The Equestrian Virus

by brett the tenth doctor

First published

E.D was a normal pony working a normal job untill ponies started feasting on each other's flesh

I lived in Ponyville, a small peaceful town full of friendly ponies.
I lived a normal life working a normal job and normal friends.
One day was different, ponies were eating each other

After a devastateing event I'm left hopeless but the friendship of my group help me back on my hooves and I Made a pact:

Keep me and my friends alive no matter what.

Cover-art by jaysixx

Prologue: a normal day

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"Oh, for Celestia's sake..." I grumbled.

My alarm clock was playing the same tune it did every morning, it was just doing what it was supposed to do, but today I wasn't in the mood and it found itself lodged into the wall.

"Still got it," I grumbled under my breath.

I would of stayed within the comforting grip of my bed, but nature was calling and I was starting to smell my own body odour. With a sigh, I reluctantly rose up out of my bed and headed to the bathroom.

Walking down the hallway I spotted a mirror, it was nothing fancy but it done it's job, almost as well as the alarm clock because I was ready to throw that away as well. I was pretty intimidated just by looking into the damned thing. My own personal colour scheme of black and red was an eye sore, my orange eyes were piercing and my wings always opened with a flourish. The missing part of my left ear didn't speak wonders about me either.
"No wonder nopony wanted to play with me when I was younger," I chuckled to myself, I continued to make my way to the shower.
Once the desired area of my house had been reached, I stepped into the shower, started up the hot water and began cleaning the foul odor off my body. After making sure I was clean, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself off and trotted back to my room to fetch myself a top. I usually get strange looks for that, but my mom was from Canterlot and I grew up being taught; 'It's not proper etiquette'. Plus, with my dad having been in Celestia's Royal Guard, they sort of collided.

I looked at one of the last things my father left me with, apparently it was a piece of experimental technology given to him and his crew. It had a sort of boomerang shape to it, a hole at the end of it to shoot out a small pellet and a rectangular shaped hole on the other end of it to fit a chamber of the little pellets in. He called it a 'gun'.
I turned it over and it had 'M1911' inscribed into one side of it, with 'Lily' crudely scratched into the other side. When I asked why, my dad would simply replied with:

"It's like your mom, if she's out for the kill, all it will take is one look."

When I was younger I could never get what he was talking about, but now I laughed every time I thought of it.
My dad gave me the gun for my birthday. At first I didn't like it, so I rarely wore the gun and the holster, but after he passed I started wearing it. A sort of memento of him, I guess. Now I can't go anywhere without it.

The gun always seemed useless to me. I mean, Ponyville is almost the safest town in all of Equestria, apparently with all the disasters that happen here it just misses the mark. Nevertheless, I don't see why I, or any pony for that matter, would need something as dangerous as a gun.
When I asked why he gave it to me, he'd always have the same response:

"That thing was hand crafted by Celestia's top brass, stayed with me during the whole Gryphon Revolution. It even saved my life! Keep it close..."
I never did find out how it saved him but if it kept the old man happy, then I was happy.
My dad was a nice guy... but he had one rule, you don't fuck with him or anyone near him. It was real scary
seeing him that mad.

We were on a holiday in Manehatten, back then I was a young and stupid colt. One could make the argument I still am, but I digress. One day, we were walking back from my dad's friends house, I got separated from my dad and a stranger approached me and offered to take me home. In any other situation I would of said no, but I was scared. I accepted his offer and followed him into the alley he came from.
When we got to the end he grabbed me and stuck a switchblade to my neck covering my mouth with his foreleg
"Don't scream or I'll cut you," the stallion whispered threateningly.
His hoof slipped, instinct controlled my actions.

"Dad!" I screamed.

The stranger wasn't a liar, I found that out the hard way. He put the blade to the tip of my ear and with one quick swipe the whole tip of it was lying on the ground. What happened next was blurred, but from what I remember I saw my dad charge the stallion. His face showed complete anger and rage, and I saw fire in his eyes. Next thing I knew he was holding me. He was covered in blood and we were rushing out of the alley. When I took a peek back into the alley, I saw a body lying in the dirt with a switchblade sticking out of its chest, a blood puddle forming under it.

There isn't much to say about my mom, I can't even remember her that well. The doctors said I was suppressing memories, or something like that...

I stepped out my front door and saw Twilight reading a book on her balcony, I decided to say 'Hi' to my neighbor
. I unfurled my wings and flew over.

"Hey Twilight~" I sung as I landed next too her.
"Hey Eddy," she replied, mockingly rolling her eyes. "Don't you have work today?" She asked.
"Yeah, but I have 30 minutes until I have to be at my station. I'm going to Sugar Cube Corner for a coffee, coming" Sparkle?" I asked, hovering over the balcony.
"Sorry, but this is a rather interesting read. I just can't tear myself away," she mocked.
I shrugged in reponse.
"Your loss, talk to you later!"

