Return to the Battlefield

by JusSonic

First published

Twilight ponders whatever or not Lorcan is still alive so she and her friends decided to go back to the battlefield to find out once and for all.

(after Lorcan' Wrath; short story) Despite never recovering Lorcan's body, Twilight and her friends decide to check one more time to confirm that their enemy is gone for good.

Chapter 1

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My Little Pony: Return to the Battlefield

"Run, Twilight, run!" Starlight cries out as Twilight Sparkle runs away. She looks back in terror as the one who spoke follows her but was grabbed by Lorcan.

"Foolish colt; you cannot run from me." Lorcan hisses evilly. Twilight can watch in horror as the villain raises a claw and stabs the one who told her to run.

"Starlight, no," Twilight screams in terror as she can see blood on the floor. "NOOOO..."


"Okay, almost there!" Twilight exclaims with a smirk as she charges right at Lorcan. "All right, take this, Lorcan!"

Twilight fires her Unicorn Burst, Lorcan just stood there, not bothering to try to attack back. Why? The unicorn realizes too late that the villain grabs it in one claw. Not good! Lorcan then uses his cane like a baseball bat to knock the attack right back at Twilight who dodges it.

Twilight is left shaken which leaves Lorcan to jump in. He then proceeds to pound and hits her with his cane like mad, making it difficult for the mare to fight back. It's like being pounded by a huge emperor from another world! Twilight feels worse than when she was possessed by Nightmare Moon's essence during Nyx's temporary rule of Equestria!

The folks all over Equestria watch in horror as the villain beat Twilight as if he doesn't care if anyone outside the castle is watching him do so. The Mane Six (minus Twilight) and the CMC looks scared whilst chained to the wall. Mysteriously enough, Lorcan's organ nearby plays 'Wounded' from Final Fantasy as the dragon kicks Twilight while ranting, "You have no chance! You and your friends never did, Miss Sparkle! You failed everyone big time and now your world belongs to me!"

"Why?" Twilight choked through pain filled tears whilst glancing at what was Lorcan. "Why are you doing this?"

He kicked Twilight hard again.

"Because," Lorcan snarled. "Ponies ruined me. You have no idea of how I suffered with the knowledge that they were now dead, that I was the only one left." The dragon's voice becomes louder with a hint of happiness. "But then I heard of him. And I was so happy. Happy that I wasn't alone," He took the bitter and cold tone again. "But he knew nothing! And it was All…because of YOU!"

"I did it to protect him!" Twilight spoke, only to be grabbed by the mane and forced to gaze into the eyes of her attacker whose nose emitting sparks and smoke in his rage.

"Protect him? More like condemn him a life of slavery! Oh yes, I read your mind. I know how you treated him ever since we caught a glimpse of each other in town. You treated him like a slave. You never reward him, express gratitude. Heck, you didn't even invite him to your birthday party!" He smirked at Twilight's face of shock for they both knew the same thing: Lorcan was right. "But you know what? I pity you. I pity you because of the fact that everyone blames you for what happened that night; the night I killed that colt."

Twilight looked shocked, memories feeling into her head of what happened that night. That dragon...the one who murdered the filly...was the monster holding her! She does remember of course!

Lorcan took no notice of this and continued, gesturing to the rest of the Mane Six who are still chained to the wall, gagged by Discord.

"All of your friends and family, they see you for what you are: a failure of sister. They knew you would fail with Spike." Lorcan rants some more.

"Shut up." Twilight whispered.

"Even Celestia herself had doubts in her 'faithful student'." Lorcan said.

"Shut up," Twilight said louder.

"And even Spike! Oh, the hatred and anger he seems towards you! How does it feel, pony?" Lorcan practically shouted in Twilight's face, the insane glint in his eyes shining more than ever before. "How does it feel to know that you are twice a failure as sister?" the dragon ended his rant with a mad cackle.

"Shut up! You have no right to rant like a mad loon!"

