Loss of a Phoenix

by JusSonic

First published

The time has come for Peewee to be returned to his parents. Will Spike has the heart to do so?

Happens before "Just for Sidekicks", short story. Spike and Peewee are the best friends ever since the dragon took the baby phoenix in. But when Peewee's parents came looking for their baby, Spike must do the right thing.

Chapter 1

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My Little Pony: Loss of a Phoenix

As Pinkamena had fixed her room (after the fire and ice), she then froze as if she felt something from beyond. The mare says worried, "This can't be good."

Pinakeman then closes her eyes and then we can see the multiverse (remember she is Pinkie Pie). She look and saw something with a evil laugher.

Pinkamena opens her eyes and says, "This is not good, the Hole is coming. I need to warn Goldie now."

She then heads off to find her big brother to warn him.


"Time for some ice cream, Peewee," Spike laughs as he follows his pet baby phoenix Peewee. The little guy chirps happily as he flies away, causing the carton of ice cream and a stool to go flying. "Come on, I'm going to feed ya!"

The two run around the library, Spike is happy to have a good friend and a pet like Peewee around. Makes things interesting especially since the princess has given him books on phoenix; The baby Dragon did a good job in taking care of Peewee.

Of course, Spike trips and fell, sending the ice cream flying. When he got up, the Dragon got an embarrassing sight. Twilight is in front of him, giving her little brother/assistant a disapproving glare. Peewee is nesting happily on her tail while the ice cream is on her head, with the spoon on the floor. Nyx, nearby and with a camera, couldn't help but take snapshots of what's happening so far.

"Spike, I told you to be careful when feeding Peewee." Twilight said to Spike with a sigh.

"Sorry, Twilight; I guess I got carried away." Spike said sheepishly as Peewee flies over to land on his shoulder. Twilight sighs as she makes a towel float over, using it to clean herself off.

"Well, it's only ice cream, I guess. You did a good job in taking care of Peewee. You're turning into a responsible little man...err Dragon; Hee hee hee."

"Thanks, Twilight! My duties of being your assistant can be troubling when it comes to taking care of Peewee but I do my best."

"I better get this mess clean up." Twilight said as she levitates a mop and another towel to clean up the mess that Spike has made. Just then a knock came at the door. "Can somepony get that? I'm busy."

Ben and Spike heads over to the door and opens it. Outside is Celestia, looking a bit concerned. Her son exclaims, "Why, mom! What a surprise! What brings you here?"

"I wish to speak to Spike...alone." Celestia said in concern. Spike looks worried, whenever she looks like that, the princess got something serious to speak about.

"Spike, will you be okay with this?"

"Yeah, I should. Watch Peewee, okay, this shouldn't take a few minutes." Spike said as he gave Peewee to Ben. The stallion took the baby phoenix before trotting, leaving the Dragon alone with his adopted mother. "Okay, princess. What's wrong? Am I in trouble? Or is Equestira in trouble?"

"Nothing is in trouble...something just came up." Celestia said with a nod as she glances at Peewee now playing with Nyx. "You recall how you got your baby phoenix, correct?"

"Yeah, I remember. Garble and his Dragon goons would've smashed his egg if I haven't saved it in time. After he hatched, Peewee became one of my bestest of friends. Uh...is there a problem? Am I not taking care of him properly?"

"No, no. You did a wonderful job of taking care of Peewee. Twilight's reports of you and your progress, despite some minor problems, is indeed incredible. You became a responsible Dragon even since the war with your brother Lorcan as well as your role in saving the Crystal Empire from King Sombra."

"Okay, so what's the problem?" Spike asks Celestia in concern.

"It's Peewee's parents. They are looking for him." Celestia sighs as she explains the problem to Spike. The baby Dragon looks surprised. He was under the expression that Peewee's parents had abandoned him after the incident with the jerk Dragons. Now they are looking for him? "Yes, it's true. They came to Canterlot, looking for their little one. As I speak phoenix, I understand them. I came here for a reason."

"You...you want me to give up Peewee?"

"Well...that depends on your decision, Spike. You see, you have taking good care of Peewee but at the same time, it's often for the best that he returns to his own kind. His family missed him...and while they would understand, as would I, should he wishes to stay with you...or you wishes to keep him...there may be...some problems."

