Chasing Savyna

by Dragon Feather

First published

Apple Jack is away helping family and her marefriend Savyna is all alone on the farm, but not for long if Pinkie Pie has some to say about it! Watch several mares chase after Savyna and keep her from feeling lonely. While AJ is away, Savyna plays.

Applejack has left Ponyville for three months to visit and help some family in Baltimare leaving her marefriend Savyna back on the farm with her family. Savyna is taking Applejack's absence in stride but she does miss the mare of her dreams and wishes she would come home soon. What Savyna doesn't know is that Applejack's trip wasn't an unexpected thing, it was planned. This trips was to open up an opportunity to keep Savyna sexual satisfied and fulfill one of Applejack's biggest fantasies, seeing Savyna with other mares. This master plan was created by Applejack and set in motion with the help of Pinkie Pie who will be tape every second of the sexy action.

So while the Apple is away her girlfriend will get a lot of play. Savyna is about to have several sexual misadventures all over Equestria as she is chased by several mares the have a thing for her. All the mares want to do is help the sexy half dragon chase away her loneliness while AJ's helping family. The whole time Savyna trying to run away she is being lead by Pinkie Pie through a long list of mares all hellbent on having that one perfect intimate night with Ponyville' s newest resident half dragon monk.

Watch as Savyna tries talk, laugh, fight, drink, and run away from a lot of crazy mares. A list of mares that including several of the princesses, all of the Mane 6, her martial arts brother turned mare, and even two her adoptive aunts. All after one thing, sex with her!

[Warning some Spoilers ahead] This story will contain some spoilers of events in the Filly-foolin: An Applejack story. Read at your own risk. This story will also contain futa, breast expansion, cum inflation, prolonged orgasms, and few other fetishes we haven't decided on yet. If any of these things are not your cup of tea please don't read this. Please leave a comment as Pony 101 and I love hearing from you and it helps us craft better story pieces.

Set in the middle of Filly-foolin: An Applejack story

First Mare: Vinyl Scratch

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Chasing Savyna Series

First Mare: Vinyl Scratch

High Notes in the Music Room

Vinyl's Living Room 1:12 PM

“So are you sure about this Pinkie Pie? I mean she's with Applejack and I don't want to cause any problems between them.” Vinyl said as she sat beside the pink party pony on her couch in the living room of her house. “With Octavia gone now I've been kind of lonely and I've always thought Savyna was really hot. But since she hooked up with Applejack I've just been kind of admiring her from afar. You doing the whole playing with myself and fantasizing thing.”

“Don't worry about that silly. I cleared it with AJ before she left for Baltimare to help out her family. AJ knows Savyna has a high sex drive and gave me exclusive permission to help Savyna find relief while she's away, so long as the other mares know it's just a one time thing for now and no getting attached. I'm the one setting up all of Savyna's little sexual encounters until AJ comes home in three months, so were all good. You still want to be first right?” Pinkie Pie asked with grin as she nudged Vinyl's arm with her elbow.

Vinyl blushed a bit as she turned away from Pinkie before speaking. “Well yeah, I want to be the first mare to be with her but I'm just a bit scared. I mean me and Octavia just stopped seeing each other a few weeks ago and I don't want to you know... get feelings for her.”

“Trust me you won't get feelings so long as you remember it just sex. Plus Savyna is total devoted to Apple Jack, and this is just some rebound sex for you. If it helps, you should know that Octavia payed to be on the list too. She's eighth on the list, Rarity is in front of her but Rarity payed me a super huge amount of bits for her spot though.” Pinkie told Vinyl with a weird smile on her face.

“Are you serious? Tavi payed to be on the list too? That bitch! We just broke up a little while ago... AND SHE'S ALREADY PLANNING TO SLEEP AROUND ON ME!” Vinyl yelled as she struck the top of the in-table next to her.

This caused Pinkie Pie to jump a little, she had never seen Vinyl so angry before and getting the mare any angrier might make things worse. Fortunate for Pinkie she knew just what to say to ensure her client took her turn and she got her promised sum of 5500 bits for the one night stand.

“Yeah she did but not as much as the Princesses did. Princess Luna paid me a ton of bits to be in the ninth spot so she could set up a few things before hand for herself and a friend. Princess Celestia was going to empty out the Canterlot treasury to be first on the list. But she had to settle for second since I told her that the first spot was reversed a few months ago by an anonymous mare. AJ told me about you asking her to try partner swapping with you one night at the club. So don't try and deny that.” Pinkie said with a wicked grin to which Vinyl just blushed and looked away.

“A-a-applejack told you about that night?” Vinyl asked softly with a quiver in her voice. She hadn't expected Apple Jack to talk about that conversation ever again much less tell anypony.

“Yeah she told me about when she came to me to ask about the open relationship and swinger lifestyle versus the whole herd and herd based monogamy lifestyle. We had a real long talk about before she made a decision to do this. Because of that she wanted the first slot to be open for you in case she had to be out of town and Savyna would be here all along. She's known for a while a few mares have had it bad for Savyna and while Savyna wouldn't cheat even if it would save her own life. Applejack is okay with letting her play around so long as she knows about before hand.” Pinkie Told Vinyl in a calm tone.

It's because of that I and at AJ request that I had to turn down Celestia more than generous offer. Believe me it was so much more than just generous, I have to be true to my first contract. But if you don't want to be first I can always take Celestia's original offer. Its still on the table for me, so what will it be?” Pinkie Pie asked with a mischievous smile.

Vinyl looked at Pinkie with a serious look on her face before she got up and went the the other room. When she returned a short time later she handed Pinkie a large bag of bits. It was now or never plus what could hurt to let one of her fantasies play for this?

“Have her here in my Music Room at 9:30 pm tonight and make sure you lock us in good and tight.” Vinyl said with a wicked grin on her face. “Will you be taping it all too?”

“Of course AJ said she wanted every last encounter on tape for her and Savyna to watch later. That's one of Applejack's biggest fetishes, watching Savyna with other mares. I think it's super hot and I'm a little jealous of AJ for landing a woman as hot as Savyna that's willing to indulge little fetishes like that. But I have to admit that if I had Savyna I wouldn't want to share at all.” Pinkie Pie said as she took the bag of bits from Vinyl. “So I take it you want a copy of the tape as well?”

“Yeah and I want a copy delivered to Tavi with a note that says 'I had her first Bitch, and she loved it!' You also have to snap a picture of her face when she reads the note for me, okay.” Vinyl told Pinkie Pie as she grinned wickedly

“Okie, Dokie, Loki, but that's going to cost you 1000 bits extra.” Pinkie informed Vinyl as she got up from the couch and got ready to leave.

“Not a problem I got that. I'll have it for you tonight when you drop Savyna off here.1000 bits is so worth seeing the look on Tavi's face when she watches how much I make Savyna cum all over herself.” Vinyl said as she rubbed her hands together and smiled darkly.

“Wow Vinyl you really do have a dark side. I super surprised by that. I always thought you were a bit to vanilla for a mare in the music biz but seeing you like this I realize you're really all dark chocolate with raspberry filling. You look all sweet on the outside but you got just enough bitterness to make the experience of the sweet filling inside so much more enjoyable.” Pinkie said with sweet but almost lustful expression on her face.

“Thanks for that I think. I don know if was compliment but I'm going to treat it as on just so you don't have to explain it to me.” Vinyl replied a bit freaked out by Pinkie's words.

“Oh it was totally a compliment. Well I'll see you later tonight. Just have the bits ready and if I were you I would get any materials for tonight ready as you only get this one night and only one night. AJ left strict instructions that no mare gets more than one shot at Savyna. So if you blow it, its not on me and no refunds. Also a cancellation must be called in at least one hour before the meeting time for a half refund.” Pinkie explained before pulling on her coat, tucking the large bag of bits in her pack and heading for the front door with Vinyl close behind her.

“No I got it and don’t worry I'm going through with this alright. Just have Savyna her at 9:30 pm and I'll take care of the rest.” Vinyl told Pinkie before opening the door for her to leave. The two mare said goodbye to one another before Vinyl closed the door then went about getting the house and Music Room ready for later that night.

Sweet Apple Acres 2:30 PM

Pinkie Pie arrived at Sweet Apple Acres hour after she left Vinyl's place. She would have been there soon but she had to stop by Sugarcube Corners and drop off Vinyl's payment before coming with a good excuse to get Savyna to come out with her tonight. As the pink mare what up to the farmhouse she spotted Big Mac outside working in the flower garden in front of the porch. Big Mac was wearing denim jean cut-offs and a white t-shirt bent down in front of some weeds he had been pulling out moments earlier.

“Hiya Big Mac, is Savyna here?” Pinkie Pie asked walking up to where he was knelt down. “I need to talk to her.”

“Eeyup, she's in the house.” Big Mac said pointing in the screen door before getting back to his work. Pinkie walked up the steps and into the house.

Savyna was sitting on the couch with a notepad writing something. Pinkie was guessing it was probably a letter to Applejack since she had already been away for a few days. At the moment the pink mare hope that she would find somepony or anyone that would be that devoted to her. Pinkie really did envy Applejack sometimes.

Pushing her envy aside for the moment and wasting little time the pink party pony pounce on her perplexed prey.“Hey Savyna, I need to talk to you, are you busy? Well of course your not busy because AJ is gone and you're alone. Which is exactly why I wanted to talk to you.” Pinkie said grinning.

