> Love Is Power > by RarestRarity1779 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So you’re sure you don’t care if I stick around a couple of days?” Shocker-C asked as he draped the cover over the table and then went over to work with the plugs to the turntable set. “Nah,” Vinyl Scratch said as she propped her upper body up on the wall and went to pat down the edges of the poster. She had tried to do so with her magic, but it just wouldn’t stick. “I don’t care. It’s the least I can do for you offering your services anyway. Remember though, I head out at the end of the week.” “Got it,” Shocker-C nodded his head and checked the cables all over one last time. “Sure I couldn’t get you to tag along? It’s an absolute pain setting up all this gear on my own,” Vinyl commented as she continued to fight with the poster. “Nah,” the blue pegasus declined, “I don’t think Grazia would approve.” Vinyl Scratch wanted to poke a little fun at him, but she wasn’t able to because of the poster. “Besides,” Shocker-C continued as he went for the box of posters, “sompony like you should have no problem finding a little backstage help.” Vinyl huffed as she finally got the poster flat against the wall as it should be. “You’d be surprised,” she said pointedly as she too turned and headed for the box, “You’d be surprised she repeated.” She grabbed a poster and went to place it up on the wall. “The problem?” she asked as she rolled it out over the wall, “I don’t think anypony really knows how much it takes to crank out some good beats.” “I’ll drink to that!” Shocker-C agreed as he helped to place up the rest of the posters where they should be. Afterwards, himself and Vinyl Scratch wrapped up a few loose ends around the party area. Cables were checked, tables were laid out, and the first rounds of drinks poured. “You sure that’s all?” Shocker-C asked once all appeared to be finished. “Yeah,” came the reply, “go on and rest up or whatever. I’ve got some things I need to pick up in town, but I shouldn’t need you for the rest of the time. Of course, you’re welcome to the party, no charge.” “Thanks Vinyl,” Shocker-C said, “I appreciate it.” “No problem kid,” she said as she placed her sunglasses on and checked her appearance on the nearby turntable, which seemed to shine like a new bit. “Thanks for all the help,” she said and then was out just like that. Shocker-C watched her walk off and then retired backstage towards his quarters. He pulled the curtain aside and then entered. He had been in there several times obviously, but now had been his only chance to really check out the place. It was pretty nice to be a makeshift place, and it managed to have a sense of hominess about it. Regardless of looks, it was sure to be the perfect temporary place for them. Speaking of Grazia, his marefriend, he wondered where she could be. She had gone out to pick up a few things for them and perhaps she had been held up by the weekend shopping rush or perhaps she had run across a home for sale and had stopped to look. Either way, it was all he could do to wait for her. Only, he didn’t have to do much waiting before Grazia burst in, her saddlebags full to the brim with groceries. “Hey baby,” she greeted him affectionately and placed the bags down. Shocker hopped up without hesitation to assist her in placing the things about in as orderly a fashion as was possible for their current abode. “Sorry I was late babe,” Grazia explained as she grabbed several canned goods with her magic, “The market was crazy and…” she turned back towards the bags and Shocker too but was cut off as he kissed her. As usual, it was a rather sensual and passionate kiss. It was what one might consider to be the perfect kiss at that; not too long and yet not too short… not too much tongue and not too little. Before they could get to into it though, Shocker pulled away from her and smiled. “I don’t care baby,” he said to her, “just so long as you’re here with me now.” She smiled up at him and pecked him on the cheek first and then the lips. “Oh stop it you big flatterer,” she told him. Shocker had no intention of stopping though. “But I don’t wanna,” he said to her and got just a little closer to her. “Do you want me to?” he asked quietly, playfully. Grazia was quiet at first as she backed against the wall, a blush starting to cross her face and the wonderful sensation of Shocker’s lips running across her neck and face that made her weak at the knees. “No,” she said after some time as she stood up on her hind legs and placed her hooves around him in an affectionate way that practically begged him for more. “You sure?” Shocker asked as he kissed up and down on her neck and then went over to her lips. “Do I sound sarcastic to you?” Grazia asked playfully as Shocker pulled his lips away from hers. “Hm,” came the reply, “good point.” After that, all was quiet for a moment as they kissed and caressed each other. “Hey,” Shocker