> Love Bleeding > by Xx soul sorrow xX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Witnessing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked at the knife. It was covered in blood. There was blood there on it. It was red. I knew who had murdered her. I knew who murdered Twilight Sparkle. And I had to find the person who did it. They did. I put the knife in a plastic sandwich bag and I reported the bloody knife to the Ponyville council. The council sent me an email that said... "Dear Fluttershy, We have the knife and we have the DNA of blood on it, but there is no evidence on who killed Twilight Sparkle. The DNA ain't showing up. Once we have a few suspects, we will have you in court to point out the murderer. We thank you for your piece of evidence to help to find who commit the crime. Thanks, man. Sketchy Suzie, Secretary, Ponyville Council" I crumpled the note up and burned it in my burning fireplace. The orange flames looked beautiful in my cute cottage. My cottage is where I keep animals and sell them and give them away to shelters. It's called, "Calmy Cottage" because it's calm and in the woods. All the wood land critters come to Calmy Cottage when they want to be given away to a great place. I feed all of my animals. I can afford it because I'm rich... Maybe that's why she wanted revenge.... She wanted revenge because I was friends with Twilight and she wanted to be rich so she killed Twilight to make me MAD. That's a bad idea. No buddy messes with Fluttershy. An animal came and stared at me. I said "Hey little critter." It was a squirrel. I grabbed some food out of my hair and gave it to him. Maybe it was a girl though. I don't know. The squirrel ate it up gratefully. I walked away and picked up my favorite book. It was 101 Games to Play With Some Animals. I flipped to the soccer chapter. It's my favorite. I like soccer. I gathered up some animals. There were 2 bears and a flamingo and a snake and a few squirrels. I said "Come on, let's go." We ran outside with the soccer ball. We kicked it around and had a great time. But my thoughts were sinister and sad. Twilight got murdered and I felt some sad feelings in me. I didn't understand. I said "I'm sorry, guys. We have to stop playing soccer. I should go to bed." The animals continued playing when I left. I sat in my bed with the pink sheets and the gala dresses in the corner. I felt tears go down my cheeks unexpectedly. I brushed them away, but I felt them returning. Then I was completely crying. A puddle of tears was there. I cried myself to sleep. In the morning, I couldn't see because the sun was blocked by the thick curtains. I shoved them away and felt the sunlight burn my eyes. I flt the tears coming on again. "No, be strong" I whispered to myself. But there's no point. One of my cloest friends was gone, and there was nothing I could do. > The Mourn of Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took me a while to stop crying the first time. But I started it right up again. I sat in bed with my 3DS and I cryed while playing Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I cryed because my last native villager moved away. It was Tabby. She had gross teeth but I still liked her enough. On Animal Crossing, it was Explorer Day and Isabelle got me a boat model. I didn't know what to do with it because my house already is full of bugs and fish and I have only a basic yellow bed in there. So I went to Chief's house and throwed it away in his trash can. I was sucking up my tears back into my eyeballs, and I tried logging out super fast but my DS was blinking red really fast so it died while saving. Al my hard work of throwing away that boat model was wasted. I started crying like the waterfall in my town. My town was called Flowers♄ and my character was called Flutters since I can't fit my whole name. But then I pulled my self together and stopped sobbing real bad. I plugged my DS into the wall socket and I left. I went to teh kitchen. I got my teapot and made some all natural green tea. I drank it. But I accidentally choked on a tea leaf and it hurt my throat so I cried and spilled some tea on the floor. It was an accident but I got my mop and cleaned it. It has to be clean forever. I made a dandelion sandwich and I ate it delicately like a butterfly on a flower. Then I choked again and I had to spit it out. I started crying and went to the couch and took a nap there for a while. Then I got up. All the animals were still outside playing soccer and I was inside cring still. I had a bad morning. It was really