The Mysterious Death Of The Wonderbolt Leader

by RikaChan

First published

Soarin' dies. Everyone goes bonkers looking for the murderer. More ponies die.

This is a story about Soarin', The mane six, Spitfire, and lots of others. It's the first story I've written, so please give me plenty of critical comments!


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As she stared at the lifeless body lying in front of her, sweat continued to drip down her face.

"What have I done…?" She whispered, not having the energy to do anything more. Had she really just murdered this poor innocent person, and for no reason at all? Was she really that heartless? She looked around the room. She wouldn't let anyone know...Even though she knew it was wrong, and maybe she did deserve to jail... she still didn't want to be known as a murderer for the rest of her life... She had to hide the corpse. She looked around the room to check if anyone was watching. But there was. There, at the window, a horrified girl was standing. She did something that looked like a gasp and ran away.

She looked around the room, until she was completely satisfied that there was nothing left that would be obvious that it was a murder...she looked at the yellow carpet covering the splotches of blood that were on the ground. What had she done...she tried to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes. She couldn't cry. It's not like there was a need to. She would be fine. Nobody would find out - right?

Detective Twilight Sparkle

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Twilight walked around the room. The murderer had tried to clean the crime scene well...but Twilight was used to this. I mean, what sort of stupid murderer would just leave the evidence lying around? She looked under the bed, everything. Then she noticed the yellow carpet in the middle of the room. She didn't think that anyone would be dumb enough to hide something in the middle of the room, but she looked under it anyways. There, to her surprise, were a few splotches of blood. Why would anyone hide something in such an obvious place? she snorted. She thought this was a serious case, not just some dumb teenager who did this. This blood was relatively dried out, but it was still obvious that it had been there for at least an hour, but less than a week. She examined the blood carefully as she took a cotton swab out of her kit, and took a sample of the blood. She put the cotton swab away in a container, looking around the crime scene for more clues. Hm... Twilight thought. "Maybe I should send this to the lab first, then come back." She nodded to herself. That sounded like a good idea, for she didn't want to do more work than she had to. Not that she was lazy, but she had other things she had to get on with. Another boring case, nothing exciting ever really happened. This wasn't what she had expected... but oh well.

Suspect Rainbow Dash

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Rainbow Dash couldn't stop fidgeting. There were so many eyes just watching her...what was she doing here anyway? I mean yeah, sure, it was sorta cool to be on top of this stage thing...but she had training to do. What was so important that she had had to miss her training practice? Nothing. Because practice was really important. Much more important than standing on a wooden stage thing with lots of people staring at her, no matter how cool that sounded.

The big wooden doors burst open as a woman with a gigantic pink Afro stumbled into the room - a woman with neat and straight blue hair following her. Everyone looked at the lady with the pink Afro, then looked at the lady with blue hair, then back at the pink Afroed lady. A bunch of whispers traveled around the room.

Rainbow Dash couldn't help overhearing one of the audience whispering: "No, it Must be the one with the blue hair. A judge's hair can't be as crazy as that!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. Hair, hair, hair. That's all anyone thinks about nowadays. Rainbow Dash sighed and looked at the pink Afro anyway.

“Oh!” she exclaimed, not realizing that she was thinking aloud. A few people looked at her, but Rainbow Dash didn't care. She was used to the attention. People would cheer her on, a few people by saying “Boo!”, because she never got into the Wonderbolts, even though she had tried to three times. The third time she was almost successful, even Applejack thought she had what it took to be Wonderbolt - which doesn't happen very often - but Soarin’ didn't. Hey...Rainbow Dash thought. What happened to Soarin’ anyway? He hasn't been around lately...

“Excuse me.” said the lady with the pink Afro. She was up on another stage thing. All these stage things...All these people...It was making Rainbow Dash nervous. “I have gathered you all here to discuss the death of Soarin’, head of the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. So Soarin’ had been murdered? There were good things and bad things about that...The good thing was that maybe she could become a Wonderbolt now! The bad thing was, they might have to shut down the Wonderbolts because the head of it died…and that would be bad, because that would mean that she would never be able to become a Wonderbolt! And then-

"I would like Rainbow Dash to stand up please.” she said. Rainbow Dash, too confused to do anything else, did so. There were so many eyes on her...

“Um...why am I here?” she asked. “I have more important things like training to do…”

Apparently that was very offensive, and once again, and a lot of whispers traveled around the room.

“You are a suspect of the murder of Soarin’.” replied the pink Afro lady.

"Yes,” the blue haired lady finally spoke up, “We think that you might have murdered him, because we heard that you wanted to become a Wonderbolt, but Soarin’ wouldn't let you, and that you were having a meeting with him, three hours before we found his corpse.” the blue haired lady walked over to another stage thing. Rainbow Dash looked at the stage seat in front of her, and wondered who was going to sit there. “I heard that you have a lawyer that agreed to be here?” questioned the blue haired lady.

“What?” said Rainbow Dash, clueless of what she was talking about. She had never heard the word lawyer before, or know who her's was. Just then, the big doors opened once again. And in, came Rainbow Dash’s lawyer.

