> Scootaloo's Life in Ponyville > by Genesis890 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > And so it begins... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today in Ponyville was the day that a little Pegasus would be attending her first year of Ponyville Elementary. The filly laid in bed with the blue covers over top of her head to prevent the sun from coming from the window and waking her. Her room was filled with toy trucks, cars, and a poster showing off a small, orange scooter. The filly slept soundly and didn’t hear her door creak open. In came a tall, orange Pegasus with a long pink mane, and a yellow sundress. The Pink-mane Pegasus tip-toed over to the filly’s bed. She then nudged the filly. “Sweetie, it’s time to get ready for school.” The filly mumbled something back. “Come on now, time for school,” she then pulled the covers down. There laid an orange Pegasus with a purple, short mane. The orange Pegasus ripped the covers from her mother’s mouth and covered herself up again. “Stop being this way. Look, I know how you liked living in Cloudsdale, but that is in the past. We are living in Ponyville because your father has found work here, and he is also an Earth Pony. Plus you might find some friends here.” With these words, the filly threw the covers off of her; she then crossed her arms. “I doubt it. Everyone in Cloudsdale was so cool, and they weren’t interested in filly parties, picnics, and dress-up like these ponies are. And they are all Earth Ponies, boring!” Her mother came closer to her and patted her shoulder. “Scootaloo, if you stopped being such a tomboy, then you might find friends of your own.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. It was the same thing every time. “Mom, I’m not interesting in colts, the color pink, and other filly stuff like that.” Her mother sighed. “I know, I know. Every since you were born, you didn’t like the same things your older sister liked. Your sister liked playing with dolls, and you liked to rip the heads off of them. Your sister liked wearing dresses, and you liked getting them dirty. Your sister liked wearing make-up, and you liked wearing war paint. Your sister-” “--Okay, I get it, I’m not like my super, awesome sister. If only I was like her, then my life would be better--” “--See, now you’re getting it.” Her mother smiled and winked, then she left the room. Scootaloo sat up on her bed. “When will my mother listen?” Scootaloo sighed and hopped out of bed. She looked into the mirror that hung to the right of her door. She stared at her short, purple mane for some time. Scootaloo remembered fighting for the longest time to get her mane cut. Every time she brought it up, her mother told her “Fillies don’t wear short manes. Plus no colt will date a filly with a short mane.” That didn’t brother Scootaloo because she wasn’t interest in colts at all. In fact, she was not interested in dating in general. She was like what, eight? Too young to care about that. Thankfully Scootaloo’s Nanny cut her mane for her, and took the blame for doing it. Scootaloo sighed and walked out of her room. She passed by her parent’s room. She glanced over to see her father, a yellow Earth Pony with a brown mane and mustache, still sleeping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eventually, the orange filly made it to the kitchen. In the kitchen was her Nanny. Her Nanny was very old, and could pass as her mother’s mother. Scootaloo watched her prepare breakfast; she would flap her wings a bit to enable her to make it across the kitchen in a short period of time. Her Nanny was a cyan-Pegasus with a white mane that was combed back, and she wore a long, orange skirt with a matching top. “Hey, Nanny, what’s going on?” The cyan-Pegasus landed and turned toward Scootaloo. “Hello, Scootaloo, I’m making breakfast, don’t you see?” She giggled. “Yes, but you normally just walk to make breakfast.” “That’s true, but I’m making you the grand Slam before you go to school, don’t you see?” Scootaloo cocked her head to the side. “The Grand Slam is a special breakfast I make for children who are going to a new school. And since you are going to a new school, I’m making it for you, don’t you see.” Scootaloo nodded and she climbed into her chair. Then the Old Mare came over with plates of food being carried on her head, back, tail, and wings; she then carefully placed them on the table. Scootaloo looked over the food: buttered toast, pancakes, sun-side up eggs, tofu bacon, and a slice of orange with a cold glass of milk. “You seriously expect me to eat all this?” Nanny laughed and shocked her head. “Of course not, silly. I expect you to eat this,” she said, removing the buttered toast, “everything but the butter toast.” Nanny chuckled at her lame joke, and Scootaloo forced a laugh. “Yeah, good one, Nanny.” Scootaloo then went to work eating the food. She ate the pancakes--soft and moist, just the way she liked them. Scootaloo then went about eating the eggs. The egg yolk wasn’t broken, and it had a light browning color to it. A testament to Nanny’s years of cooking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scootaloo sat at the table with a full stomach and pancake syrup and yolk around her muzzle. Her plates were licked clean. Scootaloo was relaxing in the chair when she gave off a loud belch. “Sounds like someone enjoyed it,” Nanny said, having been waiting for Scootaloo to finish her breakfast, “I guess I don’t know to do the dishes if you licked the plates,” Nanny took a glance at Scootaloo’s plates, “On second thought, maybe I should still clean them. Just in case, don’t you know.” Scootaloo hopped off the chair, and Nanny picked up the plates by her teeth and put them in the sink. “Well, I guess I have to go to my lame-o school now,” said Scootaloo. Nanny walked over to Scootaloo, and wiped off the yolk and syrup off her muzzle. “Come on, I bet you will make lots of friends.