> Big Macintosh Rapes Twilight Sparkle > by Puddle Jumper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Big Macintosh Rapes Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight lay on her bed, enjoying a rare evening of alone time. Spike was helping to chaperone a Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Fluttershy’s cottage. She’d chuckled and rolled her eyes when the two had proposed the idea to her, instantly pointing out that the timid pegasus would just have four not-sleeping miniature house guests instead of three. But she did have to admit that Spike was learning to be more mature when he needed to be, and Fluttershy had insisted that everything would be “wonderful”. And so Twilight found herself alone for the whole night. And it had been perfect.   After a whole week straight of studying, writing, experimenting, and friendship exploring, she’d finally had some time to herself to pursue some personal interests. Her bed seemed especially soft underneath her stomach, and her room was the perfect temperature – warm enough to be comfortable, but not enough to make her feel drowsy or slothful. It was a perfect environment for an evening read. She rested her head in her hooves above her book of quantum magicks, leisurely soaking in its contents at an unhurried three hundred fifty words per minute. She shifted her weight occasionally, and her legs crossed and uncrossed idly as she read.   “Oh quarks,” she chuckled as she concluded another chapter. “Who knows how you work?”   Her scientific musings were interrupted abruptly by a piercing crash from downstairs. Twilight’s heart nearly leapt into her throat as the sudden sound shattered the silence. She strained her ears into the quiet that followed, listening for any more noises. After a minute of total silence, she slowly slid from her bed. Trying to calm her nerves, she crossed to her bedroom door and opened it, peering down the stairs towards the unlit lobby below.   “Hello?” she called down nervously, half praying she wouldn’t get an answer. Yet when only more silence greeted her, she felt that much more nervous. Finally, she forced herself to place a hoof on the step in front of her, and then another. Slowly, cautiously, she descended into the darkened room, all the while listening for any signs of stirring below.   When she reached the foot of the staircase, she carefully scanned the room. On the other side, the entrance to the library was wide open. She stared at the open door for a moment, then turned her attention around the rest of the room. Shadows draped every corner and nook.   “Is someone there?” she asked the blackness, straining her eyes. Her skin tingled with apprehension, and she begged her heart to beat quieter so that she could listen. Although she still couldn’t make out anything in the shadows, she saw no movement, not even the slightest shift. After several minutes, she summoned her courage with a deep breath, and stepped into the room. She crossed the floor, head scanning from side to side, and reached the open door.   The loud noise that had startled her so had clearly been the door being forced open. Yet there was no sign of damage on its side or face. Twilight quickly closed the door and re-secured the latch. She stared at it for a moment, wondering if some rowdy teenagers had kicked it in for a laugh. She hoped that had been all it was, and that the offenders had run off somewhere. That was when she heard a creak from the top of the staircase.   Twilight spun in place, her ears nearly tearing themselves from her head as they strained towards the source of the sound. Ice water ran through her veins as she stared across the darkened room towards the unknown noise. The back of her mind screamed for her to turn, throw open the door, and run. She shushed it, once more summoning her courage and advancing towards the staircase. The shadows loomed around her, seeming to close in with unknown danger. Halfway across the room, her pace accelerated, and she nearly ran the rest of the distance to the stairs. She reached them, starting to breath heavily from exertion and tension. She stopped to catch her breath as she stared up the empty staircase to her well-lit room. Finally, she began to climb.   “Hello? Is someone up there?” she asked the emptiness as she climbed. After a moment without response, she continued. “You should know, I’m a very powerful unicorn, and I will not hesitate to obliterate you if you try to hurt me. So why don’t you just come out, leave, and we’ll forget this whole thing ever happened?” Her shaky threats went unmet.   Finally, she reached the top stair. She braced herself for just a moment, then leapt into her room, horn glowing brilliant magenta, ready for anything. She lowered her head, and found herself leveling her magic at her empty bedroom. There was no sign of other life, nothing out of place. Everything was just as she left it. She sighed in relief, starting to feel silly for raising her magic at nothing, and talking to no one. Then the door closed behind her. She spun in place again, and this time she wasn’t alone.   A massive stallion stood beside the door, holding it closed with a hoof. He was a dark red, and his green eyes shown with wicked intent as they stared unblinking at Twilight. Twilight felt him looming over her silently, draped in shadow and mystery. Her heart began to pound as the intruder sized her up, then leapt in her chest as he lowered his hoof to the ground and began to move towards her.   “Wh-who are you?!” she demanded, trying to sound unafraid. “What are you doing here?” Her knees were shaking as she lowered her head towards the stallion. “Hey, I’m warning you. Stay back!” The stallion advanced towards her, undeterred even as the magical aura returned to her horn.   “Stop!” she commanded, releasing a bolt of energy straight at him. The blast caught him in the chest. He stopped, staring disinterestedly in the spot where her magic had hit him. He brushed a hoof against the spot, and then resumed walking towards her. Twilight’s  gasped in disbelief. She squeezed her eyes and fired a more powerful spell, but this one didn’t even break his stride. Her eyes went wide as he neared her, now only a few feet away from her. They darted around, looking for an escape. Suddenly, the stallion leaned forward and lunged at her, reaching out with his forelegs. Twilight darted back and to the side, and the stranger lurched forward, off balance.   Seizing her chance, Twilight bolted for the door. She reached it, and leaned back to fling it open. It had only begun to open when the stallion’s hoof crashed into it, slamming it shut again. His other hoof darted for her. She ducked it, skittering across the floor and sprinting for empty space. The stallion stayed close on her heels as she looked around desperately for an escape. She leapt for the bed, picking up her discarded book with her magic. Turning, she blindly flung it at the attacker. He dodged it at the expense of his balance, and he careened towards her, unable to stop. Twilight coiled against the mattress’ bounciness and leapt over him, leaving him to crash into the bed. The stallion’s weight collided with the bed and quickly rebounded, setting him back on her tail.   