she saw the yellow, soft spoken pegasus that it belonged to. "Hey Fluttershy, how have you been?" Rainbow asked, feeling like it was much easier to talk with her old friend then it was with any of the other ponies that were here tonight. "I've been doing okay, how about you?" Fluttershy asked as she smiled at the way the cyan pegasus nervously greeted her, the two had made up since the separation happened, but simple things like talking seemed to still feel a little uncomfortable to Rainbow it would seem. "Well I was fine until I came here," Rainbow stated her voice sounding a little low as it had quite the cold tone to it when she said that. Fluttershy sighed a little, she knew that Rainbow still very much resented this town and pretty much everypony in it, and although she and and Princess Twilight were probably the only two that she was ever willing to get along with, she believed that the rainbow pegasus could in time learn to come to terms with everything that had happened, and move on finally. "Listen Rainbow Dash, I know you still hold a gudge for pretty much all the ponies that live in this town, but you made up with me right, so can't you at least try and do the same with everypony else?" Fluttershy asked, feeling that she probably wouldn't be able to reason with the peagsus, but she figured she had to try at least. "That was different though, I knew you from Cloudsdale, and plus we were friends before the big fall out happened," Rainbow's reply sounded like an excuse more than anything else, as she nervously glanced away from Fluttershy. "And you could get to know these ponies better, and maybe even become friends with them too one day, if you just give yourself a chance to actually try and make amends with them all," Fluttershy wasn't sure if anything she was saying was actually getting through to Dash or not, and although she was being a little stubborn, she wasn't out right denying that she was ever going to make peace with these ponies, and that showed that there may be some hope left in all this. However Rainbow instead of carrying on thinking of excuses, she just went silent, turning away from Fluttershy a little, while she thought about what the yellow pegasus was telling her. Fluttershy waited to hear a reply from Rainbow, but after a few more minutes of waiting she figured she wasn't going to get one. "Just think about it okay?" Fluttershy sighed as she gave Dash a reassuring smile, before she turned away from the cyan pegasus and left her with her thoughts, walking across the room to go and talk with Twilight and the others for a bit. Rainbow turned back to look to Fluttershy as she watched her walk over to greet the Princess, sighing slightly as she thought over everything that Fluttershy had said, and then went back in her memory to when Twilight had convinced her to come to this party a couple of days ago. She wanted to try and make amends, she really did, she wanted to fix everything so that the two towns could find a way to interact with one another, without creating drama and making history repeat itself. Truthfully when she thought about it both towns were at fault really, it didn't matter what had happened during that time, they both just weren't willing to try and make things work. So maybe it was time to stop feeling so scared and anxious about it all, and start actually working towards the goal that Princess Twilight wanted to achieve. Rainbow took a deep breath, as she gazed over to her marefriend, looking at the way she causally talked and laughed with the ponies that Dash had despised for so long, she made it look so easy, maybe Rainbow was overthinking this a little too much. This wasn't about learning to forgive and forget, this was about moving on and starting a new, giving the two towns one more chance to bury the hatchet and never look back. And if Rainbow Dash couldn't do it for herself, she'd do it for that strange and beautiful Princess that had started it all, because without her coming to rule over both Ponyville and Cloudsdale, the separation of the two would have no doubt lasted forever. ... ... Twilight sighed deeply as she lay her head on the tabe she was sitting at, thinking to herself of how tonight hadn't really worked out the way she had really wanted it to, this party was meant to be for Rainbow Dash, but all night it had seemed like she wasn't enjoying herself at all, everytime she went to check on the pegasus, she looked more and more fed up each time, and even though she hadn't once asked if she could leave yet, she felt like Dash was only deciding to stay for her sake if nothing else. "What's wrong Twilight?" Applejack asked as her and Rarity came walking over to the Princess, wondering why she seemed so depressed. "You look positively miserable darling," Rarity added, as Twilight lifted her head off the table and gave out another deep sigh. "This party was meant to give Rainbow Dash the chance to try get to know you all better, but she hardly talked to any of you, and she's spent half the night off by herself, in fact I don't think I've seen her act so distant," Twilight explained feeling like she had well and truly failed, as she rested her head on the table again, "I should have known things would turn out this way," Applejack and Rarity looked to each other for a moment, looking a little concerned for the Princess, it seemed like she was certain that tonight had turned into a disaster that Rainbow probably would never forgive her for, when in fact that's not how the others all had seen it. "She may be distant, but that might actually be a good thing," Applejack stated, as she thought about how tonight had gone, yes Dash and her hadn't talked much for the whole night, but in her mind the night had turned out better than she orginally thought it was going to. "Yes although things may not have gone the way you would have liked tonight, it doesn't seem like it's as bad as you think it is," Rarity explained as she too believed that tonight had gone relatively well, all things considered. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked as she lifted her head off the table again, and looked a little confused for a moment, she was sure that tonight had proved that Dash just might not ever get along with these ponies, however it didn't seem like Applejack and Rarity felt the same way. "Well although she has been awfully distant, you have to agree that she has been quite polite to us all," Applejack said as she smiled to Twilight a little, hoping that she would see how tonight had actually turned out 'okay' in the end. "I guess, I mean she did eventually come over and greet you all," Twilight thought out loud as she remembered Dash walking over to Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and even Rarity and had greeted them nicly enough, before walking off to be by herself again. "Not only that, but apart from that first remark when you two arrived, she hasn't said one rude thing to any of us, plus if she's keeping to herself that means she's not starting arguments, or causing us to become annoyed with her for anything like she would normally do," Rarity pointed out feeling like the Rainbow Dash she had met tonight was one that had finally decided to be civil and let go of the past, she certainly didn't seem like she was the same arrogant pegasus that would constantly pick fights, and try and make an enemy out of her, and other ponies. "So you two seriously think tonight went...okay?" Twilight questioned as she was now started to see things from the other twos point of veiw, yes tonight hadn't gone perfectly, but it hadn't gone terribly either. Applejack and Rarity looked to each other again, before they both smiled back to Twilight and nodded in unsion. They then turned to look over across the room, causing Twilight to follow their gaze and do the same. "Well if that's any consolation, I would say that tonight has gone better than just 'okay'," Applejack gestured to the table across the room as the three all looked over in that direction. Twilight's eyes widened as she looked over to see Pinkie and Rainbow sitting beside one another at a table, talking to each other, while Fluttershy sat opposite Rainbow Dash smiling to the two happily. Rainbow didn't look like she was paying much attention to what the pink earth pony was actually saying, and she did have quite the bored expression on her face, as she sat with her gaze slowly shifting from Pinkie to the table, giving the earth pony enough eye contact to let her know that she was still listening to her for the most part. No it didn't look like Rainbow had any real interest in the conversation, and seemed like she wasn't really enjoying talking with Pinkie all that much, but the fact that she was talking to the pony was proof enough that she was trying, after all only a little while ago she wouldn't even glance at the party pony, and now she was actually willing to engage in a conversation with her. And although it have may seemed small at this point, it certainly was something to happy about. "We don't know what you did to make her act this way, but whatever is was Rainbow Dash certainly seems like quite the changed pony," Rairty stated as she and Applejack smiled to Twilight, who now looked like she had cheered up a bit. Twilight looked to Applejack and Rarity for a moment, before she looke back to Dash, she had never seen the pegasus act so distant around other ponies like she did tonight, but she had also never seen her interacting with any of the ponies from Ponyville like this, or this much, it was truly quite the amazing sight to see. Twilight smiled as she realized that although tonight may not have ended like how she may have wanted it to, it didn't go so badly after all, and even though it may not have seemed like Rainbow enjoyed this party, the fact that she was willing enough to talk, and be around these ponies that she had claimed to hate before, was more than enough to show how ready she was to make a change, and try with all her might to make that dream of having the two towns finally end this feud be made into a reality. Yes no matter how you may look at it, tonight had been a great success, which would only bring more hope for that bright future along with it. ... ... Late night soon came, the party had ended, everypony had said their 'Goodbyes', and returned to their homes, and as promised Twilight would spend the night round at Rainbow Dash's cloudhome, she had already talked to Spike about it, and he had said as long as she didn't let herself get swept up in 'the moment' again then it was fine. Twilight lay on Rainbow Dash's bed, snuggling in the warm bedclothes happily, while Dash stood beside the bed, smiling to the Princess acting like she was a cute little kitten. "Are you sure you're okay with me sleeping in your bed tonight, cause I can sleep on the couch if you would prefer, I don't mind honestly," Twilight rambled on a bit as she looked to Dash, feeling like she shouldn't be taking her bed like this again. "It's fine, you are a Princess after all, and so you should be treated like one right?" Rainbow stated as she smiled to Twilight cuddled up in her warm blanket looking all snug and cozy on the pegasus's bed. Twilight felt like saying something to disagree with Dash, but decided against it. She knew she was a Princess, but it didn't feel right for her to act like she was somepony to actually worship or anything, however she was quite tired right now, and what was wrong with getting a little spoiled by your marefriend from time to time? "I'm so glad with how things went tonight Dash, I was so surprised to see you actually interacting so well with everypony," Twilight stated as she smiled to her marefriend, and shuffled to the side of the bed more, so that she was closer to the pegasus. "Yeah it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be," Dash smiled back, as she too was a little surprised at how well tonight had gone, after all she once believed that she would never be able to look at the ponies of Ponyville without turning away in disgust, no matter actually being able to hold a conversation with any of them. "I mean it Dash, I really am proud of you," Twilight said as she looked deep into Rainbow's magenta eyes, drawing the pegasus in, while Dash gazed back to her. "Well then, do I get a reward of some sort?" Dash asked with a raised eyebrow, while she smirked slightly. "You can sleep with me tonight if you like," Twilight suggested the first thing that popped into her head, not taking a minute to think about how Dash would react to it. "Hey now, don't you think that it's a bit too early for that, I mean I just want to make sure I'm not crossing any lines here," Dash teased as she spoke with a mocking tone, causing Twilight to roll her eyes a little, while Dash chuckled slightly. "I just mean to sleep, and nothing more Dash," Twilight stated as a slight blush crept on to her cheeks, "Besides it would be lonely to sleep by myself," she lowed her voice a little, while Dash seemed a little taken aback at first, before she smiled and shurgged her shoulders. "Fine, fine, if you insist, my Princess," Dash bowed slightly, causing Twilight's blush to deepen slightly, before she just rolled her eyes again, and moved over on the bed as to make room for Rainbow to climb on. Rainbow quickly climbed into her bed and lay down beside Twilight, laying a wing over the alicorn's back slowly, while Twilight rested her head on her marefriend's forelegs, looking up to the pegasus with a bright smile. "So was Spike really okay with you staying over?" Rainbow asked as she smiled at the feeling of Twilight's body heat mixing with her's as the two cuddled up close together under the covers. "He said it was fine as long as I'm back before the afternoon, I can't leave him looking after the library for too long after all," Twilight answered as she sighed happily and nuzzled into Dash's neck lovingly. "Sounds like he's your Dad more than just your pet," Dash teased and smirked to Twilight. "He's not my pet, he's my assistant," Twilight corrected. "There's a difference?" Twilight glared to Rainbow in reply, causing her to nervously smile in return. Twilight sighed again slightly as she lifted her head, and rolled out of Dash's loose embrace as she thought about something, "Hey you know what this means right?" Twilight looked to Dash with a confident smile. "What, what means?" "This means that we can start thinking about new ways of getting you to connect with more of the ponies of Ponyville. We can start off with improving your relationship with Applejack and Rarity, and then we can get you involved in more events like tonight, and then we can eventually start finding more pegasi that are willing to make a change like you, and then we- Rainbow cut Twilight excited rambling off with a light peck to her lips, causing Twilight to blush deeply, and glare to Dash slightly when their lips parted, while Dash just smiled to the Princess, bringing her back into a tight embrace, as Twilight relaxed under the warmth of her marefriend's wing again, feeling the cyan feathers brush against her back ever so lightly. "We can think about all that tomorrow, for now, we sleep okay?" Dash instructed as she gave Twilight a small peck on her forehead, and nibbled at her ear a little, causing the alicorn to let out a quiet moan in return. "Okay," Twilight nodded in reply, sounding a little reluctant, before she heard Rainbow chuckle slightly, and brought the pegasus into another sweet kiss. Rainbow happily kissed Twilight back as the two rested their front hooves over each other, and held one another close, both feeling like this moment right now couldn't be more perfect. > Help Down On The Farm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quiet and clear night had graced the humble town of Ponyville, most of its inhabitants were however safe cooped up in their warm homes, while bright twinkling stars covered the sky above, only a couple ponies were seen still walking around the town. And on this relaxing night, two young mares lay together on a high hill on the outskirts of the sleeping town. One being a cyan pegasus with a brightly coloured rainbow mane, while the other was a lavender alicon, with her darkly coloured mane, matching her eyes that were gazing up to the night sky. The two lay cuddled up close to one another as they enjoyed this moonlit night they had been blessed with, feeling like right at this moment it had been especially meant for just them and nopony else. The pegasus sighed a little as she glanced to the mare that lay beside her, smiling slightly as she watched the beautiful alicorn gaze at the night sky in awe, seeming almost like she had never even seen it before. She felt like commenting on it, but decided against it, for this moment was perfect, and words would simply ruin it, so instead the pegasus just shrugged her shoulders and slowly lay her wing over the alicorn's back. The alicorn's dark eyes widened a little as she noticed the feel of soft feathers brushing against her back, looking away from the night sky, as she turned to look to the mare beside her, the pegasus smiling to her in reply, while she just smiled back, leaning into her lover more, and nuzzling lovingly into her neck, sighing happily while she rested her ear against the pegasus's chest, and listened to the slow and calming rhythm of her heartbeat. The pegasus chuckled slightly, before she rolled over to lay on top of the other mare, the two gazing into each others eyes, as they held one another close, and melted into a sweet kiss that only lasted a little while, their lips parting as they touched foreheads, and smiled to each other. "I love you Twilight," the pegasus whispered as she pecked the alicorn's muzzle lightly, causing her to blush in reply. "Oh Rainbow Dash, I- *BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP* Rainbow Dash was awoken from her peaceful sleep by her alarm clock, blaring a loud siren that gave the cyan pegasus a bit of a fright. She quickly sat up in her bed, shutting off the noisy clock on her bedside table with a hoof, before she sighed deeply and stretched a little, shaking her head as she shook off all her tiredness, and slowly threw the cover off of herself, climbing out of her bed and heading for the bathroom a second later, while she yawned and wished that she could have slept a little more. She never normally woke up this early, but due to the fact that her and the Princess were doing something today, she had to be up pretty much at dawn, which was something she really hoped she wouldn't have to start getting used to. The pegasus didn't hate waking up this early to spend time with her marefriend, but unfortunately for her, she wasn't just going to be with Twilight. Instead today Princess Twilight had arranged for the two to go to 'Sweet Apple Acres' for the day, where apparently they would meet up with Applejack, and find a way to 'Improve their relationship' or whatever. This was definitely not something that Rainbow wanted to do, and she would have much rather do probably anything else, but she figured there wasn't really any way she was going to be able to start getting along with the ponies of Ponyville, unless she actually tried to make amends with the ones that she had already made enemies out of. And although Twilight had reassured the pegasus that everything would run smoothly, Dash really didn't see this ending well. Yes the party a couple of days ago had gone better than she expected, but this time she couldn't just walk off and be by herself like she often did that night, she had to face this head on. She didn't feel all that ready for it, but she thought she could at least try, for the sake of her ever-hopeful marefriend. And so as mid-morning set in, and Rainbow had just finished eating her breakfast, she now waited around for a little. And sure enough right on time she heard a light knocking at her door, knowing exactly who it was without even having to guess, as she walked up to her front door and answered it. "Good morning Rainbow Dash," Twilight happily greeted Rainbow with a bright smile, clearly she was more than excited about toady it would seem. "Hey Twilight," Rainbow smiled slightly as she greeted the Princess, but obviously didn't share the same enthusiasm that Twilight had. "You ready to go see Applejack?" Twilight asked as she could tell how much Rainbow wasn't looking forward to this, but she was staying positive that today would go well. "As I'll ever be, I guess," Rainbow replied reluctantly, while Twilight just sighed a little, and gave her anxious marefriend an encouraging nuzzle causing her to smile a little more, while she nuzzled the alicorn back, before the two took off into the sky together, ready to fly over to Sweet Apple Acres. ... ... On the way to the farm, Twilight seemed to be happily thinking to herself about how today would go. She would often think out loud about certain things, while than rambling off until the pegasus flying beside her decided to stop listening. But still the excited Princess would continue on about how she thought things would go, what she had planned for after accomplishing the task of getting Rainbow and Applejack to somehow make up, and find a way to try and get along better. Rainbow sighed a little as she looked down at the town below them, watching as she saw many of the ponies leaving their homes, and heading out to go and go about their daily lifes, some were walking down to the market, either to buy or sell items, while others simply walked around the town, talking to other ponies, and all engaging in a very humble and familiar atmosphere. It caused Rainbow to think of Cloudsdale a little, true the two towns did seem quite different from the outside, but when you looked to see how all the residents bounded with each other, it was easy to say that they seemed very much alike. The cyan pegasus had been giving this town a bit of the cold shoulder when she really didn't need to, but many of the other pegasi had acted that way as well, would there really possibly be a way to reset it all, and start again? "So Rainbow are you excited to finally end this feud, and start making friends instead of enemies with the ponies of this town?" Twilight asked happily, bringing Rainbow out of her thoughts, while the pegasus looked to her, and shook her head a little. "Huh? Oh yeah sure," Rainbow answered, sounding unsure of herself, while she glanced away from Twilight for a minute. Twilight looked a little concerned as she looked to the anxious pegasus, before she smiled slightly and flew closer to her marefriend, resting a hoof under her chin, as she looked deep into her magenta eyes, "You'll be fine Dash," She stated as she nuzzled the pegasus a little, and caused her to give out a small chuckle. "If you say so," Rainbow replied with a weak smile, before she picked up speed a little and cheered up a bit, she wasn't looking forward to meeting up with Applejack again, but she was willing to try and stay at least a little positive about it all, it was only for a little while, and the day would be over before she knew it...at least that what she hoped for. Twilight smiled as she looked to Rainbow, she knew that today wasn't probably going to turn out exactly as she had planned it, but if it meant that Dash could finally start trying to make these ponies see that she really did want to end this fall out between the two towns, then she would take it all as a success. The Princess hovered for a few moments, as she caught Rainbow's attention again, and smiled when she spotted something in the distance, "We're almost there now, Rainbow," Rainbow followed the Princess's gaze as she looked to see the farm that they were headed for in the distance. She felt nervous as she saw the wodden barn becoming clearer, maybe she wasn't ready for this, but there was no turning back now. Dash shook off all her anxiety, as she took a deep breath and looked confident. She could do this. The two mares then soon landed near to the farm, walking up to the orange earth pony's home together, as Rainbow nervously hung her head low and slowly walked beside Twilight, who smiled to the pegasus, hoping that all this anxiety that she felt would go away soon. Twilight stopped for a moment, as she rested a comforting hoof on Dash's shoulder and caught her attention. Rainbow stopped as she looked back to Twilight, and sighed deeply when she saw the Princess giving her an encouraging smile, "What should I say when I see her?" Dash asked, not knowing how she should really react to seeing the farm pony again, and although she was slowly getting used to being down on the ground in this town, talking and interacting with the ponies in it would take a lot more time. "How about saying 'Hello' to start off with. Remember I'll be with you through all of this, so if you ever get stuck, just look to me for help alright?" Twilight explained as she smiled to Dash. Rainbow nodded in reply as she smiled back slightly, before the two started walking torwards the farm again, entering through the front gates, and then stopping to look around for Applejack. "Hey Twilight, Rainbow!" Twilight and Rainbow Dash turned to the sound of a familiar voice calling to them. Twilight smiled when she saw the farm pony they had been looking for waving to them both, while Rainbow looked in Applejack's direction, but didn't look exactly at her. Twilight and Rainbow came walking over to Applejack, as the three all greeted each other. "Hey I know we were meant to go out some place and do something today, but I don't think I'm going to be able to go anywhere. There's just too much work for me to do around here," Applejack explained as she knew Twilight had arranged for her and Dash to go out somewhere and spend some time hopefully getting to know each other a little better, but with all her unfinished chores on her mind, she didn't see how she would be able to go through with the Princess's plan. "Oh..." Twilight paused as she thought for a moment, she wanted Applejack and Rainbow to still spend at least a little time together, but exactly how were they going to do that when the farm pony had to work? "Well maybe we can stick around here and help you get your work done