> Derpy's adventure's in outer space: Movie madness > by AnimeLovingBritishHoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Tardis trouble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derpy sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. Derpy had good patience, so it wasn't until 5 hours later that she started pacing.Where was he? He seemed to have disappeared off the face of Equestria! Which wasn't unusual for him, considering her had a machine that could travel in time and space. Yes, Derpy's friend was a time lord; a pony who had two hearts and knowledge of pretty much everything, except how to be on time. At that moment, the familiar blue box appeared in the living room. It's usual clean, shining doors had been scorched beyond cleaning, and a strange looking oil oozed out of the back of the TARDIS. The door creaked open, and Derpy expected the worse. When she saw the Doctor, she gasped in surprise. Not at the fact he was head to hoof in black oil, but the fact that his mane had been electrified to make him look like a mad scientist. "I probably shouldn't have placed a box that had irreplaceable parts in the middle of a lightning storm..." Derpy laughed, and immediately went to make him a coffee. The Doctor slumped down on the sofa, before falling asleep into a dream where there was a place that didn't have pegasi controlling the weather. Derpy chuckled when she saw the Doctor fast asleep on her sofa, and she dragged a chair over using her wings so she could sit next to the Doctor. And the TV. She was more there for the TV, since her favorite show, Equestria's got talent, would be on in a moment. Or was she there for the Doctor? She had waited 5 hours for him, so she must care... Just a bit... No. She couldn't care for such a stupid, alien dumb-flank. She was Derpy Hooves! The greatest mailmare who ever lived. She would not fall in love, not again... Dinky wouldn't deserve a useless, drunk dad like her last one. At that moment, the Doctor woke up. He stared in surprise at the TV. "Oh I love America's got talent! Though personally, I prefer Britain's got talent with Ant and Dec, since I'm from the UK! Well duh! Though America does have better singers, but Britain..." Derpy groaned as she covered her ears while the Doctor did one of his 'Ailen rants'. What the hay does personally mean! Ant and Dec! Sounds like their mothers were too lazy to give them real names. The Doctor noticed her sighing, and stopped ranting. He budged up on the sofa, so he was closer to her. He searched through his mind to see if he could cheer her up, but throughout his 900 years, he had never specialised in comforting. The sudden thought popped into his head. "You know, you aren't gonna get to see the ponies performing when you have your head in you hands-I mean, hooves. Anyway the TARDIS ain't gonna get rebuilt by itself! I need to get it fixed in time for my next adventure." Derpy still didn't look up, but she replied in a croaky voice. "It's always going to be 'your' adventure isn't it. When you found me, and told me you had a time and space machine, I hoped we could go on adventures together. That's why I took you in. I hoped you were different from the other stallions, kind, generous, and always honest and loyal. I thought you were different, being from another planet and all, but now I see you might as we'll be from Equestria." The Doctor took time to take in these words, so he did not speak for some time. He realised that she was right, and he had been a little demanding and selfish since he came to Equestria. She had given him food, a place to sleep, a possible retreat when he was attacked during one of his space travels. Yet he had given her nothing. Equestria's motto was all about friendship, and it was a two way system, yet for them two it was one way, straight to the Doctor. He admitted this to Derpy, and she looked up at him, her eyes pleading to go on a adventure. Just like Rose. Just like Martha. Just like Donna. Though all of them were reluctant, the soon got used to battles against Daleks and Cybermen. Yet now... They were gone. But the fun lasted a long time, so the Doctor nodded at Derpy, and she cuddled him. Derpy heard the Doctor crying, and she comforted him. " It's alright! I'll be ok, I promise!" The Doctor was still crying. Derpy got cross at his emotions, and released him from her grasp. He sighed in relief, before replying. "I wasn't crying, you were squashing my lungs with your tight squeeze." Derpy apologised, and went to fetch the Doctor's coffee from the window ledge. At once Derpy spotted the inky gooey oil from the TADIS had imprinted itself onto the sofa. Derpy winced as she realised her sofa was creamy white with a big black spot. She knew she mustn't get angry, so she turned to the Doctor who had a sheepish grin on his face. "I must have forgot to take a shower before I went to sleep..." He dashed upstairs to the bathroom before Derpy could reply. Derpy shook her head, before going inside the TARDIS to see what the damage was. One of the controls had been turned to smithereens, which Derpy had seem the Doctor use many times before he set off. She presumed this was the ignition control stick, due to the fact it used to have a 0-ignition sign. The other thing she noticed was that a big cloud of smoke was getting bigger as more smoke flew up from under the floorboards. Ok, that means there's something wrong with the engine too. She wandered through the familiar passages, remembering when she first came into the TARDIS. She viewed the garage,the combustion chambers, cafe (yes, that may seem a bit eccentric, but you know the Doctor) and all the other familiar sights. After finishing the right wing, she went on to the left wing. It was all one big library, filled with the facts and figures of other worlds. It was her favourite part of the TARDIS, as she imagined what it would be like talking to her friends about the planet Raxophalipitorious. She screamed when she came into the library. The Doctor, heard her scream, and quickly rinsed all the bubbles of him and galloped downstairs into the TARDIS. He saw Derpy in the left wing... Yet there was no left wing. The lightning storm must have blown all the artifacts into deep space! Now what planet was in range when the lightning came... Oh no. Skaro. If the Daleks has all this precious information, they could master all the secret abilities in combat and destroy the universe! Derpy was looking at the Doctor as he thought this, and she wondered what could be going through his head. She finally summed up the courage to talk to him. "Sooooo...Are we going to get the library back?" The Doctor's face brightened. "Yes! I am I will search through all of time and space to save the library and the universe!" Derpy pointed out that she was coming with him, for he had promised. The Doctor bowed his head in shame. "I'm sorry. Maybe next time, when the fate of the universe isn't in the balance..." Derpy whipped her mane in front of her eyes to hide her tears. The Doctor told her she could still help fixing the TARDIS in the morning. Then it happened. The idea formed. After the TARDIS has been fixed she would do something she would never even dream of. She was going to stowaway.