Lawyer Rarity

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Rarity walked into the big court room, all eyes on her. This was her chance to shine. Everyone would see how marvellous she was...she was wearing a white gown, a blue sapphire necklace, and had curled her purple hair to the absolute extent, spending hours and hours on it. She was carrying a light blue purse with her with diamonds that sparkled in the light on it. Rarity calmly sat down in front of the blue haired lady.

“Very well,” said the pink Afro lady. “Detective Twilight Sparkle, you may begin.”

“Thank you, Judge Pinkamena Diane Pie.” said Detective Twilight Sparkle. “I would like to begin with repeating why you are all here, because lawyer Rarity was not here the first time I said it. The reason why you are all here is because Soarin’, the head of the Wonderbolts, has been murdered.”

“Oh my!” said Rarity, shocked. “Who would ever do such a thing?”

“That, Lawyer Rarity, is why we are here. We find Rainbow Dash suspicious, and we found out that she was having a meeting with Soarin’ three hours before we found the corpse.”

“But Rainbow would never do such a thing!” exclaimed Rarity, finally understanding that she was here to protect Rainbow Dash. “She is a loyal friend, and she would never murder anyone.” Rarity stood up, determined to defend her.

“Please stay seated,” Judge Pinkamena Diane Pie’s voice came from above Rarity. She sat back down. Rarity had never been to court before, but she got the sense that you were supposed to listen to the judge, even if her fashion style was absolutely dreadful.

“Do you have any evidence?” asked Rarity, trying her best to persuade Detective Twilight Sparkle that it was not Rainbow Dash who murdered him. “What if it was simply a coincidence?” Rarity pushed.

“Yes, we do.” answered Detective Twilight Sparkle, “We have a red strand of hair here,” she took something out of her kit in a plastic bag, “and Rainbow Dash was having a meeting with Soarin’, so it is possible that she could have murdered him right there and then.”

“But she wasn't alone in the room.” said Rarity. “She told me she had a meeting with Spitfire and Soarin’, so it couldn't have been her. So why is Rainbow Dash suspicious while Spitfire isn't? That is simple unfair. Plain unfair.” Rarity thought she had won this, but she was wrong.

“That is exactly why Spitfire is here.”

Suspect Spitfire

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Spitfire took the stand next to Rainbow Dash’s.

“Hello Spitfire,” Detective Twilight said, “Would you be kind enough as to tell us what you were discussing with Soarin’?”

“O-of course,” replied the nervous Spitfire. She wasn’t sure why it was needed, but no matter the reason, she would tell them anyway. She didn’t want it to seem like she was the murderer...

“W-we were d-discussing whether t-to let Rainbow Dash into th-the Wonderbolts or n-not…”

“And what did he decide?” asked Detective Twilight.

"W-well he said y-yes..."

“And why was that?”

“B-because he f-finally thought sh-she h-had what it t-takes t-to become a W-Wonderbolt…”


G-good...Spitfire thought. She thinks th-that it’s R-rainbow Dash...Spitfire sighed in relief, not realising her mistake.

“What are you so relieved about?” Detective Twilight asked Spitfire.

“U-Um…” Spitfire stuttered, starting to panic. What had she just done? “I-I was just h-happy that...that…” Spitfire had busted it.

“You were just happy that I suspected Rainbow Dash?” Detective Twilight guessed, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes…” Spitfire gave in.

“Well I won’t let you off that easily.” Detective Twilight said. As expected from a detective.

“W- why am I a suspect anyway?” asked Spitfire.

“Because you were with Soarin’ three hours before his corpse was found by the police.

“Well,” Spitfire was ready to blame Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow Dash was with me, so she would have saw me do it.” Spitfire thought she had won.

Detective Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash. “Were you an accomplice to Spitfire?” she asked. But she obviously didn’t expect Rainbow Dash to say yes.

“A what?” Rainbow Dash looked clueless. There was no way she had ever been in court before.

Detective Twilight sighed. “Did you see Spitfire do anything suspicious?” she asked Rainbow Dash.

“No,” was the clueless girl’s reply.

Detective Twilight turned back to Spitfire.“Did you see Rainbow Dash do anything suspicious?”

Spitfire obviously was going to lie. “Yes!” she said, in such a high voice that it even made the judge jump. “She was giving a drink, and it could have had poison in it!”

“Yes, it could have. But it didn’t. Because Rainbow Dash gave me the same tea.” It was so unexpected for her to talk. Rarity had been silent for so long...but now Rainbow Dash had an alibi, and Rarity was going to make sure to get it through to everyone.

Lawyer Rarity

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“How can you be so sure that it was the same tea?” asked Detective Twilight.

“Because she was so proud to have given it to Soarin’, and it was my tea cup, and she came back to me with his signature on it. Thus, I am sure it was the same tea.” Rarity was confident in herself. She would not disappoint Rainbow Dash. She couldn't!

“Hm…” Was Detective Twilight’s reply. It must be hard to be a detective, thought Rarity. Little did she know, but Detective Twilight was precisely thinking at this moment, Why is it so hard being a detective? Rarity started fidgeting, which was unusual for her. She normally was so formal, with such good manners, so why was she fiddling with her bag and getting distracted? And why at such an important place? Why at such an important time? What was wrong with her? She was starting to get sweaty…

“Miss Rarity?” Rarity jumped, her thoughts shattered. She hadn’t realised that someone was talking to her… “Miss Rarity?” that’s when Rarity realised that she was supposed to answer.

