> Observer Prime > by RoseluckyCinor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Observations New job, new placement, new planet. I can see everything this planet has to offer us. Life forms indeed spotted. Small, four-legged things. Can’t remember why they sent me here of all places. So far out of the galactic rim; can’t talk about that now, have to keep observing. First day is very important. Creatures have towns and cities. Reminiscent of several Earth time periods. Locations are noted in index A. Grids will be supplied. They seem civilized. North of the equines are great birds. I hesitated to call them griffins, but it’s the word that fits. Have the scientists make some fancy name, they always do. I also noted Zebras to the south, less numerous than the equines. Equines take up the largest landmass near the planet’s equator. Once the probes are geosynchronous I can get a better view. All I’ve got from here is general shapes and a few snapshots. From picture 23, in index B, they seem to be capable of psionics. Will have to observe closer, could be trouble. Technology seems… barbaric from here. *laugh*. I suppose that to a man in a spaceship, everything else would seem barbaric. I think I saw a track in picture 51, can’t make it out. They look like ants in most of these. *Computer beeps and squeals*. I see that the probes have gotten into orbit now. I’ll open observation chat once the cameras are live and streaming. I’m almost interested. ~~Chat Closed~~ Date, uh, 24th… June, uh, 4215. That was a pain to calculate, why don’t we use the local sun for dates? I digress, it really doesn’t matter. I got a closer look at the equines, ponies really. They are colorful little things. Nothing like what they had on Earth. And I’ve been thinking about why I’m here. It must have been Jerkins. He always hated me, he put me out here. What a goddamn brown-nose. I’m going to miss my anniversary thanks to him. Kara is gonna be pissed at me. Hopefully I’ll get a bonus if the federation reaches out to his planet after I’m done. I’ve seen no signs of war, not even one skirmish marred the planet. I can see some holes here and there, but nothing bigger than a quarry. I’ve marked those locations down for review. How can a planet full of different species not have war? Perhaps it’s a unified government. Although from what I can see there isn’t much inter-species mingling. *The sound of keys being hit* Huh, what’s this? There seems to be different types of the pony race. I think I see one with wings. *Pauses a minute or so* Yeah, those are wings. It’s moving too sporadically for legs. One race having such radical differences? It’s not unheard of, of course. That reminds me, I need to look up on the psionic nature of these ponies. I’m curious about that little fact. Few species have psionics, and another would be interesting. *A small alarm goes off* Ah damn it. It’s time for a rest cycle. I’ve set the cameras to record the city centers and towns. Perhaps something interesting will happen. *A chair is pushed back*. This is Observer signing off. ~~Chat Closed~~ Good morning, the date is… what? That can’t be right. Says the date is the 27th of June 4215. *Groans* Whatever, something must be wrong with the sleep chamber. I’ve taken a look at what the computer recorded and it showed nothing of note. Probe 5 has been sent in closer so I can see the finer details of the creatures. The northern griffins seem far more warlike in nature than the ponies. They have few settlements; the others must be obscured by the clouds. Can’t say much about them. Could've sworn I saw one walk on a cloud, but the video played too fast that I must have seen something. Zebras, on the other hand, are peaceful. Their towns are nomadic and sparse. It appears they rely on grass huts and rough masonry. I’ve taken liberty to attach pictures in the Zebra Index. The um… excuse me a second. *Stands up and walks away. Comes back minutes later* I had to grab water, my throat was dry. I… forgot what I was saying. I didn't sleep well last night, or three nights. Even with the sleep chamber I was restless. Had these dreams of someone watching me. They told us when we trained that that might happen. It hadn’t happened so far, but… it did. *Sighs*. Gotta focus, okay. Zebras are boring. I’m looking at this pony city. It’s got what appears to be advance stonework. A mostly stone city built onto the side of a city. Probe 5 is on it’s way and will be above the city soon for close observation. From what I can see with this probe array now isn’t too clear. The buildings are too close for street view. I’m also noticing some cloud cover. *A pause and tapping of fingers* Now that I think about it, the lands the ponies occupy don’t have too much cloud cover unless it’s a storm. Weather is strange here. What’s this? Some of the winged ponies are flying at the clouds and… pushing them? Special Report: Winged Ponies can touch clouds, move them and such. Perhaps the griffins walking on clouds isn’t so far-fetched after all. I see probe 5 has hit the area, closer cameras enabled now. Let’s take a closer look here. *Silence, interrupted a few times by scrolling and exhalations.