> Spike the Cuckold > by Cogneato Switch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spike the Cuckhold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh Rarity, you’re so beautiful! I just want to…” “Yes, Spike. Yes!” “Rarity!” “Spike!” “Rarity!” “Spike! What are you doing?” Spike’s eyes shot open from his fantasy. The purple alicorn, Twilight Sparkle, was standing over his woven basket bed eyeing his claw that had moments before been rubbing his dragonhood. “Twilight! I didn’t know you were here!” Her face contorted to one of confusion. “Why are you touching your penis?” The use of such clinical language sounded sterile and his erection disappeared. “Uh…” Spike hesitated and then confessed. “Well, it feels really good, you know?” “What?” Twilight was genuinely confused. “Why?” Spike shrugged. “I don’t know, it just does.” Twilight stood deep in thought. Was this a normal progression of dragons? Or was this akin to when Spike started hoarding and turned into a monster? This clearly required attention right now. “Spike, take a letter,” Twilight said carefully. Spike jumped out of bed and ran to the desk where a quill and scroll sat. Twilight dictated the letter as Spike wrote. “Dear Princess Celestia, Spike did something strange this morning. He was rubbing his penis because he said it felt good. Is this normal? Last time he did something ‘because it felt good’, he nearly destroyed Ponyville. Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle” “Are you sure this is necessary?” Spike complained. “Yes it is Spike. Now send the letter.” Spike dutifully spat fire at the scroll and it flew out the open window in a puff of magic smoke. Twilight began pacing back and forth in the main floor of the Golden Oak Library. What was Spike doing? Could something be wrong with his penis? Twilight had never thought much about penises before. She knew they were used to make more ponies, and even understood that one was inserted into a vagina to make that happen, but beyond that she knew little else. In fact, there had been remarkably few books on the subject, only some drab medical books. Spike coughed green flames as he received Celestia’s response, which was a book and a scroll. He immediately opened the scroll and read it aloud to Twilight. “Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I’m afraid I must confess that I’ve been hiding something from you. There is a wing of the library that is closed to ponies who are too young, but now that you have come of age, I believe you deserve access. You can find all the books in the Royal Archive at the Canterlot Library, but here is one to get you started. It should tell you everything you need to know. Sincerely, Princess Celestia.” Spike held up the book. “The Cloppa Sutra?” Twilight stared at the book. Celestia had always withheld information from her, so that wasn’t really a surprise, but she rarely hid books, let alone entire wings. What untold treasures awaited her at the Canterlot Library? She eyed Spike’s penis. She’d better get to reading if she was going to help him. She levitated the book out of his grip and started reading quietly to herself. *** “What kind of book is this!” Twilight yelled. “It talks about different ‘erogenous zones’ on mares and stallions, but doesn’t show any pictures! What does erogenous even mean?” “Is everything alright?” Spike asked as she levitated a dictionary off the shelf and looked up the word. Twilight sighed. “Well, your behavior is normal. You were stimulating your erogenous zones with your claw, and that is what was bringing you pleasure.” She looked back down at the book. “Apparently there are several erogenous zones.” “There are?” Spike ran up to her, unable to contain his curiosity. “Yes, 9 on mares and 7 on stallions. And this book contains over 64 ways to stimulate them.” “It does?” He asked with growing excitement. Twilight shook her head. “But I don’t understand why any of this matters! There are, like, a billion other ways to have pleasure. Why do this?” “Have you ever tried ‘stimulating your erogenous zones’?” Spike asked. “Er, no, I haven’t,” she admitted. “Hm… maybe I should try it?” “It couldn’t hurt,” Spike said innocently. Twilight reached out with her magic to the loft above the library and brought a golden hand mirror back down. She then laid on her back and maneuvered the mirror to get a good look at the area between her legs. Spike watched with great interest as Twilight reached her hoof down and felt her mound. She moved her hoof around, but it didn’t feel special. “Am I even doing this right?” she asked aloud. Still holding the mirror up, she levitated the book to her side and flipped through some pages. “Ah, here it is… I see what I’m