Hidden in a Haystack

by green-haven

First published

A new semester is starting in college and Jaq finds herself starting classes to get herself a higher education, but she never planned for dealing with all sorts of new interesting people

Starting up college Jaq has to blend into a new environment in the big city, which is hard to do with her height and obviously southern style. And the prejudice of the upper crust people around her makes it hard for her to live each day peacefully, but the opening mind of one person and sparking a friendship can make everything interesting. Particularly if your friendship can possibly bloom into something more if you work at it.

Strange Beginnings

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*This chapter has some slight graphic content and by slight I mean EXTREMELY slight, it isn't too bad, but anypony especially sensitive to sexual harassment, I'm warning in advance, it's only one sentence but I only thought it fair to warn people, thanks and hope you enjoy*

Morning air leaked into the cracked open window of the fifth floor studio apartment, wafting the steam from Rarity’s morning coffee throughout the kitchen.

“Dear me, did I leave the windows open all night again?” Rarity questioned as she walked over and closed her kitchen window, feeling the smooth granite kitchen counters as she went along. Fixing her already perfect hair, she grabbed her coffee mug and went to the living room to join her sister for breakfast.

“Oh hey, Rarity,” her sister greeted, “almost ready to head to school, we better hurry.”

“What are you talking about Sweetie? There are still two hours before school starts” Rarity reasoned taking sips of her coffee, sighing gracefully after each drink. “Not to mention, I’m not nearly close enough to being ready to go out in public.”

The younger sister frowned at this response and focused her gaze on the eggs and fruits that her sister had prepared for their meal. Picking at her plate, the young girl daydreamed about how her day might go. Who she might meet starting in her new class and what her teacher would be like. She sighed deeply while she poked at her eggs with her fork and mumbled to herself.

“Rebecca Sweetie Belle,” Rarity exclaimed, “you know better than to play with your food, it is meant for eating and nothing else.”

Rebecca looked up at her sister, seeing an obviously agitated expression spread across Rarity’s face and frowned even more, she always seemed to be on her sister’s bad side.

“Sorry Rarity” Rebecca breathed, just once she’d like to get through the morning without having to apologize for something. Best thing to do now is change the subject I guess Rebecca thought as she reached for the television remote on the coffee table.

“So, have you checked your horo-watsit thingy today?” Rebecca perked up the question as she took a mouthful of her breakfast and turned on the TV.

“Well, no I haven’t,” Rarity answered, gently taking the remote from Rebecca and changing the channel to her station, “and it’s a horo-SCOPE, not a horowatsit.” She stared intently at the television screen as a dark ebony woman covered in golden hoop jewelry went over the horoscopes of the day. Rarity patiently waited for her horoscope to come up, wanting to know what lucky item she should bring to school to start off her new term at the university.

Those of you under the earth sign of the bull be wary of your choices today, don’t make quick decisions…Your lucky color is red and your lucky time of day is 8pm.

Those under the twin’s sign will have good luck with money today and should be open to new ideas that others may give you…Your lucky color is brown and your lucky time of day is noon.

Rarity tensed up, bracing herself in anticipation for her sign to come up. Sweetie just rolled her eyes at the weirdness of her sister’s hobbies, And she thought me being excited for school was weird she reasoned to herself as she observed her sister and cleaned up her breakfast plate, putting it in the kitchen sink.

Those under the sign of the crustacean will be in very good luck for meeting new people, don’t be afraid to come out of your shell and talk to someone you normally wouldn’t…Your lucky color is blue and your lucky time of day is 9am

Rarity turned off the television after hearing her horoscope and ecstatically rose from her glued position to the front of the screen. ”Gracious me, looks like I must find something blue to wear in my ensemble today” Rarity called dramatically as she strolled into her room to get ready.

“Can we leave after you’re ready?” Sweetie asked her sister from the front room.

“But of course Sweetie, after all we have many a person to meet today.” Rarity answered from her room, sounds of clothes being rummaged through quickly echoed down through the studio apartment hallways.

“I know, that’s what I said earlier.” Rebecca said under her breath as she impatiently waited in the front room for Rarity to get ready.

