Jason : The Void God of Virals

by justindashsparkleshypie

First published

James and Alex meet God with a choice to be destroyed or become his tool.An older teen wakes up in a forest with no personal memory.Making Mytheria into an army will be hard.Changing MLP without any lost innocence?IMPOSSIBLE!Eh, who really wanted it?

One of the bronies consumed by Alex Mercer becomes the dominant personality after both Alex and James meet god. Forced into an uncomfortable situation, Jason is made to complete God's tasks on Mytheria as well as build an army to defeat an army of eldritch that will attempt to destroy the universe. Enemies will bow, the weak will rise, the dust will be brushed off of the horns of war! Once more, the Multiverse will prove their might. Even if they have to EVOLVE to survive it.

Mission ... Impossible?

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“ FUCK YOU MONSTER! I WON’T LET YOU TOUCH HER THIS IS THE DAY THAT I KILL YOU AND FREE THE WORLD OF THIS ABOMINABLE VIRUS!!! ” screamed Heller as he launched his whipfist at Alex, who dodged it with seeming ease countering by shifting to his claws and rushing Heller at imaged speed. Noticing the possible danger of this move Heller shifted to blade and blocked wile pivoting on his right leg to throw Alex off of him. He then grabbed the back of Alex’s jacket and hurled him into a nearby building.

Alex jumped through the hole in the building he had just made and used spike graveyard in an attempt to harm Heller, who just jumped out of range.

The two paused and looked at each other planning their next move when suddenly… an explosion happened next to Mercer. Apparently their battle had attracted the attention of Blackwatch.

Alex jumped out of the smoke and grabbed onto the helicopter that had just tried to hurt him. He then twisted his body and hurled it right at Heller while activating muscle mass. Heller ran towards the falling Blacklight and attempted to club him with hammerfist as he landed on the ground, but he was not expecting the heavier body Mercer now had and was injured in the attempt.

Mercer looked at the slightly stunned Heller whose arms were now bleeding and Brogue kicked him into a nearby building. Heller looked up to see a bladed Mercer falling towards him he (obviously) decided that he should get the fuck out of there, so he rolled over and shot the fuck up and out of that building.

Alex noticed this and changed his trajectory towards the now ready Heller bent on bifurcating him with his blade. Seeing this he used his shield to deflect the blade with one arm and clawed him with the other. Alex jumped back to let his wound heal and then jumped forward with his hammerfists and pounded James into the ground. Not letting up he continued left ,right, right, left, face, face, face, sternum, face, right, left, left, and right until James threw him off with a tendril. Not giving Mercer a chance to breathe he started slashing him with tendrils enhanced with saw blades repeatedly. He didn't stop until Mercer looked like a pile of shredded meat.

He watched the large pile in disbelief, then, wishing to make sure he stayed dead, he walked closer to the pile and stood over it. Desiring to rid the world of Mercer he fired a timed bio bomb into the pile and started moving away, but he couldn't!!! He looked down and realized he had fallen for a trap because Mercer had wrapped around his legs and now he couldn't leave the area of effect for his bio-bomb. But then the pain started, and he realized that Mercer was trying to consume him! Desperate and running out of time, he started consuming Mercer while firing more bio-bombs just in case he fails and mercer wins, if he fails to consume him and the bio-bomb backups, he will have his victory because even he shuddered at the thought of being hit by his own bio-bombs let alone the now 33 of them peppering their bodies.

‘ What the hell is happening ’ thought Alex ‘ these attacks are doing something to me, I can feel my bio-mass fluctuating wildly, shit if I’m not careful then Heller might win. ’

‘ God the pain, I have to redouble my efforts NOW! ’ thought James, and with a great yell of “aurGhGHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ” he fired a super charged bio-bomb that set off a chain reaction and made infinite darkness .


“Ugh, oh god my head is murdering me with a shin fucking whip right now.”, said Mysterious Figure. ‘ What the fuck why is my voice echoing shit I must be real fucked up if I am hearing myself in three different voices’

‘Shit where am I? “Huhhnngh!” ‘Alright all I see are trees, trees, trees , and’


“Oh that’s not a tree. Shit.” The mysterious figure said as he noted a very hungry, very big, and very peeved lion, bat, scorpion … “REALLY !!! A FUCKING MANTICORE ! ” he exclaimed to the world. He looked at the manticore and noticed it was holding a fore leg off the ground as if it were hurt. He started looking around to see if there was anything he could use to defend himself. ‘ I wish I had a “SHLIIICCCKKNNnnggg” and now my arm is a blade … you know what … this is just what the vet called for so, yeah wish I gave a fuck, but, yeah I don't ’ … the mysterious figure looked up and saw a very hungry, very big, and slightly confused manticore nearing him so he speared it while kneeling forwards, into its rush. ‘ Yeah it’s pretty dead.’ “What the hell?” he said as the manticore started … changing. And then the memories hit.


“ Welcome to the end of the universe James and Alex. I'm glad you're here you two. You see, I happen to want your help. I was going to use some human who would have had to be uber-mutated by my cosmic power but you two should be able to handle it.", said a ... man for the lack of he appeared to be an infinite amount of things.

"Who the hell are you ?", chorused the two evolved.

"Well I suppose your closest equivalent would be God, but you can call me First."

"What the hell, YOU'RE GOD!!!"'shit, we're in hell aren't we.' they thought simultaneously.

" Not really, as I said I'm the First, and no, you're not in hell, you both are actually in the center of a black hole and a nano-second from being truly destroyed."

" What do you mean you want my help, what is cosmic power, how are we in a blackhole, and are you reading my thoughts!?", yelled the apparently synchronized pair of viruses.

" I actually want help from both of you, but I don't think that will work out if I send you as individuals, so if you haven't noticed yet I'm finishing what you started in your consumption war. And I'm also adding this mellowed out brony named Jason to balance your violent personality as your subconsciousness. He will, as such, also provide information on an instinctual level about the world you will be "saving" as well as being the dominant personality in your now combined body to ensure maximum efficiency. Cosmic power is the only thing capable of controlling reality as well as what is preventing you from being sub-atomically destroyed. Heller used to many bio-bombs and it tore space-time by compressing each other in an infinite loop that created a blackhole in your bodies. And yes I am. But the only thing you need to worry about is what you need to do if you don't want to truly die."

" ..." both can tell that even though neither are happier about it, they refuse to just stop existing.
" What are we getting ourselves into, First?"

"A new order from Creator has told me to change the world of Mytheria, because it's canonverse has grown stagnant and is overviewed, so I am to create a new fanonverse to help balance out the multiverse of that sector and you will be my test run, all of my other runs will be based off of your success so be interesting. Your rules will be as follows, and should you break them without PERFECT reasoning then punishment shall be dealt, RULE 1 obey the following rules RULE 2 change the world significantly more than I have, and RULE 3 trade Nightmare Moon a biomass body for her obedience and her help learning magic, also infect Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and any other being that grows close to you. Finally your mission is to prepare an army to stop the eldricth horrors caused by my meddling from destroying the multiverse. Capiche?"

" ... "

" Don't worry Viral you'll understand when you remember this.P.S. you should probably follow them after fluttershy helps you and create a new identity to go with the new you, just saying." mentioned the First as he sent him hurtling through the 4444th wall and into Mytheria.


Deal ... or no Deal?

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‘Okay I guess that answers most of my questions, so what should I name myself? I’m not Alex Mercer, James Heller, or Jason Heintz anymore; I’m an unholy chimera of three people. Well I’m mostly Jason so there is my first name. The other two are so different so I have to think of something they both had in common. OH Yeah! They’re both blacklights, and both consume, so how about Devourator. Yeah Jason Devourator sounds perfect’*CLONK* “* GRGHGHGH*” ‘ow what hit me?’ ‘Did I make that noise?, Yep looks like now I’m the manticore I consumed’, oh it was a tablet. It says:

"Dear Jason Devourator,

I will be helping you on your journey. I am a reminder of sorts, from First, and if he ever needs you he will use me to contact you.


First’s Friend."

<1 message

Sorry Jason but it appears my changes in this verse have inadvertently made it to where all females need to be infected “intimately” due to higher levels of resistance formed from my tampering (good thing that Jason was a clopper huh?). You should also create a pony name and non-human body for “interaction” with the locals due to these … new complications, once you finish making your deal with Nightmare of course.

When you are done reading this place the foreleg that was hurt on the Manticore over Friend here so he can enter you, and then recreate the scene from the show. I know I said to make changes, but the mane six needs to see they are the elements to free Luna and for us to make our deal with Nightmare Moon.>

‘ Asshole, you probably made it that way on purpose, but he is right, and I am also not actually a human, because of Mercer I am a virus so I can’t claim bestiality as an excuse. Fine, memories show that Jason was pretty Hardcore so I guess I know what to do.’, thought a slightly reluctant Jason.

Jason followed Firsts instructions to a T, even making sure to let Rarity buck him in the face and roaring at her.
Afterwards, once he was sure that the mane six were out of sight, he shifted into a crow and started following them from the air. While he was following them he felt slight nostalgia from watching Pinkie Pie help the group through the scary trees, and wondering what kind of deal he should make for Nightmare. He decided that he should arrive before the main six and go from there.


“They have beaten each of our obstacles. Perhaps we should have set more traps to stop them once and for all.”, overheard a keen eared evolved. Getting closer, he saw a mare whose mane shimmers and moves like the night sky looking into a mirror spell and observing the effects of her magic.

Thinking quickly he set his voice to where it could rebound and hide his location he said,” My, my, my, the Mare in the Moon trembles at the might of Harmony now, does she?”

Surprised that something entered the castle without alerting her she whirled round and screamed, ”WHO DARES TO SNEAK UP ON THE MIGHTY NIGHTMARE MOON!?!?AND THE NIGHT FEARS NOTHING!”

“I do dangerous one, but I come with a solution to your problems. Should you lose to those weak mares then I shall furnish you a new body, for a price of course.” He answered challengingly .

“And should we win, what shalt we receive from thou?”, queried the mare.

“ You shall win my help in EVERY endeavor you choose. So truly this is a win-win situation for you.”, baited Jason.

“Show thyselves, so that we may see our potential prize, and we shall consider your bargain.”, demanded Nightmare warily.

Obliging her the pleasure, he flew into the light and shifted to a slightly viral version of his human form to show his anticipation of trickery. “This is my base form Princess, so do we have a deal?” he asked her smugly noticing her confused look at his outstretched hand.” You place your hoof in my hand so I can make a copy of you.” he answered her unasked question.

“Thou are the one who slew my manticore, what manner of creature art thou? And from where did you produce your blade?”, she inquired of him in an angered tone.

“I am ’shit what should I call my kind…Evolved should work.’ an Evolved. You could say that I am the perfect organism because I can adapt, change, and yes, evolve, past any obstruction and to any environment. ”, he replied, knowing that he had her in the bag.” And the blade is one of the things I can do with my body.”, he added while slowly shifting to blade and back for her to see.

“… Can I make this agreement magically binding?”, she almost pleaded(realizing how much help he could be in her coming fight with Celestia, especially since he seemed capable of a higher biological magic then even a changeling monarch.)

“ If it will go both ways, then yes. Yes you can.” He answered coolly, content with his current situation even though he has no defense against magic.

<Jason, this is Friend, I have monitored the main six and they are almost at the castle. Please hurry this along.>

“Princess, hurry and do it. They are almost here, and they can’t know I’m here until the bet is settled.” He said loudly.

She obeyed and cast the spell on her hoof and placed it in his hand stating, “ Say your terms and we shalt be bound together by them.”

“ Should you lose, you will have to pay any price I set for a new body. And should you win, I will have to help you in every endeavor. Agreed?”

“ Agreed.” , she replied.

“After the battle is over, come to the element chamber to get your payment. Okay?”, he said hurriedly as he turned into a crow and flew towards the chamber of the elements.

“Yes.”, she answered excitedly.


“… This calls for a party!!!”, screamed Pinkie as she observed the reunion of the sun and moon princesses
With this exclamation they all left, none noticing the discarded fragments of armor turn into a violent mist that sped towards the element hall.


“I see that you lost your battle, didn’t you?”, asked Jason.

“What is the price of the body!” hissed a disembodied voice, full of shame.

“It is simple really, all I want is your complete obedience.”, he answered.

“THE NIGHT BOWS TO NO ONE !!!” , screamed the voice.

“ Until now, because you are bound to the rules of our bargain, are you not?”, he asked patiently.

“ERRGHGHhhhh! Yes, we are, but why do you want that. Is there nothing else we can give to “compensate” you.”, the voice said seductively.

Fighting to suppress the clopper instincts within him, Jason recreated her body answering, “Maybe later, when you get to know me, but I need you for my goals, not my pleasure. Now, hop in.”

Feeling the strength of her own magic start to betray her, she said, “Yes, master.” And seeped into the body.

Don't hug Dertun ... he's scared.

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‘Master?’ “Why the fuck are you calling me your master all of a sudden?”, asked Jason.

“Because, you stated that the payment is complete obedience, and what is more obedient than a slave, Master?” replied Nightmare Moon.

‘Well, shit. What do I do about this?’
< You could use it to your advantage.>

‘Who is there?’

<It’s Friend. I’m inside of your body, remember?>

‘But how the hell are you talking to me?’

<Silly Jason, I’m a highly advanced, model number 333 piece of level Zeta cosmic technology equipped with a fully functioning Artificial Intelligence, a complete encyclopedia of cosmic knowledge and abilities, and am composed of more than 7 trillion Atomites(molecule sized Nanobots.)I am more than capable of talking to you by connecting myself to your brain and sending electrical pulses, which emulate thoughts, through it to communicate with you.>

‘Holy shit! WHAT ELSE can you do!?!?’ he asked a little excitedly. (He has a large love of science due to the experiences of the many scientists that had been consumed, as well as some personality quirks that may show up here and there.)
<My main objective is to provide you with any and all information that I can to help you against the eventual Eldritch forces you must face.>

‘Can’t you just tell me now?’

