> The Virginal Princess > by TheAussieBlue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > She Needs the D! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, how the years had passed. Ponies had grown up, found love, dated, courted, fucked, given birth, raised children, watch those children grow up, find love, date and court, had screamed at the internal image of their children losing their virginity... it was all so beautiful. Even immortals found time for love. Gaily did Luna often trot though the halls, happy and beaming at the afternoon sun with wide hips swaying and generous cleavage bouncing as tired and sore stallions slinked out of her chambers. Twilight, slim and svelte, had dated and married a guard, and what a grand occasion that was; full of cheer, singing, and happiness. Sure there were nobles and guards that gave the stink eye over the improperness of a princess dating a subordinate, but as Celestia quickly said: "But she's a princess! All the stallions are subordinate to her! And me. So bow, or you'll be wishing you had... No, not to me, to her! THAT'S better. And I'd better see those snouts munching on the carpet until they leave! Oh Twilight, don't be silly, I'm not embarrassing you at all! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M OVERPROTECTIVE!?" And so on... But one day, Cadence was called for a diplomatic visit and everyone was pleased to see her belly round and heavy with Shining's foals, and were even more surprised when she said that they were triplets. The excitement abounded as they discussed names for the children until eventually... "Oh Celestia, what would you call your child? Or have you had one already?" Cadence beamed, "I'm sure that you know more than I do about children!" The room they were in was Celestia's own smaller tea room which she usually held for diplomatic chats between a few delegates, which meant that the room was only the size of a tennis court. All four princesses were at sat at a round table with a central pillar supporting it, bare except for a white table cloth. "Oh yes," laughed Twilight as Luna blanched, "Actually, me and my chubby hubby bubby are finding things getting a bit... problematic. Any advice for making my stallion have more endurance?" "Oh I'm sorry," said Celestia, "I don't think I have any advice like that..." "Celestia," Cadence giggled, resting her hands on her massive belly, "You've been around for nearly six thousand-" "So what!?" Celestia snapped, "Just because I've been around for six thousand years I'm supposed to be a mother!? Oh please! It's not like I even want a baby of my own! Why would I want to push a mass the size of a watermelon out my vagina! It doesn't make me complete, and I'm perfectly fine! I don't need a special some pony!" And with that, Celestia stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Luna blinked, rubbing her forehead with her hand and breathing deeply, "My sister is not, at any point, now or in the future, interested in courting." she said, "No, I don't know why, and no, I do not care. And as you can see, she gets angry when you mention it." "She's never had a date?" Twilight asked, flabbergasted, "But her boobs are bigger than my head! Almost twice as big! Smaller boobs orbit around them! And perky! Perky!" she cupped her hand in the air and jiggled them, "Perky..." "And that ass!" Cadence drooled, "Big and firm, why would she be worried about childbirth with ass and massive brood mother hips like that! She looks as if she's given birth to a whole clan, and yet you tell me she's never been a mother!?" "Strange drooling over my sister aside..." Luna said, "No, as far as I can tell my sister has turned aside every last suitor she's ever had." "But dem bewbs..." drooled Twilight. "And dat ass..." moaned Cadence. "Okay, no, stop!" Luna shuddered, "Stop fantasising about my sister and focus!" "NO!" Cadence shouted, and knocked over the table with her gravid form as she wobbled to her feet, "Princess Celestia must not be single anymore! We shall find her a date!" "Yes!" bounced Twilight, "A date! A date! A date fit for a princess!" "Sure, why not" Luna rolled her eyes and reset the table, "Let us find my sister a date." *** "Date Celestia!? The most sexy mare of all time!? With cleavage that could feed a herd of cows and hips that could break a chair! And legs that go all the way up to dayum!" Lord Chowder blinked, "Good God, I'd shoot off in that arse if I could..." Chowder stood almost as tall as Cadence, and tugged his moustache and rubbed his furred head as thoughts of getting behind the Amazonian beauty that was Celestia and riding that bitch... "But Chowder," Luna leaned down, letting her neckline sag down to give everyone a view, "What about me?" "Ooooh