> Date of the Fire Diamond > by TheGreatEater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chronology of Events and a Foreward. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fic has been on hold for months, and I'm finally getting around to posting this. During production Blackbelt asked how this made sense and how Dinks, Ditzy, as well as Lyra and Bon-Bon would know about DT's feelings. Which resulted in me going through all of the stories pointing out things. So if anyone here wants to know the logic of the story, here's the events that lead up to this. Some of it people who've followed me on the Lunaverse forums already know, and a few things I found out since then. This fic was mostly made as Canonbait [hooves crossed], as well as giving closure to the over arching sub-ship that's been going on since forever in the series. As a person who loves a good ship, it annoys me that something gets so much build up but never gets any follow through. So if this does end up canon, that sub-arc may end here, or might hopefully get some passing mentions from time to time. Since Scoots is a good influence on Deets and could end up like Lyra and Bon-Bon's. If it doesn't then hopefully it'll inspire someone to give this ship the much needed resolution that it does someday. Now without further ado the answer I gave Blackbelt [paraphrased]. This uses events from: Family Matters [Dinky and Diamond Tiara]; Scootalong to the Cheer [Scoots, DT, as well as Lyra and Bon-Bon]; and Foalish Misadventures [Dinks, Scoots, and DT]. Now for those who haven't read those stories the pertanent points will be in spoilers. In In Chapter 3 of Family Matters we see that DT likes Scoots in a Tundre type manner, as well as Dinky saying that DT has moments where she's a good filly in the Lunaverse [compared to the Hate Sink she is in the FIMVerse]. In this endearing chapter of Scootalong to the Cheer we see that Lyra and Bon-Bon know how DT is feeling as well as had a similar relationship starting off. I hope that I did that justice in the chapter of my own fic where Lyra and Bon Bon come into play. As well as seeing a bit of a filly whose used to ponies only liking her if she has bits to spend on them to the point where she thinks that Scoots would abandon her when she had no money to help Scootaloo out with material gifts. This fic is where the shipping sub-arc really comes into play. While there are a few memorable parts. The real nail in the shipping coffin came in this chapter. Not only did Scootaloo tell Dinky Doo between stories that she enjoys Scooting with Diamond Tiara. But we see them "get close" on Scootaloo's scooter. As you knowwhen Scootaloo has her wagon hitched nopony but her rides on the Scooter itself, and not only does she allow Deets that honor, but doesn't complain. Now we know that Scootaloo has talked to Dinky about DT from time to time, and we know that Dinky throughout season one has seen the signs between DT and Scoots. So it's no far stretch that she'd tell her mother , something that comes up in this fic, nor is it a far stretch that Diamond Tiara from the events of The School Talent Show where Scootaloo invites DT to hang out with her that Lyra and Bon Bon as well as other adults would see them together. More than likely with such not-quite-frenemies / tolerable to DT ponies such as Sweetie Belle and Dinky Doo [InVerse]. That's all that I got. And we talked about [although it was in a more detailed way, pointing out paragraph but to avoid serious spoilers and ruining the story for others. I'll let you all follow the links, and hopefully enjoy reading the ship that is DT and Scootaloo. The cutest Lunaverse couple. And this is saying something since I highly dislike FIMVerse's DT and SS. __________________________________________________________ Major Revisions: The biggest series of changes in this fic would have to be Silver Spoon, and I probably drove RDD crazy with my thoughts and endless revisions, and it was the group as a whole that changed my thinking of SS as a mini Prusiance / wannabe Night Court member, to the filly she is in the fic itself. I originally planned having her being malicious and plotting mostly since it's SS that initiates stuff and causes altercations. But it's the more extroverted personality of DT that steals the show from everypony that gets near her gigantic prescence. This changed into what I think of as a more healthy, if not slightly childish friendship and her motives are less vindictive and controlling. As much as it is a cry for attention mixed with her doing things for the lulz. All in all it was a cute fic. The next big change was DT's inner dialog in the beggining as well as a bit of her misadventures throughout the start of the fic. While comedy was a big part of it, I ran into a repetition problem that stole from the comedic effect. After several fixes that was changed for the better. Lastly was the change with several character's acting OOC. They've been hopefully fixed to be in LunaVerse Character when they pop up. ________________________________ That's all of the niceties down pat. I hope y'all enjoy this fic and that my first attempt at a Lunaverse fic gets some lovin'. Thanks for reading it, and any comments y'all have will be appreciated. > If you fail ... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara sat before her vanity mirror with her head resting in her forehooves. As she glared at her reflection in the varnished mahogany surface of the Cavallian Mahogany desk. Her face scrunched up as her mind flooded with thoughts of a specific pony and the important event that would be brought up today in school. Come on Diamond Tiara. Today’s the day. You’re going to march up to Scootaloo, ask her out to the Harvest Festival, and not screw it up. Not like Heart and Hooves day when you scared her because you couldn’t get your stupid mouth open. Or Eventime when you spent the first week a sputtering mess and it looked like you were growling at her. Or all those times I want to say hi and end up insulting her and everypony within my line of sight who’s not an adult or SS. I can do this! It’s just a small simple sentence. Looking at the mirror she took a breath and imagined seeing Scootaloo surrounded by her friends. With eyes only for her, she’d walk up and, “Hey Blank Flanks! I need to talk to the chicken,” Diamond Tiara said banging her head on her desk. She rubbed her forehead from the slight sting from the act. “Hey losers, Scootaloo and I need to talk about something actually important. Not like any of you would know what that means,” Diamond Tiara banging her head into the desk. A small grimace of pain passed her features as she saw the red mark in the mirror. “Um … you … the orange one! I need to say something to you,” Diamond Tiara grimaced before planting her face again into the desk. A dent forming in the varnished mahogany surface. “Ow! Why is it everytime I want to talk to her I get word diarrhea and it comes out wrong? Why can’t I just say ‘Hey Scootaloo can I talk to you for a bit’ … That’s it! That’s what I was trying to say you stupid mouth! I swear I sometimes wish you were a pony so I could have daddy blacklist you. Dumb wordhole never saying what I want to say. It’s your fault that some ponies think I’m a jerk.” Diamond Tiara scolded herself after finally not screwing up. “Let’s try this again,” Diamond Tiara said, massaging the lump on her forehead, “Scootaloo, I need to talk to you for a second.” She threw her hooves in the air in victory before it dawned on her that she’d have to follow up with something more than that. Headdesking a fourth time and letting out a swear word that her mother would be thoroughly disappointed in hearing come out of her mouth. Taking a breath to ready herself she began her speech. “So you know that the Harvest Festival is coming up right?”, No too formal. Diamond Tiara thought letting her head fall furiously upon her desk.. The sting on her forehead a perfect mix of the sting her imaginary self felt from failing to ask a simple question. “So I’m not completely horrible, and you’re pretty decent I guess, let’s go out to the Harvest Festival. Get to know each other better?” No too sappy, and it makes me sound like a loser. Diamond Tiara grunted as her head once again got reaquainted with her desk. “I need an escort to the Harvest Festival, and you’re going to have the pleasure of escorting me.” Bad mouth. Don’t ruin this for us. For once I just need you to say what I think rather than vomit insults, or instigate fights. By now the repeated attacks on her desk had left a small welt which was smarting from her losing battle with finding the right words. “Listen. I want to ask you to come with me to the Harvest Festival, and I need to install pillows on my desk. Mahogany hurts. Stupid talking, and stupid Festival! I just want things to go right for once! Is that so hard? Is it so difficult that everytime I talk to Scoots I send everything up to the sun rather than say what I mean?” She gave a final mighty wail upon the desk that left a forehead sized crater that left her seeing stars. A groan of frustration leaving her lips as she finally got it right only to feel as if she was going to seriously mess it up when she opened her mouth. The door opened letting in Dust Buster who noticed the now large purple lump on Diamond Tiara’s forehead from her repeated, full force attacks on her desk, “Miss Tiara? What happened? And why do you have that welt on your forehead?” “It’s nothing. Just a disagreement with the furniture, although I do have a question for you,” Diamond Tiara stated, feeling the massive knot that had sprouted on her forehead. Definitely need to get pillows installed. “Of course Miss Tiara, how can I help you today?” Dust Buster asked slightly confused about DT’s actions this morning. “Well your advice with Scootaloo so far has been helpful, so I wanted to ask you this. How do I go about asking her out to the Harvest Festival?” Diamond Tiara pleaded. “Just be yourself. If you open up to her and let her see the real you, and just ask her out then everything shall be fine,” Dust Buster said with a kind smile as everything clicked into place. “Be myself! Are you kidding me? Why’d I want to do something like that? Who’d want that? The only thing people care about from me is my money or my connection