> Flutter My Heart Ashore > by RainbowDangerDash97 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Another boring day comes and goes, here down by the rock farm," a little pink filly groaned to herself. She sighed, as she wiped the sweat from her forehead with her left hoof. She stared out to the velvet sky, at the pink clouds, and setting sun. "It will never change." "I'm back, Pinkie!" Pinkie Pie's eyes shot up. "Granny Pie!" she cried out. She left her rocks to tumble down the hill, as she rushed to her beloved. She leapt into her Granny's hooves. They nuzzled lovingly, before Granny Pie said, "Ah, Pinkie Pie. I cannot simply believe this is the last time I shall see your face." Pinkie looked puzzled. "Last time?" she asked. She gasped before asking, "You're not leaving like you said you would, are you, Granny?" "I - I'm sorry, dear," Granny whispered, already feeling bad for her grand-filly. "But - but Granny," Pinkie protested. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "I'll miss you." "I'll miss you too, my dear," Granny Pie said. Pinkie Pie flung her hooves around her grand-mother. "I don't know what I'll do without you, Granny!" "You don't need me anymore, Pinkie," Granny replied. "You're a big pony now. You have to stand up and face your fears." "But --" Pinkie argued. "Don't talk back, deary," Granny Pie said. "Just giggle at the ghosties. Snortle at the spookies. You'll be alright." Pinkie Pie allowed those words to enclose themselves tightly in her mind. Her Granny carried on, "You'll be a good filly for your mother, will you, Pinkie?" "I promise, Granny," the pink filly whispered. "I will." "You always were such a dear," Granny Pie said, and the nuzzling began all over again. "Are you ready, Ma?" a voice called out, from the barn. The elderly pony cried out, "Just a second, Blueberry Pie!" She turned back to Pinkie Pie. "Be a good filly." She handed her a small golden locket, shaped like a love heart. Pinkie Pie stared into it. "I love you, Granny Pie," she whispered, holding back her tears. Granny Pie smiled. With a hankerchief, she dried Pinkie's eyes, before announcing, "I'm off! Goodbye, dears." She walked away, slowly. Pinkie Pie followed her. She turned around, and smiled at her. "I'm sorry, dear. " "You're just like me in my fillyhood," Granny Pie said. "I was only your age. My grandma - she was my best friend, and the only one I looked up to. I didn't know why she left. How she left. Who she left for. I only knew - she was leaving. I begged her and pleaded her to stay. But to no avail. The locket I gave you - it was from her. She gave it to me on the date of her departure. I never saw her ever since." Lost in the sea of words, Pinkie could only mutter, "Bye, Granny Pie." After one last affectionate hug, the elderly pony continued on her journey, her knap-sack over her shoulder. Pinkie Pie stared on, tears blinding her sight. Goodbye Granny Pie. I love you. I'll miss you... As the sun set, the filly was called home, and she retired to her room, staring at her locket, with a heart-felt love in her heart. She knew..she would never be happy again. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy gulped. She craned her neck, trying to see the ground, the place where she'll fall if she failed to lift herself off the cloud she stood on, like a normal pegasus of her age. It was so far, she had an idea the sky went on forever, and was bottomless. "Your turn, Fluttershy," a middle-aged pegasus sternly said. Fluttershy gulped once more. She didn't bother getting into taking-off position like everypony else did. She daintily leapt off the cloud, flapping her wings like mad. She squealed, and as her nervousness overtook her, she shrunk back, letting her wings rest. Without knowing it, she was falling. "Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!" she cried out, as she fell. "Quick, save her!" a young pegasus ordered. She dived down, and gripped her teeth on Fluttershy's coral pink hair, and struggled back on the cloud she was standing on, wings flapping fast. She dropped the filly on the cloud before her. "Well done, Cloudchaser," the coach praised, as he and the other students clapped for the filly's brave act. "She nearly fell " "The wind has messed up your mane!" a pegasus cried out. "Nope, it looks 20% cooler," a certain blue pegasus, with a rainbow mane, answered. Cloudchaser grinned and said, "Thanks, guys." "Enough," the coach declared. He glared at Fluttershy. "Next time try harder, Clutzershy!" Fluttershy winced. She hid behind the crowd of pegasi, her head low. Later that day, she forced herself to try again, when she was alone, and flying lessons were over. She tried again, but the results were the same. She fell down, but this time, with no one there to save her. She screamed, and fell flat on her face. "Where