> Klay World: Off the Planet > by ButterNookCrook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Shenanigans Begin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The grass moved following the breeze of the wind. It was a peaceful day and the sky was clear showing the vast freedom. Nature was heard all around. Chip felt the grass beneath his back as he laid in the grass. He rubbed his noggin as he slowly awakened to the unfamiliar noises around him. The sun shined down upon him as he started to view the sky. A bright blue vast open area above him is all he could see. Where is the ceiling? He sat up and took in the view around him. A large grass plain with a vast forest on its edge. I'm taller than the grass now? What is this place? He was used to being the smallest thing back home but here, it was different. Multiple rustling noises came from all directions around him. Chip felt fear from his past experiences outside. Chip stood to his full height allowing to see how much bigger he really was now. As he looked around he saw many other clay men arising from the grass. Many generic clay man stood with him. All of them just looking around in silence, taking in the new view. Chip new that panic would soon emerge from this confusion. He could hear some of the generic clay men starting to ask one another questions. "Where are we?" "Look at the size of that light bulb!" One said as he pointed out his limb toward the sky. "That the sun you idiot." Another clay men said right after slapping the other on the back of the head. "Were giants now! Take this grass!" "I'm hungry. Were is my hot dog?" "Look at all this nature!" Well at least there were not panicking. Last thing Chip needed to be doing was stopping a full blown panic. Chip moved through the crowd until he spotted a clay man with a distinctive, green beanie and beard. "Rick is that you?" "Chip? What is going on? Where are we?" Rick looked around at the scenery. "We are outside but I do not know where. We are also bigger than the plants here too." "Well now_ "Oh my GOT this table is huge!" A random clay man said in the background. "Well now what Chip?" Rick finished. "I don't know. Is everyone here? I mean we are here and everyone else I rebuilt." Both of them looked around taking head counts. Chip scanned the field of grass for other unique clay men. One white pointy crown stood out from the crowd. That crown could only belong to one clay man. "Hey Rick I think I see Pick." They both walked over to Pick who was watching a clay man nearby eat grass. "This salad is delicious" Chip lightly tapped on Pick shoulder to get his attention. *squeak* Pick voice fromed a high pitched sound. "Pick come on we are looking for the others." Pick nodded and did a summer salt in front of the group. They started to split up around the area, making their way through the crowd of clay men. As chip was walking through the grass he felt something under his leg. Looking down he found a white coat laying in the grass. Quickly grasping it, he read the familiar name tag. 'Dr. Bob' "Uh oh." Chip looked around the area once more after picking up the coat. Why was this coat here? Bob was dead. He had seen him get cut in half by the table flipping over. He did not even wear this coat anymore anyway, he retired before his death. Is it possible he is back alive now? It is just his coat, no need to jump to conclusions. Still though chip felt a sick feeling in his tummy. Dropping the coat he continued to do a head count. He quickly spotted the long armed Chester in the crowd but decided not to talk with him. It would of most likely of been a short conversation with an open statement before he just walked away again. Another clay figure caught his eye as well. This one had stitches running across his face. Henry. He did not seem to have an access to any weapons right now but Chip had always kept an eye on him after the finale. He continued to walk until he was stopped by a random clay man with a star badge on his chest. "Get down on the ground!" He lifted up any empty limb, "Huh? Where is my gun?" He picked up a nearby stick and pointed it at Chip. "Get down on the ground!" "Sheriff can you go bug someone else I am busy?" "Get down on the ground." He poked Chip with the stick. There had to be some way to get this guy off his back for now. "Hey look that guys doing the funky chicken!" Chip pointed to a nearby clay man. "Who me?" He pointed at himself with a lone finger that was sticking from his limb. "You! Your going to jail!" The sheriff ran over to him with the stick. "What!?" "You getting the death penalty come on." "Oh yea, well I'm taking you to jail!" "That's it. Your going down town buddy!" The two clay men wrestled on the ground