> Knowledge is crinkly. > by Daxn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Shock and Aftershock > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After ten minutes of walking, and a quick visit to the booth for buy the return tickets, the nine ponies jumped on the train that headed to their home, Ponyville. While the four mares took seats not too far from the train's door, the fillies went further. “It has been a long day...” Said Applebloom, while she stretched herself upon the train's seat. “Long, but fun!” Said Sweetie Belle while jumping in one of the empy seats. Scootaloo silently took place near Applebloom. “Fun for you, Sweetie Belle. It was pretty boring and, honestly... disturbing, thinking that Velvet effectively lost her mind.” Said Applebloom, while slightly wincing at the thought. “Velvet is just delusional. After all, if she had lost her mind, why she would treat us like that? Would not she have tried to turn us into cupcakes, or rainbows?” The two friends of the white filly stared at her, their eyes widened. “What's the matter?” Applebloom shook her head. “Nevermind. I was trying to understand the difference between 'insane' and 'delusional.'” “One is a mental sickness, the other one isn not!” Sweetie Belle stated it as matter of fact. “But...” “Trust me. After all, I am a dictonary, no?” Sweetie Belle winked at Scootaloo. Applebloom shrugged. “Whatever Sweets. As long you don't talk about it with anypony else, you are free to think whatever you want.” Sweetie Belle titled her head towards the right, and squinted her eyes. “Why I can't talk about it?” Scootaloo facehoofed, while Applebloom frantically moved her fornt hooves, and talked in a nonplussed voice. “Because... I mean... don't you really understand?” Sweetie Belle answered with some confused rage. “No, Applebloom, I don't understand!” The yellow filly kept going with her flailing. “Because the others... I mean... they may not understand...” Sweetie Belle stared blankly at Applebloom. “Oh. Right.” Applebloom collapsed on her seat, her breath heavy and her muscles twitching for no reason at all. Scootaloo, who was more relaxed and less tired, decided to complete Applebloom's request. “Now that you do understand, could you please promise us you won't talk about it to anypony?” Sweetie Belle put her left hoof on her heart, and closing her eyes, said with solemnity. Or, at least, the solemnity that an eight-years old filly could have. “I swear I won't tell anypony... even if I can't find something wrong with it.” Conent with what her white firend said, ignoring what Sweetie Blle had said, the orange filly then looked outside the window, while Sweetie Belle drifted into sleep. Three days passed, since the three fillies and their sisters were briefly captured by Twilight's mother and forced to act like foals, and since Sweetie Belle swore that she wasn't going to say a word about the event to anyone. Now, Applebloom was sitting in the classroom, half-listening to one of her classmates reading a small story about a “special day” for a filly and her family: the details were unknown to Applebloom, since, over to not listening, she was also lacking of the textbook that contained said story, meaning that she was pretending to read an invisible book. Behind Applebloom, Snails, as usual, was sleeping and salivating; on the right from Snails, a blue colt, his name Archer, was annoying with saliva-covered darts Silver Spoon, which was sitting in the front row. Sweetie Belle was sitting in the second row, and was immersed in the listening. Scootaloo was sleeping on head buried in the book, sitting in the extreme corner of the room. Snip was slowly reading the story. As for everypony else, they were, apparently, listening to Snip. While Applebloom was wandering with her mind, she heard a scratch followed by a hoof clap, sign that Cheerlie was going to do something important. The yellow filly immediately looked at the blackboard, and saw the words “A Special Day!” written on it with red chalk. “Now, class,” said the amaranth mare “open your exercise books, and write a small story about a field day you had recently.” The pupils that were paying attention to the leasson did as Cheerlie instructed, extracting from their schoolbags their exercise books and their pencils, and started to write right away. The ones that slept, jolted awake by the clapping hooves, also extracted their exercise books, albeit more chaotically than the rest of the class, and the ones lost in thought asked to the ones that were beside or in front of them what was going on and what they had to do. In other words, everypony at their pace, the entire class was doing its assignment. Except Snails and Scootaloo. The first was too busy doing the homeworks ahead of time for care about what Cheerlie asked to do; and the second was too tired for awake from her slumber. Applebloom, recalling the pact Sweetie Belle had made, decided to give her a reminder, and tore off one of the pages of her book, and hastly wrote on said piece of papers “Don't write about the 'velveting,' okay?” Then Applebloom curled up the piece of paper, and aimed at Sweetie Belle. However, the yellow filly didn't put enought force in her throw, and so hit Truffle Shuffle, which was behind Sweetie Belle, instead. The colt quickly read the note, before throwing it in the nearby garbage bin. Not willing to risk to get caught by the teacher or, worse, get the note intercepted by Diamond Tiara or one of her minor lackeys, Applebloom gave up on her attempt to remind Sweetie Belle of her promise, and decided to focus on the task on hoof instead. Taking the pencil back in her mouth, Applebloom wrote up the small story requested by Cheerlie: since Applebloom did not wanted to mention anything about she actually did few days ago, she made up a story about Pinkie Pie claiming to be her long-lost cousin, and the long trip for reach an old aunt claiming to keep he knowledge of all the Apple Family: wheter it was beliveable or not was not a concern for Applebloom. Half an hour of silent writing later, the teacher asked with her usual cheery voice. “Is anypony done here?” The yellow filly was halfway throught her narration, but, realizing she had little time to truly finish it anyway, she quickly wrote an abrupt ending. Applebloom then spat out the pencil on the desk, and raised her hoof for signal she was done with her work. While she waited for Cheerlie to count the ponies that