doing wrong.” She moved her hoof further down her body and started to move it around in circles. After a moment, her eyes went wide, as if discovering a new kind of magic. The feeling it gave her was like no other. How could this have been the first time? She had no idea. Following the book’s instructions, she rubbed herself, gently at first with slowly increasing pressure and speed. Sensation overtook her body as she found herself rocking gently. Her eyes closed and her mind wandered away to images of her favorite fictional stallions from various novels she’d read. As she became wet and her muscles inside tensed, a distinctive “clopping” noise emanated between her nethers and her vigorously moving hoof. Losing track of herself, she dropped the book and the hand mirror, causing them to clatter to the ground. “Can I help you with that?” Spike asked eagerly. “No, Spike!” she grunted. Her hoof moved faster and harder. She involuntarily began to moan. Spike circled around her, watching with anticipation. He stepped over her tail and brought his face close to the action. He sniffed in the scent of her sex and started to drool, as if the purple alicorn were a pony-sized gem. “Are you su-” Spike was cut off as Twilight, in her excitement, bucked her hind legs and sent the baby dragon flying across the room. She paid him no mind, though, as her attention was elsewhere. Eventually, her leg grew tired and she rolled onto her side, exhausted. She breathed through her mouth and her tongue hung slackly over her lips. She wanted more, but was too tired to carry on. “Now can I help?” Spike asked hopefully. “Maybe I can take over for you?” Even though Twilight was a close friend, he couldn’t help but become aroused by her. He wanted so much to help her get off, but he wouldn’t dare without her telling him to. A thoughtful look came across Twilight’s face as she contemplated this interspecies erotic act. “Hm…” She picked up the Cloppa Sutra and flipped through it again. Spike began to play with himself. This wasn’t an arousal he wanted to go to waste. “Stop!” Suddenly he felt his claw being lifted into the air, taking him off the ground. He glanced up at a very serious-looking Twilight, though several of her hairs were out of place. “This book only talks about ponies. It says nothing about dragons! We don’t know what will happen if you do that.” “But, but….” he looked down at his second tail, longing for pleasure. “I’ve done it before.” Twilight shook her head. “But we don’t know what will happen this time. We need more information first.” She put him back down. He sat on his butt and frowned. “What can we do?” She herself was wanting more too, and understood his frustration. “Hm…” she thought as she paced around the room, feeling sex between her legs. She referenced the book again and then she smiled widely, almost evilly. “There is only one thing to do: experiment.” *** A short time later, Twilight and Spike were in the basement of the Golden Oak Library. This was an ideal place for experiments because Twilight had all her equipment setup. She flipped several switches. Lights started blinking and a machine began printing a red chart from a long roll of paper. “What we’re going to do is get you as aroused as possible and then monitor your vitals for any changes. If anything abnormal happens, we’ll stop the experiment.” Spike looked down at himself. He was wearing a very tight black french maid outfit, complete with white filly hat. “What’s this for? I thought you asked me to stop wearing this years ago.” “The first thing to watch out for is an increase in body size. It should be very easy to see in that outfit.” She smiled. “Plus, you look good in it.” “And why is he here?” Spike pointed to the corner of the room where Big Mac was standing. “Oh, well…” she blushed a bit. “I noticed you were aroused when I was … uh… earlier, so he’s here to help me carry out some of the techniques in the book.” She levitated the book in front of her for reference. “The book recommends at least one mare and one stallion participate. So he’s going to be the stallion that helps me find my erogenous zones.” “Eeeyup!” “What about me?” Spike asked. “It doesn’t say anything about dragons,” Twilight said, flipping through the book. “But it does say ponies that live together are often aroused by the other’s arousal. So I hypothesize that, since we’ve lived together for so long, your arousal is directly proportional to my arousal. To prove this, we’ll conduct an experiment where we find and stimulate my erogenous zones while monitoring your arousal level.” “So does that mean I can do my thing?” Spike pointed to his crotch. Twilight shook her head. “No, that would interfere with the