> The Sweetie Belle Connection > by TheGreatEater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1: Potent Potions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie looked around the Golden Oaks library nervously checking that there was nopony around. It was a day after the sex education classes that Cheerilee gave and the Crusaders had dared Sweetie to sneak into the adult section of the library, on the second floor, and snatch a book. When she asked why she had to be the one to do it, the other crusaders unanimously voted that, since she had basic use of magic and Scootaloo couldn’t get airborn, she was the only one who could do it. Sweetie then had to show them the book tomorrow at the club house. Horsefeathers, I guess! I’ll close my eyes and pull a book at random, then book it … with the book, she thought to herself as she looked for something that looked big enough for her to not be called boneless. Pulling it off one off the shelves at random she saw the title Enchanting Encounters: Spells, Potions, and Tips for the Mind-Blowingly Intimate Encounters. Shrugging at that, but thinking that it’d have the best chance of impressing her friends the next day, she put it in her saddlebag and trotted out with a plan to look over the book before she slept. It was the next day and Sweetie Belle’s body was still tingling from the potion that she drank as she left her house. It had taken Sweetie Belle the entire night to prepare the experimental mixture of potions she thought sounded nice, all of them made from flowers and gems that were commonly found in her house, as well as the addition of several spells needed to activate the potions properties. she was proud with her potion, although she wouldn’t know if it worked until she got to school. If it worked liked she hoped it would then her friends or those more than a friend would be sexually attracted to her. Although several words of the individual potions confused her, such as orgasmic touch, sexual pheromone excretion, and temporary mental conditioning, the later one for something called BDSM. But she knew that she liked it when she was nuzzled or hugged, so if orgasmic was a good thing and touching was nice then both would be great. She didn’t even understand the second one, but she knew that ponies conditioned their body to become stronger and healthier, so mental conditioning must make the mind stronger and healthier. As she trotted through town, she missed the confused glances she received from some of the mares that she passed instead, she was focused on how the tingle throughout her body was now going from weird and exciting to relaxing, as well as thoughts on how Sweetie’s friends would react to her. As she got to school she waved them over. “Hiya, Sweetie Belle. Did ya get a book?” Apple Bloom asked as she and Scootaloo trotted towards their friend. “I did, but it was a spell book. And best of all I made my own potion!” Sweetie said As Sweetie’s friends drew near she saw them start fidgeting and blushing furiously, Scootaloo tried to play it cool saying, “Didn’t we already try *cough* potions.” “Yeah, but these were adult potions,” Sweetie said giving Scootaloo a nuzzle. As she did Scootaloo let loose a moan and her legs gave out from beneath her. Sweetie Belle wrapped Scootaloo in a hug that caused Scootaloo to twitch and squeek in delight. “Are you alright Scootaloo?” Scootaloo answered by kissing Sweetie Belle for a second after the kiss Scootaloo's eyes formed green spirals before returning to normal. Just then Cheerilee came out to investigate the sounds coming from the courtyard. Apple Bloom went to pull Scootaloo back as Cheerilee got a mouthful of Sweetie Belle’s neck, plopping Sweetie Belle on to her back. Sweetie Belle saw Scootaloo and Apple Bloom wrap each other with their forelegs before making out to the cheers and whistles of their peers. As Cheerilee ran to the schoolhouse yelling, “Recess is extended for an hour, please breakup Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Do not come inside, I need to discuss what happened with Sweetie Belle, and this is a private student-teacher conversation.” It took several seconds for Cheerilee to lock the doors and shut the blinds. Before turning to Sweetie Belle, a look of hunger and need burning in her eyes from the prolonged exposure to Sweetie’s touch. But the poor unicorn filly confused it with anger and started tearing up, “I’m sorry Mrs. Cheerilee, I didn’t mean to do anything bad! Please don’t tell Rarity!” She cried. Cheerilee laid next to Sweetie Belle and nuzzled her intimately, “Don’t worry about that you’re not in trouble, but I have to say that I’m going to ask you something important.” After getting a nod Cheerilee picked up Sweetie in her foreleg and rested Sweetie on her back on top of the teacher’s desk, “I never noticed how beautiful you look, nor how sexy you were until today. I want to make you a mare, but since you’re my student I could get in trouble. And you don’t want to lose me as a teacher do you?” Cheerilee asked in mock fear. “No! Never, you’re the best teacher in Equestria!” Sweetie said with conviction. “Well then, let me teach you something really good. Do you want that?” Cheerilee purred. The effects of the potion overwhelming her, confusing the love of a student, to a more sexual need. Along with the mini orgasms that Sweetie built up within her needing release. “Yes! I want to be a big pony,” Sweetie gasped. The tingling in Sweetie’s body growing as her fillyhood started leaking love juices on the desk. With a greedy grin Cheerilee placed her mouth over Sweetie’s small clit and her large tongue engulfing Sweetie’s pussy as she drove her tongue deep into Sweetie’s virgin hole. Sweetie groaned as a feeling of euphoria washed over her as her teacher’s nimble tongue poked and prodded her. Her hips bucking upwards as she tried pushing more of the tongue into herself. The potion Sweetie drank flooded Cheerilee’s body as orgasm after orgasm flooded her mind. The ministrations mixed with moans as the sensual juices did their magic. She began masturbating as she worked down on Sweetie Belle and when Sweetie was about to hit her first big O. Moving in for a kiss as her other hoof worked Sweetie’s love button just as they both climaxed. Cheerilee looked at Sweetie Belle and murmured, “Mistress, I love you.” “What’s a Mistress? And how did I become one?” “Mistress means that I’d do anything for you. I am yours forever, I knew it the second we kissed that I’m yours. And after tasting your delicious juices I need more of it, I am just sad that you don’t have a penis. I’d love for you to fill me with your seed,” Cheerilee whimpered. Remembering there was a basic spell for growing a functioning penis for mares from the book. Sweetie pulled the book from her saddle bags, and quickly cast it upon herself, and she read on to see that the member would grow to fit inside her lover or lovers, and Cheerilee definitely qualified. Then she remembered she had kissed Scootaloo, and wondered if she’d be her Mistress as well, “I love you too, and to prove it I’ll be your stallion. Also Ms. Cheerilee? Can a pony have many special some ponies?” Cheerilee straddled Sweetie, the erect stallion cock filling her like a glove, “As many as you want. As long as I can have you too,” She said as she bounced. The cock rubbing gloriously onto her clit. Cheerilee slowly sped up her banging of Sweetie Belle whose eyes glazed over with the flow of new forms of pleasure washing over her, Sweetie sat up and buried her head into Cheerilee’s barrel and squealed, “I love you!” As she felt the hot, blissful streams of cum coat her womb an emerald aura burst from Cheerilee as her mind was filled with the need to serve Sweetie Belle, and a wave of pure rapture. the individual potions and correctly done spells were never meant to cause, it made her weep in joy onto Sweetie Belle, “I love you too. Your cum is the greatest thing in the world. If I didn't need to start school, I’d bring you home and bring home ponies to experience this wonder.” “I’d like that later, but I don’t want you to get in trouble. But I’ll ask Rarity tonight about me coming over. Ms. Cheerilee?” “Yes Mistress,” Cheerilee replied eliciting a blush and a thrill of excitement in Sweetie Belle. “If I accidentally made a potion that did all this, is this still alright?” “Yes! I don’t care if a potion was made. Anything that feels this good is a wonderful thing. If you want I can get the ingredients for you to make more. As long as I have you.” “Most definitely. Me and the other Crusaders have been trying to get you a stallion for ages. And I’m happy that I’m the stallion for you … and I like the sound of Mistress, but if it’d get you in trouble then you don’t have to call me that in public,” Sweetie gushed as she cast the counter spell to the penis. Only to notice that it didn’t work. She tried casting it multiple times, but was stuck with a magic, super dong dangling between her leg, “Um … I can’t seem to undo this? What do I do!? What do I do!?” She panicked. “Don’t worry. We can just say that you had a magic surge, and if they tease you I’ll have them mouth write lines until they can’t move their jaws, alright love?” Sweetie felt her panic die slightly as she felt a fluttering in her chest at being called love from the pony who took her filly and colt virginity. Taking a few deep breathes she said, “Okay, but what do we tell ponies we said?” “Just that making out is something you don’t do in public to that degree, and that we’d talk to your sister tomorrow about appropriate displays of public affection. Of course being a young filly you won’t be in trouble. And who knows, we might find more time for us to have some more wonderful sex. What do you say?” “Sounds awesome. But can we date for real too?” Sweetie asked her eyes growing wide from her first sexual high was still high. “Of course. Anytime we can find time too,” Cheerilee said giving another tender kiss to Sweetie Belle, “But don’t forget to write down the ingredients before you leave today.” Looking at the clock they saw that they still had forty minutes left as they heard a knock on the door and Scootaloo and Apple Bloom saying they needed to talk to Cheerilee and it was important. As the door was cracked open AB and Scoots ran in. Closing the door behind them. Scootaloo glomped Sweetie Belle kissing her deeply and started to rub her slit against Sweetie Belle when she noticed the cock between her legs. Letting out a gasp she begged, “Mistress can I have your penis in me?” Apple Bloom was hypnotized by the sight and didn't notice Sweetie nod bashfully. Cheerilee sat between AB and asked, “So what did you need to say?” “That you can’t punish Sweetie Belle, it was our fault!” Apple Bloom said. “Well I guess I can over look punish her, but you should go and talk to Sweetie Belle. Her and Scootaloo look like they're enjoying themselves,” She said slyly as moans of pleasure could be heard from Scootaloo. Cheerilee was thankful for the thick, sound proof walls and doors. As she sat her clit over Sweetie’s mouth and kissed Scootaloo. Their tongues dancing over one anothers as Sweetie’s tongue drew in the sweet treat that was Cheerilee’s engorged clit. As Apple Bloom looked at the orgy she felt drawn to Sweetie’s glorious cock flowing in and out of Scootaloo’s amazing pussy. Bending down she licked the cock drinking Scootaloo’s juices and drawing a gasp of pleasure from Sweetie Belle. Enjoying the taste she shoved her tongue into Scootaloo’s pussy feeling the texture and feel of her two friends going at it against her tongue. So lost where her and her friends in their sex that they missed out on the orgasm of Sweetie Belle. The cum and love juice mixture