bad. My friend got murdered and Tabby moved away so all my closest friends were goners except for Rarity and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, and the orange one. I forgot her name. I think it's apple something. I think it was Apple Juice. Yeah, that's probably it. I decided to go out for a stroll to get my mind off things. It'll be a peaceful stroll by the river with the mailman. It's really nice and the trees are in bloom. So it's nice and pretty and beautiful. I like taking walks. I stepped outside and felt the harsh air. It was cold and the wind was hard and pushing. Some blossom petals fell in the air and blew passed my face. I sniffed one. I stopped to smell the roses and then I frolicked since I was happy again. The walk did its job. I felt a lot better. Then I went inside Calmy Cottage. It functions as my house. I went inside and got a phone call on my phone. I answered it. A voice said, "Ms. Fluuttershy Freeman, we'd appreciate your presence at the Pony Court Room for the discussion of who killed Twilight Loraine Sparkle. We know you know you know. So we'd like some little Fluttershy perspective on how things went down. Thank you. BYEE?" Then the voice hung up. It might have been Mare Mayor. "Okay" I said. I hung up. > In The Court > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I get dressed up in my fanciest getup. I was wearing a beauty gown. It was black to represent my mourning for Twi-Twi. That's what I called Twilight when she was alive. She used to call me Flutter Fluff. I wore a black veil like at a funeral. I had purple shoes because Twilight was purple. It wasn't the same shade, but it got the point across. Finally, I had a pearl necklace that was dyed red to represent that blood that Twilight shed when she died. I was ready to go. Oh, yes, man. I went to the court down town. People were beginning to flood the room. It was people that I didn't know because I'm shy and I don't know that many ponies. Or griffons, or dargons, or any other sapient beings. I only had animals. I looked at the jury. There were only eleven people because Twilight was in the jury and she was dead. But now she wasn't. They just forgot to replace her yet. I sat in my witnessing seat. It was a big chair. It was super comfy. It was made of leather. It smelled like an animal. It was really comfy, even more comfy than that bed at my cottage. I felt like stealing it. I had a urge inside me. But I shoved it away because stealing is bad. I should just ask nicely for it. If I said please and thank you, maybe they would let me do it. There was a big desk in front of me. It was brown and made of wood. I exhaled slowly. I saw the fat judge guy sitting in his judge seat. He was judging me. I wondered if he would let me take home the chair. His chair looked comfier, though. Maybe I should ask him nicely for his chair instead of the one I was sitting in. He had one of those hammer things I saw on Judge Judy. I didn't like the sound it made when he smacked it on the desk and screamed at the guy. I hoped he wouldn't do that. I don't like it. The judge took a bite of a hamburger he brought. Except it wasn't a ham burger. It was a veggie burger since ponies are vegetarians. He was a pony too. Except I think he was a horse since he looked really tough and meaty. He had meaty feet and a meaty neck. He ate the burger up. I stared at him. I was scared that he was judging me on the inside. He put the burger back down and slammed his hammer on the desk. It left a dent. He said "Welcome to court." He had a accent I think. A couple of guys brought in a casket. It was Twilight's casket. They opened it and Twilight's corpse was in it and she was posed peacefully and her face looked like this "XUX" like the X's are her eyes and the U is her mouth. She was dead. She had a blood stain on her burial dress. Her face had makeup like Rarity. She looked so beautiful. I missed my friend. I remember one time when we played hopscotch in my grassy yard. We used cardboard squares since we couldn't afford chalk in my day. We had a great time. Looking at Twilight's casket, I hoped she would stand up like a angel and be alive. It was like The Westing Game except Twilight wasn't an old man. The guys carried the casket and set it down on a table. I stared at them. Then they left and the judge said "Okay, let's get it started." The jury people grabbed some things to write with. I sat still since I was a witness and I thought about Twilight's carcass in the casket. > Court Case > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The