> Technomancer Incorparated. > by dieteticchutoy3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The idea that started it all. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Starglare Swirl and I'm here to tell you how this all really began...during the Windigo Blizzard's where the three species fought over the lack of food and argued for who's fault it was for the famine a brilliant stallion came up with a idea that created the company that has saved equestrian and will now destroy it as well.... A cold wind tore through the air blowing off snow from the various trees kept around the castle of Princess Platinum and inside the grand library a light gray stallion with a long beard was in deep thought. Starswirl The Bearded stared out of the window of the library with a sad look on his face at the empty winter wasteland that use to be filled with birds and animals and ponies enjoying their lives. Now it was filled with violence and hatred as the ponies became angry the more they starved and fights began breaking out often throughout the kingdom of the unicorns over the low amount of food. Starswirl walked down the library hall's and sat at a desk with a scroll and quill. Using his magic he levitated the quill dipping it in some ink and began to write on the scroll. The blizzard has caused the three tribes to grow restless and angry as they try to figure out what to do without food....I can not foresee if the three tribes will get past this famine but my Apprentice Clover believes in that and has told me she and the Princess are going on a expedition to go look for some more land where we can find food...If the earth ponies weren't the only ones who knew had to grow food then we would have a much more peaceful relationship with each other...I have been thinking of creating a place of order and work where the three species can work equally for the better of the pony kind and help them improve their lives....I envision ways and devices of sorts that will help through our hardships we face already...hardships like food,medicine and living conditions...perhaps with due time this place can be the central pillar for the economy of the kingdom producing all its good for no charge and bringing about a utopian society past scholars have discussed about and dreamed for...this place shall invoke the use of technology which currently we have very little of....the place from where technology will come shall be called Technomancer Incorporation...The last part of this name will help identify it is a business and as such will be treated as such... Starswirl The Bearded got his answer as a new land was founded and colonized by the ponies due to its rich and vital soil which allowed crops to be grown and feed the population....The company has officially opened in a deep chasm chosen so it can be done in solitude and not disturb the animals or ecosystem around the area....The cave became the main factory and facility of the company and the workers were put to work learning and storing knowledge and applying it to various inventions designed to help out ponies with the various tasks they do such as farming,harvesting and cooking....tons of inventions came out of the company and Starswirl as its founder began to write down laws or rules for the company...rules that the company will follow for years to come... The company must abide by these rules or laws as they exist and operate outside the territory's of the three tribes and as such need Laws for order.The main three laws that must be used is...Their must be no Morales,Ethics or Emotions allowed in the field of their work as these will free the workers from limitation of what is considered Morale and allow work to consider at a faster pace and more amazing discovery's to be made...but this must not be abused for sinister purpose and a worker will only pursue a idea or suggestion if their is a gain in knowledge from it without knowledge their is no point in wasting time on a silly event..Loyalty and Honesty is important and the workers will always be honest and never betray their friends in any way no matter what...As for the leadership of the company my daughter is in charge of the company right now but I do wish my bloodline to be the one in charge...as such the requirements to be a leader is that the pony in question must be female and must be a descendant of mine a direct descendant if possible..no expect ions to this rule will ever be made..I do hope this company will help out equestrian as the years go on but I can not be certain.... Starswirl was quite happy as Peace insured throughout the land but unfortunately for him his Apprentice Clover was having other Plans...In recent time with the new peace Clover was planning her own solution to the three species diversity and difference and had made her own thought on where they stand in society... Starswirl was walking through the forest on a warm summer evening with Clover and the two were rather silent till they reached a clearing where they stopped and stood their quietly for a few minutes. 'What did you bring me here?' Starswirl asked. 'I wanted to discuss with you my own idea on what to do with the other species living in the city with us'Clover responded sitting down. 'Very well my star pupil go ahead' Starswirl replied and sat down too. 'Before your company came to be we had to depend on the Earth Ponies for food and the Pegasus for weather control but we as Unicorns only provide the day and night for the other two species. Now we can grow or own food and we can control the weather and as such we don't need the other two species for anything anymore.... I'm saying they are nothing but a failure from our pristine unicorn society with those that are filth the earth ponies and pegasus don't deserve to live with us and taint our unicorn society....I'm suggesting we go to Princess Platinum and have her call war on the other two species to eliminate the two foes that live within our city walls'Clover finished her statement and got up. Starswirl looked shocked by what Clover has said but steadily answered back. 'Are you mad my young student!!?? What ever gave you this idea those two species are our dear friends as we all are ponies regardless if one of us has the wings and the other has horns and a third has none....Friendship according to the Princess is important to our society the more we get along the better we work together and here you are suggesting death to hundreds of ponies!!I refuse to help you with this idea and I will go inform the Princess of this as well so you may properly punished for speaking of such a act'. Starswirl got up and proceeded to walk away from Clover when he felt a blow come to his head knocking him down. 