Savyna looked at the pink pony annoyed. Of all of the ponies to be bothering her right now why did it have to be Pinkie Pie? It wasn't that she didn't like Pinkie she just didn't like all of random chaos that the pink pony seem to bring or create around herself. It was like being with the mare version Zaram the Jinx. He was apart of her childhood in Connamaraia she would like to forget completely but somehow couldn't. she sighed as she shook off memories of the past and sat down her pen and notepad.

“What are you getting at Pinkie Pie?” Savyna asked looking back over at the hyperactive pony still very annoyed.

“Well, I know you really love AJ and she's been gone for a while. So I figured you would wanna go out and have some fun with a few other ponies. You know hang out, drink, and party a little. Duh silly.” Pinkie said giggling.

“That sounds fun Pinkie but since AJ is gone I don't know if I want to go out and party with other girls.” Savyna said a bit skeptical. Pinkie Pie just rolled her eyes at the naive dragon human.

“Savyna stop being a lay about Larry, AJ would want you to go out and have fun. Besides you never do anything other than AJ. I mean how often is it now? You guys up to like 7 times a day?” Pinkie asked as she was counting on her fingers.

“Its only three times a day since Granny Smith caught us in the parlor that one time and I don't see how my sex life or social life are any of your business Pinkie Pie. I have a social life outside of Applejack I just don't like living it without Applejack around is all.” Savyna said in a huff as she angrily started at the pink mare for a moment before just sighing.

She just need to let it go as it was Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. Savyna had been warned that this might happen at some by AJ and the others. Dragon Feather had even told her that it was an unavoidable consequence that came with dating Applejack. Pinkie was a living happy-go-lucky, party having random moment that loved to make people smile. A notion the was exciting and terrifying at the same time.

“That what I mean you have no social life with Applejack, not since that thing in Connamaraia with your teacher. You need to go out and enjoy yourself more. Life is to short to not have some fun ever now and again. Besides you haven't really partied with me yet, and I really think you need some fun in your life.” Pinkie said still grinning widely.

Savyna just looked at her and sighed, she had a feeling that Pinkie was going to force the issue at some point. If that happened Pinkie would just keep badgering her until Savyna was going to have give in and go party with the hyper party pony sooner than later.

“Well I would go with you tonight but I have this thing I have to help Big Macintosh with later tonight. Its really important so maybe some other time.” Savyna told the pink party pony hoping that she'd just take the hint and go home.

Savyna hated refusing friends little requests but in Pinkie's case refusing her requests were safer than indulging her every now and then. Savyna had heard most of the stories about soloing with Pinkie and the ones from Twilight had scared the dragon girl the most. If she could get an up tight mare like Twilight to go almost full blown slut after two bar and one nightclub, the outcome for Savyna would be far worse. Savyna could go wild at a party and add Pinkie hardcore party style to the mix when she drunk and there was no tell what could happen before the sun rose on the next day.

Pinkie Pie could see that Savyna was trying to get out of hanging out with her. The party pony was determined to get her client her money's worth, even if it that meant doing some real underhand things in the next few hours.

“Are you sure you can't reschedule it or get some other pony to fill in for you?” Pinkie asked quickly.

“Well no, Big Macintosh...” Savyna stopped mid-sentence as Big Mac walked in the house. “Hey Big Mac tell Pinkie Pie about that thing we have to do tonight.”

“Nope, Ah already took care of that. 'Sides Ah got a date with Cheerilee tonight at 8:30 so Ah had Brass Tail help me with that thing this afternoon when he got finished in the north field. Yer off the hook till this weekend when we have to trim and prune the trees in the north field.” Big Mac told Savyna and Pinkie before heading to the kitchen for something to eat.

Pinkie Pie looked over at Savyna with a smirk on her face. Savyna scowled in Big Mac's direction for a second. For a future brother-in-law he couldn't take a hint when she needed him to lie for her. Oh well guess I'll just have to suck it up and hang out with Pinkie Pie this time but next time I'm getting a good cover lie and someone to back it up, like Apple Bloom or Dragon Feather. Yeah definitely Feather or AB since those two are always willing to save me. Savyna thought before she turned back to Pinkie Pie.

“Fine, I'll go but nothing too serious. I know how you like to solo party and I'm not doing any of that. I heard about what happened with Twilight. You're just lucky she a Princess and Princess Celestia was about to get the shop owners to drop the whole thing for a two week stay in Canterlot.” Savyna told Pinkie as she point a finger to the mare.

“Hey its not my fault Twilight's a lightweight with it comes to drinking and in my defense I tried to stop her several times that night. But when a Princess orders you to do something you got no choice really.” Pinkie Pie countered with a giggle as she remembered that night.

“Yeah, I bet. So where are we going anyway?” Savyna asked Pinkie Pie picking back up her pen and pad.

Pinkie giggled a bit covering her mouth with her hand, she just couldn't help be be happy that Savyna had no choice but to go.“The party will be at Vinyl Scratch's house, I'll walk you over there just meet me at Sugarcube Corners at 9:00 pm tonight then we'll walk over there together.” Pinkie Pie informed as she grinned for the front door with Savyna behind her to walk Pinkie out.

“Okay, I'll be there Pinkie. Take care, okay.” Savyna said to her, then they said their goodbyes and Pinkie left out the door.

Savyna decided to take a shower and get freshened up for the girls night out. Since had to might as well make the most of it. After a quick hot shower Savyna got dressed in a black tank top that fitted her body perfectly, showing off every toned muscle on her stomach. She had her long dark purple hair down soft and silky with her bangs hanging down covering part of her face. She had on a black school girl mini skirt that she got sometime ago to wear for AJ, with black floral net stockings and black ankle boots. The look was completed with black and red leather jacket she gotten from Feather as a lat late birthday gift. She even took the time to go through AJ make-up stand and put on some make-up. When she was done it was going on 8:30 pm so it was time to head to Sugarcube Corner to meet Pinkie Pie.

On her way to meet with Pinkie Savyna decided to stop by Dragon Feather's place and get her cover lie for the next time she didn't feel like hanging out set up. After talking to Feather and listen to Dragon Song go on about their trip next week to the Connamaraia Dragon Museum's Art Exhibition for a good ten minutes it was close to 9 pm. Savyna confirmed her cover lie with Feather, thanked him for his help, and wished Song good luck in the art show before saying her goodbyes Once she the Dragon household Savyna heading down the street to meet Pinkie Pie.

The Music Room 8:30 PM

Vinyl had just finished decorating the room so Savyna would feel comfortable. She had a few candles set up, to be lit later, here and there and most of the instruments moved to one side of the room. She moved a coffee table in front of the couch so they have place for their drinks. She had a few bottles of champagne a bottle of Tequila, some small snacks of vegetables and cheeses cut up on a tray in the refrigerator. She couldn't wait for her special one night with Savyna. She was a little nervous about it but this was her one shot so she had to take it, not to mention she paid good money for it.

After she had the room set up Vinyl went and took a shower and got changed. She had decided to put on something hot so Savyna couldn't resist staring at her. This way Savyna would had no choice but to rut her hard sooner or later that night. After the shower she put on a white belly shirt so you could see her black lace bra through it and black shorts that only had enough material to cover her good spots. She had put on black fish nets under her shorts and white stilettos. A short sleeved jacket made of black sheer material finished the ensemble.

Vinyl knew Savyna would love it and so did she, after all she had originally bought this hot little number for going out club hopping with another now bitch of a mare by the name of Octavia. When she finished getting ready it was 8:30 pm, DJ Pon-3's stomach filled with butterflies as she looked at the clock. To bad it was only a one night thing, Vinyl could see herself really growing attracted to Savyna. She had even pictured them together as couple on more than one occasion.

She figured they would be a cute little item together, but Savyna and Applejack were made for each other. Vinyl really can't be mad at Applejack for using every trick in the book to be kinky with Savyna like this one night stand list that Pinkie Pie was in charge of. Vinyl also couldn't blame the orange mare for being greedy with her too. If it were Vinyl and she would have ended up with Savyna the first night they met The white mare would never let her go for anypony. Not even if it was a royal order by the controllers of the sun and the moon themselves.

Sugarcube Corners 8:45 PM

Pinkie Pie had set up her video camera and put it in her bag then she went and got ready. She had threw on something simple and easy to slip out of should the need arise. Some cut-off light denim shorts with a white tank top and some sneakers. After she was ready and told the Cakes she would be out late that night Pinkie went out in front of the shop to wait on Savyna to show up. Pinkie Pie was sitting outside on one of the benches for no longer than 10 minutes when she seen Savyna walk up.

“Whoa Savyna, someone is looking awfully sexy tonight!” Pinkie exclaimed giggling before standing up to fully look at her.

Pinkie was very serious, she had always thought Savyna was very sexy but her outfit made Pinkie want to tell Vinyl the deal was off and take Savyna for herself. That would have to wait. If any thing Pinkie Pie knew how to be professional when she need to be. Waiting just meant she could more fun when it was her turn in line.

Savyna blushed a little, she wasn't used to anyone complimenting her like that other than Apple Jack. Savyna hadn't realized how much she had dressed up until them and it embarrassed her a little. She had went all out for a little get together and didn't know why, she just felt like it.

“Thanks Pinkie Pie, I figured it would be nice to dress up for a change and besides I've been dying to wear this outfit.” Savyna replied back.

Her and Pinkie Pie started walking to make it to Vinyl’s house on time. Savyna was confused as to why they were going to Vinyl's house for the party. The dragon girl had never been there and only knew the DJ pony by her DJ handle. Even though Savyna had moved to Ponyville permanently several months ago she had yet to meet a lot of her new home town's inhabitants. Maybe Pinkie Pie was right about her and AJ spending a little too much time in the house and not enough time in town.

