> A whole new realm > by Grey Ghost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Runner sighed as she watched the sunset, watching the flaming orb fall from the sky. Turning away from the entrancing event, she made her way over to her armor stand, looking at the face that gazed back at her. It was still very alien to her, even if she had worn it for several life times. Looking back at her was a black pony with red eyes and a grey mane. She turned her head back toward the window, seeing the moon starting to rise. Right, she had to get ready for her shift. Pulling the armor on, her eyes lingered on the lunar symbol on the pauldrons. She had been in princess Luna's elite guard for the past few months, having been hand picked by the princess herself. "Best not keep her waiting.."She said heading toward the door, stopping at the threshold. Her gaze went back to the window, widening a bit as she felt the pull."It's time.."She said quickly discarding her armor, letting it hit the marble floor with a thud. She moved over to the window spreading her wings in preparation for her journey. "I'm sorry Luna.."She whispered softly before leaping from the window, her wings catching the wind. It felt good, being able to cast off the trappings of that fake existence. She could rid herself of Shadow Runner and be herself once more. She could be Huginn. Her flight took her deep into the heart of the everfree forest, though she knew the forest dwellers wouldn't bother her, they knew better. Landing not to far away from her destination, she continued on foot, her heart beating in her chest. This was it, the day she and her brother had been waiting centuries for. "Your late Huginn." She blinked a bit, snapping out of her thoughts, looking at the speaker. A young man stood before her, wearing strange black clothes, though his eyes were red like her's "Sorry Muninn, I had...things to do.."She said simply, moving over to her brother."I must say, it feels good to speak our language again." "Yes it does sister. The humans have too many to count." "How do you think he'll react?"She asked, gazing at the slab of rock in front of them. Vines had overtaken the rock, but the runes underneath had refused to be worn down by time. "Even so long after death, the all father's magic holds strong."Muninn muttered, clearing off the vines, running his hands over the runes underneath. "Tis almost gone now.."He commented, watching the runes glow softly. "That was what called us brother, the spell is almost spent."Huginn reminded him, moving to the side of the slab."Now help me move it, he's been sleeping long enough."She said, pushing against the rock. It only took a moment for Muninn to join her and after a few moments the slab moved, revealing the cave entrance. They silently moved into the dark cave, scanning around. The cave was dome shaped and rather boring to look at, save for the prone figure on the ground. "Sleipnir." Muninn said as he moved over to the figure. The mighty horse was laying on his side, chest rising and falling every so often. The stallions armor was scrapped and damaged with what looked like a tooth puncturing his front right shoulder. Various cuts and what looked like a broken leg were visible on his body. "Fenrir certainly did a number on him." "This is no time to joke Muninn."Huginn said, moving over to Sleipnir. "He needs aid, and soon. Odin's spell kept him alive this long, but his wounds were not healed." "Any suggestions then sister?" "Yes...I do have one..." *** Fluttershy had just gotten into bed when she was startled by the cawing of a pair of birds. She gulped a bit before forcing herself out of bed, heading toward the sounds. "Um...h-hello."She said, looking at the two birds, who sat perched on her window sill. They weren't like any bird she had seen, being black with the most terrifying red eyes she had ever seen."I-is there anything you need?"She asked, shrinking back under their gaze. The birds cawed, motioning toward the forest outside. "The everfree forest?"She asked peeking out the window, already trembling at the thought of the dark forest. "W-why would you need to go there..i-if you don't mind me asking.."She said turning back to the birds. They cawed again, before leaving the window sill, flying towards the forest. "Oh my.."Fluttershy said with a gulp. She hated going in the forest alone, especially at night, but these animals seemed to need her and she wasn't going to abandon them. She made sure Angel was still asleep before setting off after the birds, who appeared to have waited for her. "Um...where are you taking me..?"Fluttershy asked, getting more and more jumpy as she made her way deeper into the forest. The birds