Anatomy of a Friend

by atomicponies13

First published

Twilight discets Pinkie.

Twilight wonders why Pinkie's body acts the way it does and takes extreme measures to find out why.

The Death of Pinkie Pie

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Ever since Pinkie Pie turned 21 her parties have majorly been upgraded. Before she was 21 she only had cider, which didn't really get her drunk, just made her feel a little tipsy. She usually used normal sweets but with extreme amounts of sugar.

When she turned 21 all of this changed. Almost none of her parties she wasn't drunk. The only parties when she wasn't drunk was a formal party. Even then she was barely never drunk. All the cupcakes, cakes, and other sweets she made had some type of alcohol in them. This eventually led up to some of her great downfalls.


It was another one of Pinkie Pie's parties and she drunk off her ass. No pony ever knew how she didn't get kicked out the Cake's house when she was always throwing her parties there when the Cake's twins looked up to her as a role model.

'' Hey Rainbow Dash!'' Pinkie yelled. '' Give me a kiss''

Pinke was swaying back and forth and had booze all over her fur.

'' Um, Pinkie, your drunk.'' Rainbow Dash said

'' No, Your a monk'', Pinkie said.

'' What? I didn't even say that, and i'm not a filly fooler'''

'' Neither am I! Thats the point.'' Pinkie replied.

'' You make no sense.'' Rainbow muttered.

Pinkie tried leaning in trying to give Dash a kiss, but Dash blocked her lips with her hoof. Pinkie Pie wasn't always drunk, just at parties she was. She wasn't that slow and non-responding drunk partier, she was a sad then angry fighting type who thinks the laws of physics don't apply to them.

'' Pinkie i'm going to the bathroom so don't put any alcohol in my drink because you know that i'm under 21 right?'' Dash explained.

'' Yea right why would I ever do that?'' Pinkie said.

'' I know you've done it before Pinkie and I almost got into jail for it,'' Dash stated.

Pinkie didn't really care if her friend was underaged or not. She was still going to pour alcohol in Dash's drink. Dash seriously needed to step up her game and party. All of her friends expect for Twilight and Fluttershy weren't 21 anyway. She started to make her way to the beer table quickly before Dash got out of the bathroom to find her pouring alcohol in her drink.

When Pinkie dashed over to the beer table and grabbed a cup of beer. When she turned around she found Fluttershy standing right in front of her.

'' Umm p-Pinkie Pie'' Fluttershy whispered.

'' What is it Mutterguy?'' Pinkie Pie asked.

'' It's Fluttershy and were out of cupcakes, just to let you know.''

Pinkie Pie shrieked.

'' How can we be out of cupcakes! Now I have to go make an entire 15 batches again.'' Pinkie screamed.

'' I guess everypony just really loves your cup-''

Fluttershy got cut off by Pinkie's wind from her running.

Pinkie bolted down the stairs to the kitchen. She somehow got there in only 7 seconds from the top level of the cakes house. On her way down she knocked over 10 ponies. She also somehow poured the alcohol in Dash's drink when she was running.

Twilight was having a glass of wine in the kitchen when Pinkie Pie suddenly pushed her out of the way causing her to fall down and break her glass. Her wing got cut on a piece of glass but it wasn't too serious. When she got up she noticed Pinkie Pie moving around in a blur preparing cupcakes.

'' Sorry Twilight, but i'm trying to make some of my special cupcakes. There is a first aid kit in the bathroom upstairs, but you might have to wait for Dashie to get out of the bathroom first,'' Pinkie Pie said as preparing the cupcakes.

Twilight barely understood Pinkie because she was talking at a speed that Twilight couldn't really hear.

Ugh, Pinkie you really need to watch where your going,'' Twilight muttered.

Twilight was walking to the bathroom upstairs when she passed by a room and saw Dash. Dash was drunk. Twilight got really mad when Pinkie got Dash drunk. She was underaged after all!

She got to the bathroom and opened up the first aid kit. When she opened it up she found some bandages and wrapped it around her wing. It took about 5 minutes to do so. When she walked out of the bathroom she couldn't believe what she saw.

'' What are you looking at you butt?'' Pinkie yelled.

'' Oh no, no no no no,'' Twilight said quietly.

Pinkie was very drunk. Drunker than usual. Drunker than she had ever seen. Twilight seriously couldn't believe what she saw. Pinkie was so drunk that every minute she was vomiting. But even though she was doing that Twilight knew that she would've had some sense of mind. What she was doing was talking shit to the toughest pony in Ponyville.