fighting. A group of other clay men walked over and started placing bets. "Twenty monies on the blue one." "They are both blue though." " One hundred and fifty monies on the one with the star." Chip walked away from the mess wanting no more involvement. Rick had circled back around toward Chip in a quick pace. Chip already knew something was up by the way Rick was hurrying over. "Hey Rick you find anybody?" "Yea I ran into someone calling himself the Hot dog God. That's not important though. I was looking around and I ran into this ugly clay man." "What ugly clay man?" "That one." Rick pointed to a tall white horse about the same size as him on the horizon. "That's not a clay man it's some sort of alien." "Alien?" "Hold on I'm going to go talk to it before someone gets killed." Chip walked toward the strange creature in the distance. Little did he know it was slowly starting to get noticed by others. They watched as Chip walked toward it. By the time Chip was in speaking range everyone else had already started to follow and crowd around them. Chip observed the creature now that he was closer. It was indeed a horse but not just an ordinary one. It had a colorful floating mane and a clean white coat. For some reason there was also a horn on it's head as well. Maybe it was retarded like every other thing he encountered. Chip was about to introduce himself but was shockingly not the first to speak up. "Hello strange being. I am Princess Celestia, the ruler of these lands." "Oh, um hey." Chip was honestly surprised that it was actually making sense. "Good so you are capable of speech. We also seem to share the same language as well, that will make this easier. Most amusing." "My name is Chip. Which is kinda ironic that I also have a chip in my head but you get the point." "Yes indeed. My sister has informed me about some strange dreams coming from this area but could not confirm what it was. I can see it was nothing that she or I would of guessed. What exactly are you?" "Were clay people from Klay World. We sort of just woke up here somehow." "Klay World?" "Yea it was on this giant table." "...." She gave him a curious glance and stood their in silence. "I guess that would sound weird now. So you mentioned you had a sister, so I am guessing you are not the only one here?" "That is correct. There are many other ponies inhabiting this world of all different kinds. Not just ponies but other living beings as well. My castle is actually only a couple miles from here. If you look over that hill you can see the city of Canterlot on the side of a mountain." "A castle?" "Yes I can show you and your followers if you want? Perhaps I can explain things better there. I am also sure that my sister would love to meet you all as well." "Alright but I need to tell you something about the people behind me first." "Of course." "Well you see they are not as normal as me." "What do you mean?" She gave another curious glance behind him at the crowd. "There dumb." Chip said flatly. "You mean special?" "Why is there an ice cream cone on that horse's head?" One of the clay men interrupted. "Oh I see. Well everypony is still welcome to the royal castle. My treat." She finished with a loving smile. "Alright let me jest tell everybody." Chip turned around toward the crowd of clay men. They were all starring back at him. "Uh hey. So guys we are going to follow this horse back to it's castle." "Why should we?" One of them asked. "We have the best food and beverages in all the lands." Celestia spoke up behind Chip. The clay men started to debate to one another. "Is that the Dilly Dally ghost? Why is it shaped as a horse?" "Food huh? I am getting hungry." "I want food! Guy lets go get some food!" "This better not be any of that funny business." The clay men all came to an agreement over a couple of minutes and decided to follow the horse. Chip started to lead the group as he walked with Celestia. "Does your kind have any food prefrences?" "Nah, we just eat food shaped clay. I don't really get that." Celestia nodded as they continued their walk to Canterlot. From the side Chip was able to see her wings and a strange symbol on her flank. "What's that thing on your butt?" "That is my cutie mark. It is the sun. My job is to raise the sun every day and bring light to the land." "Oh." Chip began to think about all the weird things that had happened to him but nothing like this. Chip however, was just hoping that no one died on the way there. This place seemed very non-violent so far. Hopefully this introduction will work out in the clay people's favor. As they made it over the hill Chip could now start to see the beautiful city start to come into view. He had never see something so wonderfully