> The Subversive Scrolls > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In the Mail: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This all started, as I found a scroll in my mail. I had carried it in, believing it a regular part of my delivered mail, but I guess I should have thought differently, it isn't as if I regularly were sent scrolls? I checked the address on the scroll, and it was for me, since it reads Pinkie Pie This was just after breakfast, and I was to go to work, just after I read through my mail. Of course, how was I to go out there, looking like this? Reading my daily mail isn't overly exciting, so I guess I was more eager to read the text in this scroll, as unusual as it was? Just as I had finished reading, what ever it was, I had actually read, my entire body slowly started to feel stiff in a strange way. It isn't the way you feel stiff, if you're tired, cold or any such common reasons. If that had been the case, I knew what to do about it. The feeling grew in intensity, and I finally did look down, only to see what was happening to me. This is when I noticed it. I'm slowly covered in thick rubber, as if a bathing suit was growing right out of my skin. Aside from the slippery surface, glistering as if it had been a clear gel lubricant, it apparently was the hue of my original coat, which calmed me slightly. Lifting my right hand, prodding, I soon noticed just how elastic it is. It's slippery, yet entirely red. To my shock, it was actually part of my skin, and replaced the coat I had there before. Once more looking down, I noticed my hooves now was glistering, and had grown a few shades darker, more red. Kicking the floor made me realise, they still felt just as hard and adamant, but as I set it down, it is elastic, like the suit, and almost stuck to the floor, as if I had been wearing the Sucker-Cups I wore as I was watching the Cake Twins. That left a strange mark on my mood. After a hoof-ful minutes, the suit finished developing. By now I had almost adjusted to how it felt, physically. How long the mental adjustment would take, I have no idea, it is something I just couldn't predict, in part because I had no idea, as to what the curse was, if it is in fact a curse. I guess I could give the effects the benefit of the doubt, in part because I am the element of Laughter, but also because I'm not feeling pain, or any such problems coming over me. Just this strangeness of the suit growing out on my body. It had covered my entire body and nothing but my body. My tail still the same as it was, before I tried to read the scroll. Short of the change of my hooves, but this is equally restricted. For some reason, I felt an urge to look in a mirror, only to find a few strange details, my lips have changed in colour, similar to my hooves. I had also gotten my eyes shadowed, in a fashion Rarity may have considered? Even if I'm not sure the silver metallic and glistering was in her taste, either for me, or for herself? Maybe I could ask, when I next saw her. As I held my right hand before the mirror, I noticed my nails had turned into miniature finger hooves, looking exactly like the hooves I'm walking on, which puzzled me for a moment. Knowing better then to examine, I figured, the same rubber responsible for the make-up I'm now wearing, if wearing is the correct word here? I simply ignored the details. Even if I guess my eyelashes would look good, in the long and glistering black, slightly cured up in a curve? Then I felt a momentary tingle in my nibbles, realising they had grown considerably, but refused to acknowledge it for now. There is the same feeling all over my mound. It told me it had grown generous, beyond my hopes. Likewise, I knew my orchid is in full bloom. Elastic, glistering and sensitive as could be asked for? Of course, there is the small detail, both my mane and tail looks as if I had been washing them with the finest of glister shampoo? Not something I was in the habit of, but it is what I'm looking like, and how I felt. > Realisation: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knew I had to go out, some day. Or my friends would start to look for me, it is as inevitable as the sun rising by Celestia in the morning. I knew only too well how much they cared for me, as well as needed me and depends on me. The later would go for the entire town of Ponyville, where I live. First thing first. I picked up the scroll, then walked out, with the scroll in my saddle bag. I had slipped it into the right side. I could as well have it done and be rid of it, I had no use of it, and I didn't want it to remaind me. Maybe Twilight had better use of it? Maybe she could figure out what it is? Or even who made it and how to reverse it? I had no need to hurry, but I felt like being rid