> Diamond Dog Sex Revolution > by Catullus Sedecim > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need to keep my writing muscles flexed, so I decided I'd write a bunch of femdom diamond dog porn. If you have a problem with this, I literally called the story "Diamond Dog Sex Revolution" Why did you even click this? You're a silly pony ==================================================== The clink of pickaxes rolled through the dark, dusty mines. "This is boring. Why don't we get another pony to do it?" Asked Missy, the smallest of the three leading diamond dogs watched over the rest of the rest of the laborers hitting the walls with their pickaxes. "And get whined at?" Fluffy, the largest, shrugs, "Rather work in the mines." "Lassie says we are working. She says it's called delegation." "What's a delegation?" "When you watch everyone else work and then take the credit." "I like delegating." Fluffy shrugged, watching the rest... Seeming to mull over something. Her mind always worked slowly, even by diamond dog standards. It probably had to do with her size. "Why do you want pony slaves again?" "'Cause. Then we won't have to work." "We already don't work." "We delegate." "Right." Fluffy said. "Delegate..." She continued to turn the word over. "Lassie's smart. Mama woulda just said we're not working. But with a word like delegate, you GOTTA be working. That's why it's got all the letters in it." "Look alive, girls." The slender diamond dog arrived. "I got a new idea. And this one's a real good one." "How many syllables does it got?" "It's got..." She begins to count, "Not the point. No, see, we're going to get us some pony slaves." "Again?" Asked Fluffy uncertainly, "They make my head hurt." "Yeah, well... That's when they whine at us... But my idea is, why don't we make them whine at us?" "Uh... But that's what happened last time." "No, last time they were complaining. See, this is a different type of whine." "There's more than one type?" "Yeah." Lassie says, "Like... There's the type that colt was doing... Then, like, there's the other type." "Like scraping your knee?" "No, that's the same type." "Ooh..." The big one considers. "Then, what's the other type." "Well..." She says, "You know how sometimes you're having sex... And the guy makes a sound like 'Ohhhhhhhhh'" she lets out a long, erotic groan... "Well, that's the other type of whining." "Ahhh..." Fluffy says, "Mine usually go 'THATHURTHATHURTHATHURT!" "Mine don't say anything." "Well, if you didn't gag them, they would." Lassie responded, "Wait, no, none of this is the point... The point is, see, I found this thing underground, that you can use... If you have enough sex with someone, you can make them all willing to do what ya say." "Ooh... Like when they stop saying "Thathurt" and then say "I'll do anything, stop fucking me?" "No..." Lassie says, "The one after that." "Ya mean when they just lie back and groan at you?" "Exactly." "That part's boring." "Well, boring for you. But it's not about being boring or not boring. It's about when they're like that... They're susceptible to brainwashing." "Ooh... What's brainwashing?" "Well, obviously you just had sex with them. And when you have enough sex with someone, they think a lot of dirty things... Then when you get out all those dirty things, their minds are clean. And you can put more things on instead. Like "Do anything that Lassie says." "Or Fluffy." Suggests Fluffy "Or Missy" Adds Missy Lassie shrugs, "We'll iron out the details later. Point is, when they're like that... They won't fight back, if we use this device on 'em. 'Cause when you use the device on 'em, it keeps them in that state of being susceptible to brainwashing." "Oooh... So if we make them do the good whine, then they'll be tired, then they won't do the bad whine?" "Well explained." "But what if they send their Wonderbolts after us?" Missy asked, "Last time we went out of the caves too much, they came by. I don't like Wonderbolts." "Well, not if you make them so aroused they get wingboners and can't fly." "Then?" "Then we have sex with them. And they do what we say." "You mean..." Missy said, "We can get those Wonderbolts as pony slaves?" "Now you get it." Missy grins, "I like this plan... And you're sure your device is gonna work?" "Yeah." Lassie said, "I read it in the instructions, at least." "Oooh," Fluffy sounded impressed, "I didn't know ya could read, Lassie." "That's beside the point. The point is, that all we gotta do is, we gotta find some ponies... And ten we gotta fuck 'em." "Ohhh..." Fluffy gave a smile... Then all three of their ears perked up... They heard something from the entrance to the cave... The soft voice of a pony, though it was hard to make out exactly. "Hey, Lassie..." Fluffy said, Lassie always had the best ears of them all "What's that?" "That, girls... Is called a field test." > Butterscotch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last Time On: Diamond Dog Sex Revolution The three diamond dogs, Lassie, Fluffy, and Missy, violated the cardinal rule of "Show, don't tell" by explaining that they had discovered some sort of brainwashing device that they could use to conquer Equestria if a pony was aroused enough. After explaining the premise of the story, Butterscotch was heard looking for his bunny, Angela, and was heard by the diamond dogs who had just decided to use sex to conquer Equestria. What will happen next? I'm thinking they play monopoly. ======================================== Butterscotch slowly crept into the cave. It was dark, and he could hear some kind of clanking sound... He looked around, nervously, shivering a bit. He somehow couldn't shake the odd feeling he'd been here before. The distant clanking and the twisting corridors just seemed... Somehow familiar. "Angela? Come out, Angela... I have some carrots... And some nice lettuce, oh, and there's even some fennel, I know you like that. They're all at home, just please come back?" He rounded a corner carefully... It was getting dark in here, the sunlight from above fading... And still, there was this sense of familiarity. And light from around another corner... Warm and flickering. He knew he'd been here before. He turned that corner too. There was a torch on the wall, and the clanking got louder. He almost jumped at his own shadow being thrown at the wall... Fire seemed to bring out all the shadows. The rhythmic sound of something hitting rock. Where had he heard this before? Where was he? He felt strong, powerful hands grab his shoulders. "Ooh, that's right... The diamond dog cave!" After a brief moment of satisfaction at realizing where he was, he suddenly gasped, "OH! I mean... EEP!" He tried to move, his wings trapped against a mountain of muscle behind him. "Aww, Fluffy..." There was a dark chuckle. He looked up to see the large, lanky one... Lassie, he remembered, slowly approaching him "You're scaring the poor guy." "Umm..." Butterscotch swallowed nervously, looking around "I'm just looking for my bunny... Her name is Angela? I don't suppose you know where she is?" Lassie kept getting closer, her hips slowly, sensuously swaying as she did... She looked over the young pegasus, in his green shirt and loose pants... And the wicked grin never left her face. "Oh... No, we haven't seen your bunny..." She gets closer and closer... Licking her lips, her breath can be felt on his face, now... "But why worry about that?" She asked, "Surely bunnies aren't the... ONLY type of girl you're interested in." He swallowed nervously, looking up at her... She laughed a bit at his reaction... Moving up to rub the bulge in his pants, he felt his wings flutter a bit involuntarily, put they're pressed back against larger dog... He swallowed again before asking... "Umm... Let me go?" Lassie just laughed, and reached between his legs, slipping her hand down the front of his pants.. His wings fluttered a bit. "Ahhh..." "Hey, his wings are doing that thing!" Lassie smiled, "Ohh... Do his wings want to spread?" She asked and licked her lips... He could feel his shaft grow again, as much as he hated it, she's just so... Sexual, he was quickly filling out, his wings struggling to spread. Lassie kept rubbing her hand along his cock, trapped up against it. He gave a bit of a groan. "Well, Fluffy," Lassie told her larger compatriot, "I think you need to let his wings go... Let our little birdy fly." She said... Her face up close to the young stallion. He shudders... Her grip on his cock was firm, but not too firm to move, as he found when he pressed his cock more into that groping hand... It felt SO good. He shuddered. Since when were diamond dog so hot? His eyes roamed over her breasts. "Won't he get away?" The big one asked. "Well, he'll try." Lassie smiles... And gave her captive a powerful kiss on his lips... He groaned, and squirmed a bit in that grasp as her tongue rubbed on his.His wings were starting to HURT, being held up against her like that. Fluffy let him go. Lassie grabbed his head, and quickly gave him a powerful kiss and lick on that neck... His cock stiffened a bit more, and his wings spread out angel-like behind him... Lassie kept up the licking, kissing attack, caressing his beautiful throat with her tongue. His knees shook and his back arched... Lassie laughed and moved back. "Well, little birdy. Fly away..." She taunted him. He turned to go... And found himself face to face - Or more accurately, face to big, beautiful breasts - With 'Fluffy.' The fact hardly helped his arousal problem... "Ah-ah-ha..." Lassie laughs, "I told you... FLY away. You have to use those wings..." He looks back, but he has no choice... He tried to flap those wings... And it didn't work. His outstretched wings just wouldn't work either... He struggled, trying to FORCE them to flap... To force his way off, but it wouldn't work... He was so painfully stiff stiff, both in his pants, top button undone... And his back. He just lets out a groan, trying again. Then he shivered as he felt Lassie's hand on his wide-spread wings... It just felt so GOOD as she erotically traced them. "What's the matter, little pegaslut?" She gave a laugh, "Having some trouble getting these stiff wings off the ground?" She pressd herself closer, her breasts pressed to his upper back, pinning his wings against her body... Then he felt one hand reach around to rub his cock. "Aww... Poor boy... Well, I know if you really wanted..." He felt her broad tongue lick his neck, "I mean, REALLY wanted to... You'd get out and get your bunny..." She giggled, "But... I