> A New Beginning > by Pony of Lore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > My Three Friends: Me, Myself, and Who are you?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer I would thoroughly like to point out that I own no part of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic franchise but am just a fan. MLP:FIM is own my Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I only claim ownership of my created character within the story. Any resemblance between them and any official ponies or other fan made ponies is strictly coincidental. My Three Friends: Me, Myself, and who are you? “Mm another morning, another day of school, guess I better get ready.” Sunset Shimmer said as she awoke to the annoying sound of her own alarm. It had been well over a month since Twilight had left to go home to Equestria and nothing much had changed except for that she and much of the school were now considered friends. It was still strange to her; having some people who would look out for you because they liked her and not because they feared her. It was a bad feeling, just an alien one to her. She decided that she had spent enough time mulling and decided to get her butt up and shower before she was late. Sunset hopped up from her bed and made her way to the wash room for a nice hot shower. She sighed in content as she entered the shower and felt the warm water hit her skin. Her mind began to wonder again. She thought well of her new friends but she didn’t feel like any of them were best friend material. She felt that in a way, they were only friends with her to appease some last wish of Twilight's before she left home. She needed friends of her own and that wasn’t going to happen with anyone around the school. After the shower, Sunset rummaged through her closet and found some suitable clothes. A black top and some jeans with some red and yellow shoes to match her hair, a simple outfit but still a cute one she thought to herself. She made herself some toast and ate it on the way as she hopped in her dark purple convertible and drove to school. Sunset parked in her usual spot sighed looking up at the school. She had remembered still what she did to everyone here and still it made her feel horrible inside. “If only I had some friends of my own. Some people who didn’t know who I was so I could get a fresh start.” She said to no one in particular, mostly just for herself. She made her way into the school and off to class. Her first class was Algebra. Man did she hate math, it was so boring and half of it made no sense to her. She usually prefers English or History. Those two classes were usually easy to follow and she could easily blow through but not Math. She slumped in her chair as the teacher continued the lecture. “It’s going to be a long day Shimmer.” She said to herself as she drifted off a bit. In her Dream Sunset Shimmer looked around the strange room she was in. There was nothing but four white walls, a chair, and a table. There was a note that read “PLEASE HAVE A SEAT.” To her this all seemed a little strange but she sat down anyway. A puff of smoke appeared across from her and another seat was there. Filling this seat was a man in a sleek black suit and wearing sunglasses. He seemed to have a thin build and gelled back black hair with pale skin. “Sunset Shimmer?” he asked looking her directly in the eyes. “Um yes that is me. Where am I? What am I doing here? Who the hell are you?!” she asked getting a little frantic. “That is none of your concern right now. I am here on request of my superior.” The man said holding his hand up to clarify her would not answer. “Fine then what the hell do you want with me?!”She asked more frustrated by the minute. “The question here is not what I want, but what you want.” He said craning his fingers into a pyramid as he leaned on the table. “You do want a fresh start don’t you?” he asked raising her brow at the question. Sunset Shimmer froze. Who was this man and how did he know things like this? Something didn’t feel right to her but she wasn’t exactly sure what. “So what if I do?” she said crossing her arms and pouting. “Well, I can assist you with that. Call me a type of guardian who helps those that are truly in need.” The man said in a monotone voice. “What do you say?” Why should I trust you?” She asked concerned. “I’m not saying you should. I’m simply going to ask, do you want a fresh start?” he said seriously. “Yes! Yes I want a fresh start okay!? I want a chance to make some friends who actually seem to like me and am not just doing this to appease someone else. Are you happy now?!”She said blowing her top. “That’s all I need to here. We will be in touch Ms. Shimmer.” the man said as he got up and turned away. “Wait! What am I supposed to do?” she asked not sure of what just happened. “Just one thing, wake up!” the man said as he disappeared and his voice echoed. “Wake up…… Wake up……” End of Dream “Wake up! Sunset Shimmer wake up!” came the voice