continued after a time, “you’ve been out all day so I’m sure you’re tired. How about you come… lay down on the bed?” He winked at her. The message getting to her loud and clear, Grazia batted her beautiful brown eyes and moved in closer to him. To be such a quick move it was so very sensual. “That doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” she said to him, almost in a whisper. With that, she walked past him and flicked her tail up towards his face as he watched her walk on, offering him a glimpse of what lay underneath. Once on the bed, Grazia laid out in a rather sensual position. She pulled the bow out of her mane and allowed her ponytail to drop down and fall into line with the rest of her silky locks. One, especially Shocker, might say that she looked too stunning. As a matter of fact, her beauty was so striking that Shocker was glued to where he stood. Luckily enough for them both though, he was able to break free from her majestic spell and make his way towards her. He laid down beside her in the bed, small as it was, and eventually made it to where she was able to climb on top of him. “You are so beautiful,” he complimented her, “You know that?” “How could I not?” she asked him, “You remind me every day.” “Oh yeah,” Shocker said with a playful voice as he recalled his daily compliment to her. “Well,” Grazia continued, “I suppose that there’s only one way I could thank you, right?” She smiled at him and started to slowly make her way downwards. “Depends,” Shocker replied as he watched her move downwards, “What’s that way?” “Oh,” Grazia said as she finally got down to his lower area, “I think you’ll know it when you feel it.” “Is that soOOOh…” Shocker tried to reply but was taken by surprise as his marefriend jumped right in to pleasuring him orally. As she usually did, Grazia started slowly and teasingly. At first, to get him aroused, she would lick and kiss his testicles, each little smooch leaving a light lipstick imprint; Grazia was always obliged to help him wash them off whenever they took a bath together. She would keep it up for a little while, moving her tongue all around his testicles and kissing them too but it usually didn’t take too long for Shocker’s erection to grow into something that she could really work with. Grazia giggled as she poked and prodded it playfully with her muzzle. “You’re a big boy,” she complimented as she teased him by scaling it up and not touching it. “All work and no play I guess,” Shocker replied playfully. “Oh,” Grazia showed a playful pity, “Well we’ll just have to change that, won’t we?” “I guess we will,” Shocker replied, “I guess we will…” he slipped into silence as Grazia slipped him into her mouth. All was quiet for a moment as Grazia laid there and fellated him, but after a while he popped his head up to watch her and then complimented, “You sure know what you’re doing.” Grazia popped him out of her mouth and then looked up at him. “Well,” she said, “let’s just say that it isn’t the first time I’ve done something like this.” She winked at him and then fellated him just a little more. She stayed near the top at first, but progressed further down as the seconds ticked on. Eventually, it got to where she was deepthroating him for short periods at a time. However, that meant that she would have to come up to take breathers. Creative as she was though, Grazia was sure to come up with a good line to say as she did so. “You know,” she said as she rubbed him with her hoof and breathed, “I think you’ve worked harder than I have today anyway, so it’s only fair.” She would pop his cock into her mouth after that though and would repeat the process all over again. One of the many, many things that Shocker loved about Grazia was that she sure knew how to keep the moment going. As she seconds turned into erotic minutes, Grazia’s excellent oral skill all but drove Shocker to the brink of orgasm. However, Grazia, neither of them as a matter of fact, intended for this to be a simple quickie. Paying attention to the way he kicked his hind leg outward and thrust his midsection in ecstasy, Grazia pulled her mouth off of him right before it looked as if he was about to melt. She let him sit for a minute or so before she went back to touching him, however she was sure to keep the moment alive by going for his testicles once more. Once she was sure that he was recovered from his near-orgasm, Grazia licked his sweet-tasting precum away and went to go down on him once more, for she firmly believed that a good, teasing blowjob was the way to start off the sex. Before she could get him into her mouth though, Shocker stopped her by placing his hoof atop her head. “Wait,” he said as a gentle smile started to cross his face, “You know I can’t let you have all the fun, and besides, I want to pitch in too. What’s say that you swing your cute little hind end around up here so that I can do my thing?” He winked