“Oh! Yes?” she replied.

"Would you mind bringing in that tea cup tomorrow? I am afraid that we will have to continue this case tomorrow as it is getting late.”

“Of course I would not mind!” replied Rarity, recovering from her confusion. She looked at the huge clock hanging on the wall of the court. Oh my! she thought. It’s already 6:30. Time flies...

“You may go now,” said the judge. Everyone got up, and there was a waterfall of people trying to push through the humungous doors. Rarity sat there, waiting until everyone left so that she could leave without being pushed. When everyone else had left, she got up to leave. Just before she walked through the doors, someone bumped into her. “Oh my! Are you ok?” she asked the person who had just ran into her. She turned around to see who it was. Oh. It was Spitfire. She just ran out of the door, not even saying sorry to Rarity.

Then Rainbow Dash came to meet up with Rarity. “Hey Rare,” she said. “Thanks for helping me back there, I needed it.”

Rarity smiled. “Of course. That’s what friends are for, right?”

“Totally!” Rainbow Dash hugged Rarity. “And you are one awesome friend.” They walked out of the room laughing. But Rarity still couldn’t help thinking, why did Spitfire want to blame Rainbow Dash so badly?

“AHHH!!!” Rarity’s horrified scream echoed through the house as the teapot shattered.

“What’s going on?!” Rainbow Dash rushed over to help her at such speed, she almost stepped on a piece of the shattered teapot. “Rarity? What’s wrong?” she asked, trying to calm her down.

“Th-th-the window...l-look out the w-w-window…” Rarity stuttered. Tears were falling down her cheeks.

Rainbow Dash looked out. That’s when she saw the problem. “…” Rainbow Dash was speechless. Right in front of her, outside the window, was Applejack’s corpse.

“I-I didn’t do it...I swear...I-I didn’t d-do it!” Rarity was so upset, she just couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “I-it just appeared there...I-I was just going t-to open the w-window f-f-for some f-fresh air b-but then I-I saw it…” Rarity sobbed.

“Rarity, you are a lawyer, not a suspect, so this is a different case, though this does affect Rainbow Dash’s innocence.” said Detective Twilight. She had a tone of sympathy in her voice, as if she really wanted to believe that Rarity didn’t do it. Detective Twilight walked up to the judge and told her something in a low voice.The judge nodded, and she came back down. “Come Rarity, I have something that might calm you down.” Twilight talked to her as if they were friends. Rarity nodded, trying to stop crying and followed Twilight.

They stopped in front of Twilight’s office. “Come in,” she told Rarity. She tried to smile as she walked into the room, but deep down, she was afraid that Twilight suspected her. What if Rainbow Dash was accused all because of her? Even if she didn’t do was still her fault...Rarity bit her lip. She wasn’t about to start crying in front of everyone again.

“Thank you,” Rarity tried to sound formal, but she just sounded like a crying kid that had just been approached by a stranger. Rarity cleared her throat, and tried again. “Thank you.” that sounded much better.

“For what?” asked Detective Twilight.

“For...helping me out there.” replied Rarity. Twilight smiled. That was the first time Rarity had ever seen Twilight smile...but it was a very sad smile. There was a sad look in her eyes...a wishing she wanted something she knew she could never have...Rarity felt like inviting her to have some tea together and calmer her down, telling her she could tell her what her problem was, but now wasn’t the right time.

“I don’t think you killed Applejack.” said Twilight.

“But I didn’t ki- don’t?” Rarity had expected Twilight to tell her that she was a murderer, but she had just said the exact opposite.

“No, I don’t. I think it was someone else, though it would not be fair to that person if I told you who it was.” Twilight said.

“Of course.” said Rarity, though she really wanted to know. “May I ask, who is Spitfire’s lawyer?” Rarity had been curious about this for a while, and she was hoping she would turn up today.

“Spitfire’s lawyer was Applejack.” it almost sounded as if Twilight showed sympathy for Spitfire...but Rarity strongly believed that it was Spitfire who murdered Soarin’. “Today a new suspect is coming in.” said Twilight.

“Oh?” Rarity had not known about this. “And who ever might that be?”


“You mean the one that works at the animal shelter?”

“Yes.” Twilight sighed. “So that tea cup… even though it’s broken could you still bring it in?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. Come, I think we need to get started at court.”

How could she be a suspect… thought Rarity. She’s so innocent! just couldn't be her...could it?

Suspect Fluttershy

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Twilight walked back into court with Caramel. He was the prosecutor today because Twilight was someone else's lawyer. “Welcome back Detective Twilight Sparkle and Mr. Caramel.” Pinkamena Diane Pie’s voice welcomed them, but not in a very warm way.

“Thank you,” said Twilight and Caramel in unison. They both sat down at their stands. As if to welcome Twilight - once again in a very cold way - Spitfire walked up to Twilight.

“Rarity murdered my lawyer, and now I have no lawyer! What am I supposed to do if there is no one to defend me? Are you just going to throw me in to jail? That's not fair!"