Twilight ducked against a corner, her back against the wall. She scanned the room as the stallion advanced slowly, savoring the accomplishment of having trapped his prey. Her eyes finally fell on the door leading to her balcony. If she could just make it that far, she could descend the tree and make a run for it. She could escape. Quickly her mind threw together a plan.   As her attacker neared her, he reached out a hoof to grab her. As he tried to touch her, Twilight moved to dodge left. The stallion leaned to follow her, but she switched back, shifting her weight to ram him as hard as she could. He staggered back, caught off guard, and she spun around him as he stumbled. She made to break for the door when she felt a hoof grab hold of her mane and yank her sideways. Stunned by surprise and pain, she wobbled and stumbled in the direction of the tug, her weight spinning away from her center of balance. She had nearly regained her footing when the mass of the stallion’s body slammed against her, pushing her forward. She reached her forelegs out to catch herself and slammed into her desk. The stallion followed her, and his hoof pushed her head against the desk roughly. The other hoof rested on her back as all of his weight pinned her in place.   Having finally trapped her, the stallion made a low, growling noise as he lowered his head close to hers. His body leaned against hers, covering her with his mass. He began to rock himself against her, effortlessly pushing her into the desk. She grunted as the wooden surface dug into her and the weight and friction on her back began to make her sweat slightly. The hoof on her head prevented her from turning to see her attacker, and her mussed bangs blocked her vision. She grunted again as she tried in vain to free herself.   Her struggles seemed to agree with the stallion, however. He removed the hoof from her back, pressing his chest against her instead, and moved his foreleg to snake around her midsection. He began to rub her belly gently, eliciting a surprised shriek from her. The stallion pushed hard against her in response, shoving her further up the desk’s surface. No sooner had she stopped moving, than the stallion reared back, pulling her with him by her chest. They stood on their hind legs, her forelegs helplessly dangling in midair, his holding her to his body tightly. He continued to grind his body against Twilight, now using his forelegs to force her body to move as well.   Twilight’s mind raced as she dangled in midair. Her eyes darted around, and suddenly she noticed the book she had previously hurled lying by her feet. Suddenly, she felt something hard poke against her flank. She froze, her eyes widening like saucers. She whimpered as comprehension struck her. The poke came again, and this time she struggled and flailed against his grasp. The attacker seemed only to relish her panic. He humped against her, pushing his emerging cock down to poke at her inner thigh. She felt him lean in close to her, and heard him take a deep breath of her mane. Clenching her eyes shut, she prayed he wouldn’t notice, and reached her magic down to seize the book near her feet. She pulled it up to the side of her head. He made no move to stop her. Taking a breath, she yelled and spun the book around, catching the stallion in the face. He grunted and fell back, releasing her from his grip as he reached for his head.   Twilight fell back to her hooves and instantly pushed off of the desk, darting past the stallion and sprinting for the door. She was almost there. Just a few more feet. Her magic unlocked the door. She’d make it. She’d get out, she’d go down, and then…   And then her world spun as the stallion pulled her favorite throw rug out from underneath her. Her hooves were pulled backwards, shifting her weight out of her control. She hung in the air for a fleeting second before crashing back down hard. She cried out as the wind was knocked out of her, and her head was left spinning. As she struggled to regain her breath, her eyes looked back to the door that was her salvation. She flailed her legs, trying to get her hooves underneath her. She’d almost gotten up when the stallion’s body once more hit her, pinning her to the floor. Her legs flailed, but against his massive weight, she didn’t stand a chance. He covered her completely, trapping her. She gave a desperate cry as she reached helplessly for the door.   Then Twilight shrieked again as the stallion’s tongue met her neck. He licked slowly and roughly from the base of her neck up to her ear, mussing her fur with a trail of saliva as he went. When he reached her ear, he let out a husky breath into it. Then he took the tip into his mouth and began gently massaging it with his lips and lashing it with his tongue. Twilight yelped, and whined at the mix of fear and pleasure the gesture created. As he suckled on her sensitive ears, the stallion’s hooves began roaming her chest and stomach. They moved roughly, groping and massaging her body with domineering purpose. Twilight flailed her legs, trying to block the hooves that roamed over her, but the stallion effortlessly brushed them aside. He rocked against her hard, pushing her into the wooden floor as punishment for her interference. That’s when Twilight noticed the hardness pressing against her flank again.   Her eyes widened as she felt the stallion’s hardened cock, sandwiched between their bodies. It was fully emerged now, and it reached from her flank at its base at least to her stomach at its tip. From the feel of it, it was still expanding.   “No…” Twilight whimpered. The stallion suddenly released her ear from his mouth. Lifting his body slightly, he roughly pushed Twilight onto her back before pinning her again under himself. She stared up into his face, tears starting to form at the corners of her eyes. His nostrils flared, and his eyes stared down at her, filled with uncaring lust. He leaned down quickly, his golden mane falling in front of him slightly, and forced his mouth onto hers. He kissed her as roughly as he had fondled her, mashing his lips against hers and pushing his tongue into her mouth. Twilight cried against the unwanted kiss and shook her head, trying to break it. The stallion only reached a hoof behind her head in response and held her in place as he feasted on her defenseless mouth. His breath filled her, drugging her senses, and his tongue lashed hungrily against every corner of her mouth. She whimpered and scrunched her face, trying to deny the kiss, though she was powerless to do so. She squeezed her hind legs together, hoping to hide the moisture that had begun to seep unbidden from her folds in response to her lips’ stimulation.   Finally, the stallion broke away from the kiss and rose to his feet. He placed his front hooves on top of Twilight’s legs, pinning her down, and towered over her. Twilight stared up at him in terror, and her eyes slowly trailed down his body, until she finally beheld his fully erect stallionhood. Her pupils shrank to the size of pinheads, and her mouth hung open. It was even larger than she had imagined from the feeling, and twice as thick, coursing with veins. Its head already dripped precum from being stimulated against her body. She whimpered as she watched it twitch. If he used that on her with the same force he’d kissed her, she was sure it’d tear her apart.   The stallion met her eyes. They seemed to gleam wickedly at the fear in hers. He leaned towards her again, angling towards her neck. She tried to struggle under his weight, but she couldn’t break free. She watched in horror as his head descended, tears welling in her eyes.   “No, stop!” she pleaded frantically.   “Okay,” Big Macintosh said, quickly releasing Twilight from his weight and stepping sideways to stand beside her. He looked down at her nervously, fidgeting slightly on his hooves. His penis slowly began to grow flaccid.   Twilight lay in stunned silence for a moment as her limbs were suddenly free to move. Then, she lay her head back and gave an exasperated sigh.   “No, Macintosh, we’ve talked about this,” she tried to muster her patience as she reprimanded him. “Just because I say ‘stop’ doesn’t mean I want you to stop.”   “Well, but…” he began nervously, “what if you really do want me to stop.”   “That’s what the safe word is for. Remember the safe word?”   “…Eeyup,” Macintosh admitted sheepishly.   “Okay, so if I want you to stop, I’ll say ‘zucchini’. Otherwise, I don’t want you to stop, no matter what I say, or how much I beg or cry. Got it?”   “But what if you panic and forget the safeword?” Macintosh pointed out.   “Sweetie, I’m not going to forget the safe word. I remember the safe word from three days ago. I remember things.”   “’Kay, but supposin’ you do…”   “I don’t know, I’ll probably levitate you off of me or teleport us to the center of the earth or something,” Twilight shouted, throwing up her hooves. Macintosh flinched slightly, half from her tone, and half in fear of that last idea. Twilight saw this and deflated, once again forcing herself to have patience. She knew Macintosh didn’t really like these domination roleplays she enjoyed so much. He was too gentle to even consider such a thing. Despite this, he had agreed to go along with it for her sake.   “I’m sorry,” she relented, “I didn’t mean to lose my temper. Look, I know you aren’t really into this whole ‘rape fantasy’ thing. But you were doing really well. So can we try to get this rolling again? Okay?”   “Well… okay…” Macintosh agreed, still looking nervously at the ground, but encouraged by Twilight’s compliment.   “Great,” Twilight said, once more assuming her powerless pose as Macintosh stepped over her and pinned her legs under his weight. “And remember, the safe word is ‘zucchini’. So unless I say ‘zucchini’, or start bleeding profusely or something, don’t stop.”   Twilight stared up at the stallion, eyes watering in terror. His head descended towards hers, trying to once more claim her mouth. She clenched her mouth shut and turned away. The stallion grunted in frustration, and roughly licked the side of her head. Twilight clenched her eyes, waiting for the disgusting feeling to pass. They were still shut when she felt the stallion’s hooves leave her legs, releasing her from his weight. She opened her eyes and looked up just in time to see him place a hoof on her abdomen, just below her stomach, pinning her lower body to the ground.   The stallion huffed as he leered at her exposed nether region. Twilight tried to struggle to free herself. Her upper body being free did nothing for her with her lower body still pinned to the floor. She began flailing her hind legs, trying to kick the assailant or roll out from underneath him. Grunting again, the stallion merely shifted his hoof to pin her right hip to the floor. He flailed his free hoof until it found her other leg, grabbing it and holding it down and away, nullifying her struggles and spreading her vagina slightly.   With his target immobilized and, more importantly, splayed out in front of him, the stallion dipped his head towards her flower. Twilight whimpered as he drew close, and took a long smell of her scent. His tongue rolled out with his breath. He dipped forward and leveled a long, slow lap against her slit. Twilight screamed at the sensation, and began to sob as he repeated the motion.   “No, stop it!” she cried. “Don’t lick that. Ah!” Hunger flashed unabated through the stallion’s eyes, and he plunged his snout into Twilight’s pussy. She screamed again as his tongue delved into her depths, lapping and poking fiercely at her walls, slobbering over her insides. She twisted her back and flailed her forelegs, half in a struggle to escape the onslaught, half in response to the pleasure she felt building in her crotch in spite of herself. She tried to reach for the head that assaulted her vulnerable privates, but it was too far. The stallion paid her no mind, only tonguing deeper and faster into her.   “Please, stop,” she begged through her sobs and moans of pained pleasure. “Don’t do this. Ah!” The only response the stallion gave was to lean harder on her pinned legs, reasserting his position, and her helplessness. Twilight’s head rolled back, tears streaming freely from her eyes. The stallion began to nod and dip his head wildly, striking her clit with his snout. Twilight yelped as her pleasure increased, and her world began to grow hazy. To her horror and humiliation, she felt her body disobey her as it steadily crept towards orgasm. She clenched her eyes shut, trying to deny the pleasure that wracked her brain, but it did nothing to quell the sensations.   “Please, no,” she sobbed, turning onto her side. “Don’t make me come. I don’t want to come from this.” She spoke the words as much to herself as to him, a final mantra to hold onto against the rush that was trying to overtake her. But it did nothing. As the assault on her marehood continued, she fell further and further into the pleasure, and her loins begged for release even as her mind begged her not to.   Finally, she felt her sensations building to the breaking point. She tried to hold out, but she realized it was no use. With a final, despairing cry, she braced herself against the hard floor. Just as she was about to fall over the edge, the tongue in her folds suddenly disappeared, and her legs were released. Stunned and disoriented by the sudden lack of stimulation, she put her whole focus into resisting the urge to finish herself off and rolled onto her stomach. Half cognizant of her surroundings, she began to crawl forward, some basic memory still screaming at her to reach the balcony doors. But before she could scoot even a foot forward, a strong pair of hooves gripped her flanks and pulled her backwards. She shrieked as she slid backwards on her belly.   The hooves pushed roughly into her flanks as they lifted her hind quarters into the air and deposited her back end onto her knees. Jumping to her senses, Twilight looked back to find the Stallion standing over her rear, his fully erect, half-as-long-as-her cock pointed straight at her moist folds. Her eyes widened as her mind began to race again.   “No!” she pleaded with increasing volume, beginning to scream as he drew closer. “Please, not that! Don’t put it in me! You can’t!” The head of his cock touched her lips. “Stop it, don’t do it!”   “Sorry!” Macintosh’s nervousness reached a breaking point as Twilight began to scream, and he jumped back. Twilight yelled in exasperation and face planted into the floor.   “Macintosh, what are you doing?!” she demanded frantically. “Get in there!”   “Twilight, I’m still not really sure I’m comfortable with you-“ he began.   “Sweetie, I get it, but I am really close right now, and if you don’t start fucking me while I scream and cry and beg you to stop, I’m going to go really crazy on you.” Macintosh’s eyes widened at the warning. Without further encouragement needed, he stepped onto Twilight’s back, angling his penis at her.   