of the scroll, so I simply trotted of to her library. Once there, I dumped it into the book deposit bin. If Spike found it first, he'd alert her first thing, or she found it. The fact that somepony else could snatch it first simply escaped my mind. I was rid of it, and found joy in it. Once rid of the burden, I felt an urge to see somepony more sensitive. My choice ended up on Octavia. She does play calming music, even if her music almost never did make it onto the floor of any of my parties. In part, due to the fact that I live in Ponyville. I never had anything against the Pony, but Vinyls music was just more of the party beat for my parties. Since I had eased my burden, I could slow down slightly, but I still did not feel like waiting, so I kept trotting. Even though the distances in Ponyville isn't that great, so it is mere minutes, until I reached her door. Once I had stopped before her house, I knocked on the door. It may be early, but not too early for Octavia, or it is what I imagined. She was bound to have an early breakfast, then hours of practice, for her to stay on top. She was after all the foremost virtuoso in the entire of Ponyville. Her pride alone would make her practice. Not that I knew her as prideful as a Pony. --- --- --- > Violin Meditation: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”Hiya, Pinkie Pie!” I said, as I opened my door, only to find Pinkie outside. I had heard somepony knock on my door, just never imagined it would be Pinkie Pie. Not this early in the morning. I like her, just as everypony does. I can't say I had anything against her. As it was said, her parties are the best. Even if I'm not on too many of them, either privately, or playing. I couldn't resent her for either. “Hiya, Octavia. Nice to see you're up and about. For one, you're the one Pony I'm looking for. Knowing the quality of the music you play. It may be exactly what I need now, if you were about to practice?” she blurted out. “You know I do practice most every day. If you like to listen, while I practice, this would be as good a time!” I responded. I just nodded and led her in, as I walked to the small room in the back of my home, where I kept everything related to my music, including the Violin. I did not make a point of noticing her odd make-up, or the strange suit she wore, or it is what I saw. I figured, she'd tell me, if she felt inclined and in the mood for talking. Slowly picking up the Violin, going over everything meticulously, true to my habit. From there, I sat down, even if it is a small instrument, but she looked as if she wanted a long audience, with me and the Violin. That makes for a siting. Once I sat down, I picked up the notebook, and chose a section, I was to practice. Somethng soothing, meditative, by her expression? I guess this was the most odd way of making somepony happy, but I'm not complaining. Sometimes it feels good to have someone listening, even if it is just practice. Someone who wasn't a critics, for that matter. Just a friend who lent an ear. Then I went over the keys, fiddling until I was happy with the fine tuning of my instrument. From there, I practiced a few scales, just to get it right. I looked up, only to face Pinkie, as she intently looked at me, and the Violin. I saw something bothered her, something she hoped would feel better, if I was playing for her? I could as well try. I'm a nice Pony. I had had this room decorated, for acoustic purposes. That's Beesh wood panels, or it is what I had been told, when I had it done. I guess it makes for a good mood as well. Just as I couldn't complain, it does bring out the most of the Violin, so I'm happy. I like the crystal clear sound of the instrument I'm holding in my hands. Once I had gotten to playing, I had faced out the world at large, the room is quiet, and the acoustics is prime. It is what I had asked for, what I paid all the bits for. I feel the bow caressing the notes from the instrument. The music slowly filling the room. I apparently got the volume just right. Feeling the meditative sence filling me up, swallowing me whole. Maybe I could have seen what she was asking for, yet I was no longer in this world, but in the landscape of the music I play. I had chosen the music for the purpose, but still. The room was not allowing anything, but the sounds of the strings mounted on my instrument. It so captivated the very soul. I am not a virtuoso for nothing. Not that I need to take pride, I merely accepted the prices. I'm well beyond pride, it is merely tripping my hooves, were I to give in as much as an inch. I knew who I was, since the cutie mark had appeared, so many years ago. Once I am in the grip of the music, my music, I could keep going for hours on end. I enjoy it, I enjoy playing, or why keep going? As