"Like what? As in Garble and his pals coming back," Spike ask Celestia in worry. The baby Dragon is worried that Garble and his goons would come back to finish what they started. So far, the three jerks haven't done so...but one must not get careless or down on their guard.

"Yes, or something else entirely," Celestia said with a nod. "Look, I am not forcing you to give up Peewee. Mag'ne knows what happened when I made the same mistake with Nyx when I was tricked into giving her to that cult. It will be your decision. If you wish to keep Peewee...fine. If you wish to return him, that's fine too."

Spike looks hesitated as he looks to Peewee landing on a pillow with Koga. The baby Dragon cares for the baby phoenix like a friend...but he recalls the minor problems that the baby Dragon has with him. And what if Garble and his goons come back to get Peewee? Or worst, another major disaster that could get the baby phoenix hurt or killed?

"I...I will think about it." Spike said to Celestia sadly.

"I will be at my castle. I know where Peewee's family is nesting out now. If you decide to return him to his fellow flock, I am just a message away." Celestia said gently. It pains that she gave Spike a hard choice of returning his friend and pet...but sometimes, choices aren't always easy.

Spike nods as he closes the door. The Dragon sighs, not sure what to do. He knows what must be done...but the task won't be easy. There's only one pony that Spike can talk to about this: Twilight Sparkle.

Spike came over to Twilight, who just finished cleaning up the mess, and ask, "Twilight, can I ask your advice?"

"Sure. What is it, Spike?" Twilight ask Spike, willingly to give her adopted little brother some help.

"If it were my parents are looking for me, what will you do with me?"

"Well... I would return you to your family. That's the right thing to do. But Spike, what do you need that? I mean your grandfather, Spykoran allowed you to stay with me. Is it about your father? Mother; Or Lorcan; Spike, you are nothing like your bad father or corrupted brother. You are the nice and good baby brother I ever had since Starlight's gone."

"I know. But it's not about me." Spike sighs as he motions to Peewee still playing with Nyx and Koga. "It's about Peewee's. His family is looking for him. But I'm scared. I'm scared of what the phoenixes do when I return Peewee to them. I don't know what they will do to me after what Garble and his gang did to them. They could fry me up like a turkey."

Twilight sighs as she speaks, "Spike. All the hardship and battle with Lorcan you've been through, you are going to give up? I know how I feel when I want to return the baby that belongs to the family, I'm also scared of how they react to me. But returning the baby to family is the right thing. I only return the baby to them if they are shown to be good, like Spykoran. If not, I would raise him or her by myself."

"Like Lorcan, when he was evil and corrupted?"

"Yes. I'm sorry too. It's very bad to keep that from you but I care for you too much to let him take you. If you want to return Peewee to his family, then I'll go with you, and anypony who wants to go. Not because it's the right thing to do, because you are my brother and a family."

Spike sobbed while smiling, "Really? Thanks, Twilight. I'm so glad to have you." The Dragon hugged Twilight, "You are more than a sister to me, you're like a mother. You're the best family I ever had just before Nyx, Ben or anypony come to my life. Thank you."

Twilight smiles as she hugs Spike right back. The two finish their hugging before going over to Ben, Nyx, Peewee and Koga. The stallion asks curiously, "What did mom wanted?"

"Oh, so that's who's at the door." Twilight said, now understanding who just arrived. "Look, we need to talk...it's about Peewee."

"Why? What did he do?" Nyx ask in concern and worry.

Spike sighs as he picks Peewee in his claws, "It's his family. They are looking for him. The princess gave me a choice of returning him or keeping the little guy. I mean, don't get me wrong. He's a good pal but..."

"You want to get rid of him?"

"Nyx," Twilight sighs as she hugs Nyx gently. "I know it's difficult, losing a friend...if Spike wants to return him, perhaps it's for the best. It's not easy, losing someone you care for."

"I know, I know." Nyx said, crying as her mother holds her. "It's just....I hated losing friends."

"I know, Nyx...but Peewee will always remember us, right?" Ben asks with a nod. He turns to Peewee as he continues, "Of course, that depends if he wishes to go back to his parents."