The trot to Sugar Cube Corner was relatively peaceful. Everyone was greeting me and waving, which is why I love this town, it's so friendly. Also some hot mares live here, but I'm not like that, I already had my eyes on a special mare that's really popular for clearing the sky in ten seconds flat.
When I walked into Sugar Cube Corner I was greeted with a warm glomping from Pinkie.

"Hey Pinkie," I said. It was a miracle how she understood me, on account of my face being buried in her chest.
"Hey Ed, the usual?" She asked.
"Yes, and I've told you not to call me Ed," I smirked, with a bit of mock pride as I stood tall. "Please refer to me as Educated Decision."
"That name doesn't suit you," she thought loudly.
"Pinkie, dear! You wound me." I mockingly put my hands to my chest
"And everyone likes Ed better."
I opened my mouth to argue, but realized I would never win against Pinkie.
"Touché," I responded. "You win the honour of handing me my coffee."
She giggled in response and handed me the cup.

I walked to my station which is right next to Rainbow Dash's. That day was planned out to be cloudless, but near Rainbow's station there were clouds everywhere,So I did the gentlemanly thing and covered for her. She's lucky too, because our boss flew by right when I cleared her last cloud but I didn't realized I still had clouds on my side. The boss chewed me out and deducted my pay by five bits. It was worth it, though.
Dash arrived five minutes later, she was surprised that her station was clear.

"Hey, you're lucky that you have a great stallion like me, or your pay would've been deducted," I flexed to add emphasis as I spoke.
She started bawling with laughter.
"You covered for me?!"
"You know it, baby."
She then started to calm down.
"I guess I do owe you..."

"Now's my chance," I thought to myself. "How about lunch, tomorrow? I'll pay, all you need to do is show your pretty face."
This isn't the first time I had asked Dash out, I've been doing it ever since I arrived in Ponyville. It's almost turned into a daily routine.
Dash adopted a thoughtful expression which in itself was weird, she usually shot me down as soon as I asked.
"You know what, sure. Meet me at Sugar Cube Corner, tomorrow, after work."
I was so surprised, I never even noticed that Dash had flown away. I continued the rest of the day with a cheery grin plastered on my face.

The preparation/girl troubles

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“Wha-” My eyes opened in response to the rapid knocking of my front door, I slipped out of my bed and shuffled down the stairs.
Once I reached the door, without thinking, I started shouting.

“Who disturbs my domain!?”

“Wait, what?” The voice was familiar, but I was having troubling remembering whose it was.
“Who’s at the door, moron?! You better have a good reason!”

It was then I decided to look through the peephole. What I saw was none other than my best friend, Wyatt, standing on my front steps waiting.
"Why are you here?! It's…” I looked at the clock on wall, “two in the morning!"

"Vinyl kicked me out...” He replied in a sad tone.

I opened the door and waved him in.

"Oh shit, alright come in, sit in the kitchen and I’ll get you something."
Wyatt walked down the hallway that usually held happy memories, but he was too sad to recall any. He mechanically walked into the kitchen, pulled out a cushion and proceeded to sit. He released a sigh whilst doing so.

I couldn't bare to see my friend in such a state. I set a flame on the stove and placed a kettle full of water onto the burning flame. Once the kettle started whistling I switched the gas off and put the kettle to the side. Pulling out cups, I set them down and started pouring the boiled water.
This was a process I was all too familiar with.

After letting the bags of tea settle inside cup, I fished them out with a spoon and set them on side of the sink. I trotted over to the fridge and pulled out a carton milk and carried it over to the counter on which the tea sat. Balancing the tea on one wing and milk on the other, I trotted to my friend and placed the tea and milk on the table.

“Thanks.” He whispered.

I looked over at the usually energetic stallion, his chocolate brown mane had fallen over his mismatched eyes, and his black fur colour made him look more gloomy.

I sat across from the depressed stallion and began to talk.

“C’mon, it’s time for our girl talk.”

He began to chuckle.

“Man, you can be so gay sometimes.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before but seriously, what’s up?”

Looking at the tea placed in front of him, he proceeded to take a teaspoon of sugar and began stirring it into his tea.
“I was talking about taking our relationship to the next level, you know?”
I nodded whilst sipping my tea.

“It was going fine until I mentioned the commitment that would take…”

“You told her that she’d need to stop partying, didn’t you?” I sighed.

He nodded with his face set low.
I rubbed my temple thinking of an appropriate response.

Watt looked up, for the first time today I saw his eyes. One eye was a serene green that put anyone to peace and one was a deep blue which also kept one calm.