“Please, calm down Spitfire. We cannot be sure that it was Rarity who murdered her. Anyone could have just left the corpse there so that it looked like Rarity did it. And weren't there were four Wonderbolts before Rainbow Dash got in?” Twilight was trying to stay calm.

“Oh…” Spitfire hadn’t thought of that before. “But she’s a really slow runner…the only reason why she is a Wonderbolt is because she was Soarin’s friend since kindergarten.”

“This isn’t a running competition Spitfire. This is a trial.”

Spitfire grunted and stormed off. Twilight sighed with relief.

“Fluttershy, please take your place on the stand.” said the judge. A timid pony slowly walked over to the stand, her gaze never leaving the ground.

“What were you doing on the day of the murder?” asked Caramel.

“I...I was...I was just talking to Soarin’...and I-I know who the-” Fluttershy was sort of crouch hiding behind the stand. She had never been to court before, and she didn’t like it when everyone was staring at her…the big doors opened as Twilight came in with a girl that had blue and white hair, wearing a purple magician’s hat and cape. No one had noticed that Twilight had left, only when she returned did they take note of her absence.

“What is Trixie doing here again?” the girl asked Twilight.

“You are here as a lawyer for Spitfire.” Twilight replied.

“Oh. Trixie doesn’t know anything about being a lawyer, and Trixie was just in the middle of another one of her magic shows!”

“Ok Trixie, I’m sorry but Spitfire really needs you right now, and this is about the murder of your friend from kindergarten, Soarin’.”

“Soarin’? He died?”


“Wow. Trixie didn’t expect Soarin’ to die.”

“Well, he was murdered. In fact...where were you on October 14th?”

“I was doing one of my magic shows.”

“Please sit down Trixie, there is a seat over there for you.”.

Trixie walked over to the seat, still looking pretty clueless.

“In case you were wondering,” Twilight told everyone, “This is Trixie Lulamoon, Spitfire’s new lawyer.” Gasps went around the room. Everyone knew Trixie, she was a famous magician. She travelled around the world, but now days she spent most of her time here. Magicians were popular in here. But she had never been to court before. Spitfire sunk down in her chair. She didn’t want a stupid magician as her lawyer...she wanted someone who could really defend her. Why couldn't she just be her own lawyer? That way everything would be much more simple...she really hated court, and trials, and death, but most of all, she hated Detective Twilight Sparkle. She thought that she was the best and blah blah blah...well she was going to prove her wrong.

Lawyer Trixie

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Trixie looked around. Where was Spitfire? There she is! thought Trixie. Why is she glaring at me? Wait so she’s hiding from me as if she doesn’t want me to see her, yet she’s glaring at me like she wants me to say sorry to her. Trixie shook her head in confusion as she sighed. She wasn’t used to this... Hey, is that Rainbow Dash? Why does she get to stand up there? And Fluttershy! she and Fluttershy had been friends for a while. Spitfire didn’t like it though, because Fluttershy and Soarin’ used to date. Poor Fluttershy, Soarin’ dumped her because of Spitfire…

“We think you might be the murderer, for you were there on the day that Soarin’ was murdered.” said the brown haired guy. Hey, he gets to stand on one of those stage things too! Trixie was slightly envious. She sighed. This was all so complicated, just because of one death? I mean ya, sure, it was her friend that died, but he hated her anyways...Trixie gritted her teeth. On October 14th he had called her saying he was going to die, and his last wish was that Trixie quit the Wonderbolts. It was ridiculous! And here she was now, Spitfire’s loiler, what ever that was. Couldn’t she be Fluttershy’s loiler or something? But again, she couldn’t do anything except for do dumb tricks...or could she do more? Could she become a loiler and become famous? World wide famous?

Like, everyone would know her?

“Trixie please sit down.” the voice came from the pink Afro lady. Trixie hadn’t realised that she got so excited and stood up. She

quickly sat back down, blushing.

“B-but I was at the animal care shelter, and before that when I talked to Soarin’ Lotus came in with some tea...and Aloe cleaned the room afterwards so they saw me leave the room when Soarin’ was still alive…b-but I know who the-” Fluttershy may be shy, but she still stands up for herself, thought Trixie.

“Do you have any proof that you were at the animal care shelter after you left? You could have just gone back afterwards so that it looked like you weren’t there.” Caramel was a good prosecutor. He wouldn’t give up.

“Yes, actually, I do.” said Fluttershy.

“Is she or he here now?”


“You may call her.”

“Um...Trixie...could you tell him...please?”

A lot of people might not have heard her, but Trixie did. She wanted to help Fluttershy, in fact, she sort of wanted Spitfire to be sent to jail, where no one could ever see or hear from her again. That would be a dream… thought Trixie. But her thoughts were shattered by Fluttershy.


“Yes, sorry about that.” said Trixie, coming back from dream land. She walked down the stairs to… “Where am I supposed to go?” she asked Fluttershy.

“Um...just back to where you were sitting, except standing up.”

“Oh, okay.”

Trixie walked back up the stairs. What was she going to say? What was she supposed to say? If only she had researched this, she could have impressed everyone and maybe become a professional lawyer! But she didn’t. She never did the right thing...she always messed up. Fluttershy could tell she wasn’t ready.