constructed in all his existence. It was nothing close to the New Klay World that those guys built out of pop sickle sticks. This was something else. > Introductions and Hot dogs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle was beyond what Chip could of imagined. There was no way he could link Klay World architecture with this worlds. There where also many other ponies just like the princess had stated before. Each one seemed so individualizes, with their own butt tattoos and colors. It was a wonder how generic clay men were even able to tell each other apart. These ponies were nothing like them. If Chip wanted to make some peace he would have to find some common ground and keep the clay people's shenanigans to a minimum. Many clay men wandered around the castles huge open space. The God of Hot dogs was able to conjure up some hot dogs that followed Chester's recipe. The hot dogs were not killing anybody this time luckily. The many servants of the castle were able to set up many tables to place the numerous clay foods. It was just like Bob's going away party except the absence of weapons. The many clay man were conversing with one another of the usual discussions. "Stop eating your hot dog like that. Why are you eating it from the middle? Stop it!" "Who are you?" "Alright this is how you eat a hot dog. First you take the wiener out of the bun...." Chip looked around making sure nothing was going out of hand. As he was walking he noticed the many glass panel windows. All of them had different art upon them. Chip felt a hoof touch his upper limb. Princess Celestia stood beside him noticing his interest in the window works. "Would you like to know the stories behind these?" "Um, sure what the heck." Chip shrugged. "These wonderful works of art here show the Equestrian history. This one here with the mixed parted creature and the two alicorns, depicts the defeat of the God of Chaos." She started walking along the wall. "This one shows the banishment of Nightmare Moon. An evil spirit that corrupted my sister." "I thought your sister was here still?" "Yes, the problem has been solved thanks to the elements of harmony. That is actually the next slide." She pointed her hoof to another window. It consisted of six ponies with glowing amulets focusing toward the crown in the middle. "The rest are the elements of harmony's triumphs over the forces of evil." A loud scream was heard from behind. "We need a doctor!" A pink colored servant shouted within the crowd of clay men causing everything to go silent. A large crowd of ponies and clay men formed around them. Chip and the princess made there way through the crowd. Once they had made it through Chip saw a claw men laying on the ground with a spear in his face. A crying pony covered in armor sat next to him. "What has happened?" Celestia asked with a worried expression. "He....he..took my...spear...and he........and he said it was a fork and then he stabbed himself in the face!" The guard said in between gasps. "He tried to eat his salad with my spear. Why would he do that?" The guard was now going into a full breakdown. "You mean that wasn't a fork?" One of the clay men responded. "I don't know what to say." Celestia looked over at Chip. She was surprised to see how calm he looked. "Everyone calm down this happens all the time." Chip spoke up to the pony part of the crowd. "I know death is unavoidable but still." Celestia responded sadly. "No I mean that they die like every five minutes. Here watch, I will fix it." Chip walked over pulling the spear from the clay man's face. A bloody piece of salad was still stuck to the tip of the spear. Throwing the spear aside Chip began to reform the clay man. The crowd started to watch intently. After a minute Chip stood back and the clay man arose again from the dead without a wound. "What happened, was I asleep? Where did my fork go?" The clay men walked around returning to the crowd. The pony part of the crowd was silent and stunned. "How?" Celestia asked astonished. "In all my years of magic I have never seen something like that." "Well we are all made of clay so we can just be rebuilt if we die." "Can all of you do this?" "No, just me. Well there was another but he is gone for good now." Chip explained. All the ponies seemed to visibly relax and the guard stopped crying whipping his tears away. "This is new to me. I have truly never seen something like this." "Wait a minute. You said in all your years of magic." "Yes, I did say that." Celestia confirmed. "What do you mean magic?" "You don't know of magic? Is that not from your world as well?" "No, not really." Chip started to rub the back of his head. "Allow me to show you then." The princess lifted up a nearby table