> Fluttershy's Adventures in the Alternate World > by RikaChan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I shot back as Twilight's ray of magic hit me. "Fluttershy!" Applejack shouted. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screeched Pinkie Pie. "Twilight!" Screamed Rainbow Dash. Everypony stared at her. "Twilight?" They said in unison, confused looks playing on their faces, having momentarily forgotten about me. "Yeah, duh! She was the one who shot the ray! She- she..." "She what?" Twilight walked over to her, an icy glare on her face. "I am the princess of Magic and you shall respect me and treat me like royalty, which I am. You, on the other hand, are just my subordinetes, or as I think of you, slaves." Everypony now changed their direction and turned to stare at Twilight. Rainbow Dash grimaced. "She's a changeling!" she blurted out. "Twilight was killed in Canterlot when the changeling attacked! But I didn't want to hurt you, so we agreed not to tell you guys!" "What?!" "You knew all this time, and yet you didn't tell us?! How could you! You betrayer! I- I.. I thought you were the element of loyalty!" Rarity screamed. That pierced Rainbow Dash straight in the heart. Did her friends really not trust her? They thought she was betraying them?! They had no idea what she had been through, how much she had sacrificed to even admit that it wasn't actually Twilight! Rainbow's natural brashness came in before her common sense, and she just said the first thing that came to her mind. "I said, she's a changeling! And who are you to tell me that I'm not the element of loyalty?! I don't see how on earth YOU are generous! If you were really that generous then you would have pushed Fluttershy out of the way and maybe even gotten yourself killed! But no, now Fluttershy has to deal with the consequences! It's all YOUR fault!" Rarity gasped and starting sobbing, as she ran into Apple Jack's forelegs. That earned her a few glares from the others. "Now there Rainbow sweetie, I can't have you fighting like this. You need to get along with your little friend right there. And the others, of course, but they don't seem to be half the trouble that you two are, and I would like to keep this as simple as possible, which means no fights or huge arguments, and no physical contact." That was hard for Rainbow Dash, because she way she showed her anger was through physical contact. Twilight, who seemed to have been reading her mind, said "Now now Dashie, calm down before I get serious." She grit her teeth, unable to stand Twilight talking to her as if she was a little foal. She ran at Twilight screaming, but never quite got to tackling her before a purple aurora surrounded her and she was frozen in place. Then suddenly there was a 'poof' and Rainbow Dash was gone. Looking up, I asked myself, "Where am I?". All around me was green...miles and miles of green, and a few flowers here and there. I looked around, parched. What I would do for some nice and juicy apples... But there weren't any around, so I would have to wait a little longer. Where was I anyways? There was no way I would ever be able to tell without a map, I wouldn't be surprised if I was on another planet called 'The green planet', or something, where there was nothing but green grass and a few flowers. Speaking of flowers... I was so hungry I could basically go around eating grass and flowers. I mean, hay is technically just dead grass, right? So it couldn't taste that different. The instant that I tried to get up, I realised something different about my body. I looked down at my forelegs and screamed. I wasn't a pony anymore - I was a creature with hands! At first I considered the fact that I could be a monkey or something, but that wasn't possible. I wasn't that hairy. I tried thinking about other animals with hands and arms like these, but nothing came to mind, so I decided to eat something before I starved to death. I was hungry, thirsty, and tired. Oh so very tired. Exploring would have been fun and interesting, but I was afraid that I would have just collapsed on the floor right there right then if I went to far. Plus, I could just go to bed and wake up here again anyways, right? I tried standing on my hind legs but I gave up and just started crawling on all fours. I tried eating some flowers, and ended up gagging in disgust. My taste had changed along with my body. "That's awful!" I said trying to spit it all out. That's when I saw a figure walking torwards me, a black silhouette. I figured that I should have probably called for help, but I was so tired that I just collapsed on the floor right then, and right there. The figure started running towards me, but I couldn't tell anymore. They were shouting something in a frantic voice and shaking my body, but it all just sounded like a faded murmur. I woke up in a totally different place. No grass, no flowers... Ugh, I was so thirsty. I really just wanted a glass of water... I coughed as I realised that I was lying on my back. I never slept on my back. I rolled over to the side, and stupidly fell of the bed. "OW..." I muttered, rubbing my head. I looked around, frowning. I must have been in someone's house. Wait a second... My eyes widened in shock as my mind registered what had possibly just happened. "Was I kidnapped?!" I head was racing, eyes darting around panicked as I looked for an exit. The door. I ran towards it just in time to crash into someone. Someone walked up to me and asked me something. I couldn't hear it, but it sounded worried. My mind was too concentrated on finding a way out without any further conflict to actually translate what