> Pressed Silver > by ServingSpoon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hammering Out The Details > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What is wrong with this picture? I mean beside the fact that I'm like, totally the wrong species and I wouldn't let some asshole come within spitting distance of me with a freaking branding iron!" I think to myself, my annoying Valley Girl accent creeping into my own thoughts as I view the lap top screen, my new room mate has given over for me to use. It's some crappy $500 Dollar or B$t HP or the pony world equivalent of one.. what-ever. She isn't exactly rich like I am. "Like absolutely nothing" I tell myself as I stare at the latest picture my pony counterpart has sent me to taunt me, after sending me to meet this friend of hers. How do I stay in contact with a filly half my age in another universe? The ways of tumblr are strange and mysterious indeed. Is it Sorcery.. Science.. a combination of the two, that connects ponies, anthros, and humans with their other-selves via a lap top? Take your pick. What the hell do I know? Coming from a human world I am very new to the concept of magic and I have only dabbled in friendship so to speak. So I have no idea how I can communicate on the internet or Equine-net here at my anthro counterpart's mansion, with a pony me in yet another universe. I figure it's best to just not think on it too much, as my good friend Silver would say, and just enjoy the ride. And speaking of Silver Spoon "Oh my, thats quite a nice look for you.. I mean her." the gray mare with a silver braided mane sets down my.. I mean our bowl of popcorn and a large bottle of Colta-Cola.. I hate horse puns by the way. I'd like to punch this so called Princess Celestia in the nose! "I assume Ms. Chubby Diamond is still not letting you like, hear the end of it?" she adjusts her glasses. My Spoony has the same nervous tick, as she peers over my shoulder, licking her lips, trying to be discrete, but I know how much it turns her on. I have learned to watch for the signs. Tail wags lightly, ears twitch a bit, that same nervous smile my own Spoony has when she wants to fool around with me. I love that little chubby chaser. "Why are you STILL wearing that ridiculous outfit?" I scold, looking her up and down, with a grimace of disaproval. She is wearing a French or Prench style Maid's uniform, as in from Maris Prance! I roll my eyes at the thought. God I hate horse puns! "I'm sorry.. I guess it just slipped my mind." she smiles sheepishly and tugs nervously at the silver plated steel slave collar locked around her throat. Her mistress.. her real mistress holds the only keys. She has the strength graced to all Earth ponies to snap the collar off, but she won't. Even though she hates her mistress, Ms. Diamond Tiara Riche The Third, still has the respect of her slave. She's not fooling me.. she can tell me she hates her Diamond all she wants, but I see it in those familiar lavender eyes behind those cerulean blue frames, when she looks into my baby blues. She is waiting for her mistress's return. The slave may hate her master, but that doesn't change the fact that she needs and desires her. I am just a hairless, obese substitute for the slender, snobby, snarky mare that has absconded away with Ms. Spoon's heart. I know hatred well. It never bothered me. They could hate me all they want, all I wanted was respect, and I got it. It's one thing I share in common with her skinny bean pole of a mistress. "Geese Spoony.." I roll my eyes "You really are like, a totally pathetic excuse for a pony, you know that don't you?" she bows submissively to my insult and smiles "I know." she giggles as I sigh "She'll be here any minute. Go take that off and put on one of my T-shirts.. and nothing else!" I wink at her slyly, setting her cheeks a blush. The signs are more subtle due to the gray fur that covers her sad sweet face. She is so cute. "Yes Mistress Diamond!" she replies all too eagerly. My sly smirk is rapidly replaced by a grimace as I scowl at her vehemently. I reach up and slap her across the face.. not hard, just enough to sting and drive home the abject subjugation she seeks out so diligently. She bends back up reflexively to avoid another blow. I try not to let the fear and shock in those big beautiful eyes, dissuade me from disciplining her further. "What did you call me, peasant?!" I grit my teeth and make my displeasure well known. She bows low, low enough I could very well hit her again, but I have made my point as she submits her apology "Please forgive me Princess Tiara.. once again I have displeased you." I almost feel sorry for her. I want to pull her into a hug and say I didn't mean it. But she wants me to grab that braid, pull her down and slap her harder. Sometimes I think she makes these little slip ups just so I will take her down to the basement, string her up and beat her with a crop or the cat-o-nine-tails. But her remorse seems genuine so I make a compromise. After all We have company