Underbelly Of Baltimare

by Whiskey Drops

First published

Death now chooses this moment to ask Lowell for his so called destined fate for which she chosen him for.

Lowell just now coming into the city of Baltimare to find an amulet of unknown purposes that Death seeks, can Lowell survive the city to find the amulet and get back to his family? Can he survive the gangs and other undesirables of the city, The Bloods and The Chains gang being at large will they cause an issue for his search?

~~~~ Tags may change as the story goes as well as the charterer tags as well. ~~~~~

The Big City

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~~~~The Big City~~~~~

The train comes to a stop to a city that is rested between Equestria and the open sea, the city it self seen better days half of it was at least slums and dilapidated buildings stretch as far as the eye can see to the new cleaner skyscrapers off in the distance of the city. The streets was packed cars and trucks of all sizes, and with all kinds of ponies, minotaurs, griffins, zebras, and a few changlings. Baltimare...seems like a melting pot kinda thing. Lowell thought to himself as he slowly walked the packed sidewalks carrying his suitcase.

“First order of business in this city.. find a place to stay...”Lowell said to himself looking around not seeing a lot of choices besides a motel in the distance.

“Clipped Wings Motel, what a comforting name...”Lowell muttered to himself as he approached the motel office.

Lowell walked up to the counter spotting a rather large minotaur wearing a tank top with jeans glaring at him.

“Uh, hello got any rooms open? I can pay for like a couple of nights seeing the price is five bits a night.”Lowell said with a smile as the minotaur grinned.

“That will be twenty bits for a pegasus.”The minotaur said as Lowell only blinked.

“Whoa one moment big guy, I know my math sucks but wouldn't the price be like ten bits?”Lowell asked deadpanned as the minotaur rolled his eyes.

“Rates are doubled for you feather brained pegasi.”The minotaur answered as Lowell scrunched his nose.

“This my friend is racism!....Good day to ya!”Lowell said as he turned away with his nose held high.

After Lowell closed the door the minotaur heard it open up again, as he looked he saw the orange pegasi flipping him off with a grin before the pegasi disappeared.

Lowell made his way though the once again busy sidewalk, he passed a lot of buildings be it a factory, apartment complexes or houses. He stopped at one house that looked abandoned he approached the door as it opened with no fuss, the inside of the home looked somewhat normal condition as if some pony lived here.

“Hello? Any pony live here?”Lowell called out only to be met with silence.

“I hate to do this...but I got no choice for the moment..”Lowell muttered as he sat his suitcase down.

He sat down on the couch setting his suitcase aside as he took off the stetson looking at it sighing softly,

“I miss you already......”Lowell muttered to himself.

There was a sound behind him as he looked there stood a filly changling who wore a yellow T-shirt and jeans as she held a small plank, just as he held up his hands the filly swung at him whacking upside the head as he fell back onto the couch holding his head.

“Owie! Lil miss, that really hurt! I'm not here to hurt ya!”Lowell replied as he groaned.

“I-I don't believe you!”The filly cried holding the plank up.

“I promise I won't hurt ya....I'll lay here.....man this city is a pain....”Lowell grumbled a bit as the filly kept the board up.

After a few moments the filly backed away some.

“Wheres my mommy and daddy?”The filly asked as Lowell sat up slowly.

“I don't have a clue...I only arrived in this city....when did they leave?”Lowell asked as he looked at the terrified filly.

“T-three days ago to buy some groceries.”The filly answered as Lowell's ears flatten some.

“Are they gone for three days at a time?”Lowell asked as the filly shook her head.

Nah.....that's just bucked up, I can't leave this filly here....Lowell thought to himself as he placed the stetson on his head.

“I can....well stay with ya..to see if your parents return.”Lowell said before the filly tackled into him hugging him sobbing some.

…...Poor little filly...Lowell thought as he gently hugged the filly.

“Your no more older than my fillies back home...”Lowell whispered as he brushed the filly's red mane.

“Ya got a name lil one?”Lowell asked as he looked down at filly who looked at him sniffling.

“B-Breanna, ponies....normally aren't...accepting to a changling.”Breanna said as she looked at him as he smirked.

“I ain't no normal pegasi. I'm the darn friendliest pegasi like ever!” Lowell answered as the filly giggled some as she laid against the stallion falling asleep.

Poor thing she must have been up with out sleep..worrying over her parents. Lowell thought as he brushed the fillies mane.

Lowell pulled out his cellphone and dialed Applejack's number as he looked out the window seeing the street lights on, back at Ponyville over on Sweet Apple Acres Applejack's phone started to ring as she picked it up.

“Hello?”Applejack said with her eye brow quirked.

“Jackie, Its me! Lowell fer my daily call.” Lowell said with a soft smile.

“Where are yah stayin' sugarcube?”Applejack asked smiling to herself.

“Uh,...well I tried staying at a motel...but the minotaur there...was racist to pegasi....heh.....I'm bunking in with...well a changling.”Lowell answered with a smile.

“Ah what?”Applejack asked she only blinked.

“A changling.....and well....uh....I....well somewhat adopted her..”Lowell answered as he smiled some.

“Yah did what! Lowell!”Applejack yelled as Lowell winced from the phone.

“But Jackie....she is just a filly....”Lowell whined a bit as his ears flattened.

“But Lowell... It's ah changelin'....”Applejack said sternly as her ears flatten.

“So?....The ponies who were caring for her are gone....”Lowell said simply as he heard Applejack groan some.

“Fine...”Applejack said softly before she smiled to herself knowing how Lowell was.