“Why are we having the party at Vinyl's? I thought we were going to the bar or something?” Savyna asked Pinkie who was bouncing up and down as she walked, the pink pony never managed to do anything normally.

“Well I figured it would be pretty fun and besides, you should really get to know Vinyl Scratch. She's really fun to party and hang out with. Plus I think AJ would want you two to be close friends. AJ and Vinyl are good friends so if we are getting you better acquainted with ponies in town lets start with your marefriend's closest friends. I mean besides the Elements of Harmony. ” Pinkie replied with a grin as she kept hoping up and down.

“That sound like a fair idea but I just don't feel right about this whole thing. Are you sure AJ is going to approve of this Pinkie? I mean I don't want her to think I'm messing around behind her back or anything.” Savyna said nervously as Pinkie Pie just shook her head and laughed at Savyna.

“Trust me you have Applejack's approval, and besides like I said she would want you to have fun. That's why she told me to take you out sometime while she's gone. Duh silly billy, heh heh heh.” Pinkie giggled.

“She really told you it was okay for me to be here?” Savyna asked with a nervous look towards Pinkie Pie.

“Of course, I would never do anything underhanded like that to you or AJ. I mean we're friends right? We are friends right?! Oh please tell me we're still friends? I'd be super, super duper sad if we weren't friends anymore.” Pinkie said as they walked up to Vinyl's house.

“Were still friends Pinkie, but I'm just not comfortable being around other mares without AJ here that's all.” Savyna told Pinkie Pie.

“Don't worry Vinyl is super cool and will make you feel right at home, you'll see.” Pinkie Pie told Savyna with a smile on her face.

Savyna just nodded then followed the hopping Pinkie Pie around the house and to a door that was somewhere on the backside of Vinyl's house. Pinkie knocked on the door, a few seconds later DJ Pon-3 opened the door.

Savyna's eye's fell on the beautiful unicorn who was just as dressed up as she was. She looked her up and down for along while. For the first time Savyna saw her without her glasses, She had amazing eyes, they were a dark pinkish-red. Savyna could believe how pretty they were, while AJ green jewels would always be number one Vinyl's were pretty enough to be declared the runner-up.

“Come in.” Vinyl said opening the door more to invite them in. Once they were in DJ Pon-3 pointed to the couch and asked them to sit while she got the drinks and snacks ready.

Savyna took a seat next to Pinkie on the couch. She couldn't help but keep her eyes on Vinyl. Savyna kept trying to break eye contact every time Applejack came to her mind but the white unicorn wasn't making that easy. The way she swayed her hips, the flip of her hair, and the way she just seemed to be bopping to a beat that only she could hear had all of Savyna's attention. Savyna's eyes fell on her cleavage as Vinyl sat a tray of veggies and cheeses on the table. The dragon girl got another full view of Vinyl's cleavage when the white unicorn poured champagne into all of their glasses. It was almost as if Vinyl was trying to show off her girls to Savyna but that would mean she was flirting and that couldn't be it, right?

Vinyl looked up and noticed that she had caught Savyna's full attention and smiled. After the drinks were poured Vinyl gave one to Pinkie Pie and another to Savyna before picking up her own glass. The three girls shared a quick toast to friendship then everyone took drinks from their glasses. After the toast and quick sips Pinkie sat her glass on the table after she drunk some but Savyna gripped her glass tightly as she continued to stare at Vinyl who had her undivided attention.

“So how was the bake sale today, Pinkie Pie?” Vinyl asked but kept her eyes locked on Savyna. She took an eyeful of Savyna's outfit, plump bottom and C-cup cleavage. Now Savyna had Vinyl Scratches attention as Vinyl scanned down her body with her eyes twinkling with lustful interest all the while.

“Oh it went well, I sold just about everything. The Cakes were pretty pleased with it but their just happy that the heavy cake and sweets season is just about done for the time being. They can't wait until the season ends so they can relax a little and spend some quality family time with Pumpkin and Pound. Those two are growing like weeds.” Pinkie explained. “So how is Pon-3 doing since the town expanded and everything?”

“Well business has been crazy since the city expansion project began. The club has been getting so much business in the last few months that I had to add on two new sections, hire like ten more wait staff members, two mare cooks, three new up and coming DJ's, and just hired two mangers so I could take off for two to three days a week. All and all it's been far better than I expected.” Vinyl said with a smile before turn her attention towards Savyna. “How have you been Savyna, I mean since Applejack has been gone? I heard you've been kinda sad lately.” Vinyl asked Savyna after looking over at her.

It was visible to Savyna that she was under Vinyl's watchful eye, that caused the half dragon to half smile at the unicorn pony as she fiddled with her glass imagining it was Vinyl. She tried to fight the urges but she knew she was caught in Vinyl's web of allure and there was no escape. AJ is going to kill me. Savyna thought to herself, but kept her eyes on the hot DJ falling in a trance while trying to figure out what she had just been asked.

“Savyna?” Pinkie asked as Savyna continued to stare.

Savyna had never really considered Vinyl Scratch as datable mare, especially since she had been with Applejack. It wasn't like she had never checked out or thought about other mares around town. After that one night thing with Rainbow Dash and Soarin, Apple Jack had wanted to find several other trusted mares to have over for play time. Savyna was or at least had a passing interested in Vinyl but only had known her by her DJ name until now. While she loved AJ to death, the hot mare in front of her whom had her attention at the moment was getting a lot of consideration as being one of a few mares invite to come play with her and AJ.

“Umm... Savyna?” Pinkie said again shaking Savyna's arm to get her attention. Savyna jumped and fell out of her trance. She turned her look from Vinyl to stare at Pinkie Pie in bewilderment. Pinkie and Vinyl both laughed causing Savyna to blush.

“What was the question again?” Savyna asked back a little embarrassed she hadn't been paying attention. “I'm sorry girls. I been a little distracted lately. What were you asking me Vinyl?”

Vinyl Scratch licked her lips as she watched Savyna, the half dragon was just so damn sexy. Savyna looked even better up close than she did from a distance. Vinyl had to admit that AJ was a very lucky mare to have a girl like Savyna and she couldn't wait to see what she was like in a more intimate fashion. Vinyl felt her panties start to moisten as she thought of her and Savyna, bodies entwined, lips pressed together in intimate contact. The over excited white mare had to clear her throat before adjusting her her sitting position before speaking.

“I was asking you how have you been? You know with Applejack being gone and all?” Vinyl asked Savyna before taking another drink from her glass.

“Well it's been rather hard with her out of town but I been doing fine. I really tried to get of coming out for this little get together night. I really don't like being out without Applejack around but Pinkie insisted I came and I'm glad I did. Thanks Pinkie this has been rather fun.” Savyna replied before giggling a bit.

“It's not a problem Savyna we're friends after all. Plus I told you AJ would want you to make more friends.” Pinkie told Savyna before she was hit with fit of giggles. “WOW... this champagne is so good were did you get it?”

“It was a gift from a client after a gig some time ago. I had it laying around for a long time but never really had a reason to open it until tonight. I was never one for wine tasting or vintages of such things but the client claim this vintage was rather good for sharing with friends.” Vinyl told the other as she eyed them carefully as they drank more of the special champagne.

She could see the that both of her guests were getting giggle and much more relaxed. The champagne was really getting to her too and Vinyl knew it wouldn't be too much longer before Savyna inhibitions would drop and she became openly aroused. After all it was a very special champagne made with a powerful aphrodisiac mixed into it. Vinyl had got the special Lover's Champagne from a former client for her and Octavia to celebrate their three year anniversary but they had broken up a full week before it. Now the champagne had become the instrument Vinyl would use to have a special night with a half dragon girl she had been fantasizing about for months.

Pinkie Pie could see the way Savyna and Vinyl were looking at each other and knew it wouldn't take much more for Savyna to crack especial after having a several full glasses of the champagne already. My work here is complete better start my exit and go set up the camera now. Plus thanks to this champagne I got an inch down below that needs a good scratching, Pinkie thought.

“So Vinyl how have you been? This is the first time I've really had chance and the time to talk with you on a more personal level at length. In truth I don't know too much about you other than what AJ and the others have told me. Could you tell me a few things about yourself?” Savyna asked almost shyly as she blushed.

Vinyl let out a small laugh at how embarrassed Savyna was at not knowing much about her. The white mare smiled softly before she spoke. “Well that's the first time anypony or body has asked me to talk about myself. Usually I'm the one asking that question, mostly because it seems that ponies just knew me already or have heard a lot about me before hand. Anyway I'm from a small family of five, all unicorns, my mother, Golden Notes, is still alive and living in Trottingham with my two younger brothers Silver Horn and Bass Note. My father, Vinyl Press, whom I'm named after, has been gone for ten years now. He was the reason why I got into music, more importantly why I become a DJ and now own my own night club.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your father he must have been a wonderful and talented stallion to inspire you to become DJ and own your own club. My father is still alive but we don't talk very much.” Savyna said after a few seconds pause.

“Well thank you but its okay. I'm a lot like my father in many ways. Well to be honest, according to my mother I am my father only in mare form. I inherited all of my good and bad traits along with my looks from him, everything really, except for my eyes which match my mother's. My father's eyes were a dull grey color. I even got his sweet tooth which reminds me Pinkie I have something for you.” Vinyl said before she got up and went over to the other side of the room.