''Who do you think your talking to punk?'' Bulk Biceps shouted.

'' I'm talking to a sorry excuse for a stallion, who's more like a filly!'' Pinkie shouted back.

'' I will kick your ass!''

''Bring it!''

Bulk moved in first with a punch and hit Pinkie in the stomach. Since he was so strong Pinkie coughed up some blood. But this didn't stop Pinkie. She waited for his second strike then bit his leg, even though she chipped a tooth in the process. When Pinkie let go Bulk bucked her but missed. After a few punches, kicks, and bites, they were bleeding and panting.

''Had enough Filly Pussyceps?'' Pinkie mocked him.

'' IT'S BULK BICEPS!'' Bulk yelled and he moved in and bucked her square in the stomach.

Pinkie flew back a few feet and fell down. Bulk thought that must mean that fight was over. So, he walked away. But the fight wasn't over.

Pinkie got up and started charging at Bulk.

'' THIS ISN'T OVER UNTIL I SAY IT'S OVER!'' Pinkie screamed and ran over to Bulk stopped right in front of him and bucked him in the neck.

'' Now it's over buckface, '' Pinkie Pie skipped back into the room where they were fighting while Bulk was coughing up blood and crawling away.

'' Pinkie''! Twilight exclaimed, '' Now what the hay was that about?''

'' Well, that guy said to me to buck off'', Pinkie answered.

'' Is that the full story?''

''Nope! But it's the most foal friendly!'' Pinkie replied. '' And if I can beat the strongest pony in Ponyville, possibly Equestria!''

''Pinkie don't you think that's a little bit crazy?'' Twilight questioned.

''Twilight, crazy is my middle name, actually it's Diane, but still!'' Pinkie giggled.

Before Twilight could respond Pinkie started doing all sorts of dumb tricks in order to prove her point.

''If I want to do a backflipped I can!'' Pinkie attempted to do a backflip and fell on her face but did it.

Rainbow Dash walked from where she was sitting in the room walked up to Pinkie.

'' Pinkie I don't care how drunk you are, you can't do anything.'' Rainbow stated.

'' If I want to kiss Dash I can!''

'' Wait, wha-

Dash's words were cut off by Pinkie laying her lips on Dash's. Her wings flared up in surprise. When Pinkie released her from her lips her face was as read as fire.

''What the hay Pinkie!'' Dash said in embarrassment, shock, and anything else surprising. '' I seriously though you were a good friend, but now I really don't think that's true.''

Dash walked out of the room and left the party.

'' Pinkie''! Twilight yelled, ''You just lost your best friend! Stop now or else things are going to end up much worse!''

'' Twilight she'll she sleep it off and forget it! It's not like it matters anyway.''

''Damn it Pinkie!'' Twilight shouted. '' I was right, it is getting worse, were no longer friends.''

Twilight walked out of the room and also left the party and caught up with Rainbow Dash.

'' I don't need them, because if I want to lose friends, I can!'' Pinkie said. '' And if I want to fly I can!''

Fluttershy was there the entire time. She was also very shocked.

''Pinkie what are you talking about! Those are your best friends and your just going to let them leave? And you ca- Fluttershy was once again cut off by Pinkie but this wasn't by a wind. It was by the creaking of the balcony doors.

''See ya later Fluttershy!'' Pinkie said her farewells and jumped off the balcony.


After that the only sound heard was a crack.....

The Funeral

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The funeral of Pinkie Pie was terrible. Everypony was crying, shouting, or just not there. The ponies who were there all had a speech. The funeral itself took at least five hours. Or six. Or one. Nopony really payed attention.

The pony who was crying the most was probably Fluttershy. Sense she was the pony who witnessed her death it made some sense. All the princesses were there, besides Luna. And Applejack still hadn't gotten to the funeral even though she said she would come.

Twilight Sparkle eyes were completely bloodshot. It took hours of persuading from Spike to even show up. She was too busy crying and saying it was her fault but she got over it now. '' Celestia, where is Luna?'' Twilight asked. '' I would have thought she would want to come to Pinkie's funeral, saying she was the element of laughter and all.''

'' Well, my faithful student... Celestia paused for a moment to think of what to say. '' There is two reasons. The first is that Luna didn't know Pinkie very much. Whenever she tried to talk to her at a party she was always drunk. Even before that, Pinkie was always too loud, annoying, or scared of her, you know with the whole Nightmare Moon thing.''

'' What is the second reason?'' Twilight replied.