washing into Apple Bloom washing both fillies in the mind washing, rapture of Sweetie’s cum. Now it’s said that when a pony finds something that fills them with joy and makes them happy doing it they get a Cutie Mark representing their special talent. As the rapture washed over them Apple Bloom and Scootaloo knew that they wanted nothing more than to serve Sweetie Belle and make love to her forever. And anything they needed to do, or anypony they’d do it just to make their mistress happy. > Ch. 2: Making Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Cheerilee cleaned up the evidence of their sexcapade and talking to each other about keeping their sexual acts secret in public, and to try to keep their displays of affection as appropriate as possible. This was of course after the squeals of delight from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo when they saw their Cutie Marks. Apple Blooms an emerald heart with a pair of orange wings on the side. While Scootaloos was an emerald leash over a red heart. AB’s showing her love of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, while Scootaloo’s was raw devotion and unconditional love to Sweetie Belle. The rest of school went by relatively normally especially after a group of ponies were punished for laughing at Sweetie for growing a futa cock. Although other ponies, mostly fillies, wanted to touch it at recess. Sweetie declined, instead focusing on two of her three filly friends and tenderly kissing and cuddling with them. After school she gave Cheerilee the ingredients, and had Scootaloo and Apple Bloom come with her on her two errands of the day. A feeling of warmth and joy filling her as she reminisced that it was this potion that gave her two friends their Cutie Marks. Cutie Marks geared to her and her alone. Even if she didn’t have her own Cutie Mark yet, it was still a good feeling that she helped her friends. As she got into her house she saw Rarity who was staring intently upon her inspiration book, trotting over to her she unthinkingly plopped next to her and gave her a loving, deep nuzzle to Rarity’s ribs. The sexual pheromones that were already making Rarity fill a bit hazy was kicked into overdrive at the mini-orgasm causing contact. After jumping with a light yip of surprise she saw Sweetie Belle and experimentally nuzzled her getting that same orgasmic feeling causing her love box to swell and tingle with need. “Um Sweetie Belle, I need to talk to you upstairs alone please? Oh! And girls congrats on getting your Cutie Marks, you’ll have to tell me all about how you got them when we’re finished talking,” Rarity said breathily. With a knowing nod from the two fillies to Sweetie Belle, she walked up stairs to her sisters room. Without even being told she hopped onto the bed and smiled at her sister, “So sister what did you want to talk about?” Laying next to Sweetie and rubbing her sides, looking entranced at the penis sprouting from her sister she drooled slightly before starting, “Well it’s just that well … it’s just that it’s been so long that we’ve sat down and …” Rarity was interrupted with a kiss that melted away anything she was trying to distractedly say as she leaned into her sisters sweet lips. And as they kissed Sweetie noticed something strange. She felt a connection of magic pulse between herself and those under her sway, similar to what she heard Changelings did with their hives, but she also felt her magic grow stronger and more greater from that connection, and she she kissed her sister her decided to send a sliver of her magic into the web of minds and felt her sisters worries and pains over her work. The feeling of inadequacy and fear that she’d never be good enough in life, only to be a forgotten shadow in history, never leaving a mark. Sweetie moved her kisses down her sister’s neck, and let her own love flow into the hidden, dark crevices of Rarity’s heart. Rarity of course noticed none of this, all she noticed was a growing pressure between her legs, and the gentle feeling of an unknown weight being lifted off her chest. As Sweetie nestled her muzzle into the warm embrace of her sister’s love box she felt that exciting quiver of Rarity’s body convulsing in what she had found out were orgasms. Driving her tongue deep into Rarity. Her sister moaned with reckless abandon as her body lit with the furious passion of sex, and her mind was wrapped in the fog of pleasure from her Mistress’s ministrations. She was about to question when she thought of her dear sister as her Mistress but those thoughts were eradicated when she felt her sister’s cock fill her marehood as it was thrust within her. Sweetie and Rarity both moaned as the pleasure of each others nethers perfectly complimented one anothers. With a flux of magic Sweetie Belle used her magic to sexually assault the darkness in Rarity, filling those insecurities and fears with the love and joy that she was feeling. As she shot her load into Rarity she felt the magic spread across the network of lives connected with her and the spark that was Rarities individuality set harmoniously within the network linking her life with Sweetie’s other lovers as the emerald wave washed over Rarity. “Oh my! I’ve never felt this way before, and that it’s you my dearest sister who's done it for me. I’m forever in your debt Mistress,” Rarity said shakingly as the rapture filled her with a lightness that made her feel as if she could fly. “It’s alright, and I want to let you know that even if you don’t become famous doesn’t mean you’re no pony. You make so many ponies happy, you make me happy, and most of all, you are important to everypony who knows you. So don’t ever feel as if you aren’t okay?” “Mistress? How’d you know that?” Rarity gasped in reply. “When I made love to you I saw all your fears and this dark weight on you. So I removed it with our love, but I have some things to ask you, and if you tell me I’ll let you suck on my penis alright?” “YES!!!!” Rarity shouted, practically leaping in the air with joy. “Well is it alright for me to control ponies after having sex with them? Isn’t controlling ponies wrong? If I know my touch makes other ponies happy, is that a good thing or should I be careful? Also what should I do to make other ponies call me something other than Mistress?” “Well if you respect those you’re controlling, and they want it. It’s not to bad, just make sure that you take care of them and respect their trust. That’s one of the cornerstones of adult sex play in some instances. As for the whole touch thing. I’d be careful with it, but at the same time this is something that anypony would be lucky to have. As for the Mistress thing. Let your lover’s know what you want to be called. As for other ponies, well a herd, that’s a large group of lovers with one pony as it’s alpha, hasn’t been done for ages, but as long as you love the ponies in your group it should be more than alright. Now I can have your delicious penis my love?” Sweetie laid back and nodded, as her sister sucked on her cock Sweetie Belle ran a forehoof through Rarity’s mane and said, “Sister, Ms. Cheerilee and the Crusader’s are also my lovers.I’m going to be going over to Ms. Cheerilee’s tonight after I talk to Twilight, but if you go over there too, then I can have sex with both of you and I’d really like that.” Rarity hummed in affirmation just as she got Sweetie’s unquenchable penis to shoot it’s pleasure load down her eager throat, and was washed over with emerald magic as the stallion juice was greedily guzzled down. Scootaloo used her scooter to pull the wagon containing the other Crusaders to the library, Sweetie focused internally on the web she discovered in her mind. As she did she felt the minds of her lovers, and saw their individuality merged with her essence. Their minds glowing with a light, as she touched them she heard their thoughts and felt their emotions. It was exhilarating to have such closeness to them. When they pulled up she trotted up and gave Apple Bloom a loving kiss, and trotted over to Scootaloo. Tracing a hoof over Scootaloo’s wing she grinned as the wings erected to full mast, leaning in Sweetie Belle whispered, “I love you girls so much, and you are a wonderful filly friend Scoots. Us girls are moving our sleepover from Rarity’s to Cheerilee’s meet me over there love.” That elicited a blush from Scootaloo as Sweetie trotted into the library. She saw Twilight looking over a mini-mountain of books for what Sweetie could only guess was her lesson plan for the day. She honestly really liked Twilight as a Princess, and a friend. After Twilight took her as a student to learn magic Sweetie had grown quite close to her, and Sweetie thought she’d be a perfect addition to her mindweb. “Hi Twilight instead of our normal class, can I talk to you in your room today? I have a personal problem that I need your help with,” Sweetie asked throwing her strongest puppy dog eyes. “Well that’s unusual but I guess that we could, and I might even be able to add this to me and the girls diary,” Twilight said with a mix of trepidation and excitement, before yelling, “Spike come down stairs, and watch the library. And don’t let anyone interrupt! This is private.” Spike mumbled something unintelligible as Twilight and Sweetie Belle made their way to Twilight’s bedroom. Twilight closed the door and created a magical sound proof barrier before turning to her student, “What’s the matter Sweetie Belle?” “Well it’d be easier to show you,” Sweetie Belle said standing on her hindlegs wrapped her forelegs around Twilight’s neck. Twilight’s eyes grew wide in shock as she felt her honey pot twitch with pleasure, and getting a whiff of pheromones leaned into Sweetie Belle a confused whimper escaping her lips as she gave into Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle kissed Twilight whose tongue parted her lips, Sweetie squeaked as she let Twilight’s tongue flow into mouth. Sweetie felt her magic wrap around Twilight’s mind as the sensual dance of tongues played with each other’s mouths. Sweetie Belle twisted herself resting Twilight on her back she straddled onto Twilight’s chest as she felt her magic take hold she felt the weight on Twilight’s mind. The worry that she was going to be a poor princess and fail her mentor. That she would make a mistake and lose her friends as she almost did during the Smarty Pants fiasco, and worst that all the good she did was just a dream and would wake up someday and lose everything. Sweetie cried a little bit on the secret fear that Twilight carried around and pushed her magic into Twilight. Letting the care that she and those in her mindweb felt to her. Breaking the kiss she kissed down Twilight’s chest while her penis made intricate caresses and made her way to Twilight’s slit, “Do you want me inside you Twilight?” “Yes! Please fuck me Sweetie Belle! I need you in me!” Twilight cried as she felt a wave of love and safety flow through her essence through the web and wanted Sweetie to take her. Sweetie thrust herself into Twilight, breaking the hymen. Having felt that from Scootaloo and Apple Bloom she knew what that meant and went slowly at first into Twilight’s exotically sweet depths. She sent a wave of magic into her lover’s vagina feeling the sexual magic healing Twilight and loosening her up. Within moments Sweetie Belle was speeding up, her body and Twilight’s moving together with the synchronicity of expert dancers as their bodies thrust and grinded lovingly into one another. The orgasm inducing touch of Sweetie Belle multiplied many times over as her penis glided over the sensitive spots deep within Twilight. As she came Twilight’s first orgasm shot a blast magic that merged with Sweetie Belle’s sex magic blast. Sweetie