Oh, the Divine Beauty of the Moon...

by ClassicRockFanatic

First published

2nd Person HiE. Let's just say 'Luna x Anon'.

2nd Person HiE. Humanized Luna x Anon. Read to figure out.

First and Last Chapter

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You can feel grass tickling your back. You open your eyes and shut them quickly, the sun high in the sky burning your eyes. You lift your body up and you dust your knees off. You then proceed to clean yourself off and wiping some dirt of your back. You take in your surroundings, you’re in an area with multiple trees, plenty of dark grass, and a dirt path right beside you. Ironically you managed to wake up and open your eyes when the sunlight was berating your eyes. You look inside your pockets and find your wallet, a spoon, and a few pieces of old food. You throw away the food and then walk the path trying to find civilization.

After an hour of walking you can feel the fatigue setting in, you walk over to a log and sit down. The sun has now lowered and the sky is starting to turn a tinged orange. You walk back into the bush behind you and walk for 3-minutes until you see a stream and drink out of it, quenching the dry taste in your mouth. After you take your drink you head back onto the main trail and decide to jog the rest of the way.

After 20-minutes of jogging you see a clearing, ‘Oh yes...’ you think to yourself as you finally see that you’ll be getting some rest. You near the exit making the last lap count. You finally get out and look around and see a little village with the sun setting behind it, overall it looked beautiful. You’re heading over to the village power walking until you feel an arm grab your shoulder violently. You come out of your stupor and see four men covered in armour and horns peeking out through the top of the helmet. You try to shake his grip off you but it’s almost like iron choking the life out of your shoulder.
After staring each other down you finally decide to make a move as you grab his wrist and squeeze it full blast, his grip on your shoulder instantly lets away as he grimaces in pain and is now aiming for your face with his fist. You however dodge his fist and the other guards seem to jump back to their senses and start heading towards you. You notice this and then aim for the solar plexus with a solid fist. He stumbles back and then you see the opening, you charge him and knock him over flat on the back but victory was short lived as a you seen a fist flying straight into your face ‘Oh snap...’ were the last thoughts running through your head.

You wake up in a dungeon; the cold chains were touching your skin on your ankles and wrists. You shift and look around and see a puddle in the corner and a torch hanging upon the wall outside. Overall it was dark, dank, and dirty. You sigh and sit up, then notice that the guard outside was talking to another guard and then they both open the door up calling your name. “Come, the princess wants to see you.” He said in a gruff voice.

You arrived in a huge room adorned with regal looking stuff. Curtains, night stands, and a huge table in the middle made the room look like a meeting room of some sorts. As you were inspecting your surroundings you got caught up, the guard’s violent shove to your back woke you up however. You head on through the big corridor with wild thoughts running through your head. You then arrive front of a two huge thrones, one white and yellow, the other black and blue. A female looking to be in her mid 20s was sitting on the yellow throne in all her glory, you thought she looked beautiful. All the curves in all the right places, supple breasts, but it was hard to tell how her rump was because her position was off. But you inferred that her body was good all over.

She noticed that you were ogling her as she shifted her position to give you a better look. You quickly look away and notice that junior was waking up. You shifted your position to hide it from plain sight and she instructs you and the guards to sit. As she motioned the guard over they had a quick conversation. You reached into your pants while everyone was looking away and fix your problem. After awhile of waiting she motions all the guards out of the room. As soon as they all left she stood up and walked over to you. She then sat down and then you finally seen her dress, it was sparkly and it was hugging every curve, oh god I could ju-. ‘Oh god... I’m turning into a lust filled animal...’ you quickly realize that you had infatuation. You quickly expel those thoughts and tried to think of other thoughts... She however quickly broke your bubble as she spoke in a serene voice “So what brings you around these parts?” You ponder that thought and never really remember anything beyond last night. Every memory you once had is gone. You then reply “No, I can’t recall anything really, nothing at all. How I got here and anything like that. Not even my name.”

A silence was between you as she had a look of concentration on her face. She rubbed her chin and then she speaks “Well my name is Celestia anyways, I can give you name if you want.” You reply with a “Yeah I guess...” She takes a solid minute of thinking “How about... Jack?” You think it over and decide “Jack would be fine.” She nods.