Savyna starred as Vinyl bent down and got a bag from behind the piano. She stared at every curve of Vinyl's bottom in her shorts as the outline of the unicorns plot was very visible. The white unicorn had a very sex plot, Applejack's plot would always be number one in Savyna's book though. Vinyl's was coming in at a close second place just like her eyes. When Vinyl came back over she handed Pinkie the large bag.

“This is for the cupcakes I bought earlier.” Vinyl said with a smile as Pinkie Pie took the bag.

The unicorn mare then sat down next to Savyna a moment before finishing her second glass of the champagne. Small talk went went on for a while with a back and forth about fathers and childhoods as the champagne slowly vanished. Once the bottle had gone dry several glasses later Vinyl took that time to get out three new glasses and filled them with Tequila part way before taking the champagne glasses and empty bottle into the kitchen. She come back with a tray that bottle lime juice, a cut up lime, and a salt shaker.

Savyna was still in a fit of giggles at one of Pinkie Pie's stories at getting cake all over one of her sisters when Pinkie got up from the couch and went for the door. “Speaking of cupcakes, cakes, and sweet treats, I'm about to go get some. Nothing would spice up the party like some of my famous Super Rummy Rum Spiced cupcakes.” Pinkie said giggling. She looked over at Vinyl Scratch and Vinyl gave her a wink as Pinkie went out the door.

Vinyl knew the real reason why she was leaving and it had nothing to do with cupcakes, Pinkie was probably outside the window right now getting the camera ready. All Vinyl had to do now was just get Savyna in the mood and nature would take over from there.

Savyna kept glancing from Vinyl to the door as she picked up her new glass and took a gulp of the Tequila filling it before setting it back on the table. She hated Pinkie for leaving the two of them alone, especially since the way she and Vinyl were looking at each other. Savyna had been through this before and ended up with sleeping with Applejack and Rainbow Dash by accident on the same night, she knew where this was headed and was scared by two things. First was the fact that she liked it and second was the fact she really didn't want to stop it from happening.

“Savyna.” Vinyl said softly after a long awkward pause.

Savyna kept her glance down not wanting to give the white unicorn anymore of her attention or anymore thoughts to the contrary. She didn't look at Vinyl when she answered.

“What is it Vinyl?” Savyna asked her still keeping her eyes down as she took another drink from her glass then sat it on the table again.

“Please look at me Savyna.” Vinyl said. “This party is gonna be very awkward if you can't look at me.” Vinyl Scratch said her voice velvety and soft.

As soon as Savyna turned to look at her Vinyl leaned in and started kissing her. The kiss was better than either of them had imagined. Pinkie who was outside the window started to record catching the kiss seconds before the mare and dragon girls lips met. The kiss lasted a few minutes with both of them enjoying it and whimpering between rolling their tongues over each others. The kiss would have lasted longer but Savyna pulled away from the kiss.

“Vinyl wait, what about Applejack? I would never do this to her. I can't does this, I'm with AJ and I love her.” Savyna said with confusion and arousal coloring her voice.

Vinyl looked away for a second then looked back at Savyna before she spoke.“Well, this is only a one time thing and besides, I saw the way you were looking at me. I think you're really sexy Savyna and your body is beautiful. And I know you like mine too.” Vinyl said then she took off her her sheer jacket, half shirt, and bra exposing her D-cup breasts.

Savyna couldn't help but let her eyes fall to see the mare's hardened nipples. Savyna had already been aroused from earlier but didn't want to betray AJ so she tried to ignore it but now it was getting harder to do so in more ways then one. “Savyna, you have me soooo horny, I'm so wet and turned on it hurts. I want you so bad right now.”

“Vinyl I... I can't.. I'm w-with... I'm....”Savyna stammered as she drank in the sight of Vinyl's half naked form.

She loved Applejack dearly, the mare was having her child for Celestia's sake, but her will was weakening and she was extremely aroused but she didn't know why. In truth Savyna hadn't been intimate with Applejack for the past week or so since AJ had been busy working the fields and then her beloved mare had been gone for the past few days to Baltimare to help family. So being a little horny wasn't out of the question but cheating on AJ was. But in her defense, a little at least, Vinyl was looking really sexy and she had a beautiful body. The white mare was prettier than Savyna had imagined. Savyna would have been lying if she said she didn't want to see more, but she did want to see more and that was a problem.

Vinyl could see that Savyna was torn between letting her desires win and staying loyal to Applejack, all she needed was a little push in either direction to make her choose an one night stand or running for it. Vinyl smiled softly then she moved over to the conflicted half dragon and picked up her hand before placing it over her right breast. Savyna could feel her hard nipple under her palm, she could feel the warmth of Vinyl's body wash over her hand.

“Squeeze it,” Vinyl commanded in a soft but firm tone, “feel how soft it is.”

Savyna swallowed hard then her hand curled around Vinyl's breast almost instinctively. Vinyl's flesh and fur were soft and warm. It felt odd to Savyna to be touching a mare's breasts that wasn't Applejack's, but not unpleasant in the slightest. Timidly, almost cautiously, she brought her other hand up and cupped Vinyl's other breast. Vinyl moaned softly as Savyna began to squeeze and play with her breasts.

“Hmm, that’s right, Savyna it's okay. Fondle my tits. Feel how soft they are, enjoy them as much as you want.”

Savyna let out a long sigh before bringing her face closer to Vinyl's chest and inhaled her scent. Vinyl's breasts were very soft, and she smelled of lavender, lilies and pure lust. The smell of the unicorn's arousal had Savyna's nipples begin to strain against her shirt, clearly showing thru the black fabric of her shirt. Savyna let another sigh which caused Vinyl to giggle as the warm air brushed over her chest, this was the crossroads and soon Savyna had to choose a path.

Savyna leaned in a bit farther and rubbed her face across Vinyl's huge breasts as she blew a raspberry. Motor boating Vinyl Scratch was Savyna's white flag, she had finally given in. She just hoped AJ would understand later and forgive her but a half dragon girl has needs too. Savyna gripped one of Vinyl's breasts as she massaged and fondled it while she started licking and sucking on the other.

“Oh Savyna... that feels soooo good... “ Vinyl moaned as she arched her back. Savyna continued for a few more seconds. Vinyl suddenly stopped Savyna for a moment to the dragon girl's surprise and displeasure as Savyna frowned up at her unicorn partner. “Don't be like that. I'll let you have your fun soon enough but first I want to see you, all of you.” Vinyl said and she reach for Savyna's shirt.

The dragon girl didn't resist as the mare in front of her gripped the bottom of her shirt then pulled it up to reveal Savyna's bare chest. Smirking at her prey Vinyl traced a line under the curve of the dragon girl's breasts sliding her fingers along the curve in slow little back and forth weaving lines. Savyna shuddered as she felt the mare's fingers sliding up against her. The feeling was so electric and new yet very familiar. Vinyl’s fingers were so soft and delicate like the kiss of angels. She seemed to know just how to tease Savyna in a way that left tingles in the wake of her fingers. While Applejack knew all of her spots Vinyl had the power to inflame a girl's passion without touching her more delicate areas. It was the naughtiness, the danger of the whole encounter that had Savyna desire burning out of control.

Vinyl could see and feel the affect she was having on Savyna. Vinyl's eyes seemed to light up as she saw goosebumps forming in the wake of her fingers. Things were progressing better than she expected. Soon her fantasizing would reality and soon she would taste the most desired female in all of Ponyville.

“Savyna, you are so beautiful. I see why AJ keeps you all to herself, your body is so toned and well built. Do you work out a lot?” Vinyl asked as she looked Savyna up and down.

Savyna shook her head no, she had never picked up a weight in her life yet everyone seemed so attracted to her toned and some what muscular form. The dragon girl just blushed at her words, for some reason she felt so innocent and naive at the moment. She had been complimented like that before but only by Applejack so coming from another mare it turned her on even more. Vinyl motioned to Savyna's skirt it was next piece of clothing to be removed. She was still wearing it and seemed to have a large lump in it.

“Take that off, Savyna. Let me see the rest of your sexy body.”

Savyna did as she was told. She unhitched her skirt and slid it off before flinging it over to the other side of the room. Once the skirt was gone Vinyl saw there was a large and rapidly expanding wet patch on the dragon girl's panties and a large bulge in them as well. The growing bulge was starting to stretch her panties well past their limits. Both Savyna and Vinyl looked down in surprise at the vastly growing bulge that was getting bigger and bigger and very noticeable.

Savyna soon became aware of a tingling feeling between her legs and looked to her wrist to see the red gem on her bracelet that was glowing. Oh no! Why now of all times? Savyna thought as she eyed the bracelet's glowing stone. The bracelet that Dragon Feather had created with the futa spell cast on it had activated on its own. Dragon Feather had said there might be side effects if she wore it all the time and this seemed to be one of them. She was getting turned on so the bracelet activated to give her the proper equipment for the task ahead. Savyna was so like the other stallions now, just one of the guys.

Savyna figured she would just have a typical mare on mare action and save the one thing that was only for AJ for her special somepony but apparently fate wasn't working in her favor tonight at all. This night just was not working out. If this kept up she was going to have hard time denying anything happened at all. Hopefully Pinkie Pie would stay gone a while and wouldn't not catch the two of then like this.

Savyna snuck a look down at her panties again to see how big she was so far and saw that she was just starting to get hard but she was gaining size rapidly. Savyna quickly realized that Vinyl must have seen it too. This fact was confirmed when the white mare reached down and spread Savyna's legs slowly. She wasn't forceful and if Savyna had resisted Vinyl would have stopped then tried something different. Savyna didn’t though, why would she at this point, and soon Vinyl was looking at a large bulge in her panties.