of Apple Jack as she shook Sunset Shimmer. Shimmer jumped up. “Who?! What?! When?!”She said looking around and sighed. “Uh what a strange dream, mm and why does my forehead hurt?” she said looking around to see that she was in the nurse’s office. “How did I get here?” she asked Apple Jack as she looked around. “Well I saw you hit the desk in Algebra class and carried yah here sugar cube.” Apple Jack said smiling. “Couldn’t well out leave a friend blacked out on her desk.” “Oh, thanks AJ I appreciated it.” Sunset said a little lost in thought. “That dream was so real but bizarre.” she said to herself quietly. “What dream sugar pie? Want to talk about it?” Apple Jack asked sitting by her. “No it’s fine AJ. It’s just a weird dream. I probably just need to get more sleep.” Sunset said laughing a bit and getting up. “So did I miss anything while I was blacked out?” she asked curious. She looked up at the clock and noticed she had been out about an hour. “Oh yeah there was this big announcement. There are supposed to be six new students transferring in tomorrow. Principal Celestia said that they’d mainly just be shadowing someone for the next couple days to get a feel for the school before they start classes. A lot of people are already volunteering. I know it’s not normally your style but the principal asked me to see if you’d be interested in doing it.” AJ said laughing some and placing her hand on her shoulder. Sunset felt her happiness explode. New people from another school who know nothing of what she’s done in the past! This was a perfect chance for her to make some friends on her own. A chance for a …… fresh start. Those last few words echoing in her head. Was this because of that dream? Sunset quickly shook that off. No it couldn’t be. Such things didn’t happen in this world, maybe in Equestria, but not in the human world. “Um yeah sure AJ, I’d actually really like to show the new kids around.” Sunset said with a bright smile. Apple Jack was a little taken back but nodded in response. “Okay then, I’ll go the principal to throw your hat into the ring then. See y’all later.” She said tipping her hat and leaving the nurse’s office. Sunset let out a light sigh of relief. It was finally a chance at something new. A chance to have some real friends! Sunset couldn’t be more excited. She made her way out of the nurse’s office and headed to lunch. After lunch the rest of the day just seemed to coast by. She joked with Pinkie in English class, conversed with Flutter Shy in history, and traded notes with Rarity and Rainbow Dash in Home Ec. Rainbow Dash needed them more than anyone. Sunset stretched and sighed as she heard the final bell indicating she could go home. Tomorrow was a big day since she would be showing around the six newcomers and has a chance at making some real friends. She was and even thinking about much but that and didn’t even realize she was pulling into her drive way. Sunset laughed a bit at how badly she spaced and went inside. “Maybe I can invite some of them over sometime. Gets kind of lonely here sometimes with no parents and all.” She said to herself with a sigh and made herself some food. She just coasted through the rest of the day and took herself to bed. The next morning came quicker than she had thought but Sunset decided the day before she needed to make a good first impression if she wanted to make friends with the newcomers. Unfortunately for her this wasn’t exactly going to be her day. The first incident to start off a chain of unfortunate mishaps was that her alarm clocked had decided to malfunction which caused to wake up 20 minutes late. Freaking out, Sunset rushed to find clothes but realized she hadn’t put the clothes washing in the dryer last night and they were still wet. She hated that the only outfit she had left to wear was plain black t-shirt and some slightly ripped jeans that she mostly used when lounging around the house on off days. When she got the car reality really struck her when she heard a familiar pitter from her engine and looked down to see her gas take was on empty. Sunset growled and slammed her face on the steering wheel. If she had been paying attention when she drove home she may have noticed this. She checked her watch, 15 minutes until the first bell. If she was lucky she would be able to catch a quick bus and be at the principal’s office with 3 minutes to spare. Sunset dashed for the bus stop and looked in disbelief as she just missed it. Sunset couldn’t take it anymore and just fell to her knees crying. Why did this have to happen to her?! Why did she get all the bad luck?! It wasn’t fair! She sobbed into her hands shaking with sadness. “Hey, you good red?” came a kind of upbeat voice from behind her. Sunset sniffled and turned around to see who it belonged to. It was a boy about her age and height with one side of his head shaved and the other with his hair draped down. His hair was white as snow except for the ends which looked dyed red. He had a