> Listen and Learn: The Grim Death of Hope and Compassion > by Regidar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > XXX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clouds wept the mournful morning as Rainbow Dash’s eyes slowly opened. Her house, once a sanctum of beauty and hope, everything lovely with her life, was now a desolate cloud-cave of grim depression and self-hatred. The newfound sensations that brewed within her as a sickly bile, set in motion by the ponies she once thought her friends, sent a horrible rawness through her body. Her accommodations heaved depressed sighs as she rolled out of her cradle, the woven blankets of fine silk that her once-friend Rarity tailored for her trickling from her fragile, weeping body. Her hooves were spackled with bits and pieces of glass, along with a now dried film of life-ichor. Rainbow Dash fell to the cloud-composed floor, and crushed her eyelids together, forcing a teardrop from her bloodshot orbs. Simping and sobbing, the emotionally-devastated pegasus looked around her domicile, hazeley observing the house that had become a filth-encrusted orifice over the night that her valium-addled mind had taken her through. Taking several shaky steps, Rainbow Dash plodded towards one of her windows, which was currently obscured by a tattered curtain, no doubt the sufferer of her last night rage. Her bloodied hoof slowly peeled back the cloth, and her eyes cried out in pain and rejection as the bright light from Celestia’s solar sphere blasted her supple retinas. Rainbow Dash gazed at the sunlight in defiance. Surely, Celestia hated—neigh, detested and despised her! If there was anything the equines who had previously been her pony pals had taught her, she was a disgusting, abhorrent abomination. Rainbow Dash felt, deep within her core, that she deserved the treatment on some level. Every fiber of her being burned with a passionate hate for every fiber of her being, creating some perverted russian-nesting doll syndrome within the very makeup of her body. Rainbow Dash was actually mildly surprised that her body didn’t resort to self-osmosis, devouring itself in a gorey-yet-tragically hysterical manner. Staring into the sun, her eyes welling with even more tears (although these were more related to the pain from staring into the sun, as opposed to the pain of being rejected and abused by her former friends), Rainbow Dash resolved to formulate a pact with her inner-self, hated thought it may be. She would stare down Celestia’s sun, as an act of defiance, as a true way to spite the “glorious” leader who tarnished her and made every part of herself ache with unbearable mental pain. Staring up at the golden spherul in the sky, Rainbow Dash grint her teeth, her mind screaming at her to stop. However, in her drug addled, emotion blotted conscious, she knew that this was her only chance at becoming something more than herself, a pony who was above such filthy things as being a... dyke. “OW! MY FUCKING EYES!” Rainbow Dash let loose in a blood-curdling howl. Falling backwards into her lissome, tender haunches, Rainbow Dash’s eyes oozed a river of crisp tears. Her blubbering echoed around the cloud-chamber that was her residency, the demolished ruins of a once happy home reverberating with her sorrowful sobs. Rainbow Dash crept from the window, her eyes still stinging with the pain delivered from the defiant sun-staring. The prismatic pony pegasus plodded her way across her room, making a slow but steady advance towards her closet. Contained inside were the devices she needed desperately, having failed at the one opportunity to redeem herself. Dash weakly cast the entry to her wall-mounted armoire open, a lamenting exhale gracing the air about her. The closet, astrew with all manner of garments, was in no better state than the rest of her house. Even there, bottles of soda collected grime and sludge, various molds creeping about old food wrappers. Sifting through this detritus, Rainbow Dash unearthed the one thing that could still give her pleasure, even if it were just for a fleeting moment. Dashie had already found arousal in her current situation, tears being a point of sexual excitement for the blue mare, and she felt a burning desire to further this. Due to her friends finding her repulsive and horrible, she would find little luck in the companionship of others at this point. No, for this, she needed the highest possible satisfaction she could accrue. Her damaged appendages felt themselves rub up against rough weaving, and Rainbow Dash pulled up the object of her desire. Looking it over as it draped her hooves, the mare sobbed heavily, a shuddering breath emanating from deep within her. However, laced inside this sob, like so many drinks laced with painkillers, she felt the warm wave of fuzzy sensations that accompanied her mental stimulation. Looking at the rope that coiled itself chaotically around her