> Those Stripes: Deleted Scenes > by JeremyStorm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 3.5: Date Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There in the dim magic lights, with soft, loving music playing and the love of my life held tight in my arms, I was perfectly, unimaginably content. His beautiful violet eyes, full of joy and love were staring into mine, and I knew without him saying a word that he felt the same. As long as we had each other, we could take anything. I knew, in that moment, as I did every time I looked at his eyes, that we’d be together forever. And I wanted it no other way. “I love you,” I whispered. Rather than answer, he let his eyes flutter half-shut as he inched his face toward mine. I met him half-way, and our lips met, and any tiny fraction of the outside world that remained was gone. It was just us, our lips pressed together, our tongues dancing each other, and nothing else. I lost track of time as we kissed. When we finally broke apart, he gave me a quick peck on my nose and batted his eyes. He fixed me with a seductive stare and whispered exactly what he wanted to do in my ear. Unable to stop the grin spreading across my face, I gently lowered him to the floor and he began sashaying towards the hallway leading back to our bedroom. Just before he passed out of sight, he gave an exaggerated roll of his haunches and swished his tail. I made to follow him, but I turned back to grab the bottle of wine before I did. I had a feeling we might want it before the night was over. I took a large mouthful straight from the bottle as I followed him. He had already disappeared around the door and was rummaging in the closet as I entered our room. He pulled out a very familiar box from the highest shelf and propped it on his back while I took a seat at the end of the bed. I knew what that box contained, and if he was dragging that out, he had something in mind and was going to need a few minutes to ‘prepare’ himself. I got comfortable while he walked past me back out the door, sparing me a playful grin before left. I was just glad that I’d already prepared myself earlier. Sure enough, it took him several minutes to return, and in the meantime I’d finished off another quarter of the small wine bottle, a very pleasant, if light, buzz settling over my mind. I was surprised by his appearance, though, as he was no longer naked as he stepped in the door. He was now sporting something I’d bought for him a while back but he hadn’t worn yet: a custom-tailored pair of nurse’s scrubs, complete with authentic cap and not-so-authentic miniskirt that just barely concealed his glyphmarks. The entire getup was a mild off-white and emblazoned with what seemed to be the universal symbol of Equestrian nurses: a red cross surrounded by four pink hearts, one in each corner. He even wore white stockings that reached up past the knee on each leg. He was still carrying the box from before, though he shrugged it off onto the floor beside the bed as I looked him over. “Yes, yes, laugh it up,” he said dourly, apparently misreading the smile I wore. He lifted a foreleg, brushing it against the other as though trying to hide himself from me. “I look ridiculous, I know.” I wiggled a finger in a ‘come hither’ gesture, and he placed himself between my legs, planting his hooves on my knees to bring himself up higher. Rather than say anything, I put my free hand on the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. Our lips brushed each other lightly at first, but it didn’t stay that way. Quickly, I was pulling him harder to me and he was pushing in just as much. Our mouths opened almost in unison, our tongues colliding and dancing about one another. His was thicker and longer than mine, its presence almost overwhelming as it flicked against the roof of my mouth. But eventually the need for air won out and we broke apart, breathless. He no longer looked uneasy, instead filled with the mirthful confidence and determination I knew he was capable of, even if he took some reassurance to get there. A gleeful grin overtook him, and he took the wine bottle carefully from me and finished off what little was remaining in a series of long gulps. His face flushed a brilliant red noticeable even through his grey coat as the alcohol started to hit him, but he lost none of the surety in his grin as he dropped the empty glass to the floor. “Now,” he said, leaning in so close he had to whisper in my ear. “I think I’m the only one allowed to wear clothes tonight.” He took the collar of my shirt between his teeth and gently tugged it over my head. When it was off, he whipped it across the room and out of sight, laughing as he did. He set a hoof on my chest, rubbing the soft underside against my pec in small circles before he shoved me backwards. He hopped onto the bed, straddling me as his muzzled dived for my neck. He began