Twilight's Pillow Pet

by ThePonyRan

First published

Ran gets his new body pillow cover in, and then finds himself in the midst of one strange night.

After ordering his new body pillow, Ran gets a very unique surprise he never saw coming as futa Twilight comes to life! What happens next was more than he might have expected, but what does one expect in such scenarios?

The Only Chapter

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Ran tapped his foot upon the floor as he sat upright upon his couch, biting his lower lip as his hands squeezed at his pants, eyeing the door eagerly over and over. The day was Valentine's Day, and he spent it alone per usual, but days ago, he had ordered for a new body pillow cover, and even had a fresh new body pillow waiting to slip it on. The pillow case was of an anthro Twilight Sparkle, his favorite pony, as drawn by Atryl... but he blushed as he recalled how he ordered for the futa edition, with that thick looking cock. He giggled to himself as he began to imagine the picture of it on the site, smilng giddily. He was broken from his reverie as a knock came to the door, making his smile grow as he jumped to his feet. He raced to the door, only to stop and shyly pry it open, waving to the mailman as he picked up the desired packaged. When the door closed again, Ran raced to his room with ecstatic giggles and squees. He unraveled the packaging and slid out the folded cover, his blush growing as his hands tentatively unfolded the long lavender sheet...

Ran's hazel eyes sparkled as the full body pillow cover hung from his hands, gazing at Twilight's amazingly beautiful deep purple eyes. “Oh wow...” he softly mumbled and he couldn't help his eyes roll down to her perfect purple breasts, biting his lower lip gently as he took in the sight of those soft lavender mounds, only to catch a glimpse of the 'extra' addition he had ordered for. Eagerly his eyes darted down and he gasped out, feeling his pants tighten around his bulging crotch as his eyes took in the sight of Twilight's thick, hard, turgid, fat cock with soft lavender balls between her perfect purple thighs. The meaty cock stood out at an angle, and he could swear that the cock was practically poking right out like it was 3D fabric, beckoning him to it...

Before he knew it, he had brought the silky fabric to his lips and was kissing at the large meaty dick. His blush intensified as he struggled to pull back, only succeeding as he began to think how it would feel once he had it fully stuffed with the uber-soft mattress he had prepared. He quickly turned the sheet upside down to unpull the zipper and began the troublesome work of stuffing the fluffy pillow into the sexy perfect cover. After much fidgeting and shufflng it in, the pillow plopped fully inside with a sigh from Ran. His fingers shook as he tried to get the zipper closed, which proved more bothersome than he had thought. Finally, his new body pillow was done, laid upon his bed... and he eagerly jumped upon it, hands squeezing against the soft squishy plush and lips pressing firmly where Twilight's mouth was.

Blissfully, Ran kissed and made out against the soft silky fabric, mindlessely humping his hips and his bulged pants to the pillow, softly moaning as the silky smooth sensation rocked thru his entire form. Soon he found himself panting, his mind going deeper in the soft smooth silky heaven of his new pillow, rocking his hips to hump Twilie faster, feeling hotter and so cramped in his pants. He pulled back from the euphoria, sweating as he tred to collect himself... he gazed downward and met the pillow's 'eyes'... They were just so invitingly deep... He found himself drawing back, being filled with the urge to lose himself in her deep dark purple eyes, to just kiss the fabric and hump at the drawing of her large throbbing turgid cock... Yessss, his mind panted out, yessss... as his lips pressed to hers, he could swear he saw a sparkle oh so deep in those big pools of dark purple pupils, which snapped him from the blissful reverie. He pulled back and rubbed at his forehead, shaking his nogging about to collect himself. It was just a body pillow, after all. He swung from his bed and stood up, looking down at his straining pants bulge. He began contemplating what to do with it when he felt a tingling come down his spine, as if a finger was running right down it...

Curiously, Ran looked over his shoulder to find – with a deep blush and a surprised jump forward, Ran turned around with wide eyes as there sat Twilight Sparkle herself, halfway out of the lightly shimmering body pillow and her wings fluttering lightly. Twilight giggled at his reaction, slowly batting her deeply royal purple eyes and running her hands smoothly atop her allruing bust. Ran's heart raced in his chest as his favorite pony was before his eyes... and wow! She was even sexier than ever before! She proceeded to glide the rest of her soft sexy curvacious form out from the pillow, that hard thick cock bobbing heavily as it came out into the air. Ran was caught breathless, unable to stop his eyes to grope up and down, taking in her pristine lavender form as she swung her long luscious legs up and out of the pillow and over the edge of Ran's bed.

“What's the matter, cutie?” Twilight mused with low bedroom eyes and a seductive twirl to her tone. “Didn't you want a palatinate pony?” Ran rubbed at his hazel eyes for a second and blinked rapidly before affixing back to the anthro futa Twilight before him. Her violet horn started to glisten with a soft purple aura, commanding his attention to her, which he couldn't resist even without the use of the magic. “Cause I know I want a squeezably plush body pillow to call all my own.” This remark caused Ran to tilt his head, though thinking was proving harder with every second he spent gazing at the immensely sexy purple pony before him. “Oh, you're thinking that you got a body pillow for you, aren't you, you silly pillow?” She remarked softly, her horn's magic making her already quite deep royal purple eyes grow deeper, and the effect sucked so hard at Ran's will that it even pulled at his whole body, jerkingly pulling him forward as his eyes got wider... They were just so invitingly deeeeeeeeeeep...

