> How Am I Ever Going To Explain This To Your Parents? > by Pinkuponi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1 Miss Cheerilee sat at her desk, reading her favorite romance novel Fifty Shades of Neigh, as her class kept themselves busy, either starting there homework or passing notes. Only minutes kept her from the Spring Break she had been anticipating for the last month. Finally, a chance for me to relax without any annoying children. I mean, they aren't so terrible, I just feel like I can use a break every now and then. Besides, I hadn't had a good cup of my sister Berry Punch's cyder in ages without being bugged by the police or school district. She thought. She smiled at the thought of warm apple cyder, not cider, cyder. How she can't wait to have some. She looked down at her book and realized she was only on the 7th page. Maybe this week I'll have time to finish this freaking book. I've been so distracted lately I've only been re-reading pages. And too bad, it seemed good so far. The bell rung, breaking the silent atmosphere of the room. "Okay class," The mare started, "remember to do the homework packet over the vacation. It's worth twenty percent of your grade. Now, enjoy your break. I know I will." Most of the children in the room stormed out of the class as soon as she finished. Only a few where still in the room. "Miss Cheerilee!" Applebloom jumped infront of her teacher's face, surprising her. "Can ah' ask you ah' favor?" Her two friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, joined her as expected. "What are you doing here, girls? I thought you'd want to leave right away." Cheerilee sighed. Sweetie Belle showed half a smile and looked to her side. "Accctualllly, we wanted to ask you something, ya see my sister is staying in Canterlot for the week on business," She looked at Applebloom "And mah' family is going to a business meeting in Apploosa," Scootaloo shrugged when they both looked at her, "You would expect my family to be doing something work related too but honestly I have absolutely no idea whatsoever where they are..." She started, "And usually I'd stay with Rainbow Dash, but she's at some competition I'm not aloud to go to. Dumb Equestria porn star championships, whatever that is." The orange filly crossed her forelegs pouted for a moment before returning to the conversation. "An' we where wondering if ya' can foalsit us. Our families all said it was okay, and we don't have much of an option. Pinkie Pie's foalsitting service is the only one in town, and it isn't exactly, the best around." Applebloom said. Cheerilee sighed. "Aren't you old enough to stay home alone?" "The last time I stayed home alone I burnt my house down." Scootaloo said, in the most casually way anypony could say that sentence. "Ooookayy, and what about you girls?" She asked looking at Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, awkwardly. "Same here." They said simultaneously. "You mean, you all burnt down your houses?" Miss Cheerilee raised a brow. The three nodded. "Yeah, why is that not normal?" Sweetie Belle asked. Cheerilee gave a facehoof. Great, just when I thought I could get a break I have to watch the three most misbehaved students in the class, besides Snips and Snails. Nopony likes Snips and Snails. That's just plain fact right there. "Fine, I guess I can watch you for the week. But no horsing around. Get it? Horsing?" Bad pun, Cheerilee, bad pun. "Yay!" The Cutiemark Crusaders cheered. "Spring Break at Cheerilee's!" "I hope you know this means I'll be making sure you do every inch of homework." The purple mare smirked. "Awww." The three fillies frowned. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle unpacked there things in a guest bedroom at Cheerilee's home in Ponyville, later that evening. Applebloom had bought her potion making things, to practice so that she could maybe earn her Cutiemark, however everypony knew she wouldn't. Scootaloo bought, nothing, because she's poor, and has no home (kidding, kidding, she actually bought her beloved scooter), and Sweetie Belle unpacked a case of classy, overwhelming dresses her sister made her, even though they both knew well that she would never wear them in public. "Ah' can't wait to do some crusading this week!" Appleboom said as she sorted some flasks that where in her bag. "Maybe you'll get one in being a dorky wizard." Scootaloo mocked. Sweetie sighed, "At least you don't have all of these dresses, I'd be supprised if I didn't get a cutiemark in folding clothes." "What would that even look like?" Applebloom asked. Their teacher, and foalsitter, walked into the room. She smiled, as she saw the three seemingly settling in fine. "How's everypony doing?" She asked the trio. "We're doing fine. You have a nice house." Sweetie Belle said. Cheerilee blushed, "It isn't that nice." "Well you did a good job of cleaning up then." Scootaloo attempted to complement her. "Okay girls, now that you're unpacked I think it's a good time to get your homework out of the way. Besides, if you had to do it later, this fanfic would be really boring. Might as well get it done off-screen." Cheerilee said, totally not breaking the fourth-wall. The