to my daddy. Well other than Scootaloo. She’s so pure, and carefree, and most importantly she doesn’t care about my father or my wealth. So give me some good advice. What should I buy her? Or do for her? Maybe I could offer her a new scooter if she goes out with me,” Diamond Tiara rambled. “Trust me as a mare whose seen plenty of life and ponies. Just being yourself and talking to a pony can be a powerful thing. After all friendship is the greatest magic in Equestria,” Dust Buster sagely replied. “Whatever. I guess I could give it a try, “Diamond Tiara mumbled before waving her hoof dismissively, “That and if it doesn’t I’ll find a way to buy her affection.” Stupid mouth you know that Scootaloo wouldn’t care about what I could buy her. Although she might not say no to a scooter. Or a better wagon. I should probably thank her. “Anyways I should thank you Dust Buster. You’re the only pony in on my plans, and have been instrumental with your advice so far. Keep up the good work and I just might keep you,” Diamond Tiara said with a smug grin. Whatever I guess that wasn’t too horrible of a thank you. “Of course Miss Tiara. I’m glad I can be of help,” Dust Buster said warmly. Having over the past few months since she’d been helping Diamond with her problems with Scootaloo, learned how to read between the lines of what Diamond Tiara said and what she meant, “Well you should get ready for school you wouldn’t want to miss your important day, and I’ll try to find something for the welt.” Ever since you started hanging around Dinky, and occasionally Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle you’ve changed a little bit for the better. You still can be a spoiled brat, and a hoof full, but you’re starting to grow into a better young mare. I just hope that you continue to grow, me and the staff love the changes they bring about in you. You’re less cynical of good deeds, open up just a crack more than you used to, and are less inclined to threaten anypony over random things. So I truly hope things work out for you. My little pony, My little pony Ahh ahh ahh ahhh... My little pony Friendship never meant that much to me My little pony But you're all here and now I can see Stormy weather; Lots to share A musical bond; With love and care Teaching laughter; It's an easy feat, And magic makes it all complete! You have My little ponies How'd I ever make so many true friends? Diamond Tiara saw Scootaloo with Sweetie Belle and Dinky, sitting at the bench in the schools play ground. Taking a deep breath she trotted to the fillies. Her face set itself in a scowl as she mentally told herself not to mess this up, “Hey Scootaloo! I want to talk to you,” Diamond Tiara commanded, her nose automatically turning snout upwards. “What do you want?” Scootaloo asked her eyes folding slightly. “If you’d mind I’d like to talk you in private,”Diamond replied calmly even though her ears were twitching in nervousness. Although to those who only knew her as “the spoiled brat” it could come across as agitation. “Sure whatever, girls if I’m not back in ten minutes you know who killed me,” Scootaloo joked to her friends who responded with a wave. Even though their faces wore a confused frown. “So what do you want DT, and what happened to your forehead?” Scootaloo asked. “Well it’s about Harvest Festival, I wanted to …” Diamond Tiara started to say when she was interrupted by a shout. ”Watch out!” An unknown colt yelled causing Diamond Tiara to look in their direction as a lacrosse ball flew and thwacked her on the forehead where her recently healed welt was earlier. Diamond Tiara was aware of a sharp pain before falling unconscious. Several minutes later she woke up to see Cheerilee and her classmates looking around her a rare look of concern on their face. Cheerilee gave a wince before asking, “Diamond Tiara, are you alright?” No, my head hurts, and my pride’s taken a blow. And I think I see two of you. “Of course I’m alright! Why wouldn’t I be okay with being assaulted, and would the two of you stop spinning? It’s giving me a headache,” Diamond Tiara replied wincing, “And someone turn down the sun, it’s evil!” “Okay … possible concussion, I need you to answer me a few questions,” Cheerilee said after writing a note and telling a student to run over to the hospital. “Whatever, as long as it gets all of you ponies to stop spinning.” “What is your name?” “I don’t know, maybe the same name you called me when I woke up,” Diamond snarked. Really not the best time to be sarcastic mouth. “Do you know where you are?” Huffing she replied in an annoyed tone, “School, why all the questions? Seeing if that didn’t turn me into a retard?” “No, it’s to make sure that you aren’t too seriously hurt and that you haven’t lost your memory,” Cheerilee replied patiently. “Fine, anymore questions? I’m perfectly alright, especially now that you all have stopped spinning. Although someone really needs to turn down the sun,” “So you have sensitivity to light. We might have to look to see if that turns into anything serious,” Cheerilee asked. “Alright, but I doubt it’s anything you have to worry about, now why don’t we go inside before anymore of our time is wasted,” Diamond Tiara said getting up, slowly. Wincing as blood rushed to her head filling her visions with black spots, “Whoa, okay I’m really feeling that. Anyways, lets get inside where it’s cooler and I don’t have to deal with this Corona damned sun. Bucking ball of hate and evil.” “Diamond Tiara! Watch your language!” Cheerilee admonished, “But I do agree, come on my little ponies lets go inside. We have a busy day ahead of us. And Diamond I’ve never seen a welt that big, I feel its something that we need to keep an eye on.” Cheerilee had seen a lot in her life so far, from almost being dragged into a Griffon duel to fighting an alicorn goddess. But in all her years she had never seen a knot like the one Diamond Tiara was sporting. She winced as she noticed the several inch long protrusion that shouldn’t be, and hoped that there wasn’t going to be any lasting harm. “Alright students,next week we have the Harvest Festival, on the 12th. As you know it’s a time for families, friends, and special someponies. Now I know that most of you must be excited to ask out somepony to go with, but I ask that you wait until recess or after school,” Cheerilee said with a smile as she looked at the class erupted into excited whispers with their plans for the upcoming Festival. She was about to get started on the first lesson for the day when the young, pegasus colt she sent to get a doctor opened the door, “I’m back.” “Thank you Rumble, please take your seat. Now everyone please remain seated while me and Diamond Tiara go outside for a second,” She said as she used her muzzle to flip her chair onto her back so that Diamond Tiara could sit down while being examined. While a part of her was annoyed that the school didn’t have an infirmary for situations like this. Setting the chair down she saw Diamond Tiara set a note in front of Scootaloo, and trotted up to the chair taking a seat outside just as Cheerilee closed the door to give the semblance of privacy. She waited as the Dr. Stable ran through a series of tests and magical scans over Diamond Tiara before he spoke up, “Well I can give her a healing spell to shrink the knot to a mere bump which should go down in a few days on its own. And she’s going to need to go home today and rest.” ”But I can’t go home!” Diamond Tiara yelled, “I mean today’s an important day I wouldn’t want to miss out,” she added sheepishly. “Well I’m sorry, but you’ll need to rest today. I’m sure some of your friends can fill you in on what you missed,” The doctor replied in a kind, yet uncompromising tone. “Don’t worry I’ll be sure to send a copy of your homework with Silver Spoon and she can give you what notes you need,” Ms. Cheerilee said patting Diamond Tiara’s back, “but you heard the doctor, you need to go home and rest. Doctor Stable can you take her home?” “I think I can manage that. Come now Diamond Tiara I’ll make sure you get home safely,” Dr. Stables said. It was several hours later, with Diamond Tiara in a state of pure boredom when a knock came at her door, and opened to reveal Dinky Doo who trotted into her room, “What are you doing here?” Diamond Tiara asked, “And why isn’t Silver Spoon with you?” “She said that she needed to check up on something for a special event and her family needed to see her about something after school, but she’d be here as soon as she could,” Dinky replied before putting a pile of papers on Diamond Tiara’s bed, “And I brought over your homework for Ms. Cheerilee.” “Just what I need. How come more ponies didn’t come with you? I should have an army of ponies here to keep me company,” Diamond Tiara huffed. It’s not like I’m that bad of a pony. After all I did invite all of them to my cute-ceañera, and it’s not like I tease all of them. If they have any sort of class at all I usually ignore them, unless they want something for me and I can get something from them in return. Dinky tilted her head slightly trying to get her words in order without coming across as rude,“It’s probably that you just have a special personality that takes a while to get used to. I’m sure if you tried hanging out with more ponies and get to know you then I’m sure ponies would be there for you more.” “Why should I hang out with them? They should want to hang out with me, it’s not like I haven’t offered to anypony before. But like always they wait around for me to make the move first, as if I’m desperate or something,” Diamond Tiara said. Other than Scootaloo, she took me a few times to swim with her and Sweetie Belle. And although I offered that we should work together more often. She rarely hangs out with me unless its with her other friends, and other than Silver most ponies only come up to me when they want something. It’s not fair! “Well maybe there just unsure on how to approach you?” Dinkie said questioningly. “Of course they are. I’m a filly of wealth, grace, and beauty. Ponies are always in awe of ponies such as myself. It’s the way of the world. That doesn’t mean they have to avoid me, stupid ponies and their stupid faces,” Diamond Tiara huffed. “Does it have to be?” Dinky asked innocently, “I mean Ms. Trixie is Luna’s apprentice, and Representative of the Night