coming, and Ms. Belle as of yet has displayed no inlicnation toward this kinky subculture, despite the fact that she dresses like some butch goth whore in a BDSM club. "Thats 5 lashes later.." I sigh "But mind you, if your friend has chosen a good movie, I like, may have forgotten your punishment by the time it ends." yeah yeah of course I intended to pretend to forget, despite what lame-o movie Sweetie Belle pics out for us. I have no desire to suffer Spoony's addiction tonight. Despite what you might think, I derive little pleasure in hurting her. Infact it makes me sad for her, that she is so driven to seek abuse. If my fatherly counterpart ever does come home, and I am here to greet him, I swear to fuckin Jesus he is going to get my fat fist in his fat mouth, for what he did to this poor sweet creature! "Yes Princess Tiara." she bows "Now beat it!" I point with my thumb over my shoulder toward the stairs, and the master bed room I have taken over from the stallion who made her like this. She bows again and takes her leave, the little O-ring on the front of her collar rings against the band around her throat, reminding me that I am abusing one who has been abused as she turns to walk away. "Spoony!" I call to her as she turns around "Yes Tiara?" she is well trained and can sense my concern as she smiles, leaving off my honorary title "You know I didn't…" I stop myself from saying that I meant none of what I said or did. Expressing emotion was never my strong point. I just bit my bottom lip nervously "That is I…" "I know." she says it again, with that sweet equine smile on her muzzle, in answer to my unspoken apology. She bows again, gracefully, that same sad sweet smile on her lips as she turns and heads quickly to undress as bidden. "Of course she knows." I remind myself with a sigh. I don't love her, not like I do my own Sylvia Spoon, with her dark skin and a-dork-able tendency toward science fiction movies, comic books, table top and on-line Role Play Games. But I do care for Silver a great deal, just the same. I swear this one could be her clone, were it not for the fur-suit and the sensibility overwhelming fetish for restraint and pain. Ironically I can not bring myself to tell my own Spoony how much I truly care. I have missed her this past week. I won't lie, I am enjoying having my own personal servant. My feet hurt allot due to my weight I guess. And Silver Spoon really knows how to rub them for a girl with no toes. I guess her master or mistress had her rub their feet allot. Either that or she just has naturally magic fingers. At any rate, it isn't any sexual thrill I get from ordering her around, but having her waiting on me hand and foot, I must say is an intoxication I have rarely felt sense my brief stint as editor for my school paper, The Foolproof Press. I mean Sylvia might fetch me a soda or something if I ask nicely, but even my maids back home are not as obedient as Silver Serving Spoon, a name she has asked me to use now and then in scenes as she calls them. Sure being a bully brought a sense of empowerment and made me forget my own insecurities but it's nothing compared to having Silver Spoon smile and quickly obey my every command. I'm only 18 but I ask her to get me a beer and she quickly heads to the fridge and opens me up a cold one from her former master's 6-packs of Bolt Light. I think it's a brew named after some Pegasus stallion or a griffon or maybe a dragon or.. something.. meh.. something that flies. I ran out of cigarettes a few days ago. Since Silver is only 19 she can't get me more, easily. So I started smoking on her former master's pipe, that belonging to my father's bastard counterpart. The Pipe itself, It's taking some getting used to. I try to take it outside because I know Silver doesn't like the smell. I think it is more then just the stench, but the bad memories the smell conjures, that repulses her. If you knew what he did to her when she was only 15 you would understand my hatred for my alternate universe, stallion father. All this interdemensional crap and emotional baggage is giving me a headache! I want to raid my horse's ass daddy's liquor cabinet to dull the pain. Instead I reach for the soda bottle and push the coffee table away. There is a reason I am sitting in the floor. It's to be closer to Spoony. No it's not because she isn't ALLOWED on the furniture. But I'll get to that soon enough. I set the bottle and the popcorn on the floor, and it hits me, just as I begin to unscrew the cap "Silver Spoon, you nerd.. you forgot the glasses and ice.. and the butter?!" that last one would earn her a decent punishment. Justly deserved, I might add, for daring to bring me popcorn without fucking butter and salt! I groaned as I waited for Spoony to return. She came down in my favorite baggy pink shirt. It was so big on her it hung down over her thighs like a miniskirt. I caught a glimpse of her bringing some fabric up to smell my scent. I almost faltered in that moment but she needed to be disciplined for her intolerable