Does your Father Know?

by dramatic_spoon

First published

Sweetie Bell's parents meet her coltfriend: Big Macintosh.

Sweetie Bell's Parents are thrilled that their daughter is bringing her coltfriend home to meet them.

Well, until they find out it's Big Macintosh...

NOTE: Sweetie Bell is of the appropriate age.

Here I go again.

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“Sweetie Belle has a coltfriend?” Magnum frowned.

“Haven’t you been paying attention?” His wife chided him, “She’s had one for a while, but she hasn’t told us.”

“And how do you know all this?”

“A mother always has time to talk to her daughters about love.” Pearl chuckled.

“…Is that why you weren’t surprised about Rarity and…what’s his name?” Magnum frowned.

“Rumble, dear,” Pearl reminded him, “It’s not that unusual, just the other day I heard Ditzy’s daughter and her friend are entering a relationship.”

“Time Turner? Isn’t he the same age as Rarity?”



An older Sweetie Belle paused, waiting for her coltfriend to catch up to her. Her longer mane was tied up in a ponytail, and an eighth note adorned her flank. Another pony trotted up to her and the two began walking again.

“You did tell your parents about us, right?” the other pony asked.

“Well...” Sweetie Belle dragged out her response.

“…You didn’t.”

Sweetie Belle responded with forced smile, “Well, my mom knows I have a coltfriend but…”

“Mothers tend to be more accepting than fathers.”

“I figured you and dad could talk and bond and get along…” Sweetie Belle trailed off, “And hopefully not get into a fight and wreck our living room….”

“Well it’s too late to do anything about it now…”

The two ponies stopped in front of a door, Sweetie Belle went towards the door and paused.

“Let me go first and introduce you to them.”


Sweetie Belle pushed the door open and entered the house. Magnum and Pearl beamed at their daughter as she gave them both a hug.

“Hi mom, dad.”

“Hello Sweetie,” Magnum returned her greeting, “So, where’s this coltfriend of yours? Your mother knows about it, but she’s not telling me anything.”

“Well…You have to promise me that you’re not going to freak out or start yelling,” Sweetie Belle started.

“Sweetie, your sister is dating a boy your age, I think I can handle it.” Magnum interrupted her.

“…Alright…” Sweetie Belle shrugged as she trotted back towards the door. Cracking it open, she stuck her head out.

“You can come in.”

Sweetie Belle turned back around and gave her parents an embarrassed grin.

“Mom, Dad…”

The door swung open as Big Macintosh entered the house, an equally nervous and embarrassed smile on his face.

“…I’m with Big Macintosh.”

Magnum and Pearl exchanged uncertain glances before sighing.

“Sweetie, why don’t you come with me so we can finish up dinner? Then Mac and your father can chat…” Pearl motioned for the younger unicorn to follow her into the kitchen. Magnum and Big Macintosh continued to stare at each other.

“Well…I shouldn’t be surprised,” Magnum sighed, “Although I was hoping Sweetie Belle would have been the one with a more…normal relationship. No offense.”

“None taken,” Big Macintosh chuckled, “My sisters feel the same way.”

“Well…Come on and have a sit-down, I think I want to hear more…”

The two stallions entered the living room. Magnum plopped down onto his chair, as Big Macintosh took the sofa across of him.

“…So, when did you start dating?” the unicorn’s eyebrow rose, anticipating his answer.

“Just now,” Big Macintosh responded, “Well, not that long after her birthday.” Magnum continued to stare at the other stallion, expecting him to continue talking.

“Somehow I don’t think that’s the whole story…” Magnum trailed off, expecting Big Macintosh to continue talking.

“Nope,” Big Macintosh agreed, “This all started about…six years ago?”

“When she was twelve?” Magnum’s voice turned hard.

“…Let me explain, this is a bit more complicated than you’d think,” Big Macintosh sighed.


Big Macintosh set down a hay bale and breathed a sigh of relief. The stallion looked behind him at all the other bales of hay.

“That’s good for now,” the stallion muttered to himself, as he sat down for a break. After several moments, he laid down onto of the bale, letting the breeze blow around him. Big Macintosh suddenly sat back up, as something plopped itself on to his lap.

Sweetie Belle smiled coyly at the older stallion.

“Hi Big Macintosh.”

“Um…Hi. If you’re looking for Apple Bloom, she’s still grounded from the last time.” Big Macintosh motioned towards his home, “She’ll be free again t’morrow.”

“I’m not here about her.”