Lorcan proceeds to hit Twilight in the gut, causing her to fall to the floor. The villain smirks as he hit the pony with the cane, everyone else, even those not in the battle was forced to or willingly watch as the hero of Equestria is getting beaten almost into submission.

"Do you feel that, Twilight? That is the feeling of defeat. You have failed your mission, your life is done. At waste; how sad," Lorcan giggles insanely, "So much for the most powerful unicorn in Equestria!"

Twilight groans, the poor filly barely has any strength to get up. It doesn't matter for her, she has failed everyone, her friends, her family, Ben Mare, Nyx, even Spike who has now disowned her and hated her. Perhaps it would've been best if Twilight just stayed down and let Lorcan finish her he should've years ago as a filly; Then maybe...

As Lorcan prepares to kill Twilight, suddenly the villain's form changes back to his small one. The villain frowns as he groans to his frustration, "Rats, I forgot that this form is only temporarily! Too bad, I would've used it for a fair fight with Spike...should I ever see him. Oh well..."

Lorcan smiles as he saw two of his father's loyalest dragon minions landing nearby, both of them growls as one of them say, "Lorcan, it's good to see you again. We await your orders to take Equestria."

"Yes, yes, Equestria will be taken down, but first's thing first." Lorcan remarks as he motions to the beaten Twilight as well as the chained up ponies. "Take them to the dungeons."

"Why don't you just...kill us?" Twilight groans to Lorcan in pain and worry.

"You're punishment must be more severe. When Equestira is will have my permission to die."


Of course, before either side could do anything at this moment, something unexpected happened. A green fireball hits Lorcan's cane, sending it right out a nearby window. Then a wall of green flames cut off the stallion ponies from the dragon villain, but of course, this was not his handiwork at play, but another presence. Lorcan turned to his right while the pony fighters and the audience looked on their other right (A.K.A., their left) to stare wide eyes in seeing who was coming. It was the last person anybody or anypony would expect to see walking up slowly and his grip fist tighten and gazing at the battle was…Spike. Yes, believe it or not, Spike had somehow made a big enough flame to breath out, make that fireball that got rid of his brother's cane and create this wall of fire that cut off one side from the other, but why, what was his purpose here?

"Spike," The Mane Six and the CMC, especially Twilight and Nyx, exclaims in surprise and happiness upon seeing their missing friend.

"If you fellas don't mind, I like to cut in at this moment." Spike stated to look at the ponies on the other side of his flaming wall, telling them that he's gonna be doing something at this moment.

"Wait a second! Spike," Shining Armor shouted to stop the baby dragon, but the fire he made was not letting him approach without getting burn. "Ouch! Man, when did he learn to produce fire to a wall stature?" The captain of the guards yelped from seeing this dragon power of fire was something Spike's never done before, could it have…something to do of his inner powers.

"Eeeyup; that he did," Big Macintosh nods in knowing that whatever Spike did was keeping them out of a dragon moment.

"Must be the training given to him by King Spykoran the Old! But Spike, what are you doing here while we're trying to beat this guy?" Ben Mare asked out in concerns in why Spike is trying to keep the group from trying to stop Lorcan for good here.

"Because it's something I decided to intervene here." Spike motion to his old pony pals with a serious face before looking to gaze up at his tall, big brother. "Lorcan…" The little brother responded with something of a mix mood tone of sorrow and anger in his voice in addressing Lorcan.

"Well…brother….what do I owe the honor of you gracing me and cutting these ponies off from my wrath?" Lorcan spoke in seeing Spike was present, but why he's here now suddenly was a question he found most unusual.

"That's just it; they're not the ones you should be dealing with…" Spike shook his head 'no' in stating that Lorcan won't be dealing with pony opponents anymore but instead… "It's ME!" The baby dragon stated with gazing up to Lorcan with sheer determination in his gazing eyes to which made Lorcan step back in shock in hearing what his own brother just declared. Even Big Macintosh, Shining Armor, even Ben Mare could not express their words in what they have seen Spike just do. He's going to be the one to settle things with Lorcan, his own brother, but what will that mean and how can things end in the way anyone can image…shall remain a mystery until much later.