'No Starswirl my plan is what the unicorns need......a finale solution to the plaque of inequality in our society.....the pegasi and earth ponies will die!'Clover cried out. She was levitating a dagger which she attacked Starswirl with and stabbed it in his chest. Starswirl tried using his magic to stop Clover but as the blade went deeper into his body he lost focus of his plan and began to cough up blood as he slowly died from the wound. Clover pushed the blade up to the hilt into her former teacher and after minutes went by she finally felt him collapse and knew that Starswirl has died. 'The unicorns will be the divine species and will rule everything....you just wait and see...'Clover muttered as she walked away. Clover The Clever had killed Starswirl and promised that she would make the unicorns the dominate species and kill the others....She nearly succeeded in her goal.... > The Equestrian Civil War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clover the Clever went to the unicorn kingdom, and for the next few weeks plotted with her associates to dethrone Princess Platinum and bring war to the Pegasus and Earth Pony governments to wipe them out for good.... Clover spoke with her associates about the plan in the quiet room of the library. ''Okay, make sure before the dish the earth ponies made to give to the princess is poisoned, and after her death I will deliver my speech to the panicked that the earth ponies have poisoned our dear princess. When they call for the chancellor’s blood we will attack the earth pony section of the city, and when the pegasus no doubt protect the earth ponies, then we invade their section of the city, and soon we will wipe them out. The earth ponies and pegasus must be defeat swiftly in order for us to wipe them out, and we will help ourselves to their supplies of weapons and food to fuel our assault.'' Her associates agreed this was a good plan so far. Clover nodded and said “Okay be prepared for the deed. You are the most important assets in my plan and have agreed to this plan and my views. If it goes bad you can't blame it on me. You made the decision, so you’re responsible for you being part of this, alright? Meeting adjourned.” The group left the library and went back to their daily tasks. Indeed the day soon arrived. The day that started The Equestrian Civil War and brought my company its proudest place in its history. As saviours of equestria. Of course before I can tell you all of that I feel a need to explain what the setting is, as this is a recorded archive for my company to preserve, so more data is needed. The city that was founded by the three species was named Vinátta, which translates to friendship, and was separated into three different areas where the species live and government rules. The Earth Ponies area was called Jarðligr, The Pegasus area was called Drengr and the Unicorns area was known as Mærr. Jarðligr was a peaceful area filled with simple buildings in the style of their peasant like design in their own town and has wide acres of fertile farmland filled with tons of crops that they grew to help support the city. They represented the food district. The pegasus had built their area near the mountains and lived on the clouds and built mines so they may obtain metals needed for their industry of weapons and tools. They represent the Military of the city and had tons of weapons at their disposal. The unicorns main industry was ruling over the two other species, charging them taxes and having a few small mines to produce their gems. They also made the currency known as bits due to the abundance of gold available, and they technically ruled the entire city, but the Pegasus had a militaristic government where their commander was their leader and the earth ponies had a government with a chancellor in it. I personally don't care about their governments as my company government is better. Anyways, the plot as far as Clover was concerned was fool proof and would wipe out the earth ponies and pegasus for good, if it wasn't for my company. It was a grand day in Vinátta as the Festival of Harmony was going on celebrating the day they stopped the fighting and finally started to live in peace and friendship. The earth ponies celebrated by a great feast followed by hours of dancing and music in a great party. The pegasus celebrated with a grand air show by their elite unit of flyers and beautiful explosions of light using weather clouds. The unicorns celebrated with a regal party and feast of which Princess Platinum attended as the guest of honor and they enjoyed the delicious food and wine tasting while listening to classical music and admiring the art inside the grand hall. Inside the kitchen, the earth pony chefs and cooks were working on the various dishes to be served to the guests of tonight's celebration. A unicorn head chef walked around inspecting each dish before levitating it to one of the servants waiting so they could be given to the party guests outside in the grand hall. When he came to inspect the Princess's dish, he began to talk with the cook who made it. ''Quite a beautiful dish you have made. If you don't mind me asking what did you use for this amazing smelling soup?'' the head chef asked. ''I used only the most rare and delicious treats I could find. It took me all year to find the proper ingredients for this amazing soup. It smells perfect and will taste perfect. I even added a new breed of flowers I discovered in the forest that we never had back at our old kingdom with the blizzard wiping out all flowers. It was a beautiful red with thorns and it grew in bushes. I called it a Rose as it just seemed right to call it that, and I used it to give the soup its amazing smell.” As the cook talked the head chef secretly opened a bottle he had kept hidden and using his magic he poured its contents into the soup and smiled happily when he saw the liquid didn't change the appearance of the soup. “Well we must get this served to the Princess right now, as no one else will eat ‘til she does” the head chef said happily as a servant took the soup to the grand hall. Inside of the grand hall, long tables have been set along with a royal table just for the Princess and her nobles to eat at. The princess smiled when her soup arrived as she levitated a glass and spoon, tapping the spoon against