> Super Dragon > by furryman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Issue One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now you be careful out there dear.” his mother, Drace-El said. “Mom! I’m an adult now! I can take care of myself.” Spike-El whined. “You’ll always be my baby.” Drace-El replied, smiling. "Don’t argue with your mother, son.” Drak-El admonished, winking. “It’s pointless.” Spike-El sighed, kissed his mother, hugged his father then left for the spaceport. Spike-El was nineteen years old, the newest member of the Deep Space Exploration Squad. He was nearly six and a half feet tall. He had purple scales that covered his back and sides, while light green scales covered his front. He was very well muscled. The triangular plates that grew from the top of his head to the tip of his tail were dark green. He had two large draconic wings growing from his back. All in all a prime example of the male of the Dragonian race. The Deep Space Exploration Squad was tasked with finding habitable planets with sentient beings. If these beings were advanced enough and peaceful he was to establish diplomatic relations. A weighty responsibility, but he’d been trained since he was ten years old. It would probably be years before he saw his home planet again. He yearned for adventure and this was the best way to find it. He entered his scout ship and launched. Six months had passed and he’d traveled further than any Dragonian before him. A cosmic storm had completely cut off all communications with Dragon months ago, but he wasn’t worried. He was prepared for anything. Anything but the wormhole that suddenly appeared before him. In an instant he was sucked into the galactic vortex. The shear stress of the gravitic forces caused him to lose consciousness. The loud blare of multiple alarms woke him up. “Computer report!” he groaned. “Ship has been transported to an unknown region of space. Estimate that severe micro damage to the hull will cause complete disintegration of the ship within two hours.” the computer said. Some witty person had programmed the computer to sound like an obscure actress who had been well known for doing the computer voice for a popular drama set on board a spaceship. “Locate nearest habitable planet.” Spike-El ordered. The computer was silent for a moment. “Habitable planet located approximately one hour from here.” the computer finally replied. “Sentient life forms?” he asked. “Approximately level three.” Level three meant that they’d just recently developed local space flight technology. Also there was a high probability that they’d never encountered aliens before. “Cloak ship and approach planet.” Spike-El stated. “Arrive in one hour.” “Scan communications.” the Dragonian said. “Scan complete.” the computer reported. “Download translator program. Establish hologram program A.” The hologram would cloak him in a sophisticated illusion designed to disguise him as a native. “Engaging program.” Spike studied himself in the mirror. His skin no longer had scales and was pink. His hair and eyes were green and his wings had vanished. For some unknown reason the computer had given his disguise glasses. The hologram would be the perfect disguise as long as no one got overly intimate with him. One hour later he arrived at a blue planet that appeared to be three-fourths water. “Land in a remote, uninhabited region.” Spike-El commanded. “Commencing landing procedure.” the computer responded. There was a small jolt that informed him that the ship had landed. “Time until destruction?” Spike-EL asked “Thirty minutes.” “Activate distress beacon and download all functions into mobile computer.” “Commencing” “Completed.” the computer’s voice came from a device approximately the shape and size of a laptop computer. The distress beacon was about the size of a tennis ball. The Dragonian carried the computer and the distress beacon as he exited the ship. With one last look back, he began trudging through the dense woods he’d landed in.. He wasn’t optimistic about his chances for rescue. The computer should have been able to calculate his whereabouts with only a few reference points. The fact that the computer didn’t know where they where indicated that they were thousands of light years from the nearest known star system. “Distance to nearest concentration of sentient life forms?” Spike-El asked. “One hundred miles in this direction.” the computer flashed a hologram of an arrow in front of him. Four days later he arrived at the outskirts of a small farming community. The translator program informed him that the name on the sign over the entryway was Ponyville. He knew he needed a job to survive on a level three planet. Adopting the name Spike Scent, his computer generated credentials soon got him a job as a security guard. It was a lonely, boring life. He couldn’t become close friends with anyone, otherwise they might penetrate his disguise. One day as he was walking