sacrilege. I will spare you the details of my outburst and her quick obedience to fetch the items she has neglected. Needless to say, I let her know in no uncertain terms, she would be denied the privilege of her sleep cage in the master bed room and spend tonight chained up in the dungeon after being severely punished for slighting me. She took it as she normally does, beaming, begging forgiveness and bowing to me profusely. As I watched her go, I came to my senses "Man I really am a bitch!" but by that time it was too late. I couldn't back off now or she might loose respect for me. And as much as I like respect it isn't my ego that keeps me playing this role. It's for her. It's all for her. It has been since I got here. It is why I accepted her invitation in the first place. You think it's easy playing a narcistic bitch who is never satisfied? You think it comes natural? No wait.. like, don't answer that! > Smelting Pot of Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh hey. Have a seat, the movie's starting." I just managed to uncap our soda as I greet our guest, as she walks in the door, in a manner befitting of a proper hostess. Well proper may have been an overly generous assessment of my greeting. But hey it was just a movie. It's casual and a little harmless teasing never hurt anybody or any pony for that matter. Sweetie Belle stood in the door holding the bag she got from the local Block Bucker (again with the damn horse puns! Curse you Celestia!). She was dressed in her usual goth black top and leather jacket. She had gold rings in her nose, ears, horn and God knows where else. I don't care to ponder it. "Huh?" she stares at the large flat screen HD TV on the wall across from the sofa, her light green eyes, black shadowed eyes, studying the blank screen, then glances down at her bag as she puts it all together "But I just brought the movie?" she realizes I am teasing and scowls, pursing those cute little black lipstick laden... really Belle, could you possibly be MORE of a poser? "Very funny Diamond." she informs me condescendingly. She had been quite skittish with me when first we met. And I was no more comfortable around her then I was with my Sweetie Belle. But she has changed since then. She is bolder and more confident since I let her know that I am really just a literal big softy and drew her into a decent chubby hug. I noted my servant's best friend was wearing fishnet stockings and black boots under her favorite purple miniskirt, showing off the black bell with a bat perched on the top, screeching with jaws open, and wings spread, that earned her in High School, the very appropriate nick name- "Hey HELL's BELLE," I smirk coyly "Like, how was the long trudge in the snow?" I note wryly that she is dressed like a whore in 30* weather, all for the sake of showing off her butt tattoo. Which I have to admit is kinna bad ass, but still, is it worth loosing your legs to frostbite over? "Oh it was positively delightful.." she responded very politely and then developed a wicked smirk like a dark cloud on a sunny day "Tons of Fun Tiara!" my mouth drops slightly open, aghast at her come back. Aparently the little marshmallow mare had a backbone after all. She was a poser, no doubt about that, and an obvious one. But she could definitely cop the same attitude with as much ease as I ever could. An attitude Silver had told me she dropped when they became friends their freshman.. or freshmare year and bonded over a shared love for the music of AC/DC. As Spoony tells me, Ms. Belle happened to be wearing an AC/DC T-shirt with her black makeup and stuff that day. Ms. Riche had just gotten through making fun of the alabaster Unicorn, calling her out on her pathetic mix of goth punk and heavy metal, and pulling out her clip-on nose ring, all with Spoony standing by nervously. Needless to say the peircings she has now are quite real and I am told by Miss Belle that the horn ring was somehow particularly painful, the piercing having to be drilled into the coiled hunk of bone in her forehead, that focusses her magic. Silver had held her hand the whole time the tattoo artist bored through her horn. I am told Sweetie did not cry even though tears were shed. Spoony had hung around outside Ms. Belle's locker with her after Ms. Riche left for cheer practice, to compliment her taste in music, her T-shirt, and her overall look in general, before heading off to join her then BPFF (Best Pony Friend Forever) and secret lover for the same practice date. I have requested Spoon get out her old Ponyville High Hoof-ball cheerleader outfit out and do a little cheer for me. The collar that she can not remove without breaking, did not compliment the black and green co-captain's uniform to say the least. Co-captain being like Vice-President, the title carrying little authority, but hey at least Ms. Riche tried to make her lover feel like an equal under her. Anyway Sweetie had met up with Silver in the locker room after her cheer practice, to say thanks. They struck up a