she was saying. I think she could tell that I was panicked, because she shook my shoulders and started telling me to calm down. I took a deep breath and tried to get ahold of myself. "Where am I?" I asked, my voice trembling. "You are in my house." I breathed in and out a few more times before flailing my arms in frustration and wailing. "Can I pleaaase get out of here..." I cried. "Um... Sure, I suppose you can get some fresh air. You must be hungry though. let's go to a restaurant." "I don't want food from a stranger! What if you poison it?" "I... won't be the one making the food. The chef will be cooking it. I'll just pay for it." "Fine," I grumbled, still suspiciously glaring at her. After she explained that she had helped me and not kidnapped me, I decided to start a friendly conversation. " Um... I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Fluttershy." "Oh my! I'm sorry for not introducing myself either. I'm Coco Pommel, but you can just call me Coco." "Hi... Coco. Um... Is everyone a um... what exactly are we?" "Uh..." she looked confused, but shrugged it off. "We're humans." she answered simply, before suddenly changing subjects. "Have you... suffered from a concussion or something?" she asked, a slightly worried look spreading across her face. I sighed. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Oh, I've been told a lot of different things." she stopped me before the words were even out of my mouth. "And I have time, so it doesn't matter if it's along story." "Okay... If you say so." > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, basically what happened, was that I was a pony in a land called Equestria. A pegasus to be exact. My friend is an alicorn, which means she has both wings and a horn, and it also means that she is a princess. She's the princess of Magic, and one of the only 4 alicorn princesses in Equestria. So, she was going to try a experiment on me, but instead something went wrong and she shot me across the world to... well, to here!" "Wait, so it's legal to just test things on your best friend with no good reason? Doesn't that like make you her test guinea pig? Because here it's definitely not allowed. It's called human testing, and if you ever do that you will be put into jail, or maybe even worse." Coco asked me, a hint of panic rising in her voice. "Well, I mean, it's not like she was going to hurt me. She was just going to... um... do something. But, anyways, back to the story. So I got shot across the world to here, and that's when I landed in the fields. I was so hungry that I went around eating flowers that I wasn't even sure were okay to eat!" "Wow. Here, we never. Ever. EVER. Eat flowers, even if we're dying of starvation." "Oh... well, I guess it's a pony thing. So, when I 'collapsed' when you came over, I actually only fell asleep, because I was so tired. I guess flying half way across the world is tiring, whether you and physically moving yourself or not. So, yeah, that's all that happened." After telling her what happened, she stared at me in shock. It surprised me, even though I didn't really know what I was expecting, maybe for her to call me stupid or to burst out laughing. "Wow... so one of your best friend shot a ray of 'magic' at you and you shot half way across the world? Wow." "Yeah... I'm not sure what's gotten into her. She was so... normal until then... I'm sure the spell just backfired." "I know I'm not an expert on unicorn magic, I mean, I've never even seen a unicorn perform magic, but I think I can tell that that was not an accident. That sounds like a spell that only an alpha unicorn would be able to master..." Coco sighed, I could tell she was thinking about Twilight, and how she thought that Twilight had betrayed us. "Look, Twilight has been our friend for... over 5 years. There is no reason for her to suddenly backfire on us like that. It just... It wouldn't make sense. It's - She's not like that. I know it's hard to understand since you've never even been to Equestria, furthermore met her...but trust me. She's one of the 4 princesses! Princess Celestia wouldn't choose her to be the forth ruler if she was like that." I shot Coco a pleading look, but I don't think she bought it. "If you say so..." she said, then muttered something under her breath. I smiled, and then realised that I was still hungry. Sure, I had eaten all of those flowers, but that wasn't really enough to fill me up. "Um... Sorry to bother you again, but do you think I could have something to eat? And even more, something to drink?" "Sure! What do you like? We could go to Fast food, Seafood, Meat based restaurants, or just something simple with a bit of everything." "Um..." I could tell that I must have looked really confused, because Coco was just about to open her mouth and explain. "Do you just have some hay or oats? Even radishes will do. Or some hayfries...Pancakes?" "Right... I forgot you used to be a horse." She giggled a bit. "Pony," I corrected her. "Right. Well, anyways, we don't have any of the first stuff, but we do have the latter. There's Pancakes and other stuff like that if you want." "That would be perfect!" I let out a relieved breath that I didn't realise that I had been holding - I was worried they would only have 'human' food, but I suppose ponies and humans do have some things in common. "By the way," Coco pointed out, "You will...um... have to get rid of the wings. I'm not sure how... but I guess you can tuck them into your shirt... wait, never mind. I tried that but they just broke through the shirt. Do you think that you could keep them closed? Then at least it'll look like a shirt