Court, and the greatest magician ever. And she’s a really nice pony. Maybe if you took lessons in friendship from her like I do for magic she can help you get lots of friends?” “Okay … maybe later. Hey! I need to rest, but its usually so empty feeling here. Why don’t you stay over? Keep me company?” “Um … that’s a little out of the blue. Why’d you want me to stay? I usually have to go home after school so my momma doesn’t worry.” “Don’t worry I’ll send Dust Buster over to let you mom know that I needed you to stay over, and it’ll be alright.” “Well if my momma says it’s okay then I’ll stay over and keep you company. But I have to leave around three so I can go help my momma with cooking.” “I’m sure she’ll have no problem. You know it’s odd, but I don’t know what point between I saw you buy a necklace for your mom and my dad singing praise of your business sense and when all the adult went crazy that we became friends. So I want to know why?” “Why do you want to know?” Dinky asked bouncing slightly on the bed. “Well I don’t really get it. You hang out with me and Silver, but I can’t place my hoof on why we went from teasing you to being not best friends. Only Silver has that privilege, but you like us and we don’t dislike you. So why?” Diamond asked lifting her blankets up higher. “My momma said that I should look past what other ponies see and give ponies a chance. Since my momma wanted me to be nice to you and give you a chance I thought I’d do it. And you aren’t all that bad of a pony. A little rough on the outside, but I’ve seen you do some nice things for other ponies. So I guess that’s why I guess,” Dinky chirped. “Well of course I do nice things sometimes. Being mean all the time would be boring, but thanks I guess,” Diamond Tiara said. > Try, try again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a brand new morning and Diamond Tiara thought back to how the rest of her day went. She had confirmation that Dinky could keep Diamond company until her folks arrived, and getting Dinky to Pinkie Promise not to reveal Diamond Tiara’s guilty pleasure. Diamond Tiara and Dinky played a small campaign of Gates and Golems. It was one of the four games her father told her were indispensable to learning good business and socialization techniques. The other three of course being chess, for it’s strategy and a game for ponies of class as well as prestige. Although Diamond Tiara loathed the game with a passion. She’d rather play the newest game to hit the markets recently. A new type of game that relied on collectible trading cards split between monsters / characters, resources, and spell / miscellaneous cards. Called Minions it sounded fun, but nopony in Ponyville had the money or time to play. It was something that annoyed Diamond Tiara to no end. Then there was Trust, the game all about buying property, setting up produce, and driving your competition into bankruptcy. Her father always had the money bags, her mother the wheelbarrow, and she usually took the puppy since it was only fitting that something as loyal as a dog be her piece. Then lastly there was Diplomacy the most evil game ever invented by pony kind. If she could ever get a unicorn to find a way to travel through time she’d personally bite the games creator and burn the patent to the game. Just so that she wouldn’t have to sit through the Cavallia-Zeldian variant while she was obliterated almost every time she played. But as for Gates and Golems, it was one of the few fun games she loved playing with her family when they had time for her. And Dinky after learning the rules was no slouch at the game either. Diamond Tiara played the lovely Dunmare Sorceress, while Dinky was a Unicorn Paladin. Together they fought the Altmare Druid, Fluffykins, and his army of combustible squirrels. As they played they both fished each other for information. It was shortly in their gaming session that Diamond Tiara fished for information about Scootaloo. She thought she saw a knowing look cross her face before she started letting Diamond Tiara know. By the time Silver Spoon came around she learnt quite a bit about Scootaloo that she would help her make the Harvest Festival the greatest night ever. Afterwards Dinky left and Silver Spoon and her planned how to ask Scootaloo out and decided to turn have an impromptu sleepover. As Diamond Tiara woke up she had the perfect plan to ask out Scootaloo. First she would make sure that there were no rogue ponies playing sports. Then she’d ask Scootaloo to come into the schoolhouse with her. She’d do the nice thing by opening the door, and would be the perfect gentlemare. Then she’d ask Scootaloo out to the Harvest Festival, and Scootaloo being shocked by seeing the rare nice side would agree to it. Then she’d take her out to the best night ever. Scootaloo would be amazed by her ladylike grace, and be wowed by the food Diamond Tiara would find out how to get her. Then she’d fall head over hooves for her and they’d live happily ever after. Like in those fairy tales her father sometimes reads her when he has the time off of business stuff to read her. But what about her dream of being a Night Gaurd? I mean yes, she saved my life when the adults were crazy, and she’s hung out with me without me having to buy her things. She’s nice, and kind, and loyal. And she is free, she can do some awesome stuff with her scooter, and when she can finally fly she’ll be able to be anywhere, go anywhere. And she’ll forget about me just like everypony else when they don’t want anything from me anymore … I wonder how Bon Bon and Lyra got together. According to my father Lyra was a jerk when she was younger, but mellowed out when she got together with Bon Bon And Lyra said that her other self when they crossed over was a lazy, layabout who did nothing with her life. I don’t want to be like that other Lyra, and if this one can win the heart of her true love, being with her forever. Even when she had to go away to learn music. Then me and Scootaloo can make it if she goes and becomes a Night Guard But if she goes will she find somepony else and forget about me? No! Stupid Diamond Tiara, Scootaloo wouldn’t just forget about me. And after this Festival she’ll know how amazing I am. Then I’ll be able to fly with her. And I’ll never have to be alone ever again. Even if I have to wait for her … Diamond Tiara was dragged from her revelrie as Silver Spoon opened up the blinds letting the sun’s evil rays smack her in the face, “Hey what was that for?!” Diamond Tiara yelled indignantly. “Sorry Deets, but you were zoning out again and it’s time for you to confess your love to Scootaloo. Do you remember the plan?” Silver Spoon asked. “Well maybe. But I have a plan B. Come Corona or high water I shall have Scootaloo today. And I don’t know about confessing my love. I mean yeah she’s complimented me a few times, and is the greatest filly in Equestria. But it needs to be just right,” Diamond Tiara said blushing. I will get Scootaloo tonight even if it kills me. Diamond Tiara looked at the playground besides the schoolhouse and turned to look at Silver Spoon, “So you’ll help make sure that nopony ruins this for me, and I’ll help clear the way for you to talk to Moon Glimmer. Deal?” “Sure Deets, but make sure that no one gets her before I do. I’ve had this planned for months now, and the reservations finally went through,” Silver Spoon said. “What reservations? And does she know about this?” “La Fluer Rouge, and no she doesn’t,” Silver Spoon sheepishly. “Alright, I think I can do that. And why her? She’s almost as much of an egg head as Sweetie Belle,” DIamond Tiara asked with an interested tilt of her head. “Um Deets I’m an egg head. Unless you’ve forgotten the one who’s been helping you get through school while letting you get the credit,” Silver Spoon snarked. Diamond Tiara gave a sheepish grin, “Well that’s only because you appreciate my brilliance, that and ponies of means such as ourselves need to stick together.” “Ha! You know how to make me laugh, but yes we need to stick together. After all other than Dinky and me I don’t think that you have the skill sets to make more friends. Seriously though I wish you the best with Scootaloo, and no matter what we’re still friends right?” Silver Spoon said. “Thanks, although I don’t need luck when I have you for a friend. And of course, even if everypony in Equestria was my friend you’d still be my best friend,” Diamond Tiara said giving a playful push on her shoulder, “you really need to stop being so insecure. I’m not like Apple Bloom, I don’t toss away my friends and forget I ever knew them.” “You’re right, you know me though. My family never pays attention to me unless I’m causing problems, and everypony thinks that I’m your yes mare. Even though I’m the smart one, and start a lot of the things we end up getting in trouble in. Yet if I … well you know. I’m just afraid if you made more friends you’d forget all about me,” Silver Spoon mumbled. “Hey! Enough of that. We talked about this before. We’re best friends for life, you just need to be a little bit more like me and seize the night. Get more out of your head, okay?” “Alight. Thanks I needed that, well Deets, there’s the pony you crush on. I’ll make sure that nopony lobs any heavy objects at you,” Silver Spoon whispered conspiratorially as she came out of her thoughts while giving a mental sigh, seeing that Diamond Tiara was still zoned out. She gave her a slight push breaking Diamond Tiara from her day dreams. “Ok, here goes nothing,” Diamond Tiara said before giving their special hoof bump, “Bump, Bump, Sugar lump, Rump!” Diamond Tiara trotted up to Scootaloo with all the bravado and oozing confidence that she could muster, “Scootaloo, I want to talk to you inside the Schoolhouse.” “Have you heard of a word called ‘please’? I heard it does wonders,” Scootaloo said teasingly. “Ugh! Fine, Scootaloo, can you come with me into the Schoolhouse please?” “Alright. And I was just poking fun, and I want to know what you meant on your note. Especially since Dinky said that I should listen,” Scootaloo said trotting beside Diamond Tiara. Diamond Tiara watched as Silver Spoon ran interference between the foals playing hoofball, lacrosse, and an errant game of dodgeball. As she looked near the bushes near school she saw Shady Daze and his brother Green Daze looking