were done, Applebloom looked around the class for see who was ready at the moment. Not many, apparently: Diamond Tiara, Snip, Silver Spoon, Archer, Noi, and Sweetie Belle. When the yellow filly realized that her white friend was done with her story. Applebloom's heart skipped a beat because she feared Sweetie could get pciekd by Cheerlie for read her story, and, since the white unicorn filly was famous for be an absent-minded pony, this could mean that the events happened in the house of Twilight Velvet were going to be mentioned, and, if those things were told to ears not supposed to know, then Applebloom, Scotaloo and Sweetie Belle herself were in for a wordl of ridicule. For this reason, Applebloom was heavily panting. “I hope she didn't write what I think she wrote. I really hope isn't. I don't wanna be called 'Bloom-Bloom' ever again, espeically from Diamond, I wan't to receive a pacifier as gift again, I don't want to...” The yellow filly, realizing that she was panicking, decided to restablish the order in her mind, by deeply inhaling and expiring. “Calm, Applebloom, calm. You are going to expose your weak point, if you panic. Sweetie Belle has no ill will towards you, and Cheerlie is likely, no, certain, to protect you.” Once again relaxed, the yellow filly returned to breath normally. “Also, it's not like that Sweetie Belle would ever offer heself, since her stage fright also covers public re...” The train of thought of Applebloom was wrecked by Cheerlie's voice. “Sweetie Belle, would you like to read to us your creation?” The yellow filly rapidly looked at her white friend, hoping to find her refusing. But Sweetie Belle nodded. Applebloom left her jaw hanging of surprise and disbelief. Sweetie Belle had accepted to read to everypony in the class something she made. And she was confident about reading it. And in Sweetie's creation there was surely a detailed report of whathappened in Twilight Velvet's house three days before. Suddenly, a funeral music played in Applebloom's mind, as Sweetie Belle rearranged he papers in front of her eyes, and started to read, slowly and uncertain, the first words of her manuscript. The music had a chorus, a disturbingly cheery chous singing a song whose text talked about coming back to the ancient age of life, and the permanent prestige damange Applebloom was going to endure. The yellow filly tried to shut up the chorus, but to no avail: it got louder and louder instead. Uncapable to turn off the demoralizing chorus in her head, Applebloom dropped her head on the desk, and let the words of both Sweetie Belle and the song fill her mind, no matter how one was embarassing and the other depressing. As Applebloom's white friend read, the song decreased its tune, until it was dispelled in the void. “Not only that, but strange things also have happened: one of these thigns happened not long after I, my sister, my friends, and my sister's friends got in Velvet's house. I was playing with Scootaloo and Applebloom, when, all of sudden, I pooped and peed myself!” A snicker came from somewhere in the classroom. “At least she is mentioning her major accident,” whispered to herself Applebloom “now, let's check if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are going to live this down or not.” Then the yellow filly glanced upon her two arch-rivals at opposite points of the class, and what she saw surprised her, because... the two spoiled fillies looked interested. Not amused. Not laughing or snickering. Not interested in a condiscending kind of way, but interested as in “you got my attention and I want to know more.” “I can't believe it,” thougth Applebloom, while she widened her eyes “they are not making fun of Sweetie Belle or me for once, even if Sweetie Belle has basically served the occasion on a silver plate. What's going on? Were the real Diamond tiara and Silver Spoon kidnapped by changelings?” The imagine of Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara covered in green slime, and with two of the black equine arthropods taking their form passed in Applebloom's mind, before quickly get it ditched. “Nah. Maybe they just don't feel in mood.” As Applebloom terminated that phrase, Sweetie Belle containued her story. “One of my favourite moments of that day was when my firend Applebloom desperately tried to go to the bathroom, but used herdiaper instead, with some...” A loud and powerful voice of a pony swearing echoed in Applebloom's mind. While maybe she wasn't going to be insulted for that event, recall what happened there caused Applebloom to turn from yellow to lobster red, while her friend kept reading, and some more snickers came from behind. Then Sweetie Belle closed off with “It was an insteresting and fun day for my sister and me. So much, that Rarity promised me she will get some supplsied for a next time in the near future, and that she will sew a onesie for me!” “That was.... quite a day, Sweetie Belle.” Said Cheerlie with bewildement. From the last rows snickers and little laughs of unidentified source came for the last time. “So, anypony else wants to read?” Said Cheerlie, maybe hoping to move on from the weirdness of Sweetie Belle's narration. Applebloom, relaxing again sighed, before getting hit by a note from behind. When Applebloom took it nad opened it, she found a crude drawing in it. The crude drawing of Sweetie Belle sitting atop of a VERY messy diaper, and Applebloom crying a river while also wearing a diaper. The drawing was signed “Archer.” Applebloom looked behind her, and saw the colt smirking. “Do you like it, Lil' Bloom?” He asked with a provocative voice. Applebloom, after giving him an agnry gaze, decided to ignore him, and just go back to listen to the lesson. A hour and half later, the recess bell rang. Cheerlie closed the book, and invited her pupils to go out in the school yard, and the schoolchildren, with gleeful shrieks gladly complied. In the yard, two fillies, one a pig pink filly with a tiara on her head and the another a mouse gray with glasses and a naklace, their names respectively Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, were walking side by side, talking between themselves. “Did you heard Scootaloo's justification for taking a nap in the class?” Said Silver Spoon with a hint of laughter. “Yeah, 'I stayed awake for the entire night for do me homeworks,' totally beliveable.” Diamond Tiara said, also with some hilarity. “She never does them! Guess she is too busy angsting