Twilight Has Nothing to Do Today

by StrikerFX

First published

What happens when Twilight runs out of Princess duties, let alone her own duties???

Apparently its the middle of the day, and Twilight just checked off her last duty as princess today. This is the first time this has happened to her. She usually has to delay a few things till tomorrow. But who knows? Something interesting could happen if she just stepped outside...


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Twilight has nothing to do today.

Twilight was reading off her checklist for the 20th time today. It was just past noon, which she usually has 5 more things to do. But to her surprise, she literally had nothing left to do. She has never had this problem before, and the fact that her checklist was the thing used to keep her busy; it wasn't a good thing. After the 2nd read she then sighed in defeat and promptly went upstairs. Lying on her bed she was hoping someone would knock on her door, and bring up something up to keep her occupied. Being bored was that last thing she wanted to feel.

Suddenly a purple dragon walks in after a day with Rarity. Rarity was in full need of assistance even though she denied it for a minute. But when she heard that the baby dragon was going to help her, she just couldn't say no and break the dragon's heart, knowing how much he had a crush on her.

As Spike was about to say "hi Twilight!'', he was cut off by a Pinkie pie paced speech by Twilight after seeing a purple streak pop in his view.. "Hi Spike how was your day with Rarity? Did you do anything fun? Really that’s great! Don't mind me I'm perfectly fine and totally bored out of my mind with nothing to do, I mean unless you have something to do *sqee*"

Spike just 'wide eyed' for a few seconds, but then realized that this had happened before. "Twilight, did you run out of things to do on your checklist?" Spike asked, finally calming down, but only to be startled again by another burst of words.

"What? No I’m not bored, just um… reading a story for another time, and setting up m-" said Twilight suddenly being cut off by a dragon hand on her muzzle. "Twilight! Calm. Down." Said Spike.

Twilight remembered the "Breath in breath out" that Cadence taught her, and decided to use that method to slow down. It helped, but she was still a little worked up about the situation at hand.

Twilight sighed, and then said, "Ok, I'm bored. I ran out of things to do on my checklist."

"Wow really? That’s a new record! - Uh, I mean, yeah that’s pretty bad." said Spike. Twilight dropped her head dramatically. She could not stand being bored.

"Well, you could always help your friends!" Spike said trying to lighten twilight up. Twilight picked her head up at this, and waited for anything else to come out, which something did.

"Pinkie's got a huuuuuugge sale, and everypony is crowded at the store. Pinkie is the only one their unfortunately, maybe you can help her!" said Spike, hoping to lighten Twilight up.

After hearing this Twilight exploded, finally having something to do on her checklist. "Yes! I-I could totally help her! Thanks Spike!" she said as she ran out the door. Spike let out a sigh of relief as he went upstairs to read his new favorite comic book.

As Twilight made her way to Sugarcube Corner, she could already notice the huge crowds surrounding the place as if a wrestling match was taking place. She shrugged that off and made her way to the back were Pinkie Pie was baking the cupcakes.

As she was about to knock on the back door, she was startled by a hyperactive Pinkie who opened the door before she even walked a few inches in front of it. "HI TWILIGHT!!" she said, still bouncing. Twilight was beginning to think this was kind of a bad idea, but she guessed that it isn't that bad.

"Oh hi Pinkie, Um, I was just seen the huge crowd, and you working by yourself, so I thought I could provide some assistance" she said with a small smile.

"Really? Sure Twilight come in!!" Pinkie replied as she ran straight back in, d leaving the door open for Twilight. More and more raddling sounds can be heard from the kitchen since the door was open.

To her surprise, the kitchen was still in tip top shape, except for the little flour pieces here and there. She walks a little more in to find that pinkie was zipping through putting ingredients in a bowl. "So, how can I help?" asked Twilight.

Pinkie stopped mixing as she ran towards Twilight with a bowl and a spoon in it. "You can start by mixing the cupcakes, I got to get the mix to the customers." she said looking over at the now done cupcakes.

At first Twilight was like "What?” but she realized who she was talking to, so she took it gradually and started mixing with a smile as Pinkie dashed to the counter with tray of cupcakes in her mouth. 'I wonder why the cakes are not helping Pinkie on this sale' she thought to herself while stirring the now halfway battered bowl of cake batter.

After Twilight finished mixing the cake batter, she wondered why Pinkie took her longer than usual to give out the treats, so she went out to see what took so long.

She took a quick look to the window, what she saw was terrible. Pinkie was being yelled at by a customer who was complaining that she took too long. It was a stallion with a messy mane, a red coat, and a cigar for a cutie mark. She turned to Pinkie to see that she was starting to tear up over yelling. Twilight was angry at this, how could someone be so mean to somepony like Pinkie pie, especially since she is working so hard on the sale.

She was about bust out the door to confront the rude stallion, until a blue streak came through the door, and landed right between Pinkie and the stallion. It was Rainbowdash. She somehow witnessed this whole scene and could not keep this going. "Hey! How about you get out of here before make that face of yours turns inside out huh?" said the angry cyan Pegasus who was eye to eye with the stallion.

The stallion was not amused and just simply pushed the pegasus out of the way to yell at Pinkie some more. I can tell you right now, that was not a really good idea. This made Rainbowdash literally FLIP OUT! 'He did NOT just ignore me' thought the cyan Pegasus.

She then picked up the stallion by the chest with one hoof, and the other socked him right on the muzzle, sending him flying out the door. The stallion flew back a few feet away from the door, and landed straight on his back.

The crowd of ponies that witnessed this immediately started cheering for her as if she was some sort of hero, which she kind of was. She then flew down and patted Pinkie on the back and walked her back to the kitchen. Pinkie started smiling again, but still tearing up. She was glad to have such brave and loyal friends.

Twilight then went up to Pinkie and Rainbow after watching this behind the door. "Rainbow that was amazing! Thanks for not having me goes out there, I don't like starting trouble with somepony." said Twilight.

"Hey it was no problem! That stallion was just a jerk." said Rainbow who glared out the door the stallion flew out of. The stallion jumped and ran off to who knows were.

"Well I am very glade I witnessed this, It’s not often that I get to see you guys in these situations." said Twilight with a small grin. "I should really do this more often."

"Whatever you say Twilight, so Pinkie, do you need help with the cupcakes?" asked Rainbow, who was now smiling back at Twilight and Pinkie.

Pinkie was bouncing again. "Why sure Rainbow!!!" she said happily, and lead them to the kitchen to make more cupcakes.

Twilight was happy she had nothing to do today; she never gets to witness things like this since she is princess now. These entire princess duty’s keep her so busy, except for today.