> Bar Scene > by maxxxxxx > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bummed Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomorrow's that day again isn't it... She thought to herself bitterly as she trotted through Ponyville. Indeed, tomorrow was a melancholic anniversary for her to be sure. It was late at night, only one sound could be heard through the moonless dark, a loud, pounding bass that reverberated through the ground. It was coming from the small towns newest attraction. A strip club. That brought her thought's to earlier in the day. First, Twilight and RD get into another fight over nothing, then, Fluttershy leaves in tears because her pet was sick, poor thing. Rarity is all stressed about not only filling my order, but something about some big shot that could make or break her career. Jeez, today was just noponies day She could feel the music pounding through her body now. Looking up she found that her hooves had taken her to the club. It was one of the largest structures in Ponyville. A big, loud eye sore that smelled like sweat and Celestia knows what else. The large doors were clear glass with brass handles. She sighed inwardly. I don't get what all the fuss is about, the mayor cleared it because it's supposed to help the local economy but I just think it's not the kind of thing I want around my little sis. Twilight and Dash seemed okay with it, but with those two it's no surprise... Wait! Isn't that RD?! “What the hay? Why is she alone? I don't like the looks of this.” She looked up at the building looming over her. Well, Rainbow looks down and I really should check this place out before I jump to any conclusions. With a gulp she steeled herself and opened the door. As soon as she did the pounding bass and change in air pressure caused a hot, humid gust to hit her. It smelled strongly of sweat, alcohol and sex. Maybe I should just go to my usual bar and.. Her thought was cut off by a large red blur moving in front of her. She jumped back, startled. What the buck!? Oh, that must be a bouncer. Shoot, I'm so used to every pony knowing me down at the bar that I completely forgot my ID. “Um, sorry I forgot my... Big Mac!? What are you doing here?” It was her brother, no doubt about it. The Only thing different was the shades over his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but his sister cut him off. “Wait, don't tell me you work here?!” Her jaw dropped while he smiled bashfully. “Hehe, um... Eeyup.” She raised an eyebrow at him dubiously. “And you're a bouncer?” “Eeyup.” “How long... you know what, never mind. Just don't you be late for tomorrow, ya hear?” Applejack glared at him and his smile devolved into concern. Bringing his glasses down to his nose he looked at her with worry. “Are you going to be okay Aj? After what happened last year...” “Oh you hush now Big Mac, we said we would never talk about that. Anyway, I forgot my ID can you let me in? RD's in there and she looks like she could use some company.” After pondering for a moment, he nodded and allowed her to pass. The concerned look remaining on his face as he brought his shades back over his eyes and returned to his job, lightly bobbing his head to the beat. The music was overwhelming, she could hardly hear herself think over it. The dance floor was packed and so were the seats around the stripper poles. The more I see of this place, the more I miss my usual bar. What was Big Mac thinking working at a place like this? He goes down to Ponyville Pub about as much as I do, you'd think he would have some loyalty. That brother of mine, I swear. “Bar keep, another shot of tequila over here!” She turned to the source of the sour but familiar voice, She almost frowned at the unusual hint of defeat in her friend's voice. I ain't never heard her sound so down before. I didn't think that little spat those two got in was that bad. What do I even say to her? Today all I wanna do is go to my bar and drink away my problems. She looked back up at her friend, who was looking eagerly at the bartender who was mixing her drink. With a heavy sigh she padded over to Rainbow Dash. Here goes nothing. “What are you doing here all by your self sugar cube?” She could pretty much guess the answer, Twilight and Rainbow Dash were making plans on coming to this club together, Dash being here alone could only mean they had another fight or broke up... or both. “Applejack!? What are you doing here, I thought you were straight?” Applejack took a seat beside her friend, who was only staring blankly at her cup. “What? Straight folks aren't allowed here?” She chuckled, trying to get her friend's mood up, but to no avail. “It's strange for a straight mare to come to a strip club where pretty young mares with daddy issues rub their