over her her chickenhood and her blank flank.” The two laughed wholeheartly. Still giggling, Diamond Tiara added. “And Twist's story! Yeah, just recycle the same thing over and over again. It will work perfectly fine for every assigment!” Silver Spoon gave a ligth and friendly slap on the ribcage of Diamond Tiara. “Twist's story was repeated so many times, that even Sweetie Belle remembers it!” When the laughter died down a bit, Silver Spoon, after sighing, said. “Oh Celestia, Sweetie Belle's story.” Diamond Tiara said with a unsure voice. “Actually, that was a pretty interesting one, I have to admit it. I mean, Sweetie Belle IS basically a little foal, but I didn't thought she would go THAT far!” “Neither I did. But, as my fahter says, you discover something new every day...” Suddenly, Silver Spoon stopped, a sparkle appearing in her magenta eyes. The pink friend of the filly with glass asked. “Silver? Silver? What are you doing?” The gray filly shook her head and blarted out some gibberish, before coming back to her senses. “Nothing, nothing,” said Silver Spoon “just a thought that stroke me, before realizing it's ludricous.” Diamodn Tiara shrugged. “Oh well. No problem.” The pink filly put a hoof under her chin. “Shall we get to the swings?” “Yes, that sounds about right.” Said Silver Spoon with insecurity. Then, while she walked, the gray filly whispered to herself. “Oh, I want to try that sooo bad. Well played, Sweetie Belle, well played.” > Awaiting (now with Attempted Breakthrough!) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ten minutes later, with a bell ring, recess terminated. With a collective sad sigh, all the schoolchildren obediently returned in their class. Once all the pupils were back at their seats, Cheerlie sat down and said. "Take your history books, and open them at page 245." And the pupils, with different speeds, did as requested from the teacher. Silver Spoon was one of the first to extract it, since she had put the History book under the desk, before going out for the recess. That little ritual of leaving the book under the desk, however, was done more as a way to get the approval of the teachers, instead of a more pragmatic reason. Once she had put the book on the desk, Silver Spoon opened it at the page, and started to read the first paragraph. "The Romean-Barbaric Kingdoms. After the fall of the last Romean Emperor, Augustolo, the areas once occupied by the Empire were left in anarchy..." The defective eyes of the gray filly scanned the section, while her mind did not pay attention to what she was reading, since her mind was occupied with thoughts of other nature. Thoughts like "How I am going to tell that to Sweetie Belle?" While somepony else read another paragraph on the book, Silver Spoon kept arguing with herself. "I think that saying is the only problem. While she won't accept my request gladly, she doesn't seem too one-directional, when dealing with other ponies, either. Maybe some negotiations will help me into convince Sweetie Belle to comply to my wishes." The other part of the gray filly's mind answered back. "Makaroi! A year of harassing doesn't go away with one hour of sweet talking!" "I didn't touch her in the slightest, just insulted her, so she might be willing to forgive me... naturally, with some clauses." Silver Spoon's train of thought was interrupted by two amaranth hooves appearing in her field of vision, and Cheerlie's voice, asking in a stern tone. "Silver Spoon, what we were talking about?" The gray filly's heart stopped for a brief second, before beating again. Silver Spoon, trying to look sure, said. "Er... the Marmarians's defeat in Kroton, and the basis of the nation-state of Litaly." Cheerlie looked sideways at Silver Spoon. "That is right." Said the teacher, with a hint of severity in her voice, before going back to the lesson. Silver Spoon passed her left hoof on her forefront and let out a relieved hiss. "That was close," she whispered "now, fast: talk with her outside school without warning will lead to failure no matter what. A note asking it directly doesn't work because it would require a tennis between me and her." The gray filly had a sudden illumination. "A note warning her of my coming her house! After all, the homeworks for tomorrow aren't many, and my father won't object anyway." Then Silver Spoon toook her exercise book, opened it in the middle, tore out a page with her hooves, and, taking the pencil in her mouth, started to write. "COCHLEAR ARGENTI DULCI PULCHRITUDINI SALUTEM DICIT. I've listened to your story about your visit to Twilight Velvet, and I found it interesting. If my senses didn't deceive me, you said that you were going to try that again sometime soon. Well, I want to meet you at your house, for making a compromise between us about that. Vale, Cochleari Argenti." Satisfied with the message, the gray filly bend the piece a paper so to form a simil-envelope, rotated herself towards the row of desks behind her, she aimed at Sweetie Belle, and then she threw it to her. The note landed just in front of Sweetie Belle's muzzle, startling her a bit. The white filly then took the piece of paper in her hooves and unfolded it slowly, to much of Silver Spoon's anxiety. Sweetie Belle appeared to read it at low voice, before folding it again, and putting it in a book. Silver Spoon sighed. "Mission successful." She whispered to herself. Four hours after school, in Sweetie Belle's house, the aforementioned filly was holding her head between her hooves, looking absent-mindedly to the yet-to-be-done Math homeworks under her eyes, thinking to the procedure for complete them, but failing to do so, not because she didn't know how to do them, but because her mind kept distracting itself with other things. Among the things that distracted Sweetie Belle, there was Silver Spoon's message. "200 divided 15... it should be..." The filly mumbled to herself, before getting flashed, again, by another thought that distracted her. "No! Concentrate!" She said to herself, as she started to write all the passages of the aforementioned calculation. "I take the 2 and the first 0, forming 20. How many times 15 is in 20? One." Then she wrote. "1 and change 5. I lower the second 0, and I get 50. 