* Hmm. I can see… two more types on ponies. One has horns, like unicorns. The other set has nothing, no wings, nor horns. A very boring part of the species. The town has a very established center which contains a market. I see no places of worship or congregation. There’s a castle in the northernmost part of the city. It looks like right here, *taps on the screen*, that there’s a group of zebras entering the castle. Perhaps a federation of the races. I’ve taken a few pictures of the group and castle. It’s a huge castle, bigger than any estate. I wonder what they’re doing in there. I’m looking around town again, back at the market. More unicorns here. I sent the probe in close. House level. I can see some floating objects here and there, evidence of psionics. I wonder if they will name something after me. A city? What a glory it is to live in Prime, they will say. Shouldn’t get ahead of myself now. I can see what they’re holding aloft. Mostly baskets of produce and books, sometimes they carry supplies and what not. If I see this right, the color of the eye determines the glow of psionic energy. *Gasp* No! I’ve lost control of the probe. *A new voice is heard, indiscernible* I’ve been spotted! Probe is blown, recalling the rest and going dark. This is Observer signing out! ~~Chat Closed~~ > Secondary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date. It’s the 25th of August 4215. This is Observer… who else could it be? *silence* I sent out the probes with a spare to replace 5. I broke conduct, I got too close and they saw me. Hopefully nothing bad comes from it. It was hard to even get back to observing today, but it has to be done. The probes were launched yesterday due to an automatic system which I had no control over. Why don’t I have control over the systems? Don’t know. They should definitely be in place now at least. I’m starting the camera array. *A few minutes passes with no talking* Everything… seems normal. I’m looking over the castle town. I’ll denote it City-One in the indexes. City-One seems normal. Ponies walking and talking. I wish I could get closer, but I can’t risk another drone so soon. I’ve only got one more spare. This ship wasn’t really made for deep space contact missions. Jenkins is probably at fault, again. *The chair groans as weight is moved* This sucks. I should have been done with this already! Why did I have to go so close? Kara is going to kill me. I can’t even sleep right anymore. I keep waking up, seeing things. It’s awful… I just have to remember my training. *Deep breaths* No one watches the watchmen… *Deep breaths* Okay… I’m back. Just had to… compose myself. The ponies in City-One, they seem back to normal, like nothing happened with probe 5. That’s good news to me. Too much obscurity to look around here, can’t even look at the castle well. I’m looking a little to the west and I’ve got a rustic town, more middle ages but different. A modernized middle age? Not sure, will have to confer with depictions. You know… why do we compare everything to the Earth standard? It hasn’t been relevant in a thousand or so years. *gulp* I didn’t mean that, I’m sorry. I’ll have to redact that from the tape before I finish? This will be called Village-One in the notes. Plenty of ponies here with open observation space. Ah yes, tracks. I was right, here a few pictures for the index. Perhaps a train will come by. We can see whether it’s nuclear or fission powered, surely these ponies aren’t so technically deficient? In what must be a town park I can see idyllic picnics, frolicking, and good times. How cute it must be. I wonder if they can feel my presence, one more at the table or cloth. You know, they are supposed to send two observers, for shifts. I wonder how many Jenkins slept with to get me all alone here. *Small beep* Oh, what’s this? I’ve got a message. Umm… wonderful! You’re sending supplies, or sent supplies. It should arrive tomorrow. Thanks gentlemen, I hope it’s got alcohol. This pony seems lonely. It’s trotting all alone in the park. Like me, it’s just looking around, observing things. Oh, it’s looking at me. I shall take a picture for later. *A gasp* something hit her, looked like a blue streak. Is this an attack of some sort? I’m recording the video for speculation. The two are rolling around on the ground, no sign of weaponry or further attack. The two are getting up now, and walking off together? What was that? That will have to be reviewed more. The two are heading off to another set up picnic. Appears to be four others, can’t see too much detail without a closer probe. I can send another when I get the shipment. Ponies appear to be eating, detail is too far down. I’ll check the surrounding area for farms to see what they eat. *Fifteen minutes pass* I think I’ve got an orchard here, at position Charlie. Hundreds of trees aligned in rows, must be orchard. I’m saving pictures for the Index. Around this orchard I see signs of sheep in pens. I am guessing they are omnivores for now. It’s time for a quick meal, this is observer signing out. ~~Chat Closed~~ I’m back before sleep cycle. Nightlife is a mystery so far. Have to check back on City-One, which