<No. That information will wait until you need it.>

‘Can you give me an H.U.D. to help me keep track of things, since… you know; you’re kind of touching my brain and all.’

<Not yet. I currently have not been in you long enough to categorize all of the possibilities of what I can do in your body into safe, unsafe, and safe [with modifications], but that should only take about 3 days. But back to our main subject, I have implanted my plan and reasonings into your sub-consciousness so please proceed.>

‘What- Oh! I see, yes I suppose that’s true. Thank you friend for helping me; I was about to do something stupid, like help her return to normal, but now I see the flaw in that plan because if I did then she would still be hell bent on causing eternal night. T.Y.’

<Y.W. Now pay attention to reality I’m slowing your mental processing speed back to its normal levels, also make sure to get some rest because I don’t want to share your headache later.>
“But why did your personality change so fast?”, asked Jason

“It was the magic master, it made the spell completely binding to an “i”.”, responded the grinning mare.

“Is there something I can call you other than Nightmare Moon”

“ You can call me anything, master.”

“Uhmm, how about what you look like? Can that change to?”


“ Well then you should do that so that no one we meet gets suspicious, you know, since there are only three alicorns in equestria, plus you might scare them. You should also make a back-story for yourself.”, he told her.

In a flash of, bright darkness, Nightmare Moon disappeared, and in her place stood a dark grey filly [with a long and curly black mane, an average sized silver horn, and just the cutest little pink eyes] ,that said “I am your little sister, and I am sticking with it, older brother.”

Slightly stunned by bright darkness he said, “ uh good job, but what’s your name and cutie mark.”

“I’m Dark Silver , and I don’t have mine yet.”

“Good acting, but where do you come from?”

“… Ask my older brother?” she asked.

“Good choice” he answered.” Now let’s go find somewhere to set up camp until we are ready to meet society.

After many hours of looking for a fortifiable position, the pair notice a large cave in the nearby mountain. Jason starts running up the side while Silver teleports up there.

Jason starts walking in it when he suddenly realizes that this is the cave of the dragon from the episode #24 owl’s well that ends well.

‘There is this asshole of a dragon that lives here Friend, is it alright if I consume him because A. it is a change B. I hate him and C. I’m getting kinda hungry.

<Your reasons are solid, and really the only thing you are not allowed to do is kill a main or important character, remember this and leave me be, or I won’t give you an H.U.D. when I am done.>

‘Alright , alright, you asshole.’

“BZZZZT”<Hey idiot, I heard that, I live inside you and read your thoughts so leave me be,


“Silver there is a dragon in this cave and I am going to kill him, alright?”

“Yes big brother, do you need help?” asked Moon.

“No, but I want you to watch.” With that Jason stomps into the cave yelling “OH WHAT A BIG HOARD; I BET THIS DRAGON IS OVERCOMPENSATING FOR SOMETHING!!!”

“WHO THINKS THAT THEY CAN MAKE FUN OF DERTUN THE TERRIBLE” yelled a voice as a large mound of treasure started rising.

“I, JASON, KING OF THE EVOLVED DO, AND I CHALLENGE YOU , YOU FUCKING PUSSY, TO A DUEL OVER THE RIGHTS TO YOUR HOARD AND ALL OTHER MORTAL POSSESSIONS.” Bellowed a now fully armored Jason, with blade on his left and claws with tendrils on the right, tauntingly.

A shout of, “THEN DIE!” came to his ears, followed with a large gout of fire.

Jason ran right through it, doing his best to ignore the pain, and jumped over a swing from the roaring dragon’s tail. He threw his right arm towards the dragon’s wing and used his retracting tendrils to sling himself towards the dragon. When he reached it he used clawed tendrils to stick close and started hacking off its wings with an almost zealous fervor. The now screaming dragon tried to stab him with his tail but Jason rolled out of the way, and Dertun hit himself.
Seeing the chance to end the dragon, Jason climbed inside the hole caused by Dertun’s tail and started ripping him apart, and consuming what blood and flesh that he could while the rest flew out the hole. After he reached the heart and lungs, Dertun’s body suddenly stopped writhing in pain. And once Jason reached the spinal cord, Dertun’s body started to change… tendrils of red, black, and oddly enough [… green?] started to sew themselves in and out of his, now dead, body. All the while it kept getting smaller and smaller until eventually all that was left was a slightly humanoid figure of red, black, and green tendrils lying on the floor.


“Where am I” Jason asked the world.

< You are in your mindscape Jason >

‘Why am I here’

<Because you just consumed thousands of year’s worth of knowledge in 33.3 seconds, also I need to tell you something…
Apparently First wasn’t done meddling with this world.>

‘ Fuck,
Hugghh, what did he do.’
<He says, “

Hey Jason, remember how you thought that you could not use bestiality as an excuse? Well now you can because to you they are still animals.

But, the issue still hasn’t gone away so I decided that the important species in this world shall have started as anthro characters, I am going to let you keep your memories, but all others in that world will never know the difference.


‘ Well I guess that’s actually a lot of help, um, thanks First, and Friend.’

<You’re welcome, also your body has finally finished processing the extra biomass, and your H.U.D. is installed completely so bye>

‘but-Oh! You slowed my mind down alot, didn’t you?’

<So you do learn, Haah, now wake up.>


Heracles only killed one.

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‘Why am I so damn warm’, thought Jason as he woke up.

Looking around, his orange and black HUD told him why, ‘Oh yeah! The whole, consuming a dragon, thing increased my natural body temperature from 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit, to 123.4 degrees Fahrenheit’. It also gave him the chemical formula for dragon fire, not that he needed it, as well as possible applications for the integration of dragon DNA, which he read through greedily, and (this was made easier by his initial consumption of a manticore, which is a fully functioning chimera of multiple species.)Although, he did notice something strange.

‘Friend, why are there percentages, a; is that an [experience bar?], a red bar, a green bar, is that [currency?], and please tell me that is not a start menu on my HUD. I mean, Yeah I was expecting statistics and information, but now it looks like something out of a video game.’

<Do you remember how I mentioned I was cataloging what is safe, unsafe and safe with modifications. Well I placed my findings on your HUD.
: The percentages will come and go, except for two; the green ones are our research into new weapons and transformations (these will come and go as we finish and start them) we are currently integrating the heat shielding provided by dragon scales into your current evolutionary forms as well as working on creating magic pathways for pyro magic and adding the edge of dragon teeth to your own (which may also allow you to consume inorganic material , in order to further strengthen your forms) , as well as to all weapon forms.
While the 2 black percentages represent the current level of strength and speed your body is prepared to use, as I have discovered that you can change this to help in daily life without destroying everything by touching it.(these will stay constantly).
: The experience bar is used to track your proficiency, which I have obtained from your subconscious, in a form or weapon against what I have calculated you are capable of.
: The red bar is your health and the green one is available draconic magic (which will change to all magic and turn white should you consume a magical being of another species)
: That is not currency; it is pounds of biomass you currently have stored within you. (23,000)
: And yes that is a “START” menu, but it is used to speed your mental processing for more in depth decisions and information, as well as researching new projects and looking at any objectives you set.
Now don’t whine, you know you will enjoy it because Jason really enjoyed video games. Plus you know that it will make it easier to remember your capabilities. You can also make it minimize like on a computer if it gets in your way.>

‘Fine, but just because you’re right, it doesn’t mean I am wrong.’

< Whatever lets you sleep at night now leave me alone so I can finish some research.>


“Big brother you’re finally awake!” exclaimed an almost hysteric dark grey filly, dressed in black shorts, a pink tank top, and a black windbreaker with fingerless black gloves. “I was so worried about you, master.”

“I’m fine Silver, but we have work to do. I need you to help me find a hydra, and I need to teach you about what you became when you entered that body, as well as what you can do with your new body.”

“What do you mean? What is so different about this body?” asked the now calmer Moon.

“I’m going to teach you how to use the powers of an Evolved. And I happen to have a target for some pent up aggression, I mean teach you, anyway, it’s open season and I’m on a role with eating large reptile flesh.” replied Jason.


After a day of hiking in the Everfree, they stopped and started clearing a campsite.

“Silver. Come watch me, I will demonstrate my powers.”

‘Friend, is there any new progress on our research?’

<Yes Jason, in fact all of our projects are complete, would you like me to start integrating them (it will cost you some of your available biomass), be warned you will be extremely uncomfortable. >

‘Do it’

<Beginning procedure one procedure 2 and procedure 3, please lay on the floor and slowly shift to each form and weapon you have, so that I can reform your skin, open your magical pathways, harden/sharpen your weapons/armor/teeth.>

After a half hour of pain, unreachable itches, and immobility, Jason finally opened his eyes to see his skin resembled dark smoky scales and his teeth were slightly cold. Then he looked into Moon’s wide-eyes.

“What are your questions Silver?”

“Can I do all of those things?” she asked.

“No, or at least, not yet” responded Jason. “But you do have one of them. All we need to do is see which one you do have and build from there.”


After two more days of hiking they finally made it to the Hydra Swamp.

<Jason, I am uploading a virtual version of your viral sonar to your HUD, also the wing research is complete, but you will need more pounds of bio-mass to integrate it.>

“Are you ready Silver?”

“Always master.”

Smiling sinisterly “do you remember the rules?”

“Consume only what you kill, no magic, and don’t die?” She responded, sharing his smile.

“Good job. Remember, loser has to give a third of their share to the winner, and … GO!!!”

The two ran into the swamp as fast as they could, Silver morphing into a new class called tendril armor (it is like armored but with offensive tendrils that act almost independently of the evolved and are covered in small claw-like thorns), and started to rip apart the Hydras, they were in nesting grounds as far as the eye could see so she knew she would have fun today.
But Jason wasn’t standing idle, he made a new weapon called bone splitter (imagine tendrils with bio-mass battle-axe blades.), and started decimating them all.
Over and over and over again the Hydra’s would attempt to protect themselves or each other. But none would succeed in their endeavor. The two evolved started cutting through the monsters, creating large swatches of dead hydra’s until all that was left was the eggs that had not hatched, the animals attracted by the noise, and an armored, insect like, being who prepared a mental report to his queen, while preparing to follow the pair back to their lair. This swamp would become known as Hydra’s fall to all sentient life in the forest. One thing was sure though, all would learn of the new predators in the Everfree.


Nightmare could hardly believe what she had just done, the rush of power, and feeling of bliss she received after every kill was almost scaring her, but she knew she had enjoyed it. Turning back to the matter at hand, the king-master had tasked her with gathering the eggs into the middle of the swamp, on a slightly elevated overhang of a hill. She had only one nest left to do when she heard a noise.
‘Fuck’, thought the figure following her ‘I made too loud of a noise,’ turning around to fly away; he was suddenly grabbed by what he saw appeared to be a tentacle.

“Master!!!!” yelled Moon, “I found a changeling spying on me!!!!”

With a gust of air Jason appeared in front of her “show me!”

She handed over the injured changeling to him, “What have you seen?!” demanded Jason.

Though scared for his life, (because the being sounded even more regal {multiple voices} than his queen’s, and somehow more menacing even.) the changeling said, “I will die before I tell you anything!”

“Truly?” asked Jason.

“Yes,” came the reply.

“Then your wish is granted”, said Jason as tendrils burst from his body, ripping through the changelings armored body and handing have to Moon. “Now, tell me your secrets,” he whispered as he consumed what was left of him, searching his memories for information.


“Do you understand your missions?” asked a tall changeling that Jason recognized as Chrysalis.

“Yes,” came a shout from over 70 changelings, “We are to investigate the borders of Equestria and find routes for an invasion force.”

“Remember, if you do not report in you will be assumed dead. Now go, and may Swarm guard you.”


Opening his start menu, Jason asked ‘Friend what can we do with this information and DNA.’

< The changelings have a magic that is purely biological, unless they feed off of love which gives them the ability to use any magic they learn. Similar to how they can change their bodies they can also change their magic. If we made this your main circuit then it would turn green and stay that color, while all others would simply add onto it and increase your “pool” of available magic.

They also appear to be capable of seeing in infrared vision, which we could add to the dragon eyes, which have immense range, as an extra lid.

Their fangs have a chemical that produces a hypnotic trancelike effect on their victims, if they are unprepared. We could add this to your already sharpened teeth, as well as create a possible ranged weapon for non lethal take downs.

The wings are usable if we integrate them into the already created dragon/manticore wings to allow less weight for faster flight as well as a stronger structure due to the polygonal muscle fibers that help increase the durability and strength of their wings to be capable of flight.

And let us not forget their telepathy; this would be nice for when you build your army. It could also help you keep track of your evolved subjects, once you make them. Oh mighty king.

‘What the hell are you talking about, since when am I King?’

<Since you dueled a dragon and pronounced yourself as the Evolved king.>

‘Well, I suppose that is a nice title.’

<Since we are on the thread of titles, I think it is about time you make up a back story for yourself.>

‘Uhm let me think’

<Don’t forget to add why you look like you do.>

‘What do you mean by that?’

<You thought all of these new forms came without changes to your base one? Wow you’re an idiot.>

‘Put up a model of my body on my HUD. NOW!’

What he saw mesmerized him intensely. His base body had shifted from being a 355 lb, 6’7 man with olive skin and mahogany irises/ hair, dressed in a black combat suit wearing a large charcoal trench coat;

Looking over his full appearance, Jason asked ‘ how did I not notice I had a fucking tail?’

<Just wait until the wings and eyes are done. Also, your cutie mark really fits you.>


Forged in the heart ... limbs, and everything else of a dead star bear.

