> Prism Blitz, Cidercock, and the Jeweled Codpiece > by Cryosite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > [1] Looky Here, a Little Tree. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prism Blitz grumbled a bit as he flew. The wind was causing his eyes to tear up; he should have brought his goggles along. Yeah, that was it. Nothing to do with those nags back at the track. Barbella, Nets, and Goal had been a thorn in his side since he was a colt. From picking on Butterscotch, to the time he'd dated Barbella only for her to dump him and spread rumors about his erectile dysfunction throughout the school. It wasn't his fault a twiggy little bitch like her couldn't get him up. He snarled and demolished a cloud, bursting through the obscuring vapor only to find himself surprisingly close to the ground. He hadn't been paying much attention where he was flying, lost in his own thoughts and now apparently lost in general. There were a lot of trees around, and a lot of low clouds. Fog? Yeah, that's what they called them this low. The endless panorama of gray and white around him was actually somewhat pretty, with dark leafy shapes mysteriously drifting in and out of view in an almost spectral manner below. Didn't do much for helping him get his bearings though. Blitz's ears perked to his left at the sharp report of a cracking sound. Before the echos could begin and disorient him, he dashed in the direction of the source. Before long another solid thunk reached his ears from close by underneath and he dove to investigate. Conveniently a fog-bank drifted away and revealed a wondrous vision before his eyes. Massive barrel, supported by the thickest set of legs Prism Blitz had ever seen. Each one sculpted from rippling muscle. A solid dusty orange, glistening slightly in the subdued lighting from either sweat or the morning dew. He caught his breath as a pair of brilliant green eyes flashed from underneath the broad stetson perched on the living piece of art's head. Blonde tail and mane flew threw the air, shortly followed by a pair of those delicious hind legs. Crack! Blitz felt himself lose altitude as apples rained down perfectly into buckets on the ground. He landed as well, without really thinking of any plan, and simply strutted right up to the stud. The big earth pony stallion eyed him curiously. "Howdy, friend. What brings you 'round here to Sweet Apple Acres?" His voice, Prism Blitz inwardly noted, was the deepest bass he'd ever heard, thickly accented, and did funny things to his stomach. He ruffled his feathers a bit, shaking off some of the dew and considered for a moment. "Why am I here again? I was here for some reason or other..." "Y'all need something from the Apple family?" He tilted his hat back a bit to reveal his face more fully, framing his head from behind in a sort of brown halo. "I, uh... where am I? Kinda got lost in the clouds and fog." Blitz tore his eyes away to stare at the ground. Staring too long might be rude...and it certainly made it hard to think even simple things through. The big pony let out a deep, strangely reassuring chuckle. Completely different from the harpy cackles he'd fled from not long ago. "Sweet Apple Acres, home of the Apple family and Equestria's finest cider. We're on the edge of Ponyville." He paused thoughtfully, and Prism Blitz noticed he swayed slightly. "I'm Cidercock. I run this place." Blitz looked back up and noticed the extended forehoof and welcoming grin on Cidercock's muzzle. He returned the greeting and the smile. "Prism Blitz, fastest flier out of Cloudsdale." Hooves still touching, Cidercock's grind widened to reveal neat rows of shiny white teeth. "Pleased to meet'cha, Prism Blitz." There was a sparkle in his emerald eyes, then Prism felt himself lurch forward suddenly and nose to nose with the earth pony. His wings flared out to keep his balance. "I like your perdy mane. That ain’t some dye job, is it?" Prism gulped a bit and inhaled. Apples, sweat, and something else thick were the scents that filled his nose so close up. "I, um, no. Came into this world in a burst of color." Cidercock released his grip on the trembling pegasus and guffawed, his laughter sounding like rumbling thunder as it echoed off the dense vapor masses surrounding them. Prism Blitz stumbled back and found himself planted on his rump. He had to look up to meet the gaze of this tall pony even when standing, but from this vantage point he saw nothing but the underside of his chin, thick corded neck, chest, and... Oh my... look at the size of that thing. A quick glance down at his own lap revealed cause for heat to rise in his cheeks and ears. Of course, Cidercock finished his burst of laughter and looked down as well. "I repeat." His voice lowered to a rumbley whisper. "Do Y'all need something from the Apple family, sugarcube?" He leaned in close again. Prism's member twitched. "Those twiggy bitches ain’t got nothin' on this guy. Wow." His embarrassed tension drifted off, replaced by a relaxed smirk. "Would the Apple family extend hospitality to a lost little pegasus in need?" Cidercock