at her after that. Grazia was all but happy to oblige too, and so she did as she was asked and swung herself over him and laid down flat on top of him so that her butt was facing him and her face was towards his penis. “Race ya’,” Shocker challenged as he pushed her tail aside and prepared to set to work, only to realize that she had beaten him. “Hold on now big boy,” she told him, “This isn’t a race.” “Well fine then,” he sulked playfully and began to lick and kiss her vagina. He placed both of his hooves on her haunches for support and started to dig in. Shocker tried to keep his composure and start out slowly at first as she had, but her scent and taste all but corrupted him and made him dig in. “Oh!” Grazia exclaimed with excitement. She smiled and looked back towards her butt and towards Shocker so that she could watch him eat her for a few moments. “Easy now big fella,” she said softly. Shocker brought his lips away from her pussy and then laid his head down on the pillow where he took several deep breaths, full of ecstasy. “Sorry,” he said between breaths, “but you just taste so good baby!” Grazia blushed deeply and turned her head back forward towards his penis in an attempt to hide it. To try to get her mind off of her smooth-talking stallionfriend’s smooth talk, she proceeded to continue to blow him. The whole process continued for a time, again, perfect it seemed; not too short and not too long. Eventually, the two of them bored of what they were doing and felt that it was time to move on to the next level. Almost as if she could read his mind, Grazia dismounted from his chest and flipped herself around so that she was facing him now. As she did so and once she was finally face to face with him, it was if the mood of it all changed in an instant. Now it was if there was some sort of emphasis on each other rather than on the sensations. The both of them were silent for a few moments as Grazia’s beautiful brown eyes met with Shocker’s graceful red eyes. They merely stared at each other now, their eyes unblinking and their emotions unwavering. Shocker was the first to break the serene silence as he pushed his head upwards and docked his lips with Grazia’s. “I love you so much baby,” he told her after he finished kissing her. “I love you too,” Grazia replied as she kissed him back and laid her head down flat on his chest where she then snuggled him fondly. As she snuggled him though, Grazia couldn’t help but recall his erection as she felt its considerable size prod at her hind end. She smiled at him and kissed him on the lips once more. “I want you,” she told him and kissed him on the lips once more, “I want you bad,” she kissed him again, “I want you inside of me,” she whispered to him and kissed him one more time. Submitting to her demands, Shocker wrapped his forelegs around her and hugged her in close to him. He locked his lips with hers and caressed her body as he eventually slid himself into her. Grazia pulled her lips away and let out a little whimper of pleasure as he did so, and she tried to look back too, only Shocker wouldn’t let her as he steered her head back towards himself with his hoof and went back to kissing her. Meanwhile, he thrust his midsection up and down very slowly and very passionately at first. All the while, they kissed passionately and they made sure that their bodies didn’t separate even an inch. The sex was slow and passionate at first, but soon it began to speed up and became more erotic, though it retained its passionate side. Shocker thrust faster and faster until eventually he was going so fast that it was almost painful for Grazia. Luckily enough for them both though, they had done this plenty of times before so they at least knew the breaking point of the other. As Shocker continued to thrust, Grazia leaned into his body and began to kiss him passionately. She bit his lip sensually with hers and then would crane her head forward to nibble on his ear too, all as she rubbed his chest with her hooves. Shocker too, while he thrust, kissed and caressed Grazia passionately. When she would bite his lip, he would bite back, and when she would nibble his ear he would brush her mane aside and do the same. It was all very sensual. Keeping at this pace for a time, it didn’t take long for each of them to reach the point of orgasm. Grazia was the first to go as she could no longer hold it in and then came all over Shocker’s penis and his lower body. Afterwards, of course, Shocker went even though he tried to hold it in for the sake of pleasure. He contemplated pulling out and finishing up on her back, but there were two issues with that method. For one, he was notorious for shooting hard and thus might become a victim of his own ejaculate, and for two, he knew that Grazia loved it when he finished inside. Taking her wishes to heart, Shocker came inside of her and smiled to himself in a satisfied way as he listened to