> Sweetie the roleplayer and Button the gamer > by MichelleTwistaloo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new game had come out three weeks ago, which technically meant it was not “new” anymore but it still meant that all the hardcore gamers were playing it, trying to get a 100 percent in it. It was a tough feat to achieve though, because the game boasted in a big blurb of text in the back of the cover, that it had hundreds of sidequests, thousands of easter eggs, 4 classes, total replay ability! It was a mature game, rated M for mature, but of course all the interested colts had managed to find the game and burn it to a cd, which was technically illegal, but they didn’t care all that much. One of the colts affected was Button Mash. Of course, the biggest gamer pony of them all would want to try the game. There was one problem with it though, his game time was time detracted to social time and outside time. And to sweetie, who had had a crush on the pony since Celestia knew how long. That time he didn’t spend outside socializing was time he didn’t spend with her. Now, she figured he had no obligation to spend time with her, after all it was not like they were dating or something, but how she wished they were. Still, she thought that all those bytes she had spend on milkshakes and sundaes and ice creams, for him, and herself, weren’t really helping. She sighed. Guess that my sister was wrong, a colt’s belly isn’t the way to his heart. Still she decided she had to do something about the situation. That feeling she got, like she had been hoof punched in the gut, was really tearing her apart. It wasn’t so much the feeling of having her guts frozen, and her stomach turning that bothered her. It was just...well it felt like a betrayal! Though she guessed she shouldn’t be surprised, there was not a single pony who could spend more time staring dead eyed at a screen that his pretend boyfriend. The self entitled “Greatest player in the world”. “Don’t you worry, boyfriend! I will save you from playing as a thief for the 900th time!” she affirmed , as she looked at him trough the window of his bedroom, that, even while being on the second floor, was easily accessible trough a ladder. “I Promise.” She said as she started to descend. Her mind was on auto-pilot as she imagined all the kisses, and hugs, and kisses, and touches, and kisses, she would give Button, when he finally stopped playing the game, and, after that, she would kiss him, again. “Hey Sweetie!” Dinky said as she trotted by, scaring her into falling from the ladder. “Not even going to bother asking why you were creepily stalking him” She cheerfully stated. “yeah....thanks...I suppose.” Sweetie said, as she rubbed her sore bottom, but the worse had yet to come as the ladder, which had been left precariously hanging on the ledge of the window started to fell, right onto a very startled Sweetie. No worries though, it didn’t seriously hurt her, it just gave her a very (ok, not so very)touch soft on the head, making her fall backwards onto the soft grass. “Ugh!” she moaned in discomfort, now sore on two places, and with a bump on the head to boot. “Don’t you worry, I’ll just be back in a jiffy! Boyfriend!” She grabbed the ladder with her mouth and very awkwardly and slowly made her way to her house. She had to set up a plan, but first, drama! She just had to call her friends, maybe set up a live feed with Babs, over in Manehattan, and just play and represent. ... “Alright, everyone has their little figure ready?” she asked, looking at the webcam, where she was talking with Babs. Her friends, who were right by her side nodded. “Ok” “Oh ScootaOrk, you need to help me for you see, the Buttonknight doesn’t want to kiss me, the beautiful magic Maiden Belle, just grab him!” Scootaloo looked at her with a “seriously?” look on her face, as she put her little ork figure near the little knight figure. “Are you sure that’s how we play Dungeon’s and Dragon’s? Those ain’t dolls!” Apple Bloom asked. Babs nodded, she too agreeing with her cousin. “But Button plays Dungeons and Dragons, and so I need to learn how to play it so I can impress him, my boyfriend, besides, you keep insisting we use that dice I threw away. I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works!” The three other fillies shared a look behind her back one of “Not that again”, Scootaloo tried hard not to roll her eyes, but failed at her task, Apple Bloom tried, with all the tact she had (for it sure as heck it wouldn’t be Scootaloo, and her dismissal of love that would do it), tried to get her friend to remain calm and just stop talking about her “Boyfriend” “Listen, I’m all for you finding love, and I know you really, really, really like Button, but I think you should moderate your enthusiasm, just a tizzy little bit?” Sweetie looked at her with a crazy spark in her eyes, as Apple Bloom backed away, Sweetie laughed. “the magic Maiden Belle the Sweetie, needs to have a boyfriend, and so do I! You aren’t perhaps suggesting that I shouldn’t stalk him and stuff?” Apple Bloom stopped. “N...nah” Sweetie suddently returned to normal. “Good, and oh by the way, I was just kidding” “That’s fine, ah guess.” “Appledin the paladin! Grab ButtonKnight! He’s getting away” Sighing Apple Bloom put her little figure next to the knight figure. “Now to kiss!” “Shouldn’t you roll to see if the kiss happens?” “No! It’s my game, so I always kiss! And I keep telling you, there are no dices in this game!” “Bu...” Sweetie’s voice turned again in that scary, ear piercing tone, that was full of squeaks. “No Rolling Dice” Babs gulped. “Ok.” Sweetie returned once again to normal. “Good, you know this is just like that game Button is playing, speaking of which...” She started detailing her plan. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And here was the magical Maiden Belle the Sweetie” Sweetie had decided to provide her own narration. “With her friends, the ScootaOrk, not able to fly but still capable of kicking major bum with her...ah...hum, how do you call that thing orks carry around?” Scootaloo, who was just at her side sighed ”A mace.”