“What do we have here? I had heard you were as powerful as a stallion down here but I just did think it was true until now. I guess that rumor was quite literally true.” Vinyl said with a giggle. “Well is that a cock in your panties or are you just happy to see me?”

“A little bit of bo-... EEEEEP!” Savyna cried out as Vinyl pulled her still hardening cock from her panties and began licking it from base to tip. Savyna's pole stood up to its full height of 28 inches moments later.

“Wow I... I heard you were big but damn! How does Applejack take all of this monster?” Vinyl asked but before Savyna had a chance to answer Vinyl had the flared head and six inches of the dragon girl's shaft in her warm wet mouth and was inhaling more by the second.

Savyna sat back on the couch and moaned as Vinyl rolled her tongue around the underside of the thick meaty wand in her mouth. The white mare tried to take more and more of it as she was determined to take it all or die trying it seemed. Vinyl was a third of the way down Savyna shaft when the head hit the back of her mouth and started down her throat. She started to gag and had to pull away coughing.

“Hey don't try to take it all. Even AJ has a hard time doing that and she's a rather experienced mare when it comes to giving me head.” Savyna said softly as her cock twitched in Vinyl hands.

“Wow I knew Applejack was a wild mare but she has me beat if she takes this thing every night and can still apple buck all day the next day.” Vinyl said marveling at the size and power of Savyna's impressive tool. “So you don't mind if I don't take it all?”

“It's alright if you only take a little bit just try to keep from scraping with your teeth or biting. While this thing is made with magic its still apart of me and that stuff hurts. I know you're not all that experienced with stallions since you're only used to being with a mare. Please be careful is all that I ask.” Savyna told Vinyl who just nodded before going back to sucking on the head while she worked the rest of the shaft with both of her hands.

Everypony in Ponyville had know about Vinyl being with Octavia and Applejack along with Dragon Feather had mentioned it a few times when every Vinyl Scratch had come up in a conversation but until tonight Savyna had not known that that was her proper name. She always referred to her as DJ Pon-3.

It wasn't long before Savyna was moaning again and pinching her own nipples as her pleasure revved higher and higher. While Vinyl was now just into filly fooling she at one point had dated and had sex with a stallion for a number of months so she was rather skilled at giving a good blow job. This was one of her best by far. She swirled her tongue around the head of Savyna's twitching prick a few times before pulling it from her mouth with a loud pop. Once it was free she licked along the flat front of it gathering Savyna's ever flowing pre cum on her tongue to taste it. The flavor was rather salty, wild and a bit sweet in the end, owed to all of the Apple family cider and a new diet which contained a lot of fruit. But it didn't taste like a stallion completely, it had a hint of Savyna's nectar in it.

“Oh Vinyl... mmmm... oh god yessss... “ Savyna moaned as she tore a cushion on the couch beside her.

After getting a good taste Vinyl popped Savyna back into her mouth and began to slowly bob her head up and down along the 10 inches she could fit in her mouth comfortably. Her hand took care of the other 18 inches she couldn't fit. With her hand and mouth working in unison Vinyl teased Savyna with a slow pace for several minutes. When Savyna placed a hand on the back of her head and pushed down a little more on one of her down strokes Vinyl knew it was time to finish her off.

In a flash Vinyl's speed increased until her head was a blur of up and down strokes and Savyna's moans had become grunts and guttural noises. Precum spilled like a flood into Vinyl's mouth signaling the on coming orgasm. As Vinyl bobbed her head she found it a bit easier to take a little more of Savyna in to her throat no more then another three inches, still it was enough of a change in the warm wet pressure on the thick stallion stick to set Savyna over the edge.

“Oh shit... I'm going to cum... Vinyl, in or out? Hurry and choose.” Savyna moaned then she grip the couch and one of her breasts tightly and she bucked her hips upward rapidly. Savyna knew that in a few moments if Vinyl didn't decide what she wanted she would choose for the unicorn and the DJ pony was going to get a belly full of warm sticky goo, whether she wanted to or not.

Vinyl was going to pull Savyna out and tell her it was okay to just cum in her mouth but as she was coming up on an up stroke, sucking a little too hard, Savyna lost it and went over the edge. The dragon girl grabbed her would be lover's head and bucked hard into her face nearly burying her cock up the hilt in Vinyl's mouth and throat.

“Oh I'm cumming... oh by the sun I'm cumming!” Savyna yelled as the head of her rod flared and thick spurt after thick spurt of hot sticky seed was shooting down Vinyls throat. After the first three spurts Vinyl's eyes went wide and she tried to pull away while she swallowed as quickly as she could to keep from drowning in the thick flood of pearly white goo filling her throat and mouth. When she felt Vinyl pulling at her hand and trying to pull away Savyna let go of her and the choking unicorn quickly pulled away. The cock slipped from her throat and mouth with a loud wet pop as cum sprayed across Vinyl's face and chest. Vinyl was coughing and sputtering as she tried to get precious lung fulls of air while the last few spurts of Savyna's seed splashed on to her neck and upper chest before the mighty tool softened and lay limp on one of Savyna's legs.

“Ar-are you....ahhaa... all right?” Savyna asked through pants as she tried to catch her breath from two intense climaxes. It seemed that whenever she came from one sex the other climaxed moments after setting up a dual orgasm that was far too intense. This was another side effect but not a bad per se but it was one that needed a bit more testing Savyna mentally noted.

Vinyl took a few moments to swallow all of the cum still in her mouth and throat while she tried to get her breathing under control. Savyna's cum was rather thick so it took several swallows before it was all sliding down in her belly. Vinyl felt rather full just from the few spurts she had swallowed along with the bulk the had been forced into her belly when Savyna had started cumming. It was a full three minutes later before Vinyl spoke.

“Y-y-yeah, I'm... I'm okay.” Vinyl said in between fast deep breathes. “HOW MUCH DO YOU PRODUCE PER LOAD!?” Vinyl asked in a shocked and amazed tone as she wiped some of the cum clinging to her face away with her hands.

“Close to a gallon. It would be more but I've been pent up for a while that's why its so thick right now.” Savyna explained, “it's not a problem is it?” Savyna asked softly.

“No, its fine. I just wished I would have known you could glaze me like a doughnut before hand. So you ready for more or are you still having doubts?” Vinyl asked as she rubbed the rest of the cum on her chest in to her fur and skin, after all it was high in protein and good for the skin as well as making ones coat glossy and soft.

“Sure we can play some more but I'm not mounting you.” Savyna said softly as she started stroking her cock again bring it back to its erect size quickly.

“Wait a minute, why don't I get to feel that monster inside of me?” Vinyl asked a bit disappointed that she wouldn't get the wild ride she wanted. “You know it's not fair if you keep it to yourself, that's just being mean.”

“It's simple, only Applejack get the honor of being the mare I ride.” Savyna smiled wickedly, “well we might be able to work out a deal but I don't think you will like it though.”

“What kind of deal?” Vinyl asked as she got up and sat next to Savyna on the couch. “What are you offering?” Vinyl asked, she saw an opening and was willing to take it. Anything to get to feel Savyna inside of her.

“Well it's more of a challenge really. If you can get me to cum before I make you cum you get to be the second mare to ride this stallion.” Savyna said as she pointed at her third leg, “but if you cum before me all you get is foreplay until Pinkie Pie gets back. After that nothing more and we never speak of this.” Savyna explained.

Vinyl sat there for a moment or two to thinking over what Savyna had proposed. She could just try and seduce Savyna into mounting her or she could just try out this little game cause Pinkie Pie wasn't coming back until after Savyna had bred a new mare so to speak. Why not, what do I have to lose really? Vinyl thought.

“Sure we can play this game but a few ground rules first,” Vinyl said with a sly grin. “First you can't use your chi mastery, I talked to Rainbow Dash and I know what you did to Applejack before you to had sex the first time. Second we can only use our bodies, no toys or any magic other then your bracelet. Third no cheating with surprise pokes to other sexual areas. So no poking me in my butt to win and the same goes for me. Just your stick and that wet pussy of yours and my pussy are the only places in play.”

“Okay I agree but you better be ready to lose.” Savyna said with a smirk. “Oh yeah and when I win I'm so going to poke your butt.” Savyna laughed.

“You need to win first.”Vinyl replied back as she stood up and took off the rest of her outfit rendering her completely naked in front of Savyna. The dragon girl drank in the sit of Vinyl's sexy plot, the curves of her hips, the thickness of her bottom and the toned build of her legs. Vinyl was a very sexy unicorn and if Savyna hadn't been with Applejack and Vinyl with Octavia the two of them might have been a hot couple Savyna thought.

“Damn your really sexy naked. And you said I was hot, look at you. Don't you have a sexy fat little ass?” Savyna asked with grin as she slipped her wet and stretched panties off and tossed them on to the rest of her clothes. With With Vinyl's stockings left on this little party was rapidly looking like a porno, all it needed now was a cameraman and some cheesy music in the background.

“So you like what you see? I was hoping you would. Octavia never really complimented me on my body.” Vinyl explained. After shaking her head to clear it of thoughts of filming herself the dragon girl, she got back to the subject at hand, getting Savyna to squirt all over herself.

“Okay so were do you want to do this on the couch or the floor?” Savyna asked,”I'm good either way.”

“The couch I guess. So do you want to be on top or should I?” Vinyl asked shyly.

“Lady's choice of course.” Savyna said with a giggle. “Your so cute when you act shy like that.” Savyna said with a sexy grin.