have a better suggestion." She grins, "Why don't you stay here, with us?" "I... Nnnngg...." He groaned out, but when she suggested he stay, he starts trying harder to pull away, pulling, trying to escape from his cock jerked hard... "No... I can't stay." "Oh, oh but you can..." The thin diamond dog laughed, and just stroked him faster, harder... Her tongue rubbing along his neck, his outstretched wings fluttered at that... Ohhh, how come these dogs felt so good "In fact... You will... Because I have a little toy..." She moved her hand around in front of his face... And it looks like a glove... LIKE a glove, but there's something about it... It seemed to glow black, which shouldn't have been possible... Glowing darker than the area around them. "And when I've emptied out your cum, I'll fill your mind... With the desire to stay here. You'll be our little pony slave, purely because you can't keep your cock under control." He groaned... That couldn't work... That couldn't be true. He shook his head... And then she started working him off more and more in his pants... He thrashed in her grasp, it felt good, it felt SO good, to be roughly jerked off by her... How do diamond dogs get so hot? He was forced to stare at those big breasts, as well... Fluffy hadn't moved, his face right up against her tits... As he was being roughly worked over. His moans and whimpers got louder. "Ohhh, Scotchy, you little slut!" The dog behind him laughed as she continued to milk his twitching cock, reveling in feeling him struggle, his wings beating erratically at the air like he's trying to get through a windstorm "You're going to do it. You're going to CUM... You're going to lose your little load in your pants, and just because you've got my hand on your cock... Even though you KNOW what will happen when you do. You know you'll be brainwashed, and you're still going to cum. Poor fuckslut..." He just groaned "No... Noo... Nooooooo..." His 'O's got longer, stretching out as he tried desperately to think of something, ANYTHING, other than the hand on his cock... But no matter what his mind went to, that hand just felt different. His mane got yanked on, he's looking at the ceiling now - Not at those breasts, but small respite as he feels a mouth on his neck, a firm lick... "Your cock is your owner... At least for now. Once it has its way, I'll be your owner... You'll be the fuckpony of us hot diamond dog bitches... I bet if your friends were here, they wouldn't even try to help... Just laugh at you, you little bitch... Laugh at you as you cum... Now do it, do it..." She grins, "Give me your cum. BREAK." She bit down on his neck... He cries out, that was it... It's like explosions are going off behind his eyes. The pegasus's cock just fires off... His wings were flapping, with no coordination... This would be a disgrace by the standard of his weak flying... He's cumming like a firehose, staining his pants and her hand... Her teeth dig in deeper, he bleeds just a bit for the beautiful bitch as his orgasm continues. It's like nothing he's felt before... The seed pours out of him... This was so hard to fight back against, as much as he tried, he couldn't. He liked to be overpowered, but... But, oh, not by these bitches... His cum was shooting out, still... But it couldn't go forever, and it finally slowed down his orgasm, the seed slowing, pulsing out less. At least so he thinks. Suddenly, he feels another hand press into his ass, and press SOMETHING in there... Something that feels so, so good... And the orgasm started again. The pleasure was incredible, but the pain of his orgasm being forced to continue beyond its natural point as that pleasurable place within him was being twisted... Well, that's something totally different, both acting against and with the pleasure. He whimpered and cried, sounding so pitiful as this simple handjob, not even with his pants taken off, took him apart. He was being milked like AJ's cows, his seed firing more and more... Draining every drop that was in his balls - It felt like every drop that was EVER in his balls - Into his pants... They were dripping with pegasus cum now... More and more staining them, a seemingly impossibly powerful orgasm pulled from his cock. Finally, mercifully, it's over... He slumps in the arms of the diamond dog behind him... And suddenly saw nothing but black... somehow GLOWING black. He realizes the glove is being pressed to his face, over his eyes. Obey Lassie He whimpered... Obey Lassie... That sounds... right to him... He shakes his head. No, don't obey Lassie - She's the one who j- Obey Lassie Just gave him the most incredible handjob of his life... Just made him cum in his pants so much it looks like spilled a full bottle of creamy milk down the front. Why wouldn't he obey her? Because she's an evil diamond dog, of course! She kidna- Obey Lassie Kidnapped Elusive, true... But really, how can he blame them... I mean... They really NEEDED the diamonds... And Elusive is so good at helpi- Obey Lassie Besides, he's the element of generosity. Surely he should have been happy to help... A bit selfish of him, really... Making these poor diamond dogs do all the work... Obey Lassie He felt something at his lips... Her hand was wet... Wet with something - Cum... His cum. That was it... Wet with his own dripping seed... "Suck it" Clean Lassie "Yes Mistress..." He whimpered a bit, and began obediently suckling her hand, letting the salty taste of his own cum become his world... As if in the distance, he heard the diamond dog's voices. "He's done." "Good... Hey, how come I didn't get a turn?" "Oh, don't worry... You'll both get plenty of time..." A laugh - He used to think it was wicked, but really, it was quite lovely, "I have plans... Real, real big plans... We're going to run a lot more than this little diamond mine." "Lassie?" "Yes?" "You mean Delegate." "Fluffy?" "Yes." "Shut up." =============================== There we have it, folks. Turned out I was wrong about the monopoly game, but there was a bunch of name calling, someone got screwed, and then everything was left in a total mess. So, really, I wasn't THAT far from the truth. Coming up next time, we'll answer the tough questions. Will Missy actually get a line in the next chapter? Will Fluffy get over her love of the word 'Delegate'? Will I stop trying to cover my writing flaws with self-aware narrator jokes? Oh, and there's gonna be plot stuff I guess. > Honesty, Honestly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time on Diamond Dog Sex Revolution, we had our first of what promises to be a mildly long streak of kinky sex scenes and Missy not getting to say anything. This week, the streak continues, as Big MacKenzie offers Rainbow Blitz a bet. A SEXY bet. Who will win? Gee, I dunno, does tagging this as femdom count as a spoiler? ============================= The warm air brushed over AJ and Blitz as they sat in one of the upper trees in the orchard. Blitz honestly couldn’t help leering a bit at MacKenzie, as she shook the apples out of the trees. He knew his friend didn’t much mind that - Hell, they both appreciated that big red body. Still, Blitz was trying to be furtive about it. Trying but, it would seem, not succeeding very well, as AJ noticed him watching his sister. “You like what ya see there, pardner?” He grinned, “Wouldn't mind seeing if she can buck more than apples.” AJ just laughed at that, “Ha. Buddy, you WISH you were stallion enough for a mare like her.” “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” He looked annoyed a this friend. AJ grinned at him, "What it's supposed to mean, Blitz, is that you even TRIED to fuck Kenzie, she'd have ya runnin' home scared to Cloudsdale. You can't handle a mare like her." "I can handle her!" He objected, knowing his buddy was probably trying to goad him into it, but not particularly caring. "Yeah, sure. And Ah'm an alicorn princess." "Can so handle her." AJ shrugged, "Blitzy, that's one rodeo you ain't gonna be riding for long." "You're just trying to scare me off." "Nah. Element of Honesty." He grinned, "And Honestly, she'd beat you so hard you'd wish you were a mare so your dick didn't hurt from cumming." Blitz looked at him, "Yeah, yeah. Element of Honesty my cutie mark. You just don't wanna see another guy hot enough to fuck your sister." "Now, it's true Ah'm 'bout the only guy who can make her quake in orgasm on a regular business, but Ah ain't the type or jealousy. Ah just don't wanna see my friends embarassed like that." "Oh yeah? What makes you think she's too hot for me?" AJ grinned, and grabbed an apple out of the tree. Without warning, he lobbed it at MacKenzie. She caught it out of the air, then looked up at him. "Keep lobbing apples like that, they'll get bruised." AJ grinned, "Just wanted ya to show Blitz that thing ya can do with 'em." She smiled. "Well... Reckon one apple won't hurt too much." She stripped off her jeans, letting anyone nearby who was interested in it get a good look between her legs. Ponyville wasn't a nudist colony, but they hardly had a problem with it. She grinned up at him, then reached between her legs, and slipped the big red apple into her... It slowly disappeared into her cunt. She closed her eyes, a look of total concentration, almost of serenity, on her face... Blitz couldn't help staring, as her abs moved beautifully... She then changed her stance a bit, spreading her legs, and expelled the apple from her cunt... What was left of it, anyway. Mostly it was just crushed, mushy bits and pieces. Blitz gave a bit of a nervous swallow, "Yeah, okay, that's impressive..." "Anything else ya want me to demonstrate?" "Nah, that'll be g-" Blitz started. "Well, as a matter of fact..." Applejack grinned, "Blitz was just telling me how he was definitely too much stallion for ya." "No I w-" "Element of Honesty." “Darnit” He grumbled at that. Hard to call a guy a liar when the world has literally been saved by his honesty AJ gave him a cocky smile. "Well, then, big guy. Get down and show her how tough ya are.” He then gave him a pat on the back - Well, more of a shove, knocking the blue pegasus out of the the tree, and onto his face at MacKenzie's feet. He was forced to look up, looking between those tree-trunk like legs... Up at the bits of apple falling out of that well muscled cunt. Hell, why not. Sure, Kenzie was a tough lady, and apparently had an incredibly powerful cunt, but Rainbow Blitz was not the type of pony who backed down from a challenge, and he wasn't going to start now. Yeah, she was