The wind rushed out of Twilight’s lungs as the stallion mounted her, his tip pushing against her entrance.   “No, please, stop it!” she screamed one last plea. “No!” Her final cry was drawn out as the stallion thrust into her tight tunnel without patience, hilting himself in one lustful stroke. The pain and pleasure of his penetration rocked through her, and her pussy clenched against the intruder as she came, the sum of her earlier pleasure coating his member and spraying out of her hole around it. Twilight cried and screamed pitifully as she lost the last of her self-control to the rapist. She writhed and contorted against the floor, her lower body’s spasms held still by the massive cock inside her. The stallion didn’t wait for her to finish. He quickly began to thrust in and out of her with an impassioned lust, ramming her still-orgasming walls with earth-shaking force. The motions only heightened her pleasure. Her screams turned into sobs as she subconsciously bucked her hips against him.   When her orgasm finally subsided, she collapsed to the floor. She cried and moaned as the stallion pounded away at her pussy, her voice broken by the constant impacts that shook through her. But despite her vocal protests, her body had surrendered. She lay still, making no motion to stop the stallion from taking her again and again, only waiting for him to finish. But her assailant was far from done.   The stallion snorted loudly from the satisfaction of fucking his prey. Her orgasm had made her slick, and its passing had left her relaxed. He drove himself wild with pleasure as he pounded her wet, yielding cunt. He quickly made up for her lack of movement, gripping her hips with his hooves and pulling her onto him in time with each thrust of his hips, driving himself deeper. Without her muscles’ resistance, each impact rocked her whole body, shaking her all the way to her head. Her battered cries stoked the fire of his lust, and each time they died down, he pounded her harder until she screamed again. Finally, he grabbed one of her legs and held it aloft, twisting her lower body sideways. He held her there and redoubled his efforts, pushing her into the floor with each thrust. Twilight half-cried, half-moaned as she felt her loins once more begin to hum with unwanted pleasure from the savage fucking.   After what seemed like an eternity, the stallion’s thrusts began to reach a shocking frequency. Twilight felt the head of his cock flare, and her eyes widened. She struggled to speak with the force of each thrust knocking her teeth together and pushing her around the floor.   “No,” she sobbed. “Don’t come inside me.” The stallion didn’t respond, and her cries once again crescendoed as he approached his release. “Please. Don’t fill me with your cum. I don’t want it inside me. Stop.” The stallion gave her aching hole a few final thrusts, then forced himself into her as deep as he could, grunting loudly as he exploded into her. “AH!” Twilight cried as she felt ropes of hot horse semen pour into her uterus. He came on and on, filling her to capacity until she thought she would burst. It sat in her, hot against her inner flesh.   Finally the deluge of splooge ended. The stallion remained still inside her for several moments, plugging her cum-filled body like a cork, reluctant to give up his claim on her ravaged hole. At last he snorted, and gave her one more rough thrust before pulling out of her. Twilight’s cries had diminished to a whimper, and she moaned softly as she felt him pull out. Half numb from shock, she reached a hoof between her hind legs to cover herself from him, and to stop the well of semen from leaking out of her. She was ashamed, humiliated, and she did her best to ignore the part of her that had been anticipating a second release.   Summoning what strength she had left, Twilight looked behind her. The stallion towered over her, his cock still semi-hard. To her horror, it was already starting to swell back to its full girth, so soon after his climax.   “Please,” she begged, desperate underneath her exhaustion. “Please just leave. Leave me alone. You got what you wanted. Please don’t fuck me anymore.” The stallion only continued to stare coldly at her. Traces of his release dribbled slowly from the tip of his stallionhood as it twitched and grew hard. He started to move towards her again. She sobbed and looked away, burying her head in her foreleg. She knew what was coming next. He wasn’t going to stop. He’d rape her again and again, mercilessly pounding her body and bringing her to one unwanted climax after another. He’d dominate her until she could no longer cry or scream or speak – only wallow in the unending violation. He’d come in her until it overflowed, pouring out of her and down her legs in rivers to pool on the floor underneath her. He’d stick his dick in her anus and – wait, what?   Twilight jumped in genuine shock as she felt the head of Macintosh’s penis push gently between her flanks and come to a rest against her other hole. “Wait, uh…umm.” Her internal masochistic narrative collapsed as her mind raced to process this new situation. She turned to face Macintosh, and found the stallion standing patiently, looking somewhat uncertainly between her and his penis. He fixed her with a pensive gaze, awaiting her opinion.   Her mouth hung open as her mind hung in limbo. Having never tried such an act before, Twilight had limited data to work off of. Anecdotal evidence was… mixed, and the little reading she’d done on the subject had included warnings of tearing and infections. Even from a purely logistical standpoint, it was bound to be a tight fit for a pony as well endowed as Macintosh. She’d had no intention of arriving at this point, and was not at all prepared to pursue it.   And yet, now that she was here, she found herself transfixed by the idea. What would it feel like? Would it even work? Would it hurt? Would it make her feel dirty, and shameful, and low? She felt her vagina practically winking at the idea as she considered what it would be like to have her virgin hole ravaged by her mysterious rapist. Whatever reservations she had, she found the notion too fascinating and too exciting to walk away from. Besides, she felt compelled to encourage Macintosh for his initiative. So what if she’d never done this before? Three months, ago she’d never had a boyfriend. One month ago, she’d never had sex. A week ago, she’d never asked her boyfriend to rape her. Experimentation had been good to her so far.   Twilight smiled up at Macintosh and nodded, probably a bit more emphatically than she needed to. As the farm pony smiled back at her and began to adjust himself, she once again buried her face in her foreleg.   Twilight gasped as the stallion’s head forced itself between her flanks and pushed against her anus. Her cheeks clenched reflexively, pushing against the stallion’s cock and causing him to snort with pleasure. She looked back at him in shock. He was leering at her, grinning maliciously as he examined her round flank. His head twitched against her hole. Tears welled in her panicked eyes.   “No!” she shouted. “Please, not that! Not in there! Put it in my vagina again. I’ll even suck it. Just please, don’t put it in my ass. Don’t take my virginity. Please!” The stallion didn’t speak, but only stepped onto her shoulders, pinning her to the floor. With one more sneer into her pleading eyes, he rocked his hips forward. His head forced open her tight asshole, and his cock rammed into her – oh fuck. He snorted and moaned greedily as – okay, ow kinda – as his massive length was wrapped in the tight warmth - oh gods that felt weird – of her clenched rectum. Twilight cried and struggled to break – ack, argh, guh – free, to get away from the invading probe that claimed yet another one of her private – eek! Don’t clench up, don’t clench up, don’t clench up - places, but the stallion’s weight left her helpless, just an inert tool to be used for his – what was that? What was that?!   Twilight’s fantasy world once again crumbled under the extremely novel sensations her bowels were experiencing. As much as she enjoyed when Macintosh got forceful with his penetration, she was quite glad he’d taken this one slow. It was as tight a fit as Twilight had worried it would be, and the leftover fluids from their previous bout did too little to ease the passage. She willed herself to relax as she twisted her hips and contorted her body, making some rather un-rape-victim-like sounds in the process. Macintosh’s penis pushed farther and farther into her body, stretching her in ways she never knew she could be stretched.   Finally, finally, she felt his hips touch her flanks, and his scrotum slapped pleasantly against her vagina. Twilight was panting now, caught between the painful strain and the strangely arousing strangeness of the slow penetration. “Is it in all the way?” she called back to Macintosh around deep breaths.   “Nng, yup,” Mac answered, groaning at the feeling of the almost-too-tight passage wrapped around his member.   “Okay, just… give me a minute here,” Twilight said, lowering her head to the floor. She tried to steady her breaths as she forced herself to stay relaxed. Slowly, she felt her body adjust to the new occupant. After a few moments, she spoke up again.   “Okay, I think I can handle it. Just… go slow to start with.”   “Yup,” Macintosh agreed.   “But not too slow. You’re still raping me.”   “Yup,” Macintosh confirmed again. He would have rolled his eyes if his mind hadn’t been on other matters. He’d been patiently resisting any movement while she adjusted, taking a few deep breaths of his own to calm his lust. Now that he’d been given the all clear, he immediately started to pull out.   Twilight shuddered as Macintosh left her. Her walls clenched around him, practically sucking on his cock as it withdrew. She heard him snort loudly and moan at her tightness, but she was too busy with her own sensations to dwell on it. The feeling of the emptiness left in her rectum was indescribable, at once lonely and pleasurable as her walls contracted back to their intended size. She grunted and panted as inch after inch left her, until finally only his head was left stretching her entrance. Shifting his weight forward, so that Twilight was once more pinned to the ground, he pushed back into her. The thrust was still slow, but it was faster than the first. In a single, fluid motion, Twilight was full again. Her back arched against the weight resting on top of it. The sensations assaulted her mind, overwhelming her. There was an amazing combination of pleasure and pain and shock. It was perfect.   Twilight screamed as the stallion’s second thrust plunged his cock back into her ass. He penetrated her roughly but methodically, letting each thrust fill her and rest inside her, claiming her passage as his own. Her sphincter squeezed against the intruder, trying to drive it out of her. The stallion only groaned at the increased tightness, and thrusted harder to overcome the resistance. Each thrust felt like he was taking her anal virginity all over again. She cried out, feeling as though she’d split in half.   Finally, mercifully, her colon began to adjust to the girth inside her, and the stallion’s cock began to enter her more easily each time. However, this only allowed the stallion to move faster. Soon, he was thrusting into her with the same frequency with which he had assaulted her vagina. Twilight clenched her teeth against the poundings, her eyes still wide from the shock of her violation. Her bowels still gripped the stallion tightly enough that each thrust and retreat roughly ground her belly against the floor. Despite the roughness of the floor and the stallion’s thrusting, the constant pressure and stimulation began to arouse her body once more. Twilight whimpered through her teeth as she felt the beginnings of pleasure return unbidden. The pool of cum that still sat in her belly shifted and rippled from the blows against her. The stallion leaned his weight into her back with each thrust, increasing the friction between her and the ground. As he did, his scrotum began to swing like a pendulum, slapping against her unattended folds with each swing.   Twilight’s eyes began to roll back in her head as the onslaught continued. She struggled to stay focused, but the shock and grief of being force-fucked twice was overwhelming her. Her senses started to dull, and she began to lose control of the part of her that was reveling in the pleasure and stimulation, consensual or not. As the assault on her asshole continued, her mind could only give in and withdraw into itself, abandoning her last notions of self control. Free of the shame that had tried to deny her hedonistic instincts, her forehoof began to move subconsciously. It slowly wormed its way under her body and down towards her abdomen, until it finally reached her swollen pussy lips.   Twilight stroked her clit several times, crying out and clenching her eyes shut at the sudden shocks of pleasure. Without hesitation, she plunged her hoof as far into her slit as she could reach from her position, and began desperately rubbing and probing herself. Her head hit the floor as she panted furiously, her battered consciousness now rolling in the waves of pleasure that she brought on herself. She fell into an alternating rhythm with the stallion, plunging her hoof into one hole as his cock briefly left the other. The sensation of having both holes stimulated at once overwhelmed her, and she began to moan lustfully through her ragged breaths. She rubbed harder, begging her release to quicken. Gradually, she began to give attention to her clit, rubbing and poking the swollen nub with the same motions with which she split her lips and probed her tunnel.   Twilight’s vagina began to leak furiously as she brought herself nearer to her orgasm. The mustiness of her juices filled the air, slowly rising to the stallion’s nose. The stallion inhaled the scent as he fucked her, and suddenly his lust deepened. He leaned forward and began to drive into her faster, pinning her to the ground with the force of his cock. Twilight screamed as he pumped her, the pain of his new pace once again making her feel as though she’d tear. But her hoof was unabated, only increasing its enthusiasm to match his. Twilight writhed and screamed in pleasure and pain and fear and desperate lust as she worked herself over in time with him. Suddenly, her dam broke, and her back arched painfully against the stallion’s weight as she came again. Her abdomen contracted forcefully against her hoof. Her fluids joined with the semen that remained in her tunnel, unable to enter her saturated womb, and the mixture squirted out of her in waves, coating the floor beneath her.   