“I love how quiet your being, just like a good pillow should be.” Twilie continued in her sexy sensual voice. She rolled her hand out and curled a finger against Ran's chin, making him feel like he was melting to her touch. He wanted to be closer to her touch, felt so compelled to just snuggle oh so tight to her and let her squeeze him hard thru the whole night.

“Y-yesss...” He mumbled out as his mind felt so much lighter, feeling like he was floating in the midst of a deep lumiscent purple ocean. Twilight narrowed her eyes and her horn glew brighter.

“I said, how quiet you are, silly pillow. Body pillows don't talk or have any pesky worthless thoughts to call their own. They're just inanimate objects, empty and void of all thoughts. Just snuggle toys for their owners.” Twilight stated matter-of-factly. Ran only nodded, paying no mind that she herself was just a body pillow moments before. The mere thought was erased as easily as it had come up. And yet, he couldn't help himself... he wanted to acknowledge her words, her power, his breath rolling upon his tongue from his open maw.

“O-of couurrrrsse, Twi-hmph!” He stuttered out as suddenly a sharp flux of purple energy shot out from Twilie's horn and grasped his mouth, magically affixing a zipper and zipping his mouth shut sharply. The sound echoed in his mind and a hot long moan was muffled by the zipper.

“There, nice and quiet like a true body pillow you are meant to be. You know it's true, my pillow. All your life has been leading to this moment, when you surrendor to my magic~ and become my body pillow.” Twilie said sternly, her hand cupping his chin as Ran's eyes glazed over, his mind getting so rapidly submerged in her strong dominant aura and power. Twilie stroked her other hand down and squeezed his plump rump firmly. He jumped ever so lightly and any noise he made was so strongly muffled to a mere rumbling murr from the strong magical zipper. Twilie's hands gripped at Ran's sides and swirled him easily onto the bed, feeling the plush body pillow come into contact with his rump. His glazed eyes fluttered in the haze and a dump smile grew on his lips, feeling like he belonged with the pillow, like he was meant to be the character on the body pillow instead.

“There we go, but I should welcome you to your true home properly.” Twilie grasped his hand and laid it upon the meaty thick base of her hard long cock, letting his fingers curl to her plump purple balls. “Don't you agree, my pillow?” His mindless low muffled moan responded, his blush so crimson as his hand felt her throbbing turgid shaft, effectively erasing any left-over resistance with its meaty feel. Twilie pushed against the back of Ran's head and brought his zippered maw down to that pulsating hot cock, which made him shiver all over. Twilie pressed him down and made him squirm, squishing his face against her throbbing fat tumescent rod. His hands moved to her soft perfect thighs and lightly squeezed. “You're gonna get me wet and lubed, my pillow. Then I'm gonna buck you so solidly into your home.” He nodded and deeply churred against the tight zipper. She humped her hips, rocking Ran firmly right at the base of her long wide cock, which towered well past his head and he could feel its thick turgent weight. Twilie had him linger there, feeling the throbbing heavy turgid weight, pressing down so firmly and commandingly against him.

Then her magic quickly unzipped his mouth, and he knew even in his deep trance that it wasn't to allow him to speak again. He only mindlessely widened out his mouth and rolled out his tongue as Twilie's hand pulled him up roughly. With a stern push, that thick juicy meat rolled down against his tongue and stuffed down his throat, forcing his maw to widen out soringly. His eyes widened briefly as his throat bulged out widely from the thick meaty invader, causing him to gag and gulp strongly around her bulging veiny cock. Twilie only smirked down at him, her wings fluttering open as she pushed down into his tight constricting wet throat, her hand firmly kept to the back of Ran's head to keep him right upon her meaty shaft.

Ran could only swallow against the salty heavy meat, puckering his lips tightly against the large throbbing invader. He gulped at the juicy large meat, gagged thickly upon its length, and choked when Twilie finally pressed his face against his crotch. That full long thick bulging spear of cock rammed down his throat, and she kept him there with a firm dominant grip. He mindlessely gulped against the bulging cock, nursing upon it with gagging slurps as his cheeks reddened from lack of air. But she kept him there, choking on her fat cock as she cooed deeply.