then," Twilight suggested as she thought this could be a good way for the two to break the ice if they were simply working together on something. "Are ya sure? I don't think it will be anything that would be interesting," Applejack asked as she wasn't sure Rainbow Dash would want to help out all that much, she looked to the pegasus to see her reaction, and saw that she was looking a little taken aback, but didn't look horrified with the idea it seeemed like Applejack had expected. Twilight nodded with a smile, before she looked to Rainbow Dash. Dash just stayed silent as she felt awkward, not really knowing how to repond, "Don't worry, we don't mind helping out, right Rainnbow Dash?" The Princess looked to Rainbow as she nudged her with a hoof, causing her to look back to her, and quickly think of something to say in return. "Umm...sure, what do you want us to do?" Rainbow asked, her voice sounding reluctant, but Applejack smiled at the pegasus trying to be polite and offer her help all the same. "Well I guess ya could help me with bucking a few of the trees," Applejack thought out loud, as she thought that that may be the easiest task for the pegasus to help with, after all apple-bucking was a pretty easy task to learn. "We're going to do what to the trees now?" Rainbow Dash asked, looking a little confused, not only at what Applejack had just said, but also by what she might've meant by it. " 'Buck' them, ya know kick them so that the apples fall off of them?" Applejack explained, wondering if Rainbow was trying to make a joke there, or if she actually wasn't sure what she had meant. "Oh, okay I can help with that, I guess," Rainbow stated, thinking that this 'Apple-bucking' sounded easy enough from how the farm pony had explained it, after all it couldn't be that hard right? "Alright, come on then Rainbow," Applejack said as she started walking over to a few of her trees that had red juicy apples growing on them, while Rainbow looked to Twilight seeming like she really wanted to go back home now, but Twilight just smiled to her, and gestured for her to follow Applejack. Rainbow just sighed deeply as she nodded and followed Applejack, Twilight staying behind and watching, as she wanted to see what Rainbow would be like without her being beside her, she could still help her out and encourage her, but she would just do it from a far this time. Dash didn't notice that Twilight hadn't been following her, until she turned to look behind her and saw the Princess still standing where she was before, having not moved an inch. Rainbow looked a little worried, as she looked to Twilight and wanted her to come up to her, but instead Twilight just smiled and made a gesture for Rainbow to go and walk over to Applejack with her hoof. Rainbow sighed again as she guessed that Twilight was trying to make it seem like she wasn't here, so that she could see what the pegasus would be like without her standing beside her to help her out all the time. Dash slowly turned away from Twilight, and made her way over to Applejack, seeming a little reluctant still, but once she got close to the farm pony, she lifted up her head and tired to look as confident as she could. "Alright, now apple-bucking is real easy once ya get the hang of it," Applejack stated as she smiled to Rainbow Dash. Dash still looked confused and a little worried, as she gave the farm pony a weak smile and nodded to her, glancing back to Twilight every now again, while she felt oddly uncomfortable. "So first, ya gotta shake the tree a little to see if the apples are all ripe enough, if they are then they'll dangle a bit, and a couple should fall off," Applejack explained as she stood up on her back legs and leaned aganist a tall tree, shaking it a little with her front legs, while she looked up at the way the tree swayed back and forth, the apples growing on the leaves doing the same. They didn't look like they were ready to fall just yet, but they all seemed ripe enough. "Try it Rainbow," Applejack said as she gestured for Rainbow Dash to do the same as she was doing. Rainbow thought that it seemed easy enough, and although she had never really done anything like this, she always was quite the fast learner. So Dash walked up to the other side of the tree that Applejack was leaning against, and leaned against it the same way that Applejack was, looking up to the apples that hung high above her, before she started to shake the tree with her front hooves. Dash tried to put a little more force into her front hooves, while she watched the red apples sway this way and that, looking like they could fall off of at any moment, and so she tried shaking the tree trunk a little harder, but still the apples seemed like they were staying being hung from the leaves of the tall tree. "Hey when are these meant to fall exactly?" Rainbow asked as she looked to Applejack, who was now standing back and looking up at the swaying apples, while she left Rainbow to do the shaking. Before Applejack could answer Rainbow, one single red apple came loose and fell from the leaves, dropping down, and bouncing off of the top of Dash's head, before it landed on the grass beside the pegasus. Rainbow seemed a little caught off guard for a moment, as she looked up at the remaining apples that were still hanging on. Rainbow heard Applejack give out a small chuckle, and turned to her with a slight glare. "Yep that one's ready for bucking," the farm pony stated as she hid her smile from the pegasus as best she could. Rainbow seemed very unassumed, while she rubbed her head a little, and stepped away from the tree, glancing over to Twilight, and sighing when she saw the Princess just shurg to her with a smile in reply, clearly she must have chuckled as well. "So what's next?" Rainbow asked as she shook her head a little, and tried to not let what just happened bother her too much. "Next is the bucking, now just watch what I do, and see if ya can do the same, alright?" Applejack instructed as she was a little surprised to see the pegasus cooperating this well, she thought when that apple bounced off of her head she would have just given up, and started to leave, but luckily that didn't seem to be the case. Rainbow just nodded in reply, as she watched for what the farm pony would do next. Applejack walked up to the tree again, and gave it a few more good shakes with her front hooves, before she turned around and stretched a little, leaning forward a second later, lifting her back legs off the ground and kicking her hind hooves hard against the bark of the tree, causing it to shake more. The farm pony kicked a second time, a little harder, and this time caused three ripe apples to fall from the ltheir branches and land in the buckets that had been placed at the bottom of the tree earlier. Rainbow watched as Applejack did this a few more times, being sure to watch carefully so that she would know what to do when she had to do this. Applejack kept at it until there were only about six apples left hanging from the tree, all of which looked like they could easily fall. "Okay, think ya can get the rest down?" Applejack asked as she stepped away from the tree, and smiled to Rainbow. "Sure, I mean it seems easy enough right?" Rainbow nodded to Applejack, and walked up to the tree, "Although why don't you just ask some of the unicorns in town to help you out? That way you would be able to get all your chores done a lot quicker right?" Rainbow looked up at the remaining apples, and turned around, ready to give the truck a good, strong kicking. "Well these are my chores so getting some unicorn to do them for me wouldn't be right, besides the other ponies in this town have got their own lifes to deal with, they don't need me constantly asking if they could lend a hoof when I don't even need it half the time," Applejack explained, while she watched to see if the pegasus was doing everything the way she had. "Then why am I helping you?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow. "Ya were the one that said you would, besides I am a little behind since I've been busy with other things lately," the farm pony replied, before she waited for the pegasus to start bucking the tree already, and stop stalling. Rainbow just shrugged her shoulders, before she leaned forward and lifted her back legs up, doing the same as Applejack had done, giving the bark a hard kick with her hind hooves, but none of the apples fell. Rainbow tried a second time, kicking harder this time, but still none of the apples fell. "Hey why isn't this working for me?" Rainbow asked as she looked to Applejack, seeming a little annoyed at the fact that all the apples did in return to her hard kicks was sway in the wind. "Try putting more force into it," Applejack stated as she looked at the apples, she could see that they were obviously ripe, and ready to fall, but it didn't seem like Rainbow was giving the truck much of a kick to actually cause them to drop. Rainbow tried again and again, putting more force into her kicks each time, her hind hooves thumping loudly against the tree bark, but still the apples just swayed on their branches, seeming like they could fall down at any second, but they didn't. Rainbow was starting to get a little frustrated now as she breathed heavily and stopped, giving the tree one more powerful kick, before she gave up. However that last powerful kick caused one of the apples to fall, and bounce off of Dash's head again, before landing in the bucket beside her. Rainbow glared to the apples, and bared her teeth, feeling like she shoud just kick all of those annoying apples out of their bucket. Rainbow turned to Applejack as she decided to just endure her anger for now, and not cause for toady to go wrong over something so small. "Hey how come this worked for you, and not me. I'm doing everything that you did?" Rainbow looked to Applejack, while the farm pony did look a little puzzled, although when she thought about it, pegasi weren't really built for bucking trees, and this was no doubt the first time that Rainbow Dash had done something like this. "Maybe it's because ya back legs aren't as strong as mine are," Applejack suggested, as she pointed to Rainbow's back legs, it was true that Applejack's hind legs did seem to have more of a strong build to them, and the muscle mass was clearly much more noticeable on the farm pony's limbs, then it was on the pegasus's. "That's not true, this tree of yours is just broken or something, maybe these apples weren't ready to fall just yet," Rainbow seemed like she was holding in her anger while she turned away from the farm pony, and felt like glaring to her when she heard the pony chuckle in return. "I don't think that's it, hold on let me try," Applejack chuckled at Rainbow saying that her tree was 'broken', before she walked up to the truck, turned around and gave it a good kick with her hind hooves, causing the leaves to shake and sway much more than they did when Rainbow tried it. And just like before three of the remaining ripe apples dropped to land in the buckets at the bottom of the tree. "Works fine for me," Applejack smiled to Rainbow, while Dash just turned away and mumbled something under her breath, looking like she was well and truly irritated now. "Forget this, maybe I should just try something else," Rainbow stated as she turned and started to walk away for a moment, before Applejack came and stopped her. "Now hold on Rainbow, ya can't give up so quickly like that, why don't we see if ya can do it another way instead?" Applejack suggested, not wanting the pegasus to give up so easily, as she stood in front of Dash, and thought of different ways that Dash could still somehow help get the apples down from the trees without bucking them. "What do you mean?" Rainbow looked a little confused as she didn't see how a pony could get apples down from the trees, other than either using magic, or kicking them down. She guessed she could fly up there and pick them with her hooves, but it would take much longer to go and do that to every ripe apple on every tree in the whole orchard. "How athletic are ya with flying?" "Pretty good I guess, why?" Rainbow wondered why her flying had anything to do with this. "Can ya do backflips?" Applejack asked as an idea popped into her mind. "Of course, but why?" Rainbow still didn't see why flying or tricks had anything to do with getting apples down from trees. "Well try flying up there, and standing on top of that tree," Applejack instructed, as she pointed back over to the tree they had just been bucking. "Okay," Rainbow replied as she lifted herself up into the air, and flew up to stand on top of the tall tree, causing the branches to shake a little, and the apples to do the same, but yet it wasn't enough to make them fall. "Now what?" Rainbow asked, looking down to the farm pony, waiting for her to tell her what to do next. "Try doing a backflip in place," "Why?" "Just try it!" Applejack raised her voice a little, as she wasn't really sure if this would actually work or not, but it seemed like the best option right now, after all if Rainbow could do tricks in the air fine, bringing that into something like this, could make the process a lot easier for her. Rainbow sighed as she really didn't see what the farm pony was thinking would happen, it didn't seem like simply backflipping in place would work, but it was worth a shot she guessed. Rainbow took a deep breath and crouched down a little, before jumping up and thrusting her head backwards with just the right amount of force to do a backflip, landing in the same place that she had started, and caused the tree braches to shake more, but still the apples seemed to stay attached to their leaves, not yet letting go it would seem. "What other ideas you got?" Rainbow asked as she looked down to Applejack, guessing that her simply doing a backflip, wouldn't do anything, and really not seeing where the farm pony was going with this idea of hers. "Try again, but put more force into it," Applejack simply replied, looking up to Rainbow, as her eyebrows narrowed, and she could see that those apples definitely looked like they were going to fall, all they needed was a bit little more of a push. Rainbow sighed as she nodded to Applejack, agreeing to try this method one more time, before possibly finding something else to do instead, since she really didn't how this would work. The pegasus crouched down again, jumped into the air and thrusted herself backwards again, this time putting more force into it, before she swiftly landed safely how she had started. This time the brances of the tree shook more, and finally both of the last two remaining ripe apples fell to land in the buckets with all the others, causing the tree to now be bare of all apples. Rainbow couldn't believe it at first, but after a minutes or two of processing what just happened in her mind, she gave out a big smile, before she back flipped again happily. "WHOO YEAH! I did it!" Dash cheered excitedly, while Applejack smiled up to the happy pegasus, glad to see that she had accomplised this without much trouble. It may not have seemed like something big, but the fact that Rainbow had cooperated so well, along with only complaining a little, and even when it did seem like she had given up, she came back and tried again, something Applejack never thought the stubborn peagsus would actually do, after all she wasn't normally one for giving things a second chance, especially when it involved something to do with the ponies of this town. Maybe this proved that she really was willing to make a change. ... ... Morning was now slowly starting to turn into early afternoon, as Applejack watched Rainbow Dash find trees that were ready for bucking, and did backflips on top of them, happily smiling to herself when she was able to make more then two or three apples fall, trying to put more force into it everytime, in order to maybe cause more of the apples to drop. The farm pony thought she would be helping the pegasus along, but Rainbow looked so engorssed in what is was doing, Applejack decided to just leave her to it, besides it was nice to take a break and let somepony else do the work sometimes. Twilight came walking over to Applejack, as she stood next to her and watched Rainbow at work, smiling when she saw how much fun the pegasus looked like she was having. "I'm glad you were able to get through to her Applejack, there was one point where I thought she was going to just give up and go home, but you were able to convince her to try again, not only that, but you also came up with a way that she could bring her flying into this, and I can't thank you enough for that," Twilight smiled as she looked to Applejack. "It was no problem really, I was quite surprised to see how well she was going along with everything, to be honest I thought she would have given up when she realized she couldn't do it the way I was, but she kept at it. I guess Rarity wasn't kidding when she said that she was 'A changed pony', " Applejack thought out loud with a smile back to the Princess, not knowing what the alicorn had done to make the strong willed pegasus change her ways, but being glad for it anyway. "Hey Applejack, if you don't mind me asking, what was Rainbow Dash like with you before the separation?" Twilight asked, feeling a little nervous to ask a question like this, since it may have been a topic that the farm pony didn't want to talk about. "She wasn't all that nice, like she is now. She would call me a few names, make fun of ma accent, tease me about a few things, and occasionally take food from ma stand at the market without paying for it, she would play it off as some prank, but it would get pretty annoying a lot of the time," Applejack explained, remembering how annoying the cyan pegasus used to be, nothing like how she seemed now. Twilight looked interested as she wanted to hear more about what her marefriend used to be like, and guessed those so-called 'pranks' were probably what caused many of the ponies to say that some of the pegasi would steal their food. Pegasi like Rainbow Dash may have seen it as just a harmless prank, but it was of course more serious to the ponies of Ponyville, after all it was their food that they were taking. "Ya know when I think about it, we didn't really hate each other, we just never got along all that well. Rarity and her were the ones that were always arguing about something or other, I would half the time find myself breaking the two up back then, and often times Rainbow would be the one that started it," Applejack added as she thought about the bad relationship Rarity and Rainbow used to have, whether it was still there or not, it was too early to tell. "Yeah I can see I might just have a problem there," Twilight smiled as she thought of how much of a challenge Rarity just might be, and although Rarity might be civil about things, there's no saying that Rainbow would do the same. "Well I'll wish ya and Rainbow the best of luck then," Applejack smiled to the Princess, knowing that getting Rainbow and Rairty to somehow spend time with each other would most certainly not be easy. "Thank you Applejack," Twilight replied to the farm pony, before Applejack called over to Rainbow Dash, and caused her to stop what she was doing. "Rainbow, don't ya think it's time for a break?" Applejack called to the pegasus, as Rainbow looked over to the other two mares, and agreed, happily getting the last few apples down from the tree she was standing on top of, before she quickly flew over to the other two ponies. Rainbow Dash landed to stand beside Twilight, while she looked to Applejack, and looked like she was about to say something, but the farm pony spoke up and cut her off before she had the chance to open her mouth. "Well howdy there partner ma name's Applejack, welcome to Ponyville," Applejack introduced herself, as she smiled to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked a little confused as she looked to Applejack, glanced to Twilight, and then looked back to Applejack again, not sure how to react to the farm pony randomly introducing herself when the pegasus already knew who she was. Twilight was a little lost as well at first, until she thought about it for a minute, and then caught on to what the farm pony was doing, and told Rainbow Dash to introduce herself as well. "Why?" Rainbow looked confused still, while she questioned the Princess, before Twilight just gestured for her to do as she had said. "Okay, my name's Rainbow Dash," "It's mighty nice to meet ya Rainbow Dash," Applejack nodded as she greeted the pegasus kindly. Rainbow's eyes widened a little as she realized what it was that the farm pony was doing, by pretending that this was the first time the two had met, she wasn't making up with the pegasus, she was starting a new instead, just like Rainbow and Twilight had wanted. "Nice to meet you too, Applejack," Rainbow smiled as she greeted Applejack back in the same kind tone the farm pony had used. "Thanks for helping me out by the way, it was nice to actually take a break and let somepony else do ma work for me for once," "Oh it was nothing, I found it to be quite fun actually," Rainbow replied as the two smiled to each and chuckled slightly, while Twilight sighed happily and smiled to Rainbow finally starting to get along with Applejack now. Today couldn't have gone better to be honest when Twilight thought about it, now all who was left was Rairty, however the Princess knew she no doubt would have more of a differculty with getting Rainbow Dash to actually spend some time with the high class unicorn, without the two getting into some sort of argument. But that was a problem for another day, for now the alicorn would rejoice in the success of how this plan had turned out. Now if only all her other plans could end with the same result, then everything would be great. > Some Things Don't Change > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash hated staying in the town of Ponyville, being in the town, while all those other ponies walking around, stopping to give her weird stares, probably wondering why she was standing here, when she could be up in Cloudsdale with her own kind. This town was always something that made the cyan pegasus's stomach turn, and no matter how she tried, she could never shake the feeling that she didn't belong in this sickening town. There would always be something that she hated about it. The pegasus would rather much be doing anything else, then spending time in this town that she never felt welcome in, but today that is exactly what she had to deal with, as she and Princess Twilight stood outside one of the small restaurants in the town, waiting for a certain unicorn to come and meet up with them. Rainbow Dash fidgeted a little, nervously looking to the ground, while she kept feeling eyes on her. She could tell a lot of the ponies were stopping to stare at her, after all the last time any of them had seen her in this town was when the separation happened. It was normal to see a pegasus in Ponyville, but not one like Rainbow Dash, who always claimed that she hated the town, and everypony in it, just like many of the other pegasi from Cloudsdale had done back when the big fall out happened. Dash wanted nothing more then to fly up into the sky and hide away where none of these ponies would see her, but she knew she had to stand her ground, and stay here for at least until the unicorn her and the Princess were waiting on came to meet up with them, she only wished that Twilight had picked a more secluded part of the town for them to wait, where not so many ponies would be walking around. Many of the ponies did give Dash weird looks, but they didn't stay around for long, after all once they saw Princess Twilight was standing right next to her, and woud talk to her every now and again, they guessed that there wasn't too much to worry about, but still they all kept their distance. "Twilight why do we have to wait here?" Rainbow asked in a low voice, while she nervously looked to Twilight, not daring to even glance to the other ponies walking past them. "I told you Dash, this is where we are meeting up with Rarity," Twilight answered simply with a smile to her anxious marefriend, she could see how nervous Rainbow was with standing in the town like this, and although there were the few ponies that would give strange looks, and whisper to each other, it didn't mind the Princess. Rainbow would have to get used to being around the ponies of this town, if she was really going to start over with them all, and even though the pegasus didn't seem all that ready for it just yet, the way Dash was acting at least gave Twilight an idea of what she was now like when having to be in this town, amongest all the ponies that lived in it. "I know, but why do we have to wait in a place like this, doesn't this town have any dark alleyways where we can meet her instead?" Rainbow asked, as her voice was oddly quiet almost like she was scared to talk with all these ponies around her. "Dash," Twilight raised an eyebrow to Rainbow, before she looked around at all the ponies that would stop and look to the cyan pegasus like she was some sort of unknown being that didn't belong here. The Princess sighed slightly, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring Dash into a situation like this one just yet. "Come with me," Twilight said as she nudged Rainbow and started heading to be somewhere that was less 'out in the open'. "Where are we going now?" Dash asked as she quickly followed Twilight and ran after her, wondering where the Princess was taking her to now. Twilight led Rainbow around the back of the restaurant they had been waiting outside, hiding behind the back of the building, and deciding to wait there instead as to not worsen Dash's anxiety. Twilight looked out from behind the building, keeping a watchful eye out, so that when she could see Rarity she could simply just call to her, while Dash gave out a loud sigh of relief and relaxed. "Hey you think that Rarity will be able to find us if we stay hidden behind here?" Rainbow asked as she thanked Twilight for removing them from that uncomfortable situation that she really didn't want to be in. "Probably not, but when I see her, I can