the time slipped by, quiet, short of the notes I play, enveloping me very soul, allowing me to see the room, if I were to open my eyes. Several hours later, I slip the bow off of the violin, gasping at the quiet. First now I recall the Pink pony who was visiting me. She had apparently gotten caught up in the music, now siting quiet, motionless. The only sign of life, her chest rising and falling in tune with the music I had been playing, as if it had been the violin, willing her chest to rise? Maybe now is the first time I had actually looked at her. I saw the suit she was wearing, but did not take notice of it as such. It isn't my place. I just hope she found what she asked for. --- --- --- > An Incident at the Library 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”Twilight, Twilight, come look at this. I just found a scroll in the book depository while you were out. But it certainly wasn't part of the Library inventory. I'd know that much. You really should look into it!” Spike exclaimed, just as Twilight entered the door of the library. “What? Let me see?” Twilight replied in indignated surprise to the unexpected announcement. It wasn't as if scrolls were common in the library. It was outdated. Seeing a scroll unannounced was highly unlikely, a fairly incredible thing to witness. “Would you keep an eye on the library while I check this scroll, Spike?” Twilight announced. “Sure thing, Twilight. For you, I'd do anything. Even if it is part of my job to handle library duties!” Spike replied. “What was that all about?” I muttered under my breath, as I hear the frantic buzz from the librarians. Everypony knew Twilight practically owned the library of Ponyville, from the moment she set hoof in the village, even if we did not know it back then. It had apparently been a Princess decree. The dragon by the name Spike at her side, managing everything. Even if she may have others helping out, but that's more or on voluntary basis, for all I care. That's the level of their work, at least. “What scroll? Apple Bloom asked curiously. “How in Tartarus would I know? Scootallo protested. “You should ask Twilight, she's holding it. I think she is about to read the text it contains. What ever it said!” I replied. “I hear her reading, but I have no clue what she is saying!” Apple Bloom stated. “That's clearly no language I have heard of. I have never heard any the like before!” I pondered. “Maybe it is a magic spell?” Scootallo pondered. “That would explain why we don't understand. Why we never heard the language it is written in!” Apple Bloom suggested, eagerly. “Sounds reasonable. I hope it is something cool!” Stated Scootallo. “That would be why Pinkie Pie left in such haste? Dinkie Doo filled in. “Oh, probably not. I missed when she was here. We were busy looking for the latest of Daring Doo!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “If Rainbow Dash reads it, it had to be cool!” Apple Bloom guessed. “I guess that makes sense!” Ditzy Doo pondered. “See you around!” Dinkie said, as she left the library with her mother in tow. That was just about in the nick of time, if only we knew how close the call had been? That's the case, they were never to know, unless somepony was to explain it to them. But what pony was going to tell either Ditzy or Dinkie Doo anything the likes? The Ponies had all walked out the door, just before Twilight red the scroll, only to be caught in the curse it had contained. I had seen them go, not knowing what was about to happen. Maybe I am lucky because I am a Dragon, or it is because I am male, I have no idea. “What happened?” Twilight enquired with a strange grin on her face as she looked at me, just as she had finished reading the scroll. “Something sure did happen, you have changed. Why or into what, I have no idea. I can only see the obvious!” Spike responded. “That is exactly what I need to know. How and into what I have changed. Exactly how this had affected me. Just as why it seems not to have affected you in any way. Unless that is merely what I can see. Do you feel changed in any way?” she enquired in a worried tone of voice, as curious as he knew she is. “We can examine and explore how you are affected. As to why, that would be an entirely different matter. Could we examine it safely? Since we don't want to risk any other Ponies on the off chance they will have the same experience, even if they may enjoy it. I couldn't take the chances on others, just like you couldn't!” he pronounced. “If we are to assume it affected only Ponies, Zecora would have been the first stop, since she is a Zebra. The next stop would be Cranky Doodle and Gilda, neither are Ponies and Cranky is male. For now, I am happy to leave this in Princess Celstia's capable hands, though. I can't trust the simple assumption just yet!” she responded, without a look down. “For now, maybe it was best to start with observing you and the changes coming over you? If so, I could start by expressing what I have seen this far? The most obvious is the bathing suit that seems to grow right out of your coat, possibly replacing it. The second is the smaller detail with your nails being replaced by miniature hooves on each of your fingertips!” he started off, somewhat insecurely, but in a not too weak voice. “A bathing suit? Maybe I should be taking a swim, since I am already wearing the suit for it? Though I think there is something more.  