“....And well....hows the foals?”Lowell asked as he brushed Breanna's mane.

“They're gettin' on mah nerves abit...”Applejack grumbled as she leaned against the wall.

“What are they doin?”Lowell asked with a grin.

“Well Ah jus' wanted ta say that yah didn' light that catapult on fire...”Applejack said as she rolled her eyes.

“They got the pult again......I miss ya..”Lowell said as he sighed.

“Ah miss yah too sugarcube... Ah wish yah were here...”Applejack said as a tear dripped down her cheek.

“Like wise my sweet apple mare...I'll be home.....I'll tell you when I'm coming.....for now I love you...”Lowell whispered as he closed his eye with a soft smile.

“Ah love yah too, never going to stop lovin' yah either sugarcube.”Applejack whispered back as she sniffled.

“Right back at you.....”Lowell said as he sighed softly as he hung up.

Lowell sighed before he looked down at the sleeping filly as he leaned back against the couch tipping the stetson over his face.

“Now to find that stupid amulet....Take Breanna away with me to Ponyville..and get lots and lots of hugs from Jackie...”Lowell muttered softly before trying to drift off.

The night was pretty long for Lowell unlike the farm all Lowell could hear from this town was gunshots echoing in the city or a crash, he eventually finally fell asleep despite the noises. Day one down and an unknown amount more to go, as the morning risen Lowell sat there on the couch unpacking as Breanna watched him.

“Who are you....and....where do you come from?”Breanna asked as she tilted her head.

“I'm Lowell....Lowell Apple of the Apple family......but if any pony asks about me..just tell them my name is Winged and I'm from Ponyville.....originally Texas though.”Lowell answered as he looked at the filly with a smile.

“Do you...have a wife?”Breanna asked as Lowell smiled and sighed.

“I do....just about the most beautiful mare in Equestria.....her name is Applejack... and we have foals two are adopted Golden Ray and Paint Drop...then there's Golden Apple....Mine and Jackie's new born colt...”Lowell answered as the filly smiled.

“One day, I want to have a family of my own! I do miss my parents.....I'm adopted, mommy and daddy are earth ponies.”Breanna said before she sat by the stallion who smiled a bit.

“They sound like wonderful ponies.”Lowell said as he ruffed the filly's mane.

“Why are you here, why did you leave your family?”Breanna asked as Lowell's ears flatten some.

“I wouldn't have....but I'm looking for something said to be in this city....its an amulet of some kind suppose the be ancient or something.”Lowell answered as the filly tilted her head.

“If I'm not here I'm out there lookin.”Lowell said as Breanna looked up at him.

“If you go home after you find it...can you...take me and my parents with you? Ponyville sounds nice..”Breanna asked as Lowell smiled.

“Sure I'll take you, it will be a while till I find it knowing my luck..”Lowell said as he slipped the suitcase away.

Breanna hugged his arm tightly with a smile, She is a darn cute lil changling innocent too. Lowell thought as he ruffled her mane.

Lowell tucked the filly in on the couch before he got his backpack on,he left a not on the coffee table as he left the house.

“Right day one, time to gather some intel on this city.”Lowell muttered to himself.

He sighed lightly as he traveled along the city and picked up a newspaper.

“The two gangs at it again, the Blood and Chain go at it again leaving the streets in ruin.”Lowell muttered as he was reading the headlines.

“Oh, well that is just peachy two blood thirsty gangs hope it doesn’t complicate things..”Lowell groaned as he crumbled up the paper tossing it into the trash bin.

Most of the day Lowell wandered the city seeing how it plays out only to come up empty handed in his search for anything about any kind of amulet he searched for. As he was just coming up to the house he heard a scream not far from him causing him to jump, he quickly rushed to the source of the scream. He came around the back of a home to find a minotaur and a pegasi towering over a smaller male changling, Lowell only shook his head.

“Oi! Buckers that's two on one!”Lowell called out as he tilted his stetson some.

“Why don't you run along and play cowpony some where else!”The pegasi said as he drew a knife from under his jacket.

“Yea, do you know who we are?”The minotaur said as he crossed his arms.

“Dumb and dumber?”Lowell joked as he grinned a bit.

“No! We are with the Blood!”The pegasi growled as Lowell held his hands up.

“Oh, I'm sooooooooooo scared of dumb and dumber life in the hood!” Lowell said as he grinned steaming the two up.

“We're gonna fuck you up boy!” The minotaur yelled as he charged the stallion.

Lowell picked a broke piece of a plank as he jumped out of the way whacking the minotaur across the face stunning him, the pegasi came from behind and tried to stab Lowell which he simply dodged it barley. He grabbed the pegasi's arm and flung him into the wall slamming his head into the back of the house, the minotaur grunted as he got up.

“Who are you with cow pony!”The minotaur as he glared at Lowell.

“Yo dog I ain't rollin with no hood G!” Lowell answered as he stuck his tongue out.

“Now bounce outta here before I use my piece ya hear?”Lowell threaten as he slipped a hand into his pocket.

The minotaur picked up his unconscious partner and ran off as Lowell looked to the terrified changling, he held out his hand as the changling backed away some.

“Come on fella I'm helpin ya.....I'm not a jerk.”Lowell smiled as the male took his hand as he helped the changling up.

“I-I-I have no bits or anything to give you...”The changling said as he shied away some.

“Lad, yer talkin to the wrong kinda pegasi....I'll help if help is needed.”Lowell said as he chuckled.

“W-whats your name?”The changling asked.

“Winged.”Lowell answered as Lowell escorted the changling home which wasn't far a block or so away.