down the street he saw a little filly chase a ball into the street. Much to his dismay he saw a bus bearing down upon her. Without thinking twice Spike ran into the street, scooped up the filly and threw her out of harm’s way. It was too late for him though. The bus hit him head on. There was a loud rending, crashing noise. When the noise died Spike was surprised to find himself still alive. Extricating himself from the grill of the vehicle he looked around. The filly was laying nearby, bruised but unharmed. The bus driver appeared woozy but unhurt. Luckily no one else had witnessed the accident. Quickly he ran back to his decrepit apartment. “Computer, scan my body and analyze.” he said as he entered the apartment. “Analysis complete. You are now faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and able to bend steel with your bare hands. Your skin is now tough enough to deflect most airborne projectiles.” the computer replied. Sometimes Spike wondered if the Dragonian who’d programmed the computer was nuts. “Cause?” Spike asked, rolling his eyes. “Prolonged exposure to yellow spectrum sunlight. Also analysis reveals a total lack Dragonite, an element commonly found on Dragon.” It’s true that the Dragonian sun was green, but as far as he knew prolonged exposure to Dragonite was about as harmful as drinking water. Then again, if you’d been exposed to it your entire life… The question now was: what was he supposed to do with this power? It’d be disingenuous to admit that the glamour of being a “Star Scout” hadn’t attracted him to the job. Now he had a chance to become a real hero. A chance to actually help people. The idea appealed to him tremendously, but how? He recalled a strange, colorful, paperbound booklet he’d happened to come across recently. He had picked it up and glanced through it. It appeared to be the profusely illustrated adventures of a fantastically powerful being known as a “super powered hero”. A ridiculous idea occurred to him. Perhaps if he posed as “super powered hero” he’d be accepted and not hunted. Spike shook his head and smiled wryly. “Preposterous.” he thought to him self. He could just picture himself flying around in a garishly colored costume. Still, maybe just maybe it was bizarre enough to work. He was so lonely. The thought of being surrounded by admiring fillies wherever he went appealed to him. That night he broke into a local costume shop and took several adult sized costumes. Leaving behind one hundred bits he hurried back to his apartment. Assembling bits and pieces of a variety of costumes he created what he thought was a distinctive look. The hardest part had been creating the logo. He had never thought his mother’s sewing lessons would come in handy. Spike dropped the hologram and studied himself in the mirror. He couldn’t help laughing at the image reflected there. He wore a form fitting green leotard, purple briefs and a red belt. His logo was hexagonal, bright green with two large red letters, S D, embroidered upon it. Not very stylish, but perhaps it would be effective. EQUINEOPOLIS, ONE WEEK LATER “I’m here about the journalist internship?” Spike said. The editor of the Daily Pony, Berry Black studied him as if he was a bug. “A bit old to be an intern, but I supposed nowadays you can’t discriminate. Impress me and maybe I‘ll hire you full time.” he growled. “Rarity?” he called. An extraordinarily beautiful mare entered the office. Spike fell in love with her instantly. She was about five and a half feet tall. Her skin was so pale he would have thought she was an albino if it wasn’t for her long, elaborately coiffed purple hair and bright blue eyes. A pale diamond shaped purple mark on her forehead indicated that she was what the locals called a “unicorn”. She had wonderfully large, firm breasts and her figure was delightfully feminine. She wore a form fitting white blouse and purple pants. She was the sexiest, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. “It’s your turn to train the intern, Rarity.” Berry stated. “But chief…” she whined. “Don’t but me Rarity. I don’t care if you are my star reporter! Everyone else has already done it. It’s your turn. And don’t call me chief!” he barked. She sighed. Looking resigned, she turned and stuck out her hand. “I’m Rarity Rein, star reporter. Do exactly what I tell you and maybe someday you’ll be a halfway decent reporter.” “Spike Scent. I‘m looking forward to working with you.” he gave her his most charming smile and shook her hand. Rarity gave him an appraising look. She had to admit he was quite tall, quite muscular and rather sexy looking in a geeky sort of way. She shook her head. Never mix business with pleasure, that was her motto. “Come on Scent.” she growled. “This is our best photographer, Pinkie Parker.” Rarity said. A teenaged filly stood before Spike. Pinkie was slightly taller than Rarity. She had a wild mass of bright pink hair. She had large breasts and was pleasingly