just call her over here," Twilight stated as she smiled back to Dash, and was glad to see that the pegasus seemed a lot more relaxed now that they were pretty much alone. "Great," Rainbow said in a sarcastic tone, still not feeling good about having to meet up with this old enemy of her's. True she did talk to her a little at the party a few days back, but this time she wouldn't be able to just walk away when she couldn't bear to be around her anymore, and with this particular pony it was a little harder to try and be polite and kind all the time. Rainbow didn't mind meeting up and starting again with the other ponies in the group, but when it came to Rarity, there was just something between the two that Rainbow believed they could never really get past. Maybe she could go just this one day without starting an argument with her, but she had no idea if that was something she could indeed promise, Rarity wasn't even here yet and the pegasus was already dreading seeing her again, just how in all of Equestria was she going to do this? While the pegasus stood worrying, and feeling a little hopeless, Twilight turned to her, seeing that she was still looking a little stressed, but still more calm then she had been when standing in the middle of the town, where many of the ponies could see her. Twilight walked closer to Rainbow, as she smiled slightly and rested a hoof under her chin, bringing the pegasus to look her in the eyes and not shy away from her, "Promise me you'll be nice?" the Princess whispered in a quiet tone, guessing that she would have to make it up to her marefriend for putting her up to this. "Well...I can't promise anything, but I'll try," Dash answered as she smiled weakly to Twilight, knowing that if she did make that promise, she would probably end up breaking it later. "That's all I ask of you," Twilight replied, before she pecked Dash lightly on her forhead, causing her to cheer up a little, as she nodded to the Princess in a confident way. Twilight soon turned back to look out for the pure white unicorn they were supposed to be meeting up with, looking around from left to right, just in case the unicorn in question came walking by. Rainbow really didn't want to go through with this, but she always knew it would happen, since her and the Princess started on this task to get the towns to get along again, one day she would have to at least try and make peace with this one pony. And she was hopeful that she would be able to do just that, even it proved to probably be one of the hardest things she's ever had to do in her life. It seemed like Rainbow didn't have long to reflect on the subject, since she soon noticed Twilight smiling brightly, as she must have spotted the unicorn they had been waiting on. The Princess waved her hoof around, as she called out to the unicorn, causing Rarity to immediately notice her and smile, walking over to the two hidden mares a second later. "Twilight, Rainbow Dash, how lovely it is to see you again. And may I ask why you are both standing behind this restaurant, looking like you're trying hide from somepony?" Rarity asked politely, clearing not having much of a problem with greeting, and looking to her old enemy with a smile, while Dash nervously kept her gaze focused on the ground. "Sorry, we were going to wait for you in front of this place like we arranged, but Dash felt a little uncomfortable with all the ponies walking past, and stopping to stareat her, so I figured waiting here would be the better choice," Twilight explained as she galnced to Rainbow with a smile, and sighed slightly at seeing the pegasus nervously looking away from both her and Rarity. "Oh nothing to worry about darling, I completely understand," Rarity smiled as she looked to Rainbow as well, looking hopeful as the pegasus glanced to her for a second, before she immediately turned away from her again, causing Rarity to sigh a little on the inside. "Anyhow we're meant to be spending the day together right, so Rainbow Dash is there anything you'd like to do?" Rarity asked, trying her best to stay polite and kind to the peagsus, but that was only making Rainbow feel more uneasy since the unicorn would never noramlly act so nice to her. "Well..." Rainbow paused as she lifted up her head a little, and did slightly glance to Rarity, before she looked back down at the ground again, and continued on, "I would like to go for a fly right now, but you don't have wings so that wouldn't work," she stated, as she looked to Rarity again, this time with a slight smirk playing on her lips, her voice starting to take a mocking tone to it, as it seemed like the only way she could address or even keep eye contact with this unicorn, was through her being like her old self, a pony that Rarity knew all to well. Rarity felt her anger starting to rise when she saw that annoying smirk, which the peagsus always used to be wearing when she was around her back before the two towns fell out. But she didn't let it get to her and instead just took a deep breath and smiled to Rainbow again politely, causing Dash to raise her eyebrow at the unicorn trying to control the distaste she had for the arrogant pegasus. "Rainbow Dash I would appreciate you not speaking to me in that way please," "In what way?" Rainbow kept up her act, speaking in a taunting voice, while she stood like she was talking down to an annoying foal, instead of a fully grown mare that was around the same age as her. "Dash! Be nice," Twilight strernly told the pegasus off, as Rainbow immediately rolled her eyes and reluctantly backed down, galncing away from Rarity again, while the Princess gave her a warning glare, causing her to feel a little nervous again. "Sorry Rarity, I did tell her to behave herself when talking with you," Twilight apologized on Rainbow's behalf, still giving the pegasus a warning glare, while Rainbow nervously avoided the Princess's gaze as best she could. "Oh no, that's alright...really," Rarity smiled back to Twilight, seeming awfully taken aback for a little while. She expected nothing less from the pegasus really with her mockery, but the fact that Rainbow backed down so quickly to Twilight simply telling her off with a stern tone, was quite surprising and most definitely not something she expected to see from Dash. "Is there anything that you would like to do Rarity?" Twilight asked, while she nudged Rainbow with her hind leg, causing her to stand up straight and shake off any uneasy feelings she had, now looking back to the Princess with a blank stare, and refusing to look at Rarity again. "Well I thought having a nice dinner here at this restaurant would be nice," Rarity suggested. "Too many ponies around," Dash quickly turned the idea down, as she stil avoided Rarity's gaze, but was now being careful of what she said for the most part. "We could go to the spa, there will be less ponies there," "I doubt I'll be welcome there," "How about simply walking around the town for a bit then?" "And get stared at by more ponies, all probably wondering what a pegasus like me is doing in their town? No thank you" Rainbow sighed as she shot down every suggestion, or idea that Rarity made, making it seem like there was nothing they could do in this town without Rainbow complaining about something. "Well what would you suggest then?" Rarity asked, giving up on trying to think of something that the pegasus might actually be okay with. Rainbow Dash stood silent for a moment as she thought over what the three of them could do together, which wouldn't involve being around a load of ponies from the town. Twilight sighed a little as this meeting didn't look like it was going all that well so far, she couldn't just step back and let the two work it out for themsevles like she did with Applejack a day before, leaving the two alone together could easily lead to a disaster. The Princess only hoped things would turn out better soon. Rainbow knew that she was meant to be spending the day with Rarity, but she really didn't know how either of them were going to get through their tense relationship, and enjoy today. There would practically be no way of that possibly ever happening, so instead Dash just said what was really on her mind right now. "I want to go home," Dash sighed heavily, while she now looked to Rarity, and actually seemed like for once she was showing the unicorn what she was really feeling right now. She wasn't speaking in her mocking voice, or acting stubborn and nervous, this time she was just plainly speaking her mind, which in return made Rarity drop her guard as she smiled to the pegasus. Rarity gave out a small sigh, as she walked up to Rainbow. Dash looked to Rarity feeling a little uneasy and unsure of how the unicorn would respond to her, "Listen Rainbow Dash, I know we aren't friends, we never have been, and to be honest I don't think we ever will be. So maybe it would best for you to just go back to your home after all," Rarity smiled looking a little sad, she did want to try and make up with Rainbow Dash, but it just seemed like something that just wasn't going to happen. "Really?" Rainbow asked, seeming relieved that Rarity had understood why Rainbow had said that she just wanted to cut this day short and end it here, before things had the chance to get worse somehow. Rarity just nodded, before she turned to Twilight, "Twilight can we talk for a moment?" she asked, knowing that the Princess was more then surprised and maybe a little disappointed at the unicorn chosing to for now leave things as they are, rather then trying to fix something that would no doubt take a lot more time then just one day to actually accomplish. Twilight nodded as her and Rarity walked away from Rainbow Dash for a moment, while Rainbow just stood looking to them, but knowing to let them talk alone and stay back for now. "I don't get it Rarity, don't you want to make up and possibly start over with Dash?" Twilight asked, knowing that Rainbow probably didn't really want to make peace with the unicorn, but she thought she was fairly sure that Rarity had wanted to fix things between them, and just forget about the past, so that they could both move on finally. "I did, but it seems like something Rainbow Dash just isn't ready for yet, and to be honest she may never be ready for it, so for now maybe we should just leave things like this. I know the relationship that her and I have right now isn't good at all, but as long as we stay away from each other it should be fine. Besides, I really have been trying, but I'm getting tired of putting on this act every time I see and talk to her," Rarity explained while Twilight looked a little downhearted about the fact that maybe this was one plan that just wasn't going to end with a happy ending like most of her previous one's had. Twilight glanced back to Rainbow for a minute, and realized that Rarity was right. Rainbow Dash and Rarity were a pair that might never get along, and so there was no use in trying to force it. And no matter how much Twilight wanted the two to finally make up, and actually start trying to get to know each other better, instead of just fighting all the time, it probably wouldn't turn out that way for long, long time. Twilight sighed deeply as she turned back to Rarity, "Maybe you're right," she thought out loud as she hung her head low, and felt like she shouldn't have gotten her hopes up, she knew that there was always going to be that very likely possibility that Rainbow wasn't going to get along with everypony from Ponyville, and Rarity was just one of those ponies unfortunately. "Maybe one day, her and I will learn to settle our differences, but that day seems far from now I'm sad to say," Rarity smiled as she knew that Twilight had hoped for Dash to make amends and start again with all of the ponies she had made enemies out of, but this one would clearly time much more time. Twilight just nodded as she sighed again and thanked Rarity for trying anyway, before she walked off slowly back to stand in front of Dash, smiling to the pegasus slightly, "Are you going back home then now?" she asked, Dash clearly seeing the disppointment behind her eyes. Rainbow looked to Twilight, before she glanced to Rarity, and then looked back to Twilight again, sighing deeply as she didn't feel like is was right to just let things end like this, although she wasn't ready to make up with Rarity yet, she did want to at least make things a little bit better between them, and so she reluctantly shook her head to Twilight. "You head off back to the library, I'll see you later okay?" Rainbow smiled as she rested a comforting hoof on Twilight's shoulder. Twilight just nodded in reply, before she left with waving goodbye to Rarity and Rainbow Dash, feeling defeated and a little ashamed of how today had gone comparing it to the other plans that had always seemed to turn out okay in the end, she was sad to say that this one wasn't going to be the same. Rainbow watched Twilight go, and waited until she was pretty much out of sight, before she looked back to Rarity, and took a deep breath, 'Well here goes nothing, I guess,' she thought as she slowly walked over to the unicorn, and caught her attention, as she had started to turn to leave. "Hey wait, Rarity before you go I...I need to talk to you about something," Rainbow stated nervously, as she looked to the unicorn feeling a little awkward, but was confident that she could talk to this old enemy of her's if only for a little while. "Sure, what is it?" Rarity wondered why Rainbow Dash had stopped her, and also why she wanted to talk to her, but it didn't seem like she was going to start an argument or anything, so she decided to stay and listen to what she had to say. "While it may never be possible for us to actually get along and become anything close to friends, I would like for us to not be fighting everytime we're together," Rainbow started to explain the idea she had thought of for the two of them to at least try and act normally around each other, and not argue all the time. "So what are you suggesting we do then?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow to the pegasus. "I'm suggesting that we make a deal, I won't start anymore arguments, or make rude remarks, or anything, just as long as you drop that annoying act when you're around me," Rainbow explained what she had in mind, while she believed it to be the best course of action her and Rarity could take right now. "What 'annoying act'?" Rarity asked, looking a little offended. "The one where you act like everything is fine between us, because we both know that its not. I mean you're a nice pony and all, but I guess there's just something I can't stand about you," Rainbow explained, while she smiled at the eye roll Rarity gave her in return. "Well I can't say I like you all that much either really, I don't think I ever have to be honest," "Good, so we're on the same page then?" Dash chuckled a little, always knowing that Rarity and her shared a strong hatred for each other, which the two probably wouldn't be able to overcome. "I guess, but what would we do when seeing each other then, I mean since you're going to be in this town a lot more often now, we're going to have to get used to the fact that we will probably end up walking into each other at some point," Rarity pointed out that this town was a small one, and with Rainbow Dash now being in it more often, seeing ponies like Rarity will probably be amongest the things she will have to just start getting used to. "We don't have to talk to each other, but if we can learn to be around each other without always fighting, then maybe someday we can actually have a casual conversation, without it turning into some heated argument that somepony has to break us apart from," Rainbow propsed that the two simply find a way to cope while being in each others company as being their first step, into making things between them better then they currently were. Rarity was a little hesitant to go through with Rainbow's idea, yes it was probably the best they could do for now, but she still wasn't sure if this was all going to work out that well. "And might I point out that we are talking right now, and it is a fairly normal conversation, which neither one of us are turing into an argument of some sort," Rainbow smiled as she made Rarity realize that this may have been the longest time her and Rainbow had talked for without it turning into something troublesome. "Well then maybe we can make this work after all," Rarity smiled back to Rainbow, seeing now that even if things might be a little awkward between them now, at least they wouldn't constanly be fighting over such small things. "So are you in then?" Rainbow asked, hoping that Rarity would agree to this plan of her's without any problems. "I'm in!" Rarity replied happily with a nod, causing Dash to sigh with relief and smile back to the unicorn. Although it may be true that Rarity and Rainbow Dash would never really become good friends, at least this showed that they could at least be around each other, and be civil, and maybe this meant that someday they might just become friendly acquaintances if nothing else. And even that at this point would prove to be a true miracle. > A Night Under The Stars > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now late in the evening as Twilight sat sighing deeply, while she sat at the table with Spike in the library, refusing to eat anything of her dinner as she just pushed her plate away from her, and lay her head down on the table. She guessed Rainbow Dash had probably gone home along with Rarity doing the same once she had left. She had wanted her plan to work so badly, and now she was sulking over the very fact that it hadn't. Spike looked to the Princess, sighing slightly at seeing her so disppointed in herself, and choosing to not eat anything because of what had happened eariler on today, "Come on Twilight, I know today didn't turn out how you wanted it to, but you have to at least eat something, you can't keep moping around like this just because Rainbow and Rarity weren't able to make up," Spike tried to encourage Twilight to eat some of her dinner, and not keep acting so depressed, but he guessed that it was something that the worried Princess wouldn't be able to get past easily. "I know Spike but...I just wanted everything to work out, I guess," Twilight sighed again as she looked to her assistant with a tired expression, "I mean I should have guessed that it would take much more than a simple meeting for them to actually make up and start again, but still I wish it could've been that easy," "Well don't give up, maybe they'll make up one day, you might need to just give it some time," Spike suggested as she smiled to Twilight, trying to brighten up her low mood a little, but to no avail it would seem. "But that's just it, I know there are some ponies in this town that Rainbow won't ever get along with, and I'm afraid to say that Rarity might turn out to be one of them," Twilight explained as she felt defeated at the fact that one of the friends she had made in this town, probably wasn't going to be a pony that her marefriend would ever like. "You can't say that, it could still turn out okay," Spike tried to keep positive, while it was obvious that he wasn't going to talk Twilight out of this slump she was in right now. "No Spike!" Twilight raised her voice a little, as she lifted her head off of the table, and turned away from Spike, looking like she could cry from the shame she felt, for puttting her anxious marefriend through today for nothing at all, "I don't think it ever will," "Twilight?" Spike looked worried now as he could see the tears welling up in Twilight's dark eyes, feeling sorry for her. "I'm going to my room, thanks for dinner I guess," Twilight stated before she left the table and started to walk off, leaving Spike to finish dinner by himself tonight. "Twilight wait!" Spike called to the Princess, hoping to stop her from leaving, and walking up those stairs to her room. But his calls unfortunately fell on deaf ears, as Twilight left the young dragon in silence, while she went up to her bedroom, and slammed the door shut behind her. Spike sighed deeply as he looked to Twilight's untouched food, deciding to just throw it away, since it didn't seem like the Princess was going to eat it later. Twilight lay down on her bed, gritting her teeth together tightly, as she held her head in her hooves, sobbing slightly while tears slowly streamed down her cheeks. She cursed herself, just wondering what Rainbow Dash was doing right now, and hating feeling like the pegasus might just resent her for this. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash...I'm so sorry," she whispered out to her empty, dark room, remembering seeing Dash's nervous, and almost scared appearance while she was standing in the middle of the town, avoiding all the ponies giving her weird stares, and wishing she could just be back at her home instead. "Twilight?" Twilight lifted up her head as she heard her name being called out, immediately looking to where she heard the familiar voice come from. She looked to the window, and quickly wiped her tearful eyes as she heard a few quiet taps on the glass, knowing exactly who her 'late night vistor' was without having to guess. She opened the curtains with her magic, revealing the voice to belong to the pegasus she had been thinking about all afternoon. The Princess sighed slightly with a smile, as Rainbow waved to her with a kind smile, tapping on the glass and asking her to open the window. Twilight nodded as she opened the window, and greeted Rainbow Dash with a smile, the pegasus clearly seeing behind the forced expression. "Hey, what's up? You've been crying," Dash looked concerned as she noticed Twilight's bloodshot red eyes, and wondered why she seemed so upset. "Oh it's nothing really, why are you here anyway?" Twilight asked as she wiped her eyes, and kept her tough act up, believing that Rainbow should really be the one that deserves to be sad over what happened today, after being through all that stress and uncomfortableness, it would be surprising if she wasn't feeling a little down in the dumps about it all. Rainbow felt like pressing on why Twilight looked so upset more, but decided against it, and just changed the subject with a slight smile to her still sad looking marefriend. "You wanna go for a fly?" "What for?" Twilight asked, not really feeling up to going anywhere right now, while she was thinking that she was probably one of the ponies that Rainbow didn't want to see at the moment, causing her to wonder why Dash had come to ask the Princess to come flying with her. "I made up with Rarity," Rainbow stated as she tried to get Twilight to agree to coming with her. And luckily it seemed to have worked, as Twilight looked like she was going to deny the request, only to then do a double take, and look surprised for a moment, while Rainbow just smiled in return. "Y-YOU'RE SERIOUS?!" Twilight didn't know how to react, as she just looked confused, while causing Rainbow to chuckle at her expression in return. "Shh..." Rainbow quieted Twilight as she rested a hoof over her lips, smiling to the surprised alicorn, while Twilight just nodded and composed herself. "Did you two really make up?" Twilight asked as Rainbow uncovered her lips, and she kept her voice a little low now, a little afraid that she would alert Spike. "Well more like we came to an understanding of sorts so that we wouldn't argue everytime we talked to each other," "How?" Twilight asked, obviously still very confused by all that Rainbow was telling her. "I'll explain if you come with me," Rainbow brought up her offer again, causing Twilight to think for a minute, she thought about telling Spike that she was going out, but she didn't want him to get worried and question her, plus she really wanted to know how in all of Equestria Rainbow Dash had been able to work everything out with Rarity, and without her help as well. "Okay," Twilight agreed with a nod, causing Rainbow to smile in return, before the Princess locked her bedroom door with her magic, and left out the window with Rainbow Dash, taking to the night sky, as the two mares flew off together into the distance. ... ... "So you were really able to work everything out with Rarity?" Twilight asked as her and Rainbow were now slowly flying through the night sky together, leaving Ponyville and traveling just below Cloudsdale, while Rainbow explained what had happened between her and Rarity to Twilight. "Well kind of, I made a deal with her, which was, 'I wouldn't start anymore arguments, or anything, if she dropped the act that everything was fine between us when it obviously isn't'. We worked it out that we don't have to talk whenever we see one another, we just have to be around each other without starting a fight or something. If we can do that, then there's hope for things being better for us in the future," Rainbow explained all that her and Rarity had worked out to Twilight, while the Princess listened intently to the pegasus, nodding her head every now and again. "Wait so when did you talk to her about all of this?" Twilight asked, following everything so far, but still not quite believing that it had all happened. "After you left to go back to the library, Rarity was about to leave and go back to her own home, but I stopped her, and then we talked for a bit, it took a little. But once Rarity realized that her and I were actually able to have a normal conversation with each other without turing it into some heated argument, then she was all for my idea and agreed," Dash smiled to Twilight as she noticed a small smile making its way on to her lips, seeming to be happy that things had worked out in the end after all. Twilight sighed happily, as she looked away from Rainbow for a moment. Rainbow looked to Twilight, seeing that although she was smiling and seemed glad, she still looked a little low in mood, plus she had turned away from her for some reason. "What's wrong?" "Huh? Oh nothing," Twilight looked back to Rainbow with a smile as she shook her head, "I guess, I still can't quite believe that you and her were able to work everything out, and the fact that you did it without me