I have renamed Location Alpha. I can’t see too much detail still, lights are weak. It is reminiscent of war times to stop enemy bombardments from hitting accurately. The castle is the only place with significant light. The grounds are filled with ponies, must be a speech from the leader. There’s a larger pony standing in the center. Everyone else is looking at her. Is this some sort of trial? Like the Romans had in the coliseum? I’m taking a picture and setting it to record. It’s yelling at me for a sleep cycle. This is observer signing out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Power’s back on, and the date is the 5th of September 4315. Ship went down last week and I lost power. This is more of a personal log; I don’t want them to hear this one. In the meantime, I read through the manual for observation… over and over. I also had to watch the shipment sit outside the cargo door for a week. I received the manifest and it tempted me to just space all the oxygen and grab it. I couldn’t though, because the doors lock with no power. Hopefully the probes are alright. I don’t have too many of those left. Anyways, onto the shipment; it was boring, usual things. Food packets, water canisters. It also had something different, a new type of probe it said. Strangely… it also had a… a gun…. I think it was just misplacement… or a sick joke. Time for observations. Date, 5th of September 4215. Probes are all accounted for and new probe is ready for launch. I took the opportunity to watch the ‘fight’ between the ponies. It must have been a test of strength, yes. It’s clear that there is fighting for dominance on this planet. The recordings from Location Alpha show that the large pony did not return inside until dawn broke. This most obviously points to the moon being a source of religion. They worship it at night, I shall leave a probe to watch it again tonight. Returning to Village One, now Location Beta, it’s another peaceful day. Hmm? Something’s different, a… griffin has entered the town. Interesting, I’m putting this at a priority for recording. This is important…. *silence and a sigh* I’m sending out the new probe, it’s supposed to be able to get close. *Button pressed and a beep* Okay, two minutes until atmospheric breakthrough. Some of the ponies have approached the griffin. It’s – pushing them away. Is this some sort of shakedown? The blue one from the fight is there. The griffin follows the blue pony. Some sort of mating ritual? Probe approaching the two creatures, they have landed on a cloud. They don’t see me. The blue pony is showing signs of aggression towards the griffin. Blue is probably an alpha male. The griffin flies off. She must not have been good enough for Blue. Taking pictures of Blue for reference and cataloging him in the index. I’m following Blue as he returns to Location Beta; he is approached by a mix of ponies. There is the purple one from yesterday, he has a horn. Purple must be the beta male. Blue walks to the orange pony, no horns, no wings and starts to make noise. Orange is clearly the alpha female of the group. The other three, White, Yellow, and Pink do nothing. Omega males all of them. I’m taking pictures of all of them. Other ponies come up to talk to Blue. Hierarchy is clearly defined in Location Beta. I see strange marks on the flanks of the ponies, like tattoos. Tribal markings most likely. I can’t get any closer to record audio, if only though. *The chair shifts, panting sounds* What? Huh? Uh. Weird, I thought someone was here for a second. Perhaps I need a sleep cycle to compile all the findings. It was a very productive day. This is observer signing out. > Tertiary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Log. This is the only time I get to do this from now on. I received a note from my superiors; they think I’m taking too much time on the equines. I’ll have to spend more time on the other species from now on. I’m still going to look at the ponies of course, but off the clock. Date. 6th of September 4315. I’m looking north of the equine territories to the griffins, I mean, eagles. I have seen their cities and towns. Most of them are located in the snowy peaks of this northern mountain range indicated in the Eagle index. From what I can tell they are the most warlike race. I’m not sending in the new probe due to fear if them seeing and dismantling it. Which means that all I have to view them is the general probe array. Social interactions seem to indicate a tribal system and following under a prominent Eagle, almost like a monarchy of sorts. Technology appears rudimentary. Flight, being already attained, is of no concern to them. *Silence* Ah, see here in this picture. They appear to have rings designated for a sort of combat. From what detail I can see that they are covered in mesh to make a cage like atmosphere. Now, let’s try to fill out more about the Eagles. They seem to eat mainly fish. I’ve seen them swooping at rivers and lakes along the cliff range. Also, they don’t seem to mind the cold at all. Not much to be seen here from my perspective. Initial viewings tell me a few things about the Eagles. One thing being that they probably will