The bullet train pulled into the station, screeching to a stop just outside of the range of an expansive school campus. Within the flood of people that exited the train two individuals seemed to stick out far more than the rest, their country roots a red button surrounded by the black ones of the city inhabitants. The younger of the two outsiders, a small girl with a giant light purple bow holding her fiery red hair, held tightly to the firm muscular hand of her sister, who stood at least half a foot taller than the rest of the crowd.

“C’mon Bloom, we bes’ be headin’ ta the elementary school ‘fore ya class starts” the tall blonde companion stated giving her sister’s hand an encouraging squeeze.

Bloom looked up admiring her older sister’s features, beautiful tanned and slightly freckled skin, deep green eyes with a certain warm shine about them, and most of all a proud stance that could fair any storm.

“Yeah, les go,” Bloom cheered, pulling her sister behind her, “so where is this school Jaq?” The young girl looked around in all directions completely lost in the city scenery that seemed like a maze to her.

“Well I recon we find ah map or ask fo’ directions” Jaq answered looking around for someone to ask directions from. Though that turned out to be quite the challenge, everyone around them just busily went about their business completely ignoring the two girls besides taking quick glances and making snide remarks about them. Jaq sighed feeling disheartened, then squeezed Bloom’s hand as she turned and headed in the direction she assumed led to the school.

“Come now Sweetie,” a voice rung in a sweet, clear tone over the rest of the crowd, “if we go any slower we may very well end up late on our first day back to school.” At this Jaq led Bloom quickly to the source of the noise, luckily most people moved instinctively out of her way as she went.

“’Scuse me miss,” Jaq called to the voice, picking up Bloom, piggy back style, so she could run to make sure she didn’t lose her new found lead to the school.

“WAIT!” Jaq shouted as the two girl who were around the same age as her sister and herself, came into sight. The elder of the two nearly jumped out of her skin at the loud noise, beautiful regal purple curls bobbing along with her. She then took a deep breath to gather herself and turned on her heel to investigate the cause of the noise.

“I dare say, it’s mighty rude of you to scare a woman so early in the morn…” Rarity’s angered words trailed off as she crumbled in the shadow of the country girl.

“Very sorry ma’am,” Jaq said, bowing her worn cowboy hat, “ah just heard ya talkin’ ‘bout the school, and me and mah sister are a bit lost…soo…” Jaq trailed off.

Bloom looked over her sister’s shoulder and down at the astonished woman, she wasn’t surprised though, a lot of people reacted in that way to her sister’s physique. But Bloom couldn’t help but notice how pretty the girl was in front of her, flawless pale skin, a delicate yet strong air about her, and deep blue eyes that seemed to draw her entire being into them. She was surprised though at her sister’s lack of words, noticing an awkward air between the two women, her sister who could talk to anyone with a proud front, was speechless and at a loss for words. Then she noticed the silver jeweled headband that adorned the beauties face, she mus’ be using her mind powers to mess with Jaq, nasty Theurian Bloom thought to herself.

“Hey, stop brainwashin’ mah sister,” Bloom practically growled, “I know you’re doin’ it” she waved her hand in front of the woman’s face, trying to break her concentration. After a few moments both women seemed to regain their line of thought. Rarity brushed off her perfectly clean clothes and fixed her hair, not taking note that the two country folk had tensed up in anticipation for what she might do next.

“Wow lady, you are super tall,” Rebecca interrupted, walking in front of Rarity to get a better look at the giant that stood in front of her, “I bet you’re like a hundred feet tall”

“What,” Jaq said, relaxing herself a bit as she looked down at the young girl, “I’m actually ‘round 6’ 3”, nowhere near a hundred feet” she blushed at the girl’s remark, awkwardly scratching her head.

“Sweetie!” Rarity gasped, appalled at her sister’s brashness, “do I have to remind you how rude it is to remark on people’s differences, no matter how freakish.” Jaq’s sucked in air and clenched her fists as Rarity’s comment reminded her why she hated the city and the people who lived in it, especially Theurians.