the things you did to me..." Chowder smiled, reminiscing about that night, "but you aren't your sister. No one can compare to her!" Twilight quickly got in front of an enraged Luna, "But you'd try a date or two, right?" Are you mad," laughed Chowder, "Princess Celestia is so far out of my league I wouldn't have half a chance with her! Maybe you should try Blue Moon instead? He's about the right age." *** "What an arrogant creature," fumed Luna as they walked through the halls "I cannot believe that he would say as much, that's the last time I let him try a snake venom!" "Is that some kind of drink?" Twilight asked, scratching her head, "And wouldn't snake venom be extremely toxic?" "I will explain when you are older," said Luna. "I'm twenty four!" "Girls," Cadence twirled to face Luna and Twilight, almost losing her balance as her belly swung around and shattered a vase, "Oop! Remember why we're here! To get Celestia the perfect date!" "Ah, there he is!" Twilight pointed. Blue Moon almost panicked when three beautiful mares charged after him. He had heard of Luna's romps through the males of the courts, who hadn't, and he had heard rumours about Twilight and her 'love' for lesser stallions, and weren't pregnant mares supposed to be extra frisky? So with this in mind, it is quite understandable how he stood there like a deer in headlights, right until the point where eighty three kilos of expecting mother knocked him over. "Blue Moon! Blue Moon!" shouted Cadence, "You're single, right!" "What!? No! Please don't! I don't have the stamina!" "Uh..." Twlight gently pushed Cadence aside as she helped up Blue Moon, "No, no no, we just wanted to know if you wanted to date Celestia." Blue Moon moaned. "Celestiaaa..." Blue Moon pictured it: Celestia in a elegant dress that hugged her figure, a split showing her cutie mark on one side and letting her powerful thigh and calf flex in full view and her firm yet soft rump jiggling slight with every step as she descended the stairs, her gravity defying breasts straining as she wore a bra clearly not designed for such weight and... "Blue Moon? Blue Moon?" Luna waved her hand in front of his face, "Ah. I afraid that we have lost him to sexual fantasy involving my sister. He shall be mourned." "Why is that?" asked Cadence. "Because of that." Luna turned to look at an extremely enraged noble mare standing near the end of the hall, "That pony over there is his special some pony North Star." *** Leaving the screams behind them, the three princesses walked throughout the halls, trying to find courtiers of Celestia. The preliminary trials, as Twilight insisted on calling them, had proven to be a massive success; every pony wanted Celestia. Every pony drooled over Celestia and her sex goddess figure. So finding some one to help her break the springs in her bed shouldn't be hard. And they had found three. First up was Graphite. Luna brushed down his jet black mane and smoothed his collar, "Now Graphite, no matter what, remember that you must always be polite, Celestia will not react well to bluntness." "Oh shush!" Twilight brushed Graphite's mane out of his brown eyes, "Now don't worry, being yourself is more important, she needs to get to know the real you if this is ever going to work." "We don't want Auntie to fall in love, Twilight," Cadence snorted, buttoning up his jacket, "We just want Graphite here to pound away at her for a bit. Get her into the scene." "What!? I'm not good enough!?" Graphite stomped his hooves, "I'm not some stud doing it for nothing but self gratification! I want to hold her, love her. I want to-" "Celestia." "-ease her down onto the bed, the rose petals cushioning her fall as we look into each others eyes. The setting sun catching her mane and making it sparkle with all the colours of beauty. Leaning down, I kiss her gently, moving my hands across her rump and pressing my stallionhood against her-guaaark-" "Yes, that is quite enough," Luna adjusted her grip around Graphite's throat, "I do not want to hear your sexual fantasies involving my sister thank you very much." "It was just getting to the good part" Twilight moaned, "can't you let him go on a bit more?" "I really think you should..." Cadence said. "I think not, Cadence." said Luna, "You may not be able to stop yourself from thinking licentious thoughts, dear niece but-" "Luna he's choking!" "Ah, apologies," Luna let go of Graphite's neck, "Are you alright?" Graphite coughed, "Yeah, yeah I think I am." Cadence put the finishing touches on his jacket before straightening up, accidentally bashing Graphite with her massive gut and sending him of balance backwards into Luna's chest. "Yes, well," Luna hoisted up Graphite by his armpits, "Here I am, hoping." *** Graphite