“Could you please tell Mr.Caramel about what I was doing with you at the animal shelter?”

“Well, um, Fluttershy was...feeding her…”

“At what time?”

“ think. I'm not quite sure.”

“We found the body at six…”

Yes! thought Trixie. I did it!

“There.” said Caramel. He had made this:




Rainbow Dash

Where they were at what time:

Fluttershy: 3:30 - Animal Shelter

Rainbow Dash -

Spitfire -


Fluttershy - there was a broken bowl of salad outside Soarin’s room

Rainbow Dash - a red strand of hair was found in Soarin’s room

Spitfire - sweat with her DNA was found in Soarin’s room

“Could Lotus and Aloe please come in?” Twilight suddenly said, apparently having called them. The doors opened, and in they came.

Suspect Fluttershy

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Aloe and Lotus walked in, looking very different, yet very alike. One had blue hair, sort of like Trixie’s, and one had pink hair. They both wore maid’s clothes, and they were obviously sisters. They walked in, both walking at the same speed, on the same foot. They acted identically, but they didn’t look identical. So...they weren’t identical...but they were. They even both stopped in the middle of the room at the same time.

“Why are we here?” they asked in unison.

“Because Soarin’ was murdered.”

“Oh my!” they said in unison, once again.

“You are here as Fluttershy’s alibi. Was Soarin’ still alive when she left?”

“why-” started the first one - the pink haired one I’m not sure if that’s Aloe or Lotus - “ -of course,” finished the other one.

“Very well then. Twilight, please go and sit next to Trixie, and Fluttershy, sit next to Twilight.”

“Thanks Trixie,” Fluttershy whispered to her

“No problem!” said Trixie, smiling. Fluttershy really appreciated that she had a friend like Trixie. Without her - even though she had Twilight as her lawyer - it wouldn’t had of been the same. Fluttershy looked at Twilight, worried that she would be jealous, but of course not. She was a detective after all.

“Can we-” started Lotus,

“-go back now?” finished Aloe.

Then, together, they said, “Please?”

“Of course,” said Detective Twilight. “thank you for coming to this court today. We really appreciated it, and we wish you a good day.”

“Thank you!” they both said together, then giggled.

Fluttershy smiled, then frowned. “Why are you here Trixie?”

“I’m here…” Trixie started, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to finish. She was here to be Spitfire’s lawyer, but she didn’t want to defend Spitfire. She wanted Spitfire to go to to jail, where she belonged! Not to be defended, and especially not by her! Trixie sighed. If only she had told everyone that she had been kicked out of the Wonderbolts, then Spitfire wouldn’t have wanted her as a lawyer. Spitfire probably didn’t want her as a lawyer anyway! Just because she was a slow runner...she never wanted to join the Wonderbolts anyway. She had just wanted to be with Soarin’ because she didn’t have any other friends...until she met Fluttershy. Fluttershy had changed her life. She was the sunshine of her life now...and now that she had a new friend, Soarin’ hadn’t wanted her any more. “I’m here as Spitfire’s lawyer...but it wasn’t my choice.” Trixie quickly added when she saw Fluttershy’s horrified face. It really wasn’t her choice. She hadn’t asked for it, she hadn’t hoped for fact, she had not even thought about it!

“Poor you, having to-” Fluttershy was about to say “work with that meanie”, but she stopped herself and instead said “-stop your magic shows because of this court case.”

Trixie noticed the gap in between the two parts of the sentence. “What were you going to say? I don’t mind if it’s something bad about Spitfire, to be honest, I really don’t like her.” Trixie told Fluttershy. After all, it was the truth. Fluttershy smiled. She had always known that Trixie didn’t like Spitfire, but she had wanted to hear it for herself.

“Trixie Lulamoon, please stand up.” Fluttershy looked around, frowning. Had Trixie said something wrong? Or...or was it her turn to defend Spitfire? Trixie defended me so well, thought Fluttershy. what if she does the same for Spitfire? I know she doesn’t like her, but she had to anyway, so why not do it well? Or will she lie and send Spitfire to jail? Or...does she know who it is? Maybe she’s not going to lie, maybe she’s just going to tell everyone the truth! It was like Fluttershy was having a conversation with someone else.

“Where does the lawyer go?” asked Trixie.

“Over here please.” said the judge, as Trixie walked down to defend Spitfire. Sighing, she sat down.

She was not looking forward to this.

Lawyer Trixie

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Trixie walked to the stand, looking at everyone with caution. She had no idea what you were supposed to do as a lawyer, but she didn’t care right now. In this game called a Trial, she would make her own rules. When she reached that stand, she sat down. But she didn’t notice that there was no chair until she fell. “Eeek! Ow!” she fell and rolled onto the floor as she blacked out.

Trixie could hear Fluttershy calling out; “Trixie! Are you ok?”

“Please, stay back.” she heard a woman’s voice say. “I will take care of this.” she felt something being wrapped against her head. She wanted to scream, but she couldn’t, she couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t even see what was happening...she could only hear and feel. There it goes again...the sharp pain… and the warm ooze spreading around her head…

“Someone, call the ambulance! She’s losing too much blood!”

“I’ll do it!”