going to be a challenge, but what's the point if you can't enjoy a little challenge now and then. "Like what ya see?" "Yeah," He answered. She worked her inner muscles some more, letting the crushed apple bits fall out of her and onto his face. He felt the warm apple mixed with her juices coat his muzzle. He licked his lips. It tasted a bit odd - Her own inner juices mixed with the mushy crushed apple, making the taste more arousing than delectable - But that was hormones for you. He could feel his shaft stiffening up as he looked up at Kenzie. "Then why don't you have a taste?" She asked. He shook his head, as he stood up. He still only got about up to her chest. "I'm not a little cuntlicker, MacKenzie." "You will be." There was just something hot about her simple confidence. She said it like she knew it was true, anything else was not possible. "Oh yeah?" He asked, showing all the confidence he had. She smiled back at him. "Eeyup." She said, pressing her body close to his... It pushed him back a bit, but he stood as firmly as he could. He could feel her thigh rubbing his cock. "How ya gonna do that?" "How about a bet." She says, moving her thigh a bit, keeping him aroused, "You fuck me... Ah make you beg to eat my pussy," She licked her lips, "You get to eating." "Fine. And if I win?" "Ah'll be your submissive slavemare for a week." She said. "Not sure 'bout that..." She pressed him back a bit, pushing his back to the tree. "Please, Master..." She said, enticing him with the idea of being her owner, "Please... Fuck me... I'm such a horny little girl." Blitz could here Applejack giggling a bit at the display as Kenzie had him pinned against the wall, huge hard thigh rubbing his rapidly stiffening cock. "Just not sure I wanna eat your-" "Pleeeaaaaase Master" She mock begged, even as she grabbed him by the mane and roughly pulled his head back, going to lean down dominantly kiss his neck... He groaned, "Ohh... Did Master like that?" She asked... Her thigh continued to press on his cock, the thick shaft rested in the groves of her muscles. She gave him a hard grind with that leg, juuuust hard enough to hurt, not so hard it didn't feel amazing. "You liked my mouth on your neck..." She whispered in his ear... her thigh kept rubbing on him, her body so hot against him. There was just so much power in there... In her muscle-packed form. She went to do it again, and kept up the attack on his cock. His poor cock. There was really only so much it could do to resist a sexual attack like this... He was trying to move back and forth as the strong mare rubbed all over him, trying to relieve the sexual pleasure he was being put through.... The idea of fucking her was enticing... Especially as that red thigh rubbed more and more into his cock... He panted and squirmed... Another rough grind, and kiss to his neck... He panted out, trying to pull back but finding only the stiff bark of the tree... He had no chance with a muscled mare like her after his cum, none at all. Not now, at least. Maybe fucking her, if he could just move. She wasn't even giving him that much courtesy. He was pinned there, forced to take the pleasure, and the pleasure was ramping up. "Oh, Master's cock is hard..." She pressed again, pinning it there, and flexed the muscles of her thigh. His shaft was struggling to even handle her thigh, much less the pussy she was trying to entice him into. He panted out, "Stop that." "This?" She asked, and gave a rough grind, making his cock buck. "Or this?" She asked, giving him a powerful kiss on the neck, suckling on the flesh, his shaft stained her red coat with pre. "Or calling you Master?" She asked, "Making you think of how hard and hot it will be to have me as your little puppet to do with as you like... To fill my cunt with your cock any time you feel like it and all you have to do is avoid begging to stop fucking, it can't be that hard, you'd have such a powerful woman serving you..." She smiled... Feeling his shaft reacting to just the words "Or maybe this?" She repeatedly flexed that thigh, his cock bucked and bounced and pre spurted more. She was making him into a groaning, horny mess, as she gave flex after flex of that thigh, attacking his shaft with just those incredible, strong muscles. He was panting now, not able to really keep himself standing... He was leaning back against the tree, his pre dripping onto her thigh in a torrent. He looked pitiful, punch-drunk, falling to the mercy of this muscular mare. "Or maybe... You meant all four..." She grinned wickedly, And began really grinding him into the tree, her whole body pinning him back... She leaned down to attack that neck with her tongue, suckling and licking and even occasionally nipping at his flesh... Her thigh began grinding and flexing once more, holding him back to the tree as he squirmed, hoping for a position that would lower the pleasure. "That it, Master? You want me to stop grinding? Stop flexing? Stop kissing and talking dirty?" He was crying out in pleasure as she kept up the attack, his cock twitching, leaking pre on her thigh... It was a humiliating display, as his cock tried to fight off the sensations, but her leg, her thigh, bumped and rubbed... Her flexing pushed his cock around... She was practically dry-humping him, her muscled leg bullying his cock, pushing it around and beating down his stamina. He thrashed and squirmed, trying to fight off the pleasure. "S-stop," He groaned, but she didn't. "Tell me," She answered, her unrelenting, merciless assault on his shaft making the blue pegasus close his eyes and grit his teeth to just try to take it, "Tell me what to stop... Tell me how I have to take it easy on my poor pitiful bitch of a Master..."She kept roughly rubbing, wickedly grinding, his moans and whimpers grew louder as he was desperately fighting back, "Tell me so I can stop doing what his pitiful little dick can't take... I need to know what you're not man enough to handle..." She was grinding him hard, he'd stopped moving, muscles seized up, it was like everything in his world was the pleasure, everything he was was being dedicated to fighting her sexuality... And he was losing. "Tell me, whoremaster, what you just..." She thrusted her whole body to him, thigh pinning his cock, "Can't..." She gave a wicked griiiind, lifting her thigh to move his whole cock down it, then stomped down ans pushed hard, as if trying to push through his cock, repeatedly flexing on it "Handle!" "FUUUUUUCK!" He cried out, and his cock almost literally exploded with cum. The seed started shooting out over her massive red thigh... He exploded like a water balloon and the cum was all over... His beaten cock pumping more and more, repeatedly trying to force the whole contents of his balls onto her body. She didn't even slow the attack, much less stop it... Her flexing, rubbing, and grinding continued through the orgasm... She stopped talking, but it was no respite. She just went from filling her mouth with dirty words to filling it with supple Pegasus flesh. She gnawed a bit, not violently, just pleasurably, on that neck... And the pegasus groaned again, beginning to cry a little as she rubbed his cock into her chest, making him stain his blue fur white, as well as her dominant red thigh... He could barely move as the orgasm was all that he could feel, now, his cock beaten by her leg... It was slowing, down, the massive orgasm couldn't last forever... But it certainly felt like she wanted it to. She reached down to grab his balls, giving them a couple hard squeezes as the cum poured more and more out of him... With each spurt, she gave him another squeeze to his balls, prolonging the devastating orgasm as long sa she could... Finally, it stopped. She let him rest, letting go of his balls... Not until after a few squeezes to make sure that there wasn't a drop left, at least for now... Then she stepped back a bit, letting him slump against the tree. "Gonna take me up on that?" She asked him... He looked up at her, panting. "No..." She paused for a second... Then shrugged "That's okay, then..." She says, "Ah understand if you're scared." "Not scared." He panted. She patted his head condescendingly, "Oh, Ah understand... Ah mean, a mare like me... Ah shouldn't have expected a little colt like you to step up. That was mean of me." "Hey, I'm not a little colt." "Well, not little" She said, looking down between his legs, "But really..." She turned to head back to the apple cart, "It's alright to be scared of me. Ah'm a big mare." She bent over the apple cart, going to sort through to look for any bad ones, "Alright to be scared of a pussy like mine..." She gave another flex... Not letting any drip out, but there was still a good view of all that apple inside her. "Too strong for a cock like yours." "Hey, my cock's not weak." She shrugged, "If it weren't, you'd have taken my bet. Better quit while you're ahead... Ah'm sure no-one will laugh at you TOO much when they find out you came on my thigh than backed down from my pussy." She let it open wide enough for him to get a good look at all that mushy apple in her... Before shutting it tight quickly. "Hey, I'm not scared of your pussy. I'll fuck you until you beg to be my slavemare!" She looked back, "Then step up, little colt..." =========================== Well, that’s it for this chapter. And as promised, a bet, Yes to kinky sex, and no to Missy getting dialog. Man, Applejack pointing out he’s honest, Missy not talking, and Fluffy obsessing over “Delegation.” Not sure if I’m writing dialog or a collection of running gags. Well, before anyone starts looking for the Fallen Madonna (the one with the big boobies), we better move on to the next chapter, where the bet is carried out, and my favorite musclemare uses my favorite set of muscles on an R63 of my favorite Pegasus. (Spoiler: Not female Doctor Whooves, though I can see why you’d think that) > Beaten White and Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last time on Diamond Dog Sex Revolution, I cut off a story in the middle because I was just that wacky! It seemed like a good cliffhanger, what can I say? Also, the diamond dogs didn't appear in a story that they're in the title of. That's a pretty impressive accomplishment! In fact so impressive, they might not appear in this chapter either! Anyway, I need to write more femdom stuff now, there's no choice! See I just finished doctor who season one, and Susan Foreman was so fucking useless, I needed to have a story where there were female characters who did literally