the glass to get the guests’ attention. “My dear subjects I am quite excited and happy for this celebration to go so well, and to celebrate our peace and friendship with the other two tribes. United under one government we can now look to the future of our kind as a whole instead of fighting and arguing with one another. Soon we’ll have our own kingdom to rule together, and we will have new ways of learning and living too. I dream that our peace be kept, as without friendship we would not be here today. To Vinátta!” She ended her speech with a cheer as she raised her wine glass and then proceeded to drink it politely.The other guests did so as well and waited for the last announcement to be said. ''Now my dear subjects let us feast upon this delicious meal. Mine has been specially made by the earth ponies in honor of me. It smells delicious,'' The princess said with a smile as she levitated her spoon and took a sip of the soup. A few seconds passed before the princess began to get a little pale before suddenly falling over her face into the soup and after the sudden sound of a splash she layer their unmoving. The guests panicked as Clover approached the princess and checked for her heartbeat or pulse. There was none. Hiding her grin, Clover turned toward the panicked guests and called their attention. ''My fellow unicorns! I have most grave news indeed, as our dear Princess Platinum has been poisoned! As to who could have done such a thing is obvious, it was no doubt the Earth Ponies who have killed our Princess, probably upset about their dirty poor lives in comparison to our own pristine and regal society. Those filthy commoners have had a grudge against us since the Windigo Blizzards, and now they have broken the peace treaty by killing our dear Princess. I believe we should get revenge for our fallen Princess by wiping them out of the city for good! Who's with me?'' A silence followed, and then the cough of the captain of the guards got their attention as he stood up to address the room. ''The princess has been assassinated by Earth Ponies via Poison according to Clover, and while I see that none of us will enjoy taking violent action we simply must. They killed our Princess and we're not gonna let them go off in their merry lives laughing at us, using us like doormats. I say we shall march with our army to their district and burn it to the ground! We will publicly execute their chancellor before the crowd, then wipe the crowd out as well, and when they are gone then they will have learnt their lesson when they become an extinct race!'' The guests clapped their hooves as the captain gave the order for all soldiers to gather at the palace so they march to Jarðligr and avenge their fallen ruler by destroying the district and making the earth ponies extinct. As they left the room, Clover left the room and went into a nearby dark room, dimly lit by candles as she smiled to herself in the mirror and laughed. She wrote in a nearby scroll, ''The fools have fallen for my plan and now the earth ponies will be wiped out for good! I can not wait to watch the fires of Jarðligr from the castle and soon after this is over I will make myself the ruler of my people and lead them into a new age of power and military might! Soon, so soon. I can see it.'' Within a few hours, the unicorn army marched its way towards Jarðlig and entered the district, interrupting the party going on currently. Chancellor Puddinghead approached the leader of the army and questioned why they were there. “If you do not mind me asking why have your army approached our district? we were just celebrating the most joyous of days for our people today” Puddinghead asked. ''You have sent Assassins to kill our dear Princess Platinum and they have poisoned her to death. You must pay for this betrayal,'' The general said unsheathing his sword and stabbing the chancellor through the stomach. The crowd screamed as they watched their chancellor be sliced open, his intestine falling from the wound in the body as blood poured as well. Several earth pony males attacked the army but were immediately killed as the army advanced into the square killing all the earth ponies present. Mothers ran trying to protect their children only for them to be separated and see their children be killed immediately, or their children watching their parents die. Chaos, nothing more than pure bloodshed, violence and chaos. Soon a fire broke out, followed by more as the unicorns were lighting the earth ponies homes on fire in an attempt to kill those hiding in their homes. All was going well till rain poured from the sky over the fires, putting them out as Commander Hurricane flew down to address the army. ''What has gotten into you general? You’re killing innocent Earth Pony citizens, and you have killed Chancellor Puddinghead! Have you all gone mad?!'' ''Commander Hurricane the Earth Ponies have assassinated our dear Princess Platinum and she has died. We seek vengeance, and we will make the Earth Ponies go extinct!'' The general shouted in anger and then pointed a hoof at the Commander and said ''Stand in our way and we will wipe you out as well!''. Commander Hurricane looked at them in anger and then at the destruction around them, and had decided what he would do. He ordered his soldiers to attack as he charged the soldiers using a knife he held in his mouth to easily stab one through his temple, burying the blade into the soldier’s skull and then using it to slice another soldier’s throat, stomping on his lungs and choking him to death slowly. A bigger soldier attacked, trying to take the knife from Hurricane. As they struggled for the knife, Commander Hurricane stabbed it into the ponies chest sliding it down and cutting him open letting his intestine fall out. A great battle then occurred, with much violence and bloodshed between the three species as the earth ponies and pegasus united in fighting the unicorns. Despite their weapons and strength in numbers, the unicorns armor and magic was too strong, and soon Commander Hurricane called a retreat as the two species were forced out the city by the unicorn army. They retreated into the forest and kept running, running from a new threat that aimed to wipe them out for good. The army needed help defeating the unicorns, and the Commander had a good idea where to go for help. This started the Equestrian Civil War, and it would bring the shining moment of my company's history, and how it cemented our abilities as a powerful force. But thats a story for another time.