As if my mound had grown, it and my nibbles feels different in a strange way I just can't quite put a finger to!” she put forth in a less than characteristic certainty to her voice. “The hue is deeper and darker then your coat, but I think it is fitting you quite well, as if it had been made for you. Maybe something Rarity could have created? There is something about how your hooves changed I like, maybe it is just in the way it made me feel more at home!” he suggested. “Thanks, Spike. Anything to make you feel at home. This is after all your home too. I'm just not sure, it makes me feel strange. I guess I can live with how the effect accentuates my hooves in a way to make it stand out. Just that hooves, in place of nails is a strange notion to me!” I responded, in a teasing manner. --- --- --- > Dear Celestia: 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”'Dear Celestia, I request some help with a problem that came to my attention most recently. The source of my problems are contained within the scroll I include in my message. I have no clue as to what it is, where it came from, or who made it. Just as I don't know who sent it to me, it simply appeared in the returned books bin, and when I read it, what appears to be some kind of a Curse came over me. It may not be a serious Curse, but it would be most convenient to hear from you as soon as possible. Be cautious with the scroll. Yours faithfully, Twilight Sparkle!” the note simply read. “That certainly was the strangest message I ever got, and from Twilight, of all the ponies in Equestria!” I complained. “She is still maintaining the correspondence with you. That is good. Her message does tell more than she could possibly imagine!” Luna pointed out with an amused tone to her voice. “Yes, she certainly do maintain the correspondence with me, this far. I don't mind, I did after all ask her to, when I sent her to Ponyville, that fateful day when you returned in your form of Nightmare Moon. I think it has grown into a friendship, aside of the Mentor-ship. Enlighten me, please!” I replied with a strange grin on her face. “Since you obviously love it, why this foalish drama? Is there something in the message that set you off? Or something in the sample of her latest headache?” Luna enquired in a serious tone, even though an amused grin couldn't be stopped from creeping onto her muzzle. “You know me far too well, dear sister. You found me out. Yes, I have been enjoying the correspondence with her, to the point you may say I do love it. I just can't put a hoof as to exactly what it is that is bothering with this particular message. She has been sending me messages that were ill times, annoying or distracting before. With that said, there is something with this particular one that isn't just off, even if it may be written by her request, by her dragon Spike. We know both of them pretty well by now, wouldn't you say?” she shut back. “Ah yeah, dear sister. It can be quite bothersome and annoying on occasion, I know that feeling all too well. I wouldn't blame you, though I guess I could be a bit envious at times. Maybe I should pick up an apprentice of my own, one of these days? Now, that is quite an annoying feeling, when you can't pinpoint what was bothering you in the first place, as if the original problem wasn't bothering you enough, all by itself? I have seen you reading them, I even read a few myself. How could I not? Quite convenient with her Dragon, I think. Yes, we certainly do know the two of them pretty well by now. Maybe that is part of the problem, knowing them too well? You trust them to a fault. I shouldn't blame you, even if it may become a liability. Maybe I should read that one latest message, you know I do have some experience with these things, even if most of it is older than dust, aside from the dreams I have been walking the last few years!” Luna suggested. “I have her and her friends to thank for having you back with me. It was a pain to be forced to send you away the way I did, back then. I hope we never have to part ever again. That may be a better idea then you would imagine, in your case even more so. I guess I suspected as