> The Greatest Single - Story - Ever - Told > by Ron Jeremy Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Relax don't do it When you want to go to it > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Greatest Single – Story – Ever – Told – by multiple authors Chapter 1: Relax don't do it When you want to go to it (Sweet Apple Acres – Barn) The chores were finally done and Big Mac grunted as he leaned against the post inside of the barn. Applejack had the day off, and it meant all of the chores simply fell to him. He didn’t mind. After all, it was what it was. He was helping keep the farm going, and to be honest he did enjoy the work. He moved away from the post and found an old tape deck that he had brought out here a long time back. He pressed the play button and waited for a moment. He began to wonder if they might have mice again, and if those same mice might have finally worked on the tape deck’s cord, but it began to fill the barn with a familiar hiss. A moment later the sound of 80’s techno began to play. He stretched and checked to be sure that no one was watching. There was no way he would ever live it down if either of his sisters caught him. Relax begins to fill the air and he starts moving to the music. His hips swaying with the sound, his head bobbing up and down to the beat, and finally his front hooves coming off of the ground and meeting in a clap midair when the sound of the pony doing the same is heard. He even begins singing along to the music. His voice echoing in the barn, and his eyes closed as he enjoyed the moment he has alone. He let his deeper voice meet the lighter one. He pranced, actually pranced, over to a stall in the barn and stands up against it. His front hooves held on to it as he continued to sway, dance, and allow the music to run through him, over him, and against him. He felt movement against him, something holding on to his waist, swaying with him, and his eyes opened. The music still plays, he still danced, sung, but an even lighter voice was joining in on it. It’s not Applejack, nor is it Applebloom, and that was something he was eternally grateful, but whoever it was seems comfortable enough with him to dance like this. He felt them mimic every move his made. Every forgotten, or what he figured was forgotten, dance step is mimicked and he enjoys every second of it. Then, he heard the sound of two more voices joining in. One of them is Applejack. He stopped, looked toward his sister who stood smiling toward him. He felt the body behind him step back and looks at Ms Cheerilee. The school teacher grinned and giggled a little. “Big Mac, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist. I hope that you’re not mad,” she said. “Nnnnope,” he replied, “What y’all doin’ out here?” “Oh, I just wanted to see if you might want to go and do something, but this was kind of nice. I didn’t know that you liked this song,” she said. “Me neithter big brother!” Applejack cackled. He rolled his eyes. There would be no getting away from the teasing he was going to catch about this. Ms Cheerilee seemed to look a little ashamed, as if she had something to do with what happened, and he simply pressed rewind on the tape, let it rewind back through the song, pressed play and then stretched a hoof out to her. “Care t’ dance?” he asked. She smiled, nodded, and began dancing to the beat of the song with him. A few seconds later the sounds of the other voice with Applejack let out a small shreak of excitement and began talking rapidly about this being a party. He rolled his eyes again at the remark. He was happy with just having Ms Cheerilee here, but soon enough, almost as if out of nowhere, dozens of other ponies began to come toward the barn and pair off. Instead of stopping the tape he just let it play through the old mix songs he had put together when he was a colt. Someone yelled out about best retro party ever, but he didn’t pay it any mind. He just danced with Cheerilee, and blushed when she leaned against him. Their bodies moved to the beat, and the entire barn seemed to come alive for the next several hours. Sure, he had been a little tired after his chores, but how often did he get a chance to enjoy a little time with Cheerilee that wasn’t planned? The tape was turned over, played through, turned back over, and then someone began to play a set of turn tables in the barn. It was loud, but not completely unenjoyable. He managed to get out of the barn with Cheerilee and the two of them walked toward the large swimming hole on the farm. He removed his harness and Cheerilee couldn’t help but noticed his muscular stature. He moved out into the middle of the swimming hole and let the cool water wash over him. “Wanna join me?” he asked. “Ummm… I never learned how to swim,” she said. She waited for him to laugh at her, but instead she heard him coming back toward the bank. He didn’t laugh, but his hoof did touch hers. “I’ll teach ya if you wanna learn,” he said. She looked up at him and nodded. She didn’t mind to learn, especially if he asked. Sure, she might have been under the power of the love poison the girls had cooked up for him and her when she asked him to be her special somepony, but he never took it back. She enjoyed being his special somepony, and she hoped that he liked being hers. He led her out into the water and kept a hoof under her. “Okay, you got to kick your back legs, and try to trot with your front,” he said. She did and he kept his hoof under her as she practiced. It might not have been a date either of them expected, but it good none the less.