A day has gone by some what eventful saved a changling and came to the house at the filly watching T.V, he had a lot of work to do to just locate something he didn't have a clue to find.

You See Your Goal

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~~~~You See Your Goal~~~~~

About a half a month later Lowell has been around the small neighborhood he is staying at meeting the ponies, griffins, minotaurs, and zebras. Strange that Breanna and that male one are the only changlings there, the neighbors knew of Breanna as well as the adopted parents. He learned from them that the parents actually owed bits to one of the gangs, which troubled him quite a bit. Times were getting a bit tough as Lowell slowly ran out of bits for the food and some bills, so he took up a job to be a body guard and escort ponies who paid for it was quite a lot pending on the costumer though he thought of Applejack and sent half of it too her. Around the mid day Lowell was sitting on the roof of the house looking at Applejack's stetson, he sighed softly.

“Outta any pony it had to be me...All I wanted really was just to raise my family....I may be strange....or crazy....but I wanted something simple...”Lowell muttered to himself before he placed the stetson back on.

I've chosen you for a reason Lowell.” Death said as she formed beside him as he rolled his eye.

“.....You say that.....but I don't like it...tearing me from my family...saying this will change the fate of Equestria.....”Lowell muttered as he hugged his knees.

Lowell sat there for an hour till Breanna was walking up along the sidewalk, Lowell hopped down. He watched as the changing filly ran up to him and hugged his leg, At least..there is some innocence in this city. Lowell thought as he leaned down hugging the filly.

“How was your day, Breanna?”Lowell asked as he picked up the filly.

“It was okay, we learned the basics of algebra.”Breanna answered with a smile.

“........Uh huh...I'm a drop out on some things..”Lowell said as he chuckled a bit carrying the filly inside.

“Any who I managed to get some things and make some apple pie!”Lowell said as he sets the filly down as she ran to the kitchen.

“It smells great!”Breanna said as she looked at him.

“Does it?...I can't smell, eh.”Lowell muttered as he shrugged and cut the filly a slice of it.

“There ya go lass! Enjoy..I hate to go but I got a search to continue..If anything happens you remember my cell?” Lowell asked as the filly nodded.

Lowell left and locked the door slowly making his way towards the city, with divided help over the small time span in the city Lowell and Lighting managed to find out a bit more of the two gangs. The Bloods are spotted by their cloths that have the look of blood stains, rumored to have connections with some pretty high up ponies. The Chains were more of a rough gang spotted by their belts that are actual chains, they don't have the connections like The Bloods but they are just as ruthless. The long day of searching for anything of an amulet or ponies who collected them came up with nothing, defeated for today Lowell walked over to a bench for a break.

“In a crazy city....and I'm a crazy pegasi.....I do not like it here...I miss the peacefulness of Ponyville....and Jackie's threats of dragging me outta bed.....”Lowell groaned as he sat on a bench and looked around the busy street.

“I'm in what's a neutral zone for these gangs....I doubt but if gangs operate like in some games......I just hope one gang isn't like the Saints...I would be sooooooooo bucked..”Lowell muttered as he tipped his stetson back some.

“Hey, would you shut the fuck up?”A grey earth stallion said who was wearing a blood stained shirt.

“You sir, are R U D E...”Lowell said as he looked at the earth pony who was quite obviously bigger than him.

“Do you know who the hell I am?” The stallion asked with a glare.

“Well judging by your ticked off expression and your blood stained shirt your part of The Bloods, on who ya are I can't tell...If ya can't tell I'm new in town.” Lowell answered with a smile as the stallion kept his glare.

“I'm your worst nightmare, made real.”The stallion said as he stood up.

The stallion was quite tall and quite big could possibly rival Big Mac, he had a few scars across his face and his cutie mark seemed to be droplets of blood.

“Dude my nightmares are a few things....one....a certain mare being very very mad at me....two..needles......three spiders....hate them......and open water.”Lowell replied oblivious to the stallion who only blinked.

“I'm Grey Blood......leader of The Bloods!”Grey growled as Lowell looked up and blinked.

“Well boy howdy, yer a big feller doncha know....whatcha mad about?”Lowell asked with a smile.

“I'm getting rather annoyed by a crazy asshole who won't shut up.”Grey answered as Lowell nodded.

As much as I would like to show him the grip of my pistol, I said I would do my best not to cause stuff. Lowell thought as he plastered on a fake smiled.

“You could have just asked, I'll be quiet for now...”Lowell said as he crossed his arms seeming that calmed the stallion down as he sat back down.

Oh look at me, I'm a leader of a blood thirsty gang...me me me me...blah..........I miss Ponyville.. Lowell thought as he slumped some.

Grey eventually left with a group of Bloods leaving Lowell alone, he only sighed as he took out the locket and opened it.

“This city is huge Jackie.....I'm going to keep my promise and hurry...”Lowell whispered as he lightly kissed the locket and stuffed it under his hoodie shirt making his way back to the house.

“Another day wasted with nothing to gain...buck me..Well I got Breanna to care for..”Lowell said to himself as he walked into the house.

“I'm back Breanna.”Lowell called out as the changling peeked from the living room.

“Welcome back!” Breanna greeted as she smiled at the stallion.

“Heeeey Bre, got your homework done?”Lowell asked as the filly nodded.

“Awesome.”Lowell said as he ruffled the fillies mane.

This little changling needs a better life...Lowell thought before tipping his stetson some, Leading the filly inside to her bedroom.