“No! Trixie! She'll be okay right?! She has to be!”

“Please, there is nothing we can do except wait…”

She heard the ambulance sirens wailing. “Someone help me get her up into the back.”

“Wait! I have to come with her! Please!” she could hear Fluttershy begging, she could even hear the tears dropping onto the floor, not matter how loud the screaming got, there was always that plop. plop. sound coming from Fluttershy...It was like she was floating in utter complete darkness listening to the tears that dropped to the floor, the cries of sadness, the screams of agony...something you would never want to experience. It was so horrible, Trixie let herself black out.

“Trixie?” Fluttershy’s voice came from above her.

“F-Fluttershy?” Trixie couldn’t let out more than a whisper. She knew her health condition was not very good, the nurse had told her earlier that day. “A-am I going t-to die?”

“I-it’s ok…” Fluttershy didn’t sound so sure, but Trixie tried to believe her anyway. “Are you feeling better?”

"N-no..." Trixie stuttered. She didn't feel any better... "C-can you get me a g-glass of w-water please?" Asked Trixie.

“Of course.” Fluttershy took the glass that was on the bedside table. Suddenly, Fluttershy’s smiled faded. “Can I tell you something Trixie?”

“Y-yes, feel free t-to tell me anything…” Trixie was unsure she wanted to hear what Fluttershy had to say, but she had to say yes. After all, Fluttershy was her only friend, and her most trusted and kind friend..

“P-promise me you won’t tell anyone?”

“Yes.” She attempted to put on a brave smile, but grimaced when her head hurt from the action.

“I-I know who the murderer is.”

“Y-you do?!” Trixie was so surprised, she didn’t understand why Fluttershy sounded so scared. This was great! “Who is it?!”

“P-please lower your voice…” Fluttershy was almost whispering now.

“Ok!” Trixie was really excited, so it was hard, but she tried.

“Th-the murderer is-” but Fluttershy never got to finish that sentence. For right there, in front of Trixie’s eyes, she died.

“F-Fluttershy?!” Trixie couldn’t believe what just happened. But...what had happened? “Are you ok?!” Trixie had completely forgotten that she was injured and that she wasn’t supposed to get up. She jumped off the bed, ready to sprint over to get help, but her head was throbbing. She looked around for a button that would call the emergency room or something... she had found it. She pushed it 10 times, not waiting for someone to answer.

“Yes yes, please wait a second. What would you like?” someone finally answered.

“Please come here right now! This is an emergency! Fluttershy just collapsed in front of me, and I don’t know what to do! I was just lying here talking to her and then she collapsed!”

“Yes, coming over right away. Please remain calm."

Trixie could hear footsteps running over towards the room. As the door busted open someone said, “Where is she?”

It was an unneeded question for she was lying right in front of the nurse, but it must have been a habit for them.

“I-is she ok?!” asked Trixie. She didn’t understand what had happened, and she hoped Fluttershy was going to be okay, but what she was terrified of most, was being accused for murder. If someone told you, ‘Hey, Fluttershy died when she and Trixie were alone in a room!’ Trixie would not be in the best situation...and that was exactly what Trixie was afraid was going to happen.

“She’s dead.” the nurse tried to keep Trixie calm, but it wasn’t working.

“B-but how?! I-I was just lying here, and I-I asked her to get a g-glass of w-water for me a-and then she-”

Trixie was going to say ‘she started telling me that she knew who the murderer was’, but she stopped herself when she remembered what Fluttershy had said. She would keep that promise and not tell anyone that Fluttershy had known who the murderer was.

“she collapsed.” Trixie finished.

“Just like that?” asked the nurse.

“Y-yes.” said Trixie, afraid that the nurse found her suspicious.

“Hm...I think this is a job for Detective Twilight Sparkle.”

Trixie nodded, though she wished she the nurse hadn’t thought of that. She sat back down on the bed. If this case was going to court...Trixie shivered, as she sat down on the bed, staring at her lost friend. A few minutes later, the doors opened as Detective Twilight came back in with the nurse. Trixie had been so deep in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed that the nurse had left, but she wasn't looking forward to being alone in the room with Detective Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy's corpse...

Detective Twilight Sparkle

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“O-oh! Hello Detective Twilight…” you could hear a hint of nervousness in Trixie’s voice.

Detective Twilight Sparkle just ignored Trixie. She was upset that Fluttershy had been killed...most likely murdered by Trixie. She wasn’t going to be having any friendly conversations with her very soon...Twilight grimaced. If only she had been here at the time of the murder...she looked around the room. She was determined to find clues that would send Trixie to jail, where she belonged. In fact, maybe she was even the person who murdered Soarin’! Twilight took a deep breath. Detectives aren’t supposed to assume stuff. she scolded herself. So instead, try looking for some clues. Twilight walked around the room.

“What was Fluttershy doing here?” she asked Trixie with distaste.

“Sh-she was talking to me…”

“What about?”

“A-about...about...she was comforting me!”

There was something about that pause in Trixie’s speech that Twilight found suspicious. She knew that she was hiding something, and she was determined to figure out what it was. In order to do that, Twilight had to force it out of Trixie, and she was not afraid of doing that.

“You’re hiding something from me.”


