> The Forgotten Exile > by Echo 27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Newcomer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a series of knocks at the door of the library, loud and sharp throughout the hollow of the great tree. However, the great sound did nothing to tear away the lavender mare who was completely engrossed in her studies. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, resident librarian of Ponyville. She had been a denizen of this library for several years now, years that had changed her life in innumerable ways. Even from the very first day, everything had changed. She had gone from being an overzealous and (even if she only admitted it to herself) rather rude bookworm to a hero of Equestria, gaining the most wonderful group of friends in the process. Across the years, she had learned new lessons, furthered her studies, deepened bonds, and saved her homeland more than once. The last upheaval of her life had been the greatest, going from a mere student to an alicorn, a Princess of Equestria. Thankfully, her changes had done nothing to hinder her daily habits, something she would have missed. It had helped ease her transition, make it more comfortable and smooth. Even if she was now a ruler, she was still glad she could curl up and read a good book every now and then. However, her faithful assistant was, at the moment, frustrated by her enthusiasm. The young dragon’s name was Spike, a purple dragon with green spines from head to tailtip. He had been her friend and companion quite literally since the day of his birth. He was her friend and confidante, as well as a deep moral support. He was also her assistant, and his duty now required him to be a nuisance. The knocking on the door had not ceased, and he had been given explicit instructions to notify her immediately. “Twilight, someone’s at the door.” Nothing. Twilight merely flipped the page, a contented smile on her face. “Twilight!” He barked. “Hey, Twilight! Someone’s at the door, and you told me to tell you if someone came, so did.” Still nothing. “Twilight, you’re not even listening, are you?” As he was again snubbed, Spike felt a sense of frustration. No creature enjoys being snubbed, and the young dragon was no exception. With a gusty sigh, he said, “Alright, Twilight, you asked for it.” He took a deep breath, crept closer until he was right beside her, and whistled out a small flame. The fire flashed in front of the purple unicorn and singed the edges of her book, interrupting her joyous reverie and shocking her into reality. “Aah!” she yelled, instantly snapping the book shut and tossing it away from the small trail of fire. “Spike, what in the-” “Someone’s at the door, Twilight,” Spike said with a satisfied smirk on his face. Twilight instantly leapt to her feet and dashed downstairs, not slowing down in time to avoid a small collision with the door. Most unfortunately for her, the lock on the door did not hold and the door swung open, allowing Twilight to spill out most unceremoniously on the blonde-maned mailmare that stood at the doorframe. The two landed a few feet back in a tussle, leaving Twilight extremely embarrassed and the mailmare extremely confused. “What happened?” said the young mailmare. “Did I trip?” “No, that was my fault,” Twilight said apologetically, rising to her feet and using her magic to right the young mare she had bowled over. “I’m sorry, Derpy, I was going a bit too fast.” “It’s no problem,” Derpy replied sweetly, her face brightening with a smile. “I’ve got a priority letter from Canterlot here for you. Just came in this morning.” “Thanks a lot, Derpy,” said Twilight, taking the letter Derpy had just withdrawn from her bags. “And here, have a muffin. Are you alright?” “No sweat, Twilight,” Derpy said. “I’m indestructible. And thanks for the muffin! Well, bye!” Twilight waited politely for the cross-eyed mare to depart before she ran back inside, eagerly opening the letter as fast as she could. “Spike, Princess Celestia finally wrote me back!” she yelled up the stairs. The purple drake stared at the letter, a touch of resentment in his eyes. “Don’t know why you needed to use mail delivery, I do it way faster.” “I know you do, Spike,” Twilight said kindly, “but this needed to be more official and all due to the request. Trust me, I don’t want to make a habit of it.” Spike, looking mollified and more cheerful, peered over Twilight’s shoulder. “So what’s it say?” he asked. Twilight began to read her letter aloud. “Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she began. “I, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the board of governors have discussed your suggestion for an ‘Official Equestrian Convention’, the goal of which is to ‘foster relations between ponies in celebration and the sharing of knowledge.’ We are happy to inform you that your appeal has been approved, and we grant you the requested funds to support your initiative. The Royal Sisters, Princesses Celestia and Luna, have also gladly agreed to partake in the opening ceremonies, as per your request.” Twilight gave a yelp of glee and hopped around the room in celebration, dropping the letter without even reading the rest of its contents. “It’s gonna happen, Spike! They accepted it, they accepted it!” “Of course they did, you always have good ideas,” Spike said, smiling all the same. “Was putting a spell on Smarty-Pants a good idea?” Twilight asked, an embarrassed laugh escaping her lips. “Well, mostly good ideas,” Spike replied. Twilight giggled. “Alright, Spike, it’s time to get to work! Let’s start the checklist!” Two weeks later… Twilight heard a knock at the door, approaching at a more cautious speed than a few weeks before. It wouldn’t do to run anyone over in any situation, especially being a princess. Opening the door, she was pleased to see Applejack, the very mare she wanted to see. “The supplies came in?” Twilight asked expectantly. “Yup, just arrived this morning,” Applejack answered cheerfully. “You ready to go?” “Ready as I’ll ever be,” Twilight said. She turned and called over her shoulder, “Spike, I’m going out to the fairgrounds. Enjoy your day off!” “That’s the plan,” came the distant reply. And with that, the two friends were off towards the fairgrounds, taking a leisurely pace in an attempt to enjoy the sunshine. “It’s a beautiful day,” Twilight said as she looked around. “Sure is,” Applejack agreed. “Rainbow Dash was actually up early today, and looks like she did a good job.” “Did she say why she wouldn’t be joining us?” Twilight asked. “Something to do up in Cloudsdale, ah think,” said Applejack. “But she’s been awful busy lately, so ah haven’t heard much from her.” Twilight nodded. “At least Pinkie Pie is going to help. We’ll need whatever extra hooves we can get.” “Ah can’t wait for the big party,” Applejack remarked. “It’ll be great for Sweet Apple Acres to have all these incoming ponies who’ve never had our goods. Plenty of chances to make a great sale.” “Thanks for all the help, too,” Twilight said. Applejack shrugged. “It’s nothing, Twi. What else would I do? Not help?” The two friends shared a laugh as they walked through the town of Ponyville. Soon, their talk was reduced to simple chatter of friends, their daily lives, and the lives of those around them. When they reached the fairgrounds just outside of town, they found piles on piles of wood poles and canvases strewn across the ground. “Delivery services aren’t exactly neat and tidy, are they?” Twilight remarked, looking somewhat frustrated. “Wait, where’s Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked, looking around. “Wasn’t she supposed tuh meet us here?” As if on cue, the pink party pony dashed up to Twilight and wrapped her friend in a bone-crushing hug, and immediately preceding to do the same to Applejack. “Hi, Twilight! Hi, Applejack! This place sure is a mess, huh?” “Hi, Pinkie,” gasped Twilight, trying to regain her breath. “You ready to get started?” “You bet!” said Pinkie brightly. “Where should I start?” The three mares set straight to work raising the tents, where, in two days’ time, hundreds of ponies from all across Equestria would come and gather in a celebration of each other, and the knowledge they share. Twilight had thought of the idea not long after a quiet visit to her brother and his wife up in the Crystal Empire. She had seen the amazing technology the Empire had been creating under Cadence’s rule, and had wished that plenty of other ponies could achieve the same goals. With that thought in her head, she had suddenly proposed something: a chance for ponies to come together and show what they could do, giving Earth ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns the chance to showcase what they could create. At the moment, however, the tents that ponies would use needed to be erected, and it was up to Twilight and her friends to do just that. As both Rarity and Fluttershy would be setting up their own booths, the two were absent, as they had to be preparing themselves. Applejack grunted with frustration as she tugged at a rope, trying to bring up one of the larger, heavier tent poles. “Darn stick,” she said angrily. “Get up there, darn you.” “Be careful, Applejack,” Twilight warned. “You’re pulling too hard, the pole will-” And in that instant, Twilight’s next word became a sound, as the circular beam bent and broke with a loud snap! “Watch out!” Twilight yelled, and the three ponies scattered to avoid the crashing beam. It fell with a clatter upon the pile of remaining tent poles, an earsplitting Crash! reverberating through the air. “Everypony OK?” Twilight asked, looking around. “Ah’m alright,” Applejack said, emerging from a nearby tent. “I’m here,” said Pinkie Pie, popping in somewhere behind Twilight. But just before Twilight opened her mouth to speak, a new voice cut through. “The hay was that about? Is everything alright?” Twilight turned around and saw a newcomer heading towards them, looking around in confusion. It was a rather tall stallion, much of his mane hidden under a deep blue bandana, a heavy-looking saddlebag thrown across his back. His coat was a handsome blue, fading into a sea-foam white at his hooves, his forefront hooves decorated with gold bracelets encrusted with a single sapphire. His tail was blue-white like the tide as he flicked it back and forth- “Uh, Twilight, you OK?” Applejack asked, jolting her out of her stupor. Twilight realized she had been staring for several moments. She shook her head, forced her cheeks from flushing, and walked towards the newcomer with a rather timid smile on her face. “G-good afternoon,” she stammered, “My name is Twilight Sparkle. Can I help you with anything?” The newcomer looked around calmly. “Sure you don’t need mine?” he asked, eyeing the broken tent pole. “Looks like you girls are having a spot of trouble.” “Rush job,” Twilight said, a faint laugh on her voice. “We’re trying to work fast as we can, so we might be, uh, moving a little fast.” The newcomer merely stared, his expression just as serenely blank as when he had arrived. “Alright. So, you gonna ask for my help or not?” He was abrupt, but he seemed to sense that Twilight was indeed angling for his help. “Uh, well, if you don’t mind,” she offered shyly. “What else have I got to do?” he asked, walking over to the pile of wood. “Tell me what I need to do and let’s get movin’.” “Oh, OK,” Twilight said breathily. “Umm, right now we’re just trying to raise some tents, if you can see that.” “I can see-” but he cut himself off as he caught sight of her wings. “You’re an alicorn?” he asked, his voice immediately wary. Twilight felt a ripple of uneasiness course through her, but quickly shook it off. There was no need for that! “Umm, yes, I am,” she said. “You a princess?” he asked, an edge rising in his tone. Twilight felt even more uneasy. “Yes,” she said softly. In an attempt to lighten the mood, she asked, “So, what’s your name?” The ocean-colored stallion looked at her in faint surprise. “You don’t know my name?” he asked. Now Twilight was simply confused. “No. Should I?” The stallion shrugged and finally smiled. “Never mind, then. I’m Ocean Blue. Pleasure to meet you, Your Princess-ship.” He stooped to bow, but Twilight protested, “Please don’t!” He looked up at her in confusion. “I’m not very… royal, I guess. You don’t need to bow.” Ocean looked even more confused, but his eyes spoke of being impressed. “Alright, then… uh…” “Just call me Twilight,” the lavender mare said with a wide, glowing smile. “Everyone does.” “Alright, Twilight,” he said pleasantly. “Pleased to meet ya, I guess. Now, what do I do?” The newcomer joined in with the others and set straight to work, raising the massive tents with apparent ease. Twilight paused to watch him for a moment as he raised another quite handily. He was extremely strong, stronger than any stallion Twilight had met save for maybe Big Mac, Applejack’s brother. “Twilight, you still here?” Applejack asked, again cutting through her thoughts. “I’m sorry, what?” Twilight asked, speaking very rapidly. “Are you alright, girl?” The farm mare asked gently, eyeing her. “Of course not!” Pinkie Pie interjected suddenly. “She’s been here for hours, she’s hungry! We need cupcakes, and we need ‘em STAT!” “I’m fine, Pinkie Pie,” Twilight laughed. “I’m just wondering…” “About him?” Applejack asked, a tinge of laughter in her voice. “Did he say where he was from?” Twilight shook her head. “No, I barely was able to get him to even say his name. He asked if I knew it already. Strange.” Applejack’s face was shadowed with thought. “Yeah, that’s strange.” “Still,” Twilight remarked rather brightly. “It was really kind of him to help us out.” Applejack merely nodded, still looking a little disconcerted. “Yeah, I guess.” “Hey, ladies!” Ocean Blue yelled, walking towards them from across the fairgrounds. “Just put up this last monster, we got any others that need lifting or was that it?” “No, that was all of it,” Applejack replied, her voice even. “We’ve got a stage platform coming in tomorrow, but that’ll be done by professional workhorses.” Ocean nodded. “Well, if that’s all the help you needed, I’d best be going.” Twilight felt a thrill of disappointment rush through her. “Wait! You have to leave?” Ocean turned and gazed at her. “Uh, yeah, I guess,” he said plainly. “I’m pretty much your typical drifter.” “Well, why not stick around for a bit?” Twilight suggested. “Besides, I- I mean we need to give you something for all your hard work. It was a big help, I thought we’d be here all night.” Ocean Blue looked rather embarrassed. “Look, you don’t have to do-” “YEAH!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bowling over the stallion and standing atop him. “After all, you’re new in town so that means you need to see everyone, and I need to throw you a ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ party! You have not LIVED until you’ve had an official Pinkie Pie party!” “Um,” was all he could manage. “Pinkie!” Twilight chided gently, “Why don’t you let him stand up?” “Oh, sorry!” she said, bouncing off the blue drifter with an extra-wide smile. Twilight, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks, said, “So, why not come into town with us?” Ocean Blue gazed at Applejack’s uneasy expression, Pinkie Pie’s beaming face, and Twilight’s eagerness, and gave a great sigh. “Why the hay not?” he muttered. “Sure, as long as you’ve got something to eat. It’s been a couple days since my last meal and I’m wicked starvin’.” > The Princess and the Recluse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, what is this place?” Ocean asked uncertainly, peering around at the scenery. “This is Ponyville,” Pinkie Pie answered cheerfully. “Only the most stupendous-wonderfullest-super-duper-awesomest town in all of Equestria!” Ocean edged away from her warily. “Umm, OK. I’ll take your word for it…” As they entered the outskirts of the village, several local ponies stopped and waved to Twilight and her friends, only to notice Ocean Blue standing beside them. A few stopped and stared, as his rugged appearance and ensemble gave him the rugged look of an outcast. He didn’t seem to mind, but looked upon the others with unease all the same. Applejack gave a polite cough and said, “Well, if you’re gonna jus’ be givin’ him the tour, ah’m gonna head on home. Big Mac was gonna start plowing the fields and ah promised ah’d help. See y’all later!” Pinkie suddenly began twitching erratically, and she gave a small squeak and vanished in an instant, terrified of some unknown entity. Ocean stare unapologetically. “What was that about?” he asked, goggling where Pinkie had dashed off. “Pinkie Sense,” Twilight answered, feeling somewhat embarrassed. “Pinkie what?” he repeated, looking even more confused. “It’s a long story,” she said. Suddenly, Twilight felt distinctly awkward. For some unknown reason, she was glad he was pretty much alone in her company, but now that he was, she had no idea of what to do. Ocean seemed to sense her indecisiveness and gave a stifled cough. “So, what’s Ponyville?” “Well, it’s my home,” Twilight said, gratefully for him giving her a starting point. “I’ve been here for a few years now, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.” “So what do you do here?” he asked, walking in step beside her. “Well, I try to help keep the peace,” she said, “And I also study the magic of friendship.” “Beg pardon?” he echoed. “The magic of friendship?” “Yeah,” Twilight nodded. “You’d be surprised what friendship can do when you let its power flow.” Ocean looked skeptical but merely shrugged. “So, you’re friends with Applejack and Pinkie Pie,” he remarked. “What do they do?” “Well, Applejack helps run Sweet Apple Acres, an apple farm outside of town. Pinkie Pie’s the resident party pony, and helps run Sugarcube Corner in her down time.” “Kind of a busy gal,” he remarked. “No wonder she’s hyper.” Twilight laughed. “There’s also Rarity, a dress-maker, and Fluttershy, she helps take care of animals-” “Got quite a wide circle of chums,” he intercut. “-And there’s Rainbow Dash, she helps keep the skies clear.” “Sounds like a pegasus,” Ocean muttered under his breath. Looking up at the sky, he said, “Sure looks like she does a good- WOAH!” There was a blur of colors and a thunderous Crash! as Ocean Blue was bowled over by a lightning bolt of blue. Several yards back, at the end of a freshly carved trench, lay Ocean Blue, with Rainbow Dash sprawled atop him. “Ocean Blue! Rainbow Dash! Are you two OK?” Twilight cried, rushing over to the pair of them. There was a groan and the pair disentangled themselves, rising to their feet slowly. “Sorry about that,” Rainbow Dash said airily. “One of my tricks kinda went awry. My bad.” Ocean Blue shook his head free of dust and stood erect. “It’s nothing,” he gasped, wincing as he found a bruise on his left front leg. “Must’ve been one awesome trick if it blew so spectacularly.” “Oh, you bet!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed energetically, rising to the air in a flourish. “It’s gonna be one of my best tricks ever!” “I’ll have to take your word for it,” Ocean remarked pleasantly. “That was some great speed you had, I’m impressed.” Twilight’s eyes widened in shock. Was there a flush of pink on the cheeks of the athletic pegasus? Indeed, there was a creeping reddening as she hovered there, a small smile on her face. Rainbow Dash pushed her hair back. “It was alright, I guess,” she said airily. “So, I haven’t seen you around before. What’s your name?” “Rainbow Dash, this is Ocean Blue,” Twilight said loudly, walking up almost between the two. “He just arrived to Ponyville today.” “Well, hey, glad you made it,” Rainbow Dash said cheerfully. “It’s about to be a lot of fun around here, so enjoy your stay.” Twilight coughed loudly. “Rainbow Dash, how’s the weather going to look for the Convention?” “Huh? Oh yeah, I needed to tell you!” she said. “We’re going to have to let a thunderstorm move in tomorrow afternoon if we want enough rain for Ponyville this summer. So be ready to get soaked tomorrow.” “There’s going to be rain?” Ocean Blue asked, a tinge of eagerness in his voice. “Alright, thanks for letting me know, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight replied, her voice deliberately level. Rainbow Dash shrugged and began to float higher. “Well, I told ya, so I think I’ll get on out of here. Yeah, I’ll do that. See ya, Ocean Blue! Bye, Twilight!” The pegasus slowly soared away. Twilight watched her over her shoulder, and saw the rainbow-maned mare glance over her shoulder at the sea-coated stallion. She accidentally caught Twilight’s eye and blushed crimson, instantly dashing off. Twilight sighed. “Sorry about that,” she said. “Are you hurt any?” Ocean shook his head. “No way something like that could do much,” he replied nonchalantly. “Tis only a scratch.” The pair continued their walk through Ponyville, Twilight pointing out the various locales and ponies. Ocean seemed interested, but also was a bit uncomfortable, as if crowds weren’t to his liking. He certainly attracted more stares than Twilight would wish. It was as if he was in a center spotlight that followed him wherever he walked. “Hey Twilight!” exclaimed a small, squeaky voice, and a white filly dashed through the crowd at top speed. “Hi, Sweetie Belle,” Twilight greeted. “What are you up to?” “Looking for you,” the young girl answered. “Rarity’s looking for you, something about her booth for the Convention, I think.” “Sure, we’ll head on over,” Twilight said as Sweetie Belle’s gaze traveled over to Ocean Blue. “Who are you?” she asked, staring up at the tall stallion. “Me? Just your normal, average Earth pony,” Ocean Blue answered evasively. “Name’s Ocean Blue, if that helps.” “Hi, Ocean Blue!” Sweetie Belle said brightly. “I’d stay to chat, Twilight, but Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are meeting up at the clubhouse. We’re going to get our Cutie Marks for sure this time!” “Alright then, off you go!” Twilight said, nudging her gently. “Tell me how it goes, alright?” “Sure thing!” Sweetie Belle called over her shoulder as she ran off. “She your sister?” Ocean Blue inquired. “Sweetie Belle? No, she’s Rarity’s little sister, not mine,” Twilight answered. “Speaking of Rarity, we probably need to get over to her house and get whatever she needed sorted out sooner than later.” The two ponies meandered over to Rarity’s Boutique on the outskirts of town. Ocean Blue gawked. “Is she… umm, kind of a clean freak?” he asked, staring down at his dusty hooves. Twilight hesitated. “Umm, kinda. I think you’ll be fine, though.” Twilight’s thoughts shifted into high gear all of a sudden. Would Rarity act like Rainbow Dash, or even worse? With some trepidation, she opened the door and walked in. “Rarity?” Twilight called, peering around the main floor of the fashonista’s shop. “Ah, Twilight, darling!” Rarity greeted warmly, walking out from behind a dresses. “How are you this dreadful morning?” “Dreadful? But it’s beautiful outside,” Twilight objected. “Is it?” Rarity asked distractedly. “I’ll have to take your word for it, I’ve been busy since early this morning. There was a leak in my roof and some of the dresses were soaked. It was tragic, dear! I’ve had to remake half of them, they were so covered in dirty water and grime!” Twilight felt sympathetic for her dear friend, but knew she needed to stop this before it started. Rarity had a tendency to go on talking unless someone stopped her. “I ran into Sweetie Belle a bit ago,” she said. “She mentioned that you wanted to see me about something?” “Oh! Yes, dear, I did,” Rarity said, coming back into focus. “You see, I wanted to expand my line for the upcoming convention, show off more of my wares. I was hoping that you could give me a bit more room to do just-” She broke off and simply gawked, eyes wide. Twilight gave a frustrated sigh and turned to see, predictably, Ocean Blue walking into the boutique, peering around warily. Rarity stared, eyes wide and jaw completely agape. “Who is that?” she gasped. Ocean Blue realized she was looking at him and stopped. “Me?” he asked. He peered down at his dirty hooves and recoiled, looking alarmed. “OH! I am so sorry, I should have thought about that before I walked in, umm…” Rarity dashed forward until she was nearly nose-to-nose with Ocean Blue, gazing at him longingly. “And who are you, good sir?” she asked, her voice velvety soft. Ocean Blue possessed a rather manic expression, as if he were inclined to laugh. “Umm, my name’s Ocean Blue,” he said, his voice choking somewhat. “What brings you here to Ponyville? The convention, I assume?” she inquired, her voice sultry. “Uh, just passing through, really,” he replied. “You know, not really headed anywhere.” “How’s it been so far?” Ocean Blue looked over her head at Twilight, who was on the verge of seething. “It’s been alright, Twilight was giving me the tour of the place, said she needed to stop by and such…” He stared straight at Twilight, his eyes sending the message he wouldn’t dare speak aloud. Twilight gave a loud, impolite cough, trying to distract Rarity. “Was that all you needed, Rarity? More room for your booth?” Rarity didn’t answer for several moments, still staring at Ocean Blue. “Yes, that was all, dear,” she said quickly. “Well, if you don’t need anything else, we’d best be off,” Twilight said, trying to rush out of the boutique as quickly as she could manage without being rude. Rarity looked crushed as Ocean Blue turned to leave, but said nothing. “Well, nice to meet…you,” Ocean Blue gagged, positively shaking with the effort of holding back. As the princess and the recluse walked away, Ocean Blue was still shaking. “Wait till we’re a bit further away,” she warned him, trying hard not to smile herself. He took a few steps, faltered, and simply fell to the ground, positively howling with laughter. “Could she be more obvious?” he asked, hooting with glee. “I mean come ON, she’s about as subtle as a dead skunk!” “She’s still my friend,” Twilight said, though failing to keep a rather satisfied grin from traveling across her face. “She has a weakness for stallions, you could say.” Ocean Blue sniggered into the dirt at his hooves. “Weakness? It’s an outright, unflattering obsession!” Twilight looked down on him severely, and he caught her expression. “Alright, alright,” he relented. “It’s still severely funny, though.” “Still, she’s my friend,” Twilight interjected. “So let it go, okay?” “Whatever you say, girlie,” Ocean said, rising to his feet with a grin still covering his face. “Any other lovedrunk mare you wanna showcase me to?” Twilight tried to laugh it off, but could do nothing to stop heat from rising up her neck to her cheeks. Why are you acting like this? She asked herself severely. This is so unlike you. Though it hadn’t seemed to take very long, the sun was already low in the sky when the pair reached the Golden Oaks Library. “This is where I’ve been living,” she said, trying to keep her voice slow and relaxed. “Since I moved to Ponyville, I mean.” “A library?” Ocean Blue said, surprised. “Not exactly royal dwellings, now is it?” Twilight shrugged. “I love books, so it works. Want to come in?” Ocean seemed a little apprehensive (Is he afraid of me? Twilight wondered anxiously), but walked in after her, taking care to shake the dirt off his hooves (Well that was polite of him, she remarked to herself). “Spike, I’m home!” Twilight yelled, looking around for her dragon companion. “Spike, where are you?” “Here,” came a weak voice from the kitchen. “Spike?” Twilight crept into the kitchen and lit a candle, only to find her purple assistant curled up on the floor, an open tub of ice cream not far away. “Spike!” Twilight said exasperatingly, lifting up her friend with her magic and setting him astride her back. “This is the third time this month you’ve eaten yourself sick.” “It was sugar-free ice cream,” Spike groaned. “I thought it’d be safe.” Twilight gave a groan and walked back into the center of the library, finding Ocean Blue staring at her in shock. “You have a dragon!” he declared. “He’s my friend and assistant, and he’s sick,” Twilight said hurriedly, already trotting up the stairs. “I’m sorry, Ocean, but I need to-” “I understand,” Ocean replied quickly. “I’ll just leave, I need to be going, anyhow. Nice to meet you, Princess Twilight.” “W-wait!” Twilight protested as he walked out the door. Groaning, she raced up the stairs and laid Spike gently in his bed. “Who is he?” Spike asked, his voice thin. “He’s- I don’t really know him, but hold on, I’ll be right back,” Twilight gabbled, teleporting down to the front door and out into the sultry evening. Her vision darted around, looking for the reclusive newcomer. “Ocean! Wait up!” She looked to her right and, down an alleyway, she saw him walking away slowly, having paused as she called his name. “Wait!” she said again, leaping to her feet and flying quickly over, settling near him. “Yes, highness?” he asked, a trace of laughter in his tone. “Why are you leaving? It’s nearly nighttime!” Twilight protested. “Why shouldn’t I leave? I just travel,” he explained. “I never stay anywhere for more than a few hours.” “But why? You might as well stay here.” “It’s easier to travel at night, that’s all. Fewer ponies to run into, little chance of being disrupted. You know how it is.” Twilight shook her head. “No, I really don’t. Why not just stay the night here, spend the day in Ponyville, and leave at nightfall? Just let yourself rest up and relax for a little bit?” Ocean Blue stood stock-still and stared at her. “And why is my well-being so important to you?” he challenged. Twilight was immensely thankful that the night had truly begun to settle, for she was certain she was blushing a deep crimson. Truth be told, she didn’t know why she was so adamant about him staying, except for- But that would be ridiculous! She told herself witheringly. I mean, you’ve only just met him, you know hardly anything about him! For all you know, he’s a complete- “Are you gonna answer or just stand there?” Ocean Blue interjected, starting to laugh. “You seem to be struggling with a decision.” “Look, I’m just trying to be a friend,” Twilight managed to stammer out (Good, you can make a decent defense with this, she told herself). “My friends have taught me a lot, and I’m just trying to be a good friend to you.” Ocean Blue gave a long, winded sigh, staring up at the starlight. “Fine,” he finally said. “Thanks for the offer, I guess.” Twilight felt as light as a feather. “Great! Wait, you need a place to stay…” “I’ll sleep outside,” Ocean Blue said quickly. “I saw a nice little place just on the outskirts of Ponyville where I can shore up.” Feeling her gaze settling upon him, he added, “I’m not trying to run out on you, I promise. You want to do something nice for me, I’ll let you do it. But I’d rather do this bit on my terms and not get everyone’s attention. Besides, you have a sick dragon to take care of.” Spike! Her number one assistant reappeared in her thoughts and Twilight felt rather ashamed. “Alright, I’ll see you later,” she said, walking back to her house. “And Ocean Blue?” “Yeah?” Twilight smiled. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said. The shrouded form of the sea-stained stallion dipped into a small bow. “And the same to you, young princess,” he said genially. “And a good night to you.” Twilight walked back into her house feeling unusually chipper, though she didn’t want to think about why. Come on, Twilight, this is so silly. Take a little time, back away for a bit, and see what happens. “Sorry about that, Spike,” Twilight said apologetically, laying down beside him to check his temperature. “I’ll do what I can to make you feel better, but next time, don’t eat so much ice cream.” “Urgh,” Spike muttered. “Who was he?” “Some new pony who came into town today,” Twilight said softly, putting a damp cloth to his head. “He helped me, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie set up the tents at the fairgrounds.” “OK, but why was he with you?” Spike inquired. “Well,” Twilight began. “He, uh, was… He was-” “Twilight,” Spike began, sounding distinctly amused. “Are you trying to say you-” “Finish that sentence and I’ll feed you more ice cream,” she interrupted. “You play dirty, Twilight,” Spike groaned, pulling the covers over his body. Twilight let her dragon friend drift slowly off to sleep as she lay there on her own bed, sorting out her own confusing feelings. I have no reason to be acting like this, she chided herself. You know nothing about him beyond his name, not even where he’s from or what he’s done! He could be anyone! But he did help all of us out at the fairgrounds, she reminded herself. And he was so nice to everypony, even Rarity when she was fawning over him. He made sure not to laugh in front of her. That was considerate of him. Twilight finally came to decision. See how he acts tomorrow, she cautioned herself. And then we’ll go from there. > The Old Soldier > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning broke in a hazy dawn of dirty grey. Twilight rose from her bed in a sleepy daze as her mind tore itself from her dreams. “Morning, Spike,” she said groggily as she stretched out her legs, trying to rouse herself into action. “Mff,” Spike mumbled, not even bothering to raise his head off his pillow. She assumed that he was suffering from the effects of last night. A few minutes later she was in the kitchen, happily eating her breakfast of oatmeal. Spike came down as she finished, groggy and still looking unwell. “Say nothing,” he muttered. Twilight giggled. “Not feeling better, huh?” Spike sighed. “I’ll live,” he said, but growled under his breath, “Stupid raspberry flavor.” “So what’s going to be on your agenda for today?” she inquired, and Spike looked up at her in surprise. “I’ll be helping you, as always,” he replied. “What else would I be doing?” Twilight shrugged. “I don’t have much to do today,” she said. “You can have another day off, if you’d like.” Spike looked up at her with an expression of utmost confusion. “What happened to the real Twilight, and how do I get her back?” Twilight laughed airily. “Spike, nothing’s wrong. I’m just going to try to relax today. I want to show our new guest around, and I owe him for all his help yesterday.” Spike gazed at her warily, looking uneasy. “Twilight, how well do you know him?” Twilight paused, the spoon halfway to her mouth. “Spike, this has occurred to me, I promise.” “But still, you need to be thinking about this, alright?” he pressed. “Just be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.” “Spike, who says I like him?” she laughed, giving him a hug. “But I appreciate your concern all the same.” Twilight went out into the morning to be greeted by a damp, chilly wind from the northwest. The skies were already turning dark grey, though it was still early in the morning. If she was to find Ocean Blue, she should do so before the weather broke. To her great surprise, the first pony she ran into was none other than Rainbow Dash, who was up and about in a flurry of activity as she gathered stray branches from nearby trees. “Morning, Twi,” her multi-colored friend greeted cheerfully. “Morning, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said just as cheerfully in reply, if not more so. Truth be told, she felt guilty about how she had acted (or at the very least felt) the day before, and wanted to do her best to make up for it. “Getting ready for today’s weather?” Rainbow pushed her mane out of her vision, brushing the sweat off her brow. “Yeah, and it’s gonna be a doozy. Cloudchaser gave me a report from up north that it’s gonna be a bit stronger than expected, so be ready for some wind.” “Well, thanks for the heads up,” Twilight replied. “Say, since you’ve been up, have you seen Ocean Blue today?” “Yeah, he was up at the crack of dawn doing some exercise,” Rainbow Dash answered, suddenly appearing invigorated. “I challenged him to a race –I won, of course- and I found out he’s way fast for an Earth pony! It was awesome!” Twilight’s insides went cold, but she did what she could to shake off those feelings. “Well, I’m glad you had a good time. Is he still around? I owe him some thanks for all his help yesterday.” “Yeah, he’s over by the pond just outside of town,” Rainbow replied. “I think he settled down for the night there.” “Alright, thanks. Bye, Rainbow!” Twilight said, already departing at a trot. “Oh, uh, later!” Not much later, Twilight found herself at the stone pool outside Ponyville, where Ocean Blue sat beside the waters, resting with his eyes half-closed. “Morning!” Twilight said a little too energetically. You’re overdoing it, she cautioned herself. “Sleep well?” “Well enough,” he responded, rising with a shake of his head. “Lovely day, isn’t it?” Twilight gave a lopsided grin. “I know, it’s not the best. Sorry, but Rainbow Dash said it’s going to get even worse.” “No, I really meant it!” Ocean Blue insisted. “Rain means I get an easy drink of water no matter what. Don’t have to go looking for a rock pool or anything.” Twilight regarded him with a look of veiled interest. It was if he was intentionally laying these strange hints about his past without truly revealing anything. “Didn’t you live in a place where water was easy to find?” “Depends on where I bedded down for the night,” he replied. “Could be the mountains one night, usually was the coastline, but always depended.” “So you never really stayed in one place?” she asked. “Not if I could help it,” he answered. He’s being intentionally evasive, she thought to herself. Maybe this isn’t the way to get through to him. “I’m gonna go get some breakfast,” he said. “I’ll see ya later, I guess.” “Hey, why don’t I get you something?” Twilight suggested. “After all, I still owe you for all your help yesterday.” Ocean shook his head. “Ponies help other ponies. It’s what we do.” “But I promised I would,” she protested softly. “And so I urge you to consider your promise fulfilled!” Ocean replied. “Twilight, you don’t owe me anything, and you never will. Let this one go, and I won’t think any less of you.” “But-” “But nothing, alright?” Ocean responded more forcefully. “Twilight, you’re a mare, I’m a stallion. If I hadn’t help you and your friends, I would have been at fault. It’s how it works.” Twilight shook her head in defeat, rolling her eyes. He was stubborn. Polite, but still stubborn. “So, what ARE you gonna do for breakfast?” “Look for something to eat,” he replied, glancing down at the pond ruefully. “Pity there’s no water lilies, they’re great for a quick snack.” “You eat water lilies?” Twilight asked, amused. “Not much of a meal in those, is there?” “I usually travel from water source to water source, you learn to eat whatever’s close. I prefer seaweed, but that’s harder to acquire.” “Eurgh!” Twilight stared at him with a look of disgust. “That is so gross!” “Hey, whatever keeps you going, right?” Ocean Blue said with a grin. “Twilight, I lived along the coastline for years. There’s nothing but palm fronds and seaweed, so you learn to eat what you can.” “You need to learn what real food tastes like, I see,” she said slyly. “Come on, let me grab you something to eat and you stop eating food fit for the fishes.” Ocean Blue gazed at her, his grin growing wider by the second. “You were just hoping for that to happen, weren’t you?” As Twilight began to blush, Ocean Blue simply roared with laughter. “Fine, Princess, you win. Let’s eat, I’m as hungry as a h-” Suddenly, a small white rabbit with a fluffy cotton tail darted out from the confines of a bush and dashed for Ocean Blue’s leg bracelets, grabbing one of them and rushing off. “Hey! That stupid cotton ball stole my stuff!” And he raced after the small animal in a hurry. “Wait up! Don’t hurt him!” Twilight yelled as she ran after him, hoping to catch up before he could injure the bunny. For she was fairly certain as to whom that rabbit belonged to, and was quite sure she would not be happy if her precious pet was harmed. Twilight half-ran, half-flew into town as she caught up with Ocean Blue, finding him standing in the center of town, towering over a small bunny clutching his bracelet and the pink-maned pegasus that was its owner. “That stinking thing stole my bracelet!” he snapped. “And I’m sure he didn’t mean to steal it,” Fluttershy said shakily, gazing up at Ocean Blue fearfully. “Angel Bunny probably thought it was lost. Didn’t you, Angel?” Angel shook his head and stuck his tongue out at Ocean Blue, whose nostrils flared with anger. “Oh, maybe he did mean to take it,” Fluttershy concluded. “It was lying next to my saddlebags, he stole it,” Ocean Blue said drily. “May I have my bracelet back now?” “Angel, please give the very tall, very big stallion his bracelet,” Fluttershy ordered, still crouching down on the ground. Most reluctantly, Angel held up the bracelet, and Ocean Blue stuck his hoof through it, bringing it further up the leg with his other hoof. “No thanks to you, Fluffy,” he said cuttingly. “Morning, Fluttershy,” Twilight said, trying to tear the timid mare away from the ground where she trembled. “Sorry about all this.” “It’s OK, Twilight,” Fluttershy replied, still eyeing Ocean Blue nervously. “Angel Bunny was just being a little bit naughty.” “Alright. Uh, Fluttershy, this is Ocean Blue, he’s new in town. Ocean, this is Fluttershy, one of my friends I mentioned yesterday,” Twilight said, trying to make her timid friend feel more comfortable. “Ah, the animal lover,” Ocean said briskly, extending the mare a hoof to raise herself off the ground. “Nice to meet you.” Fluttershy crept back inch by inch, her eyes locked on the stallion towering above her. Ocean Blue took a breath and rescinded his helping hoof, looking awkward and embarrassed. “So, why does a pegasus such as yourself work with land animals?” Ocean Blue bravely attempted, taking a stab at making conversation. Fluttershy looked down at the ground and said nothing. Twilight was feeling more and more uncomfortable by the second and was hoping her soft-yellow coated friend would overcome her shyness. However, at that particular moment, two small unicorns dashed by the trio as fast as their small legs could carry them and screaming at the top of their lungs. Fluttershy shrieked and leapt onto a nearby rooftop, clutching Angel tightly in her hooves. “What in the-” Ocean Blue sputtered. “The hay is going on in this town?” “Wasn’t that Snips and Snails- look!” Twilight yelled, pointing towards the direction from where the pair of unicorns had come running, and Ocean looked up to see Applejack rushing towards them, huffing and puffing. “Timberwolves!” Applejack gasped, a hoof rubbing the stitch in her chest. “A whole dirty pack of them, biggest pack ah’ve ever seen. They’re headed straight for town.” “Timberwolves!” Twilight echoed, but Ocean Blue cut across her. “How many?” he asked, his voice sharp and serious. “Ah dunno,” Applejack said hastily. “Ah couldn’t tell-” “Give me an estimate, then!” Ocean barked. “About twenty or so!” Applejack fired back. “Alright, Applejack, listen to me,” he instructed. “I need you to alert the other ponies, get them all inside, we’ve got to minimize casualties at all cost. Once you’ve done that, try and find Rainbow Dash and tell her to find me and Twilight, we’ll need all the help we can get. Now go!” The town was instantly in a panic as news of the incoming timberwolf pack spread. Mothers ran looking for their foals while others tried to help Applejack clear the streets. On the border of town, near where the forest lurked, stood Ocean Blue and Twilight, watching the dust cascade into the sky as the enormous wolf pack grew ever closer. The vicious yips and snarls of the beasts already seemed deafening, and the creatures were still several yards away. Twilight could feel her heart pounding in fear, despite her cool head preventing her from panicking. Ocean Blue, however, had practically transformed into a steel titan, his eyes ablaze and his posture set for combat. “Remember, aim for the throat, they have a sensitive windpipe. One good shot to the throat and the body should fall apart.” Twilight nodded, trying to do her best to imitate his stance. It was flawless from hindhooves to forehooves; perfectly balanced, and spring-loaded for easy maneuvering in any direction. “Twilight, relax, you can do this,” Ocean Blue assured her calmly. “We’re going to protect these ponies, and we’re going to drive them back. Ready… strike!” The wolf pack was upon them, yipping and snarling as they set themselves on their prey, rushing for the two ponies- Twilight fired spell after spell into the throng of vicious timberwolves, scoring a direct hit in the throat of a particularly large one, disintegrating the body in one fell swoop- Ocean Blue leapt into the air and collided with another, the blow so powerful he crashed through the oak-layered body- A lithe and crafty wolf snuck up behind Twilight and leapt for her wings, preparing to sink its teeth into the soft feathers- Twilight spun and caught the beast with her hooves, sending a spell down its throat and blowing the wood to pieces- Ocean soon found himself surrounded by multiple wolves, each preparing to take down the sea-coated stallion. He was on his hind hooves at once, punching down a wolf and crushing the maple skull beneath his hooves- A second wolf leapt for his hindquarters and he slid underneath, planting his hind hooves on its belly and delivering a swift kick that sent pieces of it scattering across the fray- Twilight, despite trying to focus totally on the battle at hand, could not help but admire his incredible skill of combat. He was landing each hit precisely, effortlessly, as if he had done this for years. Another wolf lunged for her throat and she sent it flying with a blasting spell- Ocean Blue was so focused on the action in front of him that he failed to notice a lone timberwolf slithering across the ground behind him, preparing to lock its jaws around his legs- a blur of colors struck the sneaking wolf and sent the others flying backwards as the burst of air pushed them back. Rainbow Dash gave a yell of exhilaration and struck again, simply crushing another timberwolf beneath her powerful speed. The wolves gave a yelp of fright and scattered into the town of Ponyville, the cries of frightened ponies erupting wherever the beasts now roamed. “Quick! After them!” Ocean roared, already racing after one of the largest remaining wolves. “Don’t let them bite anyone!” Rainbow and Twilight took to the skies in order to locate the remaining timberwolves, rushing up towards the gray clouds. There were five wolves left when they scattered, Twilight listed off, trying to organize her scattered thoughts. Ocean Blue is tracking down one, Rianbow Dash and I can each take down another, so that leaves two unaccounted for- The familiar cry of the local farm girl reached their ears along with the terrified cry of a defeated timberwolf, and Twilight peered down to see the wooden body of the wolf blast apart as Applejack kicked another rock that finished off the remainder of the oaken corpse. “Nice shot, AJ!” Rainbow Dash yelled triumphantly, blazing a multi-colored trail through town in her desperate search for the remaining wolves. Twilight flew higher and higher as she scanned the tiny village, looking for any suspicious movement to indicate one of the predators was out in the open. There! Down at Sugarcube Corner was one of the wolves, scrabbling at the door in its efforts to enter and feast upon its inhabitants. Twilight surged downwards in a perfect arc, trying to get in range and release the bolt of energy that would bring the beast down- there was a tremendous Snap! and the locks on the door broke, letting the door creak slowly open and the wolf to enter with a snarl. “No!” Twilight cried, increasing her speed and slamming into the ground with magnificent force, sending a rippling shockwave through the earth. Dashing in to the sweet shop, she was met with the horrific sight of the wolves lunging into a crowd of huddled ponies, finding the hind leg of a small filly and sinking its teeth into her flesh. Zap! Twilight’s bolt of magic scored a hit on the hindquarters of the wolf and blasted it apart, with a second bolt searing through its wooden throat, finishing it off for good. But the damage had already been done. The young filly’s leg was already covered in blood and the wound kept pouring out more as it seeped onto the floorboards. There was a crash behind her –Twilight turned around expecting more wolves- and saw Ocean Blue right behind her, eyes wide and nostrils flaring in fear. “Who was bitten?” he demanded. Noticing the bleeding pony, he dashed across to check the wound. “How long has it been? How long?” “Seconds,” the filly’s mother sobbed, cradling her injured child. “It was on her in an instant, we couldn’t do anything to stop it-” But Ocean Blue wasn’t listening. “Twilight, get me a glass of water, hurry!” he ordered. Turning to the Cakes, who stood by trembling, he said, “Grab me a cloth. A small one!” Twilight raced into the kitchen, found an empty cup and filled it to the brim, though not at all sure why Ocean had asked for it. When she returned, she found him picking apart the remains of the timberwolf, picking out two dark green jewels from the wreckage. “Cloth!” he managed to spit out, despite holding the jewels between his teeth. Once the Cakes brought the cloth over, he set the jewels down on it and crushed them beneath his hooves, continuing to do so until they were ground into a fine powder. “Twilight, you’ll be better at this than me. Pick up the cloth and pour the powder into the water, then stir it for ten seconds.” Twilight did as she was instructed, heart hammering. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the condition of the injured filly was becoming graver by the second as sickly poisonous green lines appeared around her bite wound and began to make their way up her leg. “Excellent,” Ocean breathed, his eyes set on the cup of powdered water which was now a light green. “Now, take it and pour it on the wound.” He turned and knelt down by the young filly, who was beginning to cry. “What’s your name, kiddo?” he asked, his voice soft and quiet. “Twirl,” she answered, sniffling. “Twirl, my name’s Ocean Blue,” he said. “Now listen, what Princess Twilight’s about to do is going to do will hurt but it will make you feel a lot better. I need you to be a brave girl and try not to move, OK? Can you do that?” Twirl nodded, trying to ignore that her leg was almost completely purple, and the vile color was beginning to seep onto her flank. “Alright, Twilight, pour it onto the bite. Slowly.” Twilight took great care as she positioned the cup directly above the teeth marks and began to pour it precisely onto the wound. Twilight had to give the young filly credit, for though her face spoke of excruciating pain, she did not recoil but instead allowed the colored liquid to flow gently onto the bite. Instantaneously, the sickly coloring that had so viciously overtaken the young girl’s body began to fade, retreating back to the area directly surrounding the wound. Twilight finished by shedding the last few droplets onto the bite, pleased to see the discoloration had all but totally faded. “Thank you, Twilight,” Ocean Blue said, giving a massive sigh of relief. “OK, Twirl, listen to me. A timberwolf’s bite is poisonous, so you’ve still got some of the disease in you. But, we managed to keep you safe for a few more hours. You’ll need to go to the hospital, but you’re going to be alright. You hear me? Look at me and tell me you’re going to be alright.” “I’m going to be alright,” Twirl said bravely, giving the stallion a watery smile. “Atta girl,” Ocean said, rising to his feet. He turned to face Twirl’s parents. “Where’s the nearest hospital? Take her there and we’ll meet you in less than an hour with the cure. Twilight, with me.” The pair of ponies rushed back out into the clouded day, sighting their colored pegasus companion soaring above. “Rainbow Dash, are there any wolves left?” Twilight yelled. “None, AJ and I got ‘em all!” Rainbow yelled back. “Excellent work, you two!” Ocean Blue roared. “Twilight, those jewels I gathered earlier-” “They’re the eyes of a timberwolf, aren’t they?” Twilight guessed shrewdly. “Right in one,” Ocean replied. “We need five of those jewels to have a permanent cure for Twirl, or else the poison will destroy her blood stream. Now let’s move!” Two hours later, Twilight found herself outside a hospital room, waiting silently for Nurse Redheart to reappear and deliver the good news. Ocean Blue sat beside her, his eyes closed as if in a trance. The two had run back to where they had first encountered the pack of timberwolves, shuffling through all the debris left over. It had taken them merely minutes to find all the jewels sufficient for the cure, but administering the proper dosage would take much longer. As Nurse Redheart had put it, “No one SURVIVES a timberwolf bite.” That had been nearly an hour ago, and the Princess and her companion still waited for the nurse to emerge from the room. Twirl’s parents were nestled safely inside, and Twilight had heard nothing from inside to indicate either their grief or their joy. “Twirl will be fine,” Ocean Blue said assuredly. “It takes atleast three hours for the poison from the bite to do serious damage, she got the cure in a third of that time. She’ll survive, she’s a tough little filly. The door creaked open and Nurse Redheart crept out, looking exhausted, but very pleased. “She’ll be fine,” she said sweetly. “The doctor says she’ll be weak for a while, but you all brought the cure quickly enough to make sure she survived. Very well done, Your Majesty.” Twilight squirmed uncomfortably, not only because of her official title being called into account, but also because the credit was not her due. “It wasn’t me,” she confessed. “I’ve never heard of anyone surviving a timberwolf bite, I didn’t know there was a cure. It was all Ocean Blue’s doing.” For the first time, she saw the handsome stallion looked uncomfortable, distinctly embarrassed, even. He mumbled something about “Trying to help” and looked down at the ground. “The parents are asking to see you both,” Redheart added, stepping aside to let the pair of them in. Twilight proceeded first, Ocean Blue following slowly behind. Twirl’s parents looked up from their resting child and smiled widely, their eyes filling with tears. “How is she?” Twilight asked softly. “She’ll be fine, thanks to the two of you,” Twirl’s mother said, her husband nodding. “We can’t ever thank you enough for what you did. Our daughter…” She became overcome by emotion and buried her face in a handkerchief. “We were glad to help,” Twilight said warmly, giving a sweet smile in return. “But really, the person you should be thanking is-” “Please don’t,” Ocean said, more embarrassed than ever. “You’ve got a brave little filly. That temporary cure we poured on her leg burns something awful.” “How did you know that would work?” Twirl’s father asked, his wings held aloft, indicating his interest. Twilight turned to face the sea-coated stallion, as eager to know that information as the others. “I’ve run into timberwolves before, that’s all,” he answered vaguely. “Some ponies told me the secret, and I always remembered. I’ll let you all rest, it’s been a trying day.” He swiftly departed the bedside room and exited, turning the corner and walking out of sight. Twilight gave a sigh, said goodbye to Twirl’s parents, and followed after him. To her great surprise, she found Rainbow Dash and Applejack heading towards them, Snips and Snails walking alongside them. “These two wanted to see Twirl,” Applejack explained in response to Twilight’s quizzical look. “And to explain what happened.” “We didn’t mean for anything to go wrong!” Snips immediately cried, looking upset. “We were just traveling through the woods to go meet Zecora!” Twilight slid down a little to be more on their level. “Start from the beginning, and tell me what happened.” The story didn’t take very long. Zecora, a zebra who lived in the Everfree Forest, had been telling stories of her homeland at the local schoolhouse, by request of Miss Cherilee. Snips and Snails had been in attendance that day and had been spellbound by the stories the zebra have woven, and were more than eager to hear more. Having nothing to do this morning, they decided to go to her house in the forest and ask if they could hear more of her stories. About halfway through the journey, a massive pack of timberwolves had crawled out from the black of the woods and attacked. Snips and Snails simply turned tail and ran back the way they had come, but found the wolves were still pursuing them, and pursued them out into the open air. “That’s when we ran into town,” Snails finished, looking down at the floor. “We’re really sorry,” Snips added timidly, still distressed. “We were scared, and we didn’t know what else to do.” “It’s alright, you were right to run,” Twilight said consolingly. “But I’ve never heard of a timberwolf pack venturing so far out into the open before. Are you sure you didn’t do anything to entice them?” “Beyond running?” Rainbow added drily, but was silenced by a reproving glare from Applejack. “No, we ran the moment we saw them,” Snips answered. “We don’t know why they came crawling out of the woods.” “I think I do,” Ocean Blue said suddenly. He was staring at the two young unicorns thoughtfully. “Was it really dark in the forest today?” As the two colts nodded, Ocean Blue gave a contented smile. “Then I know for sure. You see, timberwolves are usually nocturnal predators, and that’s why you rarely ever see them. They dislike bright light. Well today, it’s been dark and gloomy ever since morning because of the incoming weather, right? To the timberwolves, this was no different from their forest.” “But we’ve been attacked by timberwolves before in broad daylight,” Applejack objected. “Hmm…” the stallion looked thoughtful. “How close were you to the forest?” “Well, right next to it, ah guess,” Applejack admitted reluctantly. “And there you have it,” Ocean Blue said triumphantly. “A timberwolf is still a predator, so if there’s easy prey nearby, they’ll take it. Sharks would do the exact same thing in the same circumstances, its predatory nature.” “A what?