'' Luna has what you would call a weak heart,'' Celestia explained. '' She cries over many things and it takes her a while to recover. So she would be here but she is crying at the castle.''

'' She's going to come to the after party right? We're going to celebrate Pinkie's life tomorrow.''

''She might. I'll tell her after the ceremon-''

'' Celestia hold that thought, I think Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are arguing for some reason,'' Twilight interrupted. ''I'm going to see what is wrong.''

'' That's okay I'll just talk to Cadence instead,'' Celestia replied.

When Twilight got to the argument she couldn't really tell what was going on. The argument was full of crying, shouting, and stuttering. Twilight thought that was normal for Fluttershy, but Rainbow Dash was stuttering even more.

'' W-w- what do you mean t-that it's your fault!'' Rainbow Dash shouted. ''If it's anypony's fault it's mine!''

'' B- But Dash it is my fault,'' Fluttershy shouted back. '' If I was paying more attention she wouldn't of died!

'' Yea, but I could have saved her too! If it was I didn't storm out like that I could have flown in and saved her from falling and breaking her neck! I also shouldn't of let her get in that fight either! A-and I could have also made it so she didn't get so drunk!

'' That's a good point but it doesn't give me the excuse to have just stood there and let it happen!''

The fight continued on until finally Twilight interrupted.

"Girls!" Twilight screamed. '' It's none of your faults! It's mine."

''And how would it be your fault?'' Dash questioned.

'' Why did you think I became an alicorn?'' Twilight replied.

'' Studying magic and saving the world?'' Fluttershy asked.

" No, well sorta, but mostly because of friendship!'' Twilight answered. " I could have easily persuaded Pinkie to stop the party and sober up. I've done things like that hundreds of times before!''

'' Now y'all listen here!'' Applejack had finally gotten to the funeral. '' It ain't none of y'all's faults. We all knew this was eventually going to happen!''

'' But the-'' Rainbow said in a quiet voice.

'' No butts!'' Applejack interrupted. " Pinkie Pie was an alcoholic when it came to parties. This is why I didn't really ever show up to her parties. I don't want to be a bad role model for Apple Bloom! I also knew that this would happen!"

"Applejack, you make a good point," Twilight said. " We shouldn't be fighting, we all know that this was Pinkie's fault. Now let's sit down and remember Pinkie's life."

The rest of the funeral was pretty uneventful. Mostly what you would see at a normal funeral. Ponies were telling different stories, laughing, crying, and walking to the casket. A few speeches were made. Rarity had a emotional breakdown and had to go home sadly.

" Do you remember how Pinkie used to always joke about planning her own funeral?'' Twilight giggled.

" Yea, Fluttershy was always freaking out about that thinking it wasn't a joke and she was actually going to die to plan it," Rainbow Dash joked.

" I wasn't that bad," Fluttershy said.

" Your right," Applejack agreed. " You were worse."

Everypony giggled.

" I think they're about to bury Pinkie Pie soon." Twilight stated. " So let's go help out and bury her in peace."

The gang walked over to the casket of Pinkie. Two stallions were trying to carry the casket all by themselves. They were obviously having trouble carrying the casket. They looked around and nopony was coming to help.

" Let us help you there, boys," Applejack offered.

"Thanks, we really needed it" one stallion said.

The gang walked over to the casket and heaved it on to their shoulders. They carried it outside to a wagon outside. It was long, black, and had curtains in the back.

" Did y'all hear that Mayor Mare made a order to make a memorial to Pinkie?" Applejack said.

" No, but that's quite interesting," Twilight replied. " Do you know when they'll build it."

" I think I heard it was in a month or so," Dash stated.

After the burial ceremony everypony went home.

"Let me walk ya home, Twilight," Applejack offered.

" No, I can walk home by myself, but thanks for the offer!" Twilight replied.

" Come on, it's on my way home anyway," Applejack was trying to convince Twilight to walk home with her.

" Fine," Twilight finally gave in.

When she got home she said her goodbyes to Applejack. She was thinking about Pinkie Pie. She was also looking at some picture books with her in them.

" Ah good memories," Twilight said and let out a single tear. "Hmm, I wonder."

The After Party

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When the party after the funeral came\, it was much better than the actual funeral. Everyone who knew Pinkie was there that time, even Gilda! Really all that happened was some dancing, some music, and a lot of speeches. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch even made some music dedicated to Pinkie. Maud wrote a poem for her too.