white hoodie on with some grunge jeans and the new pair of Hoof Trotter sneakers. Getting a better look at his face showed his skin was pale and he wore thick shades sort of like Vinyl’s. “Um no not really, this day kind of turned to shit on me.” Sunset said sadly as she really saw no point in lying about her situation. “Worst of all I’m going to be late for a meeting at the school.” She said sadly. “Well shoot that sucks. Hey, I’m headed to something at the school myself. Why don’t we go together and I can just say you were late cause you were helping me out?!” the boy said with a bright grin. Sunset looked at him like he was crazy. She had never been treated so nicely just off hand by anyone. The boy helped her up and dusted her off. “Now come on red, let’s hustle. “She said grinning and stepped ahead her doing The Hustle a bit. Sunset couldn’t help but giggle at his goofy antics. “Now that’s what I like to hear. Sweet laughter of a lady, fuels my day.” He said grinning brightly. Sunset smiled a bit. This guy was alright and kind of funny. She needed that laugh badly. “So red, got a name?” the boy asked her to snapped her out of her space out as they walked. “Oh yeah, I’m Sunset Shimmer.” She said smiling a bit. She didn’t realize she had been spaced out and walking. That seemed to happen a lot recently. “Cool name! I am the master of Disaster and the most rocking dude this side of Canterlot. I am C-Note.” he said smiling some. “Hmm it’s nice to meet you C-Note and um thanks for making me laugh. I really needed that.” Sunset said smiling a bit. “Oh anything to see a sweet lady like you smiles. Smile make the world go round.” He said grinning heavily. Sunset smiled and before she knew it, they were at the school. She looked down at her watch and saw they actually still had five minutes. “How in the hell did we get here so fast?” she asked before realizing she was out of breath. “Oh, you were so keen on following me and junk, you didn’t even realize we were sprinting the whole way here. I’m surprised you kept up with me wearing these.” He said pointing out that the soles of his shoes had wheels in them. C-Note went over the vending machine and got some water. “Here! You look out of it.” He said handing it to her. Sunset nodded and took the water, chugging it like it were the last bottle in the middle of the desert. “Thanks *huff* *huff* I needed that.” She said smiling some. “So um, where did you need to be?” she asked a bit curious of why he was in rush. “Oh I was supposed to be shadowing some student around with my siblings since we’re new and all.” He said grinning “What?!”She said out of pure shock. He was one of the new students she was to show around. She didn’t truly mind it at all but to think she would meet one of them so quickly. “Um, I’m actually the one you’re supposed to be shadowing.” She said laughing a bit. She then looked down at herself. “Sorry I don’t look more professional.” She said embarrassed. “Oh please you look fabulous darling.” C-Note said in an extremely flamboyant voice that had gotten another giggle fit out of Sunset Shimmer. “Booyah, two in one day, already off to a good start.” C-Note said laughing with her. “Come on, let’s go.” He said taking her hand and walking them to the principal’s office. When they opened the door Sunset’s eyes went wide at the sight of five other individuals that she had never seen, two more males and three girls, and really none of them looked related at all. C-Note dragged her into the office and had he plop down next to him. “Hey guys, sorry I took so long.” C-Note said grinning “As expected from you so no real shocker on our part, but please do try to be on time next time.” Said one of the females sitting by them, her gaze soon hitting Sunset Shimmer. “Who have you bought with you Note?” she asked curious. “Oh um allow me to introduce myself. I am Sunset Shimmer and I will be your guide around Canterlot High.” She said smiling nervously. “Okay then, roll call everybody!” C-Note said loudly and grinning, “You already know me of course. Let us turn our attention to the eldest male.” C-Note said pointing out one of his brothers. The man looked about a year older than C-Note and was definitely a lot bigger. He had to be at least 8 and a half feet tall. He had short brown hair and tan skin with dark brown eyes and just a blank expression on his face. He wore a brown shirt and what looked like an old west duster over it with long black pants and thick boots. “Name’s Coal Dust.” The man said in a deep voice that could shake a mountain. “Um nice to meet you Coal Dust and may I say you are terrifyingly huge.” Sunset said without thinking quickly covered her mouth. Coal Dust looked at her and gave a thunderous laugh. “Yeah I get that one a lot around new people.” He said with a light smile. He looked big and threating but he seemed just to be a big old teddy bear. “Allow me to introduce myself.” Came a silent and slightly frightening sounding voice. Sunset turned to the last male. “I am the middle brother, Clarence. I understand my name may sound unusually plain but it is my own.” He said smiling a bit. Sunset shivered at his smile as it showed his teeth had been filed sharp. All around, Clarence creeped her out; He was about 4 inches taller than her with skin as pale as the dead. He had long black hair, the bangs of which covered the left half of his face. The one eye she did see had a red iris like that of a demon. He wore a black leather trench coat with a fishnet shirt under it and a tank top over the fish net. To match the red he had long leather pants and slick shoes. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He said with a slight hiss in his voice. It didn’t sound like the hiss someone gives off out of distain. It sounds like he naturally did it. Sunset gulped and nodded a bit. “Nice to meet you too Clarence.” She said shaking a bit. She turned to the girls. “And who are the lovely ladies?” she asked trying change the subject away from Clarence. One of the girls hopped from her chair and over to Sunset. The girl was at least 4 feet even. She had short black hair and thin glasses. Her face was like that of a doll, small and round and she wore a white shirt with a black vest over it and some plain black pants and shoes. “Hello, I am the youngest sister. I am Smart T Pants.” She said holding out her hand and adjusting her glasses. Sunset smiled and shook her hand. “Well nice to meet you. Can I call you Smart T for short?” she asked giggling a bit. “Well if you insist, then I will allow it.” Smart T said with slight sigh. “I believe it is my turn dear sister.” said a soft, almost angelic voice from the group. The nest girl was an inch or two shorter than Sunset herself and had on what appeared to be a kimono. The kimono itself was beautiful, seeming to shine in the slight light and decorated with cherry blossoms. The girl’s skin was like porcelain and her hair long and black, the edge of it rested just above the small of her back. Sunset took her in features and soon noticed to things. The girl kept her eyes closed and carried a folding cane. “I am Powder Puff, the middle sister, named so for my soft voice and fragile appearance.” The girl said bowing a bit. “It is nice to meet you Sunset Shimmer.” She said smiling softly. “Um nice to meet you too and if I may ask, are you blind Ms. Puff?” Sunset asked looking mostly at the cane. “Oh yes, I was born blind but have managed many ways to work around my non-existent sight.” She said with a bright yet soft smile. Sunset nodded and turned her attention to the last sister. She was about six foot two and wore a very nice aqua blue sundress. She had light skin and long silver hair with crystal blue eyes. Sunset blushed a bit when she realized how long and hard she was staring at her. “Oh um sorry, I didn’t get your name.” she said laughing nervously. “I am Aquarius. It is a pleasure to meet you.” She said with voice that could spark fire. It was sensual and at the same time elegant. Sunset felt her body shiver a bit and shook it off quick. “What the hell is wrong with me?! No Sunset don’t let this happen. You remember the problems you dealt with in Equestria with your mare loving.” She thought to herself and sighed. “So um it’s very nice to meet you all. Shall we begin the tour?” Sunset asked smiling brightly. The siblings simply nodded and began to usher themselves from the room. It was going to be a long day for Sunset Shimmer. > Class is in Session: Friendship 101 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer I would thoroughly like to point out that I own no part of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic franchise but am just a fan. MLP:FIM is own by Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I only claim ownership of my created character within the story. Any resemblance between them and any official ponies or other fan made ponies is strictly coincidental. Class is in Session: Friendship 101 “Why did I agree to do this, I have no idea what I’m doing!” Sunset Shimmer thought as she walked through the halls with the six siblings. “So umm, let us begin with the introduction of one of the social places in the school, the school yard. Since I am exempt from classes for a few days we can come here and chat whenever one of you has something they want to speak about in private or as a group if you just want to, I don’t know, hang out.” She said laughing nervously. Coal Dust looked around seeing a few students, whom he guessed were either skipping class or also exempt, sitting and chatting around. “Hmm, wide open, a few people, pretty quiet, seems like a good place to me.” He said in his usual low and thunderous voice. Sunset shook a bit as he spoke. He was a good three feet taller than her and quite muscular. He was the perfect definition of an intimidating man. Coal Dust was part of the reason she had been so nervous today but overall it was the fear of messing up a chance to