Soon, the explosion disappears as the dust clears. Everyone still standing watch as Spike is standing, breathing in and out. That explosion has taken a lot out of him...but he's still alive.

So is Lorcan, but there's something different with him: he is once again in his child form, standing there, motionless and stunned. His mind is clearing up for the first time in chances...he no longer has any sinister thoughts to take Equestria...or destroy the ponies.

Lorcan realizes the surprising yet saddening truth: his bitterness, his cruel personal...along with the influence of his father...they are gone thanks to the Elements' exposure and the collision of dark magic.

But at the same time, Lorcan felt guilt and sadness: he has tried to kill the race who is willing to share Equestria with the dragon, the same race of ponies he never wanted to kill in the first place...but his father's dark magic influences him to the point of him no longer being himself.

And worst yet, Lorcan tries to even kill his own brother for refusing to join his side...and has killed a young colt while thinking that Spike is gone! The dragon realizes then that in his head, they are all right: he is a pawn of Tadaka's revenge...

Lorcan moves a bit and makes a grab at the Mane Six who backs away...then he mumbles in regret, "I'm sorry..." The dragon then disintegrated until there's nothing of Spike's brother left.


Twilight gasps as she wakes up in her room at the library. Not that dream again. The others are sleeping but Ben Mare woke up, noticing her sweating. The stallion spoke up, "Twilight, honey? Are you okay?"

"Oh, well...I just have that dream again about Lorcan." Twilight said with a sigh while sitting in her bed. "I just had that dream with Lorcan...I thought it was over when he was gone and..."

"Well, best to talk to your friends about it. Otherwise, it may haunt ya...."

"Yeah, probably..."


Near Sugarcube Corner, we see that the Mane Six, Spike, Nyx and the CMC were just having a nice get-to-gether for some nice chats. However, only seem further away from the conversation as if her mind was focused on something. She was even staring at some painting the Cakes allowed to be kept near the guy, since from a pony artist himself made it in reconciling the events: 'The Final Battle Against Lorcan & His Evil Dragons'. So much of it had the details from what was recalled; the ponies banded together, the Machines or War in use, The Dragon King & his forces aiding them, to just about anything of some events where Spike who had the Elements, clash against Lorcan who transformed into a powerful entity, So many things were rushing in her head until...

"Yo Twilight, you home," Rainbow Dash spoke in waving her hoof to see if anypony was home.

"Hugh! What now?" Twilight Sparkle snaps back to reality in seeing where she is now.

"Darling, are you alright?" Rarity asked if her friend was alright here.

"Yeah, you looked like you were spacing out on us?" Pinkie Pie responded in thinking, something was distracting their friend.

"We kinda figure Pinkie Pie does 'dat on normal specs but is something bothering ya?" Applejack pondered the thought about that one of them is normal for the action, but the smart one here would do that...on serious thought.

"If you want to, we can help...if you want." Fluttershy shyly spoke in thinking if Twilight wants to, she can tell them, right?

"Right, come on, Twilight, if this involves my brother Lorcan, you can tell us, right?" Spike asks while patting Twilight on the back.

"Go on, do it or we may be sad and worried some more." Pinkie said in a concerned and worried look.

Twilight looked around at those around her and soon sighed in seeing that everyone was just concern about her, so she may just have to spit it out.

"Alright, it's that painting over there." Twilight gave in to have her friends look at the painting in question an artist had with him. "It reminds me of the battle against Lorcan."

"What about it Twilight," Spike asked in feeling some disturbance that this was brought up.

"Something has been earning my attention these past few months. That no matter where, any remains of Lorcan's remains of his body was never found." Twilight explained with some concerns in her voice about a villain that was defeated.

"So..?" Rainbow asked off in still not getting this.

"I have a feeling, we need to check certain areas again, and confirm...that the enemy is gone for good." Twilight issued with a calm, yet very cautious face expression in what this means to her friends by her suggestion.

"Shucks, yew sure about 'dis," Applejack ask Twilight in concern.