be hard to make bonds with. I’ve noticed they have limited interactions with the Winged Equines. I can’t tell why they work together, but it’s curious. I’ve marked that for review. Another thing is a question why. Why haven’t the Eagles attacked the other races yet? Clearly they are the most powerful ones on the planet. Doesn’t make sense to me. Perhaps the equines in the castle have something to do with this. I don’t think I can talk much more about the eagles now. Other than a warlike nature they have no special features. I’m going to go to the sleep chamber. Observer signing out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Personal log. I can’t sleep anymore without the gun. It gives me some sort of safety, I think. *Pause* I can hear something through the walls of the chamber, like talking. I know that there isn’t, but I hear it still. Can’t eat anything either really. It doesn’t stay like it should, makes me sick. I’m taking some of the medicine in the ship and hoping it works. I can talk more about it tomorrow, or on the next cycle. I really wanted to look at the equines yesterday. Today I’ll observe the zebras and tomorrow I’ll look at anything I missed or anything that needs review. Then my schedule indicates the final report will be sent. After that it’s just free time until I get picked up. Date. 7th of September 4315. I’m looking at the southern zebra areas now. Due to cloud cover all I have is the new probe to look around. I’ll be using low cover maneuvers to hopefully avoid confrontation. At grid Yankee I’ve noted that there is a small gathering of earthen buildings. There are a few larger ones about and I have marked their locations in the index. From what I can see the zebra are mostly a peaceful species. Observations show that they do practice a form of martial arts. I can see them now, let me just record it. *Silence for minutes* I suppose that’s good enough. Looking around the area I can’t see any sign of leadership. Perhaps it is a class based society. Managed on wealth. However, I had yet to see any signs of wealth here. Oh, if you look north here you can see a group has arrived. The new zebras have a cart with them. As they reach the center of town, zebras from all around swarm. Is this a feeding frenzy? Perhaps they aren’t so peaceful after all. I’ll take pictures for the index. Around the town I see no visible sign farms or whatnot. I’m assuming that this species grazes. No signs of flying either. If I wait until night I think I can get close or even into one of the huts to see what’s inside. *Light murmuring* Yes, that’s a good idea. I’m going to try and sleep. Observer out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Date. 8th of September 4315. It’s nighttime on this planet, so I should be able to look in close. I’ve chosen the hut at the southernmost tip of the village. I’m pulling in close now. The hut has no door and no windows. It’s too dark to make anything out so I’ll turn on the flashlight. *Buttons pressed* Yes, there we go. It looked like the occupant was stockpiling herbs and such. This must be the home of a medicine ‘man’ of sorts. Oh, looks like the zebra is stirring. Time to get out of there. *Minutes of silence* Okay, I got the probe out fine and I’m just floating above the landscape now. It’s serene. I’m turning in for the night now. Observer signing out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Personal log, I couldn’t sign out, not yet. I’m still curious about Location Alpha’s strange religion. I’m heading there now. I mean, it’s the only source of worship that we’ve seen so far and I’m interested, I really am. *Footsteps, spinning chair* What the hell? Who’s there? *Chair spins slowly* That was weird, I heard something. I know I heard something. Surely I can’t be going crazy up here. No, I’ve got to look at that black equine in the castle. Should be coming into view now, yes. There’s the castle, and I was right. It’s standing in the back gardens again. I want to get closer, maybe this is what they consider a god. Is it worth losing a probe over? Yes, probably. I’m sending it in closer. *A minute passes* I can see its eyes. They’re huge. It has a horn and wings and a long flowing hairstyle. Is… is it looking at me? Impossible, nothing’s seen this yet. I… uh… I’m going to bring it back now. It’s time to sleep. ~~Chat Closed~~ Date. 8th of September 4315. It’s the last day of observation for this little planet, official observation that is. I’m going to take a look at the western continent. The probes have taken their own little snapshots of what it the most important to look at. Most of this is really boring; pictures of forests and misty mountains. Nothing of any true note. *Silence interrupted with intermittent clicking* Hold up a second. What’s this? There’s something here—in the cave. Looks big. I can just make out a shadow and it’s massive. I’ve put that into Index C. Now that I see it closer, the mountain range is riddled with caves like this one. It’s very interesting. Probably best if I leave that to the scientists to name or whatever. I can’t make it out with any detail. Further images show nothing of importance. Hmm, there’s