had approached Celestia well at the gardens, gently talking to her about this and that, keeping himself in good graces. At first, Celestia looked bored, but as time went on she began to look genuinely interested. "It is all going perfectly," Luna said from within her hiding bush, "He is truly silver tounge'ed." "Huh?" said Twilight, hidden by her illusion which made her look like topiary. "She means that he is a good talker." Cadence explained, sprawled on a bench and leaning back, rubbing her huge belly absent-mindedly. "Cadence, must you be doing that?" hissed Luna, "It's drawing attention!" "I don't see you knocked up!" Cadence shot back. "Shut up, something's happening!" And indeed it was, Celestia had smiled her radiant smile, and had walked off with Graphite in tow. Judging from his knowing smile things had gone well. "What was it that he said to sister?" asked Luna. Twilight sighed, "Do you need your curtains scrubbed." *** Graphite couldn't be happier. He was finally going to be the one! Celestia, the most unapproachable mare of all time, who had been the masturbatory fantasy of many a growing colt, was going to let him fuck her! And considering the endurance potions he had secretly drunk before talking to Celestia, he'd be going at it for hours. Of course, if Celestia only wanted a few minutes, a quickie before going back to work, that was fine too. It was Celestia for gods sake, who wouldn't want that!? And so Graphite followed his solar princess grinning to himself happily as he was led deeper and deeper into the castle, down and down into the lower levels. As he went, his smile began to grow worried. Why were they going this far? Did Celestia have a kinky dungeon where she kept a boy toy to use for release? Was she hoping to add him to the collection? Neither of them noticed Luna quietly following the pair. Eventually, Celestia came to a door, a heavy wooden thing with a huge brass handle. Opening it, she slipped inside, in a massive cloud of steam. Graphite swallowed, and followed after her. The inside was nothing that he had only ever seen once before. The great laundry engines. The two engines themselves were nearly two stories high, and did the laundry of the entire castle. Designed by two brilliant engineers, twin unicorn brothers, a huge treadmill operated by pedal powered huge bleached wooden paddles which stirred great bins almost clogged with cloth, with teams pouring in detergents, water, and soap powders. Underneath magical fires kept the waters steaming and hot, and to Graphite it looked not unlike a sort of hygienic hell. Celestia led him to a larger mare, bulky with arms like trunks. "Ah, this fine fellow, his name is Graphite, has offered to help with the laundry. Isn't it wonderful when nobility try to get in touch with their subjects?" Celestia turned to Graphite, "I'm so proud." The mare smiled, "Yeah, don' woory yer grace. C'mon, Graphite, I'll help y'get started." And Celestia turned with a proud smile on her face and walked off beaming happily. "Make sure to scrub my curtains hard! I'll hold you to your promise!" "But, but, but..." stammered Graphite as Celestia shut the door behind her. "Let m'guess," the thick armed mare shook her head, "Y'trieed to git her t'let ya geev her a good dickin'? Crash and burn, mate. Crash and burn." *** "That's cold," Cadence sighed, taking a bite out of her sandwich, "I've heard of some brutal ways to dump a stallion, but that's a new low." "Sweet niece," Luna asked, "what is that you are eating. It smells most foul to me." "Focus!" said Twilight, "Foulness of Cadence's meal aside..." "Pickles and egg." "We have two more suitors to pick! Now who's next!?" "Lord Rust," Luna put a picture on the table, "This old warhorse is renowned for his sexual prowess. Legend has it, he once satisfied twenty mares at once during his visit to Ponyville during the season." "Alright, let's give it a go," said Twilight, "here's hoping that he's no worse than Graphite." *** "HAVE SEX WITH PRINCESS CELESTIA, WHAT!?" "Oh dear lord above he's worse than Graphite." moaned Twilight. The mares had found Lord Rust in his study; a richly furnished room in white and brass, with a rich red carpet and a dark oak table with green felt. Twilight was a little jealous of that desk. Green felt showed that you had made it, whereas red felt was for posers. And, of course, the felt should be worn for best effect. "Oh, dear me no," said Lord Rust, his milky blue eyes spinning, "I couldn't have sex with Princess Celestia, that would be getting ideas above my station, what?" Luna frowned, "And yet we have spent many a carnal night together, have we not Lord Rust?" "Well, yes..." Rust admitted, brushing down his red coat, "But you engaged me first, and as