forging a trail of feather-light kisses down my neck and chest, pausing only to run his broad tongue over my nipples as he did, which tickled far more than anything else, but he was having fun, and I like his touch. When his mouth found my waist, he paused again, kissing just above the hem of my pants and even laying a few heavy licks there. I shuddered under the continued attention, and as my pants began to feel a little tighter, I grabbed for his cheek, scratching lightly under his jaw. He seemed to take the hint and resumed his earlier attempts to disrobe me. With ease born of repeated practice, he undid the button of my jeans and quickly had the zipper down. As he tugged them off me, I lifted my hips to let them slide off more easily. I kicked off my shoes to save him the trouble. When I was left in just my boxers and socks, Amiti planted himself back on top of me, his chest against mine and our faces inches away. His violet eyes, sparkling in the dim lighting, locked to mine. Our lips met again, fierce and hungry for one another’s touch. As our tongues began wrestling for dominance again, I could feel his tail shifting and twitching between my legs, every movement brushing against my aching member and driving me wild. As prehensile as I’d seen ponies’ tails be, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was doing it on purpose. My hands found his neck and I pulled him closer to me. No matter how hard we were pressed together, it wasn’t enough. It wanted to feel him against me, inside me, as a part of me. I let my right hand trail down his neck and onto his back. The fabric of his nurse’s outfit was a particularly fine cotton, its surface smooth under my fingers. Eventually I found the hem of his skirt and I reached underneath, grasping and kneading the firm muscle of his flank and haunch. I gave a tight squeeze of the flesh, and he squirmed above me, the ghost of a moan sounding in his throat. I pulled my hand back, before slapping it back down with a resounding thwap! His moan was no longer no longer faint as it filled the room, and his entire body shivered on top of me as his hips gave a solid thrust against my stomach. As his underside grinded against my body, I became distinctly aware that I wasn’t the only one aroused. Wedged between our bodies, I could feel the long, firm length of his stallionhood prodding loud and proud into my stomach. Pleased at his reaction, I spanked him again, digging my nails into his coat afterward as he cooed in pleasure. He stood suddenly, the front of his skirt tented out but not revealing anything, he leapt off the bed. I was about to bemoan his absence when he quickly returned with two necessary objects in tow. Clamped in his teeth was a familiar pair of well-used hoofcuffs, the type lined with bright blue fuzzy fabric for comfort. They were a quick release sort, so keys weren’t needed, which was good, because I’d probably lose them. The other item was a small plastic bottle perched somehow on top of his head. He dropped them both beside me, waggling his eyebrows as he sauntered past. He laid down on his back at the head of the bed, tail raised between his hindlegs to cover himself. He was always a coy one, so the behavior didn’t surprise me. I’d be making sure he changed his tune soon. He lied there, patiently waiting for me to take over, and I knew exactly what he wanted. Wordlessly, I took the hoofcuffs and fastened one side around his left foreleg. Balancing precariously over him, I wrapped the cuffs behind one of the bars in the headboard and secured it around his other leg, effectively keeping both forelegs trapped above his head. It left him completely vulnerable to whatever I wished to do to him, with absolutely nothing to stop me from doing whatever I could come up with. And it was exactly how he liked it. I moved back, sitting down on my knees and admiring his bound and prone body. He still had his tail between his legs, hiding his most sensitive spot from me, but I let him have that small protection, for now at least. He pulled at the cuffs, testing the limits of his movement, but they held him tight. He smirked and closed his eyes. I could tell he was reveling in the feeling of being so helpless. I positioned myself so that I was cradling his tailend in my lap, extending one of his hindlegs so that I could kiss his hoof. I trailed my fingers up and down over the stocking, feeling its slick silken texture that was so smooth it felt like touching water. Occasionally, I’d let my fingers play under its hem, teasing his coat as I continued placing kisses against his ankle. Eventually, I tugged the stocking off, agonizingly slow before I tossed it across my room to join my shirt, wherever it had gone. I repeated the whole process on his other leg, and by the end he was groaning and thrusting his hips futilely against the empty air above him. “Eager, are we?” I asked. “You