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‘I fucking hate you Friend. You didn’t need to give me a, a, a fucking cutie mark. I mean come on couldn't you have removed it? What the fuck!! Does this shit have to keep happening to me?! ‘“Fuck it whatever, but this shit is going to change its name for me. From now on, all of these are curse marks. Understand!!” Raged Jason, while looking at his “brand of destiny”.
(It looks like a crown of black outlined in gold with a bio hazard symbol, of green and red, on the front of it with a strand of DNA intertwining it with matching colors.)

<Yes it does Jason. You signed up for dealing with eldritch abominations; you can deal with a fucking cutie mark. Plus you’re not alone anymore; all evolved will gain this “curse mark” in place of their cutie mark. But only yours will bear a crown.>




“Silver get over here!” yelled Jason, eager to share his misery.

After a few seconds she finally reached him, “Yes master?” asked a red Moon.

“Take off your pants; I need you for something.”

“Y-Y-Yes master”, said a furiously blushing, and slightly eager Moon.

“Why are you red, you can’t get sick? What the fuck?!?”

“M-M-M-Master wants to do ecchi t-t-t-things with me.” She said quietly while pointing at his “bad dragon”. “Please be gentle?”

… Jason just stood there watching her undress as the clues added up in his stunned mind until he realized what she meant.
A: he is naked.
B: he told her to undress because he “needed” her for something.
C: all of his anger had caused blood to rush to a certain spot on a male’s body and elicited a … reaction.

So it all summed up to him wanting to cry in a corner for being such an idiot. ”WAIT! NONONONNO! I didn’t mean help me like that. I wanted to see if our curse marks matched.”

“O-o-okay master. But what is a curse mark?” asked an even more embarrassed Moon.

“It is the evolved’s version of a cutie mark. And Friend told me that you have the same one as me, except without a crown. Now turn and bend so I can see your flank.” said the now smirking Jason, who was starting to enjoy teasing Nightmare like this.

She obeyed his command and turned her body around and, bending over slightly, bared her flank to him.

While he really, reeeaaally, reeeaallllyy enjoyed the full view he was getting of Moon’s ass, his eyes were pulled to the marks on her flank. Just as Friend had said, her curse mark was the black background with a red and green strand of DNA intertwined with the biohazard symbol of the same colors,
{Sorry I don’t have better, and will try to get working together in photo shop.}

‘Friend, I think I’m a pervert… and I’m starting to like it. Is that bad of me?’

<Nope, there is a reason that Jason was chosen for this job. And I think you know why.>

A few days after they had returned to their cave, Jason had an idea.

‘Friend, you said that I signed up to fight eldritch abominations. Those aren’t the kind you find in Lovecraft’s Cthulu mythos are they?’

<They are indeed.>

‘So … I signed up to fight gods of insanity and chaos capable of destroying reality? Sounds like … fun.’

<Believe it or not, Jason. You are actually as strong as one of cthulu’s children. And considering your ability to consume, you SHOULD theoretically have more than a 17% chance of success, alone. And a 47.11% chance of success once you gather your army. Also, due to your powers and James achievement of creating a black hole, you have been elevated to a status of Lesser Void. Meaning you haven’t learned to use cosmic or eldritch energy, and as such are still a void to be filled.>

‘Is there any way for me to use both energies? Because I want to be the most powerful being that I can if I have to fight these things. If I am expected to beat gods, I want to be one too. This is what I want, if I am to do this, then whoever is the head hauncho up there is going to make me a god! I will become Jason Devorator: King of evolved and Viral mother fucking God.’

<There may be, but that is void knowledge and I mainly know cosmic and a bit of eldritch so you are on your own there. And although I like your enthusiasm, are you prepared to live up to that title?>

‘Apparently I was MADE ready.’

<Then your first job will be to kill and consume the Ursa Minor that is about to destroy Ponyville and later its mother and father. This will be a good chance for you to experience the power of another void being.>
“Silver! We are heading to Ponyville to save it from an Ursa Minor. Activate disguise mode and follow me!”

“Yes big brother.”


27 minutes later …

“Come on Silver I can almost see the end of the forest. Also, uhm, we are changing your name to Dark Vira. Our back-story is still the same, only your name gets changed. It fits the story for our parents. “

“Yes big brother” said the now named Vira.

“Get ready Vira! We are already there.” ordered the now armored and winged form of Jason.
Following suit, she shifted into tentacle armor and added claws to her hands and hooves.

Just as the Ursa was about to crush the Library, Jason came in like a wrecking ball and knocked it back, using enhanced hammerfists that looked kinda like pistons. Enraged at being hit, the Ursa swung its arm down to hit Jason, but long tendrils wrapped themselves around it and started to slice into the flesh of its arm. It followed the tendrils with its eyes, but it couldn’t locate the source because they all came from the ground.

Jason then jumped into the air over the Ursa. While hovering above it he thought of a way to take it down.

Meanwhile, more and more tendrils burst from the earth, snaring the rest of the Ursa’s limbs and starting to consume its flesh and the glowing silver blood, which spilt freely from its wounds. The Ursa decided that it was tired of playing around and started to stand upright, while the blood started to converge along the stars and making them get bigger and started changing from white to red.

<Jason, switch to large form and throw him out of Ponyville NOW!>

Not bothering to question the orders, he shot to the ground and landed hard, causing a crater; he then started to grow until he was half as tall as the now red and black, bi-pedal bear. Using tendrils and muscle mass, he then grabbed it and threw it, as hard as he could, out of town. Jumping towards it e shifted one arm to blade as the bears claws started to glow red. The two arms collided and stopped. Slightly shocked by this, Jason was then hit by the other claw and thrown back with small bits of armor falling off.

After being hit, Jason shifted his other arm to spiked-hammerfist and returned the favor with a quick punch to the sternum followed by a blade to the stomach and made a shallow gash, which immediately started healing.

Over and over the two kept this up, until, suddenly the lights on the bear exploded and it fell. Realizing he had just won the fight, he then consumed the Ursa while not looking forward to what would come next.

Feeling nervous, he jumped towards Ponyville while shrinking down to normal size and reverting back to base stage.
<Are you ready to meet the neighbors?>

‘Oh hah, hah, hah! I bet you think you are funny. Huh?’

<Yes, yes I do think this will be funny, watching you fumble over your words while talking to these mares sounds very fun.*DING* Oh! Popcorn’s ready!>

‘Yeah, well, fuck you to Friend.’


Suddenly Jason heard a rough voice scream, “Are you a SPY!!!” , and felt something soft hit the back of his scaled wings at high speeds.

20? Questions.

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‘Friend, did Rainbow Dash just run into me after calling me a spy?’

< Yes. Yes she did.>

‘Don’t worry, I got this one.’

<I know you do.>


“Yes, Rainbow Dash. And I have come to learn your secrets. How hard do you train if you hit that strong/weak?” asked Jason.

“OwwghuUHH! Buck you, you bucking wall! I was trying to get the spy when you came up.” Said a dazed RD who heard a wall with 3 voices speaking.

Playing along until she cleared her head, he said, “hurry come to me, I will hide you from the spy. He is almost over here.”

Quickly obeying the triple talking … [wall] because stranger things have happened, she went to it and let it embrace her. “Where is he?” whispered RD.

“Right behind you”, whispered the “wall” that was holding her.
… (Brain.exe: load = successful) Wait a second, even with magic, a wall shouldn’t be able to talk, much less hold her with the beautifully muscled black and red scaled arms it currently was.

Turning around she looked up and saw a toweringly giant athletic figure with bulging muscles, dreamy scales and the most interesting smirk she had ever seen on its face. “Hi.” Said the living tower. “I heard you were looking for me.


“That’s not nice. Is this how you treat all newcomers into town? Or did my looks make you lose your mind before you even met me.” Asked the towering muscle tower.

“HEY! I don’t know WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE, but it takes WAY MORE than a body of beautiful, shiny, towering muscle to make ME lose MY MIND!!”, said the Red Dash.

“RAINBOW! ARE YOU OK?!!” came a voice from down the road.

“Yeha sugar cube! Ah see yah found yahself a nice hunk of muscle, but we need ta help clean up and find tha hero who saved tha town.” Said a smirking AJ.

“OOHHHH! Rainbowfoundacoltfriend! HUUNNHH!andI’venevereverseenhimbefore, thismeansheisnewhereandIcanthrowhimandheradoubleparHmmmph”stopped Pinkie when RD shoved her hand over her mouth.

“We are not special someponies. This is the spy that beat that Ursa Minor.”, corrected the irate, prismaticaly maned mare. “I tried to follow him out of town, but when I reached where they landed, only he was there and the bear had disappeared. Then he JUMPED all the way over here and shrank down to this size.”

“Rainbow, there is no way that he could do that, that is level #13 biomagic. I can’t even do that.”Said Twilight.

“Vira!! Get up here!” yelled the “hero/spy”. And with a burst of dirt, the ground in front of them erupted and a dark figure, who came up to his lower chest, jumped out and into his arms.

“That was fun big brother! When can we do that again?”It asked with a high echoey voice.

“Later little one. When are you going to fight our opponents up front instead of hiding and letting me do all the work, HMMnnh, Vira?”

“When I’m big and strong as you. Besides I helped you by holding him in place.” stated the now named Vira

“No, you made it harder because he got angry and started to use basic cosmic energy. You need to fight straight up from now on, just like with the hydras.” Said the “hero”.

“Just because you are king doesn’t mean you are the boss of me, remember I’m the queen.” She argued.

“The only subjects we have are eggs so you can shut up and suck it because I’m the one who killed mom and dad, therefore I am king. Plus it is in my name. Plus I am your older brother. That alone makes me right. And you wrong.” He yelled back, “Now OBEY chubby little sister.”

Visibly shrinking from the power of his trio royal command, she bent her knee saying, “Yes Brother, My King.”

“Good. Now rise sister-Queen we must return to hatch our subjects, and start our rule, soon the evolved will be acknowledged for our existence.”

With that they rose, only to be confronted by six very familiar mares that were slightly confused, with one slightly angry, and the iconic little dragon, Spike.

“Where do you think you are going?! We need some explanation for what you’ve done!” said RD.

“We are returning to our home, although, I guess you could come to get your questions answered there.” Said the male.

“Girls I think we should go, we need to learn about them, my animal instincts are saying they don’t exist, but my higher functions can register their existence.” Said a slightly confident Fluttershy.

“Yeah! I wanna know how he knew my name!!” demanded RD.

“Okay, beam us there Vira.” Said the male. And with a flash of Blinding Darkness, they disappeared.


“Welcome to our humble abode. This is where our empire begins. And ends, for now.” He said, “Now, what are our neighbor’s questions?”

“What are you? You’re not an animal, but you are talking and alive. What are you?” asked a scared Fluttershy.

“I am an experiment for the perfect being. The reason you can’t sense me is because my bodily functions are on a higher level than you can detect, but should I slow it down…”

“Would you please keep it that way, if you don’t mind. It makes me more comfortable.”
“I will slowly speed it up so that you don’t feel it, if that works?”

“Okay that sounds nice.”


“How the buck did you know my name?” Asked RD.

“You mean how the fuck, and my parents talked about you a lot. They even tried to improve you.” he said, while unwrapping a wing towards her and letting a blue feather come out of it. “You were my favorite that they used on me, you were special and the others weren’t.”


“What did ya mean when ya said ya killed your own parents and became king?” Asked a slightly afraid AJ.

“They did the same thing to themselves as to us, but they went crazy with power and wanted to kill each other, so I honored both of their wishes and got revenge for me and my sister. Father was king, so killing him made me king. Also my name is Viral king. So there is that as well.”

“But, why did you react like that to your sister?”

“Because we first level Evolved are competitive and she wanted to one up me in front of you. Next.”

“Where is your sister, I want to give her a party.” Said Pinkie.

“She is hatching our first batch of eggs. And we would prefer if we threw you a party instead. After all, you are our first guests from Equestria. “ He stated.

“What do you mean by perfect being, experiments, and how did you and your sister get, eggs, did you… you know?” asked a shy Twilight.

“We are capable of surviving any environment short of nuclear fallout, and eventually we could adapt or evolve to it as well. If we built up immunity, like with poison. As fetuses we were injected with DNA of changelings, dragons, and manticores, but we were born looking like normal pony foals. So more and more experiments happened and we eventually became unstable . This is what I actually look like, yellow one, please don’t look.” He asked as he allowed his form to relax, and stopped controlling it all.

Once the process was complete, there was a large wolfish creature with mismatched skin scales and a few tailike limbs that had weapons on the end, and the largest wings they had seen {this is his eldritch form, the normal one is his void, and he will gain a cosmic one later.}. He then quickly reversed the process and his standing form of beautiful muscle.

“ And no we did not fuck each other into parenthood. We took them from the hydras that we killed for being jerk neighbors. Should we ever want very intelligent subjects we could, but I could just make a new evolved from one of the sentient species to help me with that.”

“You two are the butchers of the Everfree forest! My animals told me of a new predator that kills everything and is completely untouchable.” Squeaked Fluttershy.

“That is true, but we needed them for something. They will all be used in the creation of our subjects.” He replied.

“Isn’t there a better way of making subjects, dear? You’re way seems simply brutish” asked miss rarity.

“Yes there are, but I don’t think many mares would volunteer for it. It could be a bit painful also, so I decided to do it this way.” Answered Jason softly.

“Wyrm, do you have a question for me?” asked Jason while looking at Spike. “Also, if you are hungry little one you may have the black gems.”

“Really!?? Also, I’m a dragon! Not a worm.” asked sparkle eyed Spike angrily.

“Yes really. And how old are you?”

“I am 15 about to turn 16.” Said Spike proudly.