15 is in 50..." Her mind once again lost concentration. This time, however, it wasn't because a thought flashed, but because she heard the little bell downstairs toll. Groaning, Sweetie Belle said. "Where was I? Ah, yes, 15 is in 50 two times." And once again took her pencil for write that. However, before she could write the resulting number, Rarity called from outside the door. "Sweetie Belle, come here, there is somepony that wants you!" Sweetie's pupils shrank and her heart stopped briefly, when she heard Rarity calling her. Not only because it was unexpected, but also because she didn't know who was at the door that wanted her. "It should be Silver Spoon. But what does she wants from me? I still don't understand completely. She mentioned what I had done at Twilight Velvet's house, but she didn't say what and why she was interested. Whatever she wants to do, I doubt it's an attempt to insult me." Jumping down from the chair, the white filly walked to the door. "I guess I have to ask her to find out." Then she opened the door, and walked downstairs, finding a standing Rarity at the base of the stairs. "So, who is?" Asked Sweetie Belle, just for be sure. "It's Silver Spoon," said Rarity "I've invited her to take a seat in the old living room." The white filly nodded, and walked in said room, a room that contained two old green couches, a juta carpet, and few slated pictures hanging on the wall. A smiling Silver Spoon was sitting on one of the sofas. "Hello, Sweetie Belle. As I've written in my message that I sent you this morning, I have a request for you, regarding what you want to do in the near future..." the gray filly suddenly stopped, blushed,and looked at the ceiling. Sweetie Belle looked at Silver Spoon, awaiting with anxiety what was exactly the mysterious request of her "enemy." The gray filly sighed. "Can I join you in your... 'foal fun'?" Sweetie Belle looked surprised at the gray filly. "You want really to do that?" Silver Spoon nodded, and, as reaction, the white unicorn filly squeaked. "That's... that's... incredible. Judging by how you act towards e and my friends..." "Yes, yes, I know. I've insulted you, and I realize that I can't just pop in and ask something from you," Interrupted Silver Spoon, accompanying her words with a downward movement of her left hoof and a half eye roll "but, trust me, it's not easy to get my attention, much less manage to make me wish to try that out." The white filly looked sideways at the gray filly, unsure whether the latter was laying a trap or not, and, in the end, decided to give her the benefit of doubt. "So, you are telling me, you are ready to do something for me, in exchange of letting you try my 'special fun'?" "Yes, I am ready," said Silver Spoon "give me an offer, and I will see if she accepts that or not." Sweetie Belle put a hoof under her chin, thinking to what she could try to propose to her likely former enemy, now that she was offering herself to actions of every magnitude. Sweetie Belle was now sitting on one of the sofas, her left hoof holding her chin in a thoughtful manner, while Silver Spoon looked at the white filly, impatiently waiting to know the conditions leading to her new experience. After a long while, where Sweetie Belle turned around. Silver's eyes followed. Sweetie Belled turned yet again, and the gray filly's eyes followed suit. The white filly pounded a couple of the times the arm of the sofa. Silver Spoon stared. Then, after some time, Sweetie Belle produced small sparks from her horn while jumping high in the air. When she landed back on the sofa, she said. “Since you have humiliated us for a long time, what about... humiliate you once, by taking pictures of you doing this, and then showing them to the rest of the class?” Silver Spoon, breaking the stare, bitterly chuckled. “For begin so superior to us two, you sure have a desire of enforcing 'an eye for an eye.' However, in this case, your attempt would be fleeting. No thanks.” Sweetie Belle huffed, and tried to come up with another proposal. “Break your friendship with Diamond Tiara?” Silver Spoon answered annoyed. “She is one of my dearest friends, I can't leave her for make you happy,” Silver Spoon turned her head to the right sinisterly “however, I can do something else for you.” The green eye of the white filly widened and her ears perked up in curiosity. “What is that?” “Sign White Peace with me and you three, and enforce a 30-days long armistice with Diamond Tiara and you.” Stated the gray filly as a matter of fact. “White Peace? What is that?” “Military-diplomatic terminology. It means a peace treaty where neither parts lose or gain something. In this case, however, it's a classier way to say 'I will apologize.'” Those words left Sweetie Bele speechless and confused. Silver Spoon, apologizing? Silver Spoon begin a decent pony? That seemed impossible. And yet it was happening right in front of her eyes, like the ludicrous idea of “Silver Spoon wants to try age play” was happening. Sweetie Belle wanted to ask a stream of questions, but only one came out from her little mouth. “Really? You promise that?” Silver Spoon silently nodded. “You are really promising that, 100% sure?” The gray filly shrugged. “Not sure about Diamond Tiara, since she isn't my slave. But, as for me, sure.” For prove she was not lying, the gray filly did the gestures of the Pinkie Promise. Realizing that the gray filly was sincere, Sweetie Belle could not process the surprise, the happiness, and the confusion, that was ruling her. Meanwhile, Silver Spoon watched. “So, permit garaunteed?” Once the surprise and the joy burned out a bit, Sweetie Belle, once she was back from her ectasy, said. “Yes, but I also want you to pay something for our evening of 'foal fun.'” The gray filly hummed for few seconds, before answering. “That can be done. I am willingly to cover a good part of the expenses. Namely, I am willingly to pay my onesie, half of the cost of the diapers, and some of the food.” Sweetie Belle, feeling satisfied, nodded, and spoke up with seriousness that still contained a slight sense of stupor from before. “Fine then. You are allowed to join me.” A huge smile grew on silver Spoon's face. Then she jumped down from the sofa, and said. “Thank you so much! The day?” “I've decided with Rarity to do this the weekend of the next week,” Sweetie Belle also jumped down from the sofa, and started to walk out of the living room towards the shop's backroom, “however, if you want to get your onesie, I think that it will slip further, in the weekend of the next week.” The white filly gestured towards the door. “Anyway, follow me, we are going to ask to Rarity if you can join me and her.” And so the two fillies went towards the door of the backroom of the shop, which was hidden behind a purple curtain near the pile of catalogues for the customers. Sweetie Belle moved the curtain away with her left hoof, then knocked at the door. From inside of the room came a muffled clopping, follwoed by a clocking sound, and, finally squeaking and the openingof the door. Rarity stood on the door, and asked "What do you want, Sweetie Belle?" Asked Rarity with a slightly annoyed voice. "It's for Silver Spoon," said Sweetie Belle, as Silver Spoon went at her side "she asked if she could join us in the... 