Big Macintosh rolled his eyes, “Not this again…”
The stallion adjusted his position, forcing Sweetie Belle off his lap and onto the ground.

“What?” Sweetie Belle pouted, “I keep trying and you keep ignoring me. Rarity said boys like that sort of thing.”

“Your sister knows what you’re doin’?” Big Macintosh frowned, “I think I oughta talk to her about what’s appropriate…”

“She doesn’t know who I’m using it on,” Sweetie Belle continued, “She thinks I’m using on somepony my age.”

“…Great.” The stallion sighed, “Look, Sweetie Belle, I’ve been over this before. This is inappropriate. You’re far too young for me, and I am not goin’ to be your coltfriend. Besides, this whole thing ain’t any different than puppy love, or whatever they call it these days. Those things come and go like midgeflies.”

Sweetie Belle continued to pout, rather than respond. Big Macintosh rolled his eyes and sighed before continuing.

“However…if you’re serious, then I’m gonna tell you to wait for six years.” Sweetie Belle stopped pouting and looked back up at Big Macintosh.
“If you can wait that long, maybe we can give it a try,” the stallion chuckled.

“Age of consent is Sixteen in Equestria.” Sweetie Belle corrected.

“Eighteen. No ifs, ands or buts about it.” Big Macintosh gruffly responded, “I got standards.”

Instead of responding, Sweetie Belle leap up, knocking the stallion over with a hug.

“Thank you thank you thank you!”

“Don’t go thankin’ me yet,” Big Macintosh grumbled, “Six years is a long time.”


“That’s basically what I had promised to her,” Big Macintosh shrugged, “I figured she’d meet a nice fella, and forget all about it. But after four years she reminded me, and…well, here we are.”

“…At least you waited,” Magnum muttered.

“My family ain’t exactly thrilled about it either,” Big Macintosh chuckled, “Well, Everypony but Granny Smith. She really wants great-grand kids.
But I don’t think that’s gonna happen for at least another five years, assumin’ that we stay together,” the earth pony quickly added on.

“And your sisters?”

“Applebloom was upset, but I think she had an idea of what was goin’ on,” Big Macintosh shrugged, “It’s hard to keep somethin’ like your best friend and older brother are datin’ a secret.
Applejack on the other hoof was livid.”

The stallion weakly chuckled, “Wasn’t pretty, that’s for sure. She thought it was inappropriate.”

“Some might agree with her,” Magnum responded.

“I can’t say I blame’m.” Big Macintosh sighed, “We’re still keepin’ things under the radar, but… but eventually ponies are gonna have to accept it. Look, I know Rarity’s getting into a bit of trouble over her relationship with Rumble, but Thunderlane an’ the twins are supportive of them.

All I’m askin’ is that we get a chance.”

Magnum sighed and closed his eyes in thought. As the older stallion pondered his front hooves rose, meeting each other in front of his mouth. Big Macintosh began to fidget in his chair.

“Where’s your bathroom?”



“I said Sit.” Magnum ordered, bringing his hooves down from his face.

The earth pony stopped fidgeting as one of Magnum’s eyes opened.

“While I believe that I should say no to your relationship, I’ve allowed Rarity’s to continue, that would be unfair.” Magnum began.
“The fact that you waited for six years tells me that you do respect other pony’s decisions and choices they make. Sweetie Belle is still young, young ponies change their minds and find new loves, but the fact that it hasn’t changed for that long tells me that this is serious.”

Magnum’s other eye opened, “How many other marefriends have you had?”

“Before Sweetie? Three. They were Cloudkicker, Bonbon and B-”

“Don’t tell me, I don’t need to know,” Magnum cut him off, “If you’ve had that many, I’m sure you know what’s expected. However…”

Magnum leaned forward, with a grim expression and the traces of a sneer on his lips.

“If you do something that breaks her heart, I will geld you,” Magnum’s sneer turned into a thin, satisfied smile as Big Macintosh winced and reflexively covered his groin area, “That’s not an idle threat, that is a promise. Am I clear?”


“You’re a smart kid, I’m sure you won’t screw up. And I don’t want to have any grandchildren until after she’s twenty-one, got it?”


“Now let’s go and eat.”


Big Macintosh trotted to the front door of the house, followed by Sweetie Belle.

“I can tell that mom likes you,” Sweetie Belle beamed.


“Still not sure about dad, though. But I’m sure he’ll come around to you.”

“I hope so.”

“What were you guys talking about anyway?” Sweetie Belle cocked her head to the side.

Big Macintosh paused, searching for an answer.

“The probability of grandkids, for one.”