anything to effect the plot at any point... Ever. And while saying "The girl picked up a piece of litter and threw it away" beats out Susan Foreman in the usefulness department, I got porn for you as well! ================================================== Blitz was a bit intimidated. Who wouldn't be? She had one hell of a body, and muscles that were more than a little intimidating... Hell, her muscles, her pussy... It looked like it would eat you alive, an impression not helped by the pulped apple gently oozing from her cunt, the left overs of its last meal. MacKenzie gave a derisive snort. "Heh. Knew you weren't man enough." He growled at that, and as strong as she was, he wasn't going to take that lying down. All thoughts of caution gone, he grabbed her by her hips, and slammed his thick stallion shaft into that tight pussy. It was wet, dripping wet... Though some of that was undeniably apple juice. In fact, the apple juice lent a new texture to the muscle-packed pussy that was now wrapped around his cock. It was also a reminder... A reminder of the power that lay between this woman's legs... The power that had crushed that apple... And was now tight around a stallion's shaft... She began to squeeze in on him, her tight pussy pushing in on all sides. Pure muscle, of her strong walls, and up into her abs... He gritted his teeth. That power was coming down hard on him... Harder than any mare or stallion he'd ever been in... But he was able to get some words out, looking down at her. It was good, it was tight. It was the best he'd had... But he could take it. Even if it felt like a vice crushing his cock amidst wet fleshy walls and gooey bits of apple. "Not so strong when there's a man's cock in there instead of some apple, are you you cheap bitch?" He taunted her, and gave her ass a smack... A dominant action, even if it did hurt his hand to strike that iron hard muscle. "Your squeezing doesn't mean shit to me." She shrugged, a movement which sent mountains of muscle rolling down her back, "First..." She said, "Every Apple in my family is twice the man with three times the cock you'll ever have." Her powerful massage continues. "And second... What you're feeling? That's not squeezing. That's just relaxing. This..." She grins, "THIS is squeezing." And suddenly, her pussy came alive. If he thought that it was tight before, he'd think that was like shooting an arrow down a hallway compared to this. He could scarcely believe he hadn't lost his cock to the compression, but he hadn't... As hard and tight as she squeezed, as much as it felt like her pussy was treating his cock less like a sex partner and more like something standing in the way of those fleshy walls meeting, something that needed to be done away with... His cock still felt good. If you told him that feeling like your cock was being squeezed in a juicer was hot, he'd have told you to fuck off, but now, he was impressed. She gave a long laugh "What's the matter? You not up for this ride?" She gave a big thrust back with her hips, the muscles of her back rolling as her pussy consumed his cock and he was knocked forward, unable to really keep his balance there. He ended up leaning fully over her, his shaft deep inside that wet gooey vice... "I thought you weren't afraid. I thought you were a real man. I thought you were tough. I thought you wanted to be my master." She laughs, and tosses her head... Every little movement this mare makes seems to set off a chain reaction of rippling power. She arches her back, really letting him see the muscles. The movement makes her seething pussy bend his cock, and the stallion moans as it feels like she's trying to make it bent permanently... Make sure he'll never be the same after his ride in this muscly fuckhole. Literally never the same, his cock out of shape. He can't focus on that much, though... Not when there's a pussy like this on his cock. "I can feel your little cock... You really thought you could handle a woman like me? With that thing between your legs? Or are you just such a submissive bitch that you figured out a way to get dominated." "I'm not... Submissive..." She gives another snorting derisive laugh "Really? Or you just never met a strong mare..." She gives a flex of her thermal cunt... And his cock feels almost seared by the heat and strength, leaving the blue male to let out a long moan. "What? From that? Okay,maybe you never met a mare... Or else you'd know that you need to avoid groaning like that..." He was panting behind her, trying to keep on his feet from what she was doing. "What?" She asks in disbelief, "From that? Okay,maybe you never met a mare... Or else you'd know that you need to avoid groaning like that... Mares don't like stallions who sound like pitiful mewling kittens, you know." He could feel his cock trying to submit to her. His aroused shaft was trying to give this woman what she wanted, hot creamy cum. But he was doing his best to hold off. Still, her apple-filled pussy kept pulling on his cock. "Unngg... Unnf... Shut up..." "Want me to stop? Want me to go back to being the strong silent mare you ogle at and make lewd comments to my brother? That it?" She asked as her pussy seemed ot be reaching into his balls and yanking on the cum... His shaft was eager to give it to her, he just wanted to avoid looking like a bitch, "I'll tell you one thing. My brother's dick's better than this little stick. But hey, you want me to shut up, make me. Come on, boy... Hit me." She waited, but he didn't respond, "Come on, hit me you little bitch." He growled at her... Well, if that was what she wnated... He raised his hand, and brought it down hard across the mountainous red landscape of her back. She just laughed, and flexed her inner muscles, making Blitz moan loud. Her cunt was abusing his cock and he wasn't at all sure he'd last much longer. Hell, in this sucking slurping hole, there was very little chance. "Ohhh... Kenzie..." He groaned. "Oh, bitchboy." She responded, "You call that a punch? You hit like a Breezy. Come on, lay it in to me." He raised his hand, once more bringing it down hard, right on the back of the red woman's head... And as he did, her pussy started to writhe, not just squeezing... It was like a living thing, sucking and squirming on him... Her muscles squeezing his cock like a tube of toothpaste, pulling on it for the white cream inside. "Oo-o-ohh... Solaris..." She let out a laugh, "Solaris wishes he was me. Raising the sun? Ha!" She gave her snorting laugh, and her pussy continued to suck on the cock inside it, making blitz moan... "My cunt can raise the dead. If you doubt it, ask Uncle Orange. He told me his dick didn't get up anymore, but my cunt had him stiff as a board anyway. He's been taking Auntie every night since." The blue pegasus began to move to pull out... He had a wingboner spread so far his wingtips felt like they were trying to escape, and was sweating like the whole world was as hot as the muscled cunt he was in. "You trying to escape? I thought you weren't afraid. I thought you were a stud." She mocked him, her pussy latched on tight. He certainly wanted out, but that was hardly an option now... The way she held him he'd have to leave his dick behind. "Well, I guess a stud could if he wanted. Come on, boy, pull out." She grinned... He pulled... Getting out an inch, before she started pulling him back in with her powerful muscles. He felt himself, slowly, forced back in, groaning in dismay as she powered him back in. "Thought you were gonna pull out." She mocked, as she ground her leeching cunt on his shaft, "I thought you wanted to be a stud. A stud doesn't let some cunt decide if he's in or not. He decides for himself. Come on, stud... Pull out." When she says that, she begins slowly churning her insides around his cock... The cum boiling in his balls. The blue male groans weakly, his cock twitching... He doesn't seem to even be able to try to pull out here. He's stuck in her, trying not to think of the pleasure. Trying not to think of what she's doing inside of her wet hot cunt... His eyes close, and he begins unconsciously grinding himself against her. "Ahhh... I guess you do want to fuck me after all." She says, her pussy so powerful his whole body is submitting. "N-no... W-w-want... Out... L-lemme out..." He says, his words contrasting to the slow grinding of his hips, forced into movement by that clenching pulling pussy... "Ohhh... Fine." She grins, "Pull out." She stops crushing him... He seems to come back down... "Ya mean it?" She looks back, almost pityingly... "Yeah... It's clear you're too much of a pitiful bitch to have your cock in here. I proved my point." He wants to object, but it feels like she's right... He starts to move back. "Buuuuuut..." She says, as she once again constricts his cock, "We do still have a wager." "Huh?" "You know. I can make you beg me to stop fucking you. You can pull out... If you beg." "No way, bitch." She shrugged. "Suit yaself." And she pushed her hips back once more, tensing and rolling that powerful pussy along his cock... Writhing it on him, giving him no choice. He moaned out as her pussy abused his cock, head rolling back and mouth opened like he was trying to catch raindrops. "LET ME OUT! OH SOLARIS! STOP! STOP PLEASE! I GIVE UP! I'LL EAT YOUR PUSSY! JUST PLEASE STOP FUCKING ME!" He cried out. She immediately stopped, letting him breathe and recover from the ordeal. "See? Not so hard." He began to pull out... But it was slow work. Her pussy was holding on, gripping onto his cock like it was afraid to let it out. She waited a few seconds as he struggled to extract his cock. "Need some help?" She asked... "Can't... Get out..." He says, "Stop pulling." She laughed, "I'm not. But..." She shrugged, repeating the hypnotic muscle-moving gesture again, "Here, I'll make it looser." She raised her foot up, high... The stretching letting his cock out easier. He slowly slipped out, careful not to overstimulate himself, until there was only one inch... And she stomped her foot down, with only the tip of the stallion's shaft inside her, slamming it down. He gave a groan and immediately thrust back in against his will, the stimulation to his tip too great to ignore. And as he thrust in, she began giving little twitches of her inner muscles, so every time he pulled out, the pleasure woul dbe so great he'd instinctively hunch forward into her hole... "Ha! Thought you wanted to stop! Still got game in you!" "L-let... Me out..." He groaned... His hips going out of control, fucking her