much, but as my sister and fellow Princess, I guess it may be just as well. Most of these things may even be beneficial for you to read. She has been such a hard-working and dedicated apprentice and assistant, throughout the years. That's something we both know and Cadence would agree after the incident in the Empire when King Sombra returned. Her subjects seem to catch quite a fancy for him. Well deserved, I guess. You would know that all too well, even after the years in the Moon, I take it. I can only hope it was truly worth it, after all the pain it caused both of us. I had to pull your duties as well, on top of losing you, that is. I hope you never will have to do anything as hard as that, ever. Maybe you should read it. Just be careful, she did after all warn me of a curse written on the scroll!” I stated. “I certainly have noticed that effect in you, if only I knew how much you appreciated me back then, it may have saved both of us the pain of a thousand years separation. I do recall the latest incident he was accredited with saving them from at the Equestria Games. Quite the embarrassing situation, but he gracefully saved them yet again. I am happy for him, maybe it will save them from what came to befall upon the two of us, since he certainly has seen how appreciated he is now. The Chrystal Ponies know his name and recognise his face, if only I had the fortune back when I was desiring it. She certainly does serve them well, they are lucky to have a worthy Princess instead of the King they had last time around. Thanks for the confidence, I will withdraw to my personal chamber in order to study the scroll properly. Send a guard to remind me if I have not returned for dinner, otherwise, I think it may be wise not to disturb my studies!” Luna proclaimed. “That is the curse of hindsight, you never know what you had, before you see the effects of the catastrophe, once you managed to rebuild the former castle. We are still paying for my mistake of neglecting your problems. Cadence certainly has been an asset, from the moment she revealed herself. Remains to see if Twilight Sparkle can live up to her. I know you are doing all I could possibly expect from you and then some. Now you had better be off and study the accursed scroll, before it withers to dust. If for nothing more than learning who created it, we may need to be prepared for what is to come. I'm looking forwards to learn what you find out!” I told my sister, just as she trotted off towards her chamber. “Thanks, I'm going!” Luna responded, turning her steps towards her chambers, just as promised. “I am curious as to what secrets this scroll will teach me!” Luna thought as she hastened her steps further, almost causing her to gallop. “She certainly is stepping up, striving to do her best. I am proud of my sister!” I pondered as I saw Luna rushing out of sight on her way to her personal chambers. --- --- --- > A Rare Scroll: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apparently I had received a scroll with the mail, Ditzy herself delivered it. That in and of itself wasn't strange, she is after all the mail mare of Ponyville. She use to come with some mail every now and then. Just that this one in particular wasn't expected. The one thing I am not used to, is to get scrolls. Not that I get too much unexpected in the mail. I usually do get letters, or on occasion, a postcard in my mail, though. The only one I know, who would even consider using a scroll is Twilight Sparkle, she lives right here in Ponyville, but she would not send it to me by mail, she would walk right up to me and deliver it in person, if and when ever she would have something for me. As much as I may love mail, I still do prefer the personal delivery, when every it is possible and not entirely inconvenient. I never blamed Twilight for sending her messages to Princess Celestia by Dragon Mail, just as I wouldn't go to Mainehattan, just to deliver a simple message in person. These are the situations where mail simply is convenient. Once I had picked up the mail of the day, I moved right back into my home, up the stairs and into my private kitchen, before I finally did look at the mail. A few cards, a letter and the scroll. I guess I should have read the cards and letter first, though I chose the scroll first, mainly because it looks more important than the rest, due to the form of a scroll. The address clearly directed the scroll to me. Once I had checked the address, I opened it in order to read the message, or whatever content it may be. It could have been a pattern for a new dress someone would be asking for, I guess it wasn't exactly unheard of, after all. Once I had opened this scroll, I found a message or text, as strange as it looked in my eyes. There certainly was no pattern