After awhile of talking and negotiating; you somehow managed to get a royal room in the castle for the time being. She shows you to your room, you get comfy and then walk to the bathroom. You look into the mirror noticing you had a bruise on your forehead and two-black eyes. You feel the bruise and sigh. You reckon that they’d be there for a few weeks. You take a sit down in your mattress and let yourself sink into it. You notice how damn comfortable the bed is. You crawl up to the top of the bed and pull the covers of yourself, letting yourself fall asleep.

You feel the sun hitting your face. You turn to the left and see the walls, they’re red. You take this information in, you realize its sunset. You sit up and look around the room. You have to squint to get a good look around. You notice that they’re clothes sitting on the dresser, a pair of simple blue jeans, a dark green polo, and a yellow undershirt.

After dressing up you head towards the balcony. You sit on the edge and look off of it into the scenery. It’s a huge valley with mountains protecting it, almost as if it were a shield. There is also a forest too. There is that little town in the distant with some old fashioned buildings you seen earlier. You sit on the chair provided and enjoy the sunset.

After awhile of waiting for the sun to set, it’s finally nearing. You look at the sun as it’s setting, kissing the horizon with a red and orange tinge. It’s beautiful. The stars are coming from the east, you can see it. As the last rays of sunshine are gone, the moon is peeking from the eastern horizon. You close the screen to stop any bugs from getting inside your room. You sit back down and stare at the skies, basking in the moonlight and starlight.

After sitting outside for awhile a knock on the door interrupts you. You open the screen and head towards the door. You open it up and you see a girl, she’s as tall as princess Celestia, she’s also blessed with a beautiful figure, dark blue hair that seems like its waving around. Nice milky skin to top it off. She looks at you and says “Hello... mind if I come in?” You let her in and walk back onto the balcony and set up the second chair.

You sit there for a few moments looking at the stars trying to point out any constellations. You decide to break the silence “Beautiful night isn’t it? I honestly prefer night over day.” Luna replied with “Yeah, the night is the best...” You turn to Luna and she is looking at you, she quickly turns away and you don’t pay heed to it. You look down into the valley, the moon illuminating the trees and rivers. Giving the already gorgeous valley an even better look. You sit back and think ‘Wow, this night is perfect.’

After awhile of sitting in the Moonlight, you start to feel hungry. You sit up and then say “Luna, do you know where I can get something to eat?” Luna nods and walks out of the room, guiding you downstairs. However you come into a huge hallway, it looks very regal. The walls are adorned with fancy intricate designs.

You hear someone else talking down the hall, its Celestia talking with some knight in armour. She sees you and Luna and walks over to you, she talks with Luna and then walks over to you, she says in a nice tone “Hi Jack, our guards found a bag by the spot you were found at.” She hands a backpack over to you. You look inside and find a few things; you find a pair of tarnished black gloves, a pair of grimy camouflaged jeans, a thick vest, some pistol, and an old style radio. Nothing really of interest besides a box of matches, he put the records back into the bag along with the pistol and zipped it up. A thought ran through your head ‘All this stuff seems vaguely familiar...’ It was a dark green bag, much worn out and had “Platoon 5” drawn on the side in black marker. You hang the bag over your soldier and nod at Celestia, you say “Thanks Princess Celestia.” She responds “It was no problem.”

After walking, you notice the castle. It was simply beautiful. The architecture was stunning. You followed Luna until you came into an area with a dark blue rug flowing from the door. You follow her inside and she goes over to the dresser reaching in grabbing a small sack. She doesn’t show any eye contact but you know she’s paying attention.
You tighten the bag around your shoulders and she leads you out of the room. You take a glance at her rump, her dark blue dress hugging it. You look away dismissing those thoughts... A twisted thought running through your head ‘I’d be even better if she was bending over, o-‘You stop yourself and continue onwards trying to press the thoughts out of your head. After awhile of walking you reach into the saddlebag. You pull out the old radio and turn it on, the red light coming to life. Some soft low music comes out of it. You turn it up and instantly recognize this “Creedence Clearwater Revival... Fortune Son...” You slide it over your saddlebag getting odd looks from onlookers as what A Princess would be doing walking around with a bum like you.