full of hot dogs. It was surrounded by a aura of glowing gas as it floated in mid air. "Wow, she is doing telethpy!" One of clay men pointed alerting the other clay men. "How do we know the hot dogs are not just doing it itself?" She slowly lowered the table down gently to it's previous position. She turned back to look at the now speechless Chip. "Perhaps both of our worlds have a distinct unusual power." As she finished Chester had walked over toward them. "Hey Chip who is your friend here?" His voice croaked out similar to a heavy smoker's. "This is Princess Celestia." "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Chester." He extended one of his long arms toward her. She kindly shook it with her own hoof. "My hot dogs will make you dreams come true. Especially if you like mustard." "Nice to meet you." "You know what Princess. There are two kinds of people in this world. One people who don't like hot dogs and two...." Chester suddenly stopped talking and walked away. Celestia stood there silently and looked back at Chip confused. "What is the other?" "I don't know he always does that." "Oh." She let out a small giggle. "Your people are very entertaining I might say. "Yea, they are a handful. Oh yes there are others here too. Like.......hey Rick get over here!" "What?" Rick emerged from the crowd to the two beings. Celestia noticed his two features. One being his green beanie and the other his scraggly beard. "This is Princess Celestia. Say hello." "Hey." "Um, hello." "Alright see you." Rick left after his short introduction. Leaving Celestia once again confused. "Is he always like that?" Celestia asked quietly. "Ya, he hasn't been open that much since that one day. He still comes in and out of it." "Oh, I see. You must tell me of these many adventures but first I need to write a letter to a certain former student of mine. I would love for her to meet you." Celestia walked off toward a large double door. The guards opened it for her and closed it, then returned to their positions. Chip stood there waiting till he heard another shout. Who died now? He wondered. As he listened though it did not sound like a another clay man had died by the sound of one of the many armored ponies. "Guard down! Sargent get more guards in here at once!" One of the bigger guards yelled, his voice echoing off the walls. More guards stormed into the room. Chip ran over to what appeared to be the one in charge. "What's going on?" "One of my guards just got killed by his own weapon by somepony. Unlike your kind we cant rebuild ares back together. You see any possible killers Iron Clad?" Chip looked over at the dead guard laying on the ground. His wound gushing blood over his side. "No sir, I can barely tell any of them apart! Weapons ready we are on full alert! You two get that body out of here. Let's get all the servants out." Iron Clad responded. The guards started to file all the servants out from the crowd. "Not one clay man is leaving this room until we figure out who did it!" The guard yelled. Two other guards grabbed the fallen soldier and dragged him out of the room leaving a trail of blood. "Your not getting away who ever did this!" Chip looked around for any possible suspects. The clay men were not generally murders on purpose. Only a certain few would kill for no reason. He saw many clay men but most seemed to be ignoring what was going on. His eyes then went straight to Henry but surprisingly he was just eating a hot dog or trying to. Who could of killed the guard? Don't tell me who I think it is. *Squeak!* Chip looked over to see that Pip was pointing at one of the generic clay men. "Hey you come here!" Chip pointed him out. The guards all looked at the clay man. He just stood his ground with out responding. "Hey that's my fork give it back." One of the clay men had grabbed the spear in Bob's limbs. Bob ripped it back and kicked the clay man away. "Ow my tummy." Bob took his spear and raised it with one limb ready to throw. "Funny it's kind of like my going away party all over again huh. Sorry Chip but this time it is my turn to win." Bob took the spear and threw it at Chip piercing his shoulder. Chip fell back aginst the window as he let out a grunt of pain. As chip reached up to pull it out he was tackled by Bob. They both broke through the artistic window and fell outside. Glass shards flew around around in all directions. As they hit the ground Bob withdrew the spear from Chip's shoulder. The ponies in the street ran away from the sight of the alien creatures. "This time it really will be over Chip." Bob tighend his grasp around the spear. "Now let's finally get this over with." Chip tried to move but was pinned down by Bob's weight. He covered his face