there is quite surprising. Maybe you don't need me to help you out with these things in the future," Twilight explained, while she reassured Dash that there was nothing wrong, and she didn't need to be concerned. "Yeah right, as if I would ever have the will to stand in that dreaded town, with all ponies staring at me without you there to push me through it all. And there would never be a chance that I would have stayed and talked to Rarity if you hadn't had been there beside me, constandly encouraging me to keep getting out of my comfort zone," Rainbow said as she couldn't be more glad with having Twilight there always giving her the push that she needed. "I thought you might not like me as much anymore because of today. I thought I had put you through all that anxiety and everything for nothing, I hated seeing you looking so uncomfortable. And constandly having all those ponies giving you weird stares must have felt so humiliating," Twilight now looked a little down, when she thought about the guilt she felt, blaming herself for all the troubles Rainbow had been through today. "Twilight," Rainbow stopped flying for a moment, as she just hovered and looked to Twilight, not realizing that the Princess had been blaming herself for everything until now. Twilight stopped when she noticed that Rainbow was just hovering now, so she flew back over to the pegasus and looked to her with a slightly concerned expression on her face. "I could never love you any less then I do right now. Yes I was a little uneasy to have all those ponies' eyes on me, but I would probably never be able to do the things I have done without you, after all you have always been the one walking me through it all, and never giving up on me no matter what. I know I can be quite stubborn, but you never stopped trying until you got through to me, and because of that I've been able to make up with Fluttershy, hold down actual conversations with a couple of ponies from that town, and I've even been able to start over with Applejack," Rainbow looked to Twilight as she rested a hoof under her chin, and smiled to her happily, while she looked back to the pegasus with a wondering expression. "You helped me do things I never thought I would ever be able to achieve, and I can't be more greatful to you for that," Rainbow closed the small gap between her and Twilight, as she kissed the other mare's lips lightly, surprising Twilight and causing her to blush a little in return. "I love you Twilight, and that will never change," Rainbow whispered once their lips had parted, pecking Twilight's cheek lovingly, while Twilight swallowed slowly, as she smiled back to her marefriend. Twilight surprised Rainbow with a sudden hug, as she stopped flapping her wings and embraced her marefriend tightly, while Rainbow was a little caught off guard at first but kept hovering, as she smiled and returned Twilight's tight hug a second later. "I love you too, Rainbow Dash," Twilight smiled as she nuzzled into Dash's neck happily, causing Rainbow to chuckle in reply, "And I'm so glad that you were able to work things out with Rarity in the end, without my help no less. I thought there might be the chance that you would never be able to do something like that," "Hey it wasn't easy you know," Rainbow raised her eyebrow to Twilight, remembering that it did take her a little self-control to actually work through things with Rarity, without being rude or insulting to her. "I know," Twilight replied as she chuckled slightly and sighed happily, resting her head on Dash's chest, while she could hear the calming rhythm of the pegasus's heartbeat. Rainbow held Twilight tightly by her hips, as she looked up at the bright stars all around them, smiling back to Twilight, before she flew them up to land on a fluffy cloud, laying her marefriend down on to the soft pillow, while she smiled down to her. Twilight sighed slightly again, as she gazed up to Dash, and smiled when the mare nuzzled her lovingly. "So what do you plan for us to do next?" Rainbow asked. "What do you mean?" "Well I've made peace with all of your friends from that town now, so what's your next plan?" Rainbow repeated herself, but in more detail as she wondered what the Princess had planned out for their next step in their task to get Ponyville and Cloudsdale to make up, and be good neighbours again. "Oh, well I was thinking about maybe getting you to spend more time down in Ponyville, so that not only can you get used to the place, but the ponies can also start seeing more of you, and you can show them that you're not there to just cause trouble for them. And then maybe we can start finding more pegasi from Cloudsdale, who are willing to make and change and go through with our plan, like you were," Twilight explained as she had so many things worked out in her mind for what was going to happen next, in order for her and Rainbow Dash to finally reach that goal of ending this big feud between the two separated towns. "You've got it all figured out, haven't you?" Rainbow smirked as she leaned down to Twilight, and chuckled at the Princess rambling a little. "Well I do have a lot of plans, whether any of them will actually turn out well is another story," Twilight smiled as she playfully pushed Dash away from her, and sighed as she lay on her back, and gazed up to the star-filled night sky, getting lost in the way Dash's bright rainbow mane would catch the dim beams of the moon, causing her cyan fur to shimmer and sparkle in the light. "I'm sure it will all work out fine," Rainbow stated with a positive nod to Twilight, as she looked down to her, and leaned down to her again, nibbling on the mare's ear, causing her to chuckle happily in reply. Twilight wrapped her forlegs around Rainbow's neck, closing her eyes, and enjoying feeling the pegasus licking her ear, and whispering sweet nothings to her. It had been some time since the two had spent time like this with just the two of them, and truthfully both of them had missed it. Twilight nuzzled Dash happily, enjoying being spoilt by her loving marefriend, before she sighed deeply and opened her eyes again, thinking about how nopony knew of this secret relationship of theirs, this perfect moment was their's and their's alone, nopony else needed to know, it would only complicate and possibly ruin things between them, and so that's how things would stay for now. "Hey Rainbow Dash?" "Hmm?" "Kiss me," Twilight whispered as she looked to Rainbow with slightly glazed over eyes, having a longing look to them. Rainbow gazed down to Twilight, taking a moment to make sure the Princess wouldn't take back what she just said, before she smiled to her marefriend, and closed the small gap between them. Twilight sighed into the sweet kiss, indulging in the feel of Dash lips pressed against her's, smiling and gasping a little when she felt Rainbow's tongue licking her bottom lip lightly, obviously asking for an entrance, Twilight gladly obliged and parted her lips slightly, giving Dash the chance to plunge her tongue into Twilight's mouth and begin to explore her walls, causing the mare to moan into the kiss a little. Twilight Feeling Rainbow's tongue playing with her own, encouraging it to join her's, which Twilight quickly did, moaning a little more at the way Dash's warm tongue twisted and danced along with her's in the deep and passionate kiss, making this moment last for as long at it could, as the only thing the two mares could hear was each others heated breathing, and the slight moans and gasps that escaped Twilight's lips. Their lips parted, as Twilight panted heavily, trying to get her breath back, while Rainbow moved on to kiss and lick her marefriend's neck, smiling whenever she heard those cute moans escape the alicorn's lips. Twilight arched her neck back a little, giving Rainbow an easier access, while Dash covered her neck with lights licks and kisses. "Dash..." Twilight panted out as she could feel her heart begining to race, while her whole body started to raise in temperature, her cheeks turning to a dark, crimson red, while a rush ran through her body, and caused her head to spin. 'This feels...good...really good...I kinda want more though,' Twilight thought as she took a minute to herself, while she lay there, allowing Rainbow to shower her with butterfly kisses. She knew that her and Dash hadn't been together all that long, and they had only really known each other for a month or so. In truth it may seem wrong to other ponies, but to Twilight it felt so right, this moment was just perfect, so why go wasting it? 'How would she react if I asked to go further?' she wondered, looking to Rainbow's closed eyes, while she continued to focus all her attention on to her marefriend's neck, not looking like she was going to be taking things any further it would seem. Would she be caught off guard and think things were moving too fast? Maybe they were, but Twilight didn't care, she wanted this. She only hoped that Dash would feel the same way. "Hey...Dash...stop for a minute," Twilight whispered out, resting a hoof against Dash's chest, while she pushed the pegasus away from her a little. "Is there somethong wrong?" Dash asked as she stopped, and looked to Twilight with slightly concerned eyes, wondering if maybe she was being a little too forceful, and thinking that Twilight was going to tell her to just go back to kissing or something. "No it's not that...but..." Twilight sighed as she paused, and felt nervous about saying what was really on her mind at the moment, she wanted to continue more than anything right now, but she wasn't quite sure how Rainbow would take it, would she say 'okay'? Did she feel ready like Twilight did. "Then what is it?" Rainbow asked, as she noticed Twilight glancing away from her slightly for a moment, as she seemed like she was holding something back for some reason. "Well...would it be alright if...we maybe took things...a little further?" Twilight nervously asked as she blushed deeply, and kept pausing, hoping that Rainbow wouldn't completely turn her down, but kinda understanding if she did, after all this was a little sudden. Rainbow's eyes widened a little, as she was taken aback for a few moments, looking to Twilight while she questioned if she was actually being serious right now. Of course she wanted to go further, but was Twilight really okay with this? "A-are you sure?" Rainbow asked, really wondering if she had heard Twilight right at first, and then when she thought over it in her mind she started to question if Twilight really knew what she was asking for here, after all this was no doubt the Princess's first time going this far with anypony, no matter a mare who she had being dating for maybe two or three weeks, plus there was the fact that they also hadn't known each other for that long either. Was the Princess really sure she was ready for this? Twilight didn't even think for a second, as she just held Dash close to her, and looked her dead in the eyes, her blush still lingering, but she wore a confident expression all the same. She smiled up to Dash, and nodded without a single second thought, "I love you Dash..." Twilight smiled as she pulled Dash into a light kiss, Rainbow was a little caught off guard at first, but soon returned the kiss, and pushed her tongue in slightly, before the Princess broke the kiss with a small chuckle, "And I want this," Rainbow looked to her marefriend for a few seconds, just checking to see if she would take back what she said, or seeing if she looked like she wasn't sure or something. But that confident smiled didn't leave her lips, as she pecked Dash's lips, and waited for her an answer from the pegasus. "I love you too, Twilight," Rainbow replied as she smiled back to Twilight, and brought her into another deep kiss. Twilight smiled as she kissed Rainbow back, and let her push things further, loving the taste of Dash's lips pressing against her's, glady allowing her to slip her tongue in and deepen their kiss as it grew more and more passionate. Twilight could hear herself moaning as she felt her mind going blank, while Dash deepened their heated kiss even more, and started to suck on the alicorn's tongue. A smile creeping on to Dash's lips when she heard those small moans starting to get a little louder, wondering if somepony might just hear her. 'This feels so good...so amazing...so...so right. Oh Rainbow Dash, make me feel more,' Twilight thought as she had never felt like this before, having never really had any interest in this kinda thing, she now realized what she had been missing all her life, and she didn't want it to ever end. "Dash...more...more," Twilight panted, as their lips parted and Rainbow moved on to kissing the alicorn's neck again, slowly starting to make her way down Twilight's body, leaving a long trail of light kisses as she went. Twilight rested her hooves on the soft cloud she was laying on, closing her glazed over eyes, while her breath came out in heavy, spaced out pants. Rainbow Dash paused as she came to Twilight's most private place, that had been untouched up untill this point. Dash swallowed slowly as she looked at the way the alicorn's soaked sex winked at her, and twitched in anticipation, begging the pegasus for attention. "Dash?" Rainbow lifted her head as she heard Twilight calling to her. Rainbow smiled as she guessed that Twilight was probably wondering why she had stopped all of sudden, looking to the pegasus with a puzzled expression, panting heavily, while she hoped that Rainbow wouldn't leave her feeling unsatisfied here. "Don't be loud okay?" Rainbow whispered in a seductive tone, causing Twilight to blush deeply and nod in reply, while she lay her head back on the cloud, taking a deep breath and preparing herself for what was to come next, which in reality was something she could have never really prepared herself for. Twilight trembled all over as she felt Dash's hot breath on her wet slit, shivering a little, and remembering that the two of them were still outside. Doing this kinda thing 'out in the open' was probably frowned upon, but right now neither Twilight nor Dash cared, nothing could ruin this moment. "AHHH!" Twilight moaned loudly unconsciously, quickly covering her mouth with a hoof, blushing deeply, while she looked to Rainbow nervously, 'All she did was lick me, am I really that sensitive?' she thought, smiling slightly when saw Rainbow raised a eyebrow to her. "What did I just say?" Rainbow smirked, with a slight chuckle, while Twilight just smiled nervously to her. "Sorry," Rainbow just shrugged in reply, as she leaned down again, and gave Twilight a second to compose herself again, before she gave the alicorn's aroused slit a long slow lick, teasing her lower lips, and lightly kissing her swollen clit. Twilight bit down on her bottom lip, only letting a couple of slight moans escape her throat, while she could feel her eyes welling up with tears of sheer bliss, panting through each and every shockwave of pleasure she felt. Dash looked to Twilight through half-open eyes, watching her marefriend shake and squirm in return to her slow licks, and light kisses, wanting to see more and more of her reactions. Her muffled moans were like sweet music to the pegasus's ears, as they would twitch at hearing every single one. "D-Dash...m-more..." Twilight whispered, as she turned her head to the side, and had to clench her teeth tigthly, so that she wouldn't moan loudly, while she felt Rainbow quickly fulfill her request. Rainbow smiled as she gladly obliged and sucked on Twilight's clit lightly, before she would slowly tease her lips by slipping her tongue inside ever so slightly, causing Twilight to almost glare at her in frustration. Rainbow winked to her marefriend when she saw her give her a warning look, telling her not tease her, which Dash replied to by simply thrusting her tongue inside deeply, taking the Princess by surprise. "Ah...Dash..." Twilight tried to keep her voice at bay at best as she could, gasping and squirming a little, while she felt Dash's hot tongue thrusting deep inside of her. Her whole body twitching at the way Rainbow's skilled tongue overwhelmed her, causing her to become a panting and moaning mess. Rainbow smiled as she watched every little action that Twilight made, her cyan wings spreading out from her back, while she couldn't deny how much she was getting turned on from seeing all this, and loving every bit of it, wishing that it could go on forever. But the pegasus knew that that wasn't going to happen, as she could tell that Twilight be close soon enough, and so decided to at least make this moment last as long as it could. "D-Dash...your tongue is deep...AHH!" Twilight bit back loud moans in response to Rainbow's deep thrusts, gasping a little when she suddenly felt a odd pressure building up in her lower abdomen, realizing immediately what the sensation was, and shuting her eyes tight as her climax was quickly approaching her. Fighting back loud moans, which were soon turning into slight screams, as the alicorn was quickly coming close to going crazy, just bearly being able to hold on, while she knew she couldn't take much more of this. Rainbow closed her magenta eyes, while she could feel Twilight's tight walls clamping down on her tongue, making it a little hard to keep up her fast rhythm, but she knew just how close to cumming her marefriend was, and so pushed through, not minding the fact that it was becoming slightly difficult for her to breath properly. "D-Dash...I can't...ah...I-I can't hold back for much longer..." Twilight whispered inbetween heavy pants, and slight moans, just about being able to hold on, but knowing that she was fighting a quickly losing battle. "Then don't," Rainbow stated as she now looked to Twilight with a serious expression, stopping for a second, before continuing and doubling her efforts, thrusting her tongue deep inside her marefriend's drenched slit again, with the full intention of throwing her over the edge quickly. "D-Dash...AHH! R-Rainbow Dash, I-I love you...I-I love you so much!" Twilight moaned loudly, before she quickly covered her lips with a hoof, and muffled her loud screams of release, shuting her eyes tight again, arching her back, and throwing her head back on to the soft cloud in ecstasy, while her breathtaking orgasm rippled through her whole body, rolling her hips into Dash's deep thrusts, and trying her best to keep her voice quiet. Rainbow hungrily lapped up all of her marefriend's sweet juices, causing her to ride out her intense climax, while Dash licked her clean, gazing at her beauty through half-open eyes all the while. That unbelieveable moment didn't last forever, but is sure felt like it did to Twilight, as she was almost certain that she was going to brust from the excessive amount of extreme pleasure that was coursing through every fibre of her being. Finally Rainbow pulled away and licked her lips and smiling to Twilight, while the Princess collapsed and panted heavily, feeling relief as she basked in her afterglow. Desprately trying to breath properly again, Twilight tried to slow both her breathing and heartbeat down, while her whole body was still twitching and squirming slightly, soon recovering and sighing deeply. "Sweet Celestia..." the alicorn whispered, while she heard Rainbow chuckle slightly in return. "So I take it that it felt good, right?" Dash smirked as she looked to Twilight, and came to rest her head on the Princess's chest. "It felt...it felt...I can't even describe it, I thought I was going to die from the amount of immense pleasure, and sheer bliss I could feel flowing through me," Twilight explained as she smiled back to Rainbow, and finally felt like her breathing was back to normal now, while her heart was still racing like crazy. "Glad I could satisfy you," "You did much more than that, where did you learn these things?" "let's just say that I have quite a bit more experience than most mares when it comes to these kind of things," Dash replied with a proud smirk, while Twilight just chuckled slightly in return, and hummed pleasantly when she felt her marefriend nuzzling into her neck lovingly. "I love you Rainbow Dash," Twilight whispered as she gazed into Rainbow's eyes and smiled happily to her. "I love you too, Twilight Sparkle," Rainbow replied with a smile in return, before Twilight brough her into a deep, loving kiss. The two mares losing theirselves in the moment, as the night dragged on, seeming to last longer than normal just for them, while they let their pent up desires run free, making passionate love under the bright twinkling stars until the early hours of the morning. ... ... Twilight sighed in her peaceful sleep, stirring awake as she slowly blinked her eyes once or twice, before she shook her head and streched, yawning a little, while she looked around her. Spotting her sleeping marefriend laying beside her, Twilight smiled when she thought about all that had happened last night, blushing a little while she felt Rainbow's wing covering her back, holding her in a warm embrace, causing the two to be snuggled up close together. Twilight happily nuzzled Rainbow's neck, before she pecked her forehead lightly, and sighed slightly. Rainbow stirred awake at the feel of a light kiss to her forehead, opening her tired eyes, while she yawned and shook herself a little, turning slightly and looking to her marefriend a second later. "Morning sleepyhead," Twilight greeted Rainbow happily, while Rainbow just smiled and nodded in reply, obviously still feeling a little tired from all that they did last night. "Morning" Twilight chuckled slightly at Rainbow seeming so tired still, and knowing that the pegasus wasn't as used to waking up early as she was. Nuzzling up to Rainbow again, Twilight felt like she couldn't be more happier with how last night had turned out, not regretting it for a single second. "Last night felt like a dream," "It was all real you know?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow while her voice had a teasing tone to it. "I know, but I still can't believe that it actually happened," "Yeah me neither," Rainbow agreed as she nuzzled Twilight back, and smiled as the Princess cuddled up close to her, "Do you want to come round for some breakfast?" Rainbow asked, as she gazed to her marefriend, loving at the cute way Twilight would hum pleasantly, while she snuggled closer to Dash's side. "Oh, I would love to...but I can't," Twilight nervously stated a she would have preferred spending the morning with Dash, but knew that it would be better if she decided not to. "Why not?" Dash asked, frowning a little in reply to Twilight's answer. "I've got to get home before Spike gets up, he'll no doubt get worried if he notices I'm gone," Twilight sighed slightly, knowing that Spike would get suspicious if she wasn't at home when he wakes up. "But I thought you locked your bedroom door before you left," Rainbow pointed out, feeling a little disppointed that Twilght had to be leaving her so soon. "I did, but the spell I put on it only last a couple of hours, if I had known I would be out until morning, I probably would have cast one that lasted longer, or one that only I could remove," Twilight explained, not blaming Dash for causing her to stay out much later then she thought, but still feeling foolish for not planning ahead (although its not like she could have planned for what had ended up happening that night). "Fine...go home," Rainbow said and she turned away from Twilight, and sighed when the Princess pulled out of their close embrace, while she stood up and streched again. "I'll see you later okay?" Twilight smiled to Dash as she pecked her cheek, and chuckled when she saw a slight blush creep its way on to the pegasus's cheeks, as Dash now looked back to her. "Okay," Rainbow replied with a nod to her marefriend, smiling when Twilight kissed her lips lightly, before she waved to Dash, flapped her wings, and took off into the sky, leaving Rainbow Dash alone on the fluffy white cloud that the two had spent the night on. Rainbow watched the Princess fly off into the distance, until she was out of sight, sighing deeply as she sat up on the soft cloud, thinking back on all that had happened last night, and smiling at the warm senastion it filled her with, knowing that even though it was sudden, and maybe going a little too fast, it felt more right then anything else in her life, and she was more than overjoyed to know that Twilight felt the same way. > The Talk Of The Towns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late morning had now long passed, as early noon was just starting to set in. Twilight and Spike sat together at their table, having their breakfast (which was more like bunch now) while they hardly talked. It wasn't awkward, but Spike could tell there was just something...off with the Princess, she was happy, and seemed fine, but she also looked a little too cheerful to be honest. Spike didn't know how to react as he sat looking to Twilight, wondering just what had caused her to act the way she was right now. She wasn't upset or depressed like she was yesterday so that was a good thing, but at the same time she still didn't seem like her normal-self. She hadly talked, and wasn't doing well with staying on topic, she would keep trailing off and pausing, before completely forgetting what the conversation was even about. Just what was going on with her now? "Twilight," Spike called to the Princess to try and get her attention, but Twilight didn't seem to hear him at first, instead she just sat there, smiling to herself, while she moved her untouched food around her plate with her magic, not caring that she was now starting to make a mess of it all. "Twilight!" Spike called a little louder to see if the daydreaming Princess would snap out of her happy trance, and come back to Equestria for a bit in order to talk to him. "Hmm? Oh what is it Spike?" Twilight lifted her head as Spike had seemed to successfully caught her attention, but the Princess still looked like she was very much in a dreamland. "Are you okay?" "Of course I am, why do you ask?" Twilight's gaze was slowly drifting away from looking at Spike, as she was still smiling to herself for some reason. "Well you got up at