conversation and Silver even convinced her to try out for the squad. She aced it. Captain Riche only stipulated that Sweetie not wear the eye shadow on game day. She was apparently a more reasonable mare then her detractors had given her credit for. A born leader. Firm but fair. But when she broke up with Silver after her parents divorce, Sweetie was the only one she had to comfort her. I didn't pry further when Spoon began to cry. I want to meet Ms Riche.. talk to her. Ask her why she would call it off with such a special some-pony as they refer to their lovers as such. "Niice come back, Black butt." yeah that was one of the worst taunts I could ever dread coming back with. But it's not like I was trying to hurt her. Those days are far behind me. Though she really could wear less black, the little vamp-pony. "Whatever, Princess Douche Bag Tiara." again she hit me hard. She may seem absentminded but she and Silver were two of the smartest in their class, back in the day. Both honor roll students. I decided to quit while I was ahead, before saying something monumentally stupid. At her Princess referral, my eyes rolled up to the tiara I hadn't worn sense I was a little girl, until just a week ago. I quickly removed it as Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously and fiddled with the gold tag on her spiked leather dog collar. "It's good to see you again, Diamond." she smiles pleasantly, waving to me as she drums her fingers in the air, looking more like my own Ms. Belle back home. I nod in response and offer the same level of sincerity in my grin "Glad you could make it, Sweets. Spoony is in the kitchen getting some last minute necessities together." I inform. "So what movie are we watching tonight?" Sweetie digs in her bag and pulls out a DVD with a picture of a red stallion with two blunt stumps for horns and one huge hand cannon "Hell Colt II: The Golden Calvary" she giggles with giddy girlish glee. It takes all my powers of will not to groan and roll my eyes at that intolerable horse pun and that movie selection "I'm surrounded by dorks.." I think to myself. Suffering my Spoony talking about her hobbies and tastes in movies was quite exasperating enough, but now I had to endure two more? "Oh how marvelous!" I tried my best to sound sincere through gritted teeth. "Hey Sweets!" Sweetie Belle ignores my poor attempt to humor my guest as Silver enters the den with a bowl of butter, having melted it in the microwave, salt, 3 glasses, and a tray of ice out of the freezer. She set them on the coffee table as her best friend moved in and hugged her "good to see you again Silvy.. I know I have been busy at the boutique with the holiday rush and all, but I wanted to set aside one special night for us, before I go out of town to spend Hearths Warming with my father and step mom." she explained. Silver had told me Sweetie's real mother was the local Marshal, a miss Treasury Belle. Her parents, like mine just called it quits one day. Though with my folks the reasoning is not exactly clear and with Sweetie's mom and dad it appears her mother's job as a Law-mare cut into her home life. "I am so delighted you took the time to see me." Silver smiled at her long time BFF. "Don't worry though. I won't be lonely. Miss Tiara has been most generous to offer to spend the Holidays with me." Silver happily assured her goth gal pal. "Yes I will be heading back home to my own universe and stuff after your New Year's day." I explained with a nod "So this might be the last time we see each other, Sweetie. I mean it's not like I can just catch a cab and hop over into the next dimension." I chuckle. "Well we shall just have to make the best of it then, while we have the time now." Sweetie smiled and nodded. "If you still want a cutiemark like our Diamond's I know a great tattoo stallion who did all my piercings." Sweetie offered. I had to admit I was kind of envious of the cool butt tattoos Silver and Sweetie had. I had considered getting a tiara tattooed on my thighs before I go home, when Silver stamped me with a temporary tattoo, like that her mistress wears naturally. But I'll get into that later. "Well maybe I will." I smirk. "Sure and I'll pay for it.. it can be your Hearths Warming Eve present.." Silver offered sweetly with excitement. How could I refuse? "Okay Spoony.. we can see the guy tomorrow if you like." I nod and rubb my thigh, hopping I wouldn't regret this. Silver nods "Sounds fun.." and then turns to our honored guest. "Like hey, maybe you could spend the night?" Silver offered. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow and smirked toward her, wondering if she was actually trying to get out of her punishment. "I am sure DT won't mind.. would you?" She was being subtle about asking my permission as she turned to me for approval. I nodded "I would very much like that. You two can have my counterparts room and I'll take Daddy's.. I mean.. well you know, my stallion dad." I roll my eyes, that headache again hits me. You might ask how can Sweetie not know that Silver is or was a slave with that collar on her all the time? You forget Ms. Belle wears a dog collar on her neck and two on her wrists. She knows Silver is into bondage and I am sure she knows Ms. Diamond Riche is her respective mistress and lover. Or she was. Whatever. The point is Silver had not divulged the full truth about her servitude as an unpaid maid and personal servant. And really can you blame her? "Splended.. Oh this is just marvy!" Sweetie squeals and claps her hands excitedly "I can stay the night and sleep on the train to Phillydelhia." again with the horse puns. I let out an audible sigh. "But Silver you simply must get a picture of Miss Tiara's new mark for me." The former Cutie Mark Crusader insisted, causing me to blush, but I nodded my acceptance to Spoon. "Of course of course I will.." Silver giggles "So like, what movie did you rent for tonight?" Sweetie levitates the DVD up to Spoons face with a green aura of unicorn magic enveloping it, in response. Silver has her little nerd-ghasm "Oh my Luna I love that movie!" both of them share an excited *squee* and chatter about the details of the flick. I have to admit, though i do not share their enthusiasm, that sound Silver makes is absolutely adorable. But I do not let on as to my attraction to the endearing sound of an excited pony expressing her state of boundless joy. I roll my eyes and groan at their display. A minute later I am siting in the floor with the popcorn and soda beside me and Sweetie above me and to the side, sitting on the couch. "Come here Spoony." I pat my belly in invitation, as the mare, naked under my favorite blouse, sits down between my spread legs and lays her head on my plump breasts and her back sinks into my bodacious bloated belly. "Thanks, D." she sighs and snuggles into me. I put my arms around her and pull her into my fat hotness. She murrs with content. I cop a little feel, groping her breast gently and pinching her nipples through the soft cotten, causing her to squirm. I like to tease her like that, but I am not looking to embarrass her in front of her best friend. So I let up just as she starts to whimper with desire, the sound of the previews drowning out her moans of arousal. So the movie begins. The intro fails right off the bat to catch my interest. I never did get Sci-fi/ supernatural flicks. I am only extending Silver and her geeky goth friend the same professional courtesy I would in watching a movie with Sylvia. About 15 minutes in, I am wondering why I am here and daydreaming about the home I am now missing, my own adorkable Sylvia, and how I came to be here with this darling pony who wants so bad for me to be her master, break her in, ride her hard, and put her up wet. I briefly entertain the notion that I could take her back to my world and keep her as the pet she so wants to be. But something tells me deep inside, that it would be a great injustice to both her and my other self to deny them even the remote chance they might kiss and make up. Life was so much easier before I grew a conscience. So I tell myself, I will give up my new pet on New Years Day, leave, and never return. Not because it is not possible or because I don't want to return, but because it is the right thing to do. Her heart belongs to Diamond Riche. I am only a temporary substitute to comfort a very broken mare during what should be a happy time. For now, I am borrowing her from Ms. Riche just for the holiday. For now I own her, control her, make her pleasure me, and give little in return. As of yet the greatest measure of generosity I have showed her, is to let her masturbate as she buries her face in between my legs. But it wasn't always like this. I had intended to offer my services in the first place, to order her around and dominate every aspect of her life, even going so far as to make her ask permission just to use the restroom, which I always granted. But when I first came in I was curious about the other side of the spectrum. I knew next to nothing about BDSM or Stockholm Syndrome. So before I could be her master, I needed to experience what it was like for Serving Spoon at her mistress's hooves. To walk a mile in her horse shoes. > Testing Her Metal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One week ago Walking was never one of my strong suits. Even before I got this fat. Being wealthy I thought only poor kids walked, like it was some condition of poverty or at least middle-class or something. Like only girls in 3rd world countries whose daddy doesn't by them a brand new Mercedes in High School would resort to walking. Yeah I was a bitch, I know it. Fortunately the portal dropped me off not too far from my destination, according to the ritzy looking houses on this street. It was a bumpy landing but my bodaciously fabulous fat ass absorbed most of the impact. Didn't help that I was almost hit by some retarded gray Pegasus in a mail truck. But in her defense I was dropped in the middle of the street in front of her. askchubbydiamond sent: "Spoony