for a moment in time felt weightless as Twilight’s being merged with hers. With Twilight’s magic blasting gently across the web, harmonizing it and fixing the incorrect parts of the spell. As that happened Sweetie felt the link engrained and strengthened within her. Their magics more fluidly merging with Sweetie’s as their minds and hearts opened to her. For a moment in time she felt like a goddess, open to the workings of the universe as Twilight’s Alicorn providence merged with the hive mind of the mindweb. As she returned to the world of the living she felt a slight tingling itch on her shoulder blades and a slight strengthening of her body as Apple Bloom, and Cheerilee’s Earth Pony magic, flowed with Scootaloo’s and Twilights Pegasus magic through her body. All the pony magics of her lovers flowing through one another and same types reinforcing and strengthening each other of similar pony types. She laid herself on Twilight’s stomach with Twilight balling up so she could stroke Sweetie Belle, “That’s even more magical than I thought my first time would be. Thank you so much Mistress, I don’t even know why I’m calling you that but it feels so right.” “It’s part of the spell. You see I made an experimental potion with a mix of spells from a book from your library, and I thought that I’d practice with enchanting like you had me doing by merging spells from that book to the potion as it was brewing to mix the effects together. Then when Cheerilee wanted me to have a penis I was driven to complete her wish and well … I’m stuck with a penis, but I’m liking this. Everypony I become one with becomes one with my mindweb and I’m starting to be able to sense their pains and fears. I wonder if I can sense their desires too? And can you help me change the spell so that ponies want to say to me after sex other than Mistress? It feels weird.” “Well that makes sense after I came, I saw the spell and it’s a rather complex but haphazard mixes of spells that I think I fixed, but as for Mistress I’ll fix that later. The spell is a mix of wish granting spell, changeling magics … which I have no idea how you did that, I think you pulled a Black Belt, the most strangest of Mages in the pre-Equestrian era, and I there were a few weird mix of harmony, sex, and love spells bound to it. Although parts are really strangely interwoven. I think that what you did was amazing and I should study it. Maybe see why you’re stuck with a cock, and help you control it coming and going. Would that please you love?” “Yeah that would, and I’m sorry I didn’t mean to mess it up. I just wanted to help make those ponies I’m close to or like happy. So I could make you and Rarity proud in me,” Sweetie whimpered. Twilight picked her up and nuzzled her, “Yes the mind control is bad, but how it comes across we have our own free will as long as it doesn’t go against your will, and with how much love and fulfillment I fill and I guess they do to. It’s not that bad of a trade off. So don’t be sad, love.” “Okay. Well how about you come with me to see the potion being made tonight at Cheerilee’s?” “Alright and I have a few requests for you if you’re interested” Sweetie nodded into Twilight’s neck, signalling Twilight to continue lecturing, “Well for one, I’d love Spike to join the mindweb you’ve formed. He’s been a part of my life since I hatched him. Two: someday I want to introduce the girls and the Princesses to this. I’d really like to share this love and oneness with them. Lastly, I want to help you train to explore and control all the powers that are part of this spell. As for the potion. I accidentally made it permanent within you. Although I’d love to see how it was made it could have many uses for Equestria if it can be fine tuned, and I am so proud that you could make such a successful spell that’s never been done before. Also I’m so happy that you were the one I gave my virginity too.” “I can do that, it’d be nice for Spike to be happy, although I might have to make him a her to integrate him, and all those ponies would be perfect to bring into the mindweb. And I’d really love it if you helped with my training, thank you Twilight. Also I’m happy that you gave me your virginity to,” Sweetie said happily. “Hmmm … then he’d be Spire. Sounds good to me I guess, as for the whole Mistress thing, what about Goddess?” “Well that still makes me as uncomfortable, so I guess mistress is alright if we can’t think of something else,“ Sweetie replied scuffing her right forehoof on the floor. “What about Duches? That’s one rank below Princess, and would be a feminine, lady like appellation?” “Appellation?” “Title.” “Yay!” Sweetie said trotting in place, “That would make me nobility right?” “Yes, Yes it would, “Twilight said warmly looking at Sweetie’s happiness. Flowing through the complex nodes of the organic spell and found the compulsion-inducing access and with a slight shifting of the runes she transformed the word Mistress to Duchess. Spike trotted up when an exuberant Twilight Sparkle called for him to get upstairs. Twilight went downstairs as Spike walked into the room. Only to be surprised when a pair of warm, soft lips. He felt his mind go blank as both the experience and the magic behind the kiss filled his mind with a hazy fog of happiness as a throbbing twitch slid out between his legs. Sweetie feeling his essence within the web drew upon her strengthened magic pool to wrap Spike with her magic. As she did she caressed his body before wrapping his warm moist cock with her forehoof masturbating his enlarged member. The basis of a gender bending spell was winding or unwinding the secondary inherited chromosome. Twisting an X to a Y, or vise versa. But as she twisted Spike’s chromosome she noticed something strange. He had the feel of a mammal, but there were reptilian qualities. I’ll have to ask Twilight about that later, it’s nice to hear her lecture sometimes, and I want to know about that.. Twisting the harmonious magic from the web she watched as Spike shifted into Spire, his new and gorgeous female form. His cheeks becoming plumper, with long luscious eyelashes. His eyes became wider, and his muscles became more lithe and graceful. Pushing Spike down Sweetie placed her penis to the thin slit that opened up. As she put her member in she squealed in shock. She didn’t know that the clitoris of dragons were prehensile, nor as long as the clit that wrapped around Sweetie’s penis and started caressing it along the almost hot, ribbed walls of Spire’s honey pot. Sweetie thrust within the magnificently delicious caverns of Spire’s draconian depths. Spire’s orgasm quivering clit rubbing, pulling, and playing with Sweetie’s cock as Sweetie plowed her. Sweetie loved Spire’s sex so much that even as the rapture magic imbedded Spire within the mindweb she continued to buck her wild. As Spire’s magical essence seeked harmony within the web. Sweetie felt the magical nature of the dragon’s essence. A mixture of armor plated, magic eating, horde empowered, hyper intelligent, creature whose body could walk between warm blooded mammal, and armored reptile from the raw magic that made up their entire beings. It was that horde empowerment that filled Sweetie becoming part of her, and in a flash of clarity she knew that her horde was those within her mind web. But the harmony of ponies only slightly balanced the greed of dragons, filling her with strength and joy. But without the addictive need to acquire everything in her line of sight. As she finished cumming inside her newest addition to her web for the fifth time. Spire looked at her the heat that was almost uncomfortable was now just a relaxing warmth that drew in Sweetie’s magical energy while giving some of Spire’s own to Sweetie. “How come our magics are merging inside you?” Sweetie asked her penis slowly extracting from Spire downing out a moaning gasp from Spire’s throat. “I don’t know Duchess, but I know that it’s mixing with the seed you gave me. Nothing bad I think, it’s just really good feeling. I just want to stay like this forever,” Spire whispered. Spire’s voice a few octaves softer than Spike’s. “We have to go in a few minutes, but we are so definitely doing this some more,” Sweetie Belle sighed. I’m so glad that I made that potion. Things are going so well for me, and I now have the magics and love of all pony types and a dragon within me. I wonder how having dragon magic flowing through me will shape my magic? > Ch. 3: Honest Loyalty and Silvered Diamonds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Scootaloo drove Sweetie and AB to school Sweetie Belle had a smile on her face thinking back on the previous night. After a massive orgy comprising of all six of her lovely marefriends, had learned an interesting fact from Twilight after Sweetie told Rarity to go futa and make love to Spire. Dragons are actually pure magical creatures and they mate by mixing the organic magic of themselves with the magic of their mates. And females could have many mates for a single egg, picking and choosing what traits to keep. It’s the main reason why knights had to rescue maidens from male dragons in ancient times, and as for females they could even have a baby from every species imaginable if they wanted too, but that while interesting to learn, was nothing compared to her training of the mindweb. After that training she was able to speak mind to mind with her mates and they could with effort as of now communicate, and she was able to use it’s power to even affect others not in the web. Albeit not as powerfully at the moment. Mostly she was able to glimpse at the fears and worries of others, and with more probing their hopes and dreams. The wish granting properties were still in development but it was only a matter of time. Sweetie grinned as they pulled to a stop and gave Apple Bloom and Scootaloo a loving kiss as she walked into the schoolyard. Hey AB, Scoots I want to let you know I’m going inside for the moment. Go and have some fun, and I love you both very much. Sweetie telepathically pinged Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. Okay, we love you too. came their combined reply. The violet tinted red of Scootaloo’s essence mixed with the light golden essence of Apple Blooms. As she walked into the class she meditated on the colors of those in her essence. It was strange for they seemed to have their magic aura’s or even untapped magical essence with a mixture of flavors, textures, and scents that vibrated merrily in the mindweb. Letting her mind flow to her mates she was caught off guard when class had started and Cheerilee had to use the mindweb to get her attention. “Sorry what did you say Ms. Cheerilee?” Sweetie asked embarrassedly. “I asked if you were here which you are. But I’d like to ask to pay attention,” Cheerilee said with a gentle smile on her face. As Sweetie looked around she saw that the pheromones she exuded were effecting all the ponies around her. The fillies looked at her with a look that was equal parts hunger and confusion. While the stallions were just plain confused looking as they listlessly looked around the room. With her mind less focused on the web as a whole she was able to hear the background chatter of her herd mates picking up the loud thought of Cheerilee, Oh if I could just throw her on my table and rut her in front of the whole class. She looked so adorably sexy lost in the mindweb like that. Such a dedicated student, and a wonderful lover. With that tight, subtle body and that amazing coat. I can’t wait to be with her later. Sweetie felt her penis come out of it’s sheath from the sexual need, and the raw love from Cheerilee and responded, I think you’re sexy too. Especially with those wide hips that sensually bounce as you move, and