'foal fun.' " Suddenly, Rarity's face turned beet-red and got scrunched, and she backed down a bit, at the mention of the "foal fun." "Oh... I-I understand..." said Rarity sheepishly to Silver Spoon "yes, of course you can!" At Rarity's response, Silver Spoon started to jump up and down happily. > The Fateful Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, two weeks have passed. I have stopped teasing the Crusaders, though I didn't apologize because I wanted to check out Sweetie Belle's new hobby first. I failed to make Diamond Tiara stop bullying the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Archer has also taken my place, but I did nothing to stop him. Also, I am short of ten bits on my payment." Silver Spoon sighed while walking in the streets of Ponyville with a saddlebag containing forty-five bits on her back. The gray filly had a fearful frown on her face, and was looking at left and right nervously, unsure what to expect, once she was at her destination. "Sure, I've already told Sweetie Belle that, as part of our treaty, she could not take pictures of me during Age Play…" Silver Spoon whispered to herself, while snaking through the horde of ponies that littered the street "but I still can’t shrug off the feeling that, since I didn't apologize yet and Diamond Tiara is still annoying them, that she will make me pay for that by telling everybody that I joined her in her hobby..." Silver Spoon shook her head, working up a weak smile. "Gah, why do you think so low of her? She may want revenge upon you, but even if she really wished to set up a trap for you, do you think that her sister would let her do that?" After answering to herself, Silver Spoon finally reached the Carousel Boutique, Rarity's shop and house. Silver Spoon took a deep breath, and pushed the door open. A small bell rang, Rarity soon came out from a side room of the apparently-deserted shop. From the purple tent that divided the "Good evening," she said "And wel-" Rarity stopped herself mid-sentence when she saw a nervous-looking Silver Spoon. "Uh, hello Silver Spoon," Rarity said, approaching, "Sweetie Belle is upstairs. She was waiting just for you for start up," Silver blushed at the mention of Sweetie Belle waiting for her. "Eheh, that's good," Silver Spoon said nervous beyond belief, as she put the saddlebag down "However, before I forget about it, I have to pay for all of this." Silver Spoon opened the leather saddlebag closed with a bronze pin of the Equestrian flag, and extracted two bancary bills of twenty bits each and five bits proper. Rarity enveloped the money in her magical aura, and brought them very near to her eyes. After counting the cash she lowered it and looked at Silver Spoon calmly. "Dear, you are ten bits short," she said. Silver Spoon blushed, smiled sheepishly and lowered her ears. "Eer... I forgot them..." Rarity looked with a face that expressed slight despair. "It's okay," she said "Just make sure to pay me the rest whenever you can, later this week if you can." Silver Spoon nodded, before walking out to the door that brought to the living room of Sweetie Belle's and Rarity's house. "Okay, I will do as soon as I can!" After a rather short walk in the aisle full of mannequins, Silver Spoon reached the living room door, a gray metal door with the label "Private, Do not Open" plastered with cubital yellow typeface on the top half. Even if she knew she was one of the authorized ponies, Silver Spoon decided to stick with politeness and knock first. The voice of Sweetie Belle called from inside. "Who's there?" She asked. Silver Spoon took yet another deep breath, before answering. "It's me, Silver Spoon." A small squeal, follwoed by trotting, came from the room behind the door, before it was open with a clang. What Silver Spoon saw, once the door open caused her to giggle, blush, and feel the need to "Daaw" at the same time. Sweetie Belle was just in front of her, a pink pacifier hanging around her neck thanks to a lace and a diaper with designs of stylized gems on it. The living room itself was brighter than when she had seen it the first time, because the two couches had a bright yellow covers on them, the coffee table had been replaced with a colorful carpet with letters and numbers printed in various colours, there was a light blue chest with white swirls painted on it in the left corner of the room, and very near the door there was a red roll, two cans of baby powder, a small blue box of wet wipes, a green waste bin jokingly labeled with the biohazard symbol, and four packs of diapers. "Hello Silver, and welcome to my Foal Fun!" Said Sweetie Belle, her voice slightly cracking. The white filly said as she entered in the room and let the door close with a loud click. "Hello there, Sweetie Belle!" She said looking left and right, unsure what to do "Where shall we start?" Sweetie Belle went near the red roll, and said, excitement still in her voice. "The diapering, of course! It wouldn't be Foal Fun without it!" The face of the gray filly turned redder, and her eyes went down, and curiosity, excitement and, why not, sense of naughtiness, mixed together in her. "Oh my... this is... interesting." She said to herself. As Silver Spoon watched Sweetie Belle untie and roll out the red pad, the latter said. "Now lay down, and let me take care of it." The gray filly obliged with a blush due to the minor taboo of underbelly nudity, while the white one went to take the four packs of diapers. When she was back there, Sweetie Belle said. "You may ask why I took all the four," she said, while putting them in a line "Well, it's simple actually: each pack has a different level of poofiness. Or, in other words, it's bigger and thickier." Sweetie Belle brought forward one light pink pack, labeled as "Giovanella's Nighttime Pull-Ups- Girls. Sizes 8-15 Years." "Those are the most