plump. She wore a pink blouse and a pink pair of shorts. “I haven’t been bitten by a radioactive spider yet.” she said. “Huh?” Spike said. “Don’t worry about it. She tells everyone she meets that.” Rarity stated. “Wow! A newcomer! That means I get to throw a newcomer party.” she squeed, bouncing up and down. “She also loves parties.” Rarity commented. SUPER DRAGON SAVES THE DAY By Spike Scent Surprising events occurred today when a gang robbed a local bank. When the police arrived during the heist the thieves took the bank customers hostage. There was a tense standoff and it was likely that one or more of the hostages would be harmed. It was then that a strange turn of events occurred. Witnesses later described a large humanoid figure moving so quickly it was a blur. In instants the humanoid disarmed and disabled all ten robbers. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was a dragon.” one mare told this reporter after the excitement had died down. “He was wearin’ one of those costumes just the way them there super powered heroes do.” an observant stallion reported. Almost all the witness described their rescuer as draconic in appearance. Police are refusing to comment on this startling development. “Great work, Spent.” Berry said. “How did you get such a great scoop?” Rarity asked suspiciously. “Guess I was just in the right place at the right time.” Spike replied, shrugging. SUPER DRAGON SAVES DOZENS FROM BURNING HOUSE SUPER DRAGON FLIES SINKING SHIP TO SHORE SUPER DRAGON SAVES DROWNING FILLY “Parker! Get me some pictures of Super Dragon.” Berry shouted. “On it chief!” Pinkie chirped. “Don’t call me chief!” “I don’t like it!” billionaire Chrissie Chrysalis exclaimed, throwing down her paper. Chrissie was about five and a half feet tall. She had long blue hair. Her skin was jet black. She had large, perfectly formed breasts and her figure was magnificent. Her “unicorn mark” looked like a jagged scar on her forehead. She was wearing a gray business suit. “As long as it don’t effect our operations what does it matter, boss?” Snails commented. “Somebody likes interfering and sooner or later those types will start sticking their noises where it don’t belong.” Chrissie snarled. “What’re we goin’ to do about though, boss.” Snails asked. Chrissie smiled. A shiver went though Snails body when he saw that smile. “Time to commence Operation Super Powered Villain.” she said. “If only I could get an interview with this Super Dragon.” Rarity groaned in frustration. “Seems like the type that doesn’t like to stick around.” Spike commented. “Who doesn’t want free publicity?” she replied. “Not everybody craves fame and fortune, Miss Rein.” “Still, it looks like he’s trying to hide something.” “Like his name and address? Can you imagine the mob?” Rarity threw up her hands in surrender. “Maybe you’ve got a point, Scent. Guess I’ve been a reporter for too long. I’d still like to talk to him though.” Chrissie was prescient. Within a month Super Dragon had almost completely shut down her drug cartel. Sales of illegal arms sold by her company fell dramatically as gangs virtually vanished. No one was brave enough to run the protection racket. One night there was a knock at the door of Rarity’s apartment. “I’m not expecting anybody.” she thought. Cautiously she peered through the peep hole. Standing outside was a large humanoid dressed in a garishly colored costume, Rarity gasped and quickly threw open her door. “Super Dragon?” she asked. “That’s what they call me. I’ve heard that you wanted to interview me, Miss Rein?” Spike asked, pitching his voice an octave deeper than normal. “Come in.” she answered nervously. He stepped inside. Rarity studied him carefully. Although she guessed he was about the same height and build as that Scent fellow, he seemed much more imposing. This definitely wasn’t a pony. He somehow reminded her of the ancient depictions of dragons .His alien appearance was exotic yet somehow erotically appealing to her. A thrill of desire swept through her. She thought briefly thought about her long time vow, then discarded it. “Sit down. Make your self comfortable.” Rarity said. He sat on nearby chair. “The first thing my readers would like to know is: are you an alien?” Spike nodded. “I traveled here from a planet called Dragon. It’s in a galaxy so distant even your strongest telescopes couldn’t find it.” “Why are you here?” “I crash landed and my ship was destroyed.” “Any chance of being rescued?” “Extremely unlikely.” Rarity couldn’t help feeling sorry for the handsome dragon. “So that means you’re stranded here?” He nodded. “That sounds rather lonely.” Rarity stated. He shrugged. “I take things one day at a time.” “I’ve heard rumors that you have fantastic powers. What can you do?” “In addition to be able to fly, I’m extremely fast, extremely strong and extremely tough. I can breathe fire and have X-ray vision.” “X-Ray vision? Does that mean you can see through anything?” Rarity