focusedly at the schoolhouse doors which were slightly cracked. Okay that looks weird, but colts are weird. I bet they are going to try spying on me asking Scootaloo out, but they’re going to be surprised. I’m going to close the door and they won’t hear anything! I’m so clever! “Wait Scootaloo, let me get the door for you. After all I am a lady,” Diamond said smugly as she pushed open the door for Scootaloo. Only for a bucket filled with chalk dust to land heavily over her head. SNNRRRHONK! Diamond sneezed with a duck like honk. The sound amplified greatly from the bucket. Scootaloo held back a snicker as she lifted the bucket from her head, “Are you okay DT?” “I’m I-I-I’m Allergic t-t-to SNNRRRHONK! Chalk du-dusSNNRRRHONK!” Diamond said as each honking sneeze sent clouds of chalk flying out of her nose as the rest covered her coat. A group of foals gathered around laughing at Diamond Tiara as the Daze brothers fell over holding their ribs as they laughed. Scootaloo who was going to start laughing until she heard she was allergic, “Hey! It’s not funny. She’s allergic to chalk dust! Come on DT I’ll get that off you.” Scootaloo dragged Diamond Tiara to the cart attached to her wagon, most of the foals were still chuckling at the sight of Diamond Tiara honking out chalk dust. While Sweetie Belle and Dinky helped strap Diamond Tiara into the wagon as Silver Spoon came running up to them, “I’ll let Ms. Cheerilee know what happened,” Sweetie Belle said. “Me too,” Dinky said tightening the straps holding Diamond Tiara in, “drive safe Scootaloo. See you soon Diamond Tiara.” Diamond Tiara was being dunked into the park lake. Thick clumps of chalky paste were getting tangled in her mane and parts of her coat. Gasping for air, she sputtered, “Can you stop trying to drown me?!” “Sorry DT, I just wanted to get the chalk off of you so you’d be better,” Scootaloo said earnestly. Diamond Tiara blushed lightly, “Thank you. I guess, I mean I appreciate your help.” “Wow DT, you do have a heart,” Scootaloo said jokingly giving Diamond Tiara a playful push on the shoulder. Did she just tell me a joke?Diamond Tiara while grinning inside gave a huff and turned her nose upwards, “Of course I have a heart. It’s made of diamonds.” Scootaloo gave a chuckle, “So … what did you want to talk to me about? I doubt there’s going to be any rogue missiles, pranks, or random mishaps out here in the park.” “Well … I wanted to -” Diamond Tiara stated before a fridge slammed into the lake near them, splashing them with water. Over at the other side Trajectory yelled, “Sorry! Miscalculated trajectory needed to freeze the sun!” “O-kay! Forget I said that, lets get some distance between us and him,” Scootaloo said nervously shaking from the close call. Already a group of adult ponies were yelling at Trajectory and his irresponsible experiment to attack the sun with catapults. While others were asking if the fillies were alright. It was a while later when Scootaloo stopped in the middle of a clearing in between Ponyville Proper and the Park. She hopped into the wagon seat across from Diamond Tiara and said, “Well what about Harvest Festival did you want to talk to me about?” Diamond Tiara looked all around her and closed her eyes tightly as if she was praying to Luna to let not another mini-disaster strike, “Listen … I want to ask you out to the Harvest Festival. It’ll be fun, and daddy’s giving me enough bits to make the night memorable. So will you go with me?” “Wait … like out out? Like as in fillyfriend out?” Scootaloo asked in shock. “Well yeah … what’s the problem with that?” Diamond Tiara said. “Nothing, but why do you want to ask me out to the Harvest Festival? I mean we’re not exactly enemies, but we’re not really close friends either. So why?” “Can’t I just want to get closer to and get to know a filly?” Diamond Tiara said defensively. “Sure. But … the Harvest is in almost a week. So I’ll say maybe,” Scootaloo said. Which got Diamond Tiara looking down dejectedly twirling her hooves. “Is there any way I can help it be a yes?”Diamond Tiara asked. “Tell me why you chose me,” Scootaloo said. Between things she heard from Bon-Bon and Lyra when she was over there. And them joking about Diamond Tiara’s crush without really saying it outloud. Dinky Doo coming over last night and talking to her, as well as Dinky’s past conversations on how Diamond Tiara had a secret creamy center under her hard crunchy outer shell. And Diamond Tiara’s weird behavior around her. Scootaloo had a clue that Diamond Tiara liked her. But she wanted to know what, why and when. Especially if she was going to give this an honest shot. She was taken out of her thoughts when Diamond Tiara gave a soft cough, “Anything else? I mean I’ll tell you, but not right now. It’s not the right time.” “Nope. But I’ll tell you this. This isn’t a no. It’s not a yes. It’s a maybe, and I’ll let you know before the Harvest Festival,” Scootaloo said. “Alright. Thanks for not rejecting me,” Diamond Tiara said with a hint of warmth, “And thanks for giving me a maybe, rather than a no.” She didn’t say no! She didn’t say no! *Squee!* I need to go to Bon Bon’s though so that I can ask how they got it to work. Even though I’m not always a jerk. Others can misinterpret my keen eye and insight as being bitchy. And if Lyra can get better, I can too. Then Scootaloo will love me, and it’ll be perfect. “By the way, were you the one who had the waiver for The Monster sent to my place?” Scootaloo asked dragging Diamond Tiara out of her thoughts. “Yes, Dinky said you liked hot food. Although even if us going out is a no. The offer still stands. It’s the hottest Veggie Burger in the world, using several controlled ingredients, liquid rainbow and rainbow oil for all the water and oil needs, and the hottest sauces and buns in Equestria. So I thought that you’d like it,” Diamond Tiara said excitedly. “So you like hot foods too!” Scootaloo said with a yelp of excitement. “Kind of … sometimes. I just know of it because my father sponsors the one minute challenge. And with how fast I’ve seen you hork food I bet you could eat it in seconds,” Diamond Tiara said with a hint of pride and the business-like professionalism her daddy taught her when talking about Bargain Bins’ promotional items, challenges, or discussing store events with other ponies. He’s going to be happy that I did this right. And best of all Scootaloo can’t fail. “Wow! Thanks DT, you’re a pretty cool filly. Well let’s go. We don’t want to miss too much class,” Scoots said hopping back onto her Scooter and buzzed off. > Silver Strings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo finally arrived at class Cheerilee asked them to come to her desk, looking at Diamond Tiara she softly asked, “Diamond Tiara I found three of the ponies who pranked you and they have something to say to you at recess, alright?” “Alright, but I don’t have to forgive them do I?” Diamond Tiara asked. “No you don’t,” She replied, “And I’m going to be talking to their parents, since you could’ve been seriously hurt. Are you alright?” “Yes Ms. Cheerilee, I’m better now. Scootaloo helped me.” “I’m glad to see that you’ve been reaching out to other ponies. Honestly you remind me a lot of Trixie when she first arrived here. If she can make the turnaround she has. Then I know that you getting some good friends will be a good thing for you. Go to your seat now, and we’ll talk at recess.” Trotting over to her seat she started writing her notes to Silver Spoon. Hey Silver, thanks for helping me with Scoots. Sorry that somepony had to have the nerve to prank me. I’ll try helping you run interference with Moon Glimmer after those three who confessed apologize. Don’t worry about it Deets. A lot of ponies felt bad since Ms. Cheerilee got mad at the bullies, and chewed out the rest of the ponies for laughing at you. I think I was only one of like four ponies who didn’t laugh at you. As for Moon Glimmer, I asked her out. Everypony was too busy feeling ashamed for laughing at you when you could’ve gotten hurt that you running interference wasn’t needed. So thanks. You’re welcome I guess? So how’d things go with Scootaloo? Sort of Okay. She said maybe. And I don’t know how to make it change to a yes. Maybe you need to do an epic quest to prove yourself to her? Like a fairytale knight? But she’s supposed to be my knight in shining armor. You should be your own knight. Go on your quest to prove yourself to her. Maybe have your dad help you with the Harvest Festival to make it extra special. And I’ll go work on getting my own date to be perfect. We can meet up and compare notes. Alright I’ll do it! Although I’ll probably avoid Trixie’s. First Dinky mentions it, now Ms. Cheerilee mentions her … it’s creepy. but I’ll do this quest, and prove to Scootaloo that I’m the filly she wants! Well I guess I’ll be seeing you next Monday? Sounds like a plan. Until Monday. Silver said while marking it with a smiley face. Diamond Tiara was trotting through Ponyville slightly miffed from earlier today. The apologies boiled down to they thought it’d be funny to see what happened when a pony was covered muzzle to dock in chalk then watching Scootaloo propel herself away from the school left once it was all over filled her with more than a little angst. All I need to do is talk to Lyra and Bon Bon and then I can make a plan to be my own Knight, and Scootaloo will be so impressed that she’d have to say yes! But she had a goal in mind. If she went to Lyra’s and figured out how ponies as different as they were got together then she’d have a chance. Maybe even more than a chance to get Scootaloo to say yes. The thought of Scootaloo wrapping her luxurious, warm wing around her body, holding her close, as they watched the fireworks go off was an amazing daydream to her. But she needed to find a way to tip the balances to her way rather than a no. She had spent the last half a year on pins and needles trying to work up the courage to ask her out. The School Talent Show didn’t go as planned, the few times she hung out with Scootaloo was when her friends were around, and all the holidays uptil now ended with Scootaloo hiding from her. But no longer! With Bon Bon and Lyra’s advice she would know their secret to a happy relationship. All she needed to do was ask. She pushed open the door and saw the two ponies she wanted to see as well as Bon Bon’s sister Twist, “Twist what are you doing here?! I thought I left before you did.” “I left before you did, you were talking to Mith Cheerilee about thomthing, and are you here to talk to my thithter about Thcootaloo?” Twist lisped giddily. “Actually … I think I’ll just come back some other time, it’s not that important anyways,” Diamond Tiara said sticking her nose in the air and was about to turn around when Bon Bon interjected. “Wait up a second, hey sis can you go in the back room and make us some toffee. I think we’re running low,” Bon Bon asked her sister with a knowing look which went over her sister’s head. “But didn’t we jutht make thome a while ago?” Twist asked while tilting her head in confusion. “True, but we need some reserves for the Harvest Festival. You know the little pumpkin and apple shaped ones that you wanted to try making? And I said you could try it this year?” Bon Bon replied. “Really!” Twist squealed before running up and nuzzling her sister before bolting to the back door. Bon Bon walked to the door and flipped the open sign to closed and gave Diamond Tiara a warm smile, “Okay, now it’s just us two for now. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll make you a nice strawberry hay smoothie while you tell us everything.” Diamond Tiara sat down and for a second tried to organize her thoughts, a small scowl forming on her face as she did so, “Well I wanted to ask Scootaloo out to the Harvest Festival.” She stated drawing D’awws from the couple. “The first time I got smacked in the head with a lacrosse ball, and ended up being sent home. Dinky stayed with me and I got enough information to at least get started with a good date by having Jeeves get and deliver a waiver for The Monster so that Scootaloo can eat the hottest Veggie Burger in Equestria, and I told Silver Spoon my plan to ask her out today. “But some dumb colts were paid to pull a prank that involved a metal bucket and large amounts of chalk dust which I’m allergic to. Scootaloo had my back and yelled at the ponies laughing at me before she rode me to the park to wash me off,” She continued. “So you told her there right?” Bon Bon asked, as she put the drink before Diamond and rested her head in her forehooves. “No, Trajectory almost crushed me with a refrigerator,” Diamond Tiara huffed. “Seriously? He almost crushed you with a fridge?” Lyra interjected. “Yes he did, so well Scootaloo and me rode away from there, and she asked me to tell her what I wanted to ask. So I asked if she’d go out to the Harvest Festival as my filly friend,” Diamond muttered. Suddenly very interested in the contents of her cup. “What’d she say?” Bon Bon asked. “Maybe. She said she’d say yes if I told her why I wanted her as a filly friend, but I can’t do that. Not yet, but I’ll do it when the times right. So she said she’ll think about it and get back to me before the Festival,” Diamond Tiara replied. “Well a maybe’s better than a no. And I can’t wait to hear when you confess. It seems that you’re a romantic,” Bon Bon said playfully. “So! What’s wrong with being romantic? I can be romantic if I wanted to,” Diamond said defensively. “There’s nothing wrong with being romantic, I think it’s pretty cute that you’d want to wait until the right time. Just make sure that you don’t wait too long or the chance might pass you by,” Bon Bon said with a knowing wink. “So anyways. I came here for a reason. I heard from my daddy that Lyra was a jerk when she was younger, and you aren’t now. And a few adults say that me and Scootaloo remind them of you two. And if you two can get it too work out so can I. But I need to know how you did it,” Diamond stated in a matter of fact way. “Well for starters, you should probably not resort to insulting ponies you’re asking for help,” Lyra said with a grin. “Bu-But I was just saying the truth,” Diamond stuttered. “I’m just playing with you, but it’s good advice nonetheless. So let’s see here, Bon Bon should I tell her the story, or do you want to?” “Hmmmm … take turns?” “Alright then I’ll go first.” Lyra stated picking up her lyre and strumming it to build up emotion and imagery to the tale, as she lit up her horn castings a basic illusion painting a scene to go along with her tale,“When I was an itty bitty filly, much like yourself. I was a dreamer and a snarker who had dreams of making it big. I was going to be a world renowned bard decked out in silver, with ponies coming from all over Equestria to listen to the tales I told. Riding a chariot that shot out sparkers from the rear.” A ghost chariot racing with a filly Lyra decked in platinum clothing was racing around. With tiny ghost sparklers shooting out as it raced around Diamond Tiara’s head, “I was going to be epic! And all the ponies around me were just stupid mouth breathers who were only standing in the way to my awesomeness. Now as awesome as I thought I was, it was all in my head. After all if you never wonder outside your own head then you never have to risk anything. But that all changed when I met this beautiful filly. She was sweet, beautiful, and a voice that was enthralling.” Diamond Tiara rested her head on her forehooves, a dreamy expression washing over her face as she listened to the tale. She could see Bon Bon as glowing like the light of the moon shining off her. And the tiny Lyra stopped dead in her imaginary tracks. Lyra’s music turned slightly more agitated and deep as she moved to the lower notes, as Bon Bon took over the next bit, “when she met me the first thing she did was pull my mane through class, only to give snide remarks about every pony in class. And I’ll admit it was quite annoying. So I told her to leave me alone.” Diamond Tiara saw a rather obnoxious Lyra sitting next to Bon Bon who had little angry clouds floating over her head. Lyra picked up where Bon Bon left off the melody taking an airy yet sharp quality to it, “You see I thought that any attention was good attention, as long as she noticed me. Since I was too afraid to tell her how I thought, I just acted out on what ever got me the biggest reaction, but seeing her angry while pretty cute was risking me losing a potential friend. So I go to thinking of what I wanted to do.” A brief flash showed the Bon Bon let loose an adorable frown. Before the scene changed to filly Lyra absent mindedly strumming a ghosty lyre. Her sitting with a far off look on her face. The music kept it’s airy qualities while transforming from sharp to whimsical, giving Diamond Tiara a grin as Bon Bon took over the next part, “It was kind of funny after she stopped. She’d sit in the playground for all of recess with a distant look on her face. She was still sarcastic, and snarky, but at least she wasn’t crossing the line like she could’ve.” Lyra giggled, and the melody took a less whimsical tone, “I decided that I’d try showing that there was more to me than a super cute, totally awesome pony, who happened to tell ponies how it was. And I decided that I could lighten up a bit.” The happy melody continued, putting a grin on Diamond Tiara’s face as Bon Bon took the next part, “Well when she wanted to be she could be quite the charmer, and I decided that it was worth getting to know her. We became friends, and she would show off as well as do random acts of niceness.” The scenery showed Lyra doing random acts of kindness and odd jobs for other ponies with Bon Bon being drawn closer and closer to Lyra before they stood side beside. The music took a practically giddy quality as it flitted throughout the room, “It took about a year, but I called in favors from ponies that I had been helping out along with Bon Bon, and well the rest is history.” And with that the song and show ended. Diamond Tiara frowned slightly, “But how did you ask her out?! When did you confess?! You can’t leave the story at that. I need to know!” She yelled as she was left hanging as things finally got to the good part. “I’ll make you a trade. When you finally confess to Scootaloo, when the time is right of course. I’ll let you know about how me and Bons got together. We can compare notes, and I’ll even play a song about your own adventures to you and Scootaloo. To commemorate the event. Sound like a plan?” Lyra said holding a hoof out. Diamond gave it a short shake, “Fine. That sounds like a fair deal. But what do I do myself? I want her to say yes, and make it last, but I don’t know what to do.” “Well there’s no real way to make her love you. Love doesn’t work like that, but I can give you three bits of advice,” Lyra replied. “What’s the advice?” “Well one is be honest with yourself. As long as you stay true to you and don’t try changing everything about yourself for anypony, then you’ll be happy, and Scootaloo will be happy. Next is being mean is easy. But being good, not necessarily nice but good is hard. Helping others, being a pony that others rely on, doing what good deed you can. It’s hard and you might stumble, and make mistakes. But as you reach out to others, Scootaloo and others will see that you are a pony that can be trusted and relied on. And good things will come to you. Trust me ponies are more willing to help those they like rather than those they don’t. “Just like with Carrot Top when she needed help with her farm on the Farming Contest a few months back, or me with how ponies help me out when I’ve needed it. It’s hard, but fulfilling. Last but not least. Be the fily you think she’d be proud of. None of it’ll be easy. But not even a foal comes out of the womb running. But as long as you try I think you’ll see it. And others will as well. Does that help you at all?” Diamond Tiara was deep in thought mulling over what Lyra said, she looked up and said, “So I don’t have to change everything, and I don’t have to be a goody four shoes?” “No you don’t. Just be do what makes you happy, and you can be proud of, and you think Scootaloo would be proud of. At least that what I do for and did with Bon Bon,” Lyra said. “Okay. I have things I need to think about. Thank you, it’s been helpful,” Diamond Tiara said thoughtfully, “How much do I owe you for the Hayshake?” “It’s on the house. I’m happy that you finally asked Scootaloo out. I hope the best for you,” Bon Bon said as her and Lyra nuzzled. “Oh! One last thing if that’s okay?” Diamond Tiara asked as she was about to leave. “Sure