Vinyl giggled as she slowly walked over to Savyna and crawled up on to her lap and sat so that Savyna's large rod was sitting between them. Vinyl reached in and slowly started kissing Savyna on the cheek and gently on the lips as if it was her first time again. Vinyl felt butterflies as if she didn't know what to do. Savyna leaned in as Vinyl went for another gentle kiss and french kissed her for a few seconds. Savyna slowly went from her lips to her neck sucking and kissing it gently as she fondled Vinyl's bottom.

“Oh Savyna... oh god... mmm... “ Vinyl moaned as Savyna moved her hand from Vinyl's bottom and slipped it between her legs. Vinyl moaned softly before realizing she was now behind and was losing her chance to ride Savyna. Vinyl reached and started massaging Savyna's breasts and pinching her hardened nipples making Savyna moan in between kisses on her neck. After the first couple of moans Vinyl moved one leg and pushed Savyna on to her back then straddled her waist. The white mare was now faced with Savyna's long erection and Savyna was facing Vinyl's soaked and dripping pussy.

Vinyl instantly started by running her tongue along Savyna's hard smooth shaft and increasing her pace. Savyna jumped at the surge of pleasure rushing through her body and she let out a moan. Not wanting to be out done she reached up and massaged Vinyl's butt for a few seconds before leaning forward and spreading Vinyl's lips revealing her wet tight pussy before sticking her tongue out getting a tongue full of Vinyl's nectar.

The unicorn tasted so sweet almost like candy in a way, it wasn't as sweet as Applejack whom tasted sweet like an apple. Soon the dragon girl wondered if all unicorns had a sweet taste to their nectar. Savyna used her skilled tongue to run along the outside of Vinyl's wet cunt before dipping her tongue in and out a few times. She slipped a few fingers in as she licked Vinyl's clit. That drove Vinyl wild and she had stopped her work on the mass of stallion meat in front of her just to catch her breath from the new sensation assaulting her brain and body. She knew Savyna was some what skilled from what she heard from Applejack bragging about it but it was so much more amazing and intense in person.

Soon the mare was wonder how the dragon girl got so damn good at eating pussy, it was like the girl was part cat! AJ must die a little every time Savyna goes down on her, she's so much better than Octavia and might even be better than me. Vinyl thought to herself. Vinyl let out a couple of moans in between up and down strokes on Savyna's cock with one hand as she increased her rubbing speed of the mighty pony cock before bending down and licking Savyna's wet pussy. As her tongue found it's target and began its back and forth on the swollen nub of pleasure she continued to stroke the dragon girl's rod.

Savyna moaned very loud, while she has felt more pleasure than a person should while having sex or even clopping, this was something she had never felt before all together. Never had she felt so much pleasure for both of her sexes when they were stimulated at the same time. AJ had nasty habit of doing just that when she wanted an extra thick glazing some nights but it was never so intense as it was now. If this keeps up much longer she was going to explode all over Vinyl face and lose.

“Oh god... Vinyl... Yessss...” Savyna hissed into Vinyl's drenched slit. Vinyl sped her long steady strokes up after hearing that. Then Savyna realized the pleasure was getting to her and losing meant cheating on Applejack so she leaned forward sliding her fingers in deeper into Vinyl finding her G-spot then rubbing it furiously as she licked Vinyl's slit faster blowing her hot breath across the mare's clit.

Savyna was rewarded with some muffled moans from between her legs and Vinyl gripping her shaft roughly mid stroke. The increase in pressure on the middle of her cock while the screaming of sheer pleasure was vibrating her entire labia was almost too much to take, Savyna almost came. She would have cum then if she hadn't taken a breath and thought of an angry Applejack walking in on her like this. The thought of Applejack going off if she would have walked in on this little scene brought Savyna a few more minutes. Minutes she would use to make Vinyl squirm then cum uncontrollably.

After Savyna started working her sweet spot hard Vinyl was reduced to a moaning and violently shuddering rag doll in Savyna skilled grip and it would be only a few more minutes before she came if Savyna kept at it. Vinyl realized that if she didn't do something soon she was going to lose so she focused her mind on redoubling her effects. It took a minute or two for the white mare to get most of her composure back after nearly climaxing twice. She then focused all of her attention on the two most sensitive parts of Savyna's dual sexes, the head of her cock and her fat swollen clit. Soon Savyna was moaning just as loud as Vinyl had been earlier.

Even though Savyna had upped her licking and rubbing she knew that Vinyl was getting the best of her again and she was about to bust soon. The second side effect of the bracelet was now a problem and a third was clear to her. The more time she used the bracelet's power in the same session the more sensitive her clitoris and the head of her cock become. If Vinyl kept concentrating on them the dragon girl was sure to lose. Savyna slowed her breathing while she kept licking and stroking trying to muffle her own moans from the tortuously intense ecstasy coming from Vinyl mouth and fingers. Vinyl knew the dragon girl would climax soon from the gushes of precum covering her hand. Each one was making it easier to stroke her shaft while her tongue slipped deeper into Savyna's wet box. Vinyl knew she was close but Savyna wasn't far behind so the white mare just had to hold on for a little while longer.

Several minutes later both of them trying desperately hard to make the other lose but really they were just trying to cum. Just when Vinyl Scratch was about to pop Savyna cried out and gushed from both sexes. Vinyl felt hot liquid cream spill across her back in quick bursts as Savyna's juices sprayed across her face while her vaginal walls contracted hard around Vinyl's fingers and tongue. Seconds later Vinyl came as Savyna moaned in to her convulsing muff. Vinyl lay on top of Savyna with thick cream all in her mane and down her back to her tail almost. The last few thick spurts from the shrinking member had gone wild and hit the couch in several place, the rest of the couch beneath them was completely covered with their combined fluids.

After resting for a few to catch her breath Vinyl licked Savyna's pussy and softening cock clean before she looked up at Savyna from between her legs and turned to give her a grin. “I guess I win. You know what that means, a deal's a deal.” Vinyl said smiling and happy that she won.

She was pretty close to letting Savyna walk home without having road her the one and only time she would have the chance too. After an orgasm that powerful it was worth not having turn at being sore the next day like Applejack always was. Plus it wasn't like she be missing much either, after all Savyna, technically speaking, would be Vinyl's second stallion ever.

Savyna sat up and sighed. “Fine, you're right. You win.” Savyna said smiling back. “But you know... that's not a bad thing.” Savyna finished grinning. “Just give me a minute to recover then you get your prize.” Savyna said after a pause. Vinyl got up from Savyna and sat beside her on the couch.

“Okay, I'll give you a minute to calm down.” Vinyl replied. The two of them sat there for a few moments before Savyna's breathing slowed and she sat there as calmly as she did before they started.

“So... You want to be on top now?” Vinyl asked looking over at Savyna excitedly.

Savyna scooted closer to Vinyl on the couch without answering then took her in a long french kiss. As Savyna kissed her she laid Vinyl down on the couch and got on top of her. After a few moments of kissing Savyna stopped and looked at Vinyl.

“Are you sure you can take all of this?” Savyna asked while looking down at her large erect member as it hovered inches from Vinyl's wet flower.

“I can try,” Vinyl replied, “but it might hurt a little, I'm not a virgin but I'm not use to taking something that big.” After Vinyl's answer Savyna started to kiss and suck on Vinyl's neck causing the DJ pony let out a moan.

Vinyl couldn't believe how good she felt and how lucky of a mare AJ was to get to feel this pleasure whenever she wanted. Savyna moved lower to Vinyl's breasts taking her time licking and sucking on the unicorn's hard nipples. Vinyl grasped the back of Savyna's head with one hand and Savyna's hand on her breast with the other. Vinyl Scratch let out a moan as Savyna continued to suck and pinch.

“Oh... Savyna... that feels sooo good... oh god keep going... ” Vinyl moaned as Savyna continued her sucking.

After a few minutes Savyna stopped and looked down where she had a hold of her rod. Savyna gave it a few quick strokes upping it's size to full before pushing it through Vinyl's lower lips. Vinyl gasped as Savyna's cock slowly pushed up inside her contracting canal.

“Mmmm... oh by Luna's moon...” Vinyl let out as Savyna got the flared head and several inches of her length into Vinyl's tight muff.

“Does that hurt?” Savyna asked stopping and looked at Vinyl with concern.

“Yeah, just a little bit... mmmm... but keep going...” Vinyl replied, “Slowly please?” She added seconds later after a moan.

Savyna looked back down to watch her length disappear into the mare's warm wet pussy as she continued to slowly push deeper inside of Vinyl. Savyna slipped more of her length in until she had it half way in before she wait for Vinyl to get use to her girth. Though she wasn't a natural stallion Savyna's mighty wood was thicker than the average stallions at about five inches, even an experienced mare like Applejack had to take time to adjust to it. Once she felt Vinyl's vaginal muscles clenching around her love log trying to pull her deeper Savyna gently started stroking in and out.

“Mmmhm... Vinyl... you're so tight...,” Savyna added as she sped up her pace a little as more of her shaft slipped in and out of Vinyl's wet clenching tunnel. “Why would Octavia leave a mare like you?”

“Ahhaa... Tavi couldn't h-h-handle how wild I could g-g-g-... g-get in b-b-b-b-bed. Oh shit my pussy feels so good.... Fuck me harder please... rut me till I pass out!” Vinyl screamed as she wrapped her legs around Savyna's waist and and thrust back with the same force as the dragon girl rutting her.