"Peewee, you are a good friend that any Dragon would ask for...but, after thinking about your safely...and how worried your parents...you won't forget me, right?" Spike ask sPeewee sadly. The baby phoenix nuzzles the baby Dragon a bit. "So you're okay with this?"

Peewee chirps a bit. Twilight nods while saying, "I guess Peewee is saying if that's your decision, he understands; Spike?"

"Yeah...I will get the quill and paper..."


In a room, we see Pinkamena finish what she had to Golden heart as he says worried, "I see but tell me how long till the Hole gets here."

"It has much to travel to get here but it is coming and it is far worse than Grimmore." Pinkamena explains grimly to Golden Heart.

"I see but until the Hole comes, we need to deal with what is right now. But I will let Princess Celestia know, ok, you head off to your room to rest and once you done..."

"I already know big brother."

Pinkamena heads off to her room. Golden Heart heads off to where Princess Celestia as he says, "So after for a long time, I hope Equestria is ready. And I wonder where Jack is. I am sure he is doing fine; he is good with blending with the crowd. Better get going."

Golden Heart saw that he was not moving but heads off again to let Celestia know.


In a forest away from Ponyville and Canterlot, Spike smiles sadly as he gave Peewee to his parents who chirps and nuzzles, welcoming their baby back.

"There you go...don't forget me, okay Peewee?" Spike ask Peewee who chirps a farewell to him. The baby Dragon notices the father flying to him. "What?"

The father phoenix nods as he gives a feather to Spike before returning to his nest. The baby Dragon shed tears of sadness as he climbs down from the tree. Nyx calls out, "Say cheese," Spike looks to the camera and smiles as the filly take a picture of himself, along with the phoenixes' nest.

Spike came over to Nyx who is with her parents as well as Phobos and the princess. Celestia smiles as she said, "The father gave you a feather to thank you. You did the right thing, Spike...even though you didn't have to if..."

"I know, I know...I just wanted to keep Peewee safe from harm. As they say, if you care for something, sometimes it's best to set them free." Spike sighs as he looks at the feather then looks up to his family. "You think Peewee will remember me?"

"Oh, Spike." Twilight sighs as she hugs her adopted little brother. "I'm sure that Peewee will never forget all the kind things that you did. Who knows? Maybe we will see him again, someday..."

"Yeah, I know so too." Nyx said, giving out a tear as she gave one look of goodbye to Peewee.


After Twilight's branch of family went back to Ponyville, Celestia returns home to her castle in Canterlot. She knew that it was hard and sad for Spike to do what he did...but it was his decision to keep Peewee safe.

As Celestia trots into her study, she is surprised by the appearance of Discord who looks worried. The alicorn ask, "Discord, what's wrong? Did something gone wrong on your multiverse trip?"

"Hey, Celly! You know anything about a hole?" Discord asks Celestia in worry. Of course, the alicorn got the wrong idea, much to her annoyance.

"Don't speak about your hole."

"It's coming!"

Lorcan chose this time to come into the room via portal, hearing the conversion. He sighs in annoyance, "Please say no more about your coming hole."

"No, not like that," Discord exclaims to Celestia and Lorcan frantically.

"Discord wasn't talking about his hole...he is talking about a monster that is called 'The Hole'." Golden Heart said seriously, much to Celestia and Lorcan's shock. That is what Discord was talking about?

"Yes, that's what I meant!"

"The Hole; what is the Hole?" Lorcan asks Golden Heart in concern. Is he more dangerous than the bad Dragon used to be?

"I haven't seen him...but he is more dangerous than Grimmore." Golden Heart said seriously making the princess gasps in shock. "Shocking, I know. He is on his way here. Of course, with how long the multiverse is, it could take days, months, even years for the Hole to arrive."

"In that case, we best be prepared for when that day comes." Celestia said seriously as she looks outside through a window, looking to the sky. "Because if this Hole thing is dangerous...I don't want to be caught off guard."

The others nod in grim agreement. Equestria must be prepared for when the Hole comes...

The End

Cast list
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Daveigh Chase: Nyx

With special voice appearances by
Andrea Libman: Pinkamena Diane Pie
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
John de Lancie: Discord
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan
Scott Menville: The Hole