Twilight’s whole body clenched with the force of her orgasm, and her rectum subconsciously clenched around the stallion’s rampaging cock, gripping it as tightly as her squirting pussy gripped her hoof. Encouraged by her writhing form, her lustful wails, and the tightening of her hole, the stallion plunged into her harder than ever. But her body no longer felt pain in his thrusts. Each one glanced off against the wall of pleasure that pervaded her senses. As her orgasmic contractions began to dwindle, and the pleasure faded away, it was replaced by numbness. In the haze of her consciousness, she became vaguely aware of her own participation in her violation. And as she realized it, she finally submitted. Aside from the hoof that remained lodged in her exhausted marehood, her body lay limp and motionless. She was totally surrendered, a docile fuck toy for the stallion to use at his pleasure.   And use her he did. Feeling her resistance fade, the stallion stepped off of her back. One of his front hooves wrapped underneath her abdomen, holding her parallel to his shaft and easing his entrance. He rocked her body backwards as he plunged forwards, each thrust penetrating to a terrifying depth. His climax had slowly been building, but now, as he fell into a hurried rhythm of pillaging the helpless mare’s ass, his release began to approach faster. He snorted, grunting against the sensation that swelled in his loins. Looking down, the stallion’s eyes fixed on the face of the conquered pony. He lowered his head to hers and licked roughly behind her ears. When she didn’t respond, he turned her head with his and kissed her. Her mouth remained slack, barely moving in response to the lips that mashed against hers, and her moan was barely audible as he forced his tongue into her, roughly molesting her mouth with it. All the while he fucked her, his limit nearing.   Finally he broke the kiss and drove into her with an insane urgency. He saw her clench her eyes in preparation for what was to come. Her flanks shook and jiggled under each rocking impact. Finally, he gripped her hips in his forehooves and pulled her hard onto his cock as he thrust it into her. He grunted, and his entire body stretched reflexively as he released his second load of seed into her.   Twilight groaned weakly as what felt like gallons of warm, thick liquid flooded into her. She felt herself swell from the sheer volume of it, pouring into her the opposite of the way it was meant to flow. She no longer had the strength to cry out; she could only shudder under the strange sensations and wait for it to pass, trying not to acknowledge the faint sense of pleasure it evoked in the corners of her mind. An eternity later, after an ocean of cum had flowed into her, it subsided. Once again, the stallion remained inside her for a few moments, plugging her hole and rocking his half-hard cock inside her, milking her for every drop of pleasure she was worth. Finally, he removed himself with an unceremonious yank. Twilight shuddered as she was suddenly empty, her walls once more contracting back to their original size. The semen in her anus followed the vacuum, and began to leak out of her hole. She groaned as she felt a small stream of it trickle down her taint and run against her vagina.   Without raising her head, Twilight forced herself to glance back at the stallion behind her. He still loomed over her looking down at her. With a whimper, her eyes slowly trailed lower, and her breath nearly caught in her throat. His penis was already hardening again – half it’s full length and growing rapidly. His eyes roamed over her body, his lust undiminished by the pleasure he’d taken from her so far. From the look in his eyes, she could tell that he intended to fuck her for hours more – to pound her into the floor, and abuse her until she herself was satiated against her will.   “Please,” she whispered, her eyes gazing dully into his. “Please stop.” She said the words, but there was no will or hope left in her voice. Anything he wanted to do, he could. “Don’t… don’t do it again… I-“   “Zucchini.”   “No, not – wait, what?!” Twilight’s eyes widened as she lifted her head to face Macintosh more directly. “No, Macintosh, the safe word is for me. In case I-“   “Twilight,” Macintosh said firmly, “ain’t this enough yet?”   “What are you talking about?” Twilight’s surprise quickly turned into a teasing grin. “You can’t be done yet. Three is the least you’re ever up for.”   “Not that, Twi. I just… isn’t this enough with the rape stuff already? I don’t…” his eyes started to fall away, but he forced himself to meet her gaze. “I don’t wanna do it anymore.”   Twilight’s face fell at his words. “Oh…” she murmured, her eyes falling to the floor.   “I mean, not right now!” Macintosh hurriedly amended at her reaction. “We could do more later, I guess. I just…” He sighed. “I don’t really like doin’ this. Twilight, I get that you like it, and I’m happy to do what makes you happy, but there’s only so much of it I can really stomach at a time, ya know? It… it just don’t feel right. Can’t we just, I dunno, make love or somethin’?”   The two were quiet for a few very long moments. Twilight continued to look at the floor, and Macintosh nervously looked at her. Finally, she said, “Macintosh?”   “Yea?”   “…Am I weird?”   Macintosh didn’t answer right away, and Twilight found herself growing more tense with every second of silence. Was this really more than he could take? Would he reject her fetishes? Would he reject her for having them? Maybe it was for the best. She cared about him a lot. She didn’t want to force him to do something he wasn’t comfortable with, or be with someone he wasn’t comfortable with. He could just go if he wanted to. She wouldn’t hold it against him. She was so busy getting dumped in her mind that she didn’t notice Macintosh walking closer to her. She was only snapped out of her fears when his hoof touched her chin and lifted her face up to his. He was smiling gently down at her.   “Eeyup,” he said softly. Her heart tried to fall, but it couldn’t. The warmth in his eyes held it aloft. His hoof traveled to the top of her head and gently patted her mane. “But it’s a good weird. I love that you’re weird.” He leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead, just below her horn. She felt tears trailing down her cheeks as her smile spread across her entire face. Finally, she laughed, venting the relief and joy and love that swelled in her chest.   “I’m sorry,” she said softly, wiping her eyes. “I guess I got carried away.” When Macintosh lifted his head, she looked up onto his eyes. “I know you don’t really like this stuff. I guess it just got good to me. We can be more… sparing about it from now on.” He smiled back at her, nodding. She ran a hoof through his mane. “I really do appreciate you giving it your best for me, though.”   Macintosh cupped her chin in his hoof. “Anything to make you happy, Twilight.” He pulled her close, and they kissed gently. Their lips rested against each other, soaking in each others’ warmth. After a moment, Twilight giggled and broke away.   “And that was a nice touch with the anal thing,” she said with a snicker, her voice taking on a trace of naughtiness. Macintosh matched her grin.   “Well, I was kinda curious about that one for my sake, too,” he admitted, his ears drooping slightly in embarrassment.   “Mm, well I liked it,” Twilight assured him, and she kissed him again. Gradually, the kiss became more passionate. They both began to moan as their mouths opened and closed. Twilight’s lips claimed Macintosh’s aggressively, mashing against them with a growing sense of need. She moaned when she felt his tongue push into her mouth and began exploring her deliberately and firmly. Her own tongue leapt to meet his, but merely brushed against it in greeting, allowing him to remain dominant in the exchange. Her forehooves wrapped themselves around his neck and pulled him closer. She moaned into his mouth as his tongue probed hers, and began to gently push her chest against his.   When they pulled away, they were both breathing heavily. “Seriously, though,” Twilight panted, “you have a third round in you, right?”   “Eeyup,” Macintosh assured her.   “Well then,” Twilight grinned, slowly leaning backwards onto the floor “why don’t you take me to bed and make me your mare for the night.”   Macintosh grinned as he leaned down and pressed his muzzle underneath her side. He effortlessly hoisted her onto his back before gracefully sauntering to the bed. He gently deposited the purple mare, who giggled as she tumbled onto the soft mattress. She lay on her back, grinning, her mane frazzled and her bangs partially covering her face. Her coat was matted with sweat, but still shone a brilliant color. Her tail hung limply off the bed, leaving her privates exposed, still stained from their bouts of rutting and glistening anew from their last make out session. Macintosh stood motionless over her, smiling in a stupor, and his eyes roamed over her, soaking in her beauty. Twilight blushed under his gaze, her legs curling up shyly against her body, but her eyes stayed fixed on him, lowering into a half-lidded invitation.   “C’mere, you,” she crooned, motioning him to lean closer. Macintosh readily obeyed, leaning forward and meeting her mouth with his once again. Immediately their tongues met in the middle, twisting and snaking around each other with gentle passion. They quickly grew bolder and more forceful, until their lips could no longer hold together against the push of their tongues. Their mouths hung open, breathing raggedly, drool spilling down their chins, as they licked and lapped against each other. With a grunt, Macintosh hoisted his upper body onto the mattress until he was directly over Twilight, and pushed his lips against hers, pushing her head against the mattress. He leaned his body against hers and wrapped a foreleg under her neck, gently cradling the base of her head in the crook. He held her there, lavishing attention on her mouth, as his other foreleg made its way towards her hind leg. He gently placed it just below her knee, and she shuddered in his grasp.   Slowly, Macintosh began tracing up the outside of her leg. Twilight moaned as she felt the gentle pressure working its way towards her flanks, and began to rock underneath him. Macintosh couldn’t help but smile, but didn’t break the kiss. As her moans began to grow louder and more frequent, her forelegs wrapped around his back and began to rub against anything her hooves could find. She traced his strong muscles, gently squeezing them where they were softer. She soon began to move them more frantically, and held him tighter against her, pressing their bodies together with growing need. Macintosh responded by moving his hoof faster. He came to rest on her flank and gave the soft muscles a firm squeeze. Twilight finally broke the kiss as she moaned loudly from the stimulation.   Twilight panted as she looked up at Macintosh. “You sure make a good argument for consensual sex,” she breathed. Macintosh smirked back at her.   “Guess I just got a silver tongue,” he said, leaning in and licking the tip of her snout. He lowered his head and his lips seized on the bottom of her jaw. With a lustful sigh, Twilight’s head fell back, exposing her neck to his caress. Macintosh’s mouth followed her invitation, and his lips slowly trailed down her throat, ravenously massaging her flesh as he went. He reached the base of her neck and kept going, trailing kisses in a zig-zag across her chest, lower and lower. Twilight craned her neck to watch him, panting from the tender stimulation. Macintosh met her eyes several times, and was pleased by the mixture of anticipation and blissful stupor he found.   Macintosh reached her belly, and planted a trail of firm kisses as he worked his way straight down. Twilight’s sensitive abdomen twitched in surprised pleasure from each one, more and more as his attentions drew closer to her nethers. As he came close to her groin, the smell of her wetness filled his nose. It nearly drove him to dive face-first into her folds on the spot, but he restrained himself for the sake of both of their anticipation. He moved methodically, drawing louder and lustier breaths out of Twilight with each kiss. Finally, he planted a kiss just above her slit and stopped. He looked up towards her and waited until he had her eye. Then he gave her a gentle smile, and then slowly and firmly licked her pussy from bottom to top.   Twilight cried out under the long wave of stimulation, her head falling back and pressing against the mattress. “Oh yes, Macintosh!” She gasped for air as her lover’s tongue ceased its movement, but Macintosh barely gave her a chance to recover. In an instant, his tongue was inside her, pushing and probing and lapping against her intently. Twilight bit her hoof and squealed, her body thrashing against the onslaught. Macintosh’s hooves held her legs in place, and he dove in deeper. Twilight released her hoof and groaned without restraint. “Oh yes! Oh yes, Macintosh, lick me! Oh!” Her juices began to leak onto Macintosh’s tongue, and he quickly chased their trail, licking harder and faster to coax more of the sweet liquids out of her. Her flavor was intoxicating, driving him on almost as much as her screams in his ears.   Twilight’s body spasmed hard as her pleasure began to peak. “Macintosh, lick my clit,” she pleaded, barely able to find the words in her euphoric haze. “PleeeaAAAH!” the rest was lost to shrieks and moans as Macintosh quickly obeyed. His tongue sought out her swollen nub and gave it a single ceremonious lick, before mercilessly assaulting it. Twilight’s limbs splayed and her eyes rolled back, the pleasure overpowering her every sense. She stared blankly into space, until she felt Macintosh’s hoof began probing around her pussy in his tongues absence. It quickly passed her lips and pressed into her hole. More than simply feeling around, it began thrusting firmly in and out of her, its forceful shoves contrasting with the gentle warmth that enveloped her clit. Twilight squeezed her eyes shut as the feelings practically drove her mad, and her pelvis began instinctively humping against Macintosh in time with his hoofing.   “Macintosh, I’m gonna cum,” she screamed, feeling her body tightening in anticipation of release. “Oh, make me cum. Oh, oooooh!” Her back arched against the bed as her body spasmed hard, releasing a torrent of fluid into Macintosh’s waiting mouth and hoof. Macintosh continued to hoof her as she came, teasing the clenching walls with added pressure. Twilight’s screams gradually died into exhausted pants, and soon after her body relaxed. Macintosh kept her abdomen aloft with the hoof in her vagina. He slowly lowered her to the bed, enjoying the small squeaks she made as he shifted against her insides. He finally extracted his hoof from her and climbed back up the bed, standing over her. She lay beneath him, eyes closed and perfectly content. He bent down and kissed her. It started gently, but watching the beautiful mare writhing in pleasure had stoked his lust, and it wasn’t long before the force of his passion worked its way into his lips. Twilight moaned into his mouth as it sucked on hers, forcing her own flavor onto her tongue. The combined stimulation brought her somewhat back to her senses, and she opened her eyes as he pulled away. Her eyes trailed down his body to the space between them, beholding his thoroughly erect member. She smiled hungrily as she stared at it.   “Oh my,” she teased him. “That must be uncomfortable. What are you going to do with that?”   “Well, Miss Twilight,” Macintosh said with a gentle grin, “I was thinkin’ I’d fuck you silly.”   “Hmmhmm,” she giggled, “I think I’m already silly, especially after that. But…” she patted a hoof just above her entrance, “you’re welcome to try.”   Macintosh didn’t need to be told twice. He shifted his hips to position his penis, its head gently pressed against her folds. He looked back at her, staring lovingly into her beautiful purple eyes, and he leaned down. Their lips pressed together, their tongues met, and then Macintosh’s hips thrust forward, gently pushing his member into her soaked folds. He was half way inside when their kiss broke, the stimulation causing them both to moan. Macintosh gritted his teeth as he continued to enter, grunting as Twilight’s warm walls once more enveloped his cock. Twilight was moaning with every inch that entered her, and her body twitched as Macintosh’s sheer girth forced her walls apart.   Finally, Macintosh hilted himself inside Twilight. He stood still for a moment, moaning from the warmth around his penis. “Merciful princess, you’re so tight, Twilight,” he moaned. Twilight smirked up at him, panting lightly.   “Well don’t just sit there,” she teased him, gyrating her hips against his cock. Macintosh grunted and moaned at the feeling of her wet walls suddenly moving around him. Twilight grinned wickedly at his reaction. “I thought you were supposed to be the one fucking me silly.”   Macintosh’s eyes flashed at her, and he suddenly thrust his hips against her. His cock jabbed even deeper into her, halting her movements and drawing an approving gasp from the mare. It was Macintosh’s turn to smirk as he drew his hips back until his cock was only partially inside her pussy. Then he smoothly thrust back into her, repeating the motion as he built up a steady rhythm. He accelerated his motions quickly, Twilight’s tightness making it impossible to go slow after being aroused for so long. Twilight stared up at him with glassy eyes and a goofy smile as he rocked into her hole.   “Yea, baby,” she crooned, stroking his hair, “does that feel good.”   “Eeyup,” Macintosh grunted, increasing the force of his thrusts to emphasize his answer. Twilight gasped and moaned with each thrust that rocked her body. She twisted and bucked her hips in time with him, watching with glee as he clenched his eyes and gritted his teeth when she did. She loved the pleasure she could give him, and seeing him pushed to the edge of his self-control.   “Ooooh,” Twilight moaned. “Come on, fuck me.” Twilight braced herself on her hooves and began rocking with as much leverage as she could manage against Macintosh, watching him with eager eyes as she tried to coax him to move harder and faster. “Don’t hold back. Use me. Go wild inside me.” With her own climax long sated, her focus was now on bringing him to the height of his pleasure. To his credit, Macintosh had kept as much of his self-control as he’d been able. Had it not been for his two previous orgasms, he would have come long ago. As it was, he was doing everything he was able to draw out their love-making.   But damn that voice of hers. It was a siren’s song in his ears, a spell he could never resist. Every time he heard it, every time it teased him and coaxed him and begged him to rut her, his composure instantly began to crumble. The sight of her smiling and panting and wriggling below him was the only thing in his world, and the only thing he could think of was how beautiful she was, how wonderful she was, and how badly he wanted to fuck her brains out. And so as she asked, he obliged. He lowered his head until it was only inches from hers, and his hips shifted into overdrive.   Twilight gasped as her stallion began to go truly wild inside of her. Her moans escalated into cries as he impaled her with a furious passion. She heard Macintosh’s voice join in with hers, grunting and crying out in exertion and pleasure and passion as he drove into her with every ounce of force and speed he could muster. Twilight lay still, covered by his mass, his breath against her face. The earth stallion’s cock pounded her pussy into delirious submission with such force that she felt as though he’d push her through the bed. And still she spurred him on.   “Yes, yes! Fuck me! Fill me with your cum!” Macintosh cried out at the sound of her voice. “Come inside me. Please.” Ever obedient, Macintosh made one last thrust deep into Twilight’s hole. His forelegs wrapped around her and he kissed her, and they screamed into each others’ mouths as he came into her. Shot after shot of semen filled her as he stood quivering inside her, until he finally filled her, and his seed dribbled out of her around his dick. Finally, Macintosh’s orgasm ended, and his strength gave out. He collapsed onto one knee, and rolled to the bed beside Twilight. They lay panting for a while, his penis still caught inside her folds.   Macintosh finally opened his eyes to find Twilight smiling warmly at him. He smiled back. “Guess the third round was really all I had in me,” he said bashfully.   “Mm, it was more than enough,” Twilight assured him with a contented moan. “Not that I would have minded round four, but…” she clenched her pelvic muscles against Macintosh’s still-inserted member, “I’ll just have to hold onto this for a while instead.”   Macintosh grunted softly, not quite numb to the pleasure. “Hey,” he chuckled, “I’m gonna need that back, ya know.”   “Please? Can’t I have it for just a little bit?” Twilight pleaded, fixing him with the puppy dog eyes. “I love it when you leave it inside me.”   “Oh, alright,” Macintosh conceded. He wrapped his forehooves behind Twilight and drew her to his chest, holding her. Twilight sighed happily into his body. They lay in silence for a while. Macintosh was beginning to drift off to sleep When Twilight shifted.   “Hey Macintosh?” she said softly.   “Eeyup?”   “Thanks… for liking that I’m weird. I was… worried that I was going too far on you.”   Macintosh chuckled softly and kissed her forehead. “Then thank you for bein’ you. I can do weird for you.” He could feel Twilight smiling as she nuzzled against him. He gently stroked his back as he stared off into space. Gradually he spoke. “Say, Twilight?”   “Yes?”   “I was thinkin’. If you’re into this kinda stuff, maybe… it’d work better if you were the one doin’ the dominating some time.”   “…huh. That’s a thought…”