design." "Sure!" I wasn't sure what was wrong with my wings, but it didn't matter. I suppose I should try to fit in while I'm here anyways. Speaking about that... I wondered how long I would have to stay here until I somehow got back to Equestria. Oh well. At least I have a nice pon- er... human - here who is letting me stay with her. "Okay then, let's get going." She helped me up until I was on all fours, and then she said, "Um... here, we don't really walk like that. Can you stand on your legs?" I looked at her confused, so she decided to explain it to me. "The front to um... things are arms, and you back two are legs." "Oh. Right. Thanks." I tried to stand up on my hind legs, and ended up falling into Coco's arms. "Oh, um... sorry about that." "Okay, here we go." She held my hand and helped me up while I took a few steps. "You think you got it on your own?" "Yeah, I think so. Thanks." Now that I could walk, that was all the basics... right? Nope. Coco obviously pointed that out when we got to the restaurant. I was staring at Coco eating her food, fascinated. "Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot you aren't used to the human way of eating. Well, here, we eat with knives and forks, or spoons, which are called cutlery." "Oh! The fancy ponies of high society, usually in Canterlot, who are unicorns eat like that!" Coco smiled, happy that she wouldn't have to explain, but then frowned. "Why only unicorns?" "Because, they have magic powers, and we can't exactly hold these things with out hooves. But, I guess with hands you can." "Yup." She breathed in heavily. "So, let's teach you how to eat." As we walked out of the restaurant, Coco asked me if I wanted to go to a cafe and get some drinks. Of course I said yes, because, after all, I had nothing better to do. As we walked through the door, I bumped into someone. "Oh my, I am so so so sorry, I-" I looked up to meet his eyes and as I looked into them I felt this dreamy sense that I had never felt before. He was... handsome. He had the most beautifully brilliant blue eyes that matched his blue hair, and he had a perfectly tanned skin tone. "Um...hi." I squeaked. "Hello," he replied. His smile was perfect too. He stretched out his hand to me as I took it and he helped me up. Then he just calmly walked past me. When I reached Coco, she had a dreamy look on her face. "Did you see him? He was soooooooooo cute! And he actually talked to you! And you held his hand!" she squealed from excitement. "I- he only helped me up..." I was blushing furiously. That's when I realised. Coco had a crush on him. And so did I. This was not going to end well. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you... like him?" I asked Coco, a hint of jealousy in my voice. "Well, duh! Who wouldn't? He's hot, kind, and just my type. We would make the perfect match, and I-" she kept on blabbering on after that, about how perfect they would be together and how much she liked him and so on. This really sickened me, and that's when I snapped. "No, actually, I don't think you would go well together. He's kind, and all you do is blabber on about yourself! Take for example, right now!" I growled at her, anger rising in my voice. My eyes were stone hard, boring into her skin as if I was seeing straight through her. "I- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" "No, of course you didn't. You didn't mean to completely ignore me and just talk about you you you, and you didn't mean to leave me out about talking about human stuff. I bet you thought that ponies didn't know what love meant, right? Well, for your information, I DO HAVE FEELINGS!" I was screaming by now, taking advantage of the terror in her eyes. But then, when I least expected it... "Well, I'm sorry, but keep in mind that YOU were the one rescued by ME, I gave YOU a house to stay in, it's ME who is feeding you right now, so if I kicked you out, you would basically be homeless living on the streets! I mean, I bet that's where you came from in the first place, because I don't believe in all this 'pony' crap, I'm not a baby you idiot!" she shot right back at me. She was standing up now, and the way she was glowering over me was intimidating. "I- I'm sorry..." I whimpered. "I don't care anymore!" She screamed. Storming out, I then realised that everyone else was staring at me. I didn't care anymore though. I started to sob as I ran out of the shop. Not following Coco, just somewhere were I could be alone. Once I got out, I stumbled, but tried as hard as I could to walk straight. I eventually found myself walking out of town, where I found a park. I sat on one of the benched, earning lots of confused stares from the people walking past due to the way I was sitting. Ignoring them, I continued to think about what I would tell Coco. I mean, she was my house, my food, my survival while I was here! I had to get back on to good terms with her. I thought about apologising, but I knew that wasn't enough. I couldn't say that she could have the boy either, I wasn't sure if I'd ever even see him again! Plus, it wasn't my choice to give over strangers to people. Sighing in frustration, I decided to walk around and practice my walking skills. Maybe even talk to some animals, if there were any here. I walked over to a pack of pigeons, smiling at them. "Hello there!" I grinned. Finally something I could do right. The people walking past rushed on, trying to ignore me. Taking no note of their odd behaviour, I continued my conversation. "It's so weird here, you wouldn't believe what I've been through. Coming from Equestria, things are so different. I really have to get used to it..."