make some new friends or in her mind, real friends. “Umm good to know Coal Dust. Let’s move on to the interior tour of the building.” She said as she began ushering them back into the school and around the halls. The next couple of hours were spent showing the siblings around the many classrooms and the more time Sunset Shimmer spent around the siblings, the more nervous she got. When in the chemistry lab, she accidently knocked over some beakers that contained some pretty volatile chemicals and caused a small explosion, leaving a good sized hole in one of the lab sinks. During a visit to the gym, she had bumped into one of the ball racks and caused it spill across the gym and cause more than a few accidents. Worst of all, through the whole event, none of the siblings’ expressions changed. She felt they were silently judging her the entire time, waiting until the end of the tour to just really tear her down. Next the tour took a break as she led them to the cafeteria for some much needed nourishment. “Umm so since you’re new here lunch will be free for the next few days, but after that it cost depending on what you want to eat.” Sunset said in a slightly dull tone she hoped they hadn’t noticed. “I’m just going to go get myself something since I missed breakfast this morning.” She said as she walked away and got in the food line. Sunset sighed as she took a tray and began loading up with a couple of things of milk and three pieces of French bread pizza. “Dear god am I starving.” she said going down to the register. “That will be 9 bits sweet heart.” Said the cafeteria worker behind the desk, she must have been new because Sunset hadn’t seen her before or just never really noticed. Her mind was everywhere today. She reached into her pocket and her eyes slowly widened with shocked. “Oh buck.” She said under her breath as she checked her other pocket and found nothing. “Oh buck oh buck oh buck!” she said freaking out more and more. How of all things could she forget her wallet?! “Um anyway I can do an I.O.U. this one time?” Sunset said with a nervous smile that only earned her a glare from the lunch room worker. Sunset cringed a bit and sighed. As she was about to hand back the food then someone placed their hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry red, I got this one.” Came the all too familiar voice of C-Note. He handed the cashier 9 bits and put his arm on Sunset Shimmer shoulder. “Come on, we already got a table picked out for all of us.” C-Note said walking her toward a table where the other siblings sat with lunches. “Why?” This was all that came out of Sunset Shimmer’s mouth. “Why are you being so nice to me?” she asked as if he was supposed to be rude. “You’ve barely known me a day and you’re already buying me lunch.” She said her voice rising a bit. “Hey calm down red, I’m just being nice.” C-Note said smiling a bit. Sunset looked him in a slightly defensive manner. For some reason, she didn’t trust him or maybe she didn’t want to. “Just, just leave me alone.” Sunset finally said, turning away and leaving the lunchroom and throwing out the food on her way out, her appetite lost due to the pit forming her gut at how upset she was getting. Sunset Shimmer found herself in the nurse’s office, telling nurse Red Heart she had an upset stomach and needed to lie down. “What the hell is wrong with me? Why did I act like that? Why am I acting so mean and distant again?!” she asked herself in her own mind. This wasn’t her first outburst like this at someone who was just being nice. The first one happened only a couple days after Twilight had left and with Pinkie Pie. She felt she couldn’t really trust someone who was nice to her because the only nice she ever knew came at a price and was usually fake. “I mean who does that?! Barely knows a person for a day and buys their lunch for them. This guy can’t be as nice as he lets on. Probably trying to butter me up so he can sneak in my pants.” She thought and sighed a bit. “No one’s that nice. Not off hand. Hell the only reason the other even hand out with me is because Twilight asked them to as a last request. I don’t blame them for putting on those fake smiles. I wouldn’t want to be friends with me either after how I’ve acted over the years.” She thought as she flopped back on the bed. “I’ve got so many trust issues I’ll be lucky if a fucking goldfish likes me.” She said to herself as she stared at the pure white ceilings. “Hmm, a clean slate, a chance to start over. That’s what I asked for and I can’t even accept it when it comes knocking me right upside the head.” She said preached to no one in particular as she brushed back her hair with her own hand. “Is that how you see yourself then?” were the words she heard from a familiar and creepy voice. Sunset Shimmer sat up to see the blood red eyes of Clarence staring back at her. “So how long have you been sitting there?” Sunset asked in a dull tone as she lay back on the bed. “Only a minute or two but