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sea creature,” Twilight explained hastily, returning to Snips and Snails. “Twirl’s going to be fine, you two, so no harm done in the end. All the timberwolves are gone, and everyone will be just fine.” “Thank you, Twilight,” Snips replied. “May we go visit Twirl now?” “Last we saw she was asleep,” she replied. “But if you ask politely, her parents may let you in.” The two unicorns thanked her and were off down the hall to visit the injured filly. A clap of thunder broke the silence, causing the four of them to jump. Ocean Blue went over to the nearest window and peered outside. “Man, it is pouring buckets out there!” he said excitedly. “Told ya it would,” Rainbow Dash replied smugly. “And you were right on the money,” Ocean Blue said. “If you all will excuse me, I love a good shower.” “Hold on a minute,” Twilight muttered to her friends, rushing to catch up with him. “Hey, Ocean!” “Yeah?” “Thank you,” she said simply. “For all that you did today. You helped save Ponyville with your actions.” “I wouldn’t have done anything else but help,” he replied, turning to the side. “After all, it’s who my Mark tells me to be.” Twilight didn’t realize what he was doing at first until she caught sight of it: his Cutie Mark, a beautiful dark-blue stormcloud in the form of a shield. “It’s like my brother’s,” she whispered. “I mean, he has a shield Cutie Mark as well.” “Soldier?” he guessed. “So was I, a long time ago.” “You were?” she asked. “A while back,” he sighed, his expression distant. “Look, I’m gonna go, get some rest. See you in the morning.” It took Twilight a moment to register his words. “Wait, you’re staying?” she asked incredulously. Ocean Blue shrugged. “It’s late,” he said shortly. “Might as well just stay one more night, then go once people start coming in.” “We’ll be glad to have you around,” Twilight said warmly, a soft glow like sunlight streaming through her. Ocean Blue smiled, a true smile that displayed genuine warmth. “Tell you what, I get up early for a run every morning. Why don’t you join me tomorrow?” Twilight was delighted and agreed to meet him just before sunrise, and with that he departed. “Where’s he going?” Applejack asked, appearing behind Twilight and giving the lavender princess a quick fright. “Leaving,” she said. “I think he’s a bit worn out from all that happened today.” “It was a big deal,” Applejack replied. “How’d he know just what to do when those wolves came running? How’d he know how to cure Twirl?” Twilight shook her head. “He just knows things like that, I guess.” “Hey Twilight,” Rainbow Dash remarked suddenly, peering out the front doors. “He’s just standing out in the rain.” “What?” she replied, somewhat incredulous. As she gazed out the front door windows, she saw him simply standing in the torrential downpour, a look of perfect contentment on his face. Taking a hoof to his bandana and tugging, the bandana fell and his mane fell out into the open air, soaking in the endless rain. His mane was the same color as his tail, a mix of seafoam white and sea blue, but it was as if the rain had transformed it into a moving being, pulsing back and forth like the surf on the seashore. He laughed uproariously, joyously at peace as the rain soaked him and cleaned away his body. "Have you ever seen anything like that?" Rainbow asked. "The way his mane moves... almost like it's alive." Twilight said nothing but continued to watch hi, with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. She HAD seen something very similar to what was occurring before her, in only two other ponies. But for the life of her she had no idea why... Because it couldn't be. He couldn't be... could he? > Exile Unmasked > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight rose just as the dawn sun began to break along the horizon, the warm glow of Celestia’s sun lighting the shadows. Unused to waking at such an early hour, she found her vision blurred by exhaustion and her mane more tussled than usual. At first, she wasn’t quite sure what had awoken her until she felt the vibration coursing from her hooves up her legs, and she realized she was –for the first time- experiencing an earthquake. It was the oddest sensation, to feel the ground shake beneath her like that. Twilight stood there apprehensively until the ground settled a few seconds later. It was a strange moment, but a moment that had passed. She hopped out from beneath the covers and landed painfully on the hard wood floor with a grimace. The bumps and bruises from yesterday’s excitement awoke with a vengeance and it was all she could do to keep herself standing. You’ll feel better the more you move, Twilight counseled herself. This walk is just the thing you need. She tiptoed past Spike’s basket, taking care not to wake him. She felt a flicker of guilt that she hadn’t spent much time with her oldest friend the past two days and resolved that she would make the time later today. Maybe she would invite Ocean Blue over later, and the two possibly would bond. She got the feeling the stallion would taking a liking to the young dragon. The streets of Ponyville were still deserted when she closed the door to the library, even its most dedicated and active denizens taking advantage of the festivities later on as an excuse to sleep in. It was the time for which she had been named, the fleeting moments that light meshed with darkness. Maybe it was because she had always been a late riser, but she found herself awed by the beauty of this rare moment of time. These few short minutes would be all but gone soon, and they would never come again. Already, she was glad she had made the effort to stay awake. She trotted over to the pond to find Ocean Blue gazing up at the sunrise, a look of peaceful contentment on his face. “Morning,” he said simply. “Morning,” she replied calmly, taking a seat beside him. “Still a bit sore from yesterday?” he asked, a slight grin on his face. Twilight laughed gently. “It shows, huh?” “Only to those who know what to look for,” he said. “You were quite the heroine yesterday, Princess. You probably saved that filly’s life.” Twilight blushed but shook her head. “You saved her,” she insisted. “Nopony knew the cure for timberwolf bites except you.” “Still, I couldn’t find that last wolf in time, but you certainly did. If you hadn’t been there-” Twilight held up a hoof to silence him. “How about we split this one?” she asked with a smile. Ocean smiled in return, another of his rare, yet genuine smiles. “Deal,” he said. “And Ocean?” “Aye?” “Just call me Twilight, everyone does.” Ocean Blue nodded in reply. “Twilight it is, then. Well, if you’re feeling up to it, ready to go?” The two ponies began their walk around the town perimeter at a brisk pace, but not overly so. Twilight sensed Ocean Blue was intentionally slowing to make up for her discomfort, for which she was grateful. Her bruises still hurt immensely despite her assurances that the pain would fade. However, as time passed, she found herself paying less and less attention to the bruises as she began to truly engage the young stallion in their first real conversation. Though he was vague on the majority of the details, Ocean Blue began to open up to her slowly and carefully. His words were precise and exact, but he was still talking. Ocean Blue had been a loner for most of his life, keeping to himself as he traveled from place to place across Equestria. He usually traveled along the coastline, but he occasionally traversed the lands and cities he had encountered. He had been everywhere, from Baltimare and Manehatten; Vanhoover and everywhere in between. “What did you do with yourself?” Twilight asked. Ocean Blue merely shrugged. “Little bit of this, little bit of that. Never stayed anywhere longer than a day, so I didn’t have a career.” “Did you not have any friends?” Ocean Blue remained silent for a moment, his eyes misting over as he walked beside the violet-colored mare. “Not in a long time,” he replied, his voice strangely constricted. The sun was slowly creeping up the horizon as they walked around Ponyville, rising behind the mountain that was home to Canterlot. The bright star’s rays poked through the faraway turrets and blinded them as they trotted along in the frosty dawn. “Canterlot’s beautiful in the morning, isn’t it?” Twilight said pleasantly. “Yeah,” Ocean Blue replied in the same constricted voice. “Have you ever been there?” she asked curiously. “Not in a long, long time,” Ocean Blue said distantly, his voice so quiet it was almost totally inaudible. Twilight didn’t quite understand what the matter was with him, but said nothing. She could tell that it was a personal matter, and more likely than not he would rather be left to his own thoughts for a moment. By the time they reached the border of Ponyville and Everfree, the two had restarted their conversation and were chatting normally again. “By the way,” Twilight said suddenly as she remembered her experience this morning, “Did you feel that tremor at sunrise?” Ocean Blue frowned in thought. “Yes, it woke me up,” he said. “Unusual, too. Equestria’s not really an earthquake-prone land.” Twilight nodded, her mane shifting in a trio of colors. “True, the last earthquake that Equestria experienced was over thirty years ago. I remember reading that a few weeks ago when I was researching natural disasters. It severely damaged Las Pegasus and shut down the city for nearly a month!” “I remember a lot of people got hurt in that one,” Ocean Blue remarked. “The city was out of water for most of the aftermath because the water main was destroyed by falling debris. It was one of the worst natural disasters to ever hit Equestria in known history.” “How do you know all that?” Twilight asked curiously. “Twilight, you’re not the only one who knows how to read a book, y’know,” he remarked, his sea-foam tail twitching playfully. Staring up at the now blue sky, he gave a deep sigh and said, “I think that’s enough for today. Don’t want to wear myself out before I leave tonight.” Twilight suddenly remembered that he was indeed leaving tonight, right when the festivities for the convention were to begin. “Do you really have to go?” she asked. Ocean Blue nodded slowly. “I’m not a ‘crowd’ pony. Besides, I’ve stayed too long already. I need to get going.” “Well,” Twilight replied kindly, “thanks for all your help. You were a pleasure to be around.” “As were you, dear Princess,” he replied pleasantly. “Tell you what, since I got nothing better to do, I’ll help y’all with any final arrangements for your little soiree, and skedaddle before folks start poppin’ in. How’s that sound?” “That sounds wonderful!” Twilight replied brightly, feeling light as one of the feathers that dotted her wings. “If we’re to finish, then we need to get started…” Ocean Blue’s face began to split into a grin. “You’re behind schedule, aren’t you?” Twilight gave a shriek of terror and teleported, leaving the water-colored stallion where he stood. Reappearing inside her book-riddled home, the first thing she laid eyes on was Spike, who had just walked into the room with a deep blue gem in his hands. The appearance of his friend and mentor startled the dragon so greatly that he leaped a good three feet off the surface of the floor and released a small burst of flame out from his maw. “Twilight, what in the world-” “No time, Spike!” Twilight said desperately. “Grab parchment and some quills, we have work to do!” “But what about breakfast?” he asked, staring at what remained of his gem, most of which had been charred by his accidental fire-breathing. “We’ll eat on the run, how does that sound?” Twilight offered. When she had been a small filly she had occasionally overworked her young assistant, and took care not to do so again. “I’ll grab both of us something,” Spike suggested, and disappeared into the kitchen for a few moments while the lavender pony scavenged the main floor for anything she could use. As she looked around desperately, a thought struck her. Ocean Blue had been so willing to help me and my friends. He had literally saved ponies’ lives, and I haven’t even properly thanked him like I had promised when we first met. With all that he had done, why not give him the honor of being rewarded by the Royal Family? After all, Celestia and Luna might have some idea as to what I could do to thank him. Convinced that it was a sound plan, she waited for Spike to reappear from the kitchen, which he did a few seconds later, laden down by a rather sizeable picnic basket. “Ready to go!” “Not quite, Spike,” Twilight said regretfully. “I’m sorry –I only jut thought of the idea!- but can you send a quick letter to the princesses?” “Sure!” Spike replied helpfully, grabbing a nearby quill and piece of parchment and standing at attention. “All set!” he declared. Twilight began to enunciate. “Dear Princesses Celestia and Luna, During the time since our last letter, a newcomer has come to Ponyville in the form of a helpful young stallion by the name of Ocean Blue. Ever since he arrived a few days ago, he has been more than willing to help myself and others, even helping to defend Ponyville from a timberwolf attack that occurred yesterday afternoon. However, I am at a loss as to how I could possibly thank him for his help, and I was hoping you might have some idea. Please respond as quickly as possible. Your friend, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight looked over at her young friend. “Do you have it?” she inquired. “And… done!” The purple dragon declared, sealing the letter and sending it off in a small stream of fire. “Alright, thank you, Spike. Now, let’s finish up before everypony starts arriving!” Twilight called for her friends the minute she rushed out of her house, begging for their help. In no time at all, the six -plus Ocean Blue- were all across Ponvyille, performing all manner of necessary tasks. The work was exhausting, but nopony complained as they worked determinedly, eager to have the town of Ponyville look its best for the incoming guests. Platforms and podiums were completed, the remaining tents were erected, and all sorts of ribbons and bouquets and lights were hung around the grand little town. “Excellent job, everyone!” Twilight encouraged, checking through her list. “We’re almost done, and we’ve got plenty of time!” “Wow,” Spike said, looking around, “Ponyville looks great!” Twilight smiled in satisfaction at her assistant’s remarks. Rarity had been in charge of decorations, and as usual had put her greatest effort into her work. The town had been tastefully decorated, with lamps being hung from the side of houses and shops, so convention-goers could see where they would be setting their hooves, no matter what time it was. “Rarity outdid herself this time, that’s for s-Braaaap!” Spike sputtered. “Spike, that was disgusting!” Twilight reprimanded, trying her best not laugh. “What on earth was that-” Her answer was a freshly written letter that now lay across Spike’s outstretched claws. “Oh, thanks, Spike,” she said, taking the letter from the glowering dragon. “Sorry,” she added out of the corner of her mouth. She ripped the seal of the letter with her magic, eagerly awaiting her friend’s advice. Instead, the letter was surprisingly abrupt and short: Twilight, Luna and I are coming as quickly as we can. Do not let Ocean Blue know. Above all else, do not let him leave Ponyville. Keep him there at all costs. ~Celestia Twilight’s bubble of happiness had been unexpectedly burst and was replaced by a growing sense of unease. What is all this about? She wondered. Celestia sounds really worried about something. Maybe she just doesn’t want Ocean Blue to leave before thanking him, a smaller voice suggested, though Twilight knew that probably wasn’t the case. Something about Ocean Blue is scaring her. I don’t know what it could possibly be, but she’s worried. Twilight felt extremely muddled. Though she had only known him for a few days, Ocean Blue had been nothing but a helpful, courageous stallion. Though reserved and relatively quiet, hadn’t he helped save young Twirl’s life? But Celestia’s instructions had been clear: Do not let Ocean Blue leave. And Twilight was going to obey. “Jump on, Spike,” she said, and the two raced off to complete their task. “Hey, Pinkie Pie,” she called. “Do you know where Ocean Blue is?” The pink pony nodded vigorously. “Yup, he’s over there with Rarity helping move some heavy stuff over to her booth at the fairgrounds. He’s being really helpful even though Rarity keeps getting in the way, so I think she has a crush on him or something-” “Thanks, Pinkie!” Twilight said, cutting through her animated friend’s dialogue and dashing away. I’ve only got to keep him occupied for a little while, Twilight reminded herself. There’s more than enough work to be done that’ll keep him busy. As Pinkie Pie had said, Ocean Blue had hoisted several heavy sacks of dresses across his back, walking alongside Rarity who gazed up at him longingly. “So which booth is yours?” Ocean Blue asked, his voice stretched as he tried to keep himself from laughing at the snow-white mare beside him. “Oh, that little old thing right over there,” Rarity said, indicating the largest and most extravagant tent on the fairgrounds. “Hi, Ocean!” Twilight said a little too jovially as the sea-stained stallion turned to face her. “Looks like you’re working hard.” He shrugged nonchalantly, trying to ignore Rarity’s pleading stares. “Eh, it’s not too hard. It’s just clothes.” Twilight surveyed the fairgrounds, which were now completed and glorious in their decorated splendor. “Are we all done?” she asked, trying her best not to let a tinge of fear be evident in her tone. “Dear Ocean Blue was most helpful in getting the harder parts done,” Rarity said soppily, Ocean Blue standing behind her and rolling his eyes. “So how much have you got left before you’re done helping Rarity?” the violet-maned princess asked. “Just this one,” Ocean Blue replied, walking ahead of her. Just this one! Twilight was beginning to panic. “Is- is there anyone else that needs help? Fluttershy had plenty of animals that needed to be brought in.” Ocean Blue frowned. “I think my little altercation with her rabbit did little to appeal me to her. She, erm… whispered that she’d be able to handle them on their own.” Twilight’s hope for work to occupy him was crashing around her. They were almost done and Celestia was nowhere to be seen. If she didn’t keep him here… Ocean Blue gave a grunt as he sidled up next to Rarity’s booth, gently sliding the dresses off his back and onto the table. “Well, that’s that,” he declared. He turned to Twilight, a somewhat rueful expression on his face. “Guess this means I’ll be off now. Don’t want to be caught up in the crowd.” Rarity looked as crushed as Twilight felt horrified. She was going to have to start inventing excuses if she was going to keep him here, and her mind was so panicked she wasn’t exactly full of ideas. Ocean Blue looked around and gave a groan. “Darn it, I forgot my saddlebags, they’re still back at the pond.” “I’ll go get them for you!” Twilight stammered. Ocean Blue shook his head. “Nah, you don’t have to, I’ll be heading south so I’ll come back through town. Besides,” he added with a sly smile, “I doubt you want me to leave without saying goodbye.” As the tall stallion trotted out towards his temporary home at a jaunty pace, Twilight grabbed Rarity by the head and shook her vigorously, trying to get the lovely mare’s attention. “Twilight! Whatever do you mean by this sort of ruffian behavior?” the fashionista demanded irritably. “Rarity, listen to me!” Twilight begged desperately. “Get the girls and have them meet me here! We can’t let Ocean Blue leave Ponyville, do you hear me?” Rarity seemed surprised at first, but her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Twilight, really, if he wanted to stay he’d stay, you’ll never win him over if you force him-” “That’s not what this is about!” Twilight interrupted, blushing crimson and uncomfortably aware of Spike shifting on her back. “We need to keep him here at all costs or else we’re all in trouble!” Rarity still looked extremely confused, but gave a ladylike nod and walked off to find Fluttershy, who had been working at her booth nearby just a moment ago. Twilight dashed off into town in a hurry, scanning her surroundings for any sign of her friends. She caught sight of a vibrant streak of colors above her as Rainbow Dash cleared away any leftover clouds for tonight’s ceremonies. “Rainbow!” Twilight yelled. “Find Applejack and Pinkie Pie and meet me at the fairgrounds!” “Uh, OK,” Rainbow Dash replied, but Twilight was already off and away, trying to find her mysterious visitor. “What do you think Celestia is so worried about?” Spike asked nervously. “I don’t know, Spike, but something’s not right,” she replied, looking over her shoulder. “I’m worried about him and what Celestia says he’s- Oof!” Twilight had been so occupied in speaking to her companion she had failed to realize she had just run into the very pony she had been looking for, nearly knocking Ocean Blue over and sending her own self sprawling. “Easy, you found me!” Ocean Blue protested. “Where are you off to in such a hurry?” “Looking… for you!” Twilight managed to splutter, rising quickly from the ground and trying to help Spike to his feet, for he had been most inconveniently crushed underneath her. Ocean Blue looked at her curiously, but tactfully said nothing. “Anyway, since I’m all ready to go, I’ll be heading on out. Y’all don’t need my help anymore.” “But wait!” Twilight said. “Rainbow Dash and Rarity wanted to say goodbye before you left.” Ocean looked down at her in mild surprise. “Really? Rainbow Dash seemed pretty occupied when I last saw her, said she was busy. And with Rarity… eh, it’d be better if I just left without that. For both our sakes.” “Umm,” Spike murmured behind her. “So, if that’s all you needed, I’ll be going,” he said bracingly. “It was nice to meet you Twilight.” And with a small bow, he turned and began to walk off. “Wait!” Twilight exclaimed, racing up to block his path. “You can’t go yet!” Ocean Blue appeared somewhat disconcerted. “Twilight, I need to get going if I’m going to avoid a crowd.” “But you can’t go, you can’t!” Twilight replied, and a small gasp from Spike sent dread through her bones. She had gone too far. Ocean Blue stared at her in suspicion. “What’s up with you?” he asked, his voice dropping several degrees. “Why are you so eager to keep me here?” “Umm…” she said, consciously aware that Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and the rest of her friends had arrived and were watching the scene with interest. Ocean Blue sighed. “Please tell me Rarity didn’t put you up to this (Twilight heard a gasp of tragic disappointment from behind her and was certain the purple-maned mare had caught wind of his words), I’d be real disappointed if that’s what’s keeping me here.” Twilight’s gaze flickered between the ground, Spike, and Ocean Blue’s eyes, unable to open her mouth to answer. “Spit it out,” Ocean Blue said, his voice icy. “Come on, Twilight, think of something!” Spike hissed in her ear. Ocean Blue towered over her, his anger starting to rise and emanate heat like a column of fire. “Alright,” he said curtly. “I’m out.” “I can’t let you leave!” Twilight said, barring his path.” “Then tell me why!” Ocean Blue replied hotly. “Because…” Twilight staggered. “Because Princess Celestia ordered me to keep you here.” Out of all the answers Ocean Blue had expected, it seemed he hadn’t expected that. He stared at Twilight in shock, completely dumbfounded. However, his response was just as surprising. “She’s still alive?” he asked incredulously. “Wha-what- I mean- but YOU’RE the Princess- aren’t you?” “I’m a princess,” Twilight responded. “Celestia’s still ruler of Equestria, not me.” Ocean Blue backed away, still muttering feeble protests in a stupor. “How could I be so stupid?” he snarled. “Of course you’re not- you live in a library and not in Canterlot- I am such an IDIOT!” He turned back to face her. “How does she know I’m here?” he asked. Twilight remained still as a stone, not daring to meet his gaze. When she stayed silent, Ocean Blue rushed forward and shook her. “Did you tell her I was here? Did you?!” “Yes! Yes!” Twilight cried, backing away. Her heart was in a tumult of confusing feelings as she felt torn between loyalty to her greatest teacher and to someone she- “Look up there!” Applejack yelled. “It’s the princess!” Twilight turned around to see the familiar outline of Celestia’s chariot emblazoned by the sunset, the mighty alicorn’s figure surrounded by a small legion of guards. When the chariot reached the ground in a small cloud of dust, the town’s citizens had crawled out of their houses to see what was causing the commotion, shocked at seeing Celestia right outside their doorstep. “Princess,” Twilight managed to spit out, walking up to her mentor slowly. “Princess, I-” “Where is he, Twilight?” Celestia demanded, her voice as harsh an unforgiving as the heat of summer. Twilight turned around and saw that Ocean Blue had disappeared, perhaps having slipped away into the now growing crowd. “He’s over there!” Applejack declared, pointing southward to where the figure of a sea-coated pony was running as fast as he could. “Everybody move!” Celestia ordered, rising up her hind legs and firing a bolt of magic from her elongated horn at the disappearing stallion. The shot was as precise as any Twilight had ever seen. The bolt of magic caught Ocean Blue on the back of the head, singing off his bandana and sending his many legs sprawling. “Bring him before me,” Celestai ordered her guards, and a squad of six stalked off to bring Ocean Blue. Twilight stood across from Celestia, all too aware of being in somewhat of a spotlight. Her attention to the stallion had not gone unnoticed, and now Celestia had publically marked him as a threat. She tried to slip in next to her friends unnoticed. Rainbow Dash set down next to her, watching the guards drag the struggling body of Ocean Blue forward. “Twilight, what is going on?” she whispered hurriedly. “I promise you, I don’t know,” Twilight murmured in reply. “Just stay here and keep your head down.” Celestia’s guards came forward into the wide circle of the crowd and threw Ocean Blue with a heave, the stallion’s hooves bound. He was worse for wear after his less than pleasant trip across the ground; his face was now marked with bruises and small cuts, several of which had begun to bleed slowly, crimson drops spattering the ground. Ocean Blue gave a ragged cough and looked up at the Sun Princess, a strange expression on his face. “Let’s face it, this is not the way either of us wanted to see each other again,” he said. Celestia remained mute, her eyes glaring daggers down at the stallion. “Luna will be here soon, to make sure it’s really you,” she said severely. “What, you can’t remember me?” Ocean Blue asked. “Do you think I’ve forgotten you? Think I’ll ever forget? I see you every day- Hgrk!” Celestia’s magic constricted his throat, forbidding him from continuing. With another burst of magic, a portal appeared beside her. “Luna, I need you here!” she demanded. “Luna?” Ocean Blue asked, his mouth agape. “Luna’s back? Since when? How is- Pff!” Ocean Blue was silenced again, this time by a guard punching him in the mouth. Out of the portal appeared the Princess of the Night, her star-studded mane waving in a lovely swirl of the night sky. “Yes, sister?” she asked. Then she turned and saw Ocean Blue sprawled on the ground and gasped. “Sister, it couldn’t be!” Celestia nodded, her gaze cold and distant. “It is,” she answered. “Luna!” Ocean Blue cried out, his eyes wide. “Luna, what happened? How did you get back to normal -Gack!- WILL YOU QUIT THAT!” he thundered as Celestia’s magic choked him once more. “How long have you been here?” Celestia demanded angrily. “Answer me, Cobalt!” “This is my third night here, I was about to leave,” he replied. His voice indicated anger, but his eyes spoke of deep sadness. “I’ve kept to myself, just like you wanted.” “Cobalt?” Twilight echoed, more confused than ever. “Please, Celestia, his name is Ocean Blue… isn’t it?” Celestia looked at her, then shifted her gaze to the stallion at her feet. “Do you want to tell them, or should I?” she asked him. The stallion gave a sigh of regret, his eyes shut. “My name is Cobalt Storm,” he said finally. “I go by Ocean Blue during times of secrecy. It’s what I’ve used for a long time now. I thought everyone who knew my true name was dead,” he added, staring up at the Royal Sisters. “Apparently I was wrong. Celestia, why did you-” “Enough from you,” Celestia spat, her tone so harsh that Cobalt Storm winced. “You knew the cost of your exile. You received only what you deserved.” “Don’t act like I don’t know,” he said, gritting his teeth in apparent pain thought Twilight knew not the cause. “Do you think I could ever, ever forget? For goodness’ sake, I’m talking to the only two ponies who knows that!” He turned to face Luna, who stared at him impassively. “Luna, please, I am so-” “Enough!” Celestia thundered. “Cobalt Storm, the earthquake this morning cannot be repeated.” Cobalt Storm stared up at her in confusion. “Wha-” “Guards, bind him and find a place to lock him up for the night!” Celestia ordered. “He dies at sunrise.” > Twilight's Decision > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia turned her back on the scene, everypony was too stunned, too dumbfounded to do anything but stare in complete shock. Never, not in their lifetime, not in the lifetime of anyone they knew or anyone they would ever know, had there ever been a death sentence in Equestria. Twilight stared with the rest of the crowd, horror and guilt creeping into her as she regained control of her senses. No, she said silently. No, that didn’t just happen. She’s not going to kill him, she couldn’t! Cobalt Storm tried to rise to his feet, despite the bindings that tied his hooves. “Wait, what?” he asked. “Why? Why now? Tia, wait!