basic kind of padding, the bedwetting pull-up," explained Sweetie Belle "It isn't much and won't hold much, but it is the best bet if you want to start up, or you cannot get the better ones." Then Sweetie Belle brought on a green pack, this one siply labeled as "Incontinence Protection, Sizes 40-50 KG." "Those are Incontinence Diapers," she said "Thicker than the pull-ups but rarer. Also, it makes more eyebrows arch, and the lack of peculiar patterns may be boring for some." The third pack was sent in, this one light gray, its label simply reciting "Silly Filly Adult Diapers." "And here the things start to get better," Sweetie Belle kept talking to an interested Silver Spoon "These are thicker and, honestly, look good," Sweetie Belle shook her backside gently with a giggle "It is also true that they are pretty suspicious. So, in case you want to stash them, you might want to order them via mail for avoid trouble." And, finally, the last packpack, a red one, was put forward by Sweetie Belle. "Those are the thickest I have," she said "You’ll wobble in them and they’re very noticeable. But if you want near-total immersion, they are perfect!" Silver Spoon had never imagined to listen to a monologue about the various kinds of diapers and yet she did. It caught her attention too, since she had listened to the whole tirade without as much as blinking an eye, and, somehow, easing her up. "So, your choice?" Asked Sweetie Belle. "Mmmm," Silver Spoon was unsure between the incontinence and the specialized diapers. "I dunno... incontinence ones? Just for this first time?" With a smile, Sweetie Belle put the other packs away, then took the green pack, saying. "As you wish!" The white filly opened it with a small bite, then after spitting out the piece of plastic; ripped out part of the top with her hooves and extracted one of the plain white diapers contained in it. Meanwhile, the gray filly looked awaiting the diapering with a glee that surprised herself. "Wow, why I am that excited about this?" she asked herself, before chuckling "Actually... I don't want to know before the end." And so Silver Spoon let Sweetie Belle get near to her with the folded diaper in her mouth without protesting or commenting. The white unicorn filly quickly unfolded the diaper with her hooves, then, once the diaper was fully extended, she gestured with her right hoof to Silver Spoon whom, understanding the cue, raised her backside in the air, and let her ex-bullying target slid the diaper under it. The gray filly dropped her backside again and, while still a bit red for the embarrassment, let a merry Sweetie Belle tape her diaper up on her flank. Once the process was over, Silver Spoon returned back on her four hooves, with a crinkling sound, and the soft padding between her legs. The sensation begin something that Silver Spoon appreciated greatly. "It's cushy..." she said with a voice that expressed nervous approval "and I kind of like it" Sweetie Belle put a hoof in front of her mouth and giggled. "Glad you like it, Silver." Silver Spoon decided to test her padding out some more, moving around the room a bit. As she did that, she felt the diaper slightly hindering her movements by spreading her legs and preventing the closure of her back legs; while still producing a sound similar to the one of paper frantically moved in hooves while she walked around. Her face had an awkard grin plastered on it, and she was letting out some interested and delighted “Uhhs.” As the gray filly did that, Sweetie Belle was busy preparing the next part, by going near the chest. She opened it and extracting things like sheets of paper, crayon boxes, and plastic dolls. Once Silver Spoon felt she had walked around long enough, she looked at Sweetie Belle still taking out objects from the light blue chest. “So, the next phase?” Asked Sivler Spoon, from nearby the chest. Sweetie Belle extracted one last cloth doll, before closing the chest slowly. “There isn’t much to say, you just try what you want to try out!” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully. “Wanna play with dolls?” Sweetie Belle swiftly took four cloth dolls, and dropped them in front of Silver. “We can go on and dress ourselves up!” Sweetie Belle said, as pointed at an old varnished red suitcase, whose contenent was peeking out. “Or we can colour something!” She said, taking two colouring books. “Draw...” The white filly took in her mouth three boxes of crayons. “Or… anything, really!” Silver Spoon decided to take the option in the order were presented to her. Thus, after looking around the room with insecurity, she said, while taking up a doll. “Let’s play, then!” Silver Spoon exclaimed, as she took a cloth doll of a pink mare with white mane, and the relative same-sized pretty dresses and of course the brush. Then, once a doll and a brush was in her hooves, Silver Spoon settled down on the floor and Sweetie Belle soon followed. The two diapered fillies played with the two dolls, pretending to be two noble mares visiting Celestia. The game surely grabbed the two fillies’ attention, and went on for a while, until Silver spoon felt pressure building up in her lower body. With a face scrunching, the gray filly said. “Wait here, Sweetie, I need to use the little fillies’ room.” Sweetie Belle looked up at Silver Spoon and blinked. “But… you are wearing a diaper. That is your bathroom.” Sweetie Belle said, as if that was a matter of fact. When she heard those words, the gray filly lowered her ears and winced at the thought of using the diaper for relieve herself; In front of another pony, no less. “Ugh… and here I thought that this was going to be cleaner,” Silver Spoon thought. Noticing that the gray filly was having a look that did not express approval, Sweetie Belle decided to quickly correct herself. “Oh, sorry. Of course, you are not forced to go potty in it. Just a suggestion, you can freely go to the bathroom if you want. But I think that not doing so adds to the immersion.” Silver Spoon sighed relieved, before quickly coming back to her thoughts. “Well, she DID say that use my diaper was going to add depth to my experience, and since she is the expert here, I guess I should trust her..” The gray filly sat down once again, ignoring the slight pain in her lower part, and said. “Nah, don’t worry about that. Now,” she said, looking around her for inspiration “What shall we do next?” An idea hit Silver Spoon. “You mentioned dresses, right?” Sweetie