those strong muscles. And I really like how kind, funny, and smart you are that’s really sexy. And now I have a hard on. Cheerilee gave a nervous cough and dropped the chalk she was holding. Diamond Tiara that was placed next to after the last influx of teasing from her and Silver Spoon to Apple Bloom noticed the enlarged penis out of it’s sheath and yelled, “What in the Tartarus is that!?” The class who was looking at Cheerilee’s odd behavior now looked at Sweetie Belle and the erect cock standing at half mast. A large gasp and Silver Spoon yelled, “Her cock’s huge!” Sweetie almost felt like she could die right then and there Cheerilee trotted over to Sweetie Belle and mind whispered, Sorry love that was my fault. before saying out loud, “My little pony why don’t you go outside and come back in when you feel ready to. And all of you that’s a natural action in a pony. You don’t point, stare and comment on another ponies bodily functions that’s rude and all of you owe Sweetie an apology when she gets back in. As for you Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for being a class disruption and embarrassing a fellow classmate you’ll stay after school and I’ll have words with your parents.” Sweetie nervously trotted out and told Cheerilee, I forgive you love. After all it was because I want to make love to you right now that I have such a hard on. But all of us will be together soon, especially if I wait to recess. Sweetie stayed out for thirty minutes letting the boner die down, but before she went in she decided to look into the minds and souls of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. As she did so she saw Diamond Tiara as a toddler playing with Apple Bloom, a happy child without a care in the world. Then Apple Bloom saying she couldn’t play with her anymore because she wanted to help her sister work and Diamond Tiara wasn’t an Apple so she couldn’t help. Then years of ponies only wanting to be around her if they could get her to buy things for them, or get things out of her. But nopony wanting her for her. She felt the resentment and loneliness of her father being away so much that caused and the thoughts that lead her to proving that she was better than everypony. That she didn’t need anypony since they’d only toss her away. Until she met Silver Spoon. Her only real true friend, as for Silver Spoon, there was a smart filly whose life was overshadowed and unnoticed by those around her other than Diamond Tiara who still out shone her. But there was a companionship and love between them that went unfanned by both of them. Giving a nod, she knew that there was good in them and if she fucked them she’d bring out that good. Trotting in she waited until the bell rang for recess and asked Cheerilee if she could talk to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sending a mental message of what she saw to her herd mates within the room. As all but Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, and her two targets were in the room. Sweetie Belle said, “Ms. Cheerilee I want to talk to Diamond Tiara privately can you have Silver Spoon wait in the corner?” “I don’t see why not. Silver Spoon face the corner over by my desk and cover your ears. When Sweetie Belle wants to talk to you then you and Diamond Tiara will switch positions.” Silver Spoon gave a confused look to Cheerilee before nodding and doing as she told when her hooves covered her ears Sweetie turned on Diamond. Sweetie wrapped her forelegs around Diamond Tiara’s neck and gave her a deep kiss. Her tongue caressing Diamond’s and moaned happily as it tasted chocolate covered strawberries. Breaking the kiss she ordered Diamond Tiara to turn around. As Diamond Tiara dreamily gazed at her she complied and instinctually bent over and turned aside her tail to allow easy access to Sweetie Belle who licked and suckled at Diamond’s small, winking fillyhood. After the moans turned to pants of desire Sweetie Belle mounted Diamond Tiara and bounced their hips together pounding her cock into her delicious pussy. As she came into Diamond Tiara, she felt the walls Diamond Tiara build around her heart break down and Diamond cry tears of joy from the release the rapture spell gave her. Sweetie Belle licked her tears dry and whispered, “Do me a favor and bring over Silver Spoon, I want to share this with her.” Diamond Tiara staggered over to Silver Spoon where she wrapped her friend in a hug and let her know that Sweetie wanted to talk to her. Silver Spoon was nervous and the smell of sex and infusion of mating inducing pheromones made Silver Spoon’s face blush and knees wobble. Sweetie walked up to her and kissed her lightly before laying down and resting Silver Spoon on top of her body. Then giving a deeper more erotic kiss her used her magic to slide her penis into the non-virgin Silver Spoon and bounced her on her dick. Silver Spoon came faster than Diamond Tiara did, but even after flooding the floor with her filly come kept on hitting high notes with her orgasmic screams. After seven back wracking orgasms Silver Spoon fainted on Sweetie Belle with a dreamy smile on her face. The magical aura infused scents of Silver Spoon’s and Diamond’s sex clung in the air like erotic perfume mixed with musk. Sweetie Belle pulled out of Silver Spoon’s moist cumcanyon and nuzzled her gently awake. As she did she motioned Diamond Tiara over and let her mind touch upon their essences within her mindweb. Diamond Tiara was a rose colored orb that smelt and tasted like chocolate strawberries, and felt like a spring shower falling on her. While Silver Spoon was a silver orb that wavered uncertainly in her mind with a song like humming originating from it. “Well loves, welcome to the herd. And I know how much you two love each other so when we can’t be together or when you two are alone I want you two to enjoy each other’s company,” Sweetie said in a husky whisper. Dripping deep with sex. They blushed and with the addition of Cheerilee cleaned up as much of the mess as possible before recess ended. As the class came back the fillies started moaning and masturbating from the sex infused pheromones filling the class and the colts started rutting the tables. Seeing as how this was no way to have a class, ended it on an early day and thought about what to do now that Sweetie Belle had almost the whole class wanting to rut like bunnies. After rushing her students outside Cheerilee told her sexually confused students outside she said, “Now my little ponies I know a lot of you are confused, but things like this happen sometimes in schools. It’s the reason we started Sex Education at this point in your lives since when ponies are ready to hit the next point in their development they release a special smell and if enough ponies hit it at the same time. Well … you saw what happens. “Just tell your parents that for the next few weeks they need to follow the syllabus I hand out to all parents at the start of the year and when school starts again I’ll grade what you did. Now I know alot of you are confused about what you’re feeling, but I promise that it’s just your bodies growing.” As the students nervously walked to their homes, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the former Crusaders met up with Sweetie Belle. Diamond Tiara was the first to speak, “Duchess, can me and Silver Spoon go with you? We want to spend some time with you.” Silver Spoon nervously nodded although her mind blaring hard core sexual fantasies, mixed with cuddle time. Sweetie trotted up and nibbled Silver Spoon’s ear making her squee and blush furiously. Sweetie then wrapped her left foreleg around Diamond Tiara and gave her tongue. Humming contentedly from the taste of chocolate strawberries, “You don’t have to worry about the herd sending you away. You’ll never have to be alone again. Although I want you to be nice with the others or no sexy times for you,” She whispered before turning around and playfully thwacking Diamond Tiara’s muzzle with her tail. Upon entering Twilight’s Treehouse she saw Apple Jack sitting next to Twilight in the middle of a friendly conversation when Twilight saw Sweetie she had a face splitting grin that could rival Pinkie Pie’s, “Hi Sweetie we were just talking about you, and Apple Jack, I think you should talk to Sweetie Belle in private upstairs. She has something to tell you.” “Uh-huh! Well sugarcube I trust ya, and I’m so glad that being Apple Bloom’s friend helped her and Scootaloo get their Cutie Marks. Although ya’ve yet ta tell me how exactly that happened. But I guess I’ll hear the story from my lil’ sis in bit,” Apple Jack said as she gave a quick hug to Twilight Sparkle, “well now why don’t we go upstairs and talk. I heard it’s quite the doozy, then ya can tell me why y’all ain’t in school.” When they got into Apple Jack took off her hat while subconsciously sniffing the air, “Whooee! Is it hot in here or is it just me?” “It’s a little warm,” Sweetie said as she walked up and nuzzled AppleJack’s foreleg causing her to yelp and jump. “What in Celestia?!” AppleJack yelled flicking her tail in the subconscious need to mate. Sweetie Belle laughed happily at AppleJack’s reaction before glomping her like a filly missile, AppleJack gasped as she felt Sweetie’s member grind against her belly. Sweetie wrapped her arms around AppleJack’s neck and huskily whispered, “Can I give you a kiss?” AppleJack eyes went wide as she got a noseful of pheromones, mixed with the orgasms wrecking her body she gave a shaking nod. As Sweetie’s lips met hers, AppleJack’s confusion and uncertainty washed away with the need to rut. She knew she was in season and Sweetie from her spelled kiss became the most important pony in her life as a large chunk of her free will was wiped away. “Darlin’, I want ya ta put that nice lookin’ wang inside me. Do ya think ya’d like ta do that?” AppleJack asked. Sweetie nodded and started to kiss downwards when AppleJack said, “Whoah now! I don’t know if ya’ve been doin’ this with other ponies, but I’d like ta do somethin’ special if that’s alright with ya.” Sweetie nuzzled AppleJack’s chest and said , “Okay, so far I’ve only done the thing where a pony lies on her back and the other one’s on top. Other than with Diamond Tiara I did it from behind … you mean there’s more than that?” “Much more than that. I mean if ya want plain vanilla sex, but there’s a whole wide world of sex out there. Now Twilight’s been telling me how proud she is of your spellcraft and skills. So I’m gonna tell ya how to have some adult fun,” AppleJack whinnied. The mountain of self control she’d built over hard work and discipline. Was slowly eroding over the thousand quakes of micro-orgasms filling her marehood with a hot need to be rutted until she forgot how to walk, and if she had anything to say about it she wouldn’t. AppleJack trotted to Twilight’s bed and coached Sweetie Belle on how to bind up her with her legs bound spread eagle, and her forelegs tied together above her head, “Now listen darlin’, when I say the word ‘kumquat’ that means that ya have ta stop. It’s our safety word and if ya have a partner that does these things with ya it’s good ta have one. Since they’re trustin’ ya so much. “Now I know Twilight keeps some metal clamps in her dresser door ta hold together all those research papers of hers. Get six out, and I’ll tell ya what to do.” After getting them she followed AppleJack’s directions and clamped one on the sensitive frog of each hoof eliciting a pleasurable moan from AppleJack. Then one on each lip of her labia. AppleJack’s winking marehood glistened and AppleJack moaned with pleasure as the clamps added weight and pressure to her sensitive spots as she moved around. With AppleJack’s directions Sweetie Belle