gave a nod. "I reckon we could." He tipped his hat forward and peeked from under the brim. "ain’t so little from what I can see." It was a bit of a strange situation. He felt totally relaxed and content, after a much needed blow-job. He was on his back, staring at the ceiling, alone in bed though. Cidercock was back out in the orchards working, leaving him to his own devices. He’d offered to help out of course. After a few mishaps, Cider had politely discouraged any more volunteer labor out of Prism. Clearing the clouds hadn’t taken very long either, so he found himself with idle hooves. That wasn’t what was mostly on his mind though. Cider hadn’t wanted any attention back while they were having their fun together. It was different from all of his past relationships, and he wasn’t sure what to make of things. Prism leaped from the bed and took off through the open window. Moping about in bed wasn’t going to answer anything, and he wanted to check out this new town he might be in for awhile. Some sights had caught his eye while he was clearing clouds and Cidercock wouldn’t be done with his work til sundown at least. After circling town a few times to get to know its layout, Prism landed in town square with a dustcloud-raising flurry of wings and flashing mane and tail. Of course every eye in the area was turned to him, just the way he liked. He gave a dismissive flip of his bangs and headed towards his first goal: an odd building that looked like some kind of monstrous baked decoration. Inside, he was treated to the scents of freshly baked bread, which reminded him how long it had been since breakfast. “Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, I'm carrot Cake. We have plenty to choose from, still hot out of the oven and ready for your lunch.” The stallion behind the counter was a gangly sort like some hired help from the local high school, but he had a strong looking lower jaw and was obviously comfortable and competent at this job. His eyes roamed quickly over the shelves til he spotted something that struck his fancy, made his purchase and found himself a table to eat at easily enough. Before long, a slow trickle of ponies made their way into the bakery/eatery and the dining area steadily filled up. ”Apparently I just beat the lunch rush. Awesome.” He had just finished the danish he had chosen for his meal when his vision was filled with pink. Reflexively he recoiled and hovered out of his seat. Staring up at him with wide blue eyes was an earth pony mare with a poofy pink mane and tail, with matching coat. Her front hooves were on the table he’d been sitting at, and her partially open mouth made her look about as surprised as he was to suddenly encounter her. “Wow, you must be new in town! I know for sure I’d remember you if we had met before. I’m Pinkie Pie, what’s your name?” She bounced up on top of the table, and continued to hop with each word to reach Prism’s eye level as he gawked from mid-air. “I uh, Prism Blitz. Nice to meet you, I guess?” He landed and raised one brow at the odd pony, but instantly regretted his decision seconds later when her nose was pressed up against his. “Wee! New friend! We should have a party to celebrate!” Blitz found himself airborne once again, and decided twice was enough, and he wasn’t going to let this nutty mare get so uncomfortably close again. He darted out the door, unobstructed by the ground-bound ponies that were between him and the exit. Once outside he gave a glance back at the bakery, then found himself tumbling out of control and impacting the ground. “That was fun! So you’re coming to the party tonight, right? I mean, of course you are since it’s your party! How could you not come?” She stared down at him, nose to nose again, in what probably looked like a compromising position to onlookers. “What they hay? Get off of me crazy girl!” Prism shoved with his hooves, then took off running. ’I gotta to get some distance or she'll get me again...!” Luckily there were few ponies roaming about the streets, most probably settled somewhere for lunch. “I love chasing games! Am I still it? I guess that’s why you’re running away, huh?” Lowering his head a bit, Prism did what he did best, and piled on the speed. He had to admit though, this mare was pretty quick on her hooves even if she didn’t look like it. ”Still behind me. Maybe if I can duck into one of these buildings...that one will do!” He turned a sharp corner to get out of her immediate view, bleeding off quite a bit of the precious momentum he had built up. Luckily his powerful wings helped him turn and keep balance even while on the ground. He darted quickly into a business then looked around for a place to hide. He noticed several racks of clothing, and dashed behind one moments before a bouncing pink mane went by the front windows. He released his held breath quietly when it became obvious his gambit had paid off. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is unique, chic, and magnifique.” “What is it with ponies sneaking up on me today?” Prism briefly pondered from his vantage near the ceiling.