with his arms awaiting the worst. As Bob raised his arm ready to throw down the spear through Chip's head he stopped. "What the?" Chip peeked out from behind his arms. "Let go!" A magic aura surrounded the spear as it shook in Bob's limb. It then ripped out of Bob's grasp and flew up out of reach. "Chip are you alright?!" The princess yelled from the broken window. "Send down the guards at once!" "Yes Princess! Let's go ponies, move it!" "Looks like I will have to finish this another time old pal." Bob punched Chip in the face before slowly getting up. "Here is one for the road as well." He kicked Chip in the side hard and took off into the city street. Chip painted heavily feeling his wounds. "Until we meet again!" Bob said as he became submerged in the city's cover. Why me? Chip thought. He tried to get up but could not move his limbs. He tried again struggling but was too weak. Turning his head he could see guards running toward his position. "Over here!" A guard shouted as a unit ran over to Chip. "Which way did he go? Fan out the area! I want every guard on watch! If the old Captain was here this would of already of been solved." The guards dispersed into multiple directions searching the city. "Chip!" The princess descended down with her wings next to Chip. Her magic glowed around Chip's shoulder wound sealing it. "Are you alright? That was quite the fall." "Yea." Chip said weakly as he sat up feeling his fixed shoulder. "I am surprised the fall alone didn't kill you. You are very durable for a being made of clay. Who was that? He looked just like the rest of the clay men." "That was Dr. Bob. He used to wear a coat but he took it off. I saw it before but I figured he was still dead. Looks like he was able to blend in with the crowd. If Pip would not of pointed him out he probably would of been able to kill me." "Still though who is he? An evil nemesis of some kind?" "Not exactlly. He was the one who created Klay World. Then he got bored and made the clay men kill one another. He would just rebuild them and watch it all over again." "That's terrible." "I didn't really know him until the going away party. I was able to kill him before he wiped us all out for good. It was quite a fight. I was trying to give the clay people a chance to start over." "Here, let us return to the castle while the guards search for him." Her horn glowed and everything turned white. Suddenly they were both back in the castle's room. Chip looked around seeing the other clay men just staring. Some of them started to clap. "That was a cool stunt." "My fork!" The generic clay man shouted as he jumped out the window. Celestia sighed and look at Chip. *Smack* "Ow my noggin!" The clay man shouted from below. Celestia rolled her eyes as she went to retrieve him. Chip turned back to the other clay men as they started to clap again. This was definitely one of the longer days. "Look out it's alive!" The God of hot dogs pointed over to the stand. One of the hot dogs arose from the pile as it's two eyes opened. "I'm gonna eat your toes!" The hot dog shouted as it jumped into the crowd. The rest of the clay men started to panic and run around. It was now a full blown episode. "Who's been tampering with the recipe?!" Chester yelled throwing his long arms into the air. "Ahhhh!" One of the clay men screamed as the living hot dog burst threw his chest Yes this was definitely going to one of the longer days. Chip sighed as he began to try and stop the hot dog. > Train Rides and Murder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The train whistle blew loud throughout the station. Ponies of many different kind started to load and unload the train. Ushers were helping with loading the heavy luggage as they went about their work. A week or so had past since the meeting of the two species. Chip was able to help secure a place for his kind at the Princess's castle temporarily . In return he was to spend time with Celestia's star pupil, Twilight Sparkle. It would of been as simple as that if Bob would not have come into the picture. Now there is a psychotic ex-doctor running a muck. Even with Celestia's guard tracking Bob down he still felt uneasy in his tummy. Celestia looked at Chip with concern as he gazed around the station. Ever since she saw Bob's attempt on Chip's life she had been worried sick. This only made her want to send him to Ponyville even more. Still she worried if he would get along, let alone fit in. "Chip are you sure you will be alright?" Celestia said as she levitated his ticket over to him. "I can't promise anything but I picked out some of the guys to protect me." Chip said pointing behind him. Four other clay men already holding their tickets nodded. "Why did you not take