~~~~~~ Back in Ponyville.~~~~

There was a package sitting on the front porch of the farm house as Applejack stepped out on the porch and perked her ears. Picking up the package and carrying it inside, the package was labeled from Baltimare from a pony named Winged. She smiled softly opening the package to find a bag and a letter, she picked up the letter to read it.

'Heya Jackie, call me when you get this. Your stallion Lowell.' The letter reads as she picked up her phone dialing Lowell's number as he picked up his cell.

“Yellow yellow?” Lowell answered with a bit of a smile.

“Yah said ta call in yer note sugarcube?”Applejack asked as she opened the bag.

“Aye.”Lowell answered as he waited for her reaction.

As Applejack opened the bag she only stared wide eye of what was inside the bag which was filled with bits.

“If you count them its about five hundred in total.”Lowell said as Applejack only stared at the bits wide eyed.

“Where... Where'd you get this!?”Applejack questioned.

“I needed to make bits somehow.....and well there wasn't jobs hiring for a pegasus to do weather duty....so....I worked as a merc and bodyguard......not the dishonest kind...if there was a wrong in the job I would drop the contact no matter how many bits it was.......Take it Jackie...the farm needs it.”Lowell replied as he sat back some.

“For who?”Applejack asked.

“For some of the noble ponies attending dinner parties mostly....I did ask around on that and it appears that noble ponies are robbed now and then.....”Lowell answered as he smiled at Breanna.

“Okay... Yah better have kept some fer yerself though...”Applejack said as she sighed.

“I am......I'm sure the bits will help the farm...I've seen some of the bills...”Lowell said as he closed his eye.

“Ah miss yah sugarcube..”Applejack whispered.

“I miss you too love.....Don't worry...working like a merc, I'm more likely to hear about some other ponies....maybe something on the amulet.....Just wait for me okay?”Lowell said as he sighed.

“Okay... Jus' hurry home.. Please..”Applejack replied.

“I'll try.......how's life around there?”Lowell asked as he smiled a bit.

“Dull... Yah might not be home for Lightnin' and Dashes weddin' sugarcube..”Applejack answered as Lowell's ears fell back some.

“I really hate this... I just want to come home.....but I can't.”Lowell muttered as he sighed.

“Ah could tell them to hold it back a bit..?”Applejack asked as Lowell perked up.

“No.......I won't stop their day.....just tell them I said congrats.......I say that...cause I don't know how long I'll be here..”Lowell answered as he sniffled some.

“But... Yah know how much Lightnin' wanted yah ta be there sugarcube.. “Applejack replied as Lowell winced a bit.

“I-I know....I know....but its their day.....I don't want to postpone their happiness.....I want to be there...but I can't.......I feel awful that I can't return the favor by being her best stallion.....”Lowell said as he wiped his eye.

“Ahm sure she'd understand if we asked her to wait just a month or so...”Applejack replied sounding hopeful.

“I-I don't know Jackie..”Lowell muttered.

“Ahm askin' ahn yah can't stop me.”Applejack stated as she huffed.

“That's one of the reasons I love ya.... Well hopefully soon I can bring our new daughter home...she really is a sweet thing...”Lowell said as he changed the subject.

“Sure seems like it.”Applejack replied as she smiled softly.

“Yea she is...she talks about how she can't wait to see you and her sisters and brother....”Lowell said as he chuckled.

“Ah can't wait ta see her too.”Applejack said with a chuckle.

“...Can't wait to see yer beautiful emerald eyes.....”Lowell whispered as he smiled.

“Ah can't wait till yah get home... Ah jus' want yah here...”Applejack whispered back

“I'll warn ya when I come home....Now, I gotta go tuck in Breanna.......Love you...”Lowell said with a smile.

“Love yah too sugarcube... Thanks fer the bits... “Applejack whispered smiling softly.

“Anytime..Hope to see you soon...”Lowell replied as he hung up the phone.

“Right now its time to get ya into bed missy.”Lowell said as Breanna climbed into the bed.

“Can you tell me a story?”Breanna asked as Lowell smiled.

“Oh, sure which kind of story ya wanna hear?” Lowell questioned as Breanna perked up

“How did you and Applejack meet?”Breanna asked as he chuckled.

“Now that is an interesting story.....It all start about a few years ago when I first arrived in Equestria..”Lowell went on telling the story

Breanna only lasted some where passed just when Lowell joined in with the Doctor, he brushed her mane and leaned over kissing her fore head.

“Have sweet dreams...”Lowell whispered before he left the room closing her door.

He laid down on the couch pulling the stetson over his face slowly drifting away.


He was back on the farm standing upon the porch looking out to Applejack who was carrying a basket, he waved to her as she waved back but then she froze as Death form beside Applejack.

“What did you do to her!” Lowell accused Death as he pulled out his pistol but that just faded away.

This is a dream, a dream for I can show you the amulet I seek.” Death said as a golden amulet formed in front of her, it had a bunch of weird symbols along with a blood red gem in the center.

“So this is the darn thing I'm lookin for....”Lowell questioned as Death nodded.

He sighed before walking over to the frozen Applejack with a smile frozen on her face placing his hand onto her cheek.

“I'll be home.....I promised...”Lowell whispered as the dream slowly faded around him and he woke up on the couch.


He placed the stetson on his head as he sat up with a long yawn, Breanna was cuddled up to him sound asleep.

“She must have had a nightmare....Not surprising....missing the first two ponies to care for her..”Lowell muttered brushing the fillies mane.

“Daddy..”Breanna mumbled nuzzling into his side.

He smiled softly as he sighed, gently pulling the filly up cradling her.

“I'll get ya to Ponyville for a happily ever after...”Lowell whispered as he laid the filly down and made his way to the kitchen.

Lowell was humming to himself as he was flipping a pancake, he only made a few since he planned on eating later on. A knock at the door as his ears perked. Tad bit early for the mail pony? Lowell thought as he walked to the door, opening it. There stood a tall earth pony who's coat was a light sunset orange along with some freckles, a bright red mane, his one eye was a bright blue while the other was bright green. He was wearing a black leather jacket and blue jeans wearing a belt of chains with blood staining it.

“Okay........Who ar-” Lowell was interrupted but a punch to the nose as he stumbled back.

“Ow! You bucker! What the heck!”Lowell yelled holding his nose as blood leaked out.

“You match the pegasis who beat up a small buddy of mine...recall a minotaur and a pegasi?” The large pony asked.

“Yea I recall them...they were picking on some poor changling!”Lowell growled as he wiped his nose.

“Well, I've come for payback..” The stallion said as he chuckled pulling out a knife as Lowell groaned.

“Just really?”Lowell questioned before the stallion lunged forward.

Lowell twisted the arm of the stallion only to have the stallion toss him off to the side and against the wall, Lowell's size compared to the stallion he stood no chance in strength. he blinked before bringing his arms up grabbing the stallions wrist stopping the knife just mere inches from his neck, the knife slowly pressed on just now touching his neck in till a scream stopped both stallion's.

“No!!!!” Breanna called out as she stood there terrifying staring at the two stallions.

The large stallion stopped looking at the crying filly before walking over to her.

“Hey.....Why are you crying?”The stallion asked.

“.......What.....”Lowell muttered looking at the stallion.