-” A nearby guard took a spear to the back of his head and gave the sea-colored pony a hefty Thwack! across the back of the head, knocking him into the dirt, unconscious. There was a hustle of commotion as the squad of guards surrounded Cobalt Storm and began to beat him senseless, the sound of their hooves and weapons hitting their marks across the condemned pony’s body. Someone in the crowd screamed, and soon the entire town of Ponyville was in an uproar as everypony went this way and that, trying to find loved ones and hide, to get away from the violence that had slit the peaceful evening like a knife through flesh. Twilight was caught in the commotion and being pushed around, her lightweight frame doing her no favors as she tried to muscle her way through the crowd to reach Celestia, who was already walking back to her chariot. Rainbow Dash had taken to skies in order to get a good view of the scene, her vision darting between the beating Cobalt Storm was taking and the chaos below. Noticing the lavender mare’s preoccupation, she yelled down, “Use your wings, Twilight!” The Element of Magic was soon in the air beside her friend, scanning their surroundings. “Twilight, what just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked, staring at her friend confusedly. “I mean, Princess Celestia just ordered for him to be killed, right? I wasn’t imagining it.” “No, you weren’t,” Twilight answered worriedly. “Rainbow, I need you to do something for me. Find Spike and the others and head to the library, I’ll meet you all there.” As the mare of many colors dashed through the crowd to find the young drake, Twilight flew towards her mentor and friend, who was deep in conversation with her Sister of the Stars. “Princess!” Twilight cried, landing directly behind them. “Please, can you tell me what’s going on?” Luna glanced anxiously up at her older sister while Celestia stood eerily still. “Twilight, what is happening is none of your concern,” she said harshly. “Leave it be.” Twilight was taken aback by the abruptness of her mentor. She had always been gracious, always patient, always willing to explain things to the smallest detail until Twilight had understood. This was a complete reversal. And one that Twilight was not willing to stand for. “This is my concern,” she replied willingly. “Ocean Blue -I mean, Cobalt Storm- has been here in Ponyville for days and all that time he’s done nothing but help us. He’s my friend.” “Twilight, he is nopony’s friend,” Celestia said more forcefully. “You don’t need to know what he’s done, all you need to know is that he’s getting what he deserves.” “What he deserves?” Twilight echoed incredulously. “Princess, you just sentenced a pony to death with no evidence, no trial, nothing! You’ve caused the entire town of Ponyville to panic because of this.” Luna sidled next to her sister, whispering something in the Sun Princess’ ear. Whatever she had said, however, was unwelcome news. “It is not her concern, Sister,” Celestia replied acidly. “Yes, it is,” Twilight replied firmly. “He’s my friend-” “He is not your friend,” Celestia fired back venomously. “He’s a hero-” Twilight added more loudly. “He is no one’s hero,” Celestia snarled. “He saved pony’s lives!” Twilight spat, all respect and deference to her former mentor now forgotten. “And if I let him live, he will kill thousands more until the earth runs red!” Celestia raged, turning about for the first time and facing her former student. Gone was her wisdom and elegance, the courtly grace that had preceded her for so long. “Cobalt Storm is a lying, manipulative, traitorous murderer, and his return could mean the death of us all! And I, as Princess of this realm, will not allow that to pass!” Celestia turned her back on Twilight and stalked off towards her chariot, her younger sister in tow, albeit appearing to be extremely distraught. Twilight stood there seething, the whirlwind of emotions welling up within her like fuel for a fire. She felt enraged by Celestia’s injustice, horrified by the fate that was about to befall her l- her friend, and guilty because her own words had brought this fate upon him. A plan was beginning to formulate inside her magnificent brain, but only small inklings. First, she needed to talk to him again. Twilight found Cobalt Storm by finding a squadron of guards surrounding a house that had been commandeered, and she had a sneaking suspicion it had not been done so by the occupants of the home. However, that was immaterial at the moment. She needed to speak with Cobalt. The guards stood attention at the door and beneath each window on the house, meaning that Cobalt was alone inside. Instead of giving him a chance to physically fight back, they had merely locked the doors on him. Twilight was pleased, because it meant the plan that she was forming could actually work. “No one is allowed in, ma’am,” the squadron captain said firmly, raising his wings to bar the way. He was a tall pegasus, a dull granite-grey coat. “I need to speak to the prisoner,” Twilight said determinedly. “No one is allowed in,” the captain repeated just as firmly. “Captain, I demand to be allowed in. I have every right to speak to the prisoner,” she replied. “No one allowed in,” the captain stated. Twilight’s patience, already wrung dry by Celestia’s fury, broke once more. She reared up to full height, unfurling her wings like a pair of feathery lavender flags. “Captain, I am a royal Princess of Equestria and I demand to speak to the prisoner! You will allow me in NOW!” The act worked. The captain moved out of the way in a steady crawl, his once stern gaze now fearful and tense. Twilight did not descend to thank him, merely walking through the doorway. She found Cobalt Storm in a nearby room on the main floor, the east side of the house. The room had been stripped bare of all furniture and niceties, leaving the room abnormally spartan. He was resting in the corner, a trickle of blood creeping down across his right eye, which had swollen shut. At the sound of her hoofsteps across the hardwood floor, he gazed up with his one good eye which widened at the sight of her. “Twilight!” He said, trying to rise to his feet and stumbling, a number of bruises working their way up his legs and across his body in a horrific, lacy pattern of blue and purple hoofmarks. “Don’t, don’t,” she said soothingly, settling down beside him and stretching her feathered wings gently across him. “I can take away the pain of those, if you want.” Cobalt shook his head. “No, it’s alright,” he replied. “I’ve had worse. Just haven’t been awake for very long.” Twilight gazed at him worriedly, her own heart hurting. Every moment she spent looking at him made her realize how badly damaged he was. The guards had been uncharacteristically brutal in their treatment of him, beating him and even drawing blood. What had Celestia said to convince them this pony deserved such treatment? “What are you doing here?” he asked, shaking his head in an effort to rid himself of the blood on his face. “I doubt this is a social call.” “I’m here to check on you,” she replied. “Cobalt, what on earth is this about?” “It’s between me and Celestia,” he replied. “It’s a long story, that’s all.” “But surely you don’t deserve this!” Twilight said vehemently. “She had no right to subject you to this kind of treatment! It’s unlawful in every way.” “Celestia’s a Princess,” Ocean Blue responded, his eyes misting over in sadness. “We both knew what we were doing. She made her choice, so now I have to accept it.” “But to put you to death,” Twilight said breathily. Cobalt Storm’s expression crumpled in thought. “I can’t explain that one,” he said. “She had me at her mercy before and let me live, so I don’t know why she demands my blood now. She’s worried about something, but I don’t know what.” “So you don’t know why?” Twilight asked. “Hmm…” She took to pacing the room, pondering whether she should reveal her plans or not. She decided the former. “I’m going to get you out of here,” she declared. Cobalt Storm froze, his crystal-blue eye wide. “No, you musn’t,” he warned. “Celestia would hunt you down and kill you just like she plans to do to me. Abandon that road.” “And let her kill you? No!” Twilight protested. “Celestia wouldn’t let you get away with it!” Cobalt pressed. “Please, Twilight, stay out of this. Keep yourself safe and alive, I beg you.” Furious at Celestia, upset at Cobalt Storm’s sentence, upset by his calm, and humbled by his thought for her safety, Twilight kissed him. It was a rushed affair, a quick, fierce press of her soft lips against his scarred pair. A moment that she hadn’t meant to release from the most private corner of her brain, but had come up in the heat of the moment that had been wrought by her storm of emotions. As she broke apart from him, Cobalt Storm simply stared. “You shouldn’t have done that,” he whispered. At that moment, Twilight regained control of her senses and felt hrself blushing a deep crimson. “I’ll be back,” Twilight whispered, and turned to leave. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts and ideas, and it would take some time to bring them under control and focus them into a workable plan. Hopefully, by the time she arrived back at the library, her plan would have formulated. Her mind was so occupied she didn’t hear the disappointed groan that came from the stallion she was leaving behind. Twilight was pleased to see Rainbow Dash had been successful in finding the girls and bringing them together. Good. She would need their help. “Twilight, finally!” Rainbow Dash declared. “What took you so long?” “You know what’s goin’ on, sugarcube?” Applejack queried. Spike came forward and gave his oldest friend a quick hug, peering up at her. The two knew each other so well, words could often get in the way. One look was all he needed to know her intent. “Are you sure about this?” he said under his breath. “Positive,” she muttered back. Spike nodded slowly, looking wary. He understood the implications of what they were about to do. “Umm, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. “Do you know why Princess Celestia was so angry?” The lavender mare shook her head. “Point-blank refused to tell me anything,” she answered. “But the verdict stays: Cobalt Storm is going to die at sunrise.” Pinkie Pie’s jaw dropped with a Clunk! to the floor, her usually energetic manner stunted by the sudden turn of events. “But, but, but…” she sputtered, for once struggling to find her voice. “But WHY??” “Didn’t you hear her?” Rainbow Dash replied bluntly. “Twilight said she doesn’t know!” “I was able to talk to him for a moment,” Twilight continued. “He doesn’t know why she’s putting him to death, either. Something’s not right about this whole thing.” “So, what are you goin’ to do?” Applejack asked. “I’m going to break him out, and I need your help.” Twilight hadn’t meant to put it so bluntly, but the words had been that way all the same. The reaction from her friends, however, was more varied than she had wished. Rainbow Dash looked excited, Spike was wary but nodding his head, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked anxious, while Applejack and Rarity were more disconcerted. “What’s wrong?” she asked, challenging the farm mare. “Well,” Applejack began tentatively, averting her gaze. “Why should we help him? Ah mean, Princess Celestia ordered this. Doesn’t she know what she’s doin’?” “She knows what she’s doing, but she’s the only one who does,” Twilight replied, forcing herself to remain calm. “She won’t tell Luna, she won’t tell me, not even Cobalt knows why this is happening. It’s like she’s out for some personal revenge!” “Did Cobalt ask you to do this?” Applejack pressed. “Is this his idea?” “No, it’s mine,” the young alicorn responded. “Cobalt actually… he didn’t want us risking ourselves to help save him.” “Maybe you should listen, then.” Twilight’s blood boiled, and it took every bit of her strength to keep calm and not shout curses at her friend. “Twilight, are you-” Rarity hesitated. “Darling, are you quite certain you’re not letting your emotions get in the way of your better judgment?” “What does that mean?” Twilight protested. “Well, we… we all noticed how, well… I mean, you did spend a lot of time with him over the past few days, and we all thought that maybe you were thinking of him as more than a friend.” “And you weren’t?” Twilight spat. Frustration was making her rude, but at the moment she didn’t really care. “Yes, I was, and I’m embarrassed by how much a fool I was acting,” Rarity said, nodding slowly. “I had hoped my whole ordeal with Trenderhoof had made me more cautious, but apparently…” Rarity took a deep breath. “Twilight, I just want to make sure you’re not doing the wrong thing.” “I know I’m right!” Twilight exploded, desperation driving her anger. “Do you all remember when Queen Chrysalis impersonated Cadence? I was the only one who knew something was wrong, not even Celestia knew something was wrong! Well, something’s not right about this, and I know we need to save him! Please, I need your help, I need you to believe me! He’s my- he’s my friend, and if I let him die, I’ll have to live with that forever. Please, for friendship, we have to do this! I need to do this, I have to make things right!” She stood there in silence, her gaze drifting down to the floor at her hooves. Her chest was heaving with emotion as she tried to catch her breath, hoping beyond hope she hadn’t just turned her friends against her. Applejack and Rarity exchanged a quick glance, their focus constantly shifting between Twilight and the others. After a few moments of tense silence, Rarity stepped forward, taking a deep breath. “Alright, darling,” she stated. “What do you have in mind?” Twilight peered out from her hiding place within the bushes, waiting with bated breath. She was near the corner of the house where Cobalt Storm was being kept, watching the guards perform the usual rotation. Any moment now, and the guards would rotate position and allow her a small opening. Any moment now, Rainbow, she thought. Come on, be ready! The guards saluted as their captain passed by, checking security on the house- BA-ROOM! There was a thundering crash to the southeast of Ponyville followed by a massive dustcloud that burst into the open sky. The guards surrounding the house began to race away, but the captain called three back, ensuring that a small portion of the security around the building remained. Now Rarity and Applejack, she said silently. Another blast in the distance, this time to the east. There was the sound of thundering hooves in the distance accompanied by a loud chorus of baleful moos. The cow herd was doing their best to cause a ruckus. “Help! Pu-leaze, somepony help!” Rarity cried, positively dragging herself across the road to the remaining guards. “What’s wrong ma’am?” the captain inquired. “It’s a disaster!” the fashionista moaned. “A positively dreadful catastrophe, complete chaos, what utter ruin is about to befall Ponyville-” “Ma’am, please tell us what’s going on,” the guard captain cut through, ending Rarity’s long list of adjectives. The alabaster mare gave the captain a sour glance but deigned to give a response. “That horrible stallion inside that house has sent an entire herd of bovines to attack Ponyville! Just listen to them! They’ve gone utterly mad.” “That’s not possible,” the captain replied calmly, “as the prisoner has not left this building since his incarceration.” To Rarity’s credit, she did not let this detail slow her down. “But you haven’t been here as long as he has! He’s been consorting with them in an attempt provoke a rebellion against Princess Celestia! And now look!” At this, the guards took Rarity’s words a little more seriously. “You three, deal with this mess,” he ordered. “I’ll remain here and guard the prisoner.” Twilight, still well-hidden within her clump of bushes, began to sweat nervously. She had predicted this might be an issue, but had hoped that this last resort option wouldn’t have to be utilized. Now, it seems, that moment was upon her. Sorry, she thought, charging her magic. With a violet burst, a massive prism bolt of energy struck the corner of the house, blowing a massive hole the size of a manticore and knocking the guard captain off his feet. As wood siding and paneling fell to the ground in a dust-ridden heap, the youngest princess of Equestria rushed out of the shadows and dashed into the now-sagging house, praying the second floor would hold out for a moment longer. Cobalt Storm stood there in the midst of the maelstrom, hacking on the silt and soot that now permeated the air like a noxious cloud. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted her. “What in Equestria are you doing?!” he sputtered, his gasping coughs preventing his outrage from ever escaping the depths of his throat. “No time!” she gasped, noticing the guard was already rousing himself from his unconscious state. “Hurry, I could only buy us so much time, we need to go!” The bruised stallion, his weariness forgotten, rushed to his feet and followed the lavender princess to safety, a strange look still hidden in his eyes. Twilight was curious as to what was wrong, but now wasn’t the time. It was a chaos and havoc that would have made Discord proud. The southern end of town was smoking from whatever diversion Rainbow Dash had enacted and, judging by the sounds, the herd of cows had not ceased their aid. The plan Twilight had formulated had gone off without a hitch, and now it was time to go. With a burst of magic that lit up the night sky like a firework, Twilight gave the signal it was time to go. The odd pair reached the northern edge of town and headed toward a small patch of trees, the foliage obscuring them from view. Inside the clump were Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, the former greeting them with an enthusiastic hello and the latter with a small smile. Cobalt Storm stood there with an appalled expression covering his bloodied features. “What did you do?” he whispered furiously. Twilight responded, “We sprung you out, like I promised.” “Something I explicitly told you not to do!” Cobalt snarled. “What possessed you to think that was a good idea?” Twilight was taken aback by the sudden harshness with which he addressed her. He had been so calm and collected since she had first met him, now he seemed out of control. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “What’s wrong?!” Cobalt flared, his rage rising as he saw Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash materialize from the foliage, dusty and worn. “It was bad enough that you got yourself involved, but what made you think it was a good idea to involve your friends? You just committed an act of treason against the High Princess of Equestria and had six other ponies go right along with it! You’re dead!” “What?” “You heard me,” he said, positively spitting with fury. “You’ve just made yourself an enemy out of the most formidable and dangerous pony in all of Equestria. She has it out for me, and now she’ll do the same to you. Celestia isn’t going to rest until she finds all of us. And make no mistake, she will kill all of you.” The full reality of her actions suddenly came crashing down on Twilight, and her jaw went slack as the weight hit her like a ton of bricks. She should have just done all this on her own, forget the consequences. Now the lives of her friends were at risk. “We need to go,” Cobalt Storm ordered. “Now.” “Wait, where are we goin’?” Applejack demanded. “The only place in the entire world where Celestia could never find us,” Cobalt Storm answered. He turned and faced her. “If you think you can survive without my help, you’re crazy. You may be tough, but you’ve never lived out in the wildlands before. And right now, it’s my job to keep you alive, so come on.” > Rules of the Road > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The borders of the Everfree Forest were calm and tranquil as the night sky above them, unmoved by the stillness of the air. The stars that dotted the velvet black glistened in the endless curtain of darkness while the moon released its soft glow on the earth below. Fluttershy’s cottage, usually so active at night with the consistent pitter-patter of nocturnal creatures, was dead as the grave. No movement inside indicated any sign of life. The gentle caretaker was gone… But was not far away. A shadowy figure darted across the open expanse between the cottage and the borders of Everfree, followed soon by another, and another. A flying form zoomed across the expanse in the span of a second, followed by a bouncing figure not far behind. A timid shape began sneaking out across the gap between home and forest, inching along at a snail’s pace. “Fluttershy!” A harsh voice hissed. “Get over here now!” “That’s no way tuh talk tuh Fluttershy,” a country voice reprimanded. “Give her a minute, she’ll get here.” “We don’t have the time!” the harsh voice replied. “Fluttershy, unless you want to let Celestia’s guard to catch up with us, get over here now!” That was too much for Applejack. Rainbow Dash was the element of Loyalty, the country pony didn’t take kindly to Cobalt Storm’s rude demeanor. “Now that’s enough!” she declared angrily, stomping her foot in the grass and facing the stallion. “Ah don’t care what you’re trying to do, but talking to Fluttershy that way is just plain mean!” “Are we really going to do this?” Cobalt demanded incredulously, so enraged his voice had become a steam-like hiss. “Here? Now? Look kid, we are still in the danger zone so unless you wanna spend your final hours in Celestia’s dungeon with your hooves being torn from your legs, I suggest you shut up!” “C-c-Celestia’s dungeon??” Fluttershy asked, her voice quaking. Twilight, who had been loath to say anything in the conflict, finally had to act. Fluttershy was on the ground, trembling as tears began to form in her soft eyes while Applejack and Cobalt Storm were inches apart from each other, the pair of them bearing looks that could kill. “Fluttershy, Celestia doesn’t have a dungeon, you can relax,” she said soothingly. She turned to the enraged pair of Earth ponies. “Will the two of you knock it off? Cobalt, you’re scaring everypony with your talk of a dungeon.” Cobalt Storm laughed, a derisive mocking sound that pounded into the young princess’ skull. “Twilight, have you ever been down in the lower levels of any of her palaces?” “There are no lower levels in any palace!” Twilight replied, more forcefully than she had meant to. She had to keep calm, otherwise her friends might panic. “Keep it down!” Cobalt hissed, a tinge of desperation evident in his voice. “This is not the time or place to have this con-” A snap in the bushes a few yards away brought a sudden silence that muted the group of exiles. Not long after, the hushed mutterings of steely voices reached their ears, pushing them down to the ground for fear for their lives. “Why’d the Captain send us all the way out here? We’re almost into Everfree, they wouldn’t have made it this far.” “One of Princess Twilight’s friends owns that cottage we just passed by,” said the other. “Captain sent us to see if they tried to take refuge here. But it looks like it was locked.” “You think they went into the forest?” asked the first. He sounded much younger, more nervous than the other. He was a green-as-grass rookie, Twilight suspected. May even be his first day on duty. “If they did, we’re not well-equipped for it, and don’t have enough bodies to make a scouting successful. The forest eats anyone that walks in. They’ll be dead before sunrise.” The conversation then took a turn that chilled Twilight to the bone. “That town’s a mess. Those cows destroyed a good chunk of stuff back there,” said the first. Twilight felt Applejack shift uncomfortably beside her. “Yeah, they think it was the farm girl who convinced them to stampede. Looks like Twilight’s friends betrayed the kingdom in helping that stallion.” “What do you think’ll happen to ‘em if they’re caught?” The second guard said nothing, pushing a pebble away with a flick of his hoof. He was experienced, a seasoned veteran in war and combat. His hesitance unnerved the hidden group of ponies as they waited on bated breath for his next statement. “Twilight’s friends may be kept alive, but they’re going to be marked ‘Dead-Or-Alive’ come sunrise. As for Equestria’s newest princess, I wouldn’t be surprised if Celestia kills her personally. You could hear her halfway across Equestria.” The first guard gave shudder, his armor rustling as he shook. “I’ve never seen the Royal Princess so angry,” he murmured. “Can’t imagine what she’ll do to the pony that escaped. Probably tear him apart.” “We need to move. Now,” Cobalt whispered urgently. “If we’re spotted or attack, they’ll know we were here. Keep quiet, keep low, and crawl.” Too frightened by the unpleasant conversation of the two soldiers, they crept silently across the ground, taking care to avoid anything that might give them away. Whether it be a stray leaf or a downed branch, whatever that could signal their presence was a death trap. They didn’t stop until the forest’s blackness had enveloped them, and the voices of the guardsponies had disappeared. A pink tinge was beginning to cast its soft glow on the horizon by the time the group of exiles finally took a moment to rest. Their journey had been a quiet one, the only sounds they had heard emanated from Everfree itself and the creatures that inhabited the peculiar realm. Even the normally cheerful Pinkie Pie was silent, witness to words that had shaken her bones. Twilight was beginning to have misgivings about her plan to free Cobalt Storm. She had recruited her friends to help because she had thought they would need to create a diversion, but it may have put them all at risk. In her desperation to save his life, she may have forfeited her own. “As for Equestria’s newest princess, I wouldn’t be surprised if Celestia kills her personally,” he had said. Twilight’s mentor and hero, Princess Celestia, wanted her dead. The Princess wanted her to die, and she wanted be the one to do it. It was a weight that she never had anticipated, and it made her stomach shrivel up in a storm of emotions she had never encountered. A mixture of fear, disgust, and shame took hold of her. Her heart had gotten in the way her common sense. Why hadn’t she just teleported in, grabbed Cobalt Storm, and gotten out? It would have been exponentially easier and far more discreet. Instead, she had concocted a last-ditch effort that had every one of them marked for death. The only pony who seemed to be handling it well was Cobalt Storm, she surmised, gazing at the handsome stallion. While he had been shocked at his death sentence, he seemed more fueled and focused than he had been before. The sea-stained pony’s purpose had become to keep them all alive. Where has he been that can allow him to endure this like it’s nothing? She wondered. How can this be normal to him? Suddenly, the ground beneath her hooves began to shake. Pebbles danced across the ground in a hither-dither manner, bouncing every which-way as the earth trembled. “Another earthquake!” She muttered to herself, feeling her own legs wobble. As the vibrations continued, she felt uneasy. This one’s continuing much longer than the last one. And it’s more powerful. Thankfully, the ordeal eventually came to a close, one final tremble signaling the end. Cobalt Storm took pause, halting his steps. His head swiveled to the right and saw a damp cave opening, and he flashed a quick smile. “I hoped it was still here,” he said. “What’s still here?” Rarity asked. “An old smuggler’s cave I found traveling across Everfree’s border four years ago. Ever since Celestia took down some of the cartels in the region, most of these holes have been abandoned. I’d use them as shelter, and we could use that now.” The snow-white mare took a look inside the cave entrance and gave a grimace. “It smells terrible!” she declared. “It’s a hiding spot the guards will never care to look in,” Cobalt Storm replied wearily, his battered frame beginning to tremble ever so slightly. “Caves like these weren’t meant for permanent residence, so they’re inhospitable. We stay here until sunset, then move across Rambling Rock Ridge out towards the Foal Mountains and the northern plains.” “Why north?” Applejack demanded. “Because the one safe place left in the world is that way,” he answered. “And I need information. Both are in the same direction.” As they entered the cave, Cobalt Storm turned to face them. “Rainbow, I need brush. Stuff to make a fire. Smokeless, if you can find it.” The tomboy pegasus zoomed back out into the forest in a technicolor blur. Cobalt then began pawing at the ground, using his unusually pointed forehooves to dig into the ground. He dug a strange tunnel, a small hole in the ground two feet deep that had a second opening just a foot away. “That’ll do,” he murmured softly, his knees starting to buckle. “Got some firewood for ya!” Rainbow Dash declared, throwing the pile at the stallion’s feet. “Excellent. Now where’s the dragon?” he asked, and Spike hopped off Twilight’s back, timidly making his way over. “No reason to be nervous, kid, I just need your flames. Push the brush in, and set it ablaze.” Moments later, the inside of the cave glowed a bright green, the small fire bringing warmth to the entire group. Twilight felt exhausted but pleased as she saw her friends give sighs of relief, starting to bed down for the day. Cobalt Storm gave a moan of pain and crumpled to the ground, his bruises and bloody marks finally overcoming his enormous strength. “The fire’ll keep the place dry enough,” he said weakly. “Someone needs to keep watch,” he added, a grimace of pain flashing across his ragged features as he tried to stand. “No, I’ll take it,” Twilight protested, pushing him back to the ground with her wings. “You need rest.” Cobalt looked ready to protest, but his weariness overtook him. “Thank you,” he murmured, shuffling away from the fire and immediately closing his eyes. The lavender alicorn took position a few steps away from the entrance, taking care to be just out of sight. Half-obscured by the darkness, she would be nearly invisible unless they came into the cave itself. “You gonna be alright out here, sugarcube?” Applejack said, the Earth pony appearing beside her friend. “Applejack, you should be getting some rest!” Twilight cried. “Ah’m fine, ah can take this,” the farm pony replied. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you bout somethin’.” Twilight spoke first. “Look, I’m sorry for dragging you all into this. I made a mistake, I-” “Ah appreciate it, Twi, but that’s not what I wanted to say,” Applejack cut through. “Just wanted to say a few things, that’s all.” “Sure, go ahead.” “Ah know you care about Cobalt Storm, but think about this: Celestia wants him dead. She ordered him to be put to death almost instantly. But she won’t tell anyone why? Somethin’s up.” “And?” Twilight noticed some hesitancy in her usually forward friend. “Well, there is this,” Applejack drawled. “Only Princess Celestia and Princess Luna knew Cobalt Storm’s real name. Not even you did. Why is that?” Twilight didn’t quit see it, but instead shook her head. “Princess Celestia is ancient, Twi. She and her sister are older than any pony in Equestria. They’re the two ponies who know his name. So how old is he?” Twilight made the connection and her eyes widened. “You don’t think-?” “Ah’m just saying what ah’m thinkin’, that’s all,” Applejack shrugged, walking back into the cave. “Maybe it means something, maybe it don’t.” Twilight was again left alone with her thoughts, but this time her focus was on the exile in their midst. And just who he was, really. The night took no time in returning. By the time sunset had come and gone, the group of exiles had already made it halfway across the foreboding expanse of Rambling Rock Ridge, with no end in sight. Their visibility, increased by the rays of the moon, guided their path through the rocky territory. Cobalt Storm, rejuvenated by a healthy rest, had taken point position. Each other member of the group had been given specific orders as to their position; Twilight and Rarity were side-by-side behind Cobalt, Pinkie Pie and Applejack bringing up the rear. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy flew, kept at a distance of seven feet above the ground and five feet away from the rest of the group. Their job, as Cobalt Storm had put it, was to be the eyes and ears for the journey. If they failed to keep a wise watch, they could all perish. “We’ll cut across the Ridge as fast as we can,” Cobalt said aloud. “After that, we make our way across the train tracks and into the mountains. After that, you stick to me like glue. A lot of rogues and thieves make their home in the wildlands, and they’re more than willing to murder for sport. My job is to keep you all alive, so I’m not keen on giving them the chance to practice on any of you.” Twilight had to admit that Cobalt Storm was an invigorating leader. He possessed an experienced manner, and the leadership that was valued in the best of soldiers. He knew exactly what to say, how to say it, and helped keep the group calm. “We can make this journey, I promise. Follow my orders and we’ll survive.” Turning to his right, he called, “Any Lunar Guard?” he asked. “Nothing yet,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Haven’t seen a thing.” “That ain’t right, the sky should be crawling with those bats,” Cobalt muttered. “What is Luna up to?” The group continued on in silence for the most part, with occasional check-ups from Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Thankfully, they encountered no one, and saw little life beyond their own. Hours had passed when, suddenly, Fluttershy gave an excited cry. “Look at the moon!” The group screeched to a halt and stared up at the night sky, a beautiful sheet of blue that was marked with crystalline dots. However, the moon seemed to want no part of it. The frame of the stellar object contorted and writhed, as if something was trying to escape from its clutches. Cobalt Storm gasped. “Take shelter. Into the ridges! Hide!” “What, what’s going on-” Pinkie Pie asked. “I’ve seen this before, it’s Luna!” Cobalt cut through. The clear white glow of the moon suddenly had a shadow slice through its rays like an assassin’s knife, feathery wings dominated the night sky as the mysterious Princess of the Night came forth, her form entering the sleeping world of Equestria. The mysterious mare of the moon set down in a nearby clearing, folding her wings tightly against her sides. “Cobalt Storm, come out,” she called calmly. “I know you’re out there.” Cobalt, pressed up against a large boulder, didn’t move a muscle. “Cobalt, all I want to do is talk to you,” Luna added. “If I wanted to harm you or any of the others, I would have already done so. You know this. Please, come here.” Cobalt Storm took a gulp of air and walked out into the clearing, his gaze fixated on the princess. “Beloved Daughter of the Moon,” he hailed. “It is most pleasing to see you again. I only wish we met on better tidings.” Luna, however, held up a hoof and shook her head. “No titles, please,” she said. “You and I, we know one another. We do not need such formality. Please, I am always Luna to you.” Twilight and the others crept closer in order to hear the conversation. Daring to take a peek, Twilight used her magic to peer through the rock she hid behind. Cobalt gave a soft chuckle, filled with a warmth the young lavender mare hadn’t heard before. “Luna, is it? Not Lulu yet?” he asked. “As I recall, you never truly took to that name,” Luna replied, a small smirk across her usually solemn expression. “Can’t say I did,” he agreed. “But you’re not here for small talk. What are you here for, Luna?” The Princess of the Night remained silent, staring back at the sea-colored stallion before her. Cobalt Storm, however, seemed to have understood. “Tia’s not saying why she sentenced me, is she?” Luna shook her beautiful head, her vibrant, star-studded mane whipping through the air. “She told me of what occurred after it had ended, but no more. She refuses to say what drove her to such a decision.” “And you came here to ask me,” Cobalt guessed. “Luna, she’s the one who exiled me in the first place. Why she didn’t kill me then and there is beyond me, but instead… and now this? I’m at a loss. It doesn’t make any sense to me.” “So then, what is your plan?” “Find out what she did. She’s cursed me once, maybe she placed one she needs to reverse,” Cobalt answered. “I’ve got spellbooks stored away in a secret library. If I can access those, maybe there’s something in there that can explain what’s going on.” “But you have my sister to contend with,” Luna surmised. “You know she will not rest until her Guard finds you.” Cobalt nodded slowly. “I’m aware of that,” he replied. “Trust me, escape was not my intention when she ordered my execution. I’m out here to keep these girls alive.” “She has requested my Lunar Guard continue the search during the night hours,” Luna offered. “She will want to know I found you.” Cobalt Storm went silent as he faced off with the alicorn, not daring to say a word. His fate, as well as the fate of the others, rested on Luna’s decision. “She will kill Twilight Sparkle and her friends if she finds them. Even if she finds you first,” Luna added. “Her anger is terrible, and she will not cease until you are dead. She grows more desperate by the hour. Therefore, she will be glad to know you were sighted heading south to the prairies. It is her first clue as to your whereabouts.” Cobalt took a step back as he stared at the night-blue mare. “Luna, that’s dangerous,” he breathed. “If she ever finds out, she’ll do the same to you as she would to me. Don’t risk it.” “I am the Princess of the Night, my choices are mine to keep,” she replied haughtily. “Find the truth and end this, Cobalt Storm. Our intertwined tales have continued for far too long.” As the Royal Sister began to take flight, the stallion’s voice cut through. “Wait a minute, Luna.” Luna settled back down on the ground, gazing at the stallion curiously. Cobalt Storm stepped closer to the alicorn princess. “Luna, it was all my fault.” “What was?” “Everything. The fall, and everything that came after. I’m to blame. I let hurt and anger control me, and look what happened to me, to everyone, to your sister, even you.” Luna’s eyes began to shimmer like the stars she knew so well. “We all failed that day, dear friend,” she replied softly. “You are no more to blame than any of us.” “But who paid the most terrible price? You, or I?” he fired back, his voice constricting. Words failed him as the sea-stained stallion tried to recover. “Luna, I could have protected you. I could have saved you, but I drove you to the darkness. I hounded you until you were a weapon for revenge. You didn’t deserve that. You were just a girl, and I used you. I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” The two gazed at each other, words beyond either one of them. Luna’s mane fell at her side, and her eyes glistened with tears. She was simply overcome, and wrapped her legs around the young stallion in a sudden embrace. Her wings folded around him as she gave him a sudden kiss, and then she dashed off into the night sky, a trail of droplets falling beneath her. Every eye was on Cobalt Storm as he stood there, completely taken aback. He gave a long sigh, but said nothing. Finally, after several minutes, he declared, “We go until we reach the mountains. There’s shelters all across the outskirts.” Twilight couldn’t sleep. She couldn’t decide whether she felt jealous about what had happened with Luna, or simply confused. It had all happened so suddenly, and the conversation itself was strange enough. Mixed with Applejack’s words to her back at the cave, her usually brilliant mind felt muddled. But then, at the edge of her hearing, she heard a clear voice in the night, singing softly. She opened her eyes to see Cobalt Storm sitting apart from the others, having insisted on guard duty when they had bedded down. He had barely said a word all night since they had encountered Luna, but now he sang out into the twilight. Rising, from the sea, I hear my love, she calls to me. She seems so close, like on that day, But in my heart, so far away. I search for her, to find her face, I need her love, I want her grace. But our pain tears us apart, We are two lost and broken hearts. The storms have come, the oceans rise, To take her heart, to take my life, I close my eyes, I cannot see, She is forever lost to me. Time goes by, the sunlight fades, Shining red on the waves. My heart beats, the seas bow down, My love now wears her glory crown. Years have passed, the seas roll on, Yet there she stands, at break of dawn. Tomorrow comes with open arms, And we shall never be apart. It was unlike anything she had ever heard. It was less a song and more of a hymn, but unlike any hymn she had come across. A strange mixture of a sea shanty with a prayer. She walked over to him silently, watching as he gave a long, tired breath, his eyes half-closed. He looked as utterly woebegone as the moment he had been captured. Though he was physically healthy once more, something seemed to be draining him of strength. “Who are you singing about?” she asked him quietly as she settled down beside him. “Who is she?” Cobalt Storm stared at her with his baleful teal eyes, tinged with grief. “She is one I loved long ago,” he answered. “The song was used at funerals for married couples, sung by the surviving spouse over their lover’s grave.” “Is she dead?” Twilight questioned, feeling her heart sink. Cobalt turned away and stared up at the stars. “She may as well be,” he answered tonelessly. “It never came to be. And it never can be.” Twilight stood there next to him, trying to force herself into speech. She wanted to know who he was and how he knew the Royal Sisters. She wanted an explanation for Applejack’s questions, what he had done, and why Celestia hated him so fiercely. But Cobalt Storm was the first to open his mouth. “I know how you feel about me,” he stated calmly, his back to her. “I know that you care.” Twilight became like stone, her blood turning to ice. She couldn’t tell whether she was frightened or embarrassed, but she was certain of what his next words would be. “I can’t give you what you desire,” he continued. “I can’t love you. I’m sorry.” Twilight nodded sadly, her gaze focused on the ground at her hooves. She made her way back to her sleeping place beneath a rock face, nestled right between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. She knew for sure now that she would be unable to sleep. She doubted the hurt would let her. > Crystal Cataclysm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Can we take a moment to rest?” Pinkie Pie asked, breathing heavily. “We’ve been walking non-stop for hours now!” Cobalt Storm shook his head. “Not yet, we’re still out in the open,” he replied. “Besides, we’ve only just made it through the mountains, we have a long way to go. I want to be at the northern border by sunrise.” “What northern border?” Rarity queried. “The Crystal Mountains and beyond,” he answered. “The border of Equestria ends there, and that’s the only place we’ll be out of harm’s way. Until then, we keep moving.” “The Crystal Mountains?” Applejack mouthed, looking over at Twilight in confusion. The lavender alicorn was just as puzzled by the choice of destination as her Earth pony friend. The Crystal Mountains were indeed the far-most northern border of Equestria, but they ended abruptly at an icy beach, and poured out into the frozen waters. They weren’t hospitable in the slightest, and offered no safe shelter that she knew of. Was it possible that Cobalt Storm had a shelter there? The group had been traveling for hours already, having begun to make their way steadily northward since the moment the sun began to set. Their meeting with Luna seemed to have placed a sense of desperation in their mysterious guide, as he was urging them to pick up speed and push on through any obstacle. “What’s that rushing sound?” Rainbow Dash yelled out, having taken her scout position on their port side. “Sounds like water,” Applejack offered. “And a whole darn lot of it.” “Maybe Neighagra Falls,” Cobalt Storm remarked with a trace of a smile. “Good, we’re making better time than I thought we would. We could hit the Crystal Mountains before sunrise. Once we’re in, we can travel at our leisure.” They soon came to a great expanse of water, the surface of which was churning and white with foam. The explanation as to why was evident; a might waterfall not far away, a massive beast that continually unleashed a powerful torrent of water down upon the earth, its misty spray clouding the nearby cliffs from view. “Alright, we’re gonna have to cross,” Cobalt Storm declared almost merrily, already trotting out into the water. “What, you mean swim?” Rarity asked, simply aghast. “No, I cannot, I will not!” Cobalt gave a frustrated sigh. “Making a raft or building a bridge would take too much time, girl,” he said with a feeling of forced calm. “Whether you like it or not, we need to make our way across, and the only way to do that is if we swim.” “Hold on, maybe Twilight can build a bridge,” Spike suggested. “It’d be easy, just lift the rocks out of the water and hold them aloft as we make our way over the water.” Cobalt shook his head. “Celestia’s looking for any signs of magic, if I know her. Twilight was her star pupil, correct? She’ll know her style, she’ll be looking for traces of her magic. It’s the reason I’ve let you two rest easy. They’d give us away.” Not one to fight against good solid reason and logic, Twilight gave a nod of acceptance. Cobalt smiled. “OK, if you can fly, fly on over.” He turned to the pair of Earth ponies, Spike, and Rarity. “Any of you swim?” “All the time!” Pinkie Pie said enthusiastically, while Applejack gave a small nod. Rarity, however, was a little more uncertain, while Spike pretended he didn't exist. “OK, then you stay with me, the water could be rough. The rest of you, flyers, keep an eye out if anyone struggles. No drowning if I can help it. As for you, little guy,” he added, glancing down at Spike. “Dragons are great swimmers. I don’t think I need to worry about you, right?” And with that, he leapt out into the water vigorously, diving headfirst as he let the cool water run across his body. He gave a sigh of pure contentment and began to paddle his way to the other side, the others following suit. Twilight gave a sigh. “Spike, do you want a ride over?” she asked. “Thanks, Twilight,” the purple dragon replied sheepishly. What Cobalt had said was true- dragons can swim quite well. Spike, however, was still just a baby dragon, and hadn’t taken lessons. Twilight, flying overhead, kept an eye out for the safety of Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Doing her best to give Spike a comfortable ride, she couldn’t help but overhear their stallion companion calling out encouragements to the others. The water was indeed rough, but the two Earth ponies were fine swimmers, Pinkie Pie a continuous bather and Applejack merely a strong pony no matter the situation. Rarity, as she had expected, was merely average, but Cobalt Storm was doing his part, helping her across the watery expanse as safely as possible. His bandana, soaked and buffeted by the waves, finally unsealed itself from his head and floated gently down the current, revealing his surf-colored mane. Twilight frowned as she saw it. It was just as the night at the hospital, when the rain had come down in a torrential downpour. His mane had come alive like the surf on the seashore, shining and glistening as if it was a living being. It was similar to what occurred with Celestia and Luna, but he was no alicorn. For the life of her, she couldn’t make sense of it. In little more than half an hour, the group was finally clear of the churning water and back onto dry land. Cobalt Storm shook himself dry, an almost exuberant expression upon his normally serious features. “Nothing beats a good swim,” he said pleasantly. “Yes, quite,” Rarity said drily. “Now, if there is a way we could get ourselves dry before we catch cold, I would most appreciate it.” Cobalt Storm laughed, giving himself another vibrant shake. “Sorry, princess, shake yourself dry and live with it. That’s all you got.” “Princess? Why, I’m not a princess, Twilight is-” Rarity caught wind of the joke as the others began to laugh, and she scowled. “Fine, I’m sorry for thinking about my health and well-being.” Cobalt merely laughed it off, again taking his usual position at point. “Don’t worry, it’s a warm night out. You’ll live.” The deep black of night began to slowly transform into lighter and lighter shades of blue as the night went on, the moon and stars beginning to relent to the overwhelming power of the sun. “Cobalt, how much further?” Rainbow called. “About two hours,” he answered. “Beyond that next hill is an open field where the Crystal Empire used to be, then the Crystal Mountains a little further west. We’re going to keep to the eastern section of the mountain range and push on through.” “Used to be?” Spike echoed, looking down at Twilight with worry. “Oh yeah, you all have never heard of the Crystal Empire, have you?” Cobalt Storm asked. “Want me to tell you?” The group was dead silent as they all stared at the stallion, who continued to walk on ahead. When he noticed something was wrong, he turned and said, “What?” “Cobalt, do you not know?” “Know what?” he pressed. “I haven’t been a part of normal civilization for years, what should I know?” “The Crystal Empire has been back for nearly two years now,” Twilight explained hesitantly. “We’ve been there, Spike helped save it from King Sombra. He’s a hero there.” Cobalt Storm stood rigid and stared, his eyes wide as dinner plates. “It’s back,” he said, dumbfounded. “Back.” He gave a gasp of horror and raced up the hill, and before him lay the great empire, a gleaming jewel in the northern wilds. The Crystal Palace pulsed with a great light and unleashed a mighty rainbow stream out into the sky, giving birth to a verdant stream of lights. “It’s active,” he breathed fearfully. “The Empire’s defense systems are up, they’re engaged. They’re looking for us!” Twilight’s stomach dropped to the tips of her hooves. Cadance and her brother would be searching for her. If they were using the magical properties of the Empire to snuff them out, they would most certainly succeed. Would they be willing to turn her over to Celestia? Let her die? Her heart said no, but with all that had happened back in Ponyville, reason dictated the only ponies she could trust were the ones she accompanied now. “Are we in range?” she asked. “Yes!” Cobalt Storm exclaimed. “We need to move! Go west, go west! It’s a longer path to the mountains, but we’ll-” His words were cut short as he screeched to a halt before a shadowy figure, a lance pointed straight at his skull. “No one moves,” a voice ordered harshly. “You’re all under arrest.” The guards had them surrounded before they could escape, forcing Cobalt to the ground. Rainbow Dash zoomed over and tried to perform a daring rescue, but the guards seemed to have been prepared for such an event, as one of the unicorns blasted her with a bolt of magic energy the moment she streaked towards them, stunning her and locking her wings against her body. Taking no chances, they wrapped a rope tightly around her waist, ensuring the effects of the spell would be doubled. Fluttershy was less difficult, a good lasso around her legs brought her to ground, and her wings tied to her sides. Twilight and Rarity began firing stunning spells through the crowd of guards but were overcome by sheer numbers. Forced unceremoniously to the ground, Twilight felt something clamp painfully around her horn, and a rope fashioned around her neck and sides. She glanced over at Rarity and saw she had been dealt the same card; a rope around her neck, and a magic inhibitor on the horn. The guards were taking no chances with their fresh captures. “Hey!” Spike cried out before he was grabbed by the back of the neck, bound tightly to Twilight’s back. “Leave him alone! He’s just a baby!” Twilight protested angrily. “Dragons are dragons, he’s still dangerous,” a guard snarled. “Besides, he’s a traitor just like you.” “Get moving, we’re heading to the city!” The lead guard barked, his gravelly voice tearing through the night air like a rusty knife. “Up, you!” He added, kicking Cobalt in the neck. The group was led like a herd of wild animals towards the Crystal Empire, the verdant city aglow with magical power. “Twilight, you realize who will be in charge of the guards, right?” Spike whispered fearfully. Twilight gulped nervously, hoping she wouldn’t have to face Cadance or her brother. Her wish was half-granted. “Hail, Lieutenant! What do you report?” came a voice Twilight instantly recognized as that of her brother, Shining Armor. Her knees quaked. “We bring the wanted prisoners, Captain!” The Lieutenant reported. “The traitor that Princess Celestia reported is among them!” “Bring them to the watchtower, I shall meet you there!” Shining Armor ordered. “You heard the Captain, move!” the Lieutenant demanded, yanking Cobalt Storm’s rope and causing him to stumble. When they reached the watchtower, Shining Amor marched out to meet the incoming prisoners. His face was a terrible sight to behold, a mask of rage that Twilight hadn’t seen since the day of his wedding. She had been the target of his anger then, and it seemed she was the target now. He forced himself past Cobalt and shoved his face inches before her own. “Explain yourself,” he demanded. “Your sister decided to spare me from Celestia’s wrath,” Cobalt Storm answered for her. “Trust me, I’ve let her know it was not a wise decision.” Twilight gave him a withering glance. She didn’t like her decisions being chided, but Cobalt seemed occupied with something else, and didn’t notice. He appeared to be listening for something. Shining Armor ignored his words. “Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself, traitor?” The words stung, and she was compelled to fight back. “Did Celestia even tell you what he did? She wouldn’t even say to her own sister!” “She told me enough!” He spat. “He’s a murderer and a traitor, and you helped him escape! I can’t believe you’d sink so low…” Out of the blue, Cobalt Storm gave a horrified gasp. “Twilight, the dawn’s coming!” he exclaimed. “Hey, shut up-” “Twilight, what came at dawn yesterday and the dawn before?! It’s about to strike!” Twilight reached the same conclusion as Cobalt moments later, the truth striking her brain like a bolt of lightning… a bolt that began to shake the ground beneath her with devastating force. There was a jet of steam behind them, and the ground began to tilt. The road began to fracture and fall apart, spiking up and down as it broke into pieces. “Run!” Cobalt yelled, shaking himself free of the Lieutenant’s grasp. “GET AWAY FROM THE CITY! RUN!” The city, though peaceful and empty due to the early morning hours, was becoming a hellish nightmare as the earthquake’s devastating power was unleashed on the Empire. Houses buckled under the mounting rage of the earth, splintering and fracturing every which way. The roads, once so paved and lovely, were becoming jagged slides that sent their victims spiraling to the depths below. Lights went on inside houses and were just as quickly snuffed out as the inhabitants fell to their doom. Screams began to echo all across the mighty city as the denizens of the peaceful empire realized they were in danger. Running away from Shining Armor and his guards as quickly as possible, Cobalt Storm led the way through the fracturing city, eyes wide in stark terror. Every instinct he possessed was keeping him focused on survival, but he was fighting so as to protect the safety of the mares around him. “PEGASI, BREAK THOSE ROPES! FLY!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. Twilight felt her heart pounding as her alicorn wings struggled against her binds. She needed to get off the ground and out of danger- Out of the corner of her eye, a multi-colored burst threw off a cord and dashed into the sky, revealing Rainbow Dash had freed herself- “Look out!” The brash pegasus yelled. The Crystal Palace, the most magnificent structure in the entire Empire, was falling. Its supports shattered and the stellar building collapsed onto the ground, falling right towards them- “UNDERNEATH! UNDERNEATH!” Cobalt yelled, increasing in speed and dashing underneath the crumbling palace- We’re not going to make it, Twilight thought fearfully. We’re all going to die, right here- She felt her knees give way as basic protective instinct took over, sliding across the glassy roads that led to the palace- With a horrific metallic groan, the palace connected with the ground below, an ear-splitting crash meeting Twilight’s ears and bursting her eardrums. She felt blood spurt out from her right ear- The ground gave way beneath her feet, tilting down dangerously and nearly causing her to spill over her own hooves and to the darkness below- With a scream of desperation, she dashed towards the upper section of the ground and leapt over the edge, landing atop a small house. As she passed over the roof of the structure, she could see –stark with terror- a small family of Crystal Ponies, screaming as the ground disappeared and allowed them to fall to their deaths- “DON’T LOOK, DON’T STOP!” Cobalt roared, leaping over a jagged roof of glass, not even pausing as the edges tore at his freshly healed wounds- The edge of the Crystal Empire was just in sight, almost half-a-mile away. So close, but yet so far- “JUST KEEP RUNNING! JUST RUN!” Was Cobalt’s response, as if reading Twilight’s thoughts. He was incensed, solely intent on freeing themselves of this hell- “WHERE’S FLUTTERSHY AND PINKIE PIE?!” Applejack shrieked. Twilight, her hearing still badly damaged, found her words muffled. “WHAT?” “FLUTTERSHY AND PINKIE ARE GONE!” The farm girl roared. Twilight felt her heart sink, and a scream was unleashed from her mouth. She had to go and find them- Cobalt’s expression was that of utmost horror. “RAINBOW, I NEED YOU!” he yelled, doing a roundabout and dashing back into the breaking city. “RUN TO THE HILLS!” he yelled back at Twilight and the others. Twilight felt panic inside her unlike anything she had ever known. Fear for her own life was another matter, but this was different. The lives of her friends, friends who she had persuaded to aid her in this quest, were at stake, not her own. If they died here today, it would be because of her. She reached the outskirts of the Crystal Empire and found herself on more stable ground. She skidded to a halt and turned to face the dying city, searching for any sign of her companions. “Cobalt Storm said to make for the hills!” Spike urged, his normally bright eyes aflame with fear. “No, we wait here!” Twilight yelled back, driven by a mixture of rage and fear. “We can’t stay, it’s too dangerous!” Applejack pressed. “We have to run, NOW!” “I AM NOT LEAVING THEM BEHIND!” Twilight roared- There was a technicolor blur that missed Twilight by mere inches, a broken cord of ropes falling on top of her as it went by- “Rainbow’s got Fluttershy!” Applejack cried triumphantly. As the smoke and dust from the disaster began to obscure them from view, out rushed Cobalt Storm, with an extremely shaken Pinkie Pie strewn across his back. “What are you doing here?” He gasped. “I said to make for the hills!” Satisfied that the safety of her oldest friends was no longer in question, Twilight raced for the northern hills, only pausing when Cobalt Storm went down on his knees and collapsed, coughing and choking for air. “C-cut Spike free!” Twilight stammered, her emotions already beginning to get the best of her. The purple dragon fell to the ground right beside her, giving his oldest friend a quick hug. “I’m alright, I promise,” he said instantly. His first thought had always, and would always be, for her well-being. And right now, her well-being required the safety of her friends. “Pinkie Pie! Are you hurt? Are you alright?” Twilight demanded, rushing to her exuberant friend and checking her over. Pinkie Pie, covered in dust from head to toe, merely looked over at her and burst into tears. “Don’t ever scare me like that again,” Twilight sobbed, clutching her friend with every ounce of her energy. “I thought I’d lost you.” Rainbow Dash settled down next to the others, checking her timid friend for wounds of any kind. Like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy merely seemed badly shaken and covered in debris. “Fluttershy? Are you hurt?” Fluttershy managed a weak smile as tears dripped down her face. “I’m OK,” she said. “Are you OK?” Twilight began to cry freely, embracing each of her friends with all the love she could muster. “I’m so glad you all are safe,” she choked. “I thought we were done for.” “We have him to thank, ah guess,” Applejack said shakily, nodding towards their stallion companion. “You saved Pinkie Pie.” “Of course… I did…” Cobalt panted. “I promised I’d protect all of you.” As they rested, the groans and shakes that came with the end of the earthquake reached their broken ears. They turned back to face the Crystal Empire and saw utter devastation. The once-great city was a disaster zone, buildings crumbled and wasted. Small fires could be seen, dotting the landscape. “How many people lived in the Empire?” Fluttershy breathed. Twilight didn’t want to answer that question. There would be hundreds of dead ponies down there, and two of them could be her family. Shining Armor had been right next to her when the quake struck- had he managed to get away, as they had? And Cadance- had she been in the Crystal Palace when it fell? “We need to keep moving,” Cobalt Storm announced, forcing himself to his hooves. “We’re at the mountains. We push through fast enough, we can hit the shoreline by dusk.” They didn’t travel long, only a few hours. Exhaustion had taken its toll on the group of exiles, and despite Cobalt’s insistence, the group needed rest. “Alright, I’ll see if I can scrounge up some brush for a fire,” he said. “You all rest, two hours until we set out again.” The mares, accompanied by Spike, merely plopped down on the ground. Applejack and the others managed to detach the inhibitors from Twilight’s and Rarity’s horns. It was a wonderful feeling, Twilight thought, as the