lives on 500 Richmond Way. Have fun you fat, bald, ape LOL >;P" I read the text I got from my pony self, another fatty just like me, who sent me a PM (private message) on tumblr, saying a friend of hers was really lonely and actually desired my company. "Only a Spoon." I sigh to myself and roll my eyes, catching a glimpse of a street sign, and knowing I was on the right track. "Hey!" I suddenly realize "Who the hell is she calling bald?!" I start texting a reply. "Hey thanks allot u insufferable pink hippo! STFU! I gotta go *chub hugs* I had gone to her blog, that of one Servingspoon69 and could tell right away what kind of woman.. or mare this Silver Spoon was. I had messaged my other-self back and fourth concerning just what Silver wanted or needed of me. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. Of Course Silver never came out and just said what she needed, she is a proper lady after all. Or such was the mask she wore to cover her true face. But somehow I could tell from her blog she was more then lonely and in need of a companion. It was far deeper then that. I tried to block out all the research I had conducted looking into what Ms. Spoon was into. I hadn't seen so many whips and chains in my life! Suffice it to say, some of the things I saw disturbed me and others aroused little more then my curiosity. I logged on tumblr again to check my messages, to see if I got anything from my pony self, before I would send a text to let Ms. Silver Spoon know I was in the area. I didn't want to drop in unannounced. askchubbydiamond submitted a link: Something To Break The Ice "Hope this helps, you cow! <3 " I stared for a momemt at the screen of my phone "Oh that shameless little tramp!" my pony self was what 10? 12? what the fuck was she thinking posting that? Still the image did get me considering possibly changing my approach when meeting with Silver. I sent her a text to her phone and then pocketed it. It was too nice a day anyway to be constantly responding to messages, one more asinine then the next. It was mid December here in Ponyville and snow had fallen the night before. I noted a rainbow maned mare in some track suit clearing the clouds away above. What a novel concept, controlling the weather. The afternoon sun started warming things up almost immediately. I actually had to take off my yellow hoodie. The houses on this street are few and far in between. Finely I come to a stately white stone, two story mansion, surrounded by a rock wall and an iron gate with a big stylize R, in gold, set in the center. The gate is open, an invitation to the world and those worlds beyond, anyone who would sit down and chat over tea with the lonely broken mare, the current stuart of the Riche Estate. In the white gravel driveway, parked in front of the garage is a Black 1999 Cadillac Escalade that belongs to the master of the manner, one Filthy Riche. Apparently the only similarities to my own father, Onyx Tiara, is the stallions business sense and the fact that he was hardly ever there for either his birth daughter or his "adopted" daughter since Ms. Diamond Riche was age 9 and his small town grocery business went national. Well that and they both had sissy names that they hated with a passion. I stepped up to the double door, the same R set in gold on each one of them, dusted off my pink baggy T-shirt and gray sweat pants, rather tightly riding up on my huge wide rear. "Curse the Pilgrims and Indians and the sinfully scrumptious pumpkin pie!" I spat, blaming my current pear-shape on the fruits of my holiday labors at the dinner table. I knocked tentatively and waited patiently. You have to work hard to look this good! I remembered the old familiar head gear I had put on, a silver and diamond studded tiara that I hadn't warn since I was just a spoiled little rich brat from Beverly Hills. When we met, Sylvia Spoon had picked up on my acquired accent. Along with my bad attitude and sense of superiority. I sigh and adjust the wretched symbol of my lost childhood in both hands, pressing my fingers daintily to either side to straiten it after my landing on my ass. My old tiara, a reminder of the horrible person I was, in contrast to the woman I am trying to be. But I felt a sense of familiarity might set the shy pony at ease, so I can stroke her face and pet her mane and let her know I am here to help her decide what she wants. It is easy to bare one's soul in a blog when they can't see you and they don't know who you really are and where you live. What Ms. Spoon wanted was a real intimate connection, a little human contact. I was determined to help her free herself, by whatever that may mean to her. If she will let me mount, I will take the reins and guide her. There is a risk that I may crush her spirit but I have the feeling that it's a risk she is willing to take. Above all I must move slow and proceed with caution, lest I spook my mount and cause her to either run, or buck me in the face. They say every little girl dreams of having a pony of her own. Ironic