He was about to bucking kill me,...just buck me.. Lowell thought before he slowly got up holding his nose.

The filly pushed passed the stallion hugging Lowell's leg.

“Daddy! Are you okay?” Breanna asked looking up at him as he gave a small smile.

“I'm fine darling......Made ya some pancakes.....how about you go while I talk to our guest?”Lowell asked before the filly slowly walked off.

“Okay.....Look I didn't attack just for kicks....they were picking on some pony and I stood up fer them...Just as you are standing up for them..Now if ya please... I'm Winged....and I would appreciate it if ya would not make her cry again..”Lowell said as he looked at his bloody hands.

“..Cuffs..You got lucky....”Cuffs grumbled as he crossed his arms.

“Well, mind if I ask ya something... I know your part of the Chains.....yer belt...and you know the city since....well not a total rude arse....”Lowell asked as Cuffs huffed.

“Yea sure....ask....doubt I can help?”Cuffs answered as he glared at Lowell as he wiped his hands clean.

“Okay, I'm looking for an ancient amulet that is here in this city...”Lowell asked as Cuff's ears perked.

“Sounds like something....Fuck me..now that I think about it..you look just like that racist pegasus...”Cuffs answered as he blinked.

“Whoa what....the dude looks just like me?”Lowell asked.

“Well, besides the eye patch and stupid cowpony hat..”Cuffs said as Lowell glared at him.

“This Stetson ain't stupid....Its very precious...Now tell me the dude's name..”Lowell asked as he tilted the stetson.

“He is the most powerful pony in this city....made his bits from collecting rare items...and The Bloods main connection in this city...His name is Dusted Trinkets.”Cuffs answered as watched Lowell.

“....You almost killed me....now your helping......Want some pancakes...Breanna loves meeting new ponies.....”Lowell said as he gave a weak smile before Cuffs rolled his eyes.

He now had the needed info now to figure out the stallion himself, making a new friend is always nice.

Blood In Baltimare

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~~~~Blood In Baltimare~~~~~

A couple of days later Lowell had found where Dusted lived and scoped the place out some, seeing he had a mansion and his own private army. He also learned of a party the stallion was going to hold to show off his collection, of how it was going to be moved gave Lowell an idea. How the items were moved was by a black van that came to the mansion and picked up the cases. As for Cuffs that stallion came around now and then just to check on Breanna, the stallion has a soft spot for younger members of his gang along with foals. Lowell owes a lot to Cuffs since it was him who told him a great deal of info on Dusted, even about the parties he holds just to show off his stuff and with this plan Lowell can pay Cuffs back for that info.

“Okay.....a heist...no blood shed nor drama...simple as that...”Lowell muttered to himself as he walked into the house seeing Breanna and Cuffs sitting at a small table playing tea time.

“........And why wasn't I invited?” Lowell asked as he grinned while Cuffs quickly bolted up putting on a tough guy facade.

“It wasn't what it looked like!”Cuffs exclaimed as he blinked.

“Relax, you were keeping her company..thanks.”Lowell said before nodding.

“As it would seem your here on a good time....How's your pull in that gang your in?”Lowell asked as Cuffs only grin.

“I'm the leader of The Chains.”Cuffs said he crossed his arms with a grin.

“.......Okay....That'll do....I don't need a lot from ya big guy, just four pegasus and you on a building watching with a rifle. There will be a lot of bits in it for ya and your pals.”Lowell explained as Breanna tilted her head.

“Uh, we will talk later just get them to meet us here later alright?”Lowell asked as Cuffs shrugged.

Later around the time of night fall after Lowell tucked in Breanna, he then walked into the living and came upon the group crowding the living room one pegasi recognized Lowell.

“Hey, that's the asshole who beat me and my buddy up!”The pegasi said as he flared his wings.

“Shut up, you will wake Breanna and I'm the guy that's gonna give you lot a nice quick bit..”Lowell explained as Cuffs nodded at the pegasi who grumbled.

Lowell held up his phone taking a picture of each of the pegasi's faces.

“Now, I can get on getting you four an I.D.....what I need you four to do is get four of those uniforms that guard Dusted Trinkets place...just nab those and I'll tell you when its a go.”Lowell continued as he sets up a board placing some pictures of angles of the mansion and roads.

“Now two of you will wait in the tunnels for a black van that will come I say around 9 PM, you two will take the van...and leave the guards some where outta the way till this blows over....You other two will be at the back entrance waiting for the van, when it comes you four will 'load' the collection to 'take' to a safe place....I'll tell ya where later..”Lowell continued as he was pointing to the board.

“Now big man, you will be outta the way on a building with a rifle keeping an eye on everything, I'm gonna get a suit and converse with the party...I'll mark what I want...Reason why you ain't with your guys....is well as you said it..racist to any pony who ain't a pagasi.”Lowell said as he looked at the group.

“Yea....whats in it for us?”A pegasi asked as Lowell smirked.

“Well, this is a heist as the word Implies, all I asked is for one amulet which I will mark....the rest that is loaded onto the van is all yours...Just that amulet...the rest is going to be given generously to you from Dusted Trinkets.” Lowell explained as he earned some chuckles from the group.

“Recap, you four get the outfits...Cuffs you get a sniper rifle...I'll deal with the rest...I'll tell Cuffs when we are ready till then you guys have a week tops.”Lowell said before slowly putting away the photos and board.

After the group left Lowell let out a sigh before pulling out his phone dialing Applejack's number, the mare herself sighed and picked up

“Hello?”Applejack answered.

“Hi Jackie....”Lowell said with a smile.

“Howdy sugarcube.”Applejack said as her ears perked up abit and she tried to sound happy.

“......Jackie....whats up...I can tell something is up.....”Lowell asked not falling for the facade.

“Nothin' it's jus'.. Big Mac left for canterlot with his lil' coltfriend.. ahn the kids are always off and Golden is growing up far to fast... Ah feel alone...”Applejack answered as she sat at the table.

