Stryker's Equestrian Adventure

by StrykerVylon

First published

When a Brony finds himself in a new world his whole life is turned upside down.

One day everything changed when I found myself liking My Little Pony. Over the course of the next few years I would become so engrossed with the show that i would do anything to go to Equestria. My dream became a reality when I found out that a major company was building a machine that can enter other dimensions. This is what happened after I went through the portal.

It’s A Whole New World!

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I was just a normal guy. Slept, hung out with friends, played video games, etc. So imagine my surprise when everyone around me started talking about ponies. I couldn’t imagine it. Every single one of my friends had become Bronies. Normally I wouldn’t think anything of it as I was a part of different fandoms as well. For example I was a Trekkie and a Whovian. I knew what was up. But when all they talked about was ponies I felt like the odd man out. So on a whim I decided to watch the show. Lo and behold I loved it. I didn’t understand it but I did. This was only the start of what was to come though…


It’s been a few years since I became a Brony. The show was fun and the fans were awesome. Really I couldn’t ask for more, but I had heard talk that someone was working on a machine that allowed for interdimensional travel. My first thought was to use the machine to travel to Equestria just to confirm that it exists. However I did not count on the security of the building to be so tight. I had almost made it to the machine before the alarms went off. With nowhere to go but forward I ran to the machine and put in the coordinates I believed would work. Running out of time and the guards almost upon me I jumped into the portal that had been made. I didn’t know if I was actually going to Equestria or not but I didn't have a choice. Hopefully where I was going was safer then where I was. However I did not expect to be knocked out during the travel….

“Do you think he is alright?” asked a strange voice.

“Ah don’t know Twi.” said another.

I opened my eyes slowly. My vision was blurred for a bit but soon everything came into focus. What I saw surprised me. Standing over me were 6 ponies. I immediately recognized every single one of them. The violet one was Twilight Sparkle, the orange was Applejack, the cerulean one was Rainbow Dash, the pink one was Pinkie Pie, the white one was Rarity, and finally was Fluttershy and her yellow fur. I sat there for what seemed like eternity staring at each of the mares standing over me. Soon enough the silence was broken by none other than Pinkie Pie.

“That sure was some fall. It was all like a sound effect from an old Maretari game!” she giggled.

“Now Pinkie that is no way to greet a colt.” Rarity said with grace.

“I agree with Rarity on this one Pinkie.” Twilight said.

“I just want to know why he interrupted my flying practice by falling out of the sky and nearly hitting me. Doesn’t he know how to use his wings?” Rainbow asked.

Wings? I don’t have wings. I immediately looked behind me and what I saw was more of a shock then I ever thought. I had become a pony. Not just a pony though I was a Bat Pony, you know those ponies that were Princess Luna's guards. Inside I was screaming with glee but I had to control myself. I had no idea what happened in the vortex but I was in Equestria and safe from whatever danger presented me back on Earth. Whatever thoughts I had next were cut off by the sound of a shy pony.

“Umm… Maybe we should make sure he is okay before anything else…” Fluttershy mumbled.

I myself didn’t know if I was okay so I decided that it was in my best interest to make sure I could at least get up and walk, flying can come later. I slowly got up not wanting to push myself. Luckily it seemed as if I knew what to do and began walking around soon enough. I was relieved that I was okay, more or less, though I was fairly sore.

“Great! Now that you are okay you can tell us what happened Mr…” Pinkie started to say but immediately realized that she did not know my name, “Umm… who are you anyway?”

I don’t think my human name would be useful to use here. Everyone has such colorful and unusual names that I would stick out like a sore thumb. I decided to use the name I had always used on the internet.

“The name’s Stryker.” I said not confident on if my vocal cords were actually working.

“So, Stryker… Why did you almost hit me?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

“Umm… I blacked out…” I answered.

“A likely story…” Rainbow said unconvinced.

“Give him the benefit of the doubt Dash. He looks like he had a rough trip.” Twilight said.

That doesn’t even begin to explain what happened to me. I don’t know if I should tell them what actually happened to me. They might believe me considering that Twilight had once been to another world but since they had no way to get to where I was from it seemed unlikely. Though that can wait, right now im parched.

“Umm…” I started still not confident in my new environment, “Is there any way I can get some water or something?”

“Sure!” Twilight answered, “Just follow me.”

I followed her, as did the rest of her friends. We soon came to the library Twilight lived in. I heard voices coming from inside. I expected this. It was a library after all. But the voices seemed more familiar then I had initially thought. I saw Twilight sigh. It seemed she put up with this on a daily basis. As the door opened I saw who were talking. It was none other than the Princesses themselves. I knew they liked to visit Ponyville on occasion but something seemed off.

“Lulu. You’ve lived with Twilight for a year now and you still haven’t told me why.” Celestia said worryingly, “Did I do something wrong?”

“No it isn’t you. You are the best sister anypony could ask for.” Luna responded.

It was strange seeing Luna not use the Royal Canterlot voice but I put it out of my head. What exactly is going on though? Before I could process any of it Twilight coughed. Both Princesses looked in our direction.

“We have a guest Luna.” Twilight smiled.