"Well, I am not sure but Twilight may be thinking that Spike's brother might still be alive." Rarity said in concern. "And she wishes to make sure that he's gone for good."

"I'm almost feeling unsure if Lorcan is truly gone for good, it might be a different view from how Tirek was finally dealt with." Twilight spoke from looking at Nyx, feeling frighten of the memory a demon from the past where the Mag'ne freed their pony race, almost came back to do the present ones harm.

"Well, maybe we should check the castle..." Rainbow said thoughtfully and in concern, "Just to be sure."

"As well as the forest where I saw my brother last," Spike adds in with a nod.

Soon after settling on the thought, the group, minus the fillies who are told to stay in Ponyville, gets up and leaves Sugercube Corner to begin a little investigation if Lorcan is truly gone for good.


There is a lonely castle in a nightmarish like canyon that used to belong to Luna's evil self Nightmare Moon and it is here where a huge battle took place against the son of Tadaka Lorcan, who was planning on using his father's Dragon Army to rid Equestria of ponies once and for all. He was defeated and seemingly destroyed in battle by his brother Spike.

Since then, the castle was abandoned, it haven't been moved to a place for tourist attraction just yet. But apparently it just got some new visitors namely Spike himself...and the Elements of Harmony.

Twilight split her teams in groups, with herself, Spike, Rainbow and Applejack in one while Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy are in the rest. Group 1 searches the throne room as well as the room where Lorcan's former brotherhood once gathered.

"So far, no sign,." Rainbow said as she looks at the table. "Not even table scraps."

"Shucks, Ah done think 'de princesses has 'dis place cleaned out while preparing fer 'dis here castle's transfer." Applejack explains to Rainbow with a shrug.

In the dungeon where the ponies were left, Rarity's group search there. The white unicorn shudders while saying, "My goodness, this awful place brings too much memories."

"I know, I know." Fluttershy squeaks, not wanting to go back into the prison where she was held for a while until the Mane Six were released by Golden Heart. The mare closes the door quickly.

"No trace in the party grounds!" Pinkie bounces over to her group playfully.

"'Party grounds'," Rarity asks Pinkie puzzled.

"Yep; Where I made those Dragons dance! Oh, what fun that was!"

Twilight's room found some sort of chamber room that was completely lit by candle light. The only thing within the room was hanging in the center wall was some gray mirror with a demonic feature design along with a gargoyle bat on the top part, the mirror appears to be broken.

"Whoa, that looks creepy." Spike said while glancing at the mirror. "I wonder what this mirror for."

"Must be Lorcan's way of communicating with...Grimmore, that same guy that appeared during the battle was." Twilight said with a deep frown, recalling Grimmore and what he did during the final battle.

"Yeah, I remember him as well as me forcing me in an attempt to land the final blow to Lorcan."

"Wanna keep this mirror?" Rainbow asks her friends curiously.

"No way; this mirror is cracked and I am not taking any chances of anything that could be of demonic use." Twilight snaps to her friends sternly. "I will let Princess Celestia figure out how to handle this one..."

The group leaves, not any of them see a familiar image appearing in the mirror, chuckling quietly so that none of them will hear him...


In the battle field, Twilight's group arrives along with Rarity's. The purple unicorn spoke, "Progress report."

"We checked all over the place, all over the creepy castle!" Pinkie exclaims, appearing all over the place. "No signs of any trace of Lorcan anywhere, Twiley."

"Not in the rest chambers either, Darling." Rarity said with a nod. "And of course, all the weapons and evil spell stuff are gone too."

"Good riddance..." Twilight remarks with a deep frown. At least there's nothing that can fall in the wrong hooves of foals or wrong doers.

"Twilight," A familiar voice spoke as Golden Heart lands nearby some troops. "What brings you and your friends here?"

"Oh, we're here to make sure that Lorcan is gone, I just had this feeling..."

"I see...well, I hope you aren't going to be here long. The princesses order that this castle be moved as soon as possible. We made sure to transfer everything else from here."