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Yeah, those who are only interested in sitting around and gossiping about the latest fashion, or talking behind somepony’s back.” “Scoot,” Nanny said with a serious voice, “I certain that you will find fillies that you can call your friends, and they will also go on adventures with you. It will take time before you find them.” She then smiled and winked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scootaloo was outside her house, carrying her purple backpack on her back, and walking to school. She looked back at her house. It was a circular two-story house with white, marble columns keeping the house up. The roof was made of red oak, and so too was the front door and the shutters. Her house looked rich, unlike the houses in Ponyville. She walked on a dirt road that connected her house to the town. On both sides of the road was thick, bright green grass. Walking on it was so different when compared to walking on clouds. Then again, so, too, was walking on a dirt road. Scootaloo stopped, and arched her head up to Cloudsdale. She could just make-out rainbow that extended from one end of Cloudsdale to the other. Such pleasure memories came from that place: making cloud-castles, rough-horsing with the other tomboys and boys, and seeing the Wonderbolts. Ponyville was bore when compared to Cloudsdale. Scootaloo finished daydreaming, and walked down the path to Ponyville. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scootaloo walked into Ponyville, and Ponyville’s library, but currently no runs it--the windows and doors were boarded up; it was like that before she came to Ponyville. She looked around and find that there was a lack of ponies in town. Where could there be? Scootaloo wondered. She walked further into town to find the answer to that question. There was a long line for Sugercube Corner. Scootaloo walked up to pony in the back of the line. It was an Earth Pony who was a yellow mare with pink and blue mane, and tail. Her eyes were blue. She also had a cutie mark with candy wraps that had yellow and blue stripes on them. “Hey, what’s with the long line?” “Oh,” said the mare, startled by Scootaloo’s voice, “it’s for a new recipe that Pinkie Pie has created. She called it…um…what did she call it, Lyra?” she said, talking to the pony in front of her. Lyra turned around to face the yellow mare. Lyra was a lime-green unicorn with a white streak in her green mane and tail. Her cutie mark appeared to be a brass colored musical instrument in the shape of the letter U, and it had bar that went across the top of the U. Of course, three brass colored strings came down and connected to the top of the bottom part of the U. She had a giant smile, and she seemed to have drank too much coffee because she was hopping in place. “Pinkie Pie called it, ‘The-most-super-amazing-extra-special-cupcake-that-is-certain-to-give-your-taste-buds- an-explosion-of-flavor-or-your-money-back-cupcake’, Bon-Bon.” Bon-Bon narrowed her eyes. “That serious can’t be the name,” She said with a serious tone. “It is,” she said, pointing to a red banner that was hanging in front of Sugarcube corner, “as you can see, the hyphens are included.” Bon-Bon and Scootaloo looked, and saw what Lyra said in yellow letters on the banner. “Only Pinkie Pie could come up with a name like that,” Bon-Bon said. “Tell me about it. Pinkie Pie came over to my house when we first came over, and I thought she was from the nutty bin,” Scootaloo said. “You had the welcome party from Pinkie Pie? Well, hopefully everything went well.” “It wasn’t bad, but she seemed to be in her own little world.” “That’s Pinkie Pie for you,” Bon-Bon laughed. “Well, see you. I’m off to school.” Scootaloo left, and Bob-Bon and Lyra waved her off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The walk to the school was a quiet one. It must have been because everyone was at Sugarcube Corner. It wasn’t long before Scootaloo was inside the school. She didn’t get a good look at the school because she wasted enough time getting to school. She didn’t want to be late and get a detention on the first day of school. She sped through the halls of the school until she was in front of the door to the class. The number two hundred and two was on a brass square that was drilled into the front of the door. She pushed the door open. To the right of her was children her own age seated in desks. She should see mostly Earth ponies, but she did see another Pegasus and a hoof full of unicorns. It seemed to be more fillies than colts in this class. To her left was a dark pink Earth Pony with shades of pink in her mane and tail that were lighter colors than the mare; the mare also had green eyes. Her cutie mark was of three flowers with smiley faces on them. Scootaloo was confused by the cutie mark because it seemed to mean that her special talent was being happy, or growing flowers, not teaching fillies and colts. Being happy seemed to fit best because she had