forelegs, she began to inwardly calculate where she would go with this train of thought. Her nebulous thoughts spun around her buzzing skull, spinning in circles about a hazy brain. Rainbow looked up at her light fixture, which was a simple bulb that barely connected to the cloud ceiling by a thin cord. Surely, that wouldn’t do the trick, not by a longshot. She needed a much more sturdy way of going about this. Pipes. Looking up at the underside of her cloud roof, pipes that channeled water, and in some cases, liquid rainbows, scurried here and there across the cloud top. She wasted no time, slinging one end of the rope over the cold metal conduit. It snaked down the other side, dragging the unruly helix of the remaining rope up with it, until it dangled down from above. Rainbow flew up, and making quick work of the rope end, knotted the rope into a noose. Looking at the hanging apparatus she had tied herself, Dash inhaled deeply. In her state of emotional duress, it was only fair that she leave some room open for pleasuring herself. These were dire times, and they needed to be met with the comforting, rough feel of a rope bound around her neck, delivering upon her the most beautiful of indulgence. Tying herself into the rope, Dashie let herself fall limp, gasping slightly as it tightened around her neck. The feel was nearly overpowering, orgasmic bolts of electricity shooting up and down her spine. Her wings unfurled, standing purely erect, as her lungs begged for oxygen. Her hind legs twitched involuntarily as rolling concoctions of adrenaline and pleasure assaulted her, the folds that lay betwixt her hindquarters moistening. Her hoof, still dappled with bits of rust-colored, dry blood, and glass, slid down to her lower regions. Her vagina quivered as a raspy, unsuccessful breath was pulled into Dash’s mouth. Her eyes, still leaking the occasional tear (which only heightened the experience), rolled back into her head as the immense pressure of the rope compressed her windpipe. Her lungs were a blazing inferno, and her survival instincts were beginning to kick in. Dashie flailed about, as her barely lucid mind attempted to drag her hoof to the petals of her labia. Gently brushing against it, the glass cause a tiny spike of pain, but it soon passed as she rubbed her nub vigorously. Screaming softly, her voice unable to pass by the ropes that choked her, Rainbow Dash hammered away at the treasure buried between her thighs. The wave of pleasure rose up within her, getting ready to crest, forcing juices from her nethers. As she masturabated herself the pegasus found that she was getting closer and closer to the inevitable death from lack of air. Why bother? Rainbow thought to herself as her poor frame jerked and twisted from the asphyxiation. Nopony loves me out there... they wouldn’t care if I were dead. They can find somepony else who’ll stay loyal to them, and like stallions like a normal pony would. Say goodbye to this fuckup mare. Dashie closed her eyelids, which covered only the whites of her eyes at this point, her iris and pupil being fully spun back into her head. She would only get to ride out one orgasm before the inescapable end, denying her of the rest of her pleasures, but at least she would be granted one final bit of pleasure before fading from the world. Her voice making no noise as she kicked against the air, she could feel her vaginal walls constricting against nothing as she achieved orgasm, her canal mashing its walls up against each other. Rainbow had always been something of a violent squirter, and her pussy expelled a few spurts of her nectre upon her hoof. Wildly, in the throes of both her orgams and the final moments before her life was to surely fade away, she contorted and twisted, shook and quivered violently. The pipe snapped, and under the weight of Rainbow Dash, dragged itself to the cloud floor. Rainbow herself fell, landing right next to the pipe on the pall ground. Liquid rainbows cascaded all about her, coating her in a warm, spicy layer of chromatic fluid. As it rubbed against her open orifice down below, it caused a terrible smoldering sensation that bored deep into her soft flesh. Rainbow lay there, twitching as her arousal swam within her, heightened by the new pain stimulant, only slightly disappointed that she was not dead. With a loud creak, the clouds gave way, and Dash felt herself falling through the air, down towards the ground below. It was a blissful fall, the cold air rubbing against her still-hot folds, and the rope had let up on her windpipe now that she wasn’t hanging, allowing her to intake large, heavy breaths. The sweet, sweet air charged her lungs, quenching the burning thirst for oxygen. Her wings were still fully stiff, almost to the point where it was painful, her feathers primed as if they were begging to be plucked. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground, where she would have certainly met her desired fate, were it not for the comical laws of physics that existed within the universe she presently dwelled inside of; the same ones, in fact, that allowed her once-friend Twilight Sparkle to survive several hits from large objects, which included (but were not limited to) an anvil, and a grand piano. Dash landed on the ground softly, as pegasi are seventy percent hot air besides, and barely even so much as horrible crushed a family of grasshoppers that were on a tiny, adorable picnic at the time. Rainbow Dash lay in the grass, staring up at the blue yonder, her cloud house now with a large aperture on the bottom. The rope, and attaching pipe, lay nearby, nestled halfway into the dirt. Rainbow removed her rope necklace, and took another breath of air, a battle of enjoyment of survival and dismay of survival raging inside her head. “Hey, the fuck did you come from?” Rainbow turned her head to find the source of this raspy voice, to see a disgusting-appearing mare sitting beside her, not five feet away. Her coat was faded and missing in some places, an off white that reminded her of stained enamel. Her mane, which may have been blonde, was virtually non-existent, the few places it was left stringy and lifeless. A horn, cracked and chipped, sat in the middle of her forehead, denoting that she was of the unicorn class. Her eyes were large and deep green, almost too big even for the large-eyed race of ponies. She was fully emaciated, sickly and thin, ribs poking out against her thin coat. When she smiled, however, perfect teeth peered back at Dashie, the sunlight sparkling off them so brightly that it almost blinded the pegasus for the second time that day. “Oh, I...” Dash paused to take another breath. “I fell out of the sky.” “I can see that now,” the mare said rudely, voice ringing with the note of vocal chords encrusted with semen. She cast a glance upward, staring at Rainbow Dash’s home. “So, what brings you to the little grotto where ol’ Methdancer does the dirty chameleon?” “The wha?” Dashie uttered dopely. “The crystal tango?” Methdancer asked, raising the patch of skin where an eyebrow may have been at one point, long ago. “Huh?” Rainbow Dash repeated, still ignorant of the euphemisms. Methdancer sighed, and tried one more time. “The chalk-outline on the chemical body?” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I’m talking about doing crystal meth,” Methdancer explained, deadpanning. “Oh,” Rainbow Dash said, coming to a full realization. “I don’t do drugs.” “You should, they make you feel awesome,” Methdancer advertised. “Besides, it has to be better than whatever you were trying there...” A scraggly hoof pointed to the rope and pipe. “Oh, that,” Rainbow Dash said, grinning sheepishly. “Well, I don’t know...” “Just try it,” Methdancer condoned, pulling out a pipe from Celestia-knows-where, and dropping a white crystal into it. “You’ll feel amazing—it’s a sudden rush, and everything is a million times clearer, sharper. The world is fuller.” Rainbow Dash stared at churchwarden that the sallow mare offered up. In the depths of her mind, she heard voices (most likely festering mental illnesses) telling her that she had nothing else to lose, now that her friends and her house were both demolished. Rainbow gave in to the voices’ endless chiding, and took the pipe in a shaking, injured hoof. Pushing it to her lips, the pegasus cringed as the dirty taste filled her mouth. Methdancer struck a match on a nearby rock, using her magic, and held it under the bowl. Dashie watched as the crystal melted, and soon turned into a sickly sludge, bubbling and boiling within the basin. Soon, vapor began to arise, and with a swift breath in, it traveled through the pipe, into Dashie’s mouth, past her tongue, swirled about her uvula, and disappeared into her throat, sliding deep within her lungs. Dash perked up, sitting rigidly in place, her eyes darting around. Who knew the grass was this green? Or the breeze so loud? Or Methdancer’s crotch breasts so wart-topped? This sudden overwhelming of the sensory baffled Rainbow Dash, and once more, she launched into tears, falling backwards on the very green grass below her. Methdancer creeped over to Rainbow Dash, pressing her clammy body up against the chromatic-maned mare. “Aw, it’s alright... tell momma Methdancer your problems...” “Well, I just c-came out as a l-lesbian to my fr-friends,” Rainbow Dash spilled, a bubble of snot forming at her snout. “And th-they all rejected me! S-some of them even d-downright h-hated me... I’m just so f-fucking confused that it hurts...” Methdancer endearingly stroked Dash’s mane, dirt and other various particles getting rubbed into Rainbow’s scalp. “There there... you don’t need those whores anyway! You’ve got all you need, right here!” Rainbow Dash took a large, simpering gulp of air. “I d-do?” “Yup!” Methdancer grinned, and Dashie raised a hoof to block the offensive