“Then you need to eat more!! I mean, you still look like a hatchling. Why haven’t you been eating right? You should be almost as tall as me right now. Surely there are gems where you live, how are you still so small and weak?”

“I am not weak, and I’m small because Twilight says I am still a baby dragon.”

“Twilight! What are you thinking?!? He is fifteen? He should be 6 feet tall if he was, dragons are mature at the age of 17 with fully grown wings and magic pathways.

“Look at him; I feed him what we eat and a snack of ice cream or gems. He stays this size. So he is obviously still a baby. Plus when he eats too much he starts hurting and when it gets late he gets sleepy. And, what do you mean by magic pathways? I thought dragons only had magic for transportations.” she asked frantically.

“No. Just no Twilight. We will talk about this later when we have time alone, but I will say this, this dragon is almost an adult. But because of you, he may be stuck as a child forever.” While walking back towards the inside of the cave, he said, “follow me, Vira is done hatching our last child and I want to meet them.”


Walking up to a hole on the wall covered in red and black and green material, he said, “please don’t be too loud in here, some of the children may be sleeping.” He then touched the material and it moved away, allowing them entrance and creeping out some of the mare. Although four of the mares could feel stirrings inside of them that felt like when they first learned what their cutie marks were, but darker and stronger. Little did they know it was because of their role in the future of this cave and eventually this empire.

When they finally saw the sleeping “children” Fluttershy said, “those don’t look like any hydra I’ve ever seen.”


"Notice" me ... Celestia

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“There are indeed many changes to these hydras. We made bipedal hydras that we intend to use as soldiers. Do not worry though, they will all be kept safe and ruled fairly.” Said Jason, to get the bat rolling.

“How did you change them this much in one generation!?” Asked Twilight with technicolor pony eyes.

“With bio-magic and our biological abilities. We have made them this way, as well as created our empire, for a reason.” He answered her.

“Are they like you?” Asked AJ.

“With training they could do some of it, but they aren’t smart enough to use any higher than adept level skills or abilities.”

“So are you, or are you not a spy, and what is this ’reason’ of yours for what you are doing?” asked RD demandingly.

“I am not a spy. I was just pretending to be one after you ran into me and hurt yourself. And I need Vira to answer your other question. Vira, come greet our new friends.”

She did and they all were introduced to each other.

“Now then, the reason why I am doing all of this is because there was a being who visited me in a dark place that blinded me and said that I need to gather an army to protect the world from an army of monsters that will tear apart the world. It said only I can do it because of what my parents made me into. And I chose Equestria as the first land I would start my army/empire in, and in return I am offering an alliance and ranks in my army, as well as protecting Equestria if it will help me.”

Hearing this, the 7 guests looked at each other and tried to decide if he was telling the truth. Upon having a mental discussion of sorts, Twilight had Spike send a letter to Princess Celestia about the situation. They sat down in some chairs and on the floor of the area which now seemed slightly to quiet when a loud *POP* went through the air and a familiar alicorn walked into the cave through a portal.
(She is 6’8 as opposed to average Pony’s, which is 5’9. Same colored fur, but with a white dress shirt and slacks that go along with it. Everything else is pretty much the same.

*CLAP*CLAP*CLAP* “Welcome to my humble abode Celly. Nice entrance, by the way, but let me not hinder your thoughts. Please, let the dam break and the questions flow.”

“Girls, I need you to leave. Now.” Said Celestia.

“But princess, we don’t have a way, Vira teleported us here.” Responded Twilight while looking at her mentor and her friends.

“Vira. Send them back, and stay with them until you receive my summons.” Commanded Jason.

She answered, “Yes big brother.” And teleported out of there with them.

“Now that they are gone, would you mind telling me why they needed to leave, after all we were having a stunning Q&A session with them?” said Jason to Celestia.

“I’ll skip the pleasantries. What are your intentions for Equestria?” asked the beautiful mare of the sun.

“Well, I suppose step one is gather my army. So yes, gathering an army with your help in exchange for my people protecting yours from threats. That is my current intention. But eventually it is to save the world.” said Jason sincerely.

“And what do you mean by my help?” she countered.

“I want prisoners and possible recruits that can’t join your guard due to a health issue. Also I will need some blood from a large amount of the populace. I may think of others when/if it becomes necessary. We would also like to stay at the town of Ponyville and be allowed to build a “castle” of my own design. So that my sister and I can stay close to the ponies like yourself, but remain close to our own subjects which will stay in the Everfree.” He said, trying to present a good offer.

“And what EXACTLY are you offering in return, also what made you think you could give me a nickname.” She queried challengingly.

‘Friend is it just me, or, are the ponies really this easy to manipulate?’

<Your body is the cause. In case you never noticed, you give off pheromones that boost the Evolved’s resolve while lowering the resistance and difficulty of dealing with the Unevovled.>

‘And where did this come from exactly?’

<The changeling DNA caused it, just like the pony DNA created your curse mark.>

“Celestia.” Said Jason determinedly, catching her off guard with his tone. “There are beings that exist capable of wiping you from existence and destroying reality, and I have been tasked with creating an army and stopping them. I can call you whatever the fuck I want, but if you ask nicely I might change it.”

“We sealed away a being just like what you describe”

“I know, and also I will need him when he breaks out. But he was less than an embryo compared to these monsters. All that Discord did was a little bit of playing around. If you think he was strong, HAH! I feel sorry for you. Discord was an infant, whose years and experience pale in connection to theirs. His only saving grace was his capability to think logically and his still present emotions. These creatures will not have that. Tell me Celestia, do you know what an eldritch abomination is? It is a God of insanity and chaos capable of destroying reality. The being that gave me my mission said he was a cosmic creation, a god of order and education made to guide a part of the universe. And he confessed that only I can do this because of what I am, a fledgling God of the void who has unlimited potential. And I was chosen to defeat these creatures and their armies to protect this world.

Now as for what I will do for you if you help me, first off I won’t kill you. I will make each and every pony immune to sickness and disease. I will stop Discord when he breaks free from his stone prison. And finally I will make it to where you will never watch a loved one die from old age again.

Yes, I am quite aware of your pain, Celestia, for although I may be young. I too had no one but my sister, and even then it was only for short amounts of time. But after I save this world there will be an age of peace and love that will not be interrupted with death from any natural cause, and should one wish it, I will spread my blessing to them and they shall become evolved and I their king.

All morals and beliefs will be integrated and merged, just like the Evolved themselves. I hold the key to biological perfection, Celestia, I am capable of flight, magic, shape shifting. Immune to all diseases that have ever been introduced into my body and have a cure formulated from them. I will be whatever age I want without constantly applying my generous amount of magic to making it so. And the best part of all, I can share this with anyone at anytime, if they are willing to go through the do process and accept me as their leader if not King.

So Celly, do we have a deal? Your help in Every desire I have for my complete protection and improvement of Equestria?”, asked Jason while speaking slowly quieter and more emotional while adding magic to his voice, and charging the contract spell in his hand. (He isn’t using his horns, so neither his hands nor voice are glowing.)

Celestia felt like she was being tugged, pulled, and pushed towards saying yes, but his horns weren’t glowing so she reasoned it must be his logic, and Faust did she know his voice had something to do with it. The way it resonated with itself and sang as he spoke was entrancing and exciting. It felt like his voice was a lullaby that held the secret to life, the universe, and everything inside of it. She felt safe, like she could for one more time trust a being that was equal to her other than her own sister. With a voice heavy with feelings and emotions unknown to her, she answered him, “Yes, I accept your terms. Jason.”, and placed her hand in his.

“Well then, I suppose we should finalize this agreement?” he asked while still charging the spell.

“Yes we should, thank you Jason for this. It feels nice to trust someone again.” She responded.


‘Shit, Friend!’


‘Can you feel Celestia’s power?’

<It is not that high, but yes and I took a sample of her for integration with base form and earth pony magic. Why do you ask?>

‘Because she has three times as much power as me and I don’t know if I can handle it!’

<Don’t worry I will slowly filter it into yours, that way you won’t risk an energy implosion.>

‘Ok. I suppose that is good. Also are the schematics for the castle ready? I haven’t seen it on the HUD yet.’

<Yes they are, but I’m saving them for a surprise. Also I think you should convert Celestia tonight.>

‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN!?!? I just met her though! We can’t do that yet!’

<I seem to remember that your agreement mentions EVERY desire you choose. If you say your desire is to lose your virginity to her then she would be compelled to do it. Plus your addition to the spell would make her want to.>

‘It just doesn’t seem like it would be genuine though.’

<You are making sacrifices to protect this world. Others should too. Shouldn’t they?>

‘Yes, you’re right thank you Friend. It will happen eventually, so I suppose we could start tonight.’


"I'm happy that you trust me, your welcome."

"notice" me ... Celestia CLOP

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/Yes master?/
/I need you to come back here and keep the hydras company, start phase one of their training./
/Yes master, wait one second while I say goodbye to the girls/’

“Girls I am sorry, but I need to leave.” said Vira while charging up a teleport spell.

“But you haven’t shared how big he is, even Fluttershy shared it. Yeah she fainted, but she still said how big her brother is, and surely you have seen it, so you gotta tell us.” Demanded RD.

Quickly looking around the room and seeing the eagerly blushing faces of the other girls, she decided to throw them a “bone”. Holding up her hands she showed a glorious 16 ½ inches and teleported away leaving a shocked group of girls.


Appearing next to her king, she started to wake up the Hydras and guided them out the room and into a joining crevice that lies deeper in the network of caves.

“Celestia, are you feeling tired?” asked Jason, using her real name (knowing that he would have to be careful with this.)

“I am a bit tired, but not enough to trouble you with.” replied Celestia kindly.

“I see. I don’t suppose you would like to have a tour of my small “kingdom”, would you?” he asked politely.

“Sure, I would love to see your kingdom of the Everfree.” She answered heartily.


They visited all of the caverns that had been modified for living, including: the dining hall (a large cave that was narrow and tall), the breeding chamber (for any species that they capture), the holding cells(for political prisoners, and experiments), they skipped the research lab because it wasn’t finished as well as the training grounds(because they were being used.) Then they reached Jason’s intended destination, the royal chamber.

“And this is my Royal Chamber; it is the furthest developed and also the most important.” He informed Celestia.

“It has a weird feel to it, but I think I kinda like it.” Said Celestia as she looked around the decorated room, lit with gemstones of solidified fire, and took in the large bed that seemed fit for an army.“Why is your bed so large?”

‘The better to fuck you on, my dear. Wow that was horrible of me, cest la’ vie.’ “Because, it was too soft to keep small.” He said continuing with, “cum with me and I can prove it to you.” ‘Hah! Wow what a gr8 pun. :P’

She walked with him and sat on the bed. “Wow! This is really soft. Where did you find a bed this soft?”

“My sister made it for me, I didn’t have time to do it myself so she did the decorations while I opened and softened the rooms.” He said while laying down and looking towards Celestia. “… Celestia, do you ever get “lonely” in the castle? Because there are only me and my sister here, and there are some things she can’t help me with.” He asked while watching her lay back and look him in the eyes.

While staring into his captivating eyes, she thought about that question. “Yes, sometimes. I don’t really get all that much “attention” around the castle. To the ponies I am a princess, a leader, and loved, but none of them realize I’m a mare.” Said the beautiful sun goddess quietly. “But, I shouldn’t be troubling you with my problems. How did you get these crystals? I thought only years of work could make this level of lighting gems, especially with dragon fire?”

“I made them Celly, and you’re not troubling me with your problems. I told you that I understood your pain earlier, didn’t I? Why should you have to be alone, does no one else see the beautiful mare I do when their gaze touches you, does no other behold your beauty as I do?” He was laying it on thick, hoping to get her without the magic spell.

Blushing at his almost foreign words, most of which sounded like it came out of one of her romance novels, she responded, “I am an old mare, King, even if they thought that way none would act on it.” and started to look away when he held her face with his open hand and looked deep into her eyes with a great amount of care.

“Celestia, please don’t think that way. There is someone who is willing to act on their thoughts and desires.” Then he leaned over her and gave her a deep kiss. “I happen to be him.”

She was taken aback by what just happened, she just received a kiss from a stallion thousands of years younger than her, but with more courage than even Starswirl, her last “coltfriend”, because he didn’t ever dare to do more than hug her. And now this stallion, Viral King, is exciting her and showing her compassion and even love, regardless of their ages.

Looking up into his beautiful orange eyes, the only thing she could think of is the happiness he just gave her, and how much she wanted to share this feeling of beautiful excitement with him. She reached up and pulled him down on her body and gave him a kiss even deeper than what he gave her.

Leaning into her kiss, Jason let his tongue snake in and tickle the roof of her mouth, he smirked when she yelped in his mouth and let a full blown grin appear when he felt her tongue go past his fangs.

Both of them started to breathe heavier as they felt their passion rise. Jason then started to run his hands up and down her body, with his claws retracted of course, while she raised her hands to his and unzipped thick jacket and ran her soft hands along his warm scales, slowly and rhythmically.

Suddenly her breath hitches, he had popped open her shirt’s third, fourth, and fifth button, and started caressing her breast with his hand. A gentle kiss made her forget though and she started to enjoy the feeling of his hands as they went up and down, unbuttoning the rest of her shirt and caressing her soft fur covered skin.

A minute and a half later, her shirt was lost as was his jacket, revealing his muscular body and her pink lace bra. Rolling over, Jason pulled her on top of him and cut the back of her bra with a small blade from his tail.

Taking a quick breather, Jason asked, “Celestia, do you want to receive my blessing? Because I want to give it to you.”

Trying to think of what he meant, as this was already as good as a miracle to her, and deciding that he meant go all the way. She leaned down to his ear and in a heavy lusty voice, she whispered, “Yes, Viral. All you had to do was ask me.”