like a real stud now, at least from the outside. From the inside he was desperate to get his cock out of her leeching hole before he came. "I'm not doing anything. Just a few flexes. Not pulling. Come on, bluebird, fly away." She taunted. He kept fucking her "Ohh... Oh fuck... I can't... Stop, Kenzie, stop... I'm going to..." "Going to? You're gonna cum? You're gonna add lots of hot creamy seed to your meal? You promised to eat my pussy... Make me an apple cream pie, if ya like..." "Gonna cum... Let me out... Let me out..." He moaned, but couldn't control himself, every second he was assaulted by squeezes that didn't stop him, but drove him mad with arousal. "I'm letting you! I'm not holding or pulling. Not my fault I'm too hot not to fuck." "Oh Solaris... I have... To get out.." He groaned, his shaft bucking and twitching almost as hard as his hips. She grinned, raising her foot once more, as he thrusted in... "Or..." She stomped down "Guaahahhhh..." He moaned "You could..." Stomp... "ANnnahh.. Nooooo... Dooo-" "CUM!" She says, and stomps a final time "FUUUUUUCK!" He cries out, and thrusts all the way in, holding himself inside her... His shaft spurting in those tight walls.. Adding plenty of pegacum to the pulverized apple bits still remaining. But of course that was just the start of the orgasm, as the skilled mare reached back with one hand, grabbing onto his balls, and gave them a good squeeze... "AGGGGAHHHHH! STOP!" But of course she didn't. Each time she felt his balls buck, each time she knew they were adding to the cum pouring from his cock, she gave another squeeze, coaxing his bouncing nuts to continue. The overworked pegasus's cock kept responding, shooting out more and more tribute to her pussy's power. His orgasm should be winding down, but with each squeeze to his balls, he felt like it was starting anew. "No... Kenzie..." She just grinned, and brought her pussy into play as well... Each time she felt his shaft swell to give her more cum, she squeezed in again with a hot pulse... That and the massage to his balls overpowering him, his cock starting to hurt as it responded to the demands of the woman in front of him. Her hot hole was overflowing as she brutally prolonged his orgasm. "Let me out... W-want out..." "Then pull out!" She responded, and gave a powerful grind of her hips on his cock "AAAGGHHH" The cruel grinding made him lean over her once more, catching himself on her broad back as she continued her cruel work on his cock, making him scream to the heavens as she kept forcing the cream from the overworked cock in her... Pulsing, squeezing balls to make him cum harder... He was exhausted... His shaft burned. "I want to stop cumming!" "Then stop cumming!" She told him, and stomped again... An action which once more served only to revitalize the stallion's orgasm, more seed spurting into her... Her muscle-packed pussy pulling on him... She looked like a slab of solid muscle and fucked like a beast, he was in over his head and his cock was screaming to be allowed to stop... "Oh Solaris... I'm gonna pass out!" He panted out, his exertion too much for him. "Then!" She stomped again "GAHhHH!" "Pass!" Stomp" "OHHHHFUCKKENZIE!" "OUT!" STOMP! Her foot hit the ground loud enough to be heard across the orchard, and he screamed once more. Louder than anything yet. It was a perfect impression of a whistling tea-kettle, appropriate since his cock felt like it was boiling in her... As his cum kept spurting, more and more... He finally lost consciousness, falling forward... She flexed her muscles as he did, ensuring he fell hard on her back... Bruising himself against her rock-hard slabs. She shrugged, and he slumped off, cock falling out of her pussy accompanied by a deluge of cum and apple bits. "Good job, Kay!" AJ called out from his perch in the tree. "Thanks." She said, stepping over "Ya really kicked his ass." He grinned. "Well," she said modestly, leaning against the trunk of the tree, "You know how I hate it when guys interrupt my work." He chuckled, "He learned his lesson." "Of course..." She grinned, and wrapped her arms around the trunk of the tree, "I also know who put him up to it." She began to shake... AJ tried to keep his balance as he looked down at his powerful sister, her muscles moving beautifully as she shook the tree, trying to bring him down there. "Hey! Wait! Stop it!" She was no more likely to stop that tree than she was to stop fucking Blitz, her muscles continued to roll under her body as the shaking just got more violent. Sweat dripped off her form as AJ felt himself losing his balance. "Didn't mean nothing by it!" He said. "I'm not getting fooled by your act." She grins, shaking harder and harder, making it feel like he was caught in an earthquake. He fell from his branch, but reached out to grab another one "Just making it hard on yaself." She told him, and continued the show of power, "This is a good tree, don't make me uproot it." She increased the shaking. "Come on, Mack..." He says, "I thought it'd be fun!" "You gonna get down?" "Nope..." "Then you're telling Granny Smith what happened to the tree." She grabbed it tighter... Her muscles bunched up... And the moving had stopped, but AJ could look down and see those muscles straining... See her pulling on the tree. "Wait! Shit! Kenzie!" She kept pulling, and he could hear the creak and snap of the roots losing their grip "Ahhhh, Solaris, Kay, don't! Stop!" She seemed to stop for a second... And then let out a loud grunt, her muscles bulging like they'd escape her back... And lifted the tree straight out of the ground. Her shocked brother fell to the ground with a loud thump. She pushed the tree to the side... Letting it fall to the ground. He looked up to see his powerful sister standing over him. Sweat dripped from her body, and her pussy looked like it had been dyed white, dripping out cum and bits of the apple still falling out... It was an arousing site. His shaft immediately responded, standing up straight... He regretted he hadn't put his pants on. "I was promised I'd get my pussy eaten." "By Blitz!" He says defensively. "Blitz is passed out. You going to eat me?" "Nope." AJ answered. "Suit yourself." She shrugged... And sat right down, her pussy engulfing his powerful, mottled cock, surrounding it with the defeated cum of his buddy. "...Ahh, hell." AJ said. ======================================= So there you have it! Porn! Sex! Really muscular mares! Absolutely zero diamond dogs, meaning that there's been more of this story without them than with them. And this time NONE of them get lines. Watch out, Sissy's condition is spreading! And a whole new set of Author's Notes at the top and bottom so you can laugh at the crazy man who writes porn for you. So, folks, here's the next question. Do you wanna see Applejack get fucked by his sister? Or do you want to not see that and let the diamond dogs come back! It's a mystery. > The Coolest Thing Ever (This Week) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, by overwhelming majority of 2-0 with one abstention, the vote is in, and "More Diamond Dogs" takes it. Huzzah! Go Diamond DOgs! I always knew you could do it! Mostly because, uh, I wrote you doing it. Still, confidence. Now, I know some of you are thinking that three people isn't enough to make a quorum. Indeed, I did learn from Battlestar Galactica, that you need a quorum of TWELVE. But this ain't Battlestar, this is... Uh... Battle... Porn? Pornstar? Wait, no, this is a DIAMOND DOG SEX REVOLUTION! So away we go! ============================ When Applejack woke up, he was seeing stars. No, wait. He was actually seeing stars. Fuck, what had.... He looked down at his crotch. It looked like a filly had come by with a tube of paste to stick his coat to his body. His cock was lying at an improbable angle against his thigh, the amount of cum and feminine juices sticking it to him. "Ahhh, Kenzie..." He was looking up at the red mare as she squeezed her powerful cunt-muscles in on him in a seething vice. The memories came back to him, now. Her abdominal muscles rippling as she leaned back, his cock caught in a swirling maelstrom as he rapidly humped up into her from below without control, the arch of her body bending his cock. Him allowed on top, his own back arched as the powerful mare kept her arms behind her head, using only that superpowered cunt to crush the poor stud inside her. On his knees, iron-corded tree trunk of her forearm around his neck, his and Blitz's cum dripping out onto his calf as he felt each of the individual boulders that made up her abs grind on his back, her trained hand skillfully forcing his cock to surrender its load for her. Beating desperately on her back as her ass crushed him, hardly even pleasurable anymore, his vision clouded by tears. The close up image of her pussy, dripping cum like saliva out of a hungry mouth, before he was forced muzzle-first into it. Her 'Repaying the favor,' her lung-power practically sucking the cum directly from his balls without needing to orgasm first, as she held him lifted off the ground, sitting on her shoulders, clutching desperately at the red mare's head. The last thing he remembered was the force of being slammed down on his back, the power with which she drove him to the ground, the sound of his back hitting the autumn earth, and the pain still reverberating as he looked up one last time to see her hungry cunt settling on him once more, the cum from before having been cleaned out, but still looking like a drooling monster of rippling muscle as she settled on to ride his face again. Okay, so, that's what had happened. “Hey! Sleepyhead! Wake up!" “Ah am awake.” Applejack grumbled, and looked up at his excited blue friend, “No thanks to you, by the way. How long was I out.” “I dunno. Hey, I got something cool to show ya!” Applejack looked around. He couldn’t see a clock, but the stars were out, and when he looked to the farmhouse, he could see the warm light in the kitchen. Must be almost dinner time, if it hadn’t started already. Kenzie would have given an excuse for him not being in, and probably not “Because I fucked him so hard he couldn’t stand,” even though even Grandpa Smith would know that’s what it was. “Blitz, Ah can’t. Ah missed an entire day of work thanks to you, and sure Kenzie would have picked it up, but still. Ah’m dehydrated, and hungry, and it’s dinner time. A metallic clang sounded as a bottle of water came to rest beside the orange stallion. He gratefully grabbed it, and drank it almost all in one