“Oh! Of course. Can I get you anything…” Luna started but realized she did not know my name.

“Stryker! My name is Stryker your majesty!” I said as I bowed.

Twilight quickly nudged me to get up. I didn’t know why. I was in the presence of royalty. This is what anyone would do, correct? But I got up anyway, still confused.

“Luna doesn’t like to be treated like royalty. She just wants to be like everypony else.” She whispered in my ear.

“Oh… Okay.” I said.

“So Stryker. What can I get you?” Luna asked.

“Oh! Just some water please.” I answered.

Luna quickly went to get the water. Was I really being treated like a normal person… Uh, pony by royalty? What is going on here? And what were Luna and Celestia talking about as we walked in?

What is going on!?

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I didn’t know what was going on anymore. Luna was staying with Twilight? Why? I didn’t know how long I had been pondering these questions and others but it had been long enough to worry everyone else. I found myself being jabbed in the side by Rainbow Dash.

“What?” I exclaim, “Oh, sorry for yelling I was deep in thought.”

“It’s no problem at all. You’ve been like that for about 10 minutes though.” She said.

“Really? That’s a new personal best!” I yell excited.

Everyone just stared at me in silence.

“Sorry…” I said.

“So what brings you to Ponyville, Stryker?” Luna asked as she handed me the water.

“Oh many things, but mostly I was moving here from far away.” I lied.

They seem to have bought the lie however. I quickly finished the water and offered to return it to the kitchen but Twilight and Luna both said that it was not my place to. Twilight ended up taking it back. At this point the only ones left in the library were Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and myself. The rest of the group had to return to work and I assumed Spike was somewhere admiring Rarity from afar or something. As soon as Twilight had returned we all began to talk. I wanted to continue Celestia and Luna’s conversation from earlier but I figured I'd find out soon enough anyways.

“So, Stryker. Where exactly do you hail from?” Celestia asked.

Shit, I can’t believe I forgot that she made it her business to know everyone and everywhere in Equestria. I guess I could tell the Princesses and Twilight. It couldn’t hurt.

“Well you see your highness…” I inhaled, “I’m not exactly from Equestria.”

“Then where are you from?” she asked.

“Well… I’m from another world entirely. One where everyone walks on two legs and uses hands and such.” I say quickly.

“I thought as much.” She responded.

Not the response I had expected. I look at Twilight and Luna. Twilight had the expression I expected and Luna… Well I didn’t know what to expect from her. Twilight quickly chimed in before I could ask Luna what she was thinking.

“That’s amazing! Tell me. Have I visited this world?” she exclaimed.

“No. Sorry. I hail from another world entirely but I do know the world you are speaking of.” I respond.

She looks disheartened. Then she realizes what I said.

“Wait. How do you know about the world I’ve been to?” she asks.

“Umm… Well you see…”I begin the long story.

I explain how in my world that their world is nothing but a show and that it is watched mostly by males. They seem to flinch at that but accept it. I continue with how and why I got here. I continue well into the night. Once I had finished we just sat there in silence.

“Wow. Some story.” Twilight broke the silence.

“Yeah. I know.” I respond.

“And you have no way to get back?” she asks.

“Not that I know of and really I don’t care if I ever go back.” I say.

“But won’t your family miss you?” she asks.

“I don’t associate with most of my family anymore and the ones I do talk to live way too far away for them to notice that I’m gone. No one but my closest friends will know and they’ve accepted that they may never talk to me again. So no harm no foul.” I explain.

Twilight sat there dumbstruck. Had I said something wrong? I had just pretty much disowned my family without their knowledge. I knew that family was important to Twilight but not this much. Before I could correct my mistake a small purple dragon came running in. Out of breath and clutching a scroll that looked like it came from Celestia herself, I began to worry.

“Princess… Letter… Important…” Spike said gasping for air.

Celestia took the letter and unrolled it with her magic. A worried look found its way to her face. She quickly rolled the letter back up. We all shoot a questioning look at her.

“Umm… Just some ponies worried about why I’m not back in Canterlot yet. I really should be going.” She lied, “It was nice meeting you Stryker and Luna our conversation is not over with.”

She ran out of the Library faster than I thought possible. Had I not known it was Celestia I would’ve thought it to be Rainbow Dash. Luna, Twilight, and I each exchanged questioning glances.

“She just lied to us didn’t she?” I asked, “I’ve seen enough TV to know when someone does that.”

“Yes, yes she did.” Twilight answered.

“Anyways… Since it’s late and I have no play to stay…” I start.

“Yes, you can stay here.” Twilight said, “I’m not going to turn a friend away.”

I sigh. At least I won’t have to go without a place to stay for now. But I begin to wonder where I’ll be sleeping.

“Umm… If I’m here and Luna’s here. Where will I sleep? I don’t want to take any room that isn’t necessary.” I say.

“Actually I’ve expanded the library. I had 2 guest rooms added. So it’s no problem at all.” She responded.

Well that’s convenient. Twilight shows me to the guest room that is not being used. I thank her for the hospitality and say goodnight. I jump in the bed and pass out. I’ve had a long day and many questions asked but none of them answered. I will get to the bottom of what is going on in Equestria, but later. Right now I need sleep.