Pip or Rick? You will need Pip to tell Bob apart from the others right and I thought Rick was your best friend?" "I will need them here Princess. This is were all the clay men are so Pip will need to be here the most. Rick didn't want to come anyway. I had already asked him but he just wanted to stay locked in his room." "Well why did you pick these four men behind you. Why not take the sheriff or Henry?" She continued to question Chip's decision. "For one the sheriff is not that helpful. I also don't trust Henry even if he is a weapons maniac. No wait, that's just another reason to not bring Henry. Anyway the four behind me are the guys who took down the murderer. They have plenty experience with taking down bad guys without anything screwing up. Well most of them." "Hey what are you looking at? Yea get out of here. Get outta here!" One of the four yelled at a random pony walking by causing him to run away. "Go!" "Ryan calm down." One of the other four responded. Celestia eyed the four of them and gained their attention. "You must protect Chip at all cost. If he trust you then so do I." The four of them once again nodded. One of them a little too much that he got dizzy and fell over. "All aboard!" The conductor said as he leaned out of the window. He gave the train whistle a couple blows to make sure everypony knew. "All right then I guess we shall part ways. As I said before Twilight will meet you in your room. I hope you two get along. I think that this will be a good experience for the both of you." Celestia said as she threw a wing over Chip's shoulder. "And stay safe." With that Chip and his bodyguards boarded the train. Ponies gave them strange looks as they entered the train. Celestia waved at them as the train started to leave. Chip looked down at his ticket. "Alright guys we need to find room 308." "How will we know what room that is?" One of them asked. "It will have a 308 on it." Chip responded. "But how will we know what room that is?" "It will have a....." "Don't answer that he will just keep going." Mark interrupted Chip. "Room 308 you say? Would you like me to escort you to your room young..... gentle colts.....?" The train worker stopped after gazing at the five clay figures. He noticed that he was stalling. "Oh I am sorry." "Yes please take us there. Were not from here by the way." "Oh yes of course." He shook his head then started to usher them down the hallway. After two minutes they stopped in front of their room. "Here you are. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask." He opened the door to an almost empty room. A purple alicorn was seated near the window of the room. Twilight stared at the five intently as she scanned their forms. Her eyes seemed to grow in shock. "Don't you try any funny business!" Ryan grabbed the employee. The employ started to struggle free. "Unhand me sir!" "Ryan let him go. I'm sorry about that." Mark said as he pulled Ryan into the room. All five of them sat down and stared at the alicorn in the room. Twilight was starting to feel a little nervous under all their gazes. They had no eyes but she could still feel their glares. "Um...hello, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle." She ran a hoof over her mane. "You can just call me Twilight though. So which one of you is chip? Both Chip and the clay person who kept asking questions raised their limbs. "Oh you both are Chip?" "What, no." Chip slapped the others limb back down. "That's Louis he's kind of special." "Oh." Twilight adjusted herself uncomfortably. "Well Chip it is nice to finally meet you. The Princess has told me a lot about you in her letters. Who are the others?" "This is mark. He's the most normal of the group. The one who raised his limb also was Louis, and the one who grabbed the employee is Ryan. At the end of the room is Phil, he doesn't talk." "Oh, well this is an interesting group. Why are they here?" "They are protecting me." "I see. Well I can't wait to show you Ponyville. It is a great place you are going to love it. Oh and don't even get me started about my freinds." She said with excitement. "Is this Ponyville? Louis asked. "No we are still on the train." Twilight leaned over with a smile. Before he could ask the same question again Mark punched him. "So Chip you seem to have a physical difference compared to these four. It seems to be ironic given your name. How did that happen if you don't mind me asking?" "I actually don't know. I think I just always looked like this." "Forgive me, but I just have to ask a lot more. I have never meet a creature such as yourself. I mean species. You appear to be made of clay as well. Can you explain that?" "Not really." Chip shrugged. Twilight gave a little disappointed