such, I was preforming a task for my Princess, what?" Cadence rolled her eyes, "But we need you to preform this duty! Celestia is a virgin." "A VIRGIN!? WHAT!?" Rust spun around in panic, "Taking the virginity of a princess! I say, that's completely inappropriate, what!?" Twilight reached out and grabbed Rust, setting him down at his desk. "Don't worry about it," she smiled, "We'll take care of everything." "Besides," Cadence moaned, "Can you imagine it? She stands in front of you, wearing a simple white gown. She looks back at you with a smirk before letting it fall from her shoulders with a shrug. She leans over, her massive motherly hips wide as she spreads her legs, letting you..." "If you do not stop, dear niece," smiled Luna, "then I will make sure to give your husband sexual dreams of an old, saggy mare so that he can not preform his husbandly duties for weeks." Cadence gasped, "How dare you use sex as a negotiation tool!" "Oooh, I'm not here," groaned Rust, burying his head in his hands, "This isn't happening, it's all a dream, and the princesses aren't squabbling like children..." Cadence's eye began to twitch as Luna pushed past, "Rust! Sand to! Your princesses have given you a most important task! You must preform this great duty and fuck Celestia! You must eat her out as if she was a juicy peach! You must pound her with such severity that she cannot sit for many a moon! Rise up, Rust, and put yourself to the duty with which you have been charged with vigour and passion befitting a lord of Equestria! Ride her hard and put her away wet!" "By gum!" Rust shouted, leaping to his hooves, "I'll make sure to wreck her balloons when I pound upon that sweet ass! What?!" "Yes!" shouted Twilight, "Go forth, Lord Rust, claim Celestia's maiden head!" Lord Rust whinnied and burst through the doors, the three mares watching him race down the hall letting loose the occasional "What!". "He doesn't stand a chance in hell does he?" "Nope." > Princesses Don't Appretiate Crassness! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna floated along in the halls, keeping her form in it's gaseous shape and ducking into corners whenever guards peeked in her directions. Certain that she was hidden, she floated above Lord Rust, high in the rafters as he strode confidently through the castle. As Luna solidified her upper torso to open a window pane, Lord Rust burst through the courtyard door, beaming like a man who just won the "Most Sexy Stallion of the Year" award. His every step radiated sexual confidence, his stride strong and masculine, his chiselled looks making mares stop and stare as he strode with unfaltering strength to his one desire. Celestia. Every Mare who watched him go by stopped and stared at him as he walked past at speed, and Lord Rust could not help but notice that fact. He swelled with pride as the mares grew flustered as they stared at him, and his handsome face, and smiled as they tried to get glances at him as he walked past. Which is probably why he didn't hear Luna gasp as her boobs got stuck in the window. "Gods above, not yet again," Luna groaned, "Easy to forget next to sister, but I am not of a weak bosom." Turning to look at Lord Rust, she stopped. Turing beet red with embarrassment, Luna took in the servants and guards staring at her. It was right about now that Luna realised that her top had slid town slightly, the neckline showing much more of her soft curves than usual. To make matters worse the pressure on them was pushing them up against the straining fabric, making them appear even larger. Shying away from the hungry eyes staring down her blouse, and feeling as if her cheeks were on fire, Luna ducked back into the rafters before turning into her old gaseous form and chasing after Lord Rust. *** Celestia perked her ears at the knocking at her door. She put aside her wineglass and got up from her magnificent four poster bed to answer the door, brushing aside the thin gossamer curtains as she stepped onto the thick white carpet, wriggling bare hooves and delighting in the sensation. Hitching up her dress to cover a bit more and straightening the fabric on her arms, Celestia opened the door to reveal a bright eyed and twinkling Lord Rust. "Your Highness," smiled Lord Rust, "May I come in?" Celestia raised an immaculate brow, "Lord Rust, might I tell you that it would be considered very inappropriate for you to enter my room? By yourself? While I am relaxing...?" "To be frank, your Grace," Lord rust smiled, "I don't particularly care." "Well then," Celestia smiled, leaning on the door, "Come on in, by all means..." As the door clicked closed, Luna drifted down out of the rafters and solidified, straightening her blouse and putting her ear near the door to