> The Perfect Ingredient > by Miscord Chaosmaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Bon-Bon's Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Five cups of sugar, a hint of lemon, some cinnamon, and four cups of flour….” Bon-Bon was just putting the last ingredient into a cake recipe for Lyra when she noticed she had a problem. She was missing one ingredient. “Hmm I seem to be out of the little special ingredient for this cake.” She looked all around the cupboards, but no use, she was out. “I can’t finish my cake without that ingredient. I guess I’m going to have to make some more.” She set her mixing spoon down next to the batter bowl and trotted into her room. From under her bed she pulled out a dusty suitcase. She heaved the case onto her bed and blew of the dust. After the dust cleared she opened the suitcase. The case was mostly empty except for a bottle of green liquid, three long knives, and a box of candy. She then pulled out her saddle bag from underneath the bed and put all the items in the suitcase into her saddle bag. Next she pulled out a bottle of black liquid from her nightstand and took a quick drink. Suddenly her body started to twitch and she fell onto the floor. She screamed loudly and her voice became rough and jagged. Her mane went from colorful to jet black and her eyes started to spasm uncontrollably and then they turned black as well as her coat. And just as it had started the twitching stopped. Bon-Bon got off the floor and picked up her saddle bag. “It’s time for somepony to help me make my special ingredient.” She said to herself as she trotted briskly out the door. 0 0 0 Bon-Bon trotted quickly into Ponyville, avoiding the eyes of everypony and kept a look out for the pony that would suit her needs. As she walked she saw a young unicorn filly walking across the street not too far from an ally in-between two very tall buildings. “Perfect” she said to herself and she walked over to the filly. “Hello there young one,” she purred to the filly her voice changing from the hash, raspy voice to a voice like velvet. “Would you like to sample a piece of my new candy?” she pulled out the box of candy out of her saddle bag and offered it to the filly. “Sure!” said the filly taking a piece. “What’s it called?” “Lemon surprise” Said Bon-Bon smiling brightly, a mad gleam in her eyes. The little filly took a bite out of the piece of candy. The filly started to tremble uncontrollably and fell onto the ground. “Gotcha” said Bon-Bon. She pulled the filly along behind her as she walked into the ally, the darkness enveloping them both. 0 0 0 A few hours later the young filly awoke in a dark room, chained to a stone altar. Candles burned all around the table illuminating only a small portion of the room. Beside the altar sat a small table with an assortment of knives and evil looking needles. She felt a burning sensation on her belly and saw, carved into her skin, a pentagram drawn, and blood slowly seeping out. “I see your finally awake” Bon-Bon’s voice said from the darkness. “Good, now we can begin.” Bon-Bon stepped into the light of the candles wearing a black robe. She walked over to the small table a picked up a small knife, its blade wicked sharp. The filly started to struggle and Bon-Bon slammed a hoof into the filly’s throat. The filly gasped for air as her wind pipe was crushed and she stopped struggling, trying to suck in oxygen to her lungs. Bon-Bon lifted up her hoof and brought the knife down and placed the blade at the base of the filly’s horn. “It’s too bad you weren’t older” said Bon-Bon “your horn would have so much more to it.” Bon-Bon started dragged the knife along the base of the horn, cutting deep into the filly’s scalp. The filly tried to scream, but her throat made only a gargled moan. Blood started to pour down the filly’s scalp and into a small hole in the altar. After a few minutes of cutting, the horn fell free from the filly’s head with a sickening pop. Bon-Bon picked up the bloody, severed horn and dropped it into a grinder. It roared to life and the horn slowly was ground up. “I’m so sorry you have to go through all this pain, buts its necessary for this ritual. It’s a shame you weren’t older.” Bon-Bon set down the small knife and picked up a larger knife. “Unicorn heart always works best in a cake. It gives it a tangy flavor.” At this point the filly was at the point of falling into unconsciousness from all the pain, but she still saw and felt the knife plunge into her chest. Bon-Bon started to chant in an unknown language. The candles started to flicker and the room got colder. The filly unable to pass out, saw her heart pulled from the huge gash in her chest. The heart was still beating and was glowing in a sickly green light. Bon-Bon set the heart down on the pentagram. The pentagram burst into flame and caught the filly’s heart on fire. Bon-Bon’s chanting got louder and louder as the heart was consumed by the unholy flames. Soon the fire spread all over the poor filly. Her mane burst into flame and soon the room filled with the smell of burning hair and flesh. The flames consumed the filly, covering her whole body with flames. An unearthly scream escaped the filly’s lips as she was burned alive. Bon-Bon started to laugh as the filly’s skin was burned away. Then a cold wind blew through the room and the fire and the candles blew out. Bon-Bon lit another candle and the light fell onto the altar. The body of the filly was gone and there was no trace of what happened. All the knives were clean and the blood was all gone. Bon-Bon picked up a bowl with the ground up unicorn horn and blew out the candle. 0 0 0 Later that night Bon-Bon and Lyra sat at the table the cake in front of them. “Bon-Bon, you never cease to amaze me.” Lyra said as she gave Bon-Bon a hug. “What’s in this cake? It’s so good!” Bon-Bon smiled. “Oh you know, my special ingredient.”