pretty much the same time as me, and you haven't stopped smiling and sighing to yourself since we got downstairs, plus you haven't eaten anything yet," Spike explained as he was feeling a little concerned for the Princess, but at the same time he had no idea just what was going on with her. "I didn't get much sleep last night, and I guess I'm not all that hungry right now," Twilight shurgged slightly, as she turned her head away from Spike, and just sighed happily, before she turned to leave the table. "Did you have a good dream or something?" Spike asked as he watched Twilight leave the table and seem a little lost in her own world still, while she stopped and glanced back to the young dragon. "Yeah, something like that," Twilight smiled, while she let out a small chuckle, "I'm going to my room for a bit, okay?" "Wait, what about your breakfast?" Spike now became a little worried since Twilight was being more distant again, plus she hadn't eaten any of her breakfast. "I'll have it later," Twilight replied, before she quickly disappeared upstairs, to her bedroom, leaving Spike to become more confused as to just what was going on with the Princess. Spike felt like calling out to Twilight again, before she left up those stairs to hide away in her room, but just decided against it, while he sighed deeply and looked to the alicorn's untouched food, wondering if the Princess was really okay. Was she just trying to stay positive after what had happened yesterday? Or was this all caused by something else? ... ... Twilight lay on her bed, resting, streched out on her back, giggling to herself like a pre-teen, lovestruck school filly, constantly smiling over their special somepony all the time. This wasn't like her, she was never normally like this, but it all felt so different to her now. Yes she had been dating Rainbow Dash for a good couple of weeks now, but she never felt like it was all real until last night happened. Doing all those things with the stunning pegasus, sharing so many breathtaking kisses, and listening to every 'I love you' it was all like a wonderful dream, that she would never want to wake up from. Twilight sighed as she gazed up to her ceiling, remembering looking up to her beautiful marefriend, while the dim glow of the moon caused her cyan coat, and bright rainbow mane to shimmer in the light, a sight that she was sure she wouldn't ever forget. Twilight had never done something like that before, and now all she could do was smile and blush while she thought back on it all, remembering laying there on that soft, fluffy cloud, last night feeling like everything was so perfect. And the fact that they were outside in the open made everything even more exciting. Although she wasn't sure how Dash had felt about it all, to Twilight last night she felt that everything finally made sense to her, and she now knew she was sure of her real feelings for that cyan pegasus. She loved her, she really loved her, she wanted to be with her, even if she had to keep it a secret from everypony else, she didn't care, she knew that Rainbow Dash was the one for her. She was the only pony that had made her feel the way she did, not just from last night, but right from when she had first kissed Rainbow, that time when she had got caught up in the moment, and let herself get carried away, and then not being able to stop thinking about it all afterwards, that's where it had all started for her. However even though Twilight knew how she felt, and she knew that Rainbow Dash felt the same, she did wonder a little about when exactly Dash had developed feelings for her. Rainbow had told her that she had always felt there had been something more than just friends between them, and she was the one that confessed first, but it just all seemed too good to be true to be honest, even though she knew for a fact that it had all really did happen. Twilight rolled over on her bed, as she reached out and grabbed her pillow, cuddling it close to her, while she wished it was her marefriend that she was tightly holding on to right now, thinking that maybe she should go and see if Rainbow had finshed her breakfast yet, so that the two could spend some more time together. Unfortunately for the Princess, it seemed like she would be staying in her own home for a little while longer, as she heard a light knocking at her closed bedroom door. Expecting it to be Spike, she thought he would go away and leave her alone once he didn't hear a reply, but instead when she gave no answer, there was more knocking that followed, and it grew louder each time. Twilight put her pillow back to where it lay orginally, sighing deeply while she sat up on her bed, and looked to her bedroom door, wondering why Spike was bothering to keep trying, when she obviously wasn't responding to him. "Twilight dear, are you there?" Twilight's ears twitched to the sound of a familiar voice that was definitely not Spike's. She tilted her head a little after hearing more familiar voices from beyond her wooden door. "Spike told us ya were up here, can we talk for just a minute?" "Why isn't she answering? Maybe she's sleeping," "I don't think that's it Pinkie," With hearing more muffled talk behind the door, Twilight just shook her head, while she lay on her stomach now and slowly opened the door with her magic, smiling when she saw Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all glance to her, looking a little anxious at first. "Hey Twilight," Applejack greeted the Princess, as she allowed for her and the others to all come into her bedroom. "What are you girls all doing here?" Twilight asked, looking to the group of her friends from the town, wondering what they wanted and why they had all shown up at her home like this. "Umm..." Applejack paused as she and the others all looked to each for a moment, all having that same anxious expression on their faces, while all of them seemed like they had something to say to the Princess. "Now it's nothing for you to worry about Twilight, I mean honestly it all sounds a bit strange...but if you don't mind us asking, where were you last night?" Rarity asked, as she looked like she was trying to slowly explain to Twilight what they had all come here to tell her. "Umm...I was sleeping in my room, why?" Twilight looked confused as she answered casually, speaking confidently and clearly, not letting any of them know that she was actually lying through her teeth. "See I told y'all that it was all just another rumor going around the town," Applejack stated as she turned to face the others, while they all sighed in relief a little, all of them looking like they were really glad after hearing what Twilight's answer was. "Hey it could have been true, I mean they have been spending a LOT of time together," Pinkie pointed out, "Of course they have Pinkie, they're working to try and get our two towns to make up, so it's no wonder that they will often be together," Fluttershy explained to Pinkie, while the pink earth pony didn't seem convinced, as the group of four had now gone off into a conversation amongst themselves, leaving Twilight to look even more puzzled as to why they all come round to talk to her like this, just what was this all about anyway? "Umm...girls, what's going on?" Twilight asked as she cut into their conversation, and they all turned to her, all seeming less anxious now, but still looking like they had more to say to the Princess. "Have you been outside this morning Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "No, I only got up a while ago," "So that means that she must not have heard what we all have," Pinkie stated. "More like what the whole town has heard," Rarity added, while she seemed to have quite the displeased look on her face, "I guess it was expected from the pegasi of Cloudsdale, but now ponies from this town are really starting to take things seriously as well," "You kind of can see where they're coming from though," Pinkie smiled. Twilight sighed deeply as she could see that she wasn't getting very far with finding out what her friends had wanted, since they would keep going off into their own conversations, and not making it any easier for her to try and guess what was going on, in fact they were pretty much just making it harder for her. "Listen if you all came here to tell me something, can you just get on to the point please? I need to get going soon, I said I would meet up with Rainbow Dash this afternoon," Twilight said as she hoped that the others would stop confusing her and say what was on their minds already. "Well that's kind of what it is all about Twilight," Rarity stated as she nervously smiled to Twilight, unsure of how the Princess would react to hearing something like what they had all heard about. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked, feeling a little relieved that it seemed like her friends were finally going to tell her what they had orginally come here for. Rarity glanced to the others, all of them looking a little anxious again, before Rairty looked back to Twilight and sighed deeply, "Listen Twilight, since you came here and became friends with Rainbow Dash, there has been the odd rumor being spread around by some of the pegasi from Cloudsdale, and at some point the ponies of Ponyville have joined in as well it would seem. They started off as harmless so we decided to just leave it, and not worry you or Rainbow Dash, but now...well I would say things have gone a little too far," Rarity explained, Twilight still not getting it completely, although she did have a slightly better idea then before, but was still very much confused. "There's rumors going around the town? About what?" Twilight was now slowly starting to become a littlle uneasy, when she heard Rainbow Dash being mentioned, knowing that when you mix her secret marefriend with the ponies of this town...well it was never going to end in a good way. "About you and Dashie. Stories of you and her seen kissing behind buildings, and flirting with each other in public, not to mention all the worse ones that have been spreading around both towns lately, everypony was talking about it this morning," Pinkie seemed annoyed as she too was tired of beating around the bush like this, and just came out with the truth. Twilight's eyes went wide, as she seemed shocked, her mind filled with countless questions that she didn't know the answers to, and her heart felt like it had sunk in her chest when she heard what 'stories' had been going around the town, unknown to her until now. "Pinkie Pie, ya can't just go saying it like that," Applejack scolded the pink pony, while Rarity and her glared to Pinkie a little for being so blunt about what was going on. "She was going to find out anyway," Pinkie rolled her eyes, as she just wanted to tell Twilight the truth without tiptoeing around everything. "Yes that's true, but you could have been a little more discreet about it," Rarity sighed as she thought that there was no trying to slowly tell Twilight about all of this now. If last night was really a dream, Twilight really hoped that this was part of it, as slowly her mind was quickly going crazy, while she tried to stop herself from losing her composure, and possibly reveal her and Dash's secret, that was if it hadn't already been exposed. Twilight knew that her and Rainbow Dash had always spent a lot of time together, but they were always careful, could ponies really know about their secret that they had kept hidden from them all? There was only one way to find out. "Tell me more," Twilight lifted her head as she now sat up straight on her bed, looking serious, while she looked to the others with a stern stare, "What other rumors have been going around?" The others all looked to each other, all not really wanting to be the one that would have to tell the truth, but all of them knowing that the Princess obviously wanted an answer, and she clearly wasn't going to settle for any less than the real truth. "Making out behind buildings," "Engaging in...indecent acts in bushes," "Spending all their time around at each others houses," "Seen sleeping together some nights," "Flaunting their relationship to both towns," Rumor after rumor was told as each one of the group had heard all kinds of different ones, each one sounding more and more absurd then the last. Some even dipping into the truth, and sounding similiar to some things that Rainbow and her had done, however both of them had made sure that nopony had seen them at the time. Twilight was a little speechless, she gussed that many ponies and pegasi from both towns wouldn't be happy about her and Rainbow spending so much time together, but how did it get to the point of spreading all these rumors which made her and Dash sound like they couldn't keep their hooves off of each other, and none of them were even a little bit true, well maybe a few were. "Some ponies are even going as far to say that...that you and Rainbow Dash have been...'mating' in open spaces," Rarity seemed to cringe when talking about that particular rumor, it did sound like probably the worst one, however it was probably one of the only ones that was kind of true in a way. This caused Twilight to become confused again, were these all just rumors, or had they been caught in the act without either of them knowing? And if these were nothing but simple rumors, then just how long had they been spreading around the two towns? Twilight had never really heard anything from Ponyville, but it's not like they would tell their Princess about rumors like this, plus she never hung around Cloudsdale very much, in fact she only ever went into the floating city to see Rainbow Dash, and that was about it, she had never really spent a lot of time up there. "So...these rumors are going around both towns?" Twilight asked as she nervously looked to the others, while they all had gone silent now, but they still all looked like they had much more to say, as they all just nodded to the alicorn. "Much more often lately it would seem," Applejack replied while she and the others all still looked anxious, while they all hoped that Twililight wouldn't be too thrown off by the two towns talking about stuff like this behind her back. Twilight went silent as she thought for a moment, processing all of this in her mind, and trying to piece it all together, feeling a little scared that the secret about Rainbow Dash and her might not be so hidden anymore. "Twilight I hate to ask, and of course none of us believe that any of these rumors make any sense, but..." Rarity paused, as she sighed heavily, before she looked serious as she spoke again, "Is there anything more going on between you and Rainbow Dash?" "More? We're close I guess but..." Twilight trailed off a little, as she tried her best to still keep a relatively calm expression, so that she could still not let on that there may actually be something between her and Dash, that she hoped nopony had really found out about. The others all looked to Twilight, waiting for some kind of answer, they all understood that this was probably very hard for Twilight to hear, and starting to think that they maybe shouldn't have told her, but then like Pinkie Pie had said, 'she was going to find out anyway'. Applejack was going to say something, wanting to apologize to the Princess for pressuring her like this. But before she could open her mouth, all of them heard a light tapping on the closed window. All of them looked to the window, everypony accept for Twilight looking a little confused. Twilight just sighed as she walked over to her closed window, and smiled a little when moving the curtain aside, to see her marefriend hovering ouside her window, greeting her with a kind, but nervous smile, waving to her while making a gesture for her to come with her. Twilight glanced back to the others, sighing slightly before she made a gesture for Dash to wait for her, and Rainbow simply nodded in return, guessing that the Princess wasn't alone and couldn't talk to her right now. "Twilight?" The others all looked to Twilight, all looking confused as to what that tapping had been, and also wondering what the Princess was doing at the moment. Twilight turned back to the group of four as she smiled to them all a little. "Hey is it alright if you all could leave me alone for a bit, this is a lot to take in after all?" Twilight asked as she didn't want to just leave them standing there, so instead thought of some excuse for them to leave her alone. The others all looked to each other, before they all nodded to Twilight, understanding that it may take her some time to get her head around all of this, and so they all soon said their goodbyes to the Princess and left her to her thoughts, but wanting to be sure to check up on her later, to see if they may just get an answer then instead. Twilight sighed deeply once the others had all left, hanging her head a little low, before she smiled and pulled her curtain aside, opening the window and calling to Rainbow, who had hidden herself in the branches of the tree that the Princess lived in. Dash came flying down to Twilight as she looked to her with a slight nervous expression, greeting her kindly, but feeling uneasy on the inside. "Who were you talking to?" Rainbow asked, thinking that it was probably just Spike. "Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy," Twilight simply answered, while Rainbow could tell from her tone that the conversation she had had with them hadn't been the best one. "So I'm guessing they told you about the rumors that have been going around right?" Rainbow had a fairly good idea that that was why Twilight looked so worn out and maybe a little confused at the moment, knowing full well of the rumors that had been spreading through both Cloudsdale and Ponyville like wildfire lately, today especially. Twilight just nodded slightly, "Are we in trouble Dash?" she asked, seeming a little afraid of what Rainbow's answer might be. "We should talk about this somewhere else, come on," Dash stated as she knew that it wouldn't be good to talk about this kind of think while Spike was still downstairs, and plus being seen together in this town was going to be quite nerve-racking now that those rumors were floating around everywhere. Twilight nodded as she knew talking somewhere else would be their best bet with dealing with this, as she left out the window not forgetting to lock her door, before taking to the skies together with Rainbow Dash and heading off into the distance together, far away from both Ponyville and Cloudsdale, so that nopony could see them together, and they could talk about everything in private. ... ... Rainbow Dash sighed deeply as she landed on a hillside, far off from both of the separated towns, looking up to Twilight, while she waited for the alicorn to come and land beside her. Twilight slowly came to stand beside Rainbow, while she looked to the pegasus, nervously watching as she would look out to the distance, and sigh deeply, feeling a little guilty for all of this happening, after all she was one that had decided for them to date in the first place, but when she thought about it, that might not have even mattered in the long run. Twilight caught Rainbow's attention as she pecked the pegasus on her cheek, causing Dash to look back to her with a slight smile. Twilight copied Dash's heavy sigh, while she felt Rainbow's wing lay over her back in a comforting action. "How did this all start...I mean...how long have those rumors been going on for, and how did they suddenly start to spread all over the two towns?" Twilight asked while she sat down, and cuddled up close to her marefriend, glad that they were far enough away so that nopony could listen in on their conversation. "Well I knew there was always the odd rumor going around Cloudsdale right from when you first came to be our Princess, but as you and me started spending more time together, I guess they turned into something more serious. I don't actually think anypony has seen us doing anything, since most of the rumors sound awfully exaggerated, and although some do sound similiar on some level, they don't exactly make a lot of sense," Rainbow Dash explained, as she had always known about certain rumors about the Princess going around Cloudsdale, but she guessed that was just because the pegasi may not have been happy with their new ruler, but now that she was being brought into it as well must mean that some of the ponies from Ponyville had been joining in on all the gossiping as well. "If ponies have been talking about this for that long, then why haven't I heard about any of until now?" Twilight asked, not understanding how this had all be kept from her until now. "Well these stories were always going around Cloudsdale, but you never went into the city really, plus they were never much of a worry before maybe this morning. And Ponyville has never been a town for gossiping, but once they heard I was involved, it's possible that a good amount of them may have started making their own dumb stories up about us," Rainbow hung her head a little low, as she felt she should have just put a stop to these rumors, before they had the chance to get like this. Twilight thought over all that Rainbow had said, trying to figure out why both towns had suddenly changed from keeping to themselves to now delving into the Princess and Rainbow's private life, without consulting either one about it first, could a pegasus possibly have seen them last night? Or maybe some ponies had seen them, but didn't want to confirm their suspicions until they heard about the rumor of the two making love in open spaces. "Could it be possible that a pegasus could have seen us together on that cloud last night?" Twilight asked, while she could see how anypony could easily have caught them in the act, after all they weren't exactly 'hidden away'. "Maybe...I mean I guess it is possible a pegasus could have seen...but now that I think about it, it probably wouldn't have taken long for both towns to jump to conclusions if nopony at all had seen us," Rainbow pointed out as she guessed that maybe a pegasus had seen them, and started telling pegasi from the city about it, and then word would easily travel fast from the town above, to the below. The two towns did normally keep to themselves now, but when it came to causing trouble many of the pegasi from Cloudsdale would happily do things they wouldn't usually do, like enter the town below, and talk to the ponies that lived there. "Perhaps we should have just waited after all, we were going a little fast when you think about it," Twilight thought out loud, thinking that maybe they should have crossed that line much later than they had decided to, it may have felt right, but maybe it wasn't after all. Rainbow looked to Twilight a little taken aback for a moment, as her eyes widened, and she felt like she couldn't believe what her marefriend had just said. Dash pulled away from Twilight a little as she thought about what the Princess had said, clenching her teeth together, while Twilight's words replayed over and over in her mind. Twilight sighed deeply, not noticing that Rainbow had left her side, while she gazed up at the sky, wishing that this was all some bad dream that she would wake up from soon. Rainbow shook her head as she turned back to Twilight, and pushed her down to the ground, tackling the alicorn, and catching her off guard in the process. Twilight looked up to Rainbow, seeming surprised and confused as to why the pegasus had suddenly pinned her to the ground, "Dash, what are you- Twilight was cut off as Rainbow leaned down and pressed her lips to the alicorn's, surprising her even more, and causing her to melt into the sudden deep kiss as she forcefully pushed her tongue in, and bit down hard on Twilight's bottom lip. Twilight gasped slightly as she shut her eyes tight, moaning a little as the kiss became more heated, feeling her breath being taken away while she allowed Rainbow to take things further, letting her be rough, even though she was a little afraid of this side to her normally very gentle marefriend. "Dash...stop...stop it..." Twilight panted out once their lips had parted, trembling slightly when she felt Dash attacking her neck, covering it in kisses and slight bites. "S-stop, Dash...please stop," Twilight pleaded as she pushed Dash away with her hooves, feeling a little betrayed for Dash ignoring her protests at first. Rainbow stopped as she looked down to Twilight, giving the Princess another surprise as she saw tears streaming down the pegasus's cheeks, while slight sobs escaped her lips. Twilight wasn't sure how to react as she gazed up to her crying marefriend, only being able to reach a hoof up to her face in a comforting manner, causing Rainbow to nuzzle into her touch in return. "Don't go saying things that you don't mean just because things are looking bad, last night felt so perfect, and right to me, and I know you feel the same way, so don't you dare going regretting what happened between us," Rainbow glared down to Twilight, while she bit her lip to stop herself from sobbing any harder then she already was. Twilight swallowed slowly as she understood why Rainbow looked so upset now, she had been hurtful, and had spoken without thinking first, in truth she did feel the same way as Dash, and now was wishing she had stopped herself from thinking out loud like that. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I didn't mean that," Twilight apologized, as she kissed Dash lightly on her lips, nuzzling into her, while Dash sniffled and nuzzled her back in return. Rainbow sighed slightly as she nodded to Twilight, pecking her lightly on her forehead, while Twilight just smiled in return happy to see that the pegasus had forgiven her, before Rainbow wiped her tearful eyes and got off her marefriend, letting her stand up again. Dash turned away from Twilight again as she walked away from her, looking like something was still bothering her. Twilight quickly got up, and looked to Rainbow, running to the edge of the hillside when Dash suddenly spread her wings out wide, and took off into the skies above them. "Dash, wait! Where are you going?" Twilight called to Rainbow as she looked worried. Rainbow stopped as she simply hovered and took a deep breath, turning back to Twilight with a serious expression, which looked a little anxious as well, "To fix this," the pegasus replied, before she quickly turned back around and flew off into the distance, leaving Twilight on that hillside by herself. Twilight watched Rainbow disappear out of her sight, sighing deeply, while she sat down on the grass, looking to where Dash had flew off to, wondering just what the pegasus was planning to do in order to 'fix this' as she had said. Taking a moment to herself before she shook her head, stood up and nodded to herself, lifting herself up into the sky a second later, and following her marefriend back to the two towns that they had just gotten away from. > Rainbow Dash Tells All > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight tried her best to catch up with Rainbow Dash, but unfortunately she knew that when it came to flying, the cyan pegasus had her beat. Twilight sighed deeply as she looked all around her while she hovered in the sky, stopping to take a moment of hesitation as she saw Ponyville coming into view, along with the floating city of Cloudsdale above it. 'Did Dash come back this way? Did she go back to Cloudsdale?' Twilight wondered as she slowly flew closer to the two towns, thinking that maybe Dash had probably just gone back home, planning out how exactly she would 'fix this' as she said she would. But Twilight really didn't see how that was possible, it's not like Dash could stop those rumors from spreading and growing more serious, or at least it definitely didn't seem like something she could do easily. 'Just what was Dash planning to do anyway?'Twilight questioned as she sighed again and came flying into Ponyville, taking a look around at the town and all its residents, thinking that they all didn't seem so kind and welcoming anymore, in fact they looked a lot like the pegasi of Cloudsdale right now, a little intimidating and hard to approach. Twilight thought about just teleporting into her home rather than dropping down, and risking being asked about those rumors that were going round, but she also wanted to see if maybe Dash had come into the town as well. So she slowly flew down and landed on the ground, looking all around her at the ponies that suddenly all began to notice her standing there. Twilight thought the ponies would come up to her and talk to her about the 'relationship' she had with Rainbow Dash, and she expected exactly that to happen, but instead many of the ponies that noticed her just stared at her in a weird way, before they would realize they may be acting impolite and would smile nervously, before walking off to carry on with their day. There was the odd one or two that would whisper something to each other, nodding to each other, while pretty much the whole town avoided greeting their Princess, and all kept their distance from her. Maybe this was better then them all asking her countless questions, but it felt just as uncomfortable and nerve wracking to the anxious alicorn. Twilight was thinking that she knew how Dash felt when she was around these ponies now, as it seemed like they were all treating her like they had treated Rainbow the other day, she felt like she wasn't welcome anymore, and that she didn't belong amongst these ponies with their judging stares, and obviously fake smiles. How had pretty much the whole population of the town changed overnight just because of some stupid rumors? The Princess swallowed slowly as she walked through the town, hanging her head low, while she avoided all contact with any of the ponies of the town, sort of regretting that she had decided against teleporting home, as that's all she wanted to do right now. But she didn't mean her home in Ponyville that she had come to love, no she meant the one back at Canterlot Castle with the two Princesses, that's where she really wanted to be right now, it was probably the only place she would feel safe in after all. "Twilight!" Twilight lifted her head in response to somepony calling out to her, biting her bottom lip when she saw Applejack and Rarity running over to her. Stopping, Twilight only now realized that a fairly small crowd had began to form around her, having not been paying much attention to what was going on, she hadn't noticed them all standing there, staring at her till now. "Alright, back off, go on all of ya," Applejack shooed all the crowding ponies away from the Princess, while Twilight felt depressed, not seeing how Rainbow Dash could possible 'fix this' now. Rarity sighed a little as she rested a hoof on Twilight's shoulder in a comforting way, causing Twilight to look back to her, seeing the unicorn smile to her in a gentle manner, while Twilight just gave her a small, weak smile in return. Once the small crowd had gone, the two guided Twilight over to the side, hiding her away from the rest of the town so she wouldn't be the center of everypony's attention anymore. "Why did you come out here Twilight? With all these rumors floating around it's no doubt that you would get ambushed quickly," Rarity asked, while Applejack kept a close eye out for any ponies that came walking past, as they would all stop and stare for a moment, only turning and walking away when the farm pony gave them a stren glare. "I...I...I don't know," Twilight was going to say she was with Rainbow Dash, but quickly caught herself, and just turned away from Rarity, clenching her teeth together while she wished all this wasn't happening, wanting to go back to yesterday, to the day that seemed like a bad one, but ended up being perfect by night. But would that change anything? These rumors had been going around Cloudsdale and some of Ponyville for much longer then just today, so it's very possible that things would have ended up like this anyway, but maybe just not as soon. Applejack and Rarity looked to each other, both seeming anxious while they both wanted to cheer Twilight up, but having a feeling that it wouldn't be all that easy for them. Rarity caught Twilight's attention, as she rested a hoof on her shoulder again, and smiled slightly when the Princess looked back to her with a wondering expression. "We're sorry about eariler, we should know that all you and Rainbow Dash are is close friends, we shouldn't have pressured you like that," Rarity apologized, while Applejack did the same, both of them hanging their heads in shame, feeling kind of responsible for putting the Princess through all of this. "Oh umm...well..." Twilight paused as she was actually starting to consider the thought, of possibly telling the truth to at least these two, after all how long would it be before the whole town would find out, that there in fact actually was truth in some of those supposably 'false' rumors? Not very long by Twilight's guess. "What's going over there?" Rarity asked as she looked over across the town, as Applejack and Twilight did the same and followed the unicorn's gaze, stopping when they all saw a big crowd starting to form near to the middle of the town, growing bigger by the second, as more and more ponies came walking over to see what was going on. "I don't know, but it doesn't look good," Applejack thought out loud, while she wanted to stay far away from the growing crowd of ponies, only to widen her eyes when Twilight started to slowly make her way over, walking with a wondering look on her face. "Twilight!" Applejack called to Twilight as she and Rarity both ran after the Princess, and quickly stood in front of her, stopping her from walking over to the crowd. "What are you doing Twilight, you should have guessed that going into a big crowd of ponies like that right now is more than highly riskful, I mean with your current situation and all, wouldn't it be wiser to just stay away from most of the town at the moment?" Rarity asked as she and Applejack looked to Twilight with pleading eyes, not wanting to put the Princess through anymore troubling situations today. "Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are over there," Twilight simply pointed out, causing the other two to look over to the crowd, and indeed they saw Pinkie and Fluttershy standing in it, looking around at the other ponies, probably wondering what was going on as well. Twilight carried on, walking over to the large crowd, now having Rarity and Applejack following alongside her, as they walked on either side of the Princess, shielding her at best as they could from any prying eyes, or judging stares. All three of them wondered just what was going on as they all walked up to the crowd and called to Pinkie and Fluttershy, causing the two mares to turn to and greet them. "What's going on here? Why is everypony crowding around like this?" Rarity asked as Applejack and Twilight both nodded in agreement, while Pinkie and Fluttershy moved in a way so that Twilight was more hidden from the other ponies, knowing that it wouldn't be good if the Princess was seen by anypony right now. "Beats me, but it looks like something interesting is about to happen," Pinkie stated, while she sounded a little excited for what might be happening. "Apparently a pegasus has called everypony to gather here for some reason," Fluttershy added, seeming to have more of an idea of what all this was for, more than any of the others did anyway. "A pegasus?" Twilight quesioned, her eyes going wide, as she worried that she may know exactly who that pegasus was, and hoping to Celestia that she was wrong. "Great what's this then, more ridiculous rumors about Twilight and Rainbow Dash?" Applejack assumed, while all the others were pretty much thinking the same. "Most likely," Rarity added, as she rolled her eyes in a displeased manner, while Twilight began to look more worried now for where this was all going. Suddenly Twilight and the others heard a voice call out to them, as they all looked to where the voice had come from, they were all glad to see that it was just Spike running over to them all, "Hey what's with all the commotion? I could hear it all the way from the library...Twilight what are you doing here, I thought you were still in your room?" Spike looked to Twilight as he hadn't noticed the Princess amongst the group until he got closer, wondering when exactly she had left the library. "Well..." Twilight paused as she smiled nervously. "That's not important right now," Applejack stated changing the subject, before Pinkie noticed something. "Hey isn't that Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie asked as she pointed to the front of the crowd, as all the others looked to where the pink earth pony was pointing, and Twilight immeditaly felt like she knew that this wasn't going to end well. Twilight and the others all looked to indeed see the cyan pegasus, with the brightly coloured mane named Rainbow Dash, hovering just over the front of the crowd, looking anxious, but confident at the same time. "This should be good, just what is she doing here while this is going on?" Rarity thought out loud as she seemed annoyed by just seeing her old enemy, while the others all just looked to Rainbow Dash, guessing that she was the peagsus that was behind all this. 'Dash what are you doing here? Was this your plan?' Twilight thought while she was trying to keep herself calm and not call out to Dash, which she definitely felt like doing right now. Rainbow looked around the crowd waiting for most of the ponies to notice her, before she would actually start talking to them. While looking Rainbow spotted where Applejack and the others were, seeing them all looking back up to her in return. Her magenta eyes went wide as she saw Twilight standing in the middle of them, being hidden away from the rest of the crowd. Rainbow was wondering just how Twilight had gotten here, but that didn't matter right now, in fact it might actually prove to be a good thing that she was here, at least Rainbow wouldn't have to tell her marefriend about this later now, but she doubted Twilight would be happy with her once this 'plan' of her's was all over and done with. Rainbow sighed slightly, before she noticed that most of the ponies were looking up to her, deciding to just look away from Twilight for now, and just try to forget she was standing there, gazing up to her with those entrancing dark eyes of her's, "Ponies of Ponyville, listen up!" Rainbow called out to the crowd, catching the remaining ponies attention as every one of them turned to look up at her now, all of them having the same wondering expressions, minus a few unamused and distasteful looks among the large crowd of ponies. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I have gathered all of you here. Well there's something that I need to speak to all of you about," Rainbow started as she was constandly telling herself to stay calm, and 'stick to the plan' not worrying about what any of these ponies may think of her, and just get this all over and done with. "So I'm sure that you've all heard about the many rumors that have been going around here and Cloudsdale, these rumors are about me and...our Princess," Rainbow paused as she glanced to Twilight, waiting for an reaction, only to see a worried look from her marefriend in return. Expecting Twilight to stop her, she was surprised that she was just standing there along with the rest of the crowd. Rainbow cleared her throat as she continued on, "These rumors weren't too bad at first, so I didn't take much notice in them...but now they've gone too far, and so I am here to say something, and I will be saying the exact same thing to the pegasi up in Cloudsdale after this as well," Rainbow took a deep breath as she looked to all the ponies staring back at her, all waiting for her to finish, "All those rumors...none of them are true," Rainbow stated with a confindent look on her face, while whispering followed after, Twilight sighing with a little bit of relief, glad that it seemed like Dash was still trying to keep their secret hidden for now. "Princess Twilight and I are close and we may spend a lot of time together, but that's only because...that's only because..." Rainbow shook her head as she paused again, slowly looking over to Twilight, while she finally locked eyes with that beautiful alicorn, who she couldn't be more happy to call her's. Dash sighed as she looked to all of the others that were hidding the Princess away from the other ponies of the town, feeling her heart sink when seeing that worried look never leaving her marefriend's face. "I...I can't do this..." Rainbow whispered out, before she nodded to herself, and completely forgot about her plan, throwing caution into the wind, as she held her head up high, and proud, "While those rumors might not be completely accurate, there is at least some truth to them after all," Rainbow smiled slightly as the only pony she was looking at now was Twilight, mouthing the word 'sorry' to her, while the alicorn's eyes went wide, and she realized just what Rainbow was planning on doing. Twilight shook her head to Rainbow, while her worried look now turned into more of a panicked one, 'Dash...no please...you can't...' she thought as she knew what was coming, and although her mind was telling her to go and stop the pegasus, her hooves stayed nailed to the ground, feeling paralyzed Twilight could feel tears welling up in her eyes. "You see, Princess Twilight and I have been secretly dating for a little under two weeks now. She makes me the happiest pegasus alive, and I love her more than words could ever say," Rainbow stated proudly, not caring about all the gasps of surprise, and all the disapproving looks she got in return, as all the ponies went into whispers again. 'No! Dash...stop...' Twilight could only stand and watch as her legs felt like stone, and her mouth had ran completely dry, not being able to speak or do anything at all. "I'm sorry Twi...it was fun while it lasted right?" Rainbow smiled to Twilight, hating seeing those tears filling the alicorn's eyes and starting to run down her cheeks, but knowing that she couldn't hide this anymore, it didn't feel right keeping her love for the Princess as a secret from everypony, she wanted to scream it from the rooftops, and write it on the skyline. She had never felt the way that Twilight made her feel, and so she would tell all this to Cloudsdale as well, no more hiding, no more secrets. Applejack and the others were all surprised and weren't sure how to react, was Rainbow actually telling the truth here, or was she just going back to her old ways, and doing all this to cause trouble? "D-Dash...stop...just please stop..." The others all looked to Twilight as they heard her whisper out for Rainbow to stop, standing there while she looked up to Dash, with tears streaming down her cheeks, begging the pegasus to stop, but her voice only coming out in a raspy whisper that only Applejack and the others could hear. All of the group looked worried and concerned for Twilight while she stood there crying, wishing she could move, but still didn't budge a single inch. "I love you Twilight Sparkle," Rainbow said in a low tone, looking straight to Twilight, smiling to her slightly and wishing she could wipe those tears away from her beautiful face. 'I love you too Rainbow Dash, but please stop this...' Twilight wished she could reply, but all that came out was a small whimper, feeling weak while she couldn't yet see why Dash had come clean, but deep down she knew that their secret would have been revealed anyway, Rainbow Dash just made the process go a little faster. Rainbow winked to Twilight, before she wiped her eyes and turned, taking to the skies and soring up to the floating city she lived in, leaving Ponyville in shambles, while off she went to go and do the same to the town above. Applejack and the others all quickly caught Twilight's attention and lead her away from the large crowd, who were all now talking loudly to one another about what had just happened. Applejack and the others all quickly headed over to Sugarcube Corner, closing all the windows and doors, while they all hid away from the rest of the town, wanting to quickly get Twilight out of that situation before the ponies had the chance to notice her and make things even worse than they already were. "What was that all about?" Applejack asked as she and the others all looked to each other, all having the same expression of confusion and maybe a little resentment for Rainbow Dash after she had done domething like this. While Twilight walked over to the corner of the room, feeling depressed and puzzled as to why Dash had told everypony their secret, she could have convinced the town that those rumors were all just a lie, couldn't she? "Well it definitely seems like Rainbow has gone back to her old ways, honestly just when we thought she really had changed, so goes and does something like this just to cause trouble and cause more stress for Twilight," Rarity stated while she looked awfully annoyed with the cyan pegasus, now thinking that there was no trusting that damn hot head, always following the crowd when it came to causing a uproar. "Maybe she was telling the truth," Pinkie pointed out as she seemed to think differently from Applejack Rarity and Spike. "What, how could that be true?" Rarity asked, not seeing how Rainbow could possibly be telling the truth about all this, it just sounded like a crazy hoax, much like all those rumors did. "She did sound sincere when she said she loved Twilight," Fluttershy agreed with Pinkie, as being the only one in the group to see things the same way as the pink earth pony did. "Do ya honestly think that Twilight has been dating Rainbow Dash without telling us all this time?" Applejack asked as she also didn't see how any of what Rainbow had said could be true. "Well..." All the others turned to Twilight slowly as they heard her speak up, before she paused and didn't continue. She could now see why Rainbow Dash had come clean about their secret relationship, and the reason was there simply was no secret anymore, and because of this everypony was now going to probably spend their time arguing over if this was all true or not till it drove them apart. Twilight could see this already starting to happen with her friends, some wouldn't believe it, while others would, if the truth didn't come out eventally then the whole town would soon fall into complete chaos, it was already starting, and Twilight couldn't deny that she as well was tired of all this hidding, she loved Rainbow Dash, and she shouldn't have to hide that from anypony. "Twilight, are you saying that all that Rainbow Dash said...was true?" Rarity asked as she and the others all crowed around Twilight, waiting for her to answer, and really wondering what she would reply with. Twilight looked anxious as she looked to each one of her friends, before she took a deep breath and just felt like she should just tell them all the truth. She didn't want to see them fighing over who was right, or wrong, and the fact that Dash had now come clean, made her think that her marefriend had done the right thing after all. They already been found out, so there was no point in hidding it anymore. "Yes..." Twilight replied with a small nod to the others, sighing heavily as she faced the truth that it was time to finally tell them all the secret she and Dash had been keeping from them all this time. Now they would all know what had really been going on between the cyan pegasus and their Princess. > Secrets Revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yes..." Twilight finally confessed after she believed that there was simply no point in trying to hide it anymore, their secret was already out, and the only thing the Princess needed to do now was tell her friends the truth, as Rainbow Dash had already done to the town of Ponyville. The others all looked to Twilight, all of them standing speechless, while they all had no idea how to react, was Twilight really serious about this? And if she was then why had she been lying to them all this time? These were just two of countless questions the others all wanted answers to. "Now Twilight are ya actually being serious right now?" Applejack asked as she was the first to speak up, while all the others looked at one another, still unsure of what they should say in response to what the Princess had just told them all. "Yes," Twilight nodded as she sighed deeply to the farm pony, "Rainbow Dash and I have been secretly dating for almost two weeks now," she confessed as she held her head a little low, seeing how maybe she shouldn't have kept her friends in the dark like this for as long as she had. "Well what do you know, those so called 'crazy' rumors were actually true," Pinkie Pie stated with a smile, seeming to have gotten back her voice, and now just feeling happy that she and Fluttershy had actually been right in their thinking, while Fluttershy and Rarity still seemed to be too shocked to speak. "Now hold on a second, when did this all start? Ah mean ya haven't known Rainbow for that long, so when did the two of ya start dating?" Applejack asked, still not really believing that Twilight had really told them that what Rainbow Dash had said was true. "Well...it was back when Dash and I had only just started on this journey to get the two towns to forget the past and start over. I had just gotten Dash to make up with Fluttershy, and while I was on way my way to drop Dash back at her house...well I did something stupid," Twilight paused as she thought about that time she had gotten caught up in the moment, where that one kiss happened that had started it all. "Wait...did you two start going out after that kiss happened between you two?" Spike asked, realizing that maybe Twilight wasn't being truthful when she told him what had happened after the kiss that her and Rainbow Dash had shared. "No...at least not straight afterwards," Twilight answered nervously, hating the fact that she had also lied straight to Spike's face before now. "What kiss?" Applejack asked, looking to Spike and then back to Twilight again, hoping that one of them would explain. "On her way to dropping Dash off at her house, Twilight apparently ended up kissing Rainbow Dash, before leaving her with no explanation for why she did it," Spike explained, remembering that Twilight never did tell him what had really happened when Twilight had supposably, 'worked everything out' with Rainbow Dash. "You kissed Rainbow Dash just after her and I had cleared things up?" Fluttershy asked, as her and Rarity looked like they too were coming back to their senses now, not being so speechless anymore, while Twilight was just becoming more and more anxious about how all this was quickly spiraling out of her control. Maybe she should have just waited a little longer and had Dash help her with telling her friends from Ponyville about their secret relationship, although that wouldn't have changed anything, but at least she wouldn't be alone in this tense situation she was now in. "Yes...but- "Wasn't that like a couple of days after you only just met us all?" Applejack cut Twilight off as she and the others were all questioning how Rainbow and Twilight had gotten together when they hadn't even know each for very long. "It was actually about a week or so after actually," Twilight corrected, having the feeling that she would get this kind of question when she would tell them all about her and Rainbow. "That still wasn't very long, you bearly knew her back than Twilight," Fluttershy pointed out, seeming that even she was thinking that Twilight and Rainbow had gotten together at definitely the wrong time. "That's...true I guess..." Twilight nervously glanced away from Fluttershy, knowing that her and Dash did rush into things, but she really couldn't be more glad that they had done so back then, maybe now she was starting to think over her previous decision, after all she was the one that said that they should start dating, Dash would have been fine with just staying as friends...but then again Twilight was sure she wouldn't have felt the same way. "Well...ah guess it isn't too much trouble as long as ya two haven't gotten too serious," Applejack stated with a slight smile, hoping that Twilight would simply nod and make this all seem a little bit better. But all