After awhile of walking Luna finally asks kind of music that is “Oh this?” you reach over and grab the radio, ‘Jimi Hendrix – All Along the Watchtower’ was playing. You try to answer her question, but you can’t, however your subconscious takes over and speaks “Oh, this is Jimi Hendrix, psychedelic rocker and noted to be one of the most famous guitarist and probably the best. He can even play the guitar with his teeth.” You don’t know how you said that but whatever did, you thanked it. Luna replies “Oh, we never heard anything like this in Equestria.” You just think of what you could do with these 67 songs on this radio, you could probably sell them and become a legend! However you shelve those thoughts and try to focus on follow Luna.

You and Luna walk into a little bar, not too bad for your tastes personally. You and Luna sit down and you both order a drink, scotch for you and red wine for her. She asks you “So... what...” Luna didn’t know how to formulate a question so you break the ice “Well, what you want to know about me? I can answer pretty much anything about my personality, but my history is vague.” She looks at you and breaks her momentarily silence “Well, what was in that little backpack?” You re-call from memory “Oh, a radio, clothes, a gun, and some other misc. Items.” She makes an ‘O’ shape with her lips. The waiter comes by and gives you your drinks. You sip the scotch and let the alcohol run down your throat, the burning sensation bringing back slight nostalgia.

You take another sip but notice Luna is powering through her bottle, nearly half-done. You speak up “Easy Luna, don’t want to get too drunk.” She replies “Oh... me getting drunk you must be silly!” You could tell she was more courageous and definitely blunter as she wasn’t being shy. The alcohol was already taking its effects on her. You just give her an odd look as a familiar tune came on. A crappy cover of... you were trying to grasp the thought... Led Zeppelin! You stare at the band playing on the stage, the guitarist, the bassist, the vocalist, and the drummer. You try to recall what song this is... yes, Heartbreaker.

You stand up, the slight buzz giving you more confidence than usual. You walk over to the guitarist and say “Gimme that!” you snatch the guitar from his hands and say “Umm... Um... Let’s play ‘All of my Love’” You start laughing shortly and the notes come to your head. You’re playing the guitar like an expert but the other band members are feeling overshadowed as you’re doing a perfect copy of Jimmy Page.

The singer freezes up and he’s not saying anything you get up and wobble over there to the microphone. You speak into the Microphone... “Should I fall out of love, my fire in the light, to chase a feather in the wind, within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight.” You are copying Jimmy Page’s perfect guitar work but your singing is not exactly like Robert Plant’s but better than the other singer’s voice. The band continues on and the whole bar is tuned in, Luna leaning on one arm with a blush on her face staring at you. You continue the song not really paying attention to her.

When the song ended everyone started to clap for you and whistle. You lift your hands up like a real rock god. You laugh and then set the guitar down and jump off the stage. You scurry back to the booth. “I never knew you could play like that!” Luna says ecstatically. However the drummer walks over to you and consults you to join him and the bassist on a few other songs. You get up and then Luna stands up and kisses you wishing you luck. You can taste the heavy taste of alcohol in her mouth. You just shake it off and head up with the drummer.

The original guitarist and singer sitting in a booth; both of them you dirty looks. You just ignore them and head up picking the guitar up and then grabbing the microphone. You tap it the microphone and a thumping sound gives you the verification it’s on. You then strum a few chords to make sure it’s in tune for this song. You nod and then whisper into the microphone. “Shattered... The Rolling Stones...” The band starts up and you start playing guitar. You then lean into the microphone and start singing “Shattered, shattered, love and hope and sex and dreams, are you still surviving on the street, look at me, I’m in tatters!”

After a few other songs you step off the stage doing a dramatic walk to Luna. You sit beside her and then she says “We should be getting back...” Her alcohol buzz was wearing off as alcohol had a different effect on millennium old princesses. You just stand up and she leads you out. You follow her down the street as the alcohol as wearing off on you. You start to regain your balance and walk more straight. Luna breaks the silence “Have fun?” you nod and say “Yes, I didn’t know I could sing and play guitar like that.” She comments “Well, that was beautiful; I’ve seen Jimmy Page and Robert Plant and they’d probably congratulate you on your performance. That was a perfect copy of Jimmy Page and pretty good copy of Robert Plant.” You just take it nicely and then say “Luna, did you know how beautiful you are?” Luna just looks at you then looks away. “No, nobody has ever complimented me like that...” The alcohol was still lingering in you, giving you confidence “Do you have an acoustic guitar at the castle?” Luna thinks and says “Yes, we do, why?”
When Luna gets you the acoustic guitar and you ask her if you want to go to her room. You sit down on the bed and tell her to take a sit. You start the opening chords to ‘Lola – The Kinks’

I met you in a club down in old Soho...