bodies, sensually up on poles for tips. Even besides that, this just doesn't seem like your scene.” She spoke without looking up from her cup, swishing the liquid around in boredom. Applejack laughed again. “Well you got me there, This isn't really my sort of thing, but why are you here alone? I thought you and Twilight wanted to check this place out together?” She finally looked up from her drink. She had sadness and anger in her eyes. Oh, this isn't gonna be good... She was right, as soon as she finished her thought Dash went into a fit of anger. “Buck Twilight! All she does is bitch at me and make me out to be in the wrong when ever we talk! I swear she wasn't such a bitch when we were just friends or when we fist started dating!” Applejack looked at her with empathy. Oh Rainbow, I just can't stand to see you so bent out of shape like this. “If it's so bad why don't you two just break up? None of us like to see you two fighting all the time.” She became even more downcast at the simple question. She sighed and took hold of her glass, gulping it's contents down in one, uncomfortable go. Her body shook as drank, Dash was clearly not used to harder liqueur. She slammed to the glass down with disdain, then brought her attention back to Aj. “It's not that simple Aj.” Applejack just closed her eyes and shook her head. She could see she wouldn't get anywhere like this. “If you say so, I just don't like seeing you this way Rainbow.” “We'll be fine, I just need to let loose and get wasted tonight. Everything will be better tomorrow.” She sounded less that convinced, but Applejack could sympathies with the sentiment of just wanting to let lose and forget your problems. “Wanna stay and get drunk with me?” She looked dismally at her friend. For a moment, she seriously considered it, but, with tomorrow being what it is and the way she was feeling, she wanted the calm familiar over... this. It pained her but this time, she wanted to be selfish. She shook her head. “Sorry but like you said this place just ain't me. I think I'll mosey on down to my usual bar, where I can actually hear myself think, have some drinks and chat with the bar tender every once in a while.” Dash folded her hooves over the counter and rested her head on them, she looked downright pitiful. “That sounds even more depressing.” She said simply. To which Applejack let out a somewhat bitter chuckle. “Well that's what the drinks are for. Well, I think I'm gonna head out now. You have a good night and don't you do anything too wild now.” She hopped down from the stool and made her way out of the club leaving her alone at the bar. 'I guess every pony has days where they just need to forget their problems. Looks like even Rainbow Dash is no exception.' As she reached the doors she turned around for one last look at her friend, feeling a pang of guilt for leaving her alone. The bartender gave her another drink which she slammed down faster than the last before staggering up and moving towards the dace floor. “I'm sure she'll be fine... right?” With little reassurance, she left the noisy club and began making her way to Ponyville Pub. > Bar Therapy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack trotted down the lonely night time streets of Ponyville. She felt tempted to bring her speed to a gallop, not wishing to prolong her time alone with her thought's. Rainbow and Twilight are really having a rough time since they got together, especially lately. They seemed pretty happy when they first got together, but it was all down hill from there. I know it's not what either of them wanted but I think those two should end it with each other. Well, I don't think I'm in much of a position to be judging their love life. Uhg, It's always the walk there that's the worst part, even worse than the hangover I hope I have in the morning. Suddenly her eyes swiveled, following a soft melodic sound. Looking up form the ground she quickly found the source of the music. “Finally made it. Time to get my drink on.” With an excited smile she stopped in front of an inconspicuous wooden door. Calming jazz music emanated from within. Putting her hoof to the door it creaked open and a small bell jingled. The air from inside flowed out through the door carrying with it the familiar nostalgic smells of good ciders, meads and beers. Stepping inside, she felt instantly at home in the cozy laid back atmosphere. Hoof crafted wooden tables were placed spaciously throughout the tavern. At the opposing end from the entrance was the bar with the bartender polishing up a glass mug. Looking up at the sound of the bell a smile spread across his gruff face. “Applejack! Been a while! How ya been?” He spoke amiably motioning for her to take a seat, to which she happily obliged. “I've seen