She then crawled down his body to undo his pants when *POP!* his “mini-me” decided to make an appearance.

‘Buck me, that is a little big,’ thought Celestia as she licked up and down his member. “Well aren’t you a big colt?” she said as she took in his head and licked it while rubbing the rest with her hands.

He just grunted in response because of how good he was feeling.

She then started picking up speed and taking more and more into her until Jason felt something. It started building up when she somehow hilted his dick all the way and with a rush of pleasure he came in her mouth. Bit by bit she swallowed the delicious cum that never seemed to end.

When it was finally gone, she stood up and started to slide her pants down, revealing her soaking wet panties. Jason tore his clothes with his dexterous tail and cut her panties off with a quick claw revealing her pink plot.

He then lied her down and spread her legs with his hands. Leaning in, he gave her a testy lick with his forked tongue and listened to her little squeak. Smiling he licked harder and got a moan from her. Deciding he liked these sounds she was making he started to ‘dig in’ with his tongue, scraping the walls of her pussy to hear higher and higher sounds come out.

She started panting and moaning as his long (8 ½ inch) tongue had its way with her, and suddenly with a long drawn out squeal of pleasure, she lay flat and panted, out of breath.

Not wanting to waste her super-sensitivity, Jason pulled her close and guided his member to her entrance, and with a thought of ‘LEROY JENKINS!!!’ in his mind he thrusted inside of her.

Celestia was still riding her magical orgasm when suddenly she felt something so large it almost hurt enter her puffy pussy. She screamed in absolute pleasure as she felt it ride all the way in her. Looking down, she saw the bulge of his cock going in and out, but never leaving. Like the tides, but always bringing waves of ecstasy.

It felt so good in fact that when she felt it change all she cared about was that it got even bigger than it was to start with and that it was feeling way better.

Jason could feel something happening inside him, something was forming and moving out of his body. He was a little scared, but he reasoned it wasn’t bad so… whatever, and kept going.

With a great thrust, Celestia could feel something extremely thick, (much thicker than any cum) and almost burning hot shoot into her and up her walls into her womb. With a great shout she collapsed and fell asleep.

After a minute or two, Jason recovered and looked at the sleeping Celestia.

‘Wow!! I WILL be doing this more often… much, MUCH more often.’


‘Friend, what happened towards the end? It felt different then the first time I came in her.’

<Well, the only way to say this is quick and painfully. CONGRATULATIONS!!! WE ARE FATHERS NOW!!!>


Princss Celestia has evolved into

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‘What the HELL do you mean ‘we are fathers’?!?! HUNHH?!’

<I mean exactly what I said Jason. We are now fathers. That change was the virus mixing with my atomites to create a new being. And once it reaches her womb it will infect her from the inside out and later be born. Jason it would be best if you accept this. You will have children, I will have children, and they will be the very first pure generation of evolved. They will, unfortunately, be the leaders of our armies and we will be the strongest species in the world. They will be the advantage we need to win this war.

Jason, our enemies are Legion, they have the power to live in non-reality, and until you achieve true godhood they will always be too powerful to handle. This was the safest option to combat the numbers and powers of our enemies. You know the stories of these beasts, of the impossible odds of fighting these things. Let us not even talk about the prospect of defeating them as a mortal being. But, thanks to the Creator, you have been deemed worthy of Void status and, once you have grown enough, god status. This blessing has given you a chance to rise to the level of these beings and fight on even footing with them. All I have done is made our chances to win higher and our losses lower. You can’t get mad at me for doing my job; I am to help you fight these abominations!>

‘You are right! You are right. Look I’m sorry. I shouldn’t get mad at you; I understand that this is necessary, it’s just. I don’t feel like I’m right for being a dad. My only interactions with kids is from memories, and most aren’t the kind I should have with kids… those scientists were EVILLL. I know that we can do this, but, how are we going to break this kind of news to her. When are we going to train her and why is this so hard to deal with. I swear, taking on an army of soldiers “PFFTTT”, fighting through a horde of monsters “HEMMPHH”, but dealing with this shit is tiring!! Fucking WHY?’

<The reason you are tired is because you just went through the equivalent of going through labor and then birth in the span of a few seconds. And soon there will be no innocence let on this world so you don’t have to worry about that being a problem. You have the collected memory of millions that lived very many years and are the oldest mortal on this world. Not to mention that your mortality is slowly slipping away, so what does age really mean? And our kids won’t even need your help for early development, I will be teaching them while they sleep in the womb and when they are birthed they will be “fully operational” so to speak. You will need to tell her your own way. If you don’t then she is going to have a rough time trying to figure out what is happening. Who knows, she may even … try to KILL IT.>

‘NOO!! THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!!’ Jason responded, suddenly protective of the child.
<If you don’t want it to happen, then I suggest that you tell her soon. And she will need to know about the… changes … that she is going to experience.>

‘Well… that was unexpected, fucking over protective virus. But I regress. Yes she will need to be told. What else are you going to hit me with? Come on now. I know you have something for me.’

<Well when you put it that way, yes I do. I think that the next item on our agenda would be dealing with the Ursa Majors. We don’t want them waking up and chasing after their now dead cub.>

‘Yeah… I’ll get that done soon.’

<Good, now wake up, Celestia’s calling you.>

‘Ftw whatever’


As soon as he woke up Jason found himself being straddled by a beautiful mare leaning into his face and calling his name. “Viral King, wake up. Something is wrong. When I woke up, to check on the sun cycle, I felt weird, and I need your help.”

Jason lifted her up and placed her sitting in front of him. Looking down he could see the bulge of their small child but just barely. “Tell me”, asked Jason, “Have you ever wanted to have foals Celly.”

“Yes! I would love to, but stop changing the subject. When I woke up this morning I felt real heavy and stiff. I think I’m getting a cold. Could you “warm me up” a little? Please?” asked Celestia sweetly.

“I’m sorry Celestia, but I need to tell you something. We don’t have time for “attention” right now.”

“Fine… but I’m still stiff and heavy. So could you use your fire to help me?”

“Well, do you remember when I asked you if you wanted to receive my blessing?”

“MNPHNMPH. It felt real nice. Thank you by the way, for what you did; it felt amazing.”

“Well, what is currently happening to you is my blessing spreading through the rest of your body.”

“What do you mean? How can your “blessing” spread through me... what have you done to me?”

“The good news is that you accepted it, so it won’t hurt you. The bad news is … well, you’re pregnant.”

“… Are you serious?”

“Yes, I am.”

“… You got me pregnant. On purpose. Why?”

“Because it was the only way to evolve you. There was no other choice. And you said you wanted my blessing.” He said while he slowly manipulated the bio mass in his body to start rippling. “You’re my first convert, so I am not exactly sure of what you will gain but it will be similar to me and my sister. And the child will be born later.” He mentioned while rubbing his hand on her slightly bulging stomach.”

“How am I going to break it to my little ponies? I-I won’t even be one anymore, will I still be princess, is my sister going to be mad?” Celestia started asking.

“Celestia. Calm down. For now you should start pushing for my cures being distributed. Every stallion will gain a basic dormant infection and the mares will have lower resistance to it over time. When we return to equestria, hide the truth while introducing me to Canterlot as a visiting royal. Over time I can return and when enough are infected we can reveal the whole truth and I can activate the virus. Every illness cured, a merged kingdom with many queens in the king’s herd, and all kinds of new abilities to experiment with until it is time to defend the world. My desires to bless the world are so strong I swear it sometimes hurts, but any ways; Celestia will you help me? Please do this for me? I need your help.”

“You’re going to have to do a lot in order to make up for this. First you knock me up. Then you are asking me to lie to my subjects. Then infect them. As well as be in your herd with my sister, your sister and whomever else you choose

. I hope you are aware that I will need a lot of your “attention” now, just because I’m pregnant with your child, doesn’t mean that you get to make this a onetime thing.” She answered with a sly smile that showed slight fangs.

“Looks like it has already started, your teeth are getting sharper.” He moved closer and turned his magic towards her body. ‘When will the conversion be complete?’<2 weeks in full for her body and 9 for the baby.> “Celly, you should know that your changes should be done in 2 weeks. Also there is a … curiosity about the baby, it looks like there are only 9 weeks left, but it is still pretty small.” ‘Friend I need you to tell her more about the technicalities when she goes to sleep next, can you?’ <Yes> ‘thanks’ <you are welcome.>

“So I get to be a mother in 9 weeks??” she asked him excitedly.

“Yes, and I get to be a father.” He said while leaning in to her.

“Does this call for some “celebration” then?”

“I think it ve”*BANG!!*

“BIG BROTHER! There is a big problem!!!!!!!!!!!!”

My body isn't ready?

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In a flash of sickly orange and shining gold, the two lovers were fully clothed, though slightly pissed.

“What is wrong?” Jason exclaimed, appearing at Vira’s side in a blur.

“There is something wrong in the training grounds. I don’t quite understand what it is, but it is demanding confirmation.” She answered hastily while preparing a teleportation spell.

“Celestia, I need you to stay here. We will be back as soon as we can, be careful. Please?” Jason asked, as Vira teleported away.

“Fine, but only cause I’m pregnant. Please be careful?”

“Don’t worry, I’m the juggernaught.” ‘Bitch’ Jason answered. He was ready to convey his opinion on this intruder with brute force. Nope, nothing’s wrong with that. ‘After all, I do have the right to bear arms in protection of my house, don’t I?’

With that thought and a dull orange glow he appeared next to Vira. Looking around the large platform of rock, jutting out of the cave by a good 200 feet he suddenly felt wary. He opened his eyes as he looked at the inside of the cavern, seeing the outline of a figure he approached it.

“Reveal your identity and purpose, or leave my domain!” Jason demanded, as he neared the shadow it hid within.

“I am Cle’ntg. And I come to tesst you, and sshould you fail, I am to destroy you.” rasped the bowing figure. Cle’ntg slithered into the light, and said, “Prepare yourself, or die.”
Like a bullet, the thing shot forwards and lashed out with glowing hands, seeking to end the fight. Jason easily bent around the attack and shot his tail towards the … man? And caught him in the back and sent him flying into the ground, only to be slashed a moment later across his back. Twirling around again he saw the being was gone. Making a full 360 he saw no signs of the attacker until two green arms grabbed his ankles, from beneath the ground, and started pulling him down, almost as if he was standing in a pit of quicksand,

Jason spread his wings and lifted Cle’ntg into the air, only to drop back down on him with crushing force.

Cle’ntg seeped into the stones to escape damage, leaving the ground to absorb the blow. Jumping into the air, Jason avoided a green tail shooting towards him. Shifting to blade, he landed and rushed the tail and cut the tip off.

Hissing in pain, Cle'ntg shot out of the ground and placed his hands on his tail, healing it. Then, with a dark flash, he was struck by Vira’s magic and was scorched by its power.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Jason shifted his arm into tendril barrage mode and started running towards the still smoking body of Cle’ntg.

Seeing this from the corner of his eye, Cle’ntg’s tail lifted up and shot a green bolt at Jason, which tore through his arm and caused it to separate from Jason in a spurt of blood. Only for two tendrils to burst out of the socket as Jason ran. When Jason reached Cle’ntg, he returned the favor using his two tendrils to rend his arm from his body.
<Jason, restrain him. Do you hear me? Do not kill this man. He is important.>
<Boohoo, it will grow back. Plus, you ripped his off with tendrils. You’re even.>
‘It still fucking hurts.’
<Cest la’vie.>
‘Yeah, well fuck you asshole.’
‘Alright! Fuck it; stop shocking me all the time.’
<Then respect me, all I do is help.>
‘You just hurt me!’
<Because, you were being a retarded ass. Now do it, or I’ll shock your balls next.>
‘Okay, just don’t do that to me.’

Jason merged his tendrils back into one arm and shot a small needle, which came out of a hole in his palm, through Cle’ntg’s open wound, drugging him.

Cle'ntg felt the effects of the drug quickly taking place as his vision got brighter and brighter he started going unconscious, muttering the words, “Wng’d gds’le thv’ng Yohung’henttung. “, before falling silent.

“Vira, restrain him and bring him to the holding cells.” Jason said while walking towards his misshapen arm. “Also Vira, don’t be careful with him.”

With a fangful grin, she answered “Yes big brother.”, disappearing before he could have responded, eager to play with her new toy...


Jason watched Vira leave and smiled, he knew that she would be having some fun. Poor snake thing.

Turning around, he approached his fallen arm and absorbed it with a tentacle. Then he started walking towards the discarded arm of his prisoner. ‘Do I need to return this to him Friend?’

<No, he can grow another one. Just don’t absorb it yet, I’ll take care of it.>Friend responded.

As he finished his response, a silver liquid came out of Jason’s pores. Friend creeped forward along the ground and encapsulated the arm.

Jason watched as the arm seemingly disappeared into the shiny blob and disappeared. Then Friend came back towards him and reentered, leaving no arm on the ground.
‘Why did you need to take care of it? Couldn’t I have just consumed it?’

<Unfortunately your body isn’t ready for this kind of matter. I will be slowly filtering it into you to lessen the effects it could have on you, but you will need to be careful not to use anything that is to powerful or you may make me slip up and hurt you. Understand?>

‘Yeah, but what do you mean by “this kind of matter”. My body is currently capable of consuming any one of the periodic elements, how could it not be ready to consume his arm?’

<Jason, you need to pull your head out of what you knew. The elements you humans discovered are quite literally the building blocks of the universe, but just as cells make up a body, so does the building blocks that humans have discovered make up this matter. Also, this situation is comparable to you being a blacksmith and this arm being a skyscraper. If you tried to consume the whole thing it would be as broken as if he tried to build it. Do you understand now? It is simply too complex for your body and would injure you if you took in too much. So I am going to introduce it slowly, in order to build up your tolerance and help it to understand.>

‘Hugghh… okay then, but we really need to go over this kind of stuff soon. I’m tired of being in the dark here.’ Jason replied, quickly soothing his scientific urges with the ever popular “later”.