a large crater here. Larger than anything else on the planet. I can’t get in too close though. The probe took a heat trace of it however. It shows that magma has breached the surface, but there isn’t a sign of volcanic activity. The crater is dotted with a lot of heat sources. Maybe this is the sign of war I’ve missed the entire time. They use this to test weapons but are too scared to use them against each other. A classic stalemate if I ever saw one. Let’s move on here. *Minutes pass* I’m not seeing anything here. Literally. I think the feed might be dead. I’m going to try and get the monitor up again. Observer out. ~~Chat Closed~~ > Quartary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date. 9th of September 4315. Screens are all down but the new probe. It’s the only eyes I have anymore. I’m pretty sure my report sent today which means that I’m good to go! Good to go? I—uh, I guess so. You know, I kind of like this planet. It’s awfully pretty, much nicer than my home world. Let’s take a look at how Blue and his pack are doing. I think I can make do with just the probe from now on. Shouldn’t be that hard. I couldn’t get the other screens to work for some reason, and the sleep chamber isn’t working right anymore. I tried everything in the book to get the screens back. Nothing it mentions even covers a total failure. Sleeping was hard without the chamber; even harder, I mean. I tried to lie down but I felt the scrutiny of something, and the whispers were back. I couldn’t understand what they were saying but it felt sinister. Ah, the probe is in position now. Looks like the entirety of Location Beta are working together to put something in action. Center of town looks to be a stage, and they are putting crude decoration all around town. Let me take a closer look. Huh, skulls? Perhaps not the nicest decoration I’ve seen but this must be an equine thing. Some of them appear to be dressed up. I’m taking pictures for the index. This must be a religious ceremony. I’ve heard of some lunar based religions being, forgive the pun, darker in nature. Can’t tell what they are celebrating specifically though. I wish I could. This isn’t interesting to me right now. I can see their muzzles moving, but I can hear nothing. Maybe one day I’ll hear them over the Senate broadcasts. That’d be something, wouldn’t it? Let me pull back to Lo Alpha f *Static* ~~Chat Closed~~ Date…. 1st of October 4315. It’s been a month, and I think I finally did it. I got power back on. I mean, of course I did. How else could I record myself? Hah! *Pacing footsteps* You see, the ship lost power about a month ago aaaaand no one came to pick me up. The federation LEFT ME OUT HERE! There’s no more food and I can’t even hail them! I’m going to DIE OUT HERE! No… no… get it together…. There’s one option. I can land… Yeah! Landing might work…. Protocol does forbid…. No. They left me out here. And the GODDAMN WHISPERS! WHY WON’T THEY SHUT UP? *Falls to the floor* I can’t even hear over them most of the time! It’s deafening. They’re watching me all the time! OBSERVING ME! I have to get out of the ship! They won’t see me on the outside! No! It’s too dangerous! I never got atmospheric results. What if they don’t breathe oxygen? I never checked. I’m so stupid! I should have checked. *Sobs* I can land…. It’s the only way, only way to be sure now. *Feet hit the floor* Just a quick set of controls…. *Buttons pressed and an alarm rings* What the hell? *Door opens. Sound of marching getting closer* What are… who? *Brief scuffle* No, get off me! I—I have to get there! No! ~~Chat Closed~~ “Now that that’s over, what do we think, gentlemen?” asked a man in a business suit. “I think it shows signs of compatibility. If the simulation was so successful, I think we can initiate contact,” said a female scientist. “I agree,” Said her male counterpart, “and I propose Observer Prime be the one to initiate contact.” “Why is that,” asked the business man. “Well, he showed the most interest of all simulated Observations. He deviated from the standards and even chose to land at the end instead of suicide like the others.” > Quintary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date. 20th of March, 4317. It’s been two years since I’ve seen this planet, at least, since I thought I saw it. Oh man, I’m so excited that the words are just jumbling around in here. *Sigh Gotta recollect myself here. Okay. It’s day one of Operation Contact. Most of the envoy went to Location Alpha to the castle. I was sent to Location Beta to meet some locals, and I must say, it seems daunting. The Federation scientists gave me some tech to do it. I’ve got… *Rustling Like this, a translation device. It’s got data on over 100 of the allowed Federation languages, not to mention Imperial Common. Tomorrow is the day which I go into the town proper. A ship dropped me here with supplies at the edge of a forest about a click from the town. Manifest says I have food for a month and ample material for ‘meeting’ with the locals. Now I can’t bring the recorder with me lest the locals think I’m crazy talking to myself. Of course, the boys back on base told me I was crazy, can you believe