suck,” he replied, smiling despite his frustration. “If you wish, I can do that,” I said. While he pondered my words, I tugged his tail out of the way. I drank in the sight before me. Amiti, on his back, forelegs tied helplessly above him. His hindlegs spread lewdly, his two plump ebony testicles hanging down under his hard shaft. His penis was longer than mine, easily seven or eight inches, though about the same size around. His head was still hidden under the hem of his skirt, though the rest was on clear display. His shaft was the same color as his balls, though towards the tip it was speckled with flecks of lighter grey, close to the shade of his coat. I cupped his testicles in my hand, rolling the hefty orbs around under the slick skin. He was starting to sweat, adding a slick sheen and lubrication for my continued fondling. I added my other hand in, a ball in each palm, prodding and rubbing with my thumbs. With each movement, I could see his cock twitch and hear his breath catch. I bent over, moving my mouth within inches of his shaft. I blew across his flesh, and with a coo he thrust himself upwards again. I stayed just out of reach as I continued to fondle his sack. I gave a gentle squeeze as I blew across him again, and this time a dark wet spot formed on his skirt. I finally allowed him some reprieve, and placed a long lick from his balls all the way up to where his skirt still covered. The cloth seemed to have gotten caught as he hardened, and it seemed unwilling to become unstuck. I placed a kiss on his medial ring, a sensitive spot for him, and the wet spot widened as he let out another glob of pre. At this point, I think I was about as tired of the teasing as he was. Or so I thought, at least. I let go of his sack and withdrew my mouth from his penis. He whined as I did so. “Ugh… You’re such a tease,” he complained. I laughed and kissed his cheek. “Oh, you know I’ll make it up to you.” I sat up enough that I could finally take my boxers off, the front of them having long since gotten uncomfortable from my own precum. I also looked around for the bottle we had forgotten as we tended to other things. I found it on the floor at the end of the bed; it must have fallen off at some point. I returned to my spot behind him, uncapping the bottle as I did so. It felt somewhat cold in my hand, so I wrapped my palm around it and rubbed it a little. As I warmed it, I lifted his rump and placed it back in my lap, our cocks rubbing together nicely as I did. It was then I noticed something I hadn’t before. His tailhole was already being stretched by a sizeable piece of ocean blue silicone. I hadn’t seen it before, but I did know what it was. He wasn’t usually one for enjoying toys while we were intimate, but regardless, there he was with a buttplug spreading his pert little sphincter. He chuckled embarrassedly when he felt me stop. “I-I know you like it, so I thought, ‘why not?’” he said, shrugging as much as he could cuffed to the bed. “It does feel sort of good.” I do find some twisted pleasure in seeing things inside him. Seeing the look on his face as something stretches him out, the sounds he makes when it rubs around inside. Just thinking about it made me a little jealous. I dropped the bottle, no longer needing it for what I decided I wanted. I moved myself over him again, one hand between his bound hooves holding me up while the other found the rubbery toy. I grabbed its outer lip, teasing it gently back and forth. He clenched his eyes shut, grunting. I pulled on the thing until I could feel his hole stretched at the toy’s widest part, a good two inches or so, before I let go and allowed his muscles to pull it back in. I repeated this several times, holding it at its furthest longer each time. When I was done, I let it slide back in, giving it a pat as I sat up again. He looked at me questioningly as I flicked the releases of his cuffs. I slid them off, carefully stretching each of his legs to ease possibly stiff muscles before I tossed the cuffs away. He sat up carefully, his whole body shaking from a combination of the odd position he was lying in and the growing arousal I could see in his eyes. “Why-?” he started, but I cut him off with a kiss on the lips. “I want you on top tonight,” I said as we pulled apart. He processed that for a moment; if he felt anything like I did at that moment, a cloud of lust was slowing his thoughts. But then a smile broke out on his face and he nodded. We then set about the task of preparing. Due to his shorter height, we don’t exactly… line up, if you catch my drift. I have to take all our pillows and place them under my hips, propping my hind end up high enough that he can get good leverage. After getting myself into position, I let him take the lead. He didn’t dive right in, though. He wouldn’t be so thoughtless. Instead, he planted both hooves on my ass, one on either cheek, and pulled them apart. I could feel his breath coming in hot snorts across my skin as he leaned closer. Without so much as a word, I felt his tongue slide across my anus. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it, nor had I never done it for him before, but it’s still an odd feeling. Something so wet and strong wriggling and sliding over such a sensitive spot, occasionally probing and prodding inside, trying to wedge deeper. As he tended to me, easing my body’s reluctance to his presence, I felt tension I hadn’t even realized I’d been under melt away, relaxed as I was by his loving ministrations. Before long, I felt my face heating up as pleasure began building down in my navel. If he kept at it much longer, I wouldn’t need any penetration to get release. But soon, just before his relaxing massage started to lose its charm, he pulled away. More relaxed than I’d felt in ages, I let myself slump against the bed. I heard the bottle pop back open, and a moment later cold lube spilled onto my ass. I’m glad I’d taken what time I had to warm it up, but even then it was still shocking. As I heard him toss the bottle aside, I peered back to get a look at him. He was trying to roll up the skirt to keep it out of the way, but it kept falling back down. Eventually he just took it off, but left the top and cap on. I was surprised to still see it lying on his head; it must clip onto his mane or something to hold it in place. He held the skirt before him, scrubbing at the wet spot he’d left on it before and huffed. “Great. I’m going to have to wash this later,” he said. I couldn’t help but find it funny, the way he was fussing over some messy clothing while his erection bobbed in time with his heartbeat underneath him. Eventually he resignedly tossed it away. He stepped back over to me, positioning himself above me. His stomach brushed my back while he braced himself with his forehooves against my sides. His stallionhood poked and prodded against my scrotum and taint before he reared himself up and got it between us. Rather than thrust in right away, he slid his length between my cheeks to spread the lube around. Finally, he let his weight fully rest on top of me, squishing me nicely into the pillows as his lips met the back of my neck. He placed a loving lick along my jaw towards my cheek before he moved to my ear. “Ready, luv?” he whispered. Rather than answer, I just nodded. He gave me a kiss before he lifted his hips gain. He repositioned himself, trying to line himself up. It was still a slightly awkward position for him, and he had trouble finding the mark sometimes, but eventually I felt something hard prod against my hole. Slowly, he pushed forward. Thanks to the lube, and the tongue lashing he gave me, his head slipped in easily enough. I already felt the familiar fullness as he penetrated me. He paused before going any further, letting me adjust to the sudden invasion. He always cares so much more about my comfort than his own pleasure. I love him so much. I nodded, signaling he was fine to keep going; this wasn’t my first rodeo. Still moving at a snail’s pace, he pushed forward again, and inch by inch he slid inside. His progress ground to a halt when his medial ring bumped against me. It was only a small bulge, but it took an extra hard thrust to get it past. By then, I felt full to burst, but I knew he was almost done. Another couple of inches, and he was done. When his hips finally met mine, we both shivered as we took in the pleasure. No matter how many times I’d taken him, for the first few minutes, it always felt like the first time again. It practically felt like his was poking the back of my throat, and I had to focus on deep breathing as the last twinges of pain fled. As though he could read my mind, he knew when I was ready to continue before I even said anything. Slowly, gently, he pulled back until it was once again just his tip inside me. He wriggled side to side a few times, sending tingles throughout my body before he began moving back in. Rather than the gradual slide like before, this time he slammed home, all the way to the hilt in one fluid motion. “F-fuck!” I said. I think, anyway. It was getting harder to remember the specifics at this point. It might have been something more like ‘Guh!’ He chuckled, the sound coming from somewhere near my ear, which I felt him nibble on. Again, he pulled back out, and again he slammed back home. Over and over it went, each thrust begetting a faster and harder push the next time. Every few thrusts, he would stop at just after his medial ring, a particularly sensitive spot for him, and slam home so hard I would have slid forward had I not braced myself against the headboard. His thrusts started becoming more erratic, shorter and fiercer as his desperation to finish increased. His forehooves pulled harder against my sides as he fought to bury himself deeper inside me. The initial pain of his entry was long gone, replaced instead by waves of electric pleasure that rolled from my ass down to my toes. Each thrust caused his ring to scrape against a particularly sensitive spot inside me, its plump roundness at exactly the right place to grind against my prostate. Each caress sent a bolt of sensation from deep inside down the length of my penis, intensified by the friction I felt as it was rubbed between my stomach and the pillows. A very intense pressure began building deep in my abdomen. It wasn’t happening fast enough, though. I could tell I was maybe half-way there when I felt his stamina waning and I knew he wouldn’t hold out much longer. Though from my vantage point I couldn’t see it, I could see him in my mind’s eye. I knew his eyes were clenched shut in concentration, fighting to hold out as long as he could, and though his hips were pounding faster than ever, his tail was starting to flag and his hooves gripped me one last time. “I’m… I can’t h-hold out,” he huffed between moans against my ear. I felt the final sign of his orgasm. Inside me, buried deep within, I could feel the head of his penis begin to swell. It’s flared sides ground into me, pulling against my walls as he pistoned in and out. Nary a moment later, I could feel it. One final thrust, burying himself as far inside as he could, and he was cumming. I could feel each throb down the length of his member as he came, pumping what I knew to be huge ropes of his zebra seed into me. It was like a water balloon bursting inside me, heat and wetness blossoming and coating my stomach in warmth. He continued thrusting between squirts, and soon I could feel myself overflowing, his semen flowing around his dick and down my balls and onto the pillows below me. Now, I know a human man can make a mess when he cums, but it’s nothing compared to a stallion. Even discounting whatever he left inside me, as he pulled out a veritable fountain opened, seed spilling everywhere on the pillows and blankets beneath us. I could feel it all over, though it was a welcome mess; an assurance that my lover was perfectly spent and satisfied. He lifted his weight off me, and almost immediately I missed it. His body resting on top of mine, pinning me down; it was a welcome, comforting feeling. But despite that, I allowed him to sit down beside me as I fought to turn over. However much I love having him fuck me like that, it does tend to leave a guy a little sore afterward. Gingerly, I rolled over and sat down, leaning back against the pillows. It meant spreading a sticky wet mess across my back, but I didn’t care. That’s what showers are for. Instead, I could only stare at the stallion lying beside me. He was on his side, legs tucked daintily against him and a dopey smile on his face. He was sweating, his coat matted in places, and his carefully maintained mohawk was starting to look not-so-maintained as small tufts stuck out every which way. The nurse’s cap he was wearing hung somewhat limply to one side, one of the clips that held it in place seemingly coming undone. I placed a hand on his leg, my thumb brushing a small golden bracelet he wore there. It was shaped like a vine of trailing ivy, and was one of the very few pieces of jewelry he wore, and he almost never took it off. I had a matching one on my left wrist. “That was so damn good,” I said, my voice feeling a little hoarse. “Yeah, it sounded like you enjoyed it,” he said, chuckling breathlessly. I gave him a look, confused. He continued, “You were loud tonight. We may have some explaining to do to the neighbors tomorrow.” I blushed. Somehow, inexplicably, I blushed. I didn’t think I’d been loud. I don’t even remember making any noise at all. I just remembered the feeling of his body against and inside mine. He chuckled at my discomfort and stood. He gave me a quick kiss, which I was happy to return. When he pulled away, he fixed me with a warm smile. “Well, I wouldn’t be much of a nurse if I didn’t tend to my patient,” he said, gesturing with a hoof to his cap. “It would be much appreciated,” I said, and we both laughed. He started at my collarbone, trailing a series of kisses down my chest and stomach. He wasted no time, placing a long lick up my length before taking as much of my dick as he could fit in his mouth. I gasped as he settled his lips around me, and I could feel myself throb against his tongue. He bobbed up and down, cleaning my dick of all the pre I’d dripped when he fucked me earlier and replacing it all with his saliva. I reached under him and tapped his flank with a hand. He took the hint and sidestepped until he was standing over me again, his haunches in my face. He flipped his tail out of the way, giving me a close-up view of what lied under it. I first took in his fat balls, their near-black skin shiny with sweat, and then my gaze dropped to stare at his monster of a