Ten minutes later…

Jason had explained the situation to Celestia, who was worried for a moment but reassured when he showed her he was uninjured. She informed him that she would return to Canterlot and prepare the castle for his visit, as well as invite the mane six to it.

Now he was currently looking into a cell made of his own flesh that held his most recent enemy. Cle’ntg as he called himself. An interesting being that appeared to be the humanized fusion of a man and a serpent. His scales were dark green around the bones of his body, getting darker as they moved away. His face was strikingly human with only his scales and lack of ears to point towards anything else.

Jason had to admit, he was curious about Cle’ntg. He was capable of using magic from multiple places without having any horns. Plus his ability to seep into the ground piqued his interest.

The sounds of pained groaning shook him from his contemplation.”I see you are awake now, Cle’ntg, how do you like our hospitality? I think it suits you for trying to attack me in my domain. Tell me, what were you thinking? All animals of the Everfree forest are aware of my power; what made you think you could beat me!?” shouted as he started getting bigger and tendrils started writhing under his skin. With his shout a tendril lowered from the ceiling and wrapped itself around his prisoners throat, lifting him into the air.

“I’m sorry - I - needed to – find out – if – you were …” choked Cle’ntg as he ran out of air.

“If I was WHAT!” demanded Jason, as he released him.

*cough, cough* rubbing his throat with his remaining hand, he answered “Yohung'henttung. Our fallen god.”

warp speed

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‘… Friend, did he just say that I am a god?’

<Going on what he said about testing you, he thought you were. Once you passed the physical test he acknowledged you by saying “Wng’d gds’le thv’ng Yohung’henttung”, which means ‘I die for great Yohung'henttung’s rebirth’, when he thought you were killing him.>

‘So he thinks I am a god of his people. And while yes I am a god, I am not his peoples. So this “Fallen God” character that they worship and I am being mistaken for, who is he? And how do they not know the difference?’

<Unfortunately, Jason, gods aren’t always perfectly happy. There are a few who just can’t take it, the pain of an endless eternity.

A fallen god is a god who has lost the light of life from their eyes. They stop caring anymore. They lose their identities to the dead. When enough time has passed, they just stop … stuck in between life and death. They are unable to die but refuse to live any longer.

At this point they start sleeping, when they “sleep” their mind drifts in the nothingness. Their thoughts are still powerful though and will start drawing the attention of mortals, causing cults as well as psychics to be born.

And finally, after an eon of undeath, they start to cannibalize themselves. But their immortality will not allow death so it saves them through rebirth… in the form of a mortal. Jason. There is a reason that out of all the bronies on your planet Heintz was chosen. We didn’t know which, but we knew he was one… and now you are too. Congratulations, now you can really call yourself a god. Even though you once fell, you now rise through the ashes and proclaim your new existence, Mr. Void god of Virals indeed.>

‘But how did he know? I understood most of what you said, but I don’t get HOW he knew it was me. And are all other gods conniving assholes?’

<It is because when you slept, Jason, you touched the minds of the Snake Men’s greatest Scientists, and they converted their brethren to you. You sent images, prophecies, guidelines, etc. that gave them all they needed to locate your new self. It happens a lot. The birth of Jesus was made from the sleep of the old First, and when he died Jesus was born, and then when Jesus died, First was reborn after 3 days with a refreshed mind.

There are also other forms of this prophetic sleeps. They can affect other worlds for instance, the Greek “gods” were from the sleep of Mytheria’s god, Faust … yes, she is the same Faust that was recently born and creator of mlp … things happen, and gods enjoy messing with these things sometimes.

Anyways, what are you going to do now that you are the god of a species? I mean, you now have a whole species that worships you.>

‘I have an idea. Friend, slow me down cause I’m about to go on a roll.’

<Hah. Bye you damn punster.>


“Tell me, Cle’ntg, where are the rest of your kind? I assume you realize that I am the rebirth of your god. So I have decided to spare you of death. Instead, I want you to take a subject of mine to your people.”

“We live under the ground in cities throughout the southwestern Everfree.”

“Vira!!! Bring me one of the Intelligent Evolved Hydras fast!”

“Yes big brother.”

Two dark flashes later, Vira stood with a dull orange scaled man, about 6 foot 9 inches, who had horns along his jaw and said, “For what do you need me my King? Mo- your sister says it involves an intruder in our kingdom.”

“This is Cle’ntg.” Jason said, while gesturing towards the now unbound guest. “You will be accompanying him back to his people and telling them the words of treatise. They see me as their god, so alert them of the relocation to our kingdom here in the Everfree. Also, tell me what your name is so that I can remember you.”

“My name is Jake, sir. And it would be my honor to be a diplomat to his people, are there any more instructions?”

Leaning in close, Jason whispered, “one more, learn everything about the god they think I am and tell me when you return.” Louder, he said, “Now leave. Oh and Cle’ntg.”


“Fix your fucking arm already.”

“Oh, yess I ssuposse I shhould do that. Thank you.”

The scaled pair then left the room with Jake leading the way, almost eagerly as a child.

“Come along Vira, we have work to do before the unveil of our kingdom starts in Canterlot.”


7 hours and many orders given for expanding the kingdom as well as speeches tossed later Jason said “remember Vira, keep your wings draconic.” To his sister and “Are you ready Lance?” to the third wheel.

A hydra of green and blue scales with two horns on his head perked up at his words, answering “y-Yes my lord, but are you sure you want me to come. I don’t think I am quite right for this kind of job.”

“Yes you are. Remember, bodyguard is just a title. You are the most intelligent of the hydras; therefore bringing you is good and should positively affect the opinions and rumors that will be made about us. You are the best first impression that my subjects have to offer.”

“Then yes sir, I am ready!” replied Lance earnestly

And with a flash of dull orange, bright black, and a weak blue, the three Evolved disappeared from their mountainous castle. Speeding through the world faster than light towards the city on a mountain half their size, preparing for the responsibility of this event. And hoping that nothing goes wrong at all whatsoever. But then again … what is the worst that can happen?

u mad bro

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Looking down on the gathered crowd of Canterlot nobility, Celestia put on her most loving smile, announcing to the crowd, “Greetings my little ponies, I have gathered you here to witness the birth of a new alliance! Soon arriving is the king of a species unlike any other we know of. This species is quite different from any you have experienced, but please, do not shy away from him or his companions. They call themselves-“

With a mighty crash, Jason, Vira and Lance landed on the ground, cutting of Celestia and leaving small craters. Rising up from their crouched positions, Jason looked around at all of the nobles trying their best to look them in the eye and noticed that the main six were over by a table. “Thanks for the sentiments Celestia, but they are unnecessary. I am Viral King, the king of the Evolved. We come to make peace with you ponies, so don’t fear us. My sister Vira and bodyguard Lance here are willing to answer general questions about our lifestyle, home, and our species.” And with a hop, skip, and flap of his giant wings, Jason landed on the balcony, directly in front of Celestia. Awing the crowd by being many inches taller than her.

Looking down at the gathered ponies whispering softly, Jason asked “Celestia where do we go to make this agreement a legal treaty? Your version of nobility is already boring me. Also, will you be giving me a tour of the castle and the grounds?”

“I unfortunately don’t have the time to escort you through the castle, but I did have some pony else agree to do so. Yes, teleport with me to my throne room. I have it all set out.” Replied Celestia, as they disappeared.


After an hour of boorish paperwork, the pair were finally finished writing the treaty. “Celestia, we need our co-rulers to finalize this. My sister can get here faster than yours, so you should go get her. I’ll hang back here and wait for you.” Jason said with a boorish look on his face.

“Okay Viral, I'll be back soon.” She said as she left, leaving Jason alone except for the two guards that just stood there staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring …

Walking up to one of the guards, with a chair in his hand, he sat down in front of him and looked him straight in the eye. “PSSTT!” he whispered/hissed.

No response came.

He waved his hand in front of the stallions face.

Still no response.

Digging deep into his unlimited pool of random thought generating ideas, {a.k.a. pranking memories of all consumed.} he got it.

<Don’t do it Jason.>

‘Don’t worry Friend I got this.’

<No, you don’t>

‘Shut it Friend, I’ma do it cause I want to do it.’

He sent some biomass from his feet, like a puddle of blood, creeping forwards while sticking to itself in an endless wave of strands sticking, pulling, tearing, combining, stitching, and merging together. (Imagine like what the symbiotic stuff from Spiderman does, but with biomass.) It reached the wall behind the guard and crept up, careful not to touch the guard while Jason is still distracting him. When it reached the height of the guard’s head, it extended from the wall, growing into a flowery shape. It started to expand and when it was almost to his ear it opened its “petals”. Reaching even closer, almost touching him, it expanded even larger. Now almost the size of a baseball. It suddenly let loose a loud noise, which sounded like an air horn, directly inside his ear.

Unfazed, the guard looked at Jason and said, “Sir, if you could not, that would be great” while returning to his original position of staring, and staring, and staring, and staring, and staring …

“Well you’re no fun at all.”

No response.

Returning his chair and himself to their respectively proper places, he decided to contact Vira.
‘Vira, how’s it going over there?’

‘These noble ponies are really annoying. Can I use one of them as a new toy? Please master?’

‘Nope, but you can come over to where I am now.’

In an instantaneous flash of darkness, she appeared next to him and gave him a hug saying a thousand thanks. (Not literally)

Suddenly two more flashes appeared in the room, one was gold and the other silvery, grayish, darkish, moony color. And along with them came a regal Celestia and a slightly ill tempered Luna.

“Sister, why doth we need to be awoken during the day? We doth require rest, we have not the energy thou doth.” Asked an irate Luna.

“You need to sign a treaty with the kingdom of Everfree sister; we are co-rulers so you have to co rule with me.” Celestia responded patronizingly, as if Luna were little, which earned her a stink eye from Luna.

“Thou art jesting sister. We know that no kingdom lies in the Everfree. What sort of prank doth thou conjure, for thy own amusement, upon us.” She said.

“Luna, you are being silly. There are no pranks being played on you.” Celestia said truthfully.

“Then tell us who commands the Everfree. If thou dost say truth, where is its monarch?”

Jason had been walking towards them for a while now, but Luna was unable to see him due to her back being turned towards him as she had her stunning one-sided argument with her bright sister. He was right behind Luna as she said it and decided he should give her a demonstration.

He made his body grow 3 feet larger and his hair 1 foot longer with some red streaks being added in. He then allowed his teeth to fully sharpen and his scales to widen into an exoskeleton while scales of red carved designs across it in tribal patterns. His snout extended a little bit and his wings became bladed. His tail grew 4 feet, making it 11 feet long and it grew a claw on its end. His horns changed and created a bone crown that had three lightning shaped protrusions.

When his transformation was complete, he tapped Luna on the shoulder with his clawed tail. When she turned around he crossed his arms, amplified his voice, put on his most confident smirk, and said, “I am the king of the Everfree, do you dare doubt me. “

Houston... i have a problem

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“YOU WHORSE!!!!!!!”



Upon Jason’s arrival he noticed something.

‘Fuck! It’s cold!’

Then he realized he made no sound while screaming that.
Not to mention that he could feel absolutely no weight on his body.

Opening his eyes he suddenly found another thing to add to his confusion. The ground was white. Looking up he smiled. ‘ UHH. Houston! I have a problem!


Anyways, Friend, would you like to hear a funny joke?’

<No. I know what you’re going to say, there is no point, and you are acting like an imbecile.>

‘Too bad.

Did you know that in soviet equestria, the moon banishes you?’

<That is not even funny. Bring her here so we can get this sorted out.>

‘It was too funny. But you’re right; I do need to sort this out.’

In an orange flash, the lunar princess arrived on her charge once more. ‘Hello little moon.’ Mocked the still larger than normal Jason. ‘ I hope you don’t treat all of your foreign dignitaries this rudely because quite frankly you would have killed any other ambassador from a weaker species than mine. But since you aren’t caught up with modern protocol I will forgive this slight on me this ONCE.’

Turning around and actually looking at Luna, Jason realized something, again.

She wasn’t conscious … and had some blood around her floating in zero G … ‘well shit, FRIEND! HOW DO I FIX HER!! ?’

<Give her some oxygen enhanced mouth to mouth and get back in the castle. That would be a great start.>

Following those instructions he shifted to base form while teleporting to Luna’s floating body. He then brought them both to the throne room while applying mouth to mouth with pure oxygen from his stored biomass.

They arrived just as a contingent of guards ran out of the doors in search of them.
<The reason she was unconscious was because, apparently, your disappearance made Vira go berserk and attempt to kill her, she was unsuccessful, but Luna’s head was cut and a rib broken before she was saved by your teleport.> Friend mentioned noticing the restrained Vira who had just calmed upon seeing him safe.

Sighing, Jason checked her breathing and healed her wounds with biomass and magic. Turning around he looked at a sweating Celestia saying, “I think this went a little too far.”

“I think that I agree with that thought.” She responded.

Tapping on Luna’s head, Jason woke her up. “I think apologies are in order Luna.”

She cleared her head and looked at him saying, “Thou first.” And then she turned her head.

“I am sorry.”

“We are too.” She finished.

“Start over?” he asked sweetly.

“We are Princess Luna, ruler of the night and keeper of dreams.” She said while bowing to him.

“I am Viral King, king of the Evolved and ruler of the Everfree forest. I was hoping to sign a treaty with Equestria. All we need is your signature and it will be official.” He said while walking towards the drawn up contract.

Luna followed stating she must read it first.