magic power she wielded was able to burst forth once more. She wanted to make a small fire just for show, but she remembered what Cobalt had urged back at the falls. It would have to wait. She had only closed her eyes for a moment, but when Twilight opened them again, she realized she had fallen asleep. Her body was still raw, so she knew it had only been for a few minutes at most. She glanced over at the others and saw that they, too, had fallen into slumber. However, one of them was missing. Spike, her most loyal companion and assistant, was gone. Twilight rose to her feet and looked around. Had he run off somewhere? Had something frightened him away? “Spike?” she called out. “Spike, where are you?” “Mmf,” Applejack muttered. “What’s wrong, Twi?” “Spike’s missing!” she moaned, looking around worryingly. The rest of her friends were up in an instant, scattered about and calling for their scaly friend. “Twilight, he could be anywhere!” Applejack said worryingly. “I know!” Twilight replied. And, despite Cobalt Storm’s strict warning, Twilight delved deep into her thoughts and brought forth a summoning spell, one that would help her find Spike- But the spell wouldn’t come. Not a single blip of magic appeared on her horn. Twilight, assuming panic had made her lose focus, tried again. Still nothing. What could be doing this? She wondered to herself, trying to ignore the stares her friends were giving her. I’m an alicorn, I’m the Element of Magic, I have to do this. But then she realized the answer: The only thing that could counteract unicorn magic was unicorn magic. And only one spell was able to totally knock out magical energy- A dampening field. “Don’t even think about runnin’,” a thin voice said right behind her. “You hear me?” Twilight whirled around and was face-to-face with a horrendously ugly unicorn stallion. He was a vile sight, a colorless grey coat and diseased eyes that betrayed he carried jaundice. He was skinny, as if he hadn’t had a decent meal in weeks. But despite his outer appearances, beneath his skin were sheets of rippling muscles. “Now don’t you dare move,” he snarled. “Or else I kill one of your pretty little friends here, you got that?” He moved aside so as to let Twilight see the horror that was unfolding before her: Rainbow Dash had been knocked unconscious by a powerful blow to the head, and Fluttershy was held to the ground by another stallion, a deep blue Earth pony. A gang of them were all across the others, forcing Applejack on her back, accosting Pinkie Pie, and straddled across Rarity was a brute of a Pegasus, who laughed as she tried to free herself. “Vile ruffian!” Rarity spat in her fury. “Ignoble beast! Filthy pegasus! How dare you treat a lady this way, unhand me at once!” The Pegasus laughed, merely laying across her and allowing his weight to keep her where she was. “I think this one wants me, Stone,” he muttered. The one that stood next to Twilight, Stone, gave a laugh. Reaching over to his saddlebags, he took out a ghastly weapon, a jagged dagger that was stained crimson with dried blood. “Look at me, unicorn,” he said. “Say another word and I slit you throat. Rarity got the message instantly and went silent. Stone turned back to Twilight, sizing her up. “Well, well, well,” he said. “If it isn’t EX-Princess Twilight. Seems the crown got a little too heavy for ya. I heard Celestia wants your head on a silver platter. Maybe bringin’ you in will grant all of us pardons, eh?” Twilight said nothing, glaring daggers at the foul unicorn. “But before we make that lovely trip,” Stone continued, “Bring Spike here, won’t you? I wanna know who this pony is. So please, call for him again.” Twilight cursed herself for her stupidity. Her cries may have brought them here, to her friends. She hoped that Spike had somehow found Cobalt Storm and raised the alarm- Thwack! a blow across her cheek broke her from her thoughts. “Tell me, slut! Where is Spike?” Stone demanded- There was a muffled yell and the pony that had been over Rainbow Dash was gone. Stone turned and looked where his missing comrade had once stood. “Brokeback! Where the he-” A rumbling reached their ears and Stone got out of the way just in time to avoid a huge boulder crushing him. “What in the-” “He’ll unleash another one unless you let them go,” Cobalt’s voice said furiously. Out from the shadows walked the magnificent stallion, his face now an icy mask of cold fury. “Silver Stone,” he spat. “I should have known it would be you. Only you could be dumb enough to mess with my people.” “Ocean Blue!” Silver Stone snarled, the knife still in his teeth. “What gives you the right-” “Release them or die, Stone,” Cobalt said shortly. “It’s the only option you have anymore. Do it now or I kill all of you.” Silver Stone’s eyes became like hardened flint and his neck twisted as he prepared to throw the deadly dagger- Pow! Cobalt Storm was on him in an instant, a powerful blow across the face sending the unicorn skidding- “Fight for your life!” Cobalt roared, and the assault was on. Every pony was in a mad tussle to get free of their captor, while the gang of ruffians did their best to hang on- Twilight barreled into the hulking beast that lay across Rarity, trying to topple him over. It was enough to free the white mare, but not enough to deal any damage. The pegasus roared with anger and reared to face Twilight- Cobalt was on him in an instant, using his powerful muscles to topple over the brute. Before the massive ruffian could react, Cobalt brought his pointed hooves down on the creature’s head with deadly impact. A powerful Crack! ruptured in the air, and the pegasus fell to the ground, dead. The sight of their biggest member was enough for most of the others, who gave cries of fear and began to scatter. One was not so lucky, as Cobalt managed to grab hold of him by the leg and give it a sharp twist, splitting the bone so severely it broke through the skin. The Earth pony screamed in pain and began to stumble away as fast as he could, blood dripping from his broken bones- There was a gleam of dirty silver right before Twilight’s eyes and then a grunt of pain from Cobalt Storm as the dagger sank deep into his right side, the blade embedding all the way to the hilt and causing the stallion to collapse. “Cobalt!” Twilight cried, rushing over to him. “GET… AWAY… from MY PRIZE!” Silver Stone roared, having regained his footing. Twilight stood between the two, rage alight in her normally bright eyes. “Don’t you try to even TOUCH him!” she snarled. “Move aside, girl!” Silver Stone spat. “You are no match for me!” “You’re no match for us!” Applejack fired back, the others standing alongside Twilight and facing down their foe. Silver Stone took a step backward, realizing he was easily outnumbered- Crunch! Another boulder fell, this time making its mark on Silver Stone’s hind legs, catching them beneath its girth and crushing them flat. The unicorn screamed in agony, trying in vain to escape from his would-be victims. Twilight stood over top of him, her chest heaving. “What should we do with him?” she whispered dangerously. “Should we kill him?” She meant every word. He had threatened her friends, threatened her life, and tried to kill Cobalt. He deserved it. “No,” said a weak voice, pushing its way beside her. “Killing is not as easy as the clean believe.” Cobalt Storm stood beside Twilight. The dagger was still buried in his right front side, and blood continued to pour down onto the ground. He was beginning to go pale, his normally sea-colored coat becoming a light blue. “Twilight, don’t taint yourself with his blood. He’s not worth your getting bloody.” “And that’s it?” she asked, incensed. “We let him go?” Cobalt’s eyes hardened. “He’s a murderer and a thief,” he said coldly. “If we let him go, he’ll just try to heal himself and do it all over again. He's not yours. He’s mine.” Grabbing Silver Stone by the scruff of the neck, Cobalt dragged the screaming unicorn out from beneath the boulder and out of sight down a trail. There was one last beg for mercy from Stone, and a horrific squelching sound a moment later. Cobalt Storm came back into view, rapidly losing color. He gave a weak moan and fell to the ground, blood pooling around him. Spike slid down the mountainside and landed next to Twilight. “Are you all OK?” he asked worriedly. “Spike, that was you with the boulders!” Appljeack exclaimed. “I ran for Cobalt when I heard them coming,” he explained. “It was all his idea.” Twilight ignored their word and crouched down next to Cobalt, who was beginning to turn a light green as more blood flowed from his wound. She felt the incoming settings of panic, but forced herself to remain calm. If she was to save his life, she needed to think. She grabbed hold of the vile dagger with her teeth and, wincing, pulled it out in one swift motion. Cobalt gave a horrifying scream, louder and more terrible than any of Silver Stone’s. Uninhibited by the dagger’s blade, blood streamed out of his open wound like a crimson river. “Twilight, do something!” Rarity pleaded. “I know, I know!” Twilight replied, hoping desperately the dampening field had been dropped. It had, as the dagger began to glow red-hot with heat. She pushed the blade down on the wound, hoping to cauterize it. Cobalt gave another scream as he turned a seafoam white, but he didn’t move. He allowed Twilight to finish cauterizing until the deed was done. When the wound had finally been sealed, she stepped away and examined him. He was near death, of that she was certain. “We need to rest here,” she said to the others. “Wait until he’s fit to travel.” “We can’t,” Cobalt protested feebly, rising to his feet as his knees threatened to buckle. “The ocean. We’re almost there, I promise you.” Twilight opened her mouth to protest, but his attention was already elsewhere. “How’s Rainbow Dash?” he asked. “She’ll live,” Applejack replied. “She’s just unconscious.” “Take her,” he whispered faintly. “We’re moving. Now.” > The Exile Comes Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was high in the sky when the mountains began to disperse from their path. All eyes were on Cobalt Storm as he trudged along, forcing himself to take each step as he stumbled forward. Twilight and Rarity stood beside him, each of them prepared to catch the injured soldier if he began to fall. They were the two that owed him the most: Rarity had been spared from being violated, and Twilight had been spared of losing her friends. If they didn’t aid him now, there would be an imbalance. “Not much… further…” Cobalt slurred. “We’re almost… at the… the coast…” His knees buckled and gave way once more, falling onto his knees and onto the earth like a dead weight. He gave a grunt of pain as his freshly cauterized wound was buffeted by the harsh ground, a multitude of pebbles and sharp stones digging into his coat and tearing at his flesh. Rarity used her magic to bring him to his hooves, trying to help the stallion gain his footing- “No, we’ve got to let him rest,” Twilight rebuked. “Come on, we can take an hour or two to heal, can’t we?” “No,” Cobalt struggled to spit out. “We have…t’move.” “Sugarcube, ya look dead on yor feet,” Applejack remarked kindly. “Take some time and heal.” “You haven’t been able to rest since yesterday morning,” Fluttershy added. “You helped save our lives, you deserve this.” “No,” Cobalt said through gritted teeth. “I need to get to the sea.” With a surge of effort, he rose to his hooves and tried to take a next step. Twilight and Rarity came alongside him, supporting his every step with their magic. They tried to help, but a loose stone caused him to stumble once more, and they were forced to levitate him. Rarity shot a worried glance at Twilight, who responded in kind. Cobalt Storm had endured beatings, cruelty, and had saved them more than once. He had literally fought to save them at every corner. Was a cheap attack from a vile villain going to claim his life? Twilight swore it wouldn’t. Just as he had protected their life, so she would protect his. The sound of the ocean surf reached her ears, and the grey hills and crevices of the Crystal Mountains finally gave way to a beautiful sight of snow-covered sand and dark blue waters. They had reached the northern shores at last. “Water,” the seafoam white stallion whispered faintly, his usually lustrous mane turning ashen. “But the water’s freezing-” Twilight protested. “Please,” Cobalt rasped. Glancing at each other, the pair of unicorns gently deposited Cobalt Storm in the freezing waters, laying him down in the fringes of the surf. He lay there motionless as the waves lapped at his body, soaking his coat. The group stood there, waiting for him to move. Only a gentle breathing motion betrayed he was even alive, but there he lay. After a few minutes, Cobalt gave a deep sigh. “It’s working,” he murmured triumphantly. “What’s working?” Pinkie Pie asked, craning her neck over Twilight to peer down at him. Rarity gasped. “Your coat! It’s- it’s changing color again!” Twilight’s eyes widened as she saw her fashionista friend was indeed correct; Cobalt’s coat, once dirty white, was quickly becoming an ashen grey, and beginning to deepen in hue. His mane was recovering its luster, becoming the same color as the waves that caressed his strengthening frame. “What am ah seein’?” Applejack breathed in awe. Cobalt rose to his feet, strength returning to his powerful limbs. His coat now a dirty green and darkening every second, he began to creep out further into the waters and heading deeper. “Where are you going?” Rainbow Dash asked, lifting into the air to stare at him incredulously. “I’ll be back,” he called, his voice ragged but much stronger than it had been just moments before. And with that, he took another step out into the freezing waters and disappeared, his head sinking below the surf. The others stood there in utter confusion, unsure as to what they had just witnessed. “Ah did just see that, right?” Applejack asked aloud to no one in particular. “Ah mean… that wasn’t some sort of spell, was it?” “Not one I’ve ever seen,” Twilight replied, her voice falling to a whisper. “Cobalt, just what ARE you?” “Umm, you’re all forgetting something,” Spike voiced. “How’s he going to breathe?” “Umm… he has big lungs?” Fluttersy offered timidly. “The cold didn’t even bother him!” Rainbow Dash remarked, laughing slightly. “He is hardcore!” Suddenly, about fifteen yards out, there was a splash on the surface. Something was rising up from the depths, something quite massive. Fluttershy crept behind Pinkie Pie in an effort to conceal herself from whatever terrible abomination was about to surface- There was a groan of wood and an ancient raft floated to the surface of the waves. It was covered in algae, water streaming from its sides, but it floated nonetheless. Cobalt Storm surfaced beside it, a fresh wave of energy in his eyes. He swam back towards shore, a rope between his teeth as he towed the large raft to the beach. His coat had regained its healthy colors once more, the deep blue of the ocean identical with the color of his skin. His mane, dripping wet and sopping, was alive and wavy as it lay on the side of his head. “All aboard,” he offered with a grin. “Your wound!” Rarity gasped. “Darling, it’s gone!” Cobalt Storm grinned mischievously. “Saltwater heals damaged wounds rapidly,” he said mysteriously. “At least, it works that way for my kind. Anyway, who wants a ride?” “Oh, me! Me!” Pinkie Pie said brightly, leaping into the damp raft in a single bound. “Come on, everypony!” “Uh, where are we going?” Rainbow asked warily, eyeing the raft with obvious mistrust. She was a creature of the air, of open skies. The water was almost as bad as the depths of the earth to her. “The safest place in the entire world for us to stay,” Cobalt replied. “Twilight, you can create an air bubble to keep yourselves in, right?” Twilight nodded, glad to have another use for her magic. “It’ll be easy,” she said confidently. “Excellent!” Cobalt said, grabbing hold of the rope between his teeth. “All aboard!” he cried again, albeit much more muffled. Curious and excited, the group of friends climbed aboard the ancient raft, and Twilight sealed themselves in a protective bubble. They would be safe from the wrath of the sea, and be able to breathe. Cobalt dashed out into the ocean and began paddling vigorously, all pain and hurt forgotten as he went out into the waves. When they were about fifteen yards out, he dove with a flourish beneath the surface of the waters, dragging the rope with him. With a frightening tug that jostled them all, Twilight and the others watched in awe as they began to sink beneath the waves, Twilight’s magic keeping them attached to the wooden craft. The world beneath the seas was unlike anything they had ever seen. With Cobalt towing them deeper and deeper into the depths, they were able to peer about and stare at the vibrant multitudes of life that surrounded them. Fish of all kinds swam by, gazing at them curiously before swimming off. A massive shark, the size of two carts pressed together, went slowly above them, not bothering them with a single glance. They pushed into a deep forest of kelp, watching as their guide was lost in the fronds of green. “How is this possible?” Twilight asked in wonder. “Look!” Pinkie Pie gasped. As they pushed through the wave of kelp, a magnificent palace of luminescent coral materialized right in front of their eyes, glowing brightly in the depths of the deep. It was a beautiful sight, staggering in size and shape. It was more than a palace, it was an entire kingdom the size of the Crystal Empire. Large spire jutted out from each corner of the enormous structure, watchtowers of an ancient kingdom long forgotten. As they came closer, they could see precious jewels were imbedded in the walls of the kingdom, adding to its unearthly glow. “It’s… it’s…” Rarity stammered. “It’s beautiful,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in delight. “It’s absolutely beautiful!” Cobalt turned back and gave them a wave with one of his pointed hooves towing them over to the starboard section of the main wall. They were led to a large entrance, and Cobalt towed them inside, carrying them into this unknown kingdom. The entrance sealed itself behind them, sealing them away from the outside world. Twilight expected darkness, but the coral was bright enough to lighten their path, revealing they were inside some sort of storage facility. It was simple, open and made to hold as much supplies as possible. Cobalt gave them a wave, and Twilight dropped the bubble. “So, how was the trip?” “That was amazing!” Rarity declared delightedly. “Why, I’ve never seen anything so magnificent in my life! It was marvelous!” “Cobalt, where in the wide world of Equestria are we?” Twilight asked. “I never knew this was here, even after all my studies.” Cobalt chuckled. “Well, there’s a reason why you’ve never read about it in Equestria,” he said. “You’re not in it anymore. You’re about twenty miles out and away from Equestria’s northern shores. You are in what was my home.” “Your home?” Fluttershy echoed. “But, what is it?” “The kingdom you now find yourself in is ancient, more ancient than even Celestia and Luna. This structure is a piece of living coral, imbued with a strange magic that not even the unicorns possess. It is a power that my people harness every day. It’s why I’m so strong in the water; it gives us power.” “OK, just cut to the chase,” Spike said, hopping off of Twilight’s back and looking up at the stallion. “Just what are you, some kind of alien?” Cobalt smirked at the dragon’s brashness. “No, I’m not an alien, whatever that is,” he replied. “I am what’s called a Waterhorse, most ancient of beings in the world.” “A Waterhorse,” Twilight repeated. “How come I’ve never heard of your kind before?” “Most likely because no one ever knew we were here,” Cobalt answered. “To the unassuming pony, we just look like Earth ponies. Nothing differentiates us from others, save for our pointed hooves. We use them for swimming, digging up seaweed, and spearing fish.” “Spearing fish!” Fluttershy screamed softly. Cobalt shrugged. “Hey, fish gotta swim, Waterhorse gotta eat,” he replied. “It’s great once you get used to the scales. But we eat seaweed more often than fish, there’s more of that around here.” “So you can breathe underwater, I’m guessing?” Twilight asked. “Right in one,” he answered. “We also draw strength from water. As you can see, it helped my wounds heal at an exponentially increased rate. We draw strength from the magic that the natural world of the waters offers us.” “Magic?” Rarity echoed. “Right, unicorns have one brand of magic, Waterhorse possess our own,” he replied. “We don’t practice it in the way you do, we merely draw strength from it, and we support it in turn. In way, we were its lifeblood.” Were? Twilight repeated, singling out the word in her head. “So can we take a look around?” Rainbow Dash asked excitedly. “Of course! After all, this is your home now,” Cobalt said. “Celestia never knew this kingdom was here, she never knew where my home actually was. We can rest here.” He walked over to the wall, nudging it with his head. The coral, sensing his touch, opened up to reveal the magnificence of the outer rooms. “Ladies, welcome to The Great City of the Deep!” he announced. They walked out into a gigantic expanse; a room the size of a palace greeted them, miles across in every direction. The coral, as if detecting their presence, began to glow all the more brightly, illuminating their newfound home. “Wow,” Rainbow Dash said in awe, at an utter loss for words. “This is incredible,” Fluttershy said. “Amazing!” Spike declared. Cobalt looked delighted. He was more than pleased they were awed by his home. “How does the place not flood?” Applejack asked. “You said it’s just coral, there’s got to be a way for water to get in.” “The magic of my people is within the coral, giving it a life and spirit of its own,” Cobalt said as he guided them. “It protects the race of the Waterhorse from the outside elements. It allowed us to build a culture and civilization within its walls. As long as there exists a Waterhorse in the world, as long as one of us still lives, then this place will survive.” “What happens if all of you die?” Rainbow asked, her question immediately receiving glares from her friends. Cobalt took his time in answering, the delighted look falling from his face as if it had been a mask. “Then the magic that is within the coral will die along with its people,” he said tonelessly. “The kingdom will flood and be destroyed by the elements of the natural world, lost forever to the deep.” Rainbow’s question had suffocated the excited and adventurous mood that had only moments ago permeated the air. Now unease and tension began to creep in, particularly affecting Twilight. As she passed a hallway, she peered down and saw a child’s toy on the ground, as if dropped there by its owner. The more she stared around, the more dilapidated and empty it seemed to become. Though the city may be alive, she wondered if they were its only inhabitants. Where is everyone? She wondered to herself. What happened here? “Cobalt?” Fluttershy asked timidly. “Mm?” he sounded. “Umm, where is everyone?” she said, making Twilight’s heart sink. “If this is supposed to be a city, why do we seem to be the only ones here?” Cobalt didn’t answer, and Fluttershy began to blush, slowing her walk to step in beside Pinkie Pie. “I- I’m sorry, I just-” “You are not at fault, child,” Cobalt replied thickly, sounding as if -much to Twilight’s surprise- he was holding back tears. “I would ask the same thing if I was in your stead. The answer, however, is a long and hard one. But yes, the city is empty. We are its sole occupants.” They made a turn down a hallway, one that was dotted with so many gems and jewels that Rarity seemed hardly able to contain herself. She crept over to take a look, but hesitated from popping jewels out of a coral that was very much alive. After all, they had seen it open up on its own at Cobalt’s touch, who knew what it would do if it was injured. The hallway opened to a magnificent hall. Small rooms dotted each side of the hall, which led up to a pair of thrones that sat empty at the end of the hallway. “This is the throne room, the grandest area of the entire city,” Cobalt said quickly. “Take whichever rooms you like. They are yours now.” “Who was King and Queen here?” Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing up to inspect the pair of thrones. “Were they powerful? Was the King handsome? Was the Queen pretty? Did they wear lots of fancy clothes?” “Pinkie, please,” Cobalt said, his eyes shut. “Keep away from those.” “Why?” she inquired, but turned her head and looked to a darkened hallway that sat behind the thrones. “Hey! I hear voices!” “You do?” Cobalt Storm asked, opening his eyes and rushing towards the pink party pony. “No, it couldn’t be. The spell-” He raced to the throne and craned his neck, listening intently. A gentle sound, like the surf at dawn, reached his ears. Twilight watched as a ripple ran across his entire body. Spasms of grief were coursing through his body, driving tears to his eyes. “Take whichever rooms you wish,” he said hoarsely, “I will attend to your needs in due time.” “Cobalt, are you alright, dear?” Rarity asked, noting his sudden change in demeanor. “I’ll be with you all shortly,” he said, disappearing behind the twin thrones and into the darkened hallway. “Please, leave me be.” Though their new accommodations were extravagant beyond their wildest dreams, Twilight felt her mind constantly drifting to the stallion that had guided them here. He had brought them here in an effort to keep them safe, but something in this city had unlocked him. There was a story in all this, she was certain. But getting it out of him was not going to be easy. He kept himself contained in whatever the hallway led to, only appearing once to bring them food. He walked out with a golden tray of fish scales in his mouth, laden down with seaweed and kelp. “Please, eat your fill,” he said tonelessly. “It is quite good, I assure you.” “Cobalt, are you OK?” Twilight asked him. Cobalt didn’t answer, but she didn’t need one. One glance at his face showed all she needed to see; his eyes were rimmed with red, revealing he had shed tears. The strongest, toughest, bravest stallion she had ever known was being broken right in front of her eyes, and he refused to allow her to help. The rest of them stared at the seafood lain before them, eyeing it apprehensively. “Welp, someone’s gotta try it out,” Applejack declared, being the first to grab a string of seaweed and give it a chew. After a few seconds, her eyes brightened in surprise. “Mm! It’s good!” The others began to eat their fill, but Twilight merely watched in silence. Her heart was aching for the sake of Cobalt, who she knew was in turmoil. Anxiousness tore at her stomach like sickness, freezing her insides. “What’s wrong, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, noticing her discomfort. “Are you not feeling well?” “You’re thinking about Cobalt, aren’t you?” Rainbow Dash guessed, watching her impassively. Twilight nodded. “I’m going to go in there and have it out with him,” she declared. Dead silence. “Can’t you see it?” she asked the others. “He’s in pieces right now! This is his home, this is the city of his own race! Why is there no one else here but us? Where is his family? His friends? Everything? It’s eating him alive! For his own sake, he needs to tell us!” “He may not want to say anything, y’know,” Applejack objected. “He’s obviously tryin’ to hide.” “Applejack, he’s helped save our lives,” Rarity said calmly. “He’s done everything for us and more. We need to return that favor and help our hurting friend.” Twilight smiled in appreciation at her friend’s words. “I’d like it if you all came with me,” she said. “It may make him want to speak, knowing that you all care.” Applejack gave a sigh, rising to her hooves. “You’re right, as usual,” she said. “Come on, let’s go.” Twilight smiled at them all. “Let’s go talk with him.” The group of friends walked past the twin thrones and into the dark hallway beyond, their forms dissolving into the shadows. At the end of the hallway, a door was visible, a faint glow from within its chambers illuminating its proportions. “Does anyone else hear that?” Fluttershy whispered fearfully, her eyes darting around. “Hear what?” Rainbow Dash asked, but soon fell silent as it became apparent. Voices, just at the edge of hearing, crept through their ears. It sounded as if an entire multitude of individuals were ahead in Cobalt’s chambers, all of them speaking at once and making their voices an unintelligible mixture of words. “Ghosts!” Fluttershy said. “No, I don’t think so,” Twilight said, listening intently. “They don’t sound angry. They just sound… sad.” As they reached the doorway, they stopped and listened. The voices were no longer the sole sound that reached their ears. Over the gabble of whispers was a distinct, ragged sob, a sound that spoke of immeasurable sorrow. “Cobalt? What’s wrong?” Twilight called out hesitantly, her nerve beginning to give way. “Go away!” was the choked reply, each word sounding harsh and forced. “Cobalt, please, let us in,” Rarity pressed. “We only want to help you, dear.” “I said go away! Leave me alone!” he fired back, venom dripping from his voice. Afraid but determined, Twilight pushed against the door and walked into the chamber. The room was lit by the coral, which glowed a deep blue that made it seem as if the entire quarters was immersed in water. All around them was a lavish bedroom, one certainly fit for royalty. Much to Twilight’s delight, a beautiful collection of bookshelves housed a number of books. But within the very center of the chamber, his head bowed, sat Cobalt Blue, his body wracked with grief. The activity of the whispers began to increase as they came closer to the Waterhorse, who looked up and turned to face them. He was in shambles, his mane torn and his eyes bloodshot. Streaks of tears ran down his cheeks. Twilight had never seen anything quite so wretched. “You!” he snarled. “I told you…” The voices began to speak once again, and a cry of agony escaped Cobalt’s lips. Twilight sat beside him and wrapped him in a tight embrace, trying to comfort her love. “It’s alright, it’s alright,” she whispered gently. “It will never be alright,” he said softly. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” “Cobalt, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked. “I can’t bear to see you like this. You were always so strong, and you’ve been weakened so! Is there anything we can do?” “There’s nothing you can do, unless you can resurrect the dead,” he replied thickly, detaching himself from Twilight. He stared out into the emptiness, his eyes fixated on a distant memory no longer distant. “I never wanted to come back here,” he said. “There were too many memories, too many faces that come with this place. I never wanted to have to see this again. But then you all had to interfere,” he snarled. “You had to stop Celestia from ending my life, and the only place I knew I could protect you from her was my home, my kingdom! You never had to do a thing, but you threw yourself into the fight!” “Your kingdom?” Rarity repeated, her eyes widening. “Then you are-” “The twin thrones you saw belonged to that of my father and mother, the King and Queen of the ancient city and of all my people. One thousand years ago, I was their first and only son. I was Crown Prince of the royal citadel.” “One thousand…” Twilight whispered. Then she gasped, her hooves to her mouth. “No!” Cobalt Storm nodded slowly dripping down his face. “What happened to them, Cobalt? Where is everyone?” Rarity inquired. Cobalt sighed, his mane falling across his face and obscuring his features. “It started over a thousand years ago…” “Over a thousand years ago, my father and mother, King Farraige and Queen Stoirm, ruled the kingdom beneath the sea. For twenty thousand years we had thrived under the oceans, cultivating our civilization in the depths. We had fished here for eons, cultivated seaweed and kelp farms, raised families. I was one of so many that had entered the world of the oceans. I was still a young adult when word of war on land reached our ears. Occasional excursions for supplies would bring us to the surface, and stories of a terrible king reached our ears. A cruel king, a wicked beast that gloried in darkness and shadows. He had mercilessly driven his subjects to the point of desperation, and his armies had begun to march out across the rest of the open world.” “Sombra,” Rainbow guessed. “Normally, conditions on the surface were of little interest to us, but we soon became worried. One of our supply runs to the surface was ambushed, and its members captured by the wicked king. Word crept to us that one of them had been tortured, and had let slip that our kingdom existed. We were a large kingdom, numbering in the thousands. Sombra immediately recognized us as a threat, and began to make preparations to invade my home.” “But surely Sombra wouldn’t be able to reach you all the way down here!” Rarity said. “You never knew what Sombra was like at the height of his power,” Cobalt explained. “He had hordes of monsters at his command, an army of beasts, not just his Unicorn Guard. Hydras, dragons, manticores; every vile thing that crept in the dark came to him and swore loyalty to him, a nightmare tyrant of shadow and death. When word reached my father that the crystal king was preparing for an attack, he hastily formed an assassination squad, solely trained for infiltrating the Crystal Empire and killing their leader as well as his top strategic commanders. Then, and only then, would we be safe. I was chosen as captain of the expedition, and we left in the dead of night. We hoped to enter quietly without detection, and do the same as we departed. But the day we struck was no ordinary day. It was the day the ruling kingdom of Equestria invaded the Empire, striking before Sombra could target the rest of the land. My squad found itself caught in the midst of an invasion, and it was all we could do to reach the palace. When we finally made it, Sombra was upon us in an instant, striking down three of my squad in a heartbeat. The rest of us fought like Makos, struggling against a beast that clearly outmatched us. Soon, it came down to just me and Sombra, and I was becoming desperate. He slashed a deep cut across my flank and was preparing to deal the death blow when two unearthly creatures swept into the throne room, charging Sombra before he could kill me. The larger of the two beings struck first, chipping away at Sombra’s defenses. The other struck from behind, trying to deal a deep slice to the back of the king’s neck. They seemed close to victory, but Sombra had not threatened Equestria by being easily conquered. He utilized his magic to turn the very palace against the two beings, and had them all but defeated. A jet of darkest magic, born from a black pit of foulest proportions, reached out and struck one of the beings, sending her toppling. I was still on the floor, bleeding out slowly as I watched these two angels fight to protect me. I had to do something, so I rose to my feet and threw my blade at King Sombra, driving it deep into his neck. It was a death blow, one that toppled Sombra. He began to reel back, shouting curses and chants as he bled to death. I watched as light began to stream from the palace and the rest of the empire, filling my vision as I faded away. I felt something wrap around my body and then I was gone. Three days later, I wake up to find myself convalescing in a military hospital, just outside where the Crystal Empire had once stood. The entire city was gone. Sombra had disappeared along with it. And there I was, the lone survivor of an elite squad of Waterhorses that had been ordered to return home the moment the mission was ordered. I was an unknown in the midst of ponies that may very well kill me or torture me just as Sombra had! In my panic, I made to rise, but a gentle voice said, 'Rest, you’ve been unconscious for days now. You can relax, you’re safe here.' That was when I turned my eyes and saw the most captivating creature that had ever graced the earth; a beautiful, snow-white mare with a mane that glowed like the brightest rainbow. Accompanying her was an elegant creature whose mane resembled the most stunning night sky. “Celestia and Luna!” Twilight exclaimed. “Celestia and Luna took care of me personally, saying that they owed me their lives,” Cobalt said, nodding. “I protested, saying I owed them the very same, but they refused to hear a word. They didn’t ask where I was from or what I had done, they merely did what they could to bring me back to health. Early on, I had referred to myself as Ocean Blue, but I came to regret it. I wanted them to know who I really was. After a week of recovery in the field hospital, I was strong enough to depart. I was healthy, and I knew my father would be worrying for my safety. I needed to return back and report what had happened. But truth be told, I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to remain with these two Princesses, who had cared for me so kindly. I wanted to know more about them, and apparently Luna felt exactly the same. Not knowing I was not a part of Equestria, she offered me a position on her Lunar Guard as her personal bodyguard. I wanted so badly to accept, but I knew I needed to return to my kingdom. When I finally returned home, I was immediately ushered into the throne room to report on the mission. Though we hadn’t succeeded, the threat was gone, and we were safe. When I told my father of the second kingdom above the seas, he was immediately wary. He was afraid that this other kingdom would also try to destroy us, so he gave me a mission: Be a spy, survey their defenses and their interests. Discover if they posed a threat to us, and if we needed to strike back. Unbeknownst to my father, it was the answer to my prayers. I raced back to the kingdom of Equestria and sought an audience with the Royal Sisters. When they learned of who I was, I was ushered in to meet the two sisters, Luna having been awoken to greet me. I announced I had come to take Luna’s offer as a member of the royal guard, and I was accepted. And so began my nearly five months with the most enchanting and bewitching creatures I ever knew.” Cobalt’s eyes misted over with happiness as he recalled the memories. “Luna and I became the best of friends, spending all manner of the night talking with each other. I said as little about my kingdom as possible, allowing Luna to eagerly show me around their kingdom. I began to fall in love with the surface world, and wanted to meet its denizens. I wanted to truly become a part of this world, and the darkness prevented me from doing so. In the early portion of my stay, I found myself infatuated with both Luna and Celestia. Over time, however, my heart and mind kept finding itself concentrating on Celestia, often sending me into endless daydreams. I was obsessed with her. Back then, Luna was something of a wild child. She was bright and energetic and cheerful, always searching for something new and interesting to take part in. She loved combat, always relishing a chance to fight against a creature of the night. But Celestia was calmer, more relaxed and at ease. She was gentle and kind, taking care of her subjects in a personal manner. She seemed so perfect, I desperately wanted to spend time with her. I would even stay up late to greet her in the mornings, have a friendly chat with her in the halls. After about a month of having lived in the palace, Luna informed me that her sister had requested I work as her bodyguard for a little while. The Princess of the Sun had heard of my desire to become a part of Equestria, and know its inhabitants. Celestia offered me that chance, and I took it. When I did, I failed to notice that Luna sulked the entire time she gave me Celestia’s message, and was particularly hurt that I had chosen to spend time with Celestia over her. But I didn’t notice. My first day was a beautiful sunny day, a rainstorm having passed through that evening. When I was first brought to Celestia, she was in a deep conversation with a wrinkled old unicorn with a white beard. I came to find out his name was Starswirl the Bearded. Celestia and I started out awkwardly at first, my constant desire for her attention occasionally clashing with our royal duties, and causing more than one breach of protocol. Thankfully, Celestia was forgiving, even joking when I’d make an occasional mistake. Like she did for everyone, she looked out for me. But one day, it took a spur-of-the-moment decision by the both of us to escape the palace and go out into the world of Equestria to truly begin. And oh, how wonderful it was. I came to know her, to really know her. I learned that her favorite time of day was twilight, when she would be able to chat with Luna before she went to bed. I learned that her favorite flowers were lilies, preferring red ones over purple. She smiled at old married couples who had been together for decades. Whenever she’d see a rainbow, she hoped it reminded her people that she was looking out for them. Her favorite meal was sunflower seeds wrapped in lettuce leaves, with caramel sauce glaze. She and I became part of each other’s lives, often just shirking our duties to spend time exploring the world she called home. Every day I’d bring her flowers and leave them on her bed, so she could have a fresh bouquet every day. Time would pass in an instant whenever I was with her, and even if she was frumpy, and her mane was bedraggled for having slept on it wrong, she always, always, gave me butterflies. I loved her, and she loved me. I knew she did. I told her who I was, told her my true name, and that I was from another kingdom beneath the sea. I told her that someday, I would bring her there, and show her my home. But one day, Luna walked in on the two of us in the throne room, just enjoying one another’s company. We were doing nothing scandalous, but Luna went into a furious tirade, spewing hatred at Celestia, claiming she had stolen me from her. It seemed to go on for hours, until finally Luna swept away in tears, performing her duties to raise the moon. I had been at the castle for four months now, and my time apart from Luna had blinded me from her rapid deterioration. Conducting an investigation into her shocking behavior, Starswirl and I discovered that Luna had been having fits of madness for nearly two months, often being caught by her guards arguing with some creature she called a ‘nightmare’. When we reported this to Celestia, the three of us tried to figure out a way to help the younger sister. I suggested that I return home and consult my family, thinking that perhaps the ancient magic of my people may have a solution. Celestia granted me my wish, and I returned home to request the aid of my father and mother. What I hadn’t told her was that I was also returning home to find a pearl; it was part of the custom of my kind. A stallion would bring his beloved a precious pearl as a token of marriage. I wouldn’t tell anyone until it was official, not even my parents. I wanted it to be a surprise. So, after returning home, I took an ancient spellbook and returned to Starswirl, carrying a secret cargo in my bags. Starswirl wanted to aid Luna right away, but translating the ancient languages of the Waterhorse was difficult. Even I was clueless as to which spell would cure Luna of her nightmares. I left Starswirl to continue his work, while I began to contemplate of how I wanted to propose to Celestia. It was the perfect night, except for one thing: she refused." Rarity’s jaw dropped. It had been an almost perfect love story for the entire duration, but this was completely unexpected. “I was taken by surprise, it was as if my hooves had been knocked from underneath me,” Cobalt continued. “I didn’t understand what had happened, why Celestia would do such a thing. She had told me she loved me with all her heart; had she been lying? I deserted my post as her personal guard, retreating into my grief. For nearly a week I was desolate. It was until later that I learned the truth: Celestia’s mind had been turned against me by a bunch of fearmongers and bigots. Unicorns, who were the dominant social class of the time, hated me. Thinking I was an earth pony, they claimed that I was trying to undo every way of life they held dear, and cause unrest across Equestria. They threatened rebellion if Celestia married me. Afraid for her life and her kingdom, Celestia refused me. My grief turned into anger, and my anger into hatred. How could she? How could she let such bigotry poison her love for me? How could she listen to such council? I was furious beyond belief, beyond reason and good sense. My every thought turned to revenge, to bringing such wickedness to justice. I became Luna’s personal bodyguard again, listening to her spew hatred against her older sister. She was jealous of Celestia, jealous of all the attention and love and admiration she received. It disgusted Luna, for she claimed that her work to guard the night went unappreciated it. She felt worthless, and blamed Celestia for her worthlessness. I knew then and there I had an instrument for my revenge. I began to add poison to Luna’s already infected mind, telling her lies to turn her against her sister. I planted seeds of rebellion against Celestia, promising that if she tried to revolt against the Princess of the Sun, I and my people would fight alongside her. One day, she accepted, and I returned discreetly to my own kingdom. I told my father and mother a long list of lies, of what horrors Celestia was planning to unleash upon our kingdom. I convinced them that if we, as an entire nation, did not rise up and fight back, we would all be destroyed. After three weeks of long planning, the stage was being set. Luna and I had spent nights roaming through villages of disgruntled Earth ponies and turning them against Celestia. I told them that if they fought with Princess Luna, they would have their freedom, and could help rule Equestria. The attack began at the palace, striking at Twilight. While Luna went for Celestia, I went straight for the greatest military threat that Celestia could bring against us. He never stood a chance against all seven of us. I was upon Starswirl before he could even lift a hoof to react, and raked his head from his shoulders. The greatest mind in all of Equestria was gone, having been killed trying to translate a spell from the book I had lent him. Though I had succeeded in my portion of the mission, Luna had failed to kill Celestia. The older sister fled and disappeared, while Luna and I began marching our forces across Equestria. Every Waterhorse from the kingdom rose from the depths of the sea and began invading Equestria, burning and pillaging every village that refused to surrender. We killed mares and stallions, fillies and colts. Anypony that did not join us was struck down instantly. I myself oversaw the burning of an entire village, just because it had been in our way. It was a village of Earth ponies, who had done nothing to harm us. I slaughtered their elder and set the whole place on fire, just to watch it burn. We became complete animals. After about two months of occupation, Celestia returned from hiding, with an elite force of loyalist forces that hadn’t deserted or been killed. It was a coalition of all three pony races; Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth ponies. They were a small band, but they soon cut through to the royal palace, and took it as a base. Luna and I consolidated our forces and marched towards the palace, intent on taking it once and for all. I ordered my people to kill everyone that stood in their way, and to never retreat or surrender. It was an all-out attack on Celestia’s forces, with either complete victory or total defeat as the only possible outcomes. The battle took place in the Everfree Forest, Luna and I’s forces ten thousand in number, combating against Celestia’s one thousand. We outnumbered them, but my people were unprepared for combat in the woods. We were clumsy and awkward, unused to fighting in such conditions. As I took part in the battle, I realized that we were steadily losing. Luna had already gone searching for her sister, and I knew that the only way to end it all was to kill Celestia. I raced for the palace and entered, hoping to drive the killing blow myself. But when I entered, it appeared Celestia had been defeated… by it. By her. Nightmare Moon, who had finally overcome Luna and transformed the once-beautiful mare into a beast of the darkness. It was then that I realized that the figure that had been struck by Sombra’s dark magic was Luna; he had summoned a demonic entity to torment her, and it had totally consumed her. Just as I came to this conclusion, Celestia rose up and unlocked an ancient chamber, filled with objects of such magical power I had never seen. The Elements of Harmony! Celestia activated them and fired them on Nightmare Moon, defeating her and banishing her to the moon. Realizing we had just been defeated, I raced back to the battleground, hoping to call a full-scale retreat and save my people before it was too late. But when I arrived, I heard the most dreadful sound I could have possibly heard: silence.” Cobalt Storm faltered, his voice failing him as tears began to form in his eyes once more. Struggling to speak, he finally managed to choke out the words, “I walked out into a graveyard. Bodies were strewn all across the forest, a clearing even had been made to support the sheer mass of casualties. Everywhere I looked I saw my people, their blood flooding the forest floor. It was so heavy that you could not take a step where the rivers of crimson had not already reached. Celestia’s forces had been victorious, and my entire kingdom had fought to the bitter end. On my orders. On my orders, even my family had been killed. I had killed them. I watched them begin to set fire to the bodies, and I screamed aloud. I tried to stop them, but they arrested me and took me prisoner. They locked me inside a dungeon for days, allowing me to scream myself hoarse, and tear my flesh to pieces. With the rebellion finally over, I realized the enormity of what I had done. I had turned a sister against her only family, convinced her to murder her flesh and blood, turned a kingdom against another, murdered the wisest unicorn in the world, and ignited a war that covered Equestria in blood. I had caused all of it, all because I had let my own hurt and pain consume me. I hadn’t been like Luna, who had been forced to endure torture and agony under the brutal taunts of a demon. I had simply been a prince, who had been so angry and unforgiving that he allowed his own hatred and rage to drive him to bloodlust and kill the very one I love more than anything in the entire world. After about a week, I was led to Celestia for sentencing. I was found guilty for a multitude of crimes, crimes so heinous that there was no punishment deemed suitable. Not even my death was good enough to pay back all the lives I had taken. So, in honor of the first murder I had committed, Celestia used the spell Starswirl the Bearded had translated, a spell from my own people, against me. Beginning, beginning, but end without end. So you, great debtor, must pay for your sins. Endless, you are, until the world burns. So you must walk this world evermore. Without rest, without hope, You are cursed, cursed and alone. Even if you rest, in agony must you stay. For the lives of others, your blood you must pay. Celestia cursed me with eternal life, forcing me to live with my crimes until the end of the world. She sent me into exile, away from every pony I had ever known. For years, I tried to take my own life. I tried to kill myself, somehow, someway, but something would always prevent me. Early on, it was other ponies, who knew of my crimes and wanted me to continue with life and endure the agony that came with them. After a few hundred years, they had forgotten who I was and would try to save me, always cutting me off before the deed could be done. And so it has been for over a thousand years now.” Twilight stared at Cobalt Storm in complete disbelief, her mouth agape. She was at a loss for words, incapable of any sort of speech. Tears rained down her face, and the faces of all the others. They had never expected anything like this. It never would have even occurred to them. Something of such magnitude was beyond belief, beyond any sort of reason. But now Twilight understood. Why Cobalt referred to Celestia as “Tia”, why he had apologized to Luna for everything, why only the Royal Sisters recognized Cobalt Storm. Why it all made sense was horrific beyond anything she had ever suspected. Cobalt stood there staring at them, his sides heaving. “Well?” he yelled. “Aren’t you going to say anything? Aren’t you going to condemn me? Hate me? Kill me? I wish you would! I wish you had let me die, I wish you’d let Celestia kill me! Because then it would have all been over, and I would finally be free! But NO!” he roared, staring right at Twilight. “You had to disagree with the only pony who knew who I was, and you had to rescue me! You had to save me, and for what! For this?! I wish I had never been born! I caused a genocide so great that nothing in the history of ponykind can even come close to comparing! I led a slaughter so great, I destroyed a third of Equestria’s entire population! I wiped an entire race from the face of the earth! And I can never outlive it! LEAVE ME!” Cobalt roared, tears running down his face. “LEAVE ME TO LISTEN TO THEM! DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?! DON’T YOU HEAR THE WHISPERS?! THE SOULS OF MY PEOPLE ARE TRAPPED HERE IN THIS KINGDOM, BECAUSE MY LIFE BINDS THEM TO THE MAGIC THAT DWELLS WITHIN THIS PLACE! THEY’LL ALWAYS BE TRAPPED HERE, NEVER ABLE TO REST, BECAUSE OF ME!” Cobalt turned his back on the group of ponies he had fought so hard to save. Twilight and the others backed away slowly, edging towards the hallway, then sprinting as fast as they could go, desperate to escape the horror that had just been shared. Twilight went to her quarters without a word, feeling more wretched than she had ever thought one pony could possibly feel. Her heart broke for the countless lives that had been lost because of it all, for the love that had been lost, for Celestia and Luna, for Cobalt Storm, and for her friends… because she had led them to save Cobalt because she had been wrong They were forever marked for death, forever lost from their families, forever lost from their homes, because she was wrong. And Celestia had been right. Outside her room came a powerful, guttering wailing. A scream from a pair of strong, male lungs echoed through the throne room and the entire kingdom. It was a cry of utter despair and agony, of a thousand years of pain and hopelessness the likes of which no one had ever heard. And to Twilight, it sounded as if thousands of voices were screaming along with him. > Requiem > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight wasn’t sure at all when sleep claimed her. All she knew was that she found herself rising from her pillow, hair disheveled and feeling as if she was burdened by the weight of the whole world. It took her several moments to realize what was bothering her so, but the memories of last night soon began to creep back into the forefront of her consciousness. Cobalt’s origins, the Lunar Rebellion, senseless savagery. It was all there now, a truth so inescapable that she could hardly bear it. It was a terrible sensation, to know such atrocities had occurred. To know that so much blood had been spilled for so long. The cries and screams of children as they were cut down echoed inside her magnificent mind. The clash of metal, the crackling of burning wound, the splatter of blood… Cobalt’s storytelling had been so vivid she was certain it would never leave her. There was no way she could un-know this. Twilight let her thoughts drift to the perpetrator of the majority of these events, the stallion she had let her heart yearn for. He had fought Sombra in defense of his people, and had nearly died to save the lives of the Royal Sisters. He had become their friends out of love, he gave his heart to Celestia. He killed Starswirl the Bearded, he had sought revenge against Celestia. He had brought about so much death and pain and terror that his legacy was unlike any other. She now understood why Celestia hated him so. But then Twilight remembered: his grief at the death of his entire race, the realization that he had brought about it all. The understanding he possessed in knowing that he had deserved his punishments. The despair that had followed him for over a thousand years. Her mind returned to more recent events. The time he had taken to help her when they had first met at Ponyville. He hadn’t even known her, then. His polite demeanor with her friends and the others at Ponyville. He had risked his life to save them from the timberwolf pack, and had even saved that young filly’s life with his fortitude and quick thinking. Even when he had been captured by Celestia, who had he been concerned for? Her sake, warning her not to try and free him. And when she had? Cobalt dedicated himself to keeping her and her friends safe. From Celestia’s guards, from the disaster at the Crystal Empire, and saved them from Silver Stone almost at cost to his life. Even their journey to this kingdom had been due to his drive to protect them all. Twilight decided she wanted to have a talk with him. As she walked back into Cobalt’s chambers, the whispers of the souls reached her once again, the eerie sound filling her ears. It was still a mournful sound, even more so now that she knew what had been the cause. She couldn’t imagine what it felt like for Cobalt. She pushed her way through the door and saw the stallion had taken to the bookshelves, relieving them of their contents and poring over the multitude of pages. He was so engrossed in the title he was reading that it took him several moments to hear the groaning of the door as Twilight entered. Twilight cleared her throat, and he glanced up at her. “You’re awake,” he greeted. “How were your chambers?” “Magnificent,” she replied, letting the whispers of the souls wrap around her. It was quite unlike anything she had ever quite experienced. “Were you up all night?” Without waiting for a response, Twilight knew she was right. His eyes were red-rimmed, bloodshot and haggard, dark circles wrapped around the sockets. His eyelids were drooping in exhaustion, and his head dipped every now and then. “I wasn’t going to be able to sleep, anyway,” he replied thickly, still sounding as though tears were just at the edge of his voice. “Besides, I wanted to listen to them a little while longer.” “The whispers?” Twilight asked, confused. “Why? I’m amazed you can even stand it.” “Oh, it hurts, I don’t deny that,” Cobalt said, looking up at nothing in particular. “But at the same time, they’re so familiar. I never thought I’d hear them again.” Twilight decided to steer the conversation away from such an eerie subject. “So what are you reading?” “Spellbook,” he muttered in reply, tossing it aside. “I’ve been searching for a copy of the spellbook I gave to Starswirl before he died. I want to see the story behind that spell Celestia used, see what its purpose was. A curse that grants eternal life? I started thinking about it and it just didn’t add up.” “And?” Twilight prompted, noticing he seemed to be biting his tongue. “And,” Cobalt added, “I was wanting to see if there was a way to undo it. I’ll remain alive so I can care for you six, but when you’re gone, I want to be able to pass on once and for all.” Twilight nodded, understanding what a burden time was to him. But as much as she wanted this simple conversation to continue, she had come back here with a purpose, and she wanted to fulfill it. “Can I actually talk to you for a moment, Cobalt?” she asked hesitantly. Cobalt looked up at her in mild surprise and nodded, tucking his hooves beneath his body. “What do you need?” Twilight settled down across from him, drawing a deep breath before she began. “I’ve been thinking about