Midnight Bridge

by 3 AM PM

First published

Something tells Spike to go the bridge where he and Rarity almost died at.

Diamond Tiara and Spike has been friends for the last couple of months. And Spike develops feelings for the filly. But doesn't want to admit it. He got letter from somepony that told him to go to the bridge. And something happens after that.

Midnight Bridge

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Spike and Diamond Tiara had been friends since two months ago. At first, they didn't get along because of Diamond's behaviors and ended up destroying the library with a book fight. They almost destroyed the library with the same strategy twice. Twilight had enough of this fight and didn't want to clean the library because of them. Diamond protested that Spike was the one who started it, and Spike did the same thing to Diamond. Because of the two blaming each other repeatedly, Twilight got mad and burst into flames, she had only been this mad at trying to solve Pinkie senses. But she's tired of these two fighting each other.

In the end, Spike and Diamond had to clean up the entire library, all by themself. They didn't want to see Twilight on fire again, so they did what they had to do. They talked a lot while cleaning the library. Talked about Twilight, how Spike got here, Diamond's future, Silver Spoon, Canterlot, and the CMC. Spike didn't really agree what she said about the CMC, but he also didn't want to get her to get mad. That was the time they became friends.

"Hey, Diamond! Welcome to the library." Spike greeted cheerfully.

"Spike, you don't have to do that every time I come here," Diamond said.

"I'll remember that," he said with a fake smile, not sure if he would remember or not. Diamond rolled her eyes and walked in to the library.

"So, Diamond. What brings you here today?" Spike asked. "Want to borrow some books or hang out with me?" Spike grinned.

"Very funny, Spike," Diamond giggled. "Anyway, I'm here to return this book," she said as she took the book from her bag.

"Okay." Spike said as he took the book from her and began searching for the right shelf.

While he was busy searching, Diamond walked quietly to upstairs to his basket and gently put a letter on it. "I hope you come, Spike. Or else I'll pour you with mud." She whispered to herself and went downstairs where she was standing. She was in luck that Spike is still searching for the right shelf. A few seconds had passed, Spike returned to his position where he was standing.

"Okay, put the book on the right shelf. What do you want to do now?" He asked.

"I have to go now, Spike. Bye!" She said and left the library like a speeding bullet. She came back and said, "And Thank you for the book, Spike."

"Okay? That was weird." Said Spike, rising one of his eyebrow as Diamond left the library. He turned his head towards the clock "3 PM. I have nothing to do right now, I'm gonna take some rest."

As he walked towards his basket, he saw a letter on it. "Hello, what's this?" He thought while grabbing the letter with his claws. He read the letter, "Come to the bridge at midnight." Spike thought that there's only one bridge in Ponyville. And it's the one where he and Rarity almost died at.

He noticed that there's a signature at the bottom right of the letter. The signature was a very abstract D with Tiara after the D. Spike swore that he had seen that signature before. But he couldn’t get his claws on it. Spike got up to his feet, went downstairs and took the library journal.

"This is Diamond Tiara's signature?" He asked himself, after finding the mysterious signature. "Probably another prank or something." Spike said as he put the letter in a trash bin.

But in Spike's mind, he was still thinking about the letter. He was very curious about the letter. "Why did she wrote that to me ? Is she going to give me something? Or ask me out?" Spike blushed heavily after saying that. "Why did I say that?!" He screamed in his mind. "Well, she is nice if she's not around the CMC, and kind of cute." Spike blushed again, this time he screamed for real. "What?! What's wrong with me?"

"Spike, is there something wrong?" Twilight asked him, the scream made her focus distracted from her studies.

"Uhh, nothing. Everything's fine." Spike replied.

"Okay. Don't scream unless there's something wrong." She said as she turned her focus back to her studies.

Returning to his thoughts, Spike asked himself a very important question. "Do I like Diamond Tiara?" He asked the same question over and over. Struggling with his mind, he made a decision. Like it or not, Spike is going to the bridge tonight.

At midnight, Spike tried his best not to wake up Twilight. Outside the bedroom, he walked quietly downstairs and hoped that Owlicious is asleep. Thank Celestia he was asleep. Spike easily went through the front door and walked to his destination.

"Ponyville sure is quiet at this hour. And empty too" He thought as he walked through the empty streets of Ponyville. Ponyville is not that dark during midnight due to Luna's moon and street lights. But the thick mist made it a bit hard to see.

Spike was almost close to the bridge. He could see it from the river he was following. And there's Diamond Tiara. So it wasn't lie after all. At this moment, Spike had an idea. He's going to scare her from behind. Spike walked quietly and stood still behind her.

Diamond Tiara was looking at her own reflection on the river. The ripple on her reflection was the main attention to her. But it was changed when Spike surprised her from behind.

"Ahh!" She screamed as she jumped from where she's standing.

"Hahahahaha!" Spike laughed at her uncontrollably. Spike laughed so hard and was rolling on the bridge.

"Spike! You scared the heck out of me! That's not funny!" She replied and started hitting Spike. But it didn't hurt Spike because she didn't use her full force on him.

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself." He said, gasping for air and still laughing a bit.

"I'll get my revenge on you. Someday." She said with a devilish grin.

"Yeah, sure." Spike replied, still gasping for air.

After taking his oxygen back, he asked. "Anyway, why did you want me to come here?"

Diamond took a deep breath and said, "I've got something to tell you."
"Okay. Go on."

Diamond felt her mouth a bit hard to move at this moment "Spike, are you always this kind to everypony?"

Spike narrowed one of his eye with confusion and said, "Yes, why?"

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry." She stated.

"Sorry? For what?"

"The trouble I've caused when first meet. Twice."

Spike now knew what she was talking about. "That's okay, DT. It was the past. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Besides, It was me that didn't stop at first." Spike replied with a smile on his face.

Diamond smiled at him and said, "Thanks, Spike."

Then there was silence between the two. But Spike broke the silence.

"Luna's moon is beautiful tonight."

"Yeah. It's very romantic." Diamond replied as she turned her attention to Spike. Spike blushed a bit at this.

"Diamond?" Spike called her.


"Can I ask you a question?" Spike began to sweat a bit at this moment.


"Do... D-do... Y-you l-li" he was too nervous that he couldn't say the word. "C'mon, Spike! Say it!" He thought.

"Doyoulikeme?" He blushed and closed his eyes.

Diamond just giggled at this. Took a closer step to Spike and pressed her lips onto his. Spike was surprised and blushing heavily. After a few seconds, Diamond broke the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?”

Spike took a closer step to Diamond and kissed her. He broke the kiss and said, "Yes"