Twilight did in return was go silent, while she turned her head away, and bit her lip a little, blushing as she hid her expression from the farm pony. Applejack's eyes widened as she saw Twilight's reaction, being very different from the one that she expected from the alicorn, now shaking her head, before she sighed deeply. "Don't tell me...the two of ya have slept together already?" Applejack really hoped she was wrong in her guessing, but judging by Twilight's continued silence, as she refused to answer, and was just basically starting to make things worse by doing so, the farm pony had a strong feeling that she couldn't have been more right. "Ya have, haven't ya?" Applejack stood back for a moment as she raised a stern eyebrow to Twilight, wanting to hear the truth after all the lies that the Princess had been telling them all. Twilight didn't reply, as she just kept hiding her expression behind her long mane, stepping back slowly, wishing that she could teleport herself out of this nerve wracking situation, but knowing that that would only cause things to get worse between her and her friends, she knew she would have to explain to them all, what had happened to start all this, and all that had happened to get to this point where they were at now, she just didn't know how to do that. "Now, now Applejack maybe Dashie and Twilight just decided to get married instead of something like sex," Pinkie suggested, seeing that Twilight was just getting more and more anxious about all that was going on at the moment, and with all this stress she was under, she probably would be too scared to actually tell them the whole true story in the end. "How is that any better Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy asked, getting that Pinkie was trying to lighten the tension in the room and admired her for it, but it really wasn't the time for that right now. "What? It's not like they're eloping or something," Pinkie smiled as she just caused Fluttershy and Applejack to sigh at her slightly, while Twilight was feeling that Pinkie had seemed to have lightened the mood a little, but she knew it wouldn't last for long. "Girls!" Rarity finallly spoke up, as the others all turned to her, all of them kinda wondering what she had to say about all this, since she hadn't spoken a word yet, and had just stood back and watched for the most part. "Maybe we should stop pressuring Twilight so much, and just let her actually explain to us everything that happened?" Rarity suggested, as the others all seemed to agree with her, with Fluttshy, Spike, Pinkie and Applejack all nodding in return, while Twilight internally thanked Rarity with a smile to her, only to get a stern stare as a reponse from the unicorn. "And this time you won't leave a single thing out, right?" Rarity raised an eyebrow, knowing that none of them wanted to hear anymore of Twilight's lies about her secret marefriend. "Right," Twilight just nodded in reply, as she sighed again, and swallowed loudly, her smile formed into a nervous frown again, while she knew there was no way she was leaving anything out of this story, she would tell the truth, and the whole truth, after all although Dash hadn't gone into much detail at all, she knew she would most ceratinly have to here. Applejack and the others now all stood quitely, choosing to be silent now, regretting that they had all pretty much just put a lot more stress on to the Princess. She was already nervous and dreading telling them the truth, and they had all just been making it worse for her by asking her all of those questions that she obviously wasn't ready to answer just yet. Now this seemed to be the better approach, standing back and letting Twilight tell them the whole story was probably the only way they would all understand how it all happened, and why it had been kept from them. Twilight took a deep breath, as she looked to each one of her friends, still feeling very anxious and uncomfortable, but was also starting to feel more confident in herself, knowing that now was the time that she would finally come clean and stop with all the hidding and secrecy. Nodding to herself, Twilight decided to take things nice and slow, and start from where it had all began with that one kiss, which had been the cause of all this, and played a big part in changing quite a few things. "Well it all started on that day that I had taken Dash to make up with Fluttershy. The plan had gone so well, in fact much better than I had expected, and I couldn't be more glad that it had gone that well..." Twilight started to ramble a little and trail off, before she shook her head and got back on to the topic she was meant to be talking about. "Anyway I was flying with Rainbow Dash back to her home, we were talking about how the 'making up' with Fluttershy had gone, and we were starting to discuss what was next, but at one point when flying I started to feel dizzy and a little faint, I guess I hadn't eaten enough that day or something. But whatever the reason was I ended up collapsing, blacking out a little, and the next thing I knew I was laying on a fluffy cloud, while Dash was looking to me, seeming confused and maybe a little worried about what was going on with me. My guess is that she had caught me before I fell, and flew me over to a nearby cloud to lay me down on," Twilight exlained the lead up to the kiss in detail. So far the others all seemed like they were following the story, nodding to the alicorn every now and again in return, while they all stood quietly and waited for Twilight to carry on with her full explanation. And so Twilight continued on. "And from there, as I was laying on that soft cloud, gazing up to Rainbow Dash, while she looked back down to me seeming concerned for me...I remember the shining sun catching her cyan fur coat, and causing her stunning bright rainbow mane to shimmer in those beams, her bewitching magenta eyes sparkled in that light, and I couldn't help but get completely lost in them. It all just felt so...so...inexplicably magical, she had cast a powerful spell on me that I know I would never be able to remove. I didn't know why back then, but on a strange impulse I leaned in and kissed her, it didn't last long and Dash did pull away, but that's where it all started to change for me," Twilight sighed as she thought back on that first kiss she had shared with Rainbow Dash, and now remembered exactly how she had felt at that point in time, blushing a little while she could still remember the taste of that pegasus's lips pressed against her own. Fluttshy, Pinkie and even Applejack couldn't help but smile at Twilight's explanation of that first kiss, looking at the way the alicorn would smile and sigh contently while she talked about how she had felt in that one moment, that definitely sounded like the start of love to them. Rarity and Spike were hiding their smiles, but deep down they knew that Twilight was being nothing but completely truthful while she was saying all of this, she truly had fallen for Rainbow at that moment it would seem. "I came back to my senses after the kiss ended, and I quickly got away from Dash, my mind lost in confusion, questioning why I had done such a thing to a pony I bearly knew, I didn't give her an explanation for why I kissed her, I just left her to go back to the library, after all I couldn't bear to face her after doing something like that to her so out of the blue," Twilight went on to explain what had happened after the kiss, starting to now get into telling the others about how things had got to where they were now. "Spike already knows this, but I was pretty much freaking out over that kiss for a while, constantly worring about what Dash would think of me now, and wondering why I had done such a thing in the first place. I denied it at first, I didn't believe that I could ever be...in love with a pony like her, plus I didn't want anything to change between us, we were just starting to become close friends, and she was really starting to trust me I feel, and I had to go and do something like that, I seriously felt like I had ruined all that we had built between us," Twilight sighed when she thought about that time when she was so unsure of her feelings, she just had no idea how she really felt or how to act upon those strange feelings. The others all knew that love can be hard and confusing, especially when you hadn't really felt it for somepony before, now they all started to see where Twilight was coming from with being scared to tell them about all this. Falling in love was never easy, but admiting those feelings and learning to embrace them was even harder. "However I soon found out how Dash felt about all this. She came round knocking on my window, and asking if I could come on a fly with her. I didn't want to leave suddenly, and I did want to tell Spike that I was going, but that would have just caused him to ask me questions that I really didn't want to answer, so I locked my bedroom door and left with Dash," now Twilight was beginning to feel nervous again as she was going into the part of the story where Dash had told her what her feelings were about it all. "Wait...so all those times I knocked on your bedroom door, instead of ignoring me, you weren't even there?" Spike asked, now realizing that when Twilight didn't respond to him, it wasn't because she was too upset to do so, it was because she wasn't even there to begin with. Twilight just nodded slowly, knowing that the dragon might just be a little angry with how she kept sneaking out with Rainbow Dash, while not telling him about it until now. "So have you snuck any other time without me knowing?" Spike raised an eyebrow. "Well...I might have done it more than once or twice...sorry Spike," Twilight nervously apologized, knowing that it wasn't right of her to just go off like that without telling him where she was going, he always was going to worry about her, but she was making it worse by sneaking out with Dash all the time. "It doesn't matter now, just carry on with the story," Spike smiled and shook his head, as he figured that something like that wasn't really all that important right now. What was important, was hearing the rest of Twilight's story, and so the Princess smiled with a slight nod, and continued on. "While Dash and I had gone on this fly together we avoided the topic for a while, until I brought it up, and apologized for doing such a thing to her. But she didn't want to hear my apology it would seem, I thought she would be mad at me, but it turned out that I had just surprised her. She asked me why I had kissed her...and I couldn't really answer her at that time. I knew there was something there, I felt a rush when I had kissed her and it really did make my head spin, but I had no idea what those feelings meant, after all I had never felt them for any other pony before," Twilight still felt like she should have known what love was before she met Rainbow Dash, but she guessed that she wasn't really interested in that kind of stuff, and this was the only time she was willing to open up her heart to somepony else beside herself, which was something she had never pictured herself doing really. "So how did Dashie feel? Did she tell you?" Pinkie spoke up as she was trying her best to stay silent, but now she couldn't help it, she wanted to hear how the two had gotten together, and what Dash's feeling towards the Princess were, after all when the rainbow maned pegasus was in front of the town, she sure sounded like she was being truthful. The others all looked to Pinkie with slight glares, at her being a little rude and impatient, while Twilight just smiled and nodded to Pinkie, the earth pony smiling back to her nervously in reply, and apologizing for coming off as impolite there. "Dash's feelings for me? I...I couldn't have been more surprised by what she told me. She said that she felt there had always been something more between us than 'just close friends' and she may have been have right when I look back on it. She said 'there was always something she liked about me' and that she now knew why she could relax around me so easily, without having to have her guard up all the time. Unlike me Dash knows what love is and has had curshes before, and that's probably why she could figure out her feelings much quicker than I could. But Dash told me that she had never felt the way she had felt after I had kissed her, and since then her love for me has kept on growing and blooming up until now it would seem," Twilight tried to remember everything that Rainbow Dash had told her when she said what her feelings were, and now she felt guilty for making Dash wait as long as she did for an answer from her back then. "Awwww, did Dashie tell you all of that on your fly?" Pinkie asked as she smiled at hearing what Rainbow had told Twilight, while she sat down and rocked back and forth in a cheerful manner, as the others all looked to her with slight smiles on their faces, finding no way of denying that it was truly something to hear the cyan pegasus's feelings, when she would normally keep them hidden from other ponies, only saying that she loved Twilight when she told the whole town about the truth. "Actually no, she told me all this the morning after I spent the night round at her's, she kissed me on our fly and well...sweet Celestia did it feel amazing," Twilight blushed while she smiled brightly and bit her lip when thinking back on that second kiss she had shared with Dash, while one or two of the others raised their eyebrows to her and smirked slightly. "Wait you stayed round at Rainbow Dash's that night?" Spike asked, hoping that the two mares didn't rush into things after a simple kiss. "Relax Spike, nothing happened between us...well we did kiss again, but that was all I swear," Twilight stated while Spike sighed in relief a little, glad that Twilight and Rainbow hadn't gotten too carried away when they were only just getting to know what their real feelings were for each other. "So what happened after that, did you and Rainbow Dash get together?" Rairty asked, now wanting to know the rest of the story, and when the topic of Twilight and Rainbow dating would come into it, while Twilight looked to her and cleared her throat, picking up where she had left off. "Back then I couldn't really figure out my own feelings like Dash could, so she left me to think about it, only that took more then a couple of weeks to work it all out it would seem," Twilight sighed as she remembered just how hard it was to try and find out how she truly felt about Dash, but everytime she tried to figure it out she would get lost in her own mind and imagination, overthinking things and never really focusing on what she really wanted. Letting her mind speak louder than her heart she was at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go until Dash came and showed it to her. "So when ah came round to see ya, that's why ya were acting so depressed? It wasn't cause ya had a fight with Rainbow at all?" Applejack asked, now realizing why Twilight had seemed so conflicted when Spike had called her round thay day to maybe try to cheer the Princess up. Twilight just nodded in reply to Applejack, thinking that maybe it would have been easier to tell the farm pony about what was really going on back then, maybe then this situation would be different. Although there was always the chance that not much would be different if she had come clean before now. "After I left to my room that day, Dash came knocking on my window again, it would seem that I had left her waiting for too long, and she wanted an answer, she definitely deserved one after all. So I went over to her house again, we talked, we worked through it all together, and I soon realized that I did feel the same way as her, I had just be scared of hurting her, or possibly it hurting me instead. And once I got past that fact I decided for us to take things step by step, going at the same pace alongside each other, knowing to not cross any lines until we both felt ready for it, we started dating from there, and have been finding love in one another ever since," Twilight took a breath as she finished, smiling slightly, while deciding to leave out the bit about her getting carried away again and ended up actually hurting Dash, since she really wanted to forget that that ever happened, and definitely didn't want to relive the guilt and shame she felt back then. She said she wouldn't leave anything out, but this was the only exception. "What a beautiful story," Pinkie stated as she sobbed with happy tears, and clapped her hooves toegther quickly, causing Twilight and the others all to chuckle a little at the energetic earth pony acting like she had just be told the greatest love story ever. "So is that the whole story?" Rarity asked looking to Twilight with still quite the stern stare, making sure that the Princess hadn't left anything important out. Twilight just nodded in reply, knowing that she had left out one minor part, but not wanting to ever go back to that memory, she sinply put that to the back of her mind where it belonged. Fluttershy smiled to Twilight as she was glad that the two were happy together, and although she did still think that they had maybe gone a little fast, she believed that they knew what they were getting themselves into at least. "So why did you keep it all from us?" Spike asked, wanted to know why they all been lied to all this time. "I did want to tell you all what was really going on, and I hated lying to you...but I had no idea how I would explain any of it to all of you, plus I was scared for how you would take it, after all back then I had only known Dash for maybe about three or four weeks," Twilight answered, knowing that she should have told them sooner, but was just too scared to do so, in fear of losing them as her friends. "I guess we can understand where you're coming from there," Spike nodded as the others agreed with him, all knowing that they probably wouldn't have been all that approving of Twilight and Rainbow Dash's rash decision to go into a relationship when they had hadn't known each other for very long at all. "Wait eariler when I asked if the two of ya had gotten serious yet, and ya went completely silent, what was that all about?" Applejack asked now really wondering if Twilight and Rainbow had slept together already, and if they had, they might be just going too fast for that kind if thing just yet, after all they had only been dating for about two weeks right? "Umm...Dash and I have slept together yes...but just the once, and we both felt like it was so perfect,I know it may have been going a little too fast for us... but it just felt so right at that moment," Twilight confessed, now getting the feeling that this was going to go downhill again quickly. "And when was that exactly?" Rarity asked, smiling while although she and the others did think the two had rushed into things, but it wasn't too much of a big deal if it had only happened once, and they had both felt ready for it. "Last night..." Twilight nervously smiled as she spoke in a low tone, now scared of what the others might say. The others all now seemed completely surprised, all of them wondering if they had heard the alicorn right or not. They all looked to each other for a moment, not knowing what to say in reply again. "...and we weren't exactly...'inside' per say," Twilight turned away from the others now, knowing that this wasn't looking so good for her anymore. "Well no wonder those rumors got so serious so suddenly, somepony must have seen the two of ya," Applejack sighed as she could easily guess why the two towns had suddenly started gossiping so much over simple rumors now. "So that crazy rumor about you and Rainbow Dash...being intimate in open spaces was actually true?" Rarity asked, taking in a odd voice when she said the word 'intimate' outloud. "In a way...yes," Twilight nodded slightly, as she glanced back to Rarity and bit her lip, when she saw the surprise and maybe a little disappoint on the unicorn's face. "No way! So you and Dashie really had sex out in the open?" Pinkie spoke up, almost sounding like she was proud of Twilight for this. "Pinkie!" Applejack glared to the pink earth pony, and spoke to her in a raised voice. "What?" Pinkie frowned as she didn't see what she had said wrong. "Twilight are you really- "I know! I know it was wrong to do that kind of thing while still being out where ponies can see us...but I guess neither one of us were thinking about that at the time. We made a mistake, and now we're both paying for it, so plase don't make this any harder for me than it already is," Twilight pleaded as she cut off Fluttershy, not wanting to hear the long lecture she could tell she would have gotten if she had stayed quiet. Fluttershy nodded as she and the others all just stood back, knowing that they wouldn't be making things any better if they got on Twilight's case about this, just like the two towns had, it was a private matter and it was meant to stay that way, it was nopony's business but Twilight and Rainbow Dash's. Twilight sighed as she sat down on the bakery's wooden floor, and looked down to her hooves, guessing that her marefriend was probbaly up in Cloudsale telling them the city the truth as she had to Ponyville right about now, and only wishing that she was standing beside her instead. "So what are you planning to do from here?" Spike asked the question that was probably on everypony's (but Twilight's) mind, all wondering where to go next with this, what would be the best option from here? "I...I don't know," Twilight gritted her teeth, having no idea how she was going to even begin to try and work through all this, it just didn't seem possible at all to her. "Well what do you want to do?" Pinkie Pie asked, being hopeful that there was still a way for things to work out for the better, even if things did seem bad from where they were at the moment. Twilight looked to Pinkie as she thought for a moment, taking a minute to herself, before she sighed deeply and held her head low, "To be honest...I just want to go home right now," "Well if that's all then- "No I don't mean my home here, I mean my old one back in Canterlot," Twilight cut Pinkie off as her slight smile formed into a saddened look now. "But Twilight you can't go back to Canterlot, you're these two towns' Princess, this will only drive them further apart, they need you now more then ever," Spike stated, not wanting Twilight to just leave like this, and cause the two towns to possibly never work things out, which could easily mean their already tense relationship would get much worse fom here. "Spike...it's the only place I would feel safe in right now," Twilight replied, while her eyes teared up a little, she didn't want to leave everything behind, but it seemed like the only thing that she could do to feel safe once again. Spike sighed as he looked to the others, all of them staying quite, knowing that there was no way they could talk the Princess out of this. She had clearly already made her decision, she would go back to her home, whether she was ever going to come back or not was a mystery, but for now she was going home, ending everything with the place it had all started at. > Never Letting You Go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash felt completely exhausted as she came walking into her bedroom, flopping down on to her bed, and groaning loudly while she was glad to finally be back in her home again. She had just been able to escape from the other pegasi of Cloudsdale, after telling them all the truth about her and their Princess, and while getting away from Ponyville without any trouble was easy enough, Cloudsdale was a different story. After being pressured and questioned by almost every pegasus from the city, she was now able to relax and forget about everything for a little while. Dash knew that this may just be the end of her and Twilight's relationship, but it was done now, everypony knew the truth, and even if Twilight had thought that it was wrong, Rainbow knew that it was the only thing that felt right to her. After all what kind of love would her and Twilight have if they had to hide it from the rest of the world? Certainly not the kind of love she would ever want. Dash sighed deeply as she looked to her bedsheets, remembering those times that her beautiful marefriend was laying on them, snuggling up in the covers and smiling to herself, looking like a cute little kitten. Dash smiled as she thought that maybe she wasn't even her marefriend anymore, she had just told everypony about their secret, how would she ever forgive her for that? The alicorn's crying expression was imprinted in her mind as she remembered looking at her, and wishing she could have just flew down to her and made those tears disappear, but knowing that that would have only made things worse for the Princess. While Twilight was standing in that crowd, she was being hidden by her friends, which made it hard for anypony else to see her, but the moment that the cyan pegasus went down there to stand beside her, she would have been seen by all, and would have never been left alone, much like how things went with Rainbow when she told Cloudsdale everything. What was next now? Rainbow had no idea, all she wanted to do was sleep off her problems, and worry about them in the morning, and so she rolled over on her bed, and was about to cuddle up to try and get some rest, but unfortunately she heard a fairly light knocking at her door, guessing it was another pegasus from Cloudsdale wanting to question her, she really didn't want to deal with that kind of situation right now, and just chose to ignore the knocking, thinking it would go away if she didn't answer to it. But that didn't seem like it was going to happen as a few seconds later, the knocking continued along with it getting louder now, not stopping for a long while, and when it did, it was only for a couple of seconds before it would start again. Rainbow groaned as she grabbed her pillow and pullled it over her head, gritting her teeth and closing her eyes, trying to bare with hearing that annoying, never-ending knocking at best as she could. Her efforts seem to have payed off as suddenly there was