“......I've got some good news....I can be home a bit past next week.....I just need a favor.....”Lowell said as he smiled hoping to cheer her up.

“That's great! What's the favor sugarcube?”Applejack asked smiling softly.

“I'm going to send some pictures of four pegasi..I want you to get some pony in the ESPS to make convincing I.Ds.....cause I plan on stealing the amulet.....”Lowell answered as he leaned back against the wall.

“O-okay...”Applejack not liking the sound of it.

“Look..I don't like this Jackie but...the pegasus isn't a nice one from what I heard....and I doubt I can buy it......relax..I made up a good plan,......have a lil faith...”Lowell said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Ah'm jus' worried.. Yah come home with a single scratch ahn ah'll ring the pony who did its neck.”Applejack threaten as Lowell chuckled some.

“Well Jackie...as much as I hate to say it I gotta say good bye for now.”Lowell whispered as he sighed.

“Oh... Ok... Bye sugarcube...”Applejack muttered as her ears flattened.

“Love ya Jackie...”Lowell whispered.

“Ah love ya too sugarcube.”Applejack whispered/

He hung up his cell and sighed.

“I better get things sorted....so me and Breanna can get the buck out..”Lowell muttered as he got up.

~~~~ A week later ~~~

Lowell was placing on the stetson along with the suit he picked up, the four pegasi were dressing up in uniforms which looked much like a modified swat get up.

“Right we all got our ear pieces and I.Ds right?...Stick to the plan and you shall make a good amount of bits.”Lowell said as he straightens out the suit some.

“Yea, what if it goes to shit?”Cuffs asked as Lowell looked at him.

“Well, simple you go and don't speak of it hide away for a couple of days or so...I hope....We won't have to worry on that if we stick to the plan..”Lowell said as he grinned.

Lowell passed out earpeices to each pony as they placed them in their ear.

“Now pip pip boys, we got lil trinkets to collect.”Lowell said as he smirked.

The group went their own ways and Lowell didn't have to worry about Breanna for she was at school, perfect so he only had to worry for the heist to go off with out a hitch. He took a deep breath approaching the mansion along with the lines of ponies, Okay, just gotta mingle and plant my mark on the case with the amulet and get out... Lowell thought to himself before showing his I.D to the guard at the entrance and slipped in. Lowell only blinked looking around the inside of the mansion maids, butlers, and no shortage of guards, golden railings, rugs carpeting, several fountains, and endless rows of paintings of Dusted Trinkets.

“Great gosh....Look at this place....just....like a bucking castle mansion sized.....wow...”Lowell muttered to himself

Lowell found the main hall the room was filled with ponies of high class viewing the cases of items and relics, Lowell browsed them till he actually spotted the amulet it self. He grinned slowly place a small mark spot on the side of the case, Lowell continued to keep his distance from some of the guards and mingled till a pegasi walked up to him.

“Well, hello handsome.”The voice said as Lowell jumped a bit and looked to the pegasi who looked like him, but wore a some what like his just with a brown leather jacket

“Oh, you must be Dusted Trinkets! Heard a good deal of ya..” Lowell said as he smiled some.

“That I am...Question is I don't know who you are?”Dusted asked as Lowell smiled.

“Winged, not from this city..visiting..”Lowell answered as he crossed his arms.

“I...see....enjoy the events to come...”Dusted said as he eyed Lowell a bit which seemed to be cold before walking off.

After a small while Cuffs whispered something over the comms.

“My boys got the van, everything seems to be going smoothly...This just might work.”Cuffs said over the comms.

“Well, that's good.......Kinda got this idea from a game I play before coming to Equestria.”Lowell muttered with a smile.

“Wait...what?”Cuffs muttered.

Buck me...that Dusted dude gave off some baaaad vibes. Lowell thought continuing to blend in. The party was long and very, very boring seemed like eternity for Lowell but the party had finally ended as the guest were ushered out. No alarms or notices have gone on as the party went along or after he left, His cellphone started to ring as he picked it up.

“Hello?” Lowell asked.

“Hey, We got the shit....we left your amulet in a breifcase at the lock up..”Cuffs said over the phone.

“Alright, enjoy the bits fellas.”Lowell said with a smile before hanging up.

As Lowell walked to the lock up which was just a garage in an apartment complex, a storm started as he sighed. Man I was hoping not to mess up this nice suit. Lowell thought as he held onto the stetson coming up to the lock up and found the brief case. He slowly opened it finding the amulet he seeked inside.

“Oh thank Celestia....now to go..”Lowell stopped when her heard his phone go off.

“Uh, hello?” Lowell asked.

“Hello handsome, you aren't as slick as you think you are...”Dusted said over the phone as Lowell gulped.

“What...are you talking about?” Lowell questioned as Dusted chuckled.

“Kid, your pretty stupid...I've got trackers on those cases and one of my camera's spotted you placing something on my prized amulet....”Dusted explained.

“...Well, I need this amulet if I wanna go home..”Lowell said as he sighed he was about to hang up till what Dusted said next made him froze.

“Well I got something apparently of value to you...a changling named Breanna....what's she worth to you?”Dusted asked as he grinned.

“Your....sick.....where are you....I'll give the amulet back....just..give her back...”Lowell answered as he sighed.

“How about around your neighborhood?”Dusted said with a chuckle.

“Fine fine,..keep your word and I'll keep mine..”Lowell muttered as he hung up.

“Buuuuuck....I knew it was too easy.....buck buck buck buck BUCK!”Lowell growled as he picked up the case and quickly started walking towards the neighborhood.

By the time Lowell came there was Dusted with a crying Breanna standing beside him along with several of his guards.

“Daddy!”Breanna called out to him.

“Its okay....I'm here.....I got your darned amulet....”Lowell muttered as he tossed the case out in the middle as a guard walked over and picked it up.

“Now...let her go.....she is innocent..”Lowell said as he glared at Dusted.

“Right right...whatever....”Dusted said as he lets Breanna go as she ran over hugging Lowell's leg.

Dusted and his men left in a limo while Lowell leaned down hugging the filly.

“Thank Celestia...your safe...”Lowell whispered hugging the filly.

He stood up as his phone vibrated as he pulled it out of his pocket, there was a text message that reads.

Time to learn your lesson kid.

Just as Lowell tilted his head a gunshot was heard from a distance, within a fraction of a moment all Lowell saw was Breanna falling over clutching her chest.

“Breanna!!!” Lowell yelled as he picked up the filly.

“D-daddy.....I...Don't feel too good...”Breanna whispered as her wound trickled quite a bit of blood.

“No...j-just stay awake....please....”Lowell whispered placing his hand over the wound applying pressure.

“I still got to get you......to Ponyville.....”Lowell said as tears weld up in his eye.

“I......dad.....I lo..lov..”Breanna tried to say only passing away in his arms.

“B..Breanna?....darling?....Come on....wake up.....p-please..”Lowell whispered as he placed his forehead on Breanna's fore head.

“.....I'm going to make that fucker pay....”Lowell growled as he pulled out his phone.

Applejack's phone rang as she picked it up

“Hello?” Applejack answered.

Jackie....T-They...”Lowell tried talking as fought back some tears.

What's wrong sugarcube?”Applejack asked sounding worried.

“They.....they.....they fucking killed Breanna!”Lowell said as he brushed the fillies mane.

“Who did sugarcube?”Applejack asked as she placed her hand over her mouth.

“.....Dusted Trinkets.....That doesn't matter.....he is gonna be dead...Very fucking dead...”Lowell growled.

“Lowell Ahm comin' to baltimare.”Applejack said as Lowell snapped.

“No!..I. Will. Not. Lose. Any. Pony. Else. I. Love. To. This. Fucker........stay.....please...”Lowell said as tears flowed freely down his cheek.