am I?" she asked, looking around. It was beautiful. There, in place of fluffy clouds, were grass, trees, rivers, lakes, flowers and butterflies. She was too amazed, gaping in wonder and awe at the new-found Paradise, to remember her flying problems. It all started again, when she looked up and saw pegasi racing each other miles above her head. "When will I ever learn how to fly?" she asked herself, as she settled down by the river. She looked at her reflection, her tears altering it a bit, as they, one by one, dropped into the clear water. Suddenly, she saw another reflection beside hers. She screamed, and turned around, to face a pink earth filly, with a pretty straight mane, and no cutie mark. "Oh my..um..am I trespassing? I..um..." she whispered, backing away. The stranger pony stared in amazement. "What do you mean?" she asked. "No need to feel shy. I'm...Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet you. I'm sorry, but I...have to go." Fluttershy blinked a few times, before rubbing her eyes to see if they were playing tricks on her. Why, the pony had no wings! "I'm...Fluttershy. I..um..my friends..um...laugh at me when I try...to fly." "Nice to meet you, Fluttershy," Pinkie Pie muttered. "If only I had friends." "Oh my! You poor poor thing," Fluttershy cried out. "You don't have any friends?" "Not one," Pinkie Pie said, a tear dropping from her eye into the river. "Don't cry," Fluttershy couldn't help but console. A sudden courage overtook her. "I'll be your friend." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy slowly backed away, horrified with what she had just done. She had never in her life plucked up the courage to say such a thing, and had no idea what possessed her to do it now. "If you don't mind...that is." Pinkie Pie's mind was almost blown. "Really? Do...you mean it?" she asked, a little shyly. "O - Of course," Fluttershy whimpered. She hid behind a tree. "This is too good to be true!" Pinkie Pie cried out, feeling joy, for the first time in her life. "BFFs?" "BFF?" Fluttershy asked, cocking her head in confusion. "Best friends forever," Pinkie replied. Fluttershy shook her head slightly, before nodding vigorously. "Yay." The two fillies spent the rest of the day playing with each other, like everypony should. Suddenly, as the wind blew, two voices called out. "Pinkamena Diane Pie! Come back here this instant!" Pinkie's eyes were darkened once more. "I'm sorry," she whispered. She shot a look back to her rock farm. "I'll have to go home now." "Oh, my! However shall I get home?" Fluttershy asked herself. She looked up above her, to her former home in Cloudsdale. "It's too far, and I can't fly!" Pinkie Pie's sharp mind began to come alive, as the possibilities hit her. On behalf of her friend, she thought and thought of a solution. "That's it!" she said. She beckoned Fluttershy to climb up the tree beside her. The yellow filly scrambled up the big oak tree, nearly falling every now and then. Pinkie Pie muttered, "Here we go." She lacked the excitement, craziness, and joy the Pinkie Pie us bronies knew and loved had. She scrambled up the tree just as Fluttershy had, and stepped on the same twig her friend was lying on. She counted to three, and bounced continuosly on the twig. Fluttershy, who was clinging on to the twig for dear life, was flung up into the sky, back at home. As she was soaring in mid-air, she waved at Pinkie Pie, blushing a pale pink - such as her mane. Pinkie Pie's eyes twinkled with a touch of sadness in them, and she stood there, waving, before returning back to her home, her loneliness shadowing far over the joy she experienced that day. ------ "Pinkamena Diane Pie!" Blueberry Pie (fan name for Pinkie's mother) scolded, her stern glare fixed upon the filly. Pinkie Pie, suddenly burst to life, and cried out, "I made a new friend, Mummy!" Her father, Mince Pie, looked shocked. "Pinkamena Diane Pie!" he shouted. Pinkie Pie was so used to them not saying anything else but her name to her, that she already understood what her wanted to say. Pinkie sighed, "Yes, Daddy." She walked away slowly. "Pinkamena Diane Pie," Mince Pie said. Quite surprisingly, he spoke something other than his daughter's name! "You know you are not to leave your work just because of a friend. Making friends are not allowed here, thank you very much." Pinkie Pie mumbled, "Yes, Daddy." Inkie and Blinkie glared at Pinkie, as the filly trotted away once more. "I forbid you to meet your friend again," Mince Pie went on. Pinkie Pie had no choice but to say, "Yes, Daddy." She retired to the room she and her sisters shared. It just wasn't fair, she told herself, as she slept that night. She had only just found friendship, and yet she couldn't share it. Maybe if her family wasn't so lonely, boring and sad. Maybe they would understand, if THEY were to be fished out of their gloominess. But what could she do about it? There was nothing here but rocks, rocks, rocks. Oh, well. She'll NEVER live a proper filly's life. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy gulped once more, as she stared nervously at the crowd before her. "Come on, Fluttershy," the coach egged on. Fluttershy winced, as she lightly pushed off the cloud she stood on, with a delicate hoof. Her wings flapped as fast as a hummingbirds, and she almost had tears in her eyes, as she pushed herself far beyond her limits. When her strenghtless wings couldn't keep her up, she collapsed. Biting her lip, she closed her eyes, waiting for the Day of Judgement (or at least that was what some pegasi told her) to come at last. But she wasn't falling like she thought. One by one, she opened her eyes. Victory! She flew! Grinning from ear to ear, she waved to the crowd. But her course was far from over. With more confidence, she stepped up, resulting in a fall forward. Soon, she was out of control of her own self. She drifted through the wind, rolling over and sliding down more clouds, before crashing into a flag, and falling flat on her face. Slowly, her eyes shot up, her head still dizzy from the fall. Directly in front of her, two big colts landed. One of them, the one with the brown coat, sneered, "Nice going, "Klutzershy"! They outta ground you permanently." There was a loud round of laughter, jeers and snickers. Hoops, the other bully, cried out, "HA! My baby brother can fly better than you!" The laughter started all over again. Fluttershy whimpered, and stared at them, almost as if they were ruining her life, and tearing her to pieces with their mockery. Of course, she was used to it - but she thought she did well! If her best was still terrible, why was Celestia so unkind to have made her a pegasus? Suddenly, out of the blue, a pegasus filly landed in front of her. She was blue all over, with a flowing rainbow-coloured mane. "Leave her alone!" she cried out. Hoops asked, speaking again, "Ooh, what are you gonna do, Rainbow Crash?" Rainbow Dash, the pegasus standing up for Fluttershy, narrowed her eyes, "Keep making fun of her - and find out!" "You think you're such a big shot? Why don't you prove it?" the bullies replied. The fearless Rainbow Dash answered, her confidence clearly hanging in their eyes, "Whaddya have in mind?" Almost at once, the two bullies, and Rainbow Dash were getting into taking-off position. One of them sneered, "You're going down!" Rainbow Dash grinned and replied, "In history, maybe! See you boys at the finish line!" As soon as Fluttershy banged her checked flag down slowly, and lightly, they bolted past her. Fluttershy, who was not the best flier, a.k.a. the clumsiest pegasus on clouds, was blown off by all the wind against her. She slipped, and fell. She didn't care to look beneath her. She had been lucky the past few times, but right now, there was no clouds, ponies or anything else, to save her and break her fall. She shut her eyes, and screamed, knowing she was almost doomed to what some of the pegasi called, "The Underworld". She was almost sure she was hitting the ground, when PUFF! "Huh?" she asked. She looked beneath her, and saw a beautiful blanket of pink, yellow and blue! She gasped joyfully, and looked around, gaping in awe and wonder at the beauty around her. THIS was "the Underworld"?! The pegasi must be mistaken! This was heaven! Fluttershy couldn't help herself, but burst out into a song, her sweet sounding voice like honey heard from miles away. "What is this place filled with so many wonders? Casting its spell That I am now under Squirrels in the trees and the cute little bunnies Birds flying free and bees with their honey Hooneeeeey! Oooh, what a magical place and I owe it all to the Pegasus race If I knew the ground had so much up its sleeve I'd have come here sooner, and never leave Yes, I love everythiiiiiiiiiing!" Suddenly, there was a loud booming explosion. All the bunnies, critters and birds scrambled away to safety in trees and under logs. Fluttershy was horrified. The big rainbow explosion had scared away her new-found friends! She smiled and gently crawled up to the tree. "Shh, it's okay," she whispered. "You can come out. Everything's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of," she consoled. Almost under the spell her gentle voice weaved, the animals came out of their hidey-holes. Fluttershy suddenly smiled a very wide smile. Animals! There were never such beautiful creatures up there in Cloudsdale! She made up her mind she never wanted to leave the ground again! Soon, she saw a sorrowful pink pony come up to her. "Pinkie Pie!" she cried out. "I - I-" She stared at her friend. She gasped, "Oh no! Is everything alright?" "My daddy says we can't play anymore, Fluttershy," Pinkie Pie said, her colour faded to a darker shade of pink than ever. "Oh my, um...but - but!" Fluttershy whispered, speechless. Tears came to her eyes, as she whimpered in horror. "Bye Fluttershy..." Pinkie Pie muttered, as she left for home. "No, wait!" Fluttershy cried out. More and more tears streamed down her cheeks. Her only friend....leaving. Forever. As hard as the animals tried to cheer her up, she knew she would never be happy again. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie returned home, feeling gloomier than ever. She felt she needed to tell her problems to somepony - somepony like Granny Pie. How could Grannny Pie leave like that? Looking up to the sunset sky, Pinkie Pie continued raising the rocks on her parents' rock farm. Until, suddenly, BOOM! She looked up, and saw the most beautiful thing in her life! She saw the a gigantic explosion, with rainbow colours so brilliant and bright, it nearly blinded her. It strongly breezed past her hair, messing it up properly. Pinkie Pie had no explanation to explain how she felt that day. For the first time in her life, she was smiling. The longer she stared, the wider her smile became. How good smiling was! If only her family could experience joy too. It also brought a thought into her head. Pinkie Pie, whose mind was rather sharp, wondered how she could possibly create smiles, and brighten up the lives of her family. A-ha! That was it! She rushed into the barn, busy on her new lightbulb of an idea. ----- Mince Pie, her father, mumbled, "We better harvest the rocks from the south field." Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the barn. Blueberry Pie stared at her, eyes begoggled, "Pinkamina Diane Pie! Is that you?" Excited, Pinkie Pie shouted, "Mom! I need you and dad and the sisters to come in. Quick!" Inkie, Blinkie, Mince and Blueberry trotted in at once. "Surprise!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "You like it? It's called... a party!" Her family stared around at the barn. They did not seem at all impressed, or happy. But their mouths trembled furiously. Pinkie Pie fell back, head low. "Oh, you don't like it." Almost as if they were correcting her, they couldn't take it anymore. Large grins and smiles appeared on their usually stern gloomy faces. Pinkie Pie gasped, "You like it! I'm so happy!" Around and around the barn, they danced. They ate cakes, played party games, and blew balloons. It was so much fun! ---- "Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie cried out, running towards her friend's normal meeting place. "Fluttershy?" She looked around, in confusion. "Where are you?" Journeying on a few miles from there, she called out her friend's name, searching desperately. Suddenly, she heard a few whimpers from a boulder in front of her. Pinkie Pie brightened up, and followed the noises. "Fluttershy!" she squealed, bouncing around in joy. Fluttershy - was crying. In between sobs, she said, "Oh..um..excuse me. I'm looking for my friend..um..Pinkie Pie?" "Oh, I'M Pinkie Pie, you silly!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Pinkie Pie?" the yellow filly asked. "Yay!" "Look, Fluttershy! I have my cutie mark!" Pinkie Pie continued. Fluttershy oohed and aahed at her friend's cutie mark. "Oh, it's very pretty, Pinkie." Pinkie Pie gasped. "You've got one too! Ooh! Butterflies! My favourite!" Fluttershy smiled, before trembling and saying, "Oh no! Pinkie Pie - what about your parents?" "They're taken care of!" Pinkie Pie giggled. She pointed a hoof at her sisters Inkie and Blinkie, who were skipping rope with an already new-found friend. "Oh, but that's wonderful!" Fluttershy said, her eyes shining with excitement. "Do you need help going back home?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Oh, no. I'm living there, with these little cute critters," Fluttershy replied, pointing to a small village in the distance. "Ponyville?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Great! Some day, I'll come to visit you!" "Oh my, it's getting..um...late," Fluttershy whispered. "You're right! The timber wolves will come out! RUN!!!" Pinkie Pie shrieked. Fluttershy shivered, "T-t-timber wolves?" "Hurry!" Pinkie Pie screamed, grabbing her friend by the hoof. It was late, indeed. The sky was no longer golden, but now a dark blue. Midnight blue. "It must be eight o'clock!" Pinkie Pie cried out. "Shh! They're here!" Yes, they were. Big brown figures, the shape of wolves jumped out of the bushes, snarling and showing their fangs out. Fluttershy clung onto Pinkie Pie, in horror. Pinkie Pie screamed and tried to run - but the timber wolves had surrounded them. "Fluttershy - we're - we're --" "DOOMED!!!!" > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Go away!" Fluttershy squealed. "Oh..um..if you don't mind..that is." The timber wolves