for a dress, or a suit of any kind. Maybe I should have stopped right there, but I still did read the text. Apparently it is a spell of some kind, even if I had no idea as to what the effect of it would be, until I had fully read the incantation. I didn't notice Sweetie Bell walking in on me, she doesn't make all that much noise since she is a little fillie. “Hi, Rarity. Interesting suit you put on. Are you going for a swim?” she responded at the sight of my new looks. “No, why? I was just reading my daily mail!” I responded, pointing at the small pile still on the table. “You are not? But, you clearly are wearing a swim suit. Why would you possibly wear a swim suit, if you were not about to take a swim?” she pointed out. “I just finished reading this scroll as you came in, before I intended to read the letters. Since you say I am wearing a suit, how do I look?” I enquired, a bit curious while worrying a bit as to how and why I am apparently wearing a suit, if she was telling the truth. Although I guess I couldn't deny feeling a slight pressure over my body, now as she had mentioned it. “It is the tightest suit I ever have seen you wearing. It is metallic electric blue, as are your hooves. What sticks out as odd is the black rubber collar you are wearing around your neck though, with an image in the middle. You even have hooves in place of your fingernails!” she responded, in a somewhat amused tone of voice, blushing slightly as she tried to express what she saw. “Would you please take the scroll to Twilight Sparkle in the library. Then warn her about the scroll and ask if she has seen any other scrolls lately. This may be an isolated incident, or it is just the first of many scrolls just like it. I'll just have to check what I look like, before I could read the rest of my mail now!” I instructed Sweetie Belle. “Certainly, since you asked me!” she responded as she pulled the scroll out of my hand and ran of, leaving with merely an imaginary cloud of dust behind. “Thanks, Sweetie Belle!” I pronounced in the nick of time, just before the door closed behind her. “Maybe I should have that swim she mentioned. This is a strange colour, somewhere in between the purple of my mane and the cyan of my eye shadow, slightly closer to the blue in my cutie mark. These strange hooves in place of my nails I could live with, it wasn't as if they really did change anything to me. The suit is another matter and the collar did stand out more than my comfort could reconcile with, but for now I just had to endure it for Sweetie Belle's sake!” I thought, walking off to the nearest mirror to get an image of what I did look like. Maybe it would wear of in a few hours, or not. If not for the collar, I could make due fairly well. This was the one item to stick out like a very sore thumb, which wasn't sitting too well with me. My usually white hooves are blue, just like the diminutive hooves in place of my nails. The same went for the suit and the shadow. Strangely, it did not cover my mark, but, rather avoided it as if on purpose. As much as it changed me, it stayed away from the core of who I am, my leaving the mark fully visible. Then I noticed how my mane remains in its original colour and style, as if stubbornly staying true to whom I am and who I was. My eyelashes are still black, though glistering luxuriously and curls up slightly. Maybe they had grown slightly longer, unless I am imagining it all. If only the collar of all things could be said to be an imagination. I placed my hands on it, only to find confirmation for the collar actually being there. I incidentally placed the tip of one of my diminutive hooves on it. What happened did certainly shock me. The image isn't just there, it acts almost as if it had been a part of a combination lock. The next moment, I felt the icon slide to the side, leaving the next in its place. “Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching!” it echoed in my head, as if it had been a loud noise, rather than a barely on the level of hearing. My finger slipped off of the collar, just as I noticed an odd shadow behind me in the mirror before me. For a moment I wanted to scream, then I just did not believe what I saw. Apparently I now have a pair of bat wings on my back. Looking closer, the icon did show just that, a Bat. “If only this thrice damned Collar had not been quite so obvious, it would have been convenient. I could choose to have the wings I had been dreaming of at any time, when it suited me or when it was convenient. If I could actually use them in order to fly. If I couldn't, they would just me pointless decorations on my back!” I thought. “Of cause, there is but the one way to know, I have to try them out. I need to go out, in order to actually fly!” I continued. With that, I