“...Stay.....I tried dealing with this guy I was trying to be nice and get away with out blood shed.......The farm.....the kids....need you......I'll be home...very soon..Do not come....If I lost you.....I don't know how I would live with my self...”Lowell replied as he stood up holding the deceased filly.

“How'd yah think Ah'd feel if ah lost yah!” Applejack exclaimed as she kicked the table over.

“You won't........I'm a different kind of pony when I am mad......I will come ba.”Lowell was cut off by the phone dieing off there.

Applejack put the phone down and sat down in a chair holding her head sobbing.

Lowell glared at his phone.

“God fucking damn it!”Lowell growled as he puts his phone away cradling the filly.

“....Rest now Breanna.......Your in.....a better place...”Lowell whispered as he slowly walked into the house with the filly.

A father's wrath is to be heeded, for those who cause it may Celestia help them.

The End To the Blood Shed

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~~~~~The End To the Blood Shed~~~~~

Lowell sat there staring at the changling filly who laid on the couch, wondering if could bring the innocent filly back in any way, but Death formed beside him.

Her death was a necessary part.”Death whispered as Lowell's ears perked up.

“Necessary.....Did you just fucking say that....Your telling me she is meant to die...this Innocent little filly! What the fuck, no no no seriously.....this city is just fucked up....” Lowell said as he stood up glaring at Death.

You still must retrieve the amulet...”Death whispered before Lowell pulled his pistol from his pocket.

“You want your god damn amulet....Well fuck you.....I'm getting it one way or another either way means I'm putting a bullet in that fuckers head...”Lowell growled before he turned back to the filly with a sad smile.

“I'll be back...And I'll take you to Ponyville...”Lowell whispered before he walked though Death and out the house.

Its only been an hour and Dusted Trinkets was most likely sipping some champagne, Lowell knew there was going to be blood tonight his or Dusted was the question. Limo's aren't meant to travel fast so he couldn't have gotten too far, lucky for Lowell that Dusted stopped at some jewel store apparently browsing unaware of what was to come. The cocky stallion figured he broken the stallion for him to give up, no he only enraged him cause down the street Lowell was commandeering a truck shifting it into gear.

“Alright you son of a bitch..Lets see how you like a huge ass dent in that pretty limo of yours.”Lowell growled and slammed down on the gas causing the truck to peel out for a moment before launching forward.

A couple of guards saw the truck heading straight for them as they opened fire on it, Lowell had the door open some what ready to jump out. Approaching the limo he leapt out of the truck and landed on one of the guards, wasting no time he upholstered his pistol from his pocket and pressed it against the guards chin pulling the trigger. Spray of blood and brains came from the top of the guards head as he lifted the now dead guard as the other two opened fired at him. A body and kelvier between Lowell and the bullets left him unscathed as he tossed the guard aside, taking a quick and lucky shot forward the bullet nestled itself right into the groin of one of the guards who keeled over in pain.

“Run.....if you wanna live...”Lowell threaten as he took a step forward as the guard took a step back obviously intimidated by the lone crazed stallion.

One shot and the guard fell over as Lowell stood there with a smirk.

“....I'm a different kind of pony.....you fucker...”Lowell grumbled before looking at the damage that was down.

The truck had flipped the Limo into the store glass and debris from the store and vehicles was every where, Lowell made his way into the store and followed the sound of groaning. He came upon Dusted who had his leg pinned by the limo, Lowell on the other hand walked over with a grin.

“Look at you..big bad fucker..”Lowell teased as he chuckled darkly.

“Go to hell! Do you know who the fuck I am, I can have you killed and every pony you know!”Dusted threatened.

Lowell scoffed before flipping his pistol around and slammed the grip into the stallion's cheek.

“You ain't takin no pony else I know....you fucked up by taking Breanna's...”Lowell said as he reached into the limo and took out the brief case.

“Now if you don't mind...” Lowell said before flipping the pistol back around sticking the barrel into Dusted's mouth.

“Last thing yer gonna see is me..no be a gem and burn in god damn hell..”Lowell muttered before pulling the trigger, which cause a spray of blood erupt from the back of Dusted's head.

He pulled his now bloody pistol from the stallions mouth as he stood up, a shot was heard as Lowell dropped the case and looked down at his now bleeding side. As he turned back he saw the guard he shot in the nuts aiming a pistol at him, only pissing Lowell off a bit more he pulled out his hidden knife and tossing it at the guard nailing him on the forehead.

“....So...much for the suit...” Lowell groaned as he opened the case and took out the amulet.

Death formed before him with her hand held out.

Give me the amulet Lowell.”Death whispered.

As he was slowly handing it off her image flickered a bit as he recoiled his hand with the amulet, within that moment Lowell had seen a demon that was disguising it self as Death. Only features he made out was red coat, bright orange eyes, mane was aflame with horns.

“Wait a fucking minute......you ain't Death...your fucking demon..”Lowell growled as he backed away holding his side.

Give me the amulet you fool!”The demon ordered as Lowell glared.

“No...nononono fuck you!....I'm taking this to the princesses so the can lock this damn thing away forever!”Lowell growled before backing away.

If you leave....I'll make you pay dearly mortal.” The demon threatened.

“Bite my orange flank cutie marked ass!”Lowell growled as he limped off.

Lowell pulled out his phone only to find it covered in his blood with a bullet hole though it.

“Fuck me..”Lowell grumbled as he made it to the house just to find Cuffs standing by the couch looking at the filly.

“What the fuck happened.”Cuffs asked as he glared at Lowell.

Lowell not in the mood he only grabbed the collar of the stallion's leather jacket and yanked him eye to eye.

“You one last job.....In two days time....send this filly to a town called Ponyville...I will bury her there...Understand.. Cause I just killed Dusted and his traveling fuck gang...”Lowell growled as Cuffs only blinked.

“Alright.....fine....chill....”Cuffs muttered.

“Do not tell a father to chill when he has lost a filly....just do as your told...I'll call you when I calmed down some..till then kill some fucking Blood gang members..”Lowell muttered as he left he house.

Lowell hitched a free ride towards Canterlot by sitting on the top of the train, the trip was long and cold he did his best by keeping preassure on his wound.

“Little..longer........I can see the damn castle...”Lowell muttered quietly.

As the train came to a stop he jumped off the roof and in the middle of a group of ponies obviously surprised about the blood covered pegasi landing there. He groaned before slowly making his way to the castle, night had fallen long before he arrived in Canterlot. He was walking up to the Canterlot Castle with blood staining his cloths, slowly made his way up to the gates holding his side and the amulet tightly in his other hand. Only to be stopped by the guard who pointed their weapons at him. Lowell glared at them but soon from a distance some pony as flying towards them, Luna flew down accompanied by a bat pony guard with with bright blue eyes and a hoodie.

“What brings thy here?”Luna asked raised an eyebrow and walked over to him.

“Take..this damned thing...lock it away forever........Now..I..-I gotta..get back to Apple....” Lowell replied as he threw the amulet on the ground and fell over passed out due to blood lost.

Luna picked up the amulet and blinked, turning to Faded her personal guard.

“Take care of the stallion.”Luna asked as she flew off while Faded sighed and carried the stallion into the castle.

“Apple...Jack...”was all Lowell muttered in his state.

Faded sighed hooking him up to a bunch of machines and one that gave him blood.

“I know buddy... Don't worry.. I'll get you home...”Faded muttered before walking to the door and standing guard.