experiment.” “Because …” he tried hard to wrap his brain around the concept. “I’d be aroused by something other than your arousal?” “Exactly!” “So… if you were aroused by it…” “Then you could do it.” “Okay…” Twilight looked at Big Mac. “Ready to get started?” “Eeeyup!” “Okay, first thing’s first.” Twilight held up the book. “In order to do position number 31, I first need to make Big Mac’s ‘cock’ hard.” Another glance at the book confirmed this was the appropriate term. She dove and turned between his legs, sliding to a stop just below his crotch. His little stallion was already engorged. “Oh, it’s already hard! That’s a surprise!” “Nnnope!” Twilight flipped a few pages in her book. “Okay, now I use my mouth to stimulate this erogenous zone.” Using her lips, she pulled Big Mac’s cock down and started stroking it. His eyes went wide and his pupils shrank. “Sthpike!” Twilight called out with a mouthful of cock. “Am I doing thisth wright?” Spike was already eagerly watching. He peeled himself away long enough to check the book. “I think you’re doing it right, Twilight.” With nothing to look at, Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated on stimulating the stallion. She used her unseen tongue to bring wave after wave of pleasure over Big Mac’s body. His knees shook, but he steadied himself. It was a good day to be Twilight’s friend. Spike, on the other hand, was getting antsy. His cock was rock hard and pushing against the soft lining of his skirt, causing it to tent. The teasing sensation pushed him to grab it and start stroking. Twilight heard the ruffling of the fabric and her eyes shot open. “No!” Twilight exited the cock from her mouth and slapped Spike’s claw away with her magic. “No outside arousal, Spike. It will ruin the experiment!” Spike frowned. Why did she get to have all the arousal? Probably because she was a pony. It was true that Spike had turned into a giant monster and almost hurt Rarity, his pony friend whom he has a crush on. Acknowledging this, he clenched his claws and vowed not to touch himself. “I know, why don’t you do position 32 on me?” Twilight flipped the book to the next page. “That should keep you busy.” Twilight returned to position 31 and Spike started reading the book. She was right that it had no pictures, but the language was very vivid. Position 32 focused on a stallion bringing his mouth to the multitude of erogenous zones located around the mare’s vagina. It suggested starting with the less sensitive labia majora and labia minora and working up towards the clitorus. He didn’t exactly understand the book, but he knew roughly what position 32 entailed. He walked around towards the rear of Twilight and looked at her. It seemed even more beautiful than before. His eyes widened and he began to drool. Throwing himself in, he began to lick and kiss his keeper’s erogenous zones. The taste of the alicorn was like the most savory gem he’d ever had. A moan from her made Spike shiver with delight. He tried to ignore the arousal of his dragonhood pressing gently against his clothes, but couldn’t help but wiggle for more sensation. The three of them kept it up for a while longer. Twilight managed to concentrate on giving pleasure while simultaneously receiving, Spike used all his willpower to keep his claws away from his cock, and Big Mac stood still, enjoying the situation immensely. Finally, Twilight came off of Big Mac. “I think that’s enough of those positions.” She pushed herself out from under the larger farmer pony, pulling away from Spike’s still-suckling mouth with a pop. “Alright, for this next position, I’ll need your help, Big Mac.” She leafed through the book to find the next position. He was already feeling very good and he couldn’t help but smile. “Eeeyup!” “I’m going to put my back to you, and you’re going to rear up and put your cock into my vagina.”         Tossing his mane, he nodded. She turned around and he reared up, putting his front hooves onto her back. He inched forward with his hindlegs.         “Um, Twilight?” Spike asked with concern. “Isn’t that how ponies are made?” “Oh, right!” The alicorn craned her neck back and closed her eyes. A red light shined from her horn and a matching red force field appeared and then faded around Big Mac’s baby-maker. “The book had that spell for just such an occasion. That should prevent any unwanted… er… side-effects from the experiment.” “Right.” “Go ahead, Big Mac. I’m ready!” Twilight braced her front hooves in preparation for his entrance. “Eeeyup!” The stallion stepped forward and pushed the whole of himself into her. Twilight nearly jumped forward at the new sensation in her body. On one hand, she felt like she was being ripped open, but on the other it