that? After the simulation I could never get over the feeling of someone looking at me. They said it would go away within a month, buuuut it’s been two years and I feel it sometimes. Sometimes it gets worse but it’s mostly okay now. I bet it was all the hustle and bustle of the city on Terran-V. So this place should be like a vacation. You know, I should get to sleep now, I have an early morning tomorrow. This is Observer, signing out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Date. 21th of March, 4317. Everything turned out… pretty bad. Yeah, the language isn’t in the database at all. So talking to them was out of the option. Luckily, however, I know some stuff. So to prove that I wasn’t a moron I started to show them some common math formulas. I used Pythagoras’ Theorem on the triangle. The manual on Interspecies contact said that every creature knew that. I first showed it to the Alpha Male when I found him. Up close he was majestic, A fine blue coat and rainbow hair. His body was finely toned too. As I drew the triangle he just looked at me. After a couple of minutes of gesturing and pointing he turned and flew away. It seemed like a good idea to show it to the Beta Male, perhaps he would understand. I was in luck with that one. He was with the female of the group and as I drew the triangles he started to do a little dance and said words in their language. I put my hands to my throat to show that I didn’t understand. He nodded and beckoned me. I learned a lot today. They have large supplies of books and what not. The Beta Male left me a book which I have my modest computer translating to Imperial Common, should be done for tomorrow at the earliest. Once I have the written language it’s only a matter of time until we can talk. I was able to spend the rest of the day with the group I gave note to earlier. Mainly Blue, Purple, Orange, Yellow, Pink, and White. This, of course, allowed me to follow the main goal of my mission. Further Observations! During what I called lunch, I noted a distinct lack of meat products; in fact, there was none to be found at all. I would like to say that they are confirmed vegetarians. They, they, they. What was the name scientists gave them? Oh yes, equum superior. I think I’ll call them ponies. It’s certainly easier and seems more correct. Let me just check on the translation here… *tapping of keys* Hmm, got a few words here and there. Mare… magic? Strange, but it will be easier to learn when it’s done. I really don’t have much to talk about right now. After lunch they showed me around town a little bit. Maybe it would be prudent to explain the general goal here. It’s to foster a friendship between foreign species, equum superior, and the Federation. Or so I’ve been told. I’m going to let is finish translation and I’ll get back to you on that. Observer out. ~~Chat Closed~~ > Sexary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date. 22nd of March, 4317. I was able to communicate somewhat successfully with the ponies today. Using the translator program with the small ‘dictionary’ I made I could write to them. Purple, who called hims- , I mean, herself Twilight. Yes, after I started asking about Blue she laughed a little. Turns out I was wrong the whole time. I was only right in calling Orange a female. It was kind of embarrassing really. The town also isn’t run by a tribal system, but more democracy that all leads up into an oligarchy. The two rulers are princesses that live in the castle at Location Alpha. I knew something was up with that. I also tried to ask her about the ‘moon religion’ I saw on first look. Twilight seemed confused about it. It was really clear using the words I knew. Luckily I have some other cool technology to deal with the language barrier. I left her a small recorder, sort of like this one. I’ve asked her to just say words into it. Once I get back the recorder, the process is relatively painless. Although I’ll have to spend a day or two just sorting out the information, which means nothing of note will be recorded. I’m slightly shocked that I was wrong about the ponies… but, I suppose that it happens sometimes. I can’t wait to ask her more about social statuses and the culture they have. Now that practically everything I know about the town is wrong, everything is up in the air. Twilight seemed interested in how humans lived as well when I was writing with her. It made me wonder what they are talking about in Location Alpha. I can’t wait to ask her some questions. Sadly I’ve also got some mandated question that I was sent from the Federation officials. They are basically questions about military and war history. Stuff about standing armies and the like, weapon capabilities, possible nuclear devices. *Tent flap ripped open * Hey, what are you doing here? *Brief scuffle, dragging. Minutes pass. Tent closes and sounds of sitting* Damn it! Just had a ‘meeting’ with some of the people from the fleet. I’m not supposed to say anything, but after they roughed me up a bit, I think I deserve this. Told me they are on a ‘bag and tag’ mission for the scientists to get a read on some of the creatures from the forest. I mean, why would