long enough to hear what you said.” He said crossing his legs in the chair. “You seem to think the whole the world hates you and because of that, you punish yourself by pushing people away who are nice to you because you don’t believe you deserve it. Did I hit the nail on the head or should I keep hammering?” the gothic dressed male asked as he leaned back in his seat. Sunset Shimmer just looked at him. He read her like an open book with an audio function. “Hmm damn, you’re observant I’ll give you that.” Sunset said sitting back and fixing her hair. “So did you come here to psych evaluate me or further judge me like I’m sure you and your siblings have been doing since you got here.” She said in a slightly cold tone that didn’t even cause Clarence to flinch. “I’m actually here to give tell you want we each think of you. While I may only be the middle child amongst the men, I do tend to play a sort of leader role among us.” Clarence said smiling a bit as he sat back and pulled a folder from his jacket. “When we met with Principal Celestia, she gave us evaluation sheets to fill out on how our first day went and how our tour guide was.” Clarence said pulling a pair of think glasses from his pocket and putting them on. Sunset suddenly froze as he opened the folder. “Oh god, I didn’t know the principal would be evaluating this. Oh I am so screwed.” She thought shaking a bit. “The first one is from Coal Dust. He wrote, “Sunset Shimmer was interesting tour guide. She seemed heavily intimidated by me, as many people I meet do, but still managed to keep eye contact and try her best to remain calm through the whole tour. She showed us the different classes and did her best to keep a well-rounded attitude when though I could tell she was nervous. I appreciate that she fought through her fear and was willing to continue the tour for our sake.”” Clarence said as he read from the paper in front of him. “Next is C-Note’s evaluation.” Clarence said clearing his throat. “I’m not sure what had red so tense the entire time as she gave the tour but in my opinion, she did a pretty good job of hiding it. She’s got courage and really seemed like she wanted everything to go perfectly for our first visit. Anyone who’s got that kind of willingness to give someone a good day is okay in my book.” Clarence said as he read off C-Note’s evaluation. “Smart T, says, “I can understand her nervousness and appreciate that Ms. Shimmer continued on with the tour despite of it.”, Power Puff, said “I could feel the tense in the air as she spoke but also I could tell she took into account my blindness as she took the time to vividly detail the rooms, even though I could tell it was awkward for her and for that I thank her.” Clarence said smiling a bit. “And last but not least Sunset Shimmer, my eldest sister Aquarius’s evaluation. “ Sunset Shimmer was a magnificent tour guide. She led us from place to place at a slow pace as not to overwhelm us and even with her slight bumble moments, still managed to recuperate and make the tour enjoyable for us.” Clarence said placing the folder on the table. Sunset Shimmer just sat there, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly a gape. Is this what they really thought of her? Even after her negative attitude and nervous mannerism that actually enjoyed the tour. “So they really thought the tour was nice?” Sunset said softly. “No, they thought the tour and the tour guide were nice.” Clarence said smiling and placing a hand on her shoulder. Clarence sounded creepy and dressed in a frightening manner to her, but deep down he was a real sweet heart. Sunset then thought. “You said everyone wrote an evaluation on me but you only read off five evaluations. What do you think of me?” Sunset Shimmer asked as little nervous. “Oh Ms. Shimmer, I don’t form opinions so quickly.” Clarence said smiling a bit and getting up some. “Come on, you must be starving.” He said holding out his hand for her. Sunset Shimmer smiled and took his hand getting up. A light grumble was heard from her stomach that made Clarence laugh a bit. “I guess your stomach agrees with me.” He said as they made their way to the cafeteria where the rest of the gang still sat. “There you are red! Been looking all over for ya, had us worried ya know.” C-Note said waving her over as the rest of the gang turned and looked at her, smiling warmly and welcoming her over. Sunset began to tear up a bit and smiled. She wasn’t sure if this meant they were all friends yet but it was one hell of start. A Couple Hours Later…. The final bell rang as the school day ended and the classes began to empty of students. The rest of the day had gone rather smoothly as Sunset joked with the siblings and even learned that Smart T was pretty athletic for someone of her height when they took a second trip to the gym and showed them how fast she was on the track. Sunset Shimmer really enjoyed her day with the siblings. As they made their way outside Sunset Shimmer remember