a cheerful countenance. Scootaloo walked past the other fillies and colts, but stopped when she heard laughing coming from behind her. She turned her head to see two fillies: A gray one with red glasses, and a pink one wearing a tiara. “Hey, what are you laughing at?” Scootaloo shouted at them. They seemed to have trouble concentrating due to their laughter. “Oh, nothing, it’s just that your mane seems to have gotten into a fight with a lawn mower.” The two fillies cracked up when the pink one said that. “My mane is fine.” When Scootaloo said this, it caused the other two fillies to burst into laughter even more. “Yeah right. Maybe if your mane didn’t look like it went though a lawn mower, then I would buy it,” said the gray one. Scootaloo tapped her hoof in annoyance. It was then that Scootaloo spotted a spider dangling on a single piece of spider web, near her wing. She have a glanced around and noticed that everyone was watching the two fillies having a laugh rout. She flicked the spider with her wing into the hair of the pink filly. “Okay, girls, calm down,” said the Teacher. With that, Scootaloo took her seat on the other side of the room. The teacher walked around her desk, and stood in front of it. She smiled to the class before beginning. “Hello, everypony, my name is Cheerilee, and I will be your teacher for this year.” “Hello, Miss. Cheerilee,” said the class in unison. “Well since today is the first day of class, I think it should start off nice a simple before we head into learning anything today. The first thing that we should do today is to introduce ourselves.” The room filled with shifting of hooves, and eyes looking at the ceiling or the floor. That is except for one filly in the room. “Miss Cheerilee,” said the pink filly one, “I will go first.” “Thanks, um,” Cheerilee glanced down at her student roster, “Sweetie Belle?” “No, my name is Diamond Tiara, and I expect you to learn that by tomorrow.” “Speaking of which, I should do roll call. Just a second, Tiara, we will get back to you in a little bit.” Miss Cheerilee then went about reading off the list. It took about a whole two minutes for Cheerilee to go through role call. “It seems that only Sweetie Belle is missing today,” Cheerilee mumbled, “Tiara, you may now introduce yourself.” “Finally. Now, as you know, my name is Diamond Tiara. However, what you don’t know is that my father is a wealthy business owner, and his grandfather is the founder of Ponyville. So, in a sense, I’m entitled to royalty here,” she flipped her mane after she was done. However, in doing so, it moved the spider around in her mane. It then came crawl out, and then moved down her face. “Hey,” she said, as she currently had her eyes closed, “what’s this furry thing on my face?” she opened her eyes to see a spider was staring back at her. The response was an obvious one. She freaked out. Diamond Tiara got out of her desk, and ran around the classroom screaming her head off. Most of the fillies fainted or were screaming as well, except for Scootaloo who had fallen out of her desk, and was laughing herself into a coma. Some colts were screaming "Kill it with fire!" However, it all ended when Cheerilee came over with a rolled-up newspaper swatted it out of Tiara’s mane, and stepped on it. Cheerilee wrapped her hooves around the crying pony, and tried to calm her down. “Oh my gosh, that was priceless. Who would have thought that flicking a small spider into her mane would cause the funniest moment ever?” Scootaloo said, having trouble speaking from laughing nearly non-stop. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the best thing she should have said. As she heard hooves stomping on the ground, and they were getting closer to her. “Scootaloo, if you think it was so funny, then you best tell it to the Principal.” “Oh, I sure will, he will get a kick out of--,” Scootaloo realized what the Teacher meant, “wait, am I being sent to Principal’s office?” “Yes, Scootaloo, you are,” she said with a stern voice. Scootaloo was puzzled as to why she was being sent to the Principals office. “Come on, it’s just a harmless prank. Nothing to send me to the Principal’s office.” “I wouldn’t call it harmless,” pointing to the Diamond Tiara in the fetal position; crying, “if that’s what it does to the victim.” Scootaloo growled a bit before getting her backpack, and leaving the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As she walked to the Principal's office, she thought over what happen in the classroom. Okay, maybe it was a bit too mean to flick the spider in her mane, but Diamond Tiara really shouldn’t have started it by laughing at the mane her Nanny cut. Of course, she still felt guilty over doing it. However, she was quickly not liking Miss Cheerilee. Seriously, sending her to the office for a prank? Scootaloo wouldn’t say that she was starting to hate this teacher, but it was heading this way if she planned on sending her to the office for the smallest things. She couldn’t seriously see herself getting her anything special when it came time to. She looked up and saw that she was in front of the Principal’s office. It was then that she felt sick to her stomach and her hooves were shaking. But how could that be? She was fine the whole way there, but it wasn’t until now that she felt scared. She stood there for a good five minutes before opening the door to the Principal’s office. She pushed open the door, and she was stunned by what she saw.