Trixie didn’t want to lie to a Detective, but she wanted to keep her promise with Fluttershy… Trixie finally decided she would tell Twilight it was a secret, but not what it was. But that was a big mistake that Trixie made.

“Fluttershy told me something...that she said I shouldn’t tell anyone about.”

“Oh, really? Well I think she would tell me that if she knew I were here right now, especially to figure out who the murderer is.”

“Why does it matter what we were talking about?”

“Because everything matters. What, when, why, where, and how. And right now, I’m asking you what.” Twilight wanted to know every little detail; especially since she found Trixie suspicious.

“I didn’t know detective’s could ever had attitude,” Trixie snickered. “But apparently they can.”

“This isn’t a joke Trixie Lulamoon, somebody died. There is nothing funny about that.” Twilight’s eyes were cold as ice, her expression hard as stone. She could tell Trixie was surprised, for she stopped snickering.

“I know death isn’t a joke, I just found it amusing that you gave me attitude. I thought detectives were supposed to be emotionless, or at least learn to hide it.” Trixie fired back.

“Well we do have emotions, because we are human beings, and right now this case is about the death of my friend, so of course I get a bit upset.” Twilight glared at Trixie. She was not going to back down now, she had to prove that it was Trixie.

“Well she was my friend too,” Trixie whispered. “In fact, she was my best friend.”

“I don’t care how close you were to her!” Twilight snapped. She was on the verge of tears, but she wasn’t going to burst out crying in front Trixie, so she just let her anger out on her instead.

“It’s nice that you’re defending her, but would she really like it if she knew that you were talking to me like that?” Trixie was still whispering.

“Do you think that she liked the fact that she was murdered?! And by you?!” Twilight shouted, panting.

“B-but...I-I didn’t do it…” Trixie burst out in tears. “It wasn’t me! I-I was just here and she collapsed! I really d-didn’t do a thing!” she jumped out of bed again. “It...wasn’ can’t just assume that it was me…”

“No, I can't, but that’s why I’m going to find evidence.” And with that, Twilight walked out of the room, leaving Trixie to sob to herself.

Lawyer Trixie

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Trixie was now terrified of Twilight. Yesterday she had been thinking about getting to know her better, but now she wished that they had never met.

“I didn’t stab her or shoot her or anything. I swear.” Trixie tried to look at Twilight with puppy dog eyes, but it failed. To Twilight it just looked like a terrified person grimacing.

“Maybe not then, but you could have poisoned her any time before.”

“But I didn’t!”

“Do you have an alibi?”

“Do you have any evidence that I killed her?”

“I was giving you a chance asking if you had an alibi, but I guess you don’t care.” Twilight walked around the room. “No blood…” she said as she took out her phone and dialled a number. “Hello, is this the lab? Yes, this is Detective Twilight Sparkle calling. The hospital. Yes, we have a corpse here that I would like you to examine and see if there are any drugs inside of her body. Thank you.”

she hung up and started opening drawers in the room. Suddenly she stopped at a drawer. The top bedside drawer.

And in there, was a vial full of liquid that had 'poison' written on it.

Twilight couldn’t stop thinking about the vial, but she had other things to take care of. They still had to figure out who Applejack’s murderer was. Hm… thought Twilight, Could it have been that Fluttershy killed Applejack and Trixie knew so she killed Fluttershy? Wait no, that wouldn’t make sense. Maybe Trixie killed Applejack and Fluttershy knew so Trixie killed Fluttershy! Yes! But...Trixie was right. She couldn’t just assume, so she wouldn’t just assume. The two suspects stood up on their stands, their lawyers waiting to be called up. Carmel had left because Twilight wasn’t a lawyer any more, as Fluttershy had been killed. Maybe someone killed Fluttershy because they thought I would lie to defend her! But then they could have just killed me...Or maybe they were too scared of me so they killed Fluttershy instead! But who could it be? Twilight was stuck. It could have been either of them...It was so complicated. But they had to start the trial, other ways they would be sitting here forever.

“Ahem.” Twilight cleared her throat. “Thank you all for once again coming back here. This time, how ever, it is to discuss the death of Applejack.” Whispers and gasps went around the room, they had not been told that Applejack had died.

“And,” she included, “I would like to ask Rarity to still be Rainbow Dash’s lawyer, but also, a suspect.” Another round of gasps went around the room.

“Rarity? Why Rarity? Did Detective Twilight Sparkle find her suspicious?” those three questions went around in the crowd.

“First though, I would like Rarity to be Rainbow Dash’s lawyer, for she is my first suspect.”

Suspect Rainbow Dash

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At the stand, Rainbow Dash bit her lip. She was nervous to be back at court again, she just wanted to go back to her training, back to normal... Although she had never liked Applejack, there was no way she would ever murder her.

“What were you and Rarity doing at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, the 23rd of November?” asked Detective Twilight Sparkle.

“Um…I was training.” she nervously answered.

"Do you have an alibi?"


"An alibi, something that proves you were really doing that, so someone that proves you were training."

"What?" she was no good at these stupid egghead things.

"Someone who saw you training."

"Oh! Well Rarity did!"

“Did you?” Detective Twilight Sparkle looked over to Rarity.

