> The new Equestria. > by Meow Te-Sung > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comrades, I want to appolagize for any grammer errors or spelling mistakes, english is not my best langueage so please expect a good deal of mistakes. Thank You -Comrade Stalin Pinkie Pie awoke to the usual ring of her state issued alarm clock. Every day scince Celestia made those reforms to the Equestrian government She had to get up at 5:30 every day including weekends, and start baking bread, all day, every day. She looked at her alarm clock, it was dull and iron, no color or decorations on it at all, it didn't even have a switch to change the alarm. But it did, however, have a sensor in it that would alert Delestia's KGB if it was tampered with in any way and she would get sent to the Gulag. She walked down stairs and pushed the button that had been recently installed into the Bakery's wall. It had a metal plate, with a single green button for every adult pony in the resedince. Pinkie quickly pressed the middle button, every night she went to sleep in fear of oversleeping, and pressing her button late. She knew if she did that the doors and windows would automaticlly lock and alert the KGB, who would then barge into her home and arrest her for being a lazy traitor. She noticed that Mr. and Mrs.Cake were walking down the stairs, Pinkie kept on walking over to the refridgerator to get her daily breakfast ration of oatmeal, coffe, and apples. She hated oatmeal, she hated it with all her heart, but she was so hungry it didn't matter to her anymore, and besides, if she didn't eat it she would be arrested for wasting the fruit of her comrades labor, as the KGB put it. She sat down at the table to begin eating makeing sure that the state installed security cameras could see her for the rest of her morning ritual. The cameras were clearly visible and were installed in every room of everyponies house on the second week of Celestia's reforms. Along with the cameras, the govvernment had installed wiretaps, intercoms, and automatic locks, that lock the ponies in their rooms after curfew. Mrs. Cake got back inside from giving her foals to the government shuttle that would take them to their schools when all three of the residents herd the familer beeping, signalling the morning anouncements. "Good morning comerades." the host said in a toneless, cold voice. "Please rise to salute our grand utopian motherland!" He said. Pinkie and the Cakes sang along to the Equestrian national anthem as it was played twice by the KGB over the radio. Afterwards the anouncer sharply said "Get to work!" and then hung up the intercomm. The Cakes and Pinkie got to their positions and began the endless process of making bread, since the reforms Celestia imposed had started. About two hours later there was a knock on the door. Before one of them could answer it three members of Celestia's KGB royal guard walked in. Their armor was the same as before the reforms, but it was now colorless, just a dull, steel. The three unicorns stood in front of the frietend family and one pulled out a note and began reading aloud. "Mr.Carrot Cake, You have been charged with the high treason of glutony, we have video evidence of you stealing bread from the supply that you have made. You have been sentenced to life in the Gulag." The guards then circled Mr. Cake. "I'll never go with you!" Mr. Cake shouted. The guards just shrugged and the middle one said "Suit yourself." and then all three of them lowerd their horns and started sending spells flying at Mr.Cake. The spells hit Carrot like bullets and before long he hit the floor, dead and full of holes. The agent in charge said to the intercom "We need a clean up crew." and started to leave, and before walking out, the middle agent turned and said "Your quota is still five hundred loaves a day." and then they left. Pinkie and Mrs. Came got back to work making bread, crying the entire time, their tears dripping into the dough. The bread would taste even worse now because of all the salty tears being added to them, along with the course grain that the government made them use. They continued making bread untill 10:00 at night, when they were permitted to eat dinner. They went to the refridgerator and got their daily dinner ration, a salad and bread. Before they ate the loud speakers came on and they had to stand up and say "Thank you comrade Celestia for this happy life." and then had to sing the Equestrian national anthem twice again. They then ate in scilence, one reason being they had nothing to talk about, the other being they could be deemed traitorous for the slightest complaint against their life. After they had fineshed eating they went up stairs and went strait to bed. They did not bath for running water for anything other than drinking and for work was considered greedy and wasteful, and punishable by up to 15 to 20 years of hard labor in the Gulag. They retired to their respective quarters for the night, and Pinkie herd the familer sound of the doors and windoes locking automaticly. She tried to sleep, but it was very hard for her, on account of the camera watching her every move. She wished Gummy was here with her, she started crying as she remembered what had happend to her lovable pet alligator. A few days after the reforms the KGB came into her house for the weekly inspection and found Gummy. He was sitting in the closet chewing on something. Even though pets are still allowed in Equestria, when they retrived Gummy, they saw he had been chewing on Celestia's editin of the Communist manifesto. Even though Pikie did't like her life, the brainwashing worked, and she lved her country, and this treason broke her heart. She didn't even try to resis as the KGB took put a sack over Gummy's head and the executed him by shoting him with a spell in the back of the head. Pinkie was snapped out of her memory by the intercom in her room blaring "Comrade Pinkie, stop crying and go to sleep!" Pinkie just nodded and said "Yes Comrade." and laid her head down and fell asleep like the good pony she is.