“Now hold on a moment,” Jaq hissed, “first ya use your mind powers ta hypnotize me, then ya insult me, and I just came ta ask fo’ some simple directions.” Bloom crossed her arms at the same time her sister did, both irritated at the elegant beauty’s obvious arrogant nature.

How can they be mad at me Rarity mused they’re the ones who came running and yelling at me, and I just tried to keep Sweetie from asking a rude question, only to be called rude myself. Who do these people think they are? Her anger boiling at a fever pitch from the two girls’ comment, she prepared herself to rebut the younger girl’s accusation on the part of hypnotizing someone.
“I’d never do anything as unsightly as-“ Rarity started but Rebecca interrupted.

“Sorry miss,” Rebecca said tugging at the southerner’s worn jean pant leg to get her attention, “my sister didn’t mean to do it, her eyes just have that effect on people, she can’t make eye contact with people, but you caught her by surprise and she didn’t have time to control it.”

“Is that so,” Jaq considered putting Bloom down and kneeling to talk to Rebecca, “guess that’s all there is ta it, ah don’t know much ‘bout Theurians, though ah haven’t heard nothin’ ‘bout them bein’ able ta do that.”

“Most can’t,” Rebecca explained, “but my sister is super special” looking up at Rarity and flashing her sister a big toothy grin.

Jaq looked from the girl up to the elder sister, noticing how Rarity calmed down after looking at her younger sister’s smiling face.
“Looks like ya got some fancy eye powers of your own” Jaq laughed standing up and brushing her jeans off.

“Well ma’am,” Jaq coughed clearing her throat while taking off her hat and holding it over her heart, “I’m mighty sorry fo’ the misunderstanding, but I’d be grateful ta get directions ta the elementary school ta drop mah sister off.”

“I suppose I must,” Rarity huffed, “follow me.” She quickly strolled off with Rebecca at her heels and Jaq and Bloom a few paces behind them.

As they walked Jaq and Bloom observed the city life around them and remembered their route so they’d know how to get to the school in the days to come. Theirs eyes wandered from building to building watching the cars of the streets drive by honking at each other and the people that seemed so set into their daily routines that they practically danced through the other people around them.

“Come on guys, if you don’t hurry up you’ll get lost” Rebecca called back to them still trying to keep up with the long legs of her sister.
Hurrying to catch up, Jaq scooped Bloom up and quickened her pace to close the distance between them and their guides. Getting closer to Rarity and Rebecca the two country folk gazed up into the depths of a dense forest area that they were being led into.

“Well I’ll be,” Jaq said holding onto her hat as she looked up into the massive forest and at the gravel path that paved the way through it. Both her and Bloom stared in amazement at the breathtaking scenery. After a bit of walking the group came to a stop at a cross section in the trail, with three paths branching off the one they were on.

“If you go to the left here, you’ll end up at the elementary school, go down the middle you’ll find the university, and take the right path and you’ll end up at the high school.” Rarity stated the knowledge as if she’d been rehearsing it all morning.

“Thanks” Bloom said looking over at Rarity from her princess carriage in Jaq’s arms.

“No problem darling, I’m nothing if not generous,” Rarity stated while playing with her hair.

“Thank ya again Rarity,” Jaq said, “if there’s anything ah can do fo’ ya, don’t hesitate ta ask.” She finished off with a genuine irresistible southern smile.

“There is one thing,” Rarity started trying to consider if it was a good idea or not, “you see I have some very important business at the college at 9am and if I take Sweetie to the school first I’ll end up being late.”

“Say no more,” Bloom answered for her sister, “we’d love ta take her along, we might even end up bein’ in the same class after all.” Bloom smiled down at Rebecca eager to make a connection.

“Well alright,” Rarity breathed a tinge of worry crossing her mind, “please be careful and good luck she can be quite the handful.” She quickly walked away with a natural saunter to her steps, she only looked back once to see her sister’s arms crossed and her brow furrowed before continuing on her way.

“Guess we should head ta school, don’ want any of us to be late.” Jaq reasoned as she watched the flawless Theurian saunter towards the university. She then looked down to inspect her new companion, who looked like a miniature ball of fury.