Belle nodded, an eager smile on her face. “Well… how about try them out?” Sweetie Belle, with a suppressed giggle, rose and took the varnished red suitcase that she had indicated when mentioning dresses from the handle, before bringing it to the area in-between the two choices There, the white filly unlocked the two brass locks representing pony stylites, and uncovered the clothes contained in there. The choice was between a red onesie with the words “Little Prissy Foal” sewed with white thread on the chest, a light blue onesie with cloud prints, acream sleeper with cartoon animals printed on them, a green and beige dress with frills and poofs on the sleeves, another relatively simpler white dress with just frills on the hem of the bell-shaped aperture, and several little accessories. Them being cone-shaped hats, tiaras (not surprisingly like the ones wore by a certain pink filly in good terms with Silver), and plastic necklaces of every shape and colour. The gray filly, seeing the red onesie, quickly understood that was the onesie Rarity custom-made for her, and chuckled. “I want the onesie,” she said, with a hint of playfullness “I think it suits me, like, a lot.” Sweetie Belle let out an hearty laugh. “Yes, it does!” She said, before gripping it in her mouth, and bringing it near Silver, and gesturing towards her for silently tell her to take a prone position The young white filly worked as fast as she could, helping her newly-found string her hooves through the foalish outfit. It fit her perfectly, thankfully, but the buttons were tricky to work, with her limited knowledge of magic. “Is it on yet?” Silver Spoon asked, as she impatiently kicked the air her back hooves a bit, the pain in her stomache was starting to make her antsy. “Not yet…” Sweetie said, working one of the buttons with her teeth, until a clicking sound was heard “and… done!” she said, after relasing her flap from her mouth clapping her hoofs. Giggling, Sweetie added, “Hehe, thanks for not going to the bathroom earlier.” “Oh…” Silver Spoon started giggling herself, it just caught up to her how Sweetie Belle had to put the onesie on. Relieve herself in the diaper while Sweetie Belle buttoned up the onesie was not, of course, something really nice. Sweetie calmed herself, looking around the room, “Maybe when I get my outfit on, we could try napping? It’s something baby really love to do and you’ll feel so nice waking up in baby clothes! I promise!” she said, doing an excited little hop in the air. “That sound nice actually…” Silver Spoon said, scratching her chin in thought. Sweetie Belle turned towards the door, and trotted towards it. “Well then, let me call Rarity,” she said, as she opened the door “Rarity! We need help!” Sweetie said, in her squeaky little voice. Then, without saying a word more, Sweetie Belle walked over to the chest and found herself quickly working her way through the green princess-like dress. “It’s my favorite one!” the white filly added, as her sister walked through the door. “You called Sweetie- Oh my, you two look... darling. Were you playing dress up or something?” Silver Spoon nodded, smiling a bit, “Mmmhmm, Sweetie Belle said I look really good in this! Do you think I look cute?” Rarity covered her mouth, laughing a bit, “Hehe, why do you ask? Yes, you do! After all, you are wearing a dress designed by me!” she said, winking at the filly. The two foalish dressed ponies giggled until Sweetie Belle calmed down, “Mind helping us into bed? We wanted to take a nap together.” “Sure thing…” Rarity said, walking the two fillies to Sweetie’s recently redesigned crib-bed upstairs. Smiling, Rarity lifted the side guard, as the two climbed in, “I called my friend Applejack to help make this. All the foal blankets and pillowcases are designed by me, though. I tried to make the comfort-heavy, but also more airy than thick. I hope you like it!” Rarity waited for the two fillies to lay down before pulling the blanket over the two, folding the sides neatly around the edges of the bed so the blanket didn’t slip off of them. Smiling, Rarity opened Sweetie Belle’s bed stand and levitated two pacifiers in the air, giving to Silver Spoon a White pacifier, and putting in Sweetie Belle's mouth the one that was hanging around her neck Done that Rarity raised the guard, lowered the guardrail and dimmed the light to the room, by lowering the shutter. Stepping back towards the crib, Rarity’s eye lit up. “By the way!” the mare said, sparking her horn once again, “I don’t want Silver Spoon breaking her glasses, that would a pity…” she levitated them, and put them on to the bed stand, “Just call me when you want to get up!” Rarity left the room, shutting the door behind her. Unfamiliar with her surroundings, Silver Spoon hugged the closest thing she had nearby; that being Sweetie Belle’s waist. Smiling, Sweetie returned the hug, resting her head against Silver Spoon's furry gray chest. Unable to say any words, Silver Spoon smiled at the warmth emanated by Sweetie Belle, and felt somewhat fuzzy for it. The filly lightly sucked her pacifier as she closed her eyes. The warmth and steady breathing of her friend was so peacefully subtle, she was asleep in no time. After a slumber that seemingly had lasted for a long time, Silver Spoon woke up again, the pressure in her lower body reaching critical levels. Slightly panicked, Silver spoon scanned the room around her, and saw that Sweetie Belle was still firmly hugging her, and that the guardrail was still up, meaning that going to the bathroom was out of question, unless she called for Rarity, which was likely more trouble than it was worth. "Well," Silver Spoon sighed "I guess this means that the bathroom is out of question." Silver spoon scanned the ceiling a bit more, before remembering what Sweetie Belle said about using the diaper, and how it improved the experience. The gray filly shrugged. "Might as as well try it out now that I need ro relieve myself." She murmured, as she squinted her eyes, and concentrated all her current energies into relieving herself of that pain in the croth by peeing. She squinted, pushed, and moaned, until the urine finally came out of her bladder, and was adsorbed by the padding of the diaper, warming up Silver's crotch. Once the flow stoped, the gray filly sighed in relief. "And.... done," she said, as paid more attention to the feeling that the wet diaper gave to her. A warm feeling that fluctuated between the unpleasant and