that up till now I never even considered such a thing. I always thought ponies were big dumb smelly animals that belonged in a petting zoo in Arkansas not anywhere near Los Angeles, let alone Bev Hills. I am just about to loose my short reserve of patience, a reservoir depleted by years of being spoiled and pampered by my father after my mother divorced him. Suddenly the door opens slowly and a gray mare smiles at me with the biggest eyes of lavender I have ever seen, behind a fancy pair of cerulean blue frames, as she brushes back her other pony-tail over her shoulder. "Diamond, I’m like, so glad you could come by. Please please come in?" she smiles and bows slightly. I figure she must have recognized me from my profile. I don't shop my face on some skinny bimbo like some insecure little bitch. Why would I deny the world such perfection as my beautiful fat form in all it's gluttonous glory? The mare steps aside. I note her equally causal attire and feel suddenly relaxed. She wears a simple white cotton tank top, tight blue jeans with a spoon with a heart in the handle, on both back pockets. A pink ribbon binds her elegantly braided silver mane and she wears no shoes on her bare feet. I notice she has no toes, just a single solid hoof where the toes should be. But most of all I take account of the two articles of jewelry around her neck. The most notable is a thin band of steel, plated in silver, and locked around her neck, that conforms to her throat, snuggly fitting as if it was forged only to imprison her heart and soul alone. Hanging just below, in contrast and possibly in hope to detract from the collar itself, is a string of blue pearls that lightly match her glasses. The collar has a single O-ring that is set in the front, for the attachment of her master's leash. I smile and saunter in, returning a measure of the joy she displays in seeing me, for I am happy to see her as well, but holding back my words as I take in the splendor of the foyer. I do not compliment the decor for she does not own it.. what would I say "Your master has a nice house."? "You mind if I smoke?" I take a cigarette out of my pack and hold it between my fingers, she responds by holding out a lighter, anticipating her new master's desire from our prior emails. She is very well trained and polite. "Not at all Diamond.. or should I call you Miss Tiara?" I don't answer her question right away, she's moving a little too fast for me. I lean in and light my cig, drawing in a breath before answering "Whichever you prefer." I give her a little test. If she is so broken that she can't decide for her self, then she is beyond any help I can offer. "I prefer Miss Tiara.. Diamond is a little bit too familiar, for now.. no offense." she smiles sheepishly. "She prefers.." I think to myself, this is a good sign. "Not at all." I reciprocate with a grin. "She's keeping it casual.. just being the good hostess that she is." I correct myself as she flicks back the lid of the Bit lighter. I can tell in her tone, she knows how to approach a new prospect. She is shrewd. "Thanks." I smile and waddle over to the couch, plopping down hard, and spreading my arms out over the back of the sofa, and dropping my tired feet on the coffee table, kicking off my shoes, like I own the place. I take another drag and smile as I blow out the smoke. She sets down an ash tray on the coffee table and remains standing with her hands behind her back and a nervous smile and blush on her cheeks. It's hard to see under her fur, but somehow I can just tell I am doing something to her. "So… what did you want me to do again?" another test? Perhaps.. or maybe I just don't know how I should procede. "Oh um." she looks away nervously and rubs her forearm from behind her back, displaying her dexterity. "I.. thats not really important right now. Can I get you anything Dia… I mean Miss Tiara? Tea, Soda, sandwhiches, cookies.. all the above?" Silver shrugs and smiles sheepishly. I smirk slightly "Ooh two of all the above please!" my smile softens as I get more comfy, sinking into the couch. "Ookay.. Then um like, make your self at home.. I mean it is practically yours anyway.." she giggles slightly as she turns toward the kitchen and looks back as I casually bring the cig back to my lips. "Oh and you might want to stay out of the basement." I can tell the nervous tone of her voice. "oh!" I raise an eyebrow as if I am slightly put off for her giving me an ultimatum. "uh okay?" I shrug and chuckle as I wonder what might be down there, though I think I have an idea. "It’s just that um, my Diamond’s a little.. um.. different and thats her playroom.." she explains but it's quite unnecessary. Still I see just how much she wants to share with me this soon. "I wouldn't want to offend you." she apologizes "It's been so long sense I’ve had somepony else to really talk to. You may not recognize me under all the fur, but I’m Silver Spoon." she offers her hand to shake. She doesn't know my Spoon's name is Sylvia and yet I do not correct her in assuming