what’s up?” Lyra asked. “I want to make this Harvest Festival the best night ever. Is there anything that needs to be done?” Diamond Tiara asked. I’m going to make this Festival as perfect as possible. Regardless of what I have to do to get it done. “D’awwwww!” Bon Bon gushed, and a smile spread on Lyra’s face. “Well the Farmer’s Union is working out a meal plan for their booths, don’t know if you can help but it won’t hurt to ask. Cheerilee and Rarity are working on the decorations, they might need some help. And then there’s Trixie, she said that this year’s Harvest Festival is going to end in a bang. That’s all I know really.” Lyra listed off which of her friends were going to be doing. Diamond Tiara walked out of the store with a smile and a plan in mind, All I have to do is help those ponies with their stuff, or have daddy help me. Then I can make this the greatest Festival ever and Scootaloo will love it! This will be my quest! > Diamond Tiara's Helping Hoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara made a Beeline to Carrot Top’s merchant stand. Seeing Carrot Top closing Diamond Tiara rushed over to her. Upon hearing the staccato thumping of Diamond Tiara’s hooves on the pavement Carrot Top turned around and waited for Diamond Tiara to come up to her, “Hi, how may I help you?” Carrot Top asked jovially. “I was talking to Lyra and Bon Bon and she said that you and the Farmer’s Union are making menus for the Festival. I want to make it special this year so I wanted to extend a hoof to help,” Diamond Tiara said crisply. “Well I don’t really know how you could help, we’re using most of our own produce,” Carrot Top replied. “But my daddy imports spices,fancy syrups and flavored sugars from all over the place. If I can get him to lend me some could that help you make better foods?” Diamond Tiara implored. “I’ll have to ask the others before I get in touch with you, but I’d need you to ask Mr. Rich first if it’s okay with him. And you are offering this offer to the Apple Family right?” Carrot Top asked. “I haven’t yet Ms. Carrot Top, but I guess I can that’s only fair right?” “Yes it will be.” “Alright I’ll ask daddy and if he says yes then I’ll let you know,” Diamond Tiara said with a wave. Trotting over to the Apple Family cart she saw the Apple Jack and Apple Bloom hawking wares. It took everything she had not to glare at the youngest Apple, but if she wanted to get this done right she’d have to ignore her. “Hi Ms. Apple Jack, there’s something I wanted to ask you?” She said with as much sweetness as she could muster. Apple Jack looked her over and said, “What can Ah do ya for” “Well this is the first year the Farmer’s Unions is going to be in the Harvest Festival, and I want to make it special. So I want to offer both you and them some access to our Spices, syrups, and flavored sugars. That’s if my daddy can do it by then, which I’m sure he’ll be able to do,” Diamond Taira said ignoring the shocked look from Apple Bloom. Apple Jack stared there for a second and gave a small nod, “Well thank ya kindly fer yer offer. But the Apple Family’ll be just fine with what we have. Don’tch’ya worry yer little head none this Festival’ll be plenty special enough.” “Are you sure?” “Sure as the moon does shine. As I said don’tch’ya worry none, the Apple Family will make this a night ta remember. The Trust is sending us some rare fruits from Neighpon, the best spices from all over Equestria, and we’ve got our top chefs making the best treats this side of Canterlot,” Apple Jack said confidently. Diamond Tiara after wandering around her house eventually found the kitchen. There were a few ponies in chef hats hanging around when she trotted in. She gave a cough to get their attention. Once she had it she said, “Hi, I need a list of all the spices, sugars, and syrups we have.” “Are you planning on cooking something Miss Tiara?” One of the chefs asked. “Who’s to say I can’t?” She replied defensively. “No offense met young miss. It’s just that we’ve never seen you around these parts before. Not since you were a tiny, little filly,” He replied with a chuckle. Diamond Tiara tilted her head at that, but decided that could be a story for another time, “I could probably cook something if I tried. But I just came here so that I could get a list of stuffs. Can you do that?” “Of course, and if you ever want to try your hoof at cooking we’ll be more than happy to teach you a few tricks to make a good dish,” he said with a chuckle. Diamond Tiara left and walked into her father’s study. Her eyes glimmered with happiness at seeing her father working over his paper work. She cantered over to him yelling, “Daddy!” With an adorable squeal of delight. “Hi princess!” He said picking her up in a hug as she jumped onto him. “Daddy can I ask you for something?” She asked looking into his eyes. “Well of course what can I do for daddy’s greatest treasure?” “I wanted to know if I could give some spices, flavored sugars, and some of our fancy syrups to the Farmer’s Union for the Harvest Festival so that they can make some good dishes?” “Of course, and you know who I walked into today when coming home?” “Who?” “Apple Jack. She told me what you were planning, and I was looking through our finances to see what we could shift around. When she told me what you were planning, well I have to say I’ve never been prouder of you. Helping the community, and try to help those under appreciated farmers. It’s just the type of message we need to send,” He said nuzzling her. At the praise from her father, Diamond Tiara’s eyes watered slightly as she responded to the nuzzle, “I love you daddy. You’re the best daddy ever!” “Thank you Princess. I know that the family business keeps me busy and I have long hours, but I am truly blessed to have you for a daughter. Just tell Carrot Top to let me know what she needs at least four days before the Festival.” “Alright well I’ll see you at dinner daddy,” She said burying her head into his chest and giving him a nuzzle. The next day Diamond Tiara was for once in her life early to school on her own accord waiting for Ms. Cheerilee. It was half an hour later when the mare in question trotted into the schoolhouse. Cheerilee looked at her with wide eyes before addressing her, “Diamond Tiara, what are you doing here so early?” “Well I wanted to ask you something, and I wanted to ask before everypony was here,” Diamond Tiara replied. Cheerilee ears twitched out of interest and she gave a nod for her to continue, “Well the Harvest Festival is coming up, and I have heard from a reliable source that you and Ms. Rarity are going to do decorations. I wanted to know if there was anyway I could help you set them up?” Cheerilee’s jaw dropped out of shock, shaking her head, “You want to volunteer?” “Yes Ms. Cheerilee.” “For work?” “Yes Ms. Cheerilee.” “Who are you and what did you do to my student?” Cheerilee asked accusingly. “What do you mean Ms. Cheerilee?” Diamond asked tilting her head, “Am I not allowed to do a good deed every now and then?” Cheerilee’s ear started twitching as her mind flashed back to a room filled with a swarm of locusts, the screams of students, and an army of angry gerbils, “Of course you are. But you’ve never show any interest in helping before. What caused the change of heart?” Cheeriee asked. “Can’t I just want to help my community, and help make this Harvest Festival great?” Diamond Tiara said throwing her best million bit smile. Cheerilee’s ears twitched as she looked around the room for any booby traps, or worst yet, the tell tell sign of foalish mischievousness. It was five years since the last student set her up for a prank, and she really didn’t want to deal with a mini flood of tree sap cement. Throwing her best ‘I’m not buying it’ teacher stare, “Well yes I suppose you could. But it’s strange … you’re doing this to help the Harvest Festival?” “Yes.” Cheerilee was still not entirely convinced, but she was willing to let it play out. She didn’t want to make Diamond Tiara feel like she wasn’t trusted a hundred percent, and it was good for her to finally take interest in things beside herself. Bursting into a grin and stomped her forehooves onto the ground merrily, “It always makes me happy to see my little ponies take an interest in the community. Well I’ll tell you what, if you come and help set things up I’ll give you extra credit on the next exam.” “Seriously?” “Yes. It took real initiative to come here, and I like it that one of my students has taken an interest in helping. So I’d be more than happy to award you extra credit once everything’s finished up.” “Thank you Ms. Cheerilee!” Diamond yelled. This is so cool. All I’ve done is stuff with minimum effort, and here I am getting extra credit and my daddy’s even more proud of me than ever. On top of all that, I’m doing something that Scootaloo is sure to like. As school ended she made her way to Carrot Top, when she finally made it up to her stall she withdrew her paper that she got and put it on her table, “Here’s the stock of things we can hook the Farmer’s Union up with, and my daddy says that he just needs to know what you all will need. All he needs is for you to let him know four days before the Festival.” “Thank you, I’ll be sure to let him know soon as I let the other members of the Union know. And you know there will be a lot of new recipes we could probably use a taste tester,” Carrot Top offered with a smile. “Umm … if I can, can I bring a second pony to taste test?” “Sure. A second pair of taste buds couldn’t hurt.” “Alright, when will you need me?” “How about Sunday afternoon. Around 3?” “Perfect. Thanks Ms. Carrot Top, see you then,” Diamond Tiara said with a hoof waive. Making her way to the Residency of the Representative of the Night Court. The house and business place of Trixie Lulamoon. Diamond Tiara wasn’t sure of what to make of the Showmare, but ponies kept saying she reminded of Trixie when she first arrived to Ponyville. Opening the door she was met by a stream of french, “Paperasserie tronçonnage Merde!” Trotting in she saw a mass of paper and a grey aura wrapped around an angry dancing pony. After a few second the paperwork fell off of Trixie who was glaring at the paperwork, “Pokey, next time Rainbow Dash tries sending us paperwork you have her open up the envelope herself.” “What happened?” Diamond