the pleasant, that made Silver Spoon wince and tremble at the same time. The gray filly gently removed Sweetie Belle's hooves from her chest, putting them aside, and slowly put herself on her back, before finally sitting up. While she did that, the diaper squished and crinkled at the same time, and kept touching Silver Spoon's skin, which caused her to moan a little more. Silver Spoon, feeling strangely good while the wet diaper touched her skin, decided to see if she could replicate the effect, by touchign the diaper with her hooves. However, something in her mind told her to no do that. "It's not exactly something nice, to touch yourself there," said part of Silver Spoon's mind "also, I don't think that either Sweetie Belle or Rarity would take it lightly." Despite the fact that it was sudden and without any kind of logic, the gray filly retracted her hoof, and decided to avoid to touch herself, even if she didn't know why she had stopper or why she had even started in the first place. A yawn came from nearby, and Sweetie Belle, stretched her hooves and blinked a few times. "I see you are awake," the gray filly stated. Letting otu another big yawn, Sweetie Belle said. "Yep, I am. I feel restored and ready to go on with the day ahead of me!" A "poot" sound escaped from the white filly. "Oh, right, I forgot that I had a diaper." And, soon after that, Sweetie Belle squinted her eyes and frowned a little, a rude noise coming from her few seconds later. Sweetie Belle's frown was wiped off her face, while Silver Spoon wrinkled her nose, at the thought of what the white filly had just done and the sudden wave of stench. "Ugh," the gray filly said, waving her hoof in disgust in front of her nose "what a foul smell! Could you have asked to me, before doing it?" Sweetie Belle's face turend beet red, and she put her right hoof in front of her mouth. "Uhu, sorry Silver. Thought you were fine with it, as long I didn't force you to do that." The White filly said, a hint of sadness and guilty in her voice. The gray filly sighed, feeling slightly guilty, answered. "I should have guessed it anyway," she sadi with a smile "not compeltely your fault. However, shall we call Rarity now?" Sweetie Belle silently nodded and, while the stench and a squelching sound follwoed her steps, she moved towards the guard rail, and shouted. "Rarity!" Sweetie Belle called, the squeaky voice resonating in the room and outside of it. Sound of hooves trotting grew stronger, hinting the arrival of Rarity. A minute later, Rarity opened the door. "Yes, darlings?" Rarity said, as she slowly rised the shutters, either obvious about the smell or ignoring it. "We took our nap," said Sweetie Belle with her usual shrill voice, before asking rhetorically "can we go downstairs to play now?" The white mare smield warmly. "But of course, Sweetie!" She said, as she lowered the guard rail, before sniffing drammatically and saying in a , "But let's change your diaper first. After all, I don't want to have a smelly sister around the house!" Sweetie Belle faked a little frown, befored walking out of the crib, a squelching sound coming from her backside. Silver Spoon assumed that she was supposed to not tell she had used her diaper, and thus walked out of the crib as nonchalantly as possible, despite the feeling on her crotch. "Also, I should check Silvy's diaper, in case she had an accident," Rarity sing-sang, as she stopped the gray filly dead in her tracks. The gray filly, understanding what did it mean, returned briefly in the crib, lied on her back, and let Rarity briefly touch her diaper. Rarity touched the diaper, causing a squishing sound and making the filly tremble for few brief seconds. "Looks like you are due for a change!" "Uh- okay..." murmured Silver Spoon, as Rarity also picked up Sweetie Belle, and brought both of them downstairs, where the changing pad was already unrolled and the supplies were nearby. Once downstairs, Rarity put both the fillies on the floor, before taking the wipes and the waste bin from nearby the pile, putting them near the changing pad, all while Sweetie Belle silently lied on her back on the red plastic pad, and Silver Spoon was sitting nearby, unsure where let Rarity open her red onesie or do it herself. Once everything was on-hoof, Rarity, seeing that her sister was already lying down, rose the hem of the dress, slowly untaped the diaper off Sweetie Belle, slid it off her backside, crumbled it into a brown-ish ball that threw in the bin, and then cleaned up Sweetie Belle's backside with the wipes. Once this was done, Rarity unfolded a diaper taken from the light gray pack, slid it under her sister's rump, powered the nether regions of Sweetie Belle, and then taped the diaper up. Done that, Sweetie Belle went back on her hooves, walking away towards the couches, and letting Silver Spoon take her place on the changing pad. The gray filly laid down on her back on the red pad, letting Rarity unbotton the onesie, revealing the once white diaper, and now tinted slightly yellow. Rarity swifly untaped the diaper, yanked it off, threw the used diaper in the bin, cleaned up Silver's backside with a wipe, before she took another diaper from the pack. However Sivler Spoon, desiring to test out another type of diaper, gestured with her hoof at Rarity. The mare pciekd up the gesture from her peripheral vision, and asked. "Yes, Silvy?" With a hint of blush, the gray filly asked. "Ahem... can I wear another kind of diaper?" She asked "You know... for try something else." "Sure, why not," Rarity said "what kind of diaper would you like to wear now?" The gray filly did a quick recap to herself of the kinds avaible, before makign her decision. "Can I have the thickest diapers, if they can still in the onesie? Otherwise I will wear Sweetie Belle's." Rarity opened the red package while saying. "Sure! I've considered this possibility, so it shoudl still fit!" That said, she took out a big purple diaper with white geometrical patterns from the box, unfolded it, then slid it under Silver's backside and (not without some struggle) into the onesie. Done that, Rarity powdered the area, taped the diaper back up and, with a bit of effort, closed up the flap of the red onesie. Once her diaper change was done, Silver Spoon slowly went back on her legs with a loud crinkling sound and, while wobbly walking, she reached Sweetie Belle, whom asked. "So, what do you want to try next?" The gray filly looked around her...