. Sweetie returned to the narration. “Of kicking major butt with a mace, and the help of a mental connection to somepony else in manehattan giving her mana and the help of the wisdom of her friend, the Paladin Appledin, she will save her boyfriend from the evil stick of truth and then she’ll kiss him!” She stopped before letting out a very mischievous laugh. “First things first, though make sure you grab the ladder as I do not want to fall again.” As the three of them carried the ladder on their backs, they nodded. “I still think this is a bad idea!” “And though ScootaOrk had doubts, the beautiful magic Maiden Belle, the Sweetie knew she was right on her plan for she was super duper sure that she loved his boyfriend, who was once again, imprisoned, by the evil stick of truth” They finally arrived at the spot where Sweetie usually (meaning a few dozen times a month) put the ladder, they placed it, together and Sweetie started climbing. “Maiden Belle faces a problem, a force field, locked from the inside!” She locked at the glass window, before softly knocking on it. “If the beautiful and magic Maiden Belle the Sweetie breaks the force field with her powerful magic of hoofs, then she’d anger her boyfriend’s keeper, the mighty Mom Mash!” she briefly wondered what to do, she tried to knock a little bit louder but Button didn’t hear her. “Guess plan number one failed, he must be under some sort of mind control from The Stick of Truth. Just like when he defeated the potent Last of Us, and before that the whole of the Bioshocks! I have to help!” She descended from the ladder. “I have a plan, but it’s just so simple it more than likely won’t work.” “What is it?” “Well Appledin the Paladin, I’m just going to knock on the door, pretend I don’t know my knight is here, (though I’ve seen him through the window), talk to his mom, ask if I can get inside. Better said and done, she just knocked on the door and asked if she could come in, Button’s mom was surprised, that a young and beautiful filly was visiting his son, but was secretly happy that he had managed to make at least a friend. And such a nice one at that. Sweetie was very polite (even if her only reason to do so was so she could impress her future mother in law), at last her passage to the tower where the dragon, with the Stick of truth was revealed. “And so Maiden Belle advanced, alone in her quest, but ready to defeat her evil nemesis and take on the Button Knight with her, pay him the treats of a king, and then kiss him, sharing the flavor of the sundae. “ “What was that?” “No...nothing!” She didn’t need directions, she already knew what room Button was in, just from the stalking, she opened the door, and looked at the colt. Hat on the floor eyes full of veins and red points, a fine thread of slobber falling from his chin, Button was paying more attention to the same repetitive battle, than to anything else. “Button, my knight, thou are here.” Button just sort of mumbled a “Hi sweetie.”, not even caring for being called a knight or the tone more akin to princess Luna than to a school aged filly. “Hi button, my boyfriend, I’m here to save you from the evil Stick of truth!” Button kept looking at the screen, though he shrugged his shoulders and murmured “Do whatever you want, just don’t bother me, I’m almost finishing this quest and then I have another one ready” “But Button Knight! Can’t thou see that abomination of a game is mind controlling you?” That caught Button’s attention. “Abomination? It was recommended by pony Joe, and lots of other online reviewers too! What do you know about videogames?” Sweetie opened and closed her mouth repeatedly before asking. “What does the donut maker have to do with a videogame?” Button turned back to the game. “Just forget it, Sweetie, now if you’ll excuse me, I have to defeat this group of enemies” “Is that a poo you’re using as an weapon? Honestly Button! This isn’t good for you! Come outside, and play, I’ve been learning how to play dungeons and dragons! Just for you!” Without even turning, Button told her: “Knowing you, it’s more of a roleplay without dices than a proper game, besides, I got to finish at least this part of the game!” Sweetie facehooved. “Why does everypony want me to use the dice to play? It just complicates things!” Button chuckled “Huh huh? My point exactly” Sweetie looked around then at the colt. “Button if you don’t stop playing that game, immediately, I’m going to start to break things, starting by your joystick!” “My joys....” It took a few seconds to dawn on him what she was planning to do. “No! Don’t break my joystick, how else will I be able to play my dad’s Atari 2600? It’s a classic!” “Then you better start paying attention to me, or else there will be consequences.” “What kind of consequences?” “Do you really want to know?” “Well....not really, but please don’t turn down the console!” “You will turn down the console, and will come with me” “To the lan club so we can play Minecraft?” “No! Not everything is related to gaming, you know?” “But in gaming I can be whatever I want from a pill munching half eaten cheese pizza, to an Italian plumber, to a badass space soldier! And I always get the girl!” “You don’t need to play videogames to get the girl! “I don’t?” “Of course not, here!” and she pressed her muzzle to his muzzle rubbing them, and kissing him, making him too stunned to do anything else. His eyes widened, and a big grin formed on his mouth. “This is better than the game.” She turned flank and shouted. “So come on down for more....Wet consequences.” After a brief hesitation he turned down the console and followed. “And so the beautiful magic Maiden Belle the Sweetie saved his boyfriend ButtonKnight from the mind control spell put on him by The Stick of truth, and she defeated them all, she was happy, and she had to remind herself to thank her friends, ScootaOrk, and Appledin, as well as Babrrior, the warrior.” “What are you doing?” Button asked, as he followed her down the stairs. “Narration.” I’m good at that too. “And so the mighty gamer, Button followed his fillyfriend, and prepared for snuggling!” From corner to corner of her face, Sweetie smiled. She had succeeded.