“Are ya okay there Sweetie?” Jaq asked wondering if she had done something wrong.

“She just left me with some stranger and told me not to get into trouble,” Rebecca cried, tears welling up in her eyes, “this is the only time we really get to spend together, and she doesn’t even care.”

“Hey there there,” Jaq said leaning down to pat the girls back, “ah don’t know much ‘bout that girl, but I’m positive she cares for ya a lot, just as much as ah care fo’ Bloom here.”

“How can you be so sure when you don’t even know her” Rebecca asked wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Cuz’ ah can feel it in mah heart, that’s how,” Jaq answered without hesitation, “now would ya feel better if ya got ta ride ta school” motioning to her shoulders.

“Maybe” Rebecca admitted wiping the tears from her eyes. Jaq then put Bloom down and picked Rebecca up and rested her on her own shoulders.

“Ready ta go then” Jaq asked holding Bloom’s hand as they walked to the elementary school together.

Falling leaves coated the ground as Rarity finally arrived at the university. It was known as one of the greatest educational feats ever to be accomplished within the northern continent since the actual discovery of the northern continent. Rarity gazed up at the enormous size of the main campus building, its sleek fifty food windowed walls reflected the morning sun giving it a holy glow. No matter how many times she’d seen the building before it never ceased to amaze her every time she looked upon it.

Remembering her appointment, Rarity snapped out of her reminiscent state and gracefully rushed into the building. Weaving through the many hallways on instinct Rarity eventually came to the front of a very rustic double door, tall mahogany wood built the structure of the door and skillful wood carving adorned it. Rarity took a deep breath looking over her flawless figure and she confidently opened the door and strutted into the room.

“Good morning ladies,” Rarity announced, “I apologize if I’m late”

“You’re early like always Rarity, it’s just me here so far” a monotone voice spoke from the podium in the middle of the room.

Letting out a disappointed sigh Rarity walked towards the long table in the middle of the room and took her usual seat. She took the time to examine the robot like girl who stood at the podium. She first looked at the girl’s clothes, a scholarly style complimented her personality and relatively petite physique. And her thick rimmed black glasses put focus on her piercing purple irises and brought attention to the simple jeweled headband that marked her as a Theurian. But the thing that stood out most on this completely boring girl and had her labeled as one of the most intriguing girls in school was the girl’s flawless long flat-banged hair; which was midnight black but had the most unusual deep purple tinge to it and had a bright pink streak, which she swore was natural.

“When will the others get here Twilight,” Rarity whined becoming bored again, “I would like to get this started” Rarity blew her hair out of her face, crossed her arms, and began tapping her foot impatiently on the beautiful granite floor.

“I have asked you not to call me that, my name is Abigail,” the girl said flipping her twilight hair over her shoulder, “and the other two should be here soon, I hope”

The clock ticked by three minutes then five minutes, each minute passing taking just a small amount of Rarity’s patience with it.
“Is the party over?” Shouted a girl who rushed into the room with the ferocity of a tropical storm. She giggled as she noticed the irritation smeared across Rarity’s face and the completely emotionless gaze coming from Abigail, sending her pink curls into a jumping frenzy.

“Diane, I see you’re fashionably late as always” Rarity said smirking at her own witty rhetoric.

“What, that’s not possible,” Diane gasped, “You’re the fashion person after all silly” The pink haired girl playfully strolled over to the long table, sitting down in a chair she chose through playing in-e mean-e min-e mo.

“Seeing that Diane is here and I can’t imagine our fourth member coming at this point, I suggest we start with our Activities Agenda for this year.” Abigail said organizing the papers on the podium. The other two members gave each other questioning looks concerning the whereabouts of their fourth member.

“On the agenda today concerns what kind of student events and activities we want to set up for this school year,” Abigail stated, “I suggest we only cover the first quarter events during this meeting.”

“WE SHOULD HAVE A PARTY!” Diane screamed in glee jumping out of her chair.