“Oh gods you're so tight... I don't know if I could hold out for very long.” Savyna moaned before leaning in and kissing Vinyl deeply. Vinyl wrapped her arms around Savyna neck and enjoyed the feeling of their hard nipples rubbing over each other with the rapid thrusts of their hips. Savyna stopped kissing Vinyl long enough to look her deeply in the eyes. Vinyl just stared back tilting her head forward trying to kiss Savyna, Savyna saw her struggle and leaned down and gave her another long deep kiss.

For several minutes which felt like hours Savyna lost herself in the feeling of rutting Vinyl. She let go of her guilt, the shame of wanting to have sex with another mare other than her beloved Applejack, and she forced out all of the thoughts about the consequences of what she was doing. At that moment the only thing that mattered was that moment and the intense feeling building up in her belly and loins. Savyna shut her eyes for a moment and concentrated on that feeling and about making it last as long as possible. She could hear Vinyl's moans and shouts for more turn in to guttural grunts and half formed words. The sound of Vinyl becoming a feral mare in heat under her had Savyna close to cumming. The dragon girl quickly stopped thrusting and pulled free of Vinyl with a loud wet pop. She sat back on the couch panting hard with her member twitching and throbbing.

Vinyl sat up moments later making mewing noise in the back of her throat as she tried to pull her sweat and cum drenched mane out of her face with one hand while she reach for Savyna with the other. She stared at Savyna with a wild eyed look. “Why.... why did you stop?” Vinyl Scratch asked with a husky breathless tone to her voice.

“I had to, I was close to cumming. You want a proper ride, right?” Savyna asked as she scooted back a bit on the couch. The look in Vinyl's eyes reminded her of Applejack when they first started having sex on a regular basis and Savyna would suddenly stop to tease her a bit. The only difference was Applejack's was one of those lover's who could gave a look that would playfully ask why tease me now and Vinyl's look was one of why stop and why the fuck didn't you fill me with cum.

“What I want is to be fucked and fucked hard but you stopped. I'm going to get fucked hard tonight even if I have to force you to do it!” Vinyl said with a stern tone as she crawled over to Savyna and grabbed her legs and pulled them open. “Now are you going to be a good little stallion and let me finish riding or do I have to force you?”

Savyna smirked at her would be rapist. “I like to see you try, Sugarcube.” She said while giving Vinyl a rendition of the Apple Jack's rape face smile.

Vinyl scowled then jump on to Savyna who just leaned back against the arm of the couch as Vinyl crashed down on top of her. Once the unicorn was on top of her the dragon girl wrestle the thrashing mare's arms behind her back with little trouble. She rolled the mare over on to her back pinning her to the wet couch cushions with little effort seconds later. Vinyl struggled and fought trying to get free but Savyna was much stronger and far to good with body combat and holds from her years of martial arts training for Vinyl to win. After struggling and kicking her legs for several minutes and getting tired the mare just settled down and stared up at her capture with angry pinkish-red eyes.

“Looks like I'm the one in control now. You'll get fucked tonight but only when I'm ready to fuck you. Now be a good little mare and beg me for it.” Savyna told Vinyl and she teased her clit with two fingers as she gave her a sexy but evil grin.

“I'm not begging for it. You out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going to beg for it. I never begged Tavi for it so what makes you think I will beg you for it?” Vinyl yelled up at Savyna as she shudder a bit from the light teasing.

“Oh you'll beg alright, in fact that's all you will be able to do after I'm done with you.” Savyna said and she pulled the hand that was teasing Vinyl's muff and held it up so she could see it. “Now witness the power that brought the most stubborn mare in Equestria to her knees in constant pleasure until she begged me to let her cum.” Savyna said with a wicked grin and as her hand lite with soft red glow.

“What are you about ttt-to do to me?” Vinyl asked with some worry on her face.

“You're about to feel the Five Chi Forms of Sexual Pleasure, this is a chi mastery technique that I learned from my Martial Arts Mother. With it you can reduce any female to a quiver puddle of mindless sexual bliss that will beg to cum and will do anything to be allowed to cum. You will be the same way, it's just a matter of finding out how long it will take for you to break.” Savyna said before she began to trace a path around Vinyl's right breasts with glowing finger tips.

Vinyl was going to protest but as soon as Savyna glowing fingers touch her she felt a surge of pure electric pleasure rush throughout her skin and smash into her brain and cunt like a runaway dragon smashing into the ground. Vinyl moaned and arched her back as ground her thighs together as her pussy become a flood of her juices. “Celestia's Sun! My god I want cum!” Vinyl screamed.

“Do you now?” Savyna asked with a grin. “Tell me... what is it you want?” Savyna asked leaning her ear towards Vinyl still grinning. Vinyl whimpered a little before looking up at Savyna.

“Savyna... I want... “ Vinyl panted but didn't finish she stopped and bit her lip to keep from moaning again. Savyna smiled noticing Vinyl was breaking and a bit sooner than she expected. Savyna started massaging Vinyl's stomach gently. Vinyl let out a moan at the feel of Savyna's fingertips.

“What was that? I can't hear you.” Savyna asked with a smirk.

“For gods sake Savyna! Fuck me until I pass out! I want your cock to pound my pussy until I can't take it anymore!” Vinyl shouted to Savyna.

“I told you, you would beg for it and to think you didn't even make it pass my crimson chi power. Get ready little mare I'm about to break you in.” Savyna said and let Vinyl move her arms from behind her back as she gripped the mare's hips roughly and slam her rod home in one savage thrust.

Vinyl arched her back and screamed as she came the instant Savyna hilted deep in her The mare's pussy convulsed and squeezed hard around Savyna's rod trying to milk it of all it had to no avail. Vinyl wrapped her legs around Savyna again as she pawed at her own breasts as orgasm ripped through her.

Savyna looked down at Vinyl with a hungry look in her eyes as she enjoyed the tight squeezing Vinyl's muff was giving her cock. Once Vinyl's orgasm had nearly ended Savyna began to thrust in to the white unicorn with long hard strokes working her up into a frenzy as both of their pleasures grew. Savyna lean over after a few thrusts and began lick and bit Vinyls neck leaving small wet spots and several hicks that would visible for a few days. For several minutes both mare and half dragon thrusts their hips into each others with savage wild force which would leave muscles sore for days later but with adrenaline and wild sexual hungry that the chi mastery had brought neither cared at the moment.
Vinyl reach up to caressed Savyna's breasts and pinched her nipples as hard as she came for the second time. Her pussy become a squirting flood around the seal that Savyna's thrusting cock had made.

“Ohhhaaaa... fuck meeeee.. by the moon FUCK ME HARDER... OH GODS I'M CUMMMMING....” Vinyl yelled as she buried her face in Savyna's cleavage sucking and biting the sweaty hot skin there.

Savyna just grunted and moaned as she felt Vinyl get extremely tight around her cock once again. “By Sarvis's Fangs your trying to choke the the life of my cock!” Savyna moaned, “You haven't been with many stallions have you Vinyl?”

“NOOOOOOO... not since I lost my virginity when I was 16... I've been into mares most of my life. You're the second stallion to have me...” Vinyl whined as she shudder and convulsed under Savyna. “Oh gods give me more, fuck me, break me, make me cum more.”

Savyna smirked as what she guessed to be true was true and it made her want to break Vinyl even more than she already had. “After me no stallion will ever satisfy you as much. I've ruined you for every other stallion in the world, and you love every minute of it.” Savyna said with a evil grin.

“Yesssss.... break me, please me, tease me, own me!” Vinyl shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Oh no, no, no. You don't want that, you really don't,” Savyna said softly, “besides AJ won't let me have a pet.”

Bushes Outside Vinyl's Music Room 11:30 PM

Outside in the bushes watching the action unfolding inside the music room Pinkie Pie sat naked on a small blanket in her little hiding spot while the camera record every last detail of the hot sexual action. Pinkie's breaths came in short rapid gasps as she pinched her hardened nipple while the fingers of her other hand slide in and out of her wet box rapidly. She was clopping rather fiercely and on her way to her ninth orgasm of the night as she watched Savyna dominating Vinyl's sexy plot on the little monitor laying in front. Pinkie stared intensely at the image of Savyna while she worked her marehood harder bring herself another gushing orgasm seconds later.

“Oh gods she so fucking hot and I want her so bad now.” Pinkie moaned as she licked the image of Savyna on the screen. “ I so should just go in like I'm back with cupcakes and find them fucking. When they look up I should just say don't mind me keep going, I'll just put the cupcakes up then come join you.” Pinkie Pie said out loud to herself. “ At the rate it's going I don't think I can wait until my turn to be with Savyna. I mean look at that cock, it's fucking enormous, she's even skilled at sexual pleasure techniques, and AJ gets that every night! It's so not fair but I can't be too mad about it since I do get a chance to have some fun with her for one night and I' ll have all of the videos to clop to as well. But it be so super awesome to come home to that every night though.”

Pinkie Pie stretched then pulled a cloth from the bag she had sitting next to the blanket and wiped up the extra moisture from her thighs and sex before sitting up. She checked the clock in her bag, its was 11:30p.m. so she had been gone an hour and half to get cupcakes. She figured she would give the love birds another hour before she had to show up so Savyna did get suspicious about her long absence after all Savyna had to remain in the dark about what was really going on until her sixth encounter when she would get to see Applejack's little message to her.

“Oh AJ you better not lose her cause if you do I'll be waiting to scoop her up and if not me one of another on a long list of mares will.” Pinkie said as she lifted the monitor to continued watch the action after slipping back into her panties. “Oh Savyna if only you knew that there are so many mares chasing you. I wonder what you would do if you really knew have many mares were chasing after you?” Pinkie sang to herself before deciding to write the song Chasing Savyna.