dick lying limp against my stomach. It was still coated in a mixture of lube and cum, all growing colder by the second. Lastly, my eye moved up to his anus, protruding outward slightly as they tend to do on ponies, and I caught sight of the blue buttplug still sticking out of him. With everything that had happened, I’d nearly forgotten it was there. I shivered as he gave a particularly forceful lick to the underside of my head. With one hand, I took the lip of the toy and teased it around again, getting a similar shiver out of him as well. While I tormented him, I wiped my other hand along his dick, wetting my fingers with the lube/cum mixture. Satisfied that my hand was slippery enough, I finally pulled the toy out with a wet-sounding pop. He broke out of the blowjob, letting out a grunt as I did. The toy was an egg-shaped one, wider than it was long. I’d never seen it before, and idly wondered when he’d gotten it. It wasn’t important though, and I let it fall to the bed. While he was still loose, I slipped my lubed middle finger inside. Not content with just fingering him, though, I leaned forward and brought my mouth to his balls. As he resumed blowing me, I began licking at the plump orbs, tasting the bitter sweat and salty cum slathered across them. He wouldn’t be ready for another round for a while, but even a little teasing still feels nice. As excited as I already was from before, I didn’t last long to his oral assault. I could feel my balls clenching, rising up towards my body as they prepared to blow. I removed my mouth from his own ebony testicles and rested my forehead against his haunch. “Don’t stop, ‘Miti! I’m s-so close!” I think I shouted. Something like that, anyway. He took to me with new vigor, taking me to the hilt and wrapping that huge tongue of his all the way around my member. He even knew how to use his blunt teeth to tease my base without the slightest bit of pain, and it was enough to send me over the edge. I began pumping my own seed deep into his throat, and he took every bit of it. Not a single drop escaped his mouth as he sloshed it around his tongue. When he finally sucked out the last feeble squirt, he reared his head back and made a big show of swallowing the lot. Finally, he turned and lied down beside me, throwing a foreleg across my chest. “Was that as good for you as it was for me?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows comically. I laughed and ruffled his mane, dragging out the cap as I did. I tossed it onto the floor, noting as I did that we had a considerable amount of clothing thrown everywhere. Eh, the house needed to be cleaned this weekend anyway, and we could always get to it tomorrow. Tonight, though, at least the bed needed to be changed. And a bath wouldn’t hurt anyone, either. “Would you mind getting the water started, hun?” I asked. He groaned, clearly not wanting to get up any more than I did, but eventually he rose and padded off. I began the more arduous task of standing, my lower end still a little sore and making the effort somewhat harder. Before I followed him to the bathroom, I dragged the blankets and pillows off the bed, dumping them all on top of a hamper in the corner. By the time I’d made up the hall to the bathroom, a steaming tub of water was waiting for me. He had already shucked off the scrubs he was wearing before and had hopped inside. I nearly forgot that I was still wearing my socks, though I slipped them off before I tenderly stepped inside the small tub. It was designed for ponies, so the two of us made it a somewhat tight fit, though that was okay, neither of us exactly minded. We took turns, scrubbing and rinsing each other of the night’s mess. As he massaged some shampoo into my scalp, he spoke, the first words either of us said since we’d gotten in. “I wasn’t too rough, was I? I sort of let myself go a little wild. I hope I didn’t hurt you,” he whispered. I reached behind me blindly and managed to find his ear. I rubbed it and the back of his head reassuringly. “You were amazing, ‘Miti. I am a little sore, but it was so worth it.” He seemed to accept that as he finished washing my hair. Soon enough, it was my turn and we switched positions. As exhausted as we both were, neither of us had anything more to say. After we were finished and had dried off, we grabbed some new bed dressings out of the hallway closet and remade our bed. The moment we were done, we both collapsed onto the mattress. Groggily, we wormed under the covers, cuddling together with our chests pressed together and his head nestled under my chin. I fought to stay awake as the Sandman’s call sounded in my ears. “You were amazing,” I said, kissing his cheek. “You’re not too bad yourself,” he replied, pausing to let out a giant yawn. “Same time week after next?” “It’s a date,” I said. And before either of us knew it, Luna had guided us to Dreamland, and we were out.