“Your response to everything is a party,” Rarity sighed, “can’t we do something else that actually is relevant to school.” Her mind suddenly remembered how lost the tall farmer was this morning, what good would a party be to her if she can’t even find it. “I suggest we have a school festival, each of the existing clubs from the high school and university can set up booths, it will help them raise money for the school year and let new students explore the campus and become more familiar with the school.” Rarity preached completely satisfied with her brilliant epiphany.

“That’s an awesome idea,” a girl said climbing in from the second story window, “but it would’ve been 20% cooler if I had thought of it”.
The girl smirked flipping her short rainbow hair out of her face as she walked towards the long table and took a seat next to Rarity.

“I feel like I’ve told you multiple times to NOT jump up onto the building and use the windows as doors Rainbow,” Abigail stated in a matter-of-fact tone, “not to mention you are late again.”

“Hey, if you got a gift you should use it right,” Rainbow said, “and it’s Dash, Miss Twilight Sparkle” Sweet sarcasm tinged the way she said Twilight, knowing that it would irritate the bookworm.
“Calm down ladies,” Rarity began trying to lighten the mood, “plus you are only the High School representative Dash, show some class Darling”

“Oh you’d know ALL about class, being a Theurian and all” Dash retorted quickly.

“Better to be a Theurian than an airheaded Ervus any day” Rarity said defensively turning up her nose like many of the upper crust Theurians do.

The room’s atmosphere became heated in a matter of seconds after that, insults being spewed back and forth between the members. Most of the argument showcasing Rarity and Dash while Twilight tried to reason with them and Diane just watched in amusement. The arguing went on for a while until everyone ran out of insults to throw at each other.

“Well, back to where we were before the interruption,” Abigail announced clearing her throat, “we should at least figure out the details of the festival with the little bit of time we have left.”

The other girls in the room just stared angrily at each other, Dash had switched chairs to sit as far as possible from Rarity and Rarity seemed to be ignoring Dash’s existence all together.

“I think having the festival in a week or two would be best, so that the clubs can prepare and such” Rarity reasoned after a long silence.

“Guess that’d be cool” Dash replied and slowly relaxed from her tensed position in the chair.

“Two weeks before I get to party,” Diane whined, “that’s way too long to wait”

“I’ll let you throw a small party in our dorm when we get back,” Abigail groaned, “but only us two, sense one of us still has some cleaning to do.” Abigail finished with a stern motherly glare at Diane who guiltily shrugged to her comment.

“Looks like I have a party to plan” Diane said sprinting out of the room and down the hallway.

“She does know school is about to start right,” Dash asked turning to Abigail with a curious look, “either way I’m outta here.” The rainbow haired girl then jumped up from her seat and leapt out of the second story window disappearing from sight.

“Such a show-off,” Rarity said elegantly getting up from her chair and walking towards the door, “suppose I’ll head out too, do send the news of the festival to the clubs dear, it’d be a shame to forget to tell them” and with that Rarity was out of the door leaving Abigail alone in the room once again.

“This year is going to be a hand full” Abigail sighed as she left the meeting room and locked up.

Jaq had finally made it to the university right as the clock tower struck ten, ringing its musical bell throughout the courtyard in front of the school. She rushed into the building knowing her first class would be starting soon and she didn’t want to be late on her first day.

“Hmmm, mah first class should be on the third floor, room 317” Jaq thought aloud looking for a staircase amidst the crowd of people.

Finding one, she gently pushed her way through the crowd trying to avoid eye contact with people, knowing they were all staring at her. And after what seemed like forever wandering through the hallways she finally arrived at her classroom just a few minutes before the class was scheduled to begin. Taking a deep breath Jaq walked into the classroom with her pride about her and sat in the first available seat towards the middle of the classroom. She ignored the quiet whispers of a few girls sitting behind her and the dumbfounded looks of guys, who she guessed were looking at her well above average sized breasts. After all, she had been dealing with reactions like these since her teenage years at the High School back in her hometown.

A few minutes later, after everyone had seemed to file into the room and find seats, the teacher strolled in and began setting up his lesson. Jaq noticed that the teacher didn’t look very focused, almost like his mind was somewhere else and his body was going just off of routine.