walked down the flight of stairs to ground level, before I walked up to the door and opened. Strange, not a single Pony in sight. Just strange how natural it feels to flap these wings, even if I had been flying in Cloudsdale at that one event. In a way the experience encroached on the memory of that day, as I tried to steal the attention from Raibow Dash, but gave it back, several times over as she saved not just me, but the entire troup of Wonderbolts, as I tumbled towards the ground in what would seem a certain death. Only then, it brought back other memories, like the incident when Twilight Sparkle turned Flutter Shy not the Bat, or Flutter Bat. I made an effort to stop the flow of unbidden memories and images, focusing on the hear nd now as I was about to make the leap into the air. I wanted to see if I could fly, if these wings would carry me. Since it did feel natural and I knew how to fly, it would not be my fault if I wasn't capable of flight now. --- --- --- > Under the Wing Of Luna's: 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I woke up, I had found a message before me, lying on the ground. I am currently alone, homeless and unemployed. Not a situation I would be wishing for any Pony, not even my worst enemy, not that I had all that bad enemies. As I sat up, I could clearly see the parchment with the Royal seal of Luna, her Highness herself. I just knew it was her. Whatever would a Royal Alicorn possibly want with me. I had done nothing remarkable as of late. I had not even performed on a stage for more than a week, which is why I am in this sorry state in the first place. “Dear Trixie. If it isn't too great an inconvenience on your part, I would love to see you in person. With the latest events in mind, I would enjoy your company. Not so much due to our mutual understanding of certain feelings, even if I guess jealousy did bring me to wish for what I am about to propose to you. You are in a position, where you may be most pleased with my offer. You see, I desire to have you as my personal apprentice!” I read. The formal prose caught me off guard and the stated intent made me cough and almost choked on my saliva. If this wasn't the most gracious offer I had ever heard of, then what could possibly top it off? It is a long way to the Royal Castle in Canterlot, but if the message was genuine, I would chance it. Maybe I should use up my meager funds on the off chance she actually had requested my presence by her side? Not every Pony ever even got to Canterlot or to the point, the Castle. Equestria do have a few castles, not just the royal castle in Canterlot, there is the castle of the two sisters in the Everfree forest, the Chrystal castle of the Chrystal Empire and a later contribution, the castle in Ponyville. These are the once on the top of my head. I guess I don't really care if there were other castles I forgot or was never told of. Affording the message a second look. Yes, that is the royal seal, this is a legitimate message, and it is clearly from the Princes, Luna herself. With that, I can not stay where I am, I have to go to Canterlot as fast as I could. With that, I gathered my few belongings and scattered, trotting off along the road, then cantering in order to get where I intended to go as fast as I could. In the end, I roll the message up and hide it under my customary hat, covered with stars and moons as it is, before I continue on my way, rushing in on the train station, apparently just in time for the train, paying the ticket and rushing in before the door slammed shut, mere inches behind my tail. “Ouch, that was close!” I winced as I move along in order to find a better spot. “Tickets, please!” a large stallion pronounced on his way from front to end of the train, checking all the new Ponies on the train. I slip the ticket up for him to mark. “Canterlot Central. One adult Unicorn!” he responded as he reads my ticket and continues further back. “Thanks!” I responded as I slipped my ticket back into the rim of my hat, where I intended to hide it for the remainder of the trip, as long as it was to be. A voice pronounced the name of each station as the train approached and stopped, giving Ponies time to file off, before speeding up to the cruising velocity. I guess I dozed off, I did not hear the voice for an hour, or however long it may have been. Appearently we had reached the destination since the Pony who originally checked my ticket eagerly tapped my shoulder, thus waking me up. “Your destination, Canterlot Central!” he exclaimed. “Thanks!” I mumbled, as I gathered myself and scurried off of the train, just after it stopped. I just stopped long enough to read the sign on the station in order to check, it was indeed the station where I had intended to leave the train. --- --- ---