“Nurse my mare cock, little pillow. Suck deep, deeeeep, as far deep as your mind fell to my power.” She stated softly, alluringly, and he obeyed, his eyes so heavily glazed and drifting upward, rolling farther and farther into the back of his head. His face grew redder and redder, gulping stronger against the juicy meaty plug that blocked his air. His whole body squirmed gently, growing weaker and weaker as such wet lewd weak gagging rocked against Twilie's full turgid length. He numbly felt every twitching vein, every pulsing twitch, every hot meaty inch pressed heavily down his tongue and stuffed in his throat. His deeply tranced mind taking it, sitting there even as his air ran out second by second. But he never moved to pull back, kept his tongue curled firmly agaisnt the underside of her throbbing pulsating veiny cock. He just kept sucking deeply and thickly, his throat squeezing and massaging that meaty juicy fat rod, tugging and pulling at it strongly to get at air. As Ran's whole body began to grow limp between Twilie's luscious legs, she squeezed her fingers to the back of Ran's head and pressed her cute purple balls flatly to his chin and upper neck. Ran felt those purple balls tense up and his throat bulged out a bit wider as Twilie's cock flared out deep down his throat. Twilie squirmed from horn to toe as she let out such a sensuous moan, dumping her hot creamy load directly down to his belly.

Slowly, with such lewdly wet slurps, Twilie pulled that long juicy meat out, creating a resounding wet pop as it pried from Ran's puckered tight drooling lips. Before he even had a chance to take a big breath, Twilie reached down and zipped his maw shit and silent, forcing him to have to take big whiffs of air from his nose. She proceeded to move down, laying him down underneath her and pressing his full sweating body to that soft, plush, welcoming, comforting body pillow, causing his zipped maw to curl into such a cute mindlessely dumb smile. Twilie pressed her lips against his zippered maw as her hands pushed his legs wide open, that wet saliva coated still bulging hard cock just right at his tight entrance. Twilie held that thick monster there teasingly, letting Ran feel the radiating pulsating heat.

Just at the moment Ran started to pleadingly moan, Twilie rocked her luscious lavender hips forward and stuffed her fat wide meat into his tight squeezing hole, making him squeeze his fingers to either side of the soft plush pillow underneath him. His blank eyes widened as she plowed all her throbbing pulsating length, stretching his tight hole and popping past her medial ring with a slow moan. Twilie didn't stop till her smooth crotch bumped firmly against his bubble butt, her hands squeezing at his plumply delicious rump. Twilie leaned down, pressing Ran against the plush amazing pillow as her lavender hips started to rock, thrusting her thick meaty rod up and down from base to hilt, smacking against his plump creamy hips over and over, nailing him against the pillow. Ran moaned hotly as he took it, feeling like every thrust was pushing him into the pillow – and the feeling was right. The pillow shimmered and rippled like a silvery pool of water, starting to absorp him in as part of it.

Ran's fingers curled against the pillow as they sunk deep into it, becoming more artsy and sheeny like a well-drawn painting, his legs curling against the pillows as they got smooshed in too, the room echoing with Twilie's wet heavy thrusts. They both moaned and sweated upon each other, their bodies rocking together, though Ran's moans were more mindless and louder, his strained muffles pleading for her to fuck him harder into the pillow so that he could be hers. Twilie responded to his slutty muffled mindless moans with harder thrusts, grunting as she slammed her hips against him and nailing his torso into the pillow. His head and hips were still out, and Twilie was seeing to fucking his hips in with deep heavy thrusts. Ran's hazel eyes fluttered and rolled so far to the back of his head, his whole body coated in sweat as Twilie's breasts smooshed to his chest, her hips slamming harder with every lewd thrust.

Ran's mind swam in the intense heavenly sweaty bliss, completely gone to Twilie's thick cock hammering him so hard and hot, pounding his prostate as his own cock pulsated with growing exponential numbness as it became one with the pillow. Twilie pounded harder, heavier, gritting her teeth as her lusciously lavender body tightened up against him, her fat cock throbbing with her heavy heartbeat. Such strong yet numb jolts of ecstacy rocked Ran's spin as Twilie fucked him like a primal beast, making the bed rock and creak. Everything for Ran was becoming a hazed ecstatic blur as he was fucked deeper into the pillow, his ass getting slapped and spanked by Twilie's purple balls. Twilie huffed thickly and hotly against his face, the only bit still sticking out. Twilie gave a passionate sharp moan and shoved her face against his, firmly kissing against his zippered maw and forcing his face to pop deep into the pillow just as she orgasmed. Twilie's whole body shook and locked up as she unceremoniously dumped rope after sharp rope of her hot searing goopy seed into Ran's sore used ass.

Minutes passed by slowly like an eternity before Twilie started to pull out from the shimmering pillow with a wicked smirk, letting out a wet strong huff as her deep royal purple eyes batted. She rolled an arm along her sweaty hot forehead, her wet cum-slicked cock dripping upon her new body pillow, now emblazoned brightly with the image of a fucked black haired young man with a turgid veiny near-release cock, coated in sweat, fingers and hands tugging and grasping at the edges, his feet digging in hard at the bottom, his hazel eyes so very very thickly glazed over. Twilie stroked a hand along the silky cheek and giggled down at him, leaning in and pecking a kiss to the soft pillow as she began to rest atop it, wrapping her arms and squeezing the huggably soft material. With a soft and cute sigh, she closed her eyes for a nap thru the whole night with her new comfortably plush body pillow snuggled up closely in her arms and nestled against her whole sweaty body.