Cutiemark Crusaders sighed, "okay." Cheerilee smiled as she trotted out of the room. That should keep the busy for a few hours, now I get to finish that book, in peace and- "MISS CHEERILEE I NEED HELP!" A voice cried from the other room. Damnit. > Day 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 2 Cheerilee rolled out of her bed, thankful she wasn't woken up by her alarm at five in the morning to go to work. She stretched out her legs and let out a yawn. The purple mare then lifted her eyelids to get a look at the time. The digital clock on her night stand displayed "8:26" in bright green letters. I guess I better get the girls up, if they aren't already, and make them some breakfast. I hope they like apples. I'm sure Applebloom does, at least, she does luve on an apple farm. Hell, how could you not like something in your name? I mean APPLEbloom? Cheerilee pulled herself out of her bed, and drowsily trotted towards the doorway. The door was open, and Cheerilee heard giggling from the other room. Looks like they're awake. "Girls, come out, it's time for breakfast!" She yelled to the closed door of the guessed bedroom. "Cummin' hang on!" Applebloom's familiar voice said. Cheerilee took out a hoof-ful of apples from the fridge and set them down on the countertop of the kitchen. She grabbed a knife in her mouth and a cutting-board. She cut the apples into thin slices and organized them onto four plates. By the time she was done preparing the quote meal /quote, the girls where sitting at the dining table. "Just apples? I know teachers stereotypically like apples, but do you have anything else?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I like apples, okay?" Cheerilee groaned. Applebloom smiled. "I think their delicious!" "Of coarse you do. You grow apples for a living. Apple is your family name. You're only aloud to eat apple-based food. Of coarse you like apples." Scootaloo said rolling her eyes. She had a point. Ir isn't like you see the Apple family eat oranges, or bananas, do you? After breakfast, the three girls sat down in their guest room, to plan the day of crusading ahead of them. "Ah' found this potion recipe, that makes your talent enhanced. It could help us earn our cutiemarks!" Applebloom to,d the group. She opened the book to a page of ingredients. "Most of these ah' have, and the rest, can be found around Ponyville an' the forest." "Oh, I don't know are you sure we won't get cutie-pox?" Scootaloo asked with a smirk as they peeked at the open book. "Hey, ah' know what ah'm doin' now!" Applebloom rolled her eyes. "Anyways, ah' need ah' few things from ya'." She said, taking out a sheet of paper and pencil. She began composing a list of miscellaneous (good grief that word is hard to spell) ingredients, such as magical plants and herbs. The list consisted of several items with small, and may I add poorly drawn, illustrations by Applebloom herself. When she was done, she gave Sweetie Belle the list, knowing she's more trustworthy than Scootaloo was. "Okay, so we just gather these and you'll be good to go?" She asked looking over the list she held in front of her with her magic. Applebloom nodded. "While yer gone, ah'll get started on the rest." "Seems easy enough. Lets go, Sweetie." Scootaloo grabbing her scooter. She would've waited till they where outside, but, it's a cartoon universe. Scootaloo got on her scooter and Sweetie Belle got on behind her, with her saddle bag around her. They took off to gather the ingredients for the potion. "Okay, Hearts Desire, check." Sweetie Belle said. She scanned the list one last time. Rainbow Vine- Check Memory Flower- Check Magic Oak- Check Hearts Desire- Check Blue Crystal Lily- "Okay all that's left is a Blue Crystal Lily!" Sweetie Belle said. "I think I saw a blue lily thing near the entrance of the forest!" Scootaloo said. "Can I see?" Sweetie handed her the list, with the picture on it. It looked close enough, but it was hard to tell. They trotted together to the entrance to the forest where Scootaloo saw the flowers. There was a patch of blue flowers all over the grass. Sweetie piched up two with her magic and put them into her saddle bag. She then checked the ingredient off of the list. "Thats it!" "Here you go Applebloom!" Sweetie Belle smiled taking off her saddle back and emptying the herbs onto the floor of the room. There was a couple of each plant on the list and a chunk of Rainbow Vine. "Ahkay I got the rest in, now all we need to do is ground up everything." She took out a little wooden pounding thingy and bowl. Sweetie put each ingredient into the bowl with her magic, which Scootaloo then grounded up, finally pouring the essence into the potion flask, which Applebloom mixed in with a whisk from Miss Cheerilee's kitchen. A puff of pink smoke came out of the bottle when all of the ingredients where in. "Is it done?" Scootaloo asked. Apple bloom nodded with a smile. "Drink up!" She said grinning. The three each took a drink out of the flask. It tasted bitter, like that brown stuff their sisters drank every morning. "Now what?" Scootaloo asked impatiently. "We wait," Applebloom replied, "for the magic to happen!" (Mad scientist laugh.)