expression. "Oh. I guess I can find out more once we get to my lab. So..." A gunshot interrupted Twilight echoing down the train cart. "What was that!?" Twilight stood to her full height. She peeked out the window of her door. "Wait here." She ordered as she left the room. "Lock and load boys. We got a murderer!" Mark said as he pulled out a pistol. The others did the same thing except Louis who pulled out an MPT-9k sub machine gun. All of their weapons clicked as they switched off the safety. "Where the heck did you get those!" Chip stood up in panic. "We found em. Why?" Ryan responded as he looked over his pistol. "I thought we did not bring any of the guns over!" Chip started to look around the room. The door shortly opened. Twilight walked in with four guns pointed at her. She immediately fell backwards after a scream of surprise. "What in Celestia are you pointing those things at me?" She breathed out while regaining her poser. Chip helped her back onto her hooves. "Sorry I had no clue they had guns on them." "Guns? What are guns?" She looked at the four. "Here I'll show you." Ryan shot out the window breaking the glass. Twilight's ears ringed as the blast went off. Mark slapped Ryan's gun back down. Twilight looked back at Ryan with fear. "What the heck guys!" Chip yelled at them. They only sat their without response. Twilight looked around the room analyzing the situation. "Chip we have a problem. I asked what was going on and they told me to go back to my room. Some pony was shot!" She locked the room door as she returned to her seat. "I hope your body guards know what they are doing." "Did they have any clues of who did it?" Chip asked Twilight. "Well they said they heard one thing but it was quite strange. Right before the shot they heard some pony say I'm a murderer." She started to tap her hooves nervously. "What if it's a psychopath?!" "Looks like it's round two fellas. Let's go find us the murderer." Mark said as they all arose from their seats. "Can you do it?" Chip asked Mark. "We did it once we can do it again." Mark opened the door letting the other three out. Ryan gave a pumped up shout as he exited the room. All four of them stood outside the door and looked around. Each of them pointed their gun down the hallway. "How will we know if he's the murderer?" Louis asked. "Well he usually announces it before he shoots you." "But how will we know....." "Louis I swear to Got I will shoot you!" Mark yelled as he slapped Louis. "Let's split up guys. Me and Phil will go this way. Louis you guard the door and Ryan go the other way." Mark and Phil entered the next cart over. They tactically checked around every corner. All the rooms where locked from the inside. An employee walked around the corner and screamed at them. "Calm down were the good guys! Have you seen the murderer?" "No the shot came from the other side of the train. What in Celestia are you pointing at me?" The pony started to shiver with his hooves blocking his face. "Don't hurt me!" "Other side huh? Let's go help Ryan out Phil." Another gunshot sounded from the other side of the train. Mark and Phil ran back to room 308. "Louis did you see him?" "See who?" "Never mind, let's go Phil. You stay here." Mark Kicked open the door to the next cart over. Inside one of the clay men laid on the ground dead another standing right beside him. "Ryan is that you?" Ryan gave a nod and put his pistol away. "Good work Ryan let's get back to the room." The three returned to room 308 to find Louis looking down the barrel of his gun. He quickly looked back to them. "Who's that?" He pointed to Ryan behind them. "That's Ryan what do you mean?" Mark started to turn around. "I'm the murderer!" He slowly raised his gun. He shot nailing Phil in the head as he jumped in front of Mark. Mark fired back hitting the murderer in the shoulder causing him to shoot again. This time hitting Mark in the chest. Mark dropped his gun as he held his chest. "Is that the murderer?" Louis asked as Mark fell to his knees. "Yes...." Mark gasped out as he fell over on the carpet. "Oh." Louis fired multiple rounds into the murderer. He was instantly filled with holes and fell over. Louis continued to fire his gun into the murderer's body until it was a lumpy mess. Chip opened the door to see the chaos. Twilight looked over his shoulder and immediately fainted. "What happened?!" Chip yelled at Louis. "Is that the murderer?" He pointed to the lumpy mess. "Murderer?" Louis scratched his head with the machine gun. Chip looked down at the other two bodies. He then looked back at the fainted alicorn. "Why me? Why now?" Chip fell over onto the floor next to Twilight. "Shes going to think were crazy now!" "Are we in Ponyville?" "No!!!!"