no more knocking at her door, there was just silence, which Dash smiled at as she sighed with relief and relaxed again in order to try and fall to sleep. However that lasted as long as maybe five minutes or so, afterwards there was again more knocking, this time much louder, sounding like somepony was now pounding on her door and trying to break it down. Dash sat up on her bed, sighing deeply as she just decided to answer the damn door already, getting the feeling that she wasn't going to get any peace until she did so. She stood up from her bed, and walked out of her room, making her way to her front door slowly, while glaring at the irritating knocking that just didn't seem to be stopping at all now. "Rainbow Dash, are you there?" Dash heard a familiar voice call to her from beyond the door, causing her to tilt her head a little and wonder what that pony was doing at her door. Rainbow walked up to her front door, and sighed again, opeing the door slowly and causing her visitor to stop knocking, and greet her politely. "Fluttershy...what are you doing here, and how did you know where my house was?" Rainbow asked, really never expecting to see the yellow pegasus at her door, they used to go to each others houses all the time when they were younger, but she never thought Fluttershy would be able to remember where her cloudhome was. "Well I'll admit I did have a little trouble finding your house since I haven't been here for years now, but luckily I was able to roughly remember which one was yours without needing to ask somepony for help," Fluttshy answered as she seemed worried and was talking in a rushed tone for some reason. "Okay, what's up?" Rainbow seemed confused still as she wondered why the other pegasus seemed so panicked right now, thinking that maybe she should invite her in, after all she did seem awfully out of breath right now. "Twilight's leaving!" Fluttershy suddenly blurted out, in too much of a panic to try and stay calm, after all every second that she spent stalling, the closer Twilight would be to leaving, without thinking to say goodbye to her marefriend, or maybe she really did want to say goodbye, but she just couldn't bear to see the cyan pegasus's expression when she told her she was leaving everything and going back to her old home. "WHAT? WHY?!" Dash's eyes went wide, while her casual expression formed into one of surprise and worry, she thought that Twilight would just be mad at her for telling everypony about their secret, not leave the two towns. "After you left, we hid Twilight away in Sugarcube Corner, and she told us everything. How you and her started going out, the kiss that happened that was the cause of it all, what her feelings and your's were, and even...what you two did last night while still being outside in the open," Fluttershy explained as she tried her best to at least talk in a calmer voice now, explaining to Dash all that had happened after she had left. "She told you all that?" Dash asked in a more of a wondering voice, rather one of disappointment or betrayal like Fluttershy would have been expecting from the other pegasus. "Yes...but please you have to stop her," Fluttershy pleaded as she was worrying that Twilight was already on her way to the train station. "Didn't any of you try to talk her out of it?" Dash asked, not seeing what had caused the Princess to make such a sudden and rash deicision. Was it all really because of how bad things had gotten now? "She won't listen to any of us, Dash you're her marefriend, you're the only one that may be able to stop her," "How can I stop her, I told everypony our secret without talking to her about it first, I don't think I should be calling myself her 'marefriend' after doing something like that," Rainbow spoke in a low tone now, while she felt like maybe Twilight was doing the right thing, maybe her leaving and truly ending things between them would be their best option here. "You can't say that Rainbow Dash, all of us could tell how much she really loves you, and trust me she doesn't blame you at all for all this," Fluttershy tried to convince Rainbow to go and stop Twilight, Dash was their only chance at not losing their Princess and friend. "I...I...I can't..." Rainbow shook her head, as she didn't see how Twilight would listen to anything she said now. "Come on Dash, if you really love her like you said you do, then you can't just let her walk away like this," Fluttershy stated, while she really hoped her words would get through to Rainbow soon. Rainbow stood there, thinking over it all, she did love Twilight with all her heart...but would that be enough to stop her from leaving everything behind here? Dash had no idea how in all of Equestria she would be able to make her stay, it just didn't seem possible to her. ... ... Spike nervously looked around the train station, as him and Twilight stood there waiting to leave Ponyville. The Princess would have happily teleported or flew back to Canterlot, but Spike convinced her to take the train instead, hoping that it would buy time for a certain cyan pegasus (which they had told Fluttershy to go and get), to show up and stop her marefriend. Spike could see how the towns ponies acted around their Princess now that this had all happened, as there were a few ponies standing at the station waiting as well, all of them staring to Twilight, before they would whisper to each other. Twilight could clearly hear them, but chose to just ignore them all, and just pretend they weren't even there, focusing more on the train tracks than anything else right now. The Princess left everything in the library, not bothering to pack anything, after all she could just buy new stuff once she got back to her old home. She was leaving these two towns behind now, so there was no going back for her. "T-Twilight, are you sure we have to leave?" Spike asked nervously, as he looked to Twilight, hoping he could still talk her out of this, but it didn't seem like that would work right now. "Yes," Twilight answered simply, not even glancing to the dragon, while she just kept her eyes on the train tracks, looking to them with a blank stare, as her face held an unreadable expression. "But I don't want to be leaving everything behind like this though," "Then you can stay here, but I'm leaving, and that's final!" Twilight replied as she glared to her assistant now, wanting him to either choose to stay and go back to the library, or leave with her and stop talking and trying to change her mind still. Spike didn't want to leave like this, but he knew he couldn't just let Twilight leave on her own, Princess Celestia had told him to stay together with her, no matter what, and that's exactly what he would do. Even if he really felt like leaving the lavender alicorn and going back to the library on his own right now. Spike nervously rubbed the back of his neck, wanting to say something more, but honestly not knowing what that something was, while Twilight just wished that the train would come faster, so that they could get away from this place as quickly as possible. Spike opened his mouth, thinkng of something to say quickly, only to stop when he was cut off by another voice. "Twilight!" A gasp left Twilight's lips as her eyes went wide, and her ears twitched to the unmistakable voice of her marefriend calling to her. Both Spike and Twilight slowly turned to look to the cyan pegasus, who seemed a little out of breath, as she stood there panting slightly, before she straighted up and gave the alicorn a stern stare. "Just where do you think you're going?" Rainbow smirked as she raised an eyebrow to Twilight, while Spike smiled, happy to see that Rainbow must have listened and agreed to Fluttershy's plea for help. "What are you doing here Dash?" Twilight asked after she paused for a little while, not speaking a word before that. Now feeling nervous Twilight was wondering just what Dash was planning to do, she guessed she was going to try and convince her to stay, but nothing that she said would make her stay...right? "What's it look like, I'm here to stop you from leaving of course," Rainbow stated in a proud voice, speaking loud and clear, not caring about who may hear her at all. Twilight sighed as she gritted her teeth and looked to Spike for a moment, "Spike could you keep an eye out for the train please? I need to talk with Dash here for a minute," she instructed to the dragon, giving her smirking marefriend a displeased look for showing up here out of the blue, she wouldn't speak to anypony but her, but she wasn't going to be happy about it, and she definitely wouldn't let her words get to her. "S-sure," Spike nodded with a smile, glad that Twilight was willing to talk to Dash at least, and hoping to Celestia that the pegasus would get through to her in some sort of way. Twilight nodded as she walked away from Spike, walking up to Rainbow Dash, and gesturing for her to follow her, while Rainbow nodded back to Twilight, before the two mares walked off together to hide off to the far left side of the train station, now being able to talk in a more private place with no eyes on them, but still close to see when the train was coming, since Twilight was clearly still fixed on leaving it would seem. "What do you want Dash?" Twilight asked as her voice now had gone back to it's usual tone, rather than the cold one she was speaking in eariler. "For you to stay of course," Rainbow answered as she also had more of a caring tone to her voice now, while her expression was much softer and that smirk of her's, was now a kind smile. Twilight could feel her heart ache at that smile, wanting to just run into Dash's embrace, and never let her go, but shaking her head as she turned away from the pegasus and hid her expression behind her long mane, "Well sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that," "Why not, because things have gotten bad now?" "Because it's all too much for me, I thought I might be able to deal with everypony knowing about us, but I can't...I don't feel safe anymore Dash. I'm so... scared," Twilight felt like crying as she hung her head low, and couldn't bring herself to look Dash in the eye anymore. Rainbow's eyes widened a little, as she understood how Twilight felt, both of the towns were now treating the alicorn how Ponyville had always treated her since the separation happened. They were both being treated the same now, and Dash knew how frightening it really was to feel like you just didn't belong, "I know Twi, I'm scared too," Rainbow smiled as she sighed a little, walking closer to Twilight, causing Twilight to instandly shake her head and scream back at her. "NO, DON'T! Don't you dare come near me...please..." Twilight bit her bottom lip, trembling as she couldn't help but glance to Dash, while the pegasus seemed a little surprised by her raised voice, "Please...just stay away..." Twilight whispered. Rainbow sighed as she looked to Twilight with a concerned expression, wondering for a little bit, as she was figuring out what to say, and to hopefully not cause Twilight to become even more distressed then she already was. "Okay I'll stay away, but just listen for a minute, alright?" Rainbow spoke in a calm and low voice, hoping that Twilight would just hear her out for at least a little while. "Okay..." Twilight nodded slightly, as she glanced to Dash, but still kept her head tured away from her, knowing that if she looked too much she would quickly get drawn in. "Good," Rainbow sighed with relief, glad that Twilight was at least willing to listen to her if nothing else, "I know it's all different now, and I know that you're scared of what might happen from here, but you can't just leave things like this," "Why not?" Twilight could feel tears welling up in her eyes, while she bit back slight sobs. "Because I love you," "I love you too Dash, but it's over now...there's no way we can 'fix' this anymore," Twilight wiped her tearful eyes as she turned her back to Rainbow, and sighing deeply, seeming like she had completely lost all hope. "So that's it, you're just giving up? You never let me give up, no matter how stubborn I was, so I'm going to do the same with you," Rainbow spoke in a serious tone now, while she gave Twilight a stern stare again, she wasn't going to let Twilight throw this all away just because they made a mistake. "Dash I know what you're trying to say, but I really don't see a way where we can make this work, we tried, and something went wrong, now we can't go back, so you should just stop already, maybe it was never meant to work between us after all," Twilight confessed as she really didn't want to end things with Rainbow Dash, but seeing it as the only way of her being able to let the pegasus go, and saying goodbye without breaking down into tears in the process. "What are you saying?" Rainbow couldn't believe what Twilight was saying to her right now, was she really breaking up with her? "Goodbye Dash," Twilight smiled with slight tears welling up in her eyes again, before she turned away from Rainbow, and began to walk away from the pegasus, hoping that she would at least walk away with her pride intact, she had lasted this long, and just felt like she was going to collapse and regret doing this any minute now, just as long as Dash didn't stop her then she would be fine. But Rainbow Dash wasn't going to accept that, as she shook her head and swallowed slowly, running up to Twilight a second later and resting a hoof on her shoulder, causing the alicorn to stop in her tracks and glance back to Dash. "Weren't we going to get the two towns to make up and start again?" Dash asked in a low voice. "Dash- "Twilight..." Dash cut Twilight off as she lifted her head, and sat down on the ground, sighing deeply, smiling to Twilight as she let her tears run down her cheeks, while she held her hooves out for the alicorn. Twilight's eyes widened as she couldn't fight it anymore, her heart ached when she saw those tears stream down Dash's cheeks, she had tried all she could to not break down and lose her composure, but this was too much for her to deal with now, as she could feel tears welling up in her eyes again, letting them stream down her cheeks, before she ran into Rainbow's embrace, crying while the pegasus held her close. Rainbow smiled as she held on to Twilight tightly, not wanting to ever let her go, while Twilight buried her head into Dash's chest, sobbing slightly, as she clenched her teeth together and hugged Dash back, forgetting about leaving completely for a moment as she sat there, snuggling into Dash's warm and loving embrace, and nuzzled into her neck. "I...I love you Dash...I'm sorry I love you so much Rainbow Dash!" Twilight cried as she sobbed harder into Dash's chest, while she never wanted to leave her now, she may not feel safe in this town anymore, but the longer she sat in her marefriend's embrace all her troubles felt like they were beginning to melt away. Maybe her home in Canterlot wasn't the only place she felt safe in after all. "I love you too Twilight," Rainbow sighed as she rubbed Twilight's back in a comforting manner, starting to rock her in a calming motion, "And don't worry, we'll work this out," Twilight looked to Dash, gazing into the pegasus's eyes, while she sniffled a little and seemed to be a little calmer now, "How?" "We'll find a way, together," Dash replied as she kissed Twilight's tears away, and lightly pecked her forehead. Twilight nodded in return slowly as she smiled back to Rainbow, and chuckled slightly when she felt the pegasus kiss her forehead lightly, glad that Dash hadn't given up on her there, she was already close to breaking all she needed was that small push to make her follow what her heart was telling her to do. Rainbow moved Twilight's mane out of her eyes, as she closed the small gap between them and brought her into a sweet, loving kiss. Twilight closed her eyes and kissed Dash back in return, letting a pleasant moan escape her throat as their kiss deepened and Twilight actually felt really glad and thanked Celestia that Dash had stopped her after all, now feeling like she couldn't be more happy to be wrapped in her marefriend's love once again. ... ... After talking to Spike, and bringing him up to speed on what had happened, the dragon happily ran off to go and tell the good news to the others in Ponyville, before he would head back to the library, overjoyed at the fact that Rainbow Dash had convinced Twilight to stay, making him so glad that he and the Princess weren't leaving after all. Meanwhile Rainbow Dash and Twilight went on a long fly together, getting away from both towns for a little while, spending there day off out together and not coming back until late at night. Choosing to hang around the outskirts of the separated towns for a little bit longer, while they waited for the majority of the two towns to head back into their homes for the night, before they both successfully snuck into Rainbow Dash's cloudhome up in Cloudsdale, the two not wanting to leave each other's side for the night. "How did you know I was at the train station?" Twilight asked as she and Dash were now laying on the pegasus's bed, talking the night away, while they were happy to have spent the rest of the day without any drama, whether tomorrow would be the same or not was something to worry about in the morning, for now they would just enjoy this time alone together. "Fluttershy came and told me, AJ and the others must have told her to come and tell me what was going on, and then she practially begged me to stop you from leaving, saying that 'I was the only pony you would listen to right now'," Rainbow answered sighing slightly as she had her chin resting on Twilight's chest, while Twilight was laying on her back, and looking to her with a slight smile. "Well to be honest, you pretty much were, I don't think I would have agreed to stay if it was anypony else but you Dash," Twilight smiled as she rested her head back on the pillow, chuckling slightly when she could feel her marefriend nuzzling into her chest. "Did you tell Cloudsdale the truth about us as well?" Twilight asked as she looked up to the ceiling, and sighed a little, glad that Rainbow and her had at least this night together after the peaceful afternoon they had spent staying away from all of their troubles, but knowing they most likely couldn't do that from now on, or even just tomorrow probably. "Yes, and I got chased and questioned by pretty much every single pegasus in the whole city afterwards," Dash nodded as she remembered how exhausted she had felt eariler, where as now she didn't want this night to end. "I bet that was fun," Twilight smirked as she looked back to Dash, and ran her hoof through the pegasus's bright rainbow mane, getting a delighted 'hum' in return from her. "Oh yeah it was great, let me tell you how many times I got the same questions over and over again for maybe about two hours straight," Dash rolled her eyes and she playfully headbutted Twilight's hoof off of her head. "What were you expecting Dash? Do you see now that maybe it wasn't the best plan to tell all of them the truth so soon?" "It was either that or have them find it out for themselves later on," Dash pointed out. "I guess that's true, and I bet that would have been even worse, since Applejack and the others would have been kept in the dark for even longer then they were before I told them everything," Twilight rested a hoof on Rainbow's head, as she watched her move slightly and reach over to one of her alicorn wings, starting to preen the lavender feather, while Twilight felt a soothing sensation flow through her nerves. "Oh yeah, how did that go anyway?" Rainbow asked as she slowly licked Twilight's feathers, closing her eyes and smiling when she heard the alicon give out a pleasant moan in return. "Well it was actually okay, once they had all stopped questioning me about this or that, and were willing to just stand there and let me explain everything to them. And then when I had explained it all to them they all seemed fine with it...well until I told them about last night, but it wasn't too much of a problem for me, and luckily I was able to stop them from lecturing me about it," Twilight explained as she figured that her telling the others about everything had actually gone better than she thought it would have. "By telling them that you were leaving?" Rainbow raised a eyebrow, as she had her eyes half-open, while she lightly stroked Twilight's wing with her hoof, causing the alicorn to shiver slightly, as she blushed a little. Twilight just nodded in reply, before she glanced away from Dash, using her wing to lightly hit Rainbow's hoof away from her. Rainbow smiled as she snuggled up close to her marefriend, and lightly kissed her neck, causing her to tremble in return. "So we aren't over right, Twi?" "Of course not! I mean I still don't feel safe in either of the towns...but I love you Dash, and I don't want to lose you," Twilight stated as she reached her hooves up to Dash's cheeks and brought her head up to look at her in the eyes, resting her forehead against Dash's while she closed her eyes, and held back her tears. "I'm glad. I love you too Twilight," Dash smiled as she pecked Twilight's forehead lightly, and nuzzled her lovingly. Twilight whimpered slightly as she linked her forelegs around Dash's neck and held her close, buring her head into Dash's shoulder, while Rainbow smiled and hugged Twilight back, now standing over her and rubbing her back again in a calming motion, whispering quiet words of comfort into her ear, while she felt the alicorn nuzzling into her neck. "It doesn't matter where I am anymore, as long as I'm together with you then I'm already home," Twilight whispered as she could feel a couple of small tears slowly running down her cheeks, letting a few sobs escape her lips. "Alright shh...no more crying now, I'm here," Dash calmed Twilight's cries as she moved her hoof in a circling motion, stroking Twilight's back softly, while she lightly kissed away her tears. Twilight sniffled slightly as she pulled away from Dash a little, swallowing as she choked back more tears, as she sighed deeply and rested her head aganist her marefriend's chest, listening to the slow rhythm of her heartbeat, letting it soothe her till she was able to relax again. "What are we going to do Dash?" Twilight asked as she gazed up to her marefriend, feeling her worries going to the back of her mind, while Dash cuddled her close and held her tightly. She still felt worried about where they would go from here, they still had things to worry about, and Twilight wasn't exactly sure that it was all really going to work out. After all looking at how things were now, it almost seemed impossible for it to actually turn out for the better to her. "I'm told you, we'll work it all out," "I know...but..." Twilight paused as she gritted her teeth and had a saddened look, while Dash looked down to her with an concerned expression, "...are we going to be okay Dash?" Rainbow looked to Twilight for a moment, before she smiled and kissed Twilight's lips lightly before answering her, "We'll be fine, Twilight," Rainbow reassured as she felt a warm seastion fill her heart when she saw that beautiful smile of Twilight's return to her lips again. Rainbow leaned more into Twilight as she gave her ear a slow lick, causing the alicorn to shiver slightly, spreading out her lavender wings from her sides, before she pulled the pegasus into a deep kiss, smiling when she returned it and pushed her tongue in. Twilight moaned a little as she happily let Dash dominate her, loving the way she would lightly suck on her tongue and make her head spin with every little movement she would make with her tongue and hooves, running them along her sides, causing the Princess to squirm against her. Their lips parted as the two lovers gazed into each others eyes, smiling while they didn't want this perfect moment to end, but both knowing that it eventually would. Twilight sighed as she carnessed Dash's cheek with her hoof, Dash closing her eyes and nuzzling into the alicorn's touch, clearly asking her for more. Twilight watched Dash's reaction as she brushed her hoof along the pegasus's forehead, travling slowly, running through her long rainbow mane, descending down to end at her neck, going back to repeat the motion once or twice more, all the while Dash was arching her neck and smiling in delight, enjoying all the attention she was getting from her marefriend, giving out small 'hums' while Twilight smiled at the way Dash would react to her being to so affectionate towards her. "Hey Dash..." "Hmm?" "I know it's not as exciting as being outside on a cloud or anything...but, do you think we could keep going?" Twilight asked as she stroked Dash's folded up wing, causing her to shiver and extend it, feeling Twilight's hoof brush against each and every one of her cyan feathers, while she looked to Twilight for a moment, and wondered if she was really asking her for what she thought she was asking her for. "You sure Twi?" Dash rested her forehead against Twilight's looking deep into her eyes, and making sure there was now regret behind them, but all she could see was longing behind those dark orbs that were gazing back to her. Twilight just nodded in reply laying a light peck on Dash's lips, before she linked her forelegs around the pegasus's neck again, and held her close, letting her marefriend pin her down on the bed, moaning slightly as she blushed slightly, while she felt Dash kissing her neck lightly again, now being a little more aggressive with her advances, gladly obliging to the alicorn's request. "I love you Rainbow Dash," Twilight whispered with a smile, hearing Dash whisper her own 'I love you' in reply, holding her close as she felt her marefriend wrap her in a loving embrace. Now knowing that no matter what life may throw at them from her on out, she would happily pull through it all as long as her love was standing beside her, while Twilight felt that wrapped in Rainbow Dash's ever longing love was where she truly belonged, knowing that she would never want to let her go ever again. And whatever the future may hold for them, it would all be worth it as long as they were walking together through it all.