cawed at her, flying into a rather dark cave. Summoning up what little courage she could muster, Fluttershy moved into the cave, her eyes widening at what lay in front of her. A large grey stallion in some kind of armor was laying on the cave floor, occasionally moving in his slumber. The armor was enough to catch her eye but the most striking feature was his eight legs. After her initial shock, she noticed the many injuries that covered him, her eyes landing on the massive tooth jutting from his shoulder. "H-hello.."She said, her voice barely audible as she looked at the stallion, who merely laid there sleeping. After several attempts to wake him, she looked at the birds, a frown on her face."I'm sorry but...I can't help him by myself..but my friends could help."She said with a smile. The birds cawed, flying out of the cave. "W-ait! Don't leave me here!"She shouted, hurrying after them. *** Twilight Sparkle nestled herself down, a stack of books next to her. It had been a good night so far, Spike was asleep and she could spend the next few hours going over a few new books she had gotten in from the Canterlot library. Opening the first book, entitled: Strange and anomalous objects and places , she browsed through it, nearly missing the soft knock at her front door. "Oh come on.."She said with a sigh, closing the book, her good mood a bit ruined now. She made her way downstairs, letting out a cry as two birds flew over her head, perching on her table, looking at her. "Oh sorry Twilight, I didn't know they'd fly in like that."Fluttershy said, looking at her startled friend. "It's fine Fluttershy."Twilight said recovering quickly, letting her friend inside. "Now what brings you here this late?"She asked, taking a seat. "Well I was going to bed when these two woke me up."Fluttershy started, looking at the black birds."They led me to a cave in the everfree forest and I found a wound pony. He's too big for me to bring into town so...I came back to get you and the others.."She said, flinching a bit under the birds stare. "Alright Fluttershy, lets go get the others and you can tell me what happened in detail ok?"Twilight asked, getting up. She gave her friend a reassuring smile, walking out of the library with her, the birds soaring over their heads. --- It took the girls about twenty minutes to round up their friends, none of whom seemed happy about being woken up. They moved silently through the forest, following Fluttershy back to the cave. It was Rainbow Dash who finally broke the silence. "So your telling me these birds just woke you up and led you to a cave?"She asked, looking at the yellow pegasus, an irritated look on her face. Of course Fluttershy and Twilight had explained everything already but it still seemed a bit odd to her. "Yeah..they were really insistent too."Fluttershy said with a nod."Here we are.."She said looking up at the cave, still a bit frightened by it. "Whoa..look at these markings..."Twilight said looking at the large slab of rock by the entrance. Moving over to it, she scanned her eyes over it's surface, taking in all the strange markings, her mind reeling at the possibilities on what they could mean. "Ah Twilight, didn' ya say there was an injured pony?"Applejack asked, interrupting her musings. "Oh yeah, lets keep going."Twilight said casting one last look at the symbols before moving into the cave. The stallion was laying on his side as Fluttershy had said, sleeping peacefully despite his wounds and armor. "His armor is gorgeous!" Rarity blurted out, her eyes sparkling. She had to admit it was rather damaged, parts of it singed black, not to mention the tooth that pierced it, but the rest was a glorious gold, and the craftsmanship was just exquisite. "The poor fella' is hurt and the first thing you go on about is his armor?" Applejack scolded,rolling her eyes. "I wonder what his name is? I bet it's octy!"Pinkie Pie said with a giggle, hopping up and down. "Girls! Focus please."Twilight snapped, giving them a stern look. "Now Rarity help me with a levitation spell, he's probably too heavy for just one of us."She said, her horn starting to glow. *** "You sure this was a good idea?"Muninn asked his sister as they circled around the six mares, who were leaving the forest with Sleipnir. The stallion was still asleep, oblivious to events around him. "Yes i'm sure. We can't heal him ourselves, best they take him to the hospital and get him treated there."Huginn responded, her eyes locked on their charge. "How do you suppose we wake him up?" "I can take care of that..though..I don't think it's going to be a pleasant event.." Huginn said, gazing up at the moon."Tomorrow we head for Canterlot."She said simply.