something from earlier that day. “Oh crap, I just remember, I ran here with C-Note. My car is still at home.” She said sighing some. “Why didn’t you drive here?” Coal Dust asked as he turned to speak to her. “Out of gas.” Sunset Shimmer said sighing heavily and checking her pocket again. “And no wallet means no bus pass. Great.” She said face palming. “I’ll give you a lift.” Coal Dust said smiling some. “Come on.” He said leading her to his rather large truck. Sunset got in the passenger seat and C-Note in the truck bed. “Okay Mr. Universe, let’s take the lady home and head out. Mom’s making tacos tonight and you know I love me some tacos.” C-Note said grinning. “Yeah whatever.” Coal Dust said driving off the school grounds. “So how are the others getting home?” Sunset Shimmer asked a little curious. “Clarence drives the girls in his car and I take loud mouth since I can’t fit in Clarence’s car.” Coal Dust said going down the road. “Type your address in the G.P.S.” he said rolling down the window. Sunset Shimmer nodded and typed in her address. Coal Dust followed the directions and recognized it. “School housing huh?” Coal Dust asked smirking “Uh yeah, how’d ya know?” She asked laughing a bit. “Principal Celestia asked us if we wanted to try it but we all prefer living with mom. It’s nicer.” Coal Dust said smiling some. “Hmm, I guess, um thanks again for dealing with me all day.” Sunset Shimmer said smiling a bit. “Don’t sweat it. As far as I see, you’re a real nice gal and I like getting to know nice gals.” He said laughing some and Sunset Shimmer couldn’t help but laugh with him. He pulled up to her house and smiled. “Here’s you’re stop.” Coal Dust said smiling some. Sunset Shimmer got out and smiled a bit. “Thanks again boys. Today was fun and I hope we can all hang out again.” She said smiling some. She walked toward her door before C-Note stopped her on her way to her door. “Here, you’re going to need this for tomorrow.” C-Note said smiling as he handed her a gallon of gas for her car. Sunset smiled a bit and gave him a hug. “Thanks Note.” Sunset Shimmer said smiling some. “No problem red, anytime.” He said back and hopping in the bed of the truck as they drove off. Sunset Shimmer smiled and quickly emptied the gallon into the tank of her car. “Twilight was right, once you find the right ones, it’s nice to have friends.” She said to herself as she finished up and went into her house for some much needed rest. With the Siblings….. Coal Dust pulled into the drive way of the house and stretched as they opened the door to the truck. “Come on loud mouth. Let’s get in so we can eat.” Coal Dust said yawning. C-Note hopped from the bed of the truck and followed his elder brother inside of the house. “Mom, we’re home!” C-Note yelled as he came in the door. From the kitchen came a woman only a couple feet shorter than Coal Dust and sporting a black and white hair do. “Hearing that voice, it is a must. Welcome home Note and Cole Dust.” Said the woman patting C-Note on the head and give Coal Dust a hug. “Please come in and don’t delay. Come, tell mama how was your day?” she said smiling as she took them into the kitchen. Coal Dust sat down and smiled lightly. “Well Mama-Zecroa, it was an interesting one indeed. I’m sure since the others made it home before us they told you quite a bit. “Mm yes, your brother spoke with quite a glimmer. Please, tell me more of this Sunset Shimmer.” She said sitting down across from Coal Dust smiling a bit. “Not much to tell mom. Only knew her for a bit but she seems like a pretty nice girl.” C-Note said smiling and looking around the kitchen. “Hmm, nice girls are good indeed, but I ask, does she make your heart bleed?” Zecora asked with a slight smirk. Both C-Note and Coal Dust turned red at the question. “Mom!” they said in unison. Zecora laughed a bit and got up.” Oh calm yourself and do not whine, t'was nothing but a jest of mine.” She said smiling and laughing a bit. “Oh and Note, if you are looking for your food, check the oven but share and don’t be rude.” Zecora said before leaving the kitchen. C-Note laughed some and opened the over to find a plate of 12 tacos. “Score!” he said grinning and pulling the plate out and looking at Coal Dust. He put two on a plate and handed it to Coal Dust. “That’s fair right?!” C-Note said with a grin. “To take upon the mannerism of our dear mother little brother; Three seconds is all need, to break your bones and make you bleed. Now hand me four more of our mother’s confections before I turn your head in the opposite direction.” Coal Dust said cracking his knuckles. C-Note swallowed hard and nodded giving Coal Dust four more tacos, making it and even six for each of them. “Jeez, so testy.” C-Note said sighing. “Testy as I may be, you should learn not to fuck with me.” Coal Dust said smirking as he began eating. C-Note sighed and began eating as well. “Well, I wonder what tomorrow will look like for us.” C-Note said sighing as he continued to eat.