go, the cool water falling around his mouth, there was so much of it. "Still dinnertime." Blitz was always a bit of an ass, but he'd never known him to pass up on a chance at dinner, no matter what it was that he wanted to do or show his friends. "Y'all okay there, Blitz?" AJ asked. "Come on, it won't take long long! And I really wanna show you." AJ gave a low sigh. At least he'd be hydrated, and he grabbed an apple from the ground to stave off the hunger as well. Between the two things, that ought to be enough to keep him going. "Fine, fine." He took a bite of the crisp apple, as his friend darted away from him, ambling along behind Blitz. The guy had a nice body, he couldn't really argue with that. He admired a body like that. And Blitz admired his. In fact, they’d spent quite some time admiring each-other’s bodies lately. Sometimes three or four times a day. “So just what is this y’all are gonna show me.” Blitz darted back to him, “It’s only the coolest thing ever!” “Really. Cooler than the last coolest thing ever you showed me?” “Even cooler than that.” “And the one last week?” “Cooler!” “You sure? Ah mean, that was knot in the wood of the barn that kinda looked like Celestia. Gonna be hard to top that one.” “SO MUCH cooler!” AJ sighed, and took another bite from the apple. Sweet. Tasty. Envigorating. Hell, he could be able to go another round, if it came down to it. “So what’s today’s coolest thing ever?” “I can’t tell you, it’s that cool.” “Can you at least tell me WHERE the coolest thing ever is?” “Yeah,” Blitz grinned, “It’s in the barn. Come check it out!” AJ sighed and shook his head. “Blitz, how many times is the coolest thing ever gonna be in my barn? You know Ah live here, right? You know that pretty much every inch of the barn, Ah have already scene?” “Not this! It’s new! Come look!” He took another bite, finished his water, and headed on. Fine. Let’s see what the blue boy had in store for him. He discarded the apple core, and walked into the barn. It was dark in here. You’d think that Blitz would have at least had the courtesy to put on the light, so he could SEE the coolest thing ever... Whatever it was that Blitz thought. “Ya gonna come show me, or what?” “Nope,” Blitz said, “Ya gotta see for yourself.” He looked around the barn, trying to spy what the... Coolest thing ever was. A pitchfork... Hay bale... Those were normal. He sighed, walking to the center of the barn, and flipped on a light. The shadows were like turrets as the dim lightbulb above him lit the room. Still, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Of course, he’d have to admit, anything could be in the shadows. From out of the corner of his eye, he saw some movement, but before he could even hope to react to it, he felt someone grasp his cock. The grip was rough. “Ugh, Blitz, what the f-mmmff...” Another hand covered his mouth. He thrashed in the grasp of... Actually, this... This wasn’t Blitz. The hand was blue, yes, but the wrong shade. And whoever was gripping him was just about the size of his sister. About as strong, as well. He could feel the cords of muscle as the woman grasped him and his shaft. He tried to talk, but he was still being muffled. He bit the hand of... Whoever it was grasping him. “Owww!” The voice was definitely female, but low, and a bit slow. Like its owner was far from brilliant. Or like his sister was as dumb as she liked people to think. The hand was pulled hard from his mouth. “Hey, it bit me.” A peel of laughter rang out, “That’s what ya get.” A red-vested canine stepped forward. Diamond dogs. Great. “And just what do you bitches wh-Ahhh!” He gasped as that big hand squeezed his cock hard. The pain shot through him, stopping him in his tracks. Once again that powerful arm wrapped around him, this time around his neck, as the big paw on his cock squeezed. His back was forced to her boulder-like abdominal muscles as she squeezed in, cutting off his air. “Ya squeezed it too tight, ya big idiot. Ya don’t want to break its cock. Or else it won’t do the good whine.” “Like, not at all?” “Nope.” “But it won’t do the bad whine, either?” “It will. No good whine, only bad whine.” There was a shudder from behind him, like the creature holding him had just heard the scariest thing in its life, and she pulled her hand from his cock. Unfortunately, it just went up to join the other one on his neck, crushing tighter. He couldn’t catch his breath now, and he grasped at those arms. But they were like rock, and while he was able to grasp onto the massive muscles, he couldn’t hope to dislodge them. She was so strong. He couldn’t breathe. She clutched tighter, and tighter. A noose made of steel girders crushing in on him. And to make it worse, he felt himself slowly being lifted off the ground. He was starting to see spots as he ineffectually pulled at her, desperately trying to pull her off. An impromptu fireworks display from a lack of oxygen as he desperately scrabbled to dislodge her muscles. The face of the red-vested dog fell. "Easy! Eeeaaasy, Fluffy. Easy..." He felt the arms slowly loosen, disaster averted for now. Her arms were still huge, still pressed in... But at least he could take a slight breath. "Thaaaat's it... Good girl... That's it... Let him breathe... If he can breathe, he can do both types of whine..." Suddenly, the crushing was back with a vengeance, his hooves sailed off the ground once more as the powerful woman crushed him once more, the blasts of light almost blinding. "BUT! But!" The one in front of him spoke slowly and appeasingly, "But we're only gonna LET him do the good one. If you choke him, you can't delegate to him!" He was released from the prison of flesh once more, slowly lowered to the ground. She grasped him lightly, now, easily. His chest heaved as he stared daggers at the canine before him. "Heh... Sorry about that." The red-vested canine laughed, "See... Fluffy's a little jumpy. Your friend whined really loud and... Well, she doesn't want that to happen again. So, we're going to make sure that you play real, real good with us, and don't be all disobedient like again. Sound good?" Applejack looked around... Trying to make sure that he wouldn't be choked a second time for an answer. As much as these bitches were disgusting to even be in the presence of, he did like breathing, and did it most every day. To be forced to stop would be rather unpleasant. He didn't know where his friend had gone to, or why he'd sold him out like this. But fuck him. What ever happened to loyalty? Applejack was honestly going to kick that traitor's ass when he next saw him. "I asked you a question, horsey... Does that sound good?" "What makes you think that Ah'm gonna do anything you say." She laughed, and brought her fingers to her mouth, giving a loud whistle like an owner whistling for a dog. In this case, it was technically the other way around. Blitz eagerly skipped up to the red dog. "Blitz, ya gotta help me!" "Isn't this COOL, Applejack?" The blue stallion grinned, "Didn't I tell you I'd show you something cool?" The orange stallion looked at Blitz in shock. "Why you traitorous little..." "Aww, don't be too mean to him." The red one laughed, "He didn't really have a choice." "...What do you mean by that?" She laughed, and raised her right hand. It glowed black. Glowed black... That... That didn't sound right. But it did. The blackness was so all-encompassing that it cast shadows on the ground. "See, this is my little toy. It's... Well, it's a handy little device, I don't really know who made it. But it's mine now. And it's for making other ponies mine." "Ya gonna show him how it works or what?" Blitz grumbled, tapping his hoof. "Patience!" the red dog snapped, turning to him, and the rainbow pony sat down in a sulk. "Sorry Mistress Lassie, it's just that I REALLY want him to see how cool you are!" "I'm sure he will. I'll do it in my own time, just don't question me." "Yes Mistress." Blitz grinned at AJ, "This is gonna be so awesome, you'll love it. It changes everything!" AJ tried to push forward, but those arms around his neck squeezed him back, keeping him still. How dare these... Whatever they are... Do... Whatever they did... To his friend?! This was terrible. "You let him go!" "Aww, but I don't wanna!" Blitz said. "Lemme show ya somethin', orange horse. Hey, Missy~" Lassie called in a sing-song voice. "Your chewtoy's back. What are ya waiting for?" The third diamond dog, Lassie it would seem, came out of the shadows. She was far shorter than the others, almost half the size of the one clutching his neck. As soon as he saw her, Blitz's cock shot to arousal. "Bliiiiitzy." Lassie grinned, "Missy wants to suck your cock again." Blitz's red cheeks turned purple, and his cock bobbed in excitement. The little brown diamond dog licked her lips, and a thick dribble of white cum spilled from her mouth onto her chin. "I want ya to do somethin' for me, will ya Blitzy?" Blitzy nodded eagerly, his eyes still staring at the smallest diamond dog like he was looking at Prince Solaris himself. "I want ya to try not to cum." "I'll... I'll do my best." He squirmed, going from one foot to the other, as he stared at the diamond dog. She just stared back up at him, the cum pooling on her chin, and a little drop rolling off. "I want you to try not to cum... While you think about the way little Missy here sucked you." Lassie gave a laugh, and Blitz swallowed. "I... I'll try not to..." "While you think about how good her mouth felt... Diving all the way down to the hilt of your pony cock." "Ahhh~" "While she played with your little booooone~" She teased in a singsong voice. Pre pooled at the tip of the poor stallion's cock. Missy gave a big smile, even more cum dripping out of her mouth slowly. There must have been more cum than saliva, as even grinning with her teeth closed, a small waterfall of cum spilled over her lower lip. "Oh g-god!" Blitz let out an aroused moan, and Lassie laughed. "I'm gonna let her at you again. You're going back in her mouth..." Blitz fell to his knees, clutching his cock to himself as he battled his instinct. "You're under my control, Blitz... You can't disobey me... If I told you to tear your wings off, what would you do?" "Tear them off!" He answered, his voice drenched in arousal as he watched the brown dog, hunched over, clutching his cock, with a mix of worship and fear, "Right now... I'll do it right now..." "But I've ordered you to keep your cum... While thinking of what she did... And you're failing..." "Please Mistress." He panted, humping