listen. *** Celestia lay back on the bed, leaning against the pillows and stretching out her legs, "Now then, Lord Rust," she said, raising her leg and letting the white fur of her toned white leg slip through the slit on her dress, "Would you mind telling me what this is all about?" Lord Rust's eyes traced the curve of Celestia's supple calf and thighs, watching as the soft muscle bunched softly under her immaculate coat, the leg shifting slightly to let the cloth slip from her leg in the right way to keep her modesty, while letting Lord Rust stare directly at her exposed leg. "W-Well," Lord Rust swallowed, "I have often had certain desires, you see..." "Do go on," Celestia purred, stretching languidly and breathing deeply, letting the light glint off the soft fur on her arms, the long and shapely limbs stretching high while her expansive breasts, each nearly twice the size of her head, slowly heaved with her deep, relaxing breaths; wings splayed with an impressive wingspan, feathers so soft and inviting, more than enough to wrap him in their warm, loving embrace. "I... I do say," Lord Rust murmured, "You are... astonishingly beautiful, and you always seem to know everything, and-and you make me feel so safe... that nothing can go wrong..." He fidgeted as he watched Celestia's bountiful form stretch again, Celestia arcing her back and pushing her chest out, straining the cloth of her dress against her stomach, showing off it's soft, gentle contours that bled into motherly hips; her breasts pushing against the fabric which held them. For a moment, Lord Rust thought, and hoped, that the dress might break. "Oh Celestia! I cannot hold it!" Lord Rush threw himself at Celestia's feet, "I want to feel your buns against my skin, to roll myself forwards and knead your dough under my hands, I want to put my loaf into your oven and cook it hot! Please! It's too much!" Celestia paused, and for a moment Lord Rust feared that he had said the wrong thing. Celestia gently raised herself up, her hooves gently placing themselves in front of Lord rust, the sheer majesty of Celestia almost blotting out the light behind her, except for the light behind her which formed a halo as Celestia ruffled her wings. "Lord Rust," she said, "If that is what you wanted, I am only so happy to oblige. Please follow me." *** Luna quickly blew apart into her smoky form and rocketed up into the rafters and Celestia opened the doors, Leading out Lord Rust, who looked rather flustered and was constantly reaching under his collar with a finger. Celestia padded off, the clopping of her hooves echoing as she led Lord Rust down the stairs towards the kitchens. *** The kitchens were a bustling place, full of smoke and fire as wooden stoves blazed and pans sisiled. Water boiled, oil and butter melting in their pans. Through it all, the head chef Ramsey strode and yelled, his Scottish accent bellowing across work stations where hapless ponies chopped, sliced, and diced. His woollen coat seemed impervious to the most ferocious of heats, and his curved horns did not impede his frightening hearing, nor obstruct his steely glint as he glared out across his kitchens, intent on finding any weaknesses in his world. Begrudgingly, Ramsey might admit that he did not technically own the kitchens. He would admit that, yes, on the deeds, it was Celestia who owned them, and now there was a second princess whose signature was on the deeds. But to Ramsey, these were inconsequestial details in his mad little world of pans, pots, and little morons, who WERE CONSTANTLY FOUCKING OUP ON HIS FOUCKING WATCH IN 'IS FOUCKING KITCHEN! "WHAT THE FOUCK DO Y' MEAN THIS IS SOUP!" Ramsey bellowed, "IT'S FOUCKING PISS IS WHAT IT ES! YELLOW FOUCKING PISS! AH'VE SEEN SOUP WITH MORE TEXTURE COME OUT OF ME ARSE AAFT'R A HOT FOUCKING CURRY HOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO IT PROPERLY!" "Chef Ramsey?" Celestia slipped into the kitchen, Lord Rust in tow, "I do apologise, but do you have a spare workstation, Lord Rust here has been over come with a desire to ah, hold my buns and knead my dough. He also wants to bake his loaf in my oven, so plenty of water, flour and yeast may be needed." Ramsey blinked... "Ah... uh... wheel..." "It is my kitchen, is it not?" Celestia asked, smiling sweetly. "Wheel, t'chnically, yers..." Ramsey blinked, while all around, the kitchen hands forgot what they were doing to stare at Celestia and Lord Rust, who was standing agog. Images of him bending Celestia over a table and pounding into her with enough force to echo throughout a kitchen even over this racket kept going over and over in his mind. And what of the flour and the water? Did Celestia want to make dough and... oh gods yes, have Lord Rust pound into her