the ponies care if we're looking at the creatures in the forests? Personally I don’t see why it’s that important, but that’s just me. I don’t think there’s really much else to say for today. This is Observer signing out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Date. 26th of March, 4317. It took a few days to get the verbal dictionary working properly so today was the first day in which I spoke to the ponies in Beta. I also sent a copy of the language codex to the fleet in case they didn’t have it yet. I didn’t get a response so perhaps I’m last on the list to hear anything. You’d think I’d be a bit more important but I digress. Meeting the soldiers really shook me up the last few days. I had another dream last night. First one since I came here, in fact. It was pretty awful. The dream started out with me in the forest with the soldier. We kept running because something was chasing us. One by one is caught us until I was left to run. I woke up as it was thundering through the trees about to grab for me. Wondering about what it means is probably useless. On to more important matters however. I was able to talk to the ponies today. At least to a few of them. The technology isn’t that advanced and there was only Twilight, Blue, who is Rainbow Dash, and Orange, who is Applejack. Initially I asked them the required questions and uploaded the answers to the appropriate divisions. I asked if they could see us in the sky at night. They told me that they could and they were interested in us too. I remember one story of a species that got so worked up with seeing the fleet in the sky that they started to run off cliffs in droves. That’s what the Federation is trying to avoid with this ponies. I hope we can too. I talked in depth with them about what I saw and what the truths were. One of the topics was the town’s democracy. It’s sort of like a democracy, but not quite. I was never good at politics so I can’t really explain all that well. The mayor is elected every few years, and the current one has been unanimously elected for over ten seasons. I should see if I can get her to write a report for my report. On a personal level, I wonder something. My job here, in Beta, seems superfluous. I’m just talking to the ponies now. No real observations are getting done. Although they are warming up to me immensely. In fact, I wasn’t given a strange glance at all today. I’ve even asked the team at Location Alpha for a status update on their mission for negotiations. Hopefully I haven’t overstepped my bounds, but they should treat me with a little respect. After all, I did decode the language rather well. The codex isn’t nearly full, but it’s enough to get points across. Back to today’s conversations. Let’s see… we covered loosely the political situation and the required questions…. Now that I think about it, I didn’t ask anything of note really. We merely talked of their lives. I’m going to wait for the response from either the fleet or Alpha before I anymore recording. This is Observer, out. ~~Chat Closed~~ > Septenary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date… 27th of March 4317; I finally got a report back from Alpha and the fleet. We are pulling back. Everyone’s leaving. There’s no reason, no explanation. I’m getting picked up tomorrow from immediate evacuation. How could things have gotten so bad in Alpha or elsewhere that we have to pull out like this? At least I’ll have the day to say my goodbyes to the few ponies I’ve talked to. Maybe Twilight can tell me more; she said she had contact with the princesses. Maybe I can ask her now, it isn’t late at all. It’s only noon, local time. *Chair slides away * Observer out. ~~Chat Closed~~ Date, still 27th of March. 4317. I had brief words with Twilight. Yellow… Fluttershy, was there. She was telling Twilight of a distinct lack of animals in the forests near town. I didn’t like the looks of it already. I asked Twilight if she had any words with the princesses. She told me that my people had been asking for things to join the Federation. Taxes and the like. The princess had told them ‘no’, so the people left. She said we had asked for anything, jewels, furs, gold. Whatever we could get our hands on. I don’t know if this is standard integration technique, but maybe it is. All I know is that pickup is tomorrow. I was able to say my goodbyes to Twilight and Fluttershy at least, I told her to tell the rest of her friends too. She gave me a book as a farewell gift. I guess she wanted our peoples to be friends as well. One more thing… the soldiers are staying with me for pickup tomorrow. Lucky for me they chose to stay outside, but they are eating the rest of my supplies. I want to know why we’re leaving without really trying. The Federation’s attempts at interspecies contact is deeply buried with high clearance needed to read it, so I can’t find anything there. I sent a message to the admiral asking for a chance to talk. He quickly sent a reply saying he’d explain it all when he got the chance, but he’s busy organizing transports and light speed jumps. Maybe it will make more sense tomorrow. Observer, reluctantly, out. ~~Chat Closed~~ --Personal Log-- 