shimmering. “You can eat me out all you like! I’ve got one of the best vajayjays on this side of Equestria!” Rainbow Dash ceased her miserable bleating, and pondered this for a moment. She hadn’t ever done anything with a female before... could this be her big moment. She pledged to herself (hoping it would last longer than her previous pledge that she had made this morning) that she would finally get the lesbian coitus she deserved. “Alright,” Rainbow Dash said, turning to Methdancer. “I’ve, um... never done this before. do you mind that?” “Not at all, everypony’s gotta start somewhere,” Methdancer said, waving her skeletal hoof. Spreading her legs, she gave Rainbow Dash a good view of what to expect. “Like what you see?” Methdancer said with a grin. Rainbow Dash stared into the gorge, blanching slightly. The endless cavern, huge in proportions, contained saggy walls of a odd tinge of greyish-pink. She gasped slightly, and heard it echo down the passage. Dashie stared into the abyss, and the abyss stared back into her. “Um...” Rainbow Dash bit her lip. “Where do I start?” “Just press your head up in there,” Methdancer commented in an off-tone fashion. “It’s honestly the best way for me to get pleasure these days.” Rainbow Dash paled; certain, she didn’t deny that her head could fit in there, but... this was to be one of the weirdest things she would ever do. “Alright,” Rainbow Dash said, mustering up courage from deep inside her. Gently, she pressed her muzzle against the flesh flaps of Methdancer’s bottommost nethers, parting them so her head could gain access. The mare felt an odd, sticky sensation envelope her head as she pushed further, the muscles of Methdancer’s vagina rolling against her. Pushing her cranium into Methdancer’s birth tube ever further, Dashie gagged slightly as a rancid smell assaulted her nostrils, one that reminded her of day old fish finger custard. She thrust her head back and forth into Methdancer’s grotto, her snout scrunching up against the other mare’s cervix. The vault entrance blocked Dashie from going any further, so the mare simply had to be content with bucking her head back and forth. Unbeknownst to Dash, Methdancer had been whisking her clit previous to her wanton arrival to the ground below. The meth addicted mare bucked her hips wildly as her orgasm approached, almost snapping Dashie’s fragile neck. The meth coursing through Dash’s system heightened all the confusing sensations that hammered their way through her tiny brain, almost causing stimulus overload. Methdancer came, her walls constricting, with Rainbow still buried deep inside. Dashie felt as the walls enclosed on her in blinding triplicate, constricting her poor skull. Dash opened her mouth, exposing her tongue to a rank flavor that she would never remove from her chops. With a sickening crack, followed by a chorus of splorts, glorgles, and kleefs, Rainbow’s head caved in, exploding her world into a mixture of every experience she had ever assimilated. As Rainbow Dash died within the confines of the nasty drug addict’s vagina, she felt a pang of unbearable sadness; she would never know the feeling of true love, one with a female of her desire, and instead, she would perish within a distasteful vagina. As the last bit of life faded from her, she cried a mental tear, for her tear ducts were destroyed by the flattening walls. Methdancer sighed in orgasmic ecstasy, her innards gurgling as the mass of brain, bone, and other gore was expelled from her vagina. Methdancer sighed, resting a hoof on her distended tummy, one of Rainbow’s still-intact eyeballs floating around in the gore mix. The brush rustled nearby, and from it, a unicorn emerged. She was lavender coated, and her mane was of various colors, all of the tints that the sky possessed when fading from day to night. Aptly, she was named Twilight Sparkle. “Rainbow Dash, I thought I saw your backside from over behind that bush! Listen, I need to apologize to you profusely; that doesn’t even begin to excuse the things that we did, and how we treated you. The girls and I just returned from a very important and valuable experience where we learned all about how we should value friendship over prejudice! Please, let us—” Twilight stopped, looking at Dash’s headless body laying on the thigh of Methdancer, the gore puddle still oozing from her nether folds. “Well, we need you too— Twilight blinked slowly at the scene. The gore continued to bubble and ooze from admist the thighs of the drug addict. “What I’m trying to say is...” Twilight furrowed her brow, staring at the scsetting before her, unsure of how to process the context. Twilight blinker, part of her mane frazzeling, as it constimarily did right before she devolved into a gibber madmare. “Look, you seem busy. I’ll go see if Big Macinstosh is free, he can be the Element of Loyalty for now.” With that, Twilight backed up slowly into the underbrush, left eye twitching.