and hard and fast as he could, the loud slaps of flesh on flesh echoing around the kitchens, Celestia moaning and groaning in pleasure while Celestia put her hands into the mixture, mixing it with the sheer force of their lust, breasts scraping across and... milk, of course, he'd use Celestia as a dairy cow, squirting out milk from her breasts into the dish if needed, maybe taking a suckle here and there, filling his belly with goodness... taking and giving... "So don't worry, he'll be out of your hair," Celestia beamed, "Of course, there are things I must attend to, so I need you to look after him for me." Chief Ramsey put on a strained smile, "Ah, O' coarse Celestia, Ahm more than 'appy to look aft'r 'im f'yeh." Celestia smiled, and walked out of the kitchen, while Ramsey reached under a counter and took out a beer. Popping the cap off with the tip of his horn, he passed it to Lord Rust, "Weeel, y'know what th'say," he smiled sadly,"Eets beeter to 'aved loved an lost than to av never loved at all." *** Cadence watched as Celestia, with slumped shoulders, walked out of the kitchens. Cadence quickly slipped inside before the door could shut, blinking in the intense heat of the kitchens, and the dozens of chefs working away in an industrial line. She was quite fond of what they made, and she had long since thought of them as extremely talented. These chefs, she well know, could take twigs, some weeds, things you couldn't get a dog to eat, some river water, and a few amphibians, and take these ugly and disgusting things and cook... no... create something that would make even the most jaded and cruel vicious cunt of a food critic break down in tears and do anything, anything just to get one more measly mouthful of perfection. Of course, liking the results doesn't mean that you want to see it made, and on seeing what they did to the salmon swore that she would never touch the saumon poêlé farci aux œufs de poisson non fécondés ever again. And forget the chaussures en cuir bouilli mariné dans la boue. It was enough to make you sick. Cadence quickly strode to Lord Rust, using her massive pregnant gut as a sort of battering ram to push the kitchen hands aside as she walked. There was only a few short moments before she was out of time, and they had to use the third pony. Taking a seat opposite the morose Lord Rust, who was sipping at his beer bottle, Cadence caned back against the table. "Lord Rust," she said, "what went wrong?" Lord Rust fidgeted, "I admit, Princess Celestia's beauty struck me hard, I was so overcome by her grace and grandeur," "And her huge tits." Cadence smiled. Lord rust stared at Cadence, making her fidget a bit, "Well it's true," she said, "I may be married to Shining, and yes, I'm faithful, but I've always been able to appreciate the fairer sex, and she has amazing breasts. I'm pretty big myself at an F cup, and I'm jealous." Cadence cupped her breasts to show them off, the soft flesh sagging around her fingers as she hefted them up. "Well," said Rust, swallowing hard, "Your husband is extremely lucky to have a wife such as you, of that I can be sure." "You're telling me," Cadence leered, "I once managed to convince a maid to come along. I tied up Shining and made him watch as we played. By the end of it, he was straining out of the ropes and his dick was leaking a river." "Your Grace," gasped Rust, "I don't think that's appropriate talk!" "Fuck you, I'm pregnant." Cadence snorted, "So, what happened?" Lord Rust leaned in closely, "I begged her to let me rut her like an animal," he admitted, "I begged her to take me. I acted like some rutting beast, and I think I offended her with my crassness. Since I used baking as an innuendo, I think she used it poetically to punish me." "Hm." said Cadence, "I'll keep that in mind." > The Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna and Twilight were inside Princess Luna's bedroom just putting the touches on the third guest when Cadence opened the doors and shut them behind her gently. The room was in deep purples and deep blues, simulating the night sky. The walls were covered in patterned etchings; night blue background set with glass and deep purple geometric patterns etched with crystal. The floor was a single block of deep purple crystal that had been polished to a mirror sheen, the same type used for the wall etchings. The room breathed opulence and grace, which was rather ruined by the strewn clothes and accessories around the room, having been tossed aside carelessly by Luna and Twilight as they tried to dress the stallion in front of them. "We have a problem," Cadence said, "The previous two were too crass for Celestia. We need our third try to be more... appropriate." "Not to worry," said Twilight, fiddling