the similarities. She feels familiar with me. That will make my job easier. I abandon my comfy position to rise and meet her hand in my own. She has a firm but gentle grip as I smirk and shake her hand "Its fine, you look really cool!" I offer a compliment half heartedly to my hostess "Like a pet or… a… something…" I reach for her collar, looping my index finger through the ring and give a gentle tug, to test her resolve. She gasps in her desire. "So whats in there? I won't be offended unless its diet pills." I keep hold of the collar in my right hand and slap my own fat butt proudly with my left, knocking some ash onto the floor from my cig "heh!" She pants slightly and gulps as she watches my ass jiggle for her. I loosen my grip but keep my finger through the O-ring, playing with her accessory. "I uh.. guess you could call me a pet.." she responds with a deeper blush. Now I can see it just under her eyelids, there where the fur is thin and at the tips of her ears, where the chartreuse in her skin is allowed to break through. "and um.. It’s Diamond’s.. or should I say, my Mistress’s private dungeon. You’re welcome to check it out if you’re curious or into that sort of thing." "Ahh… I think I will." I let go of her collar after my little impromptu interrogation. "Now.. be a dear and get my snacks." I smile gently and pat her cheek "Kay?". She nods in response "I'll bbe right back, Miss Tiara." she stutters from my contact and turns to canter off toward the kitchen, her taught ass swaying back and fourth with her tail swishing. I enjoy watching her as she goes. I have to admit, the tail is kinna sexy. I always was about the ass. But I'm not ready to tell her that. Best to keep this as a strictly business affair. A mutually beneficial arrangement where both parties give a little, thus making sure each party gets something they desire from the merger. I sit back down, the couch still has my butt imprinted in it, and I slide into it easily. I fully intend to sit in this exact spot so I leave my mark for her to remember me by, when I return to my home world. She has a bounce in her step now that wasn't quite there when I first observed her. I smile at the positive influence I am already having on the mare's mood. "What horrible monster wouldn't want to see this sweet, sensitive, creature happy?" I think to myself. Silver Spoon returns minutes later with a silver tray laden with sweets and beverages. She has a calm gentle poise in her stride as she lays the tray on the coffee table before me. My cigarette is half done as I set it in the ash tray "I’m sorry I have no meat for the sandwiches so I brought 2 dozen cookies, 2 cans of Colta-Cola, and 2 cups of tea." she explains with a small bow as she remains standing with her hands behind her back and a sweet smile. "What nothing for yourself?" I laugh at my little joke and hand her one of my cups of tea. She nods and takes the tea and saucer gently and gracefully. "Thank you." she says sitting down beside me, crossing her legs demurely, tucking her tail away from me and sipping at her tea with that same daintily polite manner. I offer my hostess the plate of cookies "Thank you." she takes one and nibbles gently. I do the same, wanting to respect her manners and not offend her high class sensibility. She seems to note my standing on her ceremony and turns to me "Please don't feel you must mind my manners. Eat as you would in your own home." she encourages "I can always get more cookies from Sugarcube Corner if you need Mist.. er Miss Tiara." she offers with a desperate smile. I can tell she is desperate to please me. Even making the slip of almost referring to me as mistress "mmm no no its fine." I chuckle and although quite daintily, start guzzling down the soda and cookies "mmm delicious." I offer the compliment to my hostess who continues to silently sip her tea without making a single slurping sound. I let her finish her tea, and leave my cigarette to burn itself out in the tray. I can tell by her slight ticks in her facial expression that she doesn't care for the smell, or so thats what I thought. At the time I had no idea that both her master and mistress smoked and the smell brought back bittersweet and painful memories. "Ms. Silver, could you be a dear and like, rub my feet?" I politely ask. "Of course, I would love to." I can tell she is withholding her true excitement at the prospect of serving me. It makes me feel important and self assured as she sets her tea cup and saucer on the coffee table, pushing it away as she gets on her knees before me and picks up my tired left foot, pulls off the sock and doesn't even recoil at the smell. Silver rubs my foot gently as I moan with relief "Oh Silver.. that feels sooo good!" her smile broadens as I praise her. Her fingers are like magic, her touch relieving all the tension and soreness in my aching soles. I continue to eat and drink my tea, now cold. I let her finish massaging both my feet as I consider my next request. I suspect it will take her quite by surprise.