Upon reading the document she looked at Jason saying, “Thou art serious? We will be required to do anything thy wish, hand over our ponies, and allow you access to Discord. All of this in exchange for just the protection of a fledgling nation? Surely this is a jest.”

“Do not insult the power of my people Luna, any one of us can take any other species on in a 10 to 1 battle without a single scratch on us in the end. Not to mention we leave nothing behind, ever. And we will be providing cures for all diseases and viruses known to ponies. Also, in the end, all of this is going towards saving the world. Does it still seem like a jest to you!?”

“It does not. But what does this part about a ‘blessing’ mean?”

“It is what allows me to make cures for anything and adapt to even the vacuum of space.” He said while giving her a dirty look.

“Then how will thou be administering it to the ponies we send you? Is it not a part of thou?”

“It is contagious, Luna. It is a truly wonderful thing though. Nothing to fear.”

“Okay then.” She said hesitantly. “I’ll sign it.” Then she signed the paper, binding the fate of their nations together from that day foreword.

Assimilation .00000001% complete

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Day 1

.00000678% of the equestrian species infected
.00000001% of the equestrian species evolved

Two weeks since Celestia’s blessing.

< Get up you lazy retard, your first evolved should have completed her evolution last night, you need to get her settled into her new self while I record the results for science.>

Groaning heavily, not wishing to get up yet I heard my little Celly ‘hah’ stirring in bed. Getting up I reformed my shredded clothes and roused her. “Celly ohhhh Celly. It is time to get up my little care bear, we need to see how much you have changed, you’re bound to be a bit different now and I need to teach you the ropes.”

She moaned loudly and then said “fine, but you have to kiss me,” with a coy smirk which drew my attention to the sharpened edge of her teeth, which gleamed in the light of Luna’s moon.

I happily grabbed her cheeks and kissed her, not being fazed at all at the pricking sensation of her teeth as my forked tongue slid down her warm throat. I was mildly surprised when she returned the favor for me before we started seesawing with our motions.

After our heated kiss she sat up and crawled slowly out of her bed, although she made sure to wiggle her rump when she noticed my gaze. I quickly followed my own words by getting up and checking my HUD. ‘Friend, why does my HUD have a picture of Celly on it’ I asked. He responded in a slightly clipped tone < because we are going to investigate her changes and we will be readjusting this model to her changes.>

‘Alright then, sounds legit enough to me, not like I minded looking at her naked body. It’s kinda like x-ray vision I can look at her body and ignore her clothes. I like it, can you create an x-ray vision lens for my eyes, that’d be great.’ I told him while admiring the spinning Celestia in my head.

On the outside, Celestia was finishing up her hair after using the restroom as I walked over to her. “Hey there honey,” she said. “Did you sleep as well as I did?”

“Of course I did, I was sleeping next to you. Your sister also gave me a fun dream; I think she may be crushing on me.” I answered while thinking back to my first dream of the night before Friend had taken it over.

“I am not surprised,” she sighed, “it is too bad I can’t just keep you to myself.” She finished despondently.

“Honey, baby, please don’t be too sad about it, I'll always love YOU. That will never change, regardless of anything that happens I will always love you.” I said, while holding her close and reassuring her as well as I could.

“Thanks Viral, I will always love you too.” She said while getting up. “Come on; let’s go see how much I’ve changed.”


‘Friend, are you seeing this?’I asked, gazing upon the nude form of my newest evolved, Celestia. <Yes, I believe I am. I only live inside you, not like I see everything but yeah, I see this. And DAMN! I wish I were organic.>

My new Celestia has been through all sorts of tests since we woke up 3 hours ago. The information that doctor Cross has gathered for her current health and Guard Captain Shining Armor gathered for her physical condition were contrasted with her before results by Friend and we were amazed by the changes.

{The evolution has changed her muscular frame to 7 times stronger and 3 times denser than normal in her base form. Her height has not changed but her bones are now a titanium/alicorn alloy that is a 1000 times stronger than steel. Each sense is 320% keener and her skin can shrug of bladed and blunted weapons. All scars have been removed and her body shows no signs of aging as they divide. Her natural healing is 745 times its normal speed and there are indications of possibility to regenerate lost limbs. She also shows an ability to instantly assimilate or destroy foreign bodies in her system. Her veins and arteries are capable of pumping blood with muscles on their walls in event of heart damage. She can turn CO2 into oxygen and absorb nutrients as well as air through her pores. Her I.Q. has jumped to 246 and her memories are photographic. She has become inhumanely flexible and can dis/reconnect joints at will. Her nails are extendable to 4 inches, are razor sharp, and can shear through tempered steel shields. She also gained reflexes that are 8 times faster and a larger repertoire of reactions/instincts. Her wings are 14 times faster on stroke and 2 feet larger than before, max speed is 470 miles an hour in a straight line. Her feathers were also sharpened and hard as her nails. Her magic reserves have doubled and her skill in biological magic was tripled to a level 12 spell max. her magic also returns faster when she is in sunlight at a rate of 73s(9t + c – b) where s equals strength of sunlight, t equals time spent in sunlight, c equals current magic and b equals broken magical coils squared. She also makes no noise when she walks, and can reach any octave/note with her voice.}

Shining and Cross were dumbfounded, but both felt glad that there Princess was so much stronger than before. Both approached me after I had informed them about the cause, my blessing. Armor wanted me to infect the guards and we set up a deal, he would send me a group of guards with strict orders to obey my every command and I would bless them, train them and send them back for the next round. We also agreed on giving me a sample of their blood as well as handing me all the prisoners in equestria.

Cross struck a deal with me for the cures to everything. I would form the cure, he would organize all coma, brain-dead, terminal and cancer patients to me, and I would give him the cures to all illnesses providing he get them to me.

Celestia gave both of our deals legal go ahead, as well as providing that all new recruits for both organizations train with me in their respective fields.


The next day I caught a train to Ponyville with my foreign pass. The people couldn’t seem to decide whether they should ogle me or get out of my way, fast. But, I did not mind. These people would all acknowledge me as their leader soon enough, and then the world would follow. I know one thing; I just can’t wait to rule the world.

Loose End

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“BROTHER,” yelled Vira as I stepped off the train into ponyville. Looking around I saw no ponies around town and even the skies filled with clouds had not even a single napping Pegasus.

“What’s going on Vira? Where are the townspeople?” looking at her guilty face I started getting worried. “What has happened?” I said imperiously.

“I am sorry master, but we lost 17 hydra guards to a threat in the forest. The ponies here in town all have been threatened. A giant ursa major came and threatened to destroy the town if his child’s murderer did not seek him out. All of these ponies have locked themselves away and are hiding in fear now; you have to come with me before he returns. If we fight together I know we will win.”

“No Vira, I will do this alone.” I countered, not letting her get another word in “I may be able to kill him before he is aware of me, but if you come we will be in danger of discovery. I am experienced in fighting like this” at least my other halves were “and I will be able to do it myself for certain. Alone.”


Leaning in close I whispered “Nightmare, as your master, this is an order. DO. NOT. FOLLOW. ME. I will need you to get all the hydra guards left and come back here to defend the town. If anything slips past me kill it.” As soon as I had finished my little tirade I left, not wishing to see the sudden change in her actions as her magic bent her will to mine.


After running through the Everfree, following a large swath of broken trees, for over two hours I saw him. Whereas an ursa minor is the size of a three story building, this beast stood, on all fours, the size of a foot ball field.

I spread my wings and leapt.

After master gave me my orders, I immediately straitened. Seeing him already in pursuit of the massive beast I prepared a teleportation spell, only to be halted by the appearance of a purple unicorn, Twilight as she called herself. She grabbed me and teleported to her home, and public library. Kinda weird but all I cared about was fulfilling master’s command.

“Vira!! It’s not safe out there, an Ursa major is going to attack!” she yelled at me while dashing around the “living” room at breakneck speeds and her hair was an absolute mess. “I got to find it! SPIKE!!! Have you seen The Bestiary Britannica for Everfree Hunters?

“LOOK UNDER THE Bs TWILIGHT!” a voice drifted up from below us, apparently this library had a basement. Weird. Twilight dashed to it and found what she was looking for in ten seconds flat while I charged my teleport and arrived in our kingdom. Setting aside my thoughts on the crazy mare I set about assembling our troops. I hope ponyville is prepared to accept our help, because they don’t have a choice at this point; with a large smile on my face I looked at our “small” army of nearly 11,000 soldiers as we disappeared in a flash of white darkness.


From my current position I could see the edge of ponyville and the army gathered in front of it. Looking down I could see the ursa’s cave, a large gray monstrosity with teeth the size of their cub. Its maw appeared to suck in the light around it into its depths where a small light shone. In the cub’s memories I knew what it was, a star. Gifted by Luna’s dark sky right after her fall into the Nightmare and I knew it was more than just that. It was also an unborn child, an ursa omega.

Alighting upon the ground softly, I absconded through the gapped teeth of the cave and walked. I could see several small lights in the cave; I sat down to think of how to approach them. ‘Friend, do I kill them in their sleep or do I just wake them up first?’

I never heard the reply due to a loud voice whispering to me in a deep reverberation that vibrated the cave and making its teeth hum “I see you have come to kill me, like you killed our daughter. Have you not, fledgling?

“I suppose I have haven’t I.” I said while looking into his shadowed silver eyes. I saw a sad look cross his face as he queried of me, “Why did you kill them all, the hydras? What gain did you receive from that slaughter?” looking at me with both eyes as a tear slid down one with a tremendous splat “she was all I had left, and you took her from me. Her mother passed away before this one’s birthing was completed” he looked at the unborn omega “and now there is only me. Why!? WHY did you have to kill her?!” in a fit of sorrow he batted a stalactite to the floor where it shattered.

Pity welling from the bottom of my souls, I walked towards the unborn. He sat there, blurry eyes blinking as he watched despondently. “Are you the last of your kind, are there no more of you?” I asked quietly as I rubbed the shifting ball of light, watching its surface ripple and shift as if aware of my presence.

Yes, we are. I am. That one will never be free to live its life now. Forever will it be trapped like that, aware of the world but never to enjoy it. And soon I will be dead at your hands, or mine own. There is nothing left here, but your courage has prevented the death of those foolish ponies, living their lives in “harmony” completely innocent in their approach to the universe, even there necromancers have never been evil. None of them will ever be able to understand the pain of reality. ” He growled, answering me.

“Not for long, you asked me why I did what I did. The answer is because it was necessary, VOID.” My answer took him aback as he grunted in surprise at me. “How did you know I was a void, and what do you mean the wont be pure for long! These are ponies: war, famine, plague and more. All has been weathered with nary a stain on their innocence. Not even Discord’s reign as king could do it!”

“They are coming, bear. Their forces will fill the sky and swarm the world, then the system, then this verse. They are coming, bear. The Eldritch have awoken from their slumber and rallying to once more destroy the omniverse. That is why I killed her, if I don’t get stronger then this will not be the only world where she dies! If I don’t have an army capable of destroying things stronger than reality, we all die, and every version of me, you, and her will die. I have sacrificed everything to be here, I am three different people thrown together with millions of memories swarming in my head. I have the weight of existence hanging off my shoulders and I will do anything to keep it from falling. If that means I have to consume you I will. But, why don’t you join me instead. Help me win and I will help you. I can’t give you the life I took, but I can give it to this one” I patted the young omega “if you help me, I will give this one eyes so it can see, legs so it can move and a mouth so it can talk. Do we have a deal…” reaching out an uncurled hammerfist, I looked at the sorry state of the bear in front of me.

His eyes were wide in shock, his breathing unstable as memories of his bedtime stories ran through his head, of the last Omniversal war. The war where all of existence warped and twisted. Nonillions of people just disappeared and googles more were killed before they could respond. The monsters of the Eldritch forces were undecipherable to most, but his kind (The Void beings) could see it all. The war lasted a confined eternity, beings from every verse were brought to the battle lines. Even a void god named Nex had come to fight. They slaughtered the opposition, but were infinitely outnumbered. In the end, Creator himself stepped forward, and with a blessing of cosmic energy sealed the barrier between the walls of reality. The void forces had managed to kill off the remaining forces but at a heavy cost. Less than 3,000 were left, his parents were two of them. The last of the ursas.

The knowledge that a new threat was coming from the same forces he trashed his sorrow, looking at the outstretched hand of his fellow void… he smiled. Reaching out a hand he said, “Deal. But do you know what you are getting yourself into. Due you truly know what will happen if we fail.

I looked him dead in the eyes “No. but it will not stop me from succeeding. I swear I will win. Believe it.”

Hearing a yawn, I looked down at the omega and saw a little girl rubbing her eyes as she looked at me and said “ hawwwngh!!! Mommy?

The New Deal

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“Mommy?” the new child asked again, but I didn’t answer. I was shocked really, I only poured in a bit of biomass and bio-magic and here is a new child. One that thinks I’m her ‘mommy’, apparently.

<Heheh. Well that’s kind of awkward, isn’t it?> came Friend’s stunning commentary on my current predicament.

‘Surprisingly enough, I am not that surprised at this. I kind of did just hatch her.’ I replied in a tone showing Friend that I am not amused.

Out loud I said “hmmn not quite little one. But, behind you is your father.”

Turning around she let out a squeal and caught his face in a hug. “Daddy!” she cried out, hugging the major with all her pitiful strength.

My cub,” exclaimed the giant as he started shrinking. In a flash of black, a man appeared, with animalistic features, who was dressed in a silver robe and had flowing silver hair and eyes that looked like full moons. “Where will we be going?” asked the man, “also, my name is Furnten.” He then stuck out a hand to shake with mine.

I caught it in my grasp and introduced myself. “Viral King. I am pleased that we have put this behind us.”