just growled, and encircled them more. Their eyes were narrowed, with a sharp glint of anger in them. They seemed to be saying, "This is our territory. And until you learn how to respect that - then you'd best stay clear." Pinkie Pie looked around desperately. She was only a little filly, and her family was miles away. There was not a single pony in sight, for twenty miles, possibly. She gulped and said, "Fluttershy! Use your wings!" Fluttershy shook her head sadly. "Why not?" Pinkie Pie asked. Fluttershy just shook her head once more. "It's our only hope!" the pink pony screamed. Fluttershy shut her eyes tight, and muttered, a little too soft, "I can't." Pinkie Pie's eyes shot open wide. "What?" she asked, half asking not-believingly and half not-hearing right. "I can't fly!" Fluttershy replied. "And I don't want to try in case somepony comes and laughs at me. " "Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie shouted. She shook Fluttershy with all her strength, causing the filly to go dizzy. Ditzy eyed, and her head spinning, Fluttershy said, "I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie gulped. She stood up, on her two hind legs, her front hooves high in the air - and bent. "Don't you dare touch Fluttershy!" she shouted, half stammering. She professionally kicked a timber wolf, and it flew back, bashing against a rock. The timber wolf was angered even more. And so were the others. They surrounded the two fillies even more, so much that they had no where to run or hide. "I said -" Pinkie Pie continued to threaten. "N-Nopony touches me or my friend!" She stood in front of Fluttershy. The timber wolves were not afraid. They pounced on her, and after a moment of wrestling, Pinkie Pie had scared it away. She felt more confident and grinned, saying, "Come on! Stay back!" Another timber wolf attacked her, and as she easily held it back, another attacked her by surprise. It pounced on her, and made her unconscious. Fluttershy screamed, trembling and shaking like a leaf. Fluttershy looked desperately around. "P - Pinkie Pie?" she asked, shaking her unconscious friend. Pinkie didn't answer. She lay on the ground, a perfect victim for a great feast. The timber wolves snarled, and slowly made their way towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy squeezed her eyes, ready for a place nopony should go. Especially not a filly. Then suddenly, she remembered Pinkie Pie was in danger, and she opened them at once. She raised herself to full height (standing on all fours, unlike Pinkie) and cried out, "How dare you. How DARE YOU!!!" Her gentle voice now turned into a dark witch-craft one. It echoed around, complete with the rumbling of thunder, and crashing of lightning. The timber wolves weren't afraid just yet. They growled, and continued en-circling her. "Nopony - I said NOPONY hurts my friend!" Fluttershy screamed. "NNNOOOPPOOONNYY!!!!!" Pinkie Pie was awoken, by the loud and booming shout. She was dazzled, when she saw her friend standing up to the timber wolves. "LEAVE HER ALLOOONNNEEE!!!!" Fluttershy screamed. She opened her eyes very wide, and a force came out of them, shooting at the timber wolves. Pinkie looked on with wonder and admiration, as the timber wolves backed away, a little ashamed of themselves. At last, they turned and leapt back into the Everfree Forest. "Whew! You rock, Fluttershy!" Pinkie Pie squealed, as she waved around a foam finger. Fluttershy was panting, and all pale and white. "What have I done?" she asked. "Oh my, what's happen to me?" "That was great!" Pinkie Pie giggled. Fluttershy shook her head. "I - I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie. I didn't mean -- I didn't -" she muttered. "Whaddya mean, Fluttershy?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Come here, you!" She hugged her new found filly friend. "So - you're not --" Fluttershy whispered, fearfully. Pinkie Pie giggled, "Of course not, silly! You were great!" "But..um..I thought I was a monster," Fluttershy replied. "Oh, Fluttershy," Pinkie Pie sighed. She looked to the sky, and gasped, "Oh no!" "Oh my..what's wrong, Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked, the fear gliding its way back into her eyes. "It's NINE o'clock! Daddy and Mummy will be wondering where I am!" Pinkie Pie shrieked. Fluttershy smiled and said, "Don't worry, Pinkie. You can stay at my house." "Really?!" Pinkie Pie asked. She suddenly sprung four feet in the air. "Woohoo! You're my very best friend, Fluttershy!" "One and only," Fluttershy replied. She led Pinkie Pie back to Ponyville, back to her home. "Come on, Pinkie Pie, it's going to be...um..late?" Fluttershy whispered. Pinkie Pie stepped into the house. "Wow! This is a lot nicer home than mine! Can I stay for the --" "Of course, Pinkie," Fluttershy interrupted, smilingly. "You can have the guest room - on the second floor." "Weeew-heeew!" Pinkie Pie sang. "Thanks, Fluttershy!" As the day ended, the two fillies were happily dreaming of their adventures with each other. Little did they know it was only the beginning, not the end. ((There's no romance, or shipping, just in case. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are BBFs - best friends. I don't support shipping, so this is only friendshipping.)) > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie woke up, blinking a few times, and rubbing her eyes in surprise. Where was she? Of course! What a silly she was! She was in Fluttershy's home! "Morning, Fluttershy!" she cried out, as she leapt down the stairs, crashing into a table. "Oh my, careful, Pinkie. My mummy won't like it if --" Fluttershy muttered, steadying the table. Pinkie Pie suddenly felt a wave of unexplanable curiosity overcome her. "Your mummy?" she asked. "Where is she, Fluttershy?" "Oh my..um..." Flutteshy whispered, head low. "She's passed out." Pinkie Pie gasped. "Passed out? You mean like DEAD?!" "I don't want to talk about it," Fluttershy whispered, as she steadied the table, and the statue on it once more. "But --" Pinkie cried out. Fluttershy sighed. "I'm sorry, Pinkie, but..um..I don't want to talk." "Why not?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Um...oh my...I - I - I --" Fluttershy whimpered. "But I'm your friend!" Pinkie replied. "Tell me everything! Maybe I can help you!" "Oh, okay then," Fluttershy said. "If you really want to." "I was only a little filly," "But you ARE a little filly!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Oh, but I was a few years younger than I am now," Fluttershy carried on, not at all minding the sudden interruption. "I was an only filly. I never knew my daddy. But my mummy told me he was in a beautiful place named Heaven. Some pegasi still believed in that place, but that time, it was only to make me feel better." "Were you shy back then?" Pinkie Pie asked, curiously. "Oh, no. Far from it," Fluttershy answered. "And then..um...one day - a huge monster showed up at my home in the clouds! I..." She gave a horrified squeak. "Why? What's wrong?" Pinkie Pie asked, in concern. "Oh, it's nothing, Pinkie," Fluttershy replied. "It was so scary! We were trapped in our home. The monster blocked up the door, and we had nowhere to go! It had the head of an eagle, and the body of a lion! My mummy fought the monster, but it was no use! I watched in horror as the monster flung my mother away against a hard rock, in its beak. I flew to her at once. The monster was happy - it had our home, and everything we posessed. "Mummy! Are you alright?" I asked. My mother smiled and said, "Fluttershy dear, t-take this. I'll - I'll be waiting with your dad in - in heaven." She gave me..um...a little statue, as well as a pink butterfly plushie, and then she..um...she passed away." Pinkie Pie was already dabbing her eyes with hankerchiefs. "Awww...that's so sad!!!" she cried out, tears streaming everywhere. Suddenly, she stopped, and asked, "What happened? Is that all?" "Oh my..um...no," Fluttershy muttered. She added, "I didn't do much from then on. I didn't bother trying to beat the records like every other pegasus did. And after my mother's death..I..um...became very shy. One day, some bullies came and saw me. They laughed at my poor results, and they saw me with my plushie!" Pinkie Pie gasped. "Oh no! What happened?" "They laughed at me, and when I told them what it was - they stepped on it - and ripped it to shreds! I cried and cried, and they laughed more. I didn't feel like a pegasus anymore. I felt..um..like a loser. I let my hair grow long, and I didn't make any friends." Pinkie Pie was taken in by all the words. "You mean - I was luckier than you are?" she asked. "Oh no, nopony should ever jump to conclusions," Fluttershy replied. "How did you ever survive?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Well...um...some kind ponies took me in, after I fell from the clouds," Fluttershy said. "They gave me a home, and my animal friends moved in with me. I'm only a filly, so they're taking care of me." "Are you like...still --" Pinkie Pie asked. "Oh my, no, I was the happiest filly in the world! I had new parents, and a new home! I had new friends!" Fluttershy shrieked, her eyes shining with happiness. "My new mummy and daddy are out to town, so I...um...don't think you can meet them." "Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie Pie giggled. "Hey, do you think maybe I can take a tour around Ponyville? It will be so exciting!" "Of course, Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy smiled. "Hooray! Let's go! Ooh, I'm SO excited! I bet all of these ponies are amazing!" Pinkie Pie squealed. She grabbed Fluttershy by the hoof, and rushed outside.