"Where's his beam sword?" Spike asks, referring to his brother's weapon.

"Don't you mean lightsaber?" Pinkie ask puzzled and curiously.

"The princesses have it." Golden Heart explains to the group with a sigh, "Anyway, if you're done searching."

"Yeah, we done should be done here." Applejack remarks to Golden Heart with a shrug. So far, no trace of Lorcan anywhere.

"Golden Heart..." Fluttershy spoke meekly to Golden Heart who looks at her. "If he's would know, right?"

Golden Heart pauses to think then he spoke, "Trust me, so far, Lorcan hasn't been seen since his fall at Spike's claws. I doubt even he would be alive. But you're welcome to come to Canterlot to ask the Royal Sisters further questions..."

"Not right now, we got one other place to look at. Thank you for your assistance, Golden." Twilight said as she and her friends head off to take their leave of the castle. Golden and his troops watch them leave.

"Yeah...I wish I could give you the right answers..."


In a familiar crater in the Everfree Forest, Twilight's friends search around the area. Rarity spoke up, "May I ask why we're searching this dreadful place?"

"Spike told me that Lorcan has survived his battle...and the two bonded before he faded." Twilight explains to her friends clearly. "Spike, are you sure that you did saw him? Are you sure you didn't see his spirit?"

"I'm positive." Spike said with a sigh while glancing at the crater before pointing to it. "He was right here...told me of his past, how he thought that I was gone, how he himself took Starlight's life..."

"Oh, Spike..." Fluttershy said while hugging the Dragon. "This must be hard for you."

"I'm over it, Fluttershy, I am...anyway, he told me how he himself was used by Grimmore and Tadaka, him allowing others to control him."

"Geez and I thought Nyx's former Nightmare Moon cult was a pain." Rainbow remarks with a chuckle, "Uh, no offense, egghead."

"None taken," Twilight said with a nod of understanding. "Anyway, Lorcan mentioned how he was freed of darkness and...his form disappears."

The ponies went silent, it sounds like Lorcan is truly gone, not a trace of him is left. The ponies kept on searching.

"Well, nothing is left." Applejack remarks with a shrug. "Ah done think we could conclude 'dat Lorcan is gone."

"Right, I mean, I don't want to dash Spike's hopes or make Twilight's feeling sounds wrong but Lorcan doesn't appear to be around." Rarity said as Twilight and Spike went silent.

"Come on, don't be like that you two!" Pinkie giggles as she hug her friends. "Just send a letter to the princess! I'm sure Celestia would answer any questions that you got."

"Yeah, maybe," Twilight said with a nod. So far, it appears that Lorcan is truly dead...but something tells her that he is still alive. Still, until the mare knows for sure, she will mark this case 'unsolved' for now.

Twilight put Spike on her back as the group make the trek back home, preparing to leave the case closed for now. Unknown to them, a mysterious cloaked figure was watching them.

"Well, I was worried that they may get closer to figuring that I'm still alive." Lorcan mumbles to himself with a shrug. "I was able to keep my presence hidden, even hiding my magical one by the cloak that I wear that shrouds me from ever being recognized by those with sharp magic senses to tell...that I'm alive. I will keep it that way...until the time comes. Spike, I will see you again, little brother."

With that, Lorcan disappears from sight. Twilight and Spike stops and turns around, looking puzzled as if they have a feeling that someone is watching them.

"Can you feel that, Spike?" Twilight ask Spike in concern.

"I don't know...I feel like someone was watching us and..." Spike pauses then he sighs a bit. "Maybe it's nothing."

"Yeah, it's probably nothing..."

Twilight and Spike continues leaving, but one thing's for sure, the mystery of Lorcan's fate will be unsolved...for now.

The End

Cast list
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle
Mark Hamill: Lorcan (insane voice)
Cath Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Ashleigh Bell: Rainbow Dash, Applejack
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity
Amy Palant: Starlight
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor
Peter New: Big Macintosh
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart

With special voice appearances by
Tim Curry: Grimmore
Vic Mignogna: Lorcan