better days Malt, I've seen better days.” She said halfheartedly as she make her way to the bar counter. “Well have a seat! Let's see if I can't make it a little better.” He grinned. He was an older but well muscled stallion. He had graying beard and mane with hints of it's original dark brown but his coat maintained it's strong light brown color. He'd been running the local Ponyville tavern since before Applejack was born. “That's what I'm here for.” She smiled, her mood already brightening. “It's pretty quiet here for a Saturday night. What gives?” She looked around the all but empty bar, only two other patrons were present. A stallion even more along in years than old Malt reading a paper and a middle aged stallion who looked to be drinking his stress away. I think I can make a guess why this place is empty as Granny Smith's gums. She thought bitterly. “Yeah, business has been a bit slow, especially tonight. That new club they opened up, It's pretty popular. I don't know why Mayor Mare decided to approve the thing, a few of us small shop owners tried to petition against it, but well, you know how that turned out. If I turned the music off, you can hear that damn obnoxious music all the way over here. But enough about my problems, let's get you a drink. What'll it be?” “I'll have my Usual. Zapp's Apple Ale!” “Sure thing! Coming right up!” “Thank ya kindly Malt, I've been look forward to this all day.” All day today, all day yesterday... It's been so long but I always get like this, every year. Every year I do this alone. As much as I love this place, part of me really wanted to stay with Rainbow just so I would have somepony with me. Ah well, once the drinks start going down my worries will just fade away. “Here ya go! A fresh cold one.” Malt smiled as he placed a glass bottle filled with a light amber liquid on the counter in front of her along with a large chilled glass mug. Just the way I like it. Couldn't it like this at the eye sore they call a club! “Thanks!” She said cheerfully as she took the glass in her hoof and poured it's contents into the mug. It visibly fizzed as it poured and the dull but sweet scent of apples wafted through air to her nose, filling her mind with euphoric nostalgia. “You know, that was one of your father's favorites to. He specially selected the apples from your orchard for me to brew into it. Only the finest ones would do. He was a smart stallion, kept Sweet Apple Acres running in some of it's worst days. I remember this one time before you were born he-” Malt was abruptly cut off by the now vacant bottle being slammed onto the counter. He looked apprehensively at Applejack who's head was bowed, her hat and mane obscuring her face from sight. A both sad and angry air surrounded her as she sat silent and motionless. “Aj, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all that.” He said with a voice full of sympathy. Applejack raised her head, but instead her concerned friend, she brought her gaze to the cold mug of untouched drink. In one swift motion she swooped it up and brought it to her lips, downing the ale as though it were water and she was stranded in a desert. It was a strong tasting drink, the smooth and gentle sweetness of the apples was quickly followed by the bitter kick of the alcohol, but the flavors complemented rather than conflicted leading to a satisfying and thirst quenching first drink of her long night. Without coming up for air, she downed the drink and slammed the mug down with gusto and an extremely satisfied breath. “Don't worry, I know you and my Pa were close friends. Granny Smith told me some of the stories. I guess you'll be there to tomorrow?” “Yeah, I'll be there. Haven't once missed a year. What about you? After what happened last year will you be okay?” “I'll be fine.” She spoke in almost an irritated growl. “Can't anypony just let that go?” “Hey, I've seen it all in my time, you'll get no judgment from me. How ponies handle this sort of thing is up to them.” His disarming tone and demeanor calmed the frustrated Applejack who gave a sigh before she lightly smiled back at him. “You're right, I know you don't judge. That's one of the things I love about drinking here, I can always talk to you about anything.” “Well, I always say, my job is one half bartender and the other half therapist. Giving a good drink and being a good listener is what's kept me in business all these years.” He laughed jovially, and Aj laughed right along with him. Suddenly, raucous and obnoxious laughter overwhelmed the soothing music as the door creaked open and the bell sounded. Applejack turned her head and, from the corner of her eye, saw a group of five young stallions. They loudly laughed stumbled around as they took up a table nearest the entrance. Most