asked. “Just a prank from Rainbow Dash. She sent a static charged mist in an envelope and it caused all this sun blasted paperwork to cling to me. But that’s neither here nor there, I have plans for her. But what brings you here?” “Well I heard that you are planning a show and I wanted to know if I could help you set it up?” Diamond asked. Trixie looked thoughtful, and gave a grin, “Well in a few days I’m setting up the fireworks. How would you like to help set them up?” Diamond Tiara grinned with a smile that looked like it was threatening to split her face. Fireworks are the most romantic part of the Festival. This will be perfect., “I’d love to help you set up fireworks. Are you sure you wouldn’t mind the help?” “Of course not. What’s the harm with setting up a few fireworks? Just make sure that you don’t have any fire near them and I’ll make sure you do it safely,” Trixie replied. “Alright I’ll see you then,” Diamond said walking out. Barely holding back her squeal of filly glee. This will be perfect. I’ll help get everything set up, get to ensure that everything is romantic and perfect for Scootaloo. It was a busy four days. Diamond Tiara finally decided that she couldn’t wait a moment longer, and trotted up to Scootaloo as Scootaloo was walking to her. Scootaloo was the first one to talk, “Hi DT, I’ve been thinking about it, and after what I’ve heard about you from my friends over the last few days, and some things my dad and Ms. Ditzy Doo told me after you asked me out. I’d like to give us a chance. If you’re still interested?” Diamond Tiara looked at Scootaloo, a wide ecstatic grin bursting across her face as she started bouncing up and down, “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She said before gaining control of herself, “I mean yes. Of course I’m interested!” Scootaloo burst out laughing, “Okay, that was pretty cute.” She said I was cute! *Squee*!!!!, “Well there is something I’d like to ask you. Today the Farmer’s Union is getting new food ready, and they offered me plus one to act as taste testers. Would you be interested in joining me?” “Sure. I can’t say no to free food,” Scootaloo said, “Well I guess I’ll see you after school? Unless you want to join me and my friends at recess?” Diamond Tiara’s brain broke at that, and when she came too Scootaloo was looking at her strangely, “Are you alright?” “What? Oh! I’m fine, I mean yes I’d love to join you for lunch,” Diamond said with a dreamy smile. At lunch Scootaloo’s friends other than Dinky were looking at the two of them in stunned silence. It was Dinky who broke the ice first, “Ms. Lyra said that she couldn’t believe that it took you six months to finally ask Scootaloo out. And that you’d make a cute couple.” “I’m not cute! I’m awesome, and radical. I don’t do cute,” Scootaloo huffed indignantly a blush rising to her cheeks causing her friends to laugh at her and Diamond gave a light chuckle at how cute she looked when being all indignant. “Well I think that it’s what Diamond Tiara needed. She hasn’t been as mean since she asked you out,” Sweetie chirped. “I’m not mean … that much,” Diamond muttered. “I didn’t mean it as an insult. I just meant that you’re nicer when you’re happy. And I like this Diamond Tiara. Yes there was that moment when you started insulting the pony who accidentally splashed mud on you, and the time where you were haggling over a cherry and you called the pony a flying plot head … even though I don’t know how he could fly since he was an earth pony,” Sweetie Belle rattled before she was interrupted by Diamond Tiara. “Alright, so those were a few times. But I am who I am, and I can be nice,” Diamond huffed getting slightly annoyed. “Sorry,” Sweetie murmured. “Apology accepted this time, anyways. So … what do you do usually during recess?” Diamond asked. “Well me and the girls usually go adventuring and have some fun before school starts. What about you and Silver Spoon, you two don’t look like you do much? Although her and Moon Glimmer have been acting weird around each other,” Scootaloo said. “Me and Silver Spoon usually just gossip and talk about what we want to do after school. As for her and Glimmer I’ll leave that for them to tell everypony if and when they feel like it. It’s noponies business but theirs,” Diamond said sticking up for her friends privacy. The rest of the conversation played out like 20 questions. At the end her friends gave her the obligatory best friend warning of not hurting Scootaloo and left the two filles alone as they walked to the school house. “So sorry that my friends basically interrogated you, but they’re just as confused as I am. Other than Dinky, she said that she knew after that time that all the adults went crazy and destroyed Ponyville. But thanks for not blowing up and insulting all my friends when they started questioning you.” “Sure no problems. After all if I’m your fillyfriend,” she gave a silent squee before continuing, “Then I guess that means that me and them are going to cross paths more often. Honestly if somepony dated Silver Spoon and I got some alone time with that pony I’d do the same thing.:” “Well I guess I’ll see you later?” “See you later,” Diamond Tiara said sighing as she saw Scootaloo walk into the schoolhouse. This is like a dream come true. After months of getting the courage to ask her out. I’m nearly done with helping with making this Harvest Festival memorable, and our first date is technically going to be taste testing new food. Yeah her friends were a little annoying with how they basically acted as if this was the sign of the end of the world for the first few minutes. Then had the gall to think that I’d do anything to intentionally hurt Scootaloo. And if Lyra and Bon Bon think that I have chance then all I can do is hope. > Best Night Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara wore a silver gilded laurel wreath, with a light azure dress jacket over a white dress. Her hair wrapped in an ornate bun. With a corsage on her left foreleg. And as adorable as she looked, there was one thing evident. She was nervous. “Princess, stop fidgeting. You’re little fillyfriend said she’d be here at 7 and we still have fifteen minutes till it starts,” Filthy Rich said warmly. Her mother trotted over remembering how nervous she felt for the first time and nuzzled her daughter murmuring soothing words to her. “But daddy, mommy, what if she forgot?! What if she changed her mind and decided to go with some other filly? What if …” Diamond Tiara blubbered before her father interrupted her. “What if the moon was made out of cheese? Or what if gold rather than silver was the most valuable metal in the world? There’s no use thinking about what if’s. You’ve gushed for a day about how amazing this Scootaloo character is, and how loyal and kind she is. I doubt that any pony who could make you brighten up so much, or was as good as you say would just leave you hanging,” Filthy Rich said nuzzling a nervous Diamond Tiara when the door rang. Scootaloo stood nervously before the door as it opened an bouquet of pink and white roses with a sprinkle of purple babies breath. Scootaloo was had a simple black satin ribbon holding an amethyst gem. With the black and amethyst earings that Diamond Tiara got her when they went shopping for Cheerilee’s gift. Diamond looked at her and burst into a thousand bit smile. Scootaloo gulped and passed the roses to Diamond, “My dad says that I should probably give you a bouquet for our first official date. And I didn’t know what to get you, but Ms. Rose said that this color scheme would best suit you.” Diamond Tiara smelled it and her body practically glowed with glee, “I love them. Thank you Scootaloo.” “No problem DT. I’m glad you liked them,” Scootaloo said nervously shuffling. “Well why are you standing outside young lady? Come on in I want to meet the filly my daughter can’t stop gushing about. Darling, can you take Diamond Tiara to the kitchen and find a vase for those flowers?” “Of course dear. Come now honey, let’s let your father have some alone time with your paramour,” Her mother jokingly jabed. “Mom! Daddy! Please don’t embarrass me!” Diamond Tiara moaned. “Don’t worry Princess I just want to talk to her abit. I promise I won’t do anything to embarrass you,” Filthy Rich said. As Scootaloo and Filthy Rich walked to the study her mother waved her over before whispering conspiratorially, “Listen honey. If you want to listen in on them give them a few seconds head start and be careful not to get caught. Now go, and remember if your father asks, we went to the kitchen and gossiped about what you’d do at the Harvest Festival.” She cantered to the study slowing down to tiphooving as she got in sight of the door. Putting her ear to the door she started listening in on the conversation. Even if it was a bit muted by the wooden door. “So it was my daughter who asked you out?” “Yes sir. I honestly was taken by surprise. I didn’t know she thought of me that way.” “That’s my girl. The real go getter. Well did you say yes right away?” “I didn’t. I would’ve if she said why she picked me, but she didn’t. I went over it for a few days and my dad said that there’s usually more than meets the eyes about every pony and if you look deep enough then there might be something worth seeing. And if I liked what I saw then I should give it a go to see if there was more there. And Ms. Ditzy Doo said told me some stuff that’s above my head, but I think I get most of it. Anyway. There’ve been quite a few moments where Diamond Tiara looked like she has real good in her when she tries. And I think that she’s a good pony at heart … so I decided that I’d give this a try,” Scootaloo said nervously. “Ha! You’re honest I like that. There’s no need to be nervous, I’m not going to threaten to ruin your life and destroy you if you hurt my daughter. I trust her, and if she says that you’re a loyal and kind pony I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. That being said, treat her right and don’t break her heart got me?” “I’ll be good, I wouldn’t want you to crush me with your coin purse or feed me to dragons,” Scootaloo joked trying to lighten the mood. “Alright then. I want her back by one. That should give you plenty of time at the Festival, and an hour after the Firework Show. Diamond Tiara told me that she helped set it up this year, and