Music Room 12:00 AM

After nearly cumming for the second time after giving Vinyl her fourth orgasm in a row Savyna use her chi mastery to set up a hyperactive silver chi condition to counteract her crimson chi to last a little longer. The augment in her chi flow would use the unlimited power of yin energy to lessen the flow of her limited Yang energy giving her the power to pleasure Vinyl for hours on end without cumming. The downside was when she undid this condition later the pleasure of her own orgasm would be tenfold. She would cross that bridge when she got there right now all that matter was insuring Vinyl would be tired, sore, and some what hungover from the sexual release in the morning.

For the next hour Savyna would rut Vinyl hard as she could in several different positions all over the couch, on the floor, and even in front of her DJ stand with Vinyl mixing and matching songs the whole time. In all of this sex, moaning and orgasm after orgasm neither Savyna or Vinyl noticed that Pinkie Pie had not come back yet. It hadn't dawned on them until Savyna looked up saw the clock, it was almost 1:00 am. While it had been fun breaking Vinyl in to be a proper and well bred mare it was well past the time to wrap everything up.

With a soft sigh she undid the chi condition and set up a new one were she used her jade chi to built her crimson chi into a blazing fire of lust with in herself while her gold chi quickly put an end to the rising tide the was silver chi. It wasn't long before wave after wave of intense pleasure assaulted her sense and her grip of Vinyl hips tighten as she thrusts into the white mare like mad woman possessed by an incubus. In a matter of minutes Savyna was on the edge of the biggest climax she had ever had and the sheer weight of it threatened to crush her. By this point Vinyl was long passed the ability to speak let alone think in complete coherent sentences. All the white mare could do now was moan and whimper.

It was when Vinyl was on the verge of passing out that it happened. Savyna was thrusting into the the white mare at a rapid pace when she suddenly gripped her harder then ever before, leaving bruises in the shape her hand that would linger for several days and well placed clothing and white fur would barely hide. At that moment the dam on her will and self control broke and she came harder than ever before! She felt her balls clench so tight they hurt and the head of her cock flared wider than it had ever before as a torrent of hot cream milk burst worth flooding Vinyl channel and splashed hard at the back of her tunnel.

In the grips of this hot release Vinyl climax for the final time that night. Her vision went white as she screamed loud enough to shatter glass. Her pussy become hot velvet vice squeezing ever last drop of cum it could from Savyna sore balls which were more than happy to give up everything they had. In that moment neither Savyna or Vinyl Scratch existed in a sense, they were two body intertwined into some erotic beast with two backs gives its birth and death cry in the same moment. It all was an instant in time yet it was an eternity for the both of them before everything went black and they clasped on the couch in a sweaty heap panting hard before they both passed out.

When Savyna came to and sat up Vinyl was walking back in the room in a bathrobe with a glass of water and two pills in her hand. She sat the glass on the coffee table before handing the pills to Savyna. “Here they should help clear your head. After you take them you can go have shower I left a towel and things for you. I even washed and dried your clothes, there in the bathroom waiting for you.” Vinyl said as she picked the glass of water up and handed it to Savyna. “Savyna, that was the best sex I've ever had. Your amazing and Applejack is such a lucky mare to have you. Too bad I didn't meet you sooner... any mare would be lucky to have you.” Vinyl said softly. Savyna took the pills that were handed to her and looked over at Vinyl. Savyna hugged Vinyl then lifted her chin up so she was facing her.

“Vinyl, you are amazing sexually and physically. Your beautiful, and I'm sorry that fate worked differently. Maybe if I hadn't met AJ first there would be an us, but don't be sad. You've made an impression on me, I'll never forget this night, and any mare would be lucky to have you. Octavia wasn't very smart for letting a mare like you go.” Savyna said looking into the DJ pony's eyes.

Vinyl just smiled at her. “Thank you Vinyl.” Savyna said softly before she leaned forward and deeply kissed Vinyl then got up and went to shower.

While Savyna was in the shower Vinyl cleaned up, she took up the cloth on the couch, disinfected, and sprayed air freshener.

Savyna wasn't in the shower very long, she came back to the music room dressed and drying her hair. Savyna sat down on the couch and poured a cup of tequila before taking a few drinks from the cup. Vinyl came and sat down beside her.

“Thank you Savyna, for this amazing night and for a chance with you.” Vinyl said drinking from a cup of orange juice.

“And thank you Vinyl for this one night with you.” Savyna said nodding her head.

“Can I have one more kiss before this ends?” Vinyl asked shyly looking over at Savyna. “And if you wouldn't mind can you make it a long one?”

Savyna giggled a little then scooted closer to Vinyl. “Of course.” Vinyl faced Savyna as they leaned in and deeply french kissed, the kiss lasted for a few minutes before they heard someone at the door and they both jumped to a halt. They both looked at the door to see a out of breath Pinkie Pie walk in.

“I'm so so so so so so so sorry guys. I was on my way to Sugarcube corners and on the way there Zecora stopped me and said there was a new potion she was working on and wanted me to test it out so I walked all the way over to her hut and tested out the potion but didn't have any effect on me. Then she invited me for some tea and I said I can't Zecora I have friends waiting on me then she said oh it won't take long I promise I just want you to try this new tea I have. So I was like okay but just one cup then after I drunk some of the tea it made me really really really sleepy and we sat there and talked for a while. After I left her I went to the shop to bake cupcakes but when I got there there wasn't ANY more batter so I had to run to the store to go get some more batter than-”

“Pinkie! It's okay.” Savyna laughed cutting the hyper pony off. Then Savyna looked over at Vinyl Scratch. “Besides I had fun and I'm pretty sure Vinyl had fun.”

Vinyl smiled and nodded her head as she blushed rather hard.

“We talked a lot and really got to know each other.” Savyna said laughing. “Well, this was fun girls but I have to get home. Oh and Pinkie Pie next time lets wait until Applejack comes back before I go out to any more parties.” Savyna said then gave Vinyl and Pinkie a hug and walking out the door. Pinkie looked over at Vinyl and smiled slyly.

“You sly dog you, I saw what happened. So did you enjoy your night?” Pinkie asked after Savyna was out of earshot.

The pink party mare then pouring a shot of Tequila and downing it. Vinyl just smiled at her while remembering her and Savyna's encounter scarcely a half hour ago.

“Thank you Pinkie Pie it was amazing.” Vinyl replied after a minute or two.

“So... was it as good as it looked on the camera?” Pinkie asked smirking.

“Pinkie!” Vinyl exclaimed.

“What? I'm curious.” Pinkie said defensively.

“It was better. Much more then I expected. In fact she ruined me for any of stallion. That's okay but what I didn't expect was that she would set the bar so high for my next marefriend. ” Vinyl said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Sweet Apple Acres 1:45 AM

Savyna made it back to the farm at 1:45 pm. All the lights were out so she figured everyone must have already been in bed. She was thankful for that so she wouldn't have to explain her night and why she had been out so late. Savyna came through the back door so she wouldn't wake anypony and went straight up stairs to her room. Savyna was so full of shame from cheating on AJ she felt lower than low. So she undressed and crawled into bed in just her panties and laid over AJ's spot on the bed and drifted into a restless sleep.

Sugarcube Corners 2:30 AM

Plans, plans, plans need to be made Pinkie Pie thought on her way back to Sugarcube Corners. When Pinkie made it back to the shop one of Dragon Khalessi Sunburst’s guards was there waiting for her at the Bakery's waiting area since Mrs. Cake went to bed and Mr. Cake had kept him company until Pinkie got back. When he saw her walk in he gave her a hug and told her to lock up before bed. Then she turned to the guard who was now standing on his hooves waiting patiently.

“I am here regarding your business deal with Princess Celestia on Dragon Khalessi Sunburst behalf.” He said in a stern tone. The pink pony nodded her head for him to continue. “I have brought a message informing you that the Princess will be having the encounter that you are arranging for her move to Canterlot Castle instead. It will be much more roomier and she can control a fee more of the encounters elements better there. This will not be a problem will it?” The guard asked in a flat tone.

“Thank you for informing me of this change so quickly. Tell Princes Celestia that the move to Canterlot is fine and there is no charge for it. I was going to ask her about that anyway. Ponyville has become a much larger place but to many ponies know Savyna far to well around here for some like this not get blown out of proportion and cause a media nightmare. Will it still on the same day?””

“Yes,it was still be on the same day so you have one week to get everything you need to move it to Canterlot Castle.”The guard told Pinkie before he checked a note in his pocket. One other thing, since this a gift for Dragon Khalessi Sunburst the Princess also wanted me to inform you that she will be joining Khalessi Sunburst in her encounter.” He finished with a bit of blush on his face.

“Well, well, well, Celestia is finally going to say it to Sunburst. I'm not surprised since that fight is 1200 years old. That change is fine to but the added guest will add another 30,000 bits to the final price to be collect upon delivery of the encounter. I will be there no later than 9:00 pm with final component for the encounter so she has until then to cancel the whole thing. She has until Friday next week to make anymore chances. After Friday the encounter will be finalized and can only be canceled for a half refund.” Pinkie told him. “If either Princess Celestia or Dragon Khalessi Sunburst have any question tell to contact me immediately, I take customers service very seriously.”

The guard wrote down several notes, bowed, then turned and left. Pinkie stood there for a minute thinking to herself before she locked up the bakery. “Oh yes, plans, plans, plans. But just wait my dearest Savyna won't none of these mare's match up to me. And I will get broken in even if it kills me.” Pinkie Pie said to herself with a evil smirk. “Mission complete until next time.”