of them look like they're already drunk off their asses, and their so damn loud. I hope they don't intend on sticking around too long. I wanna drink in peace damn it! She thought to herself begrudgingly. “Shit, not more of them.” Malt said quietly but forebodingly. “More of who?” She inquired, glancing back at the newly arrived patrons. “Ever since that Celestia damn club opened up I've been getting these colts what can barely handle their drink calling themselves stallions coming in and scaring away my loyal customers. That's why we're so empty tonight. A few of them came by earlier the punks tried to skip out on their bill.” “What! Well if these cunts cause any trouble here I'll kick their asses so hard they'll be shitt'n horseshoes!” “Well for now their valuable costumers. If it comes down to it don't worry, I know their type, their pussies, I may be old but I can still run some snot nosed punks out of my bar. You've got enough to worry about.” “Hey old timer! Ya gonna get us some drinks or what!” One stallion with a light grey coat and dark blue mane called out, eliciting stupid laughs from his buddies. Malt shook his head is exasperation. “Bordeaux! We've got customers!” He called out towards a small entrance leading to the back of the bar where the kitchen and cellar are. A loud metallic crashing sound echoes from the kitchen, ringing out throughout the bar, drawing everypony's attention. Even the rowdy new arrivals stopped and turned towards the source of the noise. “S-sorry! Nothing's broken!” A high but dulcet mares voice called back followed by another metallic ruckus. After a long moment an out of breath young mare stepped out from the threshold behind the counter. She was wearing an apron and a white waitress dress that hung nearly to her knees in the back. She had a braided up mane the color of a dark red wine and her coat was a light blonde. “Sorry, I dropped a sauce pan but nothing broke and I put it in the sink and-”Her rapid fire explanation was cut short as Malt interjected. “Bordeaux, we have customers. You can tell me about it later.” His exasperated tone was growing ever thicker. “R-right! Sorry! I'll go take their order.” Nervously, she walked around from behind the counter and slowly made her way to the waiting table, presumably building her nerve. Turning back to Malt, Applejack raised and eyebrow. “She new?” “Yeah, She's my new apprentice.” She sighed, keeping one eye on her the entire time. “You got a new appreciate?” Applejack as well glanced over to Bordeaux who was just reaching the table. “And that's her?” She said dubiously. “She's a prodigy when it comes to brewing and mixing, a pretty good cook too. I'm getting on in my years and with my son off in Manehattan running a music studio and my grandson enlisted in the royal guard, I need someone to take over the business when I'm gone. She's smart and got a good mind for business, but she's a terrible klutz and sucks when it comes to interacting with ponies. I'm training her best I can, but she's missing out on half the skills needed for this job.” “H-heeey shweet heart!” One of the drunk stallions slurred as he took Bordeaux's hoof in his. “Why, why don't take a drink with ush! T-then come back to my plash and get really hammered, if you got what I mean!” He chortled, banging his hoof against the table for emphasis as Bordeaux looked looked pleadingly at Malt. “Malt, go ahead and get me some whiskey, straight up. This is gonna be a long night.” She said dejected as she rubbed her temple in an attempt to lower her growing stress. “Yeah, you got it.” He placed a shot glass in front of her and poured the drink into the cup, Applejack could smell the powerful scent of alcohol. I'd usually like to wait a bit longer before hittin' harder stuff, get a bit more light drinking in, but buck it, I can't stand assholes like them. She reached for her drink the moment Malt had finished pouring it. As she slammed it back, the cup barely making contact with her lips. She felt a satisfying burn as it flowed passed her tongue and down her throat settling in to a pleasant warming sensation spreading through her chest and into her stomach. Breathing a content sigh she gently placed the glass down. Now that's what I'm talk'n bout! Few more of those an' I'll be ready for some real drinking! A smile began to spread across her face, but was brought to an abrupt end when the bell again rang from the entrance. Shit, and I was just start'n to get back into a decent mood! I'll wager it's one of them rowdy folks from the bucking club! She thought to herself as she turned to confirm her concerns. She nearly fell off her bar stool as she stared dumbfounded at the pony who stood at the in front of the door, sheepishly looking at the floor. “Fluttershy?!'