recalled nervously that she was wearing rather scanty and extremely sexy black underwear. “Anything but lead.” Remembering that her large planters were made from lead she hastily moved behind one. “Does that mean you can tell what color my underwear is? ” she asked. “I would never invade a lady’s privacy that way, Miss Rein.” “I completely understand that you don’t want to tell me what your secret identity is. But could you at least tell me your first name?” “Pinkie!” he exclaimed. “Huh?” “Err, sorry, I just noticed that Pinkie’s living right next door.” “You know Pinkie?” Spike suddenly realized that he might have revealed too much. “I’ve got to go now, lots of crime to fight and all.” her said nervously. He got up and headed for the door. Realizing that he was about to vanish, she forgot her suspicions and spoke. “I know this is kind of sudden, but would you like to go on a date?” “You could be in great danger if anyone found out.” he cautioned. “I can take care of myself.” she replied. Spike wanted desperately to take her up on her offer, but was it worth the risk? Finally he decided it was worth it and nodded. “You can’t tell a soul.” he warned. “I won’t.” Rarity stated. “Let me show you something wonderful.” he said, heading out to the balcony. Rarity followed him full of curiosity. “Do you trust me?” he asked. “Of… of course.” she replied hesitantly. Spike stepped behind her and hugged her gently but firmly. Rarity noticed he was careful to avoid touching her breasts. His embrace was warm and comforting, yet wonderfully erotic at the same time. “Brace yourself!” he warned. Before Rarity could object he ran and leapt off the balcony. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as there was a brief moment of freefall. Then she felt a strange sensation. Looking down she saw that they were flying over the city. The view was incredible. Spike flew up and up until the city was little more than a concentration of lights. He flew over clouds so closely, she felt as if she could walk on them. He glided over mountain peaks and dived down into valleys. Rarity had never had such a wondrous experience. All to soon they landed back on rarity’s balcony. “I had a wonderful time.” she said breathlessly. “Me too.” he replied. Quickly, before she could change her mind she kissed him. He gently returned her kiss. “See you tomorrow?” she asked. “I’ll be here, unless there’s an emergency.” he replied, smiling. He then flew off. “You still never told me your name.” she realized a moment later Over an hour had passed since their date was supposed to begin. Rarity was depressed, sure he’d found someone more beautiful than her. Finally there was a knock at her door. Hurriedly she opened it. “Sorry I was late. I had to shore up a crumbling dam.” he explained. “That’s all right, I supposed a girl’s got to make some sacrifices when she’s dating a hero.” she replied. This time he took her to a remote plateau where he produced a delectable variety of viands. They ate and chatted lightly. During the following days he took her to a myriad of fantastic places. One night just as he was about to leave Rarity mustered up her courage and spoke. “Won’t… won’t you stay the night?” Spike hesitated a moment then said. “I suppose you’ve been wondering who I really am. That is, who I disguised myself as when I’m not being a hero. Before you decide whether you want to sleep with me, I think you deserve the truth.” He pressed a hidden button and transformed. “S…Spike?” she stuttered, amazed. “I’m sorry I had to lie to you, Miss Rein. But I wasn’t sure who I could trust. Can you forgive me?” “Call me Rarity.” she said, smiling seductively as she took his hand and led him to her bedroom. That night rarity found out that Super Dragon was super virile. Spike constantly used his super hearing to scan police bands. When he heard that a dragon-like monster was terrorizing downtown Equineopolis he flew as quickly as possible in that direction . As he closed in his super vision spotted the monster. Superficially it did look like him. The monster was somewhat larger and more muscular than he. It’s face though was much more reptilian with a large alligator like snout filled with long dripping fangs. It‘s claws too were longer and more dangerous looking. It had beady red eyes filled with murderous rage. It wore a pure white costume with gold borders. When it spotted Spike it let out a roar of anger. “I am Nogard! You no hero, me hero. Kill you! Me become new hero.” it growled. Once “Nogard” had been a common thug in Chrysalis’s employ. He’d been chosen for her horrific experiments because he’d been the strongest and the toughest. The fact that he’d also been the ugliest had been a bonus. The being known as Nogard recalled almost nothing about his old life. One thing that he did remember was that fillies were revolted by him. Chrysalis’s scientists had brainwashed him into believing that he could become a super powered hero thus