your story,” she started. “About all of it. I started with how you went to the Crystal Empire, when you came to Equestria, and everything that came with it. I started thinking about when I first met you as well,” she added. Cobalt nodded slowly, his eyes dimming. “And what conclusion have you reached?” he questioned. “I forgive you,” she replied simply. Of all the responses Cobalt had been expecting, that had not been one of them. His eyes popped and his jaw went slack. “You- you what?” “I forgive you,” Twilight said again, gaining confidence. “And nothing you say or do is changing my mind.” Cobalt shook his head in disbelief. “Twilight, you’re out of your mind. Celestia loved me and she sure as hay didn’t forgive me. Why you?” “Everpony makes mistakes,” Twilight answered. “Yours are just messier than most. If Luna can forgive you for what you’ve done, then I certainly can.” “Twilight, kiddo,” Cobalt said faintly, “those were not just mere mistakes. They were acts of terror and murder and bloodshed. I did those knowing what I was doing. Those were acts of evil. I’m a murderer.” “And you’re also a soldier,” Twilight butted in. “A brave soldier who risked his life to protect his kingdom from Sombra, who risked his life to save Celestia and Luna. You risked your life to save Ponyville from Timberwolf attacks. You dedicated yourself to protecting me and my friends. You’re a guardian, Cobalt. You’ve done a lot of things wrong, I know that now. But you aren’t defined by your sins, even though you want yourself to be. If you were truly evil, the acts you committed wouldn’t horrify you so. Deep down, you’re a stallion who fights to save those he doesn’t even know. Deep down, somewhere in your heart, is that young stallion who fell in love with a Princess, and all he wants to do is the right thing.” Cobalt bowed his head, not wanting Twilight to see his tears. His body shook ever so slightly as he lay there, overcome by her words. “You still love Celestia, don’t you?” Twilight asked gently. “That night when I caught you singing, you were singing for her, weren’t you? When you told me you couldn’t love me…” “I have been on this earth for over a thousand years, Twilight,” Cobalt said softly. “I could live a thousand years more, and I will never stop loving her. Nothing will ever change that, not even if she takes my own life will I stop loving her.” He rose and kissed Twilight on the forehead, taking her by surprise. “Thank you,” he said, a newfound warmth in his voice. “I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but thank you.” He walked over to a nearby pile of books, grabbing the copy off the top. “Why don’t you go wake your friends?” he suggested. “Tell them I’ll be going out to bring them a meal in just a bit.” Twilight nodded, rising from her place across from the stallion and went on her way back to the throne room, leaving the deep-sea room of whispering souls. It was still eerie to her, no matter how he felt about it. When she crossed the threshold and returned to their chambers, she found Applejack had already awakened, tufty-haired and sleepy-eyed as she stumbled towards her alicorn friend. “Mornin’- evening- whenever it is, Twi,” Applejack yawned. “How long have you been up?” “Not long,” Twilight answered. “Only a few minutes ago.” Applejack looked over the lavender mare’s shoulders, glancing down the darkened hallway. “How’s he?” “He hasn’t slept at all. He’s been up all night looking for that curse Celestia used against him.” “Looking for a way to reverse it?” the farm pony guessed shrewdly. “Can you blame him?” “I doubt anyone could,” Applejack remarked, shaking her head. “How has he managed to live with himself for a thousand years? With what he’s done?” Twilight sighed, unused to feeling at a loss for answers. “Maybe because he doesn’t have a choice.” “I’m guessing you already went in and talked to him?” Twilight nodded. “And?” “I told him the truth,” Twilight replied. “I forgave him.” Applejack’s expression was unreadable as she peered at Twilight, apparently thinking hard. “Why did you?” she questioned in a measured tone. “Because who he was is not who he is now,” Twilight responded. “He’s not the same stallion.” “But he still did all those things,” Applejack protested mildly. “He still killed all of those ponies.” “I know that, and I told him so,” Twilight countered evenly. “But he that’s not who he decided to remain as. He chose to be the one who protected us, who led us here to safety, who risked everything to save our lives. Even you began to think of him as a friend after he saved Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy at the Crystal Empire, didn’t you? If we truly are the Elements of Harmony, who are we to turn our back on him now? We showed what friendship can do, and I say it can help us make a choice like this: we can still forgive him, even if he’s done horrible things. That’s my choice, and I won’t budge.” As Twilight finished speaking, she noticed that the rest of her friends had been awake and listening intently. Even Rainbow Dash, who loved sleeping for as long as possible, was staring at her with undisguised interest. Applejack gave a slow, lingering sigh, and nodded gently. “Ah understand,” she said finally. “May not fully agree just yet, but ah understand.” The others came to join the two, making small talk as they tried to avoid the most prevalent subject at hand. It had been hard enough to hear the first time, it would not be easy to discuss it once more. “Say, why don’t we go exploring in this place for a little while?” Rainbow Dash suggested. “After all, we’ve got nothing else to do. Let’s go take a look around!” The others quickly agreed, though in the back of her mind Twilight wondered if they would find more than they wished to see. Reminders that this was once a real kingdom filled with real ponies would surely come crashing down on them at some point. The group of friends made their way back to the city, but before they could even reach the exterior of the throne room, Cobalt gave a cry and called them back. “Where are you going?” He demanded, his face taught with worry. “We were just-” “There’s no time, we need to get out of here!” he said, grabbing a book he had dropped as he had run to catch them. “What? Why?” Rainbow Dash demanded. “Is it Celestia?” Rarity asked. “Does she know we’re here?” “No, nothing like that!” he replied hurriedly. “We need to get back to the mainland, as quickly as we can!” “The mainland? Where ponies are looking for us so they can kill us?” Rainbow replied incredulously. “No way am I that dumb!” Come on,” Cobalt said, exasperated. “I’M telling you to do this. Me! Do you think I’d honestly say this if I didn’t have good reason?” “So what is it?” the multi-colored pegasus asked bluntly. “I found out the source of the earthquakes,” he answered without preamble. That was one answer Twilight had not been expecting. “The earthquakes?” she echoed in confusion. “But I thought you were looking for Celestia’s curse!” “I was! I found both!” Cobalt replied heatedly. “Starswirl merged two curses together and Celestia used it against me.” “Two curses?” Twilight asked, completely stumped. Cobalt took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “I think,” he said slowly, “that Starswirl the Bearded knew what I was up to when I went back to Luna. I think he knew that I was beginning to corrupt Luna’s mind, and was planning some sort of attack on him and Celestia. He didn’t use the spellbook to help heal Luna, he was using it to try and prevent me! So what he did was he merged to spell incantations together, having both spells be useable in the event of the two possible outcome of the rebellion.” “Alright, what were they?” Twilight asked. “The first part of the spell was simple,” he answered, beginning to pace back and forth. “The first spell is an immortality spell, designed to give eternal life to any organism the user desires, whether it be himself, another living creature, or even a plant. I think it’s the spell that was used to grow this coral into the city it is today. Starswirl turned it on me, cursing me with immortality in the event the Lunar Rebellion was crushed and I was defeated.” “And the other outcome?” Applejack asked. “The other outcome was that we would win, that I would be victorious against Celestia,” Cobalt answered. “In the event such an outcome became reality, a second spell was merged with the first, which would destroy the accursed as well as the conquered territory. It was a failsafe spell, designed to connect the accursed to the land on a magical level. If I remained in the same area for a period of twenty-four hours, the curse would activate and begin the countdown. Even if we had won against Celestia, the very earth would turn against me and my followers, killing us in a violent earthquake that would destroy the entire land of Equestria. Therefore, if we were destroyed, any other lands that were on the earth would be spared our wrath.” “Destroy Equestria?” Twilight asked, appalled. “But Celestia- Celestia wouldn’t knowingly risk her own kingdom!” “She wouldn’t, which is why Starswirl was working on the spell himself,” Cobalt replied. “I think he was going to place it on me himself, but I acted before he could try, nor before he could complete the translation of the spell’s effects into common Equestrian for someone to complete. Celestia used the curse as a way to honor his legacy, not realizing she had just linked me to her kingdom. I don’t think she knew what the entire effects of the spell were, so she just went ahead and used it. That’s why the earthquakes have always struck where we stood. I was the cause, the epicenter was me! I destroyed the Crystal Empire simply because I was there!” “Don’t you see?” Cobalt asked them all. “That’s why Celestia sentenced me to death! That’s why she’s been hunting me down! She wasn’t trying to get revenge, she was trying to save Equestria! I bet- I bet after it was all over, after waiting who knows how many centuries- she went and finished Starswirl’s translations of the effects of the merged spell and realized she had made a mistake! But when I disappeared, she either probably thought I was dead. But when you sent the letter to her Twilight, and told her I had been there for almost three whole days, she knew the curse had been activated! She needed to find me and save her kingdom!” The full enormity of what this meant came crashing down on Twilight like an enormous tidal wave, striking her and tearing her off her feet. “So the only way to stop the earthquakes from destroying Equestria-” Cobalt nodded. “The only way to save Equestria is to kill me. And Celestia has to be the one to do it.” And so there it was. The solution to it all, the explanation for everything. The reason why the earth had shaken so gravely, why Celestia had been so intent on ending this stallion, why she refused to tell anyone the reason why. It had been because of this. Amazingly, Fluttershy was the first to regain control of her voice. “How long before the last earthquake destroys- destroys Equestria?” Cobalt sighed mournfully. “The spell lasts for seven days before it breaks the land,” he replied softly. “When the last hour strikes today, the center of Equestria will collapse, and the entire nation will fall into the sea. Everypony, everything will die.” He turned to Twilight, who still stared at him with a numb expression. “Twilight, we’re running out of time,” he said. “We’re reaching the twilight hours, which means we have six hours at best to reach Celestia and finish this. I need you to teleport us all out of here and reach the surface. Can you do that?” “I- I don’t know,” she said hesitantly. “Cobalt, are you sure there’s no other way?” “Twilight, I’ve checked and re-checked, this is the only way,” he answered. “But I don’t know if I can’t-” “You can and you will!” Cobalt said determinedly. “You will bring me to Celestia, you will allow her to take me to death, and you will save every single being in Equestria. You will do it because it is what you have to do.” “But you’ll-” “Die?” he interjected. “Twilight, this is life or death for tens of thousands across an entire continent! There is only one clear choice, and you have to take it! Please, I need you to do this! I’ve destroyed an entire nation once before and took another to the brink, I can’t bear to do it again! My soul cannot take that sort of pain.” Twilight was appalled by what she was being asked to do. She was being asked to be a courier of the final destination, the embodiment of the angel of death. It was too horrible for words. Cobalt, however, had had enough. “Twilight, you have to do this!” he barked. “The right decision isn’t easy! It takes all of your strength to do, but in the end it’s proven right by the results. But the wrong decision… the effects of one’s mistakes can last a lifetime. They cause pain and regret and hurt that never fades, never goes away. This is your chance, Twilight. You have to make things right.” Deep down, Twilight knew he was right. She knew that this was what she had to do, to save everyone she knew. Her family, her friends back home, so many ponies she loved. But she didn’t want this, she didn’t want this task. Not him. Cobalt walked forward and placed his head gently against hers. “You are brave young girl,” he whispered gently. “And your heart is very big. You do what you believe is right, no matter the consequences, because you know what it means to love. You are a great pony, and a great princess. You know what it means to lead, which is why I’m asking you to do this. I know it’s hard, I can see how it’s hurting you. But I need you to lead me to death. I destroyed so many lives, Twilight. I have a chance to save countless more. Please, let me save them.” Twilight nodded slowly, tears beginning to drip down her cheeks. She took a few steps back, motioning for her friends to circle around her. “I’m going to take us back to the Empire,” she stammered. “It’s the closest place I know well enough.” As the magic began to charge and encircle them, Rarity turned to Cobalt and asked, “One thing I don’t understand. Starswirl cursed you with immortality. Why not choose a spell that would destroy you, no matter the outcome?” Cobalt looked over at her. “Because he was the wisest being who ever lived,” he replied. “He knew me better than I knew myself, and he knew the Princess he served. He understood.” And Twilight understood. She pushed forth a strong burst of magic energy, one that began to teleport them away from that ancient world. But as she began to drift away, she heard something. Not a cry of pain, or the sea outside. She heard the whispers, and finally understood the words they spoke: “Come, come. Come, come.” They were back in Ponyville, waiting anxiously for it to begin. With their go-to having been gone for days, the village’s weather had been erratic and deadly. Even now, stormclouds were billowing in the near distance, threatening them all with rain. The moment they had teleported, they had appeared at the ruins of the Crystal Empire and been discovered by some of Celestia’s guards, who had been searching for survivors. Having recognized Cobalt, Twilight, and the others, they were promptly put under arrest, with Cobalt demanding to speak to Princess Celestia. They had been whisked away to Ponyville soon after, where the Princess of the Sun had met them. She made no indication that she saw Twilight, but focusing solely on the ocean-colored stallion that came and knelt before her. “Princess Celestia,” he had said with his head to the ground. “I wish to speak to you in private. If you would allow it.” Celestia appraised him with raised eyebrows, taking note of the mistrusting expressions of her guards. One even visibly shook his head. But to their great surprise, she agreed, and the two had slipped away into a private residence. That had been two hours ago, and conditions all across Equestria had begun to deteriorate. With the cataclysmic earthquake on it way, small tremors were striking the entire coastline of the nation, reported from Vanhoover to Manehatten. Guards were on their feet and tense, waiting for their Princess to reappear once more from inside the home. The ground beneath their hooves had been shaking incessantly for nearly an hour now, and showed every sign of intensifying. “They’ve been in there ages now,” Applejack whispered to Rainbow Dash. “What do you think they could be talking about?” The technicolor pony simply shook her head in reply. Someone gave a yell and pointed to the sky, where a midnight-blue alicorn appeared and descended to the ground. Luna arrived and began pounding on the door where Celestia and Cobalt Storm had entered. “Celestia! Let me in!” she demanded. The door then opened without a word, and the younger sister entered hastily. One of the guards shifted uncomfortably, kicking away a stray pebble. “They need to get this over with,” he muttered. “Those earthquakes are ‘bout to kill everypony, we need to stop this.” The door to the home opened slowly, and out walked Luna, her head bowed in grief. She took no note of any pony who was watching, slumping against the wall in utter defeat. After her came Celestia and Cobalt Storm, gazing at each other. Celestia broke off the connection and turned to the others. “It is time,” she declared. “Final Breath, if you please.” The executioner came towards Celestia with the weapon of choice: a beautiful axe, pristine and untouched. Celestia took it without a word, gazing at it with an unreadable expression. “You may leave this to me,” she said softly. She and Cobalt Storm began to walk off into the horizon, side by side, their steps in perfect tandem. Twilight wondered if they had been this way once. So united, so dedicated to each other. They had loved each other once. Was this the only glimpse she would ever see of that moment? As the rain began, Twilight began to weep. She wept for everything: For the love that had been lost, for the evils that had been committed, for the lost souls of all those who had perished. She wept the nation of the Waterhorse, and for the tragedy that had brought them to their deaths. She wept for Cobalt Storm, who had endured a thousand years and a hundred lifetimes of agony and suffering for the crimes he had committed. She wept for Celestia and Luna, who must now watch and take part in the death of their oldest friend and love. She wept for the pain that they would had been forced to endure as they killed the only pony left alive who knew their story. Twilight wept for the pride and anger and hurt and pain that had brought about all of this. She wept for every drop of blood that had brought it to this, and for the way that it must end. She wept that a world like this could exist, and that the only thing she could do was sit there and watch. Cobalt Storm, now only a distant shadow, lay down before Celestia. He bowed his head, his neck outstretched. Celestia raised the shadow of the mighty axe. And as Twilight screamed, the axe fell with an echoing thud. In that moment, the vibrations that had so violently been breaking Equestria ceased. Reports from all along the coastline indicated the tremors had finally come to a close. Miles away, deep beneath the ocean floor, a mighty tree of coral stood. It had once been a kingdom, a dwelling place for an ancient and mighty race. Its branches gleamed bright for the nation it had protected and nurtured, giving them light and a chance to make a better life. It had been their home, their place of rest. Now, the coral began to dim, the magic within giving way. The coral broke as the water began to flood the corridors. The force of the ocean tore apart the remnants of the civilization, wiping it away from all existence. Behind the throne room, in a magnificent chamber that had been the dwellings of a king, a multitude of whispering voices gave one final cry and faded away. For Cobalt Storm, Crown Prince and last surviving member of the Waterhorses, was dead. One week later… Twilight sat in her room, her eyes focused on a book she wasn’t really reading. It was a children’ book, a simple story about a heroic knight who went off to save a princess. It had been a favorite for the young fillies and colts who sometimes frequented the library. Today, with the doors locked and curtains pulled to, she was alone. Twilight hated herself for choosing this book, for daring to read it. It had been a horrible choice and she knew it. But it had been the only thing she could think of after- There was a gentle knock on the door, and Twilight paused. The knock sounded again, and Twilight went down to check who it was. She had sent Spike away for a while, asking to be alone. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Princess Celestia standing before her, looking down at her former student. “May I come in, Princess Twilight?” she asked. “Of course,” Twilight replied mechanically, allowing the beautiful alicorn into her home. She felt a prickle of embarrassment as she looked around, realizing she had been living in squalor ever since she had returned. Books were tossed about everywhere. She had barely eaten, forced into it by Spike, but even then she had left plates and cups on every shelf and stool. It was a mess and she knew it. “I came to talk to you, Twilight,” Celestia began, wrapping her legs underneath her body. “If you don’t mind.” “Go ahead,” Twilight answered, her back to the ancient Princess. “I wanted you to know that nothing will happen to you, or any of your friends,” Celestia said. “When Cobalt came to me, his first words were to protect you. He said that you had been honestly mistaken, and that you had acted out of a means to save his life. You did nothing wrong is what he reported.” “That’s nice,” Twilight said tonelessly, trying not to drop the pile of books she carried. Celestia said nothing, allowing Twilight to work in silence for a few moments. She didn’t say a word to jumpstart Celestia, forcing the Princess to gather her own thoughts. “Are you alright, Twilight?” Celestia asked. “I wanted to know if there was anything you wanted to say. Anything at all.” “I’m fine,” Twilight replied a little too stiffly. “Twilight, you can say whatever you feel like saying-” That was all the excuse she needed, for Twilight whirled about and faced the ancient alicorn. Her chest was heaving, and her face was taught with unshakeable rage. “It was all your fault!” She screamed, her voice shrieking loud enough to split the skies. “You started all of it! All he ever did was love you, and you turned him away! All because a bunch of stupid, filthy, racist unicorns made you scared! You were so afraid for your petty crown that you turned away somepony who loved you and turned him into a monster! You set him against you, you turned Luna to Nightmare Moon, you caused it all! All because you were a stinking coward!” Twilight began to sob, her tears forming in her rage. She could barely stand, her knees were shaking so furiously. As she stood there for nearly a minute, Celestia finally found her voice. “Twilight, you’re right.” These were the only words that could have made Twilight look her former mentor in the eye, and found to her surprise that the old alicorn was starting to cry. “Twilight, you’re right,” Celestia said faintly. “I was scared, because I didn’t know what to do. I was scared for Luna and I didn’t know how to help. I was so comfortable with my position that I became proud, and spurned away the stallion I loved. I was proud and fearful. We all failed, Twilight. Luna was jealous and proud, Cobalt was hurt and angry, and I was a coward. I could have stopped everything, but I failed. I failed Luna, I failed Cobalt, I failed my kingdom. I failed everyone because I chose myself over everypony I loved. I’m here because I needed to talk to you, Twilight,” Celestia said through her gasps. “Because you can’t understand why we failed so horribly. You have always been better than us, Twilight. You have always been more pure, more loving, and more courageous than we ever were. And I brought my mistakes into your life and tainted you. I’m sorry… I am so sorry.” Twilight, her eyes streaming, could barely take it anymore, and rushed to embrace her former teacher. The two alicorns sat on the floor and wept together, letting their tears drop onto the oak floor at their hooves. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two months later… Twilight sat in front of her desk, closing her eyes as she let her thought travel to the parchment that sat before her. She forced her thoughts to cease their restless disorder and organize, allowing her to write clearly. Spike had kindly offered to help her, but Twilight had decided this was something she needed to do on her own. It was a private conversation, one between her and an old friend. She had put this off for too long now. The parchment had been lying on her desk for weeks now, calling to her every time she entered the room. It had been calling to her without ceasing. With the rain outside, and no pressing matters of importance at hand, she decided it was finally time. Pulling a feather off one of her wings (She had found not long ago that her wings provided wonderful quills), Twilight dipped it in ink and began to write. Dear Princess Celestia, Firstly, I want to thank you for your kindness in allowing me to remain in Ponyville while you were away with Luna. Though I may be a princess, I find myself out of place amongst royal pomp and circumstance. I prefer the quiet solace of this small village. Things have been well here since you left. The peace you helped restore remains. The names of my friends, and that of my own, are untarnished and whole. Your words soothed the land of Equestria and allowed everyone to know the truth. I know I owe you a debt of gratitude for that. The Crystal Empire, though still heavily damaged, is beginning to find its way back. Under the care of my brother and Cadance, it seems the ancient city will soon be giving its light and power to the land soon enough. The kingdom has truly been healing. The story of Cobalt’s sacrifice for us has begun to spread, and ponies everywhere are starting to wake up and see the world differently. What used to be simple conversations of daily rituals and normal events are turning into discussions of life, death, and the choices we make. It’s as if Cobalt’s sacrifice not only brought us a new chance at life, but also brought about an awakening to the moral world that so many of us ignored. The world around us suddenly seems more precious, more important, and deeper than we ever knew. But I am beating around the bush, as you may have already guessed. I have written you because I remember our last conversation, not long after the execution. I blamed you for everything. I called you a coward, and said that your throne was more important to you than the ponies you loved. I hated you more than any one pony, than any one creature I had ever known. And for all of that, I want to apologize. Yes, I know you agreed with my words. I know you admitted fault, but that does not justify my own actions. My rage against you was unfair. If I was able to forgive Cobalt Storm for his own crimes, how could I be willing to hate you for your own? Cobalt may have hated you once, but it was out of a hurt heart, and jealous spite. When time had passed, he wanted better for you, even if you didn’t always know it. When he learned of how to stop the earthquakes, he returned to save you. He was always looking out for you. And… I want you to know that I forgive you. For being afraid? Forgiven. For your failure to protect Luna? Forgiven. For the war? Forgiven. Even the pride that did not allow you to admit your mistake when you first arrested Cobalt, and no justification for his execution? Forgiven. We all have our weaknesses, Celestia. I can bear that, and I hope you can as well. You told me that I was better than you, that I was more pure. As much as I value your words, I know that they are false. If I was truly better, then I would not have acted in such haste. I wouldn’t have brought my friends into danger, almost getting them all killed. My actions nearly brought disaster, even if I never fully understood it. If it weren’t for Cobalt, we never would have made it. I want to live up to your words, I want to be that princess you believe I am. I may not be there today, but I can still reach for it. I can still make my life count, even if it takes a few mistakes along the way. Cobalt’s death is a reminder. A reminder that our choices have the power to transform not just our own lives, but can transform the lives of those who we may never meet. Cobalt’s sacrifice for Equestria ensured that a new generation will be able to see another day, and feel the warmth of the sun for a little longer. When he first came into our world, he chose to protect his people. He chose to protect you, he chose to fall in love with you. He chose to give himself over to hatred and revenge, and he chose to murder. He chose to act on so many things, that it seemed as if his life would be marred by his past forever. But he chose to accept the consequences of his actions. He chose to stand up and walk back to you, and face death. As he destroyed a nation in life, so he saved another in death. He understood choices better than anyone I ever knew, and that was what allowed him to walk into death’s open arms so bravely, and save the lives of those he never knew. He understood that his final action would protect everyone. Cobalt once mentioned that Starswirl understood that you would never destroy him after the Lunar Rebellion, that the old wizard understood you. You still loved him, didn’t you? Deep down, no matter what he could ever do, some part of you would never stop loving him… not even to this day. It’s why you were able to take the fall for what had come from all of it, and weep for him. Despite all the bloodshed that filled his story, your heart still belonged to him. Someday, I want to know the story. All of it, from the very beginning. I want to know what he was like when he was young. I want to know the story of your love for each other, for the war, for everything. When you return, tell me the story again. Yours sincerely, Twilight Sparkle -The End