I think she’d want you to see it.” “Wait! She helped set up explosives?” Scootaloo shouted in surprise. “Of course. Well this year at least, under Trixie Lulamoon’s supervision.” “That’s so cool! Well I got to go I don’t want to keep her waiting to long. And I’ll have her back by then,” Scootaloo said. “I’ll join you. I wouldn’t want you getting lost,” Filthy Rich said. Diamond Tiara galloped to her mother waiting by the front door. Her mother ran a brush over her hair fixing the few loose strands that came up, “I remember the first time I dated somepony, just make sure to have fun.” Diamond Tiara held onto Scootaloo nuzzling into her as they went at a moderate pace to Ponyville proper. As they entered the food district they Scootaloo spotted the plastic tent in front of Jack’s Monster Shack, “Why do they have a plastic tent over that table? Is that where they’re going to serve the Monster?” “Oh apparently it’s 25 million Scovilles, two times hotter than normal rainbows. And it has a habit of affecting any pony nearby without the protection. But yes that’s where you’ll be eating the monster, and if you can do it in under a minute it’s free and you get to choose. Either free food from any food place that is sponsored by my father’s business, or ten percent off all things in Bargain Bins. This deal lasts for one year after the day you finish the challenge.” “Wow … okay. I never ate anything that hot before but this’ll be fun,” Scootaloo said as she pulled up to the tent. As the owner came out in a full hazmat suit carrying a biohazard box with a pair of tongs a crowd of ponies gathered around. And seeing Scootaloo a mixture of cheers and worried murmurs. As the lid was lifted an orange-red cloud burst from the container. As it dispersed water started condensing on the plastic covers. A bun was pulled out that was hot enough to leave a shimmer around it. As timer was set, Scootaloo let out a yell before digging in, “I’ve been waiting all week for you gorgeous!” Fifteen seconds later the burger was gone, her orange coat turning Big Mac red. Before belching a large gout of flame, “Wow! that was a little hot, can I have another one?” Scootaloo asked. The crowd was so silent the dropping of the tongs could be heard, “It’ll take twenty four hours, but yes the day after tomorrow we can have another one made for you,” Jack said. His voice coming out distorted through the hazmat suit. “What about two? Can I have two?” Scootaloo asked bouncing on her seat. “Well … yes. So I take it you want free food for a year?” “Yep!” Scootaloo chirped. steam coming out of her ears and nose as her coat slowly turned to normal. “Well then … Congratulations Scootaloo! You’re the second pony to win The Monster Challenge, and the one with the fastest time. You’ve earned free food for a year. I just need to take your picture for posterity,” the owner said. A little flabbergasted by Scootaloo’s energetic joy after downing something that was the currently hottest food in Equestria without being fazed in the slightest. The crowd burst into cheers, and after she roped in Diamond Tiara got her picture, “Thanks DT. That was the best burger I’ve ever had.” Diamond Tiara blushed as she trotted back to the scooter, As the slowly glided through the crowds Scootaloo glanced back at Diamond Tiara and asked, “So all those ponies you helped out for the Festival that was for me wasn’t it?” “It was. I thought that even if … well you said yes so that doesn’t matter, but if you didn’t. Then at least you’d have the best Harvest Festival ever, and it’d show that I care. At least that’s what I was thinking. But to be honest, it was kind of fun. We got to taste test the foods the farmer’s other than the Apple family will be making, I got extra credit for helping Ms. Cheerilee and Ms. Rarity with the decorations, and Trixie let me set up the fireworks for tonight. So I know without a doubt tonight would’ve been amazing for you.” “Wow! That’s actually the nicest thing anypony’s ever done for me before. Thank you.” “You’re welcome. I just hope the rest of the night goes well.” “So I have to ask, how come you really don’t hang out with ponies other than Silver Spoon?” “Part of it is because me and Silver Spoon’s daddy’s love us enough to warn us about ponies who’d only like us for our bits. The other part is well … remember how I looked sad when I said I had no bits left after we went shopping for Ms. Cheerilee a little over half a year ago?” “Sure?” “Well not a lot of ponies would’ve stayed with me when they learned that I ran out of bits. It’s just the way the world works. Other than rich and successful ponies, if ponies know you have bits to spend then they're your friend for as long as you’re willing to spend bits on them. But when you run out, they have other places they need to be, or find some reason to ditch you. I actually have some pity on Coronet, she’s wealthy, but her parents apparently never gave her the talk. So she has friends who like her since she throws parties for them, or gets them things but when she runs out … well it’s a lesson she’ll need to learn someday.” “Wow … that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Do you really think everypony’s like that?” “Not you. And maybe not some ponies, but enough that I’ve learned the hard way what happens when you stop using money to buy friends.” “Well … I guess that makes sense, but it’d have been better if you never had to deal with that. And I can tell you Sweetie Belle and Dinky aren’t like that. And Apple Bloom doesn’t care about that either.” “Ha! I don’t really want to talk about Apple Bloom. We used to be friends when we were still in diapers. My daddy talks about those times, and I have pictures, but we aren’t friends anymore.” “Wait! Why not?” “I’ll tell you someday when we get to know each other better. I don’t mind you being friends with her, but if she ever throws you away I’ll buck her into the sun,” Diamond Tiara said menacingly. “Sounds fair, and I’ll pass on the message. But yeah, I’m not saying it’ll happen. I’m planning on giving this a serious try, but if we just don’t work as fillyfriends. I promise that I won’t just leave you. We can still be friends.” “You promise?” “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Scootaloo recited. best filly friend ever! Eleven rolled around and Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara sat in the wagon attached to the Scooter. The wagon was stuffed with dolls, and knicknacks that Scootaloo won, or Diamond Tiara bought for each other and now they waited for the main event. The Fireworks. “I had fun tonight,” Scootaloo said looking at the marvelous starlit sky. “I’m glad. Do you think that we can have another date sometime?” Diamond Taira asked as the first fireworks flew into the air. Painting the sky with oranges and yellows. “Sure. Although one of these days I want to hear you actually confess your feelings. But yeah you’re pretty fun to hangout with,” Scootaloo replied looking at Diamond Tiara with a small smile. “One of these days. I just need to find the time when it’s most romantic,” Diamond Tiara said. “Well what can be more romantic than this? The full moons out, fireworks are flying, you spent a week doing something nice for me with no guarantee that I would go out with you, and you got me the most hottest Veggie Burger in Equestria. That and I got you alot of prizes from the Festival games. So what could be better?” “Alright when you put it that way … Alright. Ever since I first saw you. You were free and brave, and courageous. You never backed down from anypony or any challenge. And I guess I was envious of you at first,” Diamond started before Scootaloo interjected. “You were envious of me?” Scootaloo asked truly bewildered. “Yes, and please don’t interrupt. It’s hard enough telling you my feelings,” Diamond Tiara huffed. “Sorry continue,” Scootaloo said waving a hoof for Diamond Tiara to continue the story. “Yes I was envious. Heck when your wings finally grow in the skys the limit, and you make friends so easily. Most of all they like you for who you are. Not who your daddy is, or what they can get out of you. But just for being you. You’re loyal, kind, and you’d never leave a pony behind. And that’s a rare quality in a pony. But I couldn’t tell you how I felt so I thought that as long as I got your attention some how it didn’t matter how I got it. And to your benefit even when I was insulting you and everypony around you. You never ignored me. And that was good enough I guess. But then you came to me for help and things started changing. First you only wanted bits not for something selfish like ponies in the past have tried pulling, but for our teacher because you felt bad about the accidents that happened. Again a rare quality in a pony and I couldn’t help but admire you more. Then after the school talent show. You actually hung out with me from time to time. Yes it was with Sweetie Belle or some other random mix of your friends, but you made the effort to come to me. And let me be part of your fun. I didn’t think things could get better then the whole thing with the crazy adults happened. You not only didn’t leave me behind, but you saved me when I was about to be converted, and you involved me with one of your stunts. Ever since then … I don’t know. I don’t know if what I’m feeling is infatuation, which my mommy said is what leads to love, or love, or what I’m feeling. All I know is that I really like you, and you show me things about life and ponies I never thought possible. And I’m the luckiest filly in the world that you said yes to giving dating me a chance,” Diamond Tiara gushed everything out. Hoping that by spilling it out in one long speal she wouldn’t get too embarrassed before she stopped. She turned her head away from Scootaloo readying herself for the sting of rejection. “Wow … you really feel that way about me?” All she could do was nod. Scootaloo brought Diamond Tiara’s head to look at her. Scootaloo’s eyes were watering a little, “You know you’re a lot cooler pony than you give yourself credit for. And all you had to do was tell me that and I would’ve definitely said yes.” She whispered before pulling Diamond Tiara into warm hug. Adding her wings to the mix holding her close. Diamond Tiara nuzzled close to Scootaloo’s coat before thinking. This is the best night ever.