~~~~~ The next day~~~~~

Lowell slowly came too as he took in his surroundings with a tired eye and saw Faded who was checking Lowell's vitals on the machine.

“Good your awake.”Faded said as he looked at the stallion.

Lowell slowly sat up and felt around for Applejack's stetson, Faded handed it to him.

“Thanks.....does Jackie know I'm here?...”Lowell asked as he sets the stetson on his head as he rubbed his side a bit.

“No...” Faded answered and only blinked standing guard.

Lowell groaned as he slowly climbed out of bed and unhooked himself from the machines.

Faded didn't budge as he guarded the door.

“...I've got to get to her...” Lowell muttered as he limped towards the door panting slightly.

“Your in no condition...”Faded said as he stopped the stallion.

“Either I go...or you call Jackie...my phone got shot....”Lowell muttered glaring at him.

“Lowell... I really don't want to force you back in that bed..and I don't want Applejack ripping my wings off.”Faded replied as he glared back.

“Then Call Jackie....she has to be worried sick....”Lowell urged on.

“I can't... Heck I shouldn't even be talking.!” Faded exclaimed as he flared his wings a bit.

“.....Call...uh...”Lowell mumbled as he stumbled back some.

Faded only sighed and hook him up to the machines, lying him back down and strapped him to the bed.

“Sorry... Only doin' my job.. soon though buddy... I'll call her... When your stronger and healthier..”Faded explained as Lowell passed out again.

Applejack was sat by his bed watching over the stallion.

Lowell quickly sat up panting.

“Breanna!!.......” Lowell called out as Applejack's ears perked as she quickly hugged the stallion.

“It's ok sugarcube... It was jus' a dream...”Applejack whispered into his ear holding the stallion who was sobbing quietly.

“Ahm here..”Applejack whispered trying to calm him down as she held him tightly.

“Death...was a lying bitch...it wasn't even Death.....just a fucking demon......Breanna's promise......uh...”Lowell said as he leaned against the mare feeling weak.

“Calm down sugarcube.. Or else you'll pass out...”Applejack whispered as she sighed.

“.....I..would have called...but... my phone was shot....”Lowell replied as he lightly curled up against the mare.

“It's ok sugarcube.” Applejack whispered as she swayed him gently.

“...Never leavin again........”Lowell muttered before he passed out.

Lowell eventually recovered enough to go back home, Cuffs kept his word and brought Breanna's body to Ponyville where she as buried, Lowell stood above the grave holding a sunflower.

“You made it Breanna.....too Ponyville..”Lowell whispered as he kneeled down setting the flower onto the grave and rested his hand on the tombstone.