his hand a bit as the brown diamond dog approached him, "Let... Ohhhh... Let me take my wings... Instead... Please please please let me lose my wings... It sounds so much easier..." Lassie laughed at the pegasus's plight as Missy drew ever closer. The pegasus's cock bounced and his balls twitched, fighting to unleash their cum against every fiber of the pegasus's being. His eyes scrunched shut, as the cum-dripping canine stood in front of him, the slow ooze of seed from her mouth never stopping. He whimpered and murmured, and Applejack could swear he could make out pleading coming from his friend, the blue pegasus desperately trying to hold back the tide against what he clearly seemed to regard as an erotic goddess. Missy grasped the blue pegasus by the mane, and yanked back. "OPEN YOUR EYES!" Lassie laughed, as Missy's mouth descended on Blitz. The blue pegasus opened his eyes to see the cum-soaked lips descending upon him. Missy kissed him powerfully, and his cock blasted, his whole body twitching and shaking as the diamond dog kissed her conquest. AJ felt almost sick to his stomach, like he was seeing his friend being tortured and beaten down, but this sexual domination was somehow far, far more disturbing than any beating he'd ever seen. Blitz's body was wracked by orgasm and his cock continued to give spurts of seed onto his thighs and the ground as the kissing continued mercilessly. Missy kept pulling on him, forcing his back to arch. AJ shuddered as tears fell from his friend's eyes, his whole body wracked by the pleasure and torment of the diamond dog's kiss. Finally, Missy let him go, pulling away from his mouth. A long strand of cum connected their mouths. The canine let out a low sigh as the strand broke, falling across the chest of the blue pegasus. She dropped him roughly to the ground, and he fell with a thud. She surveyed the damage. Applejack swallowed nervously. His friend was staring vacantly into space, his tongue lolling, and his mouth... The seed forced into his mouth by the kiss had dyed it white. Applejack could swear there was more on his face than between his legs, which looked like a giant jellyfish was splatted across his thighs. Cum dripped down Blitz's muzzle, a drop of seed falling into one vacant purple eye. Another great glob splatted into ground. The tongue lolling out of his mouth was white as well, the seed smothering it like dripping tar. Heavy droplets pattered on the floor of the barn. Blitz gave a low groan, then a cough. More cum sputtered up from his throat, falling out of his mouth. His entire muzzle seemed to have been dipped in milk. "What did you do to him?" "Aww, just gave him a little kiss." Lassie laughed, "See, Missy likes to suck guys off... A lot. But she isn't much of a fan of swallowing their cum. She likes to save it all up and... Give back." "Are y'all sayin' that was all HIS?!" Applejack asked in disbelief. "Every drop" Lassie teased, "Took her almost half an hour" "All that in... That's not even... Wait, no, that's not the point!" Applejack growled, "Y'all just let him go!" "...But he likes it here." Blitz's head fell to the side, more cum sloshing onto the ground. "Only because you... Did... Whatever that was y'all did to him." "Well, yes... Want me to undo it?" Lassie asked brightly. Applejack narrowed his eyes skeptically. He had a feeling that Lassie was hardly going to make this easy. You don't kidnap a guy, brainwash him, and then do... Whatever that was to him, and just let him go. His eyes met Blitz's, who looked up at him, almost pleadingly. Sure, it still might have been the brainwashing, that his friend was pleading with him to join them, but... Well, he couldn't let the guy just lie there, at the clearly nonexistent mercy of these bitches. If that was blood on his face, this would be a horror scene. Knowing it's cum... Honestly, almost made it worse. AJ didn't know what they were playing at, but he wouldn't let his friend keep suffering. "Fine. Do it." Lassie grinned, "Done!" She snapped her gloved hand. Blitz's eyes glowed black for a moment, then went back to their violet. He tried to scramble up to his feet, but only made it to his knees. Lassie whirled on him, and placed the black-coated hand to his face. Blitz gasped, his body pulsed with black, and when it was done... He burst to his feet. Lassie stood so close to Blitz AJ was sure he'd be able to smell her breath even with the cum that clogged his nostrils. "In fact, if he's still conscious by the time Fluffy and I finish with you... I'll even let him stay that way." She laughed. Blitz raised his hand... And it pulsed black. "Oooh, technicality, only undid the mind control... Not actually gonna let you hit me." Her voice cackled through the barn. "Just want you at full strength, give you a fighting chance." "When this is all over, I'll-" Blitz started. Lassie laughed at him, rubbing one hand in his hair, the other groping his cock as she gave an erotic grind against his body. "You'll what, babe. Hit me? Choke me? Beat me? Oh yeah, hit me babe..." She kissed his cheek, and the shorter diamond dog ground her stocky yet sexy body on his back. With two beautiful women all over you, even in a situation like this, you can't help but get hard, and Blitz did. "But don't worry, cutie... You just keep those pretty purple eyes open, and you got your wish. You can do aaaanything ya want to me... Long as ya still conscious when me and your little lover are finished." "We're not-!" "This REALLY the time?!" AJ snapped at him. Lassie jumped up in excitement a bit, "Oooh, I was only joking, but you two are! Wonderful, fighting for your lover. It's so romantic~" "I thought you said it wasn't normal for us to do that." "Yeah, you sai-" Missy started, and somehow, there was still a bit of cum splashing from her mouth as she talked, she still had not managed to get rid of it all even after making Blitz look like the moneyshot of a ten-stallion gangbang. "One, Missy, don't talk with your mouth full. And two, that's WITH your lover. You don't fight WITH your lover. Prepositions, very important. Missy, go chew on his bone a bit more. And Fluffy..." The diamond dog shrugged off her vest, leaving herself entirely naked, not that much had been covered to begin with. "Leave this one to me." The powerful arms finally fell away from AJ, his neck freed to allow him to breathe fully. He fell to one knee, looking up at Lassie. He watched as Missy started suckling Blitz's neck, cum dripping from her mouth, like a twisted vampire bite, and slowly dragged Blitz back off into the shadows. The red diamond dog stretched, and AJ would have to admit, there may not have been as much power in her body as there was in Kenzie or 'Fluffy.' But there was still a gorgeously defined musculature on every inch of her form, days working the mines had made that body pop like an anatomy textbook. "Well, horsey... Come on." She hunkered down a bit, and raised her arm like a wrestler. "Let's have a little fun." ============================== Well that was an envigorating read, wasn't it? I hope it was as arousing for you to read as it was for me to write. And look. Missy VERY NEARLY got a line. She got, like, the start of a line. And it was someone ELSE who said delegate, instead of Fluffy. See, this is what we call baby steps. My therapist says that I need to make small progress in weening myself off of only writing in-jokes instead of characters. Then again, I LIKE in-jokes, and basically made Missy give blowjobs JUST FOR the purpose of that. Mind you, the whole "Missy has cum in her mouth" was supposed to be a minor thing this chapter, which would focus almost entirely on AJ and Lassie fighting. ...Might have gotten carried away. Ah well, pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo ~Catullus 16 > Air, Pressured > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He could no longer see his friend. He could only stare across at the diamond dog. He didn't know exactly what she was thinking, honestly. She was pretty hot, and strong, by diamond dog standards. Not as big as the beast behind him, for sure, but still, she looked pretty good. But he was a powerful, trained farm-pony. His sister could lay a beating on him easily, for sure. But she was an exception. There weren't many ponies as strong as her. Bar Belle, Glimmershield, Bluebell perhaps. The latter two were only maybes, and the former had to exercise near-constantly to catch up to what MacKenzie was able to do on her own. "Y'all have got to be joking" "Me? Joking?" The dog laughed, "I assure you, I am totally serious. Come on, it's a wager. You make me give up, I'll let you and your little friend go. Free and clear. I'm a canine of my word." He eyed her up. This had to be a trap. "Y'all know that Earth Ponies got superior strength, right?" "Yes," She smiled cruelly at him, "You make such good slaves like that. I especially like how you can crack open rocks to get the diamonds with your bare hooves. Or... Well, or other things, when we're in the mood." She laughed, "Stick it in a strong mare's cunt and tickle her a bit, and it's an instant pulveriser!" He growled, "Ah'm warning you, Ah'll..." "You'll what?" She asked, "Come on, I told you to fight me. Fight me, before Missy breaks little loverboy again..." He heard an a low, and aroused groan from off in the shadows, wherever the little diamond dog had taken Blitz. "Come on, now... Clock's ticking." The orange earth pony began to circle his foe. She didn't look that special. Aside from her strange glove, she was no different from any other diamond dog he'd seen. Lanky, with a mouth full of sharp teeth, and long, almost apelike limbs. It wasn't exactly conventionally attractive, but if his experiences with MacKenzie showed anything, it's that he wasn't exactly a conventional guy, when it came to his tastes. Most colts didn't fuck their sisters. Well, might as well get this over with. That groan hadn't sounded good. He charged at her, trying to tackle her directly to the ground. If he could beat on her a bit, it'd end fast. No such luck. Just before his tackle hit, a freight train struck him across the cheek and he crumpled to her feet. CELESTIA she was strong. He looked up at her... Or more accurately, from this position, at her dripping wet pussy. Malevolent eyes looked down at him. She gave a mocking laugh, "Aww, what's the matter, horsey? You don't look so good!" He lashed out at her from his knees, his hand shooting up wildly at her. She caught it with ease, and his hand seemed to sink to