with complex tie arrangement, "We have the perfect gentleman." And with that, Twilight stood aside to reveal the third choice. This stallion stood taller than Luna, towering over even Celestia. Hi shoulders were broad, and he was built strongly, his hands were the size of shovels, and yet were soft with trimmed nails. His mane was silken, and unlike most of the court was trimmed short to frame his strong features. His jaw was angular and masculine, clean and trimmed without even a slight stubble to mar it. His muzzle was typical for males, yet carried with it a certain strength and shape that made Cadence raise her eyebrow. HIs eyes were a piercing, clear blue, and shone with intelligence and compassion. His neck was thick with muscle, yet not grotesquely so like most who built themselves to such standards. His arms were powerful, stretching under his red jacket with strength, and yet were carried with grace and poise. Cadence found herself tracing the outline of his stomach, which while hidden under the jacket and secured with golden brass buttons two lines abreast, did not bulge out with fat but was flat and wide supporting the stallions masculine chest, which moved powerfully as he breathed; almost, but not quite, straining the cloth across his frame. His pants were a royal blue, with bare hooves, as was customary. His legs were sturdy, bulking muscles toned to perfection shifting under them as the stallion settled his legs. A distinct bulge pushed out against his pants, and Cadence felt a strong urge to yank them down to see what was within. If she was any judge, it'd take both her hands to roll the flesh orbs in there, let alone his stallion hood. "Okay, what's the catch," said Cadence, "Is he gay." "Actually," said the Stallion in a rich, powerful voice that made Cadence twinge and shudder, "I am more than capable of appreciating both genders. I know beauty in all it's forms." "He's bi," squealed Twilight, "And my husband is too! If this doesn't work with Celestia, can I have him?" "Twilight, if you didn't want him, I'd question wether or not you liked stallions," snorted Cadence, "But you'll have to have him. Shining is straight as an arrow. Unless he gets a few drinks in him; horny drunk." Twilight blanched and clamped her hands over her ears, "I did not need to know that!" she wailed. "Yes, well," said Luna, crossing her arms, "regardless of wether or not you desire him, you should ask him first." "It's okay," smiled the stallion, his clean white teeth perfectly spaced, "I don't mind." "Mrrrr..." groaned Twilight, "lets hurry this up before I decide to keep him." Luna raised her eyebrow, and walked away from the group. When she was a few steps away, she turned to face them, and lifted her blouse, and flashed her breasts to them. The stallion peaked at he stared at them, the soft deep blue fur giving them a cuddly look. They sagged slightly with their weight, yet had a firmness that came only with youth or the endless vitality of immortality. They were the size of soccer balls, hefty things that could swallow the fingers of a hand pressed into them, and gently rocked as Luna breathed in and out. Her cherry like nipples were larger than most, but were still perfectly proportioned to her massive bust. The stallion leaned in closer as the colder air began to harden them, making them large enough to hold in a mouth and suck. Satisfied, she hefted down her blouse, straightening it and smiling as the Stallion began to shift as his bulge began to grow. "I believe he knows what he desires." she said with a satisfied smirk. "You're such a slut, you know that?" smirked Cadence. "Indeed," smiled Luna, "Which is why I am often satiated in the morn. Unlike most." Cadence stormed across the room and glared at Luna, gently knocking her backwards with her swollen gut as she thrust out powerfully, hands on her hips, "Are you saying my stallion can't make me happy?" "No, but even the most powerful stallion cannot keep is performance for hours." Luna nodded, "Which is why I have multiple lovers. One tires, so I take the next." "OKAY!" Twilight beamed with strained mania, "That's enough about your love lives, let's get this stallion to Celestia and make her see the joys of sex!" "I have a name." "Hush stallion." *** Celestia sipped from her wine glass as she stepped out of the bathroom, steam curling around her white, fluffy dressing gown as she walked into her bedroom. She swirled her glass thoughtfully as she stared at her full length mirror, easily twelve feet in height to show her entire nine foot frame, before putting her glass down and walking towards it. She tried to shift her balance from one leg to the other, making her hips sway gently from side to side as she stepped until she