judge said, "Yeah, let's get started. We have our suspects. First, Suspect 1, also known as Noteworthy. He was fixing Twilight's car when the murder happened." Noteworthy didn't feel worthy. He felt Notworthy. He was nervous, but he might be just sad that Twilight was murdered. But he had no right to feel sad because I was Twilight's bestest friend no matter how many times he fixed Twilight's car. "Suspect 2, Trixie Lullamoon. She hated Twilight Sparkle and wanted to kill her with magic." Trixie had a mean angry face that was like "GRRRRR." I remembered Trixie from Boat Busters. She was evil, and then in Magic Duel she banished Twilight and I had to dress like a ninja rabbit and save her. "Suspect 3, Sweetie Belle. She was at Twilight's house for a private session of Twilight Time." Sweetie Belle was a girl. She was white with some hair that was pink and purple. It looked like cotton candy like Pinkie Pie. Maybe they were realted. We could solve the case. I heard about Twilight time, but I don't know much about it. "And last, we have Suspect 4, Big McIntosh. He was walking nearby when it happened. He sold apples to Twilight in the past. In the earlier hours." Big Mac works at a farm barn. He likes apples a lot. I saw him earlier. He was holding a knife. He was cutting open a apple and looking angry. Not as angry as Trixie though. She didn't look any thing like the cereal called Trix. I don't know why they named her that. "These are our suspects. Gotta problem with that?? Tell me on Facebook at Reccess." Nobody responded. No problem, bros. I looked at the suspects again. They all seemed suspicious. Trixie was angry and Notworthy was worried and Sweetie Belle was confused and Macintosh was annoyed. I knew who it was, though. I knew the truth. I saw it. I saw it with my own eyeballs. They were shy and teal. They were the color of the sea on a nice tropical day in a lagoon. I like my eyeballs. But they don't have anything to do with court. So I couldn't tell the judge I liked them. "Today, we have brought Ms. Fluttershy Freeman to tell who she knows the murderer is. Misses Flut? What do you have to say?" The judged turned to me. I gulped. "I know who murdered Twilight. The muderer...........................is......................" > Murdererer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... ".....Sweetie Belle." The jury gasped and everyone in the room gasped and the suspects gasped except Sweetie Belle. Instead she pulled out a knife and stabbed Bic Mac and then ran out the doors super fast but the guards couldn't catch her. She was too quick. I jumped up and flew to the doors before anyone. I had to find Sweetie. In the distance she was running and the police chased her but she teleported when they were close..... I couldn't catch herb, and the police guys and everyone looked around but dinent see her. But I knew where she was. I knew it. I did it yeah. I flew to Farmer McSmackey's old abandoned barn. It was red. McSmackey is Granny Smith's divorced husband. I flew there and no one was around it. I went inside. I was in it. When I looked inside, I saw Sweetie crying as she wiped some blood on the barn wall. The blood spelled out "Love". I questioned it. "Sweetie, why did you murder Twilight?" "Because I couldn't do good at magic so I killed Twilight. She hated me." "Twilight loved everyone, Sweet peanut. She was a princess and loved every ponie. Until you killed her of course. So why did you smear blood there like theat?'" "I did it because I loved Twilight wth my life and I was upset to disappoint her at magic she was teaching me. I had to do it..... So this writing on the wall is for her. Made of blood that she shed like on your necklace. Love, Fluyyershy. It was love all along." I couldn't help but walk up to Sweetie and hug her. She was always my little Sweetie, and nothing would ever change that, even if she was a murderer. We cried together, and Sweetie cried real loud. So loud, that the police found us. "THere she is! Sweetie Belle is in here! GET her!! right now!!" the police sheriff screamed. I had to let her go. Sweetie cried as she was taken from my arms and put in a cop car. I sobbed as I waved to her. From the car, she looked at me and waved. Her hands were covered in blood and the cop car left. The coppers were gone and also Sweet Belle. I went back in my room and play ed Animal Crossing again, and in Sweetie Belle's honor, I even made a player named after her even though I'd never use it and she would always live in a tent. But it was all love just the same. Love.