“Okay students,” the teacher coughed into his fist trying to get everyone’s attention, “looks like this is everyone.” He glanced around the room taking into account the number of students in his class then began to write his name on the chalkboard. “I am Professor Whooves, and if you are all in the right class you should be taking History and Folklore.”

As the professor finished, a loud snore erupted from the seat next to Jaq. Instinctively Jaq looked at the girl who lay drooling on the desk next to her, and had somehow fallen asleep within the first ten minutes of class. Jaq starred, completely astounded at the girl as the class echoed a quiet laughter around the room.

“Just ignore her,” the professor said, “she’s just messing around like always, right Pinkie?”

“Yes Sir!” the girl immediately perked up saluting the teacher with a huge grin on her face.

After that the class calmed down and the teacher continued on with his lecture. Jaq sat in her seat quietly the whole time focusing on the lesson knowing she’d have to work really hard this school year to get good grades.

The two hours of class ticked by unbelievably slow as the professor lectured in an almost monotone voice and on several occasions lost his train of thought and had to restate several of his theories. Incidentally, the girl next to Jaq fell asleep for real and started to drool all over her desk and notebook.

An eternity seemed to pass by before the professor excused the class. And as it ended everyone rushed out of the classroom practically fleeing from the hell that was the boring lecture. Jaq slowly got up waiting for the room to clear out and noticed that the girl next to her was still asleep. Deciding it’d be bad to just leave her there, Jaq began rubbing the girl’s back trying to wake her up.

“C’mon sugar, time ta go,” she cooed at the pink haired girl, “class is over time ta wake up.” After several minutes of failing to wake the girl up, the professor seemed to notice that the two girls were still there.

“You can just leave her, she’s impossible to wake up once she’s like that,” the professor said gathering his things and heading for the door, “I’ll just leave the door unlocked so she can leave when she wakes up.

“If ya insist” she responded a bit worried, as she was about to leave she noticed the girl shivering a bit. Removing her jacket Jaq blanketed the girl in her warm heavy jacket and used the handkerchief in her back pocket to clean up the girl’s drool. “That should help a bit at least.”

Exiting the classroom Jaq followed the hallway to the staircase and bided her professor goodbye. At the top of the descending staircase a backpack sat in the middle of the walkway with a single sticky note pressed onto it. Please take to roof was written on the note in blue neat pen ship. The cowgirl reasoned that the bag was a setup of some sort but figured she’d never know if she didn’t take the chance.

“Let’s jus hope curiosity doesn’ kill the cat” She mused to herself as she grabbed the bag and trotted up the stairs.

Once she reached the top of the stairs she cautiously opened the door before walking out into the open air. The breeze on the top of the roof was stronger than she anticipated and she could barely hear the voices calling out to her as she walked over to a group of guys that were waiting for her.

“Well I see you brought the bag” a well-built Theurian with prince like blonde hair said, his arms crossed.

“You sure are stupid to fall for a simple trap like this,” a pasty skinned ginger chuckled, “right Snips”

“You promised not to use that nickname anymore,” the chubby boy whined, “and give me my bag back” He pointed his sausage fingers accusingly at Jaq.

Jaq approached the group completely unfazed by their comments and tossed the bag at Snips who almost toppled over trying to catch it.
“So what do you want?” she questioned, throwing a deadly glare at the blonde boy figuring he was the instigator to this.

“Well you see here cowgirl,” he stated, “I just wanted to give you a personal Prince Blueblood warm welcome. Seeing as a hick like yourself must be far out of her comfort zone here.” The look in his eyes were devilish and Jaq could sense a “warm welcome” wasn’t what he had in mind. And though she was used to handling guys chasing after her, there was something about him that sent a chill down her spine not to mention he was just as tall as her if not taller.

“That’s mighty kind of ya,” she responded, sarcasm flooding her words, “but ah have other places ta be, just glad he got his bag back” Jaq started retreating back towards the door as slyly as she could, but Blueblood wasn’t about to let her leave. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second as he willed the door to lock itself.

“No way to escape now,” he mumbled to himself, “besides you’ve practically been asking for it since class started, sticking your chest out the whole time.”