Grazia moan in pleasure at the feeling of his juices flowing inside of her. Once finished, Shocker’s penis gradually became flaccid and soon popped out of her vagina. What would be the end for most ponies was not so for Grazia and Shocker. While it was more or less the end of their sexual encounter, for now anyway, it was the beginning to a long time of romantic cuddling and caressing. Grazia continued to lay atop him and they kissed each other softly as they panted from the sexual exertion. There were no long, sensual kisses here, but simple and quick little pecks, mostly on the lips but sometimes on the cheek and forehead too. “You’re my everything,” Shocker would tell her and then kiss her softly on the lips. “I love you so much,” Grazia would respond and lay her head down on his chest so that he could caress her and rub her back. As the minutes eventually turned into an hour, and as the hour eventually turned into what seemed like one big romantic eternity, the two of them eventually fell into sleep. Even in their sleep, the two perfect lovers were inseparable. As they tossed and turned and moved with each other in the bed, they just couldn’t seem to come apart. Shocker would continue to have his forelegs wrapped around her only to have them both roll over where Grazia would rest her head upon his shoulders. There was quite a large party coming tonight, so it was all that the two could do to stay in. Sure, the both of them were party ponies, but for some reason today just felt like a couple’s rest day. Of course, they would probably go out and enjoy the music (not that they wouldn’t be able to hear it already) and maybe get a few drinks and soak in the atmosphere, but just as something to do. Little did Grazia know though, Shocker had quite the surprise in mind for her. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later, Shocker and Grazia were awoken by the sound of a party. Music and dancing and talking… sleep’s natural enemy. Shocker sat up and stretched out his wings first and then the rest of his limbs while Grazia sat up behind him and yawned. She leaned over on his back and looked into his eyes. “You plan on going out?” she asked him and smiled. “I did,” Shocker said and smiled back at her, “but I didn’t have a date to go out with.” “Who said?” Grazia said kissed him on the cheek, “Give me a sec to brush my mane and we can go out there if you want.” “Cool,” Shocker said as he too stood up and allowed his senses to come back to him. “You plan on getting on the floor?” he asked after he yawned. Grazia, now with a brush going through her mane, replied, “Probably not. You know how I am around crowds.” She blushed just slightly. “Not even if it was with me?” Shocker asked and walked up to her side where he stood on his hind legs and massaged her shoulders. “Now that changes things,” came the reply, along with a smile. Grazia placed her hoof atop Shocker’s and the two of them kissed. “If it’s OK with you,” she continued as she brushed, “I didn’t want to spend too long out there. I picked up the new house classifieds and I want to flip through it.” “Sure babe,” Shocker replied and patted her shoulders gently afterwards, “That sounds good. I’ll flip through it with you. Besides, I’m in it for the music.” “Well,” she continued, “then that makes two of us.” She smiled up at him and continued fixing herself up. Once she finished, Shocker opened the door for her and they both walked down the narrow hallway which led out into the party. Once out there, they saw that it was one massive party! Flashing lights, loud music trademark of Vinyl Scratch, fog, and lots of dancing ponies. It looked like something that might rival one of Pinkie Pie’s most intense parties! In reality, this was what the two of them lived for and it didn’t take long for them to break away from their silent promise of “don’t party”. As a matter of fact, they broke all of their party promises except for one: Grazia didn’t get out and dance. The mare was terribly shy in the presence of crowds, though not in a debilitating way. Shocker was resilient though and he knew that she would eventually come out onto the floor with him. Grazia merely needed… coercion. So coerce he did and Grazia gave after several attempts, mostly in the form of cute begging, and agreed to dance with him “for a little bit.” They danced slowly at first, not in tune with the crowd around them but as Grazia seemed to warm up they got more into the music until eventually it was if they had been dancing to the track their entire life. “You’re pretty good,” Shocker complimented her as he always did when they went to dance. Grazia blushed and looked down where she mumbled a thanks, though impossible for him to hear. Soon, the both of them got wrapped up in the music and way overshot the time they planned to be back into the makeshift home. However though, the perfect excuse came along when Vinyl Scratch went