“Vinyl is a wild pony, she has a spirit that cannot be tempered by anyone, you need to wait until she’s ready. If you rush in, there is no telling how that will affect your relationship.”

Watt took in the information and beamed up at me.

“You think so?” He questioned.

“I know so,” I reaffirmed.

He buried his head into his hooves.
“I feel like an idiot for not noticing something so simple!”

I patted him on the back and reassured him.
“Anypony would miss the small details when they're talking about something so important.

I peeked at the clock, it read three in the morning.
“C’mon, let’s try and get some sleep,” I suggested.

Wyatt’s head shot towards the clock on the wall.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry for keeping you awake for so long!” He shouted.

“It’s fine, I’ll set up the guest bedroom for you.”

After everything was set out, Watt laid down to get some shut eye but not before thanking me another million times. I chuckled at his antics. It was strange to think we met at a drunken bar brawl.

I chuckled again at the old, happy memories. As I lay down my head down on my pillow, I began to think of what tomorrow would hold. I went to sleep with a small smile gracing my lips.
I awoke to a rasping at my door... again. I looked at my alarm clock, only to remember that I gave it an early retirement, I sighed as I groggily trotted down the stairs, the rasping came again.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shouted.
I swung the door open, only to be assaulted by a wall of pink.
"Hey, Pinkie..." I groaned.

"Hey, Eddy! We heard about your date with Rainbow, so Rarity came along to help you out!"

"Okay... Can't I get ready myself, after work?" I asked.

"Why of course not, you're going on a date with our best friend after all, you need to be in tip-top condition!" Rarity scoffed.
I smiled at how much they cared for their friend.

"Okay, m'lady, would you mind guiding me to your boutique, so that we may begin to..." I struck a pose "Make me fabulous!"
The two mares giggled and Rarity began to beckon me.

"Follow me~" Rarity said in a sing song voice.

As soon as we arrived at the boutique Rarity set off. Fabrics, measuring tapes and needles flew across the room, once she was done with the measurements, she started working on the design. She let me take a bath and by the time I was done, she had already finished with the design and was working on the suit itself.

By the time she was done it was almost time for the date, putting the suit on felt natural but that may be the fact I'm used to wearing clothes. I looked in the mirror to find that the design went well with me. The shirt was the average white but the waistcoat was a nice cherry colour with small sapphires decorating the back.

"Thanks Rarity, How much do I owe you?"

"Oh nothing at all, just return it in one piece darling." She replied with a wink.
I nodded with a smile and took off towards Rainbow's house but I then started flying back to my weather station in panic, remembering that I had missed a whole day of work.

Ponyville becomes hell

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Wearing my new outfit, I rushed to my station to find my boss writing on a clipboard. I made my way towards him, trying to build my false sense of courage, seeing as I know full well of the possible consequences of my tardiness.
"Hey boss," I said, hearing the nervousness in my own voice as my voice cracked. "What's happening?"
"Educated, I'm sorry to say, but you’re fired," he said looking up from the clipboard. "You've been slacking lately, and you know the rules."
"Fine," I sighed. I thought about arguing and trying to convince him to let me keep my job, but I really didn’t have the energy to argue. I hate that I’ve been fired, but I have too much pride to beg.
"Look, you’re a good kid, but I have no choice in letting you go; however, I'll give you this week’s pay.” He gave a look of disappointment as he handed me the forty-bit pay.
"Thanks," I said, as I accepted the pay. "Before I go, where's rainbow?
"Rarity and Pinkie came by and picked her up. I heard them say something about preparing for a date. By the look of you, I’m guessing the date is with you."
I walked to Sugar Cube Corner taking my time considering it would be a while before I had to be there. On the way, I ran into Scootaloo,
"Where are you going?" She asked.
With a slight smile, I answered, "I'm on my way to my date."
"Who are you going on a date with?"
"Rainbow Dash," I answered, knowing full well that she wouldn’t believe me.
Scootaloo rolled her eyes and said, "I don't believe you, but I don't have time to argue.” She rode past me on her scooter and began heading toward the CMC clubhouse.
I walked into Sugar Cube Corner and approached the counter where Mrs. Cake was attending the register. A wave of depression hit me.
“Hey, Mrs. Cake, you wouldn't have a bottle of whiskey would you?" I’ve been known to drown my sorrows in a bottle from time to time, so I’m sure she wasn’t shocked when I made my request.
"What happened now?" she asked, as the smile on her face disappeared and the look of concern became apparent.
The conversation we were about to have has become all too familiar. I knew how it would play out before it even began, but I continued on as if I were playing dumb. "What do you mean?"
"You always come in here for whiskey when something bad or depressing happens." She began reaching under the counter grabbing the bottle of whiskey. As she poured the drink in the class, I pulled out some bits and placed it on the counter.
"I got fired for missing work—a full day of work at that—and for slacking."
"Oh, that's terrible.” As I began taking a drink, she pushed the bits back towards me. “This one is on the house.”
“You know I don't except handouts," I said, not accepting the bits and walking to my usual booth in the corner of the store.
As I opened the bottle and began to pour some into a milkshake glass, I noticed that Rainbow Dash walked through the door. I nearly dropped the bottle. She looked absolutely stunning in her beautiful rainbow dress. Although her man was styled normally, there was something different. It appeared shinier and more noticeable than before. Cautiously, I capped the bottle and placed it in the inner corner of the booth, as Rainbow Dash trotted. I attempted to wipe the over-eager look off my face, trying to look as natural as possible as she sat down.
There was an uncomfortable silence which lasted a few minutes, but seemed like forever. Finally, she spoke. "So . . . I'm guessing Rarity and Pinkie got to you, too?" She smiled as she gestured towards my outfit.
I chucked. "Yep. Looks like they got us both, huh?"
"Yep," she said.
We sat there for a minute, taking in everything that was going on around us. There seemed to be more ponies than normal hanging out this evening. As I looked over at Rainbow Dash, I noticed that she glanced at the bottle of whiskey.
"Is that for us?"