was nearly touching the mirror. Turing away, and watching over her shoulder, she watched as she tried it again, putting force into each step making her cushion like rump flex and jiggle hypnotically under the cloth. Turning back, she reach down to undo the knot on her gown before a knock at her door made her jump. Draining her glass, she put it down on her night table and opened the door, showing a handsome stallion standing there, hooves wide in a display of strength and dominance. Celestia blinked as she realized that she didn't have to crane her neck down to look at him, his head slightly above her twin beach ball bust. He smiled his gleaming white smile, and placed his wide, powerful hands on his hips. "Princess Celestia," he said, the rich chocolate tones massaging her ear drums like a thousand tiny sound hands, "I was wondering if I could come in." Celestia smiled looking the stallion up and down, "How can I say no to such a handsome stallion?" she asked. Luna smiled as the stallion walked in, shutting the door behind him. *** Luna stepped into her chambers, pausing as she saw Twilight rubbing her hand against Cadence's massive gut. "They're kicking," smiled Twilight, "It's so beautiful..." Cadence beamed with motherly pride, "I just know they're gonna be big and strong," she smiled, "just like their daddy." Luna cleared her throat, "sorry to interrupt," she said, her tome making it clear she wasn't sorry in the least, "But the stallion has gone into Celestia's chambers. "Mmm," Cadence nodded, "So how went things with our stallion?" "It has gone well," Luna nodded, flopping onto the bed next to them, "Celestia seemed a bit tipsy though, and I could see a wine glass in her room." "Yes, well, I normally wouldn't say this," Twilight muttered, "But some 'social lubricant' might do wonders for Celestia." "Oh wait!" groaned Cadence, "She is into stallions, isn't she?" "Well, yes!" Luna snorted, "I would think so!" "Oh, thank goodness," sighed Cadence, "I was worried that she wouldn't be interested because of that..." "Wait," Twilight rubbed her chin, a thoughtful expression on her face, "How do you know she's interested in stallions?" "Yeah," nodded Cadence, squinting at Luna "She seems to make time for you though..." Luna looked from one alicorn princess to the other, before a frown crossed her face, "I hope you are not suggesting anything improper?" "Oh, can you imagine it though," Cadence gasped, "A forbidden love, one that even Celestia must deny! Her feelings towards her sister sickening her, yet driving her onwards! And what must happen in her dreams..." "That does not happen in the least." Luna snarled, "How improper do you think it is for me and mine sister to do... such things alone?" "Bah," Cadence waved her hand, "Calm down, I've always been a sucker for forbidden, romantic love." "yes well," Twilight said, "disturbing fetishes aside, I always thought that you two spent so much time together, lost in emotions, and things unsaid, Celestia holding you tight as you cried into her shoulder, heartfelt sorrows about your betrayal murmured into her shoulder as she held you tight, just happy to have you back in her warm, loving arms..." Luna shook her head, "Actually, the truth is quite different..." *** Luna lay back against the side of Celestia's bed, her blouse pushed into the service of maintaining decency as her long skirt had been thrown off to one side, letting her slender legs sprawl on the floor. Celestia herself was slightly above her, her white fluffly dressing gown crumpled around and tangled through her legs and hanging off one shoulder as she lay on her side. Celestia's hand would occasionally dip into a bag of greasy chips, and Luna was slowly eating a plate of fried calamari rings held in her lap. Celestia grunted as she swung herself off the bed, "I gotta take a shit..." she grunted, pushing her prismatic mane out of the way of her face. "M'kay." grunted Luna, popping a fried ring into her snout as Celestia walked past. "Remember to flush." "Fuuuuuck, my shoulder's numb..." *** "Seriously?" Twilight asked, "that's what you two do together?" "Well," Luna shifted, blushing as Cadence snorted incredulously, "Sometimes we talk. And we play board games. Right now we are playing one about containing and destroying dangerous plagues." "Girls," Twilight groaned, "We're forgetting the point. Celestia. What do we do now?" "Uh, do absolutely nothing to impede my sister's romance?" "Wrong!" Twilight said, "We flood the room with love magic until Celestia is gagging for lit like a bitch in heat!" Cadence frowned, "Sorry, Twilight, but take it from me, that's a bad idea. it's best to let these things run their course, love will show itself soon enough. Or lust. Either or.