“Yeah, ah was jus sittin’ with good posture,” Jaq awkwardly chuckled, “’sides even if ah WAS doin’ that, what makes ya think this is what ah wanted, are yer brains filled with manure or somethin’.”

Jaq stopped retreating from the group and took a defensive stance figuring if she couldn’t talk her way out of it she could definitely fight her way out of it. The thought of how arrogant the men around her, filling her will to fight. But before she could fully take action the two henchman had leapt at her, knocking her to the ground, and held her arms down. And within the second it took her to fight them off, Blueblood had teleported in front of her and grabbed her face in order to force her to make eye contact with him.

“A prince always gets what he wants” he said as he plunged his will from his eyes into Jaq.

Jaq’s fight slowly started to lose her drive to fight, a familiar numbness falling over her. She remembered the feeling, it was like the feeling she got when locking eyes with Rarity, but different, the feeling was more forceful this time. If only there was something to break his concentration Jaq wished as the last of her fight drained from her body.

Blueblood’s lips pressed forcefully upon hers and she could feel his hands start to explore. Helplessly she tried to will her body to fight back but the only thing she could manage was rage filled glare that could've burned holes through Blueblood.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed the door beginning to open ever so slightly. The light from the sun reflected off the eye of the mystery person behind the door. And Jaq wondered if they were just going to stay there and watch this happen. After a few seconds the door slowly opened revealing a very small petite girl who nervously shuffled towards the group of guys.

“U-um I don’t think you are allowed to do that,” she whispered patting Blueblood’s back to get his attention, “if you wouldn’t mind you should get off of that girl.”

Blueblood looked up angrily at the intruder who seemed bent pressed on ruining his fun. But his breath almost caught in his throat as he caught sight of the beauty looking down at him, her long loose light pink hair brushing his face. And before the timid girl was aware of it, Blueblood started to lure her with his eyes.

Awareness began to slowly sink back into Jaq’s mind and body, and though she was still pinned by Blueblood’s henchman she had just the amount of mobility to give the gorgeous blonde a good kick between the eyes sending him stumbling back a few feet.

“C’mon Snail’s you gotta hold her down better” Snips said digging his nails in Jaq’s arm pressing her harder into the ground. The other boy did as told and pressed his weight onto Jaq. Struggling against them Jaq noticed Blueblood gain his balance as he wiped the blood from his nose, and cupped his eye that had started to swell up. "Come on Jaq," she scolded herself "these guys are nothing compared to wrestling with Big Mac and that girl needs you". Using all the power she could muster Jaq grabbed the shirts of Snips and Snails and rammed them head first into each other.

She then rolled them off herself and rose to step between the small girl and Blueblood.

“What can you do,” he said with a crazed laugh, advancing on the girls, “I’ll just brainwash you again and you can't do anything about it.”

Jaq noticed him squeeze his eyes shut preparing for using his Theurian powers. Anticipating a teleport Jaq grabbed the girl and sandwiched her between the wall and herself to protect her. As the boy appeared suddenly appeared in front of Jaq, she closed her eyes to not get lured into the same trap again. Unfortunately, the arrogant prince used this to his advantage. He grabbed Jaq’s throat and kneed her in the rib, Jaq heard something crack as a silent scream escaped her throat. Small whimpers could be heard from behind her as the small girl began to cry. Taking one last punch from Blueblood, Jaq held in her pain and kneed the attacker as hard as she could in his weakest area and then head-butted him, putting a crack in his jeweled headband that focused his powers.
Jaq quickly took the timid girl’s wrist and led them away from the area.

The two girls finally stopped running after they had gotten themselves thoroughly lost in the woods between the three schools.
“Are you okay?” Jaq asked trembling from her own pain. Each breath hurting more than the last as the adrenaline she was running on before slowly subsided.
“Oh yes,” the girl replied scanning over Jaq’s body, “though you seem to be in more pain than me, and you’re bleeding.”

“I’m fine,” she responded waving away the girl’s attempt to examine her injuries closer, “I just need a quic-”. The tall girl stopped mid-sentence feeling a wave of lightheadedness rush to her brain and she promptly collapsed, blacking out.