off for her break. “Hey all you ponies!” her voice called out over the party only to be greeted back with cheers, “This mare’s gotta go on break and you know what that means!” More ponies cheered as a slow, romantic tune started up. All the ponies found a partner, though most already had one, and Shocker and Grazia definitely had found one. They danced slowly and romantically with each other, and even began to kiss and hug right in the middle of everypony as others were starting to do. One did have to admit that these parties were a great place to find somepony. Getting back to Shocker and Grazia though, it was apparent that the two of them didn’t want the romantic moment to end, but however they wanted something a little more personal. They would bite and nibble at each other in a playful and sensual way until it eventually got to the point that Shocker suggested they retire to their private abode. Grazia was all but happy to oblige and so the two of them walked to privacy together. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once they arrived, they entered into the bedroom and locked the door behind themselves. Clasping their hooves together, they walked over to the bed and laid down with each other. Coincidentally or otherwise, the romantic music matched the situation they each found themselves in and it seemed to intensify the beauty of the kissing and caressing. Playful as ever, Shocker asked, “Sure you’re not too tired to… fool around a little?” “Oh,” Grazia persisted as she kissed his neck a few times, “I’m never too busy to ‘fool around’ with you.” She kissed him once more. “Oh yeah?” he asked and cocked his eyebrow. “Yeah,” Grazia said as she flipped over onto her back. “You’re on top this time mister,” she said to him in a playfully demanding way. “I’ve got no issues with that,” he said and climbed on top of her. He started to kiss her passionately all while she played around with his genitals using her magic. As the music outside peaked with its romantic rhythm, things began to escalate in the bedroom. Shocker kissed her so passionately that Grazia seemed to be stricken with ecstasy and subsequently lost her magical balance thus releasing him. However, once he pulled away from her it didn’t take long for her to get back on the ball. Soon enough, the two of them got so into it that they failed to notice that the music had ended and Vinyl Scratch had returned to the stand. During the beginning to their sexual escapade, the music switched over to the party beats that Vinyl usually cranked out. Soon enough though, they seemed able to notice it. Like a musical command, it seemed to signal them to jump right into it as they sometimes did. No, this time there was no oral sex or foreplay but instead it all began with a thrust and a moan of ecstasy. As he started to thrust faster and faster, he seemed to go in tune with the music. Grazia began to pant in pleasure and was pleasure-forced into running her hand up along his cheek as a blush spread across her face. “Your eyes are so beautiful,” Shocker complimented as he began to alternate between quick and slow thrusts. “T…thanks,” Grazia was just barely able to mutter as she was overtaken by the pleasure of his thrusting. As the time ticked on, Shocker stopped slowly thrusting and stayed with the quick thrusting. The tightness of her vagina paired with the way he thrust, the music and the emotion that floated all around them, again didn’t take long to force them to the brink of orgasm. This time though, it was Shocker who founded first, perhaps because of the position that they were in. When he came though, it seemed to be all that Grazia needed to force her into orgasm as well. Luckily enough for the bedsheets, she wasn’t as messy as she had been before and merely squirted a little of her juices on his penis and on his stomach Again, lost in the moment, they failed to notice that the music had once more changed to a romantic tune. This time though, they had the perfect activity for it. Grazia and Shocker cuddled side by side with each other afterwards and simply listened to the music as it blared, in a good way, around them. They were quiet for the most part as they recovered from the sex, but afterwards they began to talk about what they had in mind for themselves; what they would like to do. As they laid there and eventually crawled under the covers, Grazia retrieved the classified book with her magic and the two of them looked at it as promised. For now it was all a dream and Shocker and Grazia were just two ponies who could do nothing more than face the future together. At this point, nothing was certain. Nothing ever was in this world as a matter of fact. However, there was one thing that was terribly obvious and so very certain. That thing? Shocker wanted to spend the rest of his life with Grazia, and Grazia the rest of her life with Shocker. Love is power, and so they knew it to be.