the dark abyss of her hand. A swift twist, and a loud snap. The bones in his forearm shattered, and he crumpled again. Painful bolts of electricity shot along his damaged forearm. Tears welled in green eyes, and he felt a warm body straddle his back. He was hunched on the ground as steel-grey thighs pressed up against his thighs. He hadn't expected such force from the diamond dog, such power as she shattered his wrist. She certainly wasn't built able to do that, it shouldn't have been possible. The earth-pony magic, limited though it was, gave him far more power than any diamond dog should have at her build. A tingle, like the feeling of being watched, ran along his scalp, as she grabbed his hair with that black hand. The light tingle quickly turned to pain as she yanked on his mane, pulling him up, arched his neck to look up at her. She was standing over his back, bent forward to look down at him. "Aww, poor boy hurt his hand?" She teased, "Maybe I'll fix it for you, if you promise to be a good little horsey. Do you promise to be a good little horsey?" He just groaned, and she shrugged, then her free hand slapped him across the face. Small sharp claws cut into his cheeks, she released him and he fell back to his hands and knees, wincing as he tried to support himself with a shattered wrist. He felt hard, strong thighs begin to press in on his skull. On his hand and knees, one wrist shattered and barely willing to support his weight, his opponent standing over him, a standing reverse scissor hold pressing in on his cheek and jaw bones His jaw popped open from the compression at the cheeks. He gasped and coughed lightly, eyes bulging and orange face turning to a pale blue. The world had gone mute, the pillars of muscle crushing in until he was deafened. Spots danced in his eyes, sparking like fireworks, and an unfamiliar and unpleasant sound slid into his ears, like wood being bent near breaking, the sound of bone preparing to implode. His vision began to fade... And come back. He was let out of his fleshy prison, and the sound of the world around came back in a rush. His blood was allowed to flow once again, flowing back to his head, behind his eyes and making him dizzy in the yellow rush like he'd stood up to fast. No sooner did he begin to process the sounds around him, than a thick calf slid up under against his throat. The glowing darkness to his side let him know that she was pulling on her own ankle with her hand. "Unnnnggggguuaaaaahhhhh!" Blitz gave an almost pained cry. "Bli-NGGHH!" Applejack began to object, but the diamond dog's calf cut into his neck, cutting off his air. She twisted, and both fell to their backs. Her leg cut into him in the figure four. He gasped for breath and clawed at her calf, but there was no give. His fingers grasped at solid rock. His eyes began to bulge from lack of air, darkness encroaching on his vision. Flecks of saliva fell from his mouth as he thrashed against her unyielding grip. His head began to heat up, warmed by the blood trapped, as he gasped weakly at the air her legs denied him. Below her neck was cooler, save for the warm wetness of her womanhood pressed to the back of his neck. "Nnngggyyyyaaaaaahhhhnnnggggg!" The wet sounds accompanying the agonized cry were the only thing that let Applejack know that Blitz's cock was only being sucked, rather than cut off. Though by the loud pants and groans in the distance, it was clear there was very little 'Only' about the sucking his friend was being subjected to. "G-gak!" Applejack tried again to call out, instinctively, but was silenced by the lack of air, denied by the diamond dog's legs as she cradled his head in her lap, the heat behind him taunting him with her wetness. A twist of her hips strained his neck, but the main torment came from the denied air. The pressure of deprived oxygen was getting to him, his eyes rolled back and tongue lolled out. Her hips began to roll on him, as she masturbated on his neck, the movement giving him a few grasps of prescious air, only made more torturous by how short and unsatisfying they were, drops of water on the tongue of the dehydrated, drops of water in the ocean of his slow strangulation. His whole neck was damp with her arousal, and he could feel himself close to passing out in her lap, when she slipped away. He gasped at the air he was finally being allowed access too, swallowing it with the unashamed eagerness of the truly starving. His chest heaved up and down, like an earthquake as he gulped at the air, the cruel diamond dog staring down at him, and laughing lowly at his plight. "Poor little horsey~" She teased him, "Can't even keep up with a pup like me." He wanted to reply, but his lungs had not yet had their fill, and he still gasped on the ground. She stepped back. "Come on, Horsey. I'm not moving. You wanna protect your little boytoy? Come get me." He rolled on his chest, then heavily onto his hands and knees. The agony of trying to support his own weight on a shattered wrist collapsed him, and his back sloped to the side as he tried to hold himself up. Her still-normal hand grabbed onto his mane, pulling him against her wet crotch. Droplets of her arousal fell from her lips to the hay on the ground. "You see this, horsey?" She mocked him, "Soon, this will be what you live for... The pleasures it can give you..." She laughed, grinding his nose against her open and wet hole. He groaned against it, and the way she rolled her hips and pressed him tighter against her made it quite clear she was getting off on the sounds of his weakness. What's worse, the undeniable feminine smell and dripping wetness stirred his cock against his will, and Applejack grew aroused for her despite himself. Her hands pushed him deeper once more, and before he could react, she had once again fallen to her back, his head buried in her crotch. But this time, the arousal of the sadistic canine was pressed in his face as her legs once again s queezed in on his throat, and denied him air so soon after it had been restored to him. The groan opened his mouth, and she angled his head down, his muzzled forced to her pussy. He tried to swallow air, but got only a mouthful of sopping, diamond dog pussy. Her scent filled his muzzle, and the soft taste of her juices filled his mouth. Her legs loosened around him, but he was nevertheless kept pressed in tight to her heat. He gasped for breath, but all he got was a muzzle of dog-pussy, his attempts at sucking air sucking only more liquid arousal from her, something she seemed to have no lack of... The amount growing as the pony between her legs tried to breathe through soft, wet flesh. His hard cock rubbed on the rough hay, as her pussy became his world. The now-familiar pressure behind his eyes began again, his inability to draw air from out of her flesh cursing him to continue weak gasps, which in turn produced more cunt-juice of him to cough and splutter on as she forced him in her lap. "Mmm, that's it, horsey~" She began to roll her hips slowly, easily, "Keep serving... Keep trying... My cunt is your life~" Her voice was husky with arousal. He pawed at her ineffectively, then found some purchase with his good hand. He tried to pull and force himself away, but trying to push back against her was like trying to do pushups with a boulder on your back. He couldn't budge an inch, and his attempts led only to being forced deeper into her lap, her pussy encompassing his whole muzzle. The world was once again beginning to fade to black, the dakness crept in from all sides of his vision. His jaw hung limp, held in place by her thighs around him as she continued to pleasure herself at the expense of his breath. He gasp desperately for air, but her fleshy folds allowed him no respite, only more wetness of canine arousal forced to his throat. The taste and smell of so much womanhood arousing him beyond any attempt to control himself. He put both hands on her hips and tried with all his earth-pony might to force himself out of the lifestealing trap that was her cunt, but it was to no avail. He still was practically struggling to push all of Equestria with his hands, the sole consolation being the agony in his wrist lowering some of the arousal forced into him by his closeness to such feminine power, soaking his mouth and nose, denying him breath with her pussy's female force. He moaned agony as he failed, and crumpled from the pain pressed through him, unable to support himself on his shattered wrist. Tears formed in his eye as the sensation drew another hip-roll of arousal out of her. "Gyaaaahhhhhhhh... Ohhgoooooooodpleeeynnnggyaaaaaa... Ngah-ahhh-AHHHHHH!" The sounds of Blitz's torment rang in his ears, and he began to truly cry once more, helpless to help his friend, his tears falling in his tormentor's lap and adding to the wetness of her arousal. She laughed at the stallion's weakness, his inability to fight back against the pussy that was taking his whole world... Taking his life. Buried in her cruel and powerful cunny. His tears burned with humiliation, as he choked on dogcunt... A dogcunt that was just getting wetter and wetter, both from his tears and her arousal. Her heat was overpowering him, and his cock had never been harder. Or more sensitive, dragging in the rough straw of the barn. Her hips rocked faster against him, harder. Her juices splashed his face, pouring into his mouth. He tried to spit them out, but there was nowhere to spit except back in the canine’s pussy. Tears burned his cheeks and his lungs burned his chest. He was about to pass out, and she was bouncing on his face, hips battering him, mouth almost as full of her juices as Missy’s had been with Blitz’s cum. “P-P-Pllllyyyaaaaaaaannngghgghhh... St-St-Stahhhhhhhgggghhhahhhaaaaghhhhhahhhhppppp” “She’s got him! She’s got him! She’s gonna knock your fucking boytoy out!” Hips pumped faster and mouth got wetter, buried and not getting out. Increasing until it was like she was trying to jackhammer him. Flecks of saliva fell from his lips, and tears fell on her hips. Blackness encroached on what little he could see through the tear-fogged view. Through the rapidly escalating cries of pleasure, he heard one last “Nngaaaaahhhhhhhhh Plllleeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaggggh!” Followed by a loud thump “YesyesyesyesYEEEEES!” A final blast of juices coated AJ’s face from the diamond dog. Her hips settled, but she still didn’t allow him to move. The calm after the storm descended, and as his view went black, he saw Missy’s tan feet step into view.