gaining the admiration of fillies everywhere. First though he had to get rid of Super Dragon. As long as Super Dragon was alive he didn’t stand a chance to become a true super powered hero. Fists like pile drivers pummeled Spike. Claws as sharp as steel slashed at him. Luckily although Nogard appeared bigger and stronger than Spike, their strength was nearly equal. Spike drove Nogard into the ground and blew gouts of flame at him. Shakily Nogard arose from the crater he’d made. Sensing that he was at a disadvantage the monster recalled Chrysalis’ instructions. He reached into his pockets and pulled out a mysterious chunk of metal. He held out his arm and pointed it at Spike. A wave of weakness swept over Spike draining him of his strength. Nogard rose from the ground and punched him so hard it sent him flying for blocks. Landing next to the new crater Spike’s body had made, the monster prepared to pound the supine hero into mush. Blearily Spike noticed the large chunk of checkered metal that Nogard held in his hand. He guessed that it must be a piece of his ship made from almost pure Dragonite. The last thing Spike saw was Nogard’ huge fist coming right at him. When Rarity heard that Spike was fighting a monster she raced out into the street. Even though she didn’t have a clue about what she could do to help she stood there anxiously searching for him. Spike landed right in front of her and Rarity watched in horror as the monster pounded him into unconsciousness. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach as the monster turned away with a satisfied look on it’s face. Spike was no longer moving. Was he still breathing? As Rarity screamed and sobbed in sorrow a strange thing happened. She was enveloped in a purple glow. The glow formed into the shape of a long unicorn horn and a pair of wings. Lancing from her forehead a beam of purple energy struck the retreating Nogard and formed a cage. No matter how hard the monster struggled it couldn’t escape. Ignoring the furious monster Rarity ran forward and knelt over Spike’s body. Another softer purple glow sprang from her horn and enveloped Spike. After a moment or so he began to breathe. Within moments his wounds had healed and he sat up. Noticing the purple cage surrounding Nogard he asked “What happened?” Rarity sighed in relief. She then shook her head and replied. “There are ancient legends that the ancestors of the unicorns could do such things. Maybe stress caused me to access those powers?” Spike shook his head in wonder. “What are we going to do with him?” Rarity asked gesturing at the struggling Nogard. “First see if you can take away that piece of metal he’s holding.” Spike said. Using her power Rarity ripped the metal from Nogard’ grip. “Hide it somewhere no one can find it.” he continued. The checkered Dragonite zoomed off and vanished in the distance. Using his strength and flame breath Spike created a cage to hold the monster. Nogard was then handed over to the police. With the help of his computer, Spike fashioned a collar of anti-Dragonite and placed it around Nogard neck, draining him of most of his power. Thanks to Spike’s intervention Nogard served only a year in jail. Even one with as limited intelligence as Nogard knew he should be grateful. He wandered from town to town. Unfortunately the old problem persisted. Wherever he went everypony avoided him. In despair Nogard headed deep into the wilderness. After many days of traveling though the wilderness hunger, thirst, weariness and cold caused him to collapse. When he awoke he found himself in a small homely cabin. Sitting next to him was a pale albino filly with white hair and white eyes. He realized she must be blind. “My name is Bianca.” she said, somehow sensing he was awake. “You’re lucky I found you.” “I am Nogard. Why did you save me?” he asked. “You were hurt. I couldn’t just leave you there.” “You don’t think I’m a monster?” “As you can probably guess, I never judge a book by it’s cover.” Nogard relaxed, maybe he had finally found a place he could stay. Nogard was never seen again. Chrissie Chrysalis clenched her fists in rage. She was on the verge of bankruptcy thanks to the billions of dollars she’d wasted on Nogard. Despite her straightened circumstances, she vowed she’d get even with Super Dragon somehow. After being hit by lightning athlete Rainbow Rallen gains the power of super speed and calls herself The Dash. The last descendent of the ancient race of magical alicorns Twilight Twinkle decides to fight crime. After having her lunch money stolen, billionaire Flutttershy Wain transforms herself into Flutterbat, the Cute Knight. On the mystical island of Themascara super strong Princess Applejack finds an issue of Ponies Illustrated with The Dash on the cover. She falls in love and decides to head to “stallion’s world” to confess. Pinkie Parker finally gets bitten by a radioactive spider and transforms into Spider-Filly. “Told you so!” The End