"Uh....sure," I said. Without hesitation, she picked up the bottle and began pouring us drinks.
As she placed the drink in front of me, I looked at her in her beautiful eyes. “I have to ask you something. I don’t mean any disrespect, but it is something that I have been wondering. Why did you accept my offer this time? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I am truly grateful, but why now? Why after months of asking?”
She sat there for a second, pondering the question that has had me thinking nonstop since she accepted the date. Finally, she responded. "Maybe I decided I should give you a chance, considering you are a persistent bugger. And, if we are going to be honest, I think you’re kind of handsome."
"Well, that's aweso-"
As I tried to finish my sentence, another pony grabbed Rainbow from the booth and slammed her to the floor. It seemed the pony was trying to bite her, but I didn't allow it to happen, I grabbed the whiskey bottle and slammed it into the back of the pony’s head. The blow got it off her, but the pony just got back up and came after me. As the pony made its way towards me, I got a good look at it and, when I realized how disgusting the pony looked, I nearly puked. It was a male pony who’s right eye and intestines were missing, All that was there was a rib cage. It looked as if a bear had ripped him apart. He had bite marks and chunks of flesh missing. I couldn't see how he was living much less coming towards me. He half trotted half stumbled toward me. About this time, Rainbow got up.
"Stay behind me," I said as I un-holstered my M1911 and began taking aim.
Rainbow moved behind me, and I fired. I was aimed at his chest, but I didn't think of recoil. The round went wild and blew a hole in his head.
I breathed a sigh of relief thinking it was over, but then I heard the bloodcurdling screams I will never forget. I ran to the window and saw the vilest thing I've ever seen. Six ponies that were equally as damaged as the one I killed crowded one normal looking pony. The normal pony looked extremely worried and kept trying to run, but the six messed-up ones kept getting closer until the normal pony was overwhelmed. He was able to fight for a couple of seconds, but the messed-up ones knocked him to the ground and began eating him alive.
Blood flew everywhere. They ripped his neck wide open, killing him in an instant, and began to tear through the poor pony’s flesh, and devouring its intestines.
As I looked around, this was happening everywhere. The streets were covered with blood, limbs and bodies everywhere. Some of the dead bodies began to rise and attack the normal ponies. There was a pegesus trying to fly to safety, but a messed up pegesus met him in mid-air, biting his neck open, and he fell to the ground dead. In what seemed like a few minutes, the dead pegesus began to reanimate and attacked some of the normal ponies.
I stepped away from the windows and addressed Mrs. Cake.
"Close the shop and lock yourself upstairs. Do not respond to any pony unless they look normal or you know them."
She locked the door and headed upstairs.

"Come on, Rainbow. Let's go to my house and camp out. It's right down the street."
"Ok," she said, and we ran out through the back door, sprinting to my front door as we dodged the normals and messed ups alike.
When we got to my house, I opened the door quickly, and we rushed in. I got in safely, but as Rainbow tried to get in, a hoof grabbed her mane and pulled her back out of the door. She determinedly used her front hooves to grab the door frame. A mouth was nearly at her neck, so I put the barrel of my gun into the deathly mouth and pulled the trigger. Brain matter flew everywhere, and Rainbow fell into me. I quickly used my back hooves to kick the door closed. It wasn’t long after that I heard heavy banging on my door. Rainbow was crying out of fear, so I scooted us to a wall facing the door. I put her head against my chest. This seemed to calm her a bit, and eventually she fell asleep. I kept my gun trained on the door. Lying against the wall with Rainbow Dash on my chest, I finally managed to fall asleep.