28th of March, 4317. Just a quick note here for Twilight if she comes here after I leave. I just want to thank you. Thank you for the book, the information, for… friendship. If I can, I’ll come back here, with Kara. Maybe on our next anniversary. She’s always looking for a new planet to settle on. *Tapping * The others are telling me the shuttle arrived. I’ve really got to go. I’m going to leave this tape here for you to listen to if you want. I also left a copy of the original observations if you want to laugh at how wrong I was the first time. *Chuckle * It was… real nice meeting you all. Observer out. --Personal Log Closed— Can’t say much right now. I’m doing something I’ve never done before… treason. Man, whoever hears this is going to freak out at what I learned. *Padded footsteps * I talked with the Admiral. He gave me the worst news. It turns out that the Federation isn’t exactly honest with how it deals with non-Fed species. The Admiral explained it simply; they don’t pay taxes, they don’t join the Federation. Normally, that’s not too bad, but the ponies don’t have a military in any real form. Therefore it was decided that we could take what we want. *Door slides open * Coast is clear. I’m doing what I have to now. The Federation never met these creatures like I did. I have to warn them somehow. They don’t have communications broadcasting tools like we do, so I have to go to them. The Federation isn’t right, and I’d be decommissioned just for saying that if anyone heard. I know I’m right. So I’m doing what I have to do now. I’m warning the ponies. I’m going to ‘take’ a shuttle down there. Raiding parties are scheduled to ship out tomorrow, and after the riches are plundered, they’re going to… eliminate them. I’m in the shuttle bay now. Pretty sure I can fly one of these things. *Sits, engine roars to life. Sirens blare* *Robotic Voice* Unauthorized Shuttle Use. Power Down the Shuttle. I’m not stopping, not now! I’ve got to get out before the doors close… Yes! *Static of Communications. Gruff Voice* Observer? Return at once or I will be forced to fire on you. Don’t make me do this, son. I can’t, Admiral…. It’s not right. *Admiral * You are committing treason against the Federation…. The penalty for this transgression is death. (Aside) Prepare to fire. No. I won’t return and this isn’t treason. This is saving. I’m saving them. *Engines whine louder* You know what I’m doing is right! Why can’t you admit it? Let me go and just fly away, Admiral. Please. *Silence for a minute* I guess he’s letting me warn them…. *Sniffling* *Admiral’s voice arises over the sound of static* Prepare to fire on my mark. No! *Admiral* You know it had to be this way. We picked you because you were the best, not because you were a traitor. Fire in three…T *Communications cut out* Maybe I can evade it; I’m in the atmosphere I ca- *Cacophony of explosions and rending metal. Air rushes past the recorder until it lands heavily in the ground. Hours pass. A new voice appears* This looks like one of Observer’s recorders.... Let’s see what it says, girls. ~~Chat Closed~~ **To Be continued** > An Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Observer: An Epilogue When the Federation first laid its eyes on Planet 106x9, it knew what it had to do. As with all new species, the Federation first needed to get a grasp on whether or not people would be accepting of the new species. That mean observations were in order. Observer Prime’s first look at 106x9 was filled with wonder and amazement. He was enchanted by the wondrous creature’s society and life. However, the Federation had different eyes with which to view the species. They saw them merely as a source of income in the form of taxes. At Observer’s reports, and minor dealings with the ruling equines, the Federation learned of the planets great riches and no defense. It was a gold mine. After hearing the Federation’s plans, Observer knew he had to do something to stop the planet’s ruin. Observer’s death accomplished his task; the equines discovered his last recording after it landed on the planet. Eventually it found its way to the ruling equines. With the information of the impending attack they were able to form a hasty defense against the Federation’s raiding ships. The casualties on both sides climbed higher and higher until finally the Admiral called off the attack. The equines had won the battle, the first battle in centuries, but at a terrible cost. Whatever innocence they'd had before the fight was gone now. The equines knew the true horrors that lied outside their little planet. Theirs was a broken world. On the Fleet's retreat, the admiral was left with a choice. It was Federation protocol to destroy possible threats to the central worlds. The admiral, however, decided against it. The planet remained and began to heal. At his return to headquarters he was charged with treason against the Federation. With his last words he denounced the Federation's tactics. Few on planet 106x9 knew of Observer; those that did knew his sacrifice for the planet. Forever immortalized at the Location Alpha castle, he will always be close to the planet and species that he loved.