Where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola

C-O-L-A cola

You walked up to me and you asked me to dance

I asked you your name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola

L-O-L-A Lola Lo-lo-lo Lola

Well I’m not the world’s most physical guy

But when you squeezed me tight you nearly broke my spine

Oh my Lola lo-lo-lo Lola

After awhile of playing Luna get the message and she then sat beside you. You however knew what was coming next. You were guessing that she was inexperienced. You say “Luna, sit in front of me.” She listens with a blush. You set the guitar down and start rubbing her shoulders. You could feel her melting into your arms. You start working the knots out and then work your way up and down her back. After awhile of this she started to moan. You knew what was coming next. She got up and then straddled your waist. She kissed you, the faint taste of alcohol in her mouth. Your hands start roaming her body moving from her body to her back. Her tongue was pressing into your mouth; she was exploring the confines of your mouth, her tongue getting coaxed in your own saliva. You press your tongue into your her mouth. You massage her butt and she moans into your mouth. You open your eyes up and notice she was blushing hard.

After awhile of laying on the edge of the bed making out, you grab the bottom of her dress slowly lifting it up. As it got past her waist, she lifted her ups up and then you took it off completely. Your eyes scanned her body, perfectly flat stomach, Luna’s breasts weren’t huge but they were enough, along with a picture of a white crescent move with some black design around it on her hip, and creamy white skin that almost looked edible. She however stands up and gets on her knees. She starts to unbuckle your belt, the confines of your jeans letting constricting your manhood. She then undoes the button and lowers the zipper. She then pulls your jeans down. Your boxers were the only thing restricting you from Luna.

As Luna pulls your boxers down your manhood sprang free and she stared at it, her blush increasing a little. Her dark blue lips heading towards the head of your cock, a thought wanders across your head ‘Is that natural lipstick or is that real?’ You dismiss the thoughts as she’s about to proceed. You close your eyes and feel her lips wrapping around the head of your cock. You sit back letting her work her magic on you. Luna was vigorously sucking the head of your cock; it almost felt like a wet slippery vacuum sucking everything. But after awhile she gets up and does a little tease. You stare at her black bra and thong. Her thong had a little crescent moon on the front; which was a real turn on. She takes off her bra and then slides her panties off. She kicks them to the other end of the room and walks over to you swaying her hips from side to side.

She presses her one finger on your chest and you lay back. She sits on your lap slowly sliding it in, slow whimpers accommodating this. Her moans were load and you were hoping she wouldn’t be so blunt and try to pleasure you so much. Luna is now sitting on your lap. She starts to bounce up and down in the cow-girl position. You could feel her velvety flesh caressing your cock. You just sit back and enjoy it, after a few minutes of Luna continuously bouncing on your lap you could feel her slowly slowing down.

Luna leans onto your chest, she heaves out a heavy sigh. You just take the go and start plunging your meat into her. Luna was moaning your name out and her long fingernails were digging into your back; but you didn’t mind as the pleasure was overriding any sort of pain. You kept plunging it into her hitting every nook and cranny with your cock. You grunt and then kiss Luna feverishly; Luna was kissing you sliding her tongue in your mouth and you doing the same for her. Luna arches her back; you can feel her walls tighten around your cock. You just reach over and grope her ass lovingly and continue to pound it into her.

After awhile of this, she flips onto her back on the dark blue rug. She sticks her ass out lovingly with her back in a low arch, moaning your name in a lustful voice. You grab your cock and rub the head on her pink lips. After a minute of teasing you slide it in. After awhile of slow-paced fucking you slowly start to pick up pace, her breaths getting louder. You could also feel the end coming near for you too. You pick up a lot of speed hoping to pleasure you and Luna.

After awhile of this you finally empty your seed into Luna, ropes and ropes of cum hitting her insides. You can feel her quiver. You were out of breath but Luna managed to regain her breath. She was planting kisses all over your chest. She rolled off of you. You stand up feeling tired as hell. You jump on the bed grabbing a blanket, the last thing you see is Luna walking to the opposite side of the bed.

You wake up with Luna cuddling with you, hanging on to your left arm. You suddenly feel an intense headache coming on. You grab your head and then look around. The sudden burst of all your lost memories flooding back to you. The first thing that came to mind was...