felt like heaven. She took a deep breath and relaxed herself. She managed to open herself wider for him, which he immediately filled with a hard thrust forward. The sensation caused her to buck, but Big Mac had already lifted her into the air, causing her kicks to do nothing but added sensation for the both of them. Spike stood off to the side, trying hard to decide whether to watch or not. He loved seeing Twilight so happy, and Big Mac’s grin was an added bonus, but he wasn’t sure if he could stand not getting something himself. Twilight saw his unfocused gaze. “Are you even paying attention?” “Wha? Of course I am!” She shook her head. Using her magic, she moved him underneath her so that his face was inches away from her pussy. He tried to move but felt her magic hold his wrists down. “You have to watch!” Spike scrunched his lips and nodded. His erection was long enough to barely rub against Twilight’s chest. Fighting against his restraint, he arched his back, straining for more sensation. In the meantime, Big Mac started thrusting. Spike watched with big eyes as the stallion’s large red cock slid in and out of the princess’s pussy. Her wetness began to seep down the male pony’s shaft. On the next thrust, a drop of liquid sex was thrown between the dragon’s eyes and rolled down his cheek. He wanted more so badly, he began to emanate a high-pitched squeak. Twilight didn’t notice, though, because she was lost to the sensation of Big Mac filling her up. This was what was missing from her previous attempt! How amazing erogenous zones were! She couldn’t wait to experience all the positions in the book. She reminded herself to enjoy the one she was having now, and relinquished her mind to her body. Her body told her she needed just a little more sensation above her vagina. She didn’t have the focus to use magic, so she bent her front hooves, lowering herself until she felt something firm push perfectly into the hood of her clitorus. It was Spike’s nose. She adjusted her body so that Big Mac’s thrusts rocked her body against the nose. The pleasure was exquisite! Spike wanted to cry. He could see the sex. He could smell it. From the splatters of wetness, he could even taste it. Fortunately, Twilight’s body was now in full contact with his cock, and her vigorous motion was stimulating his cock, but it wasn’t enough. The double-layered fabric of the dress reduced the sensation to a gentle tease. It wouldn’t give him what he wanted. Twilight, however, was more than enough for Big Mac. He began to move faster and with less control. He grunted hard and his cock somehow became even bigger. Twilight gasped at the change of size. She felt something big coming from inside her and she didn’t want to stop. She pressed down hard onto Spike’s nose and pushed against Big Mac’s thrusts. She began to squeal as she felt herself cum. She shook from the spasms, feeling the entirety of the stallion’s cock inside. She felt it pulsing, unloading itself, and causing Big Mac to groan. The juices dribbled onto Spike’s face. The salt stung his eyes and the fluid filled his nasal cavities, but none of that mattered. His cock was raging for more but he knew it was over. Big Mac had stopped moving and both ponies’ breathing were slowing down. He lay still, waiting for Twilight’s next order. The stud took a step back and the mare took a step forward. As the vagina moved away, the hard cock swung loosely, tapping Spike’s forehead and leaving a trail of goo in its wake. Twilight stepped away and shook herself off. Big Mac stood proud, but had a goofy smile plastered to his face. Spike lay still on the ground, wanting so badly to touch himself but not doing so out of his loyalty to his mistress. The alicorn walked passed them both to the charts that were still being printed out. “Uh huh, uh huh…” she nodded, looking over the chart. “And then a sharp increase here, yes…” She smiled gleefully. “I declare my hypothesis to be correct! Spike’s arousal level is directly proportional to mine!” Neither Big Mac nor Spike understood Twilight’s logic. Big Mac, having some pity for Spike, spoke up. “Don’t you think there are some flaws to your experiment?” “Hm…” Twilight contemplated this. “You’re right, there may be something I missed.” She turned to Big Mac. “We’ll have to conduct the experiment again!” *** “Dear Princess Celestia, thank you so much for introducing me to the Cloppa Sutra and opening up the new wing. Spike is doing well, but further research is needed to better understand the sexual nature of dragons. I plan to visit the Royal Archives at the Canterlot Library soon, and with any luck, we’ll find some books on the topic. Sincerely, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”