playfully bit and nibbled her ears before moving down. The smell of sweet apple pie filled the air as AppleJack squirted love juice on the bed enticing Sweetie Belle to get more daring as she swatting at AppleJack’s chest, “Whoah there! What’cha doin’?” AppleJack gasped. Sweetie Belle nervously scuffed AppleJack’s chest and said, “Well you liked getting bit and nibbled, and I’d see what happened if I swatted you. I’m sorry AppleJack.” “It’s alright, it was pretty good, I was just confused on ta what’cha were thinkin’ about that caused ya ta hit me. Although next time ya might want ta ask before ya try somethin’. Not everypony is alright with that kinda stuff, and some ponies like different types ‘a things,” AppleJack lectured gently, “Now why don’t’cha make it up ta me and nibble my teats while flickin’ gently the clamps on my love mounds.” Sweetie Belle slowly made it down AppleJack nipping and sucking on AppleJack’s body. The feeling of AppleJack’s taunt muscles, and soft fur filled Sweetie Belle with an exhilarating thrill as she made it to AppleJack’s tits. As she suckled and tenderly nipped the one nearest her she noticed that AppleJack’s sex had flooded the bed. Sweetie used one free foreleg to swing the clamps causing the pussy to clench and squirt out tiny rivulets of marecum, and the other played with the nipple she was wasn’t sex-nomming. AppleJack convulsed and thrashed against the restraints in pleasure. “Kumquat!” AppleJack squealed. “Did I do something wrong?” Sweetie asked pinning her ears against her head. “No no no no! Not at all. It’s just that I’m ready for ya ta buck me now. Just take off the clamps on my hooha, and have at it,” AppleJack breathlessly said. Sweetie Belle slid into AppleJack’s soaking wet, inviting walls clamped and tried milking Sweetie’s cock. Sweetie squealed as she thrust herself into AJ. AJ screamed, “Fuck me hard Sweetie!!!!” Without further prodding she lifted AppleJack up and rammed AJ into Sweetie Belle. Over and over Sweetie rammed AppleJack losing herself into the sensation as AppleJack came rivers onto Sweetie Belle. Bathing her lower region in AppleJack’s sex. It was only after she AppleJack’s screams of passion ended did Sweetie come out of it. Bathed in sweat, and a mix of her and AppleJack’s cum. While getting the bath ready for her and the still sleeping AppleJack when she heard Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo talking as they walked up the stairs. When she saw Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash waved at her, “Hiya Sweets, Squirt here was telling me that you helped Apple Bloom and her get their Cutie Marks, but said that you’d have to be the one to tell me. And wow, what smells good?” Sweetie Belle grinned and waved Rainbow Dash as if she had a secret, when Rainbow Dash came over Sweetie Belle hopped to her and gave her a kiss. The swirling eyes signaling that she was under Sweetie’s spell, “I can show you how I helped them if you want, and I’m glad you like the smell of my work. AppleJack really is sweet don’t you think?” “Sh-show me?” Rainbow Dash asked just as she noticed Sweetie’s cock. Resting her hooves on Rainbow Dash’s face she whispered, “why don’t you taste it? I bet you’ll like it.” Rainbow Dash gulped as her body quivered with pleasure, Sweetie Belle grinned at Scootaloo and added as Rainbow Dash’s head lowered to Sweetie’s luschious wang, “Scootaloo I want you to taste the rainbow first. After all she’s your greatest idol.” “Can I Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo chirped. Only to get a non-committal murmur as her head lowered onto Sweetie’s cock. Soon Sweetie heard the happy slurping sounds from Scootaloo and the happy humming from Rainbow Dash’s nimble tongue bringing gasps from Sweetie Belle. When she used her magic to comb the depths of Rainbow’s mind. She saw her crippling insecurities, loneliness, and fears masked with bravado and showmareship. She also saw the strong sense of loyalty she had to the workers, friends, and those she got close too. As she sucked Sweetie’s cock her connection to the web flowed to the others in the web sharing her loyalty to the mindweb. Sweetie sent her love and emotional energy to Rainbow Dash’s darker emotions and filled it with Sweetie Belle washing away that weight while bonding Rainbow Dash closer to Sweetie Belle. She was drawn out of her revelry when she heard Rainbow Dash orgasm loudly and spray Scootaloo with cum that smelled like a warm spring shower. As Sweetie burst her load down Rainbow Dash’s throat. The rapture spell flooded Rainbow Dash. Lifting Rainbow Dash’s head Sweetie kissed her lovingly tasting her tangy cum on Rainbow Dash velvety tongue. Humming softly as Spire called out the that bath was ready. > Ch 4: The Herd's Law and Kind Laughter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppleJack was still sleeping by the time that the collective bathtime of Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle with Spire’s help. And AppleJack was now laying on a Rarity’s fainting couch with Rainbow Dash splayed on her back as Sweetie Belle used their bodies are a couch with her plot resting on Dash and her head laying back on AppleJack. With Scootaloo laying beside Sweetie as Sweetie stroked her like a pet. “I love you girls so much, but I have something things I’d like to bring up while all my sexy marefriends are here,” Sweetie said eliciting a group of d’awws and blushes from her herd. Cheerilee was fondling Twilight’s wings absentmindedly replied, “What do you want to know Duchess?” “Well first things first. I want Scootaloo over here more without the orphanage snooping around so can’t one of you adopt her?” “I’m afraid that’d be illegal if one of us adults who is part of a herd with Scootaloo adopted her,” Twilight said looking sad at disappointing her. “Well what about our daddies?” Diamond chirped, “She can be one of our sister, and then that’d make it legal right? She can stay with the herd?” Twilight brightened up, “Yes she could. Good thinking Diamond Tiara, and as Princess I can give a good word of recommendation to speed things along. How does that sound Scootaloo?” “My Cutie Mark is my devotion and love of Sweetie Belle, if she’s okay with it then it’ll be alright to me,” Scootaloo said into Sweetie’s side. “I want you to be happy too Scoots. So what do you think?” Sweetie said tenderly. Still thrilled that her friends Special Talent was related to her. “Well … I guess that’d be cool if it means that I can be closer to you more often, and I’m sure that AppleJack is going to have Apple Bloom over more often too. So I’m cool with it, I’ve been mind talking to them and you having sex with them made a world of difference in their personalities,” Scootaloo said, “I guess Diamond Tiara? Silver Spoon is always over there, and her father’s friends with the Apple Family. So … yeah that one.” Diamond Tiara squeeled at being chosen, and Scootaloo’s kindness washed over the link and cuddled Silver Spoon’s essence to let her know that she cared. Sweetie Belle pulled Scootaloo on top of her and hugged her. Scootaloo twitched a bit and Sweetie said, “just to cuddle like a comfy Plushie,” adding in a whisper, “that act of kindness makes me so proud of you love.” Resting Scootaloo’s head next to hers and stroked her Scootaloo, “Second act of business, after I bed the last two element bearer’s and the Princesses like Twilight wanted. Which I’m okay with by the way. I want to know if I should keep our herd small for now? Or do what a lot of you suggested and expand?” The herd looked at each other, other than the AppleJack who was gently snoring, and Scootaloo who had her head buried in Sweetie’s neck. Cheerilee was the one who spoke up first, “Well technically I’d like it if we kept it small, but more would be nice too.” There was a general murmur of acceptance from that. Sweetie who was teeter-tottering on what to do decided to keep it small and after Cadance would decide what one she’d pick. “Okay now I think we need to make some ground rules, a kind of … herd law I guess so that everythings fair to all of you,” Sweetie said getting the biggest worry off her chest, “First of all I want all of you to be able to date each other, since I don’t know if I can be there physically for everypony that way. not just my love and mind can be sent through the link, but everypony can be closer together. Well maybe just date those you like or want to try dating I guess.” Rainbow Dash looked up from her laying position and caressed Sweetie’s face with the wing Sweetie was resting on and said, “That’s something I can get behind. It’s nice knowing my Duchess is thinking about all of us.” “I agree, Darling that is a wonderful idea,” Rarity said trotting over with Sweetie’s other herdmates to give a group nuzzle. “I also wanted that, since when ponies in the mindweb are together or make love their links does this weird glowing thing and sends love energy throughout the web so I think that it’d be good for everypony,” Sweetie said after returning the nuzzles. “Second order of business. I want a date night with every pony one on one at least once a month, and a herd date night at the beginning, middle, and end of each month so that we can all be together as one. At the least, also hollidays. Who here agrees?” Sweetie asked to a agreement across the board. After that she looked at Twilight, “you’re good with lists so I think it’d be best if you did a schedule that is fair to everypony and all of you can run date times through her and she can work out the best days.” Twilight beamed at being asked to do time management for her lover, “Of course! I’m good with lists and schedules so that’d be a breeze.” “OK … last few things, I need to find a way to get Apple Bloom and Scootaloo a good income for their special talents. Since being dedicated to me and loving making love to me is epic! But I’d like for them to be able to earn an income, any ideas?” Spire nuzzled Scootaloo’s neck before kissing Sweetie’s cheek, “Well love, I think there’s a book here that says that rare, or new Cutie Marks bring in a reward for discovering them and those specific Cutie Marks are new. So that’s one thing, and Twilight as a Princess I think could give them vague job titles for government pay?” “That’s right! And since they serve you, thus the herd right?” Twilight asked to which Apple Bloom and Scootaloo agreed they’d do anything for the herd if it’d make Sweetie Belle happier or her life easier. “Then I’m sure that even with government pay, us girls can find work to help us out that’d bring in extra cash,” Twilight concluded. “Perfect! Now then … I don’t want anypony to lose their jobs, or anything like that so if you have something you love and want to keep doing it. Please let me know, also with Rarity’s gem finding spell, if that’s okay with you, my sexy sister of mine. Then we can easily get lots of money through gem finding. I mean I think I have the magical power to do it now myself thanks to all of you being one with me and the mindweb that money will never be a problem.” “Which brings me to my as of now last order of business. I want to make a home big enough for all of us to be together. Now Twilight you know every law, rule, and guideline in Ponyville, do you see any problems with any of these things?” “Nope, since Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have their Cutie Marks they are of the legal age of consent. Same as with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Since you don’t have one yet, but Rarity is your acting legal guardian to give consent for you. Then we have no legal problems dating.” “Scootaloo and Apple Bloom with their unique Cutie Marks, can be labeled as Royal Aides and researchers since they will be helping me, help you figure out your powers. As well as their own magics. So that’s two jobs in one and should net them a hefty paycheck”. “The dating thing will be tricky, but with scheduling everyponies dates if they want, as well as yours I should find away to get everypony on track. Then as for the whole moving in thing, I think I can get us a large portion of land for a house for all of us. But it’d take time to build. So our best bet is to probably find a residence for you at the moment and have everypony move there. And we can move to somewhere bigger when the time’s right. Is that okay?” Twilight rattled off. “It is. Although if we add Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, what’d be fair to do to keep close to them?” “Well I don’t know but I’m sure we can think of something when the time comes.” “Okay, well lets get Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon home before their parents worry. I don’t want them to get in trouble,” Sweetie Belle said sadly. “Don’t worry about that Duchess. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon got permission to spend the week here for a special study date with new friends, and me personally making sure they learn something,” Twilight replied kissing her lover on the nose. Sweetie Belle was about to respond when the unpredictable happened. Sweetie Belle jumped accidentally spilling Scootaloo when Pinkie Pie burst through the door wearing a pleather tuxedo jacket with a guys white dress shirt underneath and an adorable bow tie. Pinkie’s pussy was literally clapping as her nether lips parted and smacked against one another in the strangest Pinkie Sense reaction the girls have ever seen. As Sweetie’s herd formed around her Pinkie Pie sung, “I’m ready!” Pinkie’s ears pointed at the herd and Pinkie trotted up to them and looked around, “Nope! Not Twilight. Not Cheerilee. Not Rares.” “Ummm Pinkie Pie why are you dressed like that and why’s your vagina clapping,” Cheerilee asked as Pinkie was giving everypony a once over. “Oh! I can tell when a pony friend is going to lose her virginity, and before it happens my vagina gives a small clap, and plays their theme song. Afterwards my belly plays a victory song and it’s been going off like crazy. But today I got the sense that it was my turn to lose my V-card, but I didn’t know what to wear! I mean is it formal, informal, I would’ve asked Rarity but I couldn’t find her. So I decided to go with both. So now I’m wearing a sexy tux made of kelp pleather like I saw that one time in Rarity’s basement, and I brought toys and oh! I forgot,” Pinkie gushed before dashing off at Sonic Rainboom Speeds to return with a bouquet of candied roses, “I can’t believe I forgot the flowers! Now who’s the one to take my special moment? I ruled out the older ponies … that only leaves …” Pinkie trailed off. “Wait! You’re not worried about being with a younger pony?” Rarity asked. “Of course not they’re near the age of consent, and love is love. So as long as they’re happy, and I’m happy then it’s all good in my opinion,” Pinkie said distractedly as her eyes fell upon Sweetie Belle, and Twilight hurriedly closed the door. Pinkie Pie’s mane wrapped around Sweetie and lifted her up. Pinkie Pie closed her eyes as her mane brought Sweetie’s face to her own. Her mane formed many ropes that held Sweetie aloft as they passionately kissed. The taste of candy and cake filling Sweetie’s mouth like the sweets that Pinkie was famous for making. Pinkie’s pussy clapping stopped as it gave a wolf whistle. “Wowzers, your kisses give me the tingles. Hey Twilight?” Pinkie said. “Yes Pinkie you can use my bed, but any mess you make you’ll have to clean up if you use any foodstuffs,” Twilight replied knowing what Pinkie Pie was going to ask. “Wow Twilight, how’d you know I was going to try food play for my first time?” Pinkie asked surprisedly. “Let’s just call it a wild guess,” Twilight said with a wry smile, “But shouldn’t you ask Sweetie Belle if that’s what she wants?” Pinkie Pie gasped and shock causing the still suspended Sweetie Belle to giggle, “Sweetie Belle can we do tasty, foody, sexy times please! Pretty, pretty please, with a cherry on top!” Pinkie Pie asked throwing her own slightly less weapons grade Puppy dog eyes at Sweetie Belle who was unused to having that look aimed at herself. “Yes, we can. I kinda didn’t have lunch, and it’s near dinner. So food and sex sounds good right now,” Sweetie said before drawing herself closer to Pinkie Pie and kissing her deeply as Pinkie Pie used a reality shortcut to get into Twilight’s room. Tossing Sweetie Belle in the air Pinkie Pie stripped and threw out an expandable table filled with treats, sex toys, and assorted doodads and thingamajigs of Pinkie Pie’s design. Catching the descending Sweetie Belle in her forelegs Pinkie Pie cooed from the orgasms pulsing through her body, “Well my studly cupcake, When’d you get so buff?” Pinkie Pie asked bringing up something that had escaped everyone’s attention until now. Sweetie was several inches taller, wider, and had well toned muscles showing beneath her light grey coat, and her horn had grown two inches and an inch in thickness. Sweetie Belle just noticing gave grinned widely, “Well … ummm … sugarpuff?” Pinkie Pie chuckled and nuzzled her as she slapped on a pair of spinning nipple tassels made of liquorice. The tassels spun on their own as Pinkie Pie commented, “That sounds adorable.” Sweetie Belle looked at the spinning tassels and burst out laughing, “What are those things!” “Nipple Tassels. You can’t have a good party without some tassels, and their made of liquorice so if you catch them you can eat them,” Pinkie Pie giggled. Sweetie Belle crouched low and raised her rump wiggling it in the air before pouncing. As she got a hold of one of the tassels the other one playfully swatted her cheek. Greedily eating the one tassel she moved to the other. Pinkie Pie’s tail took one of the still held boquete of thornless, candied roses and slid it into her pussy, “Now why don’t you retrieve your prize while I get your appetizers ready.” As Sweetie lowered between Pinkie Pie’s thighs to nibble at the rose slowly pulling it out inch by sensual inch. Pinkie Pie had stretched out and drizzled a snaking line of cold key lime pudding down her body tracing her erogenous areas with a strawberry half over each nipple. Sweetie’s playful pawing on Pinkie’s thighs sending causing her lips to quiver and drool a small pool of cum that helped glide the stem out of her as Sweetie finished up the last of her hor'dourve. “Hahaha! Oh you feel delicious, now Sexy I want you to take that dildo with the white nozzle at the end. Place the dildo inside me, then enjoy your treat,” Pinkie panted. Sweetie positioned her erect cock in front of Pinkie’s face as she bent her head down and licked the pudding off her coat. Pinkie Pie let loose a frustrated sigh as she fought the urge to get a mouthful of balls just as Sweetie got down to her nipples and started playing with them with her tongue. Pinkie Pie reached down and started squealing in ecstasy as she worked the didlo sticking out of her. Flooding the room with her cupcakey aroma. Sweetie Belle, looked at Pinkie Pie and asked, “Sugarpuff, What do I do now?” “Oh! Sweetie Belle!” Pinkie Pie sang orgasmically, “Put your mouth near the nozzle for a surprise.” When Sweetie got near the nozzle Pinkie Pie squeezed her inner muscles on a lever and sprayed Sweetie’s face with a whip creme bukake. Before playfully smacking Sweetie in the face with her soaked dildo. Sweetie sat back both slightly excited, but also surprised both with the face mask of sweet condiments and the odd sensation of getting whacked lightly with a used dildo. Finally she decided settle on laughing at the hilarious absurdity of it all. After the laughter died down, Pinkie Pie and Sweetie came together with a passionately sweet kiss, “Thank you so much!” Pinkie said breathlessly. “For what?” Sweetie asked with an adorable head tilt. “For making my first time so far everything I ever dreamed of. Well other than laying in a vat of frosting with Princess Celestia fanning me and my lover with a fan made out of marshmallows. But other than that, it’s everything I could’ve dreamed of,” Pinkie Pie sighed happily. “Yay! I got praised!” Sweetie said prancing in place, “Is there more food, games that you want to play?” Pinkie Pie fondled Sweetie’s cock drawing a shudder from Sweetie, “Well there’s a two more special things I want to do,” Pinkie said her mane pulling out a bottle of wine and large cupcake. Pinkie Pie popped the cork while squeezing her hindlegs together forming a cup out of her lower region and poured the wine, “First why don’t you drink some wine?” With Pinkie Pie nodding encouragingly Sweetie Belle lapped up the red, aromatic, fruity wine. A slight buzz filled her mind as she got near the bottom of the “cup”. When she stumblingly turned around she found a cupcake in Pinkie Pie’s mouth. Eating her way to Pinkie’s mouth. The unique mixes of fruits and spices complimenting the wine she just finished before going in for another kiss. Sweetie pulled back and huskily said, “ Can I get some more wine? That stuffs so good.” Pinkie Pie took a large chug and poured more into her body cup. Sweetie Belle drank more enjoying her first alcohol induced buzz. She found herself flipped over and Pinkie Pie lathering frosting on her cock. Taking a mouthful of candy cock into her mouth she sucked and licked the growing member humming happily as her body wracked with orgasms. As Sweetie’s brain was wracked with pleasure from the deft blow job from her Pink lover, she was flipped on her back her Pinkie used her hoof to guide Sweetie’s cock into her quivering folds. The amount of raw self-gratification Pinkie Pie gave herself with various household items had got her ready for this big moment. The magical futa-cock growing to fit inside her voluptuous lover, as Sweetie felt the slick, strong walls clamped down and quivered along Sweetie’s member as she ground and swayed on top of her, building momentum. Pinkie Pie’s squeals and screams mixed with Sweetie’s moans. When Sweetie came inside Pinkie Pie, her mind flashed white and she saw the glowing pink essence of Pinkie Pie send her laughter and joy through of the web. The Earth Pony magic, and Pinkie’s Pinkieness flowing into Sweetie Belle as well as her Element. Sweetie Belle noticed something strange from the other web members who held Elements. Their essence gave off a strong, powerful glow resonating through the web. Looking into the raw pure love that rivaled Scootaloo’s as Pinkie Pie’s mountain of orgasms died down, and the rapture spell worked it’s way into Pinkie’s soul, “I love you so so so so much!” Pinkie sang dreamily. I love you so much too! Pinkie gasped and picked up Sweetie Belle and buried herself into Sweetie’s neck, and pinged the message as loud as possible, This is so awesome! Which received a wave of laughter from her other herdmates. We should add Fluttershy tonight. Then Princess Celestia and Luna tomorrow. Can all of you lovely mares help set that up? Several hours later the sun had set and all of Sweetie’s herd had finished dinner and made their way over to Fluttershy’s. Sweetie was carried on the back of AppleJack with Apple Bloom cuddled behind her. With Rainbow Dash carrying Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara in the air. With Silver Spoon having a nice flight on Twilight’s back alongside Rainbow Dash and her passengers. It was a nice enjoyable walk over to the cottage where Fluttershy lived. As Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle flitted down to the ground. Rainbow Dash said, “Duchess, I know the best way to ease Fluttershy into this. First I’ll kiss her and when she’s ready I’ll let you kiss her while I work her clit until she’s nice and ready. Technically she’s not a virgin, in that me and her have casual friend sex every now and then, but she’s never had a stallion in her.” It took awhile for Fluttershy to let them in after she saw the crowd waiting for her outside. Rainbow Dash nuzzled her and whispered, “You know how I usually don’t do mushy stuff?” When Fluttershy nodded Rainbow Dash wrapped her wings around Fluttershy’s neck and brought her into a deep, probing kiss. Fluttershy’s wings stood erect as she melted into Rainbow Dash’s embrace. Slipping her to Sweetie Belle, Sweetie Belle tasted the gentle, flowery taste of Fluttershy and reveled in the addition of another life to her web of souls connected to her. She heard slurping sounds of Rainbow Dash eating out Fluttershy’s honey pot. Sweetie had an impulsive idea of turning it into an orgy and sent a ping through the mindweb, Let’s have fun everypony. And have fun they did. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo laid next to Sweetie Belle and kissed each other with Sweetie’s cock between them. Spire ate out Rainbow Dash while Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sexed up her nipples. Twilight and Cheerilee took one of each of Fluttershy’s wings and fondled them while kissing her neck. With Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack where doing that to Rainbow Dash. Soon the smell and sound of sex and arousal filled the room with everypony building themselves to climax. Just as Sweetie was about to cum she brought Fluttershy’s face down to her throbbing cock and busted a load into Fluttershy’s mouth just as her mouth wrapped around her wang. As the rapture spell took hold the wooded area that she saw when she assimilated Twilight’s mind and essence flashed to life. She saw the web as if it was a physical object, with landscape formed from the essence of all her herdmates. A wave of rainbow energy filled the landscape and thrummed throughout the web as the element bearers were bound in a more deeper way than any marriage, or type of relationship. The web’s connection threads glowed white, then an electric blue as she saw into the very souls of her mates and the three pony types, plus a dragon flared within her. As she came too she saw phantom wings on her shoulder slowly dissipate but their form still felt real to her. And she felt she was a few herdmates away from reaching a new level of being as the suppressed dragon’s greed reared it’s ugly head before the beauty and joy of the elements sang their approval and joy through the web. That was the last thing she saw before sleep claimed her. > Ch 5: Dreams and Links > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie stood in a forested clearing where a magnificent green sun pulsed power through a blue web of energy. As the energy moved she saw it touch down to a mighty castle in the distance. Trotting over she saw her herdmates connected by a blue thread, their minds aglow with a pink aura that radiated love and need. Looking at them she saw an overlay of her mental image of the mindweb and where they were all connected. A rainbow of light snaking through the web infusing their very souls to the web where they were originally just their essence. Sweetie Belle opened her mind and felt all the ponies they were connected to, all the lives they touched, and sent her magic through it to wrap her magic upon them. As she did she saw a weaker, more gentler under section to the web. Adding the minds and powers of those touched to the underweb. She saw and felt all the lives under her and her few chosen. But there were a few who were too far away, or whose wills were too strong to simply infuse to the mindweb. Grinning with the rush of power she swore that she’d have more. With these new lives to serve and help keep those she loved happy. With a blast of light she saw the outline of wings form on her back and her body as well as her magic strengthen as a Cutie Mark appeared on her flank. A rose pink heart inside a fuschia eight pointed star representing her love and magic. That was in the center of an electric blue web representing her mindweb and the connections she saw and touched. Squealing she ran to her lovers. “Look! Look! I have a Cutie Mark, and I almost look like a Princess!” Sweetie said joyously. Spire watched happily as his magnificent Mistress danced with glee, but felt a weird chill in her belly. She knew that she was at the point in her development where she was gathering genetic material for her child. But wanted to give Sweetie the greatest gift of all. A child of the herd with everypony’s seed was part of the gift. Strolling up to her love she gave her a happy hug along with the rest and requested, “Sweetie my love can I request something?” “Hmmm?” Sweetie retorted curiously. “Can you give the rest of our mate’s delicious cocks and have them fill me with their seed?” Spire pleaded. Sweetie lovingly kissed Spire and as she did the love and joy she felt for Spire flared through the rest of the dreamscape filling the other herdmates with that joy. Reaching out with her magic she gave the rest of her herdmates mighty wangs and watched and felt as their magic, essence, and what almost felt as their bodies go to Spire and give her the seed she desired. After what felt like hours of mind blowing sex Spire felt the magic from her lovers infuse into her proto-egg, and shifted from the various traits she loved about her fellow mates. Laying back she knew that there was at least three more to add to her egg before she was willing to go pregnant. Then she’d surprise Sweetie Belle and the herd with the greatest gift she could give. The mindweb and underweb was a flurry of chatter. As minds and essences fell under Sweetie’s sway, and grew more connected than ever imagined. All the while Sweetie listened to the each word, each desire, each feeling as if she was speaking to them one on one. It was glorious, and with just a small trickle of magic she cultivated every ounce of love, every orgasm, every feeling of joy and spread it amongst all of the web. Letting them have a taste of her love. It was glorious. Even though they weren’t of the herd, she reveled in the minds and souls of her herd and the minds and essence of the underweb. To hold all those lives in her hoof. To know everything about them and spread love and joy to everypony. It was the greatest rush. Although she did feel a weird thrumming in her essence as the greed of Dragons and the Elements of Harmony rubbed upon each other. But it was quickly overshadowed by the joy she got through expanding her web. If anypony would have told Sweetie Belle only four days ago that she’d have discovered something so beautiful and powerful she would’ve thought they had too much of AppleJack’s special cider. Now though, it felt how Sweetie imagined a Princess must feel like. And nothing could have made her night more amazing. But what she didn’t know was that this dream was not a dream but a mental interpretation of the web. And all that she did and felt was very, very, real. > Ch 6: Royal Flush! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle was awoken to a massive wave of squeals. Opening up her eyes groggily she saw her herdmates blasting her ears and mindweb waves of delight, “Wazzit?” Sweetie mumbled. “Look at your flank!” Scootaloo sang. Looking down she saw the Cutie Mark that she saw in her dreams, looking at her fellow ex-crusaders she said, “You know what this means!” “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER CUTECENERA! Yay!” They screamed happily giving each other highhooves. Sweetie felt wave after wave of joy from everyone in the mindweb and a mixture of elation and confusion from the underweb. “Twilight! Can we go to Canterlot today? I want to add the Princesses to the Mindweb, and then have our Cutecenera at the Palace!” Sweetie said while prancing like the ecstatic filly she was. “Of course love,” Twilight said tenderly, “Just let me have Spike, sorry, I mean Spire send a letter knowing to expect a surprise when we get there and a request to have the Cutecenera over there. If we’re lucky Shiny and Cadance might still be over there from there ‘diplomatic’ mission.” “What mission?” The former Crusaders asked simultaneously. Twilight sent an image through the web of Shining Armor and Cadance relaxing at a spa, eating dinner with the Princesses as well as the other in-laws, and having a mini-vacation. Verbally she said, “That kind of mission. It’s a way, at least on paper, that Cadance and Shining Armor can keep strong relations with the Equestrian Empire.” “Well then let’s get that letter written,” Sweetie Belle said resting her head against Apple Bloom while stroking Scootaloo’s tail. It was several hours later and Sweetie and her herd were settled in Twilight’s old room as they waited for the other Princesses to get through their rather busy schedules. Sweetie was using Diamond Tiara for a pillow while caressing Scootaloo’s velvety soft mane, Scootaloo’s tail flicking happily. Twilight and Fluttershy rested on her sides and the others were bunched around them, snuggling together as they waited for what was to come later. Sweetie nibbled Scootaloo’s ear before rubbing her back, “I’m so lucky to have such beautiful herdmates like you all. I’m the luckiest filly in all of Equestria,” Sweetie sighed and rubbed the back of her head onto Diamond’s barrel. Twilight and Fluttershy responded by rubbing their wings on Sweetie Belle’s thighs, while the others responded with loving d’awwws. The doors suddenly opened revealing Luna and Celestia as they trotted in distracted by a scroll they were previewing as they wrapped up their business for the day giving Sweetie enough time to roll Scootaloo to her side and trot up to the rulers of Equestria. They sniffed the air, picking up the thick pheromones radiating from Sweetie and the smell of sex dripping from Sweetie’s herd from the pleasure she was giving off. Sweetie Belle bowed before them flicking her tail up in the mating position. The sex-hypnotized rulers picked her up with their wings and slid their tongues within her mouth. The velvety, sensual tongues played amongst each other the honied fruity tongue of Celestia merging with the chocolaty goodness of Luna’s as they each kissed as if they were trying to wrest the very flavor from Sweetie’s soul. Laying Sweetie on her back the two sisters used their magic to raise Sweetie’s enlarged cock between their scissored pussies so that each could claim a part of the throbbing penis between them. Grinning maniacally as the Orgasm spell flooded their very bodies they started humping one another their juices shooting out in shuddering gushes. Twilight emboldened by their sex flew over and kissed Celesita while rubbing her wings. Luna not wanting to miss out on the action raised Twilight’s body and ate out her delicious marehood. Celestia and Luna then plunged one of their primaries into Sweetie’s butthole playing with her anus as their muffled screams vibrated through Twilight. The mixed pleasure of seeing her lover being split between the two goddesses scissoring her cock, the anal wingplay, and having two goddesses ride her cock caused Sweetie’s brain to go numb from over-exposure to sexy awesomeness. It was in this mental fog that Sweetie came, although she didn’t notice the two sisters angling their pussies over her cock’s tip getting the full blast of semen inside them. As Sweetie’s rapture spell ripped through them, Sweetie saw them enter the web a split second before her mind was shot out of her body and as she took in their power her mind saw all of the cosmos and all manner of