" So Luna, I didn't really expect you to come," Twilight was very happy that Luna was at the party. She didn't really get to see Luna much. She was a real shy pony. She was actually a little surprised that she wasn't best friends with Fluttershy, saying they have so much in common.

" Yes, since I didn't come to Pinkie's funeral I thought I should at least come to this party", Luna replied. " I was pretty heartbroken when she died."

" I'm pretty sure everyone was," Twilight stated.

" Yes, even though I didn't know her, I still loved her," Luna blushed when she noticed what she just said. "You know, as a friend and any other pony."

Twilight had guessed one thing about why Luna was so shy. Since she was immortal, she probably didn't like making friends. The reason why would be that she would outlive any of her friends. It made perfect sense if you think about it.

" I'm going to talk to my sister, Twilight, so see you later," Luna walked away and started to talk to her sister.

Somepony tapped on Twilight's shoulder. She turned around and saw that is was Applejack who tapped her shoulder.

" Hey Applejack, want something?" Twilight asked.

" Just wanting to know if you are going to make a speech, we all made one besides you," Applejack answered. " If you want you don't have too."

" No, I want to." Twilight then walked over to a small stand for making speeches. She was guessing that Rarity was nearing the end of her speech.

" Really, I must say, that Pinkie Pie was my best friend in the whole wide world of Equestria, if not for her, my boutique may have been out have business! Thank you for listening." Rarity finished her speech and everypony clapped.

Twilight walked up to the stand and Rarity winked her a wink of good luck. Twilight stood up on the stand and started her speech.

"Hi everypony and thank you for coming to the party. I know that Pinkie really would have appreciated it. This speech isn't improvised or anything. That is quite unusual for me." Everypony giggled a little bit but quieted themselves quickly. " While Pinkie was drunk almost all the time, she was one of my best friends. On my first day to Ponyville, Pinkie Pie gasped and ran away just at the sight of me. At the time, I thought that was extremely rude. But really, she was planning a party for me to welcome me to Ponyville! I very much regret on my last words to her. But, I'm pretty sure that she would forgive me. I thought that it was my fault at first that she died. My friend Applejack told me that it was her own fault. I'm not here today to talk about her death, I'm here to talk about her life! Pinkie Pie would go to extreme measures to be friends with anypony she encountered. There was almost nothing that would stop her from being friends with somepony. I know so many ponies who would be in a huge life crisis if it wasn't for Pinkie. Take Rarity for example. She would probably be bankrupt if it wasn't for her promoting her boutique where ever she went. Really I would have been lost without her. And I'm pretty sure you all agree. Well, have a good day everypony, thank you for coming once again." When Twilight finished her speech she heard a huge round of applause. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment.

" Yea, thanks everypony, it isn't much. It just came to me," Twilight explained to try to hide her embarrassment.

" sniff sniff That was much more than not much. It was awe inspiring!" Applejack said while wiping her eyes with her hoof.

" It was beautiful! I couldn't of done any better!" Rarity added.

"Aw shucks girls, you don't have to be that nice," Twilight said.

" Your right Twilight," Rainbow Dash replied, " We should be nicer!"

" I must ask how did you come up with such an inspiring speech?" Rarity questioned.

" l really just thought about Pinkie Pie and said what came to mind," Twilight answered.

For a second there was an awkward silence.

" Pinkie Pie would have said something funny right now," Applejack said in a low voice.

Then there was an even longer awkward silence.

Rainbow was the first to break the silence. "Well, I have to go, I'm going to try to teach Scootaloo how to fly tomorrow. It might take the entire day up." Rainbow Dash then walked away from the party.

" Yea, sorry girls, I'm going to have to leave too. I took a few days off from working at the farm and I need to catch up," Applejack added.

" I'm afraid I have to go also. I'm going to a fashion show in Manehattan tomorrow and I'm wanting to get there as son as possible," Rarity said.

" Yea, I also have to go because of something important," Fluttershy said.

" See you girls later," Twilight said her farewells to her friends and went back to the party. She was pretty sure that some of them made up excuses to go home. She really didn't care. The conversation was getting pretty awkward. About an hour later everypony else left. She decided to go to bed, since it was getting pretty late. She was also completely exhausted.

"Goodbye Luna, have a good night! I need to study so sorry you couldn't stay longer," Twilight felt really sorry that she basically had to kick Luna out. She wished she could talk to her more often. " Yea I am looking forward to studying something important."

" What is it? Because I might be able to help," Luna offered.

" It's kind of personal, sorry!"