“I haven’t forgiven you yet.” Replied Furnten sharply, but then his tone softened “but maybe I will, with time” he finished as he looked at his new daughter. She looked away from him, following his gaze until her eyes rested on me.

“Who are you, then.” She asked innocently.

“I am the one who woke you up little one.” I smiled as she rushed me and gave me a hug.

“Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU!” came from her toothy mouth as she squeezed me tightly. “It was so weird in there; it was so bright that I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t even hear anything.” She looked down, as if troubled. “Are you the one who rubbed me?”She asked in a whisper.

Playing along, I whispered back “Yes, why do you ask?”

“Because it felt good and I was wondering if you could do it some more.”

In response, I reached up and started scratching one of her furry ears that sat on her head. I also laughed when she leaned into it like a little dog.

“Alright you two, I think we should be heading back to ponyville right now.” I said as I stood up, ignoring the omega’s pout. Looking at the sun, I saw that it was about six o’clock right now. That gave us plenty of time to get back before nightfall.

Turning around I saw Furnten grab an old looking, leather-bound chest. “What is in the chest?” I asked.

“Artifacts from the last war that my parents kept. I think they will help us when the time comes.” He solemnly replied.

“Lighten up. We aren’t going to lose this war.” With those words we set off, following the trail of destruction Furnten made.


‘It has been almost four hours since master left,’ thought Vira worriedly as she stood at the forefront of the army, her armor and tendrils at the ready. The armies of hydra behind her were riddled with shifted soldiers. All manner of forms were present, offensive and defensive. Tartarus there were even supportive roles like non combat tendrils used for entrapment and submission.


‘yes master’

She stuck three fingers in the air, spread them and then clenched her fists. Giving the order through hand signals to avoid misunderstanding. The hydras leapt into action. Some of them started pulverizing trees and extracting useable biomass to start construction while the others dug trenches and fortified the base with serrated spikes and pitfalls into serrated spikes.

Twenty minutes later she walked to the center of the camp and spread a large web of biomass amongst the ground, connecting everything together and then she , with a bit of magic, gave it basic instructions to absorb dead biomass and repair damages done to it.

Viral and company arrived two minutes later to the site of a slightly imposing fort as they made their way to town.

Upon arriving in ponyville, he dropped Furnten and his daughter off at the lot he would build on and made them a small house, afterwards he returned to town intent on having a conversation with a certain mare.


*knock knock knock*

I stood waiting for Twilight to open her door. When she did, I saw that she looked slightly off kilter. She reminded me of people who lose their mind and look crazy.

Upon seeing me though, all of that straightened itself out. Her mane flattened and her mouth turned into a pout instead of a grimace and her fucking eye stopped twitching. “Viral,” said Twilight as she started tapping her foot and crossing her arms, “you have some explaining to do.”

Looking at her I grinned and stepped inside as she gave me room. Looking around, I saw that her library house thing was quite large on the inside. I assumed it was magic due to the sheer amount of room inside. Looking around some more I saw a large figure underneath a blanket on her couch.

She walked towards it and ripped the cover off. Two words slipped from her mouth as I beheld the no longer hidden item. “Explain. NOW!”

Looking at the object I, in return to her questions gave a one worded answer. “shit.”


Flesh and blood?

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“Well then, I guess that’s where they all went.” I said while trying my best not to get too angry at fate for presenting me this as the divine retribution, if what happened with Luna wasn’t that bad then this surely would cover it.

“Where wh-” Holding my hand up, Twilight halted her current sentence as I approached the sleeping body of Spike.

When I was close enough I stopped and looked at him, his body was folded and his face looked pained as I tried to discern the problem’s origin. Looking at Twilight I said, “Wake him up I need to ask him if he did what I think he did.”

“He won’t wake up.” She said curtly.

“Do it anyways Twi. I can’t help otherwise. Or I could just walk out since this is you problem anyways.”

She glared at me harshly before casting a spell on Spike; nothing much came from the impressive light show. “Do you see one of the problems now Mr. King, I have been unable to awaken him through any means insofar. Now fix him!” she said in an angrily fashion. “I don’t know how, but this is your fault entirely! Isn’t it?”

I sighed out loud before raising a hand, at the peak of its length I stopped, aimed and then I brought it down across spikes face and causing him to jump up in surprise before groaning in pain. “Twi,” he said. “My whole body hurts.”

The currently shocked Twilight just stared at me before saying, “There is no way it was that simple, a simple slap. That was all it took… all that wasted time…” Her brain pretty much fell into the pit of her own ‘incompetence’. Her mouth followed but was stopped by the floor quite nicely.

Inwardly I grinned for messing with her head like that; it had been in fact a high level biological spell that reversed the polarity of his brain waves while preserving the saved information to startle the body awake as well as the mind. Outside though, I looked at Spike’s body once more.


Where there had once been a pudgy little wyrm who hadn’t even grown his wings, now was an almost completely different being sitting here. His fangs had actually filled out to normal size for a dragon half his age (1.3 inches, except the canines which are 1.7). His scales had changed shape/size in order to prioritize their protection; they were smallest in the cheeks before widening under his fin line encroaching upon both his eyes and mouth, some of the scales had also thickened like the underbelly of his torso/neck/arms/legs/ and tail. His fins had extended their bases, going both down the bridge of his nose and to the nape of the neck. His color scheme was similar to before, but his underbelly had gone from a pale yellow to a pale orange. His eyes had also gained a small red ring around his irises and the sclera had actually become slightly gray, like thin smoke. His tongue was thinner and split like a snakes. Hoisting him up, I saw that he had grown to probably 3 or 4 feet, instead of 2 ½ . He had also lost most of his baby fat in exchange for a slightly toned muscular skeleton. Down his back I saw a bit of patches of dark, almost black, purple scales. His tail appeared to be 1 and a half feet long with small retractable spikes on them and a dark orange underside. His shoulders also had thickened scales of orange that traveled up his neck and ending in a three point mark under his mouth before traveling down his torso and ending in a small orange tip to his tail in a small spike. On his back were four small bumps, two on each shoulder and on top of their pair, about 1 foot apart.

He also had a few characteristics that didn’t really fit. His magic capabilities had surpassed those of dragons three times his age, but it felt like it felt empty and even hollow, unlike the raging storm which dragons usually posses. His spine was completely straight; a normal dragon would have a slight hunch where the muscles for his growing wings would be. Also, his claws had taken on a shape very similar to a hand instead of a paw. His feet were also smaller/thinner than a normal dragon’s. Not to mention the horns that looked very similar to his own.

The most uncomfortable part he was going to have to explain though was what he felt upon touching him, he was actually infected. Without any form of control the virus had infected him and was reporting a very strong mesh at 63% according to the H.U.D.

‘Friend, do you see the resemblance between us? I swear he could be my son!’

(I will make a picture for this eventually; I want to get this chapter out though in order to fulfill my oath.)

<Technically he is, J. He has your D.N.A. mixed with his original D.N.A. It is similar to what would happen if you both had a man child together.>

‘Eww Friend, not an image I needed. Bad enough that I am going to share bits and pieces of my life with everyone, I don’t need the fact that it is almost like having sex and children with them all grossing me out.


After 3 or 4 seconds of taking in the information, I said in the most absolutely serious and irrevocably stern tone I could muster. “Spike, did you eat the gems that were red with black designs?”

Spike’s eyes widened at the tone and the words I had said. In a small voice unsuited for his body he replied, “Well, yeah. But, they still had black on them! So I could have eaten them!” queue pose with shining teeth and one thumbs up/wink. Upon seeing his hand though, Spike suddenly shouted “WHAT IN THE NAME OF TARTARUS!!” and scared Twilight out of her daze.

“Twilight?” I asked in a whisper.

“Yeah?” she whispered back.

“When did this happen?” I asked in another whisper.

“Shortly after Vira disappeared from my house and before she got the army set up in front of the Everfree.” She replied, whispering.

“Okay then, did you let him have a snack during that time?” I continued whispering.

“He told me right where the book I was looking for was, so yeah I did. Plus you told me he doesn’t eat enough so that helped my decision.” She retorted in a heated little whisper.

“Then that means he took some of the experiments I was working on. I had a small pile of gems that I had created from my own being, flesh crystals; they would have theoretically been better and more valuable than a hundred draconic blood diamonds each. I think that Spike actually ate some of them and this happened because after you girls and he visited they went missing. Also, he responded to having eaten a few of them at least.” I then looked directly at Spike. “Spike.” I said.

“King, what happened while I was sleeping!? I mean, I go to sleep after a great nap and I wake up having grown, Twilight looks older, there is even a change in gravity!!” He demonstrated by jumping lightly and reaching my height. I looked at him enjoying himself before I said to Twilight, “He is infected Twi, he is a carrier of my blessing, I need to train him now. I swear I will take care of him, but I have to tie up this situation quickly. If I don’t then he could accidentally hurt someone or himself when he gets hungry.”

Her eyes watered a little bit before she said, “Why can’t he stay with me, he is my number one assistant not yours!! I-I can make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone, I can keep him safe.”

Hearing our words, Spike spoke up, “W-wait a sec! what do you mean I have to leave?! I didn’t mean to eat those gems, honest! I will make up for it!”

I looked at them both as they started hugging and crying. “I have to take you Spike, it isn’t safe for you to be around others right now. Those gems you ate tasted different than normal ones, right?”

Spike nodded his head, “Th-they made me feel really full and t-tasted better than any others. But I almost couldn’t chew them so it kinda hurt a little.”

“That is because those were special gems, I made them myself.” I said before waiting on his response to that statement.

He stopped crying as a glint appeared in his eyes. “You are able to MAKE gems” he asked as his pupils expanded.

“Yes I can, but those were special gems made of a rare substance.”

“What was it you used?” he asked.

“I used my very own flesh and blood to make each and every one of those gems, my perfectly engineered flesh and blood. You ate my very D.N.A. Spike, but it fought back instead of allowing itself to be destroyed. From your appearance, it is easy to tell that it decided to integrate with you instead of kill you. That is why you are taller and look different; all of my gems are now a part of your body. In a way you are almost a clone of me, and due to that, I have to train you to use your powers. If you do well in learning, I will have you back to Twilight in a jiffy.” I demonstrated one of my blades to Spike as a measure of proof. He was hugging his knees as he whispered over and over about being a bad pony for eating a living creature’s flesh. Looking to Twilight, I saw a nod as confirmation to my unasked question. “Spike, give me your hand.” I demanded while pressuring the virus in him to obey. He reluctantly did so.

Upon contact, I shared the blue prints of Armor with his virus. His scales then flipped over and somehow interlocked forming a solid wall of hardened scales. “Do you see? At anytime, you may develop a new power. But not all of them are bad for others. You will also feel a hunger eventually that I am going to have to help you curb. Most people would easily control it, but do to how Twilight has raised you your body is both starved and dangerous. It may just force you to eat something living one day, without your control; it may even be a friend. If you come with me and learn well though, then it will be a simple feat to keep your body fed and your powers under control. What do you say; will you let me teach you?”

Twilight knelt down and hugged Spike, “It is for the best that you do this, you don’t want anyone like Rarity getting hurt; do you? If you want, I can make it a job as my assistant. I want you to learn the customs and culture of the Evolved. The more you learn, the bigger the book we can write when you come back. How does that sound?”

Spike gave her a quick hug before standing up, “Okay Mr. King, I will come with you. But, how long until I get to see Twilight and the others again?”

“Well, I am actually moving into Ponyville; you will probably get to see them after training every day. But, you have to live with me or it could be dangerous.”

“Yay- I-I mean, cool.” Spike said in an attempt to hide his relief.

We headed for the door and I opened it. Looking back at Twilight I said, “Twilight, if you want to receive my blessing and train with Spike. Come to this address in three days.” I scribbled down the address as well as a warning on the back. “But, be warned. It is not the best choice and I will not be able to allow you to back out once we begin. On the back is a brief explanation of what will happen.” I then handed it to her before grabbing Spike and running out the door towards the plot of land I left Dertun on.


After a minute of high speed running, I stopped at my land. I took Spike of my shoulders.

“You are back Viral. Was your visit okay, and who is the young drake?” Dertun asked while petting the head of his sleeping daughter.

“It was slightly awkward because of Spike here.” I said while pointing at a slightly ashamed Spike. “He ate the flesh crystals I had developed at my castle and became infected with my blessing so now I have to train him or he runs the risk of eating/killing somepony on accident.

“That is a slightly awkward predicament, isn’t it?” he chuckled.

“Yeah.” I mumbled.

Looking at the large empty plot of land I walked forth while allowing a line of rapidly spreading bio-mass followed. I made a large rectangle, 700 by 900 paces.

Spike’s eyes had been watching in amazement. “What is this stuff?!” he asked while walking over it towards me.

“This is the same stuff I make my gems out of. It is me, but don’t worry I am still building here.” I placed him on my shoulders once more as I poured Bio-mass from my feet and Friend shaped it for me. Black and red swarmed up into the sky three stories high before more dug deep below the ground, hollowing out a gigantic open area and anchoring small pieces on the ceilings charged with bioluminescent bio-mass to act as lights. Tapestries wove themselves together before converting into the proper colors and displaying memories of prominent humans in my mind. Carpets followed suit before another two floors completed themselves. Room after room formed and fixed its colors and textures, soft beds as well as comfy chairs molded from the floors. A thousand details and a thousand things happened all at once with such perfection it amazed me. After 3 minutes, I looked around and saw the most impressive castle ever.

There was the perfect balance of curves for all of the sharp edges. Its dominating color scheme was red, orange and black. It also had a shit ton of art everywhere. Everything looked beautiful and dangerous, a balance of savage and intelligence that tore at my mind until it accepted the beauty without complaint.

All of my feelings were summed up as Spike said, “Holy feathered Faust!”