entities with in it. As the power of everyone within her mindweb, and the power of three goddesses within her flooded her body two majestic wings erupted from her body as she ascended to godhood as her mind dominated the two goddesses whose wombs were soaking up her cum. Sliding out their wings they looked at her with a look of devotion and love whispering simultaneously, “We love you Duchess!” After getting cleaned up Celestia and Luna lay on Twilight’s bed with huge cocks as Spire gently rode Tia’s massive cock, and Spire’s assistant Diamond Tiara gave Luna’s more thicker one a series of kisses and tender ministrations as the two sister’s talked to Sweetie Belle and the other herdmates. “Spike truly makes a wonderful girl, I love how her clit can do so many wonderful things to this cock you gave me my love,” Tia moaned softly. “Spire said she wanted the sperm of all our herdmates and after I get Cadance then Spire will have all the sperm she could ever want,” Sweetie languidly replied as she casually played with Scootaloo’s pussy with one hoof while lovingly petting the mane of Apple Bloom who was sucking her cock with her other forehoof. “Now how did such a miraculous thing happen?” Tia said with a shudder as Spire’s clit did it’s magic on her. “Hmmmm …. Ohhh! Apple Bloom right their that’s the spot!” Sweetie squealed before replying to Celestia,”Well we just started learning about sex ed from Ms. Cheerilee over there, and the girls wanted an adult book from the library. So it was my job, having learned magic from Twilight recently, to get one. So I went in and took a book at random, but I got interested at the title and decided to try some stuff out, and it kind of grew from there. Now I’m stuck with a cock, and I think I might’ve made the potions wrong since the Futa spell won’t go away and I got this sexy mindweb. But other than having no control over it, it’s been fun so far,” Sweetie recapped as she shot a load down Apple Bloom’s throat causing AB to gurgle happily as she drank up Sweetie’s colt juice. Luna waved Silver Spoon over so that her cock could get some more love and attention before giving her own two bits into the conversation, “This is truly the best accident We’ve seen in a spell, but we do believe that Mi Amore Cadenza will be most useful in helping you control your powers.” “I hope so, I love my penis but I miss my filly bits. That and I want to feel my lovers cock’s deep inside me like I’ve been able to do for them. By the way Ms. Cheerilee, thank you for getting me to grow a cock, I would’ve never been able to have as much fun as I have without it,” Sweetie said while moving Apple Bloom to her side and waving Cheerilee over to have her turn with her member, “And it’s great that I can go on forever, or until I pass out.” It was an hour later when Cadance walked in dressed in a sexy, pink, pleather Kunoichi outfit. The mouthpiece was replaced with a flowing pink scarf, and the pants were assless chaps giving a full view of her tight, glorious vag. She was flanked on each side by Tia and Luna. With Sweetie and her herd playing a game of reverse strip poker. With Cheerilee, who was losing horribly, wrapped up in a blanket, two layers of Rarity’s spare clothes, and a pair of sky blue socks. Cadance looked at how ridiculously adorable everyone was looking and burst out laughing. Falling to the floor and clutching her ribs, as the two royal sisters let loose a feminine titter. Twilight ran up to Cadance and after giving the Ladybug greeting hoofshake of theirs hugged her sister-in-law, “Cadance! Did Celestia and Luna tell you what was going on?” “Only that there was a pony who needed my help with her sexual powers, and my Love Ninja Training ™ was just the thing needed to fix the problem. That and they said that her powers were the greatest thing they’ve ever seen so I talked to Shiny Butt and he said that he was Okay with it as long as I let him in on the fun later. So who’s this special pony?” Cadance asked looking around. Twilight wrapped a wing around Sweetie and pulled her into a nuzzle, with her herdmates getting in on the huggle action. Twilight glowed as she replied, “My Dutchess here is all of our special someponies.” Cadance trotted up to Sweetie and said, “Well now I don’t remember any talk of a new Alicorn being ascended or born. But you make my little ladybug happy so I guess you’re okay in my books. So why don’t we get you ready for your training today with your special someponies watching, and we can do some more personal training later.” Lighting up her horn she pulled out a pink satin cord hidden in her outfit and tied Sweetie’s forelegs behind her back and reverse hog tied her. Before using her magic to rest Sweetie against the headboard of the bed, “Your first lesson is to see your sexual endurance so I know how much you can take.” Cadance purred. Turning around she placed her pussy in front of Sweetie’s muzzle as she deep throated Sweetie’s wang. Cadance throat clenched and milked Sweetie’s cock as raw pleasure blasted Cadance’s mind, and she moaned deeply around Sweetie’s cock as Sweetie started eating out Cadance. In her twenty six years of life she had never experienced such pleasure, not even when she turned Shining Armor into a mare and popped both of her cherries. When Cadance couldn’t take it anymore, she picked Sweetie up and after placing Sweetie’s cock in her pussy she used her magic to spin Sweetie like a top, slowly building speed in the Unicorn propeller sex position. Sweetie came the fastest she had ever came this side of Spire’s dexterous clit. As she did she noticed that Cadance didn’t just merge with the mindweb as much as she became a totally different extension of it. As if she was trying to hold herself away from the full brunt of the spell. Cadance smiled at how fast she was able to make Sweetie bust a nut, and the pleasure building inside her. Being a goddess of all aspects of love, including sex, made her able to last longer and go farther than mortal ponies. But the magic of Sweetie’s sex slicked cock was like trying to contain sexual lightning and after Sweetie’s twelfth ejaculation, Cadance’s womb was so full of magical cum that she couldn’t hold it in any longer. Giving into the magic, she let loose a wall shaking orgasm as her mind partially surrendered to the mindweb. But unlike the others, she was a love goddess and was able to avoid the brainwashing part of the spell as rapture engulfed her. Cadance could easily see why others would submit to such an amazing power. It was six hours and many orgasms later when Cadance hit her limit and fell to the bed which by now was so soaked with sex that the whole thing sloshed as she fell, “Wow I can’t believe there’s somepony who can outlast me during sex. That spell that makes ponies assimilate and submit to your will willingly was a hard one to bypass. But your real training starts tonight.” > Ch. 7: Something Special > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a little over three months into her training when Sweetie had a day off. It was a hundred days into her herdmates pregnancy that she learned about a few days into her training. Although she was told that she needed to finish her training before she was coronated as the Queen of Equestria and the Crystal Empire. If only to ensure that she had perfect control over her abilities. They were starting to show, but the most amazing of all was Spire. Her scales glistened like a sea of gems, although most of her pregnancy was spent laying on a heated pile of gems. The mirage set up the illusion of her scales being made out of gems. Although the greatest thing about Spire being pregnant was that she was an insatiable sex machine when she wasn’t soaking up heat and magic. Even Sweetie with all of her insatiability was hard pressed in keeping her pregnant dragon satisfied. The other herdmates were less demanding than a pregnant dragon, but were funny none the less. Cheerilee and Twilight had raided the library and were reading every book they could get their hooves on, on the topic of child raising. While occasionally stopping to read bedtime stories to all of the herdmates for their collective babies. Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Tia and Cadance took to raiding the Royal Kitchens to the point that a mini army was set up in the kitchens to keep them fed. Luna, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity spent their time getting a baby shower party to remember underway. And the others spent their time pleasuring Spire, or helping get things ready for their big dates. Taking advantage of her first day on her month off of training. She went to check up on Spire. When she arrived she saw Spire munching on a gem while Rarity and Twilight sucked on Spire’s swelling breasts that had gone from humble sized, perky breasts to big, bouncy breasts. Sweetie walked behind Twilight and started suckling her clit, while she magically produced a thick dildo to ram into her sister’s soaking vag. There was something magical, even all these months later, to Sweetie Belle about having sex with her sister. And knowing that her sister was carrying her baby made Sweetie smile inside. After all her lovers came she buried her cock into Spire’s pussy and gently ground into her, while pulling her lover’s thigh’s into a hug, I’m so happy that all of you lovely mares, and dragon, are carrying my babies. Sweetie’s sighed through the mindweb. Getting a blast of love from her herdmates in response. It was later in the day when she thought about how she acquired Shining Armor and what she wanted of him in service to the mindweb. So far he was a decent servant to her herdmates. His mind having been previously rolled by Queen Chrysalis had weakened his mind, and after getting his colon coated in cum had turned him into little more than a drone whose greatest happiness was serving Sweetie and her herd. In her mindless wandering of the castle she walked in on the shared herd bedroom which used to be Princess Celestia’s room. She saw Shining Armor massaging Cadance and seeing as they didn’t notice her walk in walked behind Shining Armor and took his giant balls into her mouth and began sucking on them. Cadance looked over after hearing Shining Armor yelp, and giggled at his reaction to getting his balls played with. Turning around she sucked on his cock and reached over to give Sweetie a hoofjob. Just before she was about to cum she used her magic to spin Shining around to give him a tasty bukake blast to the face. It took her a week to learn that he loved getting bukaked, especially if somepony was rutting him. His secret homosexuality was Cadance’s favorite dirty secret to share with the herd, and something that other than Twilight and Fluttershy, the others loved exploiting when he was pleasuring them. “Whose my sexy whorse?” Sweetie purred into Shining’s ear. “I am Dutches. Please let me offer my ass as offering to your greatness,” He replied, his eyes glazed over from his dwindling individuality. “Maybe later, I just wanted to give you a little gift for being so helpful to the herd,” Sweetie said lick some of the cum off of his face before kissing him. Pulling back he nuzzled her, “Anything for the herd,” he said languidly. It was finally night time and Sweetie lay curled next to Spire and Scootaloo surrounded by her herdmates basking in their love and adoration. She didn’t know what exactly the future would hold, but with her growing family, her great lovers, and an army of drones to follow her every whim. Life couldn’t be any better, and she truly had found something special. > Sequel fic. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.fimfiction.net/story/202353/gefo Here's the sequel. I hope everypony enjoys it.