“Yes, of course!” said Rarity. Even if she was a suspect herself, she would still defend Rainbow Dash. After all, she knew that Rainbow Dash would be just as loyal back.

“Oh?” clearly Twilight was surprised that she defended Rainbow Dash even though she was a suspect herself, though she wouldn't back down now, she had lots of more questions buzzing around in her head.

Detective Twilight Sparkle

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Twilight stared at the vial. She couldn’t figure out why anyone would hide something like this in an obvious place like the top bedside drawer. And why would anyone choose a vial that said 'poison' on it? I guess she thought we wouldn’t look here because it would be too obvious...thought Twilight. She sighed. So many things had unknown explanations.

“Detective Twilight Sparkle,” one of the scientists ran over to her. “We found a type of poison inside of her body!”

“Really?” Twilight said, excited. Once these two cases were over, she would have a nice vacation at a beach. “What type?”

“Atropa Belladonna.”

“Oh my.”

“We also found out that the sample of liquid that you gave us was also Atropa Belladonna.”

“Well well well! All we have to do now is use some fingerprint spray on this vial!” Twilight said as she got up and went over to a cupboard full of liquids and cans. “Here.” she gave it to the scientist.

“Of course.” the scientist said as she sprayed the fingerprint spray on the vial.

“Bring me the laptop with all the fingerprint images stored on it.”

“I’ll be right back.” she zoomed off and returned holding a laptop and a camera.

“Take a picture of this fingerprint and upload it onto the computer.” she said as the scientist did that without a word.

“Match found.” she said.

“Wow, that was quick. Anyway, whose?”

“ last name.”

“Spitfire! Oh my! Can you print the two pictures for me?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you!”

As the scientist left the room, Twilight frowned. She had been so sure that it had been Trixie, and she now felt guilty of accusing her. She made a mental not to herself to apologise to her the next time they met.

Twilight ran out of the building with the two pictures. She had evidence of who the murderer was!

“Welcome back Detective Twilight Sparkle.” judge Pinkamena Diane Pie’s voice echoed around the room.

“Thank you Judge Pinkamena Diane Pie.”

“Have you found evidence about who the murderer is?”

“Yes. It was Spitfire who murdered Fluttershy.”

“What about Soarin’’s death?”

“Oh-” Twilight had completely forgotten about Soarin’s death. She groaned.

"Don't worry about it." whispered Pinkamena Diane Pie noticing Twilight's groaning. Twilight walked over to her stand.

"Excuse me," she said. "I would like to share that I have evidence of who is in charge of Fluttershy's death."

Gasps of excitement went around the room.

“I would like Spitfire to stand up.”

Another round of gasps went around the room. Was it Spitfire? Or was Detective Twilight Sparkle just playing with them?

“We found your fingerprints on a vial that was found in the room that Trixie was staying in at the hospital.”

“You framed me! You made it look like I murdered my best friend!” Trixie's shout came from the audience. "And you believed her!" She shot an accusing glare at Detective Twilight Sparkle, as the detective grimaced.

“Please sit down Trixie Lulamoon. As for Spitfire,” she held up the pictures. “These are your fingerprints. Why would you do such a thing Spitfire?”

“I-it was me...I just wanted to-to-to get rid of Fluttershy...b-because...I-I murdered Soarin’! And she knew! She saw me! If it wasn't for her I would have been free!”

Another round of gasps came from the audience. She had even murdered Soarin’!

“How did you know that Fluttershy saw you?”

“B-because she gasped and ran away and I saw her! I tried to catch her but I couldn’t, so I invited her for a cup of tea at my house and that’s when I poisoned her!”

“Police, please come in.”

“Where is she?” the chief officer asked Twilight.

“Right there.” Twilight pointed at Spitfire, then looked at Trixie who was glaring at Spitfire. A sense of guilt went through Twilight’s mind. She had blamed Trixie...

Everyone got out and tried to push through the doors. Trixie almost left but Twilight stopped her. “Trixie? Can I talk to you for a second?”

“What do you want?” asked Trixie, her voice filled with distaste.

“I’m sorry about yesterday. I shouldn’t have blamed you when I didn’t have any evidence.”

"No, you shouldn't have." Trixie glared at her, before walking off, her head high.

Twilight sat on the upper deck enjoying the sea breeze. Finally, she was going to have her beach vacation! When the boat stopped at the island the sun was out and there was a slight breeze, perfect for sitting there getting a tan. Twilight smiled. She couldn’t believe that this was really happening after all those days at court. Jumping off the boat, she hopped to her hut. In there she dumped all her stuff on the bed and took off her clothes. Already she had put on her bathing suit underneath her shirt and shorts. After changing she skipped down to the beach and took the nearest beach chair available. Then she sat down, put on some sunblock, and lay on her back.

“Ahhh,” she said. This was going to be perfect. She would lie here for a while, maybe fall asleep for a few hours, and then when the sun went down she would have